Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, February 18, 1832, Image 3

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W; 'f^fvQyt. The market has butm animated C0 - -mprovod rates. 1’itui-ipul sales at D -inferior lots at 5 u 7—prime jiar- j| jji*ulvEB at this time u hiifcly boatable. T i l L..« been light shower during the week. hive been light showe;'J daring the week, Lunch to raise the Kiv«r. From np- mew ram may be expected shortly. ’ dozou boats and boxas. are loading, A 1 * 10 .'* tu start by tomorrow. here not If, fhe weather has become mild and springlike. ■ ■ peach trees are in blossom, and some sent a forward nnneuriiuee, /There some "on."present a forward uppearouio. There •"J^iino frost for the loot two or three weeks. -, BCff editor of tbo Georgia Journal lias, wo "kwT 1° observe, put his seal of reprobation 3fie»tiou. Ho also condemns! as tiucon- Hteorains t0 *•" JB“*“hioro Patriot, it is ru- , , t Washington, that Mr. Hives, ourmjuis- to Frailce, is to bo nominated nsjniuister to in 1‘fdUvot »» *• * •» ja place of Mr. Vai» Burett,; that Mr. ?B»,tou is to leave tlio Department of State, Huke the placo of Mr. Illvus; nud Mr- Tazc » u take the Department of Stntb. Tlio J York Courier and Enquirer noiniuates Mr. Barea to the Vico Presidency, subject how* t8t bc decision of tlio Jackson Convention to idd at Baltimore. .iiiucr«i course rent — * r„„i than whom the institution has no stan- 1 aJvJcatoiu the Union. PrtilJcnt Adams.—On the authority of a writtcu hy^a member of Congress, the lelphis United States’ Gazette contradicts port, for some time current, that Mi*. Adam, I, to abandon the protective system ntrd ad* • i .1 — nf aim'il Klutnn' ‘ hnrl ito abauaon iiic jjruicwu»u unu uu* the demands of the Southern States; nnd is that he docs not contemplate any cou- nvhich shall at nil effect the interest pro- bv the existing tariff. ]t further adds, on no authority, that a known tariff member committee of manufactures, of which Mr. lisehairmuu, has'expressed himself fully d with tile declared views of Mr. Adams, di the measures which lie bus sugg-gslfd to nmittcc. ojWaihiugtoit Globe, on the authority of tlio Master General, flatly .denies* the assertion bv Mr. Miller, of this ritato, in hi-, speech ret session, “that the Post Office patronage , ' patronsiga avowedly lent" to make Mr. Yiui llureu Jcntofthe United Statis, at the end of the m incumbent's' term ofservicc.—.C'Au. lesion lie pciscrerailce of the friends of a small ofrepresentation, has,at length, (says the bull intelligencer,) unexpectedly to many, i crowned with succejij. Tlio ration of 48,000 :h had so long arid so family stood its ground nt die united and reiterated assaults of the Is of other ratios, was yesterday forced to to 44,WO, by a close vote. .Should this flualfy prevail, the number of Ueprescnta- wiil bo increased to 2oll,.. 'illinin Ii. Davis and Urbamts Dart, nscom- onersofthe Uruilswick llnil Roml Company, memorialized Congress, to subscribe, on ac- ofttae United States, for 620,00(1 of stock of sompauy, the amount yet remaining ou hand o appoint one Director at the* Hoard (if the ipauy; for which appointment they tnuilcstls, into Cnpt. Richard F. Bticktob, Jamey ilton Cuuner Esq. of Glyiiii-cohmy, of. tilc- '.King Esq.of Wnyue'county. foliowitlg Item of iutclligcuccr which si the rouud of tlio newspapers, will lcrtii , unacquainted witii the relative value of t) litiinvc that the tnnv gov i rum -ill-of llra- prohiCitcd tho trade will! Africa in sinves: riie regency of Brazil lias imposed n lino of cis, upon tlio importer of eaeli mid every brought withiu the province..’'’ Tiro hundred reis” nro exactly equal to 23 31 mills federal currency—a very moderate -not equal to tbo tax imposed ou a slnugli bullock in some of our city markets. Under a penalty, tho importation of Alrieans, into ii, is not Ukeiy'to languish. r«fc Indians.—The Columbus Enquirer gives wr, which it thiuks entitled to credit, that .’reck Delegation, now in Washington City, reqnctcl an inerense of tlu-ir number, with ' of ceding to the Uaitod States the Greek fj iu AlabRina, ami tlio removal of the 'test of the Mississippi, tfiri! and Firt Insurance Iltml:.—The mo- hnk at Savannah, has for titer current year, <].J»'eph Cumniing, 1 Ii-.-.c-kiaii I.or.l, iiouituu, Edward l’uiclford, Bilgiiel'll. '•via,George Hall, mid Jeremy ••'; m . ,tnw- Alr. Cmuming is rcnJeeted President-. 1’ncopat Methodists.—The inrrense of this “j Georgia, during the year-1431, is ntpre* u upwards of four lhritis.ui j. hural CaVrnet, printed nt WarrentnVt Ga. b positively, that Vico P.-Odciit Calhoun “J brother Jiimcs C.illiouti to Selma, Ain- ’*?■* time since, for -the purpose, of nsso* ‘5 knell with Ezekiel Pielicn.', and getting r .'i Masonic iustitutiun tu operate against w-c.Ktiuu erf General Jackson. Such n 1 W Sarfurc is quite in clmract ;r with the nuliiiiei-; hut it is lik.i nttemptiug to heat *i <ok with broo n-straw** *f Fein Bsren.—The injunction of • yawing been rc.nuved, the proceedings of *5* hi rejecting the 1’resi lout's nomination ** nureu to llte Court of Great Britain, nro l c,w * tils public. The vote wa* 2d to 2d, ,? “cteruiinedliy. the costing vote of Gut fCJllltfllf rtf thu a f flits sill An Li ii ‘ "y.iue calling voie in Cb. #*“ Ulor On this ques- V^ajs frioudi united with tlio MuiliCers in uuiic.i viiiii mo jxnniBvrs m i «?**i^* the Exucutive. Tho 'Cb m nrivuuced was the following e\- n> n L ? a Hurcu’s letter of instructions to **“• minister in Eagluud, dated July fevppartaiilWet , v lil.d, •cm have dfrtred front •I.',fir' - l, " ur public councils, n* well as ollitr •ufurBsUOu, "ill eo.ihlo y Ml to .;ic,ik with I lo tun's > -ul * Utsy deem it proper mid 'sa iS*’' '! le rvsi'eettve |eir;.« tskei) hy lloiae auuiliditniliuii of this govermuiiit 1> kidrotation toUwoottrse bwetofero SiS?", 1 •“jaubj .etoruwcil.,.ii.•.I l,-id- Tlielr • "f ihi‘ , W bee*? -uhiiutted tu the i 1 01 Slati’*, mill Ihu oatuiifll by was Stdpnalfl. fc? bv them * u ®oient that the claims set uo irBilaf? 1 ’ ai "| which enuaed tho interruption of the ba II V e l n «*P«*Wy "tiandoned by l ose who first asserted them, nnd are not revived L t , r . 8UC ! C V*° ra ' H Great Britain deem. It ad- vene tn licr interests to allow us to iiarliciiMts in tho trade with her colonies, and finds nothin'' in ihe ex- ortMo «r 'i ’ wo i 10 ^’ b ® seosiblo of the tiro- prictyofphcing her refusal on those grounds. To tVot 1 -! 6 ac ’. uf '. h f, 1k1b "dininisiintion as the Cause oi forfeiture of pnvileees which would othervvise be extended to the |>eopTe of the United States, would, underexist'iigctrcuinstances, be unjust iu itself”and EtLfc f !!" 10 1 5 . c ‘ le their deepest sensibility. The JonaWfeeHng which a course so unwise audrunlens. ^Jfo C L' ,C, "“ ,e , d j Ptoduca, would doubtlcts be Bjfljy fSSmvatcd by the consciousness that Great ™ ‘ ‘"V hg Order in Connell, opened tier coin- i ml ports to Russia and Prance. Notwithstanding a similar omission on their |*rt to accept the terms offernd by Ihe act of July, U jS. " You cannot press this view oi the subject too ear- nestly upon the view of the British MiaUtry. It lias bearings and relations that t-eucli beyond the irnmc- ufnle question under discussion." > Tho muleontents assert, that Van Buren, in wtntipg that tile pretensions of tho United States to trade srith. the British West Indies originattd with and was explicitly abandoned by tlio admin istration of tlio younger Adams, is guilty of false hood.- No such abandonment was over made by that President. Tho pretensions of that intcr- iieighbor, fior inuiutu-prct the recesses of Ills heart; yet believe until the contrary uppear, as inculcated by tho republican laws of your country, that the motives are good; and if there bo errors in judgment, let not the reputation sutler for the want of understanding, us ’tU measured by the Creator. Wo canuet fathom the Diviiio Wisdmti, Hence ’twero better that, each iri charity, should walk iu his oivn way,' meeting in tho exchange bl the courtesies of society, and parting each in tlleir onward course, for the xcorld is sUrely tcidt enough for both. 'l\ T; PI „ course commenced under Washington, and were eoiutautly urged during tho whole of Monroe’s administration—two years before tho expiration of which, Van Buren as a Senator and M'Lnuu as a Represeutativo voted for them. It is equally false, tltey contend, that tho citizens of tlio Uuit- ed States, in declining to re-elect Adams, relin quished thoir pretentions; and that asking as a boon .what the nation had claimed as aright, is an indignity to our national character—an une quivocal acknowledgement that for the last 47 years we have against England been preferring claims founded iu fraud or error. But the most humiliating position is that in which the Ex-Sec retary directs tho British Government to be in formed that tho present Administration is the heail of n party less inimical than its predecessor to that power, and therefore outitled to qtorc fa vor— thus, exposing to foreigners our internal dis- sclitious, nnd soliciting foreign aid to pcqmtuatc iu iuceiidattcy. On these poiuts, both Aullificrs and Clayites agree in ccusuriag Van Buren, nud apparently with much reason, though w ith no ve ry laudable motive. Tho Nullies however go further than tho Clayites, who secgi disposed to waive tho circumstances producing the dissolu tion of tile late Cabinet. Miller of South Caro lina nud Cnlbouu's othra partizaus lay groat stress oil that affair; nnd uPHgnate it ns Van Bu- rcu’s exclusive handiwork—they charge him with having governed in tlio name, of Jackson, and to do so more effectually, that, contrary to tile prac tice of nil fanner administrations, ito dispcUscd with Cabinet consultations for a full year before his resignation—with being tho solo author of the numerous removals, in order to secure iris ow n sUCCbision—with having arranged the uew Cab inet nnd sCCn.vd the appointment to England, be fore lid scut in his iTsignttion as Secretary—and with- splitting and aiiattcriiig.thc Jackson ranks, and alienatitig tho friends of the President. They so far as to say, that tho passage of the »cos . Tariff of 1323 was accomplished hy iris creaking his promise to vote for some amendments. - Though tlio character of Jackson is a sufficient refutation for several of those accusations, we bc- liovc that too many of them arc substantially true, nnd that- Vnu Buren deserves bis fate. lie is a subtle, active, ambitious and unprincipled in triguer that without remorse or delicacy presses every incident into his service. Yet enough is manifest in the spcochcs before us, to convince a- nyinau that be is iu no point worse than the Vice President, who certainly' intcudcd to supplant Jackson at tho end of Iris first term, hutdu being circumvented by the penetration nud jealousy of Vau Buren, raised pcrcipitately the jeremiad of persecution! and has now his whole forces iu mo tion to punish tho President for daring to thwart itis wishes and answering the letter of invitation from the Union party of South Carolina. No upprehetiaious need however be entertained ns to Uu result. 'Consolidation nud Union may ut times coalesce, nud, ill matters of small moment, perplex tit? President; butou subjects of primary importance, they nro iu their natures too repul sive tu unite, the ascendancy of the one being tho destruction of tlio other—while tho great body of tho people, convinced of tho honest inten tions of the Chief Magistrate, will extend to him tho support which the dignity of his station de- tnMuU and tho Welfare of the country requires, llis absence of suspicion exposing hint sometimes to tlio wiles of deceivers, will be viewed ns it ought, rather ns a virtue than a fault, nud contin ue iu him that confidence which will secure his re-election nud tho tranquility of the States. I'OU Tlt£ MACOrf TELEOIUtFH. I.AY riHRMON’ri From the Desk of Timothy Tightjoet, Cent. No. 1. “Co, I’ll not hurt thee, says my Uncle Toly, rising front his chair and going across the room rcilh a jly in his hand, tchy should I hurt th t! This icorlcl it surely icide enough to hold both thet undine.”—.-ti.hsf:. I greatly fear, but too many Of aty readers have never read the altcve characteristic of the dispo sition of Undo Toby. If not, let mo recommend it to tbuir serious attention; for holt many of tu a rot hero who thiuk tho world is not xvide enough far the present extent of animated nature 1 The fierce and malignant passions of mau driveto the heart of his fallow man tbo deadly dagger; and for'what, hot to rnnko way for his future umbi- tious track? Kings scud thousands oi their *ub- jrcts iu p.-e.i.-utm'e d.-n'.h, to graiity a lh>r»t for power, nud thus enusumo an ephemeral existence and pass atvny fargottou; nnJ lor what is uni? Surely there was room enough iu the world both to.-tli.-.u an I those they de.-t.oy.'d. It umst bo apparcul to nil wlfo roftoct propurlv on this subject, that an all wise Creator formed oacli and all lb creatures for some useful and vuluahto purpose; and it is equally 6elf evident, that tho exhibiting of malignaut passious towards e.-.rh other, has n toudeucy to destroy or pervert tho we of the faculties given tu for uoblor purpo ses. lienee, tho several steps of J aeon s ladder :otuo symbolical of the rotations u which tnc Olfactisllun-'lln-i,;,!. are the res ill iA by Uij only ^arltUy tribunal becotac tymbolual p*;- y *7 human family bhould stuua towards each utUor, as ipprmcbiik! tho diviue attributes of Uct Faith—Hope—Charity. Faith, as relates to Omnipotence; Ilupe, ns to our future existence. nud Charity, ns the step wfaeh we BdbMaUOf eneotupats tlio inteutiou of Deity, o , fail in all others. Now, tny readers, m 1^ does Charity consist. for, witlio u '-. «c ha u shewn you, you oau never HulltM'**P"L?“ ladder 1 Firstly, does n eonstst in that bn b ht ening smile with which wo 'Twtho today, when tomorrow we gwe c « l '“ nc ® j* . malicious rarieor which envy It is , nu' ist stroy his good uaino? Soc.mJly, does u eon i. in the erecting mid congratulation with winch we chir hi, mid healthful cwuto- nance, or i, it in tlta warm hand winch mintsters t.j his wants aud ucccsdtiea m tho hour of skk .‘.“ss tuTd affliction, when tho paliU co»»te«n?e botokoneth tho approach ol Wiint and ,1 ' | ; k Ckaritv covers a multitude of sins. But tlnuK Sgittlc roader. that charity eawi.U nlouem aw hand that uilminutcrs to squaih' 1 — u" is. These as roinistratienu fa the l-ody deserve 7d shall meet thsixreward. But envy not thy LAY SERMONS From the Desk of Timothy Tightfoot; Oeiii. No. II. " Ibllch not, ttiile not, handle not,—the unclean thing.” In our first number, gentle reader, aye cmlea- v °red to impress upon your mind, the propriety of Charity towards our neighbor. In this, wo propose to call your attention to that Charity wilted] we owe to ourselves: Tllti inspired wri ters inculcate the gcuerul ueecssity of cleanliness, ns well that of thb external part of the body oj tho internal. In tho ago of miracle's, lepers Were cast out by those who acted under the immediate authority of the Deity, in, some imtam;es passing into tho brute creation—iri others, they ivere iin-' mediately exterminated] Wo are taught, j that these lepers uppear not in our day; but do we not sometimes witness scenes of uricleaulUicss far more degrading? Tho first was only it bodily afllictiou, the result of sumo heinous sin; while tho lost visiteth, in its wrath, whole families with desolation, and maketh tho gross grow where tlio ripeuingvora should garniture our fields—while children who, hut for tlio degrading sin of the parent, might rocoiro as tlto price of iudustry that educalioa producing fOrtuuo, usefulness and ex emplary citizens, are thus left to poverty, idleness and erimo, Are uot some led into thd baiefltl imd degrading lialiit, from good motives? Docs uot the kind: warm-hearted generosity of man induce this habit in dispensing our Soutliorn hospitality? I,ci us seo, whether there bo tio remedy for an evil thus growing out of good motives. If'wo drive off this habit, is it uot likely to be succeeded by in tellectual ones, or thoso which arise from n culti vation of tlio mind ? Tho cxhilerMbu of wine enlivens tlio heart at the expeuso of tho under standing, or, according to a homely proverb, “urhen wine is in, wit is out,” mid when wit is iu, the heart sccketlt understanding. That such is tile natural disposition of man, none will deny. Now, let any one witness tho degrading scene of deep inebriation, and would be, if ho supposed lie were himself to bo a like actor for the amuse ment of ills fellow man, ever ho guilty of a iiko folly? No. But strnngo as it may appear, notto will believe that they, if placed in' a like situation, would net thus; und, if you but tell them when recovered for its effects, that they have so acted, they listen, hut with the iistlessness of Unbelief—so changed is tlio heart uuder the in fluence of intemperance, that it wulkctii into tlio paths of vlco and Crime, as unconcerned ns the sun shiuCth at noonday, f f. Tv Samuel Rockwell, Esq., was, ou Satin'iiiiy. llli inst.j elected President of the Branch of the Bank of Darien at Milicdgevillc. The following gen- demon compose the Board of Directors; viz:— Messrs. Parish Carter, James Bozeman, Thomas W. Baxter, William II, Torrance, John Williams, and l)r. George A. Brown. Mr. Stafford loing, representative from Baker couuty, was, wo rtra sorry to learn, killed on die 19th ult. by boing . thrown from Iris horse (which wosfrightcnod by adog) against a tree, near Byron in that county. lie has left a widow aud six chil- The United States Gazette says'the old affair between General Jackson and Mr. Benton wns suffered to rest, but the Globe iudoccutly refers to it in speaking of tho extracted bullet. "Suffered to rest" has it! What event of Jackson’s life h;i- his enemies suffered to rest from which they could bring any thing injurious ? lie is at this day the most slandered aud villifled mnu in the nation, dio more abused tho stronger lie grows. What has ho not been charged with by his enemies ?— .V. inquirer. Cheuji Marrying and. Unintirn/ing.—By a new law of Tennesson, the foe for marrying a couple ii reduced to 50 cents. This is dog cheap. A bill was before tho Legislature of tho samo State to ctinhlo females to get tmmarriod without.cost.— This is accommodating.—JFbu Rtp. Married* In Muscogeo cmmtv, on the 10th instant, Mr. Ilenajah' Skinner to 3ius Fancy Patricki both of dint county. Died* . . In Columbus, fin., on the Sdi irtsb, 3ir'. James Ilosworlh, formerly of Angtfsta; iu hii fiftv-diitd year. , , V Boat News. AMtVXD, Boat Navigator, Fletcher owner, from Darien, with .merchandize to Mohose So Kidd, E. Graves & Sons, D. Woodbury, and Ellis, Shut- well .& Co, Boat Macon, Day Sc Rutts owners, from Da rien, with groceries. Boat Charles Carroll, Charles Campbell own- ucr,from Darien, with groceries. Boat Victory, from Daricu, v illi groceries, to Charles Campbell. oe.-.vrteh, Boat Macon, Dpiy So Bails owners, Willi 350 bags. Boat Emperor, P. K. Yongo Sc Som owners, with 410 hags. Boat Ch.irlos Carroll, Charles Campbell own er, with 150 bags. Boat Victory, with 231 bags, owiied by Charles Campbell. Day Jc Batts’s boxes Nos. 11 and 15, with 900 bags. 1\ It. Yongo Sc Sous’ box No. 12, with 450 bg-;. Charles Campbell's box No. 5, with 450 tag-. SARDS. O N tho first Tuesday b ATRtL uoxt, will be offered nt public sate, nil that Lot cf Zs lad known ns No. 114, iu liu tftn dWtrict of Henry county, being 202j acres. Also, Lot of L ind, known as No. 53, in the 20th dis trict of Coweta county, being 2024 nt ' rC5 - Hale will be pe»iuve, audio'"- u JAMES 1’CA, DIVIGHT WOODBURY, c. a. Higgins, Feb 17 70 tension. 1 terms cash. ) Assignees for the he 1HJit of the crtJi- y tors of J. C. lltl- Xac L'tic of l>osl Coaches MACON TO SAVANNA!!. FARE REDUCED. Tbv fare hereafter to and sKfrom Savannah, will Ire Tiiifs teeir Doilurs—to ami from 'Dublin, Four Dollar,—thro' in thirty-six frjitr* TD.Conchi', will leave Ma- cop cvcrv MorrJuyV Uv autl 1 . Hay, M four o'clock in tho rfWVhWg-Wveat bar a in rah nt eight P. M. next diy'r Stage Office at Wash ington lloll, Macon. ^ L0Xf;sxrrv . Ivr . jxn 31 61 J- B- GUERDON: KANAWA V FROM tlio undersigned on .the night of the 17th insti a negro fel low ridiricd , , 3WLY. Having n wife iii Forsyth, Monroe comity, belonging to Alfred Krdbksldsqljic will county, helouging to Alfred Brooks Esq. JJgLwul ilfolialily attempt to roach that place. July is Jl- hi)iit2l) years of age, five feet ten inches lilgii, dun visage, I’liack complexion, very white tectu, rath er a liudty head of hair, round or stoopshotildcf- ed, generally sritiles Ivlien spoken to,' is remarka bly fund of sillging ami whistling Methodist songs tlnd tune-, lie carried with him n litack broad cloth coat, arid oiher clotlling. hOt fouicuib'ercd; had n'comnion hat tut in the shape of a cap. A liberal reward V. ill lie given fur Ills apprehension find lodgment in any jail so that I cait get him li gnin. All persona :irc forbid harboring said fel- IbWj as tho luiv against that offence will be rigidly enforced] RAYMOND HARRIS. M'lntosb cdlihty, JnUifa), i&32. 73 3t f TlOUIt MONTHS after date application will be . made to the honorable Inferior court of .Monroe eon lily, when silling lor ordinary purposes, for leave to Sell One fourth of lot No. fall, in the fuurib district of Mnimie county, in tlirNi. E. enrner of said lof, bo- |m ' “ U;m * “ ’ “ longing tu the ninmr cliihiren of (lie subscriber, l efc Id UOtfU U. WHITE, guardian. H .HOUR MONTli.i nfier date application will be S} made to llie h Jfidiiilile ihferior court of Monroe county, wlit-11 titling lor ordinary pm poses, for leave to sell one lot oflund No. I.VJ. in the first district of originally Hotistnn now Crawford county, for the be- tie ii I oi I lie orpin,iis of lliliimn M i '<■!/. isle of Jasper county, deceased. WILLY’ L. C1XMKNT8. Pel) 15 , Guardian. A LL iiersims bavin a demand! against tbe estate of Allen Dorman, tide of Twiggs’ county, deceas ed, trill render tlieiu in properly nttesied; and all persons indebted to said estate will niuke payment Within the time prescribed ity MARTHA DORMAN, Elfrx. CJeoi’.^xa, Slouston County. lEMfllEAKAS Delaiiiar Clayton applies lo me for f f letter* ol Administration unmi the estate of Julin Carulhcrs. late of said county, deceased ’these arc, therefore, to rile and admonish alt and singular Vie Lindrea dud creditors of said deceased, to he andappear at niy qfftre. iclhiii the lime presenhid by law, to shew rouse, if any they hate, ir/n/ said letlas •hoid.luotheicrautid. Given underlay band,this 14lh day of Feb. iSlfe. CHARLES II. lUCE, o. c. or l’nir Intlla Rubber OVER SHOES 9 Just received 1 >v HUNGERPOItDS &.STODDJ doc 3 • 38 ‘ i■ i ■ IARD. S’rco Trade—no Combination. KAKTUION ’WARE, GIzASS, CHINA, AND fcOGSIltfC-Si ASSES. T homas j.barrou ituo. importers, A’o. 83, II ukr Street, A’*tr York; hnvilig mad'' extenriie cumiexiuns with one Of tbo larg est arid most improved Potteries in /England,- are enabled to offer oao bf the must extensive stbek* iu market; couskting'of uvery variety of E.tuTit- KNW C'lii.x.i, Gi.xss ami Loom mi-(Ilassus, either rctieeked to er.i.-r. or in the origimil p:u;k- der tliu most trying circuiiisftmrcx, culls for our wannnst thanks. We have ctirvived tints far ia the struggle with a body of inert, if ho have com bined all their efforts to effect our destruction, simply because xve will not join them ui Combiit ing to compel tho cufaury merchajits to pay ait exorbitant profit ou his purchases iu this innikr't. We cau only reiterate farmer assurances of using every exertion to promote the interest of ottr liter eautilo friends iu tile extent and variety of our stock, the lowness of our prices, aud the skill and cure of oar packers, depending upon a free trade a* the only system which can give stability to the mutual iuterest of city nnd country merchants. * TilOrt. J. BARROW & CO. Feb I GS 83 ll’akr Street, Few Turk. TTnivcrsity cf Georgia. T HE exercises of liiis Institution will la-re- sinned on tin 2d of January, 1332. The puulic are informed that all tin: office* of tlio Col lege are now filled, mid that instruction iu the various departments of Literature mid Science will herealtor be given by lectures as Well as by tho study of approved text books, Lectures ou the following subject, have been prescribed by tile Trustees, viz,: 1. Menial I’l/riosirpf-y, Political Economy, and Evidences of the Christian Religion, by llw Pre sident, A. Church, 1). D. 2. Natural I’hifasopriy nnd Clwmishy, With their application tu the useful arts, hy Professor Janies Jackson, A. M. 3. Philology and Classical learning, by Profes sor James Shannon, A. Mi •4. Astronomy aud the benefit n l ilting from Mathematics to the useful Professor Hen ry Hull, iM. 1). i,7 0. Rhetoric and Oratory, mid English nud American l.iterata.e, bv Professor Hlepheu Oliu, ML rf; (j. Natural Ifl.torv facliutilig Mineralogy, Go- ology, Botnuv, find I’hysioiogy, &C. by Professor .Mali(iii, A. Ward, M. D. 7, Modern LniigWigus of Elirrtpe, by Professor Willi mi Lehman, A. M. 8. 11.11. Hopkins. A. M. Tutur iu the Ancient Languiigi if. William L. Mitchell, A. 51.- InflKnnflcal Tutur, Oifinlidnro i for admission into auyof the regu lar cla.sses , iu lie received at any time if prepar ed upon tiie requisite studies. Any individual huttever,who (lees not wi..h to pursue a rcgttlai course, con attend t.i such subjects or lectures m he may choose, mol will iu leaving the Institution receive from the Faculty, a certificate oftlio pro gress wle'b lie has made. The I’rofes.or uf Natural History ha* priftflfred a Cabinet of Mineral,, and w ill be'prepared both nit Min rul.igy end Botany t-» lelideThis leeliire, hUnnw nud pi'olilalile. Tiro Vbilo,opBi.'nl Apparatus is ono of tlto most coniplcteia tin United ritatc; mi V «i*e t lieinical ext. nvivo, uoitlier of wliieh received unv injury Iroiu the fire. Tbe Proles, or of Matli-'uiatirs is well furnished with nil the iieee»ary'irt,trumeuts for giving struclious in liws department and will bo particular to assist nil who wish fo qualify themselves for praetic d Hurveyiirg and Engineering.. Tbe Library is now Very respcetnblC, and the Trusteer are making Fargo nuatsa) mblitious. A new College building has l»ccu erected and is rca- dv far the roc option of students. The course of st’tf Iv |Tcrribed for regular students is nearly th same as that pursued here to fore, mid is so a, rang cd that carl] stu b ill will have nu opportunity of attending nil *«*> fachtre* arid recitatioua. All who wish w ill have rat opportunity ufstudyiug the Hebrew, I'isueFr, Fpunislt, German, and luliau l.miguagoS) No midiliortul charges, la'Ktvcr, vv ill bo made for either le ctures or Mode ri> Lau- gri igcs.- The- only t’o'jcfo charge i. that of tui- risni, which i, b’k' per tium/ni, paid hull yearly in advaoee on the first of August mid February.— f!y order of the 1'iicutty- } Wtl.ldAM 1.. Mi n HEl.t., Scr'ry. Alhcnt, Dec. 22 1 vow 'll rSo'Utt .MUN'i’iid a fine li.lUkppiieniiljM itill !li>. !! made to the liolioroble tim lilfiiMjf Coiu'tof on crtilnly, ol tls sitting for Ordinlirjr bUrpouf, vc to sell iIib undivided half of Lot Nt); lO, In Houston t for leave the twelfth, district of said estate of Pinkney Yarborough, deceased, lor th* bo) nefil of all cohcbrueU, ; Jsil 5. WMj BVRD, Adm’or.-. county, belougitic tb the gk, dec ' - ' ' (jl'OTillAGi . SIIOTWELL Sc J. S. SMITH have just L* received a lot Uf Fine CLOTHING, *ov- sisting of super Box, Dress and Frock COATS; Pantaloons, V; ;ts, At. .hi tie* 23 , NOTICE. T HE partnership heretofore existing betweed tho subscribers, under tile firhi of Benton* Castens &. Bacon, is tins (Irty dissoivod’by fiiutual consent. Tlid debts si tic tu said find will be collected by Alto* Bk.xto.v and Wii-mam Baco.v, either of nhurit Hre aiitliorised trt receipt far the saine, and U» whom all debts due from said firm cau he preseut-) ed far jiiiymeut. AMOS BENTON, ROBERT CASTENS; Jan 10 2 W,M. BACON. Coach making. rtp HE Subscribers will continue tho Ivusiucsd JL at the old stand, corner of Wolnut and Fourth streets, whore work will be doue iu alt its various hrartches. They have oh baud wdrk tif their Own and *a tiler Manufactories. 0 ALSO, AS AS60BTSTKKT OF Coach Materials* . coasiaTlsu or Litccs, Carpeting, Morocco, Baroueh and Gig Springs, do. Idulkeys. Plated Rands, Joints, Moulding, Loops, Ac. &c. Having made arrangements with Crane, MitcUx ell & Co. Newnrk, N. J. they will receive mid forward all orders entrusted to theit care. Ar) tides Ordered warranted to please, ortio sale. Jou 14 3 BENTON & BACON. CldVHING. WILLI AM H. BURDSALL H A-? jiisl rae^tvL'd and offers for sale, on (lid mc»rt lif>craf terms, a general nsidHaient of Readymade Clothing* llaTing Imd it in«cnf|lactured eipressiy lor bis owrij can K»»rrrt/it »t miidc in the best manner and tfit/sl ftfsliton&lsll' .ituoug tthicli are lire fol : lowing: (jiciitleinen en’f' rhnef Mite, fdoek* green, ottvfc Wi*( DREtfrJ COATS and FUOCi , browri S(i(>cr l»lue f black und tuoey colored c!otb 1’ANTit* J*OONS Hlite; btufck, tffhf rind taftyret) CasJrmere dri Sltcl. Chtlct, bltie hihJ func.y ttiili sutiuet C'onttefcdy Truck* und Pantuhiohs ^ngljhb inuj« *xkhi do. Uncut IwuijZjrtjf dot Riding dd/. litack nnd blue ca.*sisuere Hlnc, Idnck and colored silk velvet dd J Jft/’li ftemid vatentra, fitiHe nnd buff do jr “* - - White liisrleillci dn. StvHfi<do\vn aud toilinet df# VoiilliV t’oM*, Fnntftfoimq Hnd Vesta (ienth’men'* g<Jtt<-h.iir cnmblet CLOAKS Tiaid do. Intdicd' caiublet and Circassian do Lioii'skiu Jackets nnd Pantnioons Tine linen nnd flannel SIIIKTS* .Collars, Fronti AIm», («entlrmen's Fashionable Black Be a vet' HATS. A c. Jit c. 12 iiov 4 BOARDERS. T II1‘< titi'lersigiiKl can nccomrriudnte h num ber ut Hoarder*, (without bulging,) on moderate terms; Mv ferideuce is over mj simp, near the Mansion House. Jan 14 2 T. J. 31‘CLESKEY. SHOES cheap. ELRO.SE Si. KIDD have received a con- sigiimeiil of course SHOES, which will he »ulil at tost, for Up pro fed paper at DO days. ALSO 3 hales CARPETING. 5G3md dee 37 THE SUBSG&XfeBfeS "Pfe EFFECT! I l.L\ inform their Irieiids and ' tiie public generally, that they are receiv ing mill, opening at llrcir old stand 313, KING STBEF.'l. Cbarlestuu, ft. C. a large mul splen did assorlinebt of IIAU1) WAKE, CUTLERY, JJ.nd I nncy doods, »r„ ,Lm nttiLhl,... .,f eouirtrv merehnnt* i. invited. I'll, UARUlri &CO. ' Clntri.wto.i, oct 21 4 w4tn visiting tliecln for supplies i TIN WARE HAMUFAi'TtlHfilU MI I.UKUKt ytiti TUIUrtf STBKF.T) T HE subscriber maUfifnctores aih! keep*coo btairily on baud a actfcra) assortment of Tin Ware* which he will sell \\ II01.E8ALE sad RETAIL ut Snvantrali or Aogtnta prices. Jtfll WORK done nt the shortest notice nf (he shop on Third street', next door to Ellis; ril.otiv. il it Go. WILLIAM 8. ELLIS. Orders scut to Elms, SuOtu kll Si Co. will receive prompt nttcnliou. Nov 11 17 SUGAR, COFFEE AND ls/(iUORS. 6J bbdi. 8t Croi^ aml Torto Hitt/ tiegw r». f *\l 2'MfOhc» broWfl' ilavann do* &> l.ldit IimI cud temp do. ■ i 2T>hhd« t«flm« MuUun’ii . UUJ bagi grea^ Kbriu ltico, llavaifK iit&'&ftf Jarn tjoffi-a Jf 150 bMi (foincsllr l*»ijUor» r» pijm* old Wbgmiv. Brandy- tltd ffotland Olrf it', (gutter Mm Jctnv, Tfffferilfe and /U'iMfii ba^krls Chfampaitn^ Wine racks AmiH ntuf jttel Tordteli :U) boxrs bar nnd stetvhig 105 bags J’teehUi and Oiugar hyson it\(r suachffng Teas buri!i«?l? I.ivciSJOdt gfotwid Halt. Tor s.ilo, low. by THOMA8 TAYLOR, » June IH Aa. (3, LoUmn Aftntfi NOTICE* A LL .iM-rviih lias ing claim* agniWH JOHN Cj lllll.VENriTON of Macon, will hander M ild them iu to the Huliscritar* for adjudjcaHoir. on or before the 1st March next. Tliose indebted will please make immediate payment (as it ir ltd at desirable that tlio witter 11 should at once be' closed) wlit> me a Vine duly amherised toacttle. JAMES REA, DWIGHT WOODBl’BY,- A. HIGGINS, Assignees for the- benefit of tht CretHlorf Macon, l-'eh.'li:, L<t*. S. Ii—All cianmiruicnlions will b» left at G A. IIIGOIN'S’ Euuntfag Kowa, ev addressed ft Inin in Afucon. 74-tJ»tm. ..-A -vrt AH Rlri C »^1 5® SMYTH have Utaoeiulod ibenwn?***fa(k, ( Practice hi the !,aw under, th* firm arid Mxahf I ENJA lUnit (,■ Smith. They will pru< tiee htf MHI»' ■iru of the I'Rof Circuit. 1 733w Mh'tU