Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, May 21, 1831, Image 1

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rK J^l%*'Z*x.rum *1 *** c «m.KcroR’s sales. .'SKlSSfBSHhfc K?_r..«« *«*»• m- v». ■“ •*■ W M-StaSt? tSTSSS "1*2*,8 M.VL'O v, (ji;o[t'ii A, SATI i:l,A\, MAY 21, 1831 ,, rouB imibbars, if ooi paid before the fthe .ear* (Subscribers living at a distance ^uir- i m all cases to pay in advance. > «>g£.fi3gftAToaa > aaii^a. , ,l, e first Tuesday in July neat, will lie sold Court House in Henry couniy, under !j j, I ™‘Hmiougb, Henry couniy, between tl>, duuiul Imurs. ui sale, tbe l«.rlowiu g Vroiiertv ‘ aM%aMMM?a 111 *“"*'•> ihe “““due llrereon, ■ue year (<-ay and coil, vie: 202 1-2 .«ie» u| L niii, ». CiiiiiI qualm, **■ “did HiM del ol Henry 1 iL »i -Jr.“iV’ “' e l«'o|>erty fit John M. 2armr; uut 9 > .H miii C0J | 4 SHEtlirr HALES. SXS8 SAlrES. W On Ihtfirti Tuesday in Jane next, ■ HLlie sojil lielure the court-house tri the town ol Macon. Kihli couniy,' between the tut hour* ol sale, tbe following jiropntv wit: 'd lasHd rnoli)iiiii)(( itvu bundled two ,2)' more or less, distiuguislird and known iso. 11m, in (be fourth district ol originally Mtfl sod creditor^ R L H. HAKRIS. i admors. t b 19. I8fi*‘ U : ■JtjjTfiot Tuesday in August neat, will be sold 1,1 „is,.luwu of Clinton, Jones count), agree- „i order ol the court of ordinary ol said ,, the lullowiiig Negroes, belonging to the es- ]J„|„, Kirk, deceased, lo tvili Deinii-, a man, "idityeara old, Charity, a woman, flilny flve jilAI '■ ‘ u ‘- - , ii 1 ' 1 ?." 1 AsUiid, lliml quality. ii biiug pan ol lot No. &4 in the eleventh district of said county: levied on hs the pro|ierly ol franc Uout tai due 49 ceuts with costs. 202 1-2 ticisw-iif Land, second qo dity, n bing.l-t .No 249 1,1 tbe eleventh district of Henry county: levied on as the properly ot Marshal hgou; U\ duo #2*4i iviik costn. 200 ‘teres ol L.tii i, 2d & 3d quality, u being olds crediton of ssid deceased, . ,.. being loi ..... 46 in ibe thirty-third district ol He. county: levied on WILLIAM FREEMAN, jasllii pro|iertyol OUrcer Edioh; tax due 02 1-2 cents adm'or wilt the will aunextd. I w, “* ousts. It) t JSS cSW3‘““j;:Sw“i25 'SKsniKK'" 1 "■ a “* & f.L be property ol the estate ol llenry Long •» «*“» district of Henry county: le- eeoMsid 'county, decaased—to besold jur the '^ ui witbcod.^" 1 ' 01 ' B ^ *“ ° fi'lie* firs' i’uesday iii December neit. one lot . ), % acifa til Latin, 2o «fc3ii quality, it be ns the se»oud nisi riel of formerly lleary cuun- !“8 lo1 Aoi I*® in (be sixth district ot floury county: * - '' *' ■ levied un as the projierty ot William T fiuduiond; lux due 94 3-4 cents with costs. 2ti2 1 2 acres <tf La hit, mini quality, it being .. —• ■ * ol M ■iig to “ 1B estate of the said Henry Lung X”c" d*d, la be sold at tile court house in Henry v a ider the above authority and .lor the above ..... first Tuesday in January next, three Ne- ', tien.'a lad, about 19 or 20 year* old, and » wo- I daily « 'd her child to bo sold at (Minton, under LUne authority and lor the above purpose. [jlircli if. 11-9i JAMES LOMj, adm'or. fO iLLAliLB to an order ol the honorable . (be Inferior Court of l'tl.e comity, will be ■ onthe first Tuesday ir. June next, in the (own Keuuluii. Lot of Laud, No. Sfl. in the iltli dla- I of originally tloctoe now 1’tke county, i't be- Jpart ol .lie real estate ul Janits Ii. Ufdy—sold |tbe benetit of the heirs. ... . su.VliO/iN B. OHAY. EacUtor. ELIZAURTII C. (iliAY,. Li'rar. jijiril 2. lfiJL 14 I CCOitUlNtituIbclast »ill&testament of field A ,sg if l/alten, will be sold uu (ue first Tuesdhy Eogusi sett, in the town of Forsyth Monroe enun W I’Uulstiou of said deceused, for tbe benefit ol I b-.-irs and creditors of said deceased, fjint fill iai. 15 N. M-MULLEfi , ffe'or. [ LI. persons having demunds against the estuto L of Unfit Cmtnrd. lute of Houston couniy tie- pJ. sis autified to render them in legally nutliui- jlrd ivitbin the i line prescribed by law—ana Ihniu IsteJIouid estate are requeated to make -iiuuie- JUllNUUll.K, Admr. . i9-tftp ; r .. superior court in tavor.ul' Utlleto'u Atkison surviving eopa tner, 4 c i nd sundrydieri facies issued Irotn the !Sr • lI c,,urt *.«f Bibb comity in favor of E. W. Wright ami otberi I tv-, Htiises mid one tivn-h>>r*«‘ VVucoti— levied on hs the properly of John It Tally, to satisfy a tleri taenia issued from the superior court of Jones county, m favor of Leonard 1* Breedlove vs. said 1 i,- “Peojierty pointed out by plaintiff. Ma y° _ W. Vl. CONE, Sheriff. 0» Iht Fiftt Tuetday in Julg ncif; Iftlnn be sold before the court-house in the town ( filaeoB, Bibb county, (be following property Three Negroes, Tom a man about 35, Lucy a girl about 12, apd himeon a boy about b veurs of age all levied on as the rronorty oAVni. J. satis fy a mortgage Fi Fa. in favorof I,. Alkinson A T. CamjiMj. vs W J Daoelly. issued irnm UiM> su perior coUrl—property pointed out in sutd mortgage. . • WILLIAM B. CONE, Hicr\ffT-• april 3(1 18 lot No. 191 in the lourtlt district ot Muscogee county: levied on us the properly of William Hughty; tai.due 76 ceuta with coal. j 202 1-2 ocies ol Pine Land, being jot No. Ill in the tweiilb district ul W ilkilison county: icvl- ed on as the projierty ot Pelct Auruutt tax due 02 k cents w ith cost. tiimmnl Irrr, April 23, 1831. A—i 'aijcllt Cuuuty. ‘jlli libA.l, Benjamin F Tuekcr, Nancy Tuck I fraud Finley li ritewart apply to me for let- |,i sduimiitratiuu nil I lie estate ul HosCUT T cck Pate „l raid county, dt-c, used: . luit an therefore, to rile and jiimonith all and friar Iln hiit'ireil and erctlUort of taid dec!U*cd,lo be I Iff tar at my iffiee, wilhm the lime pnicribcd by |,l» ,/iurcuure. if any they bare,‘why raid lalttri l i ,.„l be grouted.' a under my hand, this Cth day of May, 1831. WILLIAM M-mtUMi, c. c. o. (fitOtMl A—liti/fj County. ill'.AS, I'.rmine Case applies to me for let ters ol administration uu the i-slute oi Ovid J>tu, lale oI s,i,d county, deceased! lint an, therefore, to cite untf otiihopith all and |d«r the hhulretl and credilortof tuid ilcceaud, lo be lappt'ir 0/ myojjlft, Milhiu Ihe time preecnhtd by i, lor/itir mure, if any they have, why laid feller* WJ ml he granted, ■ ' • veuunder ciy hand, thisClh May, 1831. JOHN M-COKl^ c. c. o. EOKGIA—lleary Couniy. I1UKEA8, Oliver W. Cox «p|rliea lo tne Tor letters of administration on the estate of Wil Mini; lute of riouili Cerolinu, dec. of sre therefore, lo tile and ndn.onith all and *i'«- the kiudrtd and creditor* o/ laid dictated, lo be 1 Wtrtl my iffiee, within the time, prenribtd by |,Is«eio ruure (if any they can,) why laid ItUere not be granted. in under my hand, tills 2d nay of May, 1831. A. T. HAiUMN, u c. c.o. | HfK unnllis after dnte app leation will be made "the Interior CourtmCiHwlurd couniy, when l“g i"rordinan> purposes, for leave to sell lot ol iniij| pfierniie huiidreduiidniiieleen hi tbo secooddislricl “{uiully Houston, now Criuvtord county, for till: * iln * "I’* 11 " 8 of Core Howell deconsed. Pr BUI. UlltAM VV AUNfcK.Cluardiait: illcatlou will be uu- for the T'bll months after date, niiplic i aide in -the I,unoral,le Interior Court ot Mon- "utile sitting tor ordinary purposes - „ *“ the laud and ncgi oes belonging to the • ot Daniel Hall, deceased—sold fur the benefit efieirr. her SUSANNAH B mark ir,„. .JOHN p. DURHAM [wo 18,1831. 13 1(11 1-4 -arcs ul Lund, third quality, it be ing lot No. 25 in the twelfth district oi Henry comi ty- levied Hives the pr •iierly of William Simmons; lax due tin 1-2 cents Willi coat. 490 ucr. n ol Piiii- Li ml, it being Ini No. 52? 4u tbe second district ot Appling count): levied on as the pruperty ot Wyatt Jhoien; tux due $1-43 3-4 with cost. • . • - • . * .. 250 ocics ul Lnntl, fiixfiqualiiy, i, being Id: No. J9.1in Ibe second disirict ol Larly county: levied on us tbe pruperty of I'hilip Cook; tax due ®3 17 cenis with cost. ■ ' 202 1-2 anus oi' Laud, tlilid quality, it being lot No. Ill in the eighth district oi Henry'county: levied ou.;,s the properly of William 7’. Turner; tin due 76 3-4 cents tviiu cost 4 ' 50 aci.Uk ol Laud, third quality, it being pan ot lot No. 225 in tbe seventh district of Heury coun ty: levied on us the pruperty ol Zero Lewie; tux due 66 cents With coal . •' 101 1-4 itciea of Lund, l ird quail,y, it be ing lot No. 1811 in Ihe second district ot Henry coun ty: levied un as thoproperty ol' ll'iltiam Vaughn; tai duc #l-34 with colt 120 .ICII S ul L ind, aecuild quality, ii being lot No. It) ill the fittceiitli distric ul Baldwin comity: levied on vs (he property, pi Elijah M. -Turner; (ax due 83 1-4 ceuts wilti cost 50 {girool Laud, Is & 2 i q •aliiy, being part ul lot No. 40 in the.cU’Vculh district of llenry coun ty: levied on us the property ot William H'll'alcre; lux due tXi 1-2 cculsrvill, cost. 202 1-2 .crus ot Lahti, (bud quality, it be ing Lot x\o. 17(1 in tho eighth distrirt ot Henry coun ty: levied on as the jirojierty ol Joeith Terrain; tax due $1-37 1-2 with cost. 202 1-2 .icius ol Land, si»A)n<> qanlity, d being lot No. 151 in tbe iwruty-third district ot Mus cogee county: levied on us Ibe |>ro|ierty ol Edmund Tamer; tux duo.$l ll 1-2 with cost. 202 1-2 acirs ul Land, di'id quality, Ii be ing lot Y> 131 iu (lit eleventh, district ol Heury county: levied on as the |iru|,erty ut Jamee Campbell; tuv dur- 34%4 cents with costs. 202 1-2 Bit's, s., Loin, sucoild quality, it being lot No. :>2 iii tbe twenty-sixth district ot Lee county: levied on us tbe properly ot Samuel Glad ney; tax due $111 3^1 with cost 405 actus til Land,-2 P. quality, it butng Un No 134 in the thirty-scouml district ol Lee county: levied on as the properly ot Charlie Linder; lax due $1-33 cents with cost. 250 ucies ot Pole Land, It being ltd No. 338 in the twenty-eight diilri tot Early county: Ifivied on a- the properly ol John J. Vues; tax dun 79 cents w ith cost. • • 82 1-2 aces of Lan i, second quality it be ing lot No. 142 in the tweiilb district ol llenry cuun- tyt levied on as the |iro|ierty ot John L. Uatu; lax due 9 ,-2 cents with cost. 202 1 2 actus t»l Laud, limit quality, it bring lot No. 74 in Ihe twelfth district ol Henry county: levied on as the property ul William Paee; tax due $1 45 3-4 with cost. 490 ui Us Pint' Land, it being lot No. 54 til the first district ol Irwin county: levied on as the |mi- party ot Edmund Welch; tux due' 93 3-1 ceuts with cost Cr-AV/FORD SALJEJS, On Ihe .first Tuesday in June next, tjlJILLlie sold before the court bouse at Knoxville, A# Crawford county, between tbe usual hours .of sale, (lie following property, vis: Our lot nf L old No 188, in the 7tli dis trict of Crawford county—levied on as the property of William Oigby, to satisfy one small Fi Fa issued from a Justice's court In favour of John Hannon vs said lliglry—levied on and returned to me by' N. 8b, irty con stable. WM. Ii. FILLS, Sh'ff. April 26, 1831. PAYETTE SAZ.SS. On thefirel Tueeday in June next, W snip, at the courth use in Fayetteville, ■ r Fayette county, between the lawful hours oi sale, tbe following Property, lo wit: flllu-giry sun, burst-, unuied Stu'loi tons, ’mid one chestnut sorrel Horse: levied on us the property ot James [{ Cruise, to satisfy an execution in favor of tje'nrge W. Liwt’caee vs James H. Cruise, John Ldtileinun mid Wiiliaui Buldietor—property pointed oat by said Untcbelor. One buy Mare, abutjl ilneu y< j,rs ol,i: levi ed on as tbe properly of William Hearth Ui satisfy an eieeutiuu iu favor oi riophia Daniel ,s said Hearn -qiropeity pointed out by William Carmichael. Tliu too 'Ii hall of lot ul Laud No. 234 iu the (hirteentb district of originally Hertry’ now. Fayette county, contiiinuiR one hundred one stud a tmirth a- cres—levied on as tbe |iro|,erty ot Tiiumaa trdlilaad to satisfy an execution in fuvurut John Luaibirth and James F. Harrison, admiaislral ors ot tin estate of Joint Garitsoa dec vs. the said Tin ina. (Jiliiland —pn>j>ert)..pointed out liy AA right .Martin—letied on mid returned to mo by a’cnnstnble. A. M UK1DE. deputy ehci iff april 30 - On the firet Tuesday in July next, . H rtLI. lx- sold, at tbu court bouse iq Fayetteville, k'ayclln county, between die lawful hours-of of snip, tile following I’ruperty, to wit: Oin- gii-’y s uu Gtnisf Iiauit-d Sertuiiutis: !i-v- led on as (lie property of John C Fraeure. to satisfy a mortgage fieri facins in favor of David Dickson vs. said Erasure—projierty pointed out by" James 11. Cruise. A. M'BRIDE, deputy sheriff. pri!3!) WHEN MAGGY GANGS AW$Y. By James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd. O tvhaf will a’ the lads do When Maggy gangs away? O what will a’ the lads do V\ hrn Maggy gangs away? * here’s no a heart iu a’ the glen .That disna' dread tbsdsr: O what will a’ the lads do When Mafgy gangs away? Your Jock has'ta'en the hill far’t— A waefu* wight is he; Poor Hhrry’s t.-i’en the bed fot’t, An* laid him down to dee: An’ Sandy’s gane upon the kirk, ~ An'teamin’?a>t to pray, Ao’, O what will the tads do When Maggy gangs away? The roung laird o’ the Lang-Shaw Has drunk her health io wine; The priest has said—in confidence— The lassie is divine— a An' that is mair in maiden's praiso Than ony priest nhould Bay; But, O what will the lads do When Maggy gangs away. Tbe Mailing in our green glen T h'ar slay will.quBvef nigh; ’Twill draw the redbreast fine the wood, The laverock Irae the sky; Tbe lairies frae their beds o' dew Will rise an’join the lay, An’ praise her! what a day will be j U hen Maggy panes awayf her j *»ALL. l,4dm;. All. J, months alter date, application will las ^ ®silo to |be lutnornble the interior cuun ot County, when lilting for ordinary purposes ! to sell two Negroes belonging to tno estsW Mien,late of Junes cnqnly,deceased. iksrs P? isr'jKr 'OUR I Talbot estate icoqnty.Seccsxed UEORUF. BENNETT, Guardian of Ihe heirs. UR MONTHS alar .late, upplieniiun will . raa de to the honorable the Interior Court the hunoruble the Interior Court county, while silting for ordinaty pur to sell (he real and personal estate ihs !' S y* M t, lato of said county, deceased, tnefit of the heirs am) creditors. »8i.» WlAttLEd M CAin Y.-ut/nt’or. U3I. ta . 1 JTMON Flirt afterdate. npplicHlion will be, ■oute to Uic hoiuireble the inferior Court til His.IS'w.' w bile sitting ti,r ordinary pqrpuw ■ .» t*Ri» real Eatara oT Sbmntl htanee.dn May. I8J1. BENJAMIN MAM 8, county: levied bu ms the property of Archibald V. Paul; tux due $1-25 with cost. 202 1-2 t< ids oi Laud, third quality, it ho- lug lot vo. 23) in tbe seventh district ol Henry coun ty: lev led on as the property ot John Barton; tax due $1 i)2 1-2 cents wills cost. 202 1-2 .ictusul La id, second quality, il be ing lot No. 236 in ibb twentieth district ot Iwe coun ty: levied on as the projierty ot William Hamer; tax due $112 with cost. 101 1-4.11‘iea id Land,second quality. It be ing ihl No 16 in the eleventb district oi llenry cuun- tyl levied on as tbe |iro|ierty ot Alexander llanntr; lax due $I'4(J 1-2 with cost. Lui No. 246, vecouu quality, n being in iln; second district Of Henry county: levied on as tbe property ol Jeeet Urice; tsx due $8 70 with costs. 11 J. U. BARNLTT, Ta* Collector. may 2 19 J Lal received at tbe ilacon Clothing store, super Cm blue brown, black, olive Brernl Cloths, blu " orovvn {range, drab, slate inixt and butt'c'u.simere Velvet end Valencia Vestings, a hamlsome aMot meat of fancy Cravats, .Slocks. .Snsjieml-as. Iliucksitoi ■lovi Hunt and Beaver do. Dnil'iellH-, t aosj A c. V,v>, a li.iniLoin>-Hsv.rlnii-iil m Itcirty nuntt tJolli ^ aiHiln in ihe best style t Cl ado FtTL'H Jc AVtiKIH I numits aliet time,ajniticnlion will t< 'Hide |o ll.e lioiioiabtu lli6 mletnic CbO ri yetle county, when sittiuu I'rti oidiiinj fur leave 16 sell one fourth pint ' 12.11 tin-12 11 djs rid of Mont sis- nun s'ft Mtu ht'iirlj, „ f s,.,,.,!, Al)n w. Urtgits, Ol 'I AVn.e (ii|.m () ,|er.- ,-eil. ■ v BRYAtN Gill(itiS, cuuitlictn. [Gifcli 22d, 1831. j4 ,ov 27 48 Nl.UttO.S fur *a/< ■ Itirrv lik.-tv NEIjRtri..- Ol all S'*-'* »‘“t 'b |_i snnptiuns". are now »l tin lii'Ote ,a Dr F l'h■ /; III J.uie* county. Where tlirv will remain 15 ' lays. I’ersona vs Isblng topureliese woulo d« well . all and esanune them, previous to thrlr being anted out ol the State Further ialoimelion may . obtained on inquiring l this offictt,or at the store l i Iwtferfarie S( Stoddard. Ala) », 1331- IMA IVTOI4E.C33 SAIsB. On the firet Tuesday in June next, W ILL be sold hetween the usual hours of sale before the Couil House at Forsyth, Mon rue cuuuty. the following pruperty to wit J ' - - 202 1-2 •icb-»ut Ltniiinoru. ui lus», being | I ,h1s J» wliiiU alibi is n- «ltu is lives, J 1 rintcrs ere kept a in confined atmosphere, und genet ally Waul exercise. Pressmen, how ever, have good .mil varied labor. Composi tors ure often subject to injury front the,types. These,it compound of lean and tiniimmiv, emit, wllt'D lu aied, a fume winch affects icsjnrafioff, and aiussid also to produce ptnnal jialsy of the hands. Among tin- piiinuis,however,ufwhonr w> have inquired, caie is generally taken to avoid rontpoMiig until the types aio cold, and thus uu injury is xuxtamed. The funMant up- |iliratiiiti ol t|,e eyts to nimute ohjens gradual ly t nleebles these bigain. Some pritners com- |d m itfdisorder of >hi- stomach ami head, und few nji|>i !ir to t' jtiy full lit-iillli. Lx nsuniplioi* is I't qni pt. \\{. tap rare ly find or heal of HIIV c cni| oai'oiK abov the hyt M fitly. Jo niaftj owns, primers ate iniempftale, liook- binders— healthy toiploynient. Cortirsartd gittltrs look pale Mid weakly, bin then lives are uni abiievi e<i in a iimiked degtee. Clock* m-ktrt— geneially lie. hl.y and Inny hved.a-s Vt ntchmuktrs—the leveile, J, nusi-eei v. nti, in large, smoky lovtuv, uphmhhy Colliers and tetii-tenkirs, :i clash by tl sniseives, sildoab renrh the age of fifty. Employments ptatlucing I lust, Oe/ovr, or Gastcus Ez/ttil tions.— U inm an m I snh- slanres, not injurious, cor from the vapours of wine or spirits. Tobac, v-tuunuJuiUntTt do not appear to suffer ftnni the fioaiing poison io ibe. atmosphere; Sit off-making oirions. Men in oil-milts, un- gt in i nily healthy, llruthm krrs live o n vuty gieat age.— Grooms tent/ hostlers Ihhnle aomtottaical gas, uml me iobus>, healthy aud iting lived. Glut and size boilers, exposed to the most noxious Stencii, ate liesh-h okiiig nud lobust. / at lout- chandhrs, also exjmsed io ofii-naive aniinal o- dtiur, attain cupttdjtable age, Tj-murs, re- been obiaimaJ by tliu researches ul Alt. C. q.jntajkablA stiung. and eirnipt in n. conrtinip- I hackruh, all enituum surgeon m Li i ds; Avt,o ; " <m - Corn-millers, lnumbiiig an ainiurpher* has lately jiublishi d a wotk on tins subject, »"b B° llr > >"e JMiIf Mid sickly; very with particular rel'eieticu to tliu Tiadts and Tuiely uliain old age. llattsttrfftuimot hvs Alanulaciures of his pl.tcu ol abode. llong, and must;.^»e tin Hade in middle life. Out oj dunes Occupations.—Butchers, und 'lea-nun sufler li•• m ihe dust, especially df the shiuglneilni l), then wives and lln u uit alid-: P" 111 leas; bit 1 rite itijtir > is not pt i niaiK pt. boys, alums'all util, fresh-coukud me..i at least G»Jfte rojuttry become astlmtaiic, ami subjcCi lwico_ u day. They aia plump and rosy.— *" headitch and indigestion. /’ prr-maxtrs. They arei g' tterally also cheetlul and good-na- when aged, cannot endure the > li< c of iuiuU Netdiui does tbeir biootiy occuparioti, h L 'di cutting d e tags. I he author nut then heel-eating, render them savage, as * u '-tes's the nse ol mofhimry iu tins pio- some iheenisUt pihteod, and even «• the Eugltsb Clfs ' l** 'hi wet, atm w ai and tear ol tit^ law piesumi's. T tit-y .ue no. Mihjt ei to j-ui li n,l ^ s > ’'"A 110 seiiously affected, but live anxieties as the fluciuaitonsol other trudes pro-j J-asuus tut si" ' lived, dying gencraiiy dimi—till :m hi is always in it-quest;. ml bn.cli- . 1 elo,t ' leiity- I bey ildiale particle* t f xautj uts live (ondofiably in limes as well lit general *®“ ‘■ U6, > bfl he vy w tgh s, and me um nhetj MlSC’JiLLAPfiEOtfS. Effects of Occupations on Health unci fives. T he siuieintms which are 'annexuu have dislitss us of general prosperity. T hey ate aubjecl to lew.ailments, nod these the tesull of plethora. Though -more fieu fium diseases Hi,Hi oilier nudes, they, however, do nui enjoy greater longevity; on tire -contrary, Me. T. th.-iiks then lives aliniu r iluiw n| mliri men who spend ninth onte in the open air.— Cattle amt hunt dcaUrtMw geneially heultliy, except when then Imhi.s me toe nipti.iic.— Eishmungcis, thougi. much exposed to the wetnltei, ..te ltaidy, tenij.eiate,aud lout. Itveu. Cart drivtrs, il sufficiently ti-d noil, tliu same. Laborers in husbandry \c suffi-i li inn a di fie i my i l imuiislimt iii. Lr.tkm ■ kers,' with lull muscular exeicise in tho open .nr, tliuugb exposed to the vicissitudes ot coin und wot, avoid ■heuinuiisiu sod inflammatory diseases, atid alt« n good old age. C haisc'dri- vers,postditeii.s, toco Anita, guards, dye. lion, the position oldie two lot it ir on die saddle, uregulai living, dec. and from ifte w»tii oi iuos- entar exurctsu m the two latter, uie subject to gustortc disunluis, amt, finally, apoplexy Mid Carpi nUrs, lot.No. |30 in seventh district of said eouuty—levied on us Iln- prujierl)- of William 1%/crcs. satisly sun- diy fieri ladasin favor ot ti. U. llumicl v. said Reeves—levy uwde by u constable may 2 A. CtlCHl AN Deputy -herff CAXi. FSLXiXs 3AZ,Z.a i m June nut. first Tuesday id' beture the court buusr-at Camp Vn the vwm.b>ai ..... \Jj hellion, Campbell cuuuty. between'ibe usual hum* oi sale, tbe lullowiiig jirupcrty. to wit: •Lo. of Laud situated ill jlu 14 Ii (lists ict of originally Fuyelte now Csmjibell county, whereon- Janu s llicks deceased, lived at tin- tion-ol his dtaih. number not known—levied on us Ibe juojierly nfsaid Hicks to satitty tvvofitasone issued Innii DeKalb Superior Court in favor of Rcj>* UrsLuru, tor die use of William Branham vs. said Kicks, die other i,«ui-d from Coweta Siiperior Court in favour ot James 1], Prrrv ymn re. Jumes Jlu ks. April 14 . N. N1CHHL80N, e/.erff BUXTS SAL US On the fret Tuesday oj June next, t Wild, be sold, before die court bouse, at Jackson, Jj Butts ciaaty, between the lawful hours of sale, the following property. viz: Lvnaot L* nd No». 35-ml 47, • ach contuin- 202 1-2 acre* of Land, third quality, It being mg 2U2 1-2 ai res more or less, amt 75 3-4 acres being lot No. 72 in the seventeenth dislrict ol He Kalb part ot lot No 30 in Cove lands are well imjaovett for laroiing. and lying In die ninth dislrict ol formerly llenry now liutts coun.y; and IXUacresot haciiou No. 55 in Ihe ninth district ot formerly Henry nun - Butts county—all le vied un as tho projierty ol Joel Batcy. lo satisfy 'sun dry fieri Ibcibs issued (rout Ibe interior court ol said county, one in favor of Murk 11 \\ akmiuu vs. Joel Baley and one isssuedtrom llo- exterior court ol taid county inlavuf ul N il ie II- Weed vs. Joel Baley and Stci heu F- Baley t 29 JOSL1H ajiiil 1 JUrifl ll BEJI.MER1.IN theriff. Also, will bo told as above, Lo No. 43 iu -he iiiuiti uisnicr of finnietly Henry nuw Batts count), containing 2tqf 1-2 aerrt more or less, with u valuable set ol grist and saw mills aiididher valuablr im|>rov|uneni» thenu"! and Iota Nos Bland 02 • ach containing 2u2 I'Jacns more or less,with valuable improveim iiis dn ieoo,tying in the firstdislrictolfornirrly Henry now ButisViuntyjand bUacresol lot No 60 in tbe lourtb district liomerl) Monroe now Butts county, it being die northwest corner ol said lot; aud M barrels ol cot*' more or less—all lavied op as the property ol dost Baity, to satisfy sundry fieri tacit* issued Iron) the inferior court v.) said county, one In favor ol Mark H, Walt man vs. I dwaivl Hit k' and Joel Baley, and the olber in fuvot ol Charles \V Kockwsfil Ai Company vs 1 dward ■ licks uu J Joel Baley, and one issued tmm Ihe supe rior court oi said couniy in favor ot David B Ila! sled, endorsee, vs’Joel Baley. T Iu-... , li hall ol io No. 17 in the fii't <lis- ti ici ot formerly Henry, now Butts county—lev ied on a, Ihe ptnjiert) of Hugh llamil, tosativiy -undiy fie n taciu, issued tieui . justice’s court ol Mot t-o,* cram IV. one m tavi.r ot Tho.iia- U Goode ss Hog!, II,o mil ami riimeon I lamil—lev ied on end .vlurord to me hy a cvoistatjle. it AV H.AltKNt.88, may 2 19 Deputy Sherff L AMP OIL, of good qu dity. jut! received bv Jau. B, ELIA 3, SHOT WELL & Co ' coopers, icheclrights, Jpc. hfahhy i.tiu long I,v• ii. o-malis, oiiin iint-mpt-iale, end uu- i-iimparutivt-ly young. Jtupimohen and gar deners, auffi'i Irom their smopittg pustules.—'iers, subject to complaints in tie loins, in- (leasing wiiliage, hut they lue iong,. ln-daor Oi cupations.-— I/V.iforx, .’jkitwitn, iiiamtiiig then confmeil utmosphtiu ami bud pos- luie, mu no liable to aciuul diseases, but givs' way to stomach complaints mid coiisuuipnuu. 1 is upjiuieiii, even from obxenmg only the ex|iression of counteiiauce, the complexion mid gun, that the functions til the a odkicIi and tho heart are greatly impaited^even m those win consider themselves well. VVe seo no jiliimp und rosy tailuis; none ol fine Itmn und stiong muscle." The spine is generally curve': the leductioti in the RKumteitM of llu chest ts not so much us wo might • xpeetj the uvuiugt- of our mensuiemeuis pteseuted 33 to 34 no fi rs,-while that ol other artisans is tihnui 36,— Tjtu capacity of the luugs, as ek'iiiced by mea suring tho air thiown out ul nu expiratmii,' o not’ Uxs 'hoD con num: the average ol six tmit- vidual* was 7 2-3 |uiits. 1 he pujitdicial in fluent u silTheii i niploy is mote insiditms than tiin-iiw-j) nimeJinmes sather thanidexnoysI le. * a a a O’ iweiiiy-'wo oi the tvorkmei employed m l.< i ds, not one had attained In ugu of sixly; two had passed filly; amt of'In the rest, not mote than two had reached lorty, VVe lieuid of an insliintu or two of gr» m ags-; hm lire individuals livid chit fly in the cuunuy Etuymakers have their htalth inijiaied, hu^ live io a good average. Milliners,, and sis ate-1 outlet makers, are unhealthy ami short lived. Spint.trs, clolhts-dresstrs, tetuv- trs. 4'c. Sfc. an more or less Iteahhy, ns they have exeicise Httd uir. Those exposed to m- luk- nujiericpiiblu particles of dressings, stlch us ii isers, suffer froni distase, and me soon est cut tff. Eboimuhrs are jtlaced ID u bail I’usturt. Digesiii ii and circulation me so nmcli unpaired, that the countenance would mark « 'lioenmker almost us well as a tailor. VVe sup pose that, from-the reduction of perspiration, and other evacuations,' in this and similar em ploy meats, the blood is impute, and conse quently the complexion dinkened. The se cretion of bile is generally unhealthy, and how- el complaints mo frequent. The capacity of the lungs, In tho individuals ex- miricd, we found j our arrival i in average 6 1-3, and the circumference of the • the aputllai •ciirlt S3 indie tniemperaie. Miners da pi cniut-m.ktTS seem to suffei inaiurely. Ha* ly Irom die dust they inhale, and the rutiM-qtieifi bronthial wri- i-iiion. The filers (iron) aie ulniost all un- healthy men, and teniaifcaMy slum lived.— Fauttuvre'(m btoss) si de linn, fie iiih'aliii'oa ■ Iybe.volaiihzeil tnulal. ii, fnundina otyuluus bras* ia pellicular, the .evolution utexaieuf zinc is very great. They sehfi in rearfi tony years. Cuppa-smiths are cmnderahty ‘.fleet ed by the fine stairs which arise ftom die tm- peifectly volutiiise'i metal, am! by dip fume* of Ihe spehei, oi >nldpi el Inns-.. The men are eetieially unhealthy, suffering (rdm tiiso.-ders similar in ilmsr id ihr bijiss-loifndef*. Tin* platc-tfO:leers ait suhjr c eil to fumes tiom mu ni,Iu of ammoni'i and snlphuimus exhulalioDK hum .'he enke which they bum. These ex- halatioos, hpwever, opjita, to be annoying rath er than injurious, ns the men an- tnlnahh heal thy, mid live to u’ considerable age. 1 in tiers also are subject to temporary iMorvemt i co tiom the fumes of ibe srdrii riDg’. Plumbers rue exposed to ilip'volati'.tsi il oxice ol It ad, which ati*is during the pipcess id caMing.— They me sir hH in nj.pearattce, ami i.fiiirt lived. Iltnisi-p. inter> ate unhral hv, .<ml rfi, not cru cially tsjyjmD lull age. Chimists ami drug* gists, in- laliiuaii,ties, uir xrtiv inm consump tive. Potters, ffi< ed ihrtmch the Junes id fio skin, hr-conic pa,alytir, and me rimaikably snlijeC'tqCon*ti|Wtloll. Ilallers, grimes, ha* kers. and chiMney-sice<pirs (., U'»dl asmciq- ,mil,) also stsflee ihrnu'. li the -k,n; out, though the treilUlltin occasioua disea.-i s, they me not, exrepl"ID theiaSI clkss, fatal. Dyers me in wi thy >nd long lived. Hrtwers are, a» a burly, fa,' front healthy. Uudci a robust and often tb riil apjiearance, they conceal iliiimic mseas- ■ s of the abdomen, jiarltcul 'i iy a cot jested state of tbe venous system'. When riu niru are accidentally hurt in », unrlr-e,, they am more liable tbar other kidiviiliriils n sever wand daugeinu* effects. Cooks nud confectioners ate subjected to cmmilerable heal, Out tuai- ninii cocks ate nunc unhealthy hen miuso- m ids. Their digestive organs aie frequently dism. ered; they an- snl'jr-rt In hr ariiscfi, «nr< ilien lernpeis rendered (ridable. Glass-fco k- , rt are healthy; gluss-biowers often die sudden ly- Crnrral AA ilson. of Monroe county, Kentucky, mh filial) murdered in a most airoi ,ou» mamier by a tenant oi bis own named Muchrlt. 1 he lat ter had wfihrd to retain the wlmlc ,,f \\ rlnon’a f.rn,. which hr temled last yea,, and had begun to plough for the sumtmTa cultivation. \\ il« n. on the contrary, bail driermined In ahrudd have only a jmriioi, ui it, and had j-r icecdetl to -IMSay t „ff, that another individual akoulrt hare the reoiaintUffk* On teaching the iaml which had been ploughed, Mitchell ordered him to d son. lo which Ih* paid no regard, and, and cominning tl>c lint* when MtuhfU seized nn n>p. mnU *** a »in|ile*lilow t »ev»Tf*l his head from hi» Ij<j«J)- T non drier |)ro^uri^g lire arms iraisted nil at(en pit to anest h'ni. nnrl eurceeded ii* rn.tkinji id* it is aup» posed', to Indiana, whither pert>oui» have gene ia iiis pursuit. TV/fli.—Tlx 1 Pti#:h«i.< Coatier | nbiishe* a lei:ft Im D» h tiicnd, h icsidr iu in 1« \%h0 writ< under dai♦* ol, hum, i i8« “When the rt'inji;»ny <J then first vessel f«»r lid* plan*, >» w< s «x|*in«d nu scitli’U- ni in his Motion oi hu» oil loom] » cit.v survey to «*t» I, With ! linns' of An.ihuac (ihe oiig In the few shoemakers who J of Mexico previous to its disccvery) and iweo<v: five to old age, there is often a remarkable hoi- ty houses. We also expected to have U'c*,«| low at the base of the breast-bone, occasioned our emigrants unc Commenced tilling lit*- *oiJ r by ihe jiressure of the last. Curriers aud i but this for die |,rescoi we axe loibid doing by truther dressers are very healthy, and live to j tho Government, and iii* doubilul llaipt utt old age. Sadlers lean much forward, and suf-f patty's claim to apart of this ttfritoiy iai!%«M fer accordingly from hcadacli w»J iadigiilioo. 1 recognized. • * * .0 - * u- f ' fin - lit--- —