Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, March 12, 1831, Image 4

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. HALSTON & JON’ES. ..jjJJAVE commenced receivingIbeir tall ®]_*“PPjy FIRTH & H ALL, „ .... of .Sea York. ,,— Goodt, wbii It comprise s general assortment ( MANUFACTURERS OF PIANO FORTES mited to the market, which wilt be sold at their usual Jow prices. _ Wo have on hand 80000 pounds prime Bacon. Alto have greeted a Ware lions© for the accoraoda- fi ■ AVE appointed Ellia, Sbotwell & Co. tbel B 9 Agents, who will reee ve orders for, and lurnis o . .. iho pvnrn«< Piano's at New York prices, (adding the espense i?RSV trdln the dispo: ed. 37 sal of their cotton when ever requi sept. 11. Merino Shawls. JjtLACK and scarlet tong dhmcU, do Just received by nov. f>. do. {late 45 d G. D. YOUNG. .9 J UST received an elegant assortment ol Urusse,* ami English Carpeting, also, Hugs. Table covers, and Floor cloths, which will be sold ut lev pnrt's. ' November 20, 1S30. 47 A SHOTWTXL. Uheap Store. WXC.Z.XAX3 and warrant the workmanship to be of the best, and i lie Piano to perform well at leafit one year at their own risk—below is a list oi prices, square cornered 618 octane Piano do do 6 do do or horizontal round corners 5 1*2 octave ® l«» do C octave S 5 ??? do do do Mtlalic Platt 9225 square and hoiienntal round cornered octave. Hose Wood no plate $2*25 do do metalic plate, blocks and drawer*, G octave Mahogany a Ctfcnernl Assortment ol Dry uooaz y iunwfi. Shoes, &c. which he will sell ut wholesale and rciac at the lowest prices, and invites purchasers to call and examine lor iheinselves. Among ihe articles re ceived are the following: Extra 6ne saxony Blk sinchews, do sarsnet Blue, blk and ced’d cloths do Florence do do cassiiucres Dark blue satiuett Blue mist do Stool mill do Cadet do do Lavender do do Drown do do Negro cloths Red Flaum Is, white do do Gros de Berlin do Gros de Naples colored Florences Black Italian crapes colo'rcd do do, canton do Nankin do linen cambric* Genua silk Velvet Btnwk and colored cambric Osiiuburgs, Porter sin 4 .-ting White saxony Gauze do Ked padding, canvass Green do, yellow do Brown Buckram, blk do Canton do Whiled... Blk silesias Green bordering Baize coloieddo. Blk lasi ng do Floor cloth Mosquito Netting, semis Duffle Blankets. Point do Thread lace. Bubinel do Rose do cotton do. Pellcrincs 4-4 brown sheeting, 6-4 do Gauze Gerniliire Kibbons 7-8 do, 3-4do shirtings Gros de Naples do do D-B Negro do, 4-4 do do Belt do, cap do Bleach'd Muslins Black and colord plain do Domestic Plaidsandstripessilk Umbrellas. Parasols 3 4 Apron cheek, 4-4 do cotton Umbrellas -3 octave $1)00 #:«5 $350 #350 #375 ELLIS, SHOT WELL Sr Co. Agent,. Macon, Nov. 27th. 4S U3T received tuper Blue camblet Cloaks do do GreatCoats, do do Ladle* Cloaks, 4-4 qr. Linseys, 10-4 Fine Linen Sheetings. WM. 11. BURDSALt. Macon, Oct. 30th 1» 43 Just Received. doses Raisins W Borrels soft shelled Almond. 1* Barrels Luff’s Cracker* - 9 essks (large size]) Goshen Cheese, of superior quality received^' on. and for salt I’oS & JONES uAFAyETTR HALL. ■MACON GEORGIA I "U-.I it B-.xesRaisins T HIS establishment be undergone cowddWlW. repair, and is in readiness to accommodate Boar ders anuTravMlers, at lower than & M °*UR£***F this place—the House is spacious, the Sublung excel lent We have extra lots with water in them tor Dro vers, we also have a Blacksmith’s Shop on the lot and keen Horse-shoes and nails ready at the shortest no- , tlceiandlny other work that may be wanting in our j 25,000 beat Cigars. For sale by line This establishment the Public may restassured 1 J«n27 6 LEVI is such as will make the Traveller, endtbe Boarders comfortable—this establishment stands on Bridge •treet above the courthouse, one hundred and fifty nr ds RODGERS ol to. October 6. 1830. 41,tf 0 Boxes tresh Lemons 22 Drum 1 * Figs 2000 |bt Goshen Cheese 12 doz.jais English Pickles assorted 140 Boxes Guava Jelly I MBKOlDF.RED barage dress Handkerchiels E changeable gros de naples do UPEK fine drab eassimere Pantaloon*, {51 do Fawn col. do Fawn col. do buff and white Velentia Vests, lust received bv, WM. H. BURDSALL. uov. 25, 1830. MILITARY GOODS AT T1IE HXACOJtf CXiOXXXXJMO ITOM. Gold and titlver Plated dcabOard Mvurdf, •« •* " Epauleiis, <« «• *• Stars, •* •* •• Tassel* •* •* •• Luce Silk Snsbes. Breast Plates, Cockades, Eagles,Ball Bui tons. Military Huts for the General’s or ColonePsStnff handsomely t rimmed, lied and White Plumes 8cc. &r Oct. 30. 1630. PITCH «& WOKDI 4-4 Furniture do. Ucdticks Blk and col’dtabby Velvet iileach’d cotton Diapers Men’s Gloves. Indies' do Drown do, bleach'd Jeans cotton, silk & worsted Ho Drown do. Pustiuns Inmbs wool do [.siery Linseys, Birdseye Diaper India Flag Hdkls Husain do; Table do Dun Jana do, spittlenelu do Scotch do, linen sheeting* \\ lute Jaconet do ItiHsia do. Irish linens linen cambric do l«ong lawn, Brown lineus White jaconet cravats Cambric Muslins do sw iss do. Fancy col do corded do, .check’d do Wellington do THOMAS T % YLOil \ S rerouted ir**rn his old stand to the new range i Cotton Avenue a few doors West of the Washington HhII and nearly opposite J. T. Row land's cotton scales, where he otters at Wholesale Hnd Retail on very reasonable terms, a very geuerai If Plain 4 figd jaconet do do du book do do do ewiss do do do mull do N'ansook do. Painted do Foundation do. Calicoes Ginghams, Vestings Bishop lawns Moriuo cloths do Circassians Indigo blue camblet Tartan Plaid* Black Italian do, col do>h Black canton do .Madras* llkls, Turk red d. Britannia do Buttons ol all descriptions Bonnet wire, stocks collars, Bosoms cravat stiffeners Puckctbooks, Wallets cotton balls, spoul cotton do Floss, Wire cotton Patent Thread. Tapes Blk and col'd Bnmbazetts. Bobbins. Ferrets do do Circassians (Quality Binding Printed do, Mnrino nhnwls suspenders, 11 at weed* Valentia do, cashmere do shell combs, Brnzillian do Prussian do, eassimere do Fine tin, pocket do chintz do, leghorn Huts Dressing do Fancy silk Hdkfs Clothes Brushes. Hairdo Black lace Veils while do Tooth do, shaving do Green Gauze do Fnncy soap*, lavemi water Black Italian lustring cologn water .Men’s and Youths Clothing of all descriptions, made in thn best manner Men’s and Youths Fur Hat, of all qualities Blk and drab wool do—Fur Cap,, flair tlo, leathr do Mem, Womens and children* Shot,. Ac &c. Macon, Oct 2 40 y 'assortment of, SEASONABLE DRY GOODS. jsfc JCwIZaSa HARDWARE, BAI.F. ROPE, CROCKERY, TWINE, SADDI.EKY, HAWSERS, BAGGING, FEATHERS, BOOTS and SHOES. BLACKSMITHS TOOLS, CASTINGS. Iron German and enst Steel, cotton and Wool • nrds, Carolina llocs. Plough .Mould*, Shovels, trace bains, Steelyards. Spanish Cigars, Paper,(futlls. Ac. .ve. Also. Indies Dunstable, bolivar. Leghorn,plain and open straw Bonnets. Gents, taper crown Bea ver Hats, (latest fashions.) Purchaser* ara respect* inlly invited to call and examine lor (hetnselve*. Macon, Otl. 30. 1830. 44 Bagdad do—5-4 bleached Sheeting 8-4 double linen Damask Diaper—Kusia do •up. London lurniture Calicoes—Long I .aw re Just received and for sale at the cheap store ol , Dei 3 WM. II. BURDSALL ijlltOM one to two hundred thousand plants o* STTOAR BAWIB can be bad low, if appli- rrsoon at my plantation on Tobesofky.ti miles be* Macon, oet 23 44 ROBERT COLLINS. ft od for low Macon CHEESE. CASKS tiushen Cheese, received in good order, anil for Bale by HUNGERFORDS & STODDARD. 10 TIN WARE. auvozuroMB a bzosbabs ; IXW MJFACi'UKfc and keep constantly unhand iVB a general assortment of TIN WAHL which wilt oc sold on liberal terms. Job work done at short notice at the shop next door to Ellis. Shotwel! & Co on third street. January 15, Irt3l. 3 FRSSB OAASSlff SEEDS. LLIS. SHOT WELL & CO have just receiv- cri and lor sale, a fresh supply ol Garden Seed,. Double Peppergiass, Salsaly, Tomatoes, solid celery, summer savoy, curled Parsley, Asparagus round splnnag. English Sorrel, Nasturaion early augar corn, early spring flat Turnip, Garden cresses, .1 bite Onion, tied Onion. Blood Beet, Early Turnip Beat, Orange carrot, Blood carrot. Guernsey Tunip, Long white Parsnip, Long cucumber, Dutch summer squash crookneck summer squash,long white Okra, crookneck winter aquasb, early June Peas. Ice head lettuce, early golden Hotspur do. white Marrowfat do. * JFUH r received from New York, a large assortment ol the following articles to wit. -g Brandy Holland Gin Jamaica Rum si Croix Sugar rliuinpaigiie Brandy nest nmdeira Wine I’. Tone riff do Ketchup Eng. Sf French pickles sup. Spanish rigHrs German Toy*, raisin*, prunes, almonds, Filberts uiad. nuts brazil do currants, table salt Money!!!! Alumy!!!! Money!!!! IS ABUNDANCE IN SURKKT. To owner, in Oolu Mines, 1‘luntations and other Property. t l HE subscriber begs leave to inform his friend* and the public, that he is daily visited by cap italists. funds are great, and who are desirous and anxious of purchasing wholes or shares ot proper ties improved or unimproved; who wish to become proprietors or partners of Gold Mining Companies, or would loan and invest muuey at reasonable interest, satisfactorily secured; would invest and advance their, moni-y in any way, provided they were se.cured, and satisfied of realizing a fair and reasonable interest for tin- same: Therefore those who wish to sell or mort gage property, orgetcasb partners, will do well Co apply to the subscriber per mail, forwarding every tie! cssary information and instruction, accompanied with an advance retaining office fee of five on ten dollars. Postage in every instance to be paid. GEORGE VV. EVE It ITT. Reat'Estate, Brokers,' Attornies’ and General Agent. No, 33 S. Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa. February 19. 1831. 8-4t Ice coss lettuce, cabbage head lettuce, Leek lettuce, salmon Kaddislt, scarlet do scarlet Turnip Kaddisb, Drum bend cabbage, savoy cabbage, early york cabbage, Flat Turnip, Rutabaga Turnip, Turnip, sage, squash Pepper, nov. J4 *,<48 green dwarf marrowfat do strawberry dwarf do. early china Dwarf Beans, Lima pole do. cranberry pole do superior white pole Bran, new Zealand spinnage, green glazed cabbage, augar loaf do cauliflower. Orange Turnip Beet, Endive, Early cbarlton Peas. - f lis t' received at the Macon Clothing Store, super Jj fine blue brown, black, olive Broad Cloths, bit _ fine blue brown, black, olive Broad Cloths, brown, orange, drab, slate mixt and buff Cassimeres Velvet and Valencia Vestings, a handsome assort ment of fancy Cravats, Stocks, Suspenders, buckskin Gloves. Horse and Beaver do. Umbrellas, Caps, Arc. Also, a handsome assortment Ql Ready made Clothing, made in the best style ; Cloaks of a superior kind. \ FITCH & WORDI.N. ros. SALE CZXSAP. An elegant and new BAROUCH. for one or two Horses. Enquire as above. nov 27 48 ~. KU * A CARD. Iff RS. SMITH Announce, to tk, iVJl the discontinuance of her day School III-"* her unfeigned thanks for the coufid,., patron <ge which she has received. Airs. S. will continue to give private Made, Painting, and Penmandiip Those Parents who have not settled lorth*n> - of their Children, will please to do so. thro L?? their accounts at the Store of ’ Jan.1, 1831 t-l.»j.p am, *>i /M MANTLE Clocks, a iiandsome'xHm' ceived on consignment, and foruki “ RALSTON $JQ\[j Nob. 13. 46 MEDICAL. THE subscriber and Dr Tl R. Lamar, will in future tj* Medicine in partnership. The^L taken the office heretofore occaiin Messrs. Campbell & Seymour h Washington’s building. Feb. 26, 1881. 9-3t WM. B. ItOGERg Hands and Oxen wanted F IFTEEN or twenty good hands will J liberal wages to work on the Mulberrte road. Apply to L»;vt Ecklet, who will a i, chase a yoke of Oxen. . -l 10 1 JACOB BHOTWp, Dunstables. . KNE case (superriu quality) Dunstables. Alto Vr ladies’ and misses’ leghorn, straw and openwork Sonnets, just received and tor sale by uov 8 43 G. , D. YOUNG. BOOK. STORE. XUJXiXS. 3a*OZU7Z]U A CO. :hampaigue A muscatel tt est India preserves pur! and ciarei do pine apples, lemons, limes porter and Ale nectarine, quince. &c Cordial* Jelleys. guava, currants, peppermint, temperance, quince amt other jellies perfect love, life ot man, cranberry*, tresh lemons rose, cherry, aniseed, no- mustard, ground cinnamon yeHU.cinoHinon and clove cloves, allspice, black and stuughton’s Bitters cayenne pepper East India Crackers snuff and cut Tobacco rn-e works of different besl chewing do kinds, Roman Candles Lull'* Crackers ed ginger Match lights, Tapers, &c. ' LEV HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY Meto York. - fNSURANCEon Cotton hence to sea ports, per -Li goodhoatsor boxes, will be effected at a verv » rate. CHARLES DAY, Agent. ’ JYctc Fall and Winter Goods. WXXiS7, BAXZS3R. 6l 3POB.3 A RE now opening, on the corner of second street m. and Cotton Avenue, opposite tbe Washington Hall, a General Assortment of F.urvpean and Ameri can Dry Good,, Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and Ola,, Wart, Catling,. Leghorn and straw Sonnets, Fine black and drab Hats, wool Hal,, W indow Glass, It liitc Lead, Cotton Ragg ig. Bagging Twine, &c. &c. A LARGE STOCK NEGRO SHOES, Ladies, gentlemen*, boys &, children’s fine Shoes &c Merchants, planters and the public generally can o v be supplied at low prices from a stock, into ‘ 1 to none in the state Macon. 1st October, 1830. P. S. AVe shall be receiving New Goods weekly, until tbe 15tb Nov. WILEY, B AXTER it FORT MACON COFFEE HOUSP NEAR ’I HE TOWN HALL At the sign of (he Harp A. STONE Sf COSTS to£ JOHN SMITH proprietor of this O takes the usual mode of infotming his7 and the public, that he has completed hisam ments for their accommodation which cun,*, nn entire suit of rooms, (including elegant sir- apartments for select parties with f„e p| a Jt He has erected a cook bouse on an improved* which will be always supplied with the most oury eatables that can be procured here o where, including hot Steaks, Chops, stewed , and plain Oysters, iongues. Venison, cii boiled howls Eggs, soused Salmon, Shtix with pood coffee &c. His Confectionary J are well slocked with choice Wines, Holland! Jam. and Santa Cruz Rum, French and old Brandy, genuine Cordials, Fruits, Cheese, 3 serves, &c. All of which he submits to the k ment of ht* friends, to whom he returns sit thanks for their liberal patronage. dec. 18 51 <1 . 3 4!l '.VI F.CKl.F.Y NEW BOOKS i .l BERI.F.’S practice of Medicine Id Grossou the Bones , Tcale’s Neuralgia Rader’s Formulary Martinet* Therapeutics Dentists' Manual Gaits Byron ?°h U e Mu»clm.n j Novels, Ac. 4c. Juslreceivedby ELLIS, SHOTWEI.I, & Co JOB MAG1E, ftf>AS received within the lafl two or three weeks ' ri, H fromNew-York. a considerable proportion ofhi* comprising a General Assort- H AV tijusl upannd sevoral psekagoi oi Kew Book inciuditig many of tbe latost publications—a mong them are Paul Clifford , Fami y Library 8 vols. Pelham I tfoui-io Octuvo and schou The Disowned > Pelham Webster’s Dictionary Falkland [Novels. The Wept ot Wish-ton Desereux J Wish The English at homo The Spy WAKE-HOUSE. AND Commission Business. f lHF. UNDERSIGNED has in addition to his former Warehouse on Cherry street, one in complete order on the east side of the River, when The Denounced The Oxonians ClouJesley Clarence Knickerbocker Sketch book Brace Bridge Hall Souvenir 4 Token for 1831 Young’s Night thoughts, Southerman Musselinan Pearl Gaits Byron Shakespear Diamond edition Gilt Methodist Hymns) red Village do ( bi„d- Zion Songster f lag & Common Prayer J gilt Bucks Theological Dic tionary Vicar of Wakefield Suadav evening lectures Scripture natural History Napoleon Paradise Lost 12 super fine _ , plates Fox’s book of Martyrs gilt Young cadet Plates Tales of a grand-lather 3 Goldsmith’s Natural His series tory, plates Scott's poetical Works 7 Lawyer vols gilt Death-bed scenos Arabian Knight’s 1 vol. Pulpit Assistant complete uew edition, 12 Roman literature plates superextra. Beltramis’s voyages Lon Rasselis don edition Wreath American History plates Unique 12 plates fancy Says' political Economy Beauties of the Waverly line Novels Thompson's seasons extra Josephus gilt A white . Plutarch’s Lives 4 vol. fine Hannah Moore’s Work* Puley's Evidences new addition Family Oibles calf extra iW Kollins ancient Hixtory plates with maps dkplatus Music ol church new Life of Bolivar new A fincU. States IWino, gilt Kirke White’s Works 1 Monlageretou the rise a d vol extra tall of Republics Eulogies of Adams A Jet-Brown’s Philosophy At hose of his friends and customers from that side cat have the same attention paid to their goods as hereto ore. Bud be saved the trouble of crossing tbe bridge B S. GRIFFIN. Macon, October tilth 1829, 42 JNEVY GOODS. E GKAVES&SOJj, have just rcceiv 4 i-U iroin New York tutu ifoston, and are now lent*, orntnonaeug. reu J 5»t u’s Physiology ii, motrsof Urqucharf Harmony ot tbe Gospel Mayo’s .Mythology plates American biographical Cabinet ol Arts sketches Ladies Lexicon- Moore's Byron 1st vol. Gentlemens' do Nicholson’* operative Ms Popes poetical Works 1 ebanio vol new edition elegant Smith's Grammar New England Memorial do Arithmetic Gibbon's Route 4 vols. el-Sequel to popular lesson egant Lady ol the .Manor,*8 vols Bonyan’s Works Family Hytuns Smith’s sermons Tales of a Grand-Father Lord Byron’s Works fine 1st 2d flp3d series Campbell’s A Owen’s Memoirs ol Napoleon debate on Christianity Pocket Bibles and Testa- Lucas s Progression ments,Oiamondedg. red dit Drawing Bunk, a splendid Wok Kiel Memoirs of Mrs. Judson filet Nugent’s French Diction- Uuututiuntirmn Poet* ary Campbell’s Poems Lingard'e England lOvols.New Music gilt Splendid Albums Lpectatur gilt extra suiter letter paper Bite of Franklin gilt do do uo Orange Hungarian Brothers do do do Rote Montague’s Letters do do do sky blue Paley's Theology Ojiaque Quills Walter's pocket Dictiona-Kussmn do. ry gilt Rogers A son’s Pen Godman'a Natural History knives 3 vols. 43 plates Blank Books great variety Gillies’Greece 1 vol com plete Together with a great variety of other Books, con aistingof Religious, filedical. Law, School, Miscetla neons and Blank Books. Tba public are Invited to trail and examine their Books. Order* for books not on hand, will be seut to the North, aud executed with out delay. P. 8. Book Store, on Third street in the reer, adjoin. >nr Drug and Hardware store. E, 8. A Co. P mug ut Chapman’s coruer in fiiaeon, and Cutter* tew Building. East Macon, an extensive asortmeut sf GOUDS, among which are the following : 50 pieces blur, black, olive, bruwu aud mixed Broad ■ lotbsand Cassimeres—50 pieces Saltinetti—60 bales brown Sheetings, Shirtings, Checks, Plaids, stripes fir Ticking—25U pleci'sCalicnes, (some elegant pattern..) 50 do white Cambric and .Muslin—25 ao Irish Lin ens—25 do Circassians, Bombazine*, Bomhazetts un- Lastings—55 do assorted col'd. Flannels and Bock ings—125 duz. silk aud cuttou pocket Handkerchiefs nil Cravats—30 doz. Stocks—85 doz Hosiery and 4oves—60 doz. silk, worsted and cation suspenders doz. worsted Shirts—30 doz. Tibet, Raw silk, Va. ia,, Casximere, Prussian and cotton r>baui c> ancy Handkerchief*—Genu. Spanish camblet a,■ plaid Cloaks—Ladies plain and plaid Circassian' silk. Tartan, plaid and Merino Cloaks—children's and Muses Cloaks—Vestbigs, silk and Tabby Velvets— English and Italian Crapes—Dimity, Diaper, Nan- seen,black Levantines—colored Uro de Naps and Florence Silks, Satins and Satteens, Silesia, col d Camhricks. brown Linen and Linings—Ladire Irace and .Muslin Cuban—4, 6, and 6-4 white bobinet Late, 5-4 black silk l ace fur Veil*—Uobiuet Footings, Ldg ings and Inserting*—Black and White Lace, Gauze— crape and berazeVeils—Gents, fine Linen Collars— GarnitureendTaffu Ribbons—Bindings and Banding*. Battlste. tub roy, .Millenary—Horn and shell Combs— 3 case* Leghorn and Navarino Bonnet*— Ko»e, point mid Duffil Blankets—cotton Yarn and VI icking—Ot- nnburgs eud Negro Cloths—Cotton Bagging and Twine— ItKJ reams Foolscap writing Pa|ier—50 do Letterdo—100 do wrapping do—20 cases lilaclt and white Napt Hats—5 do wool do—Mens and hoys line Furand Leather Caps—40 cases mens amt hoys coarse and fine Brogans, Shoes and Boots—Womens’ end filisse* calf, morocco, kid, lasting and sattiu Shoes. HARDWARE. 40 hoses cotton Cards—Carvers, Table and Desert Knives and Forks—butcher, shoe, bread, pocket and dirk Knives—Hand, Back, Key hole and wood Saws stock, plute, cupboard, chest, till,trunk and pad Locks, Flat, half-round, mill saw, end 3 qr. Files—Horse and shoe Rasps— Wire and hair Sieves, coffee Alills—brass and iron Candlesticks—Snuffers and Trays, Tea and Bread Trays—Britlaniu Ten Pot* mid Table Castors Brass cocks and Faucetts, sand Paper— Butts and •c ews. Brads and shoe Nails—Frying Pant, curry combs, snuff Boies—Fancy Soap. Powder, shot. Lead tians—Pocket Pistols and Gun Lbcks. shot Pouches, Powder Flasks. Brass Nails, Tongs and Shovels— Whips and whip Thongs, cordage—Furniture Trim- mines. trace chains—Hammers, hatchets, shovels, spades—com. and box Rules, screw Drivers. Augers— Norfolk Latches, springs, Gouges, Bills—Iran, Brit ania and plated table A tea tutoona—Dusting, paint, lacking, flesh, shaving, tooth hair A clothes Brushes, Old Eng. Rogers' A Barbara’ Razors A Straps, draw ing Knives, Plana Irons chisel*—Ever pointed silver Pencil cases—Breast Pint, Ac—20 boxes cast steel Axetand Hoes—Saddles, llridldi. Harnesses. Hollow Ware, crockery and Glass Ware, Drags and Medi cines. Iron, Steel, Nails, Glass xnd a general assort ment of GROCERIES, Ac. Macon. Nov. 3d 45 Feb 12 H AS just received at the store Srmerly occupied by James A. Blanton, Mulberry street, a gener- > the I F TTERS PROM ALABAMA, U Y Mrs. Anne Royail—jatt received and for sale at this office—i>rice § 1,00. E *11* PATERSON & CO. DRAPERS AND TAILORS, t N the West end of McDonald's building, are non receiving a new and Fashionable assorttne nt ol GOODS, warranted to he as cheap according to the quality as any oilier establishment can produce, con sisting ot Black. Blue, Brown and the most fashiona ble coloured Cloth,, some of which are of a very su perior quality, assimeres, alto, an elegant assurtmen- ••f Silk, Valentia mid filarsnilet Vestings, Stocks, lira vats, cravat Stifners. Ilandkcrchh fs. Hosiery, Glove- Garments of every description made to measure is the first style ot fashion nnd elegance, and completen according to order at the shortest notice. READY MADE CLOTHING. Fine Blue and Black Dress Coats mid Frocks, fan cy Sntiuett Coattecs, Black Velvet Vests, White and Spotted Mersailes do. Buff do. Velentia, Plain Silk common do. Toilinett do. Cloth do. Blue, Black, Brown Drab Mixt and Sattinett Pantaloons, fine goats hair camblet and plaid Cloaks, ladies Cloaks Sui- pander*. Drawers, also, 1 cast of fine black Hat, E. H r. .V co. most respectfully solicit a contin uance of the public favor, which they will endeavor to merit by tbe best attention, fifaron. oct. 29. 44 T1IE subscriber has just re- - - A turned from Next York and Is now opening a splendid assort d* ment of goods in his line, com prising a greater variety than ev- or before “ ore offered in this market, amongst which are tbe following articlrs viz. WATCHES. Lockets, Ladies Gold patent lever Medalions, 4c. 4c. Watches, __ SILVER WARE. Gent, do do do (extra Table 4 Tea Spoons, Jew’d Salt 4 Mustard do Silver do do do Lepine A i nch do epine A r.ngh do JEWELLERY. Cream Desert do 8otipA Bntter l.adles. Butter Knives. Sugartnngs, (Manufactured of Georgia PEATF.D GOODS. Gold.) Fruit Baskets, Castors, Ladies neck Chains (ele- Candlesticks, Snuffers, and glut patterns) Trays, Watch do Table 4 Tea Spoons, Filigree 4 Jett Ear-rings 4 Sugar Tongs 4 Soup t«. Ureast-niiis, dies. Pearl 4 Jett Finger-rings, BRITANNIA WARE. Curb 4 Long-link watch Coffee 4 Tea Pots, Chains, „ Sugar 4 Cream Dishes, Seals, Keys, watch books.Table 4 Tea Spoons, Snaps, Soup Ladles 4c. 4c. Studs, Miniature settings, Fancy and Military Goods. 1 Trays, Breed Baskets, Steel Snuffers and Tea _ Trays, silver mounted Spectacles, steel do, Ever pointed Pencils, silver Whistles, Dirks, Pistols, (a superior article) coral Beads, Was do. Pen knives, Spanish do, Raison, Thimbles, Bracelet*. Waist, buckles, Percussion Capa, Toy Watches, Back- gammon Boards, Guns, swords, Epanletts, Belts, spun. Gilt and steel Watch Chains, 8eals and Kryt. Ribbon Chains, together with a general assort ment of watch makers Tools. Materials, Glasses, 4c Ac. all of wblchwillbe sold at the lowest cash prices. illy N. B. Clocks of even* description carefully re paired and warranted. RUFUS R. SMITH. Macon. October 16, 1830. 42 flk 4k KcgsMra^t?fi?a\kcle , |! for family t M- on consignment For sale by DAY fir BUTT8. _ by James el assortment of GOODd suited to the season, among which are DRY GOODS I GROCERIES HATS, SHOES j HARDWARE Rendu made CLOTHING, l CUTLERY SADDLERY. ICASTINOS. Iron, German and cast Steel, Blacksmiths Tools, Ac. «c. nov 27 Cm 48 Fait and Winter Sloe ment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, such a* black, blue, blown anil tniXt Broadcloths, cas- simeresand satinetts. Flannels, Baizes, Blankets Ac Merino, Thibet, crape and eassimere shawls and fan cy Handkerchief*—a handsome and splendid assort ment of figured plain and changeable silks—silk Ging- hams. Oscarinesand Arro shines, Circassians, Merino do. super French calicoes and Ginghams. Linens, Lawns aud cambric Handkerchiefs—leghorn. Dun- stable and straw Bonnets. Thread and Uobiuet lace* and Edgings, lace Pelerines, crazy janes and capes. Gloves and Hosiery—also, s general assortment of Hardware. Cutlery. Glau and China II'are. Crockery, Castings, saddlery, Hal , shoes cotton cards, fur seal and leather caps.' chinchilla do. copper Ten kettles, Blacksmiths Tools complete, cross cut and mill saws, calf skins, lining do. cochineal Kuans, Hat linings anti Trimmings, sole leather, carpenters Tool*—also, Guns, with flint and percussion lock!, double and sin gie barrelled, etc. etc. Also, A general assortment of Groceries. The above Good,, together with his whole stock in trade, will be dispo,ed of upon reasonable term,; and hi, friend, and the public are requeued to call and exa- m nefor them,the,. 45 Macon, nov 6 ‘ HOUSE SIGN PAINTS? HUBBARD & SEARS R ESPECTFULLY inform the inhabittnlior con nnd its vicinity, that they have tekea store, in Mulberry street, opposite Chapman's ner; where they will be happy to receive onto the various branches of House, Sign and Ortna Painting, Gilding. Glazing and Paper Haaat They keep on band Paints of all kinds; Gl*», f 1)il, Varnishes, fire. They hope, by good attention to busmen, to ceive a share of public patronage. Macon. Feb. 19, 1831. 8-3m E' HED BLUFF FOR SALE! ! Macon, May 3. 1830, PRINCE A POE, ,J UST , received at A. Shotioelt% 100 Lfl camblet, Circassian, and plaid CLOAKS, Dec 3 Auction and Com ission BUSINESS. rj~HlE subscriber* have associated themtei i under the firm of ROND & VAN WAG \ EN, fur the purpose, of transacting the Asa and Commission iiusincss; and respectfully citthe patronage of their friends and the pd Their room is on Mulberry Street, next 1. II. Si land’s. J. VAN WAGENEII Feb 5 C tf THOMAS P. HON] NEW GOODS. HUNGERFORDS & STODDAUD 119 #.\VE lately received their tali and winter sup IT-I ply of GtK ' n ’ ANTED a good Journeyman steady habits will find consla Jan 29, 5 Tailor, ot onslant employ. FITCH fi- IVOR ply of GOODS, comprising a general assort ment of silk, woolen, and cotton Coods, new and Fashionable clolhing, straw, open work and Leghorn Bonnets, Dunstable Hats, mens and boys fine fur Hats, wool Huts, ladies and genllemeus fine Boots and shoes.Negro shoes nnd clothing, cotton and wool cards, saddlery fi-c On hand the following articles, a good assortment of Hardware, crockery, cotton Bagging and Twine, Liquor, all kind,, lump sugar, st crotx and porto rico f UST received an el tgan' assortment of Clothing, among which are a few super 1 Cloth Cloaks feb 5 A. SHOTVVEU Liquor, au *m«s, tump sugar, st cron and porto rico sugars, coffee. Tea, Spanish segars, lamp Oil, swedes Iron, Plough Moulds, German, American, English blistered nnd cast steel, cut and wrought Nails. Brads, sole gin-band and upper Leather, call and lining skins Feathers, firc. The above Good1 will be to/d low: old eiutomer, may rely upon having their Good1 a, low ot al any other ho,ut. 45 Macon, nov 6 xrrstnuvnrczL T HF. Macon Inturance Company have commit business, and will insure cotton abippet good boats or boxes. Also, tbe lives of Negron ployed in the boating business Apply to jan 29 5 \V. MELROSE, stents, United States' Bail NOTES For sale by C. C0LLH May 229, 1830. 500 LBS. live Geeae Feathers BtiOTS AND SHOES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. I'HE Subscriber* once more take tbe liberty to in- I form tbe citizens of Mecon and public generally, Ihnt they have an additional supply of Ladles’ Gentle 10 boxes northern Tallow Candles 1 cask superior Lamp Oil 7 casks Goshen Cheese Received and for sale by Jan 15. 3 Hungerfords <J* Stoditfi that they have an additional supply of Ladles' men's, Youths'and Childrens Boots and Shoes, too numerous to enumerate in an advertisemetn, which make* at good an assortment as has ever been offered the public in this region; they have also (good snrtment of Sole-Leather. Call Skins and wax Lea„ er,’ do Lnings and Bindings hy the skin nr grots, span- ablet, shoe Knives, Awls. Thread and Findings, for manufacturing thn above article—all of which will be ■old at small advance above cost. Planters, w e are confident will find.itto their advantage to call and ex amine their itock of negro tboes, a superb article, which will be sold low for cash. We forget not at tbe same time, to present onr cor dial thanks to our patrons, for their liberal support Heretofore, and respectfully solicit a continuance of tbe tame. Making and Repairing, faithfully and punctually at tednd to. at the shortest notice. Macon, oct. 29. A. C. PARMELEG A Co. NOTICE. 7B1 HE subscriber will rent one of the two ■ he now occupies. It will lie made 2H feet deep. Feb. 12. 7 A. SHOTWIU T Cheap Clothing. HG subscriber anxious to aelFoiThis The Subscriber. REMOVED from bis late stand ou Blulber* LSki ry-street to hb New store on Cherry-street, op. poslte Itoliert Coleman's and above Ralston A Jones Store, where he opening and has nn hand a gene! ral assortment of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES viz: ’ 10 hogsheads New Orleans Sugar 3 do St. Croix do 50 begs prime Green Coffee 10 barrels do do 60 barrel! Northern Gin 30 barrels Philadelphia Whiskey 10 barrels old Apple Brandy _75 pieces Hemp Bagging 150 pieces Tow 15 pieces Oznaburgs 75 kegs Nails SO kegshrads 165 kegs Dupont’s Powder 60 bag* Shot assorted sizes Bagglngtwine. Huts, Shoes, Saddlery, Cotton Cards 8heetings.’8hirtlngs, Sattinets, Flannels, Hardware' Crockery, Glassware 4c and with many officer! tide, will be aold low for cash. y V Au S M A. BRY.»N, Woolen Clothing, ere the approrch of mer will give great bargains to merchants and ere who will favor him with their custom. Jan. 21 4 ALEXANDER SHOTHE N B. Just received in addition to hi* j stock, (lately advorixed.) a full supply of »' every description. h. UIWAWAYS. R UNAWAY Irom the subscriber living Darien McIntosh county Georgia. t*« gro men named GKORGE & QUIBVSJ3e consequence of having had it injured by tW thought one of his upper from teeth out 11 about thirty eight years of age, he (brmetlj longed to Mr. George Atkinson ofDarico m 1 customed to going on the Boats from Drn« Millctlgcvillc and Macon, Quibus i« * " black then George, and is about five (ret firr J es stutters a little in common, but if suddw! larmed stutters very much and D about tbWJj| years 6f age, they had a pass to spend me - K nas holy daye, ami no doubt they have ? 0 ' he liver to Milledgeville or Macon and w® I’, work on the wharf and among the Boa» ? dollars reward will he paid for each of them 11 in this county andTweiity dollars for each if taken out of the county and ail other re^* hie charges will he paid pn their delivery IG ® in any jail, and information given to me 1 can get them. JOHN N. HelNTOlJ Jan. 22, 1831. 4