Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, June 02, 1832, Image 4

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Sibb Sheriff Sales. POSTPONED SALE. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in JUNE next, before the Court house in Mueoti, Bibb coun ty, between the nsual hours ol sale— Tile following Ni-gmes, staves, (0 wit: Lou isan girl; George u b -y; Redden, Houston, George, lYinee, and Cullen. mm—levied upon hi the proper ty of Isaac H. Rowland. to satisfy a fieri fm ins issued si;ion » mortgage upon said Negroes foreclosed by (lie I’luMtrrs' of the Stale ol Georgia, u-siguee. Mm I IS W. It CONE. »«•/« Sheriff" iZy.i.y (Sheriff Sales rrw ILL If sold ..lithe first Tuesday ill JUNE nest. W ticfun* Il»f» Conr* luune in McDonough, Hen* ry ctuMly. !u«*ii fives lawful li«» r*, One i.ot of Land, N'-. C l in the iltiril dis- trieluf lli-nrv eonntv—levied on as the property of /.(Cl mid Trim r Sit! to s.iti-fy a large execution in favor ot VVillinni II. tVhite nod two email l’i fas in f.norof .Iiiii-i |{.iiisiiiii agent for the use of It. Mu* time and utln-rs—the loo lust mentioned fi fas lev ied no aaj reluriicil to mu by a eomlnhln. AJjy 1 THUS. J. JOHNSON', Sheriff. A 1 so trill It ml J its abort. Tiu> rust half of Lot No 105, in the sixth -distrait of Henry e.o:mty—levied on ns the protierly i •nf Innics D'fdsar. to satisfy u Fi Pa in ftvor ol ft las Wood«. executor of Thomas I’iuknrd. I'ectnxed, «• ] l-.iinst James Bledsoe, tutd Tiavy ti BI.-iLm- end i Robert Mill—levy made uud returned tout- by* n j constable. The east h if nf I.ot No. OOS), in the tv i stood district of , lid comity—levied on ns the pro- j perty «>f J J. //.mil. to satisfy sundry fi I'V from,a I Justice's court. in favor el Henry Sumerlin and o- tlirrs against mid Hood—levy made and returned to me by n constable. , Lot No 24, in the sixth district of snid coun ty—levied on nr the property of Atariiili Voss. to sa tisfy it fi fa Stephen it. Junes vs Jerrmi.h Doss mid Azo'inli Itn-s. JAMES IdIVIi, April ti, lod'J deputy sheriff. Alsu, mill bt su!il ns nhnrc an the first I ucs Joy in JVl.Y next. I.ot No. 140, in ilio twill oil district of said comity. Mini one I.ot in the town of Mitc<lonon"h. wilh the improvements thereon, IiHiijs I «>i No. 5 in letter I). in the phiti ol' tnid town, r.nntniiiiiijr uiic limidrcd hiiJ twenty fed MpiHrr—levied on h* thr iirofMTJy of Jumti Kimbrough to gnli*fy « morl^asi Fi I’m trom the "tipi rior court of raid •minify in fa vor of feimms William* ami IVoulfcy ncaiuM Mini Kimbrough—-property pointed out in said morlungi* Ti Tn. x Eight Imml of Cattln, srvonfoon head cif Hog* nud 1400 pound* nf seed CnJtmi—levied on ns the property ot li'HH/tm Mump. to satisfy »» iiioi’fp'up* Fi I'a in favor of JitMiithnn M Dow ngnia-t MiiJ Nlooie —property pointed out in *nld mortgnjc Fi Fa. J A M F..S IA) V F., ttr/mly sheriff. AprilII w Payette Sheriff Sales. J rn.l. hi- sold on the first Tuesday in JUNE next liufore the cmrt liou«e in Fayetteville, Fny- ittc county between tile usual hours of hide, Ono Negro woman liv tlif it mu* nf Ksfrr, thirty five or orty year* old—levied on n«ilje pioper* ty of MnUhcw Staler to tali«fy snindi v Fi Fa* i* died from * justice’* court in favor of .Moriiu N. Uurch— levy made mid r. turned to m*thv a constable. April II. 1:M. 13G ANDREW M BRIDE. She. riff Houston SbariiF Sales., E^WTILL lie sold on the fir.t "I'net day in JUNE next, vv before the court hou<e dm>r in Perry. Hous ton county, between the usuel hours of sale, Otto Lot of Land, No. l(>7, in the thirteenth district of Houston county—levied on as the proper ty of Josiah Robert* to satisfy n fi fa in fitvor of Sims A freeman «t Co—levy made and returned to tne by n Constable. Otto Lot of Land, No. HO, in the eleventh district of Houston county—levied on as the prop erty of ll'tfliuu* Colt to -atisfy » fi fit iu favor of J. C. Webb tor the use ofj. 1). Towns—levy made and tetiirned by a constable. Lot of Land, No. 17, in the eleventh district of Houston county—let led on ns the properly of Tut/- lor Nelson to sal, sly a fi fa in tisvc r of Elijah Jordan w.levy made and fnturned by a constable. One I.ot of Land in tlm ninth district of Houston county, No. 253—levied on as the property of irushinghm lliilfir!.! to satisfy a Fi fa in favor of George IE Sims and others vs said Hatfield—levy tnado and returned by a constable. Lot Land No. 43 in the fifth district of Ilotts- Inn county— levied on ns the propeMv of ll'llliani Barter to satisfy a l’i fain favor of John M. Johns and other Fi Fn» vs said Barker—levy made and re turned by a constable. Onc fi iy Hntfni—levied on it* the property •of Joseph iMim* to“alitfy a Fi Fa in favor of Richard Roberts V, s id Mims—property pointed out bv the plaintiff. ISAIAII CHAIN. May 2 138 Sheriff ESEonvoe Sheriff Bales. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in JUNE next, tieforu the court house, in Forsyth, Monroe count,-, between the usunl hours af sale, 202 1-2 acres of Land, beitio Lot No. 133, In (he third district of Monroe comity—levied on ns the properly of Anderson Baker to satisfy n Fi fa in fnvor of Johnston So Gunn vs said linker—levy made by a constable. Otto IIouso and Lot situate in the north pail of the town of Forsyth, whereon Hitliam Broun now fives— levied on as bis property to sytisfy a Fi Fa in favorof Beull and Rainey vs said Brown. May 1 134 A. COCHRAN, Sheriff. Alto util he told at abort. One nejjrn man named Tot, about 27 years of age—levied on as the property of I. etc is Broun. Sr., to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa in fnvor of Elijah M Troutman, Amos Troutman, and Hiram IS. Trout man— property pointed out in said Fi Fa. March 20 JOHN REDDING, Dtp. Sheriff. Campbell Sheriff Sales* W ILL bu sold on (lie first Tuesday in JUNK nest, before the court home In Cnmpbcllton, Campbell county, between the usual hours of snie, Ouo Grey Horse, about six years old—lev- fed on ns the property of fViUinm W. Barrett to satis fy a Fi Fn in favor ol Jacob L. S brahums—properly pointed out by t! ( e df(cndnnt. Two Lots of Land, Nos. 139 and 140, in lh«* fonrlueiiih DDlrict of originally l'a\i»lle now C'atiiphell romity—levied on ns flu* pioptuly of .Itliii Ki.rr to satisfy n Fi Fain fivor-of l‘.vui» tlowell— proprily pointed ou* (ty |»f*.tintifrantf drlemhinl. Ouo lull* Lot nf Laud, jNo. I .Ml, in ilm f<*Hi(c i*Mlli y'isft iut of forini rfv Fayette now t.\.in| In li count) — lrviri! oii to sali.-f) »und: y Fi I’hsiu Invor ol William HrjinHt.nliuifiHtialorni *riion»iv Bt*nm*l|,iJj>* ceased, again-t Frederick F. Alley, Jolm Ki«ernnd James Lang'ton. security on an uppeid—land pointed out by Frederick F. Alley—levied oil and returned to tne by William Morris, constable. Otic Lot of Land, No. I dr, in tlio four teenth distKct of originally Fayette now (*an>pbell county—levied on ns the piopeily of lltihti lt\ JVric- itt, to *ati*!y suudiy Fi Fas in favor of William Bran don and others’—levied on and returned to me by \\ illluui Morris, constable. JAMF.S (>RISIIA.M. A pi'll IH 130 dttriff. 5?iko Sheriff Bales. rib’ll.I- hi- -..Id mi the fir.t Tiu-sUhv ill JUNE ■j v c**\t. b- oro tin* coin! house in Zebuloli, •• enmity .!««-.• i ;**i the n>tml hours of sale, Om iJiMiM* :*t»u Lot it. .in* tow n of Zi bnloii. • in" tile east Irdt of l<«t .\o *> in *><piare letter C— le« led on ns the propei fy of Joe! Ba'lfj/Ut sa'i-fy a Fi Fa issued from liuii> >oj»enor eourl in favor of Wm. , M, Turpin & Win. M. D’Aiitlgmic\s saiil Bailey. » Lot id L »nd, No. 84, in iIn? (•it’lnli disuift ; of origimilly Monroe now Fike e».nnty—levied oil a-; the profit vty «»t John .1/, Jonc* to salisly a Fi Fa issued from I'lnili Supt rior Court in fnvor of Outdcr Neal vs said Jones. 0:k? snui I M <rp, nbmit seven years old— ; levied on ns the pneptrly ol JlH.aiu h Brittle tn satis* 1 fya Fi Fa in favor ot Lucinda Brooks vs F.lkauah Brook*. Tlist»i* Neoroes, Amy, ;i woman tilm* t *J. r » years old, Frederick.a hoy aboiit *2 veafs (dd nud F.l- . a girl about 7 mouths old—levied tin a* the pro* ' perty of Vttir B Scaly tosalisly sundry Fi Fas i-siied ■, from a Justice’s Ccuif in favor of .fosepli Lawrence vs [ aitl 8enly— levy made and leturuedto tin; by a eon* ! stable: the nbovi* properly sold under the encumber* •c of a m«»rt Lot ol Land No 141 in (lie riglillt diMiict ofj origiuady Monroe now l'ike county, containing‘20*2 j 1-‘2 acres more or less—levied on a* Ilia proper**: ol WiUie l) tt'iutmcarlh and Thant ns ll'vdswaith to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued from a Jietice’s t.'oint in favor J of John May s and others vs said Wadsworths—pro*' perty pofiiti il out by John II. North—levy made and and returned to me by a constable. One Lot of Land, known by No. 143, iri ilia eighth district of orisitially Monroe now Fike county, containing *2di l**2 acres more t»r less—levied tui asilii; property (»f H'ilHam Broirn to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued from >i Justice’s C’ourt in favor •»! (ictirge North—property pointed out by John II. Noith—levy made and returned tome by a counta ble. J. U. cn.l'EPi K, May 1 133 Ihn Sheriff. Also tcill he sold as abort an the firs! Tuesday in, One Nuffrn Worn nil named Snrnli, aboui 21 years of age mul her c.liilJ—levied on as the property of Xathnniel B Ifnrnbnrlul to satisfy n mortgage Fi Fa issued from Jasper Inferior Eour{ in fnvor ol An thony Dyer vs said llornbnckel. May f l.’W J K. CULPEPER, Bep Sheriff". Fayette SheiTff Bales. W II.I. ho sold tin the first Tuesilny in JUNE next. In fore the court hmise in Kiivi'tleville, Keyette enmity, between (lie usmil Ilnurs nf .Hie, Titirty items of Lot of L'llld No. 151 lit the ninth district of Fayette comity—levied on as the liroperty of U'illiam M. Ilobbs, to satisfy a Fi Fa iu favor of Josiah It. 1’atlgctt, and others Ft Fas vs said Ifohbs. Lot of Land No. 136, in tlte fifth district of originally Henry now Fayette county—levied on ns the |irojiortv of Arnold Seale to satisfy fitmlry Fi Fas in favorof William Bones, and others vssaiil Seale. April? ANDREW M-BRIDE, Sheriff. Zriihrnenh Unreels interest in 50 acres of Land, it tiring part uf lot No. 101 in the Inurth dis- trial of originally llcnry nmv Fayette comity, lying in the north west corner of snitl lot. Anril 7 11 F.F1.1N, Sheriff. 17IOUR MONTHS »Wtf«l>|>UeaUon tviilha JL’ nude to Use honorable tbe Inferior court ol Butts county when sitting for ordinary purposes for Ichvc to sell lot of Iflnd No. I0«1, In Iho nerenteenth district of originally Henry now DeKolb twinly, us t bp properly id .Samuel Shadraek, deceased, lor the benefit of the distributee of his estate. MhitIi l> WILLIAM BLALOriy. Guard. ftSATTlIt rnTmthralter dute, application will Iu* 0. 1 ntioli* t«> ilie Imuoriilda ll»«* luferiur Court of foweta rotiiPv. vvhifi; sitting for ordinary purposes, for bn'. .• in si|| U>t No 7;5, ill (lie fust district of said PotvWn countv. h(*loiigiiig to tin* i;sl:iU; ol Pnrid t isx hit** i>f J(*fl« nmn county. d«*ccu*»»d, for the hem** f.t of tin* h**ir« »nd creditors of said d**ccascd. mriM’li Id 1M JOHN VINVARD. J^uV. S TIOI'K inoutlis iifi#*r date. Appllcntlon will hp m.oli* 1«» tin* limtor.tlde inferior court of Monroe conn*)-, when silt in t! for ordinary purposes, for leave to t tm ot tan,f No. *217. iu the* sixth district of said countv, for tile benefit «d the children. THOMAS B. Ci’ORVAX. march 13 |0| Sutural tinardian. Isaac Whi:.Uu.X ) tn CuttsrUU Superior vs > Court. tfsRTiu 51. WufAtotr. ) DIVORCE. I T epnesriug to the Court, thet tbe defendant re sides out of tills Stste, It is ordered she appear end answer at the next term of said Court, and (bat a copy nf this rule be published in one of the public gn- aeltes of litis Slate once a mouth for three months be- foreftslid court. A Hue extinct from the minutes. April 20. 1832. Iff I., lil.llltV WATT8, Clerk. Saiuii King ^ Ubtl fur dirurce iu Honrot Su- vs „ i perior Court. Josiah Kino. > ' J T niijiearingto the rmirt by the return of the She- ri.T that the defendant is no! to be found in the enmity of Me time, it Is ordered by III* Court tliut ser vice he perfected by a publication of Ihi* title, once n mouth for three months iu one of the public gazettes of this Slate. A true extract from the minutes. April 7 in I t WM. 1». IIKNHV. Clerk. W ILL he sold ou Tuesday, the SWIi of JUNE next, at the late residence of lloberl Ituffe, deceased, in llilih county, between tbe usunl hours. Ail the Perishable Property of said deceased, consisting of Household anil Hitch- sii furniture and three head of cattle—sold fur tlte benefit of the heirs and creditors. May 7a 13 JOHN I). SINGLETARY. Adm'vr. W ild, he sold on Thursday, the ?th of JUNE next, at ’.lie residence of Adain Taplcyj in Monroe county. The Perishable Properly of Jared Tonfey. of Monroe county, deceased, con sisting of one Horse, Cattle, Sheep, l'hinlation Tools, household and kitchen Furniture. MARGARET TAP1.EY, Adm’rx April 28 l? JAMES MAY, /I dm'or. W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in JUNE next, before the court house in Campbell- Inn, Campbell county, between the usual hours of sale. A XScgro Boy named Charles, belonging to tbe r»ti»tc ot Aimer Smith, of Cowptn county, deceased, for the benefit of Moses M. Smith, minor of Abner Smith, agreeable to nn order of the Inferior court nf Campbell comity, it lien sitting for ordinary purposes. JOHN B. SMITH, Marc.n 9 99 Guard. Tnorif mofirtfn nitre tint**, sipplirntion will be JL 1 nndi! to the Itoimmhle tin; Inferior court of Jasper count v, vvlioii sitting forordiu »ry purposox. for leave to sell lot of land No 9*2. in tin* ninth district of Mu«cn«*re county, fordo* benefit of Mnhahi «nd /*.?f* »ry Iftdifftefd. WIM.IAM I*. ilOLIFH’I.D. April II. Iffl, F29 Umrd'uno t JIOUR moietbs after date, appllcntlnn will be inside to tin* iionomUe the Int'ei'lor coinl of county. wl»»le -ifdot' for ordinary pttrfutsef, for leave to «ell lot of lnr.t! \o. -r 1 . drawn iu the ‘2<M|» diptit«*l of Mii<i*ogee v Miniv, for tin* benefit of Nn*. •jaret i hisam. orpliHti of (jntewood C'ld-.Mii of Ala* buiiui. •]i*erii«i-i| III’.NUV IIATF.LFY. , April R> f^3‘2. f*?9 fiunnfinn J MONTHS after date npplinition will lie i made t<» the finnoratsfe dm Inferior Court of l lottdoii conulv. when silting for ordinary purposes I for leave |o si ll die land and neffroen/f the esl/it/* of llallrff Eivtds. deceased. HUGH L. IRWIN. • May 7. I4;t*2 19 Adni'or. i D^IOUR MONTHS after dale, application will be j rl made to the honorable the Inferior court ofj I’oyetle county, while sitting for ordinary |itir|:osos. I tor leave to sell the real estate of llolirri Harris, de- I cease d, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. LARKIN BARNETT, Adm'r. May?. Ifttt. 20 ©•KwriaTSSousloa County J W III’IF AS Henry Fids ami Tlmmas Ilowell, F.xecntorsof (lie estate of John lluicell, de ceased. apply tome for letters of dismission— Aod whereas John Chnncey. Administrator of tlie estate ol F.dmvnd t'hnncey, deceased, applies to tfie for fetters of dedtiissioo. Hirst art. therefore, tn rile and admonish all and sin ffttlar the kindred awl creditors of said tier east d. I o bi and apjitar at my office, id thin the lime prescribed bi lair, tn their cause, if any they hare, tchy said litlcri should not be yranted. (iiven under my hand nnd seal at office, March 24, l«W. mBM i :_I| ARLES II. It ICE, c. c. o. CJcorp’ia, Talbot County, AM7IIEREA8 Philip Long applies to me for let VV lersof administration on the estate of John Lung, late of said county, deceased. These are. therefore to rile and admonish all and sin- ynhtrlhc kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office teithin the time prescribed, bylaw to shew cause, if any they hurt, why said Itticit should not be granted. , Given under my hand am) seal, al ofrice 22d day of May. 1H:V2. 144 WILLIAM 8. GOSS. c. c. o. JAMES J{. KENNET, Soot au<l Shoemaker, HAS cointiicm-cil business iu ^^McHotittM's htiililing, (near tlte .\fa«m Tiki'niph Offire.) where h ; ‘ will lie fotitnl rettily to nfteiul to his oUl customers mul others who may cull ou him. IIOO'I’S ami S1IOF.S mniittfurlnreil to order, in the best ttiiimtcn RKi’AlKl.NG ulso tv ill l.e ilnlte, J/*Ttvi) or three JOUHNRV’MBN ean find regular employment hy applieution to him. jmt. 5!) T Lands tov Sale. XIIF. following Tracts of Laud are offered for sale, on necoininodnting terms. Lot No. 2IW in III district -hmly county, do do 57 in ID do Lee tiotv Stewart, do do F3 in 11 do Early do do III in 8 do Lee. do do 75 in 11 do Lee now Stewart, do do 113 in 27 do do 102 in I do Houston nmv I’.ihh. Apply to ROBERT BIRDSONG. April I) II!) VINEGAR. G.\ I.LONS of first rate, three years ohl VINEGAR, for sale at the Confectionary of JOHN SMITH. March 15 103 Georgia, Houston County, rSTHEREAS Williim Jones applies to me for V ¥ letters of administration on the estate of Jnmti Jones, late of <aid county, deceased, 'these are therefore, to rite nnd admonish all nnd sin* KH,'ar Ihe kindred and creditors af said deceased, la he end appear ill at.y office, uilhin Ihe time prescribed hp law, lo shew cause (if any they can.) uky said letters should not he 'graliled. Given under tny hand and seal at office, this 23d dav of May, 1832. i4:i JOHN C. MONUGER. n. c. c. o. Georgia, Fayette County. ■CTf/’IlEREAS Anna A. Dickson anti William II f , Dif.kson. executrix and Executor of the es tate of David Dickson, latu of said county, deceased, apply for letters of dismission as executrix and exe cutor of said estate. These are therefore lo eile amt admonish alt and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased lo file their objections, if any they hare, in my office within he lime prescribed by laic, why said letters should not be granted. Given uadcf my hatiil, this 211h day of Jan. 1832. ‘Bit Cm WILLIAM M‘BRIDE, c. c.o. G-corfi W J irsia, Bibb County. 'J1LRK.AS, John Smith, administrator of the ■ estate ol Henry Smith, late of Bibb county; deceased, applies lo me for letters of dismission as ad ministrator ofsaid estate: These are. therefore, It cite and admonish all anil singular Ihe kindr/il ami creditors of said deceased, lo he and appear at my office, uilhin Ihe time prescribed by laic, lo shew cniist, if any they liare, why said lelteii should no I be granted. Given under my hand, (his 7th dav of May, 1832, Iff MARTIN SIMMONS, c. c. o, Butts Sheriff Sales. W ILL he sold on tbn first Tuesday In JUNE next, before Ihe Court house in Jackson, Butts county, within the usual hours of sale, Two Negro Boys, one by the name of F.l- hert, about 12 years old. the other hy the name of Dick, about 7 years«dd, levied on as the property of A. L. Robinson, to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa iu fnvor of John Hendrick and John Lofton vs A. L. Robinson Property pointed out hy the plaintiff. march 2 202 1-2 acres uf Laud mnre or less, known by Lot No. 103, in the first district of originally Hen ry l ow Butts county—levied on as the |iroperly ol Robert Drown to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from the Su- K irior court of Rntts enmity iu favor of Cotton & arrison vs Roliert Brown—property pointed out by defendant. One Lot of Land No. 1(>, in the first dis trict of origfnally Henry now Rntts county, contain luff 202 1-2 acres inoro or lew—levied on as the pro- rerty of Hugh Ihmmil to sulitfy two Fi Fas issued from Butts Superior Court, one in favornfF.lijnhiPad- get, and the other In (nvor of Eli W. Simpson bear er vs Hugh llamil. Simeon llnniil nnd llryanl V. JIamit—property pointed (tut by plaintiffs' attorney. One third part of Lot Nn. fi”, containing 302 l-Sieret more or leu in the Hist district of origiu ally Henry now Rntts county —levied on as the pro perty of A, t„ Robinson to satisfy a justice’s Fi Fa in favor of Henry M‘Coy vs A. L- Robinson—levied on and returned to me by a constable. One Lot of Land No. 10, in the first dis- tricj of originally Henry now Butts county—levied ones the property of Rendcl Wright, by virtue of three Pi Fas issued from a justice’s court, in favor of Kerrs dt Grabam and others—levied on and relumed to mo byacinstable, this property Is improved for firming-, II. HATKLEY, Sheriff. April kd, 1632. Also u'Jt be sold as abort, Two L'ds In tlio town of Jackson, Nof. 3 mid T. in I’pjare No,21.—levied on at the pIDparty of Lauren t O it,agon to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Butts Snperior cot..! in favor ol Goold <&. Merryman tn Thomas Tabb, Lawrence Gahagan end A.T.. Robin, son—on tot No. 4 there is a commodious gin house. April 84,183? JOHN LOFTON. Dtp, Shff. ROCKET MAPS OP GEORGIA for ule at this offire. 106 A GREEABLY to all order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Fayette county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on Ihe first Tues day in JULY next, before tlte court house in Fayette* ville, Fayette county, between the usunl hauls of sale, One negro woman by the name of Nelly, about reventy-five or eighty yea's of age,a hoy by tbn name of Washington about seven years of age, a girl by the name of Mthnla, about five years of age, a girl by the ttamn of Matil la, alnint tap years of age, a girl by thn name of Sally, about eight years of oge, a woman hy the name of Amy. about thirty-five-years of age, nnd her infant child, about six weeks old, a negro men named Daniel, about twenty-one years nf age, and one negro man named Jim, about filly-sis years of age, all to be sold at the property of the orphans of Uurling Elder, decea.rd, for the benefit of said or phans, Terms made known nn the day of sale, March 27, 1832. 14 EDWARD P. NINON, Guardian. Notice. B Y virtue of nn order Irons the honorable the In ferior court of Monroe county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, wilt lie told on the first Tues day in June next, between the usual hours of sale, at the court house in Crawford county, tot of I.and No. eighty, in tha first district of originally Houston now Crawford county, belonging to the estate nf Alexan- andtr King, late of Monroe county, deceased, for the benefit of Ihe heirs and creditors nf said deceased. Terms made known nn the day of sale, much 15 GEORGE L. DOUGLA3, Adm'r. 6 .1 OUR MONTHS after date application will be 1 made to the honorable inferior court of .Monroe eonntv, when sitting lor ordinary put poses, for leave to sell one lot of land No. 150, In the first district of originally Houston now Crawford county, for the be nefit of the orphans of U’illiam hi Coy, Isle of Jasper county, deceased. WILEY L. CLEMENTS, Feb 15 ,Guardian, 1 71 OUR MONTHS after date application will be . made to the honorable inferior court of Monroe county, when sitting tor ordinary purposes, /or heave tn tell onefourth of lot No. 183, in tbe fourth district of Monroe county, in tbe N. B. comer of said lot, be* longing to the mioor children of the anhseriher. Feb 15 MOSES D. WHITE, guardim. 23 X. ANILS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE Georgias Coweta County. P ERSONALLY appeared before me, William Nimmotts, a Justice of the Peace in snid coun ty, Adam Stcdhartt, who being doly iworn, deposeth and saith, that he wns in the possession of n Certain promissory note made end executed by WillinmJ. Williamson, and Charles Wheelan security, to this deponent nr bearer, for thirty-four dollars nnd seven ty-five cents, of which the annexed Is n substantial copy, as near as this deponent can recollect and that said note is lost or destroyed. ' (signed) ADAM STEDHAM. Sworn to and subscribed before me, February 20, 1832. WM. NIMMON8.J. P. X COST OF THR ROTE. By (he (wenty-llltli day ot December, I promise to pay Adam Steilliam or hearer, thirty-four dollars and seventy-five cents, value received, Oct. f>. 1831. (signed) WM. J. WILLIAMSON, CHARLES WHEELAN, Security. With a credit on said note ot five dollars, 6th Oct. 1832. Coweta Superior Court, April Term, 1832. It appearing to the Court,Jhat Adam Stedltam was in possession of the original note, nf which the above is a copy in substance, and that snid note is lost or de stroyed. It is therefore ordered, that, at the next term of Inis Court, the above copy to be eilahibhed in lieu of said lost original, unless cense he shown to the con- trary, and that this rule be published once a month, for three months previous to tbe next term of this Court, in some public gazelle. A certified copy from the minutes.25th April 1832. Iff 3m GEORGE PF.NT1COST. Clerk. Georgia. Fayette County. Tit WIN SPUADI.lN tolled before Charles J. Rob. R. inson, Esq., one sorrel jinney Mule, about five years old, considerably marked with ctar, appraised hy Eadocb Davis and larkin l.nudrim at sixty-five dollnrs, this 30lb of April. 1832. A true extract from the cslray book. May 8,1832. 3d WM. M-BRIDE, c/ci*. Georgia, Bibb County. In the Superior Court rl Bibb rounly, February ad. jountd Term. 1832. T HE petition of James J Moore respectfully •hews, that Nancy Malone did, on the third day of January, 1823. execute to him her mortgage on lmtNo.23, in the second district nf Houston now Bibb county, containing two hntidred two and a half acres, to secure the payment of a note of hand origin* ally given for fifty dollars, upon which there is remain ing due the sum of forty-one dollars, sixty-eight and three-fourth cents principal and twenty-seven Mol- lars and forty-eight cents interest. Whereupon, it is ordered by the Court, tbit the principal, interest and eotl due upon the said mort gage, be paid Into this Court on or before the first day of (he nest term of this Court, and that a copy ol this rule be published in one of the public Gazettes in Ma con, once a month for four months, before the next term of this Court, or be served upon said Nancy Malone three month! before tbe next term of tbit Court. A (run eopvfrom the minutes. 31*y 1,1838. IX- &.R0SS, Clerk NOTICE. T I1E Putifcrihcr Itstviiig sold Ins stock of GOODS to Mr. Samuel T. Rowlands and declined hit-tincti, solicits for hint the pntron- ago of Itis friends mid former customers, and re quests nil who are itult hied to him, to call at the store of S. T. Rowland, ticxi door to Messrs. Cooke- & Cowles, where he will lie found for the purpose of tnakiug settlements. Dee 24 1 ISAAC JL ROWLAND. £ock nnd Gun Smith, T HE undersigned, having located hitnsclf in Macon, tenders Itis services in the making, repairing, and cleaning of Guns, Rifles and Pis tols, ns well as the making nut! repairing of Dem and Gnn Locks nnd most articles made of ham mered iron, lie carries on his business in the Saddler shop of,Messrs Carter and Elsworth, sec ond door north tlte Post Office. He hopes by in dustry, punctuality and skill, to receive ami de serve a share of puldic patronage JOHN 21-3tw BREJTENBAUGU ZXffDIAN SPRINGS, May 21, 18112. T HE subscriber haviug returned to tlio IN DIAN SPRINGS, his establishment at that place is now open and ready for the recep tion and accommodation of Boarders and Visiters during the present season. Erwin's Hotel, In Macon, w ill also be kep.t open under the su perintendence of ou experienced and attentive agent. A largo addition to his former establish ment has just been completed. 21-2in L. A. ERWIN, ft?” The Georgia Journal, Savnnuah Geor gian, Georgia Courier, and Charleston Courier, will insert the above once a week for two mouths, and forward their accounts to Macon, Ga. FEMALE EDUCATION. Mrs. Mary P. Ellis, AT4 RATEFUL lor tlte very liberal patronage she "X lias received, respectfully informs the citizens of Jfncnn and its vicinity, that the second quartern! her school wilt commence on Monday, the 2d of A- pril. Mas. Ei.tts has the plensttre of informing her pa- Irons that Mrs. BAILEY GODDARD, whose quali ficalionsnre unquestionable, has consented to give Lessons in Music and Painting, to those who may he desirous of acquiring either of those elegant accomplishments, inarch 16 102 O Drab Beaver Hats, F the first quality, just received and for sale by March 13 00 HURbSALL. COTTON BAGGING, . 03 CO3SI03MENT. T HE subscribers have on the river,and will receive iu a few days. 1000 pieces Hemp Bagging. They have made arrangements with their friends in Snvnnnnh and Charleston to be regularly sup plied throughout the season, ami they will at all tiincs be prepared to sell at tlte lowest market prices add on a long credit. May 15 141 REA & COTTON. Whiskey, Bacon, Salt, A*c. ft? K BARRELS Baltimore Whiskey, 13 lihtls do do 10 lihds Molasses 15 qr casks Marseilles Wino 4 pipes Holland Gin 1500 bushels Liverpool Ground Salt 1000 do Alum Salt 20,000 fits Bacon 30 Boxes Mnnufactured.Tobneeo lllids & bids N. O. & 8t. Croix Sugars. For sale bv May 15 141 REA & COTTON. firiacok Mineral 'Ur/..,,. Fouutain Room, next door belowlll, ^ 1 11 5 store, on Mulberry street. As the ■'"°4 been long engaged in this manufactmT'"'*3 an unusually complete npparatu., aSdbftH disposed to spare no pains or exnc ? "“M mg the establishment a useful and I eiHl N to the community, by furnishing ilteis7.\ k H mg, health promoting beverazos a. ex " , *er f l foci a. they 1 ,.re matte h. !toKjS'V? d !< 1 ®* r ‘“ oflii|fdi^J , ?“. I general. To the patronage of tl le ladie, h*?‘,1 forward with some confidence, from I . H adaptation of tho u<e of these fluid, , 0 P**Wi vitlion and improvement 0 f their health prw *l deep interest they have in every proceedi!’ 1 ' 1 T motive of temperance. 1 ai, E ptd N. B. Tho Fountain and Pipes ,, J lined with block tin, and no metallic taint. May 18 142 3tw mct,ll| tpomllJ THE S>ZEDM02ST~ LINE OF STAGES R UNNING through tlio tipper part, of« nnd North Carolina nnd Virginia to iv i ington City, and which, nt its Southern _ et-ntly terminated at Powcllou, Ga.,j. how /j and complete operation. 10 "I It has recently been extended to Milled....,,] from which place it dcpnrts on Tucsilnv. <ri1 dav, nnd Saturdays, nt 4 A. M. J For particulars see hills and the,Milled,...;,,] paper*. WM. SMtnii Culpepper Va-, May 15,1832. 21,;,!; FIRST DRAWING RECEIVED? MACON L.OTTKRY OFFICE I Highssi; Prize $20,000. 1 One half the Capital Prize of $311,1100 in tlir |»., ill ledgoville Li ttery, Was sold hy ll,esul,scril,„. 1 mii.i edgeyh.i.e’street lottery! (Authorised by llse General Assembly of the tihj, 1 of (ic or gin.) ■ etnsxwjs: _ „ , Just received O K hhds St. Croix, Potto Rico, and Now 0*5 Orleans SUGARS 150 bags Cofico 35 barrels .Molasses 70 his Northern Rum, 60 do Whixkcv 30 bft Gin ' 25 auarter casks Malaga Wine Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin Jamaica Rum 15 quarter chests Tea, 40 kegs Nails 20,000 Ihs Iron German and English blistered Steel 5,000 lbs Castings Posvdcr, Shot and Lead Domestics, nnd a General Assortment of SPUING GOODS, Cutlery, Hats, Shoes, Boots, &cc. For sale by GEORGE JEWETT. Mny 19 142 F Land in Lfowton. R ACTIONS No. 333 and 3M, in tho 16th District originally Henry now Newten- onuty, are Cor sale, Apply in- Macon to Dec 1 35 M. BARTLETT. 1 Pri7.o of $20,000 is 820,000 3 <!(i 10, (Kill 30,000 4 (tn 5,000 20,010 9 do 1,000 0,000 .*> do 900 4,5f)0 5 do 800 4,000 5 do 701) 3,500 5 do 600 3,000 5 do 500 2,500 5 do 400 2,000 5 do 300 1,500 .5 do 200 1,000 JJ.I do 100 • 3,500 60 do 00 2,500 GW do 20 13,000 SUUO do 12 60,000 Less Ilian tun Blanks to a Priie. All the Prizes to ho floating from the cosj mcuccincut. except the following deposited , follows to tvit: First Day’s Drawing.—2 Prizes of 5,(100.1J l(fMH), 1 ofiHIO, 1 of 800, 1 ofrlVO, 1 oftiuu.ll 5011, 1 of 400, 1 of 300,1 of 200. ! Second Day’s Drawing.—1 Prize nf 10.000.1 of 1,000, 1 of '900, 1 of 800. 1 of 700,1 »f 600,1 of 500,1 of 400, 1 of300, 1 of 200. f Third Day’s Drawing.—1 Prize of 10,000. iJ 1,000, l of900, 1 of 600, 1 of 700, 1 ofCUO.lJ 500, i or 400, i or 300,1 of 200. ] Fourth Day’s Drawing.—] Prize of 10,000.11 1,000,1 of 900, 1 of 800, 1 of 700,1 oftiU0,lf 500, 1 of400, I of 300, 1 of 200. Fifth Day's Drawing.—1 Prize of 20.000. II 1000, t of 900, 1 of 8(10, 1 of 700, 1 oftiWUJ 500, 1 of 400,1 of 300, 1 or 200. A ud on tho commencement of the First, Sd ond, Third and Fourth Day's Drawing, thr M drawn number shall be entitled to a prize of IM dollars, and on the conclusion of the hut Ds;| Drawing, the first and last drawn umiilcrjf bft entitled to a Capital Prize of 5000 dollar*e»c| iu addition to such prize as may be tlriiwn toiht number. Tlte witolo Lottery to be completed >» days drawing only, l’rizcs only to he drawr. J The whule of the Prizes paynblc in sixty dtj after each Day’s Drawing—subject te a iMuciiol of fifteen pcr’ccnt. All prizes not appM bj J J2 mon ths from each drawing, to be considered! n donation to tho funds of tlte Milletlgcvillc Str 1 Lottery. The drnxving to tuke place under the sttpcnl tendence of William W. Cnrnes, Samuel Jtufnaj ton, Samuel Rockwell, William H.TwmdwJ zekiel K. Park, Joseph Stovall, ThomasH.Btj ter, Jnmes S. Calhoun, and Iverson L. H ,r ^ Commissioners; nlso a Board of Visitors._____ Scrnud draw ing takes place on the FOlKu OF JULY. Present Price of Tickets: I Wholes, $10—Halves 5—Quarters 62^1 Tickets for sale at tho Macou Lottery 0®t by 8. ROSE-1 Macon, May 12. CARRIAGES. A NUMBER of Barouches and Gig«,f cd aud for sale by ,. r( l May 25 144 F.I.LIS. SIIOTWEIA Family Cooking ^ lor !'l' . M ILL Irous and Cotton Gin »hwbjJ^A sale by ELLIS. SHOTWELL May 25 144 Zee—Erico IlodM#> „ I CE will be delivered, on amdiM'«• ice house, during the day at 8 ceuts ~ .May 18 142 ^ Family Flour O F a superior quality, for sale by’ J Mav 18 142 Georgia J\'egrocs for T ill subscriber keeps constantly «» . supply of Georgia Negroes for'-w- will be found to bo of such ago or sex purchaser*, llo now has ten or twe lie will also purchase Young ;V£7V;TKb! cash will be given. S.h.sLAi* East Alacou, Feb 4 -—*j IlSrSUIlANCE. rHIIE Howard Insurance Comvnn^ J. York continues to msuro LU t , shipped on good Boat* or Box dangers of tlio Ilivor. R* 1 ” nkV.AtP moderate. Dee 20 Apply to 51 C.DAY-^ ■om Boat J\'oio Receiving from 15 While St Crou'aWiwR^' jjsisaejsgfc, 20 bid*Whiskey, 5 V C *lhMX*® 1 » 1 pi|ie cognac Brandy. 1 5 crates Crockery A Iso, A Ga,f ' a X/a ^-„ ]](< <""■ ! BLACKSMITHS’ TOOLS. ’it- *