Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, April 14, 1832, Image 3

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in giving 017 riftftt® ft prominent Lj ^"(preceedtogi which have been had at object of therte meeting* be- >*458X5 reduction of the nmnber of W‘.- compo>iBS our Legislature, I have no expressing my entire approbation of course, which may tend to product, | ain decidedly in favor of reduc- feih* prominent place* assigned me, by the ei- lf JmDbsiiig wc»e several meetings, were W (Tonipatible with the officialrelatmu which r*® .0 the people, I ibould nevertheless be on- rf necessity ot declining the honor proposed, 1 unceasing official duties, of deep iutere.t to p«®pl*‘ 0CCU PJ m y ® B “ r ® tim ® tn,J oousidy'r- Verv respectfully, Ac., 3 . WILSON Ll'JIPKIX. ! ,n. understand that the skeleton of n man was [."'id last Sunday in a swamp iihoiit-three nfroin town, and by its appearance, it is sup- rrlthatit must have been there sevoral months, ft appearance of the clothes, and some arti- Kliich were found in the pockets, it is suppo- ^ j lie tho remains of a Frenchman named r idio sudiicdly disappeared from this place ’fcictolicr, and who had been in the employ of V,v Ktkly, Coufecfiouer. [ 1 letter received at the Post Office on Monday "uitatcs that in an ufl'rny between 11 person by fujine of Terry m.d the Sheriff of 'i'allmt ' Ki the former stabbed the latter with a dirk EVkitli caused his death. Jmfor death by slabbing.—Tho Washington ki Xuns of tho /ill instant says:—Wc have to L; tlio unexpected and lamentable death of i. Jcki’ Tope. He was stabbed under the stotn- Erjibv Mr. ,'ulm Hill, in a contest about a horse Jp, on die Hist ult. The unfortunate young Liras uabla and generous in bis disposition; Hioii-mpsraace, horrid to relate, was doubtless U Isiitle instigator of ibis bloody tragedy. Tie inf only a day or two after receiving bis mortal nsd. Mr. Hill has given bail for his appear- ut at bis trial. Ctorgin University.—It appears that the late isturbriiices in this institution have been quelled, id ibo exercises, after a few days interruption, (progressing as usual. Tho rupture resulted nb: expulsion of. twelve of the students attach- dlo die college. la Montgomery, Ala., Eli Terry, jr., Solicitor rthe second Judicial Circuit, was shot dead ime few weeks sinco, by the Deputy Sheriff of fileox county. The Deputy Sheriff has surren- 1 himiolf. . • The Savannah .Republican, speaking of the itcision of the Supreme Court, exclaims:—“Y\> ' I in due time, when the matter is perfectly irstood, have the support of the whole repub- sioterestof the United-States. Truth is on elide—it is mighty, and must ultimately pre Tho following gentlemen were ooJUonrfny, the d bit.,, re-elected Directors of'the Savannah, ichie and Alatama Canal Company, for tlic ier year:—Thomas •Yo'nng, J. D. Mongin, bC. Daniel, R. F. Williams. U. W. M'AUistef. diuFort. jM. Myers is the Director or the part if Georgia. We perceive that Judge Thatcher has directed ' t Grand Jury of Uoston, to inquire Whether any mss* have offeluied by the printing of hooks, pirapMeUiud newspapers, with the Intention to odItem (o tho siSve holding States! mid ktir up e dares to insurrection. This is an offenco ne- 'ir before presented for tho consideration of a lew England jury; and it is to bo hoped that the '.runs who linve so offended, will moot wilh e punishment which the crime demands. One of the letter writers from Wasiliugton as- trb, that tho President says, in 40 days he will area treaty with the.Cnerokecs for their ro- fJ * beyond tho Mississippi, TV Tailor's Magazine.—Air. D. Williams has. need proposals for publishing in Philadelphia or w > ork, a journal to appear quarterly, bearing I iboro title. The intention of the publisher, pears to be to supply tho trade with reports of II fashions, with diagrams, wholo length figures. Mother pictorial.illustrations. ‘ It will also cou- 15 * T ,n * l 7 °f information on oflier subject*, * price is to be$5 per annum. Old K, : wj all contemporary history, and confines to investigations into what was done iu times Instead of occupying its • renders with tho 1, United States Hank,'and tho Cherokee IjS?’“ ,rc *H of tho proceedings of Congress 'ho establishment of Willipm and Mnry’s I7j. c f, e ' “I 11 ! tho Cod Fishery at Cnpo Ann in • -W« wish the editor success in bis norel mg. Cror^ia Alissttnartes.—We have looked iu vain papers forthe law which makes a, °f the President to interfere to enforce 9 °f "*• Snprcmo Court. In fact, it it hi a - .-•*• President’* duty to mcddlo with Ho-has no authority to do it— tasriji*- fherubo, ns we understand tho case, Cnn. 'y of “ftfhdrity about tbe'muttcr. The ,A„ o® * J ° urt of the Unitcd States hiivo order atoi ,- j^ court of Georgia to reverse iujiidg lour* ! ad , ,ct “>o • .isionnries at liberty. Thai no “ cts t0 obey jlio order—there is surely r «h«llioa iu this, but simply a Use kT‘ e ' l ca *« noxt winter will again itrdnt A “’e tSuprome Court; and what can «8i'. V* A ,CU( I an order ro tho tJeor- We-i'r 1 . Jg f’ 10 prisoners, for ho is not an v/l " U| tcd States, and that cotn-t has no •W, „ , ct They cannot bring tho ’pri- kni i? ut * ' v rit of habeas eorpui. and release ! j,j| 1 i li li; c .' ulso ,' h ®Judiciary actof 1781) expressly Lujff **• jbey canuot order tho mamlinbto fuhit.;, ln ', ‘® r ’hat would bo an invasion of this bier» ® r 7*hiuse of this Judiciary act. The pri- »i.litoi!“:,. tl . ,er ? foro reina ‘n martyrs, us they La j,‘J;' V 1 ' 1 ^ tmioput, nml thon»as- tho court Hi.■*t .’hey nro ual'awfttllv H Th?^ ,lie * n P ro Pt-~ t° thorn will-bo award t«un. : *««»* to: us to bo the legal.and only vrondew i. SMe ‘hoy can take. People may ^onRlitmh^ n * ‘h®* D leaa ®‘ •«J> f 1 ? ‘ h# (lux? have poivor to enforce their dccis- Utiio, i s 'pi)<> thing, and to jwsut, is a- Vof Mj.-.Jr-Tyoort aas struek without the pow- ll|! irt(«ih\!®!i , ^ r ohjoct—if they have shown ♦slluju^'f!’ho. | J‘ ‘h« ability to.bits, the act was diicrej,, J? n .‘h®ir part, and thpy should, bearthe l ' v ith«utrepiuing.—JSojtou Statesman. tiSSraisa-Sa.^si }. ,. 01 .‘ n ®, vourt was on a question of m,-, formafity in tho writ or record,- and that ths d? ms,on 0 the Court wa, vir,n a li y unanifa£ t ' * *.h®. t,me *hould arrive when the publication could, have uo effect ou tho course to be taken i, D t'trr o( , 0v r« a - USA h®«n already takeu, there can lie no objcc- rnn to the publication, and the public have a right 0 know tho opinion, of all tbe Judgcs on the In- teresimg questiou* which arose il that enie. s,a,e<l hi open Court, that, at- though his duseiq on the first question which arose 10 the argnpient, rcudored it ueccssarv for him to give an opiuion in relation to the other qUM"°"s m the cause, yet lie thought proper to declare that he adhered to his opinion delivered last term in the case of the Cherokee nation a- *h« State of Georgia, and. of course, dis sented from the judgment now given. • In(I i a * Treaty.—Ou tho 84th ult. tbe dcleca- tion of Chiefs of the Creek Nation of Indians, at W nslmigton City, sigued a Treaty bv which they cede to the luited Mates all the lands occupied ”y f'f®®h tribe east of the Mississippi river.— she basis of itio treaty wc .understand, is similar to that concluded with tho' Chuctaws. The Crooks will be removed under the superintcu- ileuce of the U. States, during the ensuing fivo years, and will be given in-exchaugo -im ample f erritdry’west of the Mississippi in fee simple. One huudred thousand dollars are paid tho Na- tion to extinguish its debts; an annuity of two or three thousand dollars is guarantied it for fifteen years, ami considerable sums paid for different purposes, amcimtiug iu the aggregate to about two hundred thousand dollars. Large reserva tions have been secured to. tbe ludiaus by tbe Treaty. Ninety sections of land, embracing six hundred and forty acres each, have been granted tbo Chiefs of the Nation. Thirty sections are given tho tribe at large. livery head of a family is entitled to three huudred and twenty acres Computing the territory occupied by the Creeks at one hundred and forty miles north and south, and an nvarnge of fifty miles east and west, which it nearly correct, the Indian Territory in Ala bama contains four millions four hundred and eighty thousand acres. Calculating the popula tion of the Creek nation at twenty-two thousand souls, mid every sixth person the head of a fami ly, one million two hundred and forty-nino thous and nine hundred and twenty acres are included in tho. reservations which will probably be made. This amount embraces more thau half the vnlua- bln lands within tholimits of the Creek Territory. There are contradictory ocronnts relative to the disposition of these reservations by the Indians, TI10 prevailing opinion is that the holders of reser vations can sell them With tbe consent of the- Go vernment, without tiny restriction as to tbo mnouut or purchasers. Only' such portion of the white population loented within the limits of tbe Crock Territory, as has .dispossessed the Iudians of their cleared lands, or tenements, will- be removed.— Wo havo not seen a copy of tbe treaty, bat believe that what is stated above relative to its provisions, is ucarly correct.—Columbus Enquirer. "The last number of the Globo is devoted to the Georgia Question. It furnishes a communica tion l‘J columus in length—"from the pen of a geii'iloinan eminently qualified, by his intimacy with all that concerns our Indian relations, and by his legal end literary attninments.-to do justice; to the subject.” It is undoubtedly from Gov. Cass, Secretary at War. It is therefore, unnecessary to say, that it is an able and eloquent composi tion.* It cub up by the roots tho late decision of tbe Supreme Court—one of'tin most extruva- gunt as well as weakest opinions, which has ever emaiidted from tint high tribnnnl. Governor Cuss has gone into llio whale subject—and he es tablishes, iipon grounds not to be <hiiken, the rights and jurisdiction of the State of Georgia.— lUch. Eny. m ; . .. Attempted Suicide.—A respectable family re siding i n Downing street, were very much alarm-, ed a Few days since, by au attempt to commit sui cide made by a young man connected with them by marriage. This gentiemmi had been on jt visit to h.x friends, wjio observed him to bo somewhat Itvav spirited;. he took occasion to retire to a pri vate room, and from his long stay there his frleuds became alarmed, aud on proceeding to the door of tho room, they found il locked mid the rash man lying weltering in his blood! A razor, with which ho had mangled his throat and wrisis in a horrid manner, w as cast a short distance from him. -'hMcdicnl aid was mitautly procured, and there is has been comment n i ?^J , { P r0bahiU,ythat ^ " iU r * C0V ®'~ A ' operator, has been solved in bigfety vriys fey tt# inventors of eighty chghiSi and tlie laundress has been allowed her choice out ofone hundred and twenty-fivo washing rtfa'chinCs". • One hundred aud twenty-three machines httva'- been invented for making nails; the number of uetr spinning machines exceeds a hundred <-tbe number of im• proyements id -the loom is. levosty-tlireO, and in the manufacture of .hats forty throe. The num-. ,ber Ol sten in engines exceeds a- hundred, that of stoves is nearly the seme. Therehuve been forty two liewwajscoutrived for mautlfacturjng combs, r our new machines for paring apples have been invented, and three gridirons. Pencil coses, ram rods, razors, and suspenders, have bhcbb'ecnsub- jeeted tq various iitoprovomeuts,. iAu-invention has been patented under the ujune of "dog-pow- derj*.another termed an *• elevator of pbis .aud kettles,”, aud a third destinedifdr a useful-domes- “* purpose under the sonorous' Greek haute of "Ilacmagatasfoplioru*!” ' ' Married, On Sunday evening last, by tho Rcv.-B. Pope, Mr. John II. Sims, to Miss Eliza Smith, both oi Macon. On Monday eveninp. by the Rev. E. Holt, Mr. Fredariek F. Lews, to Miss Julia Ann Thomas. all uf thi>t*p!ficp. _ . . t . Bicd, Oil the oth instant,.at his residence ill Wilkes county. Eainn linker, Esq., for many years a Se nator and Representative .of Warren county, iu tho General Assembly of this State. At hi* residence,.in Pulaski couutv, ns the 3d inst. the Rev. Itobcrt IT. IT. Wynne, in tho 34tb year of his- age. 33oat News. . AMU VHP,; i , I ' Boat Superior, P. It. Yqnge & Sons owners. Boat Navigator. Fletcher owtier. Boat Rebecca, Melrose..^ Kidd owners-' Boat President,' P, Jt. Yonge & Sobs owjiers. Boat Macon, with' groceries, -P. R. Yonge and Sons, owuers. . • Boat Water Witch, with, groceries, P- It- Yonge aud Sons owners. . , *' or-rARTKli,' v “ Bounet9 O’Bluc, COG bagi.of Cotton, .Day & Butts owners. ' Boat Navigator, 850 bags cotjon. Copfereu, Corn, COTTON Jb. Flour, country. Fodder, Ginger, Gin,'bolland, 'TlOa 1$0| ,; N. O. 10 ill „ hortherd; 684 T< £i, lfc. ‘ ■ ' IDS al 50 Iron, ,. C »6jrTobacco, :: 18 a 25 Lard, lb. liifTJUtUy, 50 Lead, b‘/f'iire,-nuidet. 250 a 550 Lime, cask, 5 ; .00 „ tincriffi!>,I25 a-155 Altai, bushel, O84 .-.nialaga, * C2 a 7o 7 alD 50 7 a 8 20 28 15 a 18 4 £0 MACON MAltiiET. Bacon, per lb. 10 a 12 Afnckrrcl, . Bagging, per yd IS a28[Molasses, gal. Brandy, cog 102 a 285 .Voifoi.,, apple, 50 a Ot\Pepper s , J . peach, 75 a lOGF/sujifib^:., -. Butter, ■ 18lPdrf:i'pbiji Candles, gcorgia, 17 a 80 Porter!, dqzcn, - sperm 30 k 3$ Rice, ' A i • 8 aj CurSsfcotton, doz. 7 85 Bum, jamai. - .150 a-475 Castings,. . 7 aid „ nfeweng. 1 '' 55‘i 60 Cofee r . ■ 134 a It^SAL'K taish^r * '87*. 44 SAirtiiigSvbr'owfi, 8 a 10 50 „ f«IM(ithed, :-12 a 15 7 afrSirof, per bag;’2 a229 8 00 Soap, Tib. * - 4* • 8 a 0 1 85 Sugaryst-erobt, U a 13j' 12 a 16 1 luttiri,' 1 * 18 a 80 S VB3^& U ,^ Q te& 6 .ta,„ 13 can nofv be furnisbed •ivilh hooks. A large collection of Mbccllaoeous works will be appropriated to tbe Library; and a number of periodicals, together-with many other valuable works to afford general interest, will be added as soon as -practicable. Persons wishing to becomo ‘subscribers, will please call on Mr. John II. Ellis, (who will act as Librarian,) or at tbe store, Where a catafogue of tho books cab be Seen. April 10 121 ELLIS, SHOTWELt & Co, SXLKfle A N assortment of colored and black SILKS just received and for shlo hy Nov 17 23 . . WM. H. 1I1JRDSALL. Summer Goods and Clothings J LST received at tlio Macon Clothing Store. April J2 121 LEWIS F1TCII. - _ Irish Potatoes. €>O bSU ‘ ,K1SU POTATOES, just re- rw V teived and for sale by April II 121 E. GRAVES & SON. jfands for Sale. fin HE following Tracis of Land are offered for M. sale, ou bi coiuuiodatiug terms. Lot No. 20,i iu 16 district Oooly county. do Lee now Stewart, do Early do do do do do do Apply to April 0 57 in 10 66 iu 14 111 in 8 75 iu 11 38 in 27 102 in 4 do Lee, do Lee now Stewart, do Leo. do Houston now Bibb. 110 ROBERT BIRDSONG. -Insurance Bank of Columbus. A N election for FIVE iilllLCTOKS to ma nage the affairs of .aid Institution, will bo liclu at Coumbus on Monday, tbe 7th day of May next.Aprils d!18 Bacon. Sugar. Coffee, <5cc. M LLKO^E & uUit) offer fur sale, 30,000 lbs Bacon 50 htuls Sugar 300 lings Cod'se 501 bblsN. E. Row 50 bbls Whiskey. April 5 116 dCw • Sugar, CofFee*; dtc. :l ..- E - GRAVES &'SON' , -j'uit ‘received * the following article'll '' . rd' hhds Sr. Croix Ind N. O.' Sugars • * 10 bbls Loaf ifo ■ " " " " - „ 50 hags Goffeil- :i ,! ,5'. .' -40 bbls'Rum cr*- . 20.bbls N. Gid - ' ” t . : 20 bbls Whiskey - •' ' , 10 hhds Molasses ... . 20 bbls Potatoes ■'* ; , 2 pipos Cog«-Drendy . - , 3 pipes Holland Gin ’j: ,5 • 2 nMsJam,Rum o' " ’n bbls Wine' i. .~[' . . , 80 bbls Cordial, ' • 50,000 Cigcn i".. t> ~ r -•' . • Boxes Soap, Candles . Pepper/ I‘rmeiitp.'Giblj*y _'\ .. -.Tohaccrf, Peftrtash, jJopperws ' Boxes Hyson'add Black' Tea.. 50.Q00. lbs Iron nriirStecl ' »® *' ' , . 2OQ0- lbs Hoop Irots'l, > All of which will bo awd yory row. 1 ; April 11 121 . , .- Now Cabinet Maker’s Shop. The'undersigned having purcliH.rd tho.iutcrcat and taken the sliop lately j^ occufiind lij Mr.' C. Coupee, on Cber- ry street, a few doors above Clarke's' Hotel, take this opportunity of tender ing to their friends and tbo public their services io tha *; s Cabinet Mailing Business. They will »t nil timci keep on hand a good sup ply of Materials, ntd bo prepared to execute ev ery description of work in tbeir line. Sideboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Bookcases, Chairs, &c. &c. rondo to ordeE Every description of TURN ING done as above. Having a large and excellent Turning Latho, (the only one of tbe kind in the place,) they will be prepared to turn HOL8L COlX'llNa, Ace. at shortnutice JAMES A, HALL, Doe 17 52 JOHN MORELAND. Tho Legislature of Virginia has adjourned, af ter having passed 248 acts. Among these were seyerabfor the incorporation of rail roads. Ono authorising a subscription of 375,000 to the stock of tho Winchester and l'otomac Rail Road com pany. Seven chatters were granted to Manufac turing companies, arid one to tho Virginia Min ing company, with a capitalstofk of OOO.OOOdol- lnrs. f • - Wo are requested to caption the pnblic against n lad who hasbechln'thecmploymeiitof “Bourne, Broadway," for upwards of a year past. He was on Monday morumft entrusted with uearly $300 for the purpose of delivering it to a gentleman in tlio lower part or tho city. In consequence of his long absence, inquiry was mndo for him 111 every direction, but without success; and no trace can be found either by tho polieo or his employer.— From some Information received, it 1, supposed he left hero -for. Charleston, nud probably will, be found somewhere su, that section of the country,. Ho is about five feetsix or eight mclie* HK very slim, thin pale face, remarkable high' forehead, liclu nnd curley Imir, and-very long legs, and aged about eigbteeu or nineteen years. l*c is ' ro ri> London, nud in .peuking uses mnny of.the cock- noy terms. He is n quite inoffensive looking lad; imd would never be suspected of roguery, and thorefore'tho pnblic should-bo on its guard. The narqe ho hag hoen kuown by. xiuce his arrival, is Wo ore requested to ad-', thnt fiuy dollars will be fiivbff for tho opprehenkton of the runaway, nridthb recovery of tho whole, or principal part of the money, or twenty-five dollirs for bnn.— .V. Y. American. LOTTEUTUMCE M r. II. A. TALMANhaving removed to '- Augusta, haj transforred his Lottery bu siness in- Macon, to the sulucribar, who will re ceive and constantly have for salq,-tickets in most of the Northern Lotteries. He hat now 011 hand tickets in the UNION CANAL LOTTERY Drawing will be expected ^mtbe 17ih inst. ' 4 . *u»t»tss' N. YOtlK CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY - , CzASS.'No. 10/ b’ — . • HIGHEST PRIZE,' ' *! £20,000/ .. Prico of Tickets $5—Dvawiuf^vllibo gipceted on the 20tli inst. • . AtSO HE lU-IW lAir. MCttSTS IS* THE of tho sloop of war Lexington, having secured on board mostoftho pcMous-rscenllyengagccI thtrc in the outrages o,a.,Ajft®ricori citizens; Mviug re taken tho captlfrOd *nd plundered vesicls.which remained at Bb»®y Sound, and foniUhedrebtf to such of our seatrien as were Ulogally detained. or hadbeeninhumanly lofUoporuh ou theueigh boring island*.—Gluts. / ■ The following is an. account of tb« lownnoni secured by pateut » iheUoited States: : “Tbe plough bn* boon made ta undergo !»«.»«. wrmmmsm. use jbox* babdred and tweniy-foM. imprtvoineuu/• Court, lest nuighV be open to tioo of better frw* «e»m wuboot fatigpe re »* Of Of of of of of of •* ::i> 5,000 1,000 990 800. 5700' 000 500 ■ Prico of Tickcu 610 02-frirst ffiawiug on 1 first May; ,' ft J105B April/13 ' 123.- the “AyErfieWOS.wiln'® 1 at the CourHiubsc, oi\,En rticn aad-ffVtrden*... - , , . • a By order of thelTorird, w,—.. ,. . April 12 182 A. K- M'LAL'lIliLIN. Src npilE suSc^erSa alolof-^EOROESfor ; JL • tale, ceusisiing 'of Boys, Girl, a#d F«mi- lisa—tbsy will b* fouud near Mr^owov* Stahl. Mrtcvtn. J*. OVvWWiXjUs 112*. v. NIGHT AUCTION. C. A. Higgins’ Auction Koom IS pOSSTANtLY SCaPEIED-WITH RY (JOOD8, Hardware, lluts, Shoes, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, Sic. Sac. which will bo offered * At his Night Sales. Persons wishiug to got GREAT BARGAINS willdo well to call in. Goods sold al ibis establishment nro fresh and lorfect/order. . lurch 23 d 107 '■ ' ' LA FAYETTE IIALL. Jo tho Public. . ‘Bite subscriber takes tkis.mctboil of iufortuing bis friends and tbe public ecucrallv, that lie lias tskvn tbe LA FAYETTE 11AI.L iri this place; and he hopes by due diligence aud personal attcutidn to share as much patronage ns he may merit.— Those fond of good living aud clean bedding will call and judge for themselves. Aud ho further as sures the Public, mat no person qr persons nro either directly or-11,directly concerned .in said es tablishment nut-tho subscriber himself. Mar no; No* 25 .30 :WM. C ,W. CLARKE. IIAT& JTnaUeBeavcXT’Jf ** dec {^ 53 . WM. H. BUrDsaLL. A OF .LETTERS remaining in th'ri .t® cc M Clintoti, Jones couutT.’QaL )A ihe first day of April, J Vo2. • A Edmuud Atwater, Alauson D. Aplcy. _L—Sidpey Beckwiih 4, Lucy Benton, Benjftt nm Barron, Gcorgo Wi Butler tl, John Bennett; Samuel IL Burgess, Mary J. Blanks, Rcdmon BuJIor, Robert Bmton; John C. Bowen. „'^“HcnryB. Cabauist, Tboinn* V\.Choatand ■J; Flowers, Esq. Joseph Cooper, Doctor 1*. Rr Uomouls, John Carr, Joseph Child*, John Childs,. Thomas G. Cook 3, Francis Catching/, Samuel vanning. D—James Daniel 4, John Dnhiel, MarrDis- auket, David Dean 2, Joshua Davit jr. Jesse Deloach. Mrs. Sarah Drew, Charles Davis, . E—William Eathridge, 8. W. Kills, Johd English. G—Farrish Gere 2, John Gunn, Frederick George. • . H—Robert IHrisley 2, John Harvey 5, Walter II. Harvey, Isaac Harecy, Roles Harris, Robert Holbrook, LoWi* llumlliock, senr. Burwcll liar- . ger, D. 1. Holt. . J—Wilkins Jackson. Tbos..W,.Jourilcil, WiL liam Jones, Appleton Justice, Miss Elizabctli Jones 3. K—Doct. B. F. Keene 3. AbzadaT. Kolb. L—Asa Little, James Lamar 6, J. J. Lamar; Thomas Livingston, Miss Sarah E. Lowe, Wm. Liglitfoot, John Lowe. M—Dennis McClenden, John Miller, James Di MeFarlnu, A. B. Martin, John A. Mericker,- Geo» G.-F. Mitchell, Seha Moore, Miss Permelia Mat- 1 ' thess, John M. Moss, YV, S. Mlddlcbrooks. N—Needom Norris/ Jnmcs Nickerson, Peter Northern, Esq. Robert Nichols. O—James H. Owens. ‘ '' P—Dr P. Philips, Miss Lucy Pate, MosesPauit Doct. C. D. Parks. R—Enos Richards, Rebecca Reynolds, Paul T. Rodgers. . • 3—William Spivey, Daniel Slade, William Simmons,. Rolfoy Spinks, William Santon, Jat; ■ Sumner, Elijah Smallwood. T—Abder or AVm. Trotter, Rennet Terrell; Calvin C. Tyler 2, James C. Taylor 2, Maji John Tolls. ' W—Luke Williams, Jacob 8. West, Mathew Wright, RuhUf.'D. Wlcox 2, Andrew Womblen E. ORMSBY, D. P. M. . April,..1030. .14 lamp Oil* GALLS, nest quality LAMP OIL, jutt received by boat Navigator,,.for sale by ELLIS, SUOT^ELL ta Ce, April 10 121 PENMANSHIP. 3 - A, MacLauria Writing Master, Proposes giving a Course of Lessons iit this place. noosi AT TUE CODUT HOUSE. H AVING giving wriliug "his exclusive atten tion for soino years, as well uuder the itR structions of the 1 best masters of tbo art, ns his own iractical experiments upon various systems, he nis adopted a method of instruction wnicb is cal culated to impart-to the learner a more free and masterly command of the pen than acqui red hy any other that has come under hi* observa tion. By a fortnight's attentive adherence to the position! of tho body, and the motion of .tho arm and hand; the improvement must be extremal} gratifying, Course, 12 Lessons. Terms, $3 ex clusive of stationary Sei. The hours arranged, through the Mriy or can-lie. light to suit the conve nience of-those who atteud. A subscription pa per ia attlie Mansion House, thoso who wish to attend will pleaso enter their oatnes without dc- lav. Corauunce at soon st a sufficient number of snhscrihers lie obtained. Ladies, hy formiog a small class will be attended at their residence}, and can be t/ughl & neat running hand, or any of Fancy Italian or Ornamental bauds. ; • ; • March 5 92 dtf A LIST OF LETTER8 remaining iu the Post Office, at Perry, Houston county, Ga. for the quarter ending 1st April, arid if not taken out in three mouths from that date, will' bo sent to the General Post Officii department, as dead Letters. -, A—-Akins'Wiliiam. -• _ . B—Brvait Stephen_2, Brynn Frederick, Buck C- 'V., Brice Mra. Susau,~BJawn, Mary D. Bry nn Mis. C. S-, Bradly Jesse, Bryan Jackson Bracowell Archa, Barr RbdgerD. Brown E. G., Butts Nathan 2, Bozeman Luke, BanckerE. R., Barker Joseph. Itryan F.mily, Bryan Benjamin, C—Carr Samuel 2, Coleman Francis, Collin* Moses; Chniq John, Cowart J. W. Carter AnJ thouy T.2, Curiyers. William 2, Cherry Frederick, Cham L. F., Crawford Wriffirmson, Collins Starkey, Curtis *hd- Brown, Clement* Allen, Colquett W. T. • D—Davis Malicah YV., Durden I,aha, Dead James 2, Duncan James E. E—Ethrcdge Rebecca, Everett Thomas, Ele- nor Alfred! . ' - * ‘ F—Frillor John M., Fitzgorald James 2, Foun tain Owen, Fulshar Henry IL, Fletcher John/ Fudge Benjamin. • O-rCilei John YV.; Gilbert Thomas, Grantham N. Rev., Gordgauna Wm. B. M., Oamago Na tliHiiiel, Grace Wm. and Samuel; II—Hngin David; Iloaden M. B., Harrison William 2, Holland Jacob, Halstead Wm. B., Ilalbcrton Sally T-, Ilorhe J. E. J., Holloman Mark, High Samuel, Uairgnive John. -J—Justices Inferior CourtlLC., Jones John 2, Johnson Martha, Johnson Darling, Jameson MrJ. care of A. B. Higgs, Jordan Joseph, Johnson ' r ' .X . v|-v - > ;e!, L—Lewis.Hamricr. ;; * ,‘8 .« M—Molt Joseph, Martin J., .Morgap 'Ai,A., Manning Larry C- Massee Needham.-. , P—Pliillip Daniel, Pelehim-John W., Pattillo r. !!ev„ Pool Kobort, Prior Allen W., Powell Lewis, Peacock Robert,' Porker Jessee,'. Price' Lucas. -'. '• ' il ?Vi £ R—Royals Ezekiel, Rnqucmfca Jan A., Rawls Silos, Rouatson James, Hanoi* Silos, Ruffin H. IL, Rtmbert S.'Dr. ' , . . . I* - 8—SawyerCbarlos, Hamlford Mra. Col., Sear- borough Noah,-Smith Alexander, Hogg* llnrdy, Statcman Fannv, Spurting John, Sanders Ra- burn, Sander* Miles, Sapclford ,Col. J, -W. _ A;., Sikes Isaiah, Sriiitk .Robert -Cl, Snell William, Spivey Iffuleton5, Sharp John, sen., Sikes Sam'l. T—Turlington YYilliam, Taylor Drewry YV - V—Vinson James. YV-r—Watson Michael 3, YVilllngtori Julius, Wimberly Oshurn2, YVimberly Perry,-Wimberly Elizabeth, YViggins OsUuro 2, YVpod Martha, Wbitebcnd Austin, YValker Thomas," Walker' Thomas D., YViggins Allen, Wellborn YVni.Gch. ), YVorthiugtan Justus, YVimberly Martha, YVian- h:r|y-Abner, Williams George, Whitfield G.. B>- V—Yarborough Lewis . “JOHN M. MOORE, P. M. ' Perry, April 2,1832. . - ( Spring aud Summer Ciothiug. rfY HE subscriber has juit eomuicnced.roceiv- JL iug lus stock of Spring and Summer Clo thing. Uo assures the public that his • jtoe.k will be iufertpr to none, is dutcnniuvd to tell at low prices, and invites uureuotjrs mcall. .' v . march IA WM. H. BURDSALL. ' Cognac IBrandy* j A FEW halt pipes superior quality COG- £%. NAO BRANDY, fourth proof, ScigneUe's brand, jAst rccoivad, aud for sale low by . - LEVY &MOI8E. - ' ALSO—A few thousand first quality SPAN ISH SEGARS,’-brand “Dos Amigos.”> ‘i. march li >r .96 codlw. * Macon, march 28 130 Hollar*JPlowari, ... W ILL be given for (bs anpr«h«.iM'<HM» .tte peraori wbii threvt « ««*» m the wmd- ow of the Town Hall, on the evenine " f '>*« £o- tiUioo Party, the 3tWr nit. by the MANAGERS. April 1 14 Wk W»T Notice. u Th. sulnerlberf as'inr rcllftqolin- . J ihu BOOT A. SHOE MAKING bnunm, tad disposed el their M»nu- foCluriug .linsrlmenl to Mr HE1NRY WlLLflMB, who li»s been In I heir employ forlbe t*w .Tgbiccn mooilis, and of whose *- hilitytii-plr.*-. they foeUfuli *=fur«nre. they Wrtuld rtilicit for him. * oodilnu.uee of ibo libesaf p.lnjuage li'iibsrtn.slendcd 10 tbriosolvi s. Mr Wll.1 Jams will eontimi* lit* buelaess in the second -I -ry of lbs seat building they h»v* -Mwqihai '''fob JM ^^7 fit PARMrLf.E A ClfVttCn. Georgia, Hoagton County* Ths Inferior Court, titling for Ordinary purpettt for. ' ■ toid County, September term, 1631.’_ I Teppenriiig to tli* Court that Pjnekney Y’arbnr’ ougli. di-rc-ased, while-ill Ilfe-miole dnd eiaeisteif 1 tills bond to William G. M'Nair aud John A. M-Nhlr.- in the trim of four hundred and filly dollars, tb« con-’ dition of which was to make titles (a said John A.snd- WiU'win G- to tho test ti'atf of Lot No. 11, In lb* 12th district of Houston couuty, and U appenriug also, th.t tliesaid Yarborough departed this tile withptteircu. tire ti(l<-», * ropy of which bond Is hereunto uniwsrd. On mulinn. ordered, dirt three months afierthe pub lication of this order, *t tbe first regular Court there after, YViUi.m Byrd, tbe tdmihistrstor on sold .sistn shew cause. If soy ha hks r ;wbt he should net «*»cuta said titles to said John A. and Wiilirm G, M'Nair- , • " Jcort or rai no*t>;] •■/im e -- Gtorgia, HoUtton /VunfjK KNOYV all men by present*, that l.-Fiurk- nay Ynrixirongh, *m held and'firmly Found to Will- ism G. M‘N*i(‘iuu{.Jobn A. M'N.lrj in the Just and fullsiini offour hundred nud fifty dulluis, forth* true |>aym«lit oiwlilMil bind myself, my heirs end teslgnr, >kc this 30lh d«y uf J.uusrf, IK50. The uonniliontiftbe above obliHltnsi Is reeb that whrrces Wtllinm G. »aU John A. M have tbl. day bought of tLe sbu-i* st.led Pinckney Ysrhoroajh one hall of lot No. 11, ill Ufa 12tb district of Houston being known by the nest half of ntd lot of !«mi. * Now if pi* above Ploeknry Y.rhoroujh shill, on or before th* 8foh d.y nf December, lfjri. meh* or cause to tie et» J«, good end lawful titles V- the thorn slated land, then th* abut* to be ntlt end voidether- wise. In remain in furi f«er* sud firloe iu t»w. In wit- nr«s whererd, I h»vu hereunto set my hand sod fix ed say teal, tue d*V tiud data Htu-ve ei-rthwed. •flNCKNF.Y YARUOKOUGIl, i-r. > h-s - ' ..j U’iIiv* X-lonni. mark I). M fUm. A tree ettvsrt from 'he sulntM e# nf th* Cn*rt. Feh». 183ft. <H A HUES EMfiLt. e «■ jjaiOCKET M A P S - OE W^RGliA ”fot( i aie Jl at ihH bflicu.' W8 -,