Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, March 10, 1832, Image 2

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a- > P.tporios, ithtlre enttcK* m t.r iaSatBM, management, r.solillien and sincerity, bo could tUK, with “iri'et ill the God of ltraul, my sou, -nnd thou tcill returs" yet ringiug iu fait ears, doubt deliverrmce. Ho became so tranquil as to •anise bunlelfi with tdie grote»qu* appearance ol tile teuw, whiell WON irregularly scattered along tie leo side of Jtfas ridge. 1 Icing provided witll reef-knots, they could, by link jug the pole*, bo 10 a thicket of patim "Jos, piU’b'cd invisible to the tycj ,,i TUI ene i y. o: ace .mmoiUtvd to rough- <. t weather, utul might uotk-he said to be uuder si, .rtm.-.l sails, lint then «hat a medley of color..’ materials u»4 idMkftrt’-they exhibited!i Usok iqjihu ts.iwd to bioadrlotU, silk aUlcfaei! u, c luviml white to red. bluo to yeHew, brawn CO'jC oaif—-:n if lhe sirtiheer SadilUregarded liar • ■ ttitiiv uud'SMolWocsa, fvr-the display «f his skill iu| ‘ tfa.i ru!f-s»f oouthiQMlioa. But as tlw whole was th.igift of the w aves to au itidolont prodigal pco ^ile.'if H >.ol surprising that brr.aty and rclativol utHitv should he luisunderviood. l.quiillf IditlrniOJ were tbs external) of tltyl h utrhtin of suckcluth fkequ-utly contrasted! •with a lutestring I reaibcloitt, a mulhuull cloak to o blanket oilier, brocade Mpgiugs to au oakuui wig, with a satin biliikei here «ud there fastened fav a rope. Disorder aud had taste seemed to preside over tho Jabers of the toilet, bfom this charge boftever the women were free. Their fme persons were shown to advnutege hy a lau rel.. ,-utie siltiag closely to the hast aud deicendlug 'loosely to raiflleg, confined at the zone hy a liar- Mtoe. They were iu:dye«sj-vti ewim an. a ax'd ooe, repenting of his rntfanws, tSWKd Oisewi. lln WtS arrested by au arrow, mid s seconffokoft put au cad to the umdues* of the other. Wallace remembering that at a short distance above, arrowi, from two or three bluffs, could command the pnssuge, aud Atsbah kuotving from the strength <of her band, that, the fire cawiihate that lied weretdltbatrewainedofthe pursuers,aud confident that if they were not retracing their steps, they wottU recommence the attack, which would i be precipitated by the rau.'or of a young chief who had unsuccessfully sought her bond,—it was thought advisable to land on the western bank, and lie governed by fdrcuiuJtnnccs. She took puat at one tree nud her husband at another, so as to cover the boat, secure a retreat, and exclude uo attack'iu rear.—Meanwhile the Karuuquu* swam the river above, aud were advancing. Not au hour had passed, era she felt au nrrow puss through her side. "Horn they come!" she cried, trail nixing the Indian that bad wounded her. A rush was tingle at Wallace, who had barely time to shout the foremost aud crash the skull ol the second, before he was grappled by two so closely, that Atshub durst uol draw a string with out endangering his life. Their object was to take him alive. A sudden blow extricated Hut from tho grip of one, whom Aubah itevcr permit ted to rise; but tho oilier, her rejected lover, taking ad vantage of the uuscuce m t\ al lace's right mm, threw hituscil' soducidy back ward. nnd oy hss weight drew the wliitejuim iuto quiet, aomfortaUc, beuutifhl makes decency, which Such wouaeu .r.>w -llrdto; Odd the barmouy of their feature*; the river, with the resolution of stieniicing himself corn'iuied witll the smulluex* of tho foot aud t to accomplish the death of Ins hated antagonist, ncatn v.s of thu-auclo. presented nn ensemble of* Both strait, hut soou wise, the Karunqua dinging widen uo women might he ashamed. Towards evening the encampment had u bust- mcss-like aspect. Barrelsbf beef, pork andspiriu were scattered about; and bales, chests, tmuks, imrl boxes heaped together. At the suggestion ol qy nllnco, who know that several thousand dollars i i piper were on board when the vessel was * •* ■ V. .1.-1. «•« .. w'a t s.iiv'i ti.iii raf fills n- ecked, Atsliab requested tiu exmainatlou of the . host* aud trunks, and clnimed all the papers ar charms and itiedieine. They were delivered to ber, nnd found to comprise nearly'alt tho money. ■With the rude rites peculiar to savage people, her > brother* were Committed to the ground, succeeded r I,r a drunken revolt so that by midnight, every *’ warrior was lying extended, insensate and asleep; but the weather was too boisterous yet «o allow paasago over the hay to bo attempted. The re velling contiuuod all next day; and at sunset, tjie waters wore smooth and silent,except Where dis til, lied by tha gurgling of the flood tide; the Mop ing of mullets. mid the plunging nud blow tug o ah; porpoise. Towards midnight, Atshun eutyr-f t j her teat, und having cut Wallace’s cords, pre sented him with a musket. "It was my brother's, (,1’h remarked)—is the only ono iu the camp— getting such a wife, mid she so galluut and hand- you know it* use—<ake it"—phd hiadiug a couple some a husband. The intelligence gave birth to of nuivors to her bn.-fc, with a bow iu her baud, o l led "fallow." Sho led him to a light ruuuuig canoe in the (-reek id front of tho encamp.neut, 'ttuti bade him stay there till she went hack, and took a farewell of the Karanquas. “h'or : hea ven’s sake," he entreated, "do not veuture—it ' tnav cost yonr life,—but, if go you will, 1 must bo with you."—"Sit down, mailman; (sho com.- upuidcd:) your honvy ti-cad might awoken the women—miuo will not, Down, mndmau, down. Vour safety require* that the fleetest and fiercest should bleed. Had the whole tribe but tfnc heart, I would pierce it for your sake.”—She went; aud gliding from tent to teat like tho fiend ofaSsasti- nation, loft fifteen barriors dead. Their limbs -quivered-fur au iustaut, but not a groan or a sigh was breathed. "It is done" sho whispered on -entering the boat; nud seating herself, premouisb- ed, "lako heed lest you strike the Side of the ca noe, or splash water with the paddle, till we reach tins Bay." They were soou there; aud, with the swiftness of o shark, came to its head, aud darted up the Trinity. Above, about fifty miles by laud, stood bn the western hauk, a village of, a piople v.ry friendly to the 'whites, and with whom Wallace was will acquainted. There he was sure of a hearty welcome, aud in tbatdirae- tinn, was certain, the Karanquas would pursue. Tho stream now becoming swift aud Crooked, ho landed on the eastern side, thinking it proliablo that chase woatd be Even oiithe other. By the nar» hi, course was directed, till day, aud llicu by the sun; but owing to tho svettibss uf the 'ground, the depth of the rivulets and brooks, aud his still'- oosi from having beou hound, togeghw with the fact that seamen are seldom good walkers, lie had, hy noou, not progressed morn than thirty miles, a little over-half of the journey. Yet he was so exhausted, that rest Was iudupensable— •ud Atsbah the more readily yielded to his iudi- natinu, frbm her knowledge of tho fact; that the Karauquns randy exposed themselves so far ill- laud to the fire-arms of the mounted Indiaus. At her instance, they went to the margiu of the river, aud made a green couch in a brake of palmottoes, having-betwoon the stalks a viow ot tho reach below. Wallace felt happy in tho arms of Al- iliah, endeared to him by so many evidences of unparalleled devotion, and the suushiuo of her happiness was interrupted ouly by oue cloud, the apprehension of the hnvages. Sleep soou cauie over ban, but sho kept watch. When i sun had about three hours passed tlv xcnilii, she suddenly shook him, whispering, •’they como, l" -- they come." He discovered thorn, five cam.*- ds paddi • ' against the current ns if th«y iutondud to land at the very brake that concealed him. “1 enu fire thrice, Atsbah, be fore they land. Each hall will bung dowu otic, aud tile buckshot are good for tho two others.".— "No, dearest, ou,'.‘ she. replied—"the Karanquas Dover thus asceud a river, uuiess accompanied by n stronger party on shore, who would lie brought Jipou us by the report. Arrows aud this covert must secure 'these. Tito bow speaks not to the oars of au onomy." Stin was uot mistaken. Tbesr object iu landing was.w communicate with a party oo jsliurc, who, having at eu early hour ascertained the bank txkeu by the fugitives, were now-ou the track with the instiuct aud avidity oi bloodboundk Without distrust, the crew leaped an the bank immediately in front uf tho brake, aud with bows uustruug stood talking. At length One left them, as if intending to roach tho prairie, by au opouing iu the marginal forest directly op posite the centre of the covert, tiud proceeding carelessly, wheeled round, the landward auglo. An arrow passed through him and he foil—a sec ond veutunug la the same track, furqd uo better,— and a third shared 3 similar fate. Vuconsriun-, of what was transpiring, tho remaining two kept op their cbitrhat, ami showed no disposition'tu' depart, .Tjio iowstriag was agalu at tbo oar 0: Atsbah, cud file speaker feliyyith tbe barb of the arrow protruding more lliao a foot from bis fore bead.' Tho fifth yelled; 'hut tumbled tho next nibmeat and sunk iu tbe stream-. Tho ycl. wo* returnod from' tho forest. "To the boat, lode, to tbo^boat, (she whispered)—1 heat th. dead branches cracking uuder the feet, of lit Karuaquas"—at tbe samo time cuttiug loom a falser drum tho back of a dead Indian. Tin bunt .-hod scarcely .reached (Its middle of tin -river, before a shower uf S|K>nt arrows Tell aroum. .there. '"Atsbah, iu the store, turned.ibe prow to ■the current, 'Opd Wallace, understanding tbe ac tiou/coo] "i’U return them the com- butt of the musket To bis ahou! of-rbffthirtooi* savaxes, grouped qi. OA»> dsud. three qy&rull;' Hs fired ifihifi,' and tive.‘i*t»re;vTor.' riuding.trrMvs.dppo.odta aiftusky. at * djswaco, vreee.reXre'pM) ttiicigsftive'sittd^ lh»'to > Tsnl<» , 9»; bfat »g6, ,*|X*p«M>d v tO;nfe, •print! lot'; tU* ie{i|nn>i4o vwty'H? with-the grasp, of death to else waist of his ctituiy —again they Went dun u—the bubbles uroso a» though the struggle were closiug—but Viallnco, ithiue, with hit knife iu his baud, came nguiu to the-surface, slid leisurely swuui to laud, lie was pressed tu the Ihroiihiug busoui ol' his wife; but a frantic man was he, oil perceiving the.hlnod dripping irt/iii lief side, llis fears were ktWsvrr allayed on exduijtliiig the wouud, aqi| easily iitnbcbod; 1‘laeina heir, iu the cpi»e, he passed the -uarrow'l, and weut ashore at uigut, n liich, cousiduripg liituoelf uow beyond dnugcr, tiC'pdssed w itli hjs consort, by 11 flee. '' • At ati.carly hmir,.uyxt'jnoruiug, they resumed theirjuhruey by'water, audio tbevvemug ol tile succeeding day hrrivqd at .tile Casucha village. Hcrfc hti wj^ kiiidly received by. bis former ;h-- 3 uaititnuees, who iisteued with delight avid woo er at Jjiip narrativo, Atshnli was caressed by the wfiiueo' und-oittolleil by tho men. A girl of scnrc% eighteen, nnd so lovely, to slay twenty- .four warriors ami tiieso .warriors too tho enemies of maukind, in less than a night nud a, day, was vvilhuut'pnriiUel. Wallace w ns congratulated on heme to dear to a mnu »re sure to be sluts aud hypocrites, just ip pre por tion to tbe difference they make between tboir household aud the world—tile stranger and their husbeud. Aud they go slip-shod about the house —their cajis 0* oue side—hair fiyiiig loose—and nn.11,,elves filter for a horsepomt thau u marring* bcu, or a di.luer table—till, in mercy to their hus- bauds, some stranger knocks at the door. Ob, but if you ask a man to dinner with you, you must give him something better tbau pork and Mentis. Not if I feat pork and lienus myself. Uut lie'll be offended. Lot him. He's 0 fool, if he experts to be treat ed at my own house, hy uiy own wife, better thuu 1 urn rnvsiif. Sfir, 1 can tell hy the plutuof u mini, exactly how he is esteemed hy tho woman lit tbo head of the tabic. Of com sc. The highor she esteems him, and the tuero site loves hiui, the better he will he help ed. " Exactly the reverse. Thu husband will lie tbo worse c-li—nud if ll.-cre Ixi'nuy particular, deur frieud—who - come, often—somebody to whom tlie-fuudiy lire under great obligations—you may kuoivihim hy the drmustii-k ou Id, pinto—the muddy e-blur—ana theslnaii claws uf tuu lobster. Bat, after oil,-if we can't lie free aud easy with ear friends, with whim cf.11 wo be sol \ T’ivi; und easy! Codfish and potatoes! Is tliatwhulyuu’cnll I icing free aud easy/ Make y our-itit-ud* cat goo,o nud pudding out of the same plate! Lot so it ever it—w? always treat those vvuist who treat ns best—u nmu will bor row money of his bust frieud, to pay the rascal u ho put him iu jail—nud theu let llis frieud whis tle lor die money—or come to a downright quar rel if lie should refuse to leud him any more for the subic pucpO'u Li au island of very rich pasturage, which I think should be kept fsr the trustees’ cattle. The river is pretty wide, tjie water fresh, and from the key of the town you see iu whole course to tbe sea, w ith the island of Tybee. which forms the mouth of tlie river. For about six miles up the country the latidscnph is very agreeable, the stream being wide and bordered with high woods on both sides. TI10 whole people arrived here ou the 1st Ecbru ary; at night their tenu wero gol up. Till the Will we were taken up iu Mailing nnd makiugi: crane which I then could uut get finished, so took dfftlie bauds mid set some to the fortification und heguu to fell the woods. I have marked out the town and common, half the funner is already cleared, und the fint houseicathtfrun yttUrdafj afternoon. A little ludian Nutioti the only one within fifty miles, is not only iti amity, hut desi rous to he sulijecw to bis Majesty King Oeo'rgc, to have lands given them nmoug us, and to lin ed their children at our schools: their chief und bis beloved mau,*wbo is the second man iu the na tion. desire to be instructed iu tho Christian rdigj ion. I am gentlemen, Ac, * • *- Signed JAMES E. OGLETHORPE.' ‘a very important affair. The loss of thirty-seven warriors, iu a few days, to a batpj that could uover muster more that uiucty, caused its extermination, which hud long boon desired, to m considered os of easy accomplishment—ospecinlly, as waiting for the return of tho warriors detached after life fugitives would delay removal; aud the boy at tho western cud of tbe Llaud afforded at low wa ter u ready, passage on horseback, the swimming part being not more than one hundred yard* over. Two huudred mounted vvarrriors volunteered their services, nnd iuvited Wallace to command. Atsbah urged him to go, observing, that the Ka- rnu’qua men, being irreclaimable, ought to dir, hut thu women uhd children should be saved: for it were hotter to be h Casacba’s slave than to have a Karauqutv husband or father. The expe dition the next moruiug set out, and crossed that uigbt to thp island, without losing a horse or wet- tiugaguu. A party was immediately'detached to seize the canoes aud bring them round to the west end. It was effected without'tho lou of a mail.,- Jly dawn, the Casuchas approached the tents with a shout. The Karnuqu^t, nothing daunted, •allied odt nud pressed the invaders, whs slowly and purjtosoiy retreated more than a mile, when they fired. Keeping iust behind the reach of the arrows, the Cusnchas kept Op a running fire until the last Karunqua fell. Two huudred nnd forty-twoWomen nud children were captured; nud ou being assured that their lives were to he spared,, they embarkei’ apparently without reluctance. By noon, under the super- intcndeoce of fourguard’boats, they wero ascend ing tho Trinity, uut n vestige of tneir camp tiicn remaining on the island. On the fourth evening, they were-landed at tho Casacha village, nnd in the capacity of slaves distributed among tbe differ ent families.’ Tbo wouud lu Auhah's side being at tho end of ■ fortnight cicatrized, lie left the kind-hearted Casuchas, mid with his wife arrived at New Or leans, by tho way of Natchitoches aud Rod River. Here Ini had llio marriage rilo performed hy a Presbyterian minister, not to give sauctity but le gality to their union. _ fa six weeks more, lie w as in Crucuock, mid with Atslmh proceeded to Ids homo in Argyleshire. On his entering tho door, the first words Ids mother addressed, were, "You' (rusted iu the God of Israel, my son, aud have re turned'"*• u circumstance explained by her having, 011 tbe first uiglit of his captivity, a dream corres ponding vvitli uis own—uuo of those coincidences produced by chance, yet subsidiary to suponti- lior..—Blest oitli the presence, conlideuce aud affoctiou of all he holds dear, his wanderings are uow limited tu Brewing ilia'silvery fish from the hosotr, of Loch Etivu, aud surprising the fox and eagle amidst the mist of tlio inoiinUius. Nor is Atshnh less happy. The kiudness uf his mother add sister* more (lino supplies tha loss of her fa ther aud In others. Tbo wild 'savage girl is now* a puli.hrd mid ml iutclligi'ii; vvpmmi, a luiUi? ful wife aud leader mother. Shu.serves' another God—them>s:usiu end iorcercss, the fierce daugh ter of the ruthless cannibal', having ripened iuto thejieuiteut aud aiuceru (Jhrisuau—»o uutcli'ducs huuiai). character de|>cml upuu circumst.iuces. iu nppearauco site has uot decujcd—hciilg admired by the mca of a district celebrated for its lumUlc auauty from lima immemorial, mid acknowledged by the fairest of lliu women, to he'thu loveliest exotic that has ever fiuurislied lu thu.wilds uf ilorvou. DU ART. Ilii.l.tfor ■t’&tieti,—If a youth is willingly dis posed towards any dame, as he values lus happi ness let him feiiow my udvice: Gall uttlhu lady whets she Mast expects Imn, take note of the np- iicHnmcepI all lh,.i:« trailer her control. Observe if the shoe fits neatly—if the gloves arc clean und thb hair weli polished.- And 1 would forgive a man for breaking off an engagement, if he dis covered a.greasy novel hid under the cushion of the sofa, or .1 hole iu the garniture of the prettiest font in the world, ^Myeoliuesi will ever be avoid ed 1 by"ii Well regulated mind, as would n pesti lence. A woman cannot he what is culled dress ed; particularly uuo in humlilu or middle life, where her duly, nnd it is consequently Imped her plcnsure, lies iu superintending and assisting in all hcrdbtntstic matters; but she may bo always neat—well appointed. And ns certmuly us a vir tuous Wromauds a crown of glory to herhusbaud so surely is a slovenly ono a crown of thorns.— Mrt. 8. C. HalVu lilagaziM. A doginneedUafriend 1 m/ffif.—Auindustrious wagoner, resident iu (lampstcd L. I. whom h was known had saved a' cousiderablo sum of money, came to this city a few days sicca in the regular way of business, leaving his wife und child at home, with no other guardian than a great dog. About twelve o’clock on IK" first uigbt of liis little family were aroused hy a 1. •• r.» .:rr .1.. A qorrcspnudent of the Brooklyn Conn. Adver tiser, under tho head of “Look out for’eat holes," states that Dec. .4, a skunk fouud-its way into th jtfiv of Jeremiah Malbone, Fompfret, tbenco. up ■'a flight-of stairs through a cat hfife iuto a room where the family were asleep,, and bit Mr. M.suu Philip, 7 jfoais old. in the arm and hand. The fatbor awoko by the child’s scruatqs, aud killed tho animal. Tho wuuuds healed over bpt five weolu after, theoeara bccam'o inflamed, attended •'v. 1 .. • SINCERITY. V", - v • ’ 11 Alt XXXUACT. ■ , I’d never-couseut, while i lirosth, to ‘ treat n .cuundrel jvjth jdolurouce, ut tlie cxpcusq uf mi iiouust nmii—to disappoint u frieud—to spare the Vuclmgs uf a fool, null a stranger—uo, uulcvcu a stranger—'uu intruder. ^ Soic yen aro iu curucsl—note I believe you. . That I- am. _ I tee friendship, lovo, common sense, aud common honesty, sacrificed every uuur, to what is called pulitcucss. • i see women every Say—out of rei/nct, uo t/icy *ay, to their 1 uslaimls—tricked out with better drust—with hol ier looks—aud withbcttorliuuior to receive strau- gers, liiau lij receive a husliami—the rogues—per suading tho good, easy Idol, when tllcy give olh’ ■r meu a.cie.iucr table cloth and a bettor diuucr^ .lias they do it ought of love aud respect to Ami. Ahomlitahlp! they treat tho lord of their afi'ec- -mus’. tbe parlacr.ul-their bed, tbe father of theu llilurhu, worse lhau auy other mnu—tliey do iu- Joud—there's uu denying tb ", ^ _____ And worse. Hospitality Upot-oetcuiatioue mnpitiiUjy is sitnplo ami sincere. So’, they ( vanf to please a stranger—fo ileceivo him, even '-'ar au lio«r—<0 appear better off ia the world 1—urotw m uu uui^ui^ tu , ,'V ail x wicked, profligate, fyld-facartod lie, thby know lu Tltoy jt hospisplity— riebtV uud more, naul art alibi tllau thoT-cvsllj- are. ve-.sMteivJ)' tiu^pt&tn him, she thought she perceived some one .^t or in the wiiulmv; giving the word to her canine pro tector,. be sprang, nnd himself and the object “bolted” through the casement. In the morning the dog was found ccnthud over a strapping col oured man, who was stroched dead ut nis feet. Thus was an amiebio woman, and au iufaut res cued from probable outrage aud murder, aud the husbands htnrTcaruiugs from the clutches of the robbqr.—Nep York Gen. Temp. with numbucss and sharp pricking pains exteudiug to the head and back, and at tho end of. 45 days genuiuo hydrophqlia exhibited iuelf,' .and tbo child died after seven dayi of agony. Two hogs had bitten, auddieu. hve or six weeks after jn convulsions. *•" Vegetation—Ferhaps 'nothing -shows the im perfection of human observation and tho ascen dency speculation has over the human mind, than tho disbelief of facts 'et> frequently presented to the yiew.t.Thus it scctne to be a very general o- pinion timtqcold winter indicate* a lato spring, .or tho lateness of tho latter is in proportion to tho colduess of tlm farmer: while llio reverse is the fact. And. tills fact is equally substantiated by correct reasoning aud observation, liy a com mon law'vegctablo and uuimal life becomes more excitable; to heat after severe cold—that is the same degree of warmth in tho spriug after n cold winter will produce more efiect qu vegetation; than When it succeeds a warm one,/ Mauy know from painful experience how intensely cold the last wiuter has proved, y«t pencil trees are now in full bloom'about the tune,the. altuoud usually blussoms] And, perhaps near a month before their usual tiwtf.. After the .uuusual worm winter a few year, past, perhaps the winter oflKbi, press-' es iu various, parts.of th^ .Unitod. tiutci recorded the unu.ual late tdoouijjig of fruit Uecs, iu imiuy instauces making tlicjr, appearance uodute us Juuo.—CotUiniia iltn,'4.}tk-vll.- * . " ■ with th* tree Uood *ai , refund to yield, nod pursued severance the heet to its whbvT ^ the victory of Bouuets O’Blae " ' e *«ite ?sSSKSiijr“' w » OONGUK8S. ' In the Senate, jrcsi committee on Fiuaueo, reported witliuii/ ® uii'iit, tlie bills from the House "itliuut a, iHiog 1 lor tlie naval service „f "," S J' Slates; for the arrearages of tb 0 ,,»a7 “* January, 183d, for tho fortificati”,,’;^ ted States: nud fur the imm,.,.,., s.revol, Sero Bank.—We. wore presented the other dny with tuni ujfstcrt, which .though like Mcreu- tio’s wound, neither >0 wide ns a barn door, nor so deep as u well, were eucluted iu shells ns large as the bowl iu which the seven Wise meu Vof Greece went to sea. The proprietor of tho Oysters bad discovered n new bank, itpun which he made a draft for the two in question, nnd intends we nudentnnd. to repviu if he can, nil the banking privileges to him self. There is uo doubt, mauy a dollar locket: up there.—And this, is a bank out of w hich the community need not apprehend danger Irvroovui; issues. Home good cqmes from bunks, after n(l —Mobile Patriot. Free Negroes.—A. bill providing for the remo val of free persons of colour from Virginia bus passsd the House of delegates of that Statu by « vote of 7B to 41. The bill apropriates for the object $35,000 for the prevent year, aud 00,000 for the ycur 1833; tho emigrants to be transported to some place beyond tho limits of tho United States, left to Ute discretion of tbo Central Uoan). This Board is to consist of tho Governor, Trea surer and Auditor, who aro clothed with power of nppoiutiug ngeucies at Norfolk, Petersburg, or any other place. No compulsion is to be used inauyeaso. ■ St., Feb. 23. A ns# aud importaut towu will soon spring up on tbe Suwannee river, a mile or two below the mouth' of the Witldacouchie. Preparatory Step have already been taken lor the establishment of a mercantile concern there, for the accomodation of tho planting interest iu the vicinity: uud mea sures are oho in train for procuring a steam boat. From the AVithlsi ouciiie to the mouth of tbo Su wannee is about 1)0 miles; aud much good land is found along iu shores. . Tho Suwannee River is one of the most beau-’ tifu) streams of Water that can bo imagined. The shores are generally bold and lined with cascades, formed by tho many invisible water courses which empty' into it.—Those nature hai low growling of the mastiff, which the wifo kept, admirably suited to the purpose of mill seats.— in dtc-snme room with herself; risiug up, to quiet The portion of Florida in the vicinity of the Su wannee, as .it becomes known, will yet attract much interest, and we hopevwiil reward the en terprise of the industrious. The President of the United States hns by his Letters Patent, of the 20th inst. recognized Edmund Molyncux, Esq. ConsulofhisBritanuic Majesty, to reside at Savanuuh. .T.he Chamber of Commerce of the city of New York, have adopted the recommendation of a Committee of that body, that the enstom of allow ing 2pcr cent, tnre on Cotton fronj New. Orleans, be abolished. The reason assigned is, that tbe tat-e is not allowed in other States, nnd in New' Y6rk only upon this species of Cotton. '1 The two districts in tho States of Vermontand Massachusetts, which' are still unrepresented, in Congress, seem determined, says the National Intelligencer, to remain unrepresented. As there are more than two candidates in each of these districts, neither of them has been able- to com mand tholegal majority of votes. jt / : '. From the Fukcai littum. Wo dhcuVariliHt siiifiudvibe wt -, ... _ r Pw?w r *^*' r * fallen iutu .au error,'with rfcsptat to the period when. Georgia was first settled by Gen. Ogle- thorjie. ItKleeU inost ut 'the •chronological tables woltavu scan, ure-ubot wrltvi ou this point. —The following(SOpy oi'lFleUer from Gen. Ogle- tliorpo. to tlie Trustees soou after his arrival in Georgia, will show that he probably sot his feet ou oursoil lu Jt.uuary 1733, aud uot "in 1732" a* h u been stated, it will also bo soon, that the first house, ever erected in Georgia; wits com- uieuced ii) Havaitiiuh on flu tilh February, 1733. it would thereture-se.ui projier, llial if weaves have aceilieomaici.k-lirutiau iu coiumemorutiou ui tin* liixtv tiiouieniof our Slate, it should take place 011 tl|oPffi ol Feliiuniy ol the titsuiug year. U li cti cra nnxiit ho tailed our tint "Georgic."— VYopi-c^; ute above mistake, origiunleil from dust, of’our a, u Omriestou. Too Govern or uud asioiulily have given us all possible #u- tourugciiieiil. >.'u. pvupie arrived at Beaufort mi the &Hk January, wlien; I lodged *heni in some uew barracks, ouiit tor ihesoluiert, wlul*t 1 weut myself to view Hie teuvauuah ri/«r; I fixed upon a beulthy situation about ten uiiMeJroni the sep. The river licre forms a half riuMtv, along till uf M hirh ths* iiMikq AM aKaii* An the south side uf which kbc hooks are about. 4t) feet !ngip4od oukho top jf Cat. which they coll a bluff. T,* pinm ground extauds" into the country elxijR 5r» miles, and aloog the river Id.; at,out a’ mho, Ships lliat draw twelve feel water can rjdu witfaiu but yards of theTiank. Up on the river suUiio thervnire of tbis pltin, 1 have •\t ilfi ipwm j|h*4v*qq(ih)ro^«H» so'whWi A. corespondeuco hair passed between Mr. Poin dexter, Senator in Congress from.Mississippi, and Mr. .Iloffman, a Representative iu Congress from New York, in which the.avqwal of all agency as to'the publication in the New York Courier If Enquirer, of certain offeusive remarks by the lat- ter, in relation to the former gentlemau, vvasde- manded. Mr. Hoffman disowned all agency in the remarks. Mr Poindexter, through Mr Davis from this Stato, in Congress insisted on die dis avowal of alj belief, on the part of Mr. Hoffman, in the truth bf those remarks, this Mr. Hoffman refused. ■ A demand for personal satisfaction fol lowed. This Mr. Hoffman responded, by refu sing to accept the challenge—Southern Patriot. CxtARLr.sTo.v, Feb. 22. WASHINGTON COURSE.. Great Match Race between Col. Johnson't Bonnets O'Blue, and Col. Singleton's Clara Fisher. This interesting Race look placo over the Washington Course yesterday, nnd was attended by about ten thousand spectators. Bonnets O'. Blue was decidedly the favorite nag, npd bets of two to one had been taken before tho clay of .race, and tho like hots were offered and taken at the post. Tho day was remarkably fine—cool for the season,and tho tract dry aud firm. Thurowasno lack of shoe on tho part of tho competitors, and the fine figure! of each attracted universal udmi ration. < • - When the order to saddle'was given, and the clothes taken eft’, there was a general and spon taneous sUMaW of enthusiastic feeling, in see ing so much symmotry and beauty as was natur- ally reflected from the ono to the other. s When the drum gaye its tap for mounting, and each courscMuxtnjued the burden of the rider, a now vigor a*d tfuiraation w'as given to their step wa , and eye.. They were brought up with elastic tread to the post, andiitthdtapor the drum, like tho hghtumg which courses the horizon, they flew 'Bonnet* O'Bluo taking tho load, Whichiihe sustained for the first mile, running iu snltyiM style, ln-ihe secoud round, tho daring hleo<J or Carolina mado ahold push on Virginia's lltdl UCI'VOt Tbfl COQtClt WH1 viiiMmI nlu* *n resistibio Clara Fisbor. Tho time of thulieat was taken by four persons in tho staud, aud they oil nmted-that it was 7m. 45 a. 3 9— —woftredftyH^apoti equal w*. ij^ n tho -' ubj * et ‘ * a . d .® M r accepted. It was clearly per ceptible that Booueu O'Blue could not have won the first heat • , After the usual time of rubbing, which is .30 minute* on her Washington. Course, they were *^ a '2. bfouebf’F. <a the pest. Agsin the, mov- t S•JSS'i ^? 0UCU O’hloa leading a* at first—Clara 1: tghtt ^cpt close upon tbe flauk* for tb# first rounds'and part of the aeeond, when she made an ellqft tn pas*, and failed, ller friend, ted States; nud for the payment ol the arv and other pensions. Mr. S u ,;,|,. ted the importance to tho pnU; c «ervii» ^ dily passing tho above named bills fc, . vocally read the third time anti pfihtd: •« hills from the House were rend tlie •kTis* ordered to a secoud readiug; aud t,.„ hills were ordered to n tliird rcitdinr. v. resolution on tho subject of Ihe u/M t! been taken up, Mr. Aliller, of South Canl'if ‘ dressed the Senate until a late hour ia tion to thu protective system. Before Mr'i had concluded, the. Senate adjournal Thursday. lit tlie {(case of Representatives,'-?* Mr. Boom of ludiuna, repohed a bitf^t. ate tho prtio of the public lands, uhj c & twicp aud referred to u committee of do. on tbe statb of tho Uuion. It provides ih„' July 1.1832, all the public lauds whichn, M been, or tnay bo offered fortrabliciale, and'* rouiuia unsold, ?haU be subject to stk by or entry, at seveuty-fivo coots per acre; aud Ijuus ofl,cred for salo and retfiainiog uc* tcii years/ahtll besubjoct to sale at fifty c. L acre. The rtv'eluiioo. bf JJr, Eyerett, of M chusctu, uu tiursmyeef of tha Indian i, C( j , to tltc Secoud Auditor of ttvr Treasury,* Yukeit un. Tha question was, on iff! Mr. Wilde to refer thesubject to a couuta 'tho whole tm thu state pf the Union, tea |,vj memorials on the ftidtau question had a :Zt , been referred. Tho rcsoSuflou was ndented vote of»yc»'92,nuy«^ , ^ The resolution, as modtiAf, [/ as follotre Besotted, That tlw committee ou the lauds be iuitructcd to inquire, to vfLom. what condition life tract of land reserved K 4th article Qfthe treaty with the ChtckasM of Indians, of October 19, 1818, *ai | t whether tho said tract ha* reverted to the t States, on tho failurcof tho condition of serration: whether any change hasbaucud attempted to be made, iu thu lease aforesaid consistent with the condition and object of d *<Tvaticiu; and if so, wlieu, by wheia.m * favor, and to whuluffcct said change mi or attempted to be mode; by whom the ti foresaitl is uow occupied, possessed, or cl. what was its reputed value in 1818, aud*. its value, as faros can lie ascertained, with er to send for persons aud papers; and ni-di to report what measures (if auy) it is propa this Jlpuse to adopt, iu the premises. Waihi N0T05, Fti. In the Senate,!Mr. Bentou, from them tee ou Military Affairs, reported a bidnpe the laws establishing brevet rank in throw so a hilt to increase the number of ismuat' geom in, the navy. Mr. Clay’s rcsoletw taken up after the morniug business, aud Ut. Mr concluded his ipeech iu oppositioutoit Dallas has the floor for this day. In the House of Representatives, Mr. Cli submitted a resolution for the appointment select committee to inquire into tli-.uifuac of the'Bnnkoi' tho United State), with'ptffi send forpersous anil papers. A bill deiuiiq qualifications of voters in tbe Territofpf kousaa was passed. .'Xhe Home»peuthim iu committee of the whole on the stale id fi nlou, upon tho bilj making appropristiau fa army for tho year 1832, and Use general ipp ation bill for 1832. Various ametidtntu* adopted, vkhen the - committee rove, rejsnd bills, and tbe house adjourned. 1 Washioutox, FA In the SUnale, -the Vice. Prtudeut coaai led a letter from the Goveruor the Virginia, tranuiniuiug certain reseiutioas by the Gcueral Assembly of that fitate. sive of their feelings nm.'those of ths p Virginia, with regard to the removal, bj Coat of tlie remains of George Waxliiugtoo. fri o " Vcmuu. After tbe, presentation of a rtial Petitions and memorials, the oil! grautiag acres of. land to tho Territory of Aritniu, 1 in the erection of a Court House aud Jnl 11 tie Rock, was after having beta explained advocated by Mr. King, ordered to be«op» for a tliird readiug. On motion of Mr- w tho Senate went into the consideration of D tivo liuiiqei,, and; when the doors were adjourned over to Monday next. In the Mouse, of Representatives, Mr. mougb, from<the committee ou Naval A5«v ported a bill for the reorganization of tbt it provides for'the increase of the corpiu Culomd Commandant, ooe Lieuteusni-t- 11 " two ; Mojori, eight Captnius, twenty-foor LMutenunu, twenty Mcond Lieuleu*uu,|* , ’ five .Sergeants, seventy-five Corporals, “ seven Drummers, thirty-seven Filers, »» thousand Privates. The second sccuon rep tho pay and emolument* of the'officer 1 *•* commissioned officers of the corp», i’J " them bo an equal footing with the »*nie the army, aud the third places the cort»s us* rules aud regulations ol die Navy. lt <™* twice nud committed to a committee ofi» on tho state of the Union. The resyhiW* cd by Mr. Wayne, calliugonthe SnriHO Treasury for a report of inch au Bre*4“* ho may dcom best calculated to ccniprt'^ officers of th# Customs, by 'subsmunu? ‘ for foes, was taken up and mloptei,.--" 0 of Mr. Johnson of Kentucky, an S' ve *!J was ordered on Monday, in ardot to t.') 1 Post Office ML Tho llousd to acommiUee of tlie whole, Mr., chair, upon tbo hill to editpcnsaleWrij, ( for tho destruction, hy her IjW jjjj 1 j frigate Phiiadelphia, at Tripoli- S/u '. j traduced mu amendment to ajlpTO'fwM, sum of 10,000 for the nieces of OvpP'*7 catur, hut tbo proposition question then IMWMlMPMef moot, to appropriate to ttttif W®*** 1 ' ( the $31,tXw proposed b j.'^o Mil J.° Mrs. Decatur. A discOiuou cusuw. ^ the committee rose without colfclufi j - ou tbo question. Mr.' W#Wtou(i w* >on the subject. At half j>a*t w* 1 ouse adjourned. _ r.v Io ths Senate, yesterday, the bid I tract of 1000 acres of Uud VlJ» Arkaasis, for tha erection of a 1 1 jail at Little Rock, io said 1 erritor); f-j new »aw »bgt hid b« fn f Mrrd b muv 0( - that >U wea wjtira # qjri ot bscMgs. 'them Sho the third time add 1 committee on Indian Affairs, rf f^ provide for tb* appointment of » 1 JJH Iodiao Affiirs, end for other purp read, aud o dered to n te. " 11 - 1 ^ the petuiwas and mcuiO'i»i»p rc J^‘^' y ( , era! froeg.fiUHOehteenw^ p#"*