Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, February 11, 1832, Image 3

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twojunired anijfiy ‘ rei-T&' ISSiTAe Aretf'fniilions originally l^'lnlArgu*. K Air H. GEOROIAi PrrTjiiABKETi Cotton hat come S’Cj. duriug the week, averaging about ■ 'Jii liny. It has fouud a ready sale, P'0. il p, ii shade lower than lust week. ’V'Y'ri harp been at 7 a 7}—inferior fi—and strictly prime 8. Iptvrf is very low. ami continues falling, h i Mil'S to Savaunah—ill boats $2 75 boxes 2 35. ie^aturi of 'tiahuhd, tflore L fj, alarm of. Fire occurred ill this t ffirdaV morning fast, aholit |sVb U’jtWck. ”nW from the Stable oh the jot Ocfetipfed i.amar. Fortunately, itlVasimie- l*', ri .’l |.y the patrol, and extinguished, I'' ■ ..-ii injury. Had it been ui.dis- iririiifes longer, the dwelling house ,;y clacrd, would have beeu : r.K'3. It was evidently ah in- [ri stlon,i>t to lire thrown. LpidOIt COURT. The-Superior Court fb comity has been in session since Mon- bis honor C. B. Stroii" on tlie bench. Lj,j| w i|i be impossible to clear the eevertl ,at this sitting, his Honor seems Ui»i.o.:- i the way ho drives business, to i> aSe n iroach towaids it. It is uufji tliattta, that- Xrgulative wisdom in arroB^iag the Courts Ecircuit, could not allow ii .oro than one | (it Bibb. As it is, a great portion of the iioiust be laid over for six mouths longer, ron, suitdrs, witnesses, &c. be put to the snience of attending an adjourned terra. ilMMERCIAL BANK. Yesterday 6th ih- (tbe followu*3 gentlemen were elected Direc- Ytiiis new iusututiou for tltb ensiling yedr i Thomas M.'EUis, E. b. Youhgi J.R. Jones, A. Clopton, James Goddard, Wm. MR* « George Jewetf, A. R. Freeman, ThonSes Tnylor. jibe same evening the Directors bail atnee- [udmade choice of the following olficers : A. Clopton, President. H Blnr, Gosrifer. • >'- J - N. Eells, Book Ketpex. • i are indebted to the Hdh. Daniol Neivnan Ida Exposition of Evidence in support of tlie 1 rial to Congress, Setting forth the evils .of isting tariff of duties, and asking such a mot ion of the same as shall bo consistent with the ieofrcvcuue, and equal in its operation on liferent parts of tho' United Stales, and on interests of the same. Prepared in of iristructidhs from the perttianeht i, appointed by the Free Trade Couven- nblcd at Philadelphia, to prepare the Jto Congress. By Henry Lee, of Mass i committee;” ’ithoiMi. An act has passed the Legislative lahama prohibiting the introduction of slaves bat State?’ also to extend her laws over tho i lviihin her territory, and to abolish tho nd usages of the Indians; also nu act to ire I Digest of tho laws ijf tip: State. By eiiif, owners df cotton gins' are required To t di every bale ginned by them the initidre name, ilnd of tho couuty where they re i Augusta Constitutionalist says, “Mr For. 1 spoken of as Air Van lluren’s successor to ICourtnfStJfalncS—so wel^iru from a friend is lobby at Washington.” lii extrema nn.xiqt ■ to pro.rnra'the same ap- •' it from Tttfiti i. Ad v:?t«. gj /oiAm air qf fcii'ilit;, to the'rumor. We hope >!ut lie may ‘Ulupiepat occasion .nore.iueky than in his :t tif becoming Secretary of State under af'JIartiiPynu llureu.j • ’-'il^IA : Tfty great, debate iri the Irepts tofVirginia, "(nw tflo nbifUion of slavery, d iri? tlie 28th. tilt * after thirteen days dura- Tbo folfqjsypg is from thb-Cotupiler of tlie resolution reported by the committee was pi'i" 1 without a division—and the question bu- ®ataken cut-tho report os amended, it wes ,^-ayesCl. noc's 59. [/?• prvniubls mid resolution as adopted are [follows: ‘Profoundly sensible of jhe great evils arising a toe condition of the colored population of <commouw«&lth: induced by'hututmity ns well Nicy, to eh immediate effort for the removal syriacc, as well of those sgto nronow f such at may hereafter become free; bc- Ng that this effort, while it is in just nccor- ** *ith the sentiments of "the community on I subject, Wi[l absorb all our present means; 1 wot a further action lor tho removal of the r n should await a more itefiuitodevelopemeut i public opinion. ‘ " . (deed, as the opintuu of tilis committee, u is inexpedient, for the present, tb-mnko n- [ “T'dntive enactment* for-tho ubolitiou of w«jr," t proposition. Ilis speech, depicting tho evil, lip anticipated should slavery bo perpetuated, might be worth reading at this period. On itsin- compatibihty with-National wealth, power and liberty, he said_“The lily and thobramble may grow in social proximity together, but liberty and slavery delight in separation." / FOR THE MACON TELEGRAPH. BEHIND THE CURTAIN. If.up—Well, brother Spur, fortune lias ex. trieatid us out of the perplexing dilemmrinto which the confltetmg pretcft.ions of Berrien and Wayne hail placed the party. Spur—Say not fortune, hut the silly sick petulanco of Berrieu. And after all, I am not certain'that the danger is less imminent by his withdrawal. ' B ltip.—I'm unable to comprehend your .drift. Berrien’s declining removci.overy thing like rival ry hetxyeen him and Wayne. The ticket must now go down in harmony. On the part of Ber rien, it is a noble sacrifice for the good of the party. • Spur.—Sacrifice! a fiddlestick'for party good! The truth is, his last public letter has occasioned so much disgust among the rabble, that lie knows neither you nor I, powerful as we are, oah shove him into Congress. It is therefore in hifii'hotliing more nor le::s thin tipping hut bejVtr tfy'iircuh” stances. Besides, it is suspected, tlaflie Is not- anxious to < bit, iVashiRgfOn tlie present winter, as Eaton :>nti Johnson are there. You know, he as no f i ri-' paddle in hot lead. , Irkio.- • Ynur.cxporitiod of his motives is enn- fusivc: bat if.ys n' t account for your opinion, that, in oui taking upWavno, as ouich dissentioh us ever nuiy coulir. ' J '*'T Ji'stract the party. Spur.—It certainly does not. I -admit freely, that nothing between Berrien and Wayne .exist* now to divide our ranks. But Wayne has. ene- mifcs, unfortunately for us, bitter enemies, not it the Clark squad-, bat in the Staff of our owd dear army, who will never he satisfied until bis destruction crow a thrir vengeance. * Whip.—Indeed I The mutter is entirely novel tome. Spur.—I mta astonished that yon have so long held an important station iu our camp, without being advised of a fact w ith which the very camp- color men are acquainted. 1 shall not waste time in detailing the remote causes, which might be traced us farback as 1819, hut commence with 1828. In the latter year, you may rotnembor, that nullification, under ,tho name of State Ex cise, became Vefy fashionable among us, because we erroneously supposed it Would be popular with Tho people. Wayiio was not in confidence j and viewing die matter with an eye to tho Cot>-., gave as-ljis toast, pn the 4th of July, at Savahiiah, “ Unittd we stand, divided we fall." Ttsavorcd rather too much ofindcpendcncc to be relished by our commanders who, you know, al low no other rule of discipline than the law mar- tuan thirty yeAri forms a wrong esumiuc ul his laJeuti, Which ate only cslcuipted to mislead (or (Am;instant, Mia tho ease of, a jury, but caaueflt standi in print the ordeal of public scrutiny. On mature investi gation, sordid self interest becomes manifest in every act thoigh be feigns hri^jas a claim on the gratitude'of tne .public. Hi» hostility towards the Rank of Darien arose, it is notorious, from his desire to turn public attention towards Brunswick, in order to enable him to realize a large profiton his five thousand dollars worth Of town property there. In the case of that Bank versus Lucas in Alabama; his cvideuce could he obtained only by the institution's allowing him to shave his owu notes nearly twenty per cent. He was aclivo iu rejecting the Central Bank on what seems to lave beeb ail Assurance pf a. salaried directorship and the hope of hocoming cashier.. He devised the Bunk of Columbus, for the sole purpose of obtaining tho cashiership, and, by Hooding Ala bama aud Florida with its paper, realize a clear gaiu of more than sixteen percent, per annum on his large stock. In suggesting a railroad or turnpike from Columbus via Eetonton to Au- tinl. If he disliked our hobby he ought to have boen silent, and tidl have thrown the influence of hi* opinion iutp tho Scale of the raggainulfin Clark- ites; who, it was also remembered; had spared him- when they ejected every other Crawford judge frooi the Beiich. Our head med sebrctly directed, him to be.tUnied to his personal ene mies,-Who decided that Bo should either walk bar of red hot iron, barefoot, or wear d wooden ;usta, no other motive actuated him thau the A 11111-1 ' ac00 ’ nope of temporarily enhancing the value of-his possessions iu aud about the two former places, and disposing of it at. a great profit. In goiug on as a delegate to the Ami Tariff Convention,' be was altpgcther actuated by the expectation, that the a'pjpoiutinent wouldopen to him the dobrs of the wealthy there, a'rid give him a chance td over reach some afiluent quakcr. Cobbing is too mod for him for his imprudent conversation at Priucetown College at Commencement. Though nullification was becoming disreputable, the sim- p eton told Ex Goveraqr Ogden, that Ae (Jones) went the full extent of {t hat South Carolina did, and ax to Georgia, she with-not behind that State as to nldlffication, and on some points before her. And now our poor hag-ridddn party have to bear him aud his nullification oil bur shoulders, with out even the Methodists giving us a lift with our burden, whom (every clfild knows) ho joined with for political ends, hut of whom, I am assur ed on excellent authority, he'will not get a vote from every fiftieth man. It was a dark day ibr us on Which lie skulked an'ay from tho Clark kennel.' I would sincerely rejoice were he again . . Public Coi jTjrtHE entire stock in trade of J. C- iliivts- JL stow, will b4 sold by. OPteF df the As signees, on Tuesday next, Idthinst-, at the Store on Cotton Avenue, consisting filf DBYGOjODS, GROCERIES, WJROCKERY, CUTLERY, Ate. Terms Cash. Sale positive.' feb 11 73-lt C. A. HIGGINS. Auctioneer. sfSSxflSfcT}’ A LL nersont having ailaiois agatnet JOHN C. HELVEN8TON of Maeon, will hand or send them in to the Subscriber* for adjudication, on or before the 1st March next. Those indebted will please make hr mediate panllbnt''(mf* ft -is desirable that the concern should at once be closed) who are alone duly authorised td settle. JAMES REA, DWIGHT WOODBURY,. C. A. HIGGINS,, Assignees for the benefit ‘of tlis Creditors. Macon, Fob. 10, 1832. ,■ N.B.—All.dommudicatious ivlll be left at C. A. HIGGINS' Counting Room, or addressed to ‘ ” 74-tlttm. It AN AWAY FROM tho undersigned on the night of tlie 17tb irist'.'a acgro.fel low named - insist:. .Having a wife iu Forsyth, Monroe visage, black complexion, .very white teeth, rath er a bushy head of hair, round or stoop shoulder ed, generally smiles when Bpokcn to, is njmarkA- bly.fond oT singing and whistling Mcthodistsongs and tildes.' He carried with him a blpck broad cloth coat, and other clothing not remembered; had a common hat cut in the shapo of a cap. _ A liberal reward will he given for his apprehension nnd lodgment iu*any jail so that I can get him **■ ;ahi. All persons nru_forhid harboring said fel- low, as tho law offence will be rigidly enforced. RAYMOND HARRIS. MTnt&sh-county, Jnn.RU, 1832.' 73 3t sincerely rejoice were he again with his old confederates; but they know hint too well, to nllow him a seat on their ashes. IIo is a cancer on our tody politic, malignant enough to produce dissolution, and not merely “ a wolf in slieep’s clothing” os a hamster called him- a few days ago in Bibb eourt fioliso. _ Whip.—1 am exactly of your opinion; Evil days are at hand. ' COMMUNICATED Penmanship.'—The young-men iu Macou have an opportunity, that miiy not soon recur, proving themselves not only In tho useful but or namental branches of this-art; Tho Toachcr, MrJOrango Green, is master of the theory, and. in Georgia, is unequalled in the practice. His writings have all the smoothness, proportion and regularity of the best finished copperplates; and' his ornamental pieces blend so much chasteness of design with richness in completion, that a per- son not presbnt at their execution would scarcely believe a pen in the Hand bf any man equal to their creation'—In addition to his ability as a chi- rographer, he combines assiduity with patieiice, simplicity with art, and perspicuity with pro foundness as a teacher. To persons who consW- I M er a crabbed illegible, hand a concomitant o| stvord. He attended Alliens al Cbimhencement, gentility, I recoinm-ml him not—a few lessonl and penetrated the posture Of affairs. Disdain- '{him him would cr .-. ct them, in their oup cstri e, ^rom t\e Uichmvid ll'hig, jiiit.26. un,Mo!ilimi—This debate, so vital to Vi rday, at-! t'r." ptopn-iliou- "icj of. Wei have no room or [Iljfri-l : ’■ rn - e ^. Bt i,°’ c l^5' t ' 'if? ""ht sillfi lr ' I’lcstnn' dediiigs of tiro day. lie- , Goiiiiniuou declaring it expediont tB Jj. nc ’ °r in other words, declaring'it 'ynt now to legislate, was lost, >58 to job of Mp. Witcher W postpouo iudefmil Ejected | aves 00, uocs 71. e ‘r^ W ,. n " , y 1,0 considered ns tertiiig the i the House, oli thc propriety of comtncn- 7,I 3lcm of Abolition, nt tlie-nreper time, proper, o. ’ r”Tv" moue. Finally, tlie tluport of “innuec, declaring it inexpedient now to adopted, and with it, Mr. Bryce’s Fre- look* to action at another time. ” deemed fcoorabteto thi cause of abo- ® the proper mode. r * • - -was Richmond, Jan. 28. i ‘ .' Ia ^possible, even were it desirKble, the question of slavery, and its effects ■ UMrckt aiid most important interests of si,! ?*! ln 'ghl as well attempt to snurthcr in - ct 'hecratur 8f Mount Etna; but the ,. ls 1,01 a . new one. It was 6n a proposi ing cashiering, both from personal pride and ha tred towards hu enemies, he chose to undergo tlie ordeal.' He was accordingly selected to draw Up the Disunidn preamble aiid Rcsollitibns; kbit : hc discharged the task, without leaving room for Jtho hiost headed among us to grumble, by eon- Itendinc for. the legality of a State Excise, and va poring about the “ Sepulchre df ihe Union.” The case proved that he was ndt put down by stratagem, and it rather increased than softth- cd personal animosity; but'having done.what was considered penance, ho was permitted to retain his regiment, watching, and watched by several of his brother officers, who were deter mined to work his ruin the first, opportunity. It v.ns noumtil early iu 1830, that his conduct be- caiii'j excessively obnoxious. At that time, tllfc l>ivs m ' Tc.-k of the Superior Court of McIntosh county (a poor devil with a large and helpless family) was committed to jail charged with the unpardonable siu of defeuding hut body from the blows of a,horsewhip. He was that had beau chiefly instrumental iu keeping Wayne in his seat, when tho Clark legislature tossed put our other judges by.wholesale; and .Wayne, among other heretical feelings, retains gratitude. Tho Judge knew that' powerful menus were at eoiTuiiaud and would be employed to hang this daring vagabond, who in theory and practice is a perfect leveller, breaking down all distinctions of wealth, as if they were,not required by the goiTd of society. Wbat .do you think Wayne did on this occasion? Why, ho wrote from Washington requesting the scouudrel to draw oil him for nnv amount of money his necessities might demand, and profurriug Ids persoual services if thought useful at the trial. l am not surprised, brother Whip, tbnl you stare at the recital, the facts art so counter to our rules of discipline. Yet it is trlau Wiiyna did write that letter—it has been .s'oeu by m ray. Hq diJ allow friendship nnd gra titude to overcome his duty, to the party and Ids allegiance to genteel society- It is true that his services were uot used, and that .a rilggnmuffim jury acquitted, tho culprit; yet it is equally true, that'hu did make Urn tender, and thereby viblatu our regulations in ibe most sacred point, w Inch is strict obedience. It is not to He thought that tho criuio passed unnoticed. Almost ersry one of us that value'distinction and th.' preservation of our ancient landmarks, camp to the resolution of vo ting against him nt the General Election of that yeaf; but-tho pursed Vlara party got hold of tbo secret, nud By sustaining Julni, blighted oiir dear est hopes.'—In,tc'.i of reforming, ho has, since that time, acted 'mure iodepcndciitly'tlian ever, and last summer had tho nudaciiy to po s(r fur as to tirukc Dr; Capsicum (the rifOst worthy ionvert we'iiVvi ever made) beat a retreat from a rifle mid broadsword.. It was therefore, not without cause, you vci'L observe, that we iu Cau’cuj ex pelled hi r. ar i t 'ok'Up Dome n iu hopes to keep him out. ccJitr, lj the up .cuumry will not coi,. ,.r .'..jt'.ic »c*b(ian! should scud two mem- i l0 t: i, t . ,i .ool, in a paroxysm of fear, having broken lii» sli-;s tgrins; g hickory stump, is nu- able to contend in i.:e race;.aud we are ignomi- nibiuly compeUed to iake\Vaync on ourshouldcrs, ■or have the whole weight or his influence trans ferred to the Clarke p.i;ty, to ifhora bo more than half belongs already. Wjth such a source of discord and dUlojaltv.mouf Tanks, I am afraid our campaigns cr.niint long prosper. ' Whip,—I comprehend it clearly,'nftd wish we could, without hazard, treat him as traitors de serve. • But what thinf you of Seaborn Jotrcs a a candidate for Congress? Spur. A very bad selection, but w e coiud not get rid of his importunities, You know ibfct bis avnricc is only quelled by bis ainbilion. Ilis fre quent solicitation* for n seat iu the I uited States Sertaift have uuiforuily been answered by tbo ns .surauce that his ap)iointinehttO that slatiqaby ibe Legislature would prostrate every mcuificr who voted for him. He has now ventured (he inti mates) to 1 convince us that be is not held in detes tation by the people, anil we could not, with any seinblaride of generosity deny him the oppoiiuii- speiutmg, lessons would put them in possession of an art which they khow bow to value, and by which they Wbuld not fail to profit. Yi Cotton Exports.—There has been a roisider- able increase in the shipment of Cotton this sea son thus far. The increase to foreign ports is 15, most'of which, howiver', (13,563 -bales) .is ’tb- Charieston^SlwI. Georgian’. ■ Life . merl; a^. , . „ in preparation a life of Thomas Jefferson to be 1 comprised in a single volurao, of five or six hun dred pages Wc have seeii a letter, from New Orleans of the 28th Jan., (says ths Mobile Register,) address ed to a respectable house in this city, which no lices a decline in Cotton of | to J cent, and repre seats the market as dull. Keto Iron Foiindry.—'Vfe visited oH the 2d inst. a stiug little IroU FoundrV, ereited by Captain Pryor near tha Marine Railway-. Tb* bellows is worked by a steam engine of eight or ten horse power, and we understand that all kinds of rou^h - Boat News. DEPARTED, Boat Stranger, Day fii Butts owners, with 450 baleseollon. BoatEmperor, and 1 box,.P R Yongc &. sons owners. 1 box, Day aiRultsowncrs. rftj-, 2 boxes, C Campbell owiler. 1 box. Church & Rogers (of Telfair,) owners All laden with, cotton for Darien. PJotice. T HE subscriber having sold his whole stock iu Trade to WILLIS T. SAGE, the Im ness in future will he carried on by him At th snmo store whiehl havo occupied since the fire ou-Cherry Street. ' OLIVER SAGE. Macon, Jan. 4th, 1832. 73 5# Georgia, Payette County, W IU'HP.AS Ansa A. Dicssoji end William II. Dickson, executrix and ejt-Cutor of the es tate of Dnxld Dickson, Dte of said’tfounty. deceased, apply for letter, of dismission as executrix end exe cutor of said Estate. These ore therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, Jo be and appear at pty office, within die time prescrib ed by law, to shew Chase if any tlictf cap, why letters of dismission shout d'^iiot be granted them. Given under my hand, this 24th of lanifary, 1832 72 * Wil.l.lAM M 9RIDF., c. c. o-f “Georgia, Payette County'. WTfTllEttKAd Thomas I.uvd, William Pop w- a nd Edward Y. JuhnIon apply to dmiiilstration on Ibe estate of & OWELL, me for let- Samuel Par- ten of administration On tout, late of said county, deceased: Tittle art. ih’erefoirc, ta cite end admonith all and An gular the kindred and creditor, of tajd denoted, to be and appear lit my office, tbilhin the time prc&ribcd by law, ta thew cavie, ff any they have, why ttid lelleri thouli ndt be granted. , ‘ Given under.hiy babd add seat, at offbea,-this 17tb of ^ ,ll “ ry ’ mi ‘ wiL.i.tAM M'DiliOU.'e.'B.'o." # Heijy «t the cowti Impute ^n“r^vet.eYt»1eJ• a him not—a few leasosk Uiktiwfu.'hdtidtith.'ibl.oW'' . .. , -f—■ w j ’ oacii Lmt No. 28 Id the town tof Fayetttf- mauon, With the r ; v. I; a nten, who bold a vi)) g (ed Lot of Land No. 127 iwad'fifth dtatriet bf neat; free,iate'1' • e a aljyberewrititigas mrt 0 K.| n ,|!» Henry now FnvntU 'Bdiimy-leviedOO' portflfat as pure p ismfD J>a acd correct emnba- u^i«jwnperty eCJO^il^t'IBfttillgtWbntK^fifiiiW sis in speakiHg, tbit ? v-drris. A course of his Fi Fa in fisvo " ~ ‘ ~ rsr, Fi Fs in favor of Joseph T. Camp, Samuel T. Bailey nnd Tbomns G. Gordon vs. said William*-"*' property pointed oat in said otoiteece. Feb 4 AV'M'BRlDt, Deputy Meriffl NWILl ING. ns I may he, and with feblingb of deep itgr constry will ufford the facts Aidued, that be done as noon 4s -te may determine whed ft* will settle. I am amenable, to the laws of the country for aoy infraction that <1 may comAiit, aud never have attempted to evade ant penalty for the violation of them. He pretend, tfial it U very recently that he heard or my bolding, such demands;—will the uthor members of bit family say that they knew uolhing of them? 1 presume uot. How then could it be notorious with thi rest of the family and a profound secret to him? The fuel is, that this may answer for them to harp upon among themselves, but it is a tune that 'fieVer will be struck by the Impartial and honest juror, of the couutry. It is uot the demands that I hold against Henry Bailey that has given the only offence. They were willing to be friendly and treat me with that respect that'I deserved; but the terms were such that no gentleman woo'd t accede to them, and I know would not be inter esting to tho public, and never shall be presented by myself without dratyu out by them. One, however, that I will Mention is, When Henry Bai ley’s property was sold by the Sheriff of Ogla- thorpo county to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of the heir, nnd distributees of William BaUay, there vyere two Negroes sold (by iiainq Pat aiid Peter,) nnd purchased by Doctor Thomas N. Poullaiti or Gracue couuty; the wife of Henry-Bailey ap pealing much mortified, and actually shed tears bCcaUse she could oot get them.' I went 10 ' Dr. Poullain and offered him twenty-five per *ceiit. on the amount of the purchase money if he wubld let me havo them with a short indulgence, which he refused to do; but by giving that per cent, I procured it from ahotlier gentleman mi! purchased the negroes! and iu the presdnd^ of Atie or twq^avo them to her during her life time.. She hfttL recently died, an6 on my return from 1 Gcbrgia to Florida, the family, knowing my claim; was endeavoring to sell and put them out of tfiy power, and learning thaMo be the case, when I started back to Georgia 1 brought them together With the one that Henry Bailey had had for the last twenty years, for wliich I never have received one cent for his hire more than the pro mise of Henry Bailey, arid now he wishes to:is- - va'do the payment by advertising them and ti$-' : iug they were either obtained by fraud or misrep- / rcsentation, or the inevitable conclusion is, that they are a complete forgery; if thoy are, tho bon- . sideraliotl is a just aud honest oue, one known to .t bo such Ijy most every citizen that ever lived, fok any length of time, in the comity bf Ogleiliokpci I am very sorry that Henry Bailey should have suffered himself to be influenced and persuaded td commit ao act bf this kind. There is nothing the unprincipled and base imagination, bf than could have devised, that 1 should have regretted 1 a* muc|l. lleury Bailey |s a man; that" parent never was more beloved and adored more tRan what l havehim; riiVsole desire iu Jifo; ever since Ilis misfortune, Has been in trying, to render com- ’ .1 - for table and happy him and bis family, 1 have de voted. both my person aiid scabty purse tb their service, and. I pm cbnfidentthnt ifhe would speak the holiest Amvictipsw of bis heart, that bn would be betlnd to" admit _ii to be ,the fact,tand. to mjf, n, -. t utt«r sorrow and disnppolt»unflpt,l:fin4ialt*B,dc^i>. x f,:-- ‘ ing all iri ftiy. power, thdt. I .havei riotisharo oriti-r. or,’- f • tefest in his paternal affection, that.,without the „t .t. lebst eatrib in'IifF, hb Is willing and epdoavcriag i., tostrtrifiee 'me'-Ttpon r.hd btiinay pfsojnie.ef hk- ,i* Jw, ambitious childbeui 1 -Hbw 'lsdt’that W} eao look n v.-y •. * - upon me as brtng so consunHnatea vilain .tlo'es lje.... (mHptbat I arirso destrttrte-of eyeryupriueiple dfi Self-respect,'-a* to divest teyVejf : bf'the-rigMana. i*.'«... • ' pOSsessiodwf thonsand, merely for 'the purpose .. . V of comniittfilg an act for a fewbundreonwhicil ".Jir’S. - ^': would expose me to'tho 1 veng»*)iiChtief !he criJot;. ; *4 rial laws of thd'Sfate? How Ion j, 1 firriutd ask him, -:..,, ha, H bben since 1 had a right, one too that no ' power under beaveu wouM'wave devested me 1 .! . t-vj td most every thing that'td'Tieldp or claimgpfkeii well knows that it is but d , ’shurt-time sintid; , Jl*. ', ' well koows that I have givs*n tap' to him touch that W?*.. * was purchased with my mouey. As I have beku-.i- I v- \ (ore said^ I do nbt believe Henry Bailey ever, hav *“■ J ^ him; bat unfortunately he'has placed me in nrfh a situation', that it loudly forbids lobger silence, and further am 1 sensible that if'I'should, in endeavouring to satisfy ait impartial and benevo lent-public that 1 am uot guilty of the charge of forgery or anyotbbr dishonest act, present him in- a conteinptalde ligtM, iri a certain degree I should detract from that which I have heretofore and still Mef& dearer than life itieif. Now I woqid' nsk Henrf Httft y- if he shoutd succeed ib' BWsWjig it appear 1 trifue world that I was thh coasuriiriiate rascal, 1 'vt-ltAt Credit or bcncfit'WOuhHtlbe'to hfeg t. wbat,- : l appeal' to vrery-parent Who la peaseuedii of one 1 spark of-that'pasgnul affectiori which park of that' pasgreM adorns- the' Chnstiae family, what fs theirttlesire castings can be furnished at short notice- W f 0 ther thantoscl:-thelM<>ii'itia. Which to -tik^ witcesse'd ae instance of the fusing of the metal , a0( j a ^ ns- de4F'l^3[lb hatif, pursue such a and its distribution among the-different moulds ‘ • prepared for it. The business was conducted it a ivorkmanliko manner, shewing a perfect farni liarity with its dotails, and anbrding evideu'ce that hereafter the owners "bf steamboats iu this place, will bo relioved from the inconvenieuc and delay, of sendiug to -New Orleans to supply 'themselves with grates, shafts, fee. We t.usi tho enterprise may prove a source of profit to the proprietor.—fir wotiM - 'haw consented to a course of this kind, t i,..; of deep regret I rid bonpd to say, tbivk scurrilout attack updlt nik-which I; but a few ,7^'., , days since discovered in the MafcoW-Telegraph, I ®f9 Bales; nearly the whole of wInch has gone to purportht* to be the wrirls of Henry Bailey, Air - ^ad ho tuH have beeu influenced by others, whe-; Havre. The excess coastwise tn 14,464 bales, Jchua couuty; Florida, hrttn illiberal and uugr^tOr. *1 fear, is so reckless of evioy priuciplq of indf J,L - ful tbiug. Was Henry Bailey auy other bran, I spect, that 'tWy.'wbnld be milling tit seah'th should Well know how to treat hrtni'biit.xtoitstious -a™ i~c—v— r„-» $, l_ ~ „ c J 4Si I that any attack or successful 1 distance tliat efftrsort.—tGeorge Tucket, E,_q. for' r '|biaymake would not, oirdeCtlifferentcircum- omber of Congress from Virginia, hak' staSces, be attended with rihryntoflrt'lo myself or X_ L . . Lx. .._r A.JX-1. »La Ik lf ®7e , s . seal-tlpdr : . ; 7 eWn M*my Tor fbdriarposo of ,gratifying foY bna ‘ mombnv their trilenmis ambition. *• .? RICHARD RAlLEtYv" Upson cdunty, Go. FeB. 6,1832. 1 x/ ; M*oon, Februory 8, < .... t- 1 have bi>Lthkj d#y received ft oot Col. Jos.-Ifmnrjt. 'n..',, . - Lumpkin au answer, to a note nf the 27lh ult:-, him .-. it,i. an F.xemptijioittiqn from Ibe records of tbe-'Coort'.of - , . . •• Ordinary of.O^«tht>i|>e county, which 1 hop* will ^o ■*.. », to sodsfynn im|>*rtiai end. honest community.Ihot niy ... t, - ctwdtlol JmeWoSbeeniodi Riel ought to hsve dertro^-..*. edtM cottfldense Df"Htrhty Bailey, and that my , , - standi asrfusfVoti'ttooitSt i the records cannot be h n r, mubf »qt'frond to my that the -charatfldf tof - , irykilftLltvttecesWWe to the spleen.andxiin- .t)( (be 'Mer.'cuJnmnietor. Ana aope that they > . ' KStebCwn tan lbegult unnAmy which jus been . hsAJut-W* , ■- -- ’"'''r' cipy of Cel. Lumpkln't Nate. . . <■ • • Lesisotud, Feb„2,1S3S?.. ltloiiARi)'llABLXr,'E»tlnire, Dear Sir.-—I have not seen the publication, ta. tkv . Mason Telegraph to which you.retetln'yMUr burOtad ,,,.3 , Wvl ,, tli'e'27tbend 1 now learn far tins Srstdmk, 'ts^th., ■ possible that Hetry'Bwlev, singular front sill-V ,be “» b# rCJ'..«Wf»ulty kesiWeix. -i I f— —• c.L > yesmetf Aud hither. ‘ • >’ou- reqomt me. to stste, what-htu.beets veerrioft, fleet' end manifest desire tri promote^ lUe .oldtaentie- msn’s interest. 1 cqn py, that bt>tb. J>c. .OaBei - Bailey and ynuraelf have evinced.umch .Benbff het-' Uingup tho b««lne«i of youS fetliert ibd oibtivSti of either of you I bevc ncVer pretendetl to ititn,IWTnhy, • not doubting but whsftbey were altogether tendsblar- Lrecolltwt very dirthtclty, ttrtt .to theiprejjreVj Afiff tt» fa'tHjfdf< tlelrs'anfl fliitrlbot# Saddle and Harness TVI-xIcin". HE subscriber fiavtug purchased the Stork in Trado of OLIVER SAGE, the Sad- T course es '■» tM WsH^thfltMrihre, the kill'd feel ings ac.i ccafifvaev ef fifrir aeqaalatadi-as.vis'it possible that Hetry' Bailey, singular front isH ether itarenti, is emleavorug to filch from' ksier tliat whirh I have by long am! un< casing -cxiSr- tions secuA'd to myself, und which ongbt^o'go dotvu with him to Ilia grave with pleasing reJMd-' tions—(Ilcavtu forbid that such be lli&' ertse.) The fact is, that il Henry Bailey ever sanctioned such a thing, or consented that his name should appear to thqfjnGllc in tlit, way, it was by and through the influence of bis eldest daughter and snmo of ltis sons; aud I challenge hi, son Thomas B. Ilailey, to deny swearing iu my absence that ho would make Henry Bailey publish me. i do hold aguiiist lleury Bailey deniuuds to a grout extent, such t >o that they never will succeed in den rriiig tne from prosecuting by threatening me with a criminal prosecution. He tnay bo influ enced by th in to avail himself of tho benefit nf the Laiv made and provided for the parties, to evade the payment of any boud, note, or other specialties; but even if he dues, there will be star ing tlioai in the face evidence which cauiiot he con trol ertod, viz.: the records of Oglethorpe county. 11. Hailey says, that bo knows notwhuf the ex tent of these demands are ; further, that if his sig nature was ever obt lined, it w as by fraud end misrepresentation, and then that if be assigned auy note, it was lor the purpose of aiding me in s, ttling Id i unfinished business in Georgia. Now this is too absur^l an idt-a, because there is cot a 1 man in the state of Georgia who kgcw any tbiug about tlie pecuniary situation of bun wire a her die nnd Harness Making Bnr.inos.i will in future i ] e fj ( j, 0 state, but-what knows mat LL papers or ' gradual “/bra* \ «>• ^ ^^7 di riment; bet be he continued in all its branches hy him at the old stand on Cherry street. A continuance of pub lic pntrohago is respectfully solicited. WILLIS T. SAGE. O. SA'GE, Agent. 73 fob 10 Particular Notice. I GIVE those persons that are indebted to the late firm of Fitch Ar. Wortlin a narticulaf in vitation to rail apd settle the same, (as fair prom ises will uot pay my honest debts.) feb 9 LEWIS FITCH. Law Kqiice. B enjamin f. Harris and james m. SMYTH have associated themselves in the Practice of the Lew under the firm and style oi Harris If Smith. They will practice in stil the Courts of tho Flint Circuit. 733ro • feb 10 notes w as not worth twelve und a ball cents in the Dollar; and how in the name of common sense could they have been givetvfor that pur pose. This is a fact that is too well known and one that was not thought of by the dictator while dr .fling base attack, And I will furnish him with tbo extent of the demand. One is for the hire of a Negro man from the first day of Janu ary 1813, May 1827; another pt for Collect ing and prosecuting to judgment, effects of Wil liam Bailey to tho amount of twenty-five or thirty thousand dollars, for which he holds my receipt ttid allowed by-the Court of Ordinary of Ogle thorpe-county; together wifti many other small deb!*rids which I have paid off for him. Again he says that 1 shall, after he obtains further furis, suffer the punishment allotted to lllOtu who may lie guilty of inch dirty Vriekft if •succesaful prose- cutrou wdido it. Now I can suwarebia;, tm.t if an disbursement I do not recollect t 1 think it waSjpqp- tallied iri an Exemplification from Ibe Ordinary, ap pended to his Cross Bill. But rir this {era not car- , tain, the records of the court will speak for flihtn- - selves at to Ibis rattler, 1 know nothing of your Fa ther's guardianship, nor o! the Negro boqnantfcefl yod ■ by your deceased unCte Very respeotftflhr ffaoxa. Sic. JOS. HENRY L(JKl*tIN;' EXEMrLlFICATlcW: V GEORGIA— Oglethorpe county. .... iw, Inferior Court. sitUug fag ordinary purposes firR Monday in October, 1813. Present, -.theit boriore John Usrapksn, John Moore, George HudspAlh Hi, 1 • iekitb Lnoaki, end .Robeii.freemsn. It is ordered thet Henry BdUIy 'W end he ft hereby appointed • ■ •' iei Gnerdien to Richard Beiiey. end Cbertes- , Sons afid minors of the said Henry, tot*ko ■hm of etui take care of tbe legacies Ktt IbMX v _ Richard BnUgy. dfce*ged.,4ndsWtn BaU*y«nd. JdiA into Coart and entered gg the sunt of two thousand dollars for oagfurutanewot mid trust. A 1 tree eslreet from tbe Minnies Of tho 2d dev of February, 1832 .. , • .. .. . ‘ ’-‘''V WILLIAM fi. SMITH, e. *»V Lexington. 1st Joly. I62R Rkqgirpdl of Henry L ley mT-,Guerdi»u, oue Nsriro tuaa Ferry, end i hire of sijti Negro in fall of my legscy tjnrs» to by Richard Beiiey, deceened—-this the ojy a eaore written. Signed, RICHARD BAT G EQRGI A—OflltAerpt im “ ly Rich. . do certify tha above is t tttie_extrefit. records of aty office. Given ander’My^fihi of office af omoo this 2d dry of Fohrmx ' WILLIAM SMI J woriid- Agsin ask Henry. P««em4.r»f »y receiof tf he jwid sue one *>u' for tjtp pf/e VUM****"