Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, February 11, 1832, Image 4

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• SaleSM*? Yfi»MLL be sold on the first Tuesday in (MARCH V licit, at the court'house in Cnnij.liellton, V " 0 bcllcounty, within the usuelhoursot rale, vTiuee Ncgiccs, to wit, Lucy ■< unni'iin. n- Vr fflly years old, Maria, b girl about eighteen or »>,/ He'hn years old, and Jerry, a boy about twelve or i' years old, one side board, one table, one cof- { * >m|, one bedstead, one ox Cart, and one cross- - Hv, two beds nnd bed ling, corisistlng tit'one - ‘VV.terpane and three ijuilts anil .me bolster, one lied 1 .1, one trunk? one uluinibek’pol,<>iiu Mind bridln, • • ii.i [iaii« r out iinm.d, three pair nf cards, si s'split linen sitting.chairs, two wimirtr chuivs, one lock- »V «:.<**, i»i.e wstunciit, two chests, one keg ot' euap, ieg» I one tin trunk, one baiting iron, one bed . '.-,f i>vo club exes, one teakettle, one tw o inch au- -■ toe oven, one Lrv.c.fiut two wagon boxes, one -x plough,,one lot of chains, one lot of irons, one • ovI.Mlie I'owdor horn, one boo, one Idnck buttle ond M sack I mg, two barrels end contents'.' 152 1*3 acres • i nid. beinglli* smith flirt of let No. 89. in the ninth .'•■iul of originally Goxvctu now Campbell county - .i-lcvledon as Stic. property of Thomas Smith, lute ’ v i.nlleclur of Campo.-dl county, by virtue of an '.yittlKon, issued by tin- interior sipttSt In favor of said ly vs Thun a* Smith, am! James Block, liurrell i.'Jiuivi, J'.lin, Elijah Hutmnopds, Henry, ;y<vk, V/indsor Siniib nnd Elijah Harroii, securities , illibuild given I v said Sin I h for Ids faithful pur- .ujxsida of tax collector of said county. /ifi'bl BENJAMIN EABI.Y.tPap. Sheriff. EJeory Biieriif S?.les a ILL ha fill on the first Tuesday in MARCH .JPPBBI .Jr V next, at the court bouse in MgcJonoagb, ’" ..wy county, Loixvcen the usual hours of sale, . !<15- eciTji nf Lund, it lining a pint of lot A ibAho thlrrl district of Henry county, levied i the property of //. D. Pain tosutMy a stnnll Pi . i niied from a Justice’s court, in lavor <of William f. Crime, fortho use of Jesse Jahiison—levy made . ..n returned by u constable. T‘)ie north Wilful' lot No. 155, in tho twolfili ■tivct oi l ot. If.iiby county, levied on as the property ijiwtel Duncan to satisfy a Pi Fa issued from ii f.siitoV court in facor U U. Hog*—devy made and .-. rarned hy a constable. . , Jhii'JQ THOMAS J. JOHNSON, $/«rt/r, Also, Kill be sold us above, i'jtll No. C2, in the third district of Henry •rinn'ity, levied on to satisfy sundry FI FuS from ■‘awfiinolt superior court, in favor of Johli Choice .‘■lio. end others vs ClifTord Woodruff, Abraham . t ^'irr ilarj.sbird If orris Olid otiiers,executors of Oan- Witms, deceased. jl.ul No. 131, in ihotwolfh district of Henry isiOTieai. r l'IE SUBSCRIBER having sold his stock of. GOODS to Ma.t4AMiHEIi i T. UOWLAKD, „ .ml queuped business, solicits for him the patronage ,*.iy, levied onto satisfy a Fi Fa from-Lincoln su- of his friends and former customers, and requests oil -..•li’.ir court, in fuvor of Abner Wellborn vs George ; ■L'runland. .vrlio are indebted to Him, to call at the store of S. T. jtoiviand, next door to Messrs. Cooke & Cowles. The sdiilh half ol‘Lot No. 151, In the ele- i.whorc bo will be found for Ibe purpose of tusking sat- 1 ‘‘ ' C B. ROWLAND. -vi-dli district of Henry county, levied on Jo satisfy a •riF# in favor of Joscpli Uambrlck assignee, vs Henry j i- Ctindou & Joscpli Higginbotham matters, &. Charles tlembnts. Dec 24 Pulledgeassignor. Lul No. 229, in the seventh district of Hen-! . ■■■ iietrrci i vcouatv, levied on ns the property of John Harris, satisfy n Fi Pa from Walton superior court, in fa'-, inr' of Stewart & Hargroves vssald Harris. Lot No. 22S, in tlio twelfth district of Henry' ‘ -rmrhty, to'sstUfy a Fi Fa from Fnyeltu superior court in favor of'Jacob Bentley vs Archibald K Lewis. One Umise'aiid Lot, tfour Macdomiughi v hereon Samuel IF. Minor now lives, levied on to wlhfy a Fi Fa in favor of Caswell Puyifoy.vs snid : - ’ —Uvv mxilc In- :■ con-t-xM-s. cm. 30 JAMES LOVE, Deputy Sheriff, a Coroner’s Sale. W ILL bo suid, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, nt the court-house * In -Mucon, Bibb i.nuniy,’between the usual hours of Sale, flic follow- i •: Property: - Lot mid improvement?,•(number not knewn^ \. hereon Druri/ Thump son nbw lives in the town oi ' aeon—leyiol on as Ilia properly, to satisly n Pi Fu Jvsqcd Irom the superior court Qt Bibb county in fa- <.r of George Northern vs. U.niy Tlimupsiiii and itice Darrett, transierredto William II. Cone VVlvtl JKrJSK RMITIt r„r JESSE SMITH, Cormier. pi-'acrgia, Houston County. • v'U/ ililUI Aa Israel Watson applies tor letters of V V admiiiistiution opon the estate of Just \fal-‘ .-ill dreersed— ' • • arc therefore to cite and admonish all and tin• j'UhfUe kiuttrcil and creditors of said deceased to be vsj appear at my ijfice will*,, the lime preseribttl, bylaw. In shew cause, if any Ihiy a,ire, why str.d kilns should effie granted^ .'evwwiTvug Given under my linnd this 3d day of Feb. 1832. ' IH."“"" r,7 CHARLES H,RICE,c. c. Id. NOTICE.- W ILL bo sold by' nt day of FEBRUARY next, a number nf Gold and Silver "WATCHES und one wooden CLOCK,' left with the sal s riberby John K. Garland :n Janu ary, 1830. Sold for tho olmrgvs Upon them if not cm hi | 'i aftilHitt called lor previous to tho above day. Dee. 10 48 R., IL SMITH. rt 1‘air India Rubber OVER. SHOES, Just received by IlUNGEftEORDS & STODDARD, dr c 3 lit) ' »■■ •' ' PltACTrCK OF 3IEDICINE* The subscribers bnve united in the Practice of Medicine. Their shop is next door to the Repertory office. AMBROSE. UMiF.R, JAMES T. PERSONS. Macon, May 3 19 ti India Rubber Over Shoes, ■grUST received ntid for sale by Wil. 11. liURDSALL. jan 30 C3 '«**** Jt ilSl XttCClVCO) 1 fcf pieccf Neyr« Cloth SK3IQSJ& 2 hales Red f'Jaqnel anil lor sale by W.M. ID BURDSALL. Dec lBT 48/ . T.| .life COfTONf ■INStJRA.IpE, HE ]Ioicani insurance' Comj York ct>i-1*to iaiqfi when shipped' on feocid Boats or Bojfea, -against thed*iigcrs of ties River. Rates of Premium, moderate. Apply *to Doc 20 51 CHARLES p4Y, Agent. Laud la Stfswtoa. [FRACTIONS'id and .'xid. iu tho 16th L 1 District ori(;Uially Ueury notv Nctvton county, are for sale, Apply in Macon to Dec 1 33 ' M. BARTLETT. FOll MALE OR KENT. SW&T 1151CS2 WO cases Fauci Dunstables. Dec X7 49 VV J1. H. BURDSALL. Tho properly recently owned by Col. J. Bidejvunc known ns the ‘'Mountain Spout lietreal," in liutls county.' This property is too tvtll'kuowu to require descrtpia J. T. ROWLAND. MuonII, April 93. 17 Superior Merino Monties, Just reiceived and for sale hv r.J WM. Ii. Blffl OSALL.’ WAREHOUSE. AND' Commission Business. /Till!-’. UNDERSIGNED has in addition to hi* A.** t'nrmor Warehouse on Cherry street, one in eotnplcte order on the east side of the River, where those of htsfriends and customers from that side cat have the same attention paid to their goods os herein fore and be saved the trouble of crossing the bridge B S. GRIFFIN. Macon. October 10/A 1829. 42 • WAKE-HOUSE Commission Business, CHERRY STREET, MACON, GA. frnilEundenigned has taken tho new Ware-House A now building ou Cherry street, below the cor ner occupied by Messis. Kimberly If Chisholm, where he will take COTTON on storage, ami make liberal[ advances on the same. All cotton stored at ibis Ware- House will be delivered at any of the Boat Landings required iti this place free of. drayage. As his whole timeand attention will be devoted to the above busi ness, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. August i, 1331. 32 GEO. WOOD. JYoio Receiving fram Boat Vice- -mar President, . r , B Hhd* St Croix aud Porto Rico Sugar. 3 bbls Loaf Sugar, 33 bags Coffee 6 tierces Coffeof 15 bblsN Rum 20 bbl. Whiskey, 5 qrcMluWuie 1 pipe cognac Brandy, 1 hhd Jam. llum 5 crates Crockery Also, A General Assortment of BLACKSMITHS’ TOOLS, via. Bellows, An vils, Vises, Hammers, &«. &o« 36 ’ GEORGE JEWETT. dec 3 UST receved, by v, . Hmgerfords 4" fStcddard, 15 dozen Calf Skins 10 do Liuinz Skins 1 do Gpat Bindings 1000 ills.Sole Leather 50 sides Gin Baud Leather 50 do w ax Upper Leather White and Yellow Stitching Thread Boot Cord, Webbing and Bristles • 200 lbs Grey Shoe Thread Which we offer low for cash. 8 oct 31 ISAJIO 33. ZlGWXii&Ya H AVING declined the Ware-House Dullness ana rented bix Ware-House to "* . J. Goddard' ik. ticed, solicits (or them the p' .oofhisformer customers, and lenders his tliar jcid for that lib eral putrnnnge which they have been pleased to be stow upon him. ’ Apg. 29 34 6m RILLS N New-York, Rhiladeiphia, Charlestou, Sa- vnmiah and Augusta, in sums to suit pur- chusers, for sale by ubv 11 WILEY, BAXTER & FORT. Colton Bagging, Rum, Molasses. /fSt Pieces df Hemp Cottou Bagging W\y 20 bbls of N E'Rum 10 do Portlund do 20 hhils of Molasses For salo by- dec 7 40 C A. HIGGINS. 1 ISAAC ROW HATS. J UST received a few casos gentlemen’s fash ionable Boavor HATS, dec 22 03 WM. H. BURDSALL. HIDES-COW HIDES. J**A RAW HIDES WANT- • Vir'N? ED—for which tho high est pricos will be given, by *' 1 oct 26 4 E. L. YOUNG & CO. NOTICE.. fin HE partnership hercto'fpro existing between JB. tlio subscribers, under tho firm of Beaton, Gastons & Bacon, is this day dissoivod by mutual consent. Tho dolus due to said firm .will bo collected by Amos Bestow and William Bacos, either of whom ,aro authorised to receipt for the same, and to wh-ym nil debt* due from said firm cau lie present ed for payment. AMOS BENTON, Jnn 10 , v, &. ROBERT. CASTENS, WM. BACON. COACH MAKING. WAREHOUSE AK!> COMMISSION BUSINESS. rg’.HE undersigned wilt continue to transuct the g above bujtuers in ail its vaiious bianchos— by strict nttCniion to all orders eotnmiUedto their cure, the facilities wliich they will be able to render their customers and tile comparative remoteness of their Ware Houses from the daagvrs-of fire; they hope to merit a continuance of that liberal patronage which they received the pesj season. lii addition to their former It'are-House, they have (for the convenience ot their customers up town,) runtedthv Il'are-IIouse on the cornerofMulberry and Second Streets, (fronting Cotton Avenue) formerly occupied by Mr Isaac B. Rowland. All COTTON stored there will bo delivered attli boat landing free of drayage. (ET Liberal advances will be made at ail limes.ou Cotton in store or shippecHiy them. CF Colton stored with them, will be insured at. low rates if requested. J. GODDARD Jr REED. Macon, Aug 15 34 ora . Sew Cabinet Maher's Shop. The undersigned liaviug purchased the interest nnd taken llie shop lately occu pied by’drC. Coupee, on Cherry street, a few qoois uliove Clarke’s Hotel, take this opportunity of tendering to their friends and tho public their services iu the Cabinet jftlakiug Business. They will al all times keep on hand a good supply of Materials, and be prepared to execute every de scription of work in their line. . Sideboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Bookcase*, Chairs &c. Jke. made to order.- Every description of TURNING done ns above. Having’ slargeand excellent Turning Eotbo, (the on- one of the kind in the piece,) they will be prepared turn HOUSE COLUMNS, Ac. at short notice. JAMES A. HALL, dec 17 52 . JOHN MORELAND. WAKE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION-BUSINESS, Macon, ga. .The undersigned, hav- ♦ xfj§ ing erected a large aud commodious SRSfRV Ware-House in East Macon, on Clin ton street, (opposite to Salomon Hum- hich is r,tries’ brick building) which' is now ready for tho re ception of Cotton, tenders his services to tbs public in the above business; HE WILL ALSO KEEP OR HARD, A general nsmrUuent of DRY GOODS nnd GRO CERIES. which lie will sell at the lowest prices. The above business will be attended to by an expe rienced hand. LEWIS J. GROCE. sep 17 33 C. A. HIGGINS H AS routed the commodious Store on Fourth street, (joining the Marine'and Fire In surance Branch Bank Lot,) where he tenders his services as For the reception and forwarding of Goods to the Interior, the receiving and discharging Boats, and the obtaining freight for Boats down the River, and their general disbursements. He will also attend to the Auction and Commission BUSINESS. To thoso who have previously (whilst in connec tion with Mr J. T. Rowland,) favored him with their business in this line, he returns’ bis thanks, and requests a continuance. The Storo is com modious, with convenient 6helves for the expo sure of Goods, and presents a good opportunity to thoso who wish to sell out their Piece Goods, as woll as Packages. Business committed to his care, ho trusts, will receive such attention as xvill meet with general approbation. nov 23 3t 28 A N assortment of colorod and black SILKS justrccoi 23 WA11E-IIOUSE I)E Subscribers will continue tho busincsi at tho old stnDd, corner of Walnut and Fourth sirrets, where work will Ira done iu all its various branches. They havo on hand work of,their own and o- ther Manufactories. ALSO, AN ASSORTMENT O? ’ Coach TiXateriale, CON.M.-.TINfi OK Laces,' Carpeting, Morocco,' Baroucli and Gig Springs, do. Sulkcys, Plated Bands, Joints, Moulding, Leaps, &.c. ^ Having made arrangements with Crane, Mitch- r-d & Co. Newark, N; J. they will recoivo' and forward al! orders entrusted io their caro. Ar ticles ordered warrantee! to please, orno salo. Jan I i 2 BENTON & BACON. Commission Business, T HE undcrigned having leased from Lamar lc Co their Ware-Hoii-es lor » term ol years, ten ders his services to his friends and the public, in thu above business. Ho will be prepared to extend the usual facilities to ins customers, by making advances on Produce stared with him, or on Shipments to his friends in Savannah and Charleston. Cpnnectcd with the Ware-Houses, are safe and ex tensive close Storage*, for the reception of any Goods that may be consigned to him for sale or otherwise. The situation of tbesa Ware-Houses, as to conveni ence and safety, are not surpassed by any iu the place, should additional security be required, Insurance ci(n be effected at a very low rate. The subscriber's at tention will be dovo'ed exclusively to the above busi ness. lie therefore hopes to receive n proportion of public patronage. . JAMES C. MORGAN. Mncort. July 28,1831. 31 ii. J1SSS or EE®SERB ■JJ F.MAINING m the Po3t Office at Perry/ JclX./ Houston countv, Georgia, on the 1st of' January, 1332, which if not taken out during tilt present quarter, xvill be sent to (lie po.toilico dc- paHmcnt ns dead letters. A. —Thonttts Allcdge John Arrher, John M. Allen, William Aikin, Thomns Avcrett 2, Joint-, turn Abbott. B. —Thomas Barron, Robert W. BucI, Joseph Barker, David II. Barton-2, Mrs. Susun M. Uil-' laps, Jolm Bush, Ralph Bozeman, Chcsloy Boyd, Alcgapder Bannister. G —Colson Coplinn, Nathan Chancoy, Clerk- Superior Court 4J, Cl B. i.'ob, William Congers,, 2, Benjamin Cower, Asa B. Cook 2, Acn Cook, William Cain tun. John Clarke, GibsouChosuut,, Times Clark. > - li.-—F.bsba Davidson, Seaborn J. Durham, Tummi T/ixon, Thomas Doles 2, Robert S. Du fly,' Thomas II. Daxvsbn. G.—Richard Goodwin, Wm. Gunter, Henry CrilEn, Isaac Gilford. 11.—Wm. Harrison 2, Mrs. Jiney Unpin, Charles T. Harrison, Burwell Herndon, Wilson Hemingway 2, ileiy Ilobb, DavidHovyell, Miss f.'ni]lbarineilamner, J. E. J, Horne; J.—Right L.Ivey, Jolm Jones 2, Stephen Johnson, Reuben Join s. K_Isaac Kendrick. I,.—-AViU'i* I-ayten. ': y. / M.—II. A. Morgan, John Martin, John M‘Coy, I.itwdcr Mims, W'arr m B. Massee, John Morgan, Archibald M’J’herson. P.^-Mrt. Elizabeth Page, Washington Pea cock, Janies Pope, William l'inekard. R.—Starkey Rogers. H. Rice, Enoch .Rougbton, James Bmiey, CirathC. Rogers. 8.—Elias Shtpjvasli 2, Roberton Shrewder, George H. Sims 2, D. Smith, Eenjumin or 3Iar- tin Swr-aringin, -T—Jbhu Talbot, Jolm Tomlinson, Jes^e D. Tatum 2.. V. —John Vaughn, James wne'ent. W. —Benjamin Webb 3, Michel-1 Wat«-n 6, Geviey Wetlxiiiton, James Wilkes. Elijah Will- '’.inv, Jo'in W. \\ iuq, Osborn F. Wimberly, Joel Wal r:, Allen Windham, Sarali White. Foi.‘J 03 JOitN.M. .'tODlil , P. M. GLOWIlkte®. a ENTLEelENS 1 Fico Goats.’ hair Wrap.- pers, do do Opera Cloaks, do Bupcr mixed Brown nnd Olivo Cloth over Coats, Just received and for salo by nov 17 . 23 WM. If. BURDSALL. They have leased the Ware House lately occupied by Mr. John T. Rowland, eligibly situated ou tlio bank of the river, just below tho bridge, and remote front daugerby fire. Forthc conveniauce oftbeircus turners in the upper part of tho town, they have a Scale House in Cotton Avenue. The usual advances will be made on Cotton stored ivitli or shipped by them; and their customers can have the choice of Uto Savanuah, Charleitoft, Now York, or Liverpool markets. DAY If BUTTE, august 13 33 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SOOBES. r,IUSSC, (Stc. , ELLJS, mlOTWEbb fy CO. l A RE now receiving nnd opening at their BOOK STORE, a niiuiberob PIANOFORTES, »fa rich descrtplion, and n variety, of other Musical Inslnitnents, with instruction Books, and Musie a- aapted to the same—a large collection of NEW MUSIC, - , fur the Piano, embracing all the Music nf the cele brated Cindrrella Opera, and a variety of engrav ings. caricatures, prints, <tc.—Also a large assort ment of BOOKxS, consisting of 1503 VOLUMES; ntatalogue em bracing a considerable portion of xvbich. is published in the Christian Repertory. A great variety of STATIONARY ' . and Miscellaneous Articles. A large assortment of PAPER HANGING' 1 , Bordering, Fire-Prints,&c. They respectfully inv : te the attention of tho pub lic to the above, and request them to call and exa- fc june 11 21 sa. JT.E'LilS. H AVING determined to settle permanently in Macon, respectfully ofl'ers his Professional Services to the inhabitants of the town and adjacent coun try. For tho satisfaction of thoso who are unac qii aimed with him, ho think* proper to state, that he was .regularly admitted to his profession in .1804, agreeably to tho laws and regulations of fxl'ifrt ftf N/>V’ \ r i»rL* nrl tin* the Plate of New York, aud i.k, ,t of bis time siucc that period has been devoted to nuexten sivc practieo. By a faithful discharge of his pro fessional duties, he hopes to merit a liberal pat ;o. mgc. His residence and office are in the house foi merly occupied by Mr. Birdsong, on Mnlbprry street. Jan. 14 2 warehouse AND » Commission Business. 1 THE subscribers respectfully in • form Ibcir friends nnd the public that 4k they continue the above business, and renew the offer of their services in that i line. Jackson Academy. T HF. JACKSON ACADEMY, Bull xvill resumo its operations on the first Monday in January nest, under tl(e su perinleqdenceA>f the Rev. R. Chamberlain. The terms of tuition and price of board will be such as are not unusual. The situa tion is healthy, and the high character of the Teacher who is well known in this slate, it is believed will en-. title 1 (be Institution to n.libcral share of public pat ronage. .dec 31 6xv E. CA8E, secretary. Ncio Line of Post Coaches " ' FROM XffAGOSr TO SAVANNAH, FARE REDUCED. • The fare 1 hereafter to and' Savannah, will bo Thir- l*'i*-ri- : "°U Dollars—to »ud Irom ■ tsxk '"■Hublin, Four Dollars—thro' in thirty-six hours. The Coaches will leave Ma con every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at four o’clock in the morning—arrive at Savannah nt eight P. Al. next day. Stago Office at Wash ington' Hall, Macon. G. LONGSTREET. jan 31 64 J. B. GUERDON. TO KENT —HJlCE-ISC The aSOK'jE-fiOtrSHformsTlj occupied by Mr. 1. U. ltownso. Foi parlicnlars inquire of ’ I. B ROWLAND, or Aug 16 34 GODDARI|4rREED. June 13 25 coxxox? SAaaxiva. 250 ps pnmo Hemp BAGGING 42 inches 30 ps Sacking 500 lbs bagging Txvine coils bale Rope Sr Boat Warps, Forsale, low, by THOMAS TAYLOR, j ’ No. 6, Cotton Avenue. THE TOKEN: SOUVENIR «nd AFFECTION’S GIFT : for 1832i Just received by nov 5 ELLIS, SHOTWELL& Co. CLOTHING. A SHOTWELL & J. S. SMITH baveju.t * received a lot of Fine CLOTHING, con sisting of super Box, Drc-s'nrtd Frock COATS, SUGAR, CuPfAE AND Llqi (J •rrs.i i Childs JlubaAlolaie, JW) bags prune greeu Forto Uico,f!„.. Java Cuffee u »Uas 150 bbls domesticLiqunrs 5 pipes old Cognac Brandy sndHa'i , 25 quarter casks Jladei™, 10 baskets Chsmpalgue Wine 20 casks Antils and Mint Cordi«|. 30 boxes bar and shaving S«ap 105 togs Pep per, Piraenio and Ginrtr buses hyson snd souchong Test 2000 bushels Liverpool ground B.ii, For sale, low. by ' THpJfAB TAYIntl J‘ ,ne 19 25 ttACWfejS" TIM WAKE MANUfIcSji MULBERnr SEAR TUIRD «TE t£I ‘ rCHIIE subscriber manufactures and kern. . JL which he will soil WHOLESALE andRFTi ut Savannah or Augusta prices. JOB WORK done at the shortest not, the shop-on Third street, next door to I Shotwell & Co. WILLIAJI S. ELI is Order* sent to Ellis, 1 Shotxyell & Co 9 »*■■■'- prompt attention. ’ receive Nov 1 JWjc Pall and Winter wmre, aAXTjia. & r 0 v a 4 RE now opening, on the corner of aecon,! al and Cotton Avenue, Ofiposlte the Washi. Hall, a General Assortment of Fares<an ati Z can Dry Goods, Hardware and Cullen} Croi’tn Glass Ware, Casting!, Leghorn and straw Itonnm i black and drab lluts, wool Hats, Window OtrJ i Lead, Cotton Bagging, Bagging Twine, bie. tf A LARGE STOCK NEGRQ mi Ladies, gentlemens, boys &. childrens line i-t mioeI Merchants, planters and the public gtoerxll,! io k be supplied at loxv prices Irom a slock i t. o none in the state Macon, 1st October i-'tn’ T> o \tr L„II : • Kf. ^ P. 8. We shall be rcceivin ; until the 15th Nov. WILEY, ■ ing New Goods* IY, BA" JAXTLR Sf PORT] Merino Cloths. J UST received, ah elegant assortmontcfiL. rino Cloths, Merino Shawls and .Mautletl . Also—an extensive assortment of fine Boi and Shoes. dec 23 54' . A. SHOTWELL & J. S. i A Dry Goods. N Invoice of DRY GOODS, consistiu ' Fancy I’riuts just rccoivod nnd for sale by ‘ ’ 17 23 WM. II. BURDSALL. MANSION HOUSE, Forsyth f Georgia. The subscriber respectfully informs the public, that ho hastaken the MANSION HOUSE in tho town of Forsyth, lately occupied by George Stovall. The House lias lately undergone repairs, and is now well calculated to render com fortable those who may please to call. His Table shall be supplied with the best the country affords— his Bar furnished with choice Liquors, his Stables plentifully stored with Provender, and has procured good servants; together with his own anxious exer- ‘ions and constant attention to please, and moderate barges, he hopes will entitle bis House to a share of labile public favor. Forsyth, Jan. 6,1832, BENIER PYE. b y. Jan 7 i tno f actory, lor sa C. A. HIGGINS. roxt SAXE, A LIKELY NEGRO WOMAN, about 30 years of age, accustomed to houso work, washing, &c. E. GRAVES & SON. Dec 14 1 45 M English Merinocs. ERINO square SHAWLS—just received WM. H. BURDSALL. by dec 23 54 Prime Green Coffee. K A Bogs prime Green COFFEE, in lots W V to suit purchasers, for sale by dec 6 39 C. A. HIGGINS. ANNUALS for 1832 CKERMAN’S Forget-me-not . Winter’s Wreath, t riendship’s Offering -The Pearl, Atlantis Souvenir Affection’s Gift, Thb Token, For salo by dee 24 Ellis, Shotwell If Co, C. A. HIGGINS O FFERS at private sale, 14 hhd^N 0 Sugar 14 bbls do do-20 tierces new Rico 40 bbls Spring Rock Gin Phelps’ do 20 do 10 do Rum, 4 hbds Rum 10 do Mackerel No 2 50 do do No 3 50 do Meuhaden Fish No 1 50 bags prime green Coffee Also, Zlo gers’ Gunpowder, m whole and naif kegs and caniaten. jan 2*1' F .,, oa Savannah, A.YABLE at sighl t forsale by Dec 16' 46 DAY &. BUTTS. T Carpeting, Ilti subscribers will acllthuir remaininp stock of CARPETING at very reduced prices, having a largo quantity dn hand, aud wish to dis continue keeping tho article, jan 26 A. SHOTWELL & J. S. SMITH. A tt a a fttOTXCE. LLdcbts due from the late firm of KNOX & CASTENS will he arranged by Iloait KNOX, and those indebted to said firm are re quested to make payment to him, he being au^ thortsed to receipt for and discharge tho same. , ,, ’ HUGH KNOX, Jan 14 2 ROBERT CASTENS. M “ rto cmS[ , iltggis ctoraat -K1 OR Coughs, Asthmas, Consumptions, nnd ^ Su able Medicine received nnd for sale hv Nov 23 28 ELLI8 ’ 6HOT 'VELt&CO. Panuloons, Vests, &<. 54 dec 23 PRESERVES. il U SERVES° aCh aDd Crab A PP ,e PRE Qninco, Peach and Guava JELLIE8 '* Preserved Ginger Trunes, Figs k . F «‘ h R»i*ius. &c. Ju,t Received by jan 2 3tw 59 LEVI ECKLEY. dec 6 Thompson’s Checks Law’s Plaids j McBride’s ditto, Cumming’s Checks Lipsay’s Furniture do 3- 4 Albiti bleached Shirtings Chicopee' do Linen fold do Milk Row . . do Super Linen fold do Waltham do Scituate do N. O. 4-4 bleached Shirtings 4- 4 brown do McAllister's Stripe, Fo; ni S- 39 C. A. HIGGiVi. BOARDERS. iHE undersigned can accommodate a i T HE undersignod can accommodate her of BOARDERS, (without I on moderate terms. My. residence is over i shop, near the Mansion House. Jan 14 ,2 T. J. M’CLESKEY. | SHOES cheap. |»*"ELROSE & KIDD have receivedacoi lVi signmcnl of coarse SHOES, xvhichsdf be sold at cost, for approved paper at 'Jadaji. 56 3rad dee SI ALSO 3 bales CARPETING. THB SUBSCRIBERS R ESPECTFULLY inform their fricndi the public generally, that they arertetoj ing and opening at their old stand 313, KD™ STREET, Charleston, S. C. a large andipk did assortment of ■ HARD WARE, CUTLE And fancy Goods, To which the attention of country nicrchaa| visiting tho city for supplies is invited. SMITH, HARRIS &C0. Charleston, oet 24 4 w4m CLOTHING., WILLIAM H. BURDSALL H AS just received and oilers for side, 00 ■* most liberal terms, a general asnirtmeo'.o! Readymade Clothing. Having hud it manufactured exnrwsly t- t on on sales, can warrant it mude iu the licst in * l " !f, V! most fashionable style. Among xvhicb aro i»« lowing: Gentlemen’s super blue,-black, green. andmlirtDfiEH8 cbAT8 and PKOCkJ Super blue, black and fancy colored clotli PASTA. J.OONS Blue, black, mixt and colored Cnssirarre da Steel, cadet, blun and fancy mixt satinet lostw. Frocks Hiid Pantaloons ^ English mole-skin do. Uncut hangup do. Riding o°- Black nnd blue enssimere VESTS Blue, black and colored silk velvet do Dark figured valentia, xvliite and huff do White Marseilles do. Sxvanfili.wn and toilmetao Youths’ Coats, Pantnloons and Vcsls , ■ Gentlemen's gnus-bair cnmhlei CLOAKS Plaid do. Ladtes'cnmblet and Cirea»«:ar. do Lion-skin Jackets aud Pantaloons Fine linen and Annuel SHIRTS, Cellars, Iroj-“ Also, Gentlemen’s Fashionable limes Dt» HASfl.&c.&e, . , I! S2i i •.aZii.ei. , i mI tin? 1.15X* FANCY AND DRY aefOD®* ^. OB MAG1F. has received and #«««*, lust fow dtiys, an oxtensive u*sorlioeut vj v 1 '" including almost every urllclo required forUiU et: among wliich are the foltouivgi SupeiGno blao, black; brnwn, olive sad r Broadcloths, .Muino and rqttaa '-u ana CircnMlans, very fine Frenrli l»'i ings and datlcei.i; also Freucli I.iaei and superfine and cmnnion V.rtn-D rines, Orllndas end Orleans Hot-ea '1 ;l 1 t „ Cambric nnd fumiUire Dimity: >SJ''*'-" 1 .; rf and cembrie Siuslius; India, silk »na ' inlW ‘ lsi hams; also 100 pieces Calicoes and patterns nnd latest style; fancy H»nd» trt T~. .«> Bcarfs, Crapes nuil Cause, plain and tgurto ^ ante Silks, Italian and Gnidcuoplet do t*|«* . and Pilarines, thread and bublnct !**«“”, Ribbons, Gloves aud llniiory; Irish Lineal. . and cambric llaudkercbieft; also ladi***** , Leghorns, open straw and Uunstsble 'jj* brellas and Parasols very eeut und haaovca.l ^ dar Boxes uod Puffs; end an eslei.siveiuffJ Sot'-psandPerfumery, Ottoof Boses, Ac. A’so a general assortment of llsraivsre, , Glass nnuChida Ware, Crockery. CwfjfijEJ 1 10 cases gentlemen's lieaver aud silk n»uv jv... en » Leaver sno fine und co’himon, including white, dra° * . £fa , also Shoes, cotton Cards, blacksmuhs 4 , q. w h, piefe, cros* cat and mill Saxvs, carjicnw - Guns, Ate. Ate, iuns, Ate. &c. ' ..-onrElUl* Also'a very general assortment of lOTTON BAGGING, Ac. <Stc. ,.^*1-1 pCO' The subscriber requests the .. E and lb public to his whole'stock in trad , ^ continue to dispose of tfie initio apo., hois civ-.fident,‘willgive general iv 14 20 FOR SALii AT THIS OFFK*"