Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, January 21, 1832, Image 4

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jutcwh Tsusisswi. T ilE subscribers hiviug formed a connex ion in the above line, under the firm of R3A & QZ'STOlSl, lender their serv ices nn.l hope by their attention to merit a share of patronage. JAMES REA, oct 7 3in CHARLES COTTON. GEORGE IBWIVi?, Al his old xluuil, cor.ur tj Cherry (tint Second streets, iimv r«r,«ivh;g Ihufi Sow York itnJ IJoston, n 0. Friuli S.i|»|iy «»4’ which in niMiiiori to llhH9 on liiuirl, will in»!(« hi* Stock very liug* 'iiul v jinjih’lo, which l» * utT'rs on us ic.tioisablc terms as Utoy atii ho had in ill*, market 14« Hoods uumj>ii«f? ■a general assort muni ot groceries, \ iz—ir,:t itiifts CoJ. c. 4.i l|inl<. til. CiuU, Forte Uico und New Or Imiu.< Soger, 42 Uhls. |,iiiii mi.I l.oniji do. II! tjn.irlci Tea, '20,(Mil I l..« iron. 10 Jlndi, Mol.uses, J50t Bushels Suit, toil Pieces Hemp mid Tow Bagging, 40 Kegs .Viols. Jm.iuir.i Hum, Cognac (tintidy, Norlhcrll (iio. Whiskey, No.'IIiitii limn, Apple llmndy, Wine', rowdi.r, Mint, Ae.&c. DllYGOODS, Siari-TSFare, Cutlery, Crockery 2U£U2:S, £do'x'8,,i, Jlluniiiii, IsaddUs. t{C. Oct 2! 4.1 LEWIS F1TC1I, draper and Tailor, Is non- opening, ut the .Wtr- ’eon Clothing Store, a New »V Splendid assortment of Goods sand Clothing, in his line, con sisting of Sup.rfincdilue, lilttok, brown, green, olive, claret, ■fltiilherry, Invisible greeu and tuixt London i 'CI.QTHS lllun, black, orange, drab, hulT, white, steel mix. t CASSl.MEitES ■> Ptripcd do. (it new article) Hutordiams Oxford mixt SATINET, a first rale articlo Fashionable figured anti plain Velvet VESTING Haliti Florentine do. Figured do. Marseilles and Vsilencindo, Shirting Linen Bilk Ituliiiu Cravats, Figured fancy and white do. English and India Hkfs. Duck,.horse It lined Gloves Jjlatk and white silk Blockings •'rlilk.eOtfim and worsted Rimdcin half Ilose i French fancy Velvet Suspenders • Bilk, webbing and cotton .Suspenders Hllirt Busoni i, Collars, -Velvet&bomhnz, Stocks Stiffeners, Bilk Umbrellas, Linencnmhrie Uhl's. Cloth Caps, Children's fancy do. Hair seal do. ’Flannel, brow'll Shirting and Sheeting. Duttons, Military, Gold, Silver-Epaulets, Stars, Tassels, Lace, Huttons, Sits. &c. All of which will he sold cheap. Readymade Clothing. Fide lilac, brown, green and olive Frock Coats •do dp do do do Dress Coats 1 do do . do do do Coatees Mixed Over-Coats, Pea-Coats. Fine Mae, Idack, brown, drab, orange {.nil mixed Pantaloons Bluo and mixed satinet Pantaloons Cord mid hcreniitic Pantaloons, Jackson cord do. Fiuo figured, plain, velvet, Florentine, Marseilles,. bombazine and cloth Vests Drawers, Shirts; Monkey Jackets, short Jackets Trowsclrs, fustian Pantaloons tout’s hair, Cautuous, indigo blue and camhlct Cloaks Ladies’ goat's hair, ennddet, silk and' plaid do. All ofwhich are made up in the best manner, and will be sold cheap for cosh. TAILORING, in till its brunches, will ho car- •'Tied on as usual. Having the latest fashions and •'good Workmen, my work shall not he inferior to ‘iniV 1 . 1 solicit the patronage of my friends am! ilie oublic generally. All Orders thankfully re ceived and promptly nlteuded to. novl LEWIS FITCII. WRIC12ST & O&nSfiRS, Arcaow receiving direct from New York, Boston, j- &c. a large and general asset tiucut of -SEASONABLE GOODS, W HICH In addition to their former supply, makes their stock more complete than they have ever beeu able to offer—Among them are the following: Blue and Bla dk Pine and Sun. Clollis, Sutlneits, assorted colors anu qualities, Kegro Cloths, Cotton Oznaburgs, Red anil While I'hmnels, French and Scotch Ginghams, Iiislt Linen and Sheetings, Merino and Fancy Shawls, Linen Cambric and Lawns, 'Cambrics nod Calicoes, Ji\ckonet,Nnnsork, Mull and Swiss Muslins, Bishop Lawn, Merino prints and Circassians, Hard Ware and Cutlery, x cesKnsi. assobraziT. EOCSS 4t SHOES, a vAiur.TY or sticks asii i-iiicrs. Saddle! <mil Undid, Hats, Leghorn aud Duns'.a- '. bit Donnels. Also—A Good Assortment of GROCERIES, Together wiili a great variety ol other articles w hich (hey invite the public to call and esauiiue. Oct 24 2 WARE-HOUSE A-lll CAM MISSION 1 BUSINS 03. 7HNUE Subscriber will he engaged in tins above JL Business in Macon daring the next season, and p’o Igos himself that no business entrusted lo Ids care shall Want nllteiUlon. Liberal advances, on Cotton, will be made when required. Receiving and forwarding Goods to Country Mer ... he mad NA PI lilt. clnnts will be punctually attended to. Tue customary charges of the place will Jflly'dil 31 THOMAS T. N, JAMES A. BLANTON &, JEREMIAH SMITH. Uniltr the firm of BLANTON & {SMITH Respectfully tender lo their friend! and the public, their strikes in the Ware House * AND Commission Business, IN MACON. T HEY have taken the large new Ware House und Wharf, between second and third streets both of which are constructed on the most approved plan and are in fine condition. A convenient closu . store, for the reception of Merchandise will he erect cd forthwith. 'L'ho proximity of the Ware House lo the business part of town, and at the same time its comparative re moleness from otlirr buildings, together with the ad vantages of the excellent wharf attached to it, render it |iecullarly convert ml, as well as measurably ex c mJit from dnngcr by lire. Liberal advances will be mads on cotton in store and shipped by them—-uid every oilier reasonable accommodation granted. The personal attention of each of- the firm will he given to the business, and their utmost exertions used to promote the Interest of their customers. July 23 30 *. as vat xvxsDmik T HE Undersigned, having established a Boat Yard at Macon, is ready to receive mid execute any coutract for the BUILDING of BOATS tiu auy plan that proprietors may de sire, aud in a maimer as durable and workman like (both as to model and execution) as auy boat*- ever built, lie will olio, when desired, Itoild Boats at any place iu the State, suitable for the stream for which they are intended; anti, if they lie found inferior in workmanship to any other boat or boats in Georgia, ho trill ch-rge limiting for his labor. He will moreover construct BO AES tit Marini suitable 1'or the Ocmulgee river; and, at his \ anl there, will keep ou hand a constant Bl FJ’I.y of . 3&!c*gattt Scats,ami iioxca, suitable for the Uunalgee river. , In relation to his abilities as an architect and mrehauie, he refers the public for information, to Mr. Henry Shultz of Hamburg, South Carolina, Mr. G.JL Laintu' of Augusta, Colonel John M‘- Iviunoy of Louisville, Messrs, A. G. Bhellomn & Co. of Louisville, nr.d Messrs. Day & Jintts of ALteuil, he-i.lcs a number of respectable gentle men of the latter place. ’ nuv I- 1 :;4 JOHN S. WILSON. The Colnmhus Democrat is requested to insert the above tinee limes, nod transmit the account. w Suj*(*rli no .Siutoiiyniliiii? JlidCk mill Ho^il. 4'niilitf Wffrinu C!«»f!i» DiucU mul I’m icy tMixml SHlimMls Hullic jjoiiil iV iC'iMi ii!duk v els Itdl, While, (ii’ftcii mul Vullnw rianndw Saxony while gauze iio. Cnuioii ilo do -NOTICE. TILL !iu •nlilbv lyddiii AUCTION on the Uilli ' day ol f a ouuilier i'i Hold mill .Silver W,\T4'!Il‘,6 mul one wooulun CLOI.'K. Ii li with tin; sii iH«aiht r hy joiu. it liarland in Janu ary, I Miil Sold (hi* i hu tlmrp’4 ii j ion them il not culled tar tire rums to thutihot t; dm . IJ.’F Hi 4b' it. U. S.M ITU. NEW (NKIilS. wan. n. huih>salia I* Now IJiCKiVl>n A Mi OPENING A rKMiltAl.HiHirliiK'iit «*Mfiimmi:iMf (JOOI)S, itldch hu otV. ii fur null* at the limit reduced liich are lliu folitm ing: lDuck 1‘Hliao f.nsliing '* anruiiet and Siiichews “ tiros du U«’iMn “ liiim do Nhj.lua (,’olori’d do do & Florences iWai kanil colored ita! J .a:i Cniiten (iamte anti Satin (larite t nirt Ttildmns and Silk Velvets Sunil lOcjr. Uumnsk^'ublo .Merinoand Cashmere Diaper Thibet Wool. Kirdi eye do D.unask. Silk and Crape ItiMsia do Shawls Merino CircMs.-iMiis Drcsn Handkerchief* iJiacfc nod litiie llontlia- i.mfies dtiiuioitd &ir«w zotls mid Circassians rtouiiets Irish Linens “ Leghorn Braid do ricmish vSlieeling Diamond d*» Cotton Oznnbui j's “ " and Cfntin do Negro Cloths Lace and CauSm Veils l.ioscys . t’ignred mid plain Bob- riiread Laces uttd Shell Lhrctt Combs " rings: Bandanna Hand- Boligee. Spittalfield keichicl’s, A gcntrcH assortment of course and fate SHOES <&g00X3, SScii’s and 2TouMis’ Pur SEats. Far, Leather and I Shir Caps, iyo. novu 13 RYE GLY. Barrels “F/ie/pV best Rye GJN, expected to arrive tomorrow, will he sold low from the wlwrf. Apply to DAY &. BUTTS. Dec 20 51 ltCFUS 11. SMITH, WATCH 3WAKBA 4k JJJWELIiSR. Having had his* Shop burnt would inform tho public that he has taken the shop adjoin- iug E. L. Youso & Go. ami is now prepared to attend to all calls to his line, lie has just received and is now open ing, a new supply of SETaixhes. Jewelry* Sillier .Spoons, l)irk*, HILVKTl MOt.NTKO .SFKtTAt ^.H, Sit. . lvhich, together wnJi liis former st'bfk, MiHkcshis Jiusortmrnt quite complete; all of which are^ of fered to the public at very reduced pieces. The public are respectfully invited to cull aud esuin- me before they jnircliflsc. , ,, j f< ti 7 1 A by Rodgers’ CS-iinpowdor. _ GENERAL assortment of tiu; different dualities, direct from the Factory, for sale C. A. HIGGINS. Jan 7 ssaass. N assortment of colored mul black SILKS, just received and for sale hy nov 17 23 AVAL H. HURDS A LI,. A Rails, Iron, Steel, Hollow Ware 50,t)l)0 lbs Swede Iron,ats-.vied, 1 lo 8 Inches wide tl.dttU lbs German, blistered mid cnsk.Slrel 5,(Kit) lbs hoop mul sheet Iron and lin'd Rods 75 disks cut nails mid brads, assorted 50 dnz Caroline Hoes 2IK) pr wrought Trnce Chains, heavy 25,000 Ills llollow Ware, assorted 3,Olid lbs .Plough .Moulds (ill lings patent Shot 1,00(1 lbs Imr Lend. Percussion Caps 20 dozen Shovels and Spades 15 boxes Wldtlimorc's Cotton and Wool "Cards 25 packages Enrthern Ware assorted (or the trade. For sale, low, hy .THOMAS TAYLOR, June IS 25 , A’o. 6, Colton Avenue. FALL AND WINTER GOODS UVZirGS3.rOS.B3 4k STCBBAB.B, HAVE LATELY JIKCKIVED TIIKIII USUAL SUVVLY Of Seasonable Goods, II1CH they offer at the lowest mnrkct Y prices, connisting iu part of the following! Staple mid Fancy Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Saddlery, Crockery aud Groceries; Hemp'aud Flnx Bagging, Bale Rope mul Haloing Twine, Blacksmiths' Tonis, Flat, Square and Hound Bar Iron, . Sheet and Hoop do. Wrought aud Cut Nails and Nail RoiVs, Sole, Gin Baud nud Upper Leather, Calf, Yellow and White Luiiog und Binding Skins, Brown Shoe Thread, Yellow, White and Green stitching do. A largo stock of cotirso and fine Boots and Shoes, do do Ready-made Clothing, do do I-'ult anil Heaver Hats. Stive Gecso Feathers, S/uinttli Cignn, fife. Purchasers tiro requested to cull. Nov 15 21 JunelS 25 C03SOI* BAGGZZTG. 250 ps prime Hemp BAGGING 42 laches 30 ps Sacking WO Ills bagging Twine coils Bale Rope If Boat Warps. For sale, low, by THOMAS TAYLOR, A’o. 0. CoIIoh Atenue FC It SALE DRUGS AND MEDICINES. A WELL assorted stock of Drugs and .Medi cines, together with nil the Furniture and Fixtures necessary fur a Drug Stole. Tho Drugs and Medicines are fresh, and were selected for tho up- country Market by ail experienced Druggist.— They are now ou the shelves in a Store, in the business part of town—the busiucss may he con ducted to un advantage in this place or the stock may be removed with little expeuse to uuy pan of the country. For terms, which will ho accom inodating, apply to I. U. SEYMOUR. Dec 17 If CLOTIXXIS'G. G ENTLEMENS' Fine Goat*’ hair Wrap pers, do do Opera Clonks, do super mixed Brown and Oliv Cloth over Coats, Just received nud for sale hy nov 17 23 WM. II. BURDSALL. I\ JUDSON & CO. H AVE removed, since -the fire, to the store lately occupied hy I, 15. Row land, itoxt door t« K< Graves &■ Sot?, where they will he glad to see all those who itaVc unsettled business with them. 'Those iudchKtl are requested to come forward and muko payuicu; as early as possible. have a s'nall stock of goods on hand, consisting of JIAT'S and CLOTHING, which they offer at low-nHecs. Jan 7 1 University of Georgia. rCTtUE exercises ol this Institution will be re- .& suonnt on the 2ii of January, 1S52. The public are iufuruicU that ail tjto ulSRts of the Col lege are now filled, and that instruction in thc vi.riotts departments of Literature and Science will hereafter he given, by lectures ns well as hy the study of approved textbooks, Lectures on iho following subjects have been prescribed hy the Trustees, vi/.: J. Mental Philosophy, Political Economy, and Evidences of tho Christian Religion, hy the Pre sident, A. Church, D. D. 2. Natural Philosopdy and Chemistry, with' lileir application to the useful arts, hy Professor James Jackson, A.M. 3. Philology and Classical learning, by Profes sor Janies Mhunuca, A. M. 4. Astronomy and tho benefit resulting from .Mathematics to tho useful arts, by Professor Hen ry Hull, M. D. Rhetoric and Oratory, and English and American Literature, hy Professor Stephen Oliu, A. M. ti. Natural History including Mineralogy, Ge ology, Botany, and Physiology, dee. by Professor Mali'hox A. \\ tird, 51. (). 7, .Modern Languages of Europe, by Professor William Lehman, A. Al. S>. It. B. Hopkins, A. M. Tutor in the Aucicnt Languages. 9. William L. Mitchell, A. 51. Mathematical Tutor. Candidates for admission into any of the regu lar classes can he received at any tune if prepar ed upon the requisite studies. Any individual, however, who does not wish to pursue a regular course, can attend to such subjects or lectures as he may choose, mid will iu leaving the Institution receive from the Faculty, ni certificate of the pro gress which helms made. Tits Professor of Natural History htis nrcMuued a Cabinet of .Minerals, aud will he prepared mu on Miucralogy und Botany to reuder itis lectures interesting nud profitable. The Philosophical Apparatus is one of the most -complete iu the United States; and the Chemical extetisive, neither of which received anyinjitry froin tho fire. The Professor of Mathematics is well furnished with all the necessary instruments for giving in structions iu his department aud will bo particular to assist all who wish to qualify themselves for practical Surveying and Engineering. Tho Library is now very respectable, and tho Trustees are making large annual additions. A new College huildiug has .Mien erected and is rea dy for the reception ofittuleiii. Tho courso of study prescribed for regular students is nearly the same ns that pursued heretofore, and is so arrang ed that each student will havelm opportunity of iittcudiug all tho lectures ap|irecitations. All who wish will have tin opportunity of studying the Hebrew, French, Spanish, German, mid Italian Languages. No additional charges, however, will lie made for either Lectures or Modem Lan guages. Tho only College charge is that of tui tion, which is $3S per amraui, paid half yearly in advance ou tho first of August and February.— By order of the Faculty. WILLIAM L. MITCHELL, Sec'ry. Athens, Dec. 22 , l eow3t List of Letters Remaining in the Poet Office at Clinton, Jones County, Ga. on the 1st January, 1832. ,A.—James Allen, Planters' Acado'my, Payton Allred, Amos Atsebrooks, William Alien, John Austen, Josiuh Ashley. 15— Ned Bucket, J antes A, Billingsley, J. Beck with & Co. Airs. Ann Barron, Miss lit. Blanks, William Barron, James Ballad, Thomas ti. Bar ron, Cnswell Broom. C G. 15. Crutcher, Bliss M. A. Connor, D. W. Christian, llcury 15. Cabaniss, Sanford Chap man. D—David Dean, Joseph Day 4, Toney Draw- Itou, Miss Clmrlotto Day, Newctt Drew, Esau Davis, Mnlachi Dawson, Elijah Duun, Daniel Duffey, John Daniel. K—'William English, Scion Edge, Miss Mary Elliott, James L. Ellis. F.—Benjamin Fiuucy, Boswell Frccmon, Sir,. Martha Fields, Ahuer Foster. G—Henry \V. Griffith, John M. Glaze. II—John llnrvoy ti, Robert Iliusloy, Robert J. Holt, David I. Holt, Mr. Harrison, John Hol liday, Joseph Harper, A. S. Hamilton, Charley Harrison, C. Ilohsun, Nancy Haws, Williamson ilenson, James Holliday, James or Levi Horn. J. —William Johnson, W. Jackson 2, A. Jack- son, James James, John T. Jones, Thomas W. Jourdau. K. —Williqm Key. L. —James Lamar 5, Thomas Levingston, Ro bert Lytto, Harrison Luddiugtou, James Long ford. M. —James & Mack M'Farlin, Robert M‘Gc hue. William Marshall, William M'Alath, James M'Duuald, Felix Murpbey, Air. M'Koy, Ahrcr AI'Geheo. N—Alfred Nelson, Puter Northern. O,—William I). Oliver, llcury O’Neil, Pcrnal Owens, John Ostin. P—George Al. Payne, Mr. Miiley Pool, Tho mas Parker, Warren B. Parker. 11—F. Renfro, David Ross. S—J. G. W. Smith, W. U. Stevens, John IL Sims, Willis Scott, B. II. Spight, Airs. Sarah )>. Sneed, James Sunslett, Jusseo Smith’s Or phans, William Simmons. T.—Mrs. Mary S. Tully, Airs. Elizabeth Tem pies, Thomas Trought, George Tillmou. W—Mary O. Webb, James Wammock, Mr. Ward, Shadrick White, Alexander Whittiugton, Isaac AL Wimpy, George Ward 2, Samuel Win froy, William Willinghnm. E, ORMSFYY, Deputy Postmaster. January 7 1632. 1 thE TOKEN : SOUVENIR: and AFFECTION’S GIFT: for 1832. Just reeved by ElLr8) sl[QTWELL&Co , HIDES—COW HIDES) TI 4b RAW HIDES WANT- iViVvV El>—for which the high est prices"will he given, by « nrt o ' et 20 4 E. L. YOUNG Si C0. H. GBAV£is3 & £0*1. H AVL received b'uiu Aeiv k’urkauU Boston a Urge and elegant' Assortment of Goods, tu.151STl.NU IK TAUT OK Kit) ps Clo.lis (Jassiuieres and Satinets l.iU ps Negro Ulotbs uud Fustians 25 ps Oznaburgs 20 bales Rose, uulllo and Point Blankets 30 bales Brown aud Bleaulied Homespuns 15 bales Stripes, Fluids, Uliecks and'i’iekiiig ps Linen and Colton Diaper 25 ps llrowu and Blue Jeans 00 ps Irish Linen, Linen Cainbric.und Lawns Brown Linen 100 ps plain and corded Cambrics 15.) ps book, mull, Swiss uud figured Muslins, corded Robes 600 ps Calicoes and Ginghams 100 iM-Furnilure Chintz 25 ps black, figured and colored Lustrings sltij chews Urudeuap Grodeziuu, Grodebei- liu and Levantine Silk 10 ps figured Warsaw Poplins ps Cuiitou Crapes. Pongees, Italian Crapes Buckram, Padnuig, uud Cuuvuss, bluck uud injured Cauteries COO doz Cotton, Flag uud Pluid Handkerchiefs 150 ps German, Bandanna, Pongee India, Ital ian and Levantine Silk llauUkueuiuls 50 doz Mandarine, Urodezine, Pnlinynnc, Ba rege and embroidered Crape Fancy Handkerchiefs Ladies’ Cravats 50 doz while, figured and plaid fashionable do Ladies’ l.iueii aud imitation pocket lidkis. 20 doz Thibet, Cashmere, Ciieassiuu, Damask and ltaw Silk Shan Is 20 doz Cassitncre Shawls, Cotton Shawls 2oO Hosiery aud Gloves Flannels, Canton Flannel, Musquito Netting UinbrelUs aud Parasols, Tubby Velvets 300 doz Clark's spool Thread, ball anil silk do .Marking Colton, Linen aud Coltoii Floss Tape, Ribbons, Cord, Suspcudcrs Silk webbing do Toilet and Fancy Boxes GOO doz Shell uud Brazilliau Tucking Combs Side Combs, Pocket, Dressing and fine Tooth Combs Coat, Veit, Suspender and Shirt Buttons Black aud colored Sewing, Flux Thread Gentlemen and Ladies' Fluid and Cuuiblct Cloaks Ready Made Clothing, lye. Banu Boxes 6 Cases Leghorn, open Straw and Dunstable Bonnets Work Baskets, Pins and Needles 2090 lbs Spun Cotton superior quality 50 doz Napt aud Wool Hats 100 cases Shoes ffnd Boots 6 botes Saddles and Side Saddles Bridles, Martingales, Surcingles, <& Harness A Complete Assortment of HARD WAHJii, Consisting of Pit Alill and Cross cut Saws German anti C. S. Hand Saws Iron buck Panuel aud key hole Saws 500 Sets Knives aud Forks Carving, Butcher and Bread Knives GOO doz pocket, pen and dirk Knives Spring dirk Knives an elegant article 1G0 doz Roger’s, Wade & Butcher's aud Llliot's Razors, Razor Straps - Stock, pad, chest, cupboard, desk und trunk Lucks Gun Locks, Flints 1G doz iron, Briltania, plated tablo aud tea Spouns 100 pr brats and plated Candlesticks Coffee Mills. Wheel-heads CO doz wire ami Imir Sifters Chisscls, Augers, Gouges, Bills, Files, Screw Plates, Vices, Sledge Hummers, Trace und Haller Chains Butts, Hinges and Screws Cloth, Imir, toolli and shoe Brushes Sbuviiig Brushes, Steeyards Drawing Knives, sand Paper. Iron Squares, tri Squares, Waffle Irons Common and fuhey Bellows Au elegant assortment of flint and percussion Fowling Pieces, percussiun Pistols Caps, Latches, Spurs and Stirrup Irons Sad Irons, cutting Knives, Tacks and Brads Nails, Blacking, and Brittannla Tea Pols Shoe Thread, Wallets aud Pockctbooks Clasp Wallets and Spectacles Scissors, Shears, &e. &c. CROCHURY JINX) CtXrASSWAZlXt. 12 Crates, assorted for the Country truiie. GROCERIES. 60,000 lbs Iron, 40,000 lbs Costings 200 bags Coffee, Hhds Suger, Cognac Brandy llullaud Gin, Madeira, Teuneriffe and Mal aga Wines, Cordials, Whiskey, apple and peach Brandy And every tiling in theliue ol Groceries. 250 (is Bagging, 500 lbs Twine 25 Coils Rojie, 1000 lbs sole Leather Upper Leather, Dressed deer Skins, Cow Hides, Ac. Tho above goods added lo their former Stock will make ns complete an assortment ns can be found in Alacon.and will be sold at the lowest, prices, as usual. jTor sale, on Consignment. 50 cast Iron Pluug(is 20 boxes C. S.Axjes 20 Jersey Wggons. nov17 23 CLOTHING. WILLIAM H. BURDSALL M AS just received aud offers for sale, on the must liberal terms, a general asiorlmcnt uf „ , Readymade Clothing. Having had it mauutaetured expressly tor his own sales, can warrant it made in the best manner and most fashionable style. Among which are the fol lowing : Gentlemen’s super blue, black, green, olive, brown and mlxt DRESS COATS and FROCKS Super blue, black aud laucy colored doth PANTA LOONS Blue, black, mlxt and colored Cassimere do Steel, cadet, blue and fancy mixt satinet Coatlecs, Frocks and Pantaloons English mole-skin do. Uncut hangup do. Black and blue cassimere VESTS Blue, black end colored silk velvet do Dark figured Valentin, while and buff do White Marseilles do. Swnnidown and toilinet d. Youths' Coats, Pantaloons and Vests Uentlcmen’s goati-bair camblet CLOAKS - Plaid do. Ladies’ camblet and Circassian do Lion-skin Jackets and Pnntalnoui Fine linen and flannel SHIRTS, Collars, Frenis Also, Gentlemen's Fashionable Black Beaver HACTi Ac. Ac. 13 nov 4 K/ft Pair India Rubber OVER SHOES, %P Just received hy IIUNGEKFOKDS & STODDARD, dec 3 36 JYoio Receiving from lioat Vicc- ~M President, JL FF Ilh-ls St Croix and Porto Rico Sugar 3 hills Loaf Sugar, 33 Imcn Ooffco 6 tierces Cofteo, 15 hbls N Ruin 21) hbls Whiskey, 5 qr casks Wine 1 pipe cognac Brandy, 1 hlul Jam. Rum 5 crates Crockery Also, A General Assortment of BLACKSMITHS’ TOOLS, viz. Bellows, An vils, Visos, Hummers, tec. &c. dec 3 38 OEORGE JEWETT. doefi Law’s l’laidj McBride’s ditto Cuuimiug’a Checks Lirisay’s Furniture do 3- 4 Alhta bleached Shirlim. Chicopee (i 0 U P Linen fold do Milk Row do Super Linen fold do Waltham do Scitnuto do N. O. 4-4 bleached Shirtin., 4- 4 brown 65 McAllisters Stripe. p *’ k±aSH .— — .. . —— ■ MIUHIH FEATHERS Live Gecie F|;»| v E RS, just received ttn.l r J HUNGER FORDS feSTO® hy oct 2!) TIN WARE MANUFACxtpI MULBKRRr NEAR TllHln STRvm.^ T he subscriber mauufaettires aiaiu.,,. stoutly on Jiand a general ^orul Tin Ware, which ho will soil WHOLESALE aailj at Savannah' or Augusta prices. JOB WORK done at the shortest the shop on Third street, uext door all Shotwell &. Co. WILLIAM S. £)jl Orders scut to, Suotwem, fe c 0 j receive prompt attention. Kuv 11 17 To Rent FI i 3E STOLE HOUSE adjoining the JL stribers’. Possession given inmicdii nov 2 10 . RALSTON &j(tvii Iran, Cotton BaggingTfaM A FEW toils Swedes Irou well assort: Hein pa nil Tow Cotton Bagging (5 casks Rice—U bills Ltitnp Sugar 10 litixes Georgia Mould Candles 4 pipt-s Holluitd Gin Janies River Tobacco, first quality, in |J 2000 hushels Liverpool ground Salt 250 sticks 4 hushels each do 3 bales 3£, 4 j and 5£ point Blanket) For salo by • REA nov 2Fi 31 SA & CO’I Land in Wowton, . F ractions No,333 ami 1534, in 0-fl District originally Henry uow Xtf county, arc for sole, Apply in Macon to Doc 1 35 M. BARTLEll C. A. JIIGGL\S H AS rented the commodious StoreonFl street, (joining the Marine aud fj| surance Branch Bank Lot,) where be ton services ns GENERAL AGEEV, For the reception and fonoardihg of Urn to the Interior, tho rccciviug nud dixh: Boats, aud tho obtaining freight for Boats! tho River, and their general disbursement!.! will also attend to the [ Auction and Commission! BUSINESS. To those who have previously (whilst istt tion with Mr J. T. Rowland,) fa voted Uzl their business iu tlii, line, he returns bis ikl and requests n continuance. Tito Stoic is | snodious, w ith convenient Shelves for the t sure of Goods, and presents a goo to those who wish to sell out their PiVce ( ns well as Packages. Busiucss committed t cure, lie trusts, will receive such atlentum s meet with general approbation. uovltl:| MUSICAL INSTRUMEST BOOBS, MUSIC, die. ■ ELLIS, SHOT WELL % CO.J A UF. now receiving mid opening at their I STORE, a number of PIANO FORTES, of a rich description, and a variety of otMiM Instruments, with instruction Books, and 1 ducted to the tame—a large collection of NEW MUSIC, for the Piano, embracing all the ftlusic of the i brated Cinderella Opera, and a variety of e» itigs, caricatures, prints, &c.—Alio a larges ■sent of BOOKS, consisting of 1S0O VOLUMES; acstalor'l bracing a considerable portion of which, iipe'jf in the Christian Repertory. A great variety el ] STATIONARY and Miscellaneous Articles. A large t PAPER HANGINGS, Bprderiftg, Flre-Wwl They reapecUuiiy invite the attention ol ml Iio to the above, uud request them to can W mine. jtinell * . Now Boots. ANASTASIUS or the Memoirs ofaCrs T. IIopc, . THE KING’S SECRET, by tho as* “Tho Lost Heir,” FESTIVALS, GAMES nndAMUSE No. XXV Family Library. With a very largo additional supply o' 1 ' ard ami Miscellaneous works just received nov 3 11 ELLIS, SHOTWELL k TEN DOLLARS RANAWAY from the ber’s plantation on Hint nr negro Follow uamed OltA- almut thirty-fivo or forty V- it is presumable ho will endc get to Darien or remain in tlio vicinity m where I Inst heard from him. I wm I'" hove reward for him, delivered m the A iwiu.i* «s * PRACTICE OF 3IEDICWJ The subscribers hare united » Practise of Medicine. Their sW JAMES T. l £R- u ' Macon, Bfny3 ^ WAllE-HOUSE A'SD Commission Business- THE subscribers WP'3 _j»form their friends and tb'P^ O- ya they continue the above link oflbe river, Jnsl below the brWgb^ from dengerby fire. Fortheconreniaer h lomers in the unner part of the tow»- Scale House in Cotton Are n ne. (; 0 |looi^ The usual advm-ee. will be made on f llh !E.*SP!r.l CUd^I