Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, March 26, 1831, Image 1

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MAC€>M TffiJMJ®. Volume 5. irj-Tte Macon Telegraph is published weekly, by jtt JTROM BA'/lTIiETT. | p i-iine Office on Mnlberry Slreet. west tide. y frm ,_TiiRKE Dollars a year, if paid in ad , e or roon pollars, if not paid before the Ind of the year. Subscribers living at a distance *5 require*! in all casej to pay in advance. AMItUnomMCOAB' 8AS33. 3IACOJV, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1831. dm first Tuesday in April nest, will bo sold " efore the court House door in Talbot county, idea the usual h ours of sale, under an order of the of Ordinary of W innie county when sitting for hairy business, one lotof LAND, No. 180. in the fct district of iriginally Wuscogee, now Talbot coun. k sold ««(be property of Benjamin Buckner, late of lltnam countv deceased. Sold for the benefit of l. heirs and creditor! of said deceased. Jr” 5 PAItll AM BUCKNER, adm’r. GREKABLEtoan order of the Inferior Court Monroe county, when sitting for ordinary ,„-,will be sold on the first Tuesday in April it the court house door, in ForsyIn, three NE- RtiES. Kick a man, about 25 years old, Bally a nan 10 years old. and Elian a girl, about 14 years -sold as the property of Mary Dunn, deccas- for the purpose of division among the legatees.— „„ the day HENRY MOORE, Wr. 19 01 SHERIFF’S SALES. CMwrOKD SAZiJQS, ?l l ,ht ,f jr ‘ l Tuesday in April next, VFJjj? J ^Clora the court house at Knoxville, salB thi^nllowl«' Un,y ; bel,ve . en ,h# hours ot sale, me following property, viz: hH!. “i L :" ,,J N . U V 3 * «•» Iho third SHERIFF SALES. Number 13. T,” J t“ h " fcd ’T! ,rd ?- , v » ,ald Nathan Brady jun. di«tiir« e ^" Ul l , ,u ,1’* ^ 1,t No. 33, III iho fust ongiimhjr Houston, now Crawford county- let ted on as Ilia property ofJamu Beasley, to satisfy su.,d.y.maPn Fas I,/favor of William J. Way£ man and others vs Beasly. 3 Olio Lot hi ,l,o Town ,.f Knoxville, No. 53, | C ,rn. , »rti"®r V hrcB ? nd * hn,f «eres—levied on rs tho vor ol tvi lhnn J w"' to ••hsly one Fi Fa in fa- vor ot W iiham J. Waynqqan, Ac vs. said Lovett. veira'of 14 years of age—levied on as the property of Laban I? i? ti,ry 5 un,,rjr fi * n f* v °r oi Washington Freston and others v*. said Beauchamp —all levied and returned to me by a constable. One Lot nf Lund No 230—levied on us the property of Henry Key. to satisfy two small Fi Fas i.tlf- h? m a /‘“hoe’s court of Jefferson county, in lavor of Russel Kellum vs. said Ucnry Key—levied on by a constable. 1 1 Marcfa8 - WSt. B. FILES, intriff. ljri>o«es, feb »Il.b be sold on the first Tuesday in April licit, ' st the court house in Monroe county, a negro i by the name nf Jack, belonging to the estate ]Uw Ifiuri deceased-sold for the henefit of the heirs u creditors. MOSES HARRIS. I . . . feb 15.1831. ANN MIARS. J Admrs. flLL be sold, at the lato residence of Henry Smith, Monroe county, on the first Satur April next, the following property, to win ■ Marc ami Coll, four Cows and Calves, a quart- y oi Hogs, J feather Beds, and oilier household d kitchen Furniture too numerous to mention— [the heirs and creditors of Fielding M'Mullen l. NAIL M’MULLEN, ex'or. inch 5 10 StiMlt ttJaXiES. _ On the first Tuesday in April nett, 14/ILL be sold before tho court-house in the * v town of Macon, Bibb county, the following propei tv to wit: Three Negroes, Peter, a man, about thirty-five or rto vein old, FelU, a woman, and Eliza, a girl: all on it the property of II. L. Towns to satisfy SHERIFF SALES. POETRY. NOTICE. JILL be sold, on Friday, tbe 15th day of April iwit. in Monroe county, at the late residence •pkmah Beal, deceased, the Household and _en Furniture, a valuable collection of Books, Enmity of COB.NT AiYU 1’ODDER, [lock of Collie, a well broke harness Horse, fire. All of which will he sold on a credit until tbe i Aw of December nest. kb 19. _8 N. II. BEAL, Ex’or. |V the first Tuesday in July next, will be sold I .u the Court House in Henry county, under Icier of die Inferior Court of Coweta county. I.Vo. 219. in the 7ili district of Henry county; " ‘ f one hall of Lot No. 45, in the !4th district (alb, being tile real estate of John Harris, lot Coweta county, deceased, for tile benefit of pars ami creditors. MICAJAII II \KUIS, > ,, L It. HARRIS, l admors. 9.1C81. 12 henry sales. W First Tuesday in April next, ILL be sold before the court bouse at BP Don- ough, Henry county, between the usual hours oi (Milo, (lie following property, viz: Throe Negroes to wt.: Alilley h woman, 4(1 yeara old, Ben a hoy, 11 years old, Sam a boy, 3 years old—all levied on as the property of (ieorge IV. tanar. to satisfy a mortgage FI Fa Albert Sears a- guiiitt the said George W. Farrar, property pointed out in the said mortgage. A am,ill Negro Girl by the name of Caro line, G or 7 years old—levied < FAiETlE SALES. W n Tue ' ,la J April next, ILL be sola before Ihc court house at Fawtlc. tulle, layette county, between the usual nours of sale, the following property to wit: One yoke of Oxoii nml Can—levied oil ns .. ... the property of Thomas R. Coleman to satisfy, an exe- sundry fi. tas. Iro'ur the mferior court of Mid county , ColemanIt a°i 01 Thomas Dotbard vs. Thomas It. vs. said Town,. C ° U " ,y ! ld , Jama * Ware-property pointed out Lot number three and improvements, in square for-1 y »i „ "fi ' v " re - ty-four, in the town of Alacon, containing one half! Also, truction or lot No. 179, in tho acre more or less: levied on a, ihc property of John di * ,r ' ct of Fa y c| te county—levied on ns the W. Rouerts. to satisfy a fi ta. issued from tbe Comp- ttfJme* Ryle, to satisly an execution in fa troller suffice ot tbo stale of Geurgia vs, said Roberts, l 0T , f •* M,, ss and Benjamin Brown, adminis- George B. Wtrdlaw and John Phupot. . ,r alors ot Elislm Nail, vs said Ryle di ~|t numbertwo hundred and sixty-six in the fourth I „ <Vlso > L"‘ No- 14, in ill.- 7th district of Fuv district, originally Houston now Bibb county: levied *«• county-levied on as the property of Thomas fil.f r. V IJ ro l>orty of James H. Rodgers, to satisfy a *•»». to satisfy an esecullon in /avo? of Thomas fieri facias issued Irom a justice’s court of said coun- Lmroll f or t h 0 U so of Ezekiel Kalchford vs uld ty, in favor of Spencer ltiley vs. Rodgers and John U. Brown. vu.oru, vs. said Hamilton: levied on and returned •» “^byjCieorge j Also Tlirro Lola of I mol, No. 187, 188 nnd IK, In the 5th dislrtet of originally Henry now’Fay ette county—levied on as the property of James Mar cum, to satisfy mi execution in favour of Jordan Gav vs. said Marcum—pointed out by Jordan Gay Feb 10r - * A. AI-BHIDE, D. jUpf'ngvBnfeid by sdSb ib bo !<tv« Mod pocliy; and vy e n ru not Vigal, constable, much 5—10 \\. U. CONE, skerig. Sh’ff. - visa i .. r —‘“botbam, deceased, vs. itfily Illggin botham and William Grimct. 3 66 One Negro Girl by the name of ftlilly— levied on as tbe ... -r i . Fi Fa and Robert Ephram Linly, deceased. Lo. No. 84 in tlm eighth district of Hour I on as the property of IVillu Perry to satisfy a 6 o ' ,rom Jackson Superior court, vs said Perry tobert Moon, in favor of the eiccutors AlffiEf-f? SUGAR, COFFKI5, &c. R K HDS. ot Prime N. tl. Sugar -*• r. d< >.. Molasses n Coffee estic Liquors for sale by 12 DAY * BUTTS. 12 his. green ( 1(10 do. domesl march 12, 1631. tho season of . - c . . not disposed lo controvert tho aphorism; yet ii is ceu.iin iliat Lttpid ttud the JMusosdo noi always keep coin- patty or travel in the seme Indeed tho (Wmontous Sisters have siied a cliann over evety puisuu ot life, even to hoiliwg cahhago and roasting potatoes; and wt ltml supposed that no subject iintmirhed by them remained, wfan ’• we received the following effusion, in wblch ilia poet evinces much origin ,lny m singing tho poor blxrkfeg "to h-U a tombing." The good i ? oe ' t '‘ , - v hetng no doubt the object ofllm inor- Blburd in thus disposing of tlie,mate votary of chance, he can, we suppose, bavo no ohjeciion to direct Itis strength against a da* O! people vvlto occasion much more misery than gamblers—we mean the moral cannibals known us laud sharks, who fatten on the misl iorliines of the credulous and ignorant and drink die tears of the otpbun nnd widow. Wo would not however h.,ve our minstiel, to send them all the way to pandemonium; but only lo purgatory, unci there to keep them until they learn honesty mid determine to practise it. H -lUSSON SALES. On the First Tuesday in April next? W ILL be sold beiore the court house,between the usual hours ol sale, at Perry, Houston county, the following property to wit: One Lot ol Oak mid Hickory Land in the 13th district ot Houston county, No. JJ3; levied on as the property ol James Samleford to satisly n Fi Fa in favor of John Hollaiidittbperty pointed out by E S. Shorter attorney for plaintiff. 1 , „ ^ Ono lot olLuml in the lffih district ofHous- 14 ,MBE 1 RLY & CHISHOLM have lustre- 118 bereft of I ton county, No. 170; levied on as the property of ce " ed P r - boats Two Brothers find Velocity p and for,ar ": ... - ■ - - - - « Fi Fa in favor ot Ed- ? 00 k f g# whl,e Lead * 10 bld »-linseed Oil, 10 bbfs for a ' ol<e be wa*. poor desperate wretch: *■ * * •» -- - _■ tits money was all gone! I lie adverse winds that Fate decrees, TOR TBE MACON TLLUGII.W’II, The broken and superannuated Gtmctlcr. lie seemed as one b'ereft of life. Daniel IK Roberts tosatisfy uu „ ward Buttler., . lamp do 5 bbls Putty, 8 bbls. Varnish, 50 boxes C One Lot ol Pine L..nd in the 13th district, P s v . 1 ® w, " do,r Class, 60 boxes 10 by 12 do. 5 Houston county, No. 2/7j levied on ns the property S ’ Turpentine is Barkwell to satisly a Fi Fa in favor ol 11. | 102 kegs Nails, 20 do. cut pikes o or / years old—levied on ns the property of lev > ,aadB and returned by a constable. IfMiam Grimct tosatisfy a FI Fa in favor of WUP.m- .. ° ue Lot ol Lund in the sixth district of son Uotiy and Frederick Ward, surviving executors of Josiali Higginbotham, deceased, vs. fililv Ilit-rin. • lir-t Tui silny in August next, will be sold in lb*- town of t .'liiiton, Jones count), agree- 11 i.n nriler of the court of ordinary ol said i. tin- following Negroes, belonging to tile es- ■ ! 'Ini Kirk, deceased, lo wit: Dennis, a man, *.*!it years old, t 'lmrity, a woman, thirty-fiv old. AUerileen.ii moo, thirty years old. Vnacn *<"i tiMi'ily-lniiryears old, Harris, ahoy, ten “Id. tVillis. a hoy, eight years old. nnd Wylie, siy years old—sold for the benefit of the heirs Ircililors ol said deceased 1 WIia-IAM FREEMAN, r 1 ' 1 1« 19 adm’nr unlh the will annexed. Il.l. lie sold, on the first Tuesday in October I mvtiit Clinton, Jones cuuntv, under un order | l.ilr-iiur Court ot said county, one lot ol Inimi i rooiily, whereon the undersigned now lives, ing otalnoit one hundred and seventy acres Nim, the property o. the estate ol Henry Long If ol said county, deceased—to he sold lor the ol tee heirs Im first Tuesday in December licit, one lot linlliesnroiid district ol torinerly Henry coun J MI 8 H ® t« the estate of the laid' Henry hong ■ceased, to he sold at the court house in Henry funder the uhove authority and Idrtlin above if ^ n, 1 Tuesday in January next, three Ne tt n, a lad, about 19 or 20 veara old, and a wo ■ yaiid her child lobe sold at t'liiiton, under i authority and lor the above purpose th U - II Oi JAMES LONG, urfm’ei to Ihc Estate of Zephaniah Dial, late . ‘name County, deceased, are reouested to P enisle payment; and those having demands i ( ,' !l *' c will present them according to "■> « NATHAN 11. BEAL, Ex’or. Lf .'tomu’idsBgalnit the estate of J* ,e "I L’raivford county, deceased, ;, **" ,0, ".lba suhscriber in terms of the „J. P^uus indebted to said estate, will , ®*’ “KYAN BATEMAN, adm’r X.\- Cou,tl “ Oaunlu. 'A iiiium J. Germany applies to ' r l l e l . er 1 :1 “• udiutniitralion on the cs county—levied on as tho property of Francis U Dick- *° “ lis, 'y 8 Justice's court execution from Wilkes county. Luke Turner vs said Dickinson. Lo No. 5 in 6, in the Town of Maopnn.'ugh—levied on as the property of James Kimbrough, tor his tax for 1829. Olio ,rcre L.o, more or less, wiih tin buildings thereon, adjoining the Baptist Church and A. spencer’s—levied ouasthe property ot Jacob P. II inn. for his tax for 1929. Tlie tlnee Iasi levies made and returned to me by a constable. POSTPONED SALE. The North ball ot Lm No. 227, in the 7th dirtrict of said county—levied on a» the property of Lark Lewis, to satisfy a Fi Fa from Washington Su- C irioc court, in favor of Iiliam H. Saffold vs. said °>vis. JAS. LOVE, Sheriff. Also, will be sold as above. Ono lot ot I,nut, No. 114, in the 3d district ofllenry comity, levied on as the property ol Rich ard Ford, to salialy two small Fi Fas. in favor of Daily & .Munilorville property pointed out by Law renee Gahagan. jan. 28 TIIOS. J. JOHNSON, b. S. SUXJlS sajues. On the First Tuesday in April next, VA9ILI. be sold oemre the court house at Jackson Vsr Suits cuuuty. between tbe usual hours of sale, the iirlluftiiig property to wit: 202 .in, a ol Loud mine or less, known by Lot No. one hundred and sixty three, in the first dis trict ol tnrmerl) Henry now Butts county—levied on ns the property ot II iiliam Aloman to satisly sundry Fi Fas Usui d iron) a Justice's Court ot Harris comi ty. in lavor of Joel Ualey—property pointed out by plaintiff. ' 202 1-2 acres of Laud more Or less, known by out No. one hundred and three, in tbe first dis trict Ol formerly Henry nuvv Butts countv, and Rob- ert Urmtn's interest in Lot No. one, In'iquaru No. twelve in the town of Jackson in said count), front ing on Iho public square, with a valuable two story building, occupied at present as a house ol entertaiu- meet, with other convenient buildings, and a road Waggon and Harness and three Mules—all levied on as the properly ot llobtrl Brown, to satfsiy sundry FI Fas issued from the Superior Court ot said county, one in lavor ot William Roberts vs IL Brown, and Henry Haleley and L. B Eubanks and others vs It. Brown. 202 1-2 net us of Land more or less, known by Lot Ao. twenty-one, in tbo first district of for merly Henry now Butts county—levied on as the property ot James Morris to satisly a Fi Fa issued from the Superior Court ol said county, in fayor of Johu It. Cargile vs James Morris. 202 1-2 dries mute ur less, known by Lot No. lurty-lbree in the fourth district of formerly M time now ButU county—levied on as the proper- ' ol Edward lUtcr to satisly a Fi Fa issued from Houston county, No. 156; levied on as tbe property of John Iloog, tax collector ot Camden county, to sal-1 isty two Fi Fas in lavor ot tho Slate of Georgia; property pointed out byT. B. Howard, comptroller general. r . to Lot oi Pino L*nU unproved, whet con I i , n liner now live * toe tenth district, number , eighty-eight, Houston county; one other Lot in (he tenth district, number seventy, improved,.whereon Joseph Barker uuw lives; one other lot ot nine laud, improved, whereon Abner Sanford tormerty lived, in the fourteenth district, Houston county, number sev enty-seven; one lot pine laud in tbe tenth district, Houston county, aujoiuiug Tull nnd others, with a f ood grist mill thereon n w in the occupancy of tavid Jimasuu; one other lot id land iu the fourteenth ' district, Houston county, number one hundred and twenty-five; one sorrel horse, tour years old, with « white lace; one blind mare, twelve or thirteen year, old: fillA Al.rnrl Sanaa Inal lion iinri J a. I 1 i- 25 tons Iron, BOD lb. cast Steel 2000 lb German do. 100 do. Biisteid do 10,000 Castings, 150 or. best wrought Traces 50 doz. weeding Hoes 200 sets wagon Boxes SO bbls. Portland Rum 50 do. Northern Gin SO do. Rye Whiskey 200 boxes Table Salt 20 kegs Rogers’ F. Powder 100 bags patent Shot 85 bags Buckdo. 200 lbs. Lead, 5 bbls. Coperax 10 tlhds. Sugar, lo do. Alolassos 50 bags Coffee, 5 do. Pepper 5 do. Pimento, 100 boxes Cigars 50 coils Tar’d and Hemp Rope 100 pieces Cotton Bagging 12 boxes tv liittimurr’s cotton Cards Had settled on him now; l*' 9 youthful years had passed away. And age had stamped his brow. His deeds were dark—he seemed to halo I lie glare of morning lighl; For he, poor fool, had played a; cards And sal up all the nighi! Now lone (he breeze did sigh along, Nor could he find n friend; & To ffij 98 tho wind he knew not how; . N° one ot hand would lend! Ills blood-shot .yea and haggard brow Bespoke a mind of care; Ilia smile »va* that of wan despair The trofld looked bleak and drear! Tor doomed ho was Co tread the paths Of penury and wo— And when he died he knew ho would In H«—II a tumbling go! Tho times they were so ^adly changed,. lie could not find resource: • w 77‘ w » w,, « “ ,,uu twelve or inineen year, | Tobacco . , r„. „ r. .™«.w o d; oue ox-cart, one leather bed, under bed and fur- Sc\the Blades, cutting Knives, Rasp Hooks, steel Vt*? ha « been au ®P«cious to, mture, one bedstead, tweuty bushels corn more or tom Mills f Hinges.Chalk. Whiting, Logwood. In- * it ", crowned his course, iuet 1 } one remnant ot Sat- Uigo. Salt Petre, mill, cross cut, anil whip Saws, U<f *£ U8 " ? n<, “ res,in g place, (met, one do. stripeU calico, one do. cotton northern Epsom and Glauber Patent Medicine. Securely lone to die— leans, one small lot ot sugar, coffee and box, one Hoop Iron, baml do Nnil Rnri .hee, l,nL ^!l' ««• debt, acir --*--■ • hook, one small lot ot crockery ware, three bottles . "5, 1 U T h . ce, ,ron and i Desoair « 1 oven ’ one lr ying pa", one skillet,' foLVa,?'"A ha .l° ! He cursed' bin one pair smoothing irons, one coffee mill, one pair si" ilD ** ,e u 9 t*‘’ assortment of Dry Goods, of trace chains, coll.<.» nl plough, liucslsmall lutot I, "Hats. Shoes, r-addlery anil Earthen farmiug utensils, one m , tutImcon and lard, two '> are—which will be sold low for cash, or Colton. "**•’ two sittiug eh...u. three beaver traps, lour I Plntners and country Merchants will please call plough hoes, two vv ceding and one grubbing hoes, one and examine, tin pan, one small piggiu, one bag and sail, one bag Macon, Jan. 13. 8 and rye, one sitter, ono breadtray one table, two [ —I — l empty barrels, oue iukstmid, oue note on K. C. Sav. ICfkl? CA1 r> edge lor eight dollars, one ditto on Richard Roberts I 1 VJIV. ?>«Sl Ls l!i for fifteen dollars. 7 head <>l stock, cattle 15 head I THRESH Mackerel, Hyson Tea, of hogs: all levied on as the property oi John Tincr, loaf ami lump Sugar, brown S tax collector ot Houston county and Joseph Barker, * Abner riaudiord. Joseph Mime, Allen riultfcn, Rich ard Roberts, and Mark Cobb, bis securities, to satisfy one fi- ri tscias in favor ot tho Slate of Georgia, and two in Uvor ot the Justices ot the Inferior Court for tbe use of tbe county ot Houston, march 5 HENRY \V. RALEY, sheriff. • — n — —j, Suffsii Whiskey. II. Gin, C. Brandy, Msilnga U ine, Teneriffe Wine, Claret Wine, Preserved Ginger, .Swede Iron, assorted from one nnd a half to nine inches, American blistered Steel, German Steal, Cast Steel. Hollow Earthen-ware, Bagging .Twii e, India Twine. <hop Twine, Seine Twine; Blank Books, W riting Paper, W raping Paper, together with Homespuns, DRY GOODS &c. Feb 12. 7 T. . NAPIER. BKOSraoS SALES. W On the First Tuesday in April next, ILL be sold between the usual hours of sale before the Court House at Forsyth, Mon roe county, the following property to wit: . Two acre Lois n> the town oi Forsyth, Spring and Summer Clothing. with improvements tbereon, and a negro woman UJIlil.lA • M ItTTRIlfl A Y T &•**• • t ') year* ol age; lev ied on as tbe prepeny of I vas-ivl . , “j BBftDS ALL "IVilliam nrown to satisly two Fi Fas tram a Justi- ! TrT A 0 S J u, ‘ c “ m “ e,,8 * d "; ce ',''"'S ll,s * ,0 < ce’s court iu lavor of Mark Patterson vs. William 1 S*’ n "I " nd ?“?“•? CLOTHING, which he win tell on tlie most liberal term?. ly ul Ldicard never to tatisly a FI Fa Issued from the Superior court of said county, in lavor of BunVell Jinks vs L \Vever and Needham Lee and Dawson Ull «wy hand this 12th February, 1031. - SIHuN HuUBE, c. c. o. EttPse ''“6h/f» County. "er*i *frr\ applies to me for ’oflerion i' dn,, bi»trallon on the eilato of etherefor. I ,a '■ ,a ' d bounty, deceased. •ind* * *1?* and admonish all and sin- °/"' d deccas,J, lo be • if antis' *1* Halt prescribed bylaw, j y Ihiy have, why said lelleit should er ®y hsndI Ibis 24th day of Feb. 1831. ■ - JOHN M'CURD, c. c. o. ■■ REaV^iTCounty. H Tn’eS^JfJ ’ Tucker * Robert tn nf \ |’ ? nd Nancy Pucker, apply >f I®! Adm, bJ a lrafioi, on the estate of t-V.rls.!?, dcecused-. ' f d and itJ'f aK \!admonish all andsin• *!“ deceased, .o be ei,u < ifmmutk* » t ,mc Pm&rfbtd bi/ Rrauld ^ **** hQVC Wh 2 •aid letters rt ■"WIWII UII mo Ait .uii, I'uitutMj tiui vy juun llUiiUriCK Murm cotton, lato of said county, I 202 i-2 .»cre» of Luml more in lew, known ere Ik,r.for , . . by Lot No. one hundred and elghty.four, in the «th m , 10 *,“* nB “ admonish all and ' district ot formerly Henry now Butts county; levied k s/», rr, ddors of said dcctased, lo be , on as tbe property ol Thomas Keys, to satisly a Fi Fa l — e-iusrr' "dhm Iht lime prescribed by issue.) from a Justice’s court ol Libert county, in ffivor *’ 'f an i they hare, why said tellers of Jane Uurvun, ex’rx; levy made and re’lurncd lo 11 ■ mo by a constable. Also, Jolm Robinson's ituerc-t in a town Lotin Jackson in said county, known in tbe plan of said town by lot No. 2, in square No. 2; levied on as the property ot said Robinson, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued truni a Justice’s court of said county; in favor ot Picrpont Philips, vs John Robinson; levied on and returned to me by a constable; properly puint- eJ out by plaiutilTs atturney. Alsou town Lot hi Jackson, known in the plan of said tewn by l.ot No. oue, iu square No. one, w ith a valuable building (hereon, occupied at pres ent as a sture house, (routing the nubile square; lev ied on us tlis property ol Thomas II. Barker, to satis fy a Fi Fa issued Irom the uileriur court ol said coun ty, In lavor of Lawrence Gahagan vs Benjamin Dea son and Thomas R. Barken property pointed out by the plaintiff. R tV. HARKNttiS, D. 3. Also, will be sold as aboue, Two hundred <wo and a hall acies of Lund, more ur less, known as lot number forty-foui in tbe fourteenth district of origiunlly Monroe now liulta county, whereon James C. Duuseilh lives; and two hundred two nnd a hall acres ol laud more or less, known as number forty-five,in the saute district; and lot number twenty-eight, containing two hundred two amt a hall Herrs more or less, ill (he same district; one negro man nuinsd Lewis, twenty-one years old; a negro man named Dave, twenty-five yeara of age; Pal. a woman, thirty yeara ol age; Fillis a girl, eight Brown; levy made by a coustublc Alsu one liuitilml bushels ul Com, mart) or less, part ot a ttack of Oats, one stack ol Fodder; levi ed ou as the property of John Gaulding su satisfy a Fi rain favor ot John Jones; property pointed out by Archibald Gaulding Match 5. JOHN REDDING, shff. Also will be sold as above. Ono negm Giiljby the name of Silva, 16 years old; levied oh as the property of Richard Ham- tell lo satisly sundry Fi Fas; in layor ot Henry Lee and others; all levied by Aacaworth Ilurdcvvay con stable, and returned to me. March5; WM. HUCKABY, D shff. Also, will be sold as above, • Forty-five acies ol Land, being the south west corner aod part of Lot No. 124, In the 6th dis trict of Monroe county; levied on as the property of ll'alims Taftey, to satisfy a small Fi Fa in favor of Griffin and Goodwin vs said Tapley; levy made by a constable, march 6. A»COUURAN D.S. ahdttdst, re\f sa • the lit ■y hare \\ n ®‘h 'toy of March, M1LUAM M BUIDE.c.c.o. C c 8 ’ u ' Ih!. unty. n annk'V' J ‘ r Du P rce “">1 John O. ^ PPG to me for letters of ad. niiovA i a **•— ’ superior court, 1#_. » ’ 00 Cfftate ol den vi. James C. Dunseith and \V therefor, ^ ,<1 coun, y '.leccased: ti 'dri*and,l/r,' ""'i admonish all and * "•» iff'C, u r ; ,a,J deceased. I, be ""UeJlanu Ih, t* ,me P rtKri bed by \*nHttii ^ ' V fiave ' **Av letters tm *£SnBk M,r ' h ' ts3 *' WILLIAM M BUIOE; c. c. o. OAJWJPBULL SA1.ES. On the firs! Tuesday in April next, \M»ILL he sold before tbo court tou«e at Camp ijr billion, Cumnbell county, between tbe usual hours ol sate, the tbilevvibg proiicrty, to w it: Lot ol Land No. 70, <u tlto seventh district of originally Coueta now Campbell county—levied on as tbe property of llilham Mason, to satisly a Fi Fa issued from Hall Superior Court, in lavor of Hol land &. Bearden. Lm ul LWud No. 112, in tho ninth district of originally Fayette now Campbell county or so much thereof as will be sufficient, to satisfy one Execution issued by the Tax Collector ol Putnam > nuuty vs. Lemuel Uwius in the-ycar 1822—levied on and return ed to me by u c.instable Lot No. 166 in the seventh district of ori ginally Coweta now Campbell coonty- levied on as thn property of Ussial Dagget, ts satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of Thomas E iVllliamson.'VS. John Gilbertand said Ilngget, A Negro \Vomaii, 2l, ycariof ago, by the nan^e ol Winny. levied on as the properly of John Ilewit,h0 sathly a Fi Fa issued from DeKalb Supe rior court, in lavorof William Baker, and Samuel Baker, administrators of Christopher Uniter deceased, vt said 11cwit, Gr?ea W. Baker and James O. Reid. One sorrpl Horao—levied on ns the propet- ty of Thomas A Latham, to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of N. B. & 11. D. \V rede vs said Latham. Ono Still .uni Worm, nine beer Tubs, ono parcel of Mill rock, one Milt Spindle, Balance, and driver, also, one lot of Land,-known by No. 61, in " .... -S T $,|| , , , , , Among the artl dea already received are tbe following. Super Black Bombazine Coats ditto Merino Cloth ditto ditto Lasting ditto Rowen Cassimere dido ditto Frock ditto Black Bnmbvzine Pantaloons Lasting ditto ' , Brown French Englisb end Irish do x White do do do- do Changeable silk Vests, a splendid artlclo Figured London Marseilles do While do do huffand while Yalcidia do &c Arc &c March 12. 1831 uccuniulaied large, lir was in his eye. himself, tho times, iho world, ... , And 'ooktd nnd sighed forlorn— Hts former friends, when fortmie smiled, Now passed him by with scorn. To stem the tide of life’s career, -' And each one’s sins forgive— O! were it so ordained that all A happy life could live-. To glide securely as the stream, Amt live rtecure from strife; And sheltered too irom nil the vvroocs— The “whips anil scorns" of lift). And when it was decreed, for us, % Him who reigns above— \ve all might die content, and go To everlasting love. miscellasteuus. Tli\ WARE Manufactory. ' Kcarlff opposite Chapman's corner. *■ v HE subscriber has now on hainl and will keen . * «°n' ,a nlly. o supply ol TIN WARE, which ha will sell wholesale or retail at Savannah or An- gusta prices. Wi 8. ELI.I8. CT tirders sent to Ellis, Shotwell be re. willrctelve prompt attention. 25 j ullo jp PATENT PLOUGHS. Pretty tkWn.—Ol'nH otlto, views, „ nmi, may, , n itnin, grow tired; but in tlto coumen. nneo ol women, thorn is u variety which sets weariness at Tho divine ,ie|,t of beuniy. s tys Junius, ts the only divino rii*Jit nn Englishman cun ncknowlodgo, and n proitv women tlto only tyrant he is no: Authorized ,o resist, . "Surah,” said on innocent abignil to her sis- |or gossip, who had like herself and her crony, joined tlto Teniporatice Society-— 1 “Saudi— *..rnh, s-ivs she, <tdm you think our Suzo keeps iibo , .'l.;. I found it yesterday beliind t!ie flour buricL in the pnmry with brnndv ia it." ‘‘I„iw soul! you don’l *,y su! Well'll,nt heats all!— auze and 1 found Mira the (lav belbio and had n good swig!" ‘‘Well—’t leR „nv body.” Law lm. Wo have • rigln to do as wo please by ourselves, but is wrong to sol u bud exam- pic!” K A Patent PLOUGHS, Just received Mile by ELIaltfj SIIOTWELL I March 5* 10 ALMANACKS „ f . - For 1831, Received and for sale bv dec. It ELLIS. SlIOTWELL, & Co. of ’aiTaVlevded oak the ^i'rty'of ">c Ujk f’tric, of originally Fayehenow Camphel nidi sea. to satisly sundry fi. las from Cults county—levied on as die property of Ephraim R M< urt. to wltr one In favo? of Allen M Un- '-V;",' ,a " s| y aFl Faio favoro1 Benjamin is,ms v: ro sSinilh; ano ther in favor of Daniel Gram, Thou** (irnni and Ve- teriarinncl cx'rs&cvi.Jas. C. Dunseith. Win. dinith sen. Hubert Hzailh and William 6milh jun; another in lavor of William IL Crane, bearer, vs James C, Duuscitli and William xHmith; pro|>erty pointed out by Junes C. Dunseith and WHliam Hrnitli sen. JOSEPH SUMMERLIN, therif. March 6—10 said McLean. Feb SO. N. NICHOLSON, sheriff. Also wilt be sold as above. Lot of Land No. G9, in the eighth district of originnlly Coueta now Campbell countv—levied on as the property of Thomas Pare, to satisfy one Fi Fa from Iienrv Pu|>«rior Court, in fator of John Sel lers Vs. said Pace. Fob 10, R. EASLY, D. sheriff. J Clotbin House for sale. T HE Store House, belonging toJumrsCoutvand now occupied by E L. Young So Co. adjoin ing the Post Office, will be sold, at public sale, on tbe fir-t Tuesday in April. For terms ami information apply to MELROSE Jr KIDD, march 19 3t 12 NEW CLOTH L\G. .... Colloquiuh uf a Kcnfiu/.,, Man. Hi- bt'lii vi'd r lint tho host qualities of nil ciiuniitea were centered in Kentucky, but had a Wlrmsicnl m.irtner of fxpressin; his n .tiona! hrnnnia. Hp was firmly convinced that Hip hntileofthe Thnnie* was the most sanguin ary conflict nf the «e<', and “nolled Colonel J—n as severe colt.” Up houJB admit that Ix.ipuleon was a great genius; hut insist--d that he WHano "part of a priming” tn,—— When enttrely "at himself,” (to use his ownlnngi, ,e e ) that is to say, whet duly sober. Pen, was fiii' and rational, nnd a be.t. r tempered soul nevor shouldered a ,ifl,-. B u , | (;t hi ' nl „ 0 . " ‘ ,r "" 'on much, and there was , e„d to hi- egtravaganee. It was then ,hs. I,.< would clap ,,and4 '"Uethor, spring perpendicularly into the air with the activity of a rope dancer, and, nttci uilining a ydl which the most accom- pl shed Winnebago might bo proud to own, swear ho was the best ntan in tlie country, and and could “whip hit weight In wild catsf” and after many other extravagancies, conclude that he could "ride through a crab tipple orchardon a streak of lightning." Origin of the wont Wy.-Formerly, when die affluent lived all tbe year round nt l,le u mansions in the com.iry, the ladv of the manor distributed to her poor neighbors wi||, her own hands, once a week, or ofteuer a enw* tain quantity of bread, and she was oiled hv M w-S T>UST receivcdal (he .» t»con Clothing»tore. Scucr them the L«*fT-<l.»v t ilmt is in i!„. s .1' dl fine blue, black, brow olive, cUre. dress Go's,. Breed-,-ive,. The« .1. . ’ , ' V ,t . on ’.' 1 ’" do do do Frock Cont« ; Cod tees, Over Costs, Brwtd-givei. These two words w re in time rorruptfd; and the meaning is as little known , prir'ice w hich gave rise to it; yet it is . Biue and Fancy I’antaloons, I f'ont hoapit.iblo custom, that, to thii dav - civet, Vflrncia. Floi-nlino and Mar.. Ili-s Vests 1 dm ,.r r ' a . . V> with, fine assortment ol .uper Blue Black Browu I ia <lies of O.ea Britain aloao leive tbe Olive and Claret Broad cloths. t'n,im“rc» A," lw '"eat at thotrown table. FITCH A WORDIN'. N. B. .Shallreceive in a few day. a handsome assort- An Indian, named Barldema, is laid to have'' men! of Ladies’and Gentlemens'^ Cloak; and Coarse seen, not bang ago. [wo Unicorns at Mecca, which See. flct.30. 41 i had Stew sect to lha saltao hy the kjng of Ethio.