Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, April 16, 1831, Image 3

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    n, dcsstet to give a factitious value, and un-iona side a curved depression to tit the throat,
'“ivilba-I'ferences of Reieral benefit, calls for and, afior sundry soaping*, wlrich to my linen
'S .hi ci<i«ns of the centra and western proved so,,kings, I passed through the 22
of Georgia-the vcry pcoide. _ ,objure &,!. of ^ gjjgl
the chair wet to tho wuisE I paid him a
a " h( , ,li,| his utmost, only two or three years
>® ? Legislature, by endeavoring; to cut them
I? " w8 ter communication with the seaboard,
Xswine the public hands from their priuci-
am and thus force the trade of the coun-
,-Charleston by the way of Augusta, subject-
,t,iir products to a circuitous and expensive
.nation, in order to eniioh tho iohabitanta
J«ell the treasury of another State. Ought a
«f expedients so fitful, principles so flexible,
*r » eo slender, to be entrusted with the pros-
hose whom he has so lately done his best
V or would it be safe, to trust him with the
nditurc of their money, in a case in which he
mhincto lose? It is for them to answer. And
man, urging tho utility of confidence so
considered “a friend to Moron." in
«iir and noth? If not. Ihon the writer in the
Messenger must, to put on his article the
firible construction I do, bo a sly but unprin-
ird wag that, under the guise ol friendship.
, jir. Davis's glass-levers to the anvil to have
r strength tested by the sledge hammer?.That
nr, I leave however to be ndjusted by attorney
Vfieot: and content myself with tho reflection
ihe citizens of the ceutral and western coun-
of Georgia have now some data by which to
of the contemplated rail road between the
ha and Brunswick. UNKA.
ron tug macon telegraph.
LETTER 15. .
Meianzas, Island of Cuba ', February, 1831.
h H a Sib—Without apparently much taste,
[egard to the drama, thu Spunitirtls seem to
ter; ^ond told him, if he would call at the ‘Harp
&, Engle,’ [Macon,] he could have n much
bettor performance tor a fourth of the money
I should observe however by way of recom
mendation, tlfiit ho told mo he was from New
Orleans, and fought under General Jackson
on tho ever memorable 8th of January, 1815.
At the invitation of an American captain, a
verv excellent mini, a sru-ill paily of our coun
trymen, of whom I was one, made an excursion
last evening up the river St. Juan, four or five
mtlos. 1 lie bank of this river on the city side
is capable padding much to the beauty of tho
city; but with the of taste or enterprise in
rural adornments, it is quito filthy and devoid of
ornament. We passed the extensive house,
occupied by the Governor, and soon afterwards
to come! And, thus, thought I, is the passing
and unstable existence of our anticipated hopes!
—today in all ilio glow and active prido of life,
and ero tomorrow’s sun shall have finished bis
course, our happiest prospocl3 may bo made to
slumber in the dismal gloom of a iono and bar
ren waste! Tho ouce gay and accomplished
E R. my early friond and associate, had just
bade adieu to this transitory stage of action, and
VA.MmtZ. 3AI.ES.
On the first Tuesday in June next,
W©IU. be sold before the snurt house nt Ccnp
\Fi hellion, Campbell county, between the usual
hours ot s«!e, the following property, to wit:
Lot of Land situated in tho 14rii distrftt of
originally Fayette now Campbell county, xvheroon
John's Hicks deceased, lived at the time of his den
Stock and (’talking IVare*IiatfiTO
T HE P.uhicrVber ha* removed hi* csuhlithmevt
from No. 181-2 Maiden Lane to the spurious
Store No. JL03, Pearl-street, over .Mcwr.-. ‘lyue.
tho bnef-inarket, and slaughter-house standing — ...» . OTWIU „ v .iouii,
directly on tho bank, for tho purpose no doubt dvhon the funeral (rain passed along, that was M?* ln d j s,r ' c ^ lurmerly
• fir"tf"f.?“■>*-arssrfKfiB5sna6CJfflsss? r **”~
the iono and dismal shades of tho silent grave. Lots Nos. 3 and 4, North block, fronting the
"Where"——"the pomp of power, ... — - ° 4
All that beauty all that wealth e’er gave,
Await alike th’ inevitable hour,
The paths of gloiy lead but to the grave!”
of using the water* of tho river to carry off the
filth, which would otlioi wise accumuluto in such
a place. It is really remarkablo to seo with
wnm dexterity the Spanish butchers uso tho
knife. With ono blow given immediately be
hind the horns, (hey fell the largest ox,’ and
death immcdhtcly follows with scarcely a strug-
Our course lay up a river, whose smooth
current glided silently towards the bay, with
waiccly a rip*)e. For the first two miles, the
banks wery very low, almost level with the
»"l«r mid^overed with tho mangrove hushes.
fund of theatrical umusements, and have These are of singular growth, the limbs, after
a very handsome little theatre in this funning up a few feet, turn and grow down-
I spent an evening iliero laielj, and wat wards into the water and again take root at the
u pleas.d with the neat internal arrange- 1 bottom. O n these bushes, large quantities of
its of the house. Of the play, 1 understood [he oyster and other shell fish grow. The
ling, and so far as I was concerned, it might hushes aro cut down and the oysters thus bro’t
fllliare been in dumb show. It was tho I 10 market, attached to the brunches: they are
;of Charlotte and Wetter dramatized, and a vc , r y smalt species and not much used by A-
perforraanco evidently gave great satisfac- oiuricans.
, to the house; for any thing that will dis- As w0 Passed up tho stream, the scenery in-
tlie impenetrable gravity of a Spaniard, ***"*•“ beauty and interest. About five
interest him, and they gave frequent shouts I J ni 'J >s by *»t« and a Icaguo by land, we de-
iplausn; hut so far us I could judge the j barked at tho estate of tho Mnrquissa of P.iti-
lifuations ol humun nature und the force ran J™o. Here nr . e WlWi.ono for sawing,
lion illustrated in this play, it would be and another for grinding corn, nnd a beautiful
samo to a Spanish audience whether it I toscailit, where the water tumbles over two dis-
jjodrama, tragedy, tragi-coniedy, come- tincr beds of rocks, in all probably ten feet.—
it fuce; that of tho ludicrous is the only { ’' c c,l " c ‘‘ ut the mansion, and learnt from the
ofilin performance thoy estimate, while/servants that tho owner was not at home.. In a
•ait with much impatience the passing o- 1, , w moments however a Franciscan munk,chap-
ie graver scenes. I notice thev havo but a ' n ot ) the estate, came to ks, auil very kiudly
idea ol the display of scenery,* and none {mured to show us the mansion and grounds.—
plication. Tho'house was prepared for Tho buildings Were spacious, and attached to
changes, but they did not shift oitlier ! lle "‘‘ sl, ' rn sh1 ° is “ lar 6° cl ‘a|:el in which mass
„„.ing the play. is regularly performed. At the entrance, an
ilthough 1 witnessed tho grand celebration arc ]' is ovor ala considerable elevation,
e birth of Ihe young queen of Spain at andke,ls suspended, one quite largo and
Dd ill December, tho tardy lnyaliy of the I another of smaller size. T lie mansion is in-
people of this city had not been aroused mediately in front of the cascade,, and ono of
i auspicious an event until within ihe lvs, 'be very large windows has an immensely largo
days, when three days of rejoicing and i|. bmking-glass plate, of tho full size of the win-
naiiuntvt're ordered by the governor, and » | d< j w * la which the cuscado is beau ilully reflect-
pnmqwradebali was given on Sunday and c 'd,iind presents a very handsome landscape,
lav nieln*(tho 13ili mid I4tli) by tho Nils- O'" - k, , nd S a '^ nuw couducied us into tho
-yvnhaicnlo or Corpoiatiuu of tlie city, I fl ardun . beautifully ornmien.ed with flowers
bn Tuesday night Iblloiving by the Sock- ( : " 1,i shrubbery, roses ot every hue and fra-
iFilamomca or Philharmonic Society.— ] 2 r ; ,n , t ' e > and rich guid.m fruits. In .hu middle
d the honor of an invitation to both, but at- of ' ,10 S i,rdL • ,, IS “ r,cl1 SIollu basin supplied
pd on Monday night only. Having never wl,u f ' vater , b >’, • sccrL ‘‘ conductor Irom th. r iv-
wimessed any thing like a masquerade, I ‘; r > {''bore bailis may bo enjoyed as cool and re-
.. pleased with tho opportunity ol *eeingi fre»WiU n* in an Ewterti <»gaj«v A brantM
such a strange medley of character might ,,rcl1 01 bamboo and groves of the orange anil
by those who, from education and '"8° '\ ces > clos “ and 'mpemour to the .on.
_«t be supposed udcpis in those!- cover *J he ^"nd. In .he garden are (brae
of human nalure. There was every vari- ' rees , of ■ *P° 1 c,es af 1 ‘/P r *-. towering up in a
if character from the beggar to tho peasani: very beautiful conical form forty or fifty ieet.
Ion to the montero, negro and colonad, A«lJ 0 * ai "8 ,llesa f ounds * ,s, wel
r, soldier and sailor, marquises, knights, cultivated, vegetable garden. The water used
Quixotics', &c. on the one hand-ami fo / irrigating this, is raised by a novel species
.he giantess to the little flower girl with of machinery: «t « .opphed to • tank by the
asket of flowers, the old lady and the conductor which carries .t to the siouo
Cleveland Co. where be will k«cp constantly oa
, . ., band n much more eitcnriva nsiortwicnt tfcin former*
s the property offiBid | y . The Style, Make onii .Mnlerials of the Cloak*
issued from DeKalf; he greatly improved, nnd
will he sold ut about tho
made un exchange of the sublunary vicissiiudus .
ol lire, to occupy nplaco hi the lonmy man- Superior Coart in favnr of flaps Onburn, for tbens* s , imo low nriw* a* those of the last sco-ou Hr bo,
sionsof the dead! Ilejiad shone pre-ouunent ^yhlliin Brmnh«m v^ wld giaja, the ether laued Sio on b«nd a large anbrtmantcfJ O W PP IC ED
*" * ~ * a a.. « • •- * ** " CLOTHING, made in good style esprc.-sly for (bo
Southern and Western trade, that .will be sold nt u-
bout the UJUf! prices of (he most inferior quality—
Also an assortment of STOCKS, with many other
desirable articles. Those who will take tha trouble
to examine this stock of goods will probably satisfy
tbcimelves that they cannot select Ihe same amount
from any stock in the City tiiat will he a safer or mon
desirable purchase. For sale by F. J. CONANT,
No. 138 Fenrl-slreet, New York.
Terms—Six months for approved notes, payable at
flanks in good slanding in any part of the country—•
Fight months for Oily acceptances, orb per cent dis
count forensh. In all cases where the time is extended,
interest will-be charged nt the rale of sixjurr cent,
per annum. Any goods purchased nt this Establish,
ment that do not soil tho market for which thoy
were intended will be exchanged for others.
April 14 10 181
in tho rounds of splendor and fashionable life; from Coweta Superior Court in favour of Jamas It.
but from mishaps and casualties, that are natu- amSu**’x no
rally aliondant upon human events, tho solle N. NICHOLSON, A,riff.
aud gloomy clouds of adversity had lowered up- : UPSON SALES,
on his courso, and ho had become reduced. V.V’H-L be sold at the Court House, in the town
from affluence and condemned on penury’s J?®.. Thontaiton Upson county, on the first
SrrN?TT;"? “ “r'T? T
cold and chilling blight of poverty s unfriendly Lot pR. 201 i.T the l5th district of formerly
nand. l ho great luminary of day, with a dark Monroe, now Upson county, us the property of WiP
and gloomy aspoct, was slowly sinking beneath Ham lilackrto satisfy a fi fa from u Justices Court in
tho acatiorcd clouds of tlie western horizon, Gwinnett county.
; public square in the town of Thomaslon, as the prop-
I erty of Alexander F. Edwards, in favor of James A.
One Negro Woman by tho name of Sarah,
III silent anguish ot heart, I pictured in ima-' as tbc properly of William Waller, to satisfy sundry
gination the sterling virtues of my friend; and I 0 f “- ' ,,, , , _
sighed «iih regret that lie should thus soon be °" c Nu « 10 WottMi by tho name of Grace,
hurried to the shades below! Nor could I sup
press the starling t6ar, as I assisted in tho lest
sad and mournful rites that enshrouded him
iy 1 m .
property of Zador B. Saunders, in favor of
James Spear.
The South half of Lot No. 171, in the
district of originaUy Monroe, now Upson county, as
irom n.y view forever! And thus, I mused to tho property of Jane Ledbetter, ia favorof N. B. and
myself, is the fleeting und evanescent race of H. Weed and others.
mortuliiy! No power, save that on high, can
arrest the unconquet.iblo progress of the king
of terrois!—and, in his indiscriminate strides of
destruction, ho prostrates, wiihoui distinction,
liio greal and good, .he beautiful and young!—
Cynthia pule queen of night, had urisen far iD the
Lots Nos. 3 and 4 in the North squaro, in the
town of Thonmston, a* the property of Alexander F.
Edwards, in favorof Gerard Ourcb.
March 30. JESSE DUNCAN, Sh’ff.
Also, will be sold as above.
Loi No. f>2, in tho iGili district of formerly
Houston, now Upson county—al3o, two Negro Fcl-
liea vens, obseumd at intervals by a passing cloud , ,ows - Abb and Dick, as tho property of Henry ICen
ns I ii norl i,„_ ,.?i,.,: ; dall. Executor and Elizabeth Kendall, Executrix of
U - 5‘fonl1 ennten^iplation, „ Kendall, deceased, in favorof Eaton Bass.
■ lllfl I Ilf Hit/It t III Win Inn frieicpil If/frxe fr* nrr* — * *v ■ • _ ■. — •••«
and thought upon the vicissitudes to-which we
are subject in our sojourn o’er the meandering
and boisterous scenes of life's troubled wave!
And the last sad notes of the funeral knell
had now ceased to vibrate Upon my ear, as I
returned witluhese melancholy reflections from
performing the Ipst obsequies to tiie manes of
my early and valued friend. Tho beams of the
pule faced i;«jpu at intervals shone in briglil-
ness nrcuud, and. brought a sad reflection to
my mind—not.- could I but sigh with regret,
that the temporary pleasures of life wore so
transitory and fleeting; and that the fondly
cherished and gay companion of my youthful
years, had been so soon, in the active spring of
life, consigned to the dismal mansions of the
dead—“to lie in cold abstraction and to rot,
his active form to becomo a kneaded clod," nnd
to moulder in the lone recess of ihe gloomy
grave! It brought fresh to my mind the vari
ous scenes and rounds of pleasure in which wo
had participated, and admnnishod me, indeed,
that our best founded and most stable anticipa
tion hangs upon a wavering and slender thread,
liable to be severed by every passing wind! I
had known him in the gay hoars of life’s early
bloom, when fortune showered in profusion her
rarest gilts upon his course—and tho blandish
ments of pleasure, with her alluring smiles, lus-
treil his path with the sweetest flowers that
could be culled from tho garden of her delights! >
11 was. however, I,is misfortune that, io ihe
imprudent follies of his youthlul careor, he dis
sipated a patrimony that, perhaps in the frauds -
ol'someT'might hive been applied more econo
mically, but could not have been bestowed
with moro heart-felt genorosity— for he was
possessed in an eminent degree of a feeling heart
and n soul that' was as open as tho meridian
sun to the charities of the world, and that
melted with kindness for the woes of the hu
man family. VV.
.rich and poor, long noses and short no baths, und raised intothevegetnblegurdenby
lyes as small us a fuurpuucw t» eyes us large w ' ,a ' 13 { :ullcd ' ho scro * of Archmiedos, turn-
laocer and opera glasses to match, and in Jby a iargo iron crank.
[very thin • you can imagine: eve,, a ,?« ,his 13 » la 'E e tde-manufactory.
U n,.t wanting who could pluv Solomon wl " cl ' s0 PP ,le3 . • I * ci « M .'" a " Zil3 Hud “ d J a -
>, with any of them, und offered',, trade to c 1 0UI1,r y VT !i 1 . ,lle - L,l,,a 13 " lsa raado ,larc
or long-tailed Devils, while the ono was ". ld ra:l1 em P>°y® d '» fof'
k his dry hones fresh from the grave and " ls " n 8 > un,bt!r ' Tho u ™ ber uscd al ,ho nl,1 ‘
flier hissing his hoi hroaili direcflrom ihe 13 br0 «S h t •«» fi ; oa > . varl0U3 P«»
d regions. , The most successful masks I ,ho coast, and thi iieo up the river.
those which rnprnseiited montnros mid I About sunset, wo agnm embarked, and giv
r csand negresscs, and two represem- ">B " a partings dotation to ,hn priest, who
k American sailor and Ids mistress in slood on the benk to bid us, we were
style. Grom ere w..s ,by 011 | uur (ll '" n ,ha r,v ® r ; ° u !
|R ,,fS O.urd .,gains, any imposition, mm " 10 ilct|V< ’ 3 ' r ‘* k « ol '; ,ur ^ . A '
fi of soldiers, were stationedja the dou, morican seamen, reached tho city in less than
'an officer, befme whom every one un-l i,n , ar * , . , , • . ,
L d « hoy entered, and none were allow- lobscrvcd on the hanks of the river, many
enicr without tho c»rd of mvitiition: so ' v,,d vines and several beam.ful varieties of
this diversified medley of character was dl,w 7 3 . i,mon 8 which is ho morning glory,’
d from the men weal,by ,nd reputable which grows spontaneously Imro, though-so
of society. Tin- Spanish laws do nut al- «fnd«rlw cnl.ivmed and carefully cherished m
|nu •tnusement, unless by special license | la ? United bimes. M.
^guverumcni, which was obtained on this
Mr Editors—By a notice in yourpnperof 9lli irtst.
.assaid by the Federal Union, Judge McDonald denies
having aided in makingthe Report i efore tho legis
lature on the Macon Bank, nor did he see it until pre
sented io the Hume
Judge McDonald wasnfthe Bank committeewuicn
made that Report, and wns an active and devoted
friend to the institution. Does it comport with the
dignity of his situation to deny an act after be shall
jeave a committee room 7 «•
Lot No. 257, in tho 1st district of originally
Houston, now Upson county, ns the properly of John
Lowhcth, in favor of M‘Tyre tf Bush.
March 30. - L. G. DAWSON. D. Sh'ff.
W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday io May next,
in tiie town of Decatur, DeKnlb county, with
in the usual hours of sele, the following property, to
- John Doliing’s interest in lot of Land, where
the widow Bolling now lives in the 18th district
of originally Henry now DeKeib county, astbo prop
erty of John Bolling, in favdrof \Vm M. StC. Lati
mer. April2 ISAAC N. JOHNSON, Sh'ff.
7 ffc
6 td
District.. Dsfmdant.
0 Christopher Buinctt
7 Elijah llearn
10 Thomas Davis
3 Joel Leathers
3 [erig. Coweta] Samuel Fascbal
fi6Lt-2Jl4 [do. Carroll] IVm. Clifton
70 17 [orig Muscogee] Fiuidin Austin
,G7 15 [do. do.] Edmund Bennett
for. Lee] Wm. Grantham
do. do. j Ethel. Edwirds
1 orig. Troup] Wm. H. Magee
2 [do. do.] Wm. Chapman
6 • John M-Kindrey
183 [1-8] 8 State’s interest
SO———»- — Joseph Kiley
23 J. B. Grace
21 S. Paterson
20 W H. Brunswcll
23 B. H. Sturges
1 B. Elliot SrJ Tomlinson
1 State’s interest
13 A. S. Caldwell
32 [org. Lee] J. S. Andrews
A NEAT and comforlnhle Dwelling House (situ
ated about two miles from tow n on (lie For-
syth road) with every necessary out building, u welt
of good water, and five acres of cleared land. A tract
oftwo hundred and twenty.five acres, (attached totho
foregoing) thirty of which arc cleared, und under a
good fence, may also he purchased low on an accom
modating credit. Inquire of R. K. EVANS. *
April 14 1G 2t
Negroes, and valuable Real Estate
MWfILI. he sold, n( the court-house in Ihe town of
TT Macon, on tbc first Tuesday in May nest, tho
following Property:
Eight Negroes—4 men, 2 women and 2 girl*
250 acres of Land, on the east side of tho
river, nnd adjoining (he two-acre lots. On this tract,
there are a comfortable dwelling house and out-bou-
ses, about 125 acres cleared and under good fence, and
most of it is fresh land. This land is near to Macon,
lies well, timbered with oak, hickory, etc. and Is very
good. Three payments have been made to the State.
—two due, the first in October next, the other twelve
months tberenftcr.
200 acres of Pine Land, on the Macon Re
serve, west side of the river, being 100-acre lots, Nos
13 and 14; they are well timbered, near to Macon,
and 100 acres good second quality The snme num
ber of payments have been made as on that east tido
the river.
195 acres Pino Land, west side of the river,
Nos 41 and33, also welt timbered and near to Macon.
The same payments have been made to the state.
No. 2o8 in the 3d district, lying on Tobc-
saufky creek. 9 miles from Macon
A Four-Acre Lot, near Macon, with a com
fortable Dwelling aud other improvements.
One Half-Acre Lot in Macon, with a small
Building thereon—all the payments have been made.
Two Half-Acre Lots, improved, Nos. 3 and
4, in squaro20, neartbe Methodist church ; three pay.
ments made.
One HalAAcra Lot near tlie Court-houso,
being the Tavern Lot now occupied by Wm Bivins.
Also, Four MULES.
Tho Negroes will be sold for cash—the other prop
erty will he sold on a credit till 1st Dec. next: fnr
small notes, with approved security; and to bear in
terest from date.
Anxious to be relieved from my embarrassment?,
I have offered mjproperty for sale, nnd hope my cre
ditor will come forward and purchase property, or
receive notes in discharge of their demands.
nprtl 16 .16 ALKX’K McGKEGOR.
>■ M. FELTON & Co.
A RE receiving and opening, in addition to their
former stock, a complete assortment, consisting of
Dry Goods (Fam
Boots and Shoes
Gentlemen's black and white Hats, Leghorns, Ladies'
On the 27th ult. by Charles R. Wynn Esq Mr.
Thomas J. Stevens to Mrs. Khoda Floyd, both nf
Talbot county.—And on tho the Kev.-8, |!
K. Hodges, Dr. Robert A. Ware to Miss Margaret
C. Ellison, both of Talbot eonnty.—On the 24tb nil.
in Augusta, Mr. John II. Weaver formerly or Wilkes
county, to Miss Amanda Gould, of August*.—In Ham*
burg, 8. C on the 24th oil. Mr Joseph Pembtrton
to Mrs. Larina Lawson,—At Talbotton, on Ihe 3d in
stant, Mr. Samuel C. Letch lo Miss Eliia Dytr, both
of that place.—At Columbus, on the 6th instant, Mr.
Daniel D. Radinhour to Miss Amelia Bennett, both of
that town. , ...
In Richmond county, on the 5th instant,- Mr. Ihl
liam Smith to Miss Emma O. Eva. , • o', n
Kb I think this 11 vorVV.iuMrv rrnulu- I Tho fo,Iowin 8 communication,*being almost
fur £ r- tv „ very s.ilul ry t ’8 without poinj, and entirely destitute of moral, can
levnn,” 1 UI 0 onou 8 k oftt to judgo wh it be v j cnrct | ne itiicr as didactic nor argumentative.—
consequcucos migh aiUmu s uc h| The paucity of events it embraces excludes il from
I were not the must rigid regulations on- I ranking as narrative; and the semimeats and Ian-
M out those who aro disposed to I guage are too quaint and tame to come iindxr the
] head of prosaic poetry. Yet it is not without mer-
amusements of tho cockpit nro pursued it, As an imitation of tho smooth bat insipid and
Spaniards with an intense interest: thete unmeaning half rant half wail tharcharacterises
r h,n « however peculiar iu this, which was nme-te mhs of the modern novels. hj«>W»
fc* Man -Hr mvit I Hpcctable; and would authorize the writer to appear
o,.i„ 1 8° ?° cmn . nra .8 ° ur ® " in a genteel octavo, instead of the ephemeral co-
II “ nl y ! ,w ‘ ,h ® i’fncipal day for this, , um( » ofn newspaper . As such an imilation ,1
4 « hi. other amusements here, is Sun- „ pl ., ce inour p . ipcrt an j assuch. we believe,
■'On thu pu is bi^i filler! ««d most genor- t ho writes intends it.
fsuricd to by the inhabitants. .The cocks j
, J 3e|| at from ten to thirty puncos, I
)'o$510.) |
I 5,1 hequently heard and read of tho o-
'oih of a Spanish bather, l was induced,
r un,isiiy, to give one u call a few niorn-
"fio. There is 11 variety of grudos in hej
|S?* Uually indicated by the signs at tlie
l it' most cumnion order use tho pole,
! u® bighel grade present somo tllustratiou
operation, as an arm with a vien j
j "nd» bowl receiving the blood, &.C.; \
f Was much surprized tho other day to
tom our kind landlady, who was sufler-
er J much with n Soro throat, that the bar-
’*3, in Ins character of surgeon, to be sent
- P cr fottn tho dople>iog operation, tho
rtm 8 Physician always refuting to do it.— |
On the Death of my Friend.
“O! man. while in thy early years,
How prodigal of lime!
Mispcnding all thy precious hours;
Thy glorious youthful prime!
“Alternate follies take the swafe
Licentious passions burn;
Which teu-fold lorce give Nature’s taw,
That man was made to mourn!
“And man, whose hcavcn-erectcd faco
The smiles of love adorn;
Man's inhumanity to man.
Makes countless thousands mourn!
Such were the lines and sentiments of tho
"“ml, it is said, lhal you have only to go I poet that occurred 10 my mind, as I heard the
■eaiber’a shop, and lie down in ono of his lone nnd distant 'oiling of tho bell that w.ts
ei, y chairs, when, after the Inpso of a j sounding, in mournful cadonce, the last no,e ^ | Jh^othertwo to
'" wake up, pcrfeclly shaved. 1 of rime fortlie funeral requiem of mv departed , ^ of Ureeiabf
In Harris county, on the 28th nit. Mrs. Sarah S-
Cranberry, wife of Major George Granberry, in her
twenty-second year.—In Savannah,on the 17tb u't.
Mrs. Sarah Hannon, consort, of Captain A. Harmon:
“-InTtvipgs county, on the 25th ult. Mr. John II.
Pond, ol Lebanon, New Hampshire, aged twenty-six
years.—At Appaiachicola Bay, Florida, on the 2Utb
ult. Mr George IF. M'Coy, a native of Augusta, Ga.
aged twenty-six years.—At his residence jn IFilkes
c unity, Ga. on the 88th ult. Mr. John ll'right. a sol-
dierunderBraddockin 1755, an armed patriot daring
the whole Revolutionary war and an active end aide
partisan In repelling the murderous inroad* of the In
dians into Georgia in the earlier periodi of her history,
aged one hundred and two years.
In IFnshington. fl'ilkes county, on the 4th instant
Mrs. Elisabeth Bruckner, aged forty years— AtWatb
ington, Ga. on the 24th ult. Mrs. Sarah Hit/house,
aged seventy five ycars^
Dunstable cottage Bcnncts, Straw do. Hardware and
Cutlery, Mill saws, cross cut do. shot Guns, bell met
al Kettles, Scythes, cutting Knives, window Glass,
white lead, IPutty, Logwood, Saddles and Bridles,
Hollow ware—and are expecting dally, Liquor? of all
kinds, Sugar and Coifee, Soap, Candles, Molasses, Src.
All of which they will sell as low as can be had in
this market. Also,
Several thousand pounds Bacon.
Macon, oprii 10. 16 WM. B.CONE.
Aniced, boat Magnolia, from Darien, with * full Day &• Butts, owners; boatWm Penn, from
Darien. Blafrowncri boat Charles Carroll, from D«-
rien.with a full cargo to C Campbell owner.
Departed—boat win Penn, 3U0 bags cotton ; boat
No2, 360 bags; boat Magnolia.— ban; Griffin'a box,
with 400 lings; boatChas Carroll and box, — bags.
Intelligence, Commerce. Agriculture, Science. Sound
principles, and the perpetual Union of Ihe States
JT is not designed by the subscriber (o mnU« any
JL parade as to the principles of the GaurasviLti
ADYKRTisxn. It is sufficient lo say, tbatits political
principles will be 'wsed upon what he conceives the
true Jeffersonian creed, as understood by Drayton,
Livingston. Medimn and Ibe friends of the Inion in
the rioulb, ,he perpetuation and stability of whir.b
union will be its grand end and aim.
While the subscriber thus announces his polilica!
faith—it will be hia exertion to conduct the Press in
the spirit of that lorbearance and liberality not incon
sistent with integrity of principle and inflexibility of
The Gainesville Advertiser will be printed upon a
medium sheet. A $2 60 payable in advance, or $3 50
at the end of too year. Advertisements inserted at
tbo usual rates,
The Gainesville Advertiser will be Issued so soon
as the patronage will warrant—of which (be under
signed has flattering assurances.
Thu exertions of bislnendsare respectfully solici-
Oy The .Macon Reading Room
is now open to subscribers. »nd such strangers a* may
be introduced by them. A considerable number of
papers are furnished for it nnd many ® orc eipoctcd
in n few days; together with seven*! NiAga*
sines and papers and roost of the valuable Reviews
and Magazines of the U Ststes. apnl 10 1C
April 7, iS3i . ,
Editors of papers in fleoreit and the adioining
States willing lo reciprocate the courtesy ot an ex»
change, will please give publicity to the above. Com
munications addressed to the undersigned, must for
the present, be directed to MitledgcvHle, putt jisud.
Marc A Term, 1831.
T HE Grand Jury for the county of Fayette, hav*
ing discharged the duties pnrticul&ly assigned
them, deem it their privilege to notice a few mutters
of a more general character.
IJl. We present John Williams and William Pick
ens, as vagrants. We therefore recommend that they
bede-iit with for h with act© d ngto Xawinsuch cases
—witnesses, David Moses, Moses. John 1).
8tell, Thomas Coleman and William H. Avrcd.
2. VYe present, as a. grieveance, the situation of
Franklin College, the State’s Institution ot Learning,
which seems to bear on the 8tate, aid on us as an in
dividual county; we, therelore, beg leave to submit
the following preamble to the public eye, nnd to the
members of the Legislature to read, if they cannot
remedy: After maturely deliberating on the subject
of this inititution, w ? e believe that it has fallen far
short of the design for which It was instituted; we
deem it our privilege to say, that, if the amount of
money appropriated to the institution of the State,
wns equally distributed among the different county
Academies, that it would diffuse learning moro gener
ally throughout tbc State; and the common rank of
the people, which compose about two thirds of the
population of thrstntc, would be more generally ben*
efiied, by bringing the menus of education more di
rectly within their reach: We moreover recommend,
that the appropriation tor the tuition of a student from
each county, be thrown into tho academy funds of
each county: We also recommend that the Grand
Juries throughout the State take the above matter in
to co.isid' ration, and recommend tbc Members of the
Legislature from each county to endeavour to adopt
a remedy for the same.
3. VV have appointed n Committee of the follow
ing members, to wit. Thomas II. Gay, Berry W.
Gideon, Robert Chambers, and Wilimm Reeves, to
enquire into the clerk’s Books, w ith power to call
such assistance as we deem necessary, and report
4. Kiport.—We find a deficiency, upon on eiamin*
tion ol the Estray Book, of fifty-eight dollars, nsado
by the several Justices f&i ing to make their several
return.*, whose names arc hereunto annexed, viz;
Henry Lonsford E^. 00 00, William Richards Es^,
<110 00, Shadrak Green Esq. Slti’OO, William Wake-
field Esq. $:t0 00.
G \\ e recommend that Berry \V. Gideon, Fpbralm
Pennington, G « dnian Biffel, and Thomas K. Gay,
be appointed by his honor to inquire into the Treo5*
urer*s accounts, and re; ort to the nett Grand Jury.
6. We cnniiottske leave of bis honor Judge Strong
without expressing our approbation of his official con
duct, in the prompt, faithtul. and impartial Adminis
tration of justice during the present term. We also
return our (hanks to the Solicitor General for tho
faithful discharge of the duties of his office,
7. We request that these present meats be publish*
ed in the Macon Telegraph
Robert Westmoreland Thomas Bo Gat}
O riCE.—I hereby foredrom all peraonj from
trading for three promissory Notes, given by my-
o Lorenso O Padgttte, some time ta Jawary 1830
e of said Notes amounting to twenty ohe dott*n,
twenty five dollars oaeb—all due t
December last. As the consideration for which
1 I » 1 »* |*V ItlkMw SIIiIYvIm • Ui till"' * 1 • . . 4.1111 All IXBUUiilUUI ‘ , _ , . • • »
r l nowever find ii altogether so rnmforta- 'friend! It fell upon my oar in tnontnlul atrains, Mid 00 t#.w«re givao bax failed, I am determined not
Ihe applied 1o , ny c hio the basin, made in and such a sadness of feeling to my heart, that ^ pay tbai^^corned HrU*-
pa Of Don Qnixotit’s helmet, with on, will bo remembered with food regret fur yoa^ Fuytitt co.<spnli. « « Jfoa ^ rvr*
A Very fine Puppy, which the owner can havo by
describing an Jpaying for this Advertisement'
annlv at the Store of Solomon Humphries.
Jesse Hustler
James I’utcjun.
Samuel Robertson
Asa Hulsey
Jordan Gonrison
William I Vard
Abner Chumpoin
William Stubbs
Robert Chambers
John Linvitle
East Marten, April It, 1S31,
Broke Knoxville Jail,
C RAWFORD co. Gs. on the night of the 9lb inst.
a Negro Fellow, who sails himself Bob, is about
twenty-five years old, and say, be belongs to D,vid
Sears of Green county. Whoever will deliver him
to the undersigned, at Knoxvllla, srill receive a rea
sonable reward. WM. B. PILES, jailor.
Apnl .14 iO
Moses Padgett
William Reevts
Berry IF. Gideon
James Head
Allen Rctrcs
Samuel H. Ellison
Jesse Lassrter
James HP Leroy
Ephraim Pennington
Larkin Landrum.
Upon the request of the Grand Jury, on motion of
Ihe Holir.itur General Richer I L. Simms, Ordered,
That their presentments be pablisbe-J in th* Macoa
Ordered, also, That P. W. Gideon, Ephraim Penn
ington, Goldman Biffel and Thomas B Gay, be ap
pointed a Committee to examine into the Treaxnrari,
accounts, and report to the nest Grand Jury there*
suit of Ihiehr examine!h -n.
A true extract from the Minute,.
March 84th, 1831. JOHN D. STELL. Clerk. ■