Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, April 21, 1832, Image 4

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i Sni:‘5 Sheriff Sales. W ILLbesnid "O the first Tuesday In MAY nett, before the courthouse In Jackson, Butts conn, ty. between the usual hours of sale, One house Frame at the Indian Springs, in Butts county, a log House formerly occupied as a blacksmith shop, one other small frame of a House all situated at the seme place, nine head of Cattle room or t»«s, etjbtv head of Hogs more or less, one small bay llmse, unit one Cotton Gin—ell levied on ns the property of Jail Haley, to satisfy t wo Fi Tes is sued from Butt* Superior Court in furor nf Abner Jiasiksfon rs Joel Baky—property pointed out by the 'piaintlf. One ft‘‘?’rn worn-mi named Mary, tilwnit 23 jr'isrs old, Surah', n woman about 16 years O' J, tk" phen. n »- .> shout hyceisold and Lemv. a t.oy about JM moulhi’jld—«tl levied t.n as the pr'party of A i» Polintan. tosatislv threeTi Fssissued tr im Bt^tsBu. parlor Court In furor of H. W throve!! tud r-fUrs vs saiu Kuotnsou—pfopeity polntrd out by defend ant Ht.VRY HATE-LY. March Vo Sheriff. A'tr, will u if Id at elin, or the first Turtles in June, Two Jre-gro Boys, one by lire name of El* lint, shout I'd years old. the other by the n't"* of fllrti, about 7 years old, levied on as the prnperiy of .1. L. Rabinon, tosatirtv n roortgajcFi Fa in favor of Julin llendrirk nnd Jolin Lofton vs A 1.. Kohit.sun Prnw-rtv pointed out by the nlnintifi'. n'lirrfi 2 H. HATF.LUV. then?. Houston Sheriff Sales* KTI/ILL be told on the Gist Tiieiduy in MAY next, V V before the court iiouv door in Pony, Hous- toncnnnty. between the usuel hours of saV. _ Otto Lot ofi-und, No. 32C, in ilm thirteenth district ol Houston county—levied on ns the proper, ty of Samvel Stanford to entisty a Fi I n in furor of Nicholas Wagner vs said Staiitjid. Forty acres of Lund, well improved, where on Michui-I Madden now lives being part of Lot No. 116. in (he ftp h district of Houston county, and Lot No. 95,rnntmiiing‘J(W l-shiercs oak am! hickory land, in the 13th district of Houston county, improvi-d—nil levli-d on as the properly of Michael Madden tu satis- ■fv two. Fi Fas one in favor of Edward T. M'ficlire and the other in tavor of John U. Wick vs said Mad den. 101 1-4 acres of pine I.ntul, improved, being half of No. 21)7 in the 12th district of Houston county—levied on a* the property ol John ll'nll In satisfy sundry small Fi Fas in fuvor of Alien B. Dims, aia bearer vs said John Wall and Robert Wail—lev. ed on end returned to me by a constable. One Lot of Land, So. 79, in the thirteenth district of Houston county, well Improved—levied on as the property of Nathaniel Duffel to satisfy a •mall Fi Fa in favor of .Moore A Kelly vs said Dull'd —levied on and returned lo mo by a constnble. Otto LotofnJk and hickory Lund, well im proved. No. 323un the 13th district of Houston conn- ty—levied on as the property of Andrew Hendrix to satisfy sundry small Fi Fns from n justice's court of Jackson county in favor of Edward Williams and o. tbers vs said Hendrix—levy made and returned tome by a constable, One Lot of oak and hickory 'Land, well im proved, No 9. in the 13th district of Houston county —leried on ns the property of William Jl. Smith and Job If. Smith to satisfy sundry small Fi Fas one in fa vor of John Ilawts vs Samuel It. Smith, William B. Smith nnd Job W. Smith, nnd other Fi Fas vs laid defendants—levy made and returned to me by a con- ■table. One Lot of Land in the fifth district of Houston county, No. 116—levied on as the property of LUtlcbeny Watters to satisfy on* small Fi Fa in fa- vorof William Cunyers vs said Watters—levied on and returned to me by a constable. 1011-4 acres onk and hickory Land, well improved, being the east half of lot No 11 in the 12th district of Houston county—levied on as the proper ty of Daniel Jf'.Vafr to satisfy a Fi Fa from Pulaski Hnperior-Court, in favor of William Sandford survi- vin; copartner of Jesse A William Sandford vs Big- gers Singleton and Daniel M'Nelr—property pointed out by D. D. Hturges, E3tj. plaintiff's attorney. Two Lots of pino Land, in the llih district of Houston county containing 202 1-2 acres* proved, both adjoining the lands of John B. Alexan der end others end being the place whereon Robert D. Sinclair now resides, ore Fodder slack and forty bnshets of Com, more or less—ail levied on as tbe property ef Robert D. Sinclair, to satisfy two Fi Fas in tavor of Giles B. Taylor vs said Sinclair. One 5 acre Lot in the town of Perry, Hous ton county, whereon Btniamtn Kent now lives, well improved—levied on as uis property to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of George Patton vs said Kent James Findley’s &. Elijah Findley’s interest in a Lot of pine Laud in tbe eleventh district ol Hous- ton county, Improved, being the plnce whereon the aaid James and Elijah Findley now live, and adjoining Hodges and others—levied on as their property to satisfy two Fi Fas in favor of J. & L. Stono vs said James Findley, and Elijah Findley security. Ono Lot of pine Land, improved, whereon Neil Smith now lives, and adjoining Jenkins and oth art—levied on as his properly to satisfy a Fi Fa in fa, vorof John B. Wick vs said Smith. Ono grey Horse, eight years old, one Sad dle nnd Bridle, and David O Smith's interest in a Lot of pine Land, improved, in tbe ninth district of Houston county, whereon Dart'd 0. Smith now lives —-«l| levied on as his property to satisfy a Fi Fain fn- vorof John M. Moore vs Hugh A. Smith and David O. Smith. On« Lot of (sine Land, well improved, with e Grist mill thrreon, whereon the defendants now re* side—levied ones the property of Rurwell !*"<7ionand Intin Wilton to sati-fy sundry small Fi Fas in favor of ■ John 11. Cain and others vs said Burweil and Irwin ' Wilson—property pointed out by R. V. C. Ruffin. Lot No. 180 in the ninth district of Houston —levied on as the propertv of Burvelt Kendrick to satisfyn small FiFaln favor of GoddardALangdon —levy mado and returned by a con.-tnblr. March29 ISAIAH CHAIN. Sheriff. Campbell Sborifi Sales. ILL be sold on tbe first Tuesday in MAY nest, at the court house in Camphellton, Campbell county, within the usual hours of sale. One House nnd Lot on th» southwest side of Main street. In the town of Camphellton, knmvn In tbe plan of said town, by (rant lot. No. 33. and one hundred fifty-two and n half acres of Land it heiugllie south part o* Lot No 29, In this ninth district of ori ginally Coweta now Campbell county, end tbe undi vided hall of lot No. seventeen, in life ninth district of originally Coweta now camp'ie) county—levied on «• the property of Thnmnt Smith.' to satisfy an Exe- Cution in favor of the tjtate rfCcoi'r'n vs mid .SumI and his securities, tax nbllertor of the et.irtiv ot Campbell, lor tint yane Lion—property point* j put by Biaucherd Jr viimnbc!:. securities' attorneys. Lot of L'Mid, No. CL, in the M-veti'h district of crigini'tiy Cotveta now Campbell e-nitty— lev!--' cr. ns th* property ot J. C, Coker nod Jolni'lf. I'tiH- ditto sutiiiy * Fi F:i in fnvor of Thomas Evans as signee vi mid Coker and IVnlicort. Lot of Land No. C9, in the seventh district of originally Coweta notv Campbell county—levied or. as the property of Garrett Freeman to satisfy a i i Fa in favor of John Brewster vs said Freentnn. Lot of Land No. 32, in the second district of ...-vrioally Carroll now Ciiropb«!l county—levied on at the property of Edmund Hie,he ft James Bait'/ merchants Ac. tc satisfy a Fi Fa issued irom J.upc r •uciinr court iu favor of Garland Matey vssai! Hicks Bully. Lot of Lund No. 92, in tiro fourteenth dis trict of originally Fayette now Cumphell county—le vied on n» the property of William Blake, deceased, to satisfy a Fi Fn i—erdfrom Jackson Inferior emir In lavorof John W. Turner vs said Blake and Tho mas A. Dabbs—property pointed out by Ransom Thompson. B. FASLY. March 9 Dr,a. Sheriff, JpOUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Butts county when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell lot of land No. 103. in the seventeenth district of originally Henry now DeKalb county, as the property of Samvel Shadrack, deceased, for the benefit of the distributees of his estate. March 9 "6 WILLIAM BLALOCK. Guard. h are about to receive, a more general and ei9m"s, t of SPRING AND SUMMER CI.OMHlNG than they have ever before offered. April 3 A. SHOTWELL&J- S. SMITH. F ltl'li MONTHS after date application will he made to the honorable inferior court of Monroe enmity, w hen silling lor ordinary pm poses, for leave n sell one lot of land No. 13(1. in the first district of 'righe'lv Houston now Crawford county, for the br ief* of (tie orphans of Il'i.’Ram M r uy, late of Jasper : Minty, dsccmed. WILl Y L. CLFMFNT3. Fob if, Vwrd an. Georgia JVcgrocs for Sale. T Hl subscriber keeps constantly on hand a sttpplv of Georgia Negroes for sale. They will he found to be of such age or sex ns will suit purchasers. He now has ten or twelve on hand, fie will also purchase Young Negroes for whom cash will be given. S. F. BLATTER. East Macon, Feb 4 lift ■JTNOUU MONTHS .--ftrr date application will he a 1 r madft to the h.«noi j»Mi* f nt«*rinr court of Monroe untv, when finite tor ordinary purposes, for lenvr ♦ r* 9t»f| onefourth of lot No. 183, in tlm fourth district of Monroe county, in tin* N. C. corner of said lot, be* toneine to the minor children of the snhscriber. Teh 15 MOSES 1). wi*tH county, whilr sitting lor ordinary purpn«r*. fur leive to •t li i"t No. in th*» fust liistiict ofenid 'o\ve*a county, tielonging to «ti« estate of iinrid ox, l.tto of Jvtf-r«on county, decoHAod. for tiie bene* t m t!»e heirs «ud creditors of BHid drreH«ed. march li» pi JOHN VI.WAIID, Adm’r. S2onvoc Sheriff Sales. ILL be Mint on the first Tuesday in .'lAY next, before the court house in Forsyth. Monroe county, between tiie usual hours of sale, 202 1-2 tides of Lund, being Lot No. 120. in the 6t!i district of Monroe county, whereon Rich of Rich iu favoi aril May now lives—levied on ns Hie property ol ant May and James Turner, to satisfy a Ft Fu ill of Thomas Napier vs said May 4* Turner. .S.^ made to the liairorablu inferior court of Monroe •oiinty, when silting far ordinary purposes, for leave o sal lot of land ,\o. 217, in the sixth district of said counts', for the benefit ot the children. THOMAS B. GORMAN, march 13 161 Natural Guardian. 202 1-2 acres of Lund, beitic Lot N<>. 135, in the third district of Monroe county—levied on rs the property ot Sylranut Vardeman, William Varde- man and Rachael Vardtman, to satisfy a Fi Fa iu fa vor of Hie Governor &c. vs said Vardemans. Tho mirlli-cnsl part of Lot No. 126, in the sixth district of Monroe county—levied on ns the property of John Dewberry to satisly a Fi Fa in favor of Benjamin M. Peeples vs said Dewberry. Three Mules, ono Road Waonn, one 0.\ Cart, one yoke of Osen, and one Grindstone—all le vied on as the property of Jared Taplei/. to satisfy sundry Fi Fas in tavor ot Liltletou Atkinson and oth- esr vs said Tapley. ‘Two Lots of Land, Nos. 126 nod 143, in the fourth drtrict of Monroe county—levied on ns tit property of William Gray nnd Thomas Gray, to sntise fy sundry Fi Fas in lavor of Case &. Gnu'driclt auti- otliers vs said Grays. Fifty acres of Land, lieing part of Lot No. 103,in (lie fourth district of Mor.rne county—levied on as the property of John pepper, to satisfy sundry small Fi Tns in favor of Martin G. Uuclianon for the use ol James May and other FiFas—levy made end returned by a constable. A. COCHRAN, March 29 Sheriff. Also, will be sold as abate on the first Tutsdou in JUNE next, One negro man nnintd Lat, about 27 veins of :-e—levied on ns'ho property of /.cuts. Sr. *to satisfy mortgage Fi Fa in favor of Elijah M. Troutman, A- mos Troutman, nnd Hiram B. Troutman—pi operty pointed nut in said Fi Fa. March 29 JOHN REDDING. Dtp. Sheriff. ILL be sohl on Saturday, the 2ctli of APRIL next, at the residence of Henry Rodger, late of the litli district of Houston county deceased, All the 2?erishable Property of said deceased, consisting of Horses, llogj,^SIieep t Cattle, Corn, Fodtlei,household nnd kitchen Furni. lure, and various other articles too tedi ius to mention. Terms, made known on the day. All persons Imv. ing demands against said deceased w ill bring them in properly attested, and those indebted will moke im mediate payment. MOURNING RODGERS, Adm'rx. DAVID ADAMS, Adm'or. march 9 103 W ILl, he sold on tiie first Tuesday in JUNE next, before the court house in Campbell tun, Campbell county, between the usual hours of sale, A STcgro Boy named Charles, belongineto the estutf* of A ban Smith, of Cow-etn county, deceased, for the benefit ol Moses M. Smith, minor of Abner Smith, ngreeoble to nn order of I hr Inferior court ol Campbell county, when sitting fo ordinary purposes. JOHN B. SMITH, li f> (iumd. Payette Sheriff Sales. ■B1S7TLL lie sold on 1bc first Tuesday in JUNE T Y nest.before the court house in Favrlteville, Fayette county, between the uiual hours of'iale. Thirty acres of Lot of Land No. 151 in the nintli dhtrict of Fnvettecounty—levied on as the iroperty of William Af. Hot/61, to satisfy n Fi Fa iu avorof JosiahR. Padgett, and others Fi Fain said Hobbs. Lot of Land No 136 in the filth district of originally Henry now Fayette county—levi.d on ns tbe property of Arnald Seale tosntisfy sundry Fi Fas in favor of William Bnaes, and others vs said Seale, April 7 ANDREW M BR1DE, Sheriff. Alto will be told at above. Zephr.niah Harvey's interest in 50 acres of Land, it being port of lot No. 101 in the fourth dis trict of originally Henry now Fayette county, lying in the north west corner of said lot. April 7 W. HEFLIN. Sheriff. Bibb Sheriff Sales, W ILl. tie sold on tliu first Tuesday hi MAY next, before lbs Court house in Macon, Bibb coun- ■ ty, between the usual hours of sale— 'One Lot of Land, No. I6S, in the fourth district of originally Houston, now llihb county, enn- Ulnuig.203 f-2 acres more or less—levied on’ns tbe projieity of Hugh Hamil to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from the Superior court of Butts county iu favor of Kec- tend Tvner v» said Hugh Hamil nnd Bryant Hnmil. Alta will be told at at ore, on the first Tuesday in April. Four Negroes, Phebu a woman, about for ty veare old, Stephen, a boy nhnul six years old, Mis souri, a girl about three years old. and Leroy, alloy ..about twoyeanold—nil l.-viedonas the properly ot Thomat Density to sulisfy a mortgage Fi Fa issued from tho Inferior court of Baldwin county in tavor of.William J. Dantlly va aaid Thomas Dnnetly. Jan C. 1632. 1 VVM. B. CONE, thttiff. The following Negron*, slaves, to wit: Lou is* a girl; George a boy s Redden, Houston, George. Prince, and Cuflee, men—levied upon as the proper ty of Isaac D. Rowland, to satisfy a Fieri Facia* issued u"|inn a mortgage upon said Negroes foreclosed by tbe Plniitert' Bank of the Slate of Georgia, assignee. fcb'JS .°5 W. B CONE, Pep. Sheriff XZenry Sheriff Sale YTWII.Lbesolil on the first Tuesday in MAY next, W before the Court home in McDonough. Hen' ty county, between the lawful hours. The smith.lulf of Lot No. 176, in the 8th dLtriet of Henry county, levied or. as the property of Jttich Forums, to wtisfy a Mortgage Fi Fa issued from the superior court of said county in favor of Burweil Ka'glaiid. Property pointed out In aaid Fi Fo. f«b 25 THQ3. J. JOHNSON. Sheriff, fi fcju !X tTl m 1 Howell. Executor*of tnoestate of JoAn HowtU, de- , eoaK'd. apply to IM for letters of dlimlxslon— And, where as John Ch»ncey, Admlnistratorof tbe astate ol EdmUnd Chantey, deceased, applies to me for letters of (UiwlMton. \ ^ ffputt are, therefore, h cite end admonish all and tie. gular the kindred and trediton of said deceased, lo bt nd appear at my office, within the time prescribed 6j hv, t, shew cause, if any they hate, why said letter! shontlinribt tainted. .Given under my hand and teal at office, March 24, mi. 108 CHARLES H. IlICE, e. e. a. Notice. B Y virtue of nn order Irom the honorable lire In ferior court of Monroe county, when silling for ordinary purposes, will lie sold on the first Tues day in June next, between the usual hours ot sale, lit die court house in Crawford county, lot of Land No. eighty, in the first district of originally Houston now Crawford einmly, belonging to the estate, of Aleran- under King, late of Monroe county, deceased, tor the benefit of tiie heir« and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known nn the day of sale, march ft GEORGE I, DOUGLAS. Adm'r. Irwin Sheriff Sale. POolTONKD. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in MAY nest, before the court house in Irwin county, be tween the usual hours of sale, One Lot of Land, known by No. 255, in the fourth district of Irwin county, and on the tvnters of House creek—levied on as the property of Isaac -SfcpAcni.losatisfyaFi Fu issued from the Suprrior Court ol Irwin county, in favor of John Button jr. vs Stephen Wiggins, nnd Isaac Stephens security—pro- party pointed out by Stephen Wiggins. March23 H. WALKER, Sheriff. Georgia, Butts County. T^^HERtAS Elisha J..Preston and Jnmra Ties- ton apply to me for lellersnf Administration 011 the estate of Gilliam Preston, late of said county decenced. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and sin gular (Ac kindred and creditors of said deceas'd lo bt and appear at my office wilhiulhe time prescribed, bylaw, lo shew cause, if uny they hare, why said lelleis ,houtd not be granted. Given under my hand, this Cih March, 1832 S3 JOHN M'CORD.e.e.o. Georgia, ®a!bot county, 17II ERE A.J Reuben Aldredge applies to me J for tetters of administration on the estate of William Bonnell, laid of Alabama, deceased— These art therefore, lo cite and adn.onith all and sin gular the kindred aw 1 creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, K'lhin the >ime prescribed by Imv,lo shew cause (if any they can,) why laid letters should not he granted. Given under my hand nnd seal at office, this 23d dav of Mnrcli, 1632. ' ltl WILLIAM S. GOSS. c. c. o. Georgia, Houston County. W HEREAS U.lamar Clayton applies to me for leiters ol Administration upon the estate of John Canilhen. late of said comity, deceased— These ure, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the Icindrtd and creditors of said dtrtased, to he nnd appear at my office, within the time presenhed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why laid leltei should not be granted. Given under my hand,this 14th day ofFeb. 1832. CHARLES II RICE. e. c. o. before James C. for Captain Hearn’s district. Iwo Marest one cream colored Mare 5 years old. with n star In her forehead, and black mane and tail, all of her fert white, four feet 8 or9 inches high; also one sorrel Mare, n tittle while on Ihe top af her head where (he headstall of the bridle rubs, four feet 7 or 8 inches high, 7 years old, the right side of her jaw is larger than the other, she hate knot on her left hock joint, the eream colored Marc had 11 little piece off of the tip of her ear, no other marks or brands discoverable. Appraised by Hugh Goen and Thomas House: the sorrel mare to twenty- five dollars, and tbe cream colored to forty-five do!< lars, this 2lth Starch, 1832. The above is a true extract from tho eslray hook. April 7 14 ELLIS ROGERS, OUR MONTHS after date application will he Inferiol made to tiro honorable the Inferior Cnurtnl Houston county. «t tts silting for Ordinary purposes, or leave to seli the undivided half of Lot No. 19, in tu rllih district of said county, belonging to the 1 . of Pinkney Yarborough, deceased, lor tbe be ef.: .4 alt concerned. J.„r, WM. TtVRT). Adm'or Dissolution. T HE Copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers under the.firm of Ralston &,• Jones, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tiro unsettled business of the coucern will be attended to by David Ralston, who can be found nt the sto-e of Robert S. Patton, ( old stand, 1 corner of Clierrv and Third streets. 1 DAVID RALSTON. Feb 23 83 JOHN L. JONES. jj,7OUR months niter onto, np|licidion will lie 5* to the tmimritblc tbe Inferior Court of J UST received by IlUNGERFOiiDS nud STODDARD, 15 dozen Calf Skins 10 do Lining Skins 1 do Goat Rinding, 1000 lbs Sole Leather 50 sides Gin Band Leather 50 do wax tipper Leather White and Yellow Stitching Thread Boot Cord, Webbing nnd Bristles 200 lbs Grey Shoe Thread Which we offer low for cash 8 Oct 21 Clothing Stores T HE subscriber being very anxious to re duce his stock of Woollen Clothing, will sell nt very low price*. March 15 WM. II. BURDSAIX. FEMALE EDUCATION. IVIrs. Mary F. Ellis, G RATEFUL for the very liliernl patronage she has received, respectlully informs tiie cilizpns of Macon and its vicinity, that tbe second quartern! tier school will commence on Monday, the 2d of A- pril. Mas. lias the pleasure of informing her pa- Irons that Sirs. BAILEY GODDAHI), whose quali fications are nnqiiPstioiiHb'e. lias consented to give Lessons in Music and Fainting, lo those wlm mny lie desirous ol ucquiringeither ol those elegant accomplishments, march 16 103 CAUffxosr. A LL persons are w arned acninst imdingfnr a notp giveij by Maty Spain tor her husband Banja- iniu Spain to Edmund Wlieliss or benrer for one him. dred nndtwenlx-five dollars on demand the 1st inst. March 6 xv"tp BENJAMIN SPAIN SaitAH Kiso ^ Libel for divorce in Sfonroe Su- Joiuh* Rixo. S perior Court. I T appearing to the Court hy the return of the She- ritf. that the defendant is not to be found in the county of Mrnron, it is ordered hy the Court that ser vice be perfected by a publication of this rule, once n month for three months in one of tbe public gazettes of this State. A true extract from the minute*. ' April 7 14 WM. P. HENRY, Clerk. A GREEABLY to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Fayette county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tues day in JUL’Y next, before the court house in Fayette ville, Fayette conniy, between the nsual houis of sale. One negro woman hy the name of Nelly, about seventy-fiveor'eightvyea'sof age, a boy by the name ofWasliingtun about seven years of age, a girl by the name of MahHln, ahnut five years of age, a girl hy the name of Matil la, about ten years of age, a girl hy the name of Sally, about eight years of age, a woman hy the name of Ainy. about thirty-fire year* of age, nnd tier infant child, ab iut six weeks old, a negro man named Daniel, about lw-enty-one years of age. and one negro man named Jim, about filly-six yenrsof age, all lo he sold a* Ihe property of tho orphans of Starling Elder, decerned, fort he benefit of said or phans. Terms made known on die day of sale, March 27,1832. 14 EDWARD P. NIXON. Guarslian. W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in SI AY next, a. the late residence of Robert Harris, late of Fayette county deceased. All tho Perishable Property* belonging to said deceased, consisting of household and kitchen Furnitnre, Plantation Tools, nnd Stork nf various kinds. Bale to continue from day to day until all are sold. Terms made known on ihe dny. Persons holding demands against Ihe eilote are hereby notified to render in their demands in terms of the law-, and those that are owing Ihe estate are re quested lo moke payment. LARKIN BARN ETT ( March 27, 1632. 14 Adm'or W ILl. ho sold on Thursday, the 17th offilAY next, nt the residence ot Adam Tapley, in Mourn* eounl tly, Tho Perishable Property of Jared Tactsy, of Monroe county, deceased, eon listing of one Horse, Catlln, Sheep, Plantation Tools, household and kitchen Furniture. MARGARET TAPLF.Y, Adm'rx April7 14 J AMES MAY, Adm’or, W ILL he sold on Wednesday, the 2otb of A* PltlL next.nt the late residence of Samuel Partonr, late of Fayette county deceased, nil the Perishable Property belonging to said deceased, consisting of Horses, Cattle nnd other stock ot various kinds, household nnd kitchen Furniture and various other articles too tedious to mention. Sale to continue from day to day until all are sold. Terms made known on'tbe day of sale. Persons holding demands against said estate are hereby notified to render in their demands in terms nf the law, and t ns* that are owing the estate are re quested to make payment. THOMAS LOYD. . ) ... EDWARD Y. JOHNSON, < march 6 193 F OUR months after date, application will he made to tho Inferior cnnrt of Monroe county. while lilting at a court of ordinary, for leave to telt the real estate of James Libs, deceased, for tbe bene fit ol the heir* and creditors of said deceased. D«* 12 48 PARMER A. HIGGINS. •mW. Pocket Book Lost 1 O N the 15th inst. between Macon and Mr. Beck ham's, near the camp-gronnd in Monroe coun ty, a small Pocket Wallet, containing nboul $100— nf which Ihrre were two bills of$20eaeh. nnd some nf 310, til believed lo be on (he Macon Bnnk—nlso tome smaller hills. There were also in tho Wallet, three Notes given to the subscriber sometime in Feb ruary, and due next Christmas, by Wm. J. Perry, man—two for thirty dollar*each, and one for twenty dollnra. I hereby caution all persons from trading for the same, or the maker from paying them to any K rsnn hut myielf. Any person find rg said pocket ok and giving information of it, to me, (ten miles nbove Forsyth near the Fayetteville road) shall tie reasonably rewarded. (>AMKL CARROLL. Monroe county.'March 29 113 2tp ^LLjiersons having demand* against this estate of 'en Dorman, late of Twiggs’ county, deceas ed, will render them in properly attested 1 end ell persons Indebted to said estate will make payment within the time prescribed hy law, to Feb 16 77 MARTHA DORMAN, Ez’rr. Spring and Summer Clotbing f*TIiE Subscribers have already on hand, s and , lhe P u J )Iic generally, that thV» did assortment of ,tir 6« and, HARD WARE, CUtLlsnJ And Taney Go Fo which the ntteniion of cnimt,. 1 visiting the city far supplies is invitJ.7 ® trc r , . smith. Harris Htnrlrefnn. net U 4 w4m 3 UPFRIOR MERINO MANTLES itts! rei-nv»d- § and rorsale by WM. H. BURDSALU Nov 25 3'l . 1>R. I- F.LUS~ H AVING determined to settle in Mr,eon. respectfully oOVrahi^ 1 Professional Services i tho inhabitants of the town nnd adi,. ..n-r the satisfaction ofthoMwho?'i qtiamted with him, he thinka proper re.,V?1 he tvns regularly admitted to hi* nrnf-^P 1301, agreeably to the laws and rccJLj!”'] State o: New York, and that most of hi 1 since that period 1ms born devoted to si sivo practice. By a faithful discharge nfl'l fessional duties, he hopes to merit a liftl ronage. Hi t residence and office nreinth J formerly occupied by Mr. Birdsoire.on vM -treet. Jan. 14 0 11111 White Lead. KEGS White Lead just received nnd for sale hy IIUNGERFORDS & STODDARD. March 9 96 Sugar. Molasses, Bacon, &c. Tg HMDS. N. O. Sugar, JL xP 27 hbls St. Croix do 12 bids and 3 boxes lonfand lump Sugar 30 bbls N. O nnd Baltimore \\ hiskey 15 do Phclp’s Gin 20 do Northern Rum 17 ps Bagging 40 boxes Tobacco 25 hhds Molasses 20000 lbs Bacon (middlings) 1000 bushels Turk’s Island Salt* For sale hy REA & COTTON. March 27 111 G&O&GE At his old stand, corner of Cherry r.nd Sm I S now receiving from New York ami a fresli supply of Goods, which, inu, to those on hand, will make his stock \m and complete, which he offers on ns real terms as they can be had in this macket goods comprise a general Assortment of Groceries Viz—150 hags Coffee, 1 WARE-HOUSE ccMiwxssxonr Btrsmrss, T HE .Subscriber will be engaged in the above Business in Macon during ihe next tenson. and pledges himself that no business entrusted to bis care -hall want atttention. Liberal advances, on Cotton, will be made when required. Receiving nnd forwarding Goods to Country Mer chants will lie punctually attended to. Thu customary charges of the place will he mad July 30 31 THOMAS T. NAPIER. T Just Received, WO cases Fancy Dunstables. Dec 17 49 WM. H. BURDSALL. NEW SPRING GOODS. X*. GRAVES & SOU A RE now receiving from New York and Bos ton, n largo and fresh supply of SPRING and FANCY SUMMER GOODS, conshitingin part of 600 ns Calicoes, 100 do Fashionable Ginghams, Printed Muslins b 100 ps Italian, Grodenan, Sinchew, Sarsqrt.Chan- — gealila, Figured and Fancy colored SILKS 200 ps Corded Mnstins, Cambric Dimity, &c Pieces Figured and plain Swiss Muslins 100 do Irish Linens 109 do Pongee and Fancy Silk Hdkf, 200 do Raw Silk do 109 dog Fancy Dress Shawls and Scarfs 390 do Cotton, Mndrass, and Head ijdkfs Linen Drilling. Gentlemen's Stocks and Cravats. Brown Linen, Rmven Cassimcrc, Beaverteen. Bnng up Cord, Circassian, 600 tloz Hosiery ami Gloves, 300 do Spool Thread 50 doz Ball Thread, 50 do Spool do ift Suspenders, 200 do Tucking Combs 5(10 do Side Combs,Tortoise Shell do b Dressing Combs, 100 ps Mosquilo Netlinc, Fancy Baskets, do Boxes, 100 lb Flax Thread, Sewing Silk. Leghorn and Duuslable Bonm-ts, Umbrellas—Mar seilles. bilk, Valencia and Velvet Vestings—Blench’d Homespun*. Plaid do. Furniture Plaids. Checks Stripes. Ticking, 20 bales brotvn Homespun*. CO ns Osr.aliiirgs, Russia Duck, do Sheetings. 1 a general asrortment ofS VMM Eli CLOTHING consisting of Coals, Roundabouts, Vests, Pantaloons Ac. Ac. A large supply of ’ Shoes & Boots, Hats, Saddlerv. Ac. Ac. 100 do* Palm Leaf Hat,. °f "Alir* WARE nnd CUT LERV. GLASS WARE. CROCKERY, Ar.Ac. Tiro above Goods were purchased in New York and Boston, a few weeks since, (of iceent impnrtn. lions,) at twenty per cent less than former prices, and will he sold unusually low. * „ receive, nut week, a large supply of GROCERIES, IRON ASTEeCRJIlS man’ll jf, or ,alc “ »hove,6(i°0 lbs prime BACON. Now Receiving from Boat Vice- ~A K President, JL 49 Hhils St Croix aud Porto Rico Sugar 3 bbls Loaf Sugar, 33 hags Coffoo 6 tierce* Coffee, 15 bbb N’Rum 20 bbls Whiskoy, 5 qr casks Wine 1 pipe coguac Brandy, 1 hhd Jam. Rum 5 crates Crockery Also, A General Assortment of BLACKSMITHS’ TOOLS, viz. Bellows, Au- vils, Vues, Hammers, &c. _dee3 38 GEORGE JEWETT. P . „ Bills on Savannah. .AYABLE at slight, for sale by • — by t_ DAY & BUTTS. M English Merinocs ERINp SQUARE SHAWLS jr- 1 xrec S3 ,Wd by M WMi H * MKDSALL. •150 hags < 45 hhd. Pt Croix, Porto Ri C0 ,J Orleans Sugar, 21 Mils Loaf and Lump do 12 qr chests Tea 20,0(10 lhs Iron 10 hhds Molasses 1500 bushels Salt 100 pieces Hemp and Tow Banl 40 kegs Nails “ ■ Jamaica Rum CegnncRrnndv Northern Gin,‘Northern Rum Yi hiskey. Apple Brandy, Wine, Powder. Shot, Ac. &c. ALSO, . Jry Goods, Hardware. CntleJ Crockery, Boots, Shoes, IATS, BLANKETS, SADDLE for. for. Naples, Colored dodo . . Mandarines nnd Florences, black and cc. Bi Iff'® ‘w* 0 fating 1 , ot Will' Cteq« r jfer ij®* I LlMSfl 1 lltl |W" h '"’l jeonf xf: III«« K-tiir' ll-v- red Fancy and Staple Dry Goods] J OB MAGIF. has received and opened,* iu the last few days, nn rxtensive assortr.. -f Goods, including' almost every article rcqoL 'jr this market, among which are the foHoxiij Superfine hlup. Mack, brown, olive end grL llroadcloths. Merino and rowan Cassimeies,Lfl ings nnd Circassians, vrry fine French Pont zines, Drillings and Satinnets; also French II rns and Stripes, and superfine nnd commnnVI ings; also Mandarines, Oriindas and Oriel Rohes, splendid articles; Cambric and fimw| Diniitv; Swiss, jarkonet. book and cambric SI lilts; India, silk nnd cambric Ginghams; slsiJ pieces Calicoes and Prints, very choice nxttel and letest style; fanev Handkerchiefs and SoL Crapes nnd Cause; plain and figured chanpsl Silks; Italian and Orodcnoplcs do Canes; (f lars and Pilnrines; thread and hohlnct Lacea Footings, Ribbons, Gloves and Hosiery; It Linens, Lawns, mid cnmbric Handkerchiefs; a ladies nnd misses’ Leghorns, open straw andDl stable Bonnets; Umbrellas nnd Parasols v| neat nnd Handsome; powder hexes and p nnd an extensive supply of Soaps and Perfnm Otto of Roses. &c. Ac. Also a general assortment of Hardware, (j lery. Glass and China Ware, Crmkerr.Cnstitl and 10 cases gentlemen's heaver and silk Hi superfine and common, including white, drib ■ black; also Shoes, cotton Cards, blackaniif tools complete; cross cut and mill Sang c tor’s tools, Guns, &c. &c. Also a very general assortment of Cm Cotton Bagging, tpe. (,'C. The subscriber requests the attention of I friends nnd the public to his whole stock in trail as he will continue to dispose of the same cal terms which he is confident will give general s_ tisfaction. JOB MAG1E.| Mnv 14 20 NEW GOODS. W M. H. RURflSALL is now receiving 1 opening a general assortment of Seasonable Goods, which ho offers for sale nt tho most reduced f res, amongst which aro the following; Superfine Saxony blue, black and colored Clout Merino Cloths. Bine, black and fancy mixed Satinnetts Duflie point and roso Blankets. Red, white, green and yellow Flannels^ Saxony nnd Cnnton white gauze ditto ' 8 and 10 qr. Damask table Diaper Ilirds eye and Russia do Merino Circassians , Black and Blue Bomhazetts and Clrttm*® Irish Liiicm, Flemish Sheeting*, Cotton burg* Negro Cloths, Linseys Thread Lace* nnd Shell Comb* Pongee, SpittalficUl . ( Black Italian Lustring, black Sarsafitl- SM • chews, black Gros do Berlin, black Urol yn»c trrinr b(«° loir 51 Italian Crapes Gauzo nnd Satin Garniture . Ribbons and silk Velvets, Merino and Caw® . . Thibet Wool, Damask Silk and'Crapo Sb»*»| Dress Handkerchief* ... Ladies diamond straw nnd Leghorn braiili Misses diamond and chain Bonnets . I.nco niro gauzo Veils, figured nnd plaio Flagg nnd Bandanna Handkerchiefs A general assortment of coarse Shoes aou v Men's and Youth's Fur Hats Fur, Leather, and Hair Caps, &c. Sic. Nov 5 13 - Notice. 1 A S one of our Firm (A. Snortviu-) ( leave for New York in a few thoao indebted will please attend W thoi» ato discharge of tho same, nnd obhgo IlT p A S1IOTWELL & J. S. SMITH | March 1 39 NOTICE. u T IIE Suhtcriber haviog sold hi»»<« GOODS to _ _ . .1 JWr. Samuel T. Rowlandt and declined business, solicits for him to* F ,, ago of his friends ond former customer*, .j quests all who nro indebted to him. *® ® storo of S. T. Rowland, next door to * ^1 es. where he will bo fout' i “ ,r I Cooko & Cowles,' ROWLAgg: Ikies, direct from the Factory.fftss 1 Jan 7 C.A.