Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, August 13, 1831, Image 4

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.WARE-HOUSE. AND Commission business. *111E UNDERSIGNED lias in addition to his l former Warehouse oil Cherry street, one in * plete order on the east side of the River, where »se of his friends and customers from that side can ve the same attention paid to their goods as hereto .ore, and he saved the trouble Of crossing the bridge B. S. GRIFFIN. Machn, October iOlh 1829. 42 FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. *8 OB MAG IF. has received and opeued, within the V last few days, an citensive assort merit of Goods including almost every article required for this mark, et: among which arc the following: Superfine blue, 'black, brown, olive and green Broadcloths, Merino and rowan Cassimere*, Eastings ana Circassians, very fine Frcncli Bombazines, Drill ings and 3atteens; also French Linens and Stripes, aha superfine and common Vestings; also Manda rines, Orlindas and Orleans Robes splendid articles; Cambric and furniture Dimity; Swiss, jaconet, book and cambric Muslins; India, silk and cambric Ging hams; also 109 pieces Calicoes and Prints very choice •patterns and latest style; faucy Handkerchiefs and Scarfs; Crapes and Gause, plain and figured change able Silks, Italian and Grodennptes do. Cnpes, Collars and Pilariues, thread and bobinet Laces and Footings, Ribbons, Gloves and Hosiery; Irish Linens, Lawns, and cambric Handkerchiefs; also ladies and misses' Leghorns, open straw and Dunstable Bonnets, Um brellas and Parasols very neat and handsome; pow der Boxes and Puffs; and nn extensive supply of Soaps and Perfumery, Otto of Roses, &c. A c. Also a general assortment of Hardware, Cutlery, "Glass and China Ware, Crockery, Castings, and 10 eases gentlemen's beaver and silk Hats, super fine and common, including white, drab and black; also Shoes, cotton Cards, blacksmiths' Tools com plete, cross-cut and mill Saws, carpenters' Tools, Guns, &c. Ac Also a very general assortment of GROCERIES, COTTON BAGGING, Ac. Ac. The subscriber requests the attention of his friends and the public to his whole stock in trade, as lie will continue to dispose of the same upon terms which, he is confident, will give general satisfaction, may 14 20 JOB MAGIF.-f/ FOR SALE, A PIANO FORTE, of excellent finish and first rale tone. Apply to July 16 29 tf NATHANIEL BARKER. FLOUR. FEW barrels good FLOUR, for sale by . july9 29 G. CHAMPLAIN. | K imberly & cihsholm have just re- ccived pr. boats Two Brothers and Velocity COO kegs white Lead, 10 bids. linseed Oil, 10 bbls lamp do. 3 bbls Putty, 3 bbls. Varnish, 30 boxes 0 by 10 window Glass, 30 boxes 10 by 13 do. 3 bbls. S. Turpentine. 100 kegs Nails, 20 do. cut .Spikes 25 tons Iron, 000 lb. cast Steel 2000 lb German do. 100 do. Utisleid do 10,000 Castings, 150 pr. best wrought Trace* 50 doz. weeding lines 200 sets wagon Boxes 50 bbls. Portland Rum 50 do. Northern Gin SO do. Rye Whiskey 200 boxes Table Salt 20 kegs Rogers’ F. Powder 100 bags patent Shot 25 bags Bnckdo. 200 lbs. Lead, 5 bbls. Coperas 10 lllids. Sugar, 10 do. Molasses 50 bags Coffee, 0 do. Pepper 0 do. Pimento, 100 boxes Cigars 50 coils Tar’d and Hemp Rope 100 pieces Cotton Bagging 13 boxy Whittimore's cotton Cards • 10 Kegs Tobacco Scythe Blades, cutting Knives, Rasp Ilooks, steel corn Mills, Hinges, Chalk, Whiting, Logwood, In digo, Salt Petre, mill, cross cut, and whip Saws, Kpsom-and Glauber Salts, Patent Medicines, Hoop Iron, baud do. Nail Rod, shcot Iron and sheet Copper. In addition to the above we have on hand an extensive assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Hats, Shoes, Saddlery and Earthen Ware—which will be sold low for cash, or Cotton. Plantets and country Merchants will please call ondexamine- Macon, Jao. 1 3 9 Nails, Iron, Steel, Hollow Ware. "I •“ *«- ® V »l«fl infliPC wide TIN WAKE Manufactory. ( Hearty opposite Chapman's earner. T UB subscriber has now on band and will keep constantly, e supply oi TIN WAKE, which he will sell wholesale or retail at Savannah or Au gusta prices* IV. 8. ELLIS. OJ* Orders sent to Ellis. Shotwell It eo. willrcceive prompt attention. 23 jutte 19 WARE-HOUSE COXMCCVZXSSXOBT BUSINESS. T HE Subscriber will be engaged in the above Business in Macon during the next season, and pledges himself that no business entrusted to bis care shall want Htttention. Liberal advances, on Cotton, will be made when required. Receiving and forwarding Goods to Country Mer chants will lie punctually attended to. The customary charges of the place will be made, jilly HO 31 THOMAS T. NAI’IER. NAILS <&. BRASS: A Large supply, assorted sizes. For sale by IlI DAV. & BUTTS, joy 10 29 JAMES A. BLANTON & JEREMIAH SMITH, Under the firm of BLANTON & SMITH Respectfully tender to their friends and the public, their services in the Ware House Commission Business, roaches, and Ifatch-Honci, of the nm 'oroer. Jin charges will be in unison with the times. IIe lias al ready been at much expense in procuring (and is dal ly continuing to get) such Horses, Gigs, and Car nages as will, he hopes, add to the comfort, ease and convenience of not only the man of business but of pleasure. No attention shall be wanting to please a generous public. I will however add, by way of doing •way some false impressions, and I wish it to bedis tinctly understood too, that, in hiring, I do not give li Cence to UiHvny Horses or break my Carriages, but shall hold each and every individual responsible lor all the damages that accrue, ordinary wear ond tire only excepted: for I hold it as legal, equitable and reasonable, for every man to pay for hit own folly, Imprudence or misfortune, as the case may be. And all those who have the ordinary feelings for man’s most serviceable animal, I invite to call at my Livery Stable, where every csertion, care and espense will be made for their comfort and convenience—where, at all times during the day, they will find tome one ready to seryetbem. Horses will also be kept by the day, week, month, year, end forever—by the day, 50 cents—day and night, 50 cents—week, 3 dollars—by the mouth, 10 dollars—by the year, (payable hi ad vance quarterly) 100 dollars—and forever, nothing. IN MACON. T HEY have taken the large new Ware House and Wharf, between second and third streets both of which are constructed on the most approved plan and are in fine condition. A convenient close store, for the reception of Merchandise will be erect ed forthwith. The proximity of the Ware House to the business part of town, and at the same time its comparative re moteness from other buildings, together with the ad vantages of the excellent wharf attached to it, render it peculiarly convenient, as well as measurably ex empt from danger by fire. Liberal advauces will be made on cotton in store and shipped by them—and every other reasonable accommodation granted. The personal attention of each of the firm will he given to the business, and their utmost exertions used to promote the interest of their customers. July 23 30 SCHUYLER’S PALACE OF rOATUNE, NO. 220 BROADWAY, Vndtr the New American Museum Marble Building, NEW YORK; Where have been sold and paid PRIZES of $50,000, $40,000, $30,000, $25,000, $20,000, $15,000, &C. amountingto MILLIONS of DOLLARS! For the information of my natrons and others at a distance, I give thus early the following Important Intelligence. List of Brilliant New York Lotteries, to be drawn in the City of New York, forihe Summer Campaign: July 20—Extra 19—Capitals Three of $10,000.— Price of Tickets $3—36 No. Lottery—6 drawn bal lots. Package of Wholes, cont’g 12 tickets, $00 Warranted to draw at least, * 25 50 July 27—Extra 20-Capitals $40,000, S10.000. Tick- ets $10, and the lowest prize $12.-66 Numbers- 10 drawn ballots. Packages of Wholes, cont’g 22-tickets, $220 Warranted to draw ‘ 102 August 3—Extra 21—Capitals $20,000, $10,000. Tickets $3—66 Numbers—10 drawn. Packogo of Wholes, cont’ 22 tickets, $110 Warranted to draw 42 60 August 10—Extra 22—(lanitals 3 of $15,000. Tick ets $5.-60 Numbers—9 drawn ballots. Packages oi Wholes,- cont’g 20 tickets $100 Warranted to draw 38 25 August 17—Extra 23—Capitals $20,000. Tickets $5. —60 Numbers—10 drawn ballots. s’ Package of Wholes, cont’g 20 tickets, $100 Warranted to draw 42 50 August 24—Extra 24—Capitals $40,000; $10,000. Tickets $10. Lowest Prize $12—66 Numbers- 10 drawn ballots. Packages of Wholes, cont’g 22 tickets, $220 Warranted to draw 102 August 31—Extra 25—Capitals $15,000, $5,000. Tickets $4—66 Numbers—10 drawn ballots, '•ckages of Wholes cont’g 22 tickets, $88 Warranted to draw • 34 Orders for Tickets in any of the New York Lotte- is, must be directed to ANTHONY H. SCHUY- 3U, New York, who pays particular attention* to or- irs from abroad, having tivojcspecial Licenses from e Stste Authority, with the necessary bonds, secu res, tec. Those who would like Tickets in the a- fve, or in nny of our Lotteries, need not to be under ly apprehension ol letters by mail, enclosing cash, ling miscarried, as the subscriber has not missed a iglo order directed to him during his long course of ide; he has tho privilege of rcfcring to the very res- ictable Managers Messrs. Yates & M'Intyre; also many other first rate houses in this city, Boston, Ibany, Charleston, S. C. Richmond, Va. Fayette- He, N. C ami Augusta, Ga.* Direct, 31 ANTHONY H. SCHUYLER, New Pori A Lottery will be drawn in New York, every Wed- isday, for six months to come. Bank Notes current any part of the United States taken at par for Tick- s- When more than one ticket is ordered, the post- ;« need not be paid. Those who prefer it, to save ■stage, can have a certificate of the numbers sent by all, and the original tickets, signeji by the Managers, HI be sealed up, deposited in the Bank, and held bject to the disposal of the owners. This plan, ougb generally adopted by my customers, is notful tved without express orders. Please bo particular address ANTHONY II. SCHUYLER, July S 27 New York. Also a WAGON-YARD will be open, after the 1st day of August, and HORSF.-LOTS. fitted up, and intended for Drovers, the use of which can be had on accommodating terms, bnt at the risk of the owners of the horses or mules. Cqfn and fodder can at all limes be had at market prices; and every atten- lion necessary will be rendered for the benefit of all. «Of W h BENNETT. riber every evening of the drawing. The Herald ntains the official Drawing Schemes of Lotteries on to be drawn, a complete list of all the broken inks in the United States, correct Price Current, d a largo quantity of reading matter original and se- •t. Terms—(wo dollars per annnm, in advance; ' is sent gratis, il requested, for one year to all who deal with ANTHONY II. 8CHUYLER, joly 2 27 New York. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE* „ The subscribers have united in the Practice of Medicine. Thcirabop is next door to the Repertory office. U AMBROSE BABER, JAMES T. PERSONS. Macon, May 3 19 Yf USTreceived at the Macon Clothing Store, super (jj fine bine, brown, black, olive Broad Cloths, blue brown,crange, drab, slate mixt and buffCassimeres, Velvet and Valencia Vestings, a handsome axsort- mentoffancy Cravats, Stocks, Suspenders, buckskin Gloves, Horse and Beaver do. Umbrellas, Caps, Ae. Also, a handsome assortment of Readymade Clothing, made in the best style ; Cloaksof a superior kind. FITCH A WORDIN. nov 27 48 GEORGIA GOLD. Uj UFU SR. SMITH has just received a choice lot JL«, of JSWll&BiYi manufactured in New York, during the present summei, under his own in spection, and warranted to be of Georgia Gold—a- mong which are, Chains, 8ealsand Keys, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Sluds, Ac. Also on hand, a variety of FANCY ARTICLES in his line, Music 1 Boxes. Silver Spoons, Percussion Pistols, Dirks, See. with most other article* usually found in a Jeweller's More. July S3 30 H. PARSONS. 137 BROAD ST. AUGUSTA, KEEPS constantly on hand a general supply of CABINET FURNITURE, Sofas, Chairs, Looking Glasses Venetian Blinds Piano Fortes, Mattresses An extensive supply of Carpeting and Hearth Rugs, ogether with many other articles usually kept in a CJlBINE T WAR E-IIO USE. Being connected with j»n establishment in New York any orders will be forwarded and filled, free or commission and no advance required until the articles ae delivered here, and approved by the purchaser. Augusta. May, 1830. 22 FACTORAGE Commission Business. PrntiE Subscribers have fotmed a copartnership *. under the firm of 2UAI.ONE &. SXSTAKE, lor the transaction of a General COMMISSION BUSINESS, in Savannah, and will he prepared to make advances on Produce consigned to Inero for sale. They will also pay particular attention to the receiving and forwarding Goods to.ttie interior. 6 R. MALONE, Savannah, June 20,1831. IL S1STAUE, fly 5 * The undersigned takes this method to return his thanks to his friends for the liberal patro nage afforded him since his residence in Savannah; and solicits for the above firm a continuance of the same support; their best exertions will be used for the interest of those who may . favor them with con signments. R. MALONE, june 20. 26 St BOOTS AND SHOES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. fJXIlE Subscribers once more take the liberty to in form the citizens of Macon and public that they have an additional supply of Ladies' Gentle men’s, Youths’and Childrens Moots and Shoes, too numerous to enumerate in an advertisement, which makes asgood an assortment as has ever been offered the public in this region; they have also a good as sortment of Sole-Leather, Call Skins and wax Leath er, do Lnings and Bindings by the skin or gross, span- ables, shoe Knives, Atvls, Thread and Findings, for manufacturing the above article—all of which will be sold at small advance above cost. Planters, \yc are confident will find itto their advantage to call and ex amine their stock of negro shoes, a superb article, which will be sold low for cash. We forget not atthe same time, to present our cor dial thanks to our patrons, for their liberal support Heretofore, and respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Making and Repairing, faithfully and punctually at- teded to, at the shortest notice. Macon, oct. 29. A. C. PARMELEE & Co. SUGAR, COFFEE AND LIQUORS. 50 bhds. St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars. 20 boxes brotvn Havana do. 25 bills loaf and lump do. 25hhds Cuba Molasses 300 bags prime green Porto Rico, Havana and old Java Coffee 150 bbls domestic Liquors 5 pipes old Cognac Brandy and Holland Gin 25 quarter casks Madeira, Teneriffe and Malaga Wines 10 baskets Uhampaigne Wine 20 casks Annis and Mint Cordials 30 boxes bar and shaving Soap 15 bags Pepper, Pimento and Ginger boxes hyson and souchong Teas 2000 bushels Liverpool ground Salt. For sale, low, by THOMAS TAYLOR, june 18 25 No. 6, Cotton Avenue. SUMMER HATS. Gentleman's Satin Beaver HATS, a new article, just received, and for sale by WM. IL BURDSALL. April 30, 13 Spring and Summer Clothing. VXUXAM B. 2JURDSALZ. yiT»AS just commenced receiving his stock ot ' Spring and Summer CLOTHING, which he will sell on the most liberal terms. Among the arti clcs already received arc the following. Super Black Bombazine Coats ditto Merino Cloth ditto Lasting tJhcap Store. WXDXiXAttX B. BUKDSAXiL, in>A3 taken a store in Mulberry street, a few doors below Washington Hall and opposite Messrs Day A Butts, where he I* now receiving and opening i General Assortment of Dry Hoods, Ctothiug, Hats, j ‘shoes, dec. which he will sell at wholesale and retail, I 15 SUGAR, COFFEE a I J HDS. ot Prime N. O. Sum ^’l 2 do. Mola-ses 6 12 bis. green Coffee I.Wdo^omestioLiquorefo^^ march 12, 1831. 12 „„„ ■ . PUlt SALE it the lowest prices, and invites purchasers to caii j A Good T"o l1?™ WAGON. W, ind examine lor themselves. Among the articles re- ■ „ A. HliOl WELL 4, J, ft,.. ceivcd are the following t Extra fine saxony Blk sinchews, do sarsnet Blue, blk and col'd cloths do Florence july 23 30 do do cassimeres Dark blue satiuelt Blue mixt do Steel mixt du Cadet do do Lavender do do Brown do do Negro cloths Red Flannels, white do do Gros de Berlin do Gros de Naples colored Florences Black Italian crapes colored do do, canton do Nankin do, linen cambrics Genoa silk V*elvct Black and colored cambric Osimburgs, Portcrsbeeting Lto-Kflas lCIbebT- White saxony Gauze do Red padding, canvass Green do, yellow do Brown Buckram, blk do Canton do White do, Blk silesias Green bordering Baize colored do, Blk lasting do Floor cloth Mosquito Netting, scarfs Dullle Blankets. Point du Thread lace, Bubiuet do Rose do cotton do. Prllcriiies 4-4 broan sheeting, 6-4 do Gauze Gcrniture Ribbons 7-3 do, 3-4 do shirtings Gros de Naples do do 3-8 Negro do, 4-4 do do Belt do, cap do Bleach'd Muslins black and colurd plain do Domestic Plaidsandstripessilk Umbrellas, Parasols 3-4 Apron check, 4-4 do cotton Umbrellas 1-4 Furniture do, Uedticks Blk and col'd tubby Velvet Bleach'd cotton Diapers Men's Gloves, ladies' do Brown do, bleach’d jeaus cotton, silk A worsted Ho- Brown do, Fustians lambs wool do [siery Linseys, Birdseye Diaper India Flag lidkfs Russia do; Table do Bandana do, spill Scotch do, linen sheetings White Jaconet do Russia do, Irish linens linen cambric do Long lawn, Brotvn linens White jaconet cravats Cambric Muslins The subscribers chased tha Mi|| "2 *<ihy Elijah »• Cott on ., IllUt iS Rocky creek, abosr trom Macon, wilf be a lew days to oa» Lumber Yard. C or« r 3 ry and Third streak criptton, and almost any quantity 0 f I.-CT be wanted. 1 hey have already on hand rl1 15,000 feet seasoned inch Plank ^ 10,000 do do Ceiling 10,000 do do Rough edge I 10,000 do 3x4, 4x6 Scantling 8 , Which they will sell at fair prices 6 | j«ly 9 26 RALSTON * JO] corded do, check’d do Plain & figd jaconet do do do book do do do swiss do .do dotnull do Xansook do. Painted do Foundation do, Culicoes Ginghams, Vestings Bishop lawns Meriuo cloths do Circassians Indigo blue camblet Tartan Plaids JLIMKJ LIME! The subscriber l ms sale, and intends to keen Z <) on hand, in M„con, maston, Talbolton, GreenS Bandana do, spilllefield do J' 1 '" 1 .’"'' V. r suflicie "t quantities for wi.u. I,,™..,.; ,i~ onu to sell an future ut such prices and n terms as to make it an object to purchaser .ncuiict cinvu.9 ™ Ucb C »P e ' l5e >» sparing, buL do Swiss do, Fancy coi do | , , . nab "8 ,be necessary arrangements for tri J Wellington do ; !'°" lo . Purchasers. He has also spared r Black Ballon do,col dodo , , ' 1 |“ k *! l 6 ' he necessary arrangemems t» £ Black canton do i nr,,clt 1 replaces above designated, forth. Madrass Hkfs, Turk red do | ' l n C fm"'" 0 |‘“ tl0 |!, of , ,le / 1u!jl .! c sencrall >''' »b«tt Britannia do in fulure bc sold •* «*■«*?,prices-vl* at Buttons of nil descriptions j p.,.„ K . , Bonnet wire,stock, ^o ^ Bh S‘ n Wel1 ' 4 n°'.‘, n A h „¥ 0tk 'P‘'U collars, Busonis •fcravat stiffeners Pockclbooks, Wallets cotton balls, spool cotton do Floss, Wire cotton Patent Thread. Tapes Blk and col’d Bombazctts Bobbins, Ferrets do do Circassians Quality Binding Printed do, Alerino shawls suspenders, Hat weeds Valentia do, cashmere do shell combs, Brazillian do Prussian do, cassimere do Fine do, pocket do chintz do, leghorn Huts Dressing do Fancysilk Hdkfs Clothes Brushes, Hairdo Black lace Veils white do Tooth do, shaving do Green Gauze do Fancy soap,. Invend water Black Italian lustring colugn water Men’s and Youllis Clothing of all descriptions, mude in the best manner Men’s and Youths t'ur Hats of all qualities Blk and drab wool do—Fur Caps, Hairdo, lonthr do Mens, Womens and childrens Shoes, &c &c. Macon, Oct 2 40 v THE subseriher has just re turned from Nc v York and is uow opening a splendid assort menl of goods in his line, com prising a greater variety than ev er before offered in this market, amongst which are the following articles viz. ditto ditto Rowen Cassimere ditto ditto Frock ditto Black Bombazine Pantaloons Lasting ditto Brown French English and Irish do White do ’ do do do Changeable silk Vests, a splendid article Figured London Marseilles do White do do buff and white Valentia do &c &c &c March 12, 1831. srxaara axto summer goods. JUST RECEIVED IND FOR SALE AT THE STORE OF A. SHOT.WELL Sf J. S. SMITH. prnHE assortment is very handsome and suitable to the season, comprising almost every article in the line whether of elegance or necessity. The fol lowing are a few of the items: Plain and figured Swiss Muslin Fine cambric do Book do Nansook do Printed Jaconet do Colored bordered cambric Handkerchiefs Imitation do Fancy crape, silk and gauze Shawls ■ Bishop and Long Lawn. Gallopades, anew article Crape de Chine Belt Ribbons, assorted Ladiea’ white silk Hose Ladies’ white cotton Hose Chinlc Furnitures SilkUmbrellasdcParasols White feather Fans painted cases fine beaver drab HATS, wide and narrow brims Also a good assortment of SUMMER CLOTHING or sale tow A. S. & J. S. S, june 4 23 M. FELTON & Co. A tlE receiving and opening, in addition to their former stock, a complete assortment, consisting of Dry Goods (Fancy Articles) Boots and Shoes Gentlemen’s black and white Hats, Leghorns, Ladies’ Dunstable cottage Bonnets, Straw do. Hardware and Cutlery, Mill saws, cross cut do. shot Guns, bell met al Kettles, Scythes, cutting Knives, window Glass, white lead, iPutty, Logwood, 8addles and Bridles, Hollow ware—and are expecting daily, Liquors of all kinds, Sugar and Coffee, Soap, Candles, Molasses, Arc. All of which they will sell as low as can be had in this market. Also, Several thousand pounds Bacon. MICAJAH FELTON, Macon, april 16. 16 WM. B. CONE. United States’ Bank XffOXXJS For sale by C. COLLINS May 2 29,1830. 2 COTTON BAGGXnra. 250 ps prime Hemp BAGGING 42 I n * aP 42 Inches 30 P* Racking yjl*C.:.V: ,W 500 lbs bagging Twine coils Bale Rope tf Boat Warps For sale, low, by June 18 25 THOMAS ’/aYLOR, So. 0, Cotton Aratue. Flour, Mackerel, Sec. QABLB. fresh canal FLOUR 20 do MACKEREL 20 do 8UG AR, just received and for sale by April 9. 15 EJilBERLY & CHISHOLM WATCHES. Lockets, Ladies Gold patent lever Modalions, &c. &c. Watches, SILVER WARE. Gent, do do do (extra Table &. Tea Spoons, Jetv’d Salt & Mustard do “ Silver do do da Cream Desert do “ Lepine & Engli do Soup & Ilntter Ladles, JEWELLERY. Butter Knives, Sugartongs (Manufactured of Georgia PLATED GOODS. Gold.) Fruit Baskets, Castors, Ladies neck Chains (ele- Candlesticks, Snuffers,an- 1 gant patterns) Trays, “ Watch do Tabic & Tea Spoons, Filigree ,V Jett Ear-rings & Sugar Tongs & Soup l.u- Breust-nins, dies, Pearl & Jett Finger-rings, BRITANNIA WARE. Curb & Long-link watch Coffee & Tea Pots, Chains, Sugar & Cream Dishes, Seals, Keys, watch hooks,Table & Tea Spoons, Snaps, Soup Ladles &c. &c. Studs, Miniature settings, Fancy and Military Goods. Tea Trays, Bread Baskets, Steel 8nuffers and Trays, silver mounted Spectacles, steel do, Ever pointed Pencils, silver Whistles, Dirks, Pistols, (a superior article) coral Beads, Wax do. Pen-knives, Spanish do, Raisors, Thimbles, Bracelets, H’nist buckles, Percussion Caps, Toy Watches, Back gammon Boards, Guns, swords, Epnulctls, Belts, spurs, Gilt and steel Watch Chains, Seals and Keys. Ribbon Chains, together with a general assort ment of watcli makers Tools, Materials, Glasses, Ac. &c. all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. N. B. Clocks of every description carefully re paired and warranted. RUFUS U. SMITH. Macon, October 16, 1830. 42 do. do. do slaked, IN FORSYTH, in the rock, per bl v, n IN TiIOMASTON, ked ' P ' r Mr. T. It. W icks, in the rock, per bl do ' do - slaked nerk „ , , IN TALBOTTON 1 Mr. A. Lawrence, in the rock, nerhl UO. di). Slukcd li/rM IN GREENVILLE,*?* Mr. D. Gregory, intherock.perbl do. (to. slaked IN CLINTON, “ 3Ir. I one s, in tfie rock, perhl a j d ,°' slaked, per U. And at my Plantation, five miles below Eu\ Crawford County. , In the rock, per hi. $4-50 slaked, perU. Urm the rock, per bushel, 50 cents—slaked,Sot I will here remark, that thii lime has been by some ot the best judges aud mechania i country, and lound to be good. The onlv old. to the lime is it being a shade or two dart* Hih Northern lime; but independent ot tlii? tu work, inner coats of plastering, tanneries, c and durability, it is interior to none. Annate certificate from the two principal workmen in} who have been in the habit, lor the l*<t three ol using the same, w Inch will show for itself 1 lurtiish many more, but deem it unnecessary, Inn know n standing ol those gentlemen as masons t section of the country; which tooisasufficientw tee ngauist any imposition upon the public, true the prejudices against the lime of this c* did, to a considerable extent, operate aguimt lit ot Crawford county; and it was with much diEi those prejudices have been removed, which, fori time, kept the latter lime out of the inaiket. there is vet some in existence, which 1 hope to way, and a ti-inl is only wanted to remove it. demand bus increased and continues to inn which is a convincing proof of its genuiurness. periment and experience have, so far as it bus bob ed. proved it equal to tho Northern lime, when! unslakcd slate. 1 will further add, that 1 have to sign upon the community in w hich I live or mot public. But having lor my object, a wish tot a business ol it, should it justify me hi so doing, Molding the only (junrry in this immediate swtk_ country, are my reasons for this exposition, f; lurther proof of my motives, take the article,ul it; and if it does not come up to the rccenuh Hon, I will have nothing fur it. [Herelotion certificate:] MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS, MUSIC, CuC. ELLIS, SHOTWELL S? CO. RE now receiving and opening at their BOOK CRA STORE, a number of PIANO FORTES, of a rich description, and a variety of other Musical Instruments, with instruction Books, and Music a- dapted to the same—a large collection of NEW MUSIC, for tho Piano, embracing all the Music of the cele brated Cinderella Opera, and a variety of engrav ings, caricatures, prints, &c.—Also a'large assort ment of BOOKS, consisting of 1500 VOLUME8; a catalogue em bracing a considerable portion of which, is published in the Christian Repertory. A great variety of STATIONARY GSSfr* The subscriber oilers him self as a candidate for the SHLRIFf ' TY of BIBB COUNTY attbaensuiageleclfon^ pledges himself to his friends, that he is ind«« do so more from on earnest desire to receive th .... „ molumenls arising from (lie office, than from jb* 1 and Miscellaneous Articles. A large assortment of son assigned by most candidates, to wit: the "j PAPER HANGINGS. Bordering, Fire-Prints, Ac. I nityof.friends. YOUNG JOHNSTON They respectfully invite the attention of the pub. ’ * — oove, an '— —*- He have been in the hnbit of using Mr. Jos I'EttvETT s Lime, burnt in Crawford county, and il as good as any we have for use in this place, ' for brick work or plastering, when it is in' ait The only difference between that ed state. The only difference between thatav Northern Lime is, that the former is not quit while. DAVID F. WILS0X Macon, July 13, 1831. THOMAS G. BATE: All order.- ddressed to me at Macon, will be* fully received and promptly executed. I shall at all times have some one at my plantation to il to any demand there. J. BF.NNET Rich Hill, Crawford county, July 16,1831 S9 Brought to Jail, I N Macon, Georgia, one Nee;o Man, whoss belongs to Daniel Hill of La urens county: b tolerably dark, about 40 years of age, has the SB once of u good deal of whipping, ana icing shot a ham, which lie confesses was the case. Ile«5* 9 or 10 inches high; and was taken up in Macon the 4th instant. The owner is requested to pa property, pay charges and take them away. July 9 28 B. REW, M BLANKS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE *•!■* We are authorized to nounce JOSEPH GAINER as acandidalef office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Bibb cot the election on the first Monday in January net august 6 32 lie to the above, and request them to call and exa- june 4 23 mine june 11 24 PORTER, CIDER, CIGARS, t $-c. 10 casks London Porter, Herbert’s brand 10 do Newark Cider 10 do Albany Ale 20 dozen Lemon Svrap 25 boxes fresh Raisins 6 do nine apple Cheese 20 kegs 8uff's Crackers (0,000 Havana and American Cigars 10 bis Almonds and Filberts Seidlite and Soda Powders. For sale low by THOMAS TAYLOR, june 18 25 No. 6, Cotton Avenue tt?“ Wc nrc authorized to si nounce HARMON II. HOWARD, as aesm LAFAYETTE HALL. MACON GEORGIA fit HIS establishment has undergone considerable JI repairs and is in readiness to accommodate Boar den and Travellers, at lower than customary rates for this place—the House is spacious,the Stnhleing excel lent. Wc have extra lots with water in them lor Dro vers, we also have a Blacksmith's Shop on the lot and keep Hone-shoes and nails ready at the shortest no tice, end any other work that may he wanting in our line This establishment the Public may rest assured Is such ns will make thcTrevcIlennndlbe Boarders comfortable—this establishment stands on Bridge street, above the court house, one hundred and fifty >« rdl ’. „ RODGERS do Co. October C, 1830. 4i-tf nte fur the sheriffalty of Bibb county, January 12, 1031. 7 CC7* Spencer- Riley is a cundj nte for the office of Sheriff of Bibb county at the ** ittg election. 2J t+t Wc are authorized to aj> nounce SOLOMON GROCE Esq. a candid*!* the Representative Branch of the LogUlrtWJjy ensuing Election in Bibb County. july ‘ We ore authorized W 3 ®' nounce BENNETT 3. OlUFfW* candidate for the Representative branch otto* legislature from Bibb county. May 2° ^ v M, BARTLETT is »«1 didatc for the Senate from Bibb county. *** We nrc authorized tojj nnunced ABNER CHERRY a* a candidal* jot roner of Bihli county. flf We ure authorized to 3 “ ... It’w'Qt’ UMV'PIf o. • ra.l.lil’lte fOrl'' . nounce JESSE SMITH as n candidate f*J ^ v nl DM.!. .-.lmImS a* llio ntnnll/sii rttt thf* III-** ot Bibb county,’ at the election on In January next.