Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, May 12, 1832, Image 4

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Campbell Sheriff Sales. ■. ttW7lLI. JwFrold on die AM Tuc.b.y in JL'Nfc V V nr*l, l.ctofr the courtitoiite In CumpliiTItuu; Campbell rmmlv. between (lie uoml hours of sale, Onn (irey Horse, nlmut six yitnr* old—lev ied on si tin* property of Witltam IF. Darrell to satis- fy a Fi Fa In I'avor of Jacob I,, t brabanu—pnqietly pointed nut by tin- defendant. Tun I,tits uf t.iiul, i\tis. 139 and IdO, :n the fourteenth District nf originally Fayrttn now Camptiell county—levied on ns the property of John liner to Satisfy n Fi Fn in favor of liviin llnivtll— property pointed nip by pluinlilfand defriulMiit. One linlf Lot nf l.anil, No. 133, in lit" fourteeutli ih.lrirt of forint rly Fayette now Campbell county—levied on to satisfy tundrv FI Fits in tavnrof William Renneltndniinirtraterol ’l'hoinas Bennett,lie- ceased, ngninst Frederick F. Alley, John Kiser and James Langston, security on nn appeal—land pointed out by Frederick F. Alley—levied oil and returned to the by William -Morris, constable. Obit Lot of Land, Nn, M7, in tile four teenth district nf originally Fnyetie now Campbell county—levied on as the properly nf Dalai IF. Frew- i til. in satisfy sundry Fi Fas In lavnr nf William limn- i don and others—levied on nod returned In me by * \L*,lliitsti llnairi. Ass.tnLIn T A I * O JJf) Vtilf I A Bibb £$hftii£f Sales. i'o»'i (‘'i> sale. • 'J^TIUs'si Id«iiilifi ni'tTueifilH} in Jl T NClient, V V I'.jf nv ilii* C mi IwuijH* in 3Jucdii 9 ttibb vnuu* tv. t/ef\i<3f*n i!i* u««i»il lmnn^>iile— Thu f iMotrin!! Neuron*, utavtm, to wir: Loti- i^M h : lt*’<IJcn. Ilotitton, (iforg*. wi»n—Irviril upon n* flic* propM** f. ft fstnrR. /'s•p’htmf. lojtfiVKyM l’ic*ri Paciii* isnn’d utiss’t j> uioiifiiff* utKiii mid .NnCftte* furedourd l»y llw* f Hiuiti of tlu* Hlnu* o( Georgia, MMlgiiPp. * V!|, y 1 I s W. I) (ONT., Orp r Shtri£_ 22:ary Sheriff Sale* nrTTTI.l.tes d.I.inthe first Tuesday in JUKI’. next. \)J liefii-eMie Court Imtato In McDonough. Hen- ty cottntv. henveen tin, lawful hours, One Lot of Lind, No. «4 ill llio third dis- * Ariel "f Henry cniintv—Jevled on at the pro|H'fty of I.,*! and Tk'i'ma heinnry. to satisfy a large execution I'I favor nf William II White and two small FI Fas in favor »f James Hansom agent for thensenf R. Ma ilin' and others—the two lastmcptloni'd Fi Fat lev ied oil and returned to me hy a constable. May I THUS. J. JOHNSON. Sheriff. Aim will be told at alinrt. „„„ „„ ... „, c , The «*a»t half of Lot Nn 105. in the sixth ; williniu Morris, constable. JAM US GRISHAM. VlMrict of Henry enunlv—levied on at Ilia property | April 'Jd Jfit. elitriff. «.l J,lines Dledme. In satisfy B FI Fn in favor nt Cylus I ... Woods. executor nf Thomas Finknrd, deceased, a-1 IPiflC SilCriff SslcSi yaiast James Itledsnc, and Tuny (J. Bladeue and • TSTtriM. he ,old on the first Tuesday In JUNE Itahnrt Hill—levy made and returned to uia by a | V V next, liefore Iho court house in Zoliulon, C'insiahIn. _ i l’ik“ county, betw een the usual hours of sale, Thu east half nf Lot No. 209. •*> lucre-! Oin; I louse ttnd Lot in the town of Zcludnn, d disii uUnf said county—levied on as the pro- being the east half of lot No. 2, in square h tlerC— t '■NOiift months afler title, application will he JF made to the honorable inferior court of Monroe county. When -silling for ordlnnry purposes, for leave to seif lot of land No. 217, in the tilth district of said county, for die benefit of the children. THOMAS 0. HOR.MAN, march 15 101 Natural Guard inn. Georgia, Coweta County. * , «ja/mKEAS Elijah C. Walker mid Mare Phil- Vy lips apply to me for Letters of Administra tion on the estate ol ZacUnrialt Philllpt, late of said county deceased. 3hue art there fort It tilt and adinonith ail and An gular the kindred and creditors of laid detectedjirruti, la be and appear at my office, within llit lime prttcribed bylaw, In t/iew came 'if any they hate why said lelten mould not be granted. Given under my hand and seal at office, this JStls day of April, 1832. ltd) 8IIION HOUSE, e. c.n. Georgia, Houston County. ■’■TK/IlKIlhAS Henry Pills and Thomas Howell, TV Executors of the estate of John Howell, de ceased, apply tome for letters of dismission— Ami, whereas John Chancy, Administrator of the estate ol Edmund Chantey, deceased, applies to me for lelten of dismission. Vine are, therefore, to rite and admomth nil nud lira gutar the kindred and rreililoriof taid defeated, lobe xnd imirar at my office, within the time prewrihrd hf law. In ihtlr eauie. if any they hare, why laid lelltrt thonld not be ([ranted. Given un<t«*r my band awl sf*l "1 office, Murru 24, 1832. inltlS CHARLES H. ltlCE,c.c.o. lU. be soli wk'e•*>>'; lj«» M j „ . Ytetato7esw»‘nw«5f fMiitlUHUe'toi of J^RAC'fWNS N*584 1 "All the' Perishable Property, »-«nct originniiv iu» belonging to said deceased, consisting oT household and kitchen Furniture, Plantation Tools, and Slock of various kinds. Sal* to continue from day to day until all arc sold. Terms made known on the dny. Persons holding demands against the estate are hercbv notified to render in their demands in terms of the law, and those that are owing the estate are re- uuested to make payment. LARKIN BARNETT. March 87. 1832. 14 p,-rtv of J it. 11,10,1. tu satisfy sundry Fi Fas from a jOsthie's mi'ifl. In favor of Henry Suinerlhi and n- tilers against -aid I loud—levy -made and returned to lit*' tiy a rmistHlito. J,nt No 24, ill tN sixth district nf saidemm- 1 v—levied on ns the pmperlv nf Azari’ih Doit, to sa- lisfya Fi Fa. Stephen It. Jones vs. Jrretnlch Dnis »mi Aasriah Doss. JAMF.S I.OVE, April 22. I«W elrpyty tlieiif. Also, will be told m abort on the frit Tuetdoy in , JULY next. Lot No. MO, <H llie tvvuifili districl nf said eminly, and one l/it in the town of Macilminiigh. w ith the improvements thereon, being l-ot No. fi in Mler I). in the plan nf said town, rmilainiiig one lunidrrd and twenty feet square—levied on as the property of Jaiiiet Kiinbroiiph to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa from the superior court , of saril aminty in fn. vor of Simms Williams and Wootsey ngainst said Kimbrough—property pointed out in said mortgage Tit's. (Sight liovl of Cattle, seventeen head of Hugs and 1490 pounds of seed Colton—luvl dona, the properly of William Moore, to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa In favor of Jonathan M l)ow against said Monte —pfopeTtv pointed xml in sniil mortgage Fi Fn. JAMF.S LOVE,deputy theriff. Anrll22.l*» 13} . levied nil a, tbn property of Joel Hailey to salisly a Fi G-OOrgiUe PaVCttO CoUUty. Fa billed from iiulls superior court in favor nf Wm. Tyt/UEREAS Anna A- Dickson ami Wil Af, Turpin *. Win M. D'Anlignac vs said Hailey. \\ Dickson,executrix and Executor of Lot of Lend, No. 84, ill iho oightlt district " “ * ' ‘ J *‘ Fay otto ShoriL' Sales. W I 1,1, t.n sold on the first Tuesday in JUNE next brTnro the court house in Kayettcvillc, Fay ette. county between the usual hours of side. One Ni'gro wnui ill hy the nnmu of Ester, thirty five or brty yealrti old—levied on as I he proper- lx of Mnllheie Mater to satisfy sundry I 1 ’* Fas issued -oat a justice’* conn Is favor nf Mnrtin N. Hurcli— levy maile ami returueil tu ine by a r.nnslnhle. April H. 18:«. liW ANDREW M BRIDE. Hhtriff Houston Sheriff Salou. R'nril.l' lie sold on the first Tueiday in JUNE next. T V before the court house door in Perry. Hons- loltcuiiiily, between the usucl hours of sale, One Lot of Land, No. 1(57. -w-tho thirteenth district id Houston county—levied on as the proper- tv of Joeiah IMerli to xWtitfy a Fi Fa in favor ol Sims & Freeman «V. Co.—levy in tide and returned to me hy ft cmutHble. One. Lot of Land, No. 39, in the eleventh district of Houston county—levied nn ns the prop erly of William Cole to satisfy a Fi Fn in favor of J. C. Webb tor tint me of J. D. Towns—levy made and returned hy n conslahte. Lot of Lind, No. 17, ill the eleventh district of Il'Mislon county—levied on as the property of 'Cay- dor Helton to sal sfy a Fi Fn in tavr r of Elijah Jordan —levy made and letumrd hy a constable. One Lot nf L'ltid in the ninth district of Houston county. No. 853—levied or, as the property •of Waihingt iii Hatfield to satisfy n Fi Fn hi fnvor of Georgo II. 81ms and others vs said Hatfield—levy made and returned hy a constable. Lot Lund No. 43 in iho fililt district of Hons* Aon county—levied on as llie property of ll'illiam linker to satisfy a Fi Fain favor of John M. Johns mid other Fi Fas vs said llarkcr—levy made and re turned hr a constable. One Bay 1 lot so—levied on ns the jiropenv saf Jmeph Jd/'mitoiatlrfy a Fi Fa In favor of Richard Roberts vss.ld Mims—property pointed out hy the iiialiftiir. ISAIAH CHAIN, May 2 138 Sheriff, W 3£onvoe Sheriff Sales. ILL lie sold on die first Tuesday in JUNE ncit. before tbn court house In Forxytb, Jdonme comity, between the usual hours of side, 202 1-2 acres of Land, being Lot No. 153, in (he third district of Monroe county—levied on as the prO|>eily of Andermi Baker to satisfy a Fi Fa in 'favor of Johnston & Gunn vssuid Raker—levy made hy a constable. One Ilottso am! Lot situate in llie north pint of the town of Forjylh, whereon William Drown now lives—levied on as Ilia property tosytlify a Fi Fa la iaVurof Head and Rainey vs said llrowii. May 1 138 . A. COCHRAN, Sheriff. Alto will be told at abore. One nn;ro mutt named Tot, about 27 years of age—levied nil asdie property of l,ewit. Sr. to satisfy n mortgage Fi Fa in favor of Elijah 51. Troutman, A- Dins Troutman, and Hiraut II. Troutman—property pointed out la snid 15 Fa. March 20 JOHN REDDING, Pep. Sheriff, £ Butts Sheriff Sales. -**1/11.1. he sold on the first Tuesday in JUNE . TT uext, bclore the Court liouso in Jackson, 'Hints county, within the usual hours of sale, Two Negro Boys, one hy the namo of El bert, about 12 yean old, llie other hy the flame of Dick, about 7 yean old, levied oo ns the property of A. L. Dobimon, tosalisfy a mortgage Fi Fa infnvorof John Hendrick and John Lofton vs A. L. Robinson Property pointed out by the nlainlilf. 2 202 1-2 acres of Land tnoro or less, known by Lot No. 103, In the lint district of originally lieu- *y t ow llutls county—levied on as the property of Robert Drown to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from the Sir, perior court of Butts county in favor of Co Hon A Harrison vs Robert Brown—property pointed oct hy defendant. fT’Onc Lot of Land No. lG, in tho first dis trict of originally Henry now Butts county, contain iitfrdOJ 1-2 acres more or less—levied on as the pro perty of llukh Jinn,mil to satisfy two Fi Fas issued (com Butts Superior Coart. one til fnvor of Elijuhjl’ud- get. and the other in lavor of Ell W. Simpson heart ertvs Hugh Hsmil. Simeon Hamit and Bryant V. ilamil—properly pointed out hy plaintilT,’ attorney. One third partuf Lot No. 67, containing 592 l-Sorres more or les. in the fust district of origin ally Henry now Butts county —levied on as Ilia pro perty of A. L. Robintoet to satisfy a justice's FI Fa in tavnrof Henry M'Goy vs A. L. llubinsou—levied on •ad returned to me by a euuit.ble. .One Lot of Lund No. 10, in iho first dis- (ricttif originally Henry now Units county—levied mrn» tkn property of Rnedel Wright, hy virtue of three Fi Fas Issued from a justice’, court. Hf favor of Kerrs A Graham and others—levied oo and returned to me by a c instable, this property is improved for fanning. ft. HATELEY, Sheriff. April 21,1837. Alto will te told at above, Two Lots in tlib town of Jackson, Nos, 3 nu.x t, In opium No. 24.—levlod on as the property of Can..-nr, (Jnhifanlei sathfv a Fi Fa listedfrom Bull. 8nperiu. • urt in fa*or ol Gould A Merryman vs' Thomas Tabu . I .nwrenee Gahsgan and A. L. Robin- son—on 1»t No. 4 there in a enmmodioes /in home. April 24, |H32. JOHN l.OFTON. Dtp. Shff. BIANKJJ for SALE at this office of originally Monroe now Pike eminly—levied on «« the property of John ,\l. June s to satisfy a Fi Fn issued from (.'lurk Superior (.'null in Invor of Oaldcr Neel vs •aid Joues. One xfirri’l Mure, nhnnt snvon yenrs old— levied on nsthe property nf F.lkannh Droolt to satis fy n Fi Fu in fuvor of Lucinda Brooks vs Elknnnli Brooks. Threo Negroes, Ainy, a woman about 25 years old. Frederick, a boy about 2 years old and El vira. a girl nlinnl 7 month* old—levied nn ns llie pro- pt-rty of f'rtee D. Senty to snlisly sundry FI Fas issued from a Justice’s Court in fnvor nf Joseph I.anrcnce vs mill Scaly—levy made end returned lo me by n con- stntiie: llie above property sold under the encumber- micc of a nmrtgngu. Lot of Lund No 141 in the eighth district of originnlly Mnnroo now 1’ikn county, containing802 l-2ncrrs more nr less—levied on as the property of IFillit I). Wadneorth and 77iomat Wadtwarlh to xatlsfy sundry Fi Fas issued from a Justice’s Court in favor of John Mays and others vs snid Wadsworths—pro perty pointed nut hy John 11. North—levy made uad un<l relumed to me hy n constable. O no Lot of Land, known hy No. 145, in the eighth district of originnlly Monroe now Pike county, containing 202 1-2 acres more or less—levied on ns the property of William Drown to satisfy sundry Fi Fus issued from n Jo-tire's Court in favor of George North—property pointed nut by John II. North—levy made mid returned to me by n consta ble. J. R. CULPEPER. May l 138 Den Sheriff. Alta, will be told at ahore on the fin! Tueiday in J Cl. Y next, Olio Nogro Woman nnuted Sarah, about 21 years of age and her chill—levied cm ns the propeftv of Nathaniel D■ llurtihuektl to satisfy n mortgage Fi Fn issued from Jn«prr Inferior Court ill favor of An thony Dyervssuid llnrulnickcl. May I 138 J R. CULPEPER, Dtp Sheriff. W U.I. he sold nn Thursday,, the 7th nf JUNE next, at '.lie residence of Adam Tapley, iu Monroe county. Sho 2?cTiGhablo Property nfnhrtd Taolro, of Minima enmity, deceased, con sisting of one Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Plantation Tools, household and kitchen Pnriiitnrn. MARGARET TAPLEY, Adm’rx April28 17 JAMF.S MAY. Adm'or. W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in JUNE in xt, before (lie court house in Campbell- ton, Campbell County, between the usual hours of sale, A BETcgro Boy named Charles. hclonginfiio the estate of Abner Smith, of Coweta county, deceased, for the benefit nf Motet M. Smith, minor nfAbncr Smith, agreeable to on order of the Inferior court of Campbell county, when sitting for ordinary purposes. JOHN B. SMITH, March» 9d Guard. A GREEABLY to an order of the bonurable the Inferior Court of Fayetteeottnty. while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tues day in JULY next, before the court house in Fayette ville, Fayette conniy, between the muni lioiiis of sale, One negro wmnnn by the iieme of Nelly, about loventy-fivo or eighty yea's or age, n boy hy the nantn of Washington about snvetl years of age, a girl by the nxttie of Malinin, i.bout five yenrs of age, a girl by the name nf Mali! la, about ten years of age, a girl hy tint name of Snily, about eight years of age, a woman hy the name of Amy, about thirty-five yenrs of age, eitd her infant child, about six weeks old, a negro man named Daniel, about twenty-one years of age, and one negro man named Jim, about fdty-stx years of age, nil lo bo sold as the property of the orphans of Slur ling Elder, deceased, for the benefit of said or phans. Tnrats Made known nn the dav of sale, March 27,1832. 14 EDWARD I*. NIXON, Guardian. Notice. TTP Y virtue of nn order (rom the honorable the To- BJ ferior court of Alnnroo county. When silting for ordinary pur|iaces, will he sold on tho first Tues day in June next, between the usual hours ol sale, at the court house in Crawford county, lot nf I.and No. eighty, in tho first district of originally Houston now Crawford county, Iteionging to the estate of Alexun- under King, late of Montoo county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms mndc known nn the day nf sale, march 18 GEORGF. L. DOUGLAS. Adm’r. F OUR MONTHS after date application Will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Butts county when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell lot of land No. 103, in the seventeenth district of originally Henry now DeKaib county, as the property of SantUel Shadrack, deceased, for the benefit nf the distributers of his estate. March 0 DC WILLIAM BLALOCK. Guard. F OUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the honorable inferior court ofMonroo county, when sitting for ordinary pm poses, for leave to sell one lot of (and No. 150, io the first district of originally Houston how Crawford county, for the be nefit of tho orphans of William hl'Coy, late of Jasper county, deceased. WILEY Lj CLEMENTS, Fell 15. Guardian. 1 71 OUR MONTHS after date application will be . made lo tho honorable inferior court uf Monroe county, when silting tor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell onefonrth of lot Nn. 18% in (tie fourth district of Monroe cnnnly, iu the N. E. corner of said lot, be longing to (he minor children of the anbscriber. Feb 15 MQ8F.S D. WHITE,guardian. F OUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable (he Inferior court of Jasper county, when sitliug for ordinary purposes, for Irav <■ ID s.'ll lot ot hind No. !M, in llie ninth district of Muscogee county, for the benefit of Mahaly nnd Pal- tey Ifolyfitld. WII-UAM P. HOLIFIELD, April It, 1832. 129 Guardian. F OUR months after date, applicatioa will be mndn lo tfio honorable tbn Inferior court of Butts county, while sitliug for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of land Noi 403, drnwn in the 20th Siltrletof hUaciieee c mn(y, for the benefit of Sfa-. gore! Chitnm, orphan of Gatewood Cblsam of Ala bama, deceased - HENRY HATELEY, April 16,1832. 129 Guardian, F OUR month* after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Coweta county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, fur leave to sell lot No. 73, In rte fust district of said Coweta county, belonging to the estate of David Cox, late of Jeccrsnn county, deceased, for tho bene fit of tba heirs sod creditors of said deceased, march 13 93 JOHN VINYARD, Adm’r. William It late of David Diction, late of said county, deceased, apply for letters of dismission us esecutrii nnd exe cutor of snid estote. These are therefore to cite nnd admonith alt and an gular Hie kindred nnd ereilitori of enul decerned la file their objeeliont, if any they hart, iu my offset within he lime prtttribed bylaw, why laid lellert ihould not be granted. Given under my hand, this “Mill day nf Jon. 1832. 72 . Cm WILLIAM M’BRIDE. c. c. o. T*IC$MG$< 1ML WND^RlCKtoi^’before Yelver- Jt*. ton Tlinxtnn, a Justicejof the Pence for said county, two cstrey horses, both dark hays, one six years old, four feel ten inches high, with a biuxe in his face, four while feet, shod hefore, appraised hy Sam uel Ridgeway and Wiley Thastpn to fifty dollars; the other e dnrk hay with a star in 111* forehead, both hind feet white, nge not known,but very old.fouKeetiev- en nrcigiit Inches high; appraised by tho above op- praisers to fifteen dollars, this the 21st April 1832. The above is a true extract from llie eslray book, 18 ELLIS ROGERS, c.i. C Georgia, Campbell County,- , , A LLBN LOVELACE of saidcouuty, tolls before A. Wesley Camp, n Justice of the Peace, for snid coiintv, a black horse mule, four feet six inches high, branded with the letter C and some other letters or fignres not known on tlielcfi thigh, with n very sore hack, marked hy the crupper, end supposed to be eighteen or twenty years old, withe fifty cent bell on. —appraised to twenty dollars. A true extract front tho mluntes,' this 10th Fcbrua- ry. 1832. 18 JAMES W. LUMPKIN, c. c. o Georgia, Bibb County In the Superior Court tl Dibb county, February ad journed Term, 1832. T HE petition of James J Moore respectfully shews, that Nancy Malone did, on the third day of January, 1823. execute to him her mortgage on Lot No. 23, in the second district of Houston now Bibb county, containing two hundred tivo and e liolf acres, to secure the payment of a note of hand origin nlly given for fifty dollurs, upon which there is remain ing due the sum of forty-one dollars, silty-eight and three-fourth (cents principal and twenty-sevco ’dol lars nnd forty-eight cents interest. Whereupon, it is ordered by the Court, that the principal, interest nnd cost due upon llie said mort gage, be paid into this Court on orbefure the first day of the next term of this Court, nnd (lint a copy oltliis rule he published in one of the public Curettes in -Ale- con, once a month fnv four months, before the next term of this Court, or be served upon said Nancy Malone three month* before the next term of this Court. A trim enpv from the minutes. Mny 1,1832. H.Q. ROSS. Clerk Georgia, Houston County. The Inferior Court, idling for Ordinary purpotet for tali County, Sepltmber term, 1831. I T appearing to the Court that Pinckney Ynrbor oiii-li, deceased, while in life made and executed this bond to William G. M'Nalr nnd John A. M'Nelr, in the snm of four hundred and fitly dollars, the con dition of which was to make titles to said John A. and William G. to the enst half of Lot No. 11, In the 12th district nf Houston county, and it appearing also, that the snid YnrborougTi departed this life without execu ting titles, a copy of which bond is hereunto annexed On molinn. ordered, that three months after the pub lication of this order, et the first regular Court there after, William Byrd, (be administrator HU said estate shew cause, if any he has, why ho should not execute sntd titles lo said John A. nnd William G. M'Neir. [cofr or TIIK BOKO.] Georgia, lloutlon County. KNOW all men by these presents, that I, Pinck ney Yarborough, am held and firmly bound to Will iain G. M'Nalr and John A. M'N'air, in the just and full sum of four hundred ond fifty dollars, for the true payment nf which I tiind myself, (tty heirs and assigns, rite this 30lli day of January, 1830. The connitlon oftbe above obligation is such that whereas William G. and John A. M'Nair have this day bought of the above stated Pinckney Yarborough one hall of lot No. 11, in the 12th district of Houston being known by the east linlf of said lot of land. Now if the above Pinckney Yarborough shall, on or before tbe 25th day of December, 1830, make or catiie to be made, good and lawful titles to the above stated land, then the above to be null and void other wise, to remain in full force end virtue in law, in wit ness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and fix ed my seal, the day nnd date ahnve mentioned. PINCKNEY YARBOROUGH, i. s. bis WlLLISM X IRZDBLL, mark D. M’Naih. A true extract from the minutes nf the Court. Feb22,1832. CHARLES 11. RICE, e. e. 0. ounty, are Dec ' wtbt j •tnct originally Hcnrv J2' for naln, Apply i ? rCuTo Sxiua ^ Aiiel for divorce in Monroe Su- Jo.un Kiss. S perior Court. r appearing (o the Court liy the return nf the She- riff, that the defendant is not to be found in the county uf Monroe, it is ordered by the Coart that ser vice lie perfected bye publication of this rule, once o month for three inoutus Iu one of the public gazettes of this Slate. A true extract from the minutes. April 7 m14 WM. P. HENRY, CM. Adm'or. Xn ftTew Hands. Wc apprise llie public that wo have taken possession of tho well known Public House, the HAMILTON HALL, in Hamilton, Harris county; aud that the House is undergoing a complete finish, with targe and convenient additions suitable to accommodate B SMYTH hnvo , PRACTXOB OT under the firm and *tyle They will practice id nil the Courts Circuit. Their office is kept in .hi “>* f .of Griffin’* building, Forsyth, at which^ or thu firm may at any time be found/ tent on professional business. Fob 10 73 3m - dL BANAWAX From tbe Overseer of tbe Puhlic Hands near Forsyth, about tbe 12tb ult. the following NEGRO, to wit: DENNIS, a thick set yellow fellow, about 25 year* old. wean one earring. He has a wife at Joseph Anderson’s, in Twiggs couuty, and is probably lurking about there or Macon, when not employed by tbe boatmen. I will pay ten dollars reward tor tbe apprehension of tbe above Negro, if lodged in jail to tbat I ret him again. NORBORNE B. POWF.LL, april 20 129 * Superintendent, NOTICE. TJIHE^firm heretofore existing nnder the nans* . ,, . White dc Dcuprcc, has this dny been dissolved by mutual consent. P. H. WHITE, D. T. DEUPRF.E. Jackson. Buttsconnty, Ga. April 7,1832. 129 ft JYow Receiving from B^avi UK.. Pretidtnl, ■ 11 „ __ -B-*" Hhds St Croix aud Porto Hires Hoarders nnd Travellers; and without the flatter- 3 bbia Loaf Sugar, .‘13 hags Coffe. 1 inc solicitations usual, wc invite our friends and 0 tierces Coffee, 15 bbls N Riim 20 bbts Whiskey, 5 qr casks Wine 1 pipe cognac Brandy, J l,hd ro 5 crates Crockery “ lai ' Ahn, A Genrrnl Amorhnent ,.r I BLACKSMITHS’ TOOLS, vi^BelL vils, Vises, Hammers, & c . kt ^ dec 3 36 GEORGE JFAVPf A Insurance Bank ofCohmi?; N election for FIVE DIRECT®., uago the affairs of said Institution , held at Cournbus on Monday, the 7 t h May uext. April 5dll8 the public in general to givo us a call, feeling con fident that ever} convenient and necessnry atten tion will lio rendered to mako plcnsnnt (lie time nnd situation of those who mny favor its with BARKLEY MARTIN. A. B. DAWSON. 8t 138 Shoo Matters Wanted. ffVN immediate application to tbe subscriber two *_Pfir>t rrite Boot and Shoe Makers, and two good coarse shoe makers, for which liberal wages will be €l v *°- . L. J. JORDAN. Pony, Houitov county, March 16- 3t their calls. April 24, 1832. Teacher wanted. A Person of good moral character, qualified to teach a small School in the country, nud tho English and Latin Languages, is want ed to take charge of tho Telfair County Acade my. Salary from six to eight hundred dollars. A "lino addressed to tho Trustees will receive nt- tcniion. April 27 135 NEW ACCOMMODATION DINE most Rincon to Savannah. Fare Reduced. HEREAFTER tho fare ito nud from Savanunh will bo Ten Dollars. To and from Dublin, three dollars—to nud from Marion, one dollar—between Dublin nud Savan nah, seven dollars—between Marion and Savan nah, nine dollars—through in thirty-six hours Tho Coaches will leave Macon every Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday, at 4 o'clock in thp morn ing, ana arrive nt Savannah at 6 o’clock evc- niug6f the next day. Stage office at Washington Hall, Macon. G. LONGSTREET, April 4 133 J. B. GUERDON. Oj?” Tho Savannah Rupublican will insert the nbove. ABOUT feu days ago, from tho lot of the undersigned in Mncon, five SHEEP, all wolhers, lately __ shorn. Any information concerning thorn will be thankfully received at Clarke's Ho tel, or a liberal reward will be given for their deli very at that place. WM. C. W. CLAUKE. May 2 18 3tw T Stands for Sale. HE following Tracts of Land aro offered for sale, on accommodating terms. Lot No. 208 in 16 district Dooly couuty. do do 57 in 19 do Leo now Stewart. do d(K do do do Apply to April 9 88 in 14 111 in 8 75 in 11 33 in 27 102 in 4 do Early do Lee. do Leo now Stewart, do Lee. dollouston no w Bibb. 110 ROBERT BIRDSONG. New Cabinet Maker's Shop. — The undersigned having purchased the interest nnd tnken tho shop lately occupied!)) Mr. C. Coupee, on Chcr- S street, a few doors abovo Clarke’s otcl, take this opportunity of tender ing to their friends and the public their services in the Cabinet Making Business. They will at all times kcop on hand a good sup ply of Materials, ned bo prepared to oxecuto ev ery description of work in their line. Sideboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Bookcases, Chairs, See. Sic. made to order. Every description of TURNING dona ns nbovo. Having a large nnd excellent Turning Lathe, (tho only one of the kind in the plnro,) they will bo prepared to turn HOUSE COLUA1NS, &c. at shortnotico JAMES A. HALL, Dec 17 52 JOHN MORELAND. , INSURANCE. T HE Howard Insurance Company of New York continac* to insure COTTON, when shipped on good Boats or Boxes, against the dangers of the Rivor. Rates of Premium are moderato. Apply to C. DAY, Agent. Doe 20 51 HATS. J UST received a few casos gentlemen’s fash- iouahlo Beaver HATS, dec 22 S3 WM. II. Bl'RDSAl.L. VINEGAR. "Fi A A GALLONSof first rate, three years old VINEGAR, for salo nt tho Confectionary of JOHN SMITH. March 15 102 30,000 ills Bacon 50 hhds Segar 300 bag* Coffee 501 bbls N.E. Rum Vpril 5 SO bbls Whiskey. 118 dGw TIN WARE MANUFACTURE StULBEERT, SEAR THIRD STBUr. T HE subscriber manufactures and ki e J stantly oil hand, agcneral assonZ,! Tin Ware, which ho will sell whclesalo and retail at gJ nnlt or Augusta prices. JOB WORK dono nt tli* shortest nm, the shop on Third street, next door to Ell;, t well & Co. WILLIAM S.ELLI, Orders sent to Ellis, Shotwell tf Co. ill cetve prompt attention. Nov 11 17 DR. I. ELLIS, H AVING determined to settle perm# m Macon, respoctfully offers bit , . Professional Services to tho inhabitants of the town nnd adjacentt try. For tho satisfaction ofthosewho aret quaiuted with him, he thinks proper to state ho was regularly ndmitted to his professfo 1801, agreeably to the laws and regulations« Stale of Now York, and that moxtofhiii sinco that period has been devoted to tn ei si vo practice. By a faithful discharge of bill fessional duties, ho hopes to merit a liberal ronngc. His residence and office areintheh formerly occupied by Mr. Birdsong, on M«i street. Jnn. 14 2 Carpeting. T HE subscribers will sell their ren stock of CARPETING nt very ru, prices, having n large quantity on bud,iiidi to discontinue keeping tho article. Jan 26 A. SIIOTWELL &. J. 8. Sil GEORGE JEWETT, At his old stand, comer of Cherry and Set I S now receiving from New York and I a fresh supply of Goods, which, in a to thoso on haiul, will make his stock very k and complete, which ho offers on as reuoi term* as they can be had in this mseket goods compnso a general ’ j Assortment of Groceries, Viz—150 bags Coffee, 45 hhds St Croix, Porto Rico i Orleans Sugar, 21 bbls Loaf and Lump da 12 qr chest* Tea 20,000 lb* Iron 10 hhds MoinsJe* 1500 bushels Salt 100 pieces Ilcrap and Totv Bin 40 kegs Kails Jamaica Rum Cognac Brandy Northern Gin, Northern Eon Whiskey, Apple Brandy, Wine, Powder, 8hot, See. &e. ALSO, Dry Goods* Hardware, Cutler Crockery, Bools, Shoes, HATS, BLANKETS, SADDLE &C. &C. &.C. WINE. -g ge qr. casks Marseilles Madeira 4kjl 12boxes (2dozcnch) choiceoidMat 12 do (It dozeach) Port. For salo by REA & COTTON April 19 - 128 Molasses* Rum* Gin* &c, Just received by boat Stranger ~W fk hhds N- o. Molasses, XV 20 bbls Rum , 20 do Gin (best brand fcgoed 20 do Whiskey (N. O. high pro aTonr. 10 bbls Mackcral No 1- 00 do Whiskey 50 do Gin 10 hhds St. Croix Sugar 1 10 doN. O. do 25 bbls Manhadcn FiMt 5 tierces superior RJcc, For sale by Mnrcli 28 112 C. A. HIGGINS T „ Just Received* 'V O cases Fancy Dunttables. Dec 17 40 WM. II. BURDSALL. T’ I ^Particular Notice. GI\ E those poraous that nro indebted to the tnte firm of Fitch tf lYordin, a particular invi tation to call aud settle the same, (a* fair promises wilt not pay my honest debts.) F« b 9 L. FITCH. II THE, UNDERSIGNED AVINGjuirchased the interest of Messrs. KIMBERLY Sc CHISHOLM, in tho Mercnutilc establishment, has located himself in’ tho new house below the comer,on Cherry street, recently occupied by them, where he will soil Goods as low as any other house in this place, for Cash or Cotton. His stock is now very complete comprising al most every article for tho country; it consists of DRY GOODS, Hals, Shots, llardtcure, Groceries, Salt. Iron, dtc, 1 no old customer* aud tho public goueraUy, are respectfully invited to call, at tho same facili ties heretofore given will still exist - In . th .° rear of his Store is a New Ware House, ju*t finished, and now ready for tho reception of Cotton, which Ito will tnke on 8tor.ige, undmakc liberal advances on tho same. oet ’ 26 4 GEORGE WOOD. Selling off—at Cost. , I IlE Subscriber, desirous to confine e sines* to tho Grocery Liao only-' for »nle, at cash price*, his _ _ REMJlLXING stock iry Goods, Hardware.Saddg CROCKERY. GLASS, TINWAIU"* ou accommodating terms. ^ ^ gHlVABl april 24 132 head of Cstt"** 1 Garden Seeds, . April 14 124 BOOT & SHOE MAffiNO copied hy Mr. S. 8“*^ Cherrv street, ono J 0 ®'“‘jut puj^ P Patrick’s store. wber« w» , ry on Unwo** bnsiuess in rospectfuliy solicits, ond hopes hy foi j remitted attention to business, to m civo n share of the publi All orders thaafc/ixlly Damp Oil, • bast i A GALLS. Gcst quality LAMP OIL ■^sssmssa? coivo n share of the public patrQoag'' y All orders thankfully received anu r attended to. . , no ticf- REPAIRING dono nt tbe shortest no Macon, April 20. 131 A Rodgers' Gunpmcder, GENERAL assortmcntofthediff^ litfc*, direct from tbe Factaf^'n^yg Jan 1 7 \ —— VvJfltff 'Sommer Goods and CjjH! & TS USTraceived atth* 1) April 12 V21 LEWIS**