Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, April 28, 1832, Image 4

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Batts SShcriit . . W ILL b* sold on the first Tuoidoy la MAY next, Woe# the court front* Jn Jnckvon. Dnltx coun ty, W!*ero the usual hours omlrf, On* house Frame' at the Indian Spring*, in Butt* county, a lop #*"»»» formerly occupied as# llitrlctof originally Houiton, now Bibb county. <" u Mrsck>oiith shoo. onu other rmnlt frame of a House ‘aininrSOS 1-2 ten MaeVnith. simp, all tHut'el st the same pine*:, nitih Mend of Celtic Inure or leu, eighty head of lloge more or lei*, one ttaathbey Host*, and one Cotton Gie—«ll levied on tr «b» pfopocty of Joil Bclt.v. to inlisfv two PI Fa* la wn! Irani Doits Superior Court In favor of Aimer JUnVshMi V» Joel flaky—property pointed out by the plain tiC •One nwrrn woman named Mnrv, nhnut 23 yUre old, Sarah, a woman almnt 16 years old, rite t hen, a b»y about 4 rente old and Leroy, a boy about a montli'a old—all levied on na the property of A. L, AIuuvm. to satisfy three fi Fualaaucd trout' Butt a Su perior Court to fnvrr of II. V/. rirorell and otberr ve tald Robinson—pron.-ty (minted ont by defend ant. HENRY HATEl.Y, March« , Sheriff. Alta, milt it told at nitre, on thi first Tuesday in June, Two Ncsrn Boys, one bv thowamn of El bert, atmot IS yean old, the other by the name of Dick, about 7yrart old, 'lovtnil on as the property of A. L. Radinxsn, to satiiff n mortgage Pi Fn In favor of John Hendrick andj-hn Lnftort vs A. L. Itoblnion property pointed oat by the plnintiff. march . HATFLEY. sf'tritr JBMitoB Sheriff Sales* n fjLl. be anldonfbetint Tuesday in MAY next, before the court bouse door in Perry. IIous- friocauety, between Iheuaud hours of sale, One Lot «tf,l»wd, Mo. 320, in tlto ihirtarnlh «$a'rictot Houston county—levied on •« the proper ty ;( Samvel Stanford to satisfy a Pi Fa in favor of Nicholas Wagner ra said Stanford, Forty aerrs of Land, well improved, where on Michael Madden now lives being part of Lot No. llfl. In the likh district of Ilnuii Sn county, and I/O No. £5-.containtug203 l-2aciw oak and hickory laud. In Jfre 13th district of IIouslop county, improved—all levied on at the property of Michael Mnddtn to satis fy two FI fat one in Ihvor of Edward T. M'fichce and the other in favor o,' John B. Wick vt laid Mad- m . 101 1-4 acres of pine -{.and, improved, btjnghalf of No. 807 In the lWh diatrict of Houston '•Ounty—levied on ni'the properly ol John Wall to Satinfv Sundry imatt PI Fai in favor of Allen Be Cliai- *ln bearer va said John Wall and Robert .Wall—lev- C4 dn andfetarned to roe by a conitnble. < One Lot of Land, No. 79, in the thirteenth -district of Houston county, well Improved—levied an si the propertyof Nathaniel Duffel to satisfy a jm-tll ri Fa In-favor of Moore At Kelly vs said Duntd e-levied on and-returned to meliy a constsbie. Onn Lol nf oak mid hickory Land, well tm- ■proved. No.323in thelfflb distriJtof Houston enmi ty—levied on as the pi-oprrty of Andrew Hendrix to ea'lsfy sundrysmall Fi Fm from a justice's court of Jackson county In favor of Edward Williams and o- thvrs vt (aid I Undrli—levy made and returned in me ■fry a constable, U no Lot of oak and hieltory Lntid, well im proved, No 9, In the 13th district of Houston county —levied on aa the property of William it. Smith and M JF. Smith to satisfy sundry small FI Fas one In fa vor of.lohu Rawls va S-'inuel U Smith, Willi ta B. -Baiilh an-l Job W. Smith, and other Fi Fas vs said d«frot!»ai»—levy made aud returned tome by ucun.- epthW i, One Lot of Land in the fifth district of •Houston county. No. 116—tnvied on as the. property : «f LiUlehtrry ll'attcrt tosaHsfy one small Fi Fa in fa- vorof William Conyers vssiiid Wlattere—levied on and rrturnvrl to roe by a constable. ., 1011-4 acre* oak and hickory Land, well Improved, being the cast half of lot No II in the 12lh .diatrict of Houston county—levied on as the proper ty vlDaniel JP.Vair-tO satisfy a Fi Fa from Pulaski Superior Court,-in favor of William Sandford snrvi- frVng copartner of Jesse <t William Sandford vt Dig gers Singletonnnd Daniel M'Nuir—property pointed •utbyD.D. SturgeSj'Eeq. plaintiff’s attorney. Two Luts of pine Land, in the llih district efllhuiton comity containing 202 IdJacresgach.lm- prttvod. fiotli'udjoiiiing the lands of John B. Alexan der and others and being the (dace whereon Robert 'D -Sinclairnfj w resides, ore Fodder stack and forty bushels of Com, more or less*-all levied on as the property of Hubert D. Sinclair, to satisfy two Fi Faa in •lavnr of Giles B. Taylor vs said Sinclair. One 5 acre Lot in the town of Perry, Hons- tou county, whereon Beniamin Kent now fives, well improved—levied ones his property to satisfy a Fi Fa In favnr. of George Patton ve said Kent. James Findley's & Elijah Findley’s interest In a Lot of pine Loud in the eleventh district ol lions- toot county, improved, being the ptaco whereon the ynid James and Mijttlt Findley now live, and adjoining Hodges irtid otherj—levied on es their property to efttijfy two Fi Fas |n favor of J. & L. Stone vs said James Findley, and Elijah Findley security. One Lot of pine Land, improved, whereon 'Stil South now lives, and adjoining Jenkins and oth- ors—levied nn as Ills property to satisfy a Fi Fain fa- tor of John B. WicVvs said Smith. One grey Horse, eight years old, one Sad dle aail Bridle, and David O Smith’s interest in a 1/it of pine Land, Improved, in the ninth district of Hpnsion appnty, whereon Datid 0. Smith now lives —/ill levied on as his property to satisfy a Fi Fa In fa- vnrnf JohnM. Mupro vs Hugh A. Smith and David Q, Smith. One Lot of pine Lsnd, well improved, with ■ Grist mill thereon, whereon the defendants now re side—levied ones tin-property of JlunccU IFiVronand Intin ll'il/on lo satisfy sundry smell Fi Fas in favor of John R. Cain and others vssald Harwell and Irwin Wilson—properly pointed out by R. V. C. Ruffin. "Lot No. !80 in die ninth district of Houston —davted on as the property of Burvell Kendrkk to satisfy a smnll Fi Fa in favor of Goddard &Langdon —levy made and returned by a constable. MarebW ISAlAH CHAIN. Shtiiff. Bibb Hhbi iff Bales, , ILL be rold on the first Tarsday In MAY nett, mW before the Court bouie in Macon, Bibb coun- y. between the usual home of sale— Quo Lot of Land, No. 168, in the fourth 'tuning 202 f-2 acres more or less—levied on a* the •troperty of Hugh Hamit to satisfy a Pi Fa isn-/ l from he Superior court of Butts county in favor of Kee- and Tyner vs snid Hugh Uamtt and Bryant llamil. The following Negroes, slaves, to wit: Lou isa a glvl; George a boy i Redden, Houston, George. Prince, and CuSee. men—levied upon ns the pro(ier- tv of tsye B. Howland, to satisfy a Fieri Facias issued upon A rtgage uiion said Negroes foreclosed by tbe Plntitt^' Bank of the State ol Georgia, assignee, fob lib 86 W. B CONE, Dtp. SherifT W BXonrao Sheriff Sales. LL be aobl on the first Tuesday in MAY neat, before the court house In Forsyth, Monroe county, between the usual hours of sale, , 2(iB 1-2 acr*.-» of Laud, being Lot No. l20. In the Clh district of Monroe county, whereon Rich ard May now lives—levied on ns the property of Rich ard May and Jnmtt Turner, to satisfy a Fi Fa in-favor of Thomas Napier vs said May if Turner. 202 1-2 acres of Lund, being Lot No. 135, In-the third dirtrict of Monroe county—levied on ss the property of SyttasMt Vardeman, William Vardt- men and Rcetmt 'Vardetnan, -to satisfy o Fi Fa In fa- vor oftbe Goverrtor&c. vsshid'Vardemsns. Tlio north-east part of Lot No. 126, in the sixth district of Monroe '-Bounty—levied on ax the property of John Dewberry to satisfy a Fi Fa Id favor of Benjamin M. Peeples vs said Dewberry. Three Mules, one llnnd Wagon, one Ox Cart, one yoke of Oxen, and on* Grindstone—alt le- vied on as the property of Jared Taptey. to satisfy sundry FI Fas in ravor of Littleton Atkinson and otb'- esr vs said Tapley.. -Two Lota of Land, Nos. 126 and 148, in tnefoiirth district of Monroe county—levied ones the property of William Bray and Thomas Qrcy, to sails ty sundry Fi Fas in favor of Case & Goodrich and ethers vs said Grays. Fifty acres of Land, being part of Lot No. 193, in the fourth dirtrict of Monroe county—levied on as life properly of John Pepper, to satisfy sundry small Fi Fas In favor of Martin G. Rnchnnon fur the me of James May and cither Fi Fas—levy made end returned by a constable. A. COCHRAN, March 29 ShtrijfT. Also, toill bt sold as above on the first Tuesday in JVSE next, One negro man named Tot, iibout-27 years of age—levied oh as'he property of Lewis, Sr.'to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa In favor of Elijah M. Troutman, A- mos Troutman, and Hiram B. Troutman—property pointed out in said FI Fa. March 29 JOHN REDDING, Pep, Sheriff. Fayotte Sheriff Salesi ILL be sold on tbe titst Tuesday in JUNE next.before the court house in Fayetteville, Fayette county, between the usual hoprs of'sale. Thirty acres- of. Lot of Lwnd No. 151 in tbe ninth district of Fayette county—levied on as the property of William Sf. Hobbs, to satisfy a Fi Fa la favor of Josinh R. Padgett, and othtrs Fi Fas vs said Hobba. Lot of Land No 136 in tbe filth district of originally Henry now Fnvetle county—levied on as the property of Arnold Seals to satisfy sundry Fi Fas In favor of William Bones, mid others vssald Scale. April 7 ANDREW M'BRIDE, Shcrif. Alto wilt be. soli os above. Zephrniuh Harvey's interest in 50 acres of I.and, it being part of lot No. 101 to the fourth dis trict of originally Henry now Fayette county, lying in the north west corner of snid lot. April 7 W. HEFLIN, Sheriff. Xrv/in Sheriff Sale* rOrirPONKD. W I.L bn sold on the first Tuesday in MAY next, beloro tlm court bouse in Irwin county, be tween the usual hours of sale, One Lot of Land, known by No. 255, in the fourth district oflnvlti county, and on the waters of House creek—levied ones the property of Isaac Stephens, to satisfy a Fv Fa Issued from Hie Superior Court ot Irwin county, infavor iff Joins Sutton jr. va Stephen Wiggins, and Isaac Stephens security—pro perty pointed out by Stephen Wigirlits. March22 II. WALKER, Sheriff. Georgias Talbnt county, W HERF.AS Reuben Atdrodge applies to me for letters of administration oh the estate of William liannell, laid of Alabama, deceased— These are therefore. Ic tile and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lo be and appear at my qfiire, within the lime prescribed by law, to shew cause (if any they can,) why said tellers should ml be granted. ■ Given under my hand and seal at office, this 23d dav of March, 1S32. . Ill WILLIAMS. G08S,c.*.t>. F OUR MONTHS after date.appllcation will he made to the honorable inferior court of Monroe county, when sitting tor ordinary puiposes, for leave to self one lot of land No. 100. in the first district of origlnnlly Houston now Crawford county, for the be nefit of the orphans of K’illiam M'Coy, tale of Jasper county, deceased. -WILEY L, CLEMENTS, Feb 15 ' Guardian, Campbell fSheria Sales. ► ILL be reld on the first Tuesday in MAY • next, al the court house in Cnmpbelltun, Campbell county, within the usual boure of sale. One House and Lot on tho southwest side tfMain street, le the town of Cempbelltnn, known in the plan of tald town, by front lot. No. 33, and one hundred fifty-lwnand a half acres of Land It belngthe poutli part o l/)t No 29, in the ninth district of ori ginally Coweta now Campbell couuty, and the undi vided hall of lot No. seventeen, jn the ninth district qforiginally Coweta now eamphel county—levied on as tiiB prupcrty of Thomas Smith, to satisfy an Exc- cuti-m bt (svor of llic Stair of Georgia vs said Smith sad hi. securities, tax collector of the county of -— *-*ed out F OUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the honurable inferior court of Monroe county, when sitting tor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell nnefourth of lot No. 183, in the fourth district «f Monro* couaty, in the N. E. corner of said lot, be- loiirtnc to the mi’tior rliildreo of the anbscriber. Feb 15 . MQ8E8 D. WHiEE. guarding. Caifrpbell, for the year 1830—property point* by niaaebard Jr Campbell, leeurilie.' attorneys. | Lot of Lsnd, No. 62, in tlio seventh district of originally Coweta now Campbell county—levied on asths properly ot J. C. Coker oni John W. I’enli- ■ #Mf |p satisfy aFi Fa in favor of Thomas Evans as signee v« snid Cokr.rnnd l’e'nlicmt. Lot of Lund No. 69, in the seventh district of originally .Coweta now Campbell connty—levied on as the property of Darrell Freeman to satisfy a Fi Tain favor of Joha Brewster vs said Freerpno. Lot of Lnr.d No. 32, in tlio second district of oricinally Carroll now Campbell eounty-flevied on alrtUg property of Edmund Hicks bt James Baity mprclunts&e. to satisfy a Fi Fa Issued from Jasper suer'.or court ia favor of Garland Maxcy vs said Hicks 4k Bally. Lm of .Land No. 52, in the fourtcemb-dis- trW'.nl orifinslty Fayette now Campbell county—le. etadoa as the property of William llliki. deceased, - tn intivfy a Ft Fa issued from Jackson Inferior coor i- la-rorof John W. Tiini-r w ,aii! fll.ike and Tl'.-v •ti. si’ A. Dibba—property,poiutcr! ont bv Ksnsom T t .mpa-sn ' EArii.r. Kr-cn -8• to. t ./• •• Dfry.-'aAeKft , ^Vfwff uvr V'-■>*'**» lm*,’Mill u MAY aty » VJ tic. L*vr. Lesa- -* MiD Fjr twm jl 'l*rtwo<n I An kao ». " . ." y Too aau'h at'.', m i-*' bo. t’o • Vt «'h «r r -.' o' H-oif teas i i»v 4 «c a. ne.D-. • »( SfUm «ocyiMos gage r . -aatt.TS l-V- KIMS,’ ejKW y « j SHlSf '.'I- o Iso-.J IKif.rme AMwnt-niMMMitiiHitrr. iioVo’iTtrJB J JOHNSON, 1KJ I ]30UR MONTHS, after date application will be . made to Ihe honorable tbe Inferior oourt of Butts county when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell lot of land No. 103, in (he seventeenth district of originally Henry now DeKaib county, as tbe property of Samuel Shadraek, deceased, for tbe benefit of the distributees of his estate. March 9 96 WILLIAM BLALOCK, Guard. ■TNOUR MONTHS after date application will be H’ made to the honorable the Inferior Courtof Houston county, at Us sitting for Ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell the undivided Itnlf of Lot No, ID, in life twelfth district of said county, belonging to the estate of Pinkney Yarborough, deceased, for the be- of all concerned. • ' - *' , Jttnr. WM. UVItn, Adm’or Jj30UR months _after dntc,. application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Coweta county, while sitting for ordinory purposes, for leave tq sell lot No. 73, in Ihe flist district of snid Coweta countv, belonging to thfc estate ot'Darid Cox. late of Jefferson county, deceased, for the beue- fit of Ihe heirs -ind creditors .)!'said deceased, march 13 99 JOHN VINYARD, Admt. F OUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior court of Monroe county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of land No, 247. in the sixth district of said county, for the benefit of the children. THOMAS 11. GORMAN, march 15 ,101 . Rat arc. I Guardian. r Phil- a W Ups appiy ie me sur i-cucrs cn Administra tion on tbe estate ol Zachariah Phillips, late of said county deceased. . These are there fore lo rile and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased person, ia he and appear at my office, within Ihe lime prescribed f>V law, lo shew eause if any they hate why said letters should not he granted. Given under my bund and seal at office, this ]3th day of April, 1832. 129 SIHON HOUSE, c. c.o. W ILL be sold on the first \siesday in JUNE next, before the court house in Campbell- ton, Campbell county, between tbe usual boure of sale, A Negro Boy named Charles, belonging to the estate of Abner Smith, of Coweta countv, deceased, for the lienefitnf Moses M. Smith, minor of Abner Smith, agreeable loan orderoflbe Inferior court of Campbell comity, when sitting for ordinary purposes. JOHN B.’ SMITH, March 9 ‘ 96 Guard. W ILL be sold on Saturday, the 28th of APRIL next, at the resblenre of Henry Rodger, late of the 1 ltli district of Houston comity deceased, All tho X*orishablo Troperty of said deceased, consMing of Horses, Hogs, Sheep, Cattle, Corn, Foddet, household and kitchen Kurni. ture. and various other articles too tedious to mention. Tebsis, made known on Ihe day. All persons hav ing demands against said deceased will bring them in properly attested, add those indebted will make im mediate pavmenl. MOURNING RODGERS, Adm’rt. DAVID ADAMS, ritfm'oh march 9 103 61B71LL he sold on the first Trtesdsy in MAY next, ff a, the title residenceof Robert Harris, late of Fayette county deceased. All the Perishable Property. belonging to said deceased, consisting of household and kitchen Ftirnitnrc, Plsnlntinn Tools, and Stock of various kinds, rinle to continue from day to day until all are sold. Terms made known on the day. Persons holding demands against the estate are hereby notified to render in their demands ill terms of the law, and those Ihst are owing the estate are re- questedlo make payment. LARKIN BARNETT, March 27, 1838. 44 Adm’or. Notice. B Y virtue of an order troin the honorable tho In ferior court of Moiiroo county, when silting for ordinnry purposes, will he sold on the first Tues day in June next, between the usual hours ol sate, nt the court house in Crawford county lot of Land No. eighty, in the first dirtrict of originally Houston now Crawford county, belonging to Ihe-estate of Alert in- under King, late of Monroe county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms tnndo known on the day of sale, march 1 r < GEORGE L. DOUGI.AS. Mm’'. A GREEABLY to an order of tbe honorable the Inferior Court of Fayette county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold un ihe first Tues day in JULY next, before the court house In Fayette ville, Fayette couniy, between tbe usual limiis of sale, One negro womnn by the name of Nrlly, about seventy-five or eighty yea'sof age, a boyhy the name of Washington about seven yeare of age, a girl hy the name of Mahala, about five yean of age, a girl hy Ihe name of Mutil la, about ten years of age, a girl by the name of Sally, about eight ye'nrs of age, a woman- by tbe name of Amy, about thirty-five years of . age, aad her infant child, nbiut sis weeks old, a negro mnn named Daniel, about twenty-one years of age. and one negro man named Jim, about filty-six Veatsof age, all to be sold as the property of the orphans wf Sturling Elder, deceased, for the benefit of said or phans. Terms made known nn tbe day of sale. . March 27,1832. 14 EDWARD P NIXON. Guardian. RAN AWAY A From the Overseer of the Public M 7 Hands near Forsyth, about tbe 12th ult. the fallowing' NEGRO, to wit: / DENNIS, a (hick set yellow fellow, about 25 years old. wears one earring. He has it wife at Joseph Andecgon’s. in. Twiggs couuty, and is probably lurking about there or Macon, when not employed by the boatmen. I will pay ten dollars reward for the apprehension of the above Negro, if lodged in jail so that I get him again. NORBOftNE B. POWELL, april SO 129 Superintendent. F OUR.months after date, application wilt be made to the honorable the Inferior court ot Jasper county, when sittiug for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot ofland No. 92, in the ninth district of filuscogee county, for the benefit of Mnholy and Pai —— - — ~ tty Holyfit Id. April 11, 1832. WILLIAM P. HOUFIF.LD, 129 Guardian. F OUR mouths after date, application', witl be made to tbe honorable Ihe Interior eourt of Butts county,'wbfle sittiug for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of land No. 408,.drawn in the 20th district of Muirogee county, for the benefit of fifa-- gaejf Ckisos*. oreLse of f’ltaWood Chi«»m oT Ala •5i*l*r4»**»*»t»b» ‘ • HENRY HATELEY, • Aa:H It. Bt" It . liD . ! '"■* Gvssriiau 1 ■XtXCJ'H.L hi ssid,**. TUvsex*. t»» jlsk of 1AH.T “v on at m r»-> x- s.f . xauc Tspln, i» »s coeaty. Ykrt Pei tuHaMa *c WHO fiwie-i. slJvuTui .. a4Jfx. ee coser*. CscMvr*. xo» u-v.'f x'tU: Rfrvtp. Pltaleiica Tools, raurs'ossHi taaxftovd 4*4 f ir.-stwr MARGARET TAPLEY, JAm’ra • i Apttt7 U JAJiSP HAY) IlIDlSTiriCT COPY Banawavs J 1ROM the Overseer of the public hands, near ” Forsyth, about the 20Ur or February, the fol lowing four Negroes* ’ PETER, who Calls himself PETER JOHN SON. He is a black fellow nf ordinary stature, thin visage, pert and sensible. II* is probably lurking about Air. Wilcox's in Telfair, \vhcre he pretends to have a wife. He laft Macon, it is reported, on the boat of a Mr. Fletcher, for Darien. TOOT, or TOM JOHNSON. A yellow fellow 25 years old, very likely and sensible. It Is said that he also is in the employment of a Patroon on board of a cotton linat to Darien. H/LDJ&’STs a very likely black fellow, spare mnde. and has no doubt gone lo Darien. LG3TOOH. a tall black fellow, very shrewd rod likely, about 25 years old, wears earrings or has holes in his ears. . , I will give TEN DOLLARS reward Tor each nf the above described negroes. If lodged in any jail of the Stnte so that I can get them; or, if tnken out of this county, TWENTY DOLLARS Will he paid for the delivery of each to the Jailor nf Uihb cotmiyi I hereby forewarn.all owned and patroons of boats and all other persons, from harboring, employing, trafficking or trading with the public hands; for I am determined to rnfo-ce the law, and put a stop if pos sible to sUcb abuses nfthc public interest; and I hope the good citizens of the Stnte, and particularly of Ma con, will co-operate with me in effecting an «b|ccl so desirable. NORBORNE B. POWELL, march 10. 1d4w. Superintendent Public Hands, uYjS# srHI-hV uootisi. E. GRAVES & soar A re now recciving fYom NowVork and Bos ton, n large and fresh supply of SPRING ami FANCY SUMMER GOODS, couslsungtn ^ COO ps Calicoes, 100 do Fashionable Ginghams, Printed Muslin* . _. 100 ps Italian,Grodenap. 8lnch#w, Sarreet,Chan geable, Figured and Fancy colored bILh.3 200 ns Corded Muslins, Ceinbrie Dimity, dec Pieces Figured and plain Swiss Muslins 1011 do Irish Linens 100 do Pongee and Fancy Silk lldkfs 200 do Raw Silk do , „ , 100 doz Fancy Dress Shawls and Scarfs 300 do Colton, Madras*, and Head lldkfs Linen Drilling Gentlemen’s Stocks and Cravats, Brown Linen. R-nven Cassimere, Beaverteen, Bung up Cord, Circassians 500 doz Hosiery and Gloves, 300 do Spool Thread 50 doz Ball Thread, 50 do Spool do t 150 doz pr Suspenders, 200 do Tucking Combs 500 do Side Comb*. Tortoise Shell do Dressing Combs, 100 pa Mosquito Netting. Fancy Baskets, do Boxes. 100 lb Flax Thread, Sewing Silk. Leghorn and Dunstable Bonnets.' Umbrellas—Mar seille*. Silk. Valencia and Velvet Vestings—Bleach’d Homespuns Plaid do. Furniture Plaids. Cheeks, Stripes. Ticking, 20 bale* brown Homespuns, tU ps Osnaburgs, Russia Duck, do Sheetings.' a general assortment of S VMM £ It C LOTHIN G consisting of Coats, Roundabouts, Vests, Pantaloons, Ate. Ac. A large supply of Shoes & Boots. Hats, Saddlery, &c. Ac. 100 doz Palm Leaf Hals. A c mplcte assortment nf HARD WARE and CUT LERY. GLASS WARE. CROCKERY, &c.4c. The above Goods were purchased in New 'York and Boston, a few weeks since, (of recent importa tions,) at twenty per cent less than former prices, and will be sold unusually low. Also.—will rereive, next week, a large supply of GROCERIES, IRON &ST-EEL, NAILS &c See. For saie as above. GllOO lbs prime BACON, inarch 31 .116 > Travelling Trunks Jjp RAVELLING TRUNKS for role b; march 29 . WM. II. BUR uric by DSALL. TIN WARE MANUFACTURER. MULBERRY, NEAR THIRD* STREET. T HE subscriber manufactures and keeps con stantly-ou hand, a general assortment of Tin Ware* which he will sell wbdesale and retail at Savan nah or Augusta prices. JOB WORK done at th# shortest notice at the shop on Third street, nest door to Ellis, Shot- well & Co. WILLIAM S. ELLIS. Orders sent to Ellis, Shotwdl fy Co, will re ceive prompt attention. Nov 11 17 .. „ Particular Wotice. I GIVE those persons that are indebted to the late firmnf Filch fy IVor din, a particular invi tation to call and settle the same, (ak fair promises will not pay my honest debts.) Feb 9 L. FITCH. Tin Ware Manufactory. H UNGEUFORDS St STODDARD con tinue to manufacture TIN WARE. Their shop may bo found on Cotton Avenue, one door above No. 6, nearly opposite the Scale House of Day & Butts. They keep on hand a good assort ment of Plain and Japanned Ware, which will be sold on good terms, cither whole sale or retail. ... Job Work will meet with despatch. 21 nov!5 ilL lilies, direct from the -|TAyiNG D ddermi„S^^; Profoss?S fU Senfip b1 ’ to the inhabitants of tho townand^r 08 try. Forihosatisihctionofthoreih'"^^ qumnted with him, he thinks proper,...VH he was regularly admitted to Iris 1 1801, agreeably to thelaws A State of New York, and that most of E* since that period hu been devoted iTI? I sive practice. By .(faithfuldteS^J fessionnl duties, ho hopes to merit £ ronago. IIis residence and office are i«Ti . r formerly occupied by Mr. Blrdsoug, on i e , h street. Jan. 14 2 GEOUCHES JEWETT" At his old stand, comer of Cherry and Sett, jk I S now receiving from Now York and tt 1 a fresh supply of Goods, which, i n .?/l to thoso on hand, will make his stock ,1 and complete, which he ofler* on as m!!: terms as they can be had in this tnath« goods comprise a general a Assortment of Groceries Viz—150 hags Coffee, ‘ 45 lihds St Croix, Porto Rip.* Orleans Sugar, * 21 bbls Loaf aud Lump do 10 qr chests Tea 20,000 lhs Iron 10 hhds Molasses 1500 bushels Salt 100 pieces Hemp and Tow Bar 40 kegs Nails " Jamaica. Rum - Cnguac Brandy Northern Gin, Northern Ru m Whiskey, Apple Brandy, Wine, Powder, Shot, &c. & c . • ALSO. , Bry CoodK, Hardware, Cutlcii Crockery, Boots, Shorn, HATS, BLANKETS, SABDLI &r, &c. &c. 1 NOTICE. T HE Subscriber having gold his stock GOODS to Mr. Samuel T. Rowfcrd, and dei-linerl business, solicits for him the pain age of his Tricnds and former emtomerx, icd 1 quests all who are indelrtcd to him. to call it] store of S. T. Rowland, next door to Mol Cooko &.Cdwlcs, where ho will he found fori purpose of making settlements. 1 4 Dec 24 1 ISAAC B. ROWLAND BJUPFRIOR MERINO MANTLES justr ” ond for sale by WM. II. BUUDS . , BILLS. O N New York, Philadelphia, Charleston, Sa 1 vannah, and Augusta, in sums to suit pur chasers, for sale by Nov. 10. WILEY, BAXTER & FORT. VIWECAR. 3 4fr Jfr GAI.I.ONSof first rate, three years TVV old VINEGAR, for salo nt the Confectionary of ' JOHN SMUIL March 15 102 and general and elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOMIIING than they have over before offered. • April 3 A. SHOTVVELL fe J. S. SMITH. Georgia Negroes for Sale. T I|l subscriber keeps cohstantly on hand a supply of Georgia Negroes forsfilo. They will be found to bo of such ago or sex ns will suit tpehnsers. Ho now has ten ortwelve ou hand, c will also purchase Young Negroes for whom cash will be given, ot S- F. SLATTER. East Maroo, Fob 4 <38- •‘i .1 -, . HATS. J UST received a fow cases gentlemen’# faah- ifinable Beaver HATS. dec 22 53, s- , ' WM. II. BURDSALI, Law LToticc. B enjamin f. Harris and James m. S5IYTH have associated thcmsolves in tho PRACTICE OF THE LAW, under the firm and style of Harris and Smith,— They will practice in all tho Courts of the Flint Circuit. Their office is kept. In the eastern end of Griffin’s building, Forsyth, at which place one •f tbe firm may at any time be found, unless all- arit ea professional h"nsines.i. " Feb 78 3m T Carpeting. !IF. >rab«rrib*rs will soli iJB robsenntrs wm sou their remaining Mock of rARPF.TING at very reduced pritw, having a large qoaatity on hand, and wish «e dixeoodaun keeping th# article. Jaa» A. SHOT WELL So 3. S. SMITH. NEW GOODS. W M. II. UURDSALL is now receiving and oponing a general assortment of Reasonable Goods* which he offers for salo at tlio most reduced pri ces, amongst which aro tho following: Superfino Saxony blue, black and colored Cloths. Merino Cloths. Blue, black abd fnttcy mixed Satinnctts Duffie point and roso Blankets. Red, whito, green aud yellow Flapnels Saxony and Canton wbito gauze ditto 8 nnd 10 qr. Damask tablo Diaper Birds eyo aud Russia do Motiuo Circassians Black nml Blue Bomb’nzctts and Circassiftni Irish Linens, Flemish Sheetings, Cotton Ozna- burgs Negro Cloths, Linscys ^ Thread Laces and Shell Combs Pongco, Spittnlfield. Black Italian. Lustring, black Sarsanet and Sin- chews, black Gros do Berlin, block Gros do Naples, Colored dodo Mandarines nnd Florences, black and colored Italian Crapes ' , - Gauze and Satin Garniture " Ribbons and siik Velvets, Meritlo and Cashmere, Thibet Wool, Damask Silk and Crape Shawls Dress Handkerchiefs Ladies diamond straw and Leghorn braid Bonnets Alisses diamond and chain Bonnots — I.ncc and gauze Veils, figured and" plain Bobbinet Flagg and Bandanna Ilondkerchiofs A general assortment ofvoarso Sltocsand Roots. Men’s and Youth's Fur Hots Fur, Leather, and Hair Cans, &c. S:e, Nov 5 13 B VHE UNDERSIGNED rA VINOpurchased tho interest of Messrs. L KIMBERLY & CHISHOLM, in the Mercantile establishment, has Watcd himself in the new house below tho corhoiyfn Cherry street, recently occupied by them, whtre he will sell Goods ns low os any other house in this place, for Cash or Cotton. • His stock is now very complete comprising al most every article for tho country; it consists of DRY GOODS, Halt, Shoes, Hnr/lwire, Groceries, Salt. Iron, &c. ..Tho old customers and tho public generally aret respectfully invited to call, as the same facili ties hcrctof)rc given will stiff exist In tlio rear of his Store is a New Ware House, just finished, nnd now ready for the reception of Cotton, which he Will take on Storage, and make liberal ndvances on tho same. u«- 26 4 GEORGE WOOD F Land in Newton. RACTiPNSNo.333 and 33-1, in the lGtb District originally Hchry now Newton ounty, aro for sale, Apply. In Macon to ' 35 ' -. M. BARTLETT. . T.r.,„ t ?°? nac Brandy. brand, just received, and for salo low hy it sn . t LEVY & MOIRE. ALSO—A few thousand first nnalitv Mp.v\ r ISH SECARS, brand “Do. Amfgoi!^ PAN march 12 98-eodliy- ® UPF.RIOR MERINO MANTLES justrsm _ and for sale by WM. II. BUKDSALll Nov 25 30 Dissolution, T HE Copartnership heretofore existingL tweeh tho subscribers tinder tile firm] Ilalston fy Jones, is this day dissolved by i consent. The unsettled business of then will be attended to by David Ralston, tvboctn] found at th# store or Robert S. Patton, (tkr/ stand,) corner of Cherry and Third streets ■} DAVID IIALST0K. Fob 25 82 JOHN L. JONES. J UST received by HUNGERFOltDS 1 STODDARD, . 15 dozen Calf Skins 10 do . Lining Skins 1 do Cont Bindings 1000 lbs Sole Leather 50 sides Citt Baud Leather 50 do wait Upper Leather White and Yellow Stitching Thread Boot Cord, Webbing nnd Bristles 200 lbs Grey Shoo Thread Which wo offer low for cash ‘ 8 OetCJl m duce Jiis tell nt very low March f5 . Clothing Store. IIE subscriber being ver ry i duce Jiis stock of Woollen priccsi anxioui lo 1 Cfoliiif, 1 WM. H. BURDSAU.I FEMALE EDUCATION. Mrs. Mary P. Ellis, RATF.FUL for the very liberal pslroiup 1 "X lias recnlvnd, respectfully itifuitn*the citlirm of Macon and Its vicinity, that the second qnirttrl her school will commence on Monday, (lie 2d of .1 pril. . J Mbs. Bi.US has (lleplrnsuro of infnrmingbtrre trons that Jr™. BAILEY GODDARD, fbcsvffl fications are oliqurslinnab’e, has cunsrnltd JJPJ Lessons in Music and Painting to those Wtio may lie desirous ol •cqoins|eiUMi j those elegant accomplishments. march 16 «• ~ 'White Load. KfiGB Whito Lead just received a HUNCF-RFORD8 & STODDARD. | Mnrch 9 00 Sugar, Molasses, Bacon, 4tc. ng /W IIHDS. N. O. Sugar, X V 27 bbls St. Croix do 12 bids and 3 boxes lonfand lump S»L 30 bbls N. O and Baltimore Whuktj | J5 do l’liclp’s Gin ji/f 20 du Northern Rum 17 ps Bagging • i 40 boxes Tobacco 25 hhds Molasses • . ft 20000 lbs Bacon (middlings) 1000 bushels Turk’s Island Salt. ■ For sale by REA & COTTOh- March 27- 111 WAitE-IIOUSE AND C«aitVTISSIOW STJSIKXSS. T HE Subscriber will be engngrd In Busiiics* (u jfneon' doring the next * , and pledges lilmrelf (hat no business rntrusteci care shall want- ntltention. A Liberal advances, on Cotton, will be msae deceiving andforirlrdlng Goods to CowUJfl chants will be punctuallv ntlrmh-d to. , The customary charges oftbe place "ill J’.|, ln!v30 31 J • THOMAST.NATiri Just Received, T WO cases Fancy DurstahUs. • Dec 17 40 WM.H.JUJRDSAU; J\oid Deceiving from JJoaTi‘ cC -j K President, lo nhds St Croix aud Porto Rico Se£» 3 bids Loaf Sugar, 33 haw Coffee 6 tierces Coffee, 15 bbls N Rum 20. bbls Whiskey, 5 qr casks Wji* •• j f l pipe cognac Ilrandy, 1 Idol J*®* j 5 crates Crockery . Also; A Geneial sisiorltiunlef BLACKSMITHS’ TOOLS, viz. Dclloiv*. #*- vils. Vises, 4lemrn«^*f- «*y«- dtr.ft 30 CEO RGE O . Drab Beaver Hats, r the firtt quality, just received sod'tor sale m&h SO '™- H-BCTB3AU.. Bills on SRvannat. >A ™,« E * ’“ r nM were M L , English Alerinors „. a « erfvwd Dec 23