Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, March 31, 1832, Image 4

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! Bibb Slicritt Sales. VfTIUi fir »i'M on (hr first Tm-.-ifiiy In A BRIL y,)f nsxt,before Ilia conn Iiiiium- in lint town ofMa cu n, Bit'll enmity, hatxveeii lit* ostial hours of tale, Onn lio' o!' Stmts mid Homs, eimsistitig of Ladies' l.rntlnr, I’nmi-ll. He Mori •••no Ships ,fc Boots .'* i'o. —levl-d on m tin* prn|icrly of I'nr- me 1st (f Church —to satisfy » j-'i I’o issued from Ihe Inferior Court of Bibb county. in fovnr of M- II. Wallis. vs •rill Ptrnn4»e .V Cli-ireh mid Oliver Singe. Oue foil nnd out' I'Vomoiitn (iiiimlior not Vwwtl.lw ||ou*e It iimn ns tin* Mansion !!on«e, orouj.iwt hv Vow*, llorrngli fr Townsend, to in- tl.ty Hirer Pi l'»* is-«cil frnm tin- Inferior emirt nl Bilili, on. in favor ot T ilinnn A Purlin for the n*e ol J. II. Tiilm oi v* C'.urlo* S. I/—-in. tlio iidiilhiislrntor ,i|’ Clinrli * HtdWJk nod t!iv i-si-cntrix ot Nil-Ill-l-is 4V. Wi ll*, one in fux.n'of Cmrle* V.’liillior.l vs life mi rk mol Itie executrix nl Campbell Eiiojifi Sales. VCWLL tie sold on tlie furl Tuordny m AI'KIL. V/7 next, nt tlie court house in Ciimplielltuti, Clini|iticll county, within the usual hours ol sale, Six Negroes, to ivil, Mounting and iter three children, Hilvov, l.ound and Harriet; also, Petr*' « hoy 1 3 years old. and I’.din a girl Id years old, all le vied on hi the property of lln motRegert, l« I! Pi Fa* a in favor of Henry II. Field .Sr c.o. one in favor ol jnhii Al. Arit-lu* A- Co. one in layer ol fr it. Ilntler, ll!sii one in my li’intl- in luvur ol i licilia* Ex-axis, v* Thomas J linger* A'an. Tell linriel* nt Coin. levied onto Suits'x one Pi Pn in lavorol John G. Ilolierla, f.x'r vs t.ob- irl /V.'» march 2 II I’M A.MlN f AS! .V. «'/>• -Vier.£. Also. will he sold scut ore- fine lot of Lai d. No. 21 T. in •>"' aernntl ] m‘R tnontl-s aftertMute,' application sviil U- . made to the hanoraldu inferior ci.urt of Jlonroe county, when silting for ordinary purposes. fur leave to self lot ol laud No. 217. in the sixth disliict ol said comity, for the benefit ot tin* children. r THU.VIAS II. GORMAN, ntareli I mi Nnlurnl (Juurdin i lTtOl fi AiO.vniS niter date, application xviil In i'' Hindi! I<> li e hon. the Iiiferior Court oi lloir- , n eon. t,. nIdle d'ln.g I n- ordinary |iiir|iu*i *. for •aave o. sell Ha- lii \i. I STATU of Henry A'. Won- l/iar-f. I i ■ t lr 1|a me l.e *nini«triitor "f J.'-iioles Ut.l.ak ami l ie exm.inri*i f llrlM1 .rly t'nrroll mo- Cami lull Kteltolu* W. Well*, one m fnvnr ol L. D frliej lor ^ |{ir ( v ..| /v.erf It. Ib.inss.U six Hie u*e ot A Bennett v* the udminUlnitnr ot t harle* | ... ,, ' ( J n ,». A. Ilick-. n-l'oek and Itilev, the above levied on as I Kl , lier| „ „ M ; emnlv. the iiriiiiertv of t liurles tl-illoek i eceiiwd. and Nil It* t,,i , f | ,,„| \„ oft in the fiuirtt etitli Idas \V Will* deceased, to satisfy Hie within Pi Pa*. „ V 1 1 , .. V " ' ' „ . march 3 W. B. CUNK, />. slier ff. \ fannerly layelle now ( ..a i l.ell i-e.itr}r. le- ,, , ,, , ' c , «.« i • Vied on as the proiiertv ot Jesse ll'r-is. to sntifls Mm. it,It hr tot,I Vtttl.i ti, on l utu>ay m A/a.V. k |lm|ry ri |„v„ r 'nl Si.mitel llari imlmi am Tin- I’.llmviii" Negroes, slave*, to wit : Lou* j Charles Varner v*. said 11 ■ Af> li. CIUuTAlN. Ni.y-Jt -.11 ■S.Vt’.ni MUVi lld idler daleni-jdifHliiiii w.llla- ..tad- lo 1-e* h-ne-ra'ile the lu'eimr .-..nit id il.ili* I IV nil / lot' oi'iliniiiy |,ur|, lot leave lo seif I*.i ot liud.'o lit. in III- sevea-eeutlt .H.trict »f oriel lien v t-ovv U. iCnll. rn-ie.y. as ll-ei>n i la'IV ef .Sr-inio-/ footlfoil:. deeensed, lor the hree-loril.-dWrile'ee.ofl,,* i-.ta<e. Vaieli!) n; WILLIAM IH.Al.Qf K. (Iiinril, B'iOlIit iltotlti * after dale. a|i]dlenl!nu ttlll •>*- Ij* I,li,ill to if.- f, lilt ot A'omoe eoimty. ‘ - leave ti sell Olio H< isHagirt.; George a liny t Redden, lloiulon, George | Prinr.f, nml C<if*'rc. men—(cvfnd inn»n ns tlie j; # fv of Itatie H lloidunt!, Inmtiffy R Pirri F;*iju< iMMcif Uji'iii a tnifi'i »tiid Negroei* laroHo^rd liy III#* | , i»iiiii , iV Uunkof (liv Sin*®«»( ncnr^'w.p.Mignr.e. . , li b Jj to W. U CUM:, /bp rihtriy. One nf No. IfiS, in th#'foii r t!i' «li*trir.t nt ori“iiially llouvtnn. imw IJi'iili rrnmty. rn«- J u*:ti:ill 'l i»u»r»» or !»•#«—!rvi«nl nit n-* tin* prnperlv «»t’ //% r /< //.riii'Vlo VJiid’y a pi P« frnm lli« ."injiVrinrqnurt of county in fnvor of Km* * a« tin* pi | jtiiJ Tviu*r vs» lfuj;!» JIhmiH u***I llrynnt IlnniiP : i*u«i*-n ii yf/jiii ifitl tit ioh/ at al ore, on the firtl Ttiodnyin AyU. mid l.'s Knur Nopiona, »» 'amill ill, JiGniit !•*:- ; tjr v««n old* St**plif*ii. a liny sliotil »i* yenrs old. Mis- j *'>’ ^ ,,,n nmri. « girl almul three yran* old, and l^roy, n Imy l.o* nbintt two rennuUl— allluviudmi a» flu? j»r*»fM*rly »•/ I *nf fK-.iiw! J Dustily to mthfy h in*»rtg»ige Pi pa Imuim! • on ; «tli"pi from Pis Inferior court of Hntdwin county in mvor | r of William J* Unnelly v* unidTlioinu« Dnncllv. Jan a ia:w. 1 \vm. ii. com:. >//., /r. ffftu'f, >HI lftr jir'f Tortitn fltu*. i.m Oil III#* s*>n iiu i tin* i».ivn oi f*i.«i|.!idlion '•pr'/T. , xv!*i1f M'liM! h «•! «. -|... ,., a I .- till- ,i. lAo. Iivi'n i hail hi 1 I .ol Mo i:t ..i lire Vi r*l. for Hu* I) r-fd. v i.idii u A HH-GIV-*. videii tiali -d'lot No ■ olo.-iginallv Co- eta . a* llu- (»r. !*eily el T/i :ro| tl - nl'hel. el 11 l-11 ,• i.t III lii-rl .V I •f I. 0.1. No. a Pi I'l I Cnkol !-:"!_ ! , r.'|.-nv ell. sei-nrilie. nl (i'i, in 'he -i-vi nv t’>illl|d,.-ll ni r f'o'ii-am 1 ./• lavor of Tlitm I I'enlieo-t. 1 . ■[.„.! ,• -1 . ■, .... . - --. I lie- i te - I "yi.ulh. him .. (N, / J- ,r. tr Coinv37v . „ \ lil'.‘ ! A- i. i- 1 - -' I'* •** ,r e- j. I,;.-id stnml, taruer of Chen a null Semud ttretll, A S m w receiving from Now York an-l Boston, a Presl. «,i .|>v ->f CHOUS, wl.ijth in addltloa to llui.e* mi hand, will make Ids Stock very'large and complete, which he idler* on a* reasonable term* a* they can lie liad in this murket. ills Goods comprise „ genera. a.;ort^.d^ u , Egt \j:, ||i„|*. St. ('roi*, Portollico and New Or W lilils, |,cat an-l I,ttm|i do. |0 Un-iti-i I hots Tea, till,tl'iu I I s hsiii. in Mini*. Mehoses, I.VIII i'loln-l* Suit, I Ml pieei-s lleni|i mid Tow Bi-gging, 4-1 Kegs .Nidi*. .Ini.niicH Until. Pognae Brandy, Ni.nheili Gin. Wli'okey. Nniihei-Ii Hum. Apple llnii-.dv, Wine. Powder. Stmt. Atf. vVc. DUYjr/oons. 22ard-hn7arc, Ctttlmy, Crockery nnevu. S3'"Ah. Hub, ISliinhiii, Stithllt*. (,r. S,-c. Oet hi A.I-.W SMOVjCO. f’.'C.I \ ”! A i'. ! i f Ii II IS pih! JAVKr* '!. 9 r-.MVTH imvi: asa-sitited thetnaelvvs in the lien (if Ii:e l. iw nmii r the linn iiftd st.vle ol Harris tV Sin-;.'.'t. Tliey wiii tu-;vtic‘<- in till the I'eiirt-oftlie Flint t'iieiiit. Tin if oliiec in h'-j-i i;i ilia eastern end id' Grillin'* huihiing. Forsyth, :it xvhieli ti'.ace one of the firm may at nny I'motie i'oinul, toiless al-.seiit on |iriifessioiiiil hn-ifuas. ; v .1. in Mm r i?«2L AKD STA »‘iali BRir GOOBg J OB MAGIF, has received and open, i* last few day*, an citemive Bsinnll' 1 ’ w **hin including almost every nrtirle reouired'f 1,1 •«: atuuug which are the JlowiT- for,l,i * Os Sii|.eiltiie blue, liluck, hrutvn olie. Broadcloths, Aleiino and rmvon ci” *"? I'l anu f.'iro-ssiiiri*, very fine French BomS,^ mgs and J r atteensi alto French Linen.Ind J B ! nud sii|icimid cmnnmn V.MIiir.* I, ? ,ri | riru-«. Uiliiidii* mill Oilcnmi Itnhi s J,,!...?*,?! A,n, ‘ Cmnliric mid imuiiuie Uimilv; SwU s *nlcf and ctfiiifiric MutUant liulh.\Uk j 1 J iiatioi ni h'ia..iu,(:,d;,-,; J1 ,„,,7.;! 1 ,;rt'^ poller"* and lab J style-, fancy lla„di,l2IfH ncarls, C"i ( ie« nil-' (fallen,plain «,„| fi5„L **» fiilt.s, f .tint (.rod< mij.Vs ami I'ilnrirea, "in-ad and Imhiii.-i | J11: , '“*?A 4 -«||] ltihlit.,1-, Glc es and ll.isuii-yi Irish ^ mil cmnliric llmtdkerchitfs; also hull,, Lj .*l Laghorns. open si raw and Htinstiiiile 1 "“ li"-!ln:i and Parusols very neat and liHiidm™"’ mid Pull's; and an exiens.L ," 'i- Sna lisnutl Perfumery, Otf. of l(os*s, A c ^ •'•"I Also a genera issnrtmctil of Ilardivii*. Ji , Class ami Chi (.'rocki-ry. C,,,,! *’ f u l ' III cases geiitlemen’s beaver and silk lh,n" J line ami eoiumnu. iiicluifing tvlii'c, Urnl, »„,i i ''iso Hilo"*, fiittou Card*. Idael niilis' 'I'*. : ^ ,nil1 *«<••». car,,..,,,.,,....; ! I Hill*. A C A l!. | Aim a very general nssntltnei.l of (,|t(u COTTON BACCINC. Ac Ac. I The Rilhseelli-.-r rei|ne»ts tin- ai'entli.n nf| il the public to hi- whole >!cck intnuh, n s inlimie to disputo of Ilia same i;<,,,,, i,. n , Jt . - is corfiilenl, will give general s.-' -‘ R ■ l-’ll •lot!--1 ml, ibv nitv—b'i / ‘"III Ill'll • < I My., -i 1 th n l mu! sill- ,/. < r,.»-,/ /„ oe , ■trrHinl. I'lihim. .ml lell-is ihaithl 1 - Klonvy Shsriff SJaic. VTWIU.beS lid on the first Tuesday in Al'HG.iieit. V/ before the Coiirl Imllse ill AlcUonougli, lieu- ry county, helvyaen (lie lawful hours, O'li* hiin'Neil nert-s of L ilul, it bt-ittg n pi-i-i of tail No. I!!01uthn‘/d district ef said con-tv. levied on av llie properly of Il'aS'iiinn flnsifroand A.’sist e/ dm security, to satisfy Ihree simill pi Pus issued j ' ” ..' . . ' u lust ire’s court in fnvnr of Peter Brown, levy made j ** , " - ' uuil returned to me bv a constable. One Lot nf Loiul, .No. 103 ill llw ii Ii t!i«- j trlqt of said county, levied on nt the properly of ||, / «nl l.nnt. In taliilv two small osenjliolis mm in fnvnr of Kdwnrd Poly aud the ntlir r In favor of Asa Hull— j Im v niaile ami ertiinied hv a emislnble. J (Bur h ill of Ltd.No. Id.V in tint jbv„ii h *t*s• i trli-t of s-itd county. levied on ns the properly of Aimer I Carpi'-, liv virtue M a T*\ Kxe.culion issued by the j T«» C.ille’clnrof .'Jenry county, In sat »fy hi! tax fur j thu year ItKW—tnx due, (hi I- - ! i-enls,withsoist. “ j A l.i*n*i , iHt Lot «tf Land No. 122 ill dt-G li ■district of said county, levied on as the |a-opertv of jilim/iam Kinnty, to *ati*fv a small Pi Fa in fn-n"r nf ti. Mmiifco. levy medo an .' inturncd by a constable, Alto, on the Ji'tl TiienInn in Mtii/ next, The smith It ill'of-Lot No. 17<>. ill the 8tli slistriet of llniiry county, levied on us the properly of Jtiiuh Poriont, to satisfy n Mortgnge l-’i Fa issued Irnin tba superior court of said rottniy in Inver of Ilurwell ltaeland. Proiiertv pointed nut in said Pi Pn. fell g.-| Till IS. J. JOHNSON, Sheriff. Alto, mil 1 Oe told at chore, Lot No. 249, ill the seventh district of U.-n- ry county, levied on as the properly of Min Hnrit, to mlisfy a Fi Fa from Walton superior court, in fa vor of Stawart it Hargroves vs said Harris. march 3 JAAIES LOVF., Hcpuly Sheriff. 1.0 • 1 4 l.uul No. f’ ii if *r #!:nJi if! of origin idly t’l-xv, III .m« t'amplil-ll 1 rnni'tx —♦«•' i« il .-•I **S til, •properly iif tls'rrctl 1 ic:r. to tnii-iy a 1 . Fii in I'm ..r«.! J-.l-i i liri-xvte. v. said 1 Vf^nan. (.in . a' l.niiil .No. 32, in ilo- s' •raud flrstflrt nf origin' idly Ciirru II •'iiii.i'bi-ll county—Icvirt! on ns Hie - properly of E,Unui'd ltd.* . *S* Jrwi-s lit Up inerelinn tl . iitM'x ii I i l'n i-sm- il Ircm J -;n*r Sllei ii.r r, i.url i.i fax 'iirni'Gurlaiiu Maxi y vssuU IHck* »V llni y. Lo: . if Land No, t)j, iu i!-e f- n»«*tr<*till» il:s- p<; ,- him.I, this tVh V .ri-li. 1- JOHN Al ft III!. trie' ef ori-.-iinllv Fnvi-ltenow- Camp 1 -lie. t,-, i - le. vied on as the pioperly of H'l.Viem lllohe. di-neiiaed, In satisfy a Pi !'u issue'll from Jackson Inferior e-urt in lavnrof Jnlni W Turner v* snid Blake and Tim- tins A. Ibihl.s—projieily pointed out liv Itnusiun Tlmtnpsnn. tl. iiAFI.V. .Hiiri-n !1 Dtp. Sheriff. 'Sfionrnfi bhr..v?F Sal'-.v POSTPONED SAI.E. W II.I* l»c soltl. on fist* fir*! Tnculaiy in Al’llll, iii'ii 1 , nl t!;i* «n»jft lioi|.o in llu* touti of Por* -*>It*. Voiiriip Militify. within llie usual l.uuis jf sale, llie (*illoU'tu^ profu'iiv; I no H of I/kiiiI. K<vn*» |»;»!f of Lo! No KO. in tliptliiril (IHrie! of >!i»uro*» co'jnly—levie ! on •nfi 11m propi rly of J'unrt Hood, to «n!hfy n Pi Pa in favoi of Mar!Iiu G. lS«ir!:atiati mimtiiisiriitor, 1V1: vs. si.i I Wood. Mm eh 12. A. COnmtA SSatts Sboriff Sales. W II.I. lie sold at Jncksmi. Butts e.oiiuly, on tl\e <ir<t Tuesday in Al'UiL next, within the si.nul Imurs nf sale. Oust fourth of Lot No. 3 in square No. 4 in tti« town of Jackson, levied oti as the property o iJ-iel Jlu'nV. to satisfy a justice's court Fi Fa in favor of Sn uiucl W. June* v* Joel,Haley—properly pointed out hr defemlatil. Lot No. I in *qu:ire No. 12 in the town ol Jackson, levied on as tlie pmnerly of Itnbril llraien I« satisfy sundry pi Fn* issued from a justice's court of snid county hi (nvnr oi Jclliro Mobley and others vs said Brown, levied on and returned to me by a constable Tins property is occupied ns a Hotel, mid improved for that purpose. Seven liputl of Gn'ile, levied nn as the pro- n of Simeon llnnnnil, lo sntisfya Fi Fa issued from ifrrior court of said county in favor of G W. Hnmmil vs Simcoif Hutmiiil, property pointed out by the defendant. 202 1-2 acres nf Lund, mciro nr loss, known hy Lot No Bill In the first district originally llenrv miw Bntts county, levied on ns the property of l.’uii- erl ffntet, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued front the Superior cnnrtnl Butts enmity in favor of Cotton A- llnri-ison v* Robert Brown, property pointed out by defendant. One Lot of Land, No, 43, in llie fust dis trict nf nriginaliy Henry naw Bulls county, contain, lug 202 l-'J acts s more or less, levied on as the prop, •rty of A l- Holliman, to satisfy sundry pi Fas Issu ed flora a justice's court in favor nf It. C. .Mays anil ' others vs A. L. Robinson, returned tu me by a con- ■table. Oop Negro Boy named Willis, about six years old. levied on as the property of A. llnbiii- son to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued firt m a justice's court ill favorof It. C. Mays and others vs A. L. ltn. Untnn, returned In me by a constable. Onn Lot nf L ilul, Nn. 148, in the- first dis trict nf nriginaliy llenry now Butts county, contain ing 202 1-2 acres, more or less, levied upon ns the property of Jloherl Broirn, In satisfy a Fi Fa is sued from Clark Superior court iu favor nf Edward l'aine anti Alevent Thomas. F.x'r* nf Uriah Humph ries,vs Hubert Brown. Properly pointed uut by de fendant. 202 1-2 acres of Land more or less, it lining I/it No. 1C in the first dirtrict formerly llenry now Bulls county, and 101 M acres more or less, it being the south half of tail Nn. 17 in Hie same district, leg. led on liy virtue of two Fi Fas from Butts superior comb one in favor nf Eli W Simpson vs Hugh lln- Rill, Simeon Ilamil and Bryant V. Hamil. the other in favor of Elijah Budget vs the same—property poin ted nut bv plaintilis attorney, march 2 H. 1IATF.LEY, therff. Alto, wilt Ot told at abort, Two hales of Cotton, one Cotv and Calf, and two Heifers, levied nn as tlie property of -Siiiry Canaan, to satisly a Fi Fa from Bulls .Superior court iu favor of Thomas W. Grimes, guardian, vs Spivy Cannon, John Cannon and Robert Humber. march2 JOHN LOFTON./) thrriflr. Alta, will Oe eoM nt abort, on Ihe firtl TIirsibw in June, Two Negro Bovs, one by the name of E|. bert, about 18 years old, the other hy the name of Dick, about 7 years old, levied on as the property nf A. L. Robin ton, to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa in favor nf John Hendrick and John Lofton vs A. L. Robinson Property pointed out by (he nlaiutiir. march , 8 II. IIATELEY, therff. nrxt.nt llu; I.ilt» rrsiiloni*#* of S mintl Pufson*, *u!u o|* Fityolit* ««*uit!y ilfcrnscd, nil llie w a & l*i 'nle of 2?erisha’:-le Property. ficfon^ioir lo sniii ({i'itiummI, coii^fiii*; of IIow*, C.tlllr r.uil oilier tfoi:k of vnrions kind;*, Imnyelioltl mill kilrliru Kur'-iiiirc mu! vnrious oilier nrlirl#'? too t(*ilion« lo mention. rii»l« lo no. timie iNv lo •fny tint if all hit; v-ild. 'i’erms mmh; known on tin; dnv of sale. Wr*«ons litsldiug dennniN nirnin^l .•'id r<1n!f» art- 1irri*t»y notified to rnndnr in tliniri!niti.tnd» in terms of the law, mid t* o<e tfiiit arc owing the estate «re re quested to make payment. THOMAS 1.0VO, l .. . EDW.Mtl) Y. JOHNSON, J ' march fi J.TJ Svaii-AWity, . , , g- ti;ivtl il-c (liiwr oi lln- public liiind*. near S’ |-’»r*ytli, ahniit (III! -Jills ol February, the ltd* V 'Jd iSi, wl"‘ calls hhnsell PETF.R JOHN- SUN. ill- i’, II blni-k b-llmv id m-ibiimy slnlnrc, Ibin ; 11 : (i seiisibh*. Me is pi-idiuhly bilking «i„,i’it All- Wiir-ix’s iu Ti-hiiii-, when- lie prclcnds to |„,ve 11 xvhe. lie left ,H.u--;i. it is re|-inted, oil the lin-t ofn Jlr I-’l-tcher. lor lli.rii ti. ■iOWj.’, "f FUJI J< illN'U.V. A ycllmv fehoiv o.-, years old. verv likely s-.sxi! seusibf-. il is said tlia! lie id-/; is in !l>" impb-yineiil of a Paliouu 011 board of 11 cnib-ii to Darien. TiC2LX“4 “ rcry likely Mack fellow, spun- Hindi-, and lies i;n doubt gm.i- lo Darien. KOSiBOJf, » bill n-ick felloxv. very shrewd ■mil likely, about 2&> curs old, xveurs earrings or has holes in 11 is enr*. I will give TEN DOLLAR!* reward for each nf llie nbin-e desi-ribi-d ni-grn-s. ii lodgi-il in any jail ol •lie Stale so that 1 mn gel lln-.i.t or, it taken out ol this, TWENTY DOLLARS «ib' be paid tor tie- di-livery of to the Jailor ol Bibb rouiitv. I hereby forexvnrn all owner*and patrooti* ot boats 11111I nil other persons, from liHiborl-ig. empl-xying, trallickiiiR nr trading xvitll (he public hands; foe I nil! ili-terinii’i-d lo enlo ce the law-, mill pul 11 stop if pos sible to such abuses of lie public interest; aud I hope the good I'.ili/eiis of the .State, and pnrlicularly of Ma con, will co-operate with me in i-lfecting mi object so dcsire.l.te. NURBOUNE 1! PUWLLI., m:in:11 Id. ldlxv. Superinlendrnl Public Hoods. 'ILL be sold on Biiturdny. the Vtfth of APRIL next, at the ri-sidem-c of //rury I'tidgrrt, late of the I Itli district of Houston county decensi-d, . All the X’enrhaMe Property of said ilect-nsnil, i-ousisiiagof llnrses. Hogs, Sm-ep, Cattle. Corn, Poildai, household mid kitchen Kill-ill- lure, and x-iirlnlts other articles lootcdi uisto mention- ‘I'kksis, made knoxx-ii onllte day. All persmis hav ing ileiimiids against said decensi-d will bring tlu-ni’in properly ntlrsled, and iIiiisk indebted will liiuke im inediul. piiynieiil. MOURNING i:oiir;niS, a,Im'rx. DAVID ADAMS, Annt or. marcliO I u:l W rayetto Sheriff sale. ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, at the' court house in Fnyet.eville, Fayette county, within Ihe lawful buurs, the follow ing property: Buck Lot No. 28 ti ilm town of Fnyetlc- vllie, and Lot nf Uml No. 127 in the filth district of originally Henry now Fayette county—levied on as theprnperty ol TAnmos Willioms, to sithdy .morl- *»« Fi F. tntavoe of Joseph T. Camp, Samuel T. Bailey and Thomas G. Gordon vs. snid Williams proiiertv pointed uut In said mortgage. Frit * A. M'11 It IDE, Depot;, Sherff. F ULL MONTHS alter date epplicatlon will lie made to the honorable inferior court of Monroe county, xvlten sitting lor nrdinary piuposes. for leave Strti tTVr 11 ofl * n<1 N °; ,80 - W the first district of wWwjly Howjon now Crawford county, for the be- I”# ' h * °n>hsnt nf Will.nm Op Coy, Isle of Jniper Teb y i^ ee, “ d ' "’ ,LtY U CLEMENTS, 1 Guardian. W II.I. be sold. Oil the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before thu court house ill Btcxxurl county. Lm No. 97,111 lilt: 2-ltli slistriet of suit) coun ty, formerly Lee. Alsu, on tin- same iluy, before ihe cnttri- nonsc iu Riindnlph comity, Onp third purl of Lot No. 39, in the 9;lt tlis- rict of said county, formerly I ce. One lliiitl put t of Lm No. 2fi2, in the 22ti list riel of said county, fnrtnerly Mun-ogi-e. Sold it* the property nf Henri/ Smith, late of Bildi county,* deceased, for Ihe ht-iu-fij of the loirs. Terms on the day. JUIIN SMITH, ml odor nov 23 23 ^yit.l. he sold on tlm first 'Iucsilny ill JI.NI-l a in Unutplirll- usual hours of. next, In-fore the r-.iirt h ton, Campbell comity, between sale, Al&egro SoynamodCIuxIcs, lielnngine to the estate of Aimer Smith, of (.'oivctn county, dt-censed, for the lu-m-fit of srs Si.'Smith, minor of Aimer Smith, ngri-ealile to an oidernfjhr Inferior comt of Cumphcll com tv. xxlu-n tilling fo ordinary pll.posxs. JOliN U. SMITH, Mnrrii 0 llfi &XVJS ESWMS. 'B r Tfc AS’AWAV I'ruin llu* sul»«c»ibci*» plmilulion on Tol»ft?cil’kv, on ^11 m!»v (lie .'Dili nil. a ncuro |i*l!ow iimncd olil, nliniiU p »l‘i:ct lOim-h- i*. - l)»L r l», yellowconq*ieil»in*d f flnKj»j» n liltlc in walk- injr. has lost one ot Ids under front tcrtli, grnorally «tnil**s when ?|**»kon to. I lad on when hr went nwny a wlillf hnmr«jmri ro ;m)nlioiit ( npr«;y *001 skin crop— took also with him a «trnw and a black far hat, with sundry other articles of ciothinz not recollected. lf« is «up*>o«rd to lie Inrkins; about Macon or the vicinity The above reward will In; paid to nny person dr liv pcitig 9aid negro nt tlie store of A. R Freeman tf C.o. Mulberry street. Macon. ANN WYC1IE‘> 90 wtf IM 7.*l R«i BOA liDKiifc*. T li!’. midt-rsiKiit-il can iict-oiniiiod ii'- r mint her of IIOAIIIlKIti^, (xvilht t t hitlgii-g.) --I niodoriiti- tiullis. Alv rx-ittent-e is ou-r my ■:'nip. near the Mansion llutise. Jnn 14 8 T. J. M'CLESKF.V. ^.odgera” C2r.npowdci'. A GIvM-’.ltAI, as-airtnienl of the tlift'event j '2l <|illl!ities, direct from tin- Factorv. I'm- sale bv C. A. HiGGiN;*. * Jail 7 1 3Wc2'.\' iPJSGBZvSB ]WO easc*J-'aiicy Jlnnslaliies. Dec 17 -!!• \VM. II RITIBPALL. S?articiiii^r Notice. S GI VK those persons I liat are imlehtrd lo the late linn of I 'm It fc Vx ordin a parlit ultir in vitation to (-nil and settle the smite, (as fair prom ises will not nav my honest debts.) fcl. 9 ' LKWfH FITCH. Saddle aad .1?arn?ssi Maltjrg. ^nllK subscriber having tun-thesed the . toek j in Trade of FAGF. the Sntl !!e am! Harness Making Business xviil in future is cotitiiiued in nli its hrauches hy liiin nt tin- oh (and on Gberry street. A continuance of puli ‘3 patronage is respectfully solicited. WILLIS T. SACK. -'V 5AGF., Agent. 7:1 lei. Ill Carpeting. T HE subscribers will si-lltheir remaining stock of C’AIIFE'JTNO at very red need jirice having a large qumitity on hand," and wish to dis- contiliuc keening the article, jau 2<i A. fHIOTWKLI.sV J. 8. SMITH. A 1 fcStrayod or Stolen* FROM tlie subscriber, living near Grnnberry’s Post Office, Txviggs county, a small BAY HORSE, while feet, twitch tail, a white spot on Ins hack occasioned hy the saddle. He is about 7 nr 8 years old, trots mid paces remark alilv well. Any person taking up said horse, and letting me kninv by writing to tne at Oranbcrry'i Post Office, shall in- handsomely rewarded, m-.i-ch 12 llMI-St .IOS. B". ANDREW'S, (t/** The Federal Union will publish the above three times. USY rcccved, by llttngcrforda tf Stoddard, 15 dozen Calf Skins II) do Lining Skins I do Goat Bindings 101)0 )h* Sole Leather .50 sides Gin Baud I.eathcr 50 do wax Upper Leather White and Yellow Stitching Thread limit Cord, Wehhiug and Bristles 20!) llis Grey Shoe Thread Which xvc offer low fur rush. 8 oet 31 W ILL he solxt mi the first Tuesday in APRIL iiCJl.lief.iri* the court house in Jlonroe county, A .KTegro Woinar, by Ilm nt me ol KmiIit, llie |»ri»pt*i!y ol.’oifN Unaw* lf»tr of snid rntinf y ( ilun n«u*l, lor llu* bciu fit ol lb lielr* end rmdltcr*. JA.MUS H. S.MITII. adm'r. J nn *|0 tM ml ft the trill anurjctl. virtue* of nn nrdi*r li^Plho lionornblc tin* In- foiior court of Monron uounly, when tilting lor ordinary purpose**, wilt b»* mdd on thu fn>! Tm d«y in Juno no\l, brlweru ttn* ti«unl b-iurn ot #n|r, nt tlm court house in Crawford lot of ,\ 0 ei^ldy. In tlm fin«| district of ..ripiimlly Huiolon now t,rnwiorU county, bidontrine t«» tin; c*intc of Alcxmi- nnder King, lute of Mom 9 coutuy, dcimiiM'd, tor tin* IM-Uflit of the heir** nud vri ibt*.rV of iiibl dccuistd. term* nimli; known on tin* dnv of side, imirrh r» HEOItGi; 1.. DOlKil.Aa^. Adm' 1 ^01 It months nfterduto, npplir.Ttion wdl b«* ninde lo Ihe hniiondilethc Inferior Court of Fiiyette fo tell’ W * ICn fur ordinaly purjutscs, fur leave helongin^iMl^tKi^aBsof^l^'i^^^^ deceased, for llie benefit of mid orplmns, No.-8 89 EDWARD P. XLVON.m,/irdinn. I ^50UR MONTHS after date a|iplicalinn xxillhe made to tne nonorHiile inferior court of Monroe cuunty, xvlicii sitting lor ordinary purpuses, |i,r leave to sell naefourth of lot No. 183, In tlm fimrlli .listricl of filonroe county, in the N. K. corner of said lot, he- lunging to (lie minor children of the snliscriln-r. MOSE8 I). WHILE.gnardinn. K ^IOUtt MONTHS after date application will lie made to the honorable the Inferior Court of uoustnn cuunty, at It. sitting for Ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell llie undivided half of Lot No lit in the twelfth district of county. h,-b? K h,g' , ft ! WM-.m-RD, Adndor Acid Line nf Vast Couches rnoM S-SASOH SO SAVAWIff AH. FARE REDUCED. The faro herott,<er to nnd ft >m Savannah, xviil lie Thir teen Hollars—lo and from Duhliiv Four Doll trs—thro’ in thirty-six hours. The Coaches xviil leave Mn- con every Monthly, Wednesday and Fritlay. ttt four o’eloi k ill tile inoruiiig—arrive nt Savannah at oiglit P. M. next day. Stage Office at W'ash- iugtoii Hall, Macon. G. LON'GSTREET. jnn31 (54 J. B..GVi:UDON. geo's? sxi am. WILLIAM II. JJtJKDSALL H A.8 jiul received and offers for sale, on tlie mutt liberal terms, a gem-rut nsmitineiit ot j&oadyinade toothing'. Ilnvirig IiiiU it niiiiiiiiitittiirt'd i!>prv*#ty h.r lii^ own Siilvs, cnn wHrri'tit it uiudi> in tin* b»*^| iiintiii«*r mmI tuo«t fnsliiunulili* #!yle. Akicm*n* uiiidi arc the lol- b)Win#: UtTitlHiTii’g nipi r blur*, blnrk, yn rn. olivi*. brown mnl Mint DltF.SsS COATS aid FUOCKS a^upn bb.i*. I lurk and lunr.y coloivd chilli 1*ANTA- MMlNtJ lltiu*, blnrk, mixt uml nolori*«i ('n‘iIn«riT* do Sf»*t*l, endol, him* uml fancy mixt Hitinet CoMtei**, Frock* and Fani.iloons F.nplisb nn)!»•-.*!,iii do. Uncut banpup do. Hiding do. lil.Tc.k nud blue Cs'ihtiiiicrr VF.STS Hint*, black ami colored silk velvet do Mark figured valentia, white and bud' do NVb;l*» Abirseillfs do. *Sttmi.«dmvrt nnd tuUinetJdo Yotithx* Font*, Pantaloon* mid Vests Gentlemen’* emU-lnur enmbb t CI.O.^K.S PJnid do. I.ndii'6* cRuihlet nnd circti9*:un do i .ion-skin alm-keif mid Pautnlooiis r iue linen nnd duniicl .-IIIRTS, Cnllnr*, Fronls _ l »eiitleiiien , » Fashionable liluck llenver UA?:a. %Vc. Ac, \2 nov 4 T l^issdiution. Ill-, t/opnrtnerahip liftt'lolni'e fvbling between thesuhscrilii-r. under thr film of RaUtou S/.h.n,, .i this day dissolved by inuliiiil cynsri;!. '1 lie ixjimI- of Ihe concern xxill he nlti-mlcd toby .Jorirf l,a.xh.H, xxho can l.-r (omul nt llie‘store of Its.- ” B-'tton, (theirold slaril.) cornerofChnrry and 1 lord street.. DAVID BA LSTOfi, flli!eu S5 JOil.YL 4UNLS. .Vac i'all and Winter (Hoods wxusrs. Siis r £-BK. &. roas; RE noxv opening, nn the corner nf second stre r i nnd Cotton Ax-cmic, opposite the Washington Hall, a General Assortincut ni European und Amen -on Dr;, floods. Hard more nud Cutlery, Crock ert, nud flints II ore, CntUngt, Leghorn nud straw Hornets, Eire 'duel- nnd drab Hats, wool Hols. Window fI hiss, While l.e ad, Cotton ilagging. Ragging Twine, Ac. xVe. A LARGE SIOCK NEGRO SHOES, I.mlies, geulh-meiis, buysiV cliililri-n’s fine Sln-esAe Merchants, planters and the pulilir. generally lire mt lie supplied nt low prices from a stock, inferior lo none ill the state Macon. 1st October, lEIII. P. 8. We shall he receiving New Goods weekly. LEY, BAXTER ,V FORT. until Ihe Ifitli Nov. WII.I COACIl MAKING. T HE Subscribers xviil continue the business at the old stand, corner of Walnut and Fourth streets, where work xviil lie done in nil its various branches. They have on hand work of their own and * (her Manufactories. ALSO, AN ASSORTMENT OF Coach Materials, , CONSISTING OF Laces, Carpeting, Morocco, llarouch and Gig Spring.*, do. Nulktyn. Plated Panda, Joints, Ji/onlflin<r, Loops, See. &r. Having made arrangements w ith Gratio, Mitch ell & Go. Newark, N. J. they will receive anil forward all orders entrusted to their eare. Ar bclcs ordered warranted to please, or no sale. Jan 14 2 BENTON & BACON. INSURANCE. PTTi HE Insurance Com pant/ of Sew -0- York continues to insure COTTON, when shipped on good Boats nr Boxes, against llie dangers of the River, ltntes of Premium! moderate. .Apply to Dec 20 .51 CHARLES DAY. Agent. ■ 14 JNI'AV GOODS. \VM. !!. j;tUIO>s;AI,L 4 f,. -s' 1.11 A La«- , »!me»( oi - r;:"ir,:i! 11, f- r r, J which he olfi-r* for sale it ft,.- „ *£91 liri. es. l-li-h ur« Ihe f,4linvi„!!. ” H y, , ;.,,f;";. 8,,x,i, , v m,,« Blacli llM|a*„ (‘ 1 i 1 lol,l » “ Sortn,-t Sir.clJ Merino ( ball. " (.res tic ||f.,|in Blue. Black nmi Fancy " Grns da Naples mixed Snlinetl. f'nbm-d &„ ,i ffl Defile point *Y Rose Mandarine* A r: nrfri I el* Black and eolortdliJ Red, White, Green and Crape, colored|| «l Yellow Plmmets G«tir>- nnd Satin r.l Paxony white gauze do, (lire *( Canton do do. I'ilibnns nnd SiH V.J We <4 lllqr. DarossltTable 'lerinoand Cadm.- D'nper 4V„„| Bird, eye do Damask Silk and Crl IIus* la do Shnn-ls 1 Merino Uii-ci-ssians Dress llendkrrcliirh I lilnek ami Blue Bninbn- Ladies dirmoni 8|J sett, nnd Circassians Bonnets 1 h;*!i Linens '• l.rg!-r» j Braid dJ Flmnisli a^lieMin^ ?.fi«t#rii I* *mn>.ri .».■ rotton Oj?nnburs» Clotl.s l.iu*r*y§ i Tliwml l.arrs uml Skcll bimft t'oinlis Flegg * BnndaiuisHiJ Pongee. Spittalfield kerchiefs, ' A general assortment of course and (nt PHOES& BOOTS, ESea'aant? S’otiti-.s; Tar Hat«J • Pur, Leather and Hair Caps, tec. j nov r» 13 1 Just Itccciccu, qTV ^ pieces Negro Cloth d*Sj OP 2 hales Ret! Flannel nnd for sale liy WJU. II. BURBS.4L Dee 1(5 48 Misses D amend ,? 0 1 “ '■ and Chi,1 f ace and Gain’e Ytila Figured and [.tain HE COPARTNERSHIP underthefii sKf. raiTczff a. co. was dissolved outlie Kills October last. Those debit'd to said fi.mi xviil settle with il. Fklti, who is fully nutlmri/.cd to receive aud selficl demands agaiust the firm. M. FELTON' W. D. CO.Nt T ill* Sf BSCRIBEU continueshnthiei— • the old stand, where he hopes frcntl strict attention nnd tlie cheapness of I is fiOOfl to receive liberal patronage. In mlriition lof former stock, he has received a full and comp! Assortment ol »ry Goods, Hats, shoes and Boots, Saddlery, Cutlery a Groceries of all kinds: xvhich will bo sold nt loir as to' ihe market. JU. FELTONl Nov 2!) 33 . Notice. . T HE subscriber having sold his whole slot in Trade to WII.LIS T. SAGE, tbebu' ness in futuro xviil he carried on hy him it i samo store which I have occupied since the £it on Cherry streot. OLIVER SAGE.] Macon, Jan. 4th, 1832. 73 English Mcrinoes- M ERINO square SHAWLS—justrcttirl hy WM. II. BURDSALLl dec 83 54 TIN WARE MANUFACTURE ML’LHKHRY NEAR TUIRO STREET. T HE suhscriher mnmifn -tures andlrcpt stantly on hantl a general asxorimt-iit Tin Wares which he will soil WHOLESALE andiIET.1 at Savaunah or Augustn prices. JOB WORK done nt the shortest unties the shop on Third street, next deer ta El Shotwell & Co. WILLIAM 8. ELLIS. Orders sent to Er-us, Siiotweu & Lo.» receive prompt attenliun. Nov II 17 SHOES cheap EI,ROtiE & KIDl) have received a enn- aignment of coarse SHOES, xvhich xviil lie sold at cost, for approved paper nt IH/ days. 3 hales CARPETING, .515 Inul, dec27 T»IH T()Ki:j\l ii v.s-'l AFFKU'l iOA’S GIFT : , for 1832. stat »e?ivetl hy v-ov 5 EI.I.IS, SHOTWELL & Co. Aliun Salt auJ Xtimc. Bushels Alum Salt _ 1IW casks Tftomnston Lime I’nr sale hy UEA & COTTON. Feh 20 82 Georgia jtffcgroos FOR SALE. FEN HE Subscriber keeps constantly on hnud a JL supply of GEORGIA NEGROES fo. sale. They will lie found to lie of such age or sex ns xviil suit any purchaser, lie uow has HI or 12on liaiul.—tfo will also purchase YOUNG NEGROES for xvluim Cash will lie given. . East Macon, Fob 4-113 S. F. SLATTKU Superior Merino Mantles, Just received nud fur sale hv nov 2.5 30 WM. II. BlfRDSALL. NEGRO CLOTHING. T ill’, subscribers hhvo received n large am! extensive assortment of Negro Clothing, Winch xviil In* sold al a small profit, dec .5 A. SHOTWEL1# & J. SMITH. .Uerino Cloths. J EST received, an elegant assortment rino Cloths, Merino Shawls nml Niiiniw- Also—an extensive assortment of Iiu® ^ and Shoes. dec 23 54 A. FMOTWEI.I. Si * L SMITH; FitACTIcii OF 3IEWCISK* Till- subscribers hsve tnnled » ” Peart ire Medicine. Their shop is " c door ti.ilto Kit|iei1ory olllee. AMBItOHi: IOBJ5K- JAMES T. I'ERfCN*- MncotL May ^ Ji YE GIA. , . Hurrrl# ••/Ae/pV* be«t Rye GIN. to iiitIyo tomorrow, will be the xvlmrf, Apply to Dee 20 " tomorrow. *™y IRON. , , j ftf /fjx tons Swedes IRON, assorted, for*' iu lots to suit purchasers. s J)ec 20 fll PAY Now Receiving .from Boat U (t 3. llJ Ilhl* St Crou'audVorto Rir«^“ Hl.bls Loaf Sugar, b *6* <i tierces t ’olfco, 15 bbls N Rj>® 20 1.1,1s Whiskey, 5 qr casks Win* Rtf ] pijie cognac Brandy, 1 hhd 5 crate. Crockery . Also. .1 Gahal Assorts***ttf M BLACKSMITHS’ TOOLS. »«• vils. Vises, Il.imtncrs. «e. o« TT • dee 3 • SO J*EOBOB •»-si£pjrce7FLAXlS5T0>V BAOGl^ ^SV1g^s^<mstsSta»> ,,