Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, January 21, 1832, Image 3

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telegraph. JAM. 21. 18.12. ii.. Be5M»i* l’ 0Pf: ha» been .latioucd '.for the current y ear - We tf 1,evo *b»‘ *°?Lut more acceptable to hu own do- 5 or to our citizens w genera), could uot ^'savannah Republican of the 12th list. UJ j * fT Wayne is announced as a can- Ur re-election to Congress. Mi In our last, we published some re- 1 condemning nullification and noniinu- If'Lff Jackson to tho Presidency, as Aae- lu unwed hy the Senate ol Alabama. It r^iitiiko. They were postponed to the 9th "Jtiubcr uext, together with a string ol uul- ^aolutions introduced by aMrCoopwoodt f'oiivc for postpone meat was to avoid some Vfctltogs, which a discussion would excite. .ffuhiugton correspondent of tho Chnrics- L«tr under date of the 11th iusL writes, Glnal of the President and Directors of i States’ Bauk, having been presented it 4 juhoth Houses, to committees which lo*o to lie favorable to a renewal of the ; cm h no doubt that a bill for that pur r’ll speedily bo reported; and the general Liioi Hi that it will not contain any modifi ed importance. Opiuions vary as to the a which tho President will take, in case the m paw Congress* at this session; but tbu Craiimg belief is, thathe will, if bis friends \#n a majority of the two Houses with present to him a bill containing such modi- Luis will furnish him with a sudicieut pro- Kfuraffixing his uamo to it. In tho course Le discussion, brief mid warm, which took La the House iu tho reference of tho uietna- [Mr. M'DuUie took occasiou to state, with M Atphasis, that ho belonged to the tame C sl fatly as Mr. Wayne of Georgia. The dlull to 90 iu tho reference to tho commit- f ways amt ueaus, does not shew the rclit- rtogth of tho friends and enemies of the Oa the passage of a hill to recharter, nn- I shall be dogged with injurious and oficn- (cmlmeuts, the members will not approxi- iioelawly." If the Georgia Delegation, only Mr. Wilde I for the reference of the memorial to the e of Ways mid Means.] ^ lie following extract of a letter from Wash- «City, published in tho Mew York Evening si, it appears that Henry Clay intends to lyjitfc on the Indian questiou, and jockey r 1ifiesklency mounted on the hobby of the jreil missionaries:” (r.flay is conciliating the regard of all who Itay intercourse with him; it seems that no icau can see him, and converse with him, it feeling a pride that he may call him a Ltryntalw i conversed with him last oveuiug, Limber of topics, on which be expressed If with his wonted frankness and high in ner; among other topics, he adverted to the fuel of the Government towards the Glioro- jlndiana, and remarked it was a matter of as. lineal to him that tho pcoplo of this country not from one end to the other, been roused ms subject. He assured me that he felt a t My interest in the situation of these Indi- attd deeply sympathised With tbo Missloha- whj been imprisoned in tho Penitentiary ’corgia; and if thero occurred a favorable op- wily, lie should uot fail to express his views e topics." e following resolution, offered by Mr. Wilde, lately adopted by the House of Represent;!- deed, That tho Cominiitec oh Indiiiu Af- |W instructed to inquire into tho justice utid tfiincy of indemnifying those citizens of Ga. Infired from depredations committed by the itribe of Indians, botweeu the years 1820 'HU; and that tho documents heretofore micatcd from the War Department bo re- 4 lo that Committee.” dll Biddle, Joshua Lippiucott, John T. bin, of Pennsylvania, J. Campbell of New i. uid Hugh McElderry of Maryland, have I appointed Directors of tho United States ■oa the part of the National Government. * ike 2d inst. Georgo Howard was electod n>r of Maryland. pwitracntsbytho President; by htld witli deice and conscdt of the senate: *•11. Pringlei to be Collector of the Cus- 'hc the district of Charleston, in tho state of ti Caruliiin, from the hUih of January, I83«, ** present commission will expire. * Shellman to Ihi surveyor for tile District uqwetor of the Revenue for the port of Snv- i utthe Stato of Georgia, f.otn til# 2d of 1,1SH whauhis commission will expire •following appoiutincuti hy the President, •htw coufirmca by the Senxtcl IJston Ruiidolpb, of Florida, to bo dof the United States, for tho District of b **■ Alexander Adair, deceased. Mil lllair, of Florida, to be Marshal of the * stale, for the Eastern District of Florida, "otcroSmilh, deceased. jw K. Campbell, of Florida, to be Attorney •luted States for tho Middfo District of ’ James A Duulap, deceased. .-JoMalker.efFlorida, to lie Attorney of I “lutes for tho Western District of Flor- MlV. “ K. Campbell, transferred to the ff*™trict. I*/** 11*11 M'Allistcr, of Georgia, to bo At- tue United States for the District of l<te | ’National Intelligencer states that the fol ia.; u' B ^ ioni ' havo been confirmed:— . I.; *yl |<! *. ofMassaclutsetts, to lie Cliaigo to Buenos Ayres, vice Mr. Forbes, de- ^^NtSei ° f t0 • )6 ‘Chargo dcs ft** Office has been established at tho “{•ge, in Marion county, and Wesley , hsq. appointed Post Master. «n :*5 W r T ^ is said to be one of the I ® “P Gold Region yet discovered - 1 ' rjLW l l>® capitalist with additional avail himself of tho proper » dav!^ . 1110 ’** e b®* 1 advantage. We saw, !' “P war d» of throe thousand pen- <4a»ri v' 1 ^* n ^ rom '** tivl' bowels, among *iUii,,:L lf ®!? as largo as our bam , vcAcanic explotiop left them. Itia e, M, tiaberaham county, not more diitln- or i’ii n IV i g0 - dc “i Ore ’ th “*» tried purity of to political pnneipless—Augiujo Courier. 7 ** at pf government having been iaburenftluf'fls 1 Portiand to Augusta, the Login- latureof the State convened a that place on tlm 3d instant. The Senate wa. erganCd byZ l «un Ro « ertP ' Dunlap, President, and N.S. ! ?. ccr . ctar y-,„ , '‘ the House of Repre- sentatives, Benjamin While was chosen Speak- er, hud Joseph G. Cole, Cleric. Tbo Jackson parly have large majorities in both houses. Au official description* qf the Belgian flag, has been received at the Dcpnnmeut of State; it con tains, three broad vertical stripes, of which that nearest to the staff is black, the middle one yel low, and the outer red. 1 MAftsidtf house, Torsyth, Georgia. ., The subscriber respectfully informs tbo public, thM he IiHi taken Ihe MANSION HOUSE in the town of Fdrsyth, lately occupied by George SWvall. The House lias lately undergone repairs, and it now will calculated to render com fortable those who may please to call. His Table “all be supplied with the best the country affords— h|» Bar furnished with choice Liquors, bis Stables plentifully stored with Provender, and has procured good servants; together with bis own anxious eaer- iiuns and eohstant attention to please, and moderate charges, he hopes will entitle his House to a share of public favor. >. RENTER PYE. Forsyth, Jan. 6.1832. 3 n ; On the 5th umlaut by Wm.Q. Anderson, Esq. Mr. Benjamm /> . Murphey to Miss Margaret daughter of Col. Thomas Wotteu, all of Wilkos county MACON MARKET. BaeoA, jier lb. 10 a 12,AfacAcref, 7 a 10 Bagging, per yi\ IS a 22 Brandy, cog 102 a 225 it apple, 50 n 55 ,t peach, 75 a 100 Butter, Jgij Candlti, georgia, 17 a 20 ,i sperm 30 a 35 Carde, cotton, doz. 7<25 Catlings, 7 a 8 Coffee, 13J a lflj Copperas, 44 Corn, 371 COTTON, III. (i n e Flour, country, 0 Otif, Fodder, 100 Ginger, 12 a 10 Gunpowder, keg, Cab Gin, holland, 140 a 150 northern, Iron, Lard, lb. Lead, Lime, cask, Meal, bushel, 7 a 8 20 28 15 a 18 450 5 a 0 Wanted at this Office A LAD 13 or 14 years old, as an apprentice to the Printing business. He must bo of good moral character, aud be able to spell, read and, write. Jiin 14 2 62i 0 abf I24 8 5 00 50 Molasses, gal. 45 a 48 Sails, ~ “ Pepper, Pimento, Fork, bbl. Porter, dozed, Rice, final, jamai. 150 a 175 new dig. 55 a 00 SALT, bush 100 Shirtings, brown, 8 a 10 ,, bleached, 12 a 15 Shot, per bag, 2 a 2 25 Soap, lb. 8 a 9 Sugar, st croix, 11a I34 lump, 18 a 20 loaf, 20 a 22 N. O. 10 a 11 Tea, lb. 125 nl 50 Tobacco, 12'a 25 ll'hisketp Wince made!. 2 50 a 550 teneriffe,125 tv 150 malaga, 62 a 75 (£?■ 7?ay STour Saxes. «*9) A LL persons who have not paid their Corpo ration Tax for the year 1831, are requested to call on the subscriber aud' seftle the same, as Executions will issue against defaulters by the first February next. By orderof the Board. jan 21 3 3t fil. SIMMONS, secretary. ORANGE GREEN I ESPKCTFULLY informs the ladies and b gentlemen of Macon, that he proposes o- Ilening a SCHOOL in this place, on the first Alouday in February, lor tho Instruction of Penmanship. Terms of Tuition—Five Dollars for twenty Lessons. 017“ Stationary will bo furnished at the usual prices. Macon, Ga. Jan. 21,1832. 3 BOARDERS. T HE undersigned can accommodate a num ber of BOARDERS, (without lodging,) on moderate terms. My rcsidunco is over my shop, near the Mansion House. Jan 14 2 T. J. M‘CLESICEY. FOR SALE, L OW for caxli—a likely NEGRO GIRL, a good house servant. Inquire at this of fice, 3 t jan 21 C. A. HIGGINS sFFERS at low prices : * 20 crates assorted, for country stores It) hhds N. O. Sugar If) do St Cro.'x do 10 do N. E: Rum 50bblsdo 50 bbls Whiskey 50 do Giu, Phelps’ brand 20 do Mackerel, No 2 and 3 50 pieces Hemp Cotton Bagging 50 do Tow do 20 bbls Sugar 3 jan 21 Effionoy Wanted! . „ Clerk’s Ojtice, Monroe Superior Court, Forsyth) Jan. 14, 1832. hi persons having Heeds, Records in my k ollicc, aud which have not been taken a- way, are rcqueilod to do so, and pay for tho same; hut 1 .ball uot bo particular about tho storage, if the deeds are paid for. For the future, when a Deed is deposited, the cash must lie also; as at the expiration of two years, 1 expect to runaway. At least 1 want to have a good chance to do so, if necessary—urn! the money iu baud would hot ter enable me to do 10, W 51. P. IIENRY 3 Dt ’ + Sugar, Whiskey, etc. K. Hhds New Orleans Sugar 25 bbls New England Whiskey 25 boxes Virginia manufactured Tobacco 4 pipes 11. Gin 3 bales 5 and 54 point Blankets 10 tons Swedes Iron assorted jan 21 3 Bagging For sale Ii REA Si. COTTON. H t triu jDXL 7. BLLIB. AVING determined :o settle permanently in Macon, respectfully offers his Professional Services to the inhabitants of the town aud adjacent eoun- For the satisfaction of those who are unac quainted with him, he thiuks proper to state, tliat lie was regularly admitted to his profcssiuu in 1804, agreeably to tile laws aud regulations of the Stato of New York, and that most of his time since that period h® 3 lieeu devoted to all exten sive practice. By a faithful discharge of his pro fessional duties, Iu lioper to merit a liberal pat- rouage. His residence aud office are iuthe house formerly occupied hy Mr. Birdsoug. ou Mulberry street. Jan. 14 2 T , ZEBULON ACADE3IY. HE Trustees at the Zobulon Academy have eat' ployed lur the ensuing year, commencing tin first Monday in January next, ELIJAH W WELLS, a young gentleman who has taught in an academy in South L'urolina lor six years, mid given general tat. istaclion. He is qaaliiied to tend, all the brunches necessary for entering college, and that are usuully taught in nenderoies. From the healthiness of our village,'and other ad vantages, the attention of persous from a distance is' invited. x. DtaUAll, Dec J7 2 4t AeeVj^. WARE-HOLS^ AND Commission Business. T ilfi mderlgntd iiaving leased from I.umarSf Co . itueir Ware-Houses for a term of years, ten dors tiis services to bis friends and the public, (n the above business. It* will be prepared to extend tho usual facilities to hit Customers, by making advances on mifnfce stored teithim, or on Shipments to his iViedth in Savannah apd Charleston. Connected with the Were-Hotlsn. are safe and ex tendVe close Storages, for the reception of any Goods that may he consigned to him for sale or otherwise. The situation of these Ware-Houses, as to convcni- ieiirt and safety, are not surpassed by any In the plxde, should additional security be required. Insurance can be effected at a very low rate. Tim subscriber's at tention will be devoted exeliurilrely to the above busi ness. He therefore holies to receive a proportion of politic patronage.' JAMES C. MORGAN. ,Mheon. Jntv 28.1831. 31 LA FAYETTE HALL. To tho Public. The subscriber takes this metflod of informing Ills Friends and tlier Public generally, tliat he has taken life < LA FAYETTE IIALL in this place; and he hopes by due diligence and per sonal attention to shaie ns much palrohage as be may merit. Those fond of godd living and clean bedding will call end judge for lliemtelres. And ha sure, the Public, that tm other persbb or persons are either directly nr indirectly concerned in saidestab lishmcnt, but (lie subscriber hin)stlf. WM. O. W. CLARKE. JWaron, Ner. S5th, 1831. ,, 30 WAREHOUSE 1 A.NII Commission Business-, CHERRY STREET, MACON, GA. TTRIIEundersigned lias tukeutlioiiew Ware-House <Ut now builuiug on Clicrry street, below the cor ner occupied by AlesSis. KiiiWerlySf Chisholm, where lie will lake COTTON oil storage, and make liberal tn/raiietsnii the same. All coltoiistnredat ibis Ware- House will lie delivered at any of tbu Bunt Landings required in this place free ot drayage. As his whole time and attention will be devolrdto the above busi ness, be hopes to merit a share of public patronage. August 1.1831. 32 GEO. WOOO. MEDICAL. W ANT of health compels tho undersigned to witlrlraw from the practice of i*cdi- citio, for tho present. His friends arc informed SR. SATiKAR will enutitiue at tho oltico heretofore occupied by Rotters & Lamar, nud will give undivided atten tion to his profassiou. \\ fil. B. ROGERS. fry. |». y, Those hi account with the' lato firm are requested to call. It 3 Jau21 Education. . ... M Y fcllow-citizcns are uoufieil, that I have rented from Air. Dassu, the MACON ACADEMY. It is uowi uudor my cxqlusivo couirol. My Terms of Tuition art at follows: Spelling, Reading, Writiug. aud ) 34 00 Arulmictw, |ier quarter, J Geography mid English Grammar, ? $6 00 per quarter, i Languages, Mathematics, &c. I have adopted 11s a general rule, not to be re laxed by a single exception, t ml the tmtiou shall bo paid in advauce, or secured by due bill, paya- bla at the cud of cadi quarter. My experience for the last sixteen montlis has showu me the ab solute necessity of the rule. However charitable and devoted to my profession } ® a 7^V 1,n " 1 afford to give my labors for iiothing—neither can 1, like n cameliuu, live pit air, or wlmt is as un substantial, .multiplied and unfrifiUed promises, nnd lie abused into tho bargain. The mducc ments of my stay bore, are priueipally, tho maiiy sources aui chauuels of B cuer “* mformatiun, to bo enjoyed, from ‘to daily mmU, Drintiuc presses, book ltorcs, eburebes ami con Itaut interconrso of tbo place, with all 1 ,B • " tho World. Thoso havo led mo to ,!icr ‘®* 0 P^ c '! niary interest to mental pleasures, m Of my occupation in Alncou. Thoae, who pi their children uuder my care, enthe ahovo terms, will have them attended to, to the best of my a bilities, and l will be grateful for their patronage. As soon ns I can, 1 intend to associate with roc, iu teaching, a l.ady of undoubted talent* aud ac- qu remenu. I am perfeetly friendly to thw com- IN SENATE. Nownbtr, 30, 1831.' Resolved by the ■Senate and House of Represen tatives of the State of Georgia, in General Astern- bty met, That the sum Of five thousand dollars bo, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid to any person or persons, who shall arrest nnd K > to trial, and prosecute to conviction, un laws of this State, (lie editor or publisher rtain paper called the Liberator, published in the town of Boston, and Stato of .Massachu setts; or who shall arrest, bring to trial and prose cute to conviction, under the laws of this State, any other person or persons who shall utter, pub lish or circulate widen the limits of .this State, said paper calhsl the Liberator, or nlny other pa per, circular, pamphlet, letteror address of a se ditious character. And that His Excellency die Governor is here by authorised and requested, to issae bis warruut upou tho Treasurer for said sum of live thousaud dollars, in favor of any person or persons who shall have arrested mid brought to trial, and pro secuted to conviction, under the laws of this State, the editor or publisher of tho Liberator, or who shall have arrested mid brought to trial, nod prosecuted to conviction, uuder the laws uf this state, auy other persou or persons, who shall ut ter, publish or circulate within thelimitsof this State, said paper called tho Liberator, or' any o- tlier paper, circular, pamphlet; letter or address of a seditious character. . Aud that those resolutions be inserted in tho appropriation net. Ana resolved further, That His Excellency tho Governor cause the foregoing'resolutions tube published in the public journals of diis State, aud such other papers as he may think proper, and pay for the puuliuatiou thereof, outot tho coiltm gout fund. Read and agreed to, 30th Nov. 1831. . • THOMAS STOCKS, President. Attest, Iverson L. Hahhis, Secretary. In the House of Representatives, Concurred iu, Dec. 24,18ill. ASBUKY HULL, Speaker. Attest, W. C.Daw.on, Clerk. Approved, Dec. 20,1831. \ WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. Oy All the papers iu this State will publish tho above once.' ' Strayed, F ROM the xubtcrilier,'on me 10th Instant, two Bay HOR8E8. One bat a long tail, and U about fivu years old—lias shoes on the lure feel. The oilier in sue it smaller Ibau the Ant, has a switch tail, is about len or eleven years old, and aboil all round. Aliy person, delivering the above bones to the sub scriber living in Alniirue county, near Rogers’ Meet- inn House, will be well rewarded for his iraoble. fan 31 3 31 8A.MUKL SCOTT. Georgias Orawi'ord county. m uOl.U.U lictureuie.'by vV ili;v C. al-cakar,one J F bay Horae, nboul seven or eight; years old, the right fore tout and ihe right hind foot white, a star in Ills face, and shod before—appraised by Lewis Davrs and Richard Yarborough to %75. This 7ib day of January, 1833. L. SMITH, t. r. A true copy from the records. Jnn. 17, 3 W.J. >1 AMi.IALK.cii c WARE-HOUSl!) COMMISSION'-bUSINESS, .MACON, GA, The undersigned, hav ing erected n large aud commodious Wnre-Housu in Last Macon, on Clin* toil street, (opposite to Solomon Hum. vhriet’ brick building) which is nmv ready for the re. cdplinn of Cotton, tenders his services to tho public in the above business. ux wii.1. a iso ar.zr ox hand, A general assortment of DRY GOODS and GRO' CERIE9, which lie will sell at thfrjuwest prices. The above business will be ntteiislcd to by an expe. ricncbil hand. LEWIS J. GROCE, sep 17 38 Warehouse. AND Commission Business. 7rnlIE UNDERSIGNED has in addition to his 2JL former Warehouse on Cherry street, one in complete order on the cast side of the River, where those ol hislriends nnd customers from that side car. have the same attention puid to their goods as hereto fore aud he Saved the trouble ofcrosdn^Hii^ brMge HTnron, (Itlnher 10III 182!). 43 i KGTiCEi . ,. ,, A LL persons indebted to the subscriber! eitfi, erby note or book account are requested to come forward and settle the same. Jan 14 2 ELLIri, SHOTVVELL & CO. ” . To the Public. , ~ F FORMATION llaa reached me that RICH ARD BAILEY; lath of Butts county, Geor gia, basiit his posMsiibu, bote* ptorportmt- to bo subscribed bjr inc. Now, that ail itihoccnt per sons tnajr hot be Injltrcd by the circulation of said notes, I forewarn all persons from trading for them; n* they Will uot bo paid unless by the coer- ilon Oftho law,, since they werb never given by me, atld, if evermy signature ivns obtained to a- ■iy paper, it was uot otherwise than hy fraud Rod misrepresentation. This Richard Bailey was; for the last fouryuars, acting, in Georgia, as my agent, for the purpose bf concluding tuck busi ness as remained no-. nVd. wlien 1 removed to the territory of Florida. These notes, for what ever amount they may be, (for I know uot tbo ex tent) must havo been obtained by false preten sion in transacting uiy business, or the inevitable conclusion with tho is; that they are a complete forgery; and wlieh 1 ban obtain some additional facts; 1 am determined that tho author of this dir ty trick shall realise tho punishment provided for such creatures; if a successful prosecution will calls" it. \tu! furthermore, 1 hereby revoke ills right and power delegated to Kiuiahd &.II.J. llAtri r, by a power of attorney, to transact any business forme or iu my name, since their con- duetdeserves, that confidence aud reliance in theni by mo should now coaao. HENRY BAILEY. Alachua county, Florida, Dee. 27,1831;. 2 .21 JYcw Cabinet Maker's Shop. The undersigned Iiaving purchased th° interest nnd taken the shop lately uccu* pied by filrC. Coupee, In Fbilpot's Unit' ding, ucar tho Market home, take Ibis opportunity of tendering to their friends and the putilic their services in tho Cabinet Making business. They will at all times keep tin hand a guotl supply of Materials, and lie prepared to cictuteevcty d» scription of work in their line. Sideboards, Bureaus. Bedsteads; Bookcases, Chairs Ac &c. made to order. . Every description of TURNING done as above. Having's large nnd excellent Turning Laihe, (Ihe on ly one of the kind In Ilia place.) they Will be prepared to turn HOUSE COLUMNS! <kc. at shOrt notice. JAMES A. HALL, dee 17 53 JOHN MORELAND. SUGAR, COFFEE ANI) LIQUORS. 50 hhds. SI. Croix and l’orto Rico S«g"”- 20 boxes brnvvn Havana do. 25 bids loaf and lump do. * 25 Ididt Cuba Molasses 3C9 bags prime green Porto Itico, Havana aqd old Jnvn Coffee 150 blilx domestic Liquors 5 pipes old Cognac Braude nnd Holland Gin 25 quarter casks Madeira, Teuerifia aud Malaga Wines 10 baskets Clinmpaigne Wine 20 casks Annis and Mint Cordials 30 linxes bar anil shaving Simp. 105 hags Pepper, Pimento and Ginger boxes liysnn snd souchong Tens 2000 bushels Liverpool ground Salt. For sale, low. by THOMAS TAYLOR, June 18 25 ’ A’ Cellou Aremie. NOTICE. T IIE partnership heretofore existing between tho subscribers, under the firm uf SSanton, Gcsiecs &•. Bacon, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The debts duo to said firm will ho collected hy Altos Buxton nud William Bacox, either of W hom are niithoiLed to receipt for tho same, ami to whom nil debts duo from snidfirni can lie pfesent cd for payment. AMOS BENTON. ROBERT CASTF.N’3, Jnn 10 » ■ - WM. BACON. COAClf¥7vKINGi 3ibb County, Georgia. Court of Ordinary, January adjourned 'liras, 1832. I T being showti to tbe Court that David Crockett, deceased, late of Bibo county, in his lilolimo; •old to John D. Singltlery, Lot ol Land, No. 7liln Ibe second district of originally Houston now Bibb county, nl end for tbe price of Four hundred dollars, end llint the said David thereupon executed hie cer tain obligation in writing, conditioned to make titles lor tbe said lot of laud upon Hie payment of said pur chase money, to tho said Jobtv D. and it lurtberap- ■ roaring that said David departed this life without Jiaving executed e deed toe said tend, and that the said John D. has duly paid said purchase money, and the said John D. Singletary having filed his petition setting forth the foregoing fWcfs aud a copy ol said ob. ligation, and praying that a deed may be hy the court directed to be made to liim’by the executors of the said David Crockett: It it now ordered by Ihe court lint, unices cause he by the heirs of Ihe said David Crockett shewn to the contrary, the executor of the said David Crockett esecute to the said John U. Sin gletary, at the May term ensuing of this court, a deed lor soid land, according to the provisions of the stet* ute in tncbcases made end provided- ’ A true extract from tho inlnules. Jan 10 3 3mw MARTIN SIMMON3, c. c. o. T HE Subscribers will continue tin: business at the old Maud, corner of Waluut nud fourth streets, where work will bo douo in all its vat ious branches. They havo on hand work of their own nud 6- thcr Manufactories. ALSO, AX ASSOr.TMEST OF Coach Materials, coxstsrtxo or Larct,. Carpeting, Morocto, Baroveh and Gig Springs, do. Sulktyr. Plated Bands, Joints, Moulding, Lobpsi &c. See. Having made arrangement^ with Crane, Mitch ell & Co. Newark, N. J. they w ill receive nnd forward all orders entrusted lo their care. Ar ticles ordered warrauted to please, onto sale. Jan 14 2 BENTON fc BACON.»i«rs • WAS JUST nZCKIVEO ox COXSIUNMEXT, W HICH lie offers for sale in Kits to suit pur chasers, 10 hhds of Sugar 30 bbls of Rum 50 bbls Whiskey 20 bbls Caual 1 lonr 0 tierces new Rice. Also, in Store. 50 bags prime gnea Coffed' 31 pieces Hemp Bagging 20 pieces Toxv do' ]9 lilids Molasses 4 boxes Tobncco 2 kegs ’ do 14 bills Sugar 10 bbls N. E. Rum 3 boxes Georgia mould Candles' 4 boxes Liquors. Jaq7 1 EDUCATION. ... GTnllE subscriber returns bit graleiu) acknotvledg- 41 nleuU to those who' have cobfidcd tho ihterests bf their children to him during the year about to Mote. He respectfully inl'oi ins them Mid the public; diet the exercises of bis school will be resumed, oii the first Monday In January. TERMS.—Rending, Writing, and common"Arith- \ inetic; , . 'fl'tid Geo^hiphy, English Grammar C-0Q Languages nnd other high branches 8-00 Payable quarterly. >, „ He respectfully solicits the public patrennge. . Dec IU 48 3tw A. M-DONALD. , EDUCATION. 1IIE Mato aud Female Department! of tho L Henry County Academy will commence tltotr duties, under very competent Instructors, on tlio first Monday iu January next: Tho Dbparlmeim arochtlrely sejiaratc. A few Young Ladies tan be accommodated with Board, in tho family of tho Ladies w ho have charge of tho Female branch of the Institution. By order of the Board of Trustees. T. W. KEY; Sec’ry. MeDonoiigh,Dccl2 49 BLADES FOR SALE AT THW OFFICE. EDUCATION With Manual labor. T HE sulistriber having purchased a small plait- taltuii fifcur Eetonioh, proposes tb,lake sis hr eight yoling fiicn of good hioral eiiaMbters, between the ages rd l2anh 17, and to provide for ibeirinstruc tion in the various brliilchts of Education, in Agri culture, and ib the Metlialiib Arts. Apparatus to il- luetrnte tbe sciences of Chetnlstry, Astronomy, Nat ural l'liiloso]ihy,&c. will be procured hod k Jlkthaii' iciltop erw ted. Schools uf this kind, established In Tcnnetice end in the Middle and Northern Btates have flourished beyond the expectations ol (lie most sanguine. Hun dreds ol applications lo enter students have been re- jecteddiiriii^ the year for the want of accommodar tion: The wrlterlms bfcen urged by several reipettk ; ble and lilhrary. gCntlctreh, who have protnlsfcd theif sons; io ofihli b stnllur but In Georgia and he how de- si;n« to make the eipeiilneiiL So inany months have clhplbdin fixing on a site; since lie formed the determii bison, that lie list not how time lo state all the particulars of bis plan; nor w ill he mate high pre- tcns'uiis in regard to ids qualifications northe amount that shall bb learned. lie will endeavor however to impart instruction ns far er.d as well as he Is able. Assistance wilt be procured in teaching the mechanic arts and some of the common branches of Education. The object is to make practical men and qualify them to become good teachers of schools. In government, he will eudeavor to act thfe hart of a pnrent and treat the pupils as his clljldreh! but ho must bo obeyed: lib desires no pxrchtto schd hissori. who Is unwilling tojfnve film subffiit to. the Regula tions ofthe ichadl. Each student will labor tiro or three hours in the day or shout one dey and a half id the week. Cere will he taken, ns the weather grows w arm, tliat they be not exposed to a mid-d.y sun, till they become Inured to athletic exercise, by employ- iiig tln: inuriiiugs and evenings. 8o many hours will not ho requisite all the year, but in ft busy soasonj somewhat more. Each student will provide himself with sheets, lowJ els nnd blankets—and it Would be economical for him lo have a course suit to wear during the hours of la bor. Books, stallunary. nil. See. will be furnished those who need llietn at the ioixhst price. The timei of examinations and vneatinhs' rahnot now be named. Religout service will be attended every sabbath ia lhdonton, n little more than a mile distant. Those who wish to enter their sons must give Infor mation Mid secure places hy the 10th ot Januaiyi Thu school will be opened on the 23d- LetleHJ/taitpaid,addressed to Eelonton, will receive altchlinn.. Regulations and Terms. 1. The course of instruction will occupy tlrrto years. • 2. Board, lodging, washing, tuition, Ac. for the let year will be §9tlj lor tho 2d ^75; and for the 3d $50. i’uynicnts, half yearly Iu advance. ADIEL SHERWOOD. Eatonlon. Dee 10,1831. 50 N. B. Editors in the Slate and the Charleston Ob server arc pollttty requested to give tbeabove a fexv insertions.' A. S. Georgia. Crawford Coanty. Superior Courts August Ttrm % 1HH0. William 1). Fii-ks, ti, 2.i*dkell M. Wiii, JoW Hatchkr and Rabtlvtt Wicks. RULE aY/SI- W HEREAS the sheriff bus returned that Unr* l\tU U'iekt, one of the defendants to tbe n~ hove Rule Nisi Is not to be found in Crawford coun ty. It it orders by Ihe. Court, Tint service of ***4 Rule be perfected off said BnrtUll IHdbbjr the pub lication of this order Tn ohe of tbe Public (jasettrs of this stntt once a month for {hr*e months; end that said Bartlett IFick* shew cause if ht*) hfc hat why the conyjM**.’' now of file in the clerk's ouU 6 s?r6nrtd «4oC be established in lieu of the lost orijiiml. A ttueroyy from tho minutes. E. M. AMOS. A6v lu 26 JOHN B. WICK TTAfl removed to his old stand, on Mulberry JLJL street,, adjoining the Clothiog Store of Messrs. P. Jmison & Go. nud ncnrly opposite the comer formerly occupied by Messrs. J. D. tc A: Chap man, (at present kept by Messrs. E. Graves & Co.) ami has on band n geAeral assortment of Goods, suited to the season, consisting of Dry Goods and Groceries. Hats; Bools, Shoes, Hardtcare, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, etc. which will be sold Iheap for cash. Hr^ friend^ and old customers arc respectfully invited to call. N. I). The highest market price will t>e civert for COTTON* nov21 26 3m JYulice. T IIR iuhscriber wishes 6nc or two Journey* men that enn work nt the WHKEL- WRIOIIT nnd CHAIR hu < ine ,, s, andean come’ well re rmn.ended. Inquire otf ihe road Iti.i&ugi from Clinton to Fr.r*y:h, uimt John Towles 1 *, d.'ef; 40 JUCHARD l\ 8LEB6B/