Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, June 20, 1832, Image 1

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MACXOM ’Ty::t»N Bartlett. •,nf 'li'rg'nph * 5 published every Wed* •jr.jlliprrj* Street. es«t side. •!) iu.*ns n your,If paid in ad ,.., t ,i ,i.i. mu, if not paid Inffofe (lie riiiT'driber*.living at a di.stdnir ; i ra*"* In pa* in advance. MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1832. Yol. VI—-No. 25. y. BAXTER, (t ’OUT, are now «.ii tlic cornn* .f Sccendztreet ■i vv 'ini". opposiu .he Washington aifntim-nt of Jrrit'tta and American Goods, . Vcf Drv Goods, Hardware, Crockery .V."'Ware.* Csitins". I-cghni-n and Straw Ill,I,k and draU lints, wool Hats, White Lead, Colton Bogging, •|- l via“. fire. &'c. ftfrckofS&egro Shoes. k * 1 ”. ..jtj, men., hoy. und cli'ddreu’s fine planters and the public '“"’"rally - n>;i!ied from a stock inferiirtO n ine ."t. lI.r.V. BAXTER fc t.i.« r. ; fluWriiiers still continue the business ... the old stand, corner of Walnut am! •r, directs, where work will he douearcord- Having a large assortment of urfi r.f f „:n die North which will arrive in • of the summer, consisting of (Jigs, Bu- I. lianairlirs ami Carriages, they fed com i!' pie isiuj customers both in articles and vo imv on hind an assortment which vi!'! low for cash such as ritilkeys, Gigs, ranch's! hed.les several splendid sets ol with Laces, Carpeting, Morocco, |,:,.;»f,|,:r.r,„t kinds, Joints, Hands, Loops I llr.vt of all sizes. Orders for Carriages ctu It; attended to, ami watrantcil to ideas,' j,,,, i c . IJENTON & BACON. .j ■ l'.Dl ‘xa a i Aaprcnticss lli I itioat fourteen or fifteen yoars of age, of idy moral In' its. B. & l‘ II i'v I Md i!.vi/u’iin3t JSflaher’sShop L The undersigned having purchased the interest and taken the shop lately iy. occupiedhy Mr. C. Coupee, on Clier- Jmj-* ,'V street, a few doors above Clarke’s |» f | lintel, take this opportunity of tender- * " mg to their friends and the public their Cibiii'i Mnking Business. ", wiil at a'l limes keep on baud a good sup' of 'litterids. and bo prepared to execute cv- .! viiption of work in their line. 'Vi iris. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Bookcases, <,&e. &c. made to order. it description ofTU HNI NO done as above, i; a large and excellent Turning Lathe, (the i' of tue kind in the place,) they will be it. turn HOUSE COLUMNS, Aec. at .• JAMES A. HALL. •IJ as JOHN MORELAND. ODZASJJSPHINGS, Alay 111, 18011. -n'.s"riher having returned to tlto IN- lil \ V SPRINGS, Ids cstaidi>liment lit i"" is now open lin'd remly for the rcccp- •a I ''ireouiino'hitiaii of Hoarders aod Visiters ; th; present season. XI-:i»/ia*s SZotol, ’! lean. ». |!| nlso he ki pi open under the sii .1 ai e of an experienced and itten.'iv>- • V i irgo additinii to Ins former eslaldish- '• I ;-.i -v been completed. Jn L. A. KB WIN. f/* .’.I' 0 orgii Jnnrnd. Savannah Oegr- i'lgn (.’a.trier, ail I i 'It irl -ston Courier. |>M the above onee a week for two niulillis i.-w.inj their accounts to M u on. Go. S XS EXTSDMOiJJT fA.Vi: OF STAGES < ilNsJ tlirougli the upper parts of South al North Carolina and Virginia, to Wash •‘i ‘'.tv. and which, al its- Southern end, re |>ly terminated afl’owelton, Oa., i» non in full [h''i.nplele operation, »!i is reiaMitly I icon extended to Millcdgevillc. > n'lieli place it departs on Tuesdays, ‘1 liuro- ; oi l Saturdays. at -l A. M. “ r I’ irtieiil.ars see bills mid tlto Millcdgevilte [’• \VM. SMITH, ■•pepper Vn.,Mny 15,1338; 21 fmi OEORaB JEWETT,’ I, of./ iliiud, corner of Cherry nnd Second sis ISitinv receiving fi-nnt New York tmd Boston, l » fresh supply of Cowls, which, iu addPiou piwou hand, will make hit stock verfllbrgt I raaiplcte, which lie offers on us reasotTahh I,1S van he had iu this inaeket. His u ‘ conipn se a general Assortment of Groceries, 'tt-130 hags Coffee, ’ 45 liluls St Croix, Porto Rico and N Orleans Sugar, bids Loaf ami* Lump do *4 qr chests Tea 50.0:10 lh, l ri ,„ Id liluls Molasses . l"»0i) lmdials Salt I t) pieces Hemp and Tow Bagging, 40 kegs Nails Jamaica Hum Cognac Brandy Northern (Jin, Northern Rura n hiakev,. Apple Brandy, Wine, l’owjer. Shot, &e. &c. r y 7?°^ HCavdwirc. Cutlcvy» Bools, Shoes, l lTS ’ BIsA NKKT8, SADDIsF.N, *V . fit - * • TWENTY-FIVE 3Pcr cent, cheaper than ever I 5 3 Jmt opening u^ery ext^w^'nnd splendid r». syirtineo* of (iOO|),s, which has hern selected in TIBI NEW VOKK MARKET •iv himself, from the latest importations which are iiaitieuliirlv rnteipHted for this oiaikct, mid w hich will lie disputed of fully a*w«3xu;v-rrtra see. cent. cheaper'Unit ever, 't hese goods are of the latest style and most faslihmalile patterns, .ml are offered to hi, Z’t’ienc's and the Public Willi rnnfnlpnri* fully n*uitrit. ilmi m>( only llio PlyV hul piicu« will fully m«*p| llirir npprol'Hlioii. TliV'i nliciilion U rcqiwMVd Ut the wme—a few of the nrti* ch's nre mentini»‘ri, vi* t *2<K) juries r»lir.nc5 nml Prin1*.?wt»»*vrry itch. r.KtrH fine ruriiiturc Cntirnrs mid r<«nitiu»it. fiO iiircm fine rmi‘h .Vu*lius mid (iiii"lttim«. ptnin und utripfd, ft'Mirrd mid Mriped MmidHrim *. SurMu*^’ fu% hlnek mul |uir|»le mid Itidimi tNlfc* Wnleipil (irndf'iiHp, liliirk vml, hrown roloreif do , Mr.mnni Cunrr*. Knhe*. fiHtttfpd Pnfimiriiirt «nd f?rnpe Delenn Meek hiicI rolorrd J^ilk. I'nnilih tt und IVnicHtH*.n»ie Prenrli Itnmhnziiifs. liloiid liniire Wil.i («rmie entm Sntiii Str w«, tfenrf* Fiincj IlHtidkenMiicfs mid .^IimwU. very rich, wtt ('hji him* Hell Itihlrntm new patterns. Thread l.nrfflMfid Insert. iri"i*. «l«n r.dcl.i^Hi.d FootiiijfA, rlim'krd mid Mripei! Mii'lim. J»rk*»not. Swi«n mid (?itinhric di». one rn?e irni«« lilemdied Itisfi l.ineii^ H««orted.*g Ijmyiii l.inrn 4!mnhr»r* mid Cnmhrii; Hmidkerch »*fn. Siijit r Vesting?, plaid mul plniii IJrilline^ and fneFreiieli l.ineiK. I’onpeetmul FmiL'e Ifmidkerrhief*, Caiidiue na mul Fhi;«, (ilovrs mul .Milt^n«Brti d. 00 dozmi Sl'k. (Juttoii, Kimdifii Hose nnd hall Hose at*orti*d, 100 Parasol* and Unihrelln*, very nrnl nnd rich iflfl piece* Mo^ipiilo iWttie* Read IhiZ** » , * ,, l Phw*. SltellTuck and SidePonihs. ramhrlcHiid Fiir'dlur* Oeinitic*nful Cotton Frni'e*. 'i. 7. H, !>, III. II and I2hy4 Daiiiask Table Cloth*. Pahle Cnve *. I)iui«tehle and Straw Roimet*. P»»ln» ( .eaf li d* Black mul l)rah Reaver Huts, latest fash* inns, Travelling ITaps and Triiek*. I I b“le* Sheet in**. Shirt in nm* Pleid*. 5’J.) Ih* «t>un Cotton, Tickings, Oaiiuhm^s, Cot ton Cards. A c. Aico.nn e*ten*ive a«fMitment of perfnmrrv, ^oapf. 0*1* Powder. Powder Ro*e««mid Pufi*. I'rasivi* Ball., t’ldosne, lltuiey mid Rose Wnlrrt, Olio ol Koses Ac. Ae. At*«». JJ'IOO pair Shoos mul Pump* n*««rted. nttd 100 |i ir Moritrrn and Calf Boot** &omc very neat mul fine. Am! »i verv large supply of Saddles, Bridles, Wnrtfrgals, SADDLE AND TRAVELLING BAGS, Ac. Ac. Ac. T<ig"tlier with a geneml cssnriinent of * Iturdicarc Sf Cutlerif of nil Wails Ill'll i« wnr.tiit in 'his market! nts.i TATI I’BN'TI'.R'S TOOLS of *11 kiitils. BLACKSMITH TOOLS. Gross eat sm! Mill Saws, Guns. Rifles. Al«» a sn|i|ily of Crockery, ('Inna anil Gln«s Ware Also in dozen superior Calf Skins, (lining am! Binding skins. Sole Leather. Gin Rami I eaiher. Ac. And a supply of GROCERIES, FAMILY MEDI CINES. Ac. Macon. April OH 1‘2!) A n Tractor wanted. Person of good moral character, qua'iHed to teach a small School in the country, aud the English and Latin Languages, is want ed to take charge of the Telfair County Acade my. Salary from six to eight hundred dollars. A line addressed to (he Trustees will receive At tention. Anri £7 135 T—— G A I.LON S of first ra to. three year' old VINEGAR, for safe nt the Confectionary of JOHN SMITH. March 15 108 Georgia jYcgrocs for Sale, T ill subscriber keeps constantly on hand a supply of Georgia Negroes for sale. Thci will he found to he of such age .or sex ns vrfl euir purchasers. He now hasten cr twelve < li Liam! He will also purchase Yovng ,Negres for whim cash will he given. S. E. SLATTElt. East Vn on, Eeh •! (i$ &andslbr Sale. 7JJ111E following Tracts ofLand are ofiered fin jL ante, on ncenniniorint'ng terms. Lot No. 20^ iu 10 district Jooly county, do 57 in IB do Lee now Stewart, do 84 in M do Early do' 111 in 8 do Lee. do 75 iu 11 do Lee now Stewart, do 33 in £7 do I .co. do 108 in 4 dolInustonnnwRihh. ROBERT BIRDSONG. do do do do do do Apply to April19 110 GOTTOU SAGGEZS&. pieces heavy Hemp Bagging in instore, for sale Ly C. A. HIGGINS. N. B. Arrangements are so made with the a- gents of the m imifiieturers, that the Planter end Men IroitWRii he constantly supplied with the ar tide of Bugling at its lowest prices, and on liber al terms. Mav £!• 1*5 »rab Jicasftiv I«Cats, . F the first oualitv. just rrcfive d i nil for sale 9 |.y ' \\.M. 11. lllRDSAl.L. ...,.tl m on # II. BEN.NET, an rsinomalscr, ■ HAS I'oaimmccd bu-infss In j ,T cBonaM‘s hui'diug, (n.'.ar the Afiran Tclcgnph O.gicr,) where P'lokl ™* 'IP he found remly to attend ji. a Cl “toner, and other, who uny call on And ShAcS inamif'cturcd to bon HAnucr. REPAIRING r-Iso *,yr > «f‘h’C9 JOURNEYMEN enn fir.d 'Si'lee jiTkcation to biai. uriug anct Liitmmcr Clothing. T HE subscriber has just commenced receiv ing liis stock of Spring and Summer Cir tiring. 11c assures the public that his stuck wi he inferior to none, is determined to sell at lo' iiriees. ami invites purchasers to call. martyr/ \U1. H. HI Rl S ALL- ” zs^uha/iXtcs. T HE I’otcard Inruranee Company of Nnc York continues to insure COTTON, when shipped on good Boats or Poxes, against the dangers of the River. Rates of Premium are moderate. Apply to C. DAY, Agent. Per 90 51 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JV/3ir SF111AG GOODS. 53. GZLAVES eSt SO»I A re now receiving from New York and Bos ton, a large and fresh supply of SPRING and FANCY SUMMER' GOODS, consisting in part of , COD ps Calicoes, 100 do Fashionable Ghglnimf, Pi hited Muslins 100 ps Italian.(Jrodcnen. Sinelww. Sarsnel.GImn ■ gold", rijiiri'd am! I'aiu'y colored Sll.lvS 200 u« Corded Muslins.Cambric Diiullv. Ac Pieces Figured and plain Swiss .Muslins 100 do Irish Linens HHi do Pongee nnd Fancy Silk Itdkfs 20(1 do Raw Silk do 100 do- Fancy Dress Slinwtsond Si'srfs 31(1 do rotlnn, Mndrass, and Head lldkfs l.ioen Drilling Gentlemen’s Storks ami Cmvats, Brmvn Linen. Rownn Cnsslmcre, Itenvertecn, Italic iii> Cord. Clrc«s«iiins 5P0 do* Hosiery ami Gloves. 30(1 do Spool Tlircnd 50 doz Ball Thread. 50 do Spool do 150 d ,z «>r Snspenders.21‘0 iloToekieg Combs 5 )0 do Side Ciinil**.Tortoise Shell do rip.««!(,« Combs, |00 |>S Miisiriilo Netting. Fanev do Roses. ICO lb Flos Tliread, Sewing Silk. I.eclmnl and Donstat le Ronnila Umbrellas—Mar ill,..’ .<i!k Valencia and Velvet Ve«line*— Bleach i! Homespuns Plaid do. Furniture Plaid*. Cheeks -stripes. Tieking. 2-0 Indes brown Homespun*, tops IsMidiurcs. Rossill Duek. do Sheelincs. ' s generalassortinintofSI'M5//.'li CLOTHING s 'lirg of Coni'. Roundabout*, A’csls, Pailtlilone.s •te.Are ”A 'urge supply of ijjioos & Sools* SaAtui Srtrtdlcry At Ar. too d- z Palm l.'-nt lints. \ r mpieti-assostireid 'it BARD AVARF and CU’I l.l-pv! Gl ASS WARE. C’ltOCKritY. sVe Sr. Ti e ni-ove Goods were f nrehased in New York Itioiioi. n few wn-ks since, (of teeont impoitn- , j„„. ,, per rent less than former prices, •md Wpl he a -lil m-usnaHy low. Aim.—will rert/re. next irret:. n Isrge njr'! 1 of CiHOCEItlES. IRON fi STEEL, N All.S tike 5 e. For r» »00 lbs prim** BAFON. «nwrrh Hs r i FioiAtiK K«>UCATION. .•^Jrsi. IBtnry P. El’ie. G RATKFi L for the very Id-I'ial patronaga she has r-ri (veil, respeeliully infiemslhe citizen* ot Mafon and it* virmily. tl-sst the sen ml 0'’»ner"l l ersr.hunlwill i-niumvliceon .Vimday, the -’dot A- 1 Mns. has iheoh-asniWof inf rminghi-rpa. tnm« 1 hul Mrs. BAIL1 Y GODDARD. wW rpiaH lirntions are iii.fpii-sti-mt-ho. l as enesrt ted to gi»e Lessors in Music and Pamlnig', po these Who mas In* ,i,*sir,'iis ul acijiiitmgeitwei ol ilin*** elrpiHil Hec«nn|»Hpl»nH‘iii». tmitrli Hi I0*i Kooks, Kitsio, &Ca KTiTzis, smmvKLi- & CO. A RE now rc.-Shing and opening nt their BOOK STORE, a numlwrof PIANO FORTES, tf a rich description, nnd n variety of other M«- »ieal lustiuincnts, with Instruction Books am! Music adapted to the same. A large collection o' BTfiAv 'Mtisic for the Piano. •mhracmg nil the Music of the celebrated Cindc- •ella Opera, and a variety of Engravings, Carica- tiircsj’rints, Ae.—also, A large assortment of Books, • consisting ot fifteen hundred volumes: n eata- ’oguc embracing a considerable portion of which, is published in the Christian Repertory. A great variety of STATIONARY -atl-.l nlts- cellanctius articles. large assortment of PATER HANGIN GS norderiug. Fire Prints. &c. A e. Thcv ri-spectfnliy invite the ntrention of the public to the above, and request them to call anti examine. 01 CANDH ATE FOR MAY III MO The fu'tlow ing lines to u» t'uroii. li lli niediiim of the i’nst-OJiite, aii-i inp; niui l y i. note, informing, ill it--i gi-ntlem: u ol .Mitcoii f-t u- them hv the in-li siu'e it, I’ilit c- nitty. I lav. ing pit poetic merit to rttciumcmi them, their appearepce iu the Tdegr / le ri iuteiided as si deed of i liarity to the writ. r. sup! a l-tll !i: to tin the wrinkled corps of antiquated m uds, for wlinss con-olation we would heg leave to remark ihut execrable poetasters soipclimes sssai.c very lot lay liusbaiisls aud thriity men. A tit rt’urecnt fora Wifi. Ladies' a Bnihc'er, wiser grown, Is tired of living all alone. And hopes to cheer Ins lonely lire. I’-y tai.isig to liisiist If a ivinej But can't consent lit m-irry*tsas!t, I'nless she haven heap of or.’, Nor wed a dame in ye us sitis’s weeds, I'nleas Iter script, her stm k. hi r Pet tls. Her hu Is. si sves. jewels and pee. i- it stones . Exeeotl the wealth Of Sea! o tl Jott-s. Iiwplty, then, to It s vottdititpt, Prny grant, ye, prims. Ills sad petition, , As yet, among the f. m sle race, lie It is Ant had the least success. All Ids exertions have been vain A Indy's fickle heart to gain: And now, each baffled psssirn rising, Dc tries his lack by advertising'. If this some steady p.iiid shouiii see, AVIni thinks that sho could f -nev me, 1 et her make answer quickly: for I’ve lived loo long a hmliehtr: And, <>.’ wo rn comes cold winter weather, How Inppv tve will live together— We’ll i h o e opossums tlirougli trie tldekets, And iu tho chimney, pi iv with crickets, Make ’sinimou lu-er and luiril ii|i logs, And cut our ’tatoes and cur hogs. Cii'r fior Chobra.—The following mode of trouting the Asiatic cholera, it is said, h s Ink u nuisueil with euli-'e siu-eess at Weizuiz. Out o 840 persons treated, every one W is saved, •■Take a pint of strong spirits of wine, an-' half a pint of good white vinegar; add to them one ounce of powdered camphor. oUa ounce o flour of niltsiaril or bruised mustard seed, a quar ter of an ounce of ground pepper, and a fuH tea spoonful of bruised gai-lu.k: jttpt lastly, half nil ounce of powdered c uithari.les. Vix them wel together in a buttle, anil expose the mixture foi twelve hours in the sun. o- otherwise pi acts it ill some warm spot, taking care to shake it repeat edly, ‘•As spoil as the nersou is attacked, let him !*c instantly put to bed, under warm coverlids, nnd let his hands and feet ho rubbed powerfully nail uiuiitrrriiptedly with tile lotion, after it has been warmed. Duriug this operation, let the patient take a glass of 9trong drink, composed, of two parts of camomile flowers, and one part of halm mint. Persevere in this course, mid nt the end of fif'eeu minutes at the utmost, Ithu patient's heat and body being well covered liruealli the bed clothes,) he will break out into a profuse perspi ration. i'he. patient must ho kept in that state bptween two ar.d three hours; but care most be taken that lie does not fall asleep. After this, remove the extra covering from off tho bed and he will drop Jilin a slumber, which w ill last between six and ielit hours, cud he accompanied by ggcntle per- Y. j prelect i; fitm fre, is mule ill the folio wing matt* T it e ~s tr-i'Mi limit rs is iiVnal in mnl-ieg a pet fid! of white w. ►>!.! ml I t it I cs'akeil in p pail fu'i hi water: in-this j ut two and a‘half pn»(ji" if brown v ' rtv 1 three potmijs finesaft-j :h .m well tur-'-tlirr, i ed thereiuetit i-c- *■« tyipL A littlehitep-M-'ick. yelh-w c.-brej or otherci iu-* ci n,r. t dity. liir r Le in'txiducrd to rliiingo _ c'-hirnf 'he c-1 .m, le pVfseihe fctil-y of those v lie list! i'. It h s ! rrn •iscif WltlrjtHtnt, sueress, 'ii-l l-eeri receimtUeded purticulsrly nsh protec,- ’1<-n cg-iust fire. Email sp.-uls cf fire that fro- nu'-iilly ledge on the rtn-f. of hotAes) ore prevent ed bv ibis «•< men* from l-urnlhg theshingf?*.' ,F(j' li 'cp’rd v hud le a pri-1 i ntieii a;.niusi this de- siria-tive eli-ieiut. ought not to pass'nntried;— 'I’lii-sc who iv It to he J ett, r snthfied. ef ips utili- tv c-ii c-i-ilv neiVe the i-sper imnlhy nshig a vn II tenipqrirv * nildiiig—or it may be tric'd on shicgles t!"* 'e-*' 1 ! r for the purposo, und lltcu expos d to the fire. SJJSXS US255U33.£iICtR^J> H AVING purchased the interest of Met‘rs KIMBKIU.Y & CHISHOLM, m the Mereautile estnlilishmcut. has loeated himself m the new lionse helow tne corner, mi Cherry street, recently occupied by th.m. where Goods as low as any other house iu tins place, for Cash or Com n. ...... His stock is now very complete eompriMiip at most every article for tlw wantry s U eous:sU of FRY GOODS, J III Is, Shoes, II rue n. liiottriit, SaU. Xroir. &c. „ The old eo.tomers and ilia p«'»b e *•««/% are respec tfully iuvited to call, as the sumo fa. ill- ties heretof re giveu will soil exe-t (0 the rear "f his Store is a New tt arc llouse^ u*st finished, ami haw ready for the reception of Cotton, which he will tike on tfto.rgi, unu m ike ^ Y<l>C *V n the ^OEORGE, NVClMV 3RT3SW . D EVF.RE, hv 'ho author of frcmaiue, Jnqueline of Holland Anastnsius, byT. Hope, _ Fketelie* in Chinn, by IV. IV. Wood. Philip Augustus, by‘the author of Rirh- eliru, Journal rtf the Rcv’ds Tyerimn A Rennet, being the 1st. *J.I nnd 3d Nos, ef the library of religious kncwledge. £,'melon Annuals for 31033* The Amulet, the Keeuj'ike, Literary Somcnir. Christmas Cox, juvenile Forget me not. The Musical G,-m. Musical Bean. Ala rah 1 8<1 El,US. PHOTYFI.t, tl CO. S’.iAfAY, CoToo. Ac. I T GRAVES & SON h-ivs just receive IJ a the following articles: 12 hhds St. Croix nud N. O. Sugar* 10 bids I oaf do 60 hags Coffee 40 bbfe Rum 80 bids N. Gin’ 20 bids Whiskey 10 hhds Molasses’ 80 hhls Potatoes 8 pipes Cog. Brandy 8 pipes Holland Gin 8 hhds Jam. ltum . 25 hhls M ina v 20 hhls Cordial 50,000 Cigar. „ „ Boxes Soap, Can ”e* Pepper, Pimtnto. Glorer • Tobacco. Pc-rlash. Copperas Boxes t(v*en "nd F.lach Tea 50.000 lbs trem and Ste. I 8000 lbs Unnp Iron Castings. &r. See. All of which "ill l>o sold very lor. April 11 Id NOTICE. T HE Siihirri! cr liuving »*hl h:s stock of GOODS to _ . , TVTr. Samuel To 3Sow!and, nnd d. rlim-d huriness. solicits for him tho P- ,,r0 "‘ ago of his friends and former snJ ra questshll who are indehtril to hho. to call al ho ROWLAND. CAR IU AGES A NUMBER of Bari u.h.s and Gigs,- ref.iv M-v 05 I ''/" ELLIS. 8HOTMTU. «s CO "X, t: A SCI PNMHP ns-ortmrn*. m-f Tcrnvid and for sale hv F.LLIF, ?EOTM ELL.& UO Mai 85 144 Fain ihr Cooking Stewc*. M il L Iron. "#-• Co'» ; n Gin V-rb : n.«- for ssVATn.LIB. BHOTM ELL & CO. Mae 2-. 1M_ . ■ «d* I CE will ho dcjivfrrd, M api UcMjon at the ice b-u:o. dtirirg th* tkj at 5 «tU the pmuid. - May 13 H« pirainui. M lici. he awakes, hoivll! find himself wcaf:. !mt the disease will have entirely left him, and h-- w ill require nothing further tlriu rest and modu li to die' to restore him to perfect health. “Especial imcntion must he paid, that tho pa tient, after the operation of rubbing, does pot so iniieh as lilt a finger above the clothe-, fur llie siightrst thill, whde the perspiration is upon him, would tic his dead). . “When the cramps in the stmnnch eomo on. wo apply very hot dry h'lmlages of bran aud ashes to ilie pit of die stomach, and when ueees- siry, a f,ladder of hot water to luc region of the navel. “Tho g-ont paint i< to produce strong perspira- inn, and to restore tlte ciiTiiluliim of the-blond, whi.-li. at the beginning nf ill.: ntl-ick, is drawn from the Mti-faco of tlto body, and thrown-with frigliTfu! virulutre on it", inward parts. .“From my own experjeneo, and die repeatr proofs I li.ivo had of J a -tilirt- cflirn-y, f conn-1 •nt most eoiuei-utii)( ij« r cou'iuiud this mode of treatment to tiiiivcrs -, adoption. RIVER. “Cinvniisiomr of the District ofUoihnht.’ L'rtc. Apr'! 10—It waf remarked at Voscow, nt St. Peu-rslttirgh, nn l in' other'places,- that an hinumeraWe qn miity of nni!g-:»orgn i;.,ol'»i-ni-C!l th • lunwi'phere upon the arriy.l nf iha i-lioloni. Tho town n'' Lisle is at this moment eoyaroit .w ith ins :ct-. Alt ani'tier of Statistics amused hhoi'jl’ bv cali-ulittint IioW many of these insects thin weio on a ssuare metro of the 'veil; of the. being estimated nt 3,7.5i),!X)O,0di) square metn-,-. each metro, on in average, a m dlogr.imipa weigh ofimects. "Ho Ins iliw-orwod Hurt dip t! insert- if thrown together after their doarh woiit! tVii-nt^' weight of3.750 killngram n •*. or about 3,03 Mbs' of m mil in .tier in jritreficihm; Hut is to sa. aqii .ntity equal to 50 hii-iien Junlirs, v.liii-li r.r left to rot iu tV streets of the town. Eu-vlv th anihnriti-.'t should hasten to lake niourrs t» a vert from the citizens the d mgor of lire “him those deloti r oat mi -» n*. M'.nild it n n he ad vi-aide to light fires in til-- large street., i, or V that these insects rniglp ho eon-umid in tla ■lam -s. , The aii.-itiits fr. qoertly resor'od Pi th mos-ire in periods of c.m’agiou, Tha aneicn -nil almost universal practice of ligh iug hr.bfire* on S'. Jehu's Eve, and other epochs, had, per haps like tinny other customs, an unse s,I oiigie and object, which h-ive now been forgotten. ■ • \Ve wttrtrto.l in tlie Baltimore American, ar gleaned from. Fopis'i p-pe.t, that tin experi merr: reconny iii.titut.-d l.y the Pm ha of Tgvpt for hor Hg for wa’tor Ir the dcior*, hns lt-i tl cent nlct- ly snoeessfut. Tho enterprice was nrin pe ! hv Mr. Briggs, air Engiishm.n, atone time Con sulT Cairo. Att’-iav f.i>t below, the surface;'on in average, w tor of a para and soft ile. ripdm h-.s hoeu ohtaiued, nnrt the espcrinnnt h.isiio- :ailed iu anv pl-cr where it lias Keen tried. A tank capable «! C'inHiling S3;iJ ruble feet o( water has hern con-trufled in the dcsrrl nf Hues, rod oth.r* ate in nrW*-eis to he supplied in the in-in n-i-r. This ijo-overy Camfot /ail t-i h- -if the h-,h '»t importapi-e to the ndvitucrnicnr it'ilfi t'izn ion of Egypt nnd Ar.ill t, The Pa h-i, by who<e .nligtitened ente.priiif this resu'- "fll is he. n gtiili*'. H h | itely import-id an ruglidi vnge'to ifh, wiibeco-ichm intoteieh tho nttiv * 'a rfriv . A orwspaper printed in Arahie mill talinn hxsheun toa* c.trh'i.hcd in hi* domini.i&s -n-t he h v ioitntued h sort of 1‘ irtraqou’., com -mi-ted of the chief m«n of tlrf nmviodde, Th- MnUessre regutatiy yuH-skcd in bis paper. ' Flrt proof CcnwiiL—Tho Froneh cement for tho roou cf b-ujes. to pruiurvo tho wood ocu’ To IheFiH'm i f :h ■ A’. T. Farmer. tfMAI I- rriiit. T noticed in ynllr paper several trirmnnlra. Sons, givit-g dircctieiis lor making Leer fur siidly use- non.- of w ill, li meet my slew* on tho o' 111. The follow ing. I knew front export hie, will fnri-i-h n strv plcitvnt I overt-go. Take K ve gallcn ki g- take i ut ehe Iu ad. and insert a m ill l-rass i ock, al out tbrte ioclr.-s nl .,ye tlm lower lie:id. In ibis ki p. put dwre quarts of... wheat, rye nr torn nienl. grumid rntber eohrse, •s fur stilling—on this prnr el-cut throe quarts of 'uii'iiig water-—mid a pout'd of linuey, sugar or riiil-is»os—mte tea cup foil ofgittger pr ground- I’spice—stir nil iminedi-iti ly together, nnd add Birce gallons of water, heated to nhi-ntTU nr 80 •i-gi'Pi'* of the 'I'criin nn t*-r. To this add nl-ont i quart iff lively yeast. .Etirii well together, and .et it in tha sun—n ferir.rmmiott tviH sobnemne, nil continue nil day. By the next morning it will he iyttk-d clear, onil should then lie drawn nffintofot hv*. cnrkcikiuid set nwny for24 hours, <vh;-n it will be fit for use. '1 his, if repeated dai ly, will furnish a very pleasant lumilv drink. Yours, etc. R. 51. VVt Ireland—Tit tiro English papers received at thie office, (says the llnlrhnore Gazette,) we find the following item of intelligence from Dublin, of the date of March 5,13:2: ‘•Atthtf Catholic churches in ill’s city, it was bn Sunday amir.mieed, that a change had taken place iu tho law of ahs'inence, which has hitherto goverood the population of this country, profess- - ing thu Eotflmi Catholic Religion, Leave is lienet forth given in nil the Dinressc* of Ireland, to eat meat on nil Saturdays throughouttheyeeiv. to wjiirinparticu'ar f ists do n >t apply. The r.n- nniiticeinrnt to the Crtlmlic pt-nr.le iff Ireland is" rimtHtabd in n cireulai r o the Iri.-h el.-rgy and Ini- f ty, from their Anj.hi lu'ps end Bishops. Itnp-- p ,-ars that this dispensmion has been granted by die l’opo to Ireland, in ceiis'qnrueo of tlm pecu- hiirein iiiiistaiiccs of the ei-iiutry, and the extreme destitution of of the people." The Comet.—Mr. 11. llurritt. of'Connecticut; has brought Torward n tnnp pointing out the path of the nppnincliiitg Comet. Mr. Burrilt' informs us, that fi-oty tha iniddle-ol Oetol-crtn thc.middlo of November, it Will, to us, he most brilliant. It will rise in the east, on the 18th November,‘about 10, P. M. end reach the meridian-fit 4 in tho morning. It will not l e less nt nny time, than 54 millions ef miles Irom the earth, itlrd 63 mil lions nv miles from - tho sym—so that, these bodies; will not ho m much- danger from tho course of this sublime luminary.—N. Y. Gizclte. Dr. Ilmrc.—AVe fi-ivo seen n letter from Dr. S. G. Hr.we to his brother in this city, Hated London, April 83. It makes no mention of the time or" mode of his liberation from the Berlin prison, • from rv'hieh wo infer, flint ho has written other let ters since his release, w kick have uot yet bceu re ceived.—C'ca-i. r. * . Gaelic Lmgengr.—'.Vo observe by. the ibinutrs of the Fayetteville Presbytery, that rim gospel of Christ is yet preached, in the/:Belie liiligiiage to . hundreds, probably to thrusnhda, iu a few of tho ohm-elms in.North Cnmlhin. This l;ingu"ge is spoken ami rood by many of the.older citizens of Moor., Uidicsii'i. e'nd Jlontgoiticry counties—peb* - flap, id others-tyho li-..vo prefcrv.-il not only tho 1 uigr.a;- o' tWt I -tliCrt, hut the Chrhti.iu iiwti ll- :ious tgkieh they biqii{.ht with thcin' whcit they! •wit tho shore, of Fcotlaui many ydirfi PE 0,T ” Richmond'Jclcg:a]}i. ;•' FATE OF THE POI/RS. •agmtnl; nf -t’ f Jt.v-nt.l nf a Lr.ircHtr IrtiUiS , Wuilkr.n.-i ! Hilreiy-k.ehri/i’i FejyinMo/. on:unar:1» fa on vaK cmr.rije. H'talka.—’I'hoi'n arc h»-r»- .'.(W.PcIisft pnjdjVerB' of war, U ho hare been tried Ly a spreial dcnitnl*-’ sion. Hwo L r Uj*i’in oflirers. formerly Adjatobts nf, lire ,4-rxnd Dukg t'«m;tamiue. employ every •n- nns, nnd,arc prodigal iff ynenscez tmd promise* to ndnee thotii to enrer the Rns-ianrerricc. Tho oflic-rt of flic ceMifafed 4th regfipont of tiie Jfjb Invo Inreii sent to Tobolsk, the capitiifof s’ihc.v.; thrir final dezliuatiou fi# still unknown, ’ At Kursk «nd Worolicz there is a tuu'tilude of Polish Nollies, who have been made I'risourn bc- eail-o tkny were declared rttrpectcd iu I6£0; ll'arit.—In this town tltero are*15 officers of th» Vnihyni n hsnnrrection who belonged to tho .-•Wi» of Geni-rd Dwcrnt.-!.?. Tfiiey vre match* ng on fr *! to Totioiik, in nrdeM* t<« iiteorforat- o’ os sol lien in the Lcttniioh* of the garrison.— They are in'a state cf the mo-t dread!ill uibci-V. h it flirt d -plere tliitir own futu ten than that of rindr nn.ortun ite < cumry. v -■ .Forty souths of the ’academy of M"Inta, tho oMo.t only fifteen, arc at Ttirjnr. They rro cn their way to SiliCrla to hkor to the miaeo. A.l rhoso v hn are condemned to this k’ud. of If her lose name*; tiny are only known by Lum ber.. Drettmir.—Th-re rro hero n multitude cf chit* dren, of from ten to twelve years ofope,'women with iofauts. nud old men who ore dmrietfto riiherii: a Jit'e further arc «!. truin',cuts t'( IW) individual. These'an the itnfcrtur.ato fugitive. f iniitfo. who. seeking, a refuge io tho wood* of V'o'hyniin. l.iihntiin. nad Pad. lin, have fallen tr.- ta (he power of the Councils, n B d h H , e I ctn ta- ken asprisoners ol war. 1 he harrirnW h< tis.s, ra'led Oatmcs iu.Iose ylet m* of the rexott. cf all rriiks. all grs, r-nill rth sexes, and prortul a Wart -!>r«akin g.^eeL-wle. K-'luga — In tha o-.tcog of this tosvn -km ynntir.ttit^ia'rd Unban-ki, with his Jt i d* i-n-l foot loaded.with .bains. After liivizr prisr.l fivo year, ia :liis horrible prfrotv, ho is to i n>n» voyed to Siberia, io labor in b* n ire - tor I!" . /fpour.—tlno, hundred »n5 fifiv l.'rl u-«nl-n ■’’ol lei, in ehniOs' h: vc passed th r : • ’ 111 • w i It th-Ir feet naked,- proc-rdir.e to SKI drla; Their- • uretnvs I upO t )h itlhey fire to hr i>;e i p-'ratnl *s “dtlion ill the rcgimi''’.s cf the Care -i's, ()• ra-ihure, and Siberia. T-ie two ycurg Cccnte PvxxkiewitO. almost children, pr-vi rt n hear:, brooking spactzclo, Al every step they fail* Frag