Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, May 14, 1831, Image 1

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YOI.UME 9. MACON, GliOROlA, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1H31. fle . H.eon TeUpaph l» publiihed weekly, by MVSOff BARTM**. f ,,®ce on Mulberry Hired m i (Id*. Ltiui IKiham ■ year..r paid in ad- rtulHcriberu living at a distance ,he , all eases to pay in advance. TAX COLLl#lOI{'S SALES. On iht first Ttksday i?< July next, W iki be Mild, m lilt* court-house in the (own of ArUooouglj, Henry county, between (lie inwiui lmur« of tale, the following i'roiierty, or to •iiutli thereof as will taiitlv (he lute* due thereon lor the >eur In 41 and com, \ is: jN cm hi: it ^0. [ utanAATOMS* *A&33. , fir,i Tuesday in July next. will Ire.sold 1 "‘‘.Vuir House in Henry county, under ,T. Inferior U uirl nr Goweta county. I, ° 1(a Hie 7-h .iinri.n of Henry . • 202 1-2 .c.e» ol L-iml, s cond quality, being lol (Mo. (14 ill the third dist.icl ol Henry c._„- ly; levied on M ||ie properly o| ./sAn dl. Turner; tax due 92 23 3-4 with cost. 2'»2 1 2 rreji ol Lind, tliuil quality, it br ing lol .Vo. -lli! in the thud sliatnct ol Coweta coun !?'« d b" M * 'III propelty ol Arcy Jackson; tux due |N lo l.*4 with cost >ifl I vift *‘ hall •d-L.t No. 46.... the I4H. district! 25 acr.. ol L ...I, hi d quality, ii being pan .ill living di real estate of Jo in, Ilurrst, | ol lot No. 264m the elevouth district ol Henry couii *-.u county, deceased, for the benelit ol Cy: levied on ns she property ol Matlupo Goss; Inx Ooeel* county l ». HAKKIri, J ^umors, lll.l««|l ii—L, % _ k w Tuesday in August next, will be sold * thr I'UVO o* t.'liulvi". duir I ' I . ..I ills* 1*111111 ot , order ol ihe court Count) . agree* iidinur) ol said if*cm ol L ino, Hunt quality, 11 being pari ol lot Mo. 954 untie eleventh district ot said count levied on ns the property ul Isaac Goss; lax due 49 cents Willi costs. 202 icius of Land, second qu.lny, n b mg ha W' 249 la Hie eleventh district id Henry sruci . . .1 ! “'jP'dyt levied on ns the property ol Marshal Ligun; Z lollowiog Negroes, bc.o.igi.ig to (lie ex- ,„f due *,. it , (l||l Cll||j .' Kirk, decensed. to wits Hmiats. e niH.i. > Voices ol Land, 2d & 3d quality, it being Hit year* «!'*• .kharity. * • * l»i v» hi (ha «jgUteeulli U.stru i oi rnoinat coun- ™ ytisrdsr’O. a m •^'V'«™>dd.Mu,ta;,, , evl ,. d ult „„ H.nktah II .Cam.; ,«i„y lour years old. Harris, a hby.ten , ^ Uu ,. ,,.„ 7 y, 4 » 'irs old—sold'for do*benefit of tbe heirs I 202 l ~ 2 ' 1 **'" *-"1.1, II being lo No. uf , is a e ciMs. ii. *° 111 'he thirty-lhird district ol I as , county: levied on ifilorsoi wli.l f.V.M FREEMAN, I**the property ol iHercer Eihols; tax due 62 1 2cents u) adm m ils unll annexed, j cos l»- ' —; 202 1-2 acies of Laud, dlird qinlity, il tie- in iK sold, »n tbe first Tuesday ill October jug lol .Mo i3f in the sixth district of Henry county: '...ul Clinluii.donexcoUHlv. under an order levied on us the property oi Ucmuscu 1‘haups; tnx due ("Lsr Court »! said couniy, one lot o| I .mid till 12 ceuls with cost. - , ailEtalEF NA^ES. MZiijs'Ssa&a^. On Iht first Tuesday in June nrx^S VI/ sold In-lore the cmirldionseTp thfc »” town of Macon, liihh couiey. hetw*n ihh lawliil hour' of sale, the itdlairing Wit* One In ol L ou eniii.iiiiurtLxvvn iiiindinl two "'"I H bnl; seres mure or less, distinguished and known lot No. 2tib, in the fourth district of originally tlonslon now ttilili county—lev ied on osihe. property ol James II. Itodg rv, In satisfy sundry fleii facies is- sued irom the superior court of said county vs. James II arid O-or/n-4, ttodgers. ' • Oho Ni^ttMWisi.i named Silyyj 'ubifut liiui- leen years old. and the interest of*C.ilt., F.sq oi Ine Ini and improvements wbereptt ft Jrtw lives— levied on lo satisfy a fieri facias imbed from Putnam superior court in Invdr of-I.rtlMoo. Alhison surviving eotin ttter, AL i nd sundry fierifjicbj* Issueil irooss he inferior courts of Bibb county inMavor of Ei W. M right hi hers - # . I'vv'i Horans and one Uvo-h"r«i* VVagim— levied on ns Ihe property of John R Tally. Jo satisfy n fieri Iscins issued from the luperinccJ.tirt of Jones eounly. in favor of Ixgsiird p Ijrefidlove vs. .said * a^ly—jrroperty pointed nul by pluiuliff^ - On Ihe First Tuesday in July nett. ■ \s II.I. he sold belore lire court-house in the town ^ ' • of Macon, liihh county. Ihe foflnwing property Three Negroes, Toma man shout 3?, l-ucya girl ab.iii 12. and nimemi a hoy nbouf 8 years el age nil lev ied on ns Ihe roperly ol W in J. Ituiielly, lo salis- FUsnTliYs wanly, whereon Ihe undersigned now lives,. 2(12 1-2 > ul L mil. llnirt qu duy, il being !„. „| snout one hundred mid seventy acres j | (lt ,,, u, ft ,ii,| r i C | „| Henry'county: le- l‘e.Ill-properly ol the estate ol tlciiry Long . yis-tl on ns Hie property ol James Bledsoei tax due o(,si,I county. dec«ased-to be sold lor the $i . 1 1 3 I'uesday in December next, one lot linthesoosnd district of formerly Henry coun- 1,/uiclJ the estate of the said Henrv l,oiig t y in lie sold al Hie court house in Henry Uler the above authority and lorlhe above , 5, S | Tuesday in January next, three Ne- I i lad, about 19 of - Jd v ears old, and a Wo Vid her child lo lie sold at Ciiutoii, under . eaulhoritv and lor the above purpose , ili!. It 9t JAMES LtlNU, adm'or. • \||LE lo an order of .Ihe honorable , wnrv :i:i Inferior Court ol Pine county elirsi Tuesday in June next, in die town Lot of Land. No 421, m ihe Btli .Its- madly Monroe now Tike couniy. it he- Alie real estate of James II. tiray—sold nielli of die heirs. SEAliOHN H. till AY. Ei’cutor. V’.\.\/,\liT. f I14| tJHAY. Exrx. (j. U3I. vvilldk testainriit of f ield- mill on lue lirsl Tuesday lint, in llw ld*vn of t’oraylh 11 inroe coun nanlslem of said deceased, for Ihe hem-til ol snJ creditors of laid decease,I |Jli> IsJI. 16 . JN. MMCLLEf , He 'or. [person indebted lo the estate of Daniel fib,deceased are reipierted to make i.umedinte ; stid those having demands ngainst said es- teuderthem m. in hifnis of tbe law. Adm'on. KHIS hit. Uil. SNA I1VLL, #1IAM. Id I|»fr*im3 having (IchihikIn ag.iiutil Ihe fsIhIf ftiward, lalt* ol llmisluii ctiuniy df* pifit tllo rfiider tliHin in legalI) uullit n ii Ihe linjf preAtrrihrd by l»\v—mi* • (stid cslatf tm* r. qu.otfil lo umk* iniiiit*- M JiiU.Nvil lt K, Admr. r JL i.As, Oliver Cyi N|»|>lit*» lo me for DBi ■ERE | !«• tiers ot admiiiUti ntiffiMiii ilit? •••lutetd \V il u, Inti* t»f Stiuili Cnrolinn, dec. |«r« therelort, to cite nuel ndn onish nil and sin fkhdrtd and -creditors of snid deceased, to be m office, within the time prescribed by lewmwe (tj any they can,) why said letters V 6e granted lander m) hand,thi» Odilay ol May. 1431. A. T, HAHPIN* Pa^h tf. o. ICin iijtliA Hllrrd ile npp icatiou wdl be m«di* tb»! Inferior Coiirl «»i Cruwlord county, when ■ Hriiiaary |hh ptises, for leHVe lo sell lot ot land pne hundred unit iiiiictt'cii in flit* st*co«iddi>ilricl H 1 )’ H 'UdoiiMitiw Crawlord c»»uiil>. lor ibc f »r|ihnnt of Core Howell decensed. '* 1351 -IIIHA.M A'.\rt..NKil.(iurtrdia» W'huIh ulier dale npplic»tion will made r h.Hi. Interior c«nirl ol ilibb county. wUcii ardiuiiry purposes lor leave lo s«*ll the re- riniigmg to th«> minors ol John Hamlin de* rthebeiii fii of said minors. CH.\rtLi:S McUAttDIL, Uuar'n. I Willi costs J.02 I 2 'Cii snl L.iim, 2« &3<> qii 'liiy, u ht*» iitg lot .No. |o9 in the sixth district 'd llri.ry county: levied on as ihe properly ol JUtliam T Hudmond; las due 294 3*4 cents vy ath costs. 2'«2 1 2 into* of L uni, iiiimI qn ility* ii bi*um lot Mo. 191 hi the fourth district ot .\lu«cngce county: levied on as (lie proper y ot H illium llughey; lax due 76 cents wiili cost 202.1 2 id P m Land, being lm No. 11 in ill*- (wellth district «U \\ ilkinson count): levi ed on as Ihe properly ol Fcter Auranl; lax due U2 3-4 ceuls uitii cost. 101 l-4 i«reMol L.iikI, iluiil qiialnv, ii be ing lol Mo. 2o in the twelfth district ol Henry coun ty. levied on as ihe properly of William Simmon*; lax due (id 1-2 cents with cost. 490.icr sol* run* Lind,it beiun list No. 527 in the second district ol Appling county: levied on as ihe property ot Ifyatt Drown; tax due $1 43 3 4 with cost. 250 icies ol Lind, fits quality, i bring lol Mo. 193 iu the second district ot I arty county: levied on as :he property ol rhitip Cook; tax due $3 1? c«;uls with cost. 202 1-2 o u s of L Hid, ilii* d qu diiy, it binug No. ill in the eighth district ol Henry county: levied on as tbe proi»erty ot William T. Turner; tax due 76 3-4cents with cost 50 Kies ol L*Hiri, thud quality, it being put I »l lot Mo. 225 in the seventh District of Henry coun- t>: levied on as the pro|»erty ot Ztra Lewis; tax due H6 cents with cost. 101 1-4 .icrta of Laud, i ird quality, it be ing lot Mo. HU in the second district ol Henry coun t): levied on us the property ot William Vaughn; tax due $1*34 with cost. 120 'Ch s of L.Hid, second quality, it being lot No. Id in the fifteenth distric of llal'lw in county levied <in *s the pro|terty «»i Elijah *V. Turner; tax dun H.t 1-4 cents with cosl •50 .c.osol Lmd, l> q dny, beitvj part •*l lot Mo 4*1 in the eleventh di-trict «*? II* nrv coun- ty: levied on as the property of Willium M‘ Waters; , •nnrtjpjge tax due tUi 1-2 cents with cost. 8M,d ** n 202 1-2 •tiva.ol Land, iluid quality, it be ing Lot Mo. 176 in the eighth district ol Henry coun- t>: levied on as the property ol Josiah Persons; tax due 81 .17 1-2 witli cost. 202 1*2 -iciex ul LhihI, xt'.iin qii ilily, t hviiig mt No. 161 in the ivvi'nty third district .il Mus cogee couniy: levie 1 mi ns the property ol Edmund Turner; tax due $l-sl 1-2 with tost. 202 1-2 u n s ul Loud, .lmd quality, it be ing lot .Vi 131 in the eleventh* dial riel of Henry county: levied on ns the pro|ierty of James Campbell; lav due U .t-4 ceuts-iVirti costs. 202 1-2 ties ti Lull), second quality, it iwing lot No. :i2 hi the twenty sixth district of Lee cuiuily: levied on us the property ol Samuel Glad• ney; tax due *111 ;i-4 nidi cost. >105 .iti i s ol Lmil, 2 P. qu lily, it being lm No 1.14 in Hie thirty-second district ul la*e county: levied on a- the pru|icrty of Charles Linder; lax due *1 .1.1 cent, null cost. 230 li .es ul I'.ili Laud, it being lm No. 338 in Hie twenty-eight dislii tot Early couniv: levied on ■> tbe pru|ierty ol John J. Pau; lav due 79 cents with cost. 82 l-S acies ol bail i, sermiil qu .liiy it be ing lot No 142 in the twelfth di.trict ot Henry coun ty: lev ied on at the pro|ierty ol John L. Ilaris; tax dm 9 -2 cents wills cost. 202 t 2 .ivies ol L mil, ihiiil quality, il being lot No. 74 III the twelfth district ul Henry county: amphell. vs W J Danelly, issued from Itilib su perior court—property pointed out in said mortgage. april 3U 18 fILLIAM B CONE, liter# CXtAWrOB-D SA3C.B3, On the first Tinsday in June next, \ ^11.1. he sold liefore the court Iiiiiisi- al Knosville. J Crawford county, belneeiithe usual hours ol sale. Hie loll..wing properly, viz: Oil.' lo. id L lid N>. 188, ill die 7>h dis trict of Crawford county—levied on as Hie property of It'illiam Highy, lo satisly one small Ti Fa issued from a Justice's court in favour of John Hannon vs said Dighy—levied on and returned to me liv N. Sherly cnnstable. \VM. B. F1LL8, Sh'ff. April 20, 1831. rASaSTH 3AX.SS. On Ihe first Tuesday iu Juue next. U ! ILI. besold. at the court h use in Fayetteville, Fayette couniy. between the lawful hours of sale, the lollnwiug I'roperty. to wit: One giey Moil Inn so o iiiimI Senoiimis, and one chestnut sorrel li.irse: levied on as the property of James II Cruise, fo satisfy an execution in lavor ol (jenrge IV. Lawrence vs James II Cmise. John Kdillemen and Willimn Bntebolor—property pointed oul by said llatcheior. O lie Ii iv Mme, alumi three years ol.:; levi ed on as Ihe properly of ICilliam lltarn. lo satisly an execution in favor of Sophia Daniel s said Hearn —property pointed mil by William Carmiehael. Thu mil 'll ii .It id l.u nl' L-.iid No. 234 ui * be thirteenth district of originally Henry now Fayette county, containing one hundred one and n fourth a* cres—levied on as the property ot Thomas l.illiland to vntisfy an execution in favor of John laimhirth and Jnmex F liarrisnn. adniinislral nrs of the estate of John (iarrtvon dee vs. the said Thomas (iilliland —property pomled out by Wright ^Martin—levied on and returned to me by a constable. • A. M'BKIDE. deputy sheiiff april 30 On Ihe first Tuesday in July next, n T ILl. be sold, at the ennri house in Fayetteville, Fay cite county between Ihe lawful houra of of sale, the following I’roperty, to wit: One gri v s u I Hu so ii mii'd Sertoiiims: ied on as Ihe properly of John C Erasure, lo satisfy a fieri facias in favor of David Dickson vs rasurc—property point. 2 out hy James H Cruise. A. M UKIDF., deputy sheriff. april 30 KOmOB SATiE. On the first Tuesday in June next, W IUI. he sold hetwi'i'i, the uxuiil hours of sale before the Court House at Forsyth, Mon roe county, the following property lo wit: 202 1-2 .cioa u| L mi mmo to loss, being lot No. 139 in seventh district of said countv—levied on ns the property of lljlliam Deeres, to satisfy sun dry fieri tacias in favor of t,. W. Handel vs said Reeves—levy made by a constable, may 9 A. CUCHI AN Deputy ■'herff SUSANNAH B X IIAI mark 10HNP. DURHAM [13.1831, 13 d lor flu U }• nanlhs after date, applicalion will he *'» the honuralite tiilniur t’i*drt ol Jlun* il«no'* *"V"4 ' l,r ordinary purposes tor | U J I, m me iwemu uiMnci us noisy .wu.'.ji n. I V‘?. l *! M< « | id negiuus lieiongilig to •»* levied on as the property of milium Pass; Ibs due uamel Hall, dccenicd-eold lor Ills benefit $, 45 3.4 Hi(h cat. ■ l,er ^ 4>J0 ivm» Plus- Lind, it being lilt No. 54 HI tbe tiral district ol Inx in couniy: levied no as the pro perly ol Edmund Welth; tux dun 93 3-4 cents with cost • 202 1-2 .icrct ol' L mil, Hind qu ili'V, It being lot No 72 in the seventeenth district ol lie Kalb couniy: levied on as the properly ot Archibald Y. Paul; lax due *126 with cost. 202 1-2 41 ms id L md, dlird quality, it be ing Int xo. 231 in Ihe seventh district ul llenry coun ts) levied ou as the properly ol John Barton; tax due *1 ti'J 1-2 cents with cost. . 202 1-2 aci e» ol L1 id, second qu duy, ii be ing lol No. 238 in the twentieth district ol laic coun- ly: levied m. as the property ol Its!turn Homes; tax due *112 With colt 101 1-4 Hie*nl Land,second quality, 11 be ing.ol Nu 18 in the eleventh district ol Henry coun ty: levied mi as Ihe pro|ierly ul Alexander Hanntr; tax due *14111-9 with cost. . Lo No. ‘246, xeeoilO quality, 11 being m ihe second district of Henry couniy: levied on as Ihe property ol Jtssr Grirt; tax due *87(i with costs. 1 1 j, U-. BARNETT, Tax Ltllecter. may 9 19 ■ ----- **n»x 1 ti|i|i|linuvii tsm Hu* honorable ihe interior court ol ,w y* when sitting for ordinary |>ur|H>*rf, . •*" Negroes belonging to lu« estnle 1*1?’ 1 01 J° ut » Counlv. .leceared 15 UEoituf: m:\.\r.TT. Gunrdi in of the htirt, 1 '"/NTHalv r late, will I, 10 the honor.ibh' the Inleriur Court |‘oiiniv, while silting for ordinary pur I «*** 10 **’11 Ihe real ami personal ramie La.'** 1 :*’ late ul aaid couiilx, deceased, F , .Vf'he heirs aun irnliiura. '-HARLE8 M-CAH I Y. udmor. *»3I. |g |j ' n, ht afiur dale, upphciiiiiiii w.ll he " d.e Illimitable ihu uiterivir coun 1 , Cu ‘"'*y, when silling fm oidiuary P "1 le.ivu 10 sell line liiui ill pail ot ,/JJ (2 li ilia net of Mmnoe couii- neni ul Sarah Ann W» Origgs, m- ' xua*' 1 'deceased’ “KY VN (JHIUtiS, gwirdiun. LgH 1831. 14 I'vjj Mh F<)tt »ale. Mi. 1, M »y next, will b« told r »I» Heard County. Lon In said town, it » hhqlldhigx of Heard Coun- r-sie u-.„ , U * led un the east bank ol lh(* PSxfnllSmJL • ?!*" ,,,,,, P" 51H, *C» fiat [7m,L i„,fc • ad mm y o, 2/ r » ,| w»tages Pbw J’*y n ' ll '‘ »P country nir.iril. Terms AUV jp x N""* n * m ,he ds y of “ ,e - “ C lltl,)WN **’ •* is 2 , ' WARt, j r. c. 17-4t J |. » | received at Ihe itfurea Clothing -Mere, super Km. blue brown, black, olive Br.-ad Cloths, blue brown «range, drab, slate inixt and butt Cassimeres, Velvet rod Valencia Vestings, a handsome axsort- ment of fancy Cravats. Stocki.Hinpenders. buckskin lilovrs. Horse and Beaver do. Umbrellas, t-aiis. &c. Alio, a handsome assortment al Readymade Liothirg made in fbe bi-.« styie , L'.oak^ ^--r^hul. nov 97 48 NKUROKS for sale. B -AIFTY likely NEfiROES. of all siaes and de- ' scriplions, are now al the house of Dr. P Phi lips in Jones eounly. where ihev will reniain 15 or g<> days. Persons w isldng lo purchase w ould da well fj csfl and examine them, previous to Iheir being carried oul of the -Stale. Further Information may be obtained on Inquiring nt this office,or at the store of 'tungtrfnrds l{ Staid 1 rd. Mayo, 1331, JS>j3t CAsX XBlIiLBJlXrtft On Ihe lirsl Tuesday in June next. \WMgll.l. la- sold l.elore Ihe court hnu»i- at Ormp liellton. t'amplu.11 county, hetweru the usual hours ol tale, the lollowing property to wit: Lo di Land Mio-iicd ill die 14 Ii dismri of iginally Fayette now Campbell county, whereon Jann t ilicks deceased, liv 1 d al the linir ot his death. 1 umliei not known—levied ones Ihe properly ofsaid Ilicks to satixly two fi lax one issued Irom DeKalli Superior Court in favor of Reps Orthurn, fur ihe use of William Branham vs said Ilicks, file other issued from Coweta Superior Court in favour ol James H Perrv man vs. James Ilicks. ■ . April 14 -n. Nicholson, sheriff BO VI6 JsAlallS. On the first Tuesday oj June next, , t/)LI. he sold, helore Ihe court house, al Jackson ) J Hulls ci nnty, between ihe lewlul hours of sale, the following proiwrly . vim Lo aid L fid No-. 35 hmI 47, smell0**1.1111- lng‘2U2 1-2 acres more or less, anil 76 3-4 acres being iHirt ol lol No 38 in Ihe uortbraal corntr; all ol Ihe a- bove lands are well Improved for farming, and lying in the ninth district ul formerly llennr now Bulls coun y; and 129 acres ol'fiucliou No. 60 in the idulb Ii district ol formerly Henry mm Bulls county—all le I , not begr to «eo *«ucb an aboralnabla cur,’ om Huy 'called our' fat suite, ‘hi once so cursedly duty amt *0 uneily useless, mixing with their - sle. k and well kept animals!* ” [ I he Caplam liion proceeds nt [engtfi to •"ti' how—Irom kicking and driving away, die .midshipuu n’x dog, die i.ffieeis, on a rt-pe- tiiiun 01 bis fuunliariiies, oide'red him 10 ba sem ashore, 10 die great imlignalmn of thw young geullt-tteii. Win. had w. ll-riigli mutinied on ihe occasion—how, by one means 01 o her, be was replaced 011 board—mil llms proceeds 10 1 elate, . lm consequence of ins third reiurs Irom h uiishoieu - - "W. ha a g -Old jollification on the n-uhi of Sliakui*’* 1 i s.ora.ion; and Ills tiu-dili wag in the veiy ict ol being drank, with Hires limes Ihtee, when the 1 (Seer ol ill*- watch, hearing an opium below, the sounds of which nine con veyed diiiintfty up die wiiidsail, sum diiwii to piiiuiirligbisou.; uuu we were loiced .0 march oil, giowlmg, to our Hammocks. Next day, to oui suipuse ami kuirui, vdd Shakings was not to be seen oi lie..111 uti We. searched every where, iineirug.iied ihe cocksw-ias of all the buats, and cioas-qiieslioneU tile marine, who had been euo'les nuiitig tin- uiglii on the loru- casi e, gangways, ami poop; but all in vain!— nu trace ol {Sli .kuiga ciTulu be lounil. At length ihe lut-a began 10gam ground among tt», Hiai Hie pom beast liad been pui an end iu by some means; and uuriie nnium.-d accuidmgly. '1 lie suspicion sreinfd Hie mure liaiuial a* die i.tbo is saiu not a wind ..bum dio niaoei, no 1 even asking ns whuj.we liad done wnli oui dug, we weie in diissiale of •xciieunm aba disii.iL.mii |ui our loss, olio of Hie miUsiiipnii-ii, who liad some dlnllny m his cuiiipuaiiiun, gave a new iuiii o die uxpie.ssion ol uui dicugllis. 1 ins 'gen It’iiiau, who was limit diau iw to as must ul us, say a* hunt dm iy, liau won die alleciluiis ul Hu- wlmio ul urn class, by die geiiliuuess ol bis manners, aud lie g-Ileiouspaii lie always look un our side. ti. ouie aiuuugsi us tbe pet of U iduy; aim cei.aiuly be w#s like u father to tltuse aiiiuugSi us mm, like niyscll wen- qtitu adlili ill ibe ship, whHiui lany out- tu took aitsr Tilt lAilDaillFiViLN’S DOG. diem, lie was auiau ol taieius utid classical The s.uiy wham we lieie presem education, bui lie liau emeieu the navy far loo oiidgiiient, is oy Captain iSusil Hall, and laio ev.-i iu 11 coiu.uliy. is 1 ken Irom a new work m .3 volumes just |_ l lie amuoi men goes on iu.o a strain of re- publ.sln-d 111 Ldmbuigli and London, enudetl *“'* u " l,,u tkoJAiWislICX ol be individual - ELEGY Jb the memory esf Miss Emily Kay (cousin to Miss Ellen Gee, ,j Jx-w.j who lately died al Ewell, and was buried in Eesex. {sad nymphs id UL, U have much to ciy for, CvyiqpMlLE K U new more shall C! O BX niiids! come hither, and VU, tt tilt n-iirlul 1 this MT LEG, V\ ithoul XS she did XL always Ah me! a iruly vexes I TO How soon so DK a creature may DK, And only leave behind XUVE! AA hate'er I 0 t»do she did oischan-e, 80 dial an NAli. 11 miglii NDK; Then Y an !«A wruel ihen whyNI Or with briny tears her UK UDU? When her l'iano-40 she did preis, 8uch heavenly sounds did .A1N8, that she, Knowing tier Kee soon I U 2 confess tier XLNU in an X10. Her hair was soft at silk, nut YRE. It gave no (A nor yet 2T to view— 8lie was not handsome—shall 1 tell U V? U It 2 know her l was all 8Q. LO she was, and praltiing like AJ, (> little EME! did you 4U The gi.ive sliuuid soon MUU, cold as clay, Aud U should cease tu be an NIT! While taking T at Q with LNG, The AIT grate -he rose 10 put a : Her clothes look fire—nor 1 again shall C Four MLE, who now is dead as aoloo# O, LNG! in vino you set at 0 * GK and reproach loi suffering her S B Thus sacrificed:—10 JL U should be brought And burnt II 0 2, b in FLU. 8»eet MLE K into SX they bore, Taking good care ner monument to Y 10, Anil as liei luuih was much 2 low U4, They brought tresh bricks the wails to 1 10. MloCEftLAiNEOUiS. vied on as Ihe property ot Joel Batty, to satisly sun dry'fleri laeits issued trom Ihe interior court ot said county, one in fsvor of Alark II AVakeman vs. Joel Haley and one isssued from ihp superior court ol said county In favor of N U & II. Weed-vs. Joel Ualey F ’ Jo7li il 8U.MMT.KMN Sheriff. Also, wilt be sold as'above, Lu N". 43 ui -be niiirii iiismr of fiuffii-ily llenry now lictls eoimty. containing 202 I-’J acrei wore or less, with a valuable set nl grist sml saw mills and oilier valuable improvements thereon: and lots Nos Ul and 99. sih cniUiniug 299 1-2 scr.» more or lest,with valuable improvements thereon.lying m the first district oflorroerly llenry now Butts countytued gdacresof lot Nu 08 In the liiurth district formerly Alonroe now Butts couniy, it being the northwest corner of said lots and «'H) barrels ol com more or Irst—all levied on a* the property nl Joel Baley, to satisfy sundry fieri facias Issued Horn the infrrinreourt of tnid county, one iu favor of Mnrk!!. llaktmati v«. Edward Hick, and Joel Baley. and tin- olhrr in faVor of Charles \V. Rockwell * Company vs. Edward dicks and J.iel Baley. and nne issued from »• suiie- rior court ol said conMy in favor of Oavid B. Hal sled, endorsee, vx Joel Bale*. ... , Tin- hull ul Iu Nu. 17 HI (In’ be" 01*- fricl uf formerly llenry now Bulls cuniy-lryied on as the properly of Hugh llamil. to saflHv sundry fie- ri facias nsura from , Justica’s conrtof Aloimw coun ty. one In favor ol Thomas AV Goode vs. Hugh lla- mll and Simeon on a,.d rrl U r..rd to me hy a coustable. R HABKNEH8._ may 9. 18 Deputy Sheriff —‘ Fi.igini-ms u Vuy.igea am. Tiuvi-L, inclu ding Anouiuies ul n iN .v.d cln. fly lui lie use ul Young Peimiiis.” As Captain Hall s exttuxively kiluvvn iu iblacuuuliy, uur rea- deni will be-more likely m led a dispusmou 10 have a specimen ut Ida la elk works. ’Uuimg <be long wiioei* ul uu. shnhlul dra-. cuuli-lii al Beitimda, caused by ibe peace ul Amiens, llie gi.uid seauurce, bull: uf me idle auo ilu busy, aiuuugsi all classesu< <ln-Lean- dei*si.fliteiu, was—iliai never-ending, sull-b. gmuiiig anrosc-in. HI, wlucll Lugi.xiiim-ii ever imiy -u the leiuoiext cuiueis u| ihe habi table glube—pupping away in all countries, thinking only ul ibe gauie, and olien bui luu ■ eckless uf (lie prejudices or lean ul llieuu- rives. This piopensiiy is indulged even 111 those uninhabited regions ol ibe euitli winch aro visited only once in ap age}and il Capiam Party had leached tbe Pule, be would uuques- iiuiiubly Iihvc bad a slml al Hie axis ul lilt eanli! in ihe mean time, the dficeis mid the y tiling g, iitlcmall -ut flu- flag-siilp al Beiniuda, in iliu begmniiiK ul 1803, 1 suppose 10 kee,. Ilieu hands m fur lbs w 1 which was then com ing and huuily piayed loi, were cuiisi.iuiL bla zing away aimnigs. iliecvdai gruvesunq oiuuge pi,1111.limn* -I tliuse islands, which appeal ed mme and mure beau dul after every such exclusion. Tbe nndslupim 11 were generally obliged to ruineni Hieiliselves Willi knocking down the blue aud red buds w nil lli'i ship’s pis- mis, charged villi Ins majesy’s gunpowder: and, lui wain ul small slmi, wiili slugs lonneii iiy cut mg up Ills iiiajesiy’s iiiuskol-bullois.— Tile ufficeis aimed hi.higher game, nun weio ui beiiei piuvnled with guns aud ainiiiuiii* lion Sexeial uf .In sc gcmlenit-u lmd biougiu from Engl nid-soine fine ilugs—nigh-bred puinl- eis; w lie Ilu-‘middies,* also 1101 lithe uutdonu, luusi in-i ds have a dug uf Iheir own—illey recked very b.eed, but some son uf ninnial iht-y said lliey must have. 1 luigei how we procured the siiaiige-luuking beast Whose we connived flr engage; bui, having once ubtaiued him, we weie nm slow in giving him uui best aflectmns. Ii is true, lie was ns ugly ,ix any tiling cuuhi possibly be. H.« colour was a duty, reddish yellow; and while a purl ul his hail twisted tlsell up m cuits, a part tiling down, quiie siinighi.alniusi to ihegruuud. He'Was Uiu-lly useless lot nil the pui puses ul 1e.1l spoil, bin qunfl good eimugh iu luinisli the nrds wi.h pit my uf luu when they went uu siune—m cliasiug pigs, bulking al old while- beaded negn-sses, and oilier amusements, suit- d 111 iho iixali. d lasio and ha In s uf ihe rising BLANKS TOO. SALE AT TH13 OFFICE. gt-iirritlioilol offuers. People will diffei as lo tlie nu-riis ol dugs; but we had no doubts as tu tbegiea. sujieiiuuty of outs uver all the others wp bo nd, tliough the name we gave him cer tainly implied no such cunfide'iice tin out pan. Alifi a lull duhberatmn, il waa decided iu call him Skakingt. Now, it tiiusi be explained, dial ‘shakings' it Hie -name given 10 small hug- meins u| uqu yarns, odds und nulsnf cordage, hits ul oakum, old Iniiyanlt—in shun, lo any kind of lefusu ai'ismg mil of h wear and lear ul ihe ropes. This odd name Wailierhapshe- stowed uu uui be.iu.tlul liivuiiie in rnnsequence ol Ins colour mil being very dissimilar ttrlhai ul well tarred Russia hemp; while the resem blance waa -iuci used by many n dub uf pitch, which his rough coal imbihed from the seams between the platiks uf 1I1D deck, in the imi 'weather. Ifuld Shakings \v ,s nu b iy, he was, at IiihsI, th dogs; and thuugh hedeaily loved the midship-|D iiieiiuuueu, and ‘wimseeuily Insioiy could uev- ei utt muuo uui’—uu 111 loci ilieyuiiiigsieiauev- di ii.quiieu -luu closeiy iuiu ihe duller, being cuuieu.i d Willi Ins proiecuuu ag.uusl iliu ‘uld- sieis,’—wu.cli lie ci ucludis'as luliuwx;] 1. Will easily be supposed, uui kind L) .udy ,uuk ...cue 1I1..11 usual tu.eiesr ill Ibis af- I..11 ol So..Kings, uuu Him iir WaS applied It- by us a tvt iy ul me .rausicilim. He was .' s.iUiy peipiL-xid, ut cuuise, wneu Hie m g waa tiu.iliy uussitig; aim, lui su,..e days, liu cuuld ■ :itt us uu cumiuii, uui suggest any mode ui re venge wliicu Wolf tun mu u.uigeiuus fur bis young luiuus to put illpiucucf. Hepiudenl- iy ubseiveu, ma.os we ..aU 110 ceriaibiy iu go upon, 11 wuulub. mgti uurselxes uuu a senuus scrape lui liutliuig at all, *’l lieie can be uu haim, bowevei,* be culiiiuued, hi Ins dry uudaliglidy saicasuc Way, wlucti ail who knew Inn, wdl .eculleci as well us il they s. w Him now, di owing liisllauu slowly ucruss Ins nmulb ..lid cbiu—’ihwie can be- uu li.uui, my buys, in puling die odiei uugs in uiuuiiung lui .heir deal departed tneuu 8n .kings; u-., wlia.ever is cuiue ul liiui, lie is lus- lu u. V as Weil us 10 Us, aUu his meumiy uuglu tu b. duly speewd.* .1 Ins Iliu. was uu suuiic-i gix> u u.ou it cry wan iliude lui ciape, mid exeiy cln a. and bogiau- sacked, to piucute badges lui muuinmg. _ Tho punnets wuiu Speeudy tlggc-d up Willi a largo bunch ut crape, tied in a liaudsuuie bow, upon the leti hgut each, jusmbuxg .lit-kiiee. 'ibo joke milk immediately. 1 he i.ffheis ci.uld nut help laughiug; lui, uiungli we considered ilietn litdu Lt-uei Ilian ticiius ut ihai nuimelit ul ex- ci.eineui, they weie, m l- ci, t-xcepi 111 tins m- s0,nee, the best uu.i.ic-u out must indulgent uu u I leuienibei 10 have sailed wnli. Tlicy,, uldeied die ciupe nisi..uily 10 be cut off die dugs* Itgs, uuu uueoltlie (.ffin-is ic- maiked tu us st-i tuiisly,. ilmi us we had nuw hud uur piece ot luu uui, ilieie would he nu nmro such nicks. Off we scaiiq.ciad, 10 cui.sult old D <ddy was lu be dun*! nt-XI, as wo had been positively Oid.-red no m middle any Mr wnb the dugs, 'Pm ilu pigs tu umuin- lllg,* hu S.«l4 All OUI -ciape Was 1 Xpcnded by this lime; ,bul Hns wan. Was soon .supplied by men trade is lo discover lesouices m dip- Acuity. Willia generousdevuuon lo uf pul lie spirit,-me-ol 1 lo se' juvenile muiineers pulled off his black dm I, ami. tearing 11 in pieces, gave a pur mn 10 each uf llie cir cle, and aw»y we ull siarted lo pui into practice tins new suggt auunol uur diiurior-general uf mischief. The tow winch ensued iu .he pig- siy was piudigmus—inr, 111 those days, hogs weie alluwed a place uu boaid ofa raail-uf- war, —a custom most Wis. ly abolished id line years, since nothing can be iiuue uui ot cli.u..cicr any ship 1I1.111 such iiuiian. es. As these matters uf taste and ctgauitieM were nudmii; tu us, we did nut inieinut uui noisy labor til! every one uf the giumeis had Ins armlet of such crape as we were able 10 musu-i. Wo 1 lien watched uui upporiuuny, and opeiird iho dour so ai to let uu> thu whole herd of swino un ihe main deck, jusl 111 a moment wlieu ix group uf llie ufficeis were sunuling un ihu fore pan uf lie quarter deck. Ol cuuise, the lib erated pigs, di lighted wnh iheir freedom, pass ed in review under the very iluse of uur supe- each with his mounting Irnoi displayed, ■ mining and squealing along, us if ii weie iheir fxpnxs design lu nlir .ci utirnlion lit theii do mes ic-sm row fur llie sail fate of Shakings.— ffipnniatrabie of] The tfficus .were exceuiyely provoked, as ri ltii> nmlstup- ! could not stcing thni h11 thi% af- • men, and was dearly beloved bv them in re.u.u, j '» ''' ‘-mim hi nt their expeiro-, 10 .he In- had enough uf 'he animal i.i In, cmpo-mui, | *""1" c " w '- f''L«Uhuugh .he men took no part 10 take 11 Mill Inghe. |>!.- mu he sooe.y ul ! ro ' , '-'' , “• 1 .alum, ih-y were rea Ills own kind. So that when he l.igh-bied, dy enough in ilmse I,mes ul Ihe weary, weary sl.uwv uoiu.e.s beU.i.ging ... .hr ..flic I- came !l'«>-' C|1 . "» Calch ill any specie, of d.-TaCHOO 81 on liiiaid, idler a shoo,mg . x. u.amu, M . Sle,- dev,I,y, no mailer what, .0 con.|WiMaie for the Kings I,IS. no nine m applying ro them fm new,. uf wanted orcapWinn of pnmmtBn* The leis who liked .his tori uf l-.tmli 1,, y then en«nn,«. The matW ihei.h W n*ce««- vv well, gave pud. Shaking* all sorts of en- rtly beranm la, her serious; HidthewImW gang couragemom. Not go their twilersj ibey couldhxsfnfj *»nx for on uH> TJWIRkettadi, ▼&