Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, February 21, 1829, Image 1

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THE MACON TEEEGRAPH. Volume 3. SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 21, 1329. Knmber H. PAPER IS rOBUSHF-D AftlD EDITED BV Trf ' MYRON BARTLETT. U is issued weekly from his Printing Office on Hfurturi/ street, a few rods above the Post Office. p-ice three dollars a year, if paid in advance— t\r four DOLLARS, if not paid before the end of the ear Subscribers living at a distance are Inquir ed i" »n cases to pay in advance. —Si ‘" ' SUBTILTY. Too sreat Rubtllty l» falao Delicacy; and tree Delicacy is solid ; - ■- g merchant tailors, A re now opening at the Macon Clothing Store, a large assortment of GOOD8 and CLOTHING, C °Suuer E blue, black, brown, olive, claret, drab and mist London Cloths; super blue, black, brown, claret, ™- , drab, buff and white London Casimeres; super hhe'black,brow n,olive, drab and green silk Velvets; laspl'endidassortsmcnt of Velvet Vesting and Valencia 'do- buff and white Merseilles do; Bondard’s super I black "Gloves} Castor do; white do; Buckskin ao; fined do; German, bandanna and Bag Handkerchiefs; Italian India and plaid Cravats; white dc ; Battistedo; 1 Navariiio and French Stocks; Stiffeners; Vest and Pantaloons Springs; white and black‘silk Hose; worsted and cotton half hose do; silk Umbrellas; Webb's patent silk and common Suspenders; Bergun- 'tie Shirts; white and brown 'shirting; Paddings; cot- I ton Flannel; Sattinctt; Buttons; sewiugSllk and at; kinds ot Tailor's Trimmings; Military Trimmings; jeold and silver Epaulettes; Stars; Tassels; Cord; licit Plates; Lace; eagle and ball Buttons; worsted \vings; red top Plumes, <tc. &c. The above goods i re ofthe best quality and will be sold low. READY MADE CLOTHING. Super blue, brown, olive, mist, claret Frock COATS « “ « “ “ Dress do .< .. « « COATTEES •< <• “• < . “ PANTALOON'S Cord, Bangup. BeveretUand Satiuett do Plain, striped and figui'ed silk velvet VESTS Cloth and Casimere do Plain, Florentine and striped do Fancy silk do Valencia o;id Merseilles do Fine Linen and Cotton Shirts Bleached and unbleached Shirts U'rnrt Jackets and Trowsers Pea Jackets and Monkey do Ovi; Coals and Greet Coats Fine Flannel and Colton Drawers I Cotton Flannel nnd Swaus town do UOO Gentlemen and Ladies’ Cumblet and Plaid j CLOAKS, &c. &c. TAILORING, • arried on as usual in all its various branches, Hav- t';; the lalestNeiv York Fashions,and the best of work- • s-en. our work shall not be inferior to any. Wo soli- fit lee patronugeof our former friends and the public i generally. r N. B. On hand an elegant one horse BAROUCH (iARRI4G:l and one horse WAGGON, which will lie sob, low for Cash—also, a SIDE BOARD. Macon, October 23. 1828. - JAMES A. BUVKYOW, ON THE CORNER BELOW THE DRUO S^OhEOr |LLU l SHOT- WELT. & CO. KDI.BERRY SVREET, MACOtti GEORGIA, C ASH DE ALER in thb following descriptions of GOODS’ viz: GROCERIES, HATS, 8TAPLE DRY GOODS, BONNETS, SHOES, • CROCKERY, BOOTS, HARDWARE, SADDLERY, CUTLERY. Thankful for past fav.or.*, begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that be has just received and now offers for sale, at the lowest market prices, a gen eral assortment of the above articles, together with a few FANCY DRY’ GOODS, which with those previ ously on hand, makes his stock large and the assort ment very complete. ■ Feelingthe utmost confidenceinbeingable to supply his customers with Goods at as low prices asthey can be bought in the market, and to make it to the interest of planters and merchants in this section ofthe coun- try, who buy for dash, to make their purchases her'c, instead of going further. He respectfully solicits their calls as well as those of the citizens of Macon, and confidently expects a liberal share of business. On hand a large supply of Liverpool ground and St. DECEPTION. It requires no smalt degree of Deception to know where fo cm- reel one’. Ability. PROFITABLE WEAKNESS. Weak people are aemetlBini aeuiible of their Weakness, sad are able to make a good uae of It. riEweooDS P. JUDSON If CO. ’ H AVE just received and are now opening at the Nets Clothing Store end Hat Wort Home, on Mulberry street, Macon, a superb assortment of CLO THING and HATS, consisting in part of Super blue, black, brown, olive, claret, green end and Coatees & RcyvaMn for Hard .Tuties ■ $5000 to be disposed of for i W HOEVER wishes, now has the op] obtaining it by applying to the A] MACON ilASONIC HALL LO HIGHEST PRIZE, . THE RECESS. * O’ PRIZES only to be drawn; .rfi 1 Prize of . 1 . of 1 of 2 of 10 of 10 of 200 & 1580 of. 1856 PRIZES $5000 $1500 $500 $300 . $100 3145 5000 TICKETS 10 $5000 $1500 $500 $1ooo $500 $1000 $2000 $7902 ■ , HJhtr- $20,009 JVEW GOODS. HUNGERFORDS Sf STODDARD, ; TCJTAVE received their Fall and Winter supply and ! J,V£L nn\v oiler for sale a general assortment of sea- j sellable DRV GOODS, Ac. ttie following in part: 1 Binile, rose and point’ Blankets; fine Idun, black jindolive Cloths; blue and steel mixt Satinets; white, 1 Lrern and red Flannels; Salisbury Flannel; Bomba- I zincs and Borobnzetles. Also, a very general assort- rnentof fashionable FANCY GOODS; Silks; Mus lin*; Laces; Ribbons; 1-eghorn Bonnets; .hell Combs; ' idee. Ac. Gentlemen's Plaid anil camlet Cloaks; La dies' Plaid him! camlet Clunks. Fine blue and olive Frock Coats •• “ •• Dress Coals *• steel mixt and olive Conttces *• cloth nnd,satinet 1 antalonns Silk velvet and Valentin Vests; 200 coarso wool len Jackets and Pantaloons; 6 cas.s Beaver and cas tor Hats; 4 cases boys’ Beaver and castor Hats; C cases men’s and hoys' wool Hats; lSeascsnnd trunks Sli .es, all qualities; 2 canes line Boots; 4 cases cotton ami wool Cards: 100 sides sole and black upper Leath er; 4 dozen calfskins; Morocco and lining Skins, as sorted colors; 3cases men's and women's Saddles; bortOO Spanish I’egars; 10 casks Goshen Cheese. Al so an assortment of Hardware and Crockery; 600 lbs. new Feathers; Almanacs for 1829, by the gross. November 24 . - 47 Super mixt Dress Coats, Frock Coats and Steel mixt and drab OverCoats “ “ “ Great Coats Short Jnckets and Pea Jackets Super blue, black, drab, blue and black mixt double billed Cas.imere and Cloth Pantaloons Sattinctt and Beavered Pantaloons Drab, brotVn and narrowvcurd do Green and olive narrow cord do Super blue, black, drab aud mixt Cloth and Cassimere Vests Plain, striped and cut blue and black silk velvet Vests Black and fancy silk Vests A variety of Florentine, Valentia and Merseilles Vests Plain and ruffiejine Linen Shirts “ “ •* Cotton do Blenched and unbleached do do Fine Flannel and Cotton Drawers 150 Gentlemen’snnd Ladies’ Camblet and Plaid Cloaks A variety Hosciry, Handkerchiefs, Cravats,suspenders gloves, stock:, Stiffeners, springs for vests, &c. &c. HATS. An extensive asnrtment of fashionable Black and Drab Beaver Hats Fine and coarse Castor Hats Fine and common Roram Hats A general assortment of .Youths’ and Children’s Hats; Wool Hats Men's fur and hair Seal Caps; Men’s Cloth Caps Coildren’s Chincbellof Cloth and hair Seal Cans, &c. &c. All of which are offered at reduced prices for Cash. O’ A liberal price in Cqsh will be paid for Beaver, Otter and M|nk Furs. Nov 17 nan two wanes to a rrile. i $5—Halva $2 ,50- Quarters $1,25. ioners, appointed by the state of Georgia, wland, Wm. J. Danelly, H. G. Lamar, T- Much less than two Blanks io a Priie. Tickets $5-7! Commissioners, JohnT. Rowland, wm. j. Llanelly, King, S. Stone, D. Ralston, A. R. Freeman. F.. W. Wright, arid R. Birdsong. The following peisons are appointed Agents in Ma con for the sale of Tickets : J. Freeman If Co. Rals ton if Jon’s, Rote It Slade, Edw. IV. Wright, Stone It Coil, Levi Eckley. Persons wishing to purchase Tickets by the quantity, for sale, can obtain them at a reasonable discount by applying to the Secretary. Prize Tickets in the Greenti & Pulaski Monumen Lottery of Savannah received in payment. Orders, post paid, enclosiogthe Cash, will be pr 0 trip ly attended to by the Secretary, or any of ihe above named Agents. • N. BARKER, Nov 10 , Secretary to the Commissioners. u J. WiEEMJWY & CO. yiS>AV53 jusl received by Boat Velocity, her entire <J!lA cargo, consisting of the following articles, vie: 11 hints. Molasses 15 do Nugnr 31) bags Coffee lio bits. Whiskey, Gin and Rum 50 bids. Irish Potatoes 20 bhls. Flour 12000 lbs. Swede’s Iron 4000 do Grindstones 8 half bbls. first qual ity Beef 3 tubs Goshen Butter Arid in store a general assortment of DRY GOODS, HARD WARE, HATS shoes, saddlf.ry, castings, crockery, &c. ttliich they offer to their friends and customers at re duced prices, tf 5 Macon, Jan. 30,1829. qbqdlosibiubBo Hlids and 25 bbls. St Croix Sugar, lump r.nd _ loaf Sugar, 40 bbl» Coffee, 30 bbls Whiskey, 10 do. Morgan’s Gin, 10 do. new Rum, 4th proof Jamai ca Kura, doCognac Brandy, Holland Gin—Port.Tene- *™ Canary, and malaga Wines—Lamps,and InmpOil, h bbls apple Vinegar, 100 ps. cotton Bagging—5 tons .weed’s Iron, one handle Germ in steel, 60 kegs cut ..ails, lOdo. Brads, 5 kegs w rought Nails, 20 kegs Du- pout Powder, Shot and Lead, 0 boxes bar Snap, 3 do. , sperm Candles—Ginger, Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs, In i'* 0, Mustard,-40,000 Spanish Segars, 10,000 ' A “erican do.—4 kegs and 2 boxes Tobacco. The above goods, together with our former stock, Wmpri, e , a general assortment, and will be sold I c,le »P fur cash or approved paper. jcpt 27 HUNGERFORDS A STODDARD. GARDEN SEEDS. TfUST received at the store of ELUS, SHOT S' & Co. a large assortment of Shaker Gar- Seeds, ot a superior quality. Among them are Early June Pens hite Marrowfat do “fly Charlton do I otrawberry dwarf do »« v *rt ‘Marrowfat do I f® 1 * *y’d Beans |& n < {o rt a ,lt, ' rry,10le<l0 | JVhite do I Blood Beet Yellow do j Orange Carrot |“Hy.ugarC or n E t:. . ■ Scarlet Radish |i", rni P do loa.nnin do I Early i.'ucumber Long Cucumber Prickly do Dutch summer 8quash Crookncck do Winter do Ieeheud Lettuce Imperial do Cabbage head do Solid Celery Curled Parsley 8age Asparagus Leek Flat Turnip Squash Pepper Vegetable Oyster English Sorrel GRASS SEEDS. White Clover Herds Grass Lucerne Millet 4 jan 17 Vh'ugs, MetWc'ines, &c. t A General Assortment of Well selected and Genuine DRUGS and MEDICINES, with Instruments of various klnds.suitable for Physicians, Families or Retailers— Just received and for sale at Savannah or Augusta prices, by .. • ELLIS, 8HOTWELL <fc Co. * ar S e »*o«k of Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye- K Dye-stuffs, Nails, Taelu, CasUugs,&c 1-t quan- J 3 * 1 to smt parcfaascra july 3 to ’ A m w H if E W a f'S g J £4 to ■ T HE subscribers having formed a connexion in business will continue the SADDLE <$♦ HARNESS MAKING ia ell its various branches, at tho old stand of O. Sage, Mulberry street. They have just received an addi tional supply of GOODS, which makes their assortment cecnjriete. Coach Makers and Saddlers can be sapplicd with all kinds of HARDWARE and SADDLERY at the lowest wholesale prices for Cash. All orders thank fully received and promptly attended to. Gigs and Carriages lined on the most reasonable termi. OLIVER SAGE. - WILLIS T. SAGE. February 14,1829- 3t 7 GRIFFIN & WELCH, ON CHERRY STREET, Have just received, per boats Monroe and Ariel, 6 Hlids St Croix Sugar 6. do Orleans do 20 bags Coffee 100 bids Whiskey 50 bbls N Gin . 10 da Portland Kuni 25 do Potatoes 5 lihds Molasses . 5 bbls old Peach Brandy 5 do old Apple Brandy ' 40 kegs Nails 75 pieces Cotton Bagging 10,000 lbs Swede’s IRON, from 11-4 to 8 inches wide 150 bbls FLOUR, direct irom Baltimore, ofa supe rior quality, which they will sell low for cash. • —ON HAND— 300 bushels Liverpool SALT ’ 100 bhls Monongabela Whiskey, 8th and 9th proof 1 pipe Holland GIN. 3 jan 17 JUST RECEIVED, Per Red Rover, Emetine and other late arrivals 2 Hbds. New Orleans MolaSles 2 . •* . prime Sugar 20 bbls. Whiskey 30 •• N. Gin 20 bags Coffee 10 boxes Spermacettl Candles, warranted pure - i 8 boxes mould Candles For sale by JAMES M. MILNER. 1 r-IN STORE- Canal Flour, Potatoes. Mess Pork No. 1,2, and 3, Mackerel, Jamaica Rum Macon, 6th February, 1829, ’ tf 6 19 Fcbru FRESH FLOUH. Just Rcceivedptr Wagon, BBLS. sweet Tenntssce FLOUR For sale by 'ebraary C, 1829. JAMES M. MILNER. tf 6 MERCER'S CLUSTERS ASD METHODIST HYMNS,tf J UST received and for sale b; . HUNGERFORDS t December 1 STODDARD, I ON CONSIGNMENT. UST received and for sale at unusual low prices for Cub, “ 00 barrels Wbiskcy 49 barrels St. Croix Sugar 2 lihds <* - “ 2 •• NewOrl«ns“ 0 barrel» l “ “ “ 10 fahds Whiskey Hy Macon, December ZJIh, 1823 20 “ Gin 25 bags Coffee 17 hhai Molasxea A- GILUS & CO. . 52 Heaver aud Otter Fur9 Wanted. PfnHC highest market prices will be given In Cash ii for.the above Fli'RS. Apply to JAMES M. MILNER, Auction Store. I, January 3,18*9-1 NEW STORE. T HE subscribers have opened in the Store lately occupied oy Messrs. A. Gillis& Co. on Mulber ry street, where they offerfor sale a large assortment of GROCERIES, which they will sell low for cash. BUTTS & COATES Macon, February 13,1829 7 REMOVED. T HE Subscribers have removed from tlieir old stand to the store lately occupied by ‘Messrs. Wm. J. Danelly & Co. where they offer for sale Cheap tor Cash a general assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE ‘ CUTLERY and GROCERIES Macon, Feb. 13 A. GILL1S & CO- PAINTS, OILS, Sfn - . JUST Received by the subscriber Linseed Oil- Best winter strained Lamp Oil Spirits Turpcutine White Lead end Spanish Brown in Oil Verdigris dry and ,in Oil Spenisli Whiting Window Glass, &c. &c. , r ^ .... Which together with his former Stock tentrers his assortmenfcnmplete. He has on handan assortment of FRESH GARDEN SEEDS (ungenerous insinuations to the contrary not withstanding)—all of which be offers for sale op ac commodating terms at bis Drug Store-in Macon. N. CHILDERS. Macon, February 13,1829 4t 7 GOOD SHEET FLOUR, I OR sale by A. GILUS & CO. November22 47 WAREHOUSE- T HE Subscriber having taken the WARE HOUSE lately occupi ed by Harrison Smith Esq. tenders his services to his friends and tbe public in g-neral, in the business of Re ceiving, Storingaudforwarding Cotton. . His personal attention willbe devoted to allthose who way favor him with a call. ’ JOHN P. BALLARD. September 12,1828 38. WARE-HOUSE AND . Commission Business....Macon. PHILIP COOK, H AVING taken for the approaching season, the large and convenient WARE HOUSE of Uar- tty Jr Rodgers, (formerly occupied by Jesse Stratton,) next above John T. Lamar's, tenders his services to his Friends and the Public generally, In the storing, selling or shipping of their Colton, as may be desired. From his long acquaintance with many of the Plan ters in this and tbe adjacent counties, he flatters blm self to meet with a liberal encouragement. Either himself or Jakes S. Wexkes may be con stantly found at the Ware House. ang 16 33 WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. prnllE undersigned having lately erected a large <LL and convenient Ware-House, and a ruitable Wharf at this place, tender their services to their friends and tbe public in the above line of buisness, with assurances that any business confided to their csre will receive strict attention, and their best ex ertions wili be used to give general satisfaction to cus tomers. The Ware-Houses, being new, safe and com- modious, situated near Mr. John T. Rowland’s and next below Mr.' Thomas P. Bond's, on wharf-street, near the river, are very conveniently artanged for the transaction of business. They will be fully prepared toaccommodate their cus tomers, in advances ou Cotton stored with them, el* ther in Cash or in Groceries at the lowest market pri ces. Their charges wifrbe as low as any similar es- tablishmcnt in this place. A share of the public pa tronage ia respectfully solicited. . NAPIER, MUNROE& Co. Macon, August 23,1828 '24-tf. FROM THE AMULET FOR 1829. A dashing captain of Hussars, Dressed In the liveiy of Mars, ' Mustuchio, face and sabre,— Who talks soft nonsense—sings a song,. Waltzes, quadrilles the whole night tong, Tofiddle,pipeand(abor,— Oh! grant me such a man ye Fates! R \Vho*e henrtis Cupid’s Etna i She loyes bis golden epaulettes, . He loves her gold to pay his debts, So off they dash to Gretna. The Scottish Vulcan who unlocks, ys.P manringo charters, e, and they who came, unawnys. I * That holds the Soon make: them one, and tney Falsa worshippers of flymen’s flame,. Rulurn as Folly’s martyrs. Forger of Gretna chains! that gall And grind th- very soul, conhfall That erst thine alter flew to. Their present wretchedness reveg), From thee such iron tears would steal As once were shed by Pluto. From foppery, lucre, rashness, free Your minds, il By m il ye expect arriage bliss to be rewarded: ‘COMMISSION BUSINESS IN DARIKN. (STRUE subscribers respectfully tender their ser- I. vices totha Receiviugand Forwarding of Good ar.d Produce—ample Whartand Storeroom, together with several years experience in the business, and s steady location in the place—will ermble th‘em to give lie greatest facilities and strictest attention to the in le rest of their employers, Darien, Aug 7.33 HAWES &. MITCHELL. BLANKS FOR BALL AT THIS OF FICE- •* '■ ‘ r • ■ For its pure joys can never greet The thoughtless and the indiscreet, The froivard and the aordid. Tho knave who traffics in a wife, Content, if rich, to take for life A wanton or a ninny, Will gain small pity if instead , . OfFortume’s fool, he chance to wed A fool without a guinea. She who for fashion, figure, birth, Not kindred tastes on moral worth; Her happiness will barter, Who thinks each dear Adonis love,. Must needs be constant as the dove, May sometimes catch a tartar. Unless when both are thus deceived, - To balance which is most aggrieved, Each may lament tne other;— Nor need relations scold and buff, The wretched pair erasure enough To punish one anotber! most rnx christmas tot. ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. What a fashionable place Soon the Regent’s Park will growl Not alone tho human race T<» survey «s beauty’s go; Birds ana beast of every hue, In order and sobriety, Come, invited by the Zo- —ologicalSociety. Notes of invitation go To the west and to the east, ' Begging of the Hippnpo- - • -lamas here to come and feast: Sheep and pantbers here we view, Monstrous contrariety 1 All united by the Zo- ' —ological Society. Monkeys leave their native seat, Moukeysgrcenaiid Monkeys bind, Other monkeys here to meet, And kindly ask, ‘‘Pray how d'ye dot” From New Hclland the emue. With his better moiety. Has paid a visit to the Zo- —ological Society. Here we see the lazy (or- —toisb creeping with his shell, And the drowsy, drowsy dor- —mouse dreaming in bis cell; • Here from all parts of the U- —niverse we meet variety,. Lodged and hoarded by the Zo* —ologicalSociety. Bears at pleasure lounge and roll, Leading lives devoid of pain. Halfday climbing upa pole, V Half day ctjmbling dowu again f Their minds tormented by no sq- --perfloou# nfuiety, While on good terms with the Zo* —ological Society. . Would a mammoth could be found, And made across tbe sea to Swim, But now alas! upon tho ground The bones alone are left ofl\lm; I feqr a hungry mammoth too, (So monstrous and unquiet he,) By hunger urged the Zo- t . —ological Society. MXSCF.I.I.ANT. From the London Lrlernry Magnet. THE PBAMTOM HAND. I see a band you cannot see, Which beckons me away. In q lonely part of the bleak and- rock* coast of Scotland, there d welt a being who was designated by the ftfcr who knew and feared him, the( Warlock Fisher. He was, in truth, a singular and fearful old man. For years ho had followed bis dangerous occupation alone (ad venturing forth in weather which appalled the stoutest of tho stout hearts that occasionally ex changed a word with him in passing to and frd in their mutual employment. Of his name, birth or dcscont nothing was known; bnt the fecundity of conjecture had supplied an unfail ing stock of materials on ihose points. a Soine said he wtu the devil incarnate; others said he was a Dutchman, or some other “far away for* eigner,” who had fled to those comparative solitudes fora shelter, from the retribution due to some grievous crime; and all agreed that he was neither a Scot nor a true man. In out ward form, however, he was still “a model of a man,” tall and well made; though in years, his natural strength was far from l>ein» abated. His matted black hair, hanging In cff-lock4 a- botit his ears and shoulders, together with the perpetual sulienness which seenipd native iu the expression of his features, ne.^ter regular nor pleasing, gave him an appearance unondti- rabiy disgusting, . lie lived aione, in a hovel of his own construction, partially scooped oiu of the rock*-wsra never known to have suffered a visiter within his wah^—to have Spoken a kind word, or done q kind action. Once, indaed, h* performed an act wbt«b, in a letu? omoiou* being would had been isbod Ihe for tho Jltore—there was a fattier and two sons iu it. Tho danger became eniminent, ns they neared.the rocky promontory of the. fisher—■ and the boat upset. Women and boys were screaming and gesticulating from the beach, in all the wild and useless energy of despair, tint assistance was bo where to be seen. Tho fa ther and one of the lads disappeared frir ever; but theyouEger boy clung, with extraordinary resolulion, to the inverted vessel. By -acci dent, the Warlock Fisher, came to the door of his hovel, saw tho drowning lad, and plunged instantaneously into the sea. For some min utes ho wjs invisible amid the angry turmoil, but be styara like an inhabitant of that fearful element, and bore the boy iu safety to the hr each. From fatigue or fear, or tho effects of both uni* ted, tho poor lad died shortly aferwartls, and his grateful relatives industriously insisted, that he had beon blighted in tho grasp of bis unltal* lowed resiuer! ... Towards the end of autupin, tho weather fro* quently becomes ao broken aud stormy in those parts, as to render tho susto imice derived from fishing extremely precarious Ag-lnat this, however, the Warlock Fisher ,was provided; tor, caringlittle for weather, and apparently less for Id*’, he went nut in all seasons and was known to be absent for day's,, during the most violent storms, when every itopo of seeing, him again nas lost. Still nothing harmed'him ; ho came drilling back again, the way ward, dnfear* ing, unhallowed animal. To account for this, it was understood that ho was in connexion tvith smugglers: that his days of absence, wore spent in their service—in recohnoitoring for their safety, nnd assisting their relations. IVhatever of truth there might bn jn it, i; vkas well known that the Warlock Fisher-never wanted aideut spirits; and so free was lie in their use, and of tobacco; that he has been heard, in a long and dreary winter’s evening, carolling songs iu a, strange tongue, with till the fervor of an inspir* ed bacchanal. It has been said, joii; at such times he held strange talk with some .who nev* er answered, deprecated sights which no one else could see, and exhibited the fury of an out- rageoiy mauine. It was towards the close of an autumn day; that a tall young than was seen ^ttrvoying tho btfrren rocks, aud apparently deserted shores, near th;- dwelling ofthe fisher. Ho wore die enquiring aspttct of a stranger, and yet his step indicated a previdusacquaintaneq with the scone. The sun was flinging his boldest radiance on the rolling ocean, as .the youth ascended tbo nigged path which tfio .Warlock Fishm’s hut.. He surveyed tho door for a moment, as if to bo certain of the spot; nnd then, with One stroke of his foot, dashed tho door in wards,— It was damp and tonantless. Tho-stranger sOt down his bundle, kindled a lire, and re mained in quiet possession. In u few hour the fisher returned. He started invdiumaVdy at tho sight of the intruder, wh.o sprang to tiis feet, ready for anal tentative. “What-seek you in my hut 1” said tho Fish* er; ‘A shelter far the night—the hawks are out 1* “Who. directed you to mot” “Old acquaintance!” i . “Never saw you with my eyes—shiver me I But never mind, you-lock like the breed—* ready hand and it light heel, ha! All’s right- tap your keg 1" - No sooner said than done. - The keg was broached, nnd a good brown basin of double Hollands was brimming nt tho lips of tho War- lock Fisbor. Tho stranger did himself a sim ilar sorvico.’and they wore friendly. Tho fish er could not avoid placing his.hand -before his eyes onco or twice, us ifho wished to avoid tho keen gaze of tho stranger, who still plied the fire with fuel und his bust with hoilands. Reserve was at length annihilated and ihd Fisher jocuo lurlysnid— “Well,so we’re old acquaintance, bit!” .“Ay,” said tho young man, with unothef searching glance. “I was in doubt at first but now I’m certain.” “And what’s to bedono !”s-t:tl tlio Father. “An hour after midnight vou must ptttmo on board———’s boat; she’ll be abroad. Tbev’ll run a light to the ntast hi-id, for which you’ll steer. Yotir’e agoodhand at thqholm in,iidark and rough sea.” “How, if I will not1” was the reply. - "Then your lilts or mine I” They sprang to their feet simultaneously j and an immediate encounter seemed inevitable. “Pshai” said the Fislior, sinking on his so at, “what madness this is! It was a’thought warm with the liquor; -and the recollections of past \times were rising On ray momory. Think noth ing of it. I hepid those words once before,’* and he ground bis teeth in rage. “Yes, onte, but in a shriller voice than yours! Sometimes, ton, the bastard rises to my view; and then I smite so-;-bihl give-us 1 anotner basin full. He struck short at vacancy, snatched the bev- er-tge lYuni tbe stranger, utul drank it off. “An hour after midnight,said yel" ■ .’’Ah you’ll see no bastards then.” “Worse—may 1 be—worsef" muttered the Fisher, sinking into abstraction, ami glaring Wildly on tho flickering embers before him. "Why, how’s this?” said the stranger.— “Are your senses playing bo-peck with ilje ghost of somo pigeon-livereu coast captain, eh T Come, take another pull at the keg, to clear your head lights, tula tell us a bit of your duly.” The Fisher took unoihor draught, and pro ceeded— V ' 1 "About five and twenty years aeo, a stran ger cnnio to this hut—may the course of God annihilate him !”■— ' • ’ "Amen to that," said the yonng ma.-j. "He brought with bhn a boy and a girl, a purse of gold, and- - -—the arch 6eu,t’s tOnguo to tempt me! Well, it was to lake the.>*e chil dren out to sea—rupset tho boat—and lose them!” - ■ : l , ■ ' “And voa did to,” interrupted the stranger. • “I tried—but hsie'ft; , On » fine evening.I took them out; -ho sun sank rapidly, and I by th*freshening of lUahrocSo, there w< a norm.' I wan not mistaken. It can i vcft faster that! I wished, rated—the boy, in j j he iosutqd th«t