Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, March 17, 1832, Image 4

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INDISTINCT COPY __ Rheriii J&alea. (X/ILlh* mM untlm r,f,c Tue-i.y l:i APRIL V ne Vhbafofr the earn t bouse Inthe town of Ma- <w>v B*bt» *-»att.b.«w*»u the Muolhoursof wle, si 7 a* Lit of Stmts and Boot*, von*'*ii»g of , ’ Jduroceo Shoes A Boot*; , >1 ft'* <*c*. -Jr*'*-! oo on lh« frofvtifjr'.l Par- «, , Clfo-rf -<-> r-jdifr «.Ft Fn foturd from tho ... . Cvtrt of Mbit -aotmty, itvJMor of M K. • • saidPera'di* ft'CharchendOliver3»*e. jZ' L"< i-rid ;«'tff'in mt>nts (mitnb*r not ■*-' ,rr> ) the Mn-tlwira n the .ManAnn House, lUS**! b* Ml*. 1 * -Js-vTsgi, -ft T'l" ll«atld. tU M* /t$rr,efx Ft# f'on Vt« Irfarier court of 6i,i«te Vo fo** ■* T-.bnaa ft Farltnfbr the u-e of • <K. Terrct* »»*0’ •» -Vl.-M*. the adtnfoiatii-.Jnr ,.v "' > v - i rl’s.OS'a ;ii i*-r tt‘irt« WMthnrst vitlif mV V'*£»-<t -r ,<•».»(♦, « 'ftoit.Tli «r*d tjtr HMntrltnl lUolM Campbell SKerifl Sale*. \YAjklLL be sold on the lint Tuesday in APRIL w-/ next, st the court houie in Cumpbelllon, Campbell county, within the usual hours of sale ' • St* Negroes, to wit, Mourning and tier throe children. Silver. Lound and Harriet; also, Peter a hoy 13 years old. and Edia a gir^ 18 years old. alt ie- Tied nn at the property of t homtu J. li'gert, to antlil) 3FlPas,,one In favor ot H'tiry H. Field dr co. one In favor of John M. Ad- ns A co otic in favor of G. 8. Butler, also one in my hands In favor ot Thomas Evans, vs Thomas J Ungers & co. ( Tots fmrii'l* ot Cut ft, levied to sutisK one rt fs In favor of Joint G Roberts. Ex’r- vs /too- rrt Potty aa..h2 BF.VJA.MlN FA SLY. Drp. Hurf .ilic. Kittle itifd «#-tew* One lot fcf L ml. No. 2>7. in the aecmiit district formarly Carroll floss (.amphell comity. 1. •fork *VV* <♦*.««* Jfltey, l’« above levied on as £ A^Vila'liies * VV A ‘ 1 k ’ »AT.'V. »Iii '.i s*fhfv the Fi Fas. ? <_»••" *«* » L-unl, No. Ofi. in the foiirteenllt i.s.u W C. COME. J l»;:n«Jy Fnyftlf IJ01V « county, to- ' -M*. .JaLhJbw '*M »e at the |.ro,,«hv ..f Jesct H-rd, tositiMy ./ar,»t.-14, w«stiscw.-n» At fit* 7lt Jj/m Afo*. ,i lr ,.t (V r< Fa- In favor'< f rtamu.d Hvf.indoo and ;'£nt! filb.f ltc'N*ftoe«. s', vet, to Wit; I>u- Charles Vainer rs. add Hu-ri*. •ijiell i>» egssi . R'JJer, Houtb.n.Geu-fe JftftiKS liPlflllAM, sheriff. Georgia, (Jowota Ounnty. IJH/IiLKLAO Edmund Mb Strain applies to tr.efor f * Letters of Administration on the estate of Jo- »ph Hcurly. late of Columbia county deceased— _ Then art therefore to rite umi idmcnieh mil envt nu- ftt/ue fAt kimtrej and ereditori of mid drrrnvd to fdt 'Heir objection*, if any they Ante, in my offiee udhin ' l ie time iireuritud by luie, uhy mid letters ihou'd not ranltd. Given inider rny hand, this Kith lav »l Joint Jfli)’. 6u ' illl.lN llUU.-h, c. s'.o. t5-ebi,s'i ;» vavstte County. yV97 l i l -t' i.\ ? l.uid,'William : f 5 mil I'nMAnn V f**it v.-om to iiu* lor I li st r of :i(|f!iini«(s wiitus on lUt* i-it;« , n wt Ha mu* l Par tout, litfi* oi ♦»*»«! rimiilv. ilLc«*iiAril: Thrtf nr*, (hert/ure. tc rite unit ndnu.tilth nV and rirf tfufrr thr kiuUrrd mul r/editmi of *a:d dtnnxrd. to b * ml iip^rur nt »ny ojj'rp, within th*. time /itacrihed b. iatr, to tint- (ante, if any they trhy Maid ieitei. .ihuuld not l* fti'fihlrt!. Uivi it iirolrr my ImmJ «ntl flt’Al, Hi **1500, this I7l of JauudJJA*, JiOi. / • 72 ’ Wil l IAM M BIUDH. C. fl. o. COMMISSION-BUSINESS, MACON, GA. . The undersigned, nav- A 7H In* rrreted u large and commodious maydW w'are-llnuseiu I’astMacnh, «*Clln- o»amOhMiW» toll street, (opposite to < inlcmn llum- rnu»ssrffits in the above business. ^ ^ ^ ni , n ' sep 17 ‘ Ittriotiif •seliifuJbTtr.flsVoi. fan Bibb e*yetily.««n. J Ttii.l’is l'.,,wm uiin Cuiiu h- ifii:n<VSr: ,.*J8 ^r:e\ temre or !ev»—levied«a *«t!u , *• • - pigsfts eTX.'gA ttmhnv* astlsiy a Fi l’« leaned fron *W i-"-rict&tu’t •* frjtt in fame ot iie« ftrAdj/f'cr tsaetd UvghHeetU and ifysnt H.miL A.t—viU t* *>'■- a, d'vee. t n the fed Tit.dry in .If v-- ‘ Fiut* Ney ' es, kt<> t»’ u tvoroun, nh utt tor- i, tv^-v Jf. V'si hen, n '*rj ntimi .it years .,id, Mb. •aceTf.ay'S iW thriejesr* tiIJ,t».d l.aeiy.ob nWt ’.ei s-e-irsoM—nl’ ,'rviedon as thep'"|>e'ty . . . -.-uZtirV.'y to eitiify a tnnrtgage Ft Fa Vs"» fs -hi iefcicr cositt of Bnldssin i.onn’y in tavur sf WUhsm J. SanrMy va stiJTbntr.w DafiAN » - vJa.vS. IB'S. 3 * W.M. 11. CONK. I, uuitty, and ti e undo ideifv |..| N„. .•tit.-.i!-; in tly t.iitth district •>inrie.iietlv Cusveti,non eamptnl.:.»t»nt> — levied cm .* tli» piK-prnv i t T/muittt. litntlh. t» satiny an Kie r dl ti in tun." ,if the State of s.,ei>r, S|1 sssnhl Sin.Hi i.nd hi- euvuiiiie*. las coileetnr die county of i.’amjdirU. tor the year lA.tct—property, pointed out iv st). ue’iard .*,• Canitilielt. sceitritin' attorneys Lot of L tut), 7s■ i. 62, in the si'vemli tlidfiic- uf orijfinufl) Cmvfcta m>tv (NtApl'eli county-—levied ••nil’s the nt,sprits' <lt J (’ Cot.eraf.'l J'.tni It'. Vtrjl . rot.'ti. odisfr a Ki Fu in fuvnr of TIiouiuJ Evans A-- j signer "S CoJ.erand Penficdst. Lont' I. ,iiil A'u. Of. in tiif tccvni h district •sfpflusMio.’ fop-vetu fintv r:,m|.!iell county—lesird ilTFJfeU MSaalst ontte Crst Tutufs/I I APl.T'.nev; [ on at fi •• j r< pen; of itnrrett liee-r. -.r V satisfy a Fi ! 'itj huf trethe t'c'ir: hottsa In JuDuriough. il\; -! f« irs ,'ae,, r ,.t .fc.i.c !'■ r-.t\ ,si*r vs said Freoiuim. t jy on'toty, tsetwwm tb« lawful hours, ! !.si: of L.i.vd ISu. 22, in the at'cm .! district I) v' li'jTidn-d 'icroa t'l* 1, '• '• t.l h f 'hit fl Pf 1 * j >4' .uitinaltv c.'arswH i'oSV «T*int beil Ccvtnty—levied c.'Lrt Ni'. l>7i , lhrVA'. ,; s"‘vt t f S"V' f'Ui.hy.iee'.M; | on n t!,t (.resperfy of tAu-ini Hide Sr Jnmei Haiti. f rs fAth* pcoF •♦‘•• , tf-P'e , lPW-Us Ocrfeti saivsjl t*.W <i >■ I ifc,-.: .ir;'> Ait. iai ! «:'; a il Fa Issued trom Jt-epe trfsnieeuriiy.Wsti'e^v^N^yhielTl F:,* ' |i’ed.rem I <oerl«. out infsV(.r<iiG#:!tted il’aaty sssaif Hick • Wtce’seiosrt im'i'**ffoFPetrr,Br.J« h, 1»A) mad. a. is ..i.. s Msr."it*.,- Ste bv ii ennstrWe. n -,‘- Le\. til' Lurid, N't. WJ tp the 8 lt <(•«- fflit nis.t'.fv u'i’v, levied on eutlir property cf /i.’t 1 *r.t* Mtiafycws, small aaeeufion* eve in : vor o' Eissseif f-'dy aus! the stherln fever ct! Afi Holt— j,. v"‘BJ.'eend i v.irtad by « csinstiibl*. I %:te half of List So. 145 in t!:s- s-wiWi ii;s- v He" cVtJv.'Uvfy- levied tm a* the fMfetty of AW :C*.-Mr. by video,faTsi "seemior itsced it the j' Cuilee:- r«'f '.iev-y *'..tnty, to set s y Ids tea for , -tilt yt-te If*'—Itea due, W 1-2 rents, with cost. > A T.e.f,:t«it l.'d ot Land iVo. 122 in ho 61' cf od.A0*at1v. tav'.el no as the popeity ot ' A’-'themrKsvr.r-i. Vi'-Mirff a small Fi f is fav.rf ’ U.aj»n;!ee.iv*y tiwIeardmtnrneUVyk'.onitttble. Atse.onViefsrt TVeid'lyvi Stoyvnt. T** in iil' hUf tif l.nt No. 176.. id the 8th Georgia, Kutts County. WTjf^fu*V ; A.: l.ti«tiA J. •°ivjil«*n AnJ Jauils Pres• x w i »n n|»|»l«* tin* fur l?.»WTfof Aditiiiiiiirmiuii on thf pttftfeuf OiUi'tn Prat on, late of saitl t:<nuify, Ui*c»*:ifci»tf, That art ihlrr fuie tn cite ami aiiwuvrth all nvd nn» i/if kiintrod anil t ftddor* of said deceased to it and atfp ear at truj .rflet mdf, : nthr time preset died, byline, to shar fame, if nn;/ they have, why and titlen should mi he grant*d '. tlivm under tnyhtufJ, >h»* filh *'*rch. I&32- 9;4 _ " JOHN M COKU. t. c.o. jxrtU. hn o»l«l on the* f«M Torsdny in JCNT. TV fiojl, fi.‘f.»ri* the VwiM fioiipf in < MtApbr/f* r.oimiy. lit twitu the uhiiat b«»ur#t»l' wle. * A. S?egro Soy uataed Chivies, **Hn» pinft to tin* rft.ito uf *1lner Srniih, of Courtn vMirity, d-rt>r** , .ss' # fs.rthe l ent-lit ol M. Smith, iitifior’ t f Ahner ji"iri»ahlr. to ;«n onfrr of itu* fnfVriot :*oi«rf «•! <,'t ronrty, win n >iti'oic for ortlin»rv !«or t H»iP<. JOHN l» S.\iH II, llierrh 9 % Guard. ho >o fh-f.Mt V 9 HCSE1. bi*f :i.c CMurt hoi Tti' s' 1 in A PHIL iti9^ifi31or<rwc cuu.'ity. ii VlCiXiZZ, * hy th* nntof of Lnptei, flu* firnpu-ty rit.'uiiv Maotns l.'ito of «ni«f cAMritv# f»»r iht* l * nefil of the lieii 4 .*. ’ul cmiilorf. JAMLsS IL HMITtl,' tulm'r. jaii li'l i'4 tnth the io.ll Mintsnl. CeTiit bo BcMs ... Pa'Bcrtv resultedout’ie ssitl FI *Ib» ttlOS J. JOHNSON, VAtrsJ Mtm. brill It mild ci tin e, "loiTtsi. 249. :» th«ssitvrntli slistriclof [I n. ry »ccretj, :<vl*d ns is the.propeity of JbAo JTsm/, ti ast rfy a Ti'Pu from Walton npertur ecUtt, In fe- torn f 8"Wilt ft. Hr.rer.wes vs said Kerris. ■txnrrlf«; JAVsES VtVV, Defnity d-mJ. s JBaita ShBriffjSaJooa ■ > 5ra?2ta. lo , *v’.dsrt JacVsen Butts eou'ity. na the TT'JWKTer.lJay In APRIL next, «i tibia the aVs»Oiiiar*ssf aalai . ... Oti8 FunV:Ii ol t«r No. 3 in square No. 4 m t(*c»nfJstfVsfln. levied on as the prapfty oiJvtl Ti ft In fbvor f»f9n naefTC. 3iA»s Jnel Baley^-prapeny pulnted out bt defat*daifd. ' L- No. 1 »n sqnvt* No. 12 "t inn town J»c>aofi, lr»ied on estbe ptoiHtrty of Itclnt Broun . »o mi Vy inndry Fi Fas Issuesi from a justice’s court *f I*(de-v*rty1n favor n! Jethro Mnbioy and others srs««M ,’sroirn. levtedtmard rttcrrsd to me hy a avertible Th\» nropsPy Is occupied ua Hotel, and i»w»v»a fortb'at purpoe*. Seven hand ufCunln, Irvivtl on ns site pro- por.y rt *ne» t ff.mss«, v> mStrifrn Ti Fa issued from 1’e I'lfrrko- evert of eaid enuntv In favor of G W. Hratmll vsSiot*«n lleacitl, property pointed out by the defendant. / . K)2 1-2 Hcroa wf Land, mom or IBs*, known It Lo* No 103 It. the first district originally Henry stuvUnly ecunty. levied on at Ihe tiroprrty t.f /Ir6- ■ set Sr 0UM,VCI *et lab * ?• Fa I st tie J from the Superior enort «1 Butts county tn favor of Cotton L. HarriSoo * • Robert Brown, property pointed tiutliy defendant. One Lot of Lund, No. 43, in tnr firs: di»- tAct*.f nrtginatlv Hmry now Butt* county, contain. Ing J-j:>* more, or lest, levied nn atthc prop erty of A t. Svtiruea. tu satisfy sundry FI Fusliiu- ed ftota c janlre/t court In favor of R..C. itays and ett^rs vs A. L. RolAnsop, returned to me by a eon. “ One Metro Boy named Willis, about *ix ■v»*t» old. levlad on is the property of A- L. JTobm- let to Wittily sundry Ti Fes issued frtm a jnitice’s tourt ln faveruf R. C. Mays end others vs A. L. Rn- tiaaon, rvt»*»od tutnehyn constaWe. ■ One Lot of L*nd, M*V 143, in,lhfl first dis- tried of ortAao'.ly Hanry now Betts county, efmtslti- Vis SL 1 ! j,S seres, more nr less, levied ttpna a» the prvptrtvflf Felert Breus.".'* sothfy a Fi F» Is- 4 «rd fstim Elt*V guterfor court In favor of Edward t atee and Karens Thonti’V EVrs of Uriah Humph- . rtcr,"vs Rtihvrf Bruwu. J’toji.ify pointed out by-tie- ' fsndeirt. V 202,1-2 acres of Land more or !*»*,« lu'irts Let No. J6 In the first dirtriet formerly Henry now and 101 14 sera* more or lass. It being the south h'olfnf Lot No. 17In the same district, Inv- lej on hv virtue cf ttW Fi Fns from Butts simerinr enort. one lu favor of F.liW Pliopjon ukllngh Hi*, sod. Oimeoti Hamll and Bryant V. Hamil, the othrr la favor ifltihh Padget vs the sseir—pruprrty poin- tad out bv vlaiutitfs atiurney. marchi H. HATELEY, iheriff- . -\-i Aim. trillitttU atmbett, • Two huirs tif Colton, otto Cotv nnrl Cnlf, and two Heifers, le»Je.don irthe pninertyof .Vpiry roman, to sntls'y aFi Fa from B J'U Bu|ieiior court In fevur of Thomas W. Griaas/guardlau.'ve Spi*> Cennva, John Cannon anti Robert Humber. natch 2 JOHN LOFTON; P. thtriff- Aim.viU Horii as obote. on the finl Turxfay fiijuui, Two Ne?ru Boys, one by the name of El- belt, about 12 years old. the other by the name of Dirt, about 7y#«rs old. levied on as tba property of A- L. Aslia.'O*.' to setisiy a mortgage Fi F* In favor of John Hendrick and John Lofton vs A. L. Robinson Prapsrty pointed out by the plaint iff. , coToh l H 1IATELEY. thtriff. MpgIU ’i the lit«l Tu» .day in APRIL rrr*. lafure ihe cutirt lioui*:, in Stewmt Ln! No. Ji7, huhe 2-ltlf dLivict nfsaid coun ty, formerly I re. Also,* nn i!-*-. sumo day, before the court- nm jr in Randolph county, Ore thin 1 pun of Lnr.No. 39, in the 9th dis- flft of seiti fOlinty, fortperly Lev. Oi-.r thirl! pint t,f j.*; Nr...252, ill tlipiSo- hstric* of said Ctr' for * •••!)• Mweegee. Sold as th'c’';' of Henry '.n-'lh. I .te of Bibb Ip, tlcccaied, for tie brnefi! of tiiKbrirS. It: the "dev. run 23 23 JOHN SMITH, odm'or S ROyR miiiitiiialt'-r datr. application Will oiade ' to tba honor,iM« the Inferior Court of VuydUr. county, when siitihg fur ordiuaiy purposes, f«r leave to sell «&.** r.:-t af tlio Negroes b-1onrlng to"the orphans of Stirling thler, deceased, for the benefit of said orphans, _ Nov fi fib KIMVARD P. NlXnX.gourdtcB. 5 71 OUR AIO.STUB alter .".(a it* jdication will he , made tn Ihc hom/rnhle interim- court of Monroe county, when ailtihg tor onlitmry purposes, for ieave to «»l*i nriaiVtiilli of lot No. Ib'l, hi Jim fumtU district of Monroe county, in the N. E corner of said lot, l,c- hmeing to the qiiuoc children of the subscriber. Feb 15 M08EH 0. WHILE, yuordian. Xlanavsxy, TJf.SROM the Oveneer »f the public hands, nenr fi. 1 Fin <>th, ahnut the dUtli of FcluU'iiry, the tot- ioivlngfour Nigrins: wli" ends himsett PETER JflHN- 3Vi.’v. ill* it a 'lin k tcltii'v of ordimiry st .turc, tinn visiigc. pert and «*B»ible. He is pn.hitt.iy iurhing ntit.ut Mr. U'llcnx's in Tt-lfalr, wlicrr !,<• prrtends u. l.nvB a wife. Ilf. left Ms cun, it is reported, tin the Imat of n Mr. Fletcbfr,fur Uarien. S?OW2. or TOM JOHNSON, A yellow fellow 00 \«:.*>» old. v ■,->• likely and sensible. It is said that he also is in the emi'lnyiaent ot a i'atrooo oo bourd of n cotton beat to Uaiieti. A£XAiVJ>V, a very likely Muck fellow, spare made, mid has no duubt gone tu Darien. iOif'dJOUTj n tall I.Inch fellow, very shrewd and likely, ahnut :i5 years old, wears .earrings or hns lioles in his ears. I will give TEN DOLLARS- rewardforeach of (lift above dcscribed negmes. it lodged in any jail of • be Elate so that I can Ret them: or, if taken out of this ooimly, TWENTY DOLLARS will lie paid for the delivery of rath tu the Jailor of tlibb comity I hereby forewarn all owners and j atruons of floats and nil other parkins, from harboring, ecipinyiiip, truffieUiii; or tradirr with the public hands; fort am determined to eufoic*. the Jaw, and pul a stop if pos. sifile to such hbnses of the. public interest; and 11 .inr the good citizens of the State, and particularly of Ma con, will co-operate with me in effecting an object so desirable. NORBORNE B. POWELL, march 10. Id4wr. Superintendent Public llunds. TtOUll MONTHS niter date application will b« .J*jf553 ijOIiljfJJJlS RDV/AIID, R AN AWAY from the sutiscriber’s plantation on Tohcsofky, on Sunday the I3tu nit. a negro fellow named BEN. 2ayears old, about Ofcct 10 inch- es high, yellmv cojnplcsinncd,stnaps a little In walk ing. has Inst one of his under front teeth, ger.crelly smites when spoken to. Had oo when he went away a white homespun roundahnut, a grey seal skin cap— took i*l*o with him a straw and a tiluck fur hat, with unidry other artlclesuf elothme not recollected. He sass&as^awnfi: ••.“SWWtnS l ,V ’■ *¥• pring Mi.l nr.-rn ,1 tl.n unit of A> « tlwO*, Mu'bnrry street, Macon. ANN WYCIIE. Mnsch 2 Dll wtf u; U/ made tu the honnrahlc tiie Inferior Court of Houston county, nt tts sittir.R for Oftfinaiy purpusci. lor leave to seli the Undivided hall of Lot '.No. l<i, li. the twelfth district ot mid county, belonging to (hi- rstate of Pininey Vnrtmrongh, deceased, for the be nefit of all concerned. Janf. WM. BYRD, ddm’or. P C : 'R?iiONTItA after dine, upplicution will h*.- madn to IJiV hull, the Inferior Court,of Hons. !(«■ leave chord, deceased, subject to th* widow’s dower, for the lienefit of the heir* und creditor* of said deceased. ALLEN B. CHASTAIN. Nov 24 SO Bdm'or. pL^OUR montbsullcr date ap|dication will hr made IT tu the hoiiuruhle the Interior Court of Mon roe county, when siting, for ordinary purjieirs, for leave to sell I.ol No. eighty, la the first district of o- rijinally Houston notv Crawford county, belonging to the estate ef A it zander King la sol Monroe conn- »v, deceasod, for tl * benefit of the hair* and irredi- •*. GEORGE L. DUUGLAM. luv It '20 cdm'or ■— 1 ■■*-■' ■ ■ ||.W«|.. I I i ».!■ >■— a "STtOUft MONTHS after date, application will be JL 1 madn to the lio.nurnble thn interior Court of .M>m*ir county, while sitting fur ordinary purpose*, fur leave t>> sell Lot of Land Nr*. 17 in the second district of Carroll county, helonrioR to. the Oridiair of OvzhTUan J’hxivs. DENNE J' 3. It! f>DLL'. ’ iHio.livd • 1 , Risorrfi'.m. J'AOHR mooti.l after^ onto, application will be ft 1 made /alhe Inferior cyunt ot illunroe county, while ns a ceu'i of ordinary, fur Icnve it* sett the is nt r.t*t.' of Jemei l.ffu, deenised, for tho bene fit of the bvirr nnJ creditors of said deceased. Dec 12 4d PARMER A. HIGGINA, .' • ndin'ur WTOC’R M'lNTIlrt uflr.r date nppticntinn w ill ho li 1 made to live homniiblc the Intminr court of Hulls county w lien sitting fur ordinary purposes for leave, tu lull lot of land No. 103, in the seventeenth district of originally Henry now D-Rulh enmity, as the pf..* ufty of turnout llmdrat!:. deceased, for the het:efd -.»'ll’ie distribute'* of hi* estate- Mvn.h 3* 'JB WILLIAM BI.ALOCR. GnaUf. Sfac-rg'ijf !i?a3i*ot count?, HIF,*iTEUF.As bright tlierfaid applies to me fro • ¥ f Ivtiera of adntniitmtion on the titnto of Si mon Hebert), Iste .*! rcid couuly. dectss, d— ' T/’iart.± *.tp. /a r\tr anda/luinnish n!. i'ayaLte fSbujifF eolo, W il l, be sold, ou tbs first Tu'iuav In APRIL nest, at the gnurt house in tayvt.eviltc, Fayette eeoaty, within tba lawfcl bouts, tie follow- •'* t»Uf property-. ^Uck !.ot No. 28 in’tho town of Fayette- ♦ifta, and lot of Land N.\ J27 .‘a the i'tc district of xirtetnaliy ilciir* now Fayette Ocuty—levied tin - a* tnc inuparty of TV-ier- HVffceu, tn satisfy a mort- yagii n Fa in favor of pb T. Cltsp, ti'-ir-ncl T. Jailsy and Thomas G. O-wdcr. vs. said proyeriy poiateiDonl 'a said motgaga. f?»eir shsss? sssf, i rt dfSvfttbl, lhautd not 4c gfinttd. Given under my hand and seal at office, this ICth day of Fehmrnr, lV39. 84 * WILLIAM 3. G03 S, c.\;,o. C-iovgim, .s^oaatoa Couatr.i W lfliRLAH UilaaKr Clayton applies to me for letters ot AdauffetfstTM upon the astste of Chrst. fieri, late of Said county, deceased— That net; therefore, to flu end ai-aoniih all cud angular IkifpiniredcrA fl't-Nfarj sfr.ii donaud, to be onJerpear otmye>Jfee,udS'.\ !te finye priorr-M hy .’jo, fa MiU tews. ’/ I’ y n t , , vAy raid ijttti iba-ili tmi he gram:i. Given usdertsy hsnd.this 1.; i di. ■ T.'. JVM. CHARLES H Kl E. : c. o. atatba honors We inferior cue rt of Mna-Xi JfwaiitUgfornriimary putpoae*. for iaavc alsariS :.-.nd Ho. 160. in the grft uisulct ud 1# H«*b*oii sow Cmwftwd r oc at J, fpr l-Ko be- MJ^i.4CARE. Wind la the lei" sw-.wb mil. aume SO SeZAKS REWARD. ■ft ANAWAY from the lubscrlber on the night ot .fi, the 23d tilt, a bright mulatto woman, 2l years id ugu, by the name of Jjouisiana, carrying will her a buy child considerably darker r.nniplucied tilab hrrrelt, two months ofd; said woman has prominent check hones,'a seer orr her forehead neensioned by the kick of a burse, end another on her I tit eyy brow, her hair tolerably strait, quite, thick and long, and is usually worn,by her tucked up with combs, and hee.walk Is suinmvbet sluggish. The dress she wars off is not known, h,: she t arried u-ith her frocks,inf blue nod white chuck, silk, ginghams, fallen ami hnmestuin, same striiwd with cujiperas, and iirb.ns with black, and a black figured boinoszctle riding di-ess; shu usually wore on her bead and neck, yellow notion b.'iidkerehli-ft. She was enticed o* ay oy he.r buihanH. a black fellow hrlnu-lng to Dr. Ray mond Harris of M-Intoih county, and tshu left him ahoutphe'Jtfth January last; the fellow lias been ad vertised by his owner. The, man, woman nnduhild nro itiall probnliiliiy together, and il is believed they willdirevMhpipgoursr either to Butts or Liberty, in ImtU of which couiitirs the felluw has brothers and sisters. [ will give THIRTY DOLLARS for the apprehension and lodgment of Hie woman and child in tiny jail in this l get them, or Ffty Dollars on ibrir delivery tn me at Forsyth. Monroe county. .Mnroh*! 3> :<t ALFRED BROOKS. CXOTKIKCi, WILLIAM II. J;UKDSALL H AS just received,and offers for tales nn the most liberal terms, a geia-rnl n-urtmeut #f .. . SLcadymado Clothing. Having had it awniigietlired espo-ssly for bis own sales, can warrant it made in the best manner ami most fashionable style. Among which are the tul le wing: Gentlomrii'a super blue, Mark, given, olive, brown • and mist lift ERR COATS.and FROCKS 5ui<r bluff Mack and laacy cub rid -cloth PANTA LOON'S Btua, black, mist and rolered Casslmere do dtrcl. cadet, blue and t'aucy mixt satinet Coattees. Frocks and I*untulnntu . , English Urol*:-skin do. Un'trut hjngun do. Riding do. Qtauk and blue casslmere VERTS Blue, hlsck and colored silk vfeltet do Dark fienred valcntia, white and buff do White lilarsvilles do. Swausdown and tollinstido Youths'Coats, Pantaloons and Vests Geutlcmen's Rostt-hair camblct CLOAKS Plaid do. Ladies' caablet and Circassian do I.lon-akia Jackets and Pantaloons Fine Pnen and fiunnel SHIRTS. Collars,Fmnta I Also, Gentlemen's Fashionable Black Beaver j SA-ilti. Ac- Se. , 12 uov 4 SHOES cheap WAKKHOtSli ANU f 'ovimmion Bustn css, CHERRY STBF.bT*.MACON, GA. y-. iftc undersigned h«« token the new M are-IIouse Ti.* now builditi* <m Cherry street below the cor- neroecti|i!ed !.y Meslis. Kimberly 5f Chuhotm, wd.erc lie will take COTTON on storage, and make liberal odranreiini theanme. All cotton storedntilimU nre- Itmise will hi* delivered hinny oftlie Bout luindiiis* required in this place f'*e <>l drayege. A* hn whole, time and alteuiion will he devoted to Ihe above, bust- r,e»< lie liniie* to merit »share of public pnlrimaee. Augmll, IKtl. Ti GEO, WOOD. Vt ARK lioiiSK AND Co m mission Du sin css. THE suhirribri* 'resjicrtfitlly ill! furni their (rici'di a ad the juibli*.* that they e.intiiiuv H.e iilmt’e business, and i-.Miro the offer of their services ill that line Tliei lisve 1< a»ed I lie \Vi,W Hotoc lately occupied by Mr. John T. RnWlaiiJ. vligihly -ituated on I ho bank of the river, juat lu-luw the bridge, and rvimitv from danger by tire. For the r.iinveni«nc.e of their cua totners in the upper part ot Ihc town, they liuteu Seale House in (‘otlon Avenue. , The iisun! advances will be made on Crdt* n stored with or shipped by them: and their iiivti'iners van have the choice n! the .'iavannali, Charleflon. Now York, or Liverqoul markets. I1A1 ,V ItlTlS. augll't I d '.‘ i ______ GEOZIGE JliWEH*27, .it fiiio'd stunt, eurncTuf (7r nrv and Seruntl if reels, f .S rusu* receiving from Ne%v York ami « Frtfsfi Hupfiy of GOO PS, whicli in i fidilir»i* tu t : * »fn on Immt, will <n»kf* l»i« Shirk v* ry lai-^ *nd comptete. which he oflrri on as v<*o«oni»Me lernif n* they cm* he hncl in tills rnni Lcl. lJis Goods comprise a fifluifti asrortment of OROClEniES, \ lz—150 lings Coffee. - t .15 m.di. st. Croix. Puito Rico nnd New Or * * leans jfujiir. 12 Bids. Loaf 6.nd T.nmp do. 12 Quart,■; Ulufta Tea, 2t),(iud IT* Iron, 10 Hhdi. Molasses, 1501) Bushels Salt, HlO Pieces Hemp and Tow Bagging, 40 Kegs Nails, Jamaica Rom, Cognac Brandy, Nurihcrh Gilt, Whiskey. Northern Rum, Apple Brandy, Wine, Potvder. Snot. Ac. Ac. ALSO DRY GOODS, 25ard-V7arc, Cntlcry. Crockery SHOES, BOOTH, flat), Blanket*, Saddles. Ifc. I»"c. Oct 88 ■ d:t India EUnoer Over £5dlus, J UST received and fur sale by WM. II. RURDS’VLL. jau 30 B3 Bills OR f3avaunali, P A x ABLE at sight, for sale hy Dec 16 46 DAY & BUTTS. SISKS. A N assortment of colored and black SILK8 jU3t received and for sole by iiovir 23 WM. H. Bl : RDS-ALL. Pars. m IIE subscriber will p»y tho highest prices JL for Beaver, Oftcr, Muskrat and Mink SKINS. feh 3 V. A. HIGGINS' NEW SPnmO GOODS. LEWIS FITCH, Draptr and Tailor, 1 8 now opening, at the Jiacon Clothing Store, a new and splendid assortment of SUMMER GOODS, consisting of .superfine llorabasines—brown, slate, black, mixt. while and huff .Merino Cassimares—plaiii do. (a new article for Panlaloous]"-wliite and brown Drilling—brown grass Linen—Prince's Cord, Nan- kins, buff and white Valencia Vesting—spotted and white Marseilles do Satin Florentine do. Oiuck nnd figured Velvet do. with a good assortment ol cloth, velvet and bombazine Stocki, fancy do. Spitalfield Ildkfa. tilk net and cotton double end Suspenders— English silk half ({me, Randrm do. white cotton cud Random do. white and brown linen, figured Cravats, Italian do. Bmums. Collars. Stiffeners, Buckskin Gloves. Black do. silk and brown liften do. Epaulets, Ball Buttons, Ac. 4.c. N. It. L. Fituh will receive in a few days a hand some assortment of SUMMER CLOTHING. TAILORING carried on in all Rebranches at above —having the latest New York and London fashions, his work shall not he inferior to any. He returns bjs sincere thanks for past favors, and solicits a conlinu. ance of public patronage. , mi\fcb 1 A LL persons having demands against (be estate of AUtn Dorman, late of Twiggs’ county, deceas ed, will render them In properly attested; aiul all porsons indebted to said estate will make (layment „ blmd tn Ihe lei: iye, •,* via a to -. ; ] aevshiteunon eachbii'ni fool, to^ear, ; „ r - r^oTr t, trinn i.... _ , • •id and four feetten inches high. Apr■ - • ■ • v ! " V .{I "’•'•OS'C KIDP b»v« nce(v«4 9 C«a- _ ardF-Davis and Frederick Puts tn thirty _ _ ec;>*m 4 WttU* it Coy Irte of Jsspcr Feb- ‘St, 1832. G. J. TUUNER, J isrmwiix WJLEY L. CLiAIFNTB,, A true estractftvu) the estrey book fi r KfijckS W. J. HAMHACKaC- :■ p ent of coarse SHOES, which will ^ tat i >b fur approved paper at 90 days. t ^hlajM CyOJX'fVa CC-fclJ dacKT withiu tbs time preeeritied hv law, to Veblfi 77 MARTHA DORMAN, Pa rr. Noio ^Receiving from Boat Vice- T| K Pretxdcnt, Iflids Rt Croix nutf Porto Rico Sugur il bbls Loaf Sugar, 33 bags CofTco •6 ticreea Coffee, IS liblss N Rum 20 bbls WhiJkcy, 0 or casks Wine * 1 pipe rogiiau Brandy, I hhd Jam. Rum -. 5-t tnles Crockery Aloe. A tieniriil Avortmtnt of BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, vf*. BeUow., An vils, Vises, Hummers, ike. Ac, dec 3^ 30 GEORGE JEWETT: U’ST ftceved. by " IIunptrfordA ty Stoddard, 15 dozen Calf Skies 10 do J.ioiog Skins 1 do Goat Bindings 1000 lbs Sole Leather 50 iirlvs Gin Baud Leather 50 do kvm Upper Looiler . „ ‘ White ohd Ycfiow Stitchio- Thread Boot Coni, Webbing and Bristles 200 It'i Grey Shoe Thread • . Which wc offer low for cash. 8 net 31 ycxo Line of Post Coaches non 33ACON TO &AVAX9&AB. FAiRE REDUCED. —, v Thu fare hcrea,«er to and um 8 av&aaah, will he Thir- t«a Dollar*—to md from .‘Dablip, Four Dollars—thro 1 — thlrty-i.t Laura,' Tho Coerbe* will leave Ma- cco etsaty 'Icaday, V/edncsday and Friday, at four o'rWk in the tnoreieg—arrive at i tvauaah at eight P. IL uext day. Stage Oif.ct at Wash ington Hall, Macon. • <T •'»-* / G, LONOSTREET. jw»31 ei J. B. XSUEXDVS. .„? E pRo enoTainu. t«E subscriber* b*»« receive , , —extensive assoruneot of N*»— ‘rip **» which will bo sold at a small nrofft*™ dec 5 A. SHOTWELL P & j. rm, T1] PRACTICE OP AIEmTTl^ The sabsci-ihers h,weVntd —’-« Practicf Medicine. 'l S, ? I door to the Repertory <iii', cc ‘'“P B «ti AMBROSE Bfidts^ir.y3 ,AIIE 1^^a BYE O’l.Y. jQ rfks Barrels “Phttp'i” In-u Rye GIN nZ*? to arrive tomorrow, will h« 90 u ?W f Anrttu DAY&DlYiJ" the wharf. Apply to Dec 20 51 TH3 VNDEASX(mmr H 'A VINO purchased the interest of ft. . KIMBERLY & CHISHOLM 'Tu Mercantile estahlishmeut, has located hiZu\ the new houio below the coruer, on Chore,, recently occupied by them, where he will Goods os low as auy other house in this Cash or Cotton. r His stock is now very complete, comprisin', most every article for the country; it conii.nJl Wff&SSkJT ■ Salt* Iron. &c. The old customers and the public rt Dcr - arc respectfully invited tu call, as the satnefo tics heretofore given will still exist, ‘ In the rear of his Store is a New WareItomi just lintsbcd, and now ready for the reception ] Cotton, w hich he will lake on Storage, bidt ' liberal advances ou the satno. oct m\ 4 geo. woon I RUFUS R- SMITH, WATCH XVXAHE3. & SEWI Having hadhisShopl would inform the public », he has taken the shop adjoi tug E. L. Yocso & Co. n, is now prepared toanendl all calls in hi* line. (i e | 1 just received audis none mg, a new supply of Watches. Jewelry, Kilter Spoons, Dirks, SILVER MOU.VTEIl SPECTACLES, &c. which, together with his former stock, rnakeshj assortment quite cntnploto; all of which ire i fered to the public at very reduced nricei. public are respectfully invited to call and e !ne before they purchase. jsn7 j| - ; ti*e first Tuesday in APRIL next, will | >l_Sr offenr * et public sale, all that Siot Cf SiODd known ns No. Il l, in ihe 8th district oil county, being Vu2| wires. ALSO, Lot of Land, known as No. 53, in tlioSCifj trict of Cotveta county, being 202i acres. riale will he positive, and terms cat.,. JAMES.REA. ) Asrigmeiht1 DWIGHT WOODrtURY, } ImeJ-t ofthimi C. A. HIGGINS, \torsofJ.C.l Feb 17 79 tds wnsm. INSURANCE. T HE Ilmtard /nstironcc Company cf York coutinuus to insure COX' when shipped on good Boats or Boxes, j, the dangers of the River. Rates efJVjmis moderate. Apply to Dec-20 51 CHARLES DAY* FANCY AND STAPLE D3XY GOOBS. J OB MAG1E Imjrcceiveilamlo|mneJ,eiebl last lew day*, an exteiiiiveauurlnifiii M including almost every article required lor All ■ et: among which m e tho following: 6upKifiue blue, blsck, brown, ulire ulf Bruadcliitlis, .Merino and rowan Casiimcrtt, W ana Cirotssians, very fine French BoobttiMl inga and ialleeui; also French JJuens and f nnd auperfine arid common Vestings; alwl rincs. Orlindas and Orleans Robes qdetdidu Cambric and furniture Dimity; Swlsi.jsclrad.i and esmbrie Muslins; Indie, silk and eafflbncMj hams; also 100 pieces Calicoes and Prints very cno. patterns nnd leti *t style; fancy Hamikerri™ * Scans, Crapes nnd Gnuse, plain ir.dligurca»«»a ali’i: Silks, Italian and Gnidclinplts dn' : »I'e<- J and Pilarines, thread and bohinet Lace «ndf ' ll ‘l Kibbuas, ami Hosiery; Irish l,'f:cni.- ja f and aambric Handkcrchiifs; also ludi'isnd rs-l Leghorns, open straw and Dunstable no'iatu,iJ brellas and Parasols very neat and hamlKiXtlj derBoxes and Puffs; and an eitcniive mfp, Spa paand Perfumery, Otto of Roses, «c- «*r . Also a genera assorrinent of R»™** ff »"'? • (llojs aud Chinn iVare, Crockery, CuljartJ*M 10 casei gentlemen’s beaver and silk fine and common, indmllng sabltf, also Shoes, cotton Cards, black nidn l***, plete, cross cut r -<d mill 3uws, csq’cnlcti i Guns, Sec. Ac. .ammA Also a very general h*lorlmri.t of l*n'J' j u COTTON BAGGING. Ac. &e. ... ^ The subscriber requests the alleijtn’n "I on and the public to Ids whole »tnck iBlradtdifrl continue to dispose of the »«mc upm* *t™’ lit is r.onfident, will give general eir may 14 2h J |:|1 "AL NEW (JOODS. WM. H. BUUDSALL is auw nxctivi.'O xxd ortsi'® A GIiNEll AI. ussorlmcnt ofscasonsble St which be offers for awl.* at the must prices, amongst which ere Ihc I*»ll*»vvinp . Superfine Saxony Dine Black Italian ; Black and eld'll. Cloths " «MW» W,." Merino Cloths “S"*£B2£ Blue. Blnck and Taney ’• l.'rns de mlsed Sntinetts ColorrJ »*L, Duffle point A Rose Blank- ^^££3 Red, While, Grren and C|l|«t - _ Yellow Flannels Gaure and -« 1D Sainny white gauze do. , [«» . m S if Canton, do Sand 10qr. Damask Table Diaper V . TbibctWoo' , Birds eya ■ do Russia 'do r> S '°ri«ndkertl'< 5 Merino Cirensrians p rr '* 1 * Lmlni a Black and Blue Bomba- Iu>dir* d»um j| Figurufi and pm 1 llMiHH setts and Circassians Irish Linens Flemish Sheeting. Cotton Osnaburga Negro Cloths Th^d Lace, and Shell n , nc!j a»' 11, j Pong«!' Spjltolfleld ,< ' ! ' <:lllCr,, - ( f fit A general asiortment *SIX02S & Men’s and youths' f | Fur, Leather and flair Cap-< nnv 5 H] -—— Law Woticos. jujiesJ B enjamin f. HAraftis SMYTH havn wMfffSid Prsctico of tho Law under t - j j a wl Harris If Smyth. They will Courts of the Flint buM**’ ‘Sj in the eastern oud ot Ljvat*flJ?l at which pin-.' on»«f the ^busi»^| fouad, unlos.- chseqto - ' r 1<,,c | Feb 10 TJ i3»