Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, April 30, 1831, Image 4

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— ir 8 JOHN H. >VrCK, nst rebelled at .he store totTOVrlyOCCUp by Jatiitt .1. Jt/an/on,Mulberry Greet. -i t 1 - 1 il uiiortmcnt ol GOODS zuilodto the season, an which *rr JjjlY GOODS GROCERIES HATS, SHOWS HARDWARE Ruid,, mait CLOTHING, CUTLERY haddlery, castings. Spying and Summer Clothing, j^imbeuly Iron, German aud ecct Steel, Bin ksinUin Tools. Ac. 42 firth. •& hall, f-f New York, MANUFACTlTIERS OF PIANO FORTES,., M AVi: appointed Lilia, Sl.otvvell ft Co. thei , Agents, Wild will receive order*fnr.nnd furnis j piano’* e.t New York prices, (adding the expense oflranspniluhoii.) F. If II, through their agents will | furnish’i nr low os by personal application,{ end warrant the workmanship to Imj of thr. best,su.d| the Tiano to p-riorm well at least one year at their own risk—hclmv Is a list ol prices, square cornered 5 1-2 odtate l'ieuo $165 do do 0 do do or liorizoutal round corners 5 1-2 octave do 6 octave do'do do Melalie Plats $225 square and horizontal round cornered octave, Hose Wood no plate tl ; . §225 do melello plate, blocks and drawers,0 octave Mahogany $‘275 do do do Rose Wood 8SIKI Upright Mahogany silk Front, C1-3 octavo $325 do do G octavo $360 do Rose Wood do 5 1-3 §35(1 do do do do G octare £2175 LI.I,IS, SHOTWF.LL Sf Co. Agents. Mncnn, Nov', 37th, > 48 VJlXYXsUNZf:. U. SUB.2SBAlsJSi VTJ>A3 just commenced receiving I JJOl Spnug and'Summer OLOTHiN . wiil sell on tlio most libers) terms. Among tbe art! ales already received Ore the following, ’ * '■ Super Black Bombazine Costs ditto Merino Cloth. . ditto ditto Lasting ditto Ho wen Cas.merc ditto - I ditto Frock ditto f Black Bombazine Pantaloon* i I ncttsig ditto i liiown French English and Irish do White do do do do Changeable silk Vests, a splendid article Figured London Marseilles do While do do buffand white Valentin do &c dec &c March 12, 183L ICJSUAAWCn, T HE Moron Insurance Company have commenced business, and will insure cotton shipped on jlT/ I good boats or boxes. Also, tbe lives of Negroes cm- ■o!*, ployed in the boating business. Apply to lan 29 5 TV. MELROSE, < & CHISHOLM have just re- ceivcdpr. boate Two Brothers and Velocity IAIiZs 800 kega white Lead, lu bids, linseed Oil, 10 bbl* bis stock ol p jm n do. 5 bbls Putty, 8 bbls. Varnish. SO boxes JOii wWch W , )V , 0 win j ow quis, 50 boxes 10 by 12 do. bbls. S. Turpentine 100 kegs Nails £0 do. cut Spikes 25 ton* Iron, 800 lb. cast Steel S'OOO lb German do. 100 do. Hlistfid do 10,000 Castings, 150 nr. beat wrought Trace- 50 don. weeding lloea 200 seta wagon lioxca 50 bbls. Portland ltum 50 do. Northern Gin 50 do. Rye Whiskey 200 boxes Table Salt 20 kegs Rogers’ F. Powder 100 hags patent Shot 25 hags Ruckdo. 200 lbs. Lead, 5 bbls. Copcras 10 ilhds. Sugar. 10 do. Molassc9 50 bags Coffee, 5 do. Pepper 5 do. Pimento, 100 boxes Cigars 00 coils Tar'd and Hemp Ropo SPRING GOODS. ’ AQ THOMAS T YYLOR fUST received—an assortment of SPRING I ^ 1 *) GOODS, ofalmost every description ■larch# 1851. 10 A. Y HUT WELL. SUGAR, COFFFF, &c. ,m 11D3. ol Prime N. O. Sugar tgft 3 do. Molaates 13 bis. green Coffee ,^swr , r*”i£/»s&*M. MACON COFFEE HOUSE, NEAR I HE TOWN HALL At the sign of the Harp Jingle, on STONE <5* COll'S tower. J OHN SMITH proprietor of (his es.abfishment take; tiie usual made of informing bis potions and the public, that he has completed his arrange tncnti for tlier accommodation which cumpnze.* nn entire suit of rooms, (including elegant separate apartments for select parties wills fire places &c.) He lias erected a cook bouse on an improved plan, which will bo always supplied with the most sav oury eatables that can he procured here or else where. including hot Steaks, Clipps. stewed, fried mid plain Oysters, longues. Venison, Cutlets, boiled Fowls Eggs,'roused Sainton, Shrimp*, with good coffee &c.. Ilia Confectionary and Bar ure well stocked with choice Wines, Holland Gin, Jam. and .Santa Cruz I’um, French nudold Peach llraody, genuine Cordials, Fruits, Cheese, Con serves, &c. Ail of which tie submits to the judg ment of Iq, friend*, to tvhom he roturns sincere thanks for their liberal patronage. , icerctary. 100 pieces Cotton Bagging 12 boxes Whittimore’a cotton Cards EL MRSOI4S. 10 Kegs Tobacco ! Scythe Blades, cutting Knives, Rasp Hooks, sfccl „„„ „„„ AITr . ITS j T * torn Mills. Hinges.Chalk. Whiting,Logwood, In- 137 BROAD ST. AUGUSTA, digo, Salt Petre, mill, cross cut, and whip haws, ^^teASuSSVrtSSiirSSr 1 Hp«o» and Glauber ’ Sal1 ' 1 ’ 1>a,em Medicines, “'’fef Chn% Uoktag UlLicf Hoop Iron, band do. Nail Rod sheet Iron and ' Venetian Blinds * sheet Copper. In addition to the above wo have Piano Fortes, Mattresses on hand an extensive assortment of Dry Goods, An extensive supply of Carpeting and Hard Ware. Hats. Shoes. Saddlery and Earthen Hearth Rugs. _ Ware—which will be sold low for cash, or Cotton, ogelber with many other articles usually kept in n planters and country Merchants will please call CABINET WARE-IIOUSE. •ndewwW, Being connected with an esteblubmenttaJJw Macon, Jan. 13. m^m^i^on'Bnd'i'oadvauce'rcqufreduntilthc’articies? M FELTON & Co. •a® delivered here, anti approved by Uie purchaecr. m RF* receiving and opening, in addition to their Augusta, May, 1830. former stock, a complete assortment, coivMdb of 1 GOO PS. COTTON BAGGiNGf Hoots and Shoes Oil Consignment. 1 Gentlemen’s black and white Hat,, Leghorns, Ladies) NEWG0OD3. J UST received a general assortment of DRY GOODS, mid lur sale nt reduced prices, by April 8. 15 WM.H. BURD8ALL. “Book store. SZtMS, BHOVWtnisU OL CO. A AVEjust opened several packages ol A’ew Book jUL including many of Iho latest publiontions—a mong them arc Paul Clifford } Fam'ry Library 8 vols. Pelham I Quurto Ortavo and school The Disowned > Pelham Webster’s Dictionary Falkland I Novels. The Wept of Wish-ton Devercux J Wish The English at homo The Spy JYTAS removed Irom his old stund to the new ran , •J ft in Cotton Avenue a ftiv doors West 0 f W asbiugton Hall; end nearly' opposito J. T. nJ? mid’s cotton scales, where he offers ut IiiiotaJ. md Retail on very reasonable terns, a very tin.,!, sssortment of, * ' “ SEASONABLE DRY GOOD8 k Gr&ucma'&B' HARDWARE, BALK ROPE, CROCKERY, TWINE. SADDLERY, . HAWSERS, RAGGING. FEATHERS, BOOTS and SHOES. BLACKSMITHS TOOLS, CASTINGS Iron German nnd cast Steel, cotton and Woe! Lards, Carolina Hous, Plough Moulds, Shovels tnr. i.'hains.Steelynrds,Spanish Cigars,Paper,Uuili', iVc. Also. Ladies Dunstable, Bolivar, Leghorn and open straw Bonnet*. Gants, taper crownR. t ver lints, (latest fashions.) H. rohasers are rcsw c n fully invited to call nnd examine lor themselves 1 3 Macon, Oct 30. 1830 44 rw lire n hM mid. so nrrnneemenl Dunstable cottage Bonnots, Strawdo.Hardwaroaad Arabian Knight’s 1 vol. Pulpit Assistant m|IE nmlerslgncd lias mado an anting t Cu ,| ery , MUI saws, cross cut do. shot Guns. IrrlImet- complete new edition, 12 Roman literature A with an extensive manufactimn* interest lor a n | Kettles, Scythes, catting Knives, window Glass, regular and extensive supply of CO IR ON ISftt>-. w i,j te | ca j < patty. Logwood, Saddles and Bridles, GING, and ha* notv on the way to this pluco tlio Hollow ware—and arc expecting daily, Liyuora of all ahovo mentioned quantity, whicli will he sold low, kinds, Sugar and Coffee, Soap, Candles, Molasses, ifc. The Denounced The Oxonians Cloudcsley " Clarence Knickerbocker Sketch book Brace Bridge Hall Souvenir & Token for 1831 ' Sbakespcar Diamond esr dilion (iilt Methodist Hymns') red Village do I bind- ZionSungstcr ring & Common Prayer J gilt. Bucks Theological Dic tionary Vicar of WukeCeld Young's Night thoughts, Sunday evening lectures i'outhcrman Scripture natural History Musicitnon Napoleon Pearl Paradise Lost 12 super One Gaits Byron |dates Fox’s book of Martyrs gilt Young cadet Plates Talcs of a grund-fatner 3 Goldsmith's Natural His series - tory, plates Scott’s poetical Works 7 Lawyer ‘ vols. gilt Death bed scenes P received from'NewYork, a largeassortmcut and on long lime, for approved paper. March 20. 13-tf J. T. ROWLAND. CALF SKINS. gp, DOZEN northern tanned CALF SKINS MJ? 0 ditto white and yellow Liuing SKINS Received nnd for sale by .i. march 13. llUNGERFORDS £,■ .STODDARD. ■p of the following urliclcs to wit. cog. Brandy Ketchup Holland Gin Eng. If French pickles Jamaica Rum tup. ipanish cigars at. Croix Sugar Gorman Toys, raisins, chsuipaigiiR Brandy prunes, almonds, Filberts . Lest madcira Wiuo mad. nuts brazil do I, P.Teheriffdo currants, table salt «.hampaigue & muscatel West India preserves port and claret do pineapples, lemons, limes imrtcraudAio nectarine, quince, Arc. Cordials ' ‘ Jclteys, guava, currants, peppermint, temperance, quince and nthor jellies perfect love, llfu ol man, cranberry!, fresh lemons tote, cherry, uuuccd, no- mustard, ground cinnamon y eau.uhmujuin and clove cloves, ulTspico,’deck and Stoughton's Bilims ' cayenne tapper F.ail India flraehers ' snuff mid cut Tobacco Fire woil.s uf different best Chewing do Linds. Roman Caudles Luff’s Crackers preserved ginger Match lights,.Tancrs, Ac. dec 3 40 LEVI ECKLEY. MILITARY NOTICE. THE Monroo Musketeers will ren dezvous at Brownsville in Monroe clou* i ty on Iho first Wednesday in .May ue-t, * and there form an encampment, and place themselves 'under inartiul law ’(heir time will be divided between military exercises and the sports ol bunting and fishing, and the encamp ment will be made a accne, both ol amusement, mid of improvement in military discipline. April 2.2, 1821. 17 United States' Bank aroxBS For sale by C» COLLINS May 229,1830. 2 Auction and Com issim* BUSINESS. T HE subscribers have associated themselves under the fiim of BOND & VAN WAGE- NEN, for the purpose of transacting the A fiction and Commission Business; and respectfully soli cit tho patronage of their friends and the public. Their room isob Mulberry Street, next I. B. Row land’s. 3. VAN WAGENEN Feb. 0 0 tf THOMAS P. BOND. HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY Xcw York. ’j’FNSURANCEon Cotton licnco to sea po(ts, per il good boats or boses, will bo effected at u very low rate. CHARLES DAY, Agent dec. 18 51 NEW BOOKS B BEULE’S practice of Medicine Gross on tbe Bones Toale’# Neuralgia Ruticr’s Formulary Martinets Therapeutics Dentists’ Manual Gaits Uyrnn ' Soulhennan ) Novels, Ac. Ac. • ’ Tho Mussclmnn ( ‘ ^ Just received by ELLIS, SHOT.WELL A Co. All of which they will sell as low as can be had in this market. Also, Sevei-al thousand pounds Bacon. . , MICAJAH FELTON. Macon, april 1C. 1G WM. B. CONE*. PRE3B DARBBN 3HHDS. I N LL1S. SHOTVVLU. &. CO. have juslreceiv- jl cd and-tor sale, a fresh supply of Uurdcn Seeds: While Onion, Red Onion. Blood Beet. Early Turnip Boat, Orange carrot, Bloou carrot, Guernsey Tump, Long white Parsnip Long cucumber, Dutch summer squash, crookncck summe erookncck winter Ico head lottuce, Ice coss lettuce, cabbage bend lettuce. Leek T ctlure. salmon lladtiiUy scarlet do scarlet Turnip Rnddish, Drum lir.nd cabbage, iftvoy cabbage, curly york cabbage, v FlniTuruip. Rutabaga Turnip, Turnip, #Hge. iquash lVpper. nov. ^4 AH Double Peppergraas Bnlsnty, Tomatoes, solid celery, cummer savoy, curled Parsley, Asparagus round cpinhag* Dueli-h ij’orrt I, Nubluibiou early sugar corn, early spring flat Turnip, Garden errsse?, piasli.long white Okra, piash, enefy Juno Peat, early golden lloUpur do. white Marrowfat do. green dwail marrowfat do atrawberry dwarf do. early china Dwarf Means, Lima pole do. cranberry pole do superior wnite pole Dean, lltw Zealand spinnnge, " green glased cabbage, bugar loaf do. cauliflower, Orange Turnip Bccti Endive, Early charlton Peas. E. U. PAl'EKSON &CO. DBAPERS AND TAILORS. •3 N the West end of McDonald’s building, arc now A receiving a ucw nnd Fashionable assortment of SOODS. warranted to be ns cheap according to the i|ii;ility as liny i.ll.r. ctHhli-hmenl . an produce, cou- uding of Black. Blue, Brown and the most fushlonn- hlo coloured Cloth:, some of which nro of-a very su- |)eriorqbMityv*-.attha*rai,nl>o, nn elc^nnt ussortmen- irf Silk, Valcntia and Marsniles Vestings, Stocks, lira vats, cravat Stifners, Handkerchiefs. uosicry,Glove- . .'arments of every description inado to measure is the first style ol fusldon and elcgunce, and completed according to order at tho shortest ttolico. READY .MADE CLOTHING. Fine Blue and Black Dress Coats nod Frocks, fan cy Satinctt Ccattecs, Black Velvet Vests, White and spatted Meraniles do. Buff' do. Vclcnlin, Plain Silk common do. Toilineit do. Cloth do. Blue, Black, Brown Drab Mixland Saltinett Pantaloons, fine goats liuir cambtet and plaid Cloak,, ladies Cloaks Sua- 1*011 del-.. Drawers, also, 1 ran of fine black lulls E. II P. -V co. moat respectfully solicit a contin uance of the public favor, which they will endeavor to merit by tho best attention. Macon, ocf. 89. 44 PUBLIC SALK or Negroes, and valuable Real Estate IN TUE NEICIIBOMIOOD SMI TOWN OF UXCON. ■.ttflLi. be sold, at the conrt-houso in the town of IT Macon, on the Brsl Tuesday in Alay next, tho following Property; Eight Ntfgtues—4 men, 2 women and 2 girls. 230 acres ol ■ Land, nil the east side of the river, and adjoining the two-acre lota. On this tract, there are a comfortable dwelling house nnd out-hou ses, about 125 acres cleared nnd under good fence, nnd most of it Is fresh land. This land is near to Macon, lies well, timbered with oak,hickory, etc. nnd is very good. Three payments have been made to the State, —two due, the first in October next, tbe other twelve months tberenlter. 200 crcs of Pine Land, on the-Macon Re serve, west side of tho river, being 100-acre lots, Nos 13 and 14; they are well timbered, near to Macon, nud 101) acres good second quality The same num ber of payments have been made as on that east side the river. 195 acres Pine, west side of the river, Nos 41 nnd33, also well timbered and near to Macon, The same payments have been made to tbe stHte. • No, 238 in .lie 3d district, lying ou Tobe- saufky creek. 0 miles from Alacon A Lot, nc-n Macon, with n com fortable Dwelling and other Improvements. One ll..lf-Acre Lot in Nlacon, with a small Building thereon—all the payments have becqjnade. Two Half-Acre Lots, improved. Nos. 3 and 4, in sqnare20,nearthB Methodist church; three pay, ments made. One Half-Acre Lot near tho Conrt-houso. being tho Tavern Lot now occupied by Wm Bivins. Also, Four MULES. The Negroes will be sold for cash—the other prop erty will he sold ton * credit till 1st Dee. next! for .mall notes, with approved security; audto hear in terest from date. Anxious to ho relieved from my embarrassments, for talc, and hopo my ere T^OTICE.—I hereby forewarn all persons from 1^1 trading for three promissory Notes, given hy my celt to Lorenz<> O Padgette, some time injfanuary 18ltn —one of said H >te» amounting to twenty one dollars, the other two ... twenty five dollars -ach—all due the 35th of December lest. As the consideration (or which said .totes were given has tailed, I am determined not to pay them unless c.impelled hy law. Fayette co. sprit 5 ®‘”* , '-' 0 = _ , SUGAR. &C. 20 lihda prime New Orleans auger 15 ,bis loaf ,Sugar 5 lihds Molasses - frdrhJoiit GO his Baltimore Whiskey 20 do Portland Ruin 20 do Apple Brandy. For salo by Feb 12 7 , • DAY & BUTTS. A[An LBS. live Geese Feathers •AW 10 boxes northern Tallow Candles 1 cask superior Lamp Oil 7 casks Goshon Cheese Received and for sole by Jan 15. 3 Ihingtrforth <fr Stoddard. 3t 18 JESSE POPE. UY’XA WAYS. YrYUpAWAY from tho subscriber living near _I-V Darien McIntosh countv Georgia, (wo Ne gro men named GEORGE it QUIUUS, Georg, is about five feet five inches Ipglt smooth face of a yellowish black, large high forehead, limps a little as though one leg was shorter than the other in consequence of having had it injured by a fall, it t- thought one. ol lit* upper front teeth out and is about thirty eight years of age, he formerly be longed to Mr. George Atkinson of Darien and ac customed to going on the Boats from Darien to Millodgerilie and Maron, Quibus is a darker black then George, and j, shout five feet five inch es atuttmji little io common, but if suddenly »- I have offered my property ditois will come forward and purchase property, or receive notes in discharge of their demands, april 16 16 ALF.X’H McGREGOR. 4 UIE subscriber having completed the enlarge- ment of one of his Stores—will have (be other done in tiiesmho way, by the first day of June nest, and will l-t-asu eilU-r of them from one to three years —to give possession at or before that time. Tho peculiarly advantageous situation of ei(her store, is such, if ever equalled, can never he surpassed hy tiny in the place lleim; itliout to leave lot- tho North, the Dwelling over the stores can be rented, and im mediate possession given If required. March 27. 14 A. SIIOTWELL. NOTICE. T HE subscriber has this day connected bitnxelf in business wilb Joszru S. Sjiitji. The busi ness will hereafter he conducted under the firm of A. Slsoltcell tf J. S. Smith. ALEXANDER SHOTIVELL. Macon, 29th March. 1831. N. B. They will sell at very low price* principally for Cash. 14 JACKSON ACADhMY, Jackson, Butts County, Ga. THIS Institution will be open for the reception of stu dents on Monday 11th inst.— 1 he Trustees are happy to in- -irm the public that they have rocuied as Rector Mr. II. iraham, A. M. a graduate of . -Ha-gow University in Scot- ■nl-aiid, who brings the highest ■ *- pr testimonials of character und enpahility. Under the instruction of this gentleman, Students will bo prepared to enter auy College which parents or Guardians may select. The Trustees liatterthems-lvcs that the well known ItcaUhfulness of this village, the moral and religious character of Us citizens, nnd the eminent qualifica tion* of the head of tlio Institution will ensure it a very generous patronage. TERMS OF TUITION. 1 Class. Latin, ) Greek, > SfSGpcrannum. Elements of Euclid, ) 2 Class. English Grammar, Ulitoty, CHEESE. 1 O ^ tioshm Cheese, received in good JLvr order, and for sale by HUNGERKORDS St STODDARD. MACKEREL % i k Kegs choice Mackerel, for family use, ft. VF *LF oo consignment For sale by Fab 12 7 DAY If BUTTS. FKESH FRUITS. I Eli ONS Almonds, Raisins, Fig,, Ste, fa. IJ received and for sale by 13 ELLIS. SHOTWELL St CO. L AMP OIL, of good qudity. just received tv Jan. 8. ELLIS. SHOTWELL&Co^ plates su[ierextra BeltremisT voyages Imn Rasselos don edition Wreath American History plates Unique 12 platcsfanoy Says’ political Economy Beauties of the Waverly fine Novels Thn|ppsoiTs seasons extra Josephus gilt & while Plutarch’s Lives 4 Vol. fine Unnuab Moore’, Works Palcy’i Evidence* new addition Family Bibles calf extra 20 Rollins ancient History plates with maps St plates Music ol church new life of Bolivar new & fineU. Slates 12mo, gill Kirke White’s Works 1 Alontagercs uii tlm rise a id vol extra lull of Republics Eulogies of Adams & Jcf-Brown’s Philosophy ferson Harmony ol the Gospel Jlayo’s Alythology plates American biographical Cabinet of Arts sketches Ladies Lexicon Moore's ilyrim 1st vol. Geullemens’ do Nicholsnu’s operative Me Popes poetical Work, 1 climitc i vol new edition elegant Smith’s Grammar New Kuglaad Memorial do Arithmetic Gibbon's Romo 4 vol,. el-3equel to popular lesson egant Lady ot tho .traitor, 8 vol* Bunyan’s Works Family U> nins Smilb's sermons . Tales ol u Grnnd-Fulher Lord Byron’s Works fine' 1st ffd If 3d series Campbell’s & Owen’s Memoirs ol Napoleon 1 debate on Christianity Pocket Bibins uud Train- Lucas’s Progression munis, diamond edg. rod St Drawing Book, a splendid gilt Wp k Richard’s Physiology Memoirs of Mrs. Judson Memoirs ot (Jrquuliart Nugent’s French Diction- Uuotatibnstrom Poets' ary Campbell's Poeuis Liiigard's England lOvols.N’etv Music 2. GRAV33 & SOSff (At Chapman's Comer) H AVE just received, and offer for sale, at red;;, j price* (in bis Whiskey. 40 bis Portland Rum 40 bis American Gin, 10 hogsheads Sugar 10 quarter cask* superior Wine, 5 casks lb 60 bis Irish Potatoes, 10 lilids Molasses 15 cask* Cheese, 30 hags Coffee. 10 tons Iron Alum Salt. Mackerel, Salmon, Cod Fish - 20 boxes Georgia Candles, Logwood (ground) I • Copperas, Alum. Indigo, Brimstone, Chalk Pepper. Allt|iice, Tea, Casting,, tfc. ALSO, FOR SALE* OIS COMMISIIOK, ! 100 cast iron Plough* different sizes, nnd 80 boxes superior cast-steel ground Axes march 19 13 WAREHOUSE, AND Commission Business. npHP. UNDERSIGNED has in addition to J 3 former Warehouse on Cherry street, oneiil complete order on the east side of the llivtr. ukn,l those of his friends and customers from that side ail have the same attention paid to their goods asiientj fore, find be saved the troubleff(eh<nt th.- . . B S. GRIFFIN. Macon. October JO lb 1829. 42 gilt Lpectator gilt extra SifeofFranklin gilt Hungarian Brothers Montague’s Letters Puley'f Theology Splendid Alliums supi r letter paper do do do Orange do du do Rose do do dq sky liluo Opaque .mills Walker’s pocket Dictiuna-ltussiai. do ry gill Rogers St son’3 Pen Godman's Natural History knives 3 vnts. 45 plates . Blank Books great variety Gillies’ Greece 1 vol com plete Together with a great variety of other P.ooks, coil siatiugoi Religious. Medical, Imw, School, Mhcella ncous and Blank Books. The nublie arc iu< ited to call and examine their Books. Orders for books not on hand, will beseoMo tlio Norib, and executed with- out delay. P. 8. Book Store, on Third streetiu the rtnr, adium -—** - E. 3. A: Co. ing our Drag and Hardware store, ilacoti, nov. 35. 48 $25 per annum. Geography, Elocution, 3 Class. Arithmetic, >Vriling, Rending. Orthography, N. B No Student will be admitted for a less term 912 per ennum. Lmned stotten veiy much and is about thirty seven i than one quarter, to be charged from the begining of years of age,they had a pass to spend the Christ nos holy days, sad nu doubt they have gone up the river to Miiledgsville or Macon an will go to •roils ou the wharf and among tbe Boats. Ten dollars reward will be paid for each of them if takeu in this county and Twenty dollars for each of them if takea-em of the county-*nd all other reaaona file chargee will be paid oo their delivery to me or io any jail, and information given to me so that 1 can get them. .'OHM N. MeINTOSH. Jan. 27 t*V. 1 the quarter in which he enter. JAMES H. STARK, Secretary. Jackson, Butts county, April 0,1831. 15-61 Broke Knoxville Jail, C RAWFORD eo. Ga. on the night of the Olhtnst. aNegro Fellow, who calls himself Bob. is about twenty-five years old, end says he belongs to David Seors of Green county. Whoever w ill deliver him to the undersigned, at Knoxville, will receive a rea sonable reward WM. B. FILES, jailor. PKOPOS LS FOR rpnusnixo AT OALXESVILiz, HALL COU.XTZ, OA. A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, TO ut. t-.Tin.zn THE GAINESVIL L . ADVERTISER. - devoted to Intelligence, Commerce. Agriculture, Science. Sound principles, and the perpetual Union of the Slates. YT is not designed by the subscriber to make any JL parade as to the principles of the Gaihesvillz Advertised. Ills sufficient to say. that its political principle* will ho based upon wlmt he conceives the true Jeffersonian creed, as understood hy Drayton, Livingston/ Madison and the .friends of the ' nionin tho South, the perpetuation and stability of which union will he its grand end and aim. While the subscriber thus announces his political faith—it will he his eicrlion to cooduct the Press in the spirit of that forbearance and liberality not incon sistent with integrity of principle and inflexibility of purpose. • ' • , CONDITIONS The Gkinesvillc Advertiser will be printed upon.. medium sheet, m $250 payable in advance, or $350 at the end of the year. Advertisements inserted at the usual nuc*. The Gainesville Advertiser will be issued so soon as the patronage will warrant—of which the under signed lias flattering assurance!. The exertions of his triends are respectfully solici ted. NATHAN1AL B. JUHAN. April 7,1S31 15 V Ej* Editor* of papers In Georgis and tbe adjoining States willing to reciprocate the n.urtesy ol an ex change. will please give publicity to the above. Com munications addressed to the undersigned, must for the present, be directed to MUledgevilie, pod paid. N. B. J. Cheap Store. OTXXi2iL£Luu. Os SU«o2)alA£T, | ] n>A3 taken u atorc in Mulberry street, a tew doors jjl nctow Washington Halt uud opposite Messn. is,.y oc Butts, wberu bo ii now receiving nnd 0|>eniiig a General Assortment of Dry Goods. Clothing, Hat. Shoes, Stc. which ha will sell at wholesale nud retail, at the lowest prices, and invite* purchaseis to mill and examine tor themselves. Among tl.6 articles tv. cctvcd are Iho following : Extra fine saxony Blk sincliews, do samel Blue, bik and col’d cloths du Florence do do cassimercs do Gres dc Berlin Dark blue satinett do .Geos do Naples Blue mixt do colored Florences 8 tec I mixt do Blaek Italian crapes Cadet do do colured do do, cauton d- Lavender do do Nankiu du, linen cambric* Brown do do Genoa silk Velvet Negro cloths Blavkund colored cambric Red Flannels, white do Osiiabui-gs. Forlerslieetiiig White saxony Gauze do Red pi.udmg, cuiivaas Green do, yellow do Brown liarur-iti, btk do Canton do Whited -. lid. Green bordering Baize cdloieddo, -do Flour clotu Mosquito Netting, scurls Duffle Blankets, Foiot du Thread luce, Bobiuel du Rose do . c.itlun du. 1‘. 11. rin.-s .4-4 brown sheeting, U-4 do Gauze Gerniture Kinbun- 7-8 do, 3-1 do shirtings Grot dc Naples du. do 9-8 Negro do, 4-4 do du Belt do, cap do Bleach’d Muslins Black and colord plain do Domestic FJaidsandstripes silk Umbrellas, Parusuls 3- 4 Apron check, 4-4 do cotton Umbrellas 4- 4 Furniture do, Uedltclu Blk and col’d tabby Velvet Bleach’d cotton Diaper* ,M. e hi„u-,, i. hi, .... Brown do, bleach'd Jeans cotton, silk & Worsted Itu Brown dof Fustians Innibs wool do [•ier. Liuseys, Birdseye Diaper India flag Udkfs Russia do; Table do Uandanu do. spiltleffclddo deotej/do, linen sheetings White Jaconet do Russia do, Irish linens Itncu cumbric do Long lawn, Brown liuens White jaconet cravats Cambric Muslins do swiss do. Fancy col do corded do, check’d do Wellington do Plain & figd jaconet do Black Italian do, col do do do do buok do Black canton do do do swissdo Madruss Ukfs, Turk red do do do mull do Britannia do Nansook do, Painted do Buttons ot all descriptions Foundation do, Calicoes' Bonnet wire, slocks Ginghams, Vestings collars, Bosoms Bishop lawns cravat stiffener* Merino cloths Pocketbooks, Wallets do Circassians . - cotton balls, spout cotton Indign bluecamhiet do Floss, Wire cotton Tartan Plaids Patent Thread, Tapes Bik and col’d Bomhazetts Bobbins, l eerets do do circas.iiras Quality Binding Printed do, Merino shawls s.iipe.iders, Hat Weeds Valentis do, cashmere do shell combs, lirnzillian do Prussia., do, cassimere do Fine do,pocket do chintz do, leghorn Hat, Drea.-i.ig do Fancy silk Hdkfs Clotkesurudier, Hair do Black lace Veils whits du Tooth do,Shoving do Green Gauze do Fanqy soap*. wilier Blaek Italian lustring qologn water Men’sand Youths Clothing ol all descriptions, made la the best manner Men’s and Youths Fur Hals of all qualiiie-t Blk and drab wool do—Fur Caps, (fair do, leatl.r do Mens, Womens ted childrens Shoes, 3tc &c filtbOo, Oc: a 40 y THE subscriber has igst. turned from Nev Yo.k aii J how ojicning a splendid s !s ,l we.iL.f4 goods in bis line, cool prising o greater variety ttasr l ••!■ I.elore offered in IblimsdAl uioiigst which are the full ' 1 .irtidcs viz. VVATCIlEB. l.ockcts. Ladies Gold patent lever MedSlioiii, Ac. Stc. Watches, SILVER WARE Gent., do do do (oxtra Table St Ten Spoors, Jow'il Salt & Mustard da “ Silver do do do Cream Desert do “ Lepinc A' Ensh do Soon yt Butter Uille., J EVV ELLERY. Butler Knives. Sopirtei* (JInnuloctured of Georgia PI-ATEl) GO.Uiffl I Gold.) Fruit Baskets, Caster, ■ Lndic* neck Chain* foie- Candlestick:, S.mfii.s,! gi.nt palter..s) Trays, ” AV.ittill do Table A Tea Spoons, Filigree* Jett Ear-rings St Sugar Tongs & Suuj. f Bread-pins, flies. Pe-M-I *. Jett Fin»er-ring«, BRITANNIA WARE. I Curb Sr. Lnng-I.nk watel. Coff-e *. Tea Poll, I Chains, Sugar vY Cream DWw, | Seals, Keys, watch honka.Talde vV. Tea Spoons, Snaps, Soup Ladies *c. &c. Studs, .Miniature settings, Fimcj and Military Goods'. Teo Trays. * Dread Baskets, Steel Suulfi.nt Trays, silver, tnoj.utad Spectacles, sled do, pointed Pencils, tllv.-r \\ Itisties, Dirts, I’btv superior nrtiefe) coral Her..Is Wux do, reulai Spanish do, Itaiv^-. -Tlii.qhles, Uracrlet'. Its l.uckles, Porcnisiun F.’ps, Toy Watches, 1>» gammon Boards; Gun*, svv. ..Is, EpaalctH, F I spurs, Gilt sleet Watel. Chains, Sejlra Keys. Ribho.i'Clmlns.tOgcthcr.with a general t* ment of vvutcli maker* Tools, Materials, tilaatsl die. all ol'wl.lchwilthe sold nl the Joiert'cSih(**i N. 01 Clocks'<Nf every description ea-efullt t| paired and warranto.I RUFUS K d.MITil I Maco-i. Octube.r IC. lstlT. \i 1 Just Received. 3 II tfh Uoxes Raisins u a Ii" lb Barrel* toll shelled Almonds 12 Barrel* Luffs Crackers C Boxestrcsb Lemons 32 Drain's Fig* 2000 lbs Goshen Cheese 12 dog. jars English Pickles assorted l |ll Boxes Guava Jolly 13,'siil best Cigar*. Forsalo by _. Jan 27 6 LEVI ECKU c J DRAB BEAVK till ATS J UST received u few cases Gentlemen's l ■ ■■( quality arch 12 Dmb Beaver llefs, nnd for sale V 11 w’ II. Db'ft 08AU-J Ready Made Clothing. A |lUE subset iherhas just lebeivi.l an extensir* J A *orlmcut of ready made clothing, ami ferifor ,ulo U'» him; d.v**float frock do 25grw* 25 steel mist do 101) l.lue nod steel mixt sattinrttl . 1-•. :t-.0 *.ittinel i..vii;.I. I Jackets Fu > and dr.di P.mtalouii., tt.'T. pair .nitinet do 270 '“* do 500 pair coaso negro do, 75 dal k Valencia > Wj light d<*do black silk do350swanidowodo. J’hf] niidd and cB.nhlct Cloaks. >.l»o, ail a»**| Youths’ clotlii.ig. fine linen undmuslin Sheet*.'* miivlio,cotton Flannel, and flannel drswera ®- dkc. A. 8110TB The above work having l.een done spcction of first.rate workmen, will bo warrs^** the iubscril.<-r In tic good Crockery mid Urocerj| <nlIE subscribers have taken the StorCj IL kept Ly L’b'.iders If Wiley, directly '«' t'otloi. Avenue, wl.e.e they ure opening " yjj •.ple.i.iid ...m, ot China, Lustre, md (Uur.-icart, i-mhracing a variety of - 1 latest stylo, Chinn dels complete, oo li , P* f '. I.Rht and dark Blue, and pink earthen d° Ware. gla'S Lamp*, Tumblers, Decanters- vVines, Salts, Lanterns, will, var ' e, fjj, on und gin;. Ware. Crate-assorted cl [' r V/ 1 the country trade, all of wl.iel. will he sol* -j*-, dealers,families *»d other* low *..*o Reeeivi.ig hy *ev. rul Boh.., * >tock of GUyV and . large quantity of Itntlous ll’are, "* T arc on consignment. Purchasers are i as they will sell them vi-rv l-.c for cash or W paper at sixty .lays EI-LI8, .-HOTWr.'-h P. 8, Goods consigned to E. 8. If Co received and sold at tbe usual rates- Feh 5, Ifcill. (£7* We tire authorized ^ uo.-ca HARMON il. HOWARD.** 1 ^ alo for the sherilfnlty u liibb couol^* Jrfouary Itf, Ibdl. 7 are atifht >ce U. I. BULLOi.— .sheriff of iJibb cu'oiity, ^iwchi2 to