Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, March 10, 1832, Image 3

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***** Barbary c*a*t, which war read (i**. com mitted to acommittee ofthe whole i»i^' , le 0 f the Union. Mr. M’Dttfiic, from H , he ‘mittco of way* and means, uporteii a bill * e .^°7.nnronria«ions for Judina mmuities for was similarly disposed of. Tb. re- ^nn offered by Mr. Clayton, of (leorgia. for ‘“^ llmmentotR select committee; to UWe»- tb* 'Pjf: jtHirfra ofthe Bank of the United Suites, taken up. Mr- Clayton brought for- ,r * , |ivariety of charges against the Bank, ia- *•?* that of usurious practices, nuibtjontended ' uCS ° Washington, Fcbuary, 29. t ibe senate, yesterday, after several tuerauriulr ‘ litions hud been presented, Mr Hayne, oq I, ,J' introduced a bill extending the right of de- I [**!?' t0 Key West, which was twice t'eqtl and emitted to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. WPJ after occupying the floor for about two ’jaiiciailed his speech in favour of the Pro- K oamotion toadjourn—Mr.h.willconuuue. nnMf .j ,i lmll -h ,i,;„ aw.i.5 i-.T—’ V 0 ! . i- to a motion to adjourn, I,pencil today. I lime liause ofBopresemaltves, several hills l “ peiKirtcd aud comiuitafd. Mr. Dinldridgt lu tho committee on llte District v,EO"*-“- from th»% furflier. cno.. passed through this town (to tho 1st inst oil their way to Washington. The entire Delegation is vostod with Ml power to dispose ofthe Territory now in the ocenpaucy of the Creeks in Alabama. If. putrid ia Oougreh, by u Delegate in* tile" hitiiu, Is. District I _ Kut. The remainder of ilie day was devdMl I itc ctiyossiuj question-of, the flank of'tire Paul Bute*. Mr. Hoot- iutroikiefit varloiis'a-' jcudinests to tltchiB for rceharlermg that inati- tiion; sod >ho resolution of Mr'. CliiyToif, of (Jeor- G, for tho-appointnioift Df* Seh-’crt’omiiiiUet?, EttUkeli up «*d'd;.ious.i.J iFitli' iuutli'auima.. I a I,rMessrs. Phi Wii, Pol It, Jo It i fty,tiql; rcto b& Eiscb.snd Buntiogton. -Vmteai'ly live yVlodk, p.House ildJourneu.A’idioiitcdiiiitig to «uy tie* paupontt.^ s - \vAsn,NoVo.N, Mttth'j. ' Utbe Senate, yesterdays after the presentation ifitrerut petitions and the adontiou ti"f ihu reso* nioui oilkfed bk Mmiday aud Tuesday, several' i were passed,-among which was tho bill sup- leutsl, fo the-uct-grantiug tho" right of. tire- , r tioa to settlor* on ibe’' public lauds. Tho trial order (Mr, Clay’s resolution on tho Tariff) krigt been called, Mr. Forsyth rose and sub- C;Ut;l ,iu-a®eudmcnt'committing the resolution, Lh the substitute offered by Mr. Hayue, to tho fr»r' f Finance, Maiiuficluivj, aud Agri- Lure, with a view to their presrutiug such a 'codification of the Tariff as wQl comport with E,variousiuterests ofthe country. Mr. F. then Lite for about two hours in opposition to tho Protective System; and when he had concluded, *jr. Robbins gave notice of his intention to ad- is tho .Senate on the subject, aud moved an iDmmeut, which motion was carried. Mr. _Hins, therefore, has the floor today, finite House of Representatives, the Post Of- re Bill was passed through a eoimniltce'of tho >ole on the state ofthe Union, nndordered to be grossed for a third reading. Mr. Vance moved ^ameudment to it, granting tho power of ap- listing Deputy Postmasters to the President of «United States, by and with the diltict and cor,i> J the Senate; hut tho amendmeut was uega 1 by s vote of ayes 74,’ noes 55. After the unction of some further business, tho House |e«t into a committee of the whole, Mr. L. Con- ict iu the chair, aiid took up tho hill to amend [• noting Revolutionary Pension List. Mr. fuhbud andMr. Ward addressed thetommitiee MMIotthe bill. On motion of Mr. Wick- pe. taf committee considered the bill for the gasiMtiim of the Ordnance Department, and xrrted it the House. At four O'clock, an ad omenUMk^laco^JV/gra^ TELEGRAFttl. mac ore, oaoaqiAr m itDAYs MARCH 10, 1832.] [COTTON—Has come In freely this week, and 1 h*T* been brisk at 7 a 94 cent*; principal *at 8 a9—Choice lots 9J Augusta Courier caDs the Free Trade >, which, in Convention at Charleston, late- unsunced their intention to resist the laws of 1 luion, "Jacobin Clubs." The term it most toprtate, The Freuch Jacohiu-i held in secret < emu-meetings—so do tho uullie*. On their t talented opposers they made asatuutn-iikc ->oilo the ltullies. In their inflatninato- lnL *’ they did not confiqc their reprehensions eactual abuses iu administering government, |f*» largely ou falsehood anil scurrility—so F*Wto*» They warred ngsiust order nnd do the nultics. With liberty mid o Wjcouitantly in tlnir mouilis, they omlcvia PJ acted on the principle, "tho JllNOUITY . U«r«"—so do the nuliies. They waged |u>u» hostility against religion aud its Divine _ur—so do the nullics gin ilu eonnsol and l, Cl ‘ Dr. Cooper. Hut in ail those coin- tw nothing won term' it apparent—.the high °j nuliiiicaticn having r.e-n ih- fri>'u<„ Pjuini and s-rviut et tiioponiid of French ill 011 ?.'. DidcirvnasuncVs.iierniit, theW- t"* furtlirr exteu Ivd. and the 1 OM Would thtok. htdtoht, »y, 9a ^ 6^, Journal Md MilladgtTiji, R^Her, chanjt of «ditor», m the followiaj ptrt of titf tK* ibo&ku*** d*l*y*f to \ha **' ffr/^oiuoibii. Diia* 1 ™ House of Representatives, numerous recent !« “‘nd memorials were presented, as iscus- hii speech: It U due to the Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff of co “ ut ?* **ate, that their letters, con- taming the sheriff salcsof that county tor April, were not received till the 7th instant, thourh lost marked “‘2>tb February”—making a period of au-teea days which they were on the w!iy. It is Sa»» t0 il ' ld ’ , that tho deh y cau be neither directly nor remotely attributed to the Post Office tu Macon.. Imi»rtant and True.—'The Couucil of Chiefs of the Creek Nation, held near this town, has iusi terminated. This Council as we remarked tu the last bnquirer, was couvoncd to deliberate ou tha terms of a trenty recently proposed by the United States, through one ofthe Creek Delegation at Washington. The result oftb« meeting has been Treaty. We understand that tho Government ac quiesced iu tho propriety of resctvns in tee aimpie of one toiles*square, to such heads of families as chose tu remain aud submit to the lawiof Alahau.ur It Was atipulated, tuo, we believe, hv the govern reserves whenever the proprietors dj-wedto emigpije should hii‘valtw<l by tpnrln- diauiiaud a-VHitemuu, aeominitioner, to he de- sigpaterf by the Ur States. The provaliug im pression b tjiatihe* Delegation is instructed to take Visen es for the use ol inch Indians as are a- verse to ah'nudou-ug the Creeks ountry.-*G'»towi- hus Enjuirtr. . , THE MISSIONARIES. The following let ter gives some account of tho progress ofthe triaj ol tile cause of the Missionaries before'the Su preme Court. It will he seen the sympathies of tho writer are strongly enlisted in behalf of (he reverend convicts, aud against the authorities of Georgia, ■'.•■■y '.' i Corretfondenu of the Charleston Courier. WASHINGTON, Feb; 21. . There was little business before the Houses o'f Congress yesterday. Monday being always set apart, after a certain period of the session hasex- pired, for the presentation of petitions, memori als, &c. an hour to an hour aud-a half are always occupied in tills business; and this consumes />o much of the business hours, that by the time' the Reports are made from 'the various comopuee^ and the necessary allotment for the consideration of Ucsqlutipns, and subjects lying on the Speak-’ er’a table, tho hour of adjournment is generally so ucar at hand, that there is but little, desire ou the part of aanjorityof the members logo into any matter that will provoke discussion. Mr E- wing of Ohio occupied the floor of the Senate, making a masterly speech ou the Tariff resolu tions of Mr Clayt ahd in answer to those wlio hud spoken against them. There was a larger cohertion of auditors in the Chamber ofthe Supreme Courl than in either of the Houses of Congress. You tire aware that the Missionaries who "have been imprisoned in the State of Georgia, under a sentence condemn ing them te labor for four years, have appealed against this sentence to the Supremo court. Mr Sergeant opened the case. He spoke for four hours With his accustomed talent and effect. Al* though I have no taste for pleadings in courts, and uie afgnmeuts of counsel, 1 certainly did no violence to my feelings, aud put no constraint up on my inclination, by listuuing to Mr Sergeant’s elaborate exposition of tho unconstitutional and oppressive manner in which the authorities of Ge orgia have demeaned themselves towards individ uals whose only crime, as described by the learn ed couusel, was, thatthey resided among theCbe- rokecs for tho purpose of preaching the gospel, and translating the Scriptures inter the Cherokee language, according to tho humane feeling of the Missionary %>ard, undsr the direction of that board, with the consent of the Cherokeos them selves, and under the anthority of the President of tho United States. Mr Wirt is with Mr Ser geant in 'the case, and was present while hislcar- ned colleague w.-u speaking. I think, judging from the uumberof porsons present, and the ex hibition of feeling in their countenances, that great anxiety prevails iu reference to the deci sion of this case. All the Judges were present, with the exception of Johnson. Washisotoa, Feb. 24. The Cherokee cate was closed by Mr. Wirt yesterday, and as there appeared no otto for Geor gia, it is of course submitted to the decision of the Court. I was converting this afternoon with an eminent lawyer, not concerned iu the case, and 1 found it to be hit decided opinion, that the judg ment of the court could cot lie otherwise than in favor of the Missionaries.—Correspondence of the Charleston Courier. Controversies at ff\iik|'ngtoji.—We stated f(w days since, (he substance Ufa correspondence u hu h h id appeared in the National intelligencer, hetween Mr. Poindexter, sf Mississippi, and -Mr. Iluffiu ui, of New York. The Washington Globe of tho 22d ullt contains the entire corretpoe- '.Uuce between all the parties. It is a tolnawhal ehmjilicatcil affair. ' , . TV lirst U tter iu the senes is one dated the Kjtlrttlj. horn Mr. JPoindextsr lo Mr. Bergen, a member InOSuK*** from New York; requiring I him m avow dr disavow all participation in the tne jucomus; aud iliii Hr.-dou replied, tno uext nay. inrei 5./, u l'J'uh dily asndiciont guaranty for life Col. Wehh, ‘’Uiat Mr. Samuel Li. Clement* did Wn. Oarolsin. In the languagd stall to se'vdrsi of ths New .Yeck delegation in Jijj Uriur ' "they are now afraid their fac- k f c ,.‘, C ff u ‘ Jricc i> near its end, und foreseeing filcac 'i " n ^ crt ko rocdmineu-latiou of the I;"' ,n "°, u tho discMitintiHuceof thene- I '! i'r ‘ l w:is priusipally built, will rO,. oilify t no Taj-iiX dnring tha present set- i»o ,|f.. - P ; «paring for tho catastrophe.— wen,;i onv eation at Charleston, and tho I, - suunaciation ot its pnrpupot to r<- loam, from the Courier, Ttati'ot , or d‘ :,n ’ 'nat were present at the '-•CT-fw,,' oa ‘7 0,10 or ‘wo camuisudod the in- Proceedings. d 1 ?* £ koierA morbus having ap- r*tnan " ll *' Dtely pu'mdted ill the New f !9 bd i^. 1 ’ l * P fo «ou.iced by inn Mobile pa- "»'.arn,', 1 'l c,1, °" without a solitary circurrr- >c °Uut -nanoo it. 3 Congtess in his .presetice. that Jlr< Poindoater ami <<orernorMoore.of, liar! ign edto aid him witlt" esuhlisli n t)i wspuper in Mississippi or' Alabama. That QlaipSOt* !wd said that Poiudrxtur i*flsM furnish a ccr(uin sum in eiub, and Moore; hoingsomowhatcniuarrassco iu his circu n.t meat, waste give an emloirsed uote for I»J doU.vrs. Mr. ^t«* «•»'* coQvcrsAiion ho reposuMto Oor. James ,>V {iUoo Wohb, hdt did not hold Mmwlf rotjiousihjf lor rx inferences which lu (Wobh) wight draw from About the time that Mr. Uoffman was, it is sta ted. chtileaged by Gov. Poindexter, a uotc was presented to Mr. Besgea, by the lion. S. D. .Mil ler, of this, ritate, from Gov. Moore, of Alabama, who,'conceiving himself tmpiieated iu iho para graph complained of iu the New Yu. - Courier®: Enquirer, demanded that Mr. Borgco disil-iim ill participotioo in the ofloDsive puMicaliou. Xo ! that he did qDt "vouch for the truth tithe.- ot .ne u . Vu: ‘ >» «a’ -T.-itow, oixtiw -freu oriuCtreuoes which it contained." On too w Mmtu Vga Borixi. Mr. Forsyth, mut day Uf »•***«• “■ P^****-/ ^ &Mta texnu he had uaed In his nous to Mr. Poin dexter. ’^he next day Gov. Miller called at Mr. Ber gen’s lodgings, and left w ith him the note address ed to Gov. Moore, declaring it to be unsatisfacto- ry, ahd at tke same time expressed a desire that Col. W'ebb might not be 1 the hearer of any other note, inasmuch os his principal did not .consider him as a gentleman, and that it was, betides, the decision of both, that his (Webb) could not act as a friend, wbsn he was a principal, being the pro pagator of the alleged libel on Uov. Moore. A note follows on the same day from Mr. Ber gen to Mr. Miller, repeating hid former declara tion, that Col. Webb was fully authorised to act for biin in the business, and returning the same answer to Gov. Moore’s demand. Both uotes wore returned by Mr. Miller, in a hlauk envelope, a few hours alter. Mr. Bergen then delivered in person tbs two notes to Mr. Miller, at the doorof tile Senate Chamber, accompanied with the re mark, that he hud no further explanation to offer, 'lhe correspondence terminates by a long letter from Col Webb to Mr. Miller, dated the. 21st ult. in which he charges Mr. Miller’s principal with cowardice, iu resorting to the plea that ho (Webb) was not a geutlemuu. In this leuer Webb ad mits that he did not intend to permit Mr. Birgen to meet Gov. Moore, but to consider himself as the principal, as be had publicly declared he was "personally responsible for tho truth of. the charg es m the New York Courier & Enquirer, as well as any opiuums or sentiments maintained in the article alluded \.u."—Churltsion Patriot. . ' ^ n I’»V| '• The case of George W. Murray vs. John A. Jones,’ for slauder, in Baldwin Superior Court, came ou fur trial, all the anpenU ou 'Friday 2d inst. Thg trial commenced at 10 o’clockt the .ttatipiony mid the argument of the Various points raised by Counsel in its progress, occupied the Court till 9 o’clock, P. .vl. when the case was ably aud elaborately argued hy Counsel afld> sub mitted to the jury,, with ibe charge of f thy Court, at suu-riso the -next morning, who, rendered a verdiet of SM).A)ilaifngos. "• Couusel for Plaintiff, .8. -Rockwell, R. K. Hiuea and W. 8. Rockwell, Esqrs.—I’or the Defehclaut, Seaborn Jones and John II. Howard, Esqrs. £ ’ ; AV e also understand, that InaCnio of seduction, tried this week in Morgan Superior Court, a ver dict was rendered against the defendant for $933 33 cents.—Recorder. Mr. Samuel E. Clement has published,.in the Washington Globe of the 29th ult., n-slatemont, in which he coulradicts the allegations against him that appeared in the New York Courier and En quire, and which led to the controversies between Messts. Poindexter and Moore, on the one side, and Hoffman and Bergen, .op the othgr.-. Mr. Clement affirms, that neither Governor . Moore nor Mr. Poindexter ever tendered him pecuniary assistance for 'the establishment of a newspaper in the State of Mississippi; hut that, these gentle men merely offered to furnish him with letters of introduction, to their friends .in that part of the country.— Southern Patriot., - Mobile, March 0, COTTON;—An effort was made by holders in die middle of the week to procure hotter prices ib the medium qualities, aud a few- dry lots may- have brought a slight advance; but It is believed that today, purchases for these grades may-he marie on as good .terms ?* those of last week, and that no actual appreciation is established. In choice cottons however, there is a permanent improvement. They may ho estimated'ot J to'Jd/ better, and we quote at 10j to 10j." BaieV of two small selected parcels, have been made as high as lie., hut this we < onsiiler too high as a standing quotation, as no lot of magnitude, under ordinary circumstances of solo, would command til at rate. It is ioalcidated that there are no «»!e from 15,000 to 18,000 bales. * .. Case of Joseph Jfourae.—The Supreme Court 6f the United States decided on the 48th ult., that the Circuit Courl had no appellate jurisdiction ih this case, thus affirming the decree of tho District Court. — Mon wise than Humane.—The Emporor of Chi' na having boon advised by bis brotborof Russia tc establish a cordon sanitairs to keep off cholera, replied "that the disease only killed the idle, the filthy, atid the dissolute, and that he could very weUaffond toioaefive miliiont of such subjects'" The commerce of the .West dependent on the rtferObio, aud its tributary streams .gives employ ment to 190 steam boats, 5000 flat I tests or arks, and not lets than 40,000 met! and boys. GREAT MOVEMENT IN THE WEST, American OjJlce Extra, Cincinnati, Feb, 14,1332. The Flood:!! Tht Ohio ainco or last notice has continued to rise rapidly. Early on Sunday morning it took a fresh start, and continued du ring tbeday to rise at the rale of about 3 inches per hour. Yesterday it rose at the rate of about one iucb per hum-, ovcrfluwiug the greater purl of the third aud fourth words. Water street is navigable for boats of almost any touunge. The Robert Fulton, which left yesterday for 'Louis ville, was obliged to back up the stieetto clear the "Lucie Sam." The office of tho Commer cial Advertiser at the corner of Water and Front streets, it flooded with water about four feet ou the first floor. Our publishing office ut the cor ner of Columbia pod Main it surrounded with wa ter, hut we hope to reacb-it-thia murnihg by small destruction of property is immense—cel lars tilled with water-board-yards swept off ev ery stick of timber'—aftd some booses already ou iiio mure. .'?iucc« w riting the above we have bean out re coimoitertug tho premises. VVtpi(p sueoe! 'Hue water still on tile rue—people moving in every dircl-iiOii—spins from the unit to the second alo ne, -inner, iruin me second e,c.ipmg iu bous ltisuu .ountedij the greatest rise over known.— A trieu.l si hii arrived iu tllo N apoluou from nbovo, reports nineteen house# oil the usiy, which tuny bo expected tti duo season, ftM joasr part .of A lie- ghssy Tuwuoppnsuo t’itiiiiurgh, was htcially a- fioat. The btrsia 8nw Mill ha-u-ilits.mooring*., Above Wuee i g a whteh- nU <u . m<l wtsu- key was lodged safely al tht h«d > m i»land. As Lawrence.-Uigibetoiv u», tna ud.. is, w *o 'cared hy good eubeis to itio ocaivst iiluhs—tha hownver we shutitiKhoc he wuimg to .vouch lor* aq iosim serio'u, d.iubls ivheiticr itny iimigWosshthft 1 j’h' *•"* • There isscarccij ground enough tubea at Murustta.forthe dove to rest nposK No cue cau >ay when tho waters triU ityShutoo The number of houses afloat mutt.prasout a A igular spoetaalo. They ui o uov generally worth much though their oisrnce at thi, tiiuo must oc, cussott considerable mfenne. i-oth ysoMpduj and today the weatoer has naett rats and disa- gitcabie. Charity ythiud objects worthy ot U r mini servicos. . The above was written forth* American, which ivc hoped to publish this morning but it is uu- pr u-ncublc. Our prMdhsg <»»#• «“iy he, reached hy hosts. The cassgsosition room ueiug iu s sopar-ite, (isstemliag soop to move) naai.-*r* u i«niH>*h.nlu Ij a pupcr l***- - pre- sold, There i> yet no ibststnoot ofsbo wstc.». r.i rive.s cois'-ituu In n»i u.kivo, sweHsug roe t>- n.u -.u ;. >;id i.ei; \ s osmbowtsea* ncitho.- to*d hor uoloau; ovecy pwc is cuiplWsdl^jaoviBg, fittll C^vbkBrvTp} Is cwBoly qs» "w jrftoi* question' and due whole' bottom'ohoie presents a sea of waters. The Uncle Sam, Atlantic. Farmer, Tennesse an, Carrolltou, boats of the first claas, with a grout number of others are in th* river, we can not say at the landing. The ’70 haj^just arrived from New Orleans. ' > * . . WCAjRHIKD. In Pike county, ou ’Tuesday the Ctb inst., by Tfaos. Thornton, Esq., Mr. Coleman O. Cooduin, » Miss Caroline J. Fryer, daughter of Z. L. Fryer. „ HEAD QUARTERS, GEORGIA, Forsyth, ti lth Feb., 1832. F i ohcdienco to the order of the Commander in Chief, the Review and Inspection of the Militia of the 8th Division, by Regiments and Buttalious, will take place as follows t In'Dooly county, on Monday and Tuesday, second oqd third*days of April next. In Houston county, on Thursday and Friday thereafter. Ju Crawford,comity, on Monday anti Tuesdliy, tho uinth and tenth. In Bibb county, on Thursday and Friday; the 12th aud 13th. In Pike county, on Wednesday aud Thursday, the eighteenth aud nineteenth. In Upson county, on Friday aud Saturday, the twentieth aud twenty-first; and iu Monroe county, on Thursday, Friday, aud Sa turday, the twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh and twcuty-eigbth. •' ‘ .. . \ On the first named day. in each County, tho drill of ollicurs, non-commissioned officers, and musicians will take place, Bpd tho days following, the review aud inspection of the militia. Brigadier-Generals Wellborn and' Rutherford •will order their respective Brigade Inspectors to make out two full nnd Complete returns of the pared by reri le Commander Division Inspector, i or the due execution of the above orders, the Ctmiraaudiug Guuerals of Brigades, will in person attend each regiment throughout their respective brigades. -. Every act of disobedience and insubordination will he noticed by the reviewing officer of the day, duly and appropriately punished. Colonels .Cq'nitauudiiig will have tbeir regiments under arms£y 11 o'clock, a. m., without tail, lfy order ol Mujor-Oeueral ELIAS BEALL. N. B. Williams, Ltlision Inspector. I AM very thankful'to my friends for the pat ronage they have extended tome since I commenced business, and still hope to merit a continuance of it. My pressing wdnt of money compels me to call on those who have notes aud accounts with me, - unsettled, to pay them up. 1 want to pay my debts,-bat cannot without their assistance. I wish a compliance without giving me further trouble. V .JOHN SMITH. March 9 ’90 White Lead. < KEGS White Lead just received and W wJF- for sale by 7HUNGERF0RDS & STODDARD. Morph9 96e . ... . ;.•* ' A CAUTIOIf, LL peradnl arc warned against trading for a note given by Maiy Busin for her husband Benja min Spainto Edmond Wheliss or lusrer for one hun dred and twenty-five dollars on demand the 1st inst. March 6 wttp : BENJAMIN SPAIN. • Law Notice. ENJAM1N F. HARRIS nnd JAMES M. JtJP SMYTH have associated themselves in the Practice of Hie Law under the firm and style of Harris (f Smyth. They .wiH practice in all the Courts of tho Flint Circuit. Their office is kept in tho eastern end of Griffin's building, Forsyth, at |Which'-plaqe one of the firm may at any time b« found, unless absent on professional business. Feb 10 ' 73. 3m Cusupheli ftflicE. tt/BTlLLT). sold on the Gut Tuesday in M.\Y n»*t, Tv befjre ibe court house door in Campbellton, Gnmpbell county, between the usual hours of sule, One House and Lot on the southwest side of Main street, in the town of Campbellton, knhwn iuthe plan of said town, by front lot, No. 33, nnd on* hundred fifty-two and n Irnif acres of Ijtnd It bring tb* south part of Lot No 29, in the ninth district of ori ginally Coweta now Campbell couuty, nnd the undi vided half of lot No. seventeen, pi the ninth district of originally Coweta now campbel comity—levied on ot the property of TAomn, Smith, to satisfy an tie* culionin lavorof the Stale of tieorgin vs said Smith abd hi, securities, isn collector of the couniy of Campbell, for the year 1830—properly pointed out by IllHnclinrd te Campbell, securities’ attorneys. Lot of Land, No. 62, in lhe tevenih district of originally Coweta now.Campbell county—levied pn hs the properly ot J. C. Coker nnd John It’. Penti- eoi/to satisfy a Fi Fs in favor of Thomas Evans as* signee vs said Coker and Pent host. Lot of !Land No. 69, in iho seventh district of originally Coweta now Campbell county—levied on as the property of Garrett Freeman to sathfy a FI Fainfttvor of John Brewster vs said Freeman. Lot,of Land No. 32, in tho second district of originally Carroll now Campbell county—Isvied bn as the property of Edmund llifks fir Jhmei Belly merchants Ac. to satisfy a Fi Fa Issued from Jasper suerior court Iu favor 01 Garland Maicy vs said Hicks A Bally. v . *. ' rj/7, Loi of Land No. 92, in the fourteenth dis trict of originally Fayette now Campbell county—le vied on as the property of IFi'f/tesi Blake, deceased, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Jackson Inferior court in lavorof John W. Turner v mid Blake and Tho- mah A. Dabbs—property pointed out by Rnnsons Thompson. Bi F.AS I.Y. March'9 Dtp. Sheriff. Georgia, Coweta County. KRG IlEKEAd Edmund McSuiain e|tplieS to me tor tv Letters of Administration on the eststs of Jo- leph.Hearty, late ot Columbia county deceased— These an therefore to cite and admonish all and «n- rular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections, if any they hare, in my office utiMiis ’he time prescribed by law, why said letters should ttot ic granted. Given under my band, this 16th day of Jan. 1833. CO 8IHON HOUSE, c. c. o. riVB DOLLARS REWARD. R AN AWAY from the subscriber’s plantation on Tobesofkv, on Bunday the 19tb ult. a negro fellow named BEN,28years old, about fifeet 10 inch es high, yellow complesloned,stoops a little in walk ing, has lost one of his under front teeth, generally smiles when spoken to. Had on when he Went awny a white homespun roundabout, a grey seal skin cap— took also with him a strew and n black fur bst, with sundry other articles of Clothing not recollected. Ha is supposed to be lurking about Macon or the vicinity. The nbove rewerd will he paid to any person deliv ering said negro at the store of A, R. Freeman fir Co, Mulberry street, Macon. ANN WYC1JE. Match 2 90, . wtf Oeorgia f Batts County* W HEREAS Elisha J. Preslon and James Eros ion apply to me for letlersof Administration on the estate of Gilliam Prtston, isle of said couniy, deceased. , , ' These are therefore lb cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office withiiithe time prescribed, bylaw, to shetf eausei if any they hate, why said letters should not he granted. . -Given under my hand. Ibis 6ih March, 1832. 96 JOHN M’CORD, e. c.o. 80 DOLLARS REWARD. R ANAWAY from the subscriber on ibe night ot tke S3d ult. a bright mulatto woman, SI year* of age, by the r.atne of .* Louisiana* carrying With her a hoy child considerably darker romplected than herself, two months oldt said Woman has prominent jiheek hones, a scar on her forehead occasioned by the kick of a hbrae, and another on bar .left eye brow, her hair tolerably strait, quite thick and Jong, and is usually worn by her tucked up with combs, and her walk is somawhet sluggish. The dress she Wore of is not knoyvn, but ahe carried with her frocks, of blue and while check, silk, ginghams, calico and homespun, some Striped with copperas, and others with black, and ablack figured bomosaetl* riding dress; she stonily ware on her head and neck) yellow cotton handkerchiefs. She wa* enticed away by her husband, ablack follow belonging tb Dr. Ray mond Harris of M’.Intosh county, and who left him about the 20th Jabhary Iasi; tb. follow ha* been ad vertised by his owner- The men, woman end child are in *11 probability together, and it is believed they will direct their oourae either ter Butts or Liberty, is both of which counties the fellow ha-brothers and listen, t will giro THIRTY DOLLARS for the apprehension nnd lodgmeatof the woman and child ineny jail in this^Stateso I get them, or Ffty Dollars on their delivery to meat Forsyth, Monroe county. March! . $0 St ALFRED BROOKS. Georgia. Crawford Gountv. KOKGE PAKMKR tolls before me one BAY ^JF MARK, blind in the left eye, with a long twitch tail, tome white upnh eaeb hind foot, 10 years old and four feel ten inches high. Appraised by Rich ard F. Davis nnd Frederick Pills tothirty-five dollars. . Feb 27.1832. . G. J. TURNER, J. P. A true eitrnct from the eslroy hook. March 9 W. J. HAMMACK, c. t. e. F Notice. RANAWAY (rota the Subscriber on Sunday, the 19th Febraary, two Ne gro**:—One a fellow named JESS, of ehoot thirty-five yeai s old,' below the ordinary site, nearly bald headed. Had on when he went away, a flat crowed wool hat, a striped roundabout jacket, and also bad other clnlhiug with him lied up in a blanket-—Tho other* woman named CATEY,about thirty years old, the wife of said fel low. tied on when she went away, a long fared bonnet, k cotton-bagging apron, Ac.; the balance of her cloth- Ing not recollected, and probably may OUR MONTHS after dute application st ill be I he ehenged, as they bed other clothe* made to the honorable tne Inferior court of Iwlth them. Any jiersun taking them up and confining them in any safe jml so that I can get them, shall b. reasonably rewarded for his trouble; or any informa tion sent to me at Pond-towu Post Office, Sumpter county^srtll be thankfully received. . 84 2lp, BENJAMIN JENK1NB. Butts county When sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to self Ini of lend No, 103, In the seventeenth district of originally Henry now DeKalb county, as the property of Samuel Shodraek. deceased, for the benefit of tne. distributees of bis estate. March 9 96 WILLIAM BLALOCK, Guard. W ILL lie sold on the first Tuesday In JUNE next, before the court ’house in Campbell- ton, Campbell county, between the usual hours uf tale, A Negro Boy named Charles, belonging to the rstntr of Abner Smith, goi Coweta conntv, deceased, fertile benefit ot Moses M. Smith, minor of Abner Smith, agreeable loan orfieroflhe Inferior .court of Campbell county, when sitting for ordinary purpose*. JOHN B. SMITH, March 9 96 Guard, W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in APRIL next i before the court bouse In Monroe couoty, 1 A Negro Woman* by lhe namr of Kutter, lhe property ntJumn Ro#km l«t« of jmid county, deceffifd, for tha h«ne6t of tb$ beir» nnd creditors. JAMEd B- HMITH, tulfn’r. jan 3A ! * 64 «ri/A t*i// nnntztd Will bo Bold, I N the town ot Forsyth, on the 13th of Match sett, to th- highest bidder, a very superior JACK, of iiii.nunl large size. Terms of sale—Smnll notes with approved security; on.- ban |Mvaiile first day of January naxt, and half ou January thuioarter. L. L GRIFITN, F.-b ->1 84-1w -CIRCULATING LIBRARY. F RUM the nunKMoui solit itatiAnt th« fttbtcrUwrt W«v ky # wn«iT fn«!u>'* fint o«* Apr*. .’ m*nCC4V*-nl The ridton, HWo f * "i Mbcelkin ».i * Novels, »hc r**ml •! c t ibirxi Cycl*. rnh' '.1 I*?, oloslaa I Ka> n a CIRCULATING I.IBRA' in make the experiment on the ii iline Is suflfolent encourage, rritwrs to warrant the exjienre ,;i c!i..n will eouatst of works of . gi.iua, Scleutlfie, Clasrieal >*; emlirariugalltbaFopBlar L nnirv. th* Classic a] Library, •An. the Library of Salirioaa hi t L'brary, th* LibraryofUf*- . ..ledge, the Library of Select Novel*. The ,. u p. blianikvu* will I.C added as they come dot t nn.i, b.r lhe. use of subscribe.* only, will he added, a m oilier of Periodical*, such as th* lloctbern Review, \.,rth American Review,tb* Edinburgh and Qaarttr h do. i!.e M-diaeJ Jowrnal ol Seieaca, sad la* Jomnal The Library will bo eoadoated anM fob riodo pns (iced in Other id«**o. TVtms, pee ennorn, ( liulf yearly In ifiriMS. Bubsdriben lnCMa tod Funyth. Marion and Raotvlllo can haeo Bdobt .cut ihetn hv stage, at theiic own rttoand espbaos. A • it.seri,.i i> ii IL. ta «|»ned at dia poat office taoacb i|.ic<. ..Ii.n i mentioned, end ut Our atom. ' " FI.Md.ffiWOTWKLLJkCo VjsAi';. ".nut* N. G. MOLASaESlalSi iu$; r^tday aUfl ft :ount^,wri' Georgia, Fayette Comity. ’ W HEREAS Thomas Loro, William Powatx, and F.dwaho Y. Jon.son apply to me for let- terrof administration on th, estate ol Samuel Par. sons, late,of said county,..deceased; These are. therefore, to cite and admonish alt net«, galas the kindred and creditors of said deflated. It bt and appear aI mp office, within the User* prueribid fie taw, to skew cause, if any they heme, why said Men should not be granted. Given under my head and seal, at office, this It ofJanuary, 1832. 79 . WILLIAM M’BRlDE.c.1 w f< To thc Agents or sellers or Y>™. a.- J ros tb* versaii.u Vatos Bo tel Property *£7” G 1 ENTLEffiEN,—You have bee, i t a!., n , U ;, * requestafl from me to retain ihd zi f..,.™ ln from the aalooi tha Tickets, cnlil tha 8ui f’j , ’ of the Lottery enaooace to yoo that ail < Y nc uaca ' are told. Yod ar* furthar informed,4k*,.' rr - l " first, to act a* sginta In rer.:ovfog the ineuor 0 r ' from tha property, which th* fond* ia your b taken Into theirs. Mil enable them to do; and l* to publish a drawing Iu the copeclty of ScmrlCUud * ants. If the Lotfory aUlmatoly fail, you ere to refund t* purehosar* of Ticket* their money. I have th* pleaaar* to announce to yoo, and to tar (Wfow-eltyMs* ovary.when, tfant the citiaac* it Tbojasraton have aaealmooWy recommended tb* Usjote Hot*! property Lottery to tb* public. Yatt will plena* to Inform (hs Pat rone of the for. Urf, that tha pria* holders of tlckata Mil rwMtn. eomplM* thtaa to tb* prilet. And to rewOtew afi doubt* «m this suhfoct, th* Soperoiteudenta wiil Cot attempt tha toytrtag until all possible ciaiaie arewaM sad iaremkreah«arenM*dG-*o that rhea* thiara eertaih In this Lottary. If there boa 4rewfe c ,'th MW tain bo good titles (A prtM holder* foot of itiiliijlMi if ffitars be no tonMag. ptirehrtam of Sekoto era to. C.iMi#? ** ^jTV^ V1 r5>«» b*