Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, June 09, 1832, Image 4

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Bibb Sheriff Sales. nriLLhf soli'' «(hr first Tttef day in JULY nett, V w ticfore III* Court house in .Macon, Bibli coun ty, between the usur.1 hours of sale, Oho Runt, known by the name of Naviga tor— levied oti ns the property of Thonoi Fleleher to (*tisfy one Ki Fa |iiunl from’Telfnir Superior Court in fame rf Norton ft I'nller vs Fletcher & Fitzuiui- moor—property pointful I.ot l y L D. Tracey, Esq. Si*iy ones of l,ofil. mu"# ill less, and im provements wii"f -oi Lariitie II •whinsformerly liv-1 *tid returned live run«t 4 id, ndjbinii'g II.. I in I of 1‘liopon M I'll is mi'd tin- j ISO Hfres of I •tel, I'.-’ r*-»rvi* land- — l-vle.i on a* the property of ICO and J3I in tl| • sixth di-<ri,:l of J! inruc ron 'tv J '/in D'ckhu; f.'i ft I'u to -otiify r ''i J’a is«n.-il from | whereon Adam To I »v n<‘« IP-rs—1, x'ii-l mi ns tlii ) ||)*« •'•ijirrl'ir Court in favorin' II iker, W'rlhiimi A j property of Jam/ pi-.,/ to‘Ml fv sundry sini'll i' of Gem ;e Whin-ill vs Mild Tnpii y—levy Monroo Sheriff Bales* W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in IUI.Y next, before the court house in Forsyth, Monroe couuty, between the usual hours of sate. 101 1*4 acres of Ijnnd, beini tint southwest half of lart No. 151, in thesisth district of Monroe county-—levied on as the property of Junta /?. /'elill) to sati-fV sundry stmill FI Fns issued from a jn*lien'j Court in f vor ol'V'm. C.Junes. Henry II in Van Wcgenpn.anc other" v« s lid ts.rsitii—levy made Lrt« of l.o's \ F OUR months after dale, a.-.plication Will lr mudo to the lrenornlile inferior court of Monroe county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, far leave tp seif lot of land No. 2J7. in the sixth district of said county, for the benefit id the rtiildren. TlIOMAs* It. GORMAN, mairli 15 101 Nulnriil Guardian. TfjlOL'R ntorifli* alter date. I'ppliratii.n will le ;' rpaila to |t|i» lei'i'ir-dd'* t''e Iaferiiir emir' ot J tsperonm tv. when ‘ I'Vr f-»e *ii'itTir rv nnrii< -i s. tor vs John U i' lvtinunii .»• Co —properly pointed out by (' J M‘i> oi.ilii nhiiel'l!' 'i ell. rney. One lot of Mill*'unit tint Land attached tl'cri'initu. contaiaiaz gtifl ear's mure or less, known ** Groce'* 8aw —I-oii'd nn es the property of ; ■ htmnn U ■ ■ - fa «itisfv ‘ itidry Fi Fa* issued from file Fnperinra' il Interior Courts of Bihli con-ty io favor sit Lewis S M. lngersoll end others vs -aid <?roee. Juno I. IR;S»_ H, H flO VAfiO. Fherif Butts Sheriff ViEriLL be fill on the first Tttesdsy in JULY U V nest. before the eonrt house in lie’ town <<> Ju' l .iin BiitP'rounty, wiiiiin tie tfknel hours of t<lr fi .'«:yhii No. 2<j, ill the liiurtb dis'tici t»f o- rigirnlly Monroe imw Jlutls r.oiinty, well irnprot. ' lot a il'Yerit. Ac —levied on as the propertv of Jarl Jhi/ey to s .tisl'y sundry Fi Fn« is.tiei! iroin Baits t-u- pmii'ir Court in’lavur of the oflirers of . aid court v* Jo") Daley—proinuty pointed nut by Abel i.- Kotiin- ►•in. The caet half of Lot No, lC, in tlio fourili slistrirl formeriy M«nri»e nmv litills raua'.y—leviid sin as tin; property of .hr! Jlsitcy tu satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued from a Justice's Court in said county, in favor of Francis Douglas* vs Joel Daley—levied on and returned to me by a rmistahlu. 101 1-4 arri s of L ind, more nr loss, it lin ing the south half of Lot No. fit, ill the first diftrirt originally Henry now liiltls county—levi-d on as tlm property of ft tort:' If. Lowery, t'.i s itisl'v three Fi Fas is-n ( *d frotn a Justine's Court in said county, two in favor of Gahngxri, end one in favor ol Triiiine Case vs said Lowry—levied mi nml retiiraed to mi- by a constable —This properly isimpruxv.1 for fnruiiog with a dwelling house. An.. The west h4f of Lot Nn. •«». in the fourth distrlat originally Monroe now Butts county—levied on ns the properly of Joel Me;; to satisfy >; Fi Fa i«- aui'il from Butts Superior court, in favor of Jonnthiiii Jewett vs Joel Ualev. If. HATKI.Y. Miiy 3d, I 'IS Slurff. POSTPONED SAT.I’. Alto. trill be mid til fibere, f)ne llej;in ivomnu numnd M ny. nUout S3 years old. Snry n woman abort III vea-s old. Sir- plien n linynbmit 4 yearn old, mol Iwroy a imv nhon' 5 3 months old—all levied on as tin; priai 'i'v of .1. /.. ltuhinmn to satisfy three Fi Fas issued |Vom Hutto Pa- « erior Court in favorof II. \V. 5*coveli aad Oliver !!. fall and others vs John Ifoldnson and A. I.. Ilohiu- eon—property painted out by defnn hou May 3d, i:W3 II. HA l*ELY, tdtcrijf. Eicnry Sheriff jSalcs;. W ILL lie. sold on the first Tuesday hi}»; LY east. he foie the court house in Mard.onou^ii, Hen ry county between the usual hours oi sale. Lot lit Land, No. 79, ill the second district of Henry county, and loll acres bring a part No. fid, in said di-Tift, nl<o the following negroes: Isaac a man, John a boy, Itomc a hoy, Folly, Tliga and Marimba women, Maria a girl, ami two small children whose names ate not known, a!-o about for ty head of Hogs, nml thirty-fne head of Cattle, anil two Horses—aM levied nuns the property of damn II. and David Johnson, to satisly a i'i Fa i ‘I from the Superior Court of Henry county in favorof Kim berly St Chisholm—property pcintedoiu' , ‘lie plain- tiffs’ attorney. One half of Lot of Land, No. 21, in the third district of llenrv county, whereon .fames Hire now lives—-levied on ns his'y. to sali-fv sun dry Fi Fas issued from a Justice's couit in favor oi Johnson & Nr.ll ami others. One House ar.d Lot in the town of Harden- ough, whereon Aimer F. Upchurch limy lives—levi ed on as the propt rty of /I 'gn.t ttilth to satisfy a Fi. Fa issued from a Justice's Court in favor ofTh nut- Evans—the two lust levies made and'returnod to me by a constable. Lot o*’ Land No, fi t, in tho sixth dietrirt of said county (or if there should he a mistake in the number) the lot whereon Amu Pair now live-—lev- ietl on ns his properly to satisfy an eneraition i-suiol from a Justice’s Court in favor ol Francis A. !lu*un —levy made and ri.ltinictl to roe by a rontTilile, May 2d, 1832. TIIO.S. J. JOliXSON, bl.crff. Also, will he told nt nljvvr. Lot No. 140, in til" twidfth i.'isirirt of sntd county, and one l/>t in the town of Mnednnou.h, with the improvements thereon, being I.ot No. fi in letter D. ill-the plan of- aid town, containing one hundred nml twenty feet -qnare—levied on iis the property nf Juntas jCimfifong/i to satisfy n mortgage Fi Fa from Hie superior court of said ooimty in In- vor of tsirnms Williams ami AVoolsey ngairst said Kimbrough—property pointed out in said mortgage Fi Fa. Eight hnad of Cal tit's seventeen head of Hogs, amt 1100 pounds of seed Cotton—levi d on as the properly ol IVilliau Moore, to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa in favor of Jonathan M'Dnvv against said -dome —property pointed nut in said mortgage Fi Fa, April 82,1833 130 Tito wi st hutf of Lot No. 209, in the second district nf Henry rnunly, fine yoke of Oxen 5 nrf> years old, one seventy gallon Still with Cap and Worm—levied on ns the property of Daniel Jf Jar!:- nn to satisly n Fi Fa issued from Butts Superior Court in favorof Abel L- Robinson vs said Jackson, for the use of Pleasant Clay—properly pointed otil by said Clay. Lot No. 22(», in die rl"vrntl» district of *md counly—levied on as the property of tViUSum B. Par ker to satisfy a Fi Fa issued friun Henry Superior Court in favor of Wellmurn Weldon forllin me of Je remiah Sailers vs said Parker. JAMKS 1.0 VK. May 28, 18.72. P p. Sheriff. ' Campbell rtlsaTiff Sale?. W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in July next before the court house in Hie town .,f Camp- bellton, Campbell county between the usual hours of •ale. Two fractions, Nos. 115 and 133, in tin 1 fourteenth district of originally TayaHe now Camp' hell county—levietfon ns the firoperty of II iltin.i Wakes to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of Ransom Thcoip- •on—proiserty pointed oh! by the plaintiff. Two Nograes, to wii: a negro woman named Caroline, about35years nld, and a negro hoy named Dun about7 years nld—letied on as 'he property <-f John Kicer to satisfy a Ft Tn in favar of Charles fnl. lins vs said Ki*er~sroperty pointed out by James V P. Ciimphctl plaintiff's atteir.ey. Out) Lot of Land, No. not kniwn, in thr first district of originally Carroll n>u Campbell coun ty, whereon Hie mills and dwelling house of John Doyle now stand—levied on lo satisfy a Fi Fa in fit. vor of William A. Hicks vs John Ibo-.'c. All the interest that /srrar (ittrtnnn h .a in Lot, No. not known in the fourteenth diilrict of ori- S lnxlly Fayetto now Campln il rotinty. in the posses- on of M Howell ar.d o'lj'dni"g John I!. Tnelie^- propetty pointed out hy Jes*ee M. Britt, plninlitTs at torney. JAMES GRISHAM. May 31,1832. hheriff. Also, frill hr sold ns oborr, Ono Lot of Land, No. 9(1, in dm fourteenth district nt originally Fayette now Campbell rnunly —levied on ns tlio property of Jcsser. II i»ri» In satisfy a FI Fs in favor o| John tS. Rnhe.rts. ndnittiiMralor dl J. It Ne'so i 4 r. -is I, vs itid lla-vit—pniperty painted out by TVnVI Sloti*. One Lot of Land, Y.. '!ijriv*’tvi», inthest'- con I dls.'rtrl of •iradnnlly Cirroll now Camid'ell ennmy -levind on lo satisfy tv * excentlon in favor of Garland ' 'ey vs Mdteurd Welts a’ d Joel flnley. merehnnta. Ac. D. KAMI Y, Mav 2|, 1TO. D, p sheriff Fas in lav made hy a rnlirtulth Two Negroes, to wits T.'itev a !my ci< It' years old am! flarin'a e i:M fen vef’eitd n'-n the i'U'se of Robert Alim, on one l."!of I mid in t'.e four'll disfrief of Monro* co iv. wherenu It,'ft AHm n<-« liver—nil levied on at the property n''«"M Mleo to satisfy sundry small l'i r.’« in favorof Wilkins lluuf vs said Alleti—levy mad* and rei.ii-ied by r roust dde One I roust) iou! (.of i" 'he tnsvti nf (Tii!!o. dt"iiv!'te. wtie-eon Jr*rr-nn .4 Pottv now i'ves—le | in f.i d "II Its hi, pi i;. f| F. .1 Proi at lo me hv a i '• li'U.I \V •. i .i ■ re 0. dl l'i r. levy mudi* and > i t. 'I I t u . wl'-rr ‘ •' "f i'"' "ril’n tv pnrpr-r-. I. ; 'lot *0 I it’d \«. 1,1 the ninth di'trii't i.t "in tv, (i.r III" lieu-fit... MoKa'v and Pat Wit.I I AM T. HtHdlTI’.l l>. I •:( 5<»f I! Butt* M.' i*lute -in, leave to lot of Imo! d**»i *«•* •!’ r it» e<irrl (/< •*• -» oi - Itt:ii of •'■! ' A-rii |i - :•» ; 0 t» r <1. nf, . iipt.*;rn!W)n v ill tl:i> liilfi’inr emuf in:.VKVi/M*n r:v. 'n»vr S ' innde to thr lie . i ho •for ImI'i rlt'r ('tMirl i:d C Yi.ko of j ft "tone—all J |V,a " satisfy' e ! f., r 'l .'I*v7 I l:il»d him! 1-w •<! on of J. Y\ I'm in • |„ Afrtin«Mtt 11)0 ;irrr< « t* Ltih’. I»m ; ii{j |»m-» ul' f/ •'"t Ixiimvn, whereon ?*»<*»»'• ?»irkfirr i «« ! !• • ii»#i*fT Shefftv end i»tlii«r*«. i t *•. • eh-v • ft if* comity-—levied «'r fr • • fv r J Ihrrisln s i’li-sfy a Fi " < in f 'V*»r ».f l m»v vs fiiid IlHrriL June J, V rnrfr|?.\y, thertf. j Alto. ici!l l • ’ it r' r - , Olio l)(»2. r o worn ui i*v ;h»' r;nn;» rf J w f.:/ In salijfy Riimlry F front n .Tm^W*: | C«nut in f-twr nf T< L. <» V:*. »-t*»| "ty - • •!i! t‘<ir 111j ns»*t f A'f *”d Hioi»lx‘—If . it■•»■’»* ••• •« (• v «tr! ! *. j. j c *j jojin n,v. v’/r*j Honstca S. R WHd.he sold on'h i V V HUGH L. IRWIN. Adm’m l.Ul.M.’l f. A,lot 'UiV-nly. s I'!' !> I oi'g appliest" me for lei iidoTui-triitlnnno the estate of John id county, decea-ed. -.five /! ndinat-lsh "Hard rio- d anu rrmUtnr- of mid ,!, sens'd to it v ‘ f i'r |-■' 7 'a the time pet teethed, by true ' titty Pry have, ir/i.i, salt! let! 1 is shunt,! f-VO lihis wOtbCsriiCdi T HOSE having demunds against Hie estate o- Jamts P. Potter, late v( Monroe connty, def erased, are reijtiested to bring them in in terms of tile latv. and those wbo are Indebted to the estate trill moke immediate payment. ELIZABETH DOZir.R.Aim'rx.- May29 22 JOHN BEDDING. Adm'or. "g, OliT.r ABLE loan i rdrr of ill- Honorable lul'e- . lu li i- Court of Houston rnuntj' tihensiltina for nrdinnrv purpnses. will le- sold oil the lir-t Toes d.iy in August n-xl. al (lie milrl house in tin: low'll of JVrrv, between the usual hours of sale, One .T-.oiof Zan- 5 , SL5, in llie fi'ili ilisf i.-l of M■ uist<ui enmity. ut'!l improved, Willi iihunl 13d nwei nf fre-h denied land, u good (jin llu'ise—,,1-ifui'l p hi'iioll* ot the Ip ir« and ere. ■liters of Dtniel Clark Seen, deceased. Terms nn the dt'V. A 1,0. e- Pis d.i'i f,"mn -r. At the! if* r.-l huiee..,' said't.'lark in the fifth <ll.« t il l of lions'.ui eoiiniy. will he sold u g'uid forty 4,iw f'ollnn (tin inn! Thntslii'r mid Running Gearlo said fiiu—-old fir (lie benefit of the heirs end credi tors nf said Daniel Clark. Aon. deceased Terms cm the day. BAR All CLARK, fir',-x JOsilTA r.VTJHIIAl.L, P.x'or Mnv 08,1/532 22 ,.u' to III" 4a < rur Lin', err/!, toss-tli- n and sin ><’;•>• of hr unit vs. said Amin Limfin Syrap, jpOR Itle^y ELLIS, BHOrWELLfeCO May Ml ,ll'I.Vr-t Im Imin* tho i;ouit 1 miwu *hit.r in r»*rr\. it m ton county, between the u <ii ilnmi“o. >:t!**. KllirU. n m cro nuni Mipjn old—tevlr :1 oil i:s thr prop -tv « fv i? l'i lu itifnvorof' }>■< Fi Fns ii-uuig Irom a jusi cc’i .UnHI. 202 1-2 nrrfs piuo \j ml, N*». 27. in t!’^ r. Vvcnth #! : *»r'ct «»f ffiMi-fon y—nn m t!*#* property of Xcif ('ulLrrlh. i.» «.t!:«fy »• Fi Fn In ft*vor **fJ. Hi vhii ft Drothvr —oroi'vitv noinlcd out by I! Omiy,.;. 202 1-2 nrres of f. »r«.T Frown I.* in tin* lourjoenlli distrh i * ‘ to 'i«:fin n tm!y— ? t*vho! m Jin* j.ropcrty of II// : nm Crur to vtti^fy ■» Fi Fain favor ot Cvo-gc l’a!!levy m.iJi' by a row* stntile. S 1-2 ncrr« of i•iur I/moI \ri«li n «m li tm- provcricit thereon it ? »••» ,• p«o1 t.«*1 S:s. In tl «• nith off! •!* f m r i e< . in »)■»• mill. w«>»co»* r^r t.f tin* < :rj !u»!f •»?' t !••*. sntj Mttin? ttviiininin flower*—tf \ i-if op »!i-*«n ;•-»*r . f If# Unn t«> «vti-fy h Fi F«» >'« favorof |5iii*«. r:, U lic!! £■ Co.— levy in:n!»* Mid p-furunt tiy tt coi.vf.ibf,.. A»l D-nvl IV. fli t's in■ «*st ill npo half lino I.ot improv'd. •» I!»«• t<'\vn rf IVrrv. whereon !>»•• ■ prr l v to !» A Co. “! on nr,it \il CHAIN. ■SWH.T. l e ‘,3d tli>t 'I’u-siiay In .TUIA' v v next, before t’.v court hou-e in '/.ehuif.n, f i’t e counly, hr'*, ren the u.nnd Ilnurs nf sate, One Noptti Woman ivutti'ii S.ntili, alimit 21 years ,.f at"* and her,'Id’.I—levied on its the propertv of .WUirW is. I!ine”i’’el to satisfy a nsnrtgage l'i l'a i,?'i".I from .l.'s;,er lulerior <lotiri in lavi r et An- ttinny Diervss.i l Horul.itekel. May ! Tin) e .si Inlfif I.ot if L«"c!, N". 79. in the second dl-tri-t i f i-r'ginpliy Monroe non - Tike county, eonti'in'n* 1 < 1 1-4 acres, more or h-ss—levi ed on n* I'm property * f Ft itcg-f.*/ Il'rtiy. to «c!|«fy foursmall i'i Fa» issued I'nim a Justice'* (,'■ urt. two in f ivor off AJ. Ned. one in favorof J. Nual A* Co. and one in favorof .Moses R. Mathews vs .‘-I’d j)en- dy—levied on and returned to n e I y a ernsn 1,’r. J. R'. CULIT.PER J me I. 117 Pep Ikreiff. i Jl-.N R f IMerf Hep i!:e iisn-il litutrs. 1 uestlay, e. reside) v, bi'tsiri Ail ilict Porishablo jCrcporty nf said 'leceaseil. eousi-tiug of li ei-eh *13and If i. !•. next, at the lute 1. in Bi' h roniitv. t.ctv e—sold fur the YrNOUR MONTHS after date application will he JV made to the honnrahle inferior court of Monroe county, when sitthig lor ordinary pirrpnsrs, (or leave to sell onrfnurth ol lot Nn. 143, in the fourth district ef Monroe county. In the N. E. corner of said 'ot, lie- longing to the minor rlilldis-n of the subscriber, Feb 15 MOSr.S D. WHITE, gtnrtllnn. I TtOUR MONTHS after date application will he . mnde to the honorable ilia Infctior court of Butts rour.fy when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell' lot nt lend No. 103. In tlio seventeenth district nf originally Henry now DdCalli county, as the property c.f S"rm,f /Wrack, deceased, for the benefit of the dixtri'-ntees nf his estate. Mnntlil) 9i> WILLIAM BLALOCK. GurrJ- I N OH II months after date, Hpi.licHtiou will be ' made to the honnrahle the Inferior Court of Coweta county, while silling for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot No. 73, in the fust district of said Coweta count v, belonging to the estate of Darid Cnz. late nf Jefferson county, deceased, for the bene fit of the heirs md creditor* of said deceased. march 13 93 JOHN VIVVARn. Adm’r. P OCKET MAPS OF GEORGIA for ••)• at this sifiix'e- IOC •I an! office 22d day i It.LI \M .".fills!*, r. c. o. frir. f'f Give j4‘.i n Furnilure anil lln **»* lie.«.! of \ bifnntit of llir hciinanil May 12 JO JOILN 1). SlNfiLFTAKY. ,f./pV A GItF.F.A»l.V l«» hm onlvr of tin* iiuiiorn*!« Il f Infurinr ('fitirt ofFiiyrtti* vo'inty. w !ii!n fittim for ordinary piirpoM**, wiii «?*!«! *»»i list* firr-t T-m*.- il'iv in jri.*Y* next, before Hit? rno-t linij f* in Fayrttr- vill»», Fnyettcronr.iv.lmtw.Tu tin* uxmil Iuhi'JmiVshIi . Oi»e negro wonmn by f'ic nnmc of Nelly, niioiit Ecwnty-fivc or eighty ycn^iof h^h, n linyliy tbr nnmc of \Vnshii»»:l'tii ntonit «cvcii yt*;«i>of npc, » ^irl by t!u nuine of Mhliala. hiiotit live ymn oi hj*p, n perl by the nmne «»f MutH In. nbo: t ten years of nge, a girl by tlio nntne of Snllv, nboiit #*ii»ht venrs of ngv, a W irnnii by the tmoie of Amy. nbout tbirty-five ynusof ngc, nad her infant ebiid, nlnnt fix week* old, it negro mnn lumnl DatnH, about twenty-one years* i*fa« and one twero rnnn named litn. «t»ont ft!ty*si\ yearsot a^e, nil to be sold ns tin* pr.sperty of tbc orphans of •Slmliug Elder, deccntcd, fortlie brnefit of said.or* iilinns. Terms made known on iln* d«v of ^nlr, March 27, 1«3 ». 14 KDWAUli IV NIXON, (ittrzrdinn. ‘^owa Bats for ii-xlc. W ILL he sold at .-'mericits, the pithlin site the county nf Fiimter, nn the Kith d.iv of July next, nn Lot," No. Inti, in the 27th district nf n rigitially now Sumter enmity, the front rod x nnii.he* «f hack lots, to the highest bidder.—Tern.: mnde know* on the day. Thi* situation !» eaualled lint hv few in the State, heirg h e; ted in a riu!:, healthy | "|;'.try,. Mclt xvater- ed. v. hieh holds forth large iiidneenictils'to the enter- iirising v.iiiimnnilv. L. B. B3HTH, 1 if. i>. v.)uxGar.coD, I S. FAUST. > Con.missionert. .1. JACK.SON, M. G. MIMS. J May 20 32 Jits I NOUR MOVrifs aft.i date npplicRtinn will hr 1 mnde tu the hmi.sral.t. inferior court nf Monroe rountv. when sitting lor on'nary pmpo-*s. for leave to self opr lot of land No led, in the first dislrirt of originally Houston now free county, for the he- of the orphans of ll'illiain SI Coy. late of Jasper comity, deceased. WILEY L CLEMENTS. Fell 15 Gunrdion. SSTIIERI AS Wi (' 9 1 Iters of ,.d b'm Julies o •f lie.- to ni' for tninistmtion i n t ? tr CMthte <»! Jut-..lores. I.i'» ofn id comity, dec CMO’fJ. ’17.<a" P.irrf.rr. tt etfr niitl is,In in:'ill of! and sin• git'l-rlbe IP it'.'eti ati-l re,Pines of m't 1 deceased. /*» he mr ■’> my t ‘fn:r. teilhin Pie lint' presrrit rd by i,nr ea:iif (if tiny Hint can,) why said lelleri irrnrltd. t. under i*iv liuud and renl al oSlnc, this 22d May, 1*32 ' JflffN C. MONUGUR. n. c. c r Cy<3nvf.;v7, Bnvis County. - dl AS FH^t'.a I?. White appTIrsfom<*for ^ V ndiniuiblrationoii the fit.ite of Je- r’T'i* :h flnuuritfk. tbirtnixi'd. 7’tv nr* !’irr*furr fn r»V and mhiimrixh r!l and sin- lit* 1,1' drrd and creditors of’ mid deceased person, to I and ivo'fttr nt wr y trilhiv the time prescribed !-:•!. ir. !•> shexr eavse if any they hare, tchy said I tilers ahrnbl not /•'* granted Givi'n ni'dcr my nrc! r»»>l pf ofTIro. |M« 00th ,! *vof y.nv. i u, M.' JOHN M-rOlip.c. C m c i3-eor^;a, Houston County. V C. r liLRI AS Henrv I’itls mid Tlmnuia Howell, V Eseciitorsof (lie estate ol' .him Ihicell, de- cn-ed, apply to me for letters of dismi-sitin— Ami, whi'vras John L'hnucey, Aduihnstratnraf the p«tntp ftl Edmund (liancey. deceased, npplics to mi* for b*tt**rs of ditniNsiou. Tlte*r are. therefore, lo cilc anil adnwnldi all and sit galnr the kindrtd and rred locs of said drreafod. fn In •■ad appear at my office. irU'iin lf,e time prescribed hi tn t! eir ravse. »/%:»!/ Huy have, tchy said Idler dtanld not be. graded. oud'Ttiiv Inrol n**.d »it ofliro. ?.'Hrr!i 21, \ r.'lv*. ml ns * l*f I.MILF..S II. IIICI), r. c.o, Q-»orgja, .Vayei.ic County. ^ lliJi «.AS Ahhh A. I)irk-oi» Pini William II V f nick«on.cxfCHtrix hihI Fscrutorof the os* la*** i f Drc'd Dickson, late of mh’u! comity, durnnsml. apply for tetters **f di^inUsion ns cxerotru nml cxc utj»or of sdId These art there fort In rile and >dw finish all nml sin gnlar the kindred and creditors of said dicpa f >d to /•’./ their objections, if any tiny hare, in wy office teilhin hr lime prescribed ly late } uhy said ItlUrs should vot be gr/nded. Given under mv hnrd, tins vttb duv "f .Tan. U Cm ’ WlbUAM M r.'l’II.II.C'C.n, tvGorzvu Sibb Cciinty. W IIF.I’F.AS. John Smith. m!mini«tralor of thr c«t:it‘* n| ilcnry Smith. Into of ltilih county, il crn«f»d. rj |4h*x to inc |c*r letters of dismission as ad* uiinNtrntor : These ore. therefor-. In cite, and admonish all etnd sing-dor the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at nn/office, irith'v the time, jircsrrihed hy bite, to she m cause, if any they hare, tchy said Icltei t fhurhl not l-e granted. Given under hiv Iwml. thi* ?th davnf Mnv, HD2. 1:1 ' .M.UITIN SIMMONS,c. c.o. Crcorjia, Ccweta Couuty. F i.UjxNAI.I.Y apjicitr. cl lirfur.' me, William iNiimnuns, a Justice of lltn Fence in said coun ty. Adam Stediuim, xvho being duly sworn, depnsclh and s'litli. Hint lie was in the pos.-ejs'inn of a certain promissory note mm'e and executed hy William J. Williamson, and Charles Whi clmi security, to this dep ment **,• hearer, for thirty-four dollars and seven ty-live cents, of which the annexed is n substantial ropy, as near as 'his deponent can recollect and that said note is lost or destroved. (signed) ’ ADAM FTEDllAM. Sworn to nml subscribed before me, February 20, 1832. WM. NI.3IMO.NS, J. I». A COPY or THE NOTE. ' By Ihelweniy.fifthdnyol December, I promise to pay Adanl steillmio or hearer, thirty-four dollars uud seventy-five cents, value received, Oct. 5,1*31. (signed) WM J. WILLIAMSON, CHARLES WHEELAN. Security. With a rredil on said note ol five dollars, Ctli Oct. 1832. Cmreln v "(trior Court, April Term, 1832. It appearing to the fiourt, that Adam Stedham was in possession oi the original note, ol w hich the above is -i eoov in snh-tance, and tint said note is lost or de- strnved, it is I hr'if' ira ordered, that, at the next tern) nf liiiaCoiift,this nh ivecopy lobe established in lien nf said lost original, unless cause he slum n to the con trary, and that this nil* be published mire n month f-r three months previous to the next term of this Court, in xunte public gazette. A certified copy from the minutes.95th April 1832. 19 3m GEORGE FKNTICOST. Clerk. ftwrir, Fayette CJonEtw. ■ar.'IWlN Si'RA Dl.l.V l* Iln! before Charles J. Ro!.. jj. |>q.. on#* «m»fl jiMiti'V Mu!f, iifmiit five* r*if'-ifb'r/iMy ffiHiI..'ff u ifb rvor; hv 7.:«ifiirk |):«vi** in*:! Iinkin ! him!tim at >ixty.fivt* t'.Iw ‘.Villi nf April. |tfl*». A trim |r«*m tin* r-trnv honk. RTav 1^^*-?. 21 U’,\I. JMGMDi:,Clerk, Ykaac \VhcaT'*m ) In Campbell Superior v* s Court Afuirm M. Whkaton S IMV*MiCR. R T rrprM.vug to tlm.Court. t'rt tli*» dufriidunt rr* !! fi.ten out of lliin i^t «t*». (tin ordered slip npppar nml ur.nvfT »t flic m»\t term «f*.aid (Totivt.nnd J lint n copy i»f lb?'* ru!i* hr puhli.'ibpd in mw nf flic* puhJir rnttrsifftbia Slate once a tnout , .i for three mouth* he* far*ftniil court. A true extract from the minidct, April *?0, Jl) I.. HFR»V WATTO. Clerk. Sarah Kino y I.ibel for divorce in Monroe Su• Jos,mi Kivn. S perior Court. 5 T iippeiriogto thr Fourt by the return of the , c 'hf;- ritl*. that the dvf. ndat't i* not to t»r found iu Itie eotinty of M< nr »**. it ix ordered hy tli** Otiurt that «er* vice lie perfected by i» publication of thi«s ride, onre a month for three months iu one of the public gazettes of this State. A true extract from the minute*. April 7 ml4 WM, P. HrXFV, CM,-, I T R ST D K A WIN G R EC ill V YA\ 3JACON LOTTKRY orTKT. Highest aPrisc JS20.GCC. One half the Capital Prize of $39,<'hn in the lest Mil- ledgeville Li ttery, was sold by the subscriber. MILLEDOF.VII.LE STREET LOTTERY. (Aulhorhtd by the General Assembly of the Slule i Prize „f G- tsrfsn \ scTYascp: of 820,000 is 820.000 3 <to 10.0110 80.000 4 <?*! 5.000 20.000 9 t!o 1.000 9,1100 5 do 900 * 4,500 p <!o 800 4.000 5 do 700 3.500 ij do COO 3.000 5 do 5i K) 2.500 r do 4 00 2.000 5 do 300 1,500 5 do 200 1.000 35 do 100 3,500 50 do 50 2.500 t;;,o do 20 13,1100 5000 do 12 60,000 able ModtSeSve^'nn^C^^f **li Nov S3 28 • shotwelI&co. Dissolution ~ ~ T if""' • i;"l. ton If June*, is i|,j, «!n v dissnlvtd f "” consent. The unsettled ln’„i„,., ‘ """« will lie nttemlcd to by David RiiLto,, f ""><* !,t ike store of Hubert fi. Pan,'? < *'911(1.) corner of (;J «-rrv end Third . ,l |t| '"“ I) ivnx it . ■ ’ r<, cti. TV125 82 J’AVIl) RAl.BTpv' JOIINJ.. _Joj{pJ- OOA'alZ MAIilrjc. T HE Pit'iscrihers still rniitinu" t|,e|„. .tt tin, old stand, corner of WalaJ* i curt It Streets, where work will he ,| on " m ! l " Ilnving n large nsHortnunt 5* clfs ordered front the North which will the course of the summer, consistin'-oft;:!,’! pies, lierotnhes niul Carriages, J- V' li lent of pleasing i usiomcts both in art;-'’ inters. until] Tiic Imvc now oil hand tin nssnrimant »i mil lie sold low for cash, such as Sulki v, r‘ ;md ilarouches; besides several splendid J! I Lint ess, with Luces, Omnctim- Springs or different kinds. Joints, It nn d. | 3..d Hows of till sizes. Orders W( r * punctuully attended to. mid warranted to n! * DENTON Si IIACOX y/antcji as an Apprentice A mil about fourteen or fifteen years efaV «ttm<ly tntirnl Iiahiu. it *. ,V May 4 UW Nri-rocs Wanted. rglllE sitlisrrilicrs will pay liberal price, f or , .EL few likely men, young nud of good f i,„ nct- r- BLANTON & smith ' 11-1 1111 Blanton & Smith OFFER FOR SAI.E, vinin.S St Croix and N. O. Sues * «!() hbl. do do do f'O do Loaf and Lump do fid! do Itye Whiskey 2000 bushels Salt, .\itii h vurietv of other gnods, .May 25 f l-1 BOOT & SHOE MAKINgT A. C. I'AUAIALKK p=l lias taken the staml latelyc ^ VJ r ",1’ ie ' 1 li y Mr - lS - 8tamou. I 5***-KJ < ’berry street, one door below A £3^. P Patrick’s store, where he n ill eit ry on the above business in nil its brandies. |[ ( respectfully solicits, and hopes by faithful aad n remitted attention to business, to merit ami i ccive a share of the public patronage. All orslers tiiankfuily received nud prompt attended to. R EPAIRINO done at the shortest notice. _ Macon, April 20. 131 Jost received" fie hhils St. Croix, Potto Rico, am! NtJ & Orleans SUGARS 150 bags Cuffoe 35 barrels Molasses § 70 Ids Northern Rum, CO do Wfaokry 30 Ids Gin 25 quarter casks Malaga Wine Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin Jamaica Rum 15 quarter chests Tea, 40 kegs Nails 20,OIK) Ihs Iron German and English blistered Steel 5,000 ll.s Castings Powder, Shot and Lead Domestics, and a General Assortmeuto| ^ , SPUING GOODS, , Cullen/, lints, Shoes, Jloote, (ft- For sale by GEORGE JEWEIT. May 19 112 GiVUTIOitf. FORFAV 4RN all persons Irom trading fora rer- tain NOTE OF HAND given by me to Stephen 1). Crane or bearer, some time in April or May, eigh teen hundred and thirty-one. ter Three Hundred Dul ler*. due nn or nbont the 25th December last, as the cmridt'ri'tinn for which said note was given has fail ed, mill I nut determined not to pay ssid note to any person. . BENJAMIN U. SMITH. May 29 145 3t ficvirgin, Bibb County. In lie Superior Court r! IHtsb rvunty, February ail- journal Term, 18.12. T HE petition ul Jnmei J Moore re«prrlfiiil|y shews, tlinl Nnney Malone did, on the third day nf January, 1823. execute to him her mortgage mi Lot No. 23, in the secniid district nf Hmislon now llihh comity, containing two Imudred two end a hull acres, to secure lit* payment of a note of hnnd origin- oily given for fifty dollar*, upon wliich there i« remain, ing due the sum of forty-one dollars, sixty-eight and three fourth cents principal and twenty-,cu n 'dol lar* and forty-eight rents interert W hereupon, it is ordered Iiy the Court, thsttha principal, interest and cost due upon the .aid molt- gage, |,„ p|„tn this Court on orbefore the first day of th» n»xt term *f this Court, anil that a ropy ol this rule he published In one nf the public Gazettes in Ma- con. once n month for four months, before the next term of this Court, or he served upon said Nancy Malone three mouths before the next term of this Court. A true cony 'r im lh» mtchtrs May I, IS& II. 0. Rt»81, Cl.rk I T.rste than tiro tllanko to a Prhr. All the Prizes to bo llo-iting from the com mencement, except the following deposited ns follows, to wit: First Day’s Drawing.—2 Prizes of 5.000, 1 of 1.009. lofllOO, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of (51)0, 1 o 500, 1 of 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. Second Bay’s Drawing.—1 Prize of 10.000, I of 1,000, | of’OHO, I of 800. 1 of 700, 1 effiOO, 1 of fit 10. 1 .if 400.1 of800, 1 of 200. Third Day’s Drawing,—1 Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1.000, 1 of9 )9, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 oftiOO, 1 of 500. I of 400, 1 of 800, 1 of200. Fourth Day’s Dritwii g.—1 Prize oflO 070.1 <f 1.000, I of 900, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, I ot (W0, I of 500. 1 of 100, 1 cf.’ilK), 1 of 200. Fifth Day’s Drawing.—1 Prize of 20.000, 1 of 1000, 1 of 900, 1 of 8IK), 1 nf 700, 1 ofCOU, 1 of 500, 1 of400, I of300, 1 of200. And on the commencement nf the First, Sec ond, Third nnd Fourth Day’s Drawing, the first drawn number shall he entitled to a prize of 1000 dollars, and on the conclusion of tile last Day’s Drawing, the first ami last drawn number shall lie entitled to a Capital Prize of 5033 dollars each, in addition to such prize as may be drawn to their number. The whole Lottery to lie completed in five days drawing only. Prizes only to be drawn. Flic whole of the Prizes payable in sixty da3’s nfler caeh Day’s Drawing—sulijeet to n deduction "f fifteen percent. All prizes uot applied for in 12 mon ths from each drawing, to he considered ns a donation to the funds of the .Milledgevillo Street Lottery. The drawing to tako place under the superin tendence of William W.Games, .Samuel Bulliug- ton, Samuel Rockwell, William II. Torrance, E- zekicl E. Park, Joseph Stovall, Thomas W. Bax ter, James S. Calhoun, nml Iverson 1„ Harris, Commissioners; also a Board of Visitors. Second drawing takes place on the FOURTH OF JULY. Present Price of Tickets: Whole*. $10—Halves 5—Quarters 8250. Tickets for sale at l'io Macon Lottery Ollico by S. ROSE. Macon, May 12. 21 IWBSA3S S?XUEET05, May 21, 1882. T HE xuhx-riher having returned to the IN DIAN SPRING#, his establishment nt that place is now open nnd, redtly for the recep tion end accommodation of Boarders and Visiters during the present season. Erwin’s SZotcl, Jjt Macon, will also he kept open under tlio su perintendence of nn experienced and attentive agent. A largo addition to his former establish ment hn« just been completed. L. A. ERWIN. ,Cf 'be Georgia Journal, Savannah Geor gian, Georgia Courier, and Charleston Courier, will insert the nhnve once a week for tw o month*, and forward tiirir account, to Macon. Ga. T3.0S PXSBMOMT LT.Xi: OF STAGES R UNNING through the nnppr parts of South nml North Carolina nu»i Virginia, to \Vn*h' ington City, and which, at its Southern end, re- , *.'"' ,r " , ’. r V. , ."T’.^,Vn"n am other.)— , ccntly terminated at Poweiton, Ga., is now in full m,u ''* ss P !lrt of the to f " n *J*" f K * m | n ro w 10 ^! nnd complete operation. Ing thn advantage*_of n wbnrL jw"^ ig Jl» It has recently been extended to Milledgcvtlle, from which place it departs on Tuesdays, Thurs day* and Saturdays, nt 4 A. M. For particulars'see bills and the .Milledgevillo ,, W.M. SMITH. Culpepper Vn., May 15,21 dm jXE w spuing goods. S. GRAVES & Sl?rJ i|t A ll E now receiving from New York ana rm-| ton, a large mid fresh supply ofSHilMn and FANCY SUMMER GOOD& cotisi»tingia| part of titltl ns Calicoes, 100 do Fashionable Gingli; ms Printed Muslins , 100 ps Italian,(irodennp, Sinchnw. Sarrt'l.n :1, | gentile, riginod nnd Fancy colored Ml ks 200 ps Corded Muslins, Cambric Dimity. 4 C Pieces Figured nnd idnin Swiss Muslin* 100 do Linens 100 do Pongee nnd Fancy Silk lldkfs 200 do Raw Silk do 100 deg Fancy Dress Shawls nnd Srnrfs 300 do ('niton, Mndrnss, nnd llend lldkfs ^ Linen Drilling Gentlemen’s 8tocks nail CrsvaUil Brown Linen, Rowen Cn«simcrc, IJenverteei’, I Bans iq> Cord, Circns-inns , J 500 tins Hosiery nnd Glovns, 370 do Spool T»i' I 50 doz Ball Thread, 50 do Spool do 150 doz pr Suspenders, 2U0 do INieklng CcmW 500 do riiile Cotnlw, Tortoise Shell do . Dressing Combs, DM) ps Morqnilo N’r0mf> l *"7l Baskets, do Boxes, 100 Hi Finn Thrcnit,'"l?,: I Leghorn nnd Dunstnbtd' Bonnets. .ial sciile*. Silk, Vnlencin nml Velvet Veslinc*—ofi’. I Homespuns. Plaid do. Furniture Plaids, ts -I Strips s. Ticking, 20 bales hmwn Hometpuns,. l I Osiiabnrg-ff Russia Durk, do Shcelieps. a general assortment nfSlJ M M PH C1-0 ‘ ** consisting of Cnnls, Koupdnhouts, Vest*. * * a, *’ u I *e. Ac. A large supply of I Shoes (Si Boots, Hats, Sad&cry. A e. »V c. too do* Pelm Leaf HMb , ..,-p I Ac mplctc assortment of IIAKD WAKE**' . I LERY. GLASS WAKE. CROCKERY. Tito nhnve Goods were riurcliasi'd in -y and Bo*tnn, a few weeks since, (nf terect <*lfi" lion*,) nt twenty per ern! less then forme i nnd will be sold umistinlly low. , Also.-—trill reeeire. next week, a heftflf!-. .'i d GR OC ERIES, IRO N & STKKL, M'M &c Src. For ante es above. fitlOO lbs prime nmrrh Ht lift - a3XAWTO» & XV A HE HOUSE, roxy^ffSSiopf MERCHA^Jinni M AKE liberal advances «n Colton nnd on shipment*, nlso on not j er property deposited in their hauds ; . |W ti*| Their Wore Houses are more convenient^ cmnt from danger by fire, tbnn anv oth ,r —- Mnv 25 ATnm Salt and 1004 B ”“ d - ■'ff'i.._..ion Lfif For enle by iittsheu .(»■ not ■ns-.Th-fSSro*. Rnn4 in XVewton. F raction# no. 333 aJdmri„ the i6*h Distne.t originally Ucnrv now NVwton ounty; nro for sale. Apply in Mswm to I 1 ®' 1 35 M. BARTLETT. Fob 20 82 Garden JSeode. lfor , April 11 124