Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, March 31, 1832, Image 3

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iM. be *e-<* whether Cougntss f t will * 4D ®,Mot the bargain bo- ^lify‘ hi, * g « ee «n end tW British Govcrn- 3 Mr. v * n ^“rfurrnccful ond objectionable *?•„ the The * V W » f 1110 P 0,i * at ,1la Court of tho Guelphj, *1 in the bHS1 „,' nrotecJ her own ships ^ M , 0f | l v , th°e ii>tm<lucnmi of a principle of »!'• by ,hf purchase of that free action ntsC— Pl,,w * . i.. ... ntfiroicn Without ITU). ,ch they »“^® tiou 24a a stain on our diplomacy P'i**® Sever he effaced. We ure hourly in ^cwtlou that Congress will take up tbu ••WASiiiitoio.t, March 17. •‘sirtisai’ffssstffflK ■^'iiLreia delegation express unreservedly *• hat U» decree wlU bo resitted, with iSlconcurrence of the people. There ha. CtoStadlonof which I have any know- « "ViL course which Uie President intends ft # L uieh a contingency. At the levee on ke .Lenin*, be is said to have inquired with if any tiling had ns yet been re- Georgia, nud from tho touo of bis ftiiit'tt it >s inferred, that ho has not yet do- "“Show ha will act, if the response to tho a “ s |, a ]| ho of a hostile or contumacious fJ^rcBce to the Presidential election, no- ;7«t present said. Tho loading politicians ’Vs watching the march or the very tin- .•events of iho session, aud their effect on fekivehad'sharp disc«3sicm* within tho last ,1| forty iiomv, in the progress of thogeu- .(Hwopriatien Dill, in which Mrs liny war.!, ■ tel it'See Commissioner, nud the Seooud rj Win. B. Davis, liavo received some ra- LkH ami nulo treatment. Tho former geu- ‘"lL |,«•» charged, uot indeed in very di- •-nis luitiu language uot to lie mistaken in Lft with too much indulgence of au nppe- ' llis tho object of our numerous brood ™otrance societies to root out of tho human Z\t w restrain within reasonable limiu; ulo Major Lewis, ho U accused or rank ill- ami shrewd management in Uienttaiumcut 000 acres of laud Trem tho Indians, lor h.s b nrat aud use. I doubt much whether wave accusations w r nauics from tho office Iky the course uow taken. If these offices are InM as superfluous, and, ia the car. of the bar there is Mtrtug evidence to prove the nt- Etto, they will, iu nil likelihood, be oholished, Isiitcial art of Congress: but it is scarcely to (peeled that important officers will bo reform- Ljjj their office fires extinguished, by tho act [tilMioMiug the appropriation While under Woacf law these officers fill their situations, I mast have the compensation allow e d by tiro 1 acd to withhold it would be a flagrant breach Mb . ' , , Bheflsiect Committee appointed concerning IBank, will leave this placo for Piiilndclpbi:i Tin the next week. It is believed tbat the be of Mr. Clayton's resolution wtU have t(je pof carrying the present session far into the hoi June.’’ SSSOMOW?* «h*»he Various official Cham- «liBcmrancesnto St. James’ C s'or Col U “?? 77 , °'' 1 Coven,or Jr . ' {?hn*on, must do our devoirs There is little news from Washington—nothroe of much interest. The proceedings of Congress for some days have‘been chieflfKed ^L.- “ffiom ‘“i ‘ i V'™ U ," llCKed *° '« 'onsideraffie glnom. It is kuown that the President will, crc loug. nominate a umti.ier to London, aud it is thought tho scales of Executive favor would pret- ty neurlv lie balanced betjvecn Messrs. Stevenson nntt Archer or \ irgima, one or tho other of whom would receive ,t. The ’’Kitchen” influence (A- iniis nud Co.) was supposed to lie for one—ilia *‘I ailour, (lavnigston & C 0 .) for the other. Iu such a struggle, it is not difticplt to predict which will go to tue wall. Either gentleman would an- swer very well—Richmond Whig, SIstimt. ifitAoow, eas«(fiA,_ TITRIT)AY, .MAUCll 31. ISI12. CO.l 10.\ MARKET. Thu market coutin- ttes antmatod, nud last week’s quotations gener ally sustained. Tho latest intelligence from Liv erpool appears favorable for the holder* of Col ton. Prices this morning, 8 a 9} cents—strictly prime It) cents. " THE TARIFF. The Washington Globe says, that Mr Adams “as Chairman of tho com mittee of.Manufactures,-has avowed himself in fa vor of reduction aud modification, based on mu tual concession.' 1 * Conundrum. Why must a shqyt man lie an nrly riser ? Because, lie cannot lie long in bis am accusations will cause the expungiug boil! from tho office roll ofOcii.Jack- ■What long Tails same Cats hare I Tho me morial from New York iu favor of the Indians (the Journal of Commerce states,) extended to WAsiitrnToic, March 20. | the Senate yesterday, after tho transaction e muni inorciug business, the consideration ’•.Clay’s resolution, for the modification of Tons resumed, and Mr. Ilibb conclude.1 th commenced on Friday, iu opposition icrcwlution and tho protecting system. Mr. tjih moved to refer the whole subject to the piittre on agriculture; which motion was de- 1 in the negative,' yens 18, nays 22. The ttiim was then taken on the first branch fir. ftnnc’s motion to amend the resolution [r, ia strihiag ont all after the word ”wch- [for the parposc of itucrtiitga substitute.— I roe. i.oo was also decided in the negative, i 1*, a.w# 23. Messrs. Ileuton aud WilMnft, proposed to amend tho resolution, but u- [dmcr.ts were, at the time, decided to be out rdcr. Mr. Forsyth moved to postpone’the hr ciM'.v.dcrathai of die resolution to tlie first day iu May. After some remarks from Mr. , m opposition to this motion, Holmes mov- i edjoummeU, which was carried. I the Houao of Representatives, tho military I general appropriation bill* were severally I a thin! time aud passed, Washikotow, Kveh£2. like Senate, yesterday, tire bill introduecil by "kiton granting a quantity of Ipml to {be state iaouri forllie purposes of internal iraprovu- I, was read Uie second time and referrcl to :co»iiuee on Roads nud Canals. Mr Wag- r submitted a resolution directing said cnin- * w inquire into the expediency of granting estate of Louisiana five hundred thousand b of laud, forthe purpose of internal improvc- A question of order aruso, ou nu inquiry vWilkins, whether he could submit nn am Kitts tho resolution of Mr Clay, ou tbn m- [•fter the rejection of tho amendment of Mr ’• which proposed to strike out tho whole re- ®l or whether it would he necessary to ssrsconsideratiou of tlio qnastioti in order to ft hi* object! After soma remark* front the 4,(Hr Ring 1 ,) ami from Messrs. Ilayne an! '.in relation to pariitmentary usage, it was ’atood that a decision of the Senate iu IBM wtkiil lit: qujjtiuu, nud th it Mr VV. cdiil.l, proper lima submit his amendment, tho Home, Mr Adauis from the coisiuitueon Hctores, reported a bill for tho provcntimi- ’Is on the revwiMo, which was rend n fir*t ■rrond that, nud committed to !t committee tubule. Mr A. took the occssiontoinforiu llusso that ho should uot rcuow the npplica- made by him last week, to be excused from *f service on tho committoo on Manufactures. b ill supplementary to tho soverat laws rela- t» tho sales of tho public land, was again coit- ™, »ud, after a long debate, ordered to Ini i * tluU ihqe tomorrow. Mr Wildo submit- 1> resolution 0 a tho sulijcct of the coinage. WupinJinttoflhe Charleston Conner. W’AsftixoTotJ, March 20. ! made iu tho House of Represents _ 0 ' 1 “rirlay, by tho Cbainnau of tho Cum- l,V» Poreigu Relations, to n member who H “ :l1 } me question, that a Ministor will ho i», *v 0ral ’ t Britain, has given n Uciv di- 1 10 the conjectures aud speculation* of our '°*ogcr* nud hangors ou at the lohbici. of D. e ‘.'’ t*} the Library of the Capitpl, nt tho [.‘ r l;a o Book Stores, aud in tho Stago offices i re oaii of thu c.;/. Two or throe week* liu^iiticd by these gentry, that no Mtuis- 1. !™W<kfl*rj would bo sent to Great Bri- Fr,,; ,a * 1 ol, f Government would content it- U u . COm, 1 i “ louin 5“ Chnrga, oqnnl in L I 10 the Representative of Groat Britain iftoi?-Now, speculation ia oxltaustiag IkUmIj rt *“ l . w * l ° B tho inostlikedr pcrs-m to ■TSE* “‘be successor to thrmk pf Mr. y. Blie return of Mr. Kivcs. from hlr.’l7J“ 1 own re questf.,-ill leave a vaennry H'ion, ,!, 0 ? ,t0 ?’ ** ^ RCuarnUy hclisved, Ir- iThrl'JS-?’’^ f J ,0IUMl w or two, tiro Lion o> V Baforo t/ie request of.Mr. Rive. ' i t0 rc,urn -.'was uudersiond. bo h’.il •! c 1 * rtlinnjk In hwiitMl lire iltsilmi.f iii whinh signature , tiro ohtuined to these political Immhng* iu the big cities'. ^ Disireisingl Mrs. Anne Hoyall refuses to ex change papers with us! 1 Tho she Ouraug-ou- tang ulso declines visiting Macon !!! Isn’t it c- uougb to draw tears from lin iriclo } Fanny IFright, the great apostle of Anti-mat- rhnouy and infidelity, is uo longer Mist Fanny. Her heart having been warmed by die torch i>f Cupid, and her bowels moved Ity tho bauds of i.ucina! (it is said.) she has nt last consented to receive the aid of llymeu.and— is married! not withstanding her lo'ug preachments on tho folly of that ceremony. By this step the celebrated Reformer (like some politicians we kuow of,) has nuUifitd the souuiluess [if it had any,] of her own doctrine. Afore Nullification. At a dinner given toGov, Hamilton, at Marion court liouso, 8. C. on the IDlll inst. the following "tea pa’rty” toasts wore drunk, tho first being mnoug the regular once: “TiroSouthern States—they need but a Bos ton Tea Forty movement; aud.tbey are united for ever.” . * “By tho Hon. John B. Earle: Nullification tho rightful remedy for our wrong*; let cowards sock a more peaceful one." The New York papers furnish almost as mol mitholy accounts of the destruction in taat state, occasioned by the breaking up uf tho icc, nud t'.iu freshets iu tho Hudson and it* tributaries, ns we had !...• ly io record by the inundations on the bin. Particulars will be found iu another pari of this paper. The Athenian is merged in tho Southern lien-- .ure. which is to be conducted by A. Chase aud A. nl. Nisbtl. The foilowinggciitlcmeu compose tbcCommit- teo of the House of Representative* to proceed to Philadelphia to examine the books nud pupers of the Bauk of the United States, and report wheth er the said Bank has violated its charter: via. .Messrs. Clayum. Adams. McDuffie, Johnson of Kentucky,t'arobreleng. Thomas of Md t and Wat- luough. — The following libel is^omg the rounds. “Ne ver triv.1 with useerocn married innn, who love* hi* wife, fo.-jia will toH'bon and slio will nell her sister, nud her sister will tell any and every body.” in i’eVeral iustancct. We haVO not leameii iL paruculqr*,—/ounta/. _ . The annexed Is a copy of tho Manitntt, in tho Clierokee case, from tho Supreme cduit of the United States to that of Georgia: SUPREME COURT OF THE U. STATES, JANUARY TERM, 1332, Samuel A. Woxckster, Plaintiff in Error, vs. The State or Gkoiioia. In error to the Superior Court for the County of Gwinnett, in the State of Georgia. This cause came on ti* he heard on tho tran script of the record from the Superior Court for the County of Uwiuuett in tho State of Georgia, ' nud was argued by crotmsci; on consideration whereof, it is the opiniuu of this Court that the act of the Legislature of the State of Georgia, upon which the indictment in this case is founded, is coutrary to the Constitution, Trenties aud Law* of tile United Status; nnd that the special plea ju bar pleaded by the said Samuel A. \Vorcester, in initiiuer aforesaid, and relying upon the C'on- stiluliuji. Treaties, and Laws of tiro Uuiteil States aforesaid, i* a good b;ie and defeneo to tho said iadictureitt by the said Ha in.;-I A. Worcester; imd a* such ought o have been allowed and admiited hy the said Superior Court for tlio County rtf Oiviunatt in the State of Georgia, before iviiich the indictment was pending and tried; and that there was error iu tho said Superior Court of the Hht»of Georgia, ia overruling the p!ea so plead ed us aforesaid. It is therefore onic red and ad- jiltlged, thi'.t tlie Judgment reuddred in the prm;;i- sds by the said SupcridrCourt of Georgia upon upon-the pica of Not Guilty afterwards pleaded by the said i Samuel A. Worcester; wlierdliy tho said HamucI A. Worcester is sentenced to hard labor in the pcuitculiary of Gacrgia.ought to lie reversed and annulled. And this Court, proceeding to reuder such Judgment a* tho said Superior Court of tho State of Georgia should have rendered, ir is further ordered aud adjudged that the said'Superior Court bo and hereby is, reversed and aufiutlcd, and' that Judgment be, and hereby is, awarded that tho special pica it) bar, so as aforesaid pleaded, is a good ami suffi cient plea iii bar, in law, to the iuitietmcnt afore said, aud that all proceedings on the said indict ment do forever surcease, nud that tho said Samu el A. Worcester be, nnd hereby is, henceforth dismissed therefrom, nnd that he do therefore quit without delay. And that a special mandate do go from this Court to the Superior Court, to car ry this Jitdgracut iulo execution. March !>, 1832. We understand that Mr. Ciiestcr, ono. oT the council of tho Missionaries aud the bearer of the mandate ofthe Supreme Court in their case, readi ed Gwinnett,, white the Superior Court forthe county was in session. Wo are informed that the Cnmiril.of Worcester, moved for a rule nisi to shew cause why a writ of habeas corpus should not tic grouted to briug up aud discharge the body of Worcester from confinement. Judge Dougli- herty refused the rule. A motion was thou made to cuter tbc mandate of the Supremo Court,' and tho proceedings had in relation to ir, upon tho reccords of the Superior Court of Cwhinefl which motion was. also refused hy the judge. Tims fnr has the matter progressed ns wo auticipated. We sincerely hope, the Supreme court may here let it terminate. If not however wo .will say that never Were officers in the discharge of their duties they owe their country, more unanimously sup ported by^he voice aud feelingofn whole people. We undarstand Judge Donghherly has proceeded to Cherokee county, in the discharge of bis Judi cial duties.—Southern Recorder. While Washingtau’-s Teat was-placed in the park on W'fdnvsduy, Mr. Reed, of Long Island, aged.nbnnt 78 years aud w,ho was onc ofWnsIi-' iugti-V.i body guards during tho revolution, took the s'iniQ sthtiuu, licfcre it lie had then occupied.' This was quite an interesting exhibition. Tho Bill in addition to tho act passed at the sessii'ii i f Congress for the relief of Insolvent Debtor* to liio United States, mid now before lli-tl body, differs from that act by oxtending the priucinles of coinnroinyn to ail the Debtors of the tinned States, wuellier insolvent or not. Accord ing to the construction placed -by tlio 'officers of government on the net of the-last session, it is a doiul -letter. Tho particular object of it* enact ment, was to enable the Secretary of tho Trea sury to release debtors for duties to tho govern; mein, whom number has bqen increasing for tlio lust i'-.ri; years, who have never applied for the benefits of insolvency, but who have become so, in fact, from circuontances which they could not control. They h ive been nhlo to compromise with their private debtors and go on, but the Dra co-like law* of the Federal government, in regard to debt, hang over them, nnd lock up tlicir ener gies aud industry from all useful and honorable exertion.—So, Fat.' H - SElimj- OFT. AVING taken tlio store formerly,occupied by Di-Woodbury, on Cotton Ave—a, nfl his stock of Goods for disposal, tho whole will bo sold off nt very low prtccsi Having resided in New York the last two years; nnd purchased most of the above Goods himsetf, nud at tho lowest market prices, those Who purchase in this market will find it for their interest to call and examine the same. About 6-1900 worth have been added to the stock since tho middle of. January, which consists of.. * GROCERIES, CROCKERY, 52ats, Shoes, Hardware, and: Cutlery, LEGHORN BONNETS, DRY GOODS, Sfc. What nre not disposed of at private sale, by tho Slst of April, will bo sold at Public Auetiou, the sale commencing on Monday the 23d, at 19 o'clock, aud will coutiuue from day to day until all are sold. Terms—for sums under 6100, cash-reiver, at 8 months, for approved endorsed paper- ••• . G. C. COIT. march 30 111 . ’ Tin Ware SSanufaciory. [ * NGEP.FOliliS ti STODDARD con tinue to innuufictureTIN WARE. Their sliup may lie found on Cotton Avenue, one door, above No. 9, nenrly opposite the Seale House of Day.& Butts. They keep on hautl a good assort ment, uf , '' •' «. Plain and Japanned Ware, • w hich will be sold on good .tyrffis, 'cither .whole sale or retail. , ■ ’ Job Work will meet with despatch. 21 nnv 15 travelling tranks- T ravelling trunks for »aic by march 29 WM. 1L BURD8.VLL. Spiling off Cheap. T HE subscriber will leave, for New York in n fqjv weeks, nud offers liis remaining stock of Goods ut very reduced prices for cash only, consisting of Watches, Seals, Keys, Earrings, Si’eastnius, linger Kings Shirt Studs, Medallions, Stiltr Spoons, Plated Castor*, Caudlesticks. Sjjiiffcrs aud Trays, Dirks, Knives, Coral and Wax-Beads. Brittuuia Ward, aud n large assortment of Watch Glasses, materials, tie. well worthy the attention of tho trade. IL II. SMITH. March £9 113 N. B. * Persons having Welches with the sub- scrlbcr will jileaso call and take them' nwny by tlio first of May, ns his shop will bo closed during the sdtnmer. K. U. S. SALE* AT AUCTION. 3?Jqvt Sellings attlip Store OCCUPIED by B. Jjt. WARNER, ou Second \jy skcct nud Cotton. Avouue, a large amt general assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, Shoes-i Jacadymafio Clothing &c h’heso gooils nre seasonable nml fresh, having cu purchased within a few months past in tlio northern markets. Th<qraU,vriU continue from day to diiy until tlio wliqkl are disposedof. Terms.—Sums uuder SlUl) cash, 6190 a $150, months, over 6219 9 months for; approved en dorsed pat t-r. lU'lA & COTTON- Mareli 24 ■ 112 ,, , Auctioneers. The Legislative C.ouucil of Florida liavo ap pointed B.M.Ciiarltnnof Savvmnh. C.J. Jcu- kin* of -Augusta, I. G. Seymour of Macon, M. Torrpucc au J W. P. Tiusloy, of Millodgoville, and J. P. Vnn Ness.of Colniabiis. Commissioners to take, the iij-liuowlcdgliieut of deeds aud instru- ticnU of writing, icc. ., The (south Carolina claim has passed botlillo uses of ObugrcsK The amouut mcludiag iutor cst exceeding perhaps 2p0,009dollars. Aeivoahly to previous notice,, a largo nnd rb- spocublo - nssatnbly of Ludics nui licntlemen convened nt tha Baptist Church, on bumlint_ eve ning, the-23th iu*t., to form a TRACI bOCIb- Boat Sjov/s. jARRlVE». t • Boat Strangor, aud lisat Win. Brainanl, Day Si B.utts oivutrs, with groceries from Darien.' Boat ClnriesCnrroll, C Campbell owner, front Dr.rirn with groceries.' Boats Augusta and No. 7, with groceries, La mar, owuor. - - - • Boat btrangor, with grocorios, Day ec Butts, owners. Boat Serjeant Jack, withgroconei, Rogers and Campbell, owners. , "» ftBrAllTED, Boat Stranger, and'box No. 19, Day Si Butti owners, with 1WJ bag* cotton. • • i iVnrson’s cottoil box, with fiCO balcs^^ .; m&n', 'In il'airis 'cOutiiv, ou -^l*t iustniit, Mr Hiram W. Brooks, of Appalachieola, Florida, to Miss Sarah E. sodo’nd daughter of Major Johu Mitch- *'on tho I5ili by Uto U«r. T. Capers, Mr Edward Jones to Miss Sarah IV \\ilhnm-, ot small Essays or Tracts, writtoif for that purpose Tha following officers were chosen: , A. U. Far.KM.vx, Prcnilcnt. Josxrn Wasuuuhx, 1st Viee President. . J. Goudaud. 2d ditto. H. Blaib, 3d ditto. J. Lamar, Esq., Secretary. D. B. Bctlxr, Esq.. Treasurer. SOLlCl'l’ERS. Messrs. John Uuuior, C. Pyck. L. Fit j. nml A. M'DotialJ; Mrs. Po|V. Mr*. Holt, nnd Mrs. 'i’raev; ‘Misses Tlpisss, Horn Campbell, onu S. Th# Supremo Court ailjouructl on tho I7ib in stant, and the JuJgos luve gone to their respect ive homes. Mr. Elisha Hopkius, for many years an Iindus trious Htteutivo pilot of this port, (sayt the Savmr nab Georgian,) aud raeeotly employed m beeper ..f tho light house on Wolf Eland, at the monbt of tlio Alatamha river. Was found, °!* ,ho | ,n ^“ , “® °| tho 19th iii-.t-. lying dead ou iho Iwailt. »hp| ose l to liavo perished by cramp, to which ho was »«b jeet, III me extreme nolJ of Saturduy uight, I7lli ' n *Wo regret that some nets of insubprdination a* ioml- tlio students of Frnnkliu College, hnvo Into- Bnllavb comity. - „ _ _ „ , On tho 22d inXt. by tho Rev. G. Cnpers, Col. Jamos Wimberly, of Jones, to Mrs Robscca C Jatnesbn, of Houston county. Jffiolasscs,, G-in, &c» ; Just received by boat Stranger. I1HDS N. O. Molatsrs,- ■' 20 bbls Ildm 20 do Gin (ticst brand Si good proof) - ^ 20 do Whiskey (N. U.higb proof) IX STOnK. 10 bids Mackerel No 1, 60 do Whiskey 50 do Gin 10 l.lids St. Croix Sugar . 10 do N. O. do 25 bbls Manbaden Fish 5 tierces superior Rhfb. For sale by March 28 . 112 ££cusion £kcrif? RX^ILI. be sotdontheflrrt Tneiilay in MAY nt$(; ’.. TV before the-coiirthous.! door in I’erry, Hoes- rv ton eonty, between die usuel hours of sale, -• -. Ono Lot of Land, No. 326, in tbu thirteenth district ot Houston county—levied on as the proper* ty of Samuel Stanford to satiety a Fi Fa Iu favor ot • Nicholas Wagner vs said Stanford. f acres"or Land, well improved, where- 1 oh Michael Madden now liyea. being part of Lot No, Mfl, in the 13'h disirictofBouiton countv, and Lot No, UJ,contaIning2U2 rdlneres onk mid hickory land, in the 13(h diitrict df Houston'countv/ improved—Ml L ’ levlod on aa the property of Stiehael"Madden to i*tls- fy two FI Fas ono In-favor of Edward T. AI‘f;ehe« and Ike other In favor of John 9. Wick vs raid .Mad den. .... J, . 101 1-4 acre* of .pinn Lind, improved, being half of No. 207 In tho 12th district of Houston county—levied oh as-the properly ot John lloll to sutiifv sundry small FI Fas in fnvor of Alien 15. Rbaa* tain bearer v« laid John U',|ll m;if liobcrl Wall—lev ied on and returned to me . b r a constable. One Lot of Land, No. 79, in ilie thiricentli ‘ district of Houston county, well Improved—levied * I' on as -the' properly of Nnlhai.itl Duffel to satisfy a small Fi Fa in favor or Moore & Kellv va V.ld DuflcI —levied on and retilnicd to meby aeon-(aide, i • Ono Lot of ink nnd hickory Land, wcll im- 'roved. No. 323 in the liitb district of Houston count- •• <y—levied on aa the property uf Andrew Hendrix to satisfy- sundry small. Fi Faa.frora nju. lice’* court of Jockaon county in favor of Edward Williams eu>d o- lliera v* said Hendrix—levy made and returned toms by a constable, Ono Lot of oak and hickory Land, well ins> , ' proved, Nu 0, In tho 13lb district uf llobston county —levied on ns.the property Sf'MHA ft ' Smith and •Job.IK Smith to inliriy sundry itnall Fi Fas one in Ta-‘ ' vor or John Rawls va Samuel IL Smith, William q. Smith and Job W. Smith, and other-Fi Fes vs said de/rmiaols—levy made and returned to me by a colu stable. ', Ono Lot of Land In tho fifth district of Houston county, No.. 11G—levied on as the property of Ullteberr.i/ ll’atlcre tosati.-fy one.sitmli Fi Fn infat vo'rof William Cunycra-vssaid Wallers—levied on end returned to me by aCoQstublc. 101 1-4 acres oak nud.‘hickory Land, well improved, being tho cast half of lot No 11. in the 12th - . -district of Houston county—levied on os tho proper ty of Daniel M'Xnir to satisfy n Fi Fn from I’ulaski Superior Court, in fnvor ot IFillinm SnhdCard rurvi* * ving copartner ofJeeM & William Sa'ndford vs Big ger* 8|ngleton end Daniel M’Nnir—properly pointed outliy D. D. Stiirges, Esq. plniutiff's attorney. Two Lots of pino Land, in the lltli district of Houston county containing 2Q2 l-2ncres each, im proved, both adjoining the lauds of John B. Alexan der and others and being the placo whereon Robert D. Sinclair now resides, uro Fodder stuck and forty busbali’ of Corn, more or' less—nil levied on as the troperly of Hubert D. Sinclair, to Satisfy Iwo FIFas ia . . avorof Giles B. Taylor vs said-fcinclniri One 5 acte Lot iu tho town of I’erry, Hous ton county, whereon licnjnnnn Kent hoiv lives, well * improved—levied ou as Ids properly to satisfy a FI Fa In favor of Gcorgo Patton v» said Keht. James Fun I ley’s St Elijah Findley’s interest In a Lot of plno Land In Jho eleventh diitrict ot Ilous- 1 toil county, improved, being tha plnco w hereon tha " • snid ./nncinnd F.lijah rindiry non live, and adjoining , Hodges and ctbei-s—levied nn ui their property to ..- •atisfy two I-’i Fns in favor of J.«%. R. Slone va said - . James Findley, nnd Elijah Findley security. Otin Lot of pine Lahti, iinproyeil, whereon Neil Smith nOlv lives, and adjoining Jenkins nnd oth- >-rs—levied ou ns hi- properly to rotisfy a Fi Fa in fa- vorofJohn B. Wickva»uid Sulil|l." *” Ono grey Horse, eight years did, ono 'Sad dle nnd. Bridle, and David 0 ,r 8mith’s interest in a Lot «f pino I^ind, Improved, In thd ninth district of Houston county, ivhcreon David Ov- Smith now-lives —nil laviednnas hisprupeity tosntisfy a Fi Fu in fa vor of J oh it M. Moore vs Hugh A. Smith .and David O. Smith. ........ Ono Lot of pine Land, writ improved,.with n Grist mill tbrrcon, whs'icon the defendants now re- - aide—levied irons tlie'properly of AtistrrH /lYbowand Irwin flii’ieii tusatisfy sundry small Fi Fas infaVnr nf John ll. Cain oml plhers vasaid Burwcll and lrivin Wilson—properly pointed out by R. V.- C, RuIBn. .. y. • Lot No. 180 in the ninUi .ilisUtct of Houston —levied jni ns the properly of Duruelh.Ktndriek to -r. satisfy a amnll Fi Fa ill favor of Goddard <V.Lnngdotv , ■ c. a. madiNs. Fashionable Hats. IIE sitbscribcr linu on hand r few fashionX- ble HATS, xybkh In offers nt the very low priarof Five dollar*. Gnllmulsco. ‘ marel. 22 • It. U. SMITH. for K'cgrocs for \ HE aubscriucr baa'ii lot of MttiltOES ,j ialc t confuting of Iioys# Oirb ami Faini- lics-i-thcy will bo fouud Rear JUrTowusUsfMilc,; Macon* ST* 1j ANTE it* • tu^rcb^B* 112 • • .->! Ono Hundred dollars Reward fhi**^tbo L*»t of Uonr^ Kadjr^ in t!»c 19 iowiiVf Irwiiitrtii. Wllkbison county,oii Uio ii* Jit oJ iliti l^ili inst. t dark brown HvU^h m*orly lilack, »»< or stven yenrs 6l»l thi* ^primr, nboirt ;> icct kilhi ewitch tail, Harjn hKfpmiOM; Ibclnift’OW liiml lout white, umrkeil with gehr, fciiod before ■iid mckf mosllv—biinpoflcnl to Imvo been taken by John Cannon, ho IihvImr broke juil (u Lnurjmi epuhty llie Snlurdnv night before, charged with boijKJ *r»JW in several uRt. Tbc snlj CtiUkh l» ijhout 40 Y«i of'nuc. six feet high or more, ruthrr dark complexion, blflfklltfo rather f|Miro mwle. The Hl.ove tvwnrd will boyUeu fnr the detection of the thief and - deln- ktnn'.f "•ft* 0 '"" '^Ffi’LETONMADD^r M»rrk 93 2t —levy made and returned bv a constable. . March 20 ISAIAH CHAIN. Sh miff. W Butts Sheriff S^lesa - r, ll.lsbc >(»lci cu tin* first Tuesday in MAY niJit* before tho court house in Jackson, Butts couu*. ty, between the meal hours of idle; • t One house Frnmo ut tho Iiidhiri Spring#, m Butts county, a log House ftrineriy occupied u a -blacksmith shop, one other small frame ot u House all siluaied nt the same p!nce, nIllo bead bfCaitte more pries?, eighty bead of Ilug^more or. less, ono smnll bay liurse,nnd one Cotton Oihr-ell levied on as the properly of Joel Daley, Inenlhfy two Fi Fes is sued from Butts Superior Court iii fnvor of Abner .* Bankston vs Joel Daley—property pointed out by th*. - plaintiff. - ... One negro woman tittmed Mary, about 23., • yltars old, Hiirait, a woinnn about 10 years old, Stn-' ; p!ien,‘a boy atiout 4 years old and Leroy, a boy about 10 mouth** old—nil levied oh as the property of A. Ls Rolluson, to satisfy three Fi Fns issued trom Butts pci lor Court In favor of II.-W. SroveM and othrjrs vs sail! Uubiiiflou—propci ty pointed out by defend** auf. HENBV HATELY. March *G ^ ‘ . . Sheriff. Georgia, Taluot county, ‘ vverhERF.A3'"Reiilii-ii Aldroilgl np|illu» fame \ V * for tellers of udinlntilinllou un the-estate Qf I. ll aiinm nmmea.UUof Atabaaia. itecoascd- was wamws. UU O-.U tnong the «BR.. r . .. ia 2r2 7 rumo -<‘ to exhibit his tlq.lomf tic W oicurrcil AM have compollcd tha facnlucs m tanaky it jQ-postii^ntlal atmqviilaere cxatcilV'rtJVtr P 01 ' ,ri ,0 * lic Mt* ut cx P tt — 08 Sdiod* At the Mat of Hugh l.aivwm, in Houston co., mi tin 22<1 inst., aft. r n cguttura* '»."*« ofthroo moatbs, Robert Glenn, Esq., nl '•)= *>7‘h I cnt his cvc. Mr. Glenn r,i».useote.l thaeounty ot Twice*several yoars iiRtw St <lc lag:»uture, nud was a laau of mare thuixunlluaiyttlenU^-Hia L.-ont ilovolion to poliiir*.joined whhllio mort ti- L-r.i! hospitaliiv; made him feci much of cnbmity ami iiliriuriuno during tho latti:.-part *of In* life. Lot these who bad uncharitable fueling* towards the deceased, be n. charitable to Ins memory a. he was forgiving, and let them remember, that on W, dying .dtlow ho expressed a hops °r pardon from tiii Maker, ns sincerely ns ho made peace " On'suuday Morning, the Mill jnst.. bfaril> Sj»‘ erring nml psiufti! iUncse, Mr*. Esther Torrance, of Milled.'eville, in the .'15th year of her ago, wi dow of Andrew Torrauce. roriuerly of Laldwtu C °AMbe residence of Mr. Wilson Popo ; in OUd- toil. Jones county, Mr. Uvytyjl. live of Massachusetts, aged 22 years. Ha hsd cioicand liimsclf to all with whom fef g” n «- maint.vl hv his stoady ndhercuee to vim.. . mo. ha» left hvhiqd liita tio best oT nil mc.ncu.ocs “A grnid nami-.’’V •• ■ ’’ ’ • -. % d seal at office, (Id* 23d day of Mardi.WlU.IAM B. GQ33.c.c. o. OUR ir.mtb* after made tu the honorable the Inforidr Court uf torilolTSi,lm! O cM00ty‘drcrsscd for die bene- rocket Booh Boat I : m ti,. |'t!» in>t. bclweeii Macon and Mr. Beck’s, near the cnmp^roancUi* M ( »nroa Oj>nn^ r -«ii p.ififst u’mIW i. Softlalnlng nboui SSShatSFStewefi' SZaSIT*5SrW{.“JW“"'f5S--*- m«iw-iwn d-illnr*. Ihcre .v enu w nil |htv>us from trading for tho * n ' r r . or V the maker from payo'g finding »» id p. 1 * C '’w aA ‘ Jr* 5 ;*.« r 'iI■ fV^rnV.V;oTof ii'.Vo me. Oeo mile, l ;" L v : !,r..iUne»r tbs F.yclrovillo road^ d'all b nbqve Forsyth ur «F ^ 11> VCll *J» IU" ' U#U J '""l *■ Daniel carroi.l. Monroe Sheriff Sales. W ILL lie aulil on the tint Tuesday in MAY nest, before Ike court house in Fonytb. Monroe county, between tbeUsoal hours of tale, 292 1-2 acres of Laud, being Lot No. 120, liithe Olh'dljtrlr.t of Monroe county, vberaon Rich ard Mn'y now lives—levied on aalb». property of Hirg- ard Jtfujr and Jamie Turner, In ,stilly a Ft Fa in fa, or. of Thomas N’H|iIervssslil May Ir Turner. '202 1-2 nerrs of Lund, being Lot. Nn. 133, in the third diitrir.l of Monroe comity—levied on as the property of Ay/rouui i'artUman, Ililtiam-. Varde j . mail and Haehacl Fardeman, to satisfy a Fi Fa infs- . vor oflbe Governor Sec. v* said Vardcmans. Tlie uorlli-cait part of Lot No. '126, in tho sixtli district uf Monroe county,—levied on a* the [ir.M>rrty cf John Dewberry to utility ■ Fi F* In f.^ .ie oi itenjnmin M. I’eeples vs said Dewberry. Ttira'e Mules, ifto Rond 'Wnynil; one Ox' ' Cart, one yoke of Oien, and one Grindsloue—all le vied ou «* Ilie riru|ierty of Jared TirpUy, to aaliafjr sundry Fi Fas in favor ot LhtWtooAlKiuson.nadolUj- esr vs piid TapleJ. . • . I’wu I.ota of Land, Nos. 120 aud 143, m tliefnurlh district of Monroe county—levied oiins tho iroperlv of William Gray end Tlw.itat Gray, to satis- . P y sundry Fi Fas in iavor of Case & Goodrich and Olliers va said Grays. ‘ pjftv acre* of Land, being part of Lot i No. 191,In the fourth district of Monroe county—levied on nt the property of Johu Ceyper, to s,ti*fy sundry' siunll Fi Fas In furor of Marlin O. Bncbanon for tlm. use of Janies May and other Fi Fas—levy mode end returned hy a ccustuble. A. COCHRAN, March 29 , , , _ **"9^ Alto will bo told at al.rre on the first Toetuay so JVNE ’i'll. Ouc nccro mnn named ld«t, about 27 }eai* ol are—levied on ..the properly of t.evh. Sr. JosatUfv a mortgage Fi Fa in f.Vor’of f.lijrb M . Troutman, A- mos Troutman, and Itirom D. 1 rout men—properly ^°M*rcb°29 la ***'JttHN RF.DD1NG. Pep. Sheriff. Irwin ShorifTStele* POSIT’ONF.D. W ILL b« »old on 1hc ftwl Tueftdny in MAY neit. before ibe coart house in Irw i\ county, be- tireeo the usual liuurt of rale, ‘ One Lot o!‘ Lmid, known nv Wo* 253, in Ihe fourth district of Irwin county, end on the wftttm of llouftc creek—'levied cm «•. the prv|wrty of moc Stephens, to sutiAfy ■ Fi Fe issued from the Fum»or Court o| Irwin county. in favor of J»*bu butlou jr. v# 8(epbf«* Wlggiiw. end I*n«c f^irphcn* K-curify—pro* p C rty roij^dmriby Hupheou.g«l» E R, ^ FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. ’. +-T- r'i ’* ■•tB -—