Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, February 04, 1832, Image 3

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,» lose bi* own total}’ mentioned White I -■ ",her things that many lost their souls by °charitable! Seeing the congregation M. L^lMrond measure at his saying, lie very ;t °b ticflU7 repeated it, and then proceeded to *SS&* he > ,( “ tend mcotlng ’ boar I ^W* , yP? ll , d w hen it is over thoy proceed to kruamongthe congregation! this pftrt Was Uirido it aI " ,| lilt part for that woman; such dc- !|br that a> ’ for sut .(, persons; these threats i<SS«d *0.’ continued the shrewd for y 0 '* 5 ', y m otwy the whole service, and telegraph. irtACOW. OSOROXA, sV1 LuDAY. FJhiH. 4. lSua, *^njockliolders of the Commercial Bank at srf requested to meet at the office of C. «('ole Esq. at 10 o'clock on Monday morniug, [ give in their votes for Directors of said Batik. ! roTTON. Cotton continues to como in jl v , Tlio market this morning was full, and ■,,'itioa animated. Sales 6 a 8. Common prfceTi a7.1. r SALT. <•> cents per bushel dura ri.«' l 7‘ aS , t0 Mquit wysetfoftlio burden of ‘ h « devolves to my share, I am not so vain s to cousider myself qualified to act the part of No Z^T’ mach kss ,hat of n Reformer.—- i.or.oo I by any means expect to rival those great lummariM, the Rambler, the Spectator, &e?but onlyto follow a t an humble distance in their wnW bo 0,bcd b y die snarling critic, of what use u t to waste so much time and labor in the vain attempt to root out vice and immorality when it is admitted on all fuuule that the work CONN. ,r *h. FORDER, 1-25 per hundred, in demand. j? mVRR has risen two or throe feet since eraiii, ami i* still rising. It is now in fine lioat- of a hich a number of boats, deeply la- “ n have taken advantage, and left for Dniicn. flin'oiiK them the large boat Wm Cumming, which i,,u (or is about leaving,) the wharf with a Lyjtr freight, wo are told, than ever before treat down the "Ocmulgee. It is presumable ABOLITION OF SLAVERY. The Legis ts of Virginia, now in session, is arduously aged iu devising some pltu for the manumit.- i of slaves aud the removal of free people of „,or. In this undertaking, the patriots of the Jegidiiture are seconded hy tho editors of tho mchmond Enquirer, tho Whig, and other reipcc- i'iIo newspapers. We wish them success in aeir labors, but fear the day has hardly arrived, t which the plan can succeed. THE TARIFF. It is presumable that tlio tail! on Imports will bo greatly modified, if not ilircly remodelled, during tho present session of Congress. Mr Ex-prosideut Adams has taken a 1 dstand in favor of “ Reform >” and Mr Clay if If, tho Hercules of the American system, is ,, to waver. So if tho Southern members tBy feel tho Tariff to be as hurdensomo a3 they ,rc made their constituents believe, and contin- ! firm in their opposition to it, wo have every onto believe that tho most obnoxious fea- i of tho act at least, will bo considerably mol- :3la Constitutionalist, of the 27th lilt. j that "the rumor that Judge Wayne mled to oiler himself to the people of Goorgia i candidate for Governor has never had the [hint foundation." The samo paper considers Judge Wayfto’s ing a candidate for Congress to bo in cottse- , euco of “the supposition that Jttdgo Berrien sill notbo a candidate”—thereby implying that had Berrien offered, Wayue would not. It can- J in the insinuation, the ConstitutionaDst very miclt misuiidurstunds Wayne’s character. lie rill urn submit to bo thrust aside, to administer a the caprice or pride of, a man who is neither mentally nor morally superior to himself; uar is L o so docilly constituted ns to succumb to tlio fiat f a cabal considerably influenced by his per ns! rncmies. Tho (act is, Berrien 'cannot bo icttd; ami tlio Sanhedrim, knowing that they mot keep Wayne out, - smother their rnucor, I yield to dint which thoy cauuot prevent.— tyne has long been nwnre of tho quarter in shicli the squall was brewing, ami been prepnred '■breast it; and now that it has impotcntly gono he no doubt considers himself under eternal jationstotho leaders of tho Caucus, fur their ong, at last mado a merit al necessity, inqicr- "'iig his name to be run on their ticket. Hiss Mucktnfus, (tlio beaux will rejoirm to i) has received from tlio Horticultural society Charleston a Premium for raising Cabbage ids. Wo congratulate tlio young lady upon 'success—ami opino tho premium should have i uo less than—a husband! is continually growing more wicked and incor rigible! 1 mil answer, (to keep up the simile at the commencement of this article,) of what use is it to cot up tho weeds in your garden, when they spring up agam as fast as they are cut down? Is it not to give the flowers lin'd fruits a chance to take root anti thrive? And for the same reason, a constant warfare must bo made agaiust'vico, that virtue may. flourish. And though ive cannot entirely eradicate it, we may prevent its exten sion. \\ hether tho world is more depraved now than formerly, I shall not undertake to decide. That a great deal of depravity at present exist*; is a- hmidautly proved, by the records of ottr courts of justice; how had tlio world was In tho days of our ancestors, wo ntny itifor from the censures of the Spectator and tlio lamentations of Jeremiah. My own opinion is, that virtdc and vice arc pret ty tycll balanced, and have continued so, with al ternate preponderance, perhaps, ever since the days of Noah. Tlio world has always been full of violence, and of contention, between innocence and guilt, justice aud crime. But to -avoid being tedious, I will horo eiosn this number. If 1 canuot instruct, 1 will not tire. E. S. Attack on the Stage.—Dr. Anthony, who arriv ed in tho city at 2 o'clock, this monimg, informed us that ho met the driver of the Savuuuah Stage, between six and seven miles from this city, on tho Savannah road, who stated that two men had seined tho lead horses ns he passed the small bridge, just on this side of tho four mile Stone, and then attacked him on his sent—that he fell in the scu!fle,-to the ground, when the stage passed over Itis shoulder, the reins were dragged from his hands, tiie horses passed on, with one passenger iu the stage, tho men ranaway, and lie followed ... r . - . , after tho stage and horses. Dr. A. had come two price of freight will ho somewhat reduced, -% r ikrec'milos farther up the road, and it is there fore probable they had passed down the Louis ville road, or into the woods. Mr. Shannon, the proprietor, sent several persons after tlio stage, immediately,on heat-lug of the occurrence. Air. Shannon offers one hundred dollars reward for the detection of the robbers.—Augusta Chro nicle, 1st instant. Races.—Tito sweepstake races, which took place yesterday, according to appointment, be tween four horses, $100 entrance each, was hand- «onicly wott by Air. Pryor's horse, Timoleon, late ly owned by Win. Shnuuon Esq. A match race between -Timoleon and Mr. Kel ly’s berse, Restless, will bo run over the Augus ta Turf, on Friday, the 10th iastaut, for five hundred dollars a side.—ib. A flow question is probably about to engage tlio nttcution of Cougrcss; or rather an old one is about to ho revived, titan which there are few of on internal nature, within tho control of Con gress, of more importance. We mean the estab lishment of a uniform system of Bankruptcy.— Tiiis subject will preseut itself in so imposing a form to Congress, that they can hardly avoid it. Tho proposition of it comes from the Legislature of the State of No w York; a resolution having al ready passed tho House of Assembly, whicli it is suit! will also pass the Senate of that State, in structing its Senators and requesting iu Jlcpro- seutnlivcs to support a genemi bankrupt law.— Rational Intelligencer, 23d ult. - Conundrum. Why is tho letter O like brandy ? |(flu:n you’ll hato to givo it up !) Because, it |OJtvsalnd glad! Apology for Celibacy.—An old bachelor, hoing mkhI the other day tho rauso of his remaining u long single, answered drily that lie itad lived We year at the AIusclu Shoals tinder tho same toof with Airs. Royall editress of tho Paul Pry lj*wipaper—since which tirno he coulduuver eu- |turo a wuniati. \ FOa THE MXCO.V TEtEOKArtt. TIIE 80HEDIAST. Nn. 1. BI KfttR.UJt SqUARKTOES, J. p. Dawn essay, rfq iire Squaretocs argues the propo- It-uiannf j„ i| lw w»irtd; and tiie necessity of its ■■‘‘"•'gpr-jneil, H xa garden is lined, lo. keep the weeds Ik ii huisls that good men should not lie back- l»vd Iu d their part towards rustling out Vicn, whig n< the siim of human know ledge aud h*|i- [■‘ n ’' v Tha Squire m uinutly declines tlio ttt'e of I k.oviv—m thus a comparison lietwucn tho wick- ivineo nf 0Br 0 , vn ,| ulus tll j ihou: of our sure,tun, l**. 4c.) 1 d|o inaral as in tlio vegetable world, woods IJW briers ntui thistles are cunstathly spriiiing up, I“1 clttke uud duklroy the inure wholosn'uso I piaaii, calculated for tlio sustenance and Itnppi- I, " ,f maukinj; and which as constantly require I p-iiaing knife and the hoe, to lopp them runt them out. .Vi soils tho in • d prolific I require the most carts, iu order to keep down ob- I 55l:, '*i shpatt and nurture those ol tlio right *o in communities, the virtues aro I srnugbt te tbs highest perfection, tho 'ices nl- I , "''quire the deepest root. Hcn?e it hccomcs i"‘‘itty of uvery good man, who feels «n interest ,|“ e .prosperity of tho land aud the welfare of J?! c 1 r, |?< to lay baro his arm in tlio cause, aud 1 1' 1 ,- intelfoctunl hoe in aid of the great work B,or ' 1 r,! >’ormation. Tho achievomunts of one "• v wm but small; but thcuuited efforts of tna- I 7 wuh perseverance will perform wonders.— I ,,* e “•* labors of tlio coral insect, though n mere in uf itself, they construct columns from tiie i • 0;n ‘*f the seu, and establish islands in tho »w,t of ocean. If every man cannot cou- t** 1 ® ,0 |ho stock of human knuivlcdgc.homny can add something to tho sum of human ftap- {Z e *!r**'“* h i» hi< duty to do so. Aud he, e- “’>* bj b,ve l,ul onc talent, is not justift- !>u->5 that oue. SSSamcd, . oi . In Atacon, on Thursday evening, 2d inst., by the Rev. John Howard, Air. llenjanun R. Warner, to Aliss Mary S. Capers, both of Alacou. On Wednesday evening, 25th instant, at Cul- lndeusvillo, Monroo couuty, by the Rev. ChnrlcB Hardy, Mr Early Cleavtlandof this county, toMis3 Lucy R. daughter of AlrNaltum Wilder, of Prince ton, Alnssacliusotts. Died* ’• At his residence, in Fayette county, on Satur-. day, tho 7th ult. iu tho seventieth yenr of his ago, Samuel Parsons. Air. Parsons was a native of tiie State of Virginia. At the ago of fifteen, ho entered tlte Army of tho Revolution; was engag ed in tho battle of Guilford Court-House; was at tho siege of Little York, aud witnessed tho sur render of Lord Cornwallis. At tho close of tho War. he emigrated to Georgia, and settled iu tho county of Hancock, then on tho frontier; mid af terwards, in tho counties of Jasper and Fayotto successively—was highly respected in all tho spheres of life in which Ito moved, and died with out mi etiomy, leaving a numerous and very re spectable connexion to Inmcut his donth. At Savannah, on tiie J7lh ult., Mrs. Aletnea Mdrbury Lair, wife of .tho IIou. William Law, of Clmtbnm county. On tho ldtlt ultimo, aged 84 years, the Hon. Alexander M’Ktm, fur several years past tlio presidium Judge uf tiie Orphans' Court of Haiti; more County, ami previsiotwly otto of tlio repre ■ scutativcs of this District in Congress. Mr. AI'Kitti was numbered among our most respeota- hlo citizens for near six years—Rational Jour. tn Marblehead, on Thursday, l!»th ult., Capt. Samuel R. Tnvtlt, aged 82, commander of tho United States Revenue Cutter Hamilton, on tins station, nit ofilccr of tho Hovolutiott, and deserv edly esteemed by all who know him. Cnptnin T. commanded tlio only company of nrtillrry in llit? Provincial forccn* nl Uio bnulcof Hunker lijll. Ho livcl to a good bid ago, retained tho faculties or his mind nud the vigor of his body nearly to din last. A peculiar provision is contained hi his will, lie should he buried nt sunrise, that no person should follow his remains to the grave, mid that the hells should not toll, tqitl if these directions were not followcil, that the wulfuouul ho eottsidcred null anil void .-Ibid- MACON MARKET. northern, Iron, - Lard, lb'.' Ite'ad, Lime, cask, Meal, bushel,- 7 uIO 4o a 48 7 a 8 20 28 15a 18 4 50 Sufi Ilncan, per Hi- 10 0 DkAfocter*/, Hugging, per yd lo a 22 Molasses, gal. Syfcog ltW a 225 Rails, „ apple, iti n SyPcpptr, _ peach, 75 a lilt Pimento, Rutter, 184 For*, hbl. • Candles, georgia, 17 a 2U Parlor, ddxcn, „ spenu 00 a 05/tie*, v . Cards, cotton, dux. 7 25 Rum, jamat. 1-d) a 17o Castings, 7 a B ... now eng. o5a (K) 13A a Wi 8amT, bush gar CO'l'TON, lb. 6 a 8 Shot, per bag, 2 a 2 r > Plour,country, 000Soup, Ib. Fodder, 1 25 Sugar, st croix, Ha Ml 5 R, & 0?i Tea, lb. 125n! 50 C alii [Tobacco, 1 ~ a lilt Whiskey, eiWirtr, tnulei. 250* o50 5 00 ,, teueril)o,12o a 150 50).,, madag". ®*7S Boat KTcws. AnnivEt), On tho 28th, boat Ariel, Griffin, owner, gro ceries, &c. Departed—I. B. Rowland’s box with G50 bales cotton. J. A. Campbell’s box 550 bales. Boat Augusta, Lamar, owuer, with 550 hides. Boat Couqueror, Lamar owtict 1 , with 550 bales Boat Superior, Yonge owner, with 500 bales. Also, a cotton box, Youge owuer, witli about 400 bales. Bont Wra Cumming, Lamar owner, with 728 bale* cotton! Two cotton boxes, C. Campbell, owner. Boxes No. 0 and 10,1’. R. Yonge & Sons own ers, with 797 kales cotton. New bont Bonnets of Blifc, Day & Butt* own ers, with seven hundred and fifty-eight bales cot ton!!( Boat Clara Fisher, Day St Butts owners, with full freight cotton Cotton box No. 12, Day & Butts owners, with 450 hples cotton. launched—on Wednesday morning, Day & Butts's new boat Bonnets of Blue. COMt.SU up. Boat Stranger: Day & Butts owners, with fttil freight groceries to tiie owners. tCf" Tlio Rev. Mr. Simons will preach iu tho Baptist Church in Alacou on tlio forenoon of Sunday, the inst. Feb ,3 An Election F OR nine Directors of the Commercial Bank at Alacon, will take place on Monday, Cth February next, at tho ofiico of C. B. Colo, Esq. iu Alacou. AI. BARTLETT, C. B. COLE, Jan 28 : Commissioners. New Line of Post Coaches FROM X&ACO&r TO SAVAXtfXL&ZE. FAKE REDUCED. Tho faro hereafter to and from Savannah, will lie Thir teen Dollars—to aud from Dublin, (N,iir Dollars—tliro’ in thirty-six hours. The Coaches will leave Ala- con every Aionday, Wednesday aud Friday, at four o’clock in the morning—arrive at.Savannnh at eight P. AI. next day. Stage Office at Wash- iugtou Hall, Alacou. G. LONGSTREET. jan 31 64 J. B. GUERDON. NEGROES FOR SALE. B Y order of his Excellency tho Governor of Georgia, will lie sold on Tuesday, tho 7th inst., at tlio Court House iu Alacon, Bibo county, A HTcgro fellow, named Harry, and his wile named KATY. And throe yoke of work OXEN. THOMAS PACE, Feb 3 3t Siiperintendant Public Hands. 2*ree ffradc—no Combination. EARTHEN WARE, GLASS, CHINA, AND XtOczcxsrG-o&Anszis. T HOA1AS j. BARROW & CO. importers, Ro. 88, Water Street, Reio York, having made extensive connexions with one of the larg est and most improved Potteries iu England, arc enabled to offer onc of the most extensivo stocks iu market, consisting of event vnriety of Eautii- eswaue, China, Glass mid Looking-Glasses, either repacked to order, or in the original pack age at uncommonly lota rates for cash or city accep tances. Tho very liberal support hitherto receiv ed from,onr Southern and Western friends, un der tlio most trying circumstances, calls for our warmest thanks. We have survived thus far in tho struggle with a body of men, who havo com bined all their efforts to effect our destruction, simply because we will not join them in cotnbin iug to' compel the country merchants to pay an exorbitant profit on his purchases in this market. We can ouly reiterate former assurances of using every exertion to promote the interest of our mer cantiio friends in the extent and variety of our slock, the lowness of our prices, and the skill and curt of our packers, depending upon o free trade as tho only system which can givo stability to tlio mutual iufercstof city and country mcrclinuts. THOS. J. BARROW & CO. Feb 1 (15 - 88 Water Street, Reu> York. W ILL bo sold, -,n Thursday the Ifilii MARCH nest, ot the late residence of Ratliff Ecoldt, late of Houston county, deceased, oil tho Perishable Property of said, deceased, consisting of Horses, Hogs, Sheep, nliont eighty head of t’.ittle, Corn and fodder, Un- con, and various other articles too tedious to men* Terms—A credit until tiie 1st day of Jannaty, 1833. Fell I 67 HUGH LA1VSON. Adm'or. . w Georgia, Coweta County, 7HEKK,\8 John t’iuyard applies to motor let ter, of administration on the estate of David Cox, deceased— Tbctt are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin- should not be grantee. Given under my hand lids 23d daynf Janunry, 1832. 64 SIHO.N HOUSE, o. c. o. Georgia, Payette County. W HEREAS Larkin Barnett, applies to me for letters of administration, with the will an nexed, on tlio estate of Robert Harris, lote of Fay-' olte County, deceased. . . That are therefore, to cite and admonish all and gular the kindred aud creditors of said itcceiurd. to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, lo shew cause (if any they can,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my linnd and seal at office, this 28th day of Janunry, 1832. , . • — WILLIAM 11-BRlPF.. c. p. o. TEST DOLLARS JAEWMD. — STOLEN nr ranaway l,om the subscriber, living ill .Monrue county, Ga. on tlio night of the first day of — January Inst, n negro woman named racily, between slslei-ii [nut twenty venrsof ago. about five feet three or lour Inelies high, of n tolerably dark cotnplesion, well proportioned and Mont of her height—an uneoimnoidy short thick neck, a full face, mult cars, her speech common ex cept the word mad um, which she | jnuounces mar- am, giving It n broad tiuiml—sho wns In a very preg nant situation when she went off. She had with her two homespun cotton dresses, otte new, the other two or three months worn, both striped with copperas, though a little different In the stripe, onc yrllmr cal- Ico dress flowered with purple, two inrgo lira blank- Kts In one piece, one an'tiller one five or tlx months wont—xnim- other clothing, such as nn'dcr clnths and clothing made up for the child. If said negm U nro«- way the subscriber will pay the snm o* TEN DOL LARS to nny person who will deliver her to him at his plantation on the Towaiiga, six miles north of For- syth, orto nnv person who will apprehend or take her up end deposit ner in some sefe Jnll and inform Min so tint he gi Is tier Into bis possession. The subscriber is apprehensive said negro Is stolen, in contrqncnce of golus off without cause known tolnm. It she is.tln- raliscrilice will pay nny person ONE HUNDRED DOI I.ARS who will deliter him Ihu llitrfrml negro Peh3 (V. 3t WILLIAM L. CHAPPKL Indiq Xluflhor Ovor ’-thocsj J UST received and for .ale hv V, M. II. BURDSAI.L. jail 30 C3 iiSonroo SliOi’iiT fcSalcs. W ILL he gold, onlhe first Tuesday in MARCH next, at the court-house iu the town of For- xylb, Monroe county, within the usual bouts of sale, the following property: ■45 acres of Land, more or irss, being the southeast side of Lot No. 124 in tbo sixth district of Monroe county—levied on ns tho property of James Knight and Iralkins Tapley, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas in favor of James Cumming. vs. said Knight, and Jo nathan Johnson rt. said Tapley. ,100 acres of Lund, hoing half of Lot No. IKHn the third district of Monroe county—levied on «s the jiro|>er(y of James tlood, to salisty it Fi Fa in favor u! Martin G. Bocltaimn administrator, Ac. vs. •aid Wood. 2 Bods, Bedsteads and Furniture, 1 Chest, 1 Table, J Slab, J Looking Glass, 2 Howls, 1 set Cups and Bauoers,8 sitting Chairs. 1 WalerlVil,21’iggius, l'Tuli, 2Hows and 7 Pigs, 7 ribonls,700or8C0pounds of pickled Pork, 1 Saddle and Bridle, 2 stacks of Fod der, end 7 head of Geese—*11 levied on as (be pro perty of Motts D. White, to satisfy a Fi Fa in I'.vor of Jl' If Bcunoch for the use of Joel 31‘Clondon vi. said White. 1 Lot of Land, (number not known) in the fourth district of Monroe county, whereon Anthony Oillmors note lives—levied ou aa his property, to sa tisfy p.vo small FI F«»In favor of Samuel Cloy vs. Mid Gillmnre—levy made by a constable. 202 1-2 acres of Land, being Lot No. 13, in the eleventh district ot Monme county—lovled on ns (hu property ol Lewis Drown senior, to satisfy n Fi Fa in tavorot Lewis Brown junior for the use of Wil kins limit vs.snid Brown. The House nud Lot whereon Auden S. Rucker no lives, in tho town of Forsyth, being Lilt No.fid in the plnn of said town, ouo negro woman named Cfamie 1(5 or 17 years old and Iicrchild2ycars old, J grey Horse 10 orl2yeare old, and tiie Illro of ono Negro Boy for the present yenr—nil levied on ns the property of Arden S. tlneker. lo satisfy a Fi Fa in favor ot the executors of Jinkfns D. Weathers for the use of Wilkins Hunt assignee vs. said Rucker. Feb 1 A. COCHRAN, sheriff. Also, will be sold as above, . 50 acres of Land, mnro or less, commonly known as the Montpelier Springs. 200 barrels of Corn more or less, and a quantity uf household and kitch en Furniture—levied on as Ihe property of Nicholas Childers, to snlisfy a Fi Fa in favor of Mortimer R. Wallis, and other Fi Fas vs. said Childers. Feb 1 JOHN REDDING, deputy sheriff. FOSTI’ONED SALE. Also, wilt be sold as above, 202 1-2 acres of Lund, (number not known) whereon lliltiani Uuekaby now lives, in the sixth dis trict of said county—levied on lo satisfy a FI Fa in favor of William Cabauess end other Fi I'ns vs Wil liam Huckaby. JOHN REDDING, Feb I deputy sheriff. Henry Sheriff Sales. ■ W ILL be tJkl on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, ut the court iiouse in Macdouougli, Henry county, between the usual hours uf sale, 145 ncres of Land, it being u part of lot No. 3, in tlia third district of Henry county, levied on ns tho property of H. f). Vain to satisfy a small FI, Fa Issued from a Justice’s court, in lavor of William H. Crane,forlhe use of Jesso Johnson—levy made and returned by a constable. The north hulfof lot No. 155, in tiie twelfth district ol Henry cuunty,-levied on as the property of Daiuct Duncan to satisfy a FI Fa issued from a Justice's court in favor of D. llog»—levy mado. and returned by a constable. Jan 30 THOMAS J. JOHNSON, Sheriff, Alto, wilt be sold as above, Lot No. 62, in tlio third district of Henry county, levied onto satisfy sundry Fi Fas from Gwinnett superior court, iu favor of Joins Choice & Co. and others vs Clifford Woodruff, Abraham Harris, Kaosbird Harris and others, executors of Dan iel Harris, deceased. Lot No. 131, in tho twelfth district of Henry county, lovied on lo snlisfy r Fi Fa from Lincoln su perior court, ia favor of Abner Wellborn vs George Crosslaud. Tho south half of Lot No. 131, in tiie ele venth district of Henry county, levied on lo satisfy a FiFa in favor of Joseph llnmbrick assignee, vs Henry hi' Clindon & Joseph Higginbotham makers, & Charles Rutledge assignor. Loi No. 229, in the seventh district of Hen ry county, levied on ns tiie property of John Harris, to satiify a FI Fa from . IVallon superior court, in fa vor of Stewart & Hargroves vs said Harris. Lot No. 228, in the twelfth district of Ilenry county, to satisfy a Fi Fa from Fayette superior court in favor of Jacob Bentley vs Archibald K Lewis. One Uuuso nml Lot, itcar Macdouougli, whereon Samuel IK Minor now lives, levied ou to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of Ca’swcll l’urifoy vi said Minor—levy made by a constable. Jan 30 JAMES L«»VE, Deputy Sheriff. Bibb Sheriff Sales. W ILL be sold ou the lint Tuesday in MARCH next, at Hid court hniiso in tho town of MaZ con. Bibb county, between Ihe uiuulliouri nf sale. Four Negroes, I’ltcbe u woman, about for ty venra old, Stephen, a boy nhntil six years old. Mis souri, n girl about three years old, and Leroy, a boy about twoycnrsold—all levied on as the property of Thomas Danelly to satisfy a mortgage li Fa issued from tlio inferior court of Baldwin county in lavor of William J. Danelly vs said Thomas Dunclly. One Lot of Land, No. 16S, in tho fourth district of nriglnnily Houston, now Bihli county, con taining 292 1-2 ncres more nr lets—levied on as Ihe property nf Hugh llamil to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from the'Sum-rinr court of Rolls county in favor of Kce- land Tv nr r vs said Hugh Hntnil uud Bryant llnmil. iVh It if. it. com:, Dip. si,niff Butts Sheriff Sales. ILL he m.hI on the fir.t Tuesday iu .MARCH next, tipfore tlio court house, (n Jackson, Butts county, between the dsuhI hours of sale. l£lcveil barrels uf C»»n>, more or loss—levi ed oh a*the property of William Jonet to *ati»fy two Fi Fusis«iin.t from Butts superior court, one iu fitvor of Silas FHinlt and the other in favor of the officers of the superior court vs Mild Jone*. One iipyro Boy namit! Oilbprt, obont seven years old, one Bureau, and one pntent Clock—levied on a* tho i^oporty «*t Viomas Lytm to satisfy a F» Fa issued frorn-Bbsrt Inferior court, In favor of Leniuu] Wootfon vs said Lyou—property pointed out by plaintiff. Two nesroos, Lucy n woman, Hhout twenty- five years old, Nancy, a girl ebmit sis years old—ie- virtion hv tin* pioju-ity nt John I.. Williamt to fy a Fi Fa Mid fmni II»*i»ry superior court (a favor of Jftmtab W. Williamsv» John 1.. Williams. On<? Lot in tin* tonnof Jncktun. known by lot No. on sqtitra ffo.9—>le\'H?d on as the property of John liobin-'on bv vi^tu- of a Fi Fn from tlir justi ce** enrol of Butts comjiy. In favor of l^wrcnce (is- hngan vs John Kohinsmt—property pointed out by Silas Klllott—levied on nud returned to me by a eon- slnhtn. t Ono nepro woman, Mined Lucy about sixty Vfart old, al-*o Jn/m Uffu/itor^t Inttrert In lot No. 4. Iii the second district ol originally Henry uow Butts countv—levied on ns Improperly, to fcfUWy a Fi Fa IsstiodT from a Justice*! court fn Jtisper comity in fr.vor of Neal Urfpiheprt vi said John IJnpdicart—-levied on and returned to me by n constable. Jan 30 I1F.NKV >tATr.T,I : ,Y, Sheriff Coroner’s Salo. ILL bo .old, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, nt tlio cnnrt-linuio In U.toa, Bibb county, betw een Ihe usual hours of sale, Iho follow ing Property; Lot und improvotnonts, (number not known) whereon Drury Thompson now lire, in tho town ol Macon—levied on as Iris properly, lo satisfy a Fi Fe issued from the superior court of Bibb county in fa vor of G*org« Northern vs. Drury Thompson and Rico Durrctt, transferred tu William II. Cone. Fob 3 JI'.SSE SMITH, Coroner. >1KDKTNK t-. Iinvc united iu the ■me. Their shop is next Cbu22pD«n fflafriff SialcB* TCBMLL be Mild on the first Tuesday*?^ MAPX'lt st'f next, at the court hou.*? in Crtmpbeiltori* Campbell couuty, within the usual hours of sale, Thtce Negtoes, to wit, Lucy a woman a- bout fifty years old, .Maria, a girt nbov? eighteen ot* nineteen years old, end Jerry, nttoy about twelve oc* thirteen years old, one side hoord, one table, one cof fee pot, otio hcdslem!, one ox cart, and one cros#~ cut saw, two beds and bedding, Consisting of one counterpane and three quijtsfaud one bolster, one bed mat, one trunk, one flMMerpot, one blind bridle, two tin pans, one funnel, three pair of cards, six split bottom rittingchairf, two Windsor chairs, one look- ing glass, one testament, two chests, one keg of soap, two kegs, one tin trunk, one bilking iron, one bud rord, two club axes,one teakettle, one two Inch au ger, ono oven, one large pot, two wagon boxes, one earden plough, one lot of chains, onc bit of irons, one bowl, ono powder horn, one hoc, one black lint t*e and one sack, txvo Imrrcls anti foments. I Mi l-*J acres of land; bein£ the south part of lot No. 29Jn ihe ninth district of originally CoWcta now Campbell county —nil levied on as the property of T/wnuit Smith, late tax collector of Campbell ‘county, hy virtue of an execution issued by tin* inferior *:ourt in favor of «nid county vs Thotr.ns Smith, und Jiilncs Black, Burrell Matthews, John Short, F.lyab Hammonds, Ilenry Brock, Windsor Smith end Elijah Herren, securities on the bond given hy snid tftniJi for his. faithful per-* formance of tax coltector.of said county. Jan 31 BENJAMIN EASLY, Pep. Vitriff. ZXouston Sheriff Sales. W ILL be sold on Ilia firm Tuesday in MARCH next, before tiie court house in Ferry, Hou»> ton county, within tiie legal hours of sale, the follow ing proper ly I Ono Negro Fellow about 35 years of-age, by Ihe name of Off—levied on ns the property of G. B. Whitfield, executor of (be crime of It. Hodges prin cipal, Daniel Wlialtey and JuIurs Iloltlerueu securi ties, to satisfylfuur Fi Fas obtained iu a justice's court in snid county—levy inado aud returned to nee by a constable. Ono Lot of Land No. 33, in tlio thirteenth district nl Houston county—levied on as Ihe proper ty of Archibald AV Crea, to satisfy two Fi Fas in fnvoC of William M. aud R. it. Tarver—levied on and re turned to mo by a constable. Ono Lot of Land No. 96, itt the fifth district of Houston county—levied on as the property of Thomas Elliott to salsify a Fi Fa made from Morgan superior court in favor of Robert Hammock- Feb 3 ISAIAH GIIAIN, Sheriff. Georgia, Houston County. W liL.ltl.AS Israel Watson applies tor letters of administration upon the estate Jr Jesse Wat son deceased— 77teie are Iherefbre lo cite amt admonish att and'sin- gular the kindred and creditors of said defeased to ha and appear at my office withintht timepreseribed, bylaw, to shew cause, if any they hare, why said fellers should slot be granted. Given under my band tins 3d day of Feb. 1833. 07 CHARLES H. RICE, c. c o. clgWing. A SHOTWELL & J;«. SMITH h«v©j u «t • recoiifed n lot of Fine CLOTHfNG, con* Misting of super Box, Dresi and Frock COATS# Pantaloons, Vests, &c. M dec 23 A BIST OF &E3TSBS R EMAINING in the l’ost Office at l’erry, Houston county, Georgia, an tbe 1st of January, 1832, which if not taken out during tho present quarter, will he sent to tbc post ofiico de partment ns dead letters. A.—Thomas AJJedgc, John Archer, Johu M* Allen, William Aikiu, Thomas Averett 2, Jona than Abbott. ■ B.—Thomas Barron, Robert V/. Bucl, Joseph Barker, David H, Barton 2, Mr». Susan M. Bil lups, John Bush, Ralph Bo/cmon, C Lesley Boyd, Alexander Bannister. C.—Colson Copliatt, Nathan Chancey, Clerk Superior Court 2, C. B. Cob, William Congers 2, Benjamin Cowor, AsnB. Cook 2, Aca Cook. William Cain sen. John Clnrkcr, Gibson Clnsuut, James Clark. a D.—Klislm Davidson, Seaborn J. Durham, Tilman Dixon, TliomasDoles 2, Robert S. Duffy, Thomas H. Dnwson. G.—Richard Goodrriu, Wm. Gunter, Henry Griffin, Isaac Gilford, - II.—Win. Harrison 2, Mrs. Jincy Hagin, Charles T. Harrison, Burnell Herndon, Wilson Hemingway 2, lien Hold), David Howell, Mi»» Catbarmollainnerj J. E. J. Horne. J.—Right L. Ivey, John Juucs 2, Stephen Johnson, Reuben Joucs. K.—Isaac Kendrick. L.—Willis l.nytou, il.—II. A', Morgan, John Martin, John M‘Coy, LawderMims, Warren B. Massee, Jvlui Morgan, Archibald M’l’lierson. P.—Mrs. Elizabeth Pago, Washington Pea cock, James Pope, William Pinrkard. K.—Starkey Rogers. C. 11. Rico, Enoch Roughtou, James Bailey, Caclli C. Rogers. \ S.—Elias Sliipwush 2, Uobertou Slirewder, Georgo 11. Sims 2, D. Smith, Bcujauiiu or Mar tin Swcuriugiii. T.—John Talbot, Joint Tomlinson, Jesse D. Tatum 2. V.—John Vaughn, James Vincent. W.—Benjamin Wchb it, Michoai IVatson (i, Govlcy Wethfnton, Jantca Wilkes, Elijah Will, inins, John \V. Wiliu, Oslmrn 1'- Wimberly, Joel IValkor, Allen Windham, Sarah White, l'eli. 1 05 JOHN M. MOORE, P. fit. _ X AMP OIL, of good qmlity. jnit received by L-J Jan. 8. ELLIS. SHOTWfil.L ftfa CLOTHING. G ENTLEMENS’ I'ino Goats’ hair Wrap pers, do do Opera Clonks, do super mixed Brown nnd Olivo Cloth over Coats, Jret received and for snlo by nov i7 23 wm. it. nntnsAt.i.. C. A. in GO INS pIvFFERS at low prices : • LJe 20 crates assorted, lor country stores 10 lili.lx N. O. Sugar BI do St Croix do 10 do N. K. Bum 50bills do !A) bbls Whiskey 50 do Gin, Phelps’ brand 20 do Mackerel, No 2 and 3 50 pieces llcmp Cotton Bagging 50 do Tow do 20 bids Sugar 3 jan 21 PRACTICE ( The tubs, SrJUy door to the t-e.,/ ' AMIIItOSi; Il' HER ' <■ -t JAM 1.8 T. PERSON ** M.von, May 3 19 JAMES It. BENNETT, Soot and Shoe SSaker,. Has coniiiienccd busuiea. in l I MeDounld’s building, (near tho .Woeon Tele graph office,) wliero |, v ,vill lie found realty to attend lo his old eustoruers ned all others who may call on him. 01/* BOOTS ami SHOES manufactured to order, ill the best maimer. REPAIRING also wilt ho done. (jy- Two or three JOURNEYMEN can fiud regular employment hy application to him. j-iu - >;i ;i!) NOT2C3B. T lir. SUP.PCKlIil&t h.vlug soldliis Stock of (,'001)8 tn , MR. SAMlfEL T. HOWLAND, ,ud iM-cliiii-ri bus'.nrrt, solicils lurtiliu Hi. |wtrtHiag« of hi, friend, ...dr.inner customer*, and requests alt o |,o at .- indebted to him, lo call .1 (lie store ot 8. f. Powlmol. next door to Alc-srs. Cooke &. Cowle., o he re he will ho tumid foe ihe purpose of making «l- jlrmoot, ISAAC 11. UoWi..VNl>. Die 21 1