Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, April 07, 1832, Image 4

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Bibb Sheriff Sales. W ILL lir ml,d iHi.lhe first Tuesday in MAY net!, JUcfofethe Court house in Macon, Bibb coiin- Jty, between tile usual hours of salt— One Lot of Lund, No. 1(33, in llm fourth . district.of nrjVlnally Houston, now Bibb dounty, con taining 20-1 1.? acres more or—levied on m the tiriqiecty of tl»fh f limit to satisfy a Fi Fn issued from ■tha .Superior eiiurt of Butts county in favor of Kr«- land Tvuerrs said Hugh Kamil and Bryant Hiimil. Aka trill I' nldatal*'*, on He first Tuesday in Af rit. Fstur Ni'Sriirs, I'li.-br a wuiroin, ahum for- ’ty vears oi l, Hlr|>lii'H. a hoy hIioiiI sis vrarr old, Mis- 'ronri,* girl .trout three yi :irs old, and Leroy, « hoy Butts Shorin' Sales. iM/JLLbc sold on the first Tuesday in MAY nest, T Y before the court boose in Jackson, ButtsCOUD' ty , bet ween the usual hours of sale, On# house Frame, at the Indian Spring,, in Butts eounty, a jog House formerly occupied os a blacksmith shop, one other small frame of a Home all ailueted at (he seme piece, nine head of Cattle more nr less, eighty head n( Hogs more nr less, one small bay Horse, and one Cnlloit tiln—nil levied on as till- property of Jucl Iiitru, to satisfy (wo Fi Fas Is sued Irotn Hulls Superior CVarl in favor of Abner Bankston vt Joel Balry—property pointed out by the plainlilf. Otto iiecru wnmiiii tiiiim-il M iry, alroui 1 AOIR moiiUit afterdate, appliraliog still aq 1 (he honorable inferior court of Monroe county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of land No. 347, in the sixth district of said county, for the benefit nt the children. THOMAS B. GORMAN, march 15 101 Natural Guardian. Vtsout taro veur« oM—all leviej on at the properly nf (.htp n _ . Thornes' thiurt’n to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa Hnmvd yhart old, Sarah, a unman about Id years old,see - - - - - - '■ “ plu-n, n hoy iiIh,iiI 4 years ol;l and i.rroy, a hoy ntamt JH month, old—nil levied on nr the property of .1. I.. from thu Inferior rnnrt of Baldwin county in tutor ul William I. Dam IIv vs said Tboinn. Ih.mlly. Juatkim l WM.8.CONK, >hu'ff. Tho fiilluuitt? Net'roes, slave*, to wit * iaitir- Hoagirl; tieurgr a Ihiv ; It'-ddeo. Tiuuston. Hnurge, 4'iim-o, au,l ('iitli'e. nti-n—luvirsl upon as the proper ty of four H. /.'airboot, to satisfy a Fieri Facias issued up.*u a mortgage upim said Negroes foreclosed by the l‘i •liters' think ol'thv Slate o( Georgia, assignee. 1,1, !% *5 \V. B CliNF., Pep. Hjnrv Sheriff Sale. \t DII.LIesililun thu first Tuesday!# MAY nect. V/ to-iiiruthe Court house in McDonough. Hen ry ruiiuly, between tho lawful hours, 'I'lie soiiiit 4sll' t»f i-nt No. 1743, in lira Sth di-tsM'dTIieary cnuiitv, levied oa *»tbe'property »!'' Soetah Parsons, to satisfy a Mortgage Fi Fa issued from IMiiisnn. In satisfy three I'l Fas issued Iroin Butts Su perior Court in favor of II. IV. Seovell a-id otlis-r. vs said Kobitisuu—Jiriyieily o.iiitiil out by defend- nut. JIRNliY IIATEI.V. Marsh 10 Sheriff. Also will l.r mill as nltrrtpon Ihi furl Turulay in fine. Two Negro Boys, one liy tin* naiim of Kl- berl, ab<,ill 13 yean old, the oilier by the nr me ol Dick, about 7 years old, levied'tin as the pri pse-ty of A. /.. flobinson, to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa ill tifvor of John Itcmiri h and Joliu Lofton vs A. I„ KohVnson IVoperty pointed oat bv tlie plallllitr. mars It 8 If. HATF.I.Cr, sheriff. XVIonroe Sheriff Soles. . ILI. (m* i»i» ilie first Turffiday in MAV nr<V Ijt'iurc Un: court hnu«n in Forsyth. Monroe w I N OUR MONTHS after date application will be ' niailn tn the honorable the Inferior court of Butts cuunty when sitting for nrdiuary purposes for leave to sell lot of land No. 10.1, in the seventeenth district nf originally Henry now DeKnlb county, ns the property nt Samuel Snitdrark, deceased, for the lieuetil of the distributees of Ills estate. March 9 J'» WII.I.IAM BLALOCK, Guard. LViUit monlt.S niter dntu. Application will be j. made to the Inferior court I t .Monnie county, vv litis* silling as a emirt of ordinary, for leave lo sell the ri al e.tntv of Junes Libs, deceased, lor Ihe belie til ol the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Dec Id hi FARMER A. HIGGINS, ailin’or. V i.L persons bat ing demands against Ihe estate of Allen Dormun, late of Twiggs' enuuty, deceits td, will remlvr flicm in pro|ierly attested; and all person* indebted lo laid estate will make payment within the time preieribeil by law, to Felt If. 77 MARTHA DORMAN, F.s’rr. r ,jwtm Georgia, Talbot county, M« / T lli:ki:.\° ltcii:,.n Aldn-Ilge applies li V W lor IrMrrs of iirfuiiiiikfrHlioii on llic csli ftllHfelSIS^ateSWn Dickson, executrix and Executor of the et- t.Taof DavidDUkson. late of said county, deceased, a^ly for letters uf dismission as esecutm and eaa- fsfe^HHlsasS. NLiWitiAN worlds. giuii of tho Golden Star. IlhSufcrkiuiHHt having tlie lnr^«? «oinni»»* J. dhuu house i.iNeiviiun, Coweta counly, lor- uiTrlv kept by Dr. Lcstnige.te, and havingImuisbedit whhncir firifi. bedding and rrery nlhrr uerftnry to re... dar travellers ciunfurla' le, Is now prei medtui dev ole Ids personal iitlcnllon in aulieipoling B»'jr wmsIim.^. Newnnn, *iR. Mnrrh I7» — tbu superior cuurt of said cm.n(yinft.ver ul Bun, ell rf«|a, ilagUaJ. rrojwrtyuni.ledyaunnMid^F;.^ | 20 Vl. 2 nerr,of Land, brine No. 120, .'.— »-■— ■ —- , ia the 0th di.lriel ol Monroe collnly. whereon Rich Uampbcll Siioriil Soles. . j nrd Mny new lives—levied on n* the |ifoperty of Ifiefi *7feljs|LI, Im sold oa (be first Tuesday iu MAY 1 aril .Vuy a*t! ?umc» Turnrr lo satisfy a FI Fain favor iq4 ligil,-at rtie eouil bouse ia C '.rapbellton. j of Tli.vnns Napier vs said May if Turner. ('ntupbell county, within the usual hours dl sale. _ j 202 1-2 acres of Laml, "being l«ol N«. 4 35, One Utilise and Lot on llitt '*uu , liWt*sl side in the lltiid di.lrivt of Monroe enttiify—levied on 1- •f Main slreel, in the town iff'-Otrttipbellnui, known I ihe property of VtXnnm Variltmnn. Hillinm Vurile- to me ritate ot II Ilium itvnntll, laid of Alabama, deceased— Unit are lliertfvrr. to rile ami aitn oniih all and sin- •ju'ur the Lindrtd uud rredilan of said dtttutril. In be and npprur nl mi/ vjfirr., trilhin llit lime pmtribrd try late, to them mint (if any Huy tun,) why laid It Hen should not be granlul. Given under my hand and seal at office, lids 23d *y of M rcli, 1^3. 111 WILLIAM a. GOSS, c. c. o. RanftWftVi J AROM the Oveneer ol the public bunds, near i Forsyth, about the WOtl. ol February, the lot- '^ffl^rcdltid^i, rr.Ti'.u JOHN- SUN, IU Is I black fellow of ordinary suture, tldu visage, pert «nd sensible. IJe is probably linking about Mr. \Yileus's in Telfair, wlmre be pretends to have a wife. He left Macon, it is reported, on the boat of a Mr. Fletcher, for Dnrien. . OiOlrfs «r TOM JOHNSON. A yellow fellow 25 jeurs ol'd, very likely and sensible, it i» stud that he also is ill the employment of a Futroon on bourd iu the plan of said town, by front lot. No. ICI, and'otir bundled fifty-I ivonnd n half acres of l-nmi it being the south part o Lot No 29, in the ninth district of mi- gin illy (.‘ovvela now Campbell couuty, anil tl e undi vidcd.ball ol lot No. seveutecn. in tlie ninth div'riet inun i,ml 'IliiMmt I'nrilrinan, lo satisfy a Fi Fa in fa vor of the Governor Ac. vs said Yardrmans. The tior:li*cast pun of Lot Nn. 12(3, in (Its- sittb distiiet of Monroe county—lev led on ns the , property i f John th wherry to satisfy a Fi Fa infavor ol originally Coweta now campbel county—levied on | u ,j|. fuei lcs vs said Dewberry sttiba imuierty of Thomai Smith, to sat.sly an riimu Mole, oil# AVi, *Voi'uin'iu favor of tho State of Georgia vs said Smitli uud bis srenrifiet, tas collector of the county nl Campbell, lor tbu year Itfh!—property pointed out by Blanchard Jr Campbell, securilie,’ altoruev-s. Lot of L mil, No. 62, in ilie M-ventlt district of originally Coweta now Campbell eoniily—levied ou as Iho property ot-J. -C.-CoAee and -ffb.'in II'. Peiili- ‘Mxllo sdlbly a Fi Fa in fiwor of'Tliouias Evans as signee vs said (biker and Peiilirutt. * Lot of Lund No. Gy, in ill# seventh district 6f originally Coweta now Campbell county—levied no ns tbiortroperty of Garrett Freeman lo satisfy a Fi Fa in fcv<r- ufkloim Brewster vs said'IVeemun. Lot of Lind No. 32, in tho second district' of originally Carroll now Campbell county—levied on os tbu property of Edmund llieti fir Jamtt Do : ly luerehnnlsdfc. H satisfy a Fi Fa issued friuo Jasper HirftorewruH -in firtor of Garland -Mavuv vs said Hicks A Bally. Lot of Land No. 92, in tho fuurtermh Jis- Wet of •eriginally Fayette now Campbell county—le- ’vieSon as the property of ll'itlinm Uplift; 'deceased, to satisfy n Fi Fa is*aedfrom Jae.ksdn Inferior'entirt iu birorof John W. Turner vr said lllake and Tins- mas A. Dabbs—property pointed out by Raniuw 'i'h»m|i<on. 1 B. F.ASI.Y. D'P- IVienff' ipson, -March 9 Houston Sheriff Salesa. KAK7II.L la- sold un the first Tuesday in MAI nest. V V before the court bouse door in Perry, Huns tovecoetity, between the usuel hours of sain, Y)nn Lot of Land, No. 326, in tho thiilpentli district ol Houston county—levied on ns Ihe proper- ty of Samuel Stanford to satisly a Fi Fa in favor of Nicholas (Vaguer vs said Stanford. Foriy acres of Lund, well improved, where* •On Bic'uketTtaddcn now lives, being part of Lit No. flti.iu the ldrbdiv'rictof llouit-i. couuty, and Lot No. 9ri.coutainin;2'l‘J t-2 seres oak and hickory land.-ini the lUlb d!ilHet s of Houston cuunty, imnrovefi—all levied on ns the pro party of ilichatl Hadden to satis fy two Fi Fas ona iu favor of Edward T. M'Gehee -tffcd tke olSir in favor of John B. (Vick vs said Mad- siea, 101 1 d acres of pine Land, improved, bring Mf of No- 807 in the I2lh district of Houston vaiunty—levied an as the property ot John Hall to satisfy sundry small Fi Fas iu favor of Allan 11. Chas- U-tia bearer vs said Juhn Wall Robert Wall—lev ied onandrnltirned to me by a constable. One Lot of Land, No- 79, in the ihirtrenth district of Hnnslon county, well improved—levied ou aa Ibc property of Nathaniel Duffel to satisfy a small Fi Fa ia favor uf Moore *Y Kelly vs said Duffel —levied on and returned to ttiehy a constable. One Lot of oak and hickory Land, well im* proved.'No. 323 In theltlth district uf Houston coun ty—levied on as the property of Andrew Hendrix In satisfy sundry small FI Fas from a justice's court of Jackson county in favor nf Edward Williams and o- tliera vseaiJ llendrii—levy made and relumed lome by a constable, Due Lot of oiik and hickory Land, well Im proved, No 9, in the 13th district nf Houston county —levied on as the properly of Il’iUinm II. Smith and Job IF. Smith to satisfy sundry small Fi Fas one in fa vor of John Rawls rariamuef It- Smith, William B. •Hsuftti awd lob W. Smith, and other FI Fas vs said ■Jlc'ft'nfisnl*—levy made and returned to me by a eon- viable. Otic Lot of Land in tho fifth distiiet of Ilmutmi county, No. 110—levied on as the property of l.illltUiTy Wallin to satisfy one small Fi ra tn fa vor of Willi im Cunyerj vs said Waller*—levied on and returned tfifteby a constable. 101 1-4 acres unit mid hickory Land, well Improved, being the east half nf lot No 11 in the I2th district gf Houston county—levied on as the pro|ier- tyof Daniel M'Nair to satisfy a Ft Fa from Pulaski Sfnperinr Court, in favor of william Sandfurd survi ving copartner of Jesse At. William Sandford vs Big- gr rs tfiiiglrton and Daniel M'—tirn|irrly pointed out hy D.D. 8lurg's, Evp plaintiff’s attorney, j. ,T«o Lnl* of pine Land, in the 1 l.b district wfllouston twrtnty containing 202 l‘2acfnl each, tin- priit'et), both ailjiiining the lauds of John 0. Alnsan- deranii others and being the place whereon Robert IX dinclatrnmv resides, ore Fodder stack and fnrty hnshrls of Corn, more or less—all levied on as the property olHobert D. Sine lair, to satisfy two FiFa > in lavnr Ot Gilci B. Taylor vs said Sinclair. One 5 ncrc Lul in the town nf Perrv, IIuiii- (on eonnly. whereon Benjamin Kent now lives, well improved-—levied on aa bis pri>|>erty lo satisfy a Fi Fn in favor of George I’attnn vs said Kent. wJantes Findlay's fc Llijnlt Findley's interest in • Lot of pine l-and in the eleventh dislticl n| Hous ton county, improved, lieing the place whereon the said Jiimrtani Elijah Eindlry noir live, andadjuinlng Hodges and others—^levied on aa their property tn aalisly two Fi Fas in favnr uf J. *V L Stone vs said Janie’s Findley, and Elijah Findley security. One Lot of nine Lund, improved, whereon , Neil Smith now lives, and ndjoliiing Jenkins and olh. ’ ora—levied ones Isis properly lo satisfy a Fi Fa in fa- , vitrof John B. Wick va said Smith. One pey Ilorse, right years old, one Sail- * dig and Bridle, and David O Smith's interest in n Lit of (due Land, improved, in the ninth district ol lloimnn comity, whereon Dnrid O. Smith now lives —all levied on as' his property to satisfy a Fi Fa in fa- , fryof..Juhu M. Moore ye.Hugh A. Smith and David * O. Euiith. ... .One Lot of pine l.nml, wall improved, with v a Grist mill thereon, whereon the defendants now re side—levied ona* tbe property of Bnrwrll Wi/unand Irwin Hiltm to satisfy sundry small FI Fas In favor n| JiiIiii II Gain and utters vs said Burwrll and trwin WSsoii—property |iointed oat by R. V. V. Ruffin. - Lot No. ISO in the ninth district of Hnnslon ■ —levied on ns the property of Burvell Ktndriek to * satisfy a Small FIFu in favor of Goddard At Langdon —levy made and returned by a constable. March29 ISAIAH CHAIN, Shen’f. A N'aiiortment if rnloretl nnd Waclg SILKS ir' Just received and for .sale by Nov 17 23 WM. II. HURDS ALL iitjon, one Os Carl, iwr yoke of Oscn, and one Grindstone—nil le vied un nt Ihe properly of Jartd Tnftley, to satisfy sundry l i Fas in tavur ol' Littleton Atkinson and oth- esr *s said Tapley. Two Loti uf Land, No*. 126 and 143, in tbefiiurlh district of Monroe county—levied on as the property of Wiltinni Gray and Thomiii Gray, to sal is fv sundry Fi Fas tn iuvo'r uf CBse & UoodrioU wild lilbers vs said Grays. ’f ifty acres nt' Land, being pari of Lot No. I9J, in the fourth ilirtrict of Monroe counlr—levied on n* ihe property of John Pepper, to satisfy sundry small Ei Fa.* in favor of Martin (j. Bitchannn for tbe use o! James May and other-Fi Fas—levy matle rnd relumed by a constable. A. COCHRAN, March 29 Sheriff. Also, will be nId at (il'O're on the first futednyin JVSE next, One nP?ro tnan nanntl Lut, nbout 27 years of age—levied un as'lie property of Lewis, 3r.‘to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa in favor of Kbiah M. Truulman, A- nira Trifitniian.'nnii fliraui B. Troutman—properly pointed nut in said Fi Fa. March <9 JUHN REDDING. Dtp. Sheriff. Irwin Sheriff Sale. POrirFONED. W ILL be sold on tlie first Tuesday in MAY next, before the court house in Irwin county, be tween the usual Inntrs of solr, Due Lot of Lund, known by No. 205, in the fourth'district nl Irwin county, and on the waters of House creek—levied ones tlie property of Isaac Stephens, to satisfy a Fi Eo issued, from the Superior Court ol Irwin county, in favnr of John Sutton jr. vs Stephen Wiggins, and Isaac Stephen! security—pro perty pointed ont-by Stephen Wiggins. March 23 II. W.M.Kr.R, Sheriff. VEuLberold en Wednesday, (he 25lb of A- II FRIL nest, u( Ihe late residence nf Samuel Parsons-, late of Fnyatte counly deceased, all Ihe . . rorishable Property belonging tn said deceased, consisting of Horses, Cattle and oilier stock nl various kinds, household and kllchcn Furniture and various other articles too tedious to mention. Snle to to; timre from day to Jay until all are sold. Terms tfisdo known ou the day of sale. I’ersons bolding demands against said estate era hereby notified to render in thrirdrmands in terms eif tlie law, nnd Dose that arc owing tbe estate ere re quested to make payment. THOMAS LUYD, J EDWARD Y. JOHNSON, \ march 6 102 mployment of a cotton hunt to Darien. , , „ . TV A To 1MT f a very likely black fallow, spare made, and hul no doubt gone to Dnrieu. ZOSIK'Nt " (nil black fellow, very shrewd and likely , about 25 years old, wears earrings or bus iiiiles in his enrs. ., , I wilt give TEN DOLLARS reward for each of the above described negroes, it lodged in any juil nt tbe State so that I can get them; or, it taken out ol this county, TWENTY DOLLARS will be pmd lor singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he »be delivery of each <® lhe t J *“ or ". f “'j! ’ emit appear at my effiee, within the lime prescribed by I hereby forewarn all ownere and | , , •— - - ■ •* ' and nil other persons, trom liarboring. employ mg, trollicking or trading with the public hands; lor 1 am determined to enforce the law, nnd put n atop it pos sible to such abuses of the public interest; anil I hope the good citizens of the State, and particularly of .Ma con. will co-operate with me in effecting an object so j-.s’ i.i_ 1 tertintmiNK B. BOW ELL. Georgia. Houston County. U.Wi' IJEltEAS Itiaylon applies to me for Y s _ li-ltifsot Adiuiuislration oiion theestutoof John Cured tern. Idle of said ceiueity. liereased— These arc, therefore, lo cite amt admonish all aud lair, lo shew must, if any they hare, uhy said kittle should not be granted. Given under my him J. this I Ith day of Feb. 1832. CHARLES II. RICE, s. c. o. Adm’ri. W sold on Saturday, the 28lli of ABRIL nest, at tht residence of Henry llodfiers, late tif tbe 1 Ith district ol Hnbstnn county deceased, , All the Perishable Property of said deceased, consisting of Horses, Hogs, Sherp, Cattle, Com, Fndilet, household eml kitchen Furni ture, and various other articles too tedious to mention- Ten**, inode known on the day. All persons hav ing demnnds against said deceased will firing themlin properly attested, and (hose Indebted will make im' mediate payment. MOURNING RODGERS, Adm’ri. DAVID ADAMS, Adm’or. march 9 Il>3 ^ ; ■ W ILL he aold on Ihe first Tuesday iu JUNE next, before the court home in 'Campbell- too, Campbell county, between tbe usual hours uf •ale, A Negro Boy named Charles. belonging to the. estate of Abnrr Smith, nf Coweta counly, deceased, for Ihe hear fit nl Mcsrs fit. Smith, minor of Abner Smith, agreeable lo an oidernf (hr Inferior court nf Campbell, when sitting fe ordinary purposes. JOHN B. SMITH, March 9 PC Guard. Notice. B Y virtue of en order Itum the honorable the In ferior court ot fi'nnroe county, when tilling fob Ordinary purpip ) w ill Im sold on Ihe first Tuis- day tn June nest, betwefn the usual hours ol sale, at the court Ironic In Cranfogd county, lot of Land No. eighty, In the first district of originally Houston now Crawford county, belonging lo the estate of Alex an- under King, late of Monroe county, deceased, for Ihe Imnrfit nf Ihe heirs end creditors nf said deceased. Terms made known on Ihe day oftsle. march GEORGE L HOUdLAB. Adm’r. F OUR MyNTIIS alter date applicalibn will lie made In the honorable inferior court of Monroe eoiiniy. when silling lor ordinary phi poses, for leave lo sell one lot of laud No. ISO, in Ihe first district of originally Houston now CrawfiiTd county, for the be nefit of Ihe orphans of IFillinm M‘Ce.y, late nf Jnsner counly, deecaaed. WILEY L.CLEMENTS, Fel* 15 Guardian. I JIOUR MONTHS nft er date application will be . made to the honorable inferior eonrt nf Monroe county, wjien sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell onefourtb of lot No. 183, in Ihe fourth district of Monbne counly. In Ihe X. E. corner of said lot, be longing to the minor rhililrrn of Ihe subscriber. Feb 15, MOSUS P. WHIFF..guardi'/m. _ F OUR Months after date application w ill be made to (lie honorable the Inferior Court of Houston eounlv, at tts sitting for Ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell the undivided half of I«l No. 10, in Ihe twelfth district of said eounty, belonging lo the estate of Pinkney Yarborough, deceased, for the be nefit nfall concerned. JanjS WM. BYRD, Adm’or F OUR months after dale, application will be made to Ihe honorable the Inferior Court of Cuwett county, while sitting for oritlnsry purposrs. fur leave lo tell lot No. 73, in Ihe Cist district of said Coweta eounty, belonging to Ihe estate of Darid Cox, late nf Jrffvrtnn county, deceased, for the bene fit of the heirs'indcreditorsof said deeensed. march 13 09 _ JOHN VINYARD, Adm’r. POTATOES. A FKW barrels IRISH POTATOES expect ed this day. and for sale by April‘2 117 C. A, HIGGINS. Georgia. Butts County. W ill-III.AS Elisha J. Brestnn uud James Pres ton apply to me for letlersof Administration on the esluteof Gilliam Preston, late of said county, deceased. There are therefore'to eile aud admonish all and sin gular Ihe kindred and creditors of said deceased to le and eijipear at my office within Ihe time prescribed, bylaw, to shew cause, if any they hast, why said tetters should not be granted. Given trader my ban J, Ibis Gth March, 1832- 90 JOHN M'CURD, c. c.o. Georgia: Jonea Court of Ordinary, January Term 1832. Jajiks llAtiKNgsa, vs Taos. Lowe, Ad’m of T. Lundy deceased. I T appearing to the Court .Unit James darkness holds tho bond of Thomas Lundy, la.e uf tlie cuunty of Bilib, deceased, for lilies to lot of land No. one hundred nnd eighteen, in (he first district of Hen ry originally, but now of the county of Butts—and that he prays this Court that Thomas Lowe of (he comity of Jonea, who hnth administered on (be estate and effects of the said Thomas Lundy deceased, tnny lie directed '.o execute a tide fdrsnid tot of land. It is therefore ordered that the said'Thomns Lowe will he directed'at the term ofthisCourt lo he held next after the expiration of three mouths, to execute a conveyance to the said James Hnrknessfur suid lot of laud, agreeihly to the terms of (lie bond of the de ceased. And it is further ordered, that this order be published lor three months In one nl the public Ge- xettes and in the public places uf this county. I certify the above to be a true copy from the Min utes, this 24lb Jan. 1832. Jan 29 CHARLES MACARTIIY, c. c. o. Georgia. Houston County* The Interior Court, tilling for‘Ordinary purposes for said County, Sepilmhtr term, 1021. I T appearing to the Court that Pinckney Yarbor ough, deeensed, while in life made and eiecuted this bond to William G. M'Nair and Johu A. M'Nair, in the sum of four hundred and filly dollars, the con dition of which was to mike lilies lo xnid John A. and William G. to Its east half of Lot No. II, in the 12th district of Houston county, and it appearing also, that the said Yarborough departed this life without execu ting titles, a copy of which bond is hereunto annexed. Ou motion, ordsred, that three months after the pub lication nf this order, nl tbe first regular Court there after, William Byrd, the administrator on said estate shew cause, if any ha hits, wtiy bs should not execute said lilies to said John A. and William G. M'Nair. [corr or tii* soar.j Georgia, Houston County. KNOW all men by these presents, that I, Pinck ney Yarborough, am held and firmly bound to Will- inm G.' M'Nair and John A. M'Nair, in the just dhd full sum of four hundred and fifty dollars, forthetrue payment of which I bind myself, my beirsaud assigns, Jte lint 30th Hay of January, 1830. The eonnif ion of the above obligation is such that whereas William G. and John A. M'Nair have Ibis day bought of the above staled Pinckney Yarborough one hall of lot Nn. II, in Ihe )2lh district uf Houston county, it being known by Ihe east half of said lot of land. Nmv If tba above Pinckney Yarborough shall, on ur before the 25tb day of December, 1830, make or cause te be made, good and lawful titles to tbe above slated laud, then tbe above to be null and void other wise, to remain in full force and virtue in law, in w it- ness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand end fix- ed my seal, Ihe day and dule above mentioned. PINCKNEY YARBOROUGH, l. a. hit X Ininit.t., mark D. M' A hut) 8llftitl Itum ihe mitnltes of the Court. Feb 99, 183-1. CHARLES 11. HICK; t.o.en Georgia, Bibb County* Court ef Ordinary, January adjourned term, 1832, IT being shown to Ihe Court that David Crockett, L deer lied, tat. of Bibb county, In his life lime, told lo John D. Singletary, Lot of Land, No. 76, in the third district of originally Houston, now Bibb couuty, at and for ihe pi ice ^if four hundred dollars, and that the raid David thereupon executed his cer tain obligation in writing conditioned to make titles for the said lot of land upon the pay mailt of said pur- chase inouey, to the said John D. and it further api pearing that the Mid Darid departed (his life without having executed a deed for said land, and that (he said John D. has duly paid said purchase money, end Ihe said John D. Singletary having filed his petition staling forth (he foregoing facts and a copy of said ob ligation, and praying that a deed may be by Ihe court directed to he made to him by the executors of thr said Uavid Crockett- It is now ordered by the eouri that, unless cause be by Ihe hairs of the said David Crockett shewn lo the contrary, the executor of thr said David Crockett eieeute to the said John D. Sin gletary, at ihe Mey term ensuing of thjs court, a deed (or said land, according tc tha provisi’onsof tbe stat ute in such eases made aud provided. A true extract from the minutes. Jan 10 2 3m MARTIN SIMMONS.e. c.o. desirable. ’ NORBOIINE B. POWELL, march 10. U lw. Superintendent rifbhe Kauai, riVE DOLLARS REWARD. R ANAWAY from tho subscriber’s plantation on Tobesofky, on Sunday the J9ih ult. li negro fellow mimed Bfc'N,25*'enr.old, about 5feet IU inch es high,yellowcnmplexioned,stoops a little in walk ing, has lost one ot his under front teeth, generally smiles when spoken to. Had on when he w ent away a white homespun roundabout, a grey seal skin cap— took also with him a straw nnd a black fur hat, wit li sundry other articles of clothing not recollected. Ho is supposed lo be lurking about Mncon or the vicinity. The above reward will he paid to any persou deliv ering said negro at tlie store of A. R. Freemen fif Co. Mulberry street. Macon. ANN (\YCHE. Match 3 90 wtf _ « and Summer Clothing. ibscribors have already on Imnd, uud tout to receive, a more general uud elegant assortment of SPUING AND SUMMER CLOMHING than they have ever before offered. April 3 A. SHOTWELL & J- S. SMITH. SELLING OFF. H AVING taken the store formerly occupied by D. Woodbury, on Cotton Avcuiie, also the GOODS for disposal, the whole stock will he sold off at very low prices. Having resided in New York tha last two years, and purchased tlie most of the Goods, and them at the lowest market prices, those that purchase in this market will find it for their interest to call and examine before they purchnso About 95000 worth have been added to the stock sitico tho middle of January. Tho stock consists of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Hats, Shoes* flardtcare and Cutlery, LEGHORN BONNETS, DRY GOODS, $•<;._ What are not disposed of nt privato sale, by the 21st of April, will be sold at Public Auction, the sale commencing on Monday tho 23d, at 10 o'clock, and will continue from day to day until all are sold. Term,—for sums under $100, cash—over, at of Jlocon and its vicinity. H lat 4 , f '“‘ llle <VJ lire reboot will commence on Monday" Slits. lias Ihe pleasure of 1 irons (lint Mrs. BAILEY GODDabd ?. 1 "* l, »li firm Ions nro iinquestionali «. luui con.cui.?®, 1 u *l Wessons in Music and to those who ntny be ilvsiious ol ac u mror IMln f' those elegant ricninplixblnenls. “ u ,,M 6*itbe,^ iniirch III* j<12 CAUTloltff LL |iersnnsare w,,r„e,| « s hI.« tradinrfi,,. [y .Mmy H|.niii lor her ImMiMnd S Btl mm >|»uin lo l.iiinniKi u III iu« or l ei.rrr r d dml imdtwnot)-fivedollars on d.m.ndthMe'S -fiElLS '!> WRNJAillN *p?„W _ _ White Lead. ^ ©O r."*^v. S eT «»DARn.j Sugar, SSoIasBos, BaconTATl IIUDH.N.O. Sugar, Wc> ' JL HJ? 27 bhls St. Croix do J2 Idils uud 3 boxes loaf and lumn s„ WbliisN O and Haltiuiore^lfi** 15 do 1’lielp a Giii “Jl 20 do Nurdtcrn Runt 17 |>s Bagging ■10 boxes Tobacco 25 hliils Molasses 20000 Ills Bacon (middlings) 1000 bushels Turk’s Island Salt. For sale by REA & COTTftv March 27 Ill * 10N . 10© VIKfEGAS. . G A LI .ON S ol lirst rate, three rr- J •a. v ■»*• oW VINEGAR, for sale auw Confectionary of JOHN SMITH March 15 102 “I Shoo Makers Wanted, N iiiiUH'diato application to tbe xibscrilier is lire! rate Bout and Fluie Makers, aud twotiJ coarse .shoe makers, fur which liberal wises wiV fl v ««. L. J. JORDAN J Perry, Hiuiitou comity, Mnrcli 16. ' Land iu ftaewton. . I TIRACTIuNSNo. 303 and 304, in the lCtk . District originally Henry now NmiJ omity, are for sale, Apply ia Alacon to f Dec 1 35 M. BA ItTLETT. WAUE-llOUME AND camtvizsszosff ettsintss, . T HE Subscriber will be engaged in the nbr.vj Business in Mueon during the nest sesnif aud pledges himself that no business entrusted tobi care shall want utltcutiun. Liberal advances, on Cotton, will be made wh< rt quired. Receiving and forwarding Goods (o Country U<| chants will be puuclunlly attended In. I The customary charges of (lie jilace will be mad| July IHI 31 HAST. NAl’Itd. Cognac Brandy. A FEW hah pipes superior quality C0_. NAC BRANDY, fourth proof, SeigoettsI brand, jttti received, aud for sale low by f LEVY &M0ISE. ALSO—A few thousand first quality SPAXl IS11 SEGARS, brand "Dos Amigos.” ■ march 12 96-codlw. HATS. J UST received a few cases gentlemen', fas ionnble Beaver HATS, dec 22 53 WM. II. Bt’RDSALL I 8 months, for approved endorsed paper. r. C. C march 30 114 COIT. Georgia, Houston County. VXfUwkABiliaiy Pitts and Thomas Howell, If Executorsof tneestale of John Howell, de ceased, apply to me for letters of dismission— And, whereas John Chancey, Adminislratoroflhe estate ol Edmund Chancey, deceased, applies to me fur letters of dismission. These are, therefore, lo eite and admonish nil and sin gular the kindred and ertdilors of said deceased, to tn and appear at my office, within the time prescribed At law, to shew eause, if any they have, why said Utter, should not be granted. Given underlay hand nnd teal nt office, March 24, 1832. 108 . CHARLES II. IHCE, c. c. o. CLOTHING. A SHOTWELL Si J. B. SMITH Itavo . just received a lot of Gne CLOTHING, consisting cf Super Box, Dress and Frock Coats, Pautat'Hius, Vesta, &c 51 Dec 3 Alum Salt and Lime. ~g /A 4k /| Bushels Alum Suit JL xFr*: 100 casks Thomnston Limo For sale hy REA & COTTON. Feb 20 82 CIRCULATING LIBRARY. F ROM the numerous solicitations Ihe subscribers have had to open > CIRCULATING LIBRA- siY, they are induced to maketheesperiineuton the first of April ensuing, if theta is sufficieiit encourage ment xiven it by subscribers to warrant (lie expense J Betiding it. The collection will consist of works of 'ictinn, Historical, Religious. Scientific, Classical and Miscellaneous Works; embracing all Ihe Popular Novels, Ihe Family Library, the Classical Library, the Cabinet Cyelopcedia, Ihe Library of Religious Knowledge, the Cabinet Library, Ihe Library of Use ful Knowledge, the Library of Select Novels. The New Publicnuc-iis will be added as (hey come out; and, for the use of subscribers only, will he added, a number nf Periodicals, such as the’ Southern Review, North American Review, the Edinburgh and Quarter ly do. the Medical Journal ol Science, end Law Journal. The Library will be conducted upon Ihe mode practiced in other pieces. Terms, $3 tier annum, payable half yearly lit advance. Subscribers in Clin Ion, Forsyth, Marion and Knoxville can bare Books rent them by stage, at llicir own risk aud expense. A sub<criptien list is opened at the post office in each place above mentioned, and nt our store. mxrtb 2 F.I.U8. SHOTWELL St. Co. D rtew booics. EVERE, hy tho author of Tremaine, Jnquelino of Holland' Anastasius, hy T. Hope, Sketches in China, hy W, W. Wood, Philip Atignitus, by the author of Rich elieu, v Journal of tho Rcv'ds Tvcrmnn &Bcnuet, being the 1st, 2d and 3d Nos. of the library of religious knowledge. London Annuals for 1832. The Amulet, the Kvepsako, Literary Souvenir, Christmas Box, Juvenile Forget me not, Tho Musical Gem, Musical Bijou. March 1 89 ELLI8.SHOTWF.Ll. & CO. L AMP OIL, of good quality, lust received bi Jan. 8, F.I.LIS, .SHOTVVEI.I. fit t's 1 Spring and Snmmer Clothing] JTHtHE subscriber has just commenced rctnd JL ing his stock of Spring and Summer Ui thing. Ho assures the public that his stack «■ be inferior to nouc, is determined lo tail at lo J prices, nnd invites purchasers to call. march J5 WM. H. BURPS.UL] Tin Ware Manufactory. H UNUEKFORDS & STODDARD 1 tinue to manufacture TIN WAKE. 1 shop may bo found on Colton Avenue, one ( above No. 6, nearly opposite tho Scale Homed Day Si Butts. They keep on hand a good tw« meiit of Plain and Japanned IFurf, which will bo sold on good terms, either sb sale or retail. Job Work .., will meet with despatch 21 nor 15 I Travelling Trunks- T ravelling trunks for sate by march 29 WM. II. BUBDSAlt* Gelling off Cheap, .. T HE subscriber will leave for New a few weeks, and offers his remain stock of Goods nt very reduced prices for c only, consisting of Watches, Seals, Keys, Earring Breastpins, Finger Kings _ Shirt Studs, Medallions, Silver Plated Castors, Candlesticks, Snuffers and lrr” Dirks, Knives, Coral and Wax Beads, Hn™ 1 Ware, and a large assortment of Watch ol«r materials, Sie. well worthy the nttention o | l H trade. R. R. SMITH' | March89 113 . N. II. Persons having Watches with serther will please call and take them awjj. j the first of May, as his shop will be ■ “!rI the summon Molasses, Rum, Gin, dtti Just received by boat Stranger• t A HIID3 N. O. Molasses, a tF 20 bbls Rum . 20 do Gin (best brand Si good 20 do Whiskey (N.O. high pro IM STOItF. 10 bbls Muckered No 1- 50 do Whiskey 50 do Gin tO hhds St. Croix Sngar JO doN. O. do 25 bbls Manhaden Fish 5 tierces superior Rico. _ rV q For sslo by C. A- BIGGIN- Mars h 28 112 _— T' Two-Acro Town Lots. III'. Lessees of tho Two-Acre Lot* or the — Town Common*, arc notified thi» FI FTH INSTALMENT beeme due on the dth r ebruary last; and they aro requested to come forwardi and pay the same to tbe suhscriher. If not paid by the Otb April ensuing, tha Lots and Improvements become forfeited. March 19, 104 JOHN H. OFFIITT, tte’ry. A Notice. S ouc of our Finn (A. Siiotwkm.) will leave for Now Wk in a few days, uli plea ‘ 0 t0 theimmedi- ate discharge of the same, and ohlign Mar». ^ SHOT WELT, k j. s. SMITH. Mari hi (15 11 DK. I. KIXtS, . -WING determined to settle peroan^ in Macon, respectfully offers Professional Services to the inhabitautsof the totvuand — # try. For the satisfaction of tboso who *r» ^ qitaintcd with him, ho thinks proper to sw > j he was regularly admitted to his P r “ lc jd 1801, agreeably to tho laws aud reg“ ta, f K, ™ State of New York, and that most of _ since that period has been devoted to » _ sive practice. By n faithful di*cb*r«o of»» r fcssionnl duties, ho hopes to merit * !* rimncu. His rcsidouce and office nr* m .^j formerly occupied by Mr. Birdsong, ° n street. Jan-14 2 _ Bills on Savannah.