Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, June 20, 1832, Image 2

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UvUjit tits weight of their chains, and begun the road for ra;tus to purchase lighter cluiut, which lire refused to them by their keepers. Kruptia.— *?ae hundred soldisrs. prison ers, part of th’Rt without arias, alinoit •.Torn o;r 'hr suTerias aad exhaustion, ere dragr'uig eu tu Siberia. Chorhorem'-t —S-t.? detathmen's of f.'inn r.f tv to sixty soluvrj iu chains are conveying t; ■**' • iteria. 'A'iiay are o’ those who, rack-mm*; oa th, amnesty grant'd by the Cv. ir, uu I g-i-t-pnti-%1 by the king of l’ruisia, returned to Pol m l. Many of tham were bathed in tears on seriag u;; others endeavor?,! t.; siag,"Poland is not vet loit;" ollt- there said to us, "we hope still to return to our dear taather.” Bevoiul Charhaeewioa, M. wareynvsi. Mar family of the comforts of life. The Sufferings which an uufair and unjust tariff inflicts on the Carolinians, do net weigh n feather, when coin. pared with the incnlcut side hcoTits they will loose, m I the u I’.i'i d ivaei they must endure, its ahau- .1 - . I ' : .. loaing the lotion. rile apodlte nf N'uliilieition saetn to he aaVarc, :!t ;t no man iu the undUturln'd pos-e-do j of his m.'ijt.i! faculties, will adopt their wild and find do. t. , iu’s: tnnl they endeavour tod-irken and sub due our ui.(icuv,.it;.l.:ig,, l.y raising a storm of. pasdon. In vtlliTneut language, they Ml ns that wo are oppressed, enslaved, kn ia.l in servile eh tins to the car* of aristocratic manufacturer*! They set before us the nohlo deeds of onr fathers, straggling against llrilish tyranny; ami exhort iia to imitate the glorious example and hur t our t/wniltii ftiaMisa! of Ouiii ma (the tovvu who o th; j basing letter.,! They seem to hepe. th IlCirgitiac] a«*:,*:n>t;.! 3'JJiiicn, woman, t hil lrai. j lead and control m, by playing on t!mt gaii-wu* faad oiJ a»eu in a church.) has hoen brought into a cii'fluid istie, mi l uncoil pier ih e love of liberty, station, uulor ;m cicntTof gendarmes, v.iili his which mi'mitte* the lio.umt, of south '.-m men Tact an I h?'.id* loaded with chains, and u ring of iron round iti* ho ly, joined to another round h;s n-c't. ills long hoard fell on Ivy chest. II. i bait. was cut in the form of n cross; his ri- th e were ; halt' Ill icit and h ijf white; he is condemned to • compulsory labor for life. jitWubk ShhiairMstiUicrs of the •!:,» re-] ei'n uit oi* tile iine, and ofiicer.s, a,; '. 11_ !e:j.Uv i t.i ; labor in the fortresses. They are ch .iaoJ ton by j ten to a long bar of iron. From thi3 the ' are only released during the hours of li'nar. /, :b l, a Lilhuiii til Noble, accused of having conspired to deliver up the fortress to the insurgents, awaits his sentence in prison, Winn In w as arrested he had about him a list of the patriots, the givic- erpurt of which, however lie su cc* io i n swal lowing. Tile Shirros, wha arre-tad lii.u. l,ro'/. an his teeth nu.l tore oprn his inouih. but only sue- j n I exu ceoded in tearing from hie throat .1 few f.vgrueu's ,.f v of paper. Tram t’w f'lidrral Unlit, NUIsUFICATKfX. . . We hart believed that the propagators of th.- absurd mid disorganizing theory, h ive tailed in their attempts ta proselyte the people of Georgia mid this opinion is not altered by th; • • - ’ 1 'Ya01 ili.itul nary complexion of sever il letters fra il distin guished ineinher* of the Troup party, a !• i to tha managers of tits show lately gotten up »t llimburg, for the purpose of spreading Ntillifi- Hamburg, for the purpose cation in this Stale.. We cau iol believe that these letters forebode a general movement <>f tue Troup party- Their presses condeuiit tho deliri ous policy of South Carolina; and t he great of our fellow citi/.ens of 3 it daimmin it.on. faith fully cling to the Union of those it tales. We tiiink that those flattering epistles, these confes sions of the foitll of Ilia new converts, will prove to he no more than the aspirations of am bitious men. tvln li tvo mistaken the road to public favor-. Oa the Clarke silo, we hive to lumen: the defection of a few m 01, who 11 wo honor for their integrity and patriotism; hut their number is very sm ills and, ns far as tvo. are informed. they are, fur the most part, men of ardent tempe rament, who are impelled by gusts of passion, ra ther than guided by tho lights of their understand ing. Their zeal inspires thorn with eoutidauee. ami gives them tho appearance of strength; hut they iviU not lie able to dr tg Orarg: 1 into the wake of -South Cardin*. It would !-• must ex traordinary, it would fid us with amazement mid uiortifloaiioii, if tho superior talent, of restless de magogues iu a neighboring .'■'tot-, should so tor o- Vsrpowor tha genius of Geurgi 1. as to lead her Into tiu wiliest mid matt dan.;oruns delu.*i<ms. We trust that th’; g»o i sente mi I sound puliotistu of tiie pooph of this st tlo, will commit • to repel these pestilential errors; and tbit •the interm-d filing attempts id' Gaventur Hamilton, mid til tho NulUitcu'uut Tract Society, to proselyte llto good people of Georgia, will be as unsuccessful, a., they are i isnUing to u,. Tha propagators of N iliifleatinn pray! mn. that it is a peaceful remedy fur tile oppi'esd.-ui of mi tiujnst tariT. Are theta men so by thoir p.isiimis. that they cannot disarm tho Whatever may he the c. fleet of this unifier mi ih northern side of the E.ivimii ,h. cm tiia suuthvru silo of tint river we feel aid know that wo are free. We hive oar full represent: timi in the le g's alive conn. i 1 . and onr proportieli ite iunu lice i 1 :!,; i of the v"e 1, ive oilievrs of the fe d :.••;! ,-1 era ; '.Ye are li .hie. iu onr turn, to ;»•; f'.l id iu ai l ,i'ttv, nn.l to sillier under :h • ope- rati at of u de t li.vs; hut lid* is it mi.-l'orimi- whlt'li i i 1 ; lent !.i nil rcp-abiies, »» 1 tvfii. h i* in-;paribie iroru freedom. Iu the archives oi flour;,It, mil no doubt in the st.iuie hook iii'.*;. 0 ir dm 1. nve to It- I’uutid iinj i'nvi.lctit. mnl tn.ju.t. and oppr ;»ive laws. Are we thorcforo sl,vrij Aid shill ave lie goadod liy'p is,ioii, madly to break up our govern ikiu? To pr.-tmid tli ,1 wa it to euifridict oar daily ,i‘>s. rv tiou ■'i .-i is ft substitute the will tlioorie* uiillou, for me sober tesfii -o.ty ol oni Wa stuff is To ;t Cft*. Jade tl- Iu Senate, oti Saturday, the Bauk Hill having heen taken up, Sir. Gruudy moved that "tiie bill lie finally postponed," which motion wn» negativ ed. ayes IS), uoes li-1—.Messrs. Forsyth aud Troup We ure nut iriwi-v 1 at the exec,sive snx'eiy etiii.'od hr the .W.di.iers of rioitih C iroiiua lose- •Inn* f;. o!\..iu into iliiir silit-nns of tii-uuimi.— •'■ nit 1 chivalrous as we know tin son* i f t’nroiiait tu he. hmv weal', :it| ! f irlnrn. mid lit pe- le-s wifi sin* he f ont,I, innppunfitm to tin- powers this mighty Uillinil If sill; sij !: art op her own separate lu.itner, her si., 1,1 „f w hite widi it single stiisb in :t huv I. r <>!'ltd. I. tv’y imunlt d at iiam eurg, iu token of p itmiati. aim a du e,- ungreaUr till.! that of gams petty Ucrtnun j.riiite. tio,r can she hope to m 1i.1l.1in lit-r iudcpendeiie". f *;’■.• rr (hea-ieiifious and powerful nolionsof ti,e gi ,i.e?— Bin (teiirgia will nut he cnjoled i;y tbo fivftrrie.i; nor infuriatiul by the declam itiotis of her dcnitt gogur.s; nor besotfed i»y the intotnperiito to ists of Imr win? drink rs. Georgia will not yet fling up her hopes of a glorious an-i durable national pros perity: she will not yet ahau lou the cause of tins great, mid once h ,ppy, confederate republic. —She will st.ll endouvor to awaken a sense of justice, mid tt wise, mid pure, and exalted srlf- mterest in her ffc>vr f.tot." of the North and the West, roll-; will still cherish the hope, that iu the country of Washington, there are patriots enough to save the Union fr ••: the detest irio rapacity 01 the ismufaciururs, and the rtcklws* viokuce of the uultifiera. Wa-.iitnotoo, Jane 8. In the Sana!?, yesterday, iu answer to mi inqui ry of .Mr. Forsyth, relative to .Mr. Sprague s re solution on the xolfliiini trade, still lying on the tubie, Mr. Sprague s.ii.t th it li iving fully express ed his own opinion on the subject, it wit s not ills inteiiiion again to call it up. unless at tiie in- siieice of any t'on itor tviio ni.hed an opportu nity til reeoril his sjuti.ii. iiis on the m? isnrc.— i’he Itauk Ini!, the special order ui the day, was t'l' ii taken up. Tile several iiiiieuiloicuts having hee.l gone tlirongh mi.ii.grecd to, sin titeprccnl- ttig evening, Uu quesuuu ,,s now oa ordering the iiiil to lie engrossed fur a thiiii reading. Mr. White of Teiiu.-s>ce, being in possessi'iu of the flour, addressed the Senate at a great icngih a-- gain*4 the prinripiosuf tin; present charter gen- iTally—agiiihst giving tho exclusive franchise to ih? present bank, 011 the score of their having vi olated th ir chatter in regard to the circulation •cones af confusion, and anarchy, mid violeuco, inch they are preparing for thoir alil el? l eoiiu- j „( hank orders—and mpiiust the expediency oi et us look into the operation of tiiis pe ter- the preser 1 ti'.u tn. Let fill romo iy. A majority of tho represent itives of the people, mid of the tit He*, iu t:i : two iu Hit ches of Congress, mi l the President ui tn.i United States, however they inaytlnTer in their opinions of its justice an 1 expediency, all agree in believ ing tho law imposing duties oil tho importation of forjign inorchandir.c. to lie coiiititutionalt lint the gnvermneat of South Caraliiio, expressing tho o- piuiens of a major’nr of her cili&mts, declares that this law is mteuiwtitutiatial, and thjll not 'h in- forced An aliat State, in order to carry oil this jieaceful remedy, when the proclamation of the Governor of South Carolina shall arrive at Wash ingten, tbo Seeroiarv of the Treasury must i»n- . • midiately fsi'ae circulars t» ill tho carers of the,;haat the .United .Status, re-ptiring them to dost it from c diectiug the reveaae. Tuo l’rssideut tm'it f.i.tiiwilfi send nut liis pro?lama- linn, iaforniiug the people of the United tflatos, that tbiir revonit'j.d tws uro stiipeuded by tlje nul lifying act of .South G indin 1. Th ; gnvern iietit cannot b-s support?.! without the revenue d’eriv- Cat from th? euitiius; aud in order to carry 1111 thii puyful ramJdy. the President must consent to extinguish those supplied which are necessary for tho ttippurt of the army and .tils navy; he must interrupt our foivignn relotimis; Iu mast c.oate io m lintam onr civil goveriinieut. Tim country must ha ab ut la to 1 to tho reign of anar chy, U tlil tiie poopie of tho States h ive, assent- Tile I in con vention, and It .ye p issod upon tiie censt'tatioa dtty of tho law. Rut wit it in iu is so delirium t*.» to bdisco, tint th) .President would oimy th; mind it? of *8until Garolini, nud «ll»- solve the govern n;nt, by sttipoo ling its revenue . Jaws? No, the rev.nine lows wi I not bo xiujitn.l- " od titronghout the Union. Will they he arrested in Smith Carolina, nud enforced elsewhere? U iii the Prsddeut order the collector of Charleston to desist front co^x-iitig the revenue in. that jun t’l Tits impiediate ed'oet of this i mbecile tno i litre would h?, every importing morch.ujt won’-.' direct his ship ta she privileged port; tho dulra re vemv; dep-en ling on importations, woulsd ho lint; nud the cominorce of every other city raoulil he tMSiforrod to Oitirisston. Is tiny ono so haw;!- dared as to conjecture, thntincksoQ, that any ad ministration, tTtut tho A u ;ricin people, uuu'd J mrmit tltsir revenues to iio nosUxtycd. would suf- or their commerce to be mo'inpolixeil, by the re fusal of a single sut? to obey a law, which every whoro elso was respected? l;apn»sibta! tvouth Caro'|m would either he compelled to solixit to s law, enforced iu the other i tutest or >lio would i e constrimtei to leave the Union. If sha shall ho presor t thins in *0 long anticipating the expi ration of tbs charter yet in force; an.l had m.t eotiiiuded Ills remark*, when, after speaking :! hours, ho gave way to amotion of Mr. Urumiy’s to il.ijllll.-li. In tin ilou-eof ILpresentatives, at tho open ing of lit? sitting* a question ifl-oso iu relation to one of thd dneimiouts appended to the report of Mr. Adams, on the bank, which gave rise to a long discussion. It w..s upon the subject of the money,aired by i»,; bank of tho United States, in mitivipution of the -appropriation bill, for tho p.iyi.i lit.of the niiln .go mi l .ailowauee of meinbr.-s of Congress. A st.iteiueni in expltina- tion o."ill's in liter wait read from the chair, shew ing that th.- luonev hot not I1cr.1t loaned to ihc :iiMihers or paid iu advance, but was actually due to tlit-nt tvli.n p *<i, iit.l n resolution ?.... moved by Mr. Leteit d 1 agreed to. directing the statement to beet, C.'ioil the journals of the House nud printed, us uu append tge to tho doc ument lit question. Tho bid furutor to extend tiie pensions of tho widows of those n ho h tv«, died or lie-oil *1 tin in the iiuval service, was ox- del v'd to tie ettgroosed for. a third reading this day. Mr. rttewit.’t in tde m Ii.uiliiscssfiil 11:01 on tusa., peud tho rule, tor tho purpose of moving to pi ml ids iimou-iinent on the T.uiif qite-dion. i h* Uou*e, afterwards, went into a coiu.i.liico of the svholcon the Stale i.f tiie liii m, Air. fcp.igiit in lit; Chair, and took up that subject. Air. Da vis, of Masvichuteus, concluded his argument, aud was followed lay Mr. Mitchell of Su'iUh Oar- 'd'.t i* in opposition to llto prescut system. 'At hail' (fist 4 o'clock tho coutiu.Mte rose, nud th* I it,as; (..ij .utactl. V*’A3itt:«nT0^, June 9. la tits Somts. ys-.tsrd ty. Mr. Gioy nreeented a <:i*ti,nri ;1. eiguni by a number of citizen* o: voting iii the nilirmntivc. 'i'ti -Uh .ir then put tiie final question, “shnll this tail lie cugiossed for a third reading?'' when it nr as decided m tiie ailiruiativc, uses gr>, uoes id—Messrs. Forsyth and Tr,.up voting iu tho ne gative. (11 die House of Representatives, Air. Duncan, of lilinoi*. called the of the* lluuivtu the condition of.the l.mittcr of th t c*t t.-, end mnvcif to stt t!:o rule, fur th? purpose 0. t ikitlg up the " li lioin the t'vii .te tin i.ioauii, g aud c,pupping n puil ui tue inn. of the Uin.e ?1. t .s. flic 111.>li,m w 1,1. ti ill. Hole tv greed to, and a siihst.iiit. to iti-o but iii question, o .eivi. by Mr. I u.i.- ti. ui.; j,to.aung 1...- th* i:rgaui*a n. 1:1 of a ivgiii! tit of ■iio,iiit*‘,i vii.ii'iic.r. to, i»c!*LUt*t 1.I 'll? nor.ierciinatiy, ni>< li - ed slim •ime, ni l uitiiniilely pissed. 111 ill coll , o. ill.* ec * it?, n letter w o read fioin ui obi.tro. tile United .St lies’ army t-i -i?u -f I A III -y. ill represent dive from Ai.'soti i, del n'niig me , 1 the nttriKilies coiliniliUd !>,• ttie III 1 i:.s iiiir;u r tl.? pro, lit war. Hint curve puil iciue at o Iu IWC 11 Cell-rut 1 nee 11 .did o*n. rut Low.,id lb t; in ,, as .0 tli? most tuii i. ut lores* tor the pre servation 01 pe.ico lot onitr mi the irotiti. r.- Ir. !*:iilierti>li>i piestiitcu die rcsolnt 011* of ttic i'cnns.iv ,:i;a legist.,iur*- 011 the s,i j -»t oi the t. rifl'.inii tli? h. iia ol ttie Lulled i»l.,tc«; mid Air. i\ ntiiieiigii s.itimitted a llicmoiaiil from i lol idt l phi 1 , iiiiuiy, leliodi 'tiit t’.g -g iil*t r.ny maunul re.aurtioit ol the taint'. 'J l,e lioUso nlt. l tv.iril, wen; iicti coiniiiittce of the w hole on the si te ot tiie loom, r.ud lookup the t ni.i'l iii.—!<W gray,A. M AtiMN'oToN, June Ig. IirSenate, yc*tcrday, ou motion of Mr. Ihck- aisoii, ilia tu,lift,iii r poiH >1 trom the committee .ui iii.iuilf iitil,cs, W..S taken tip. The piopo.-i- in.ii of Mr. ed was read—in, ili-ii "after ihe in .cling words, in lieu of the du- tvs therein proposed i ll Mich iirili les as paid fit per ceiiniiu, sin,aid pay 40 per eeilUmi ail va il mid so 011 tie, 40. 10, is, nud -J, changuig irfi jVxrrtti cuuufy ca tiit- st.iae ,lay.‘ it wf.s i*g- uected that about two hundred men would leave Lafayette bn Thursday; the grill of May. The whole country was tn great agitation; hut we leant that the Indians did not murder and scalp, as here tofore, but only laid waste the country. St. Loots, May 29. Tht ll'ar.—Disastrous account, are brought by every arrival from above, of the mas,acre of lam ilies residing, near the scene of ni hostilities' We fair tit it these barbarities are tube contain, fiir a tong find, indeed, from t'l; eompkxixu 1 our ncr,mills, nothing l.itt die most energetic ineu- sli-e* IIH.t (ft,tug hr..Very will lie aide :o li-stor. pi m e to tii-1 » tiou id ei uiitrj’. We leiru from u.Inter d.’tiul t n lo-'rd tl,. ste.iiulio t (-' roiiue. lituii. pin, liiun isriver Ain, tap rt> h i'l jus: in. .e tint pi in from lii.'i iu (reck, (niuiiiog -iitu i ox river ) wlien they tine I fe te 11 men. w no it, an 1 *11.1. r o whom ih.- iii.h 1:1.111.1 i, 1 *■. <m :h <1 \ prev .11.. iiikI eu , 111 .,ig!«d. all . iiiutuiiiteil in ill. ir 0,11 1 »av g in inner. Two yo.i ,g w .nun ntu u. i< were tin., 11 i.w-o t.v the luui 11, a. | «tunt(ttii* n . *. IhUOu was to ovetwhkil til r r Ci.ri.wn to no rnl 11: to ran duty. Air. poos living seen at ill. head ol the Aii,uiii,iv, in. b'i.iy the Setititur from V irgiiiiii fur t, .v,t \ t. d Id, mind to lit.; subject. He w mild tie glad to-sec e, cry member of eitll-r liiiuse « prescut their views; it would benefit the cpim- try thus to extract what was good rt,r each part, lie would second the motion for the printing.— Mr. Wtbster hoped the schedule, as prepared, ■ 1 fit,,, I.,- n,.,of,.(l. The ttliair said it wo,lib iv, eld also l,e printed. The Chair said it would be sn ordered, aud the printing wax accordingly ngr.'ed to. The Uuuk Rill was taken up on its third read ing—the question*being “shall this hill pass?” Air. Webster asked fur the yeas and uays. They were ordered, when the questiou was decided in the affirmative, by 2d to 21), as follows: Aj'cs—Messrs. Did!, Ruekner, Chambers, Clay, Clayton, Dallas, Fining. Font, Freliughuyscii, lleitdriek*. Holmes, Joliustou, Knight, Aauilaiii, Roiudcxter, 1’reittiss, llohbins, IJobj^son, Hag gles, Seymour, Silsbce, Smith. Sprague, Tipton, T'oriiiin-ou, Wtiggmn tn, Webster, aud Wilkins. ^.t. ,V,uy»—Mosers. Renton, Rili'j, R.-own, Dicker- son, DuiiLy, Ellis, Foray!.!, Grmul.v, llayiie, iiiil. Kmc,iCiug, Mangu.'i,. Aliirev, ALUer, Moure. Ta/.i-weil, Troup, Tyler, and \\ iiite.—2U. The hill tn substitute mounted troops in the place of infantry, to defend ttie Indian irontiei s, was taken up; 1111 amendment to the »an.fc*Tr<m. the House discussed, and was finally laid on th, table on mfliioii of Air. Renton, in order lor the military committee tu consult the War Depart ment on the subject. In the lfouso of Representative*, the memorial presented by Air. Pendleton, of New York, on ill* subject of the missionaries i.npiisniied in Georgia, was, after a imqt argument from Air. Foster, laid on tho table, tojpilher with a resolu tion based npon it, for the appointment of a select committee of mrrstigatiou. Air. Boon made an imxiicctssfal motion to suspend the rule of *; House. Mr. Griwfuril. I v u.iaiiimmis coos?,it. presented an neat tn the turiT hill, which .v.-isor lined to he printed. Tie; llutwo then went ill id *o uinittoe o:t the tariff bill.—'Vitrgroph,*!*?. p.ou.ti ig' :q;-ii!»t thj plan ol a Ta- tiX suuidi'tua by til; Secret try af tha Treasury, fore id to snlintit, where is th; ptntifnl remedy? If she slu'd he constrained in In tv? the Union, haw long c ut her f tav, her independence he pre nerved? Wlttt arc the deep dist.-ex-.e*. the dire calami ties, tlu iittnlor due woes, w.n.-ii are gu iding our brethren of C«.adu 1 to**, uui burr;iug them on, with pt.;u.i,.ii,oa.i.. !,, to -he mm 0. thtir Kouawy! tt'is svik*. 11;.» u ;? ;u ,i. u 1 just, iit its burdens .-..a.-:*. n.u.Su, 11 ar w» ■ t'a'.l l f.o::i ill? Hg-.-ieultur -| sMt.s, to eu ivh die 0* t*Wiib itent* of file in 'u:t>'..(Turing st.itM. This ioitth uui ilidi-inird i * iu- iie, ivetiunk tinmut who is van li I. an ib.ip -i I -,i:! h.iu-l, will s,t- towptto ;u.t..‘y: but a. .• .*•.'.-.t? tos r.' paoty of av>riia.,4.*.,. .1.'. ;.. .v . .r* 10.1 xtrmnsj to admit, th-u it does cut ruiu us. It tnskos no mao poor; it keeps m> man pour. It corapoL uj to pav a littlo moro for cur broad- clop, ouf iron, auu our sugar; but i and pr.«;u!,: for" the pr*:»9rv.,ti'iuoltl»e protect) -y*teni. ,Vr. At.trcy, IV ;.tt tho eo.ttutiUen on the Jitiiifjary, to wiitih !t',.i !-s..n roierrod the inutile- ttai of the m .others cf tire li:tr of Tascaiuosa, Ai iboitia, rujyirt,d > a Li:', dividing that dtate into tinvo judivls! tlisti k’t*, *sho*h w ssro id aud order ed to t third rsadia... .Mr. Tijitna gave uotive that ite siu. ti'J tvmorrnw. ask luavo to briug iua oiil pr«v:.lhig far the r ii.iug, by ealuntary nulist- meat, of fire hundred umunte-I.nun, lor the pru- tertwn af is; fruiiticr* trout tho im ursiuns of tho Iti li iii*. Tbo bill to create tiuw laud uflieei iu th'.latc Choctaw purchase, and for tliomnru con venient orzanixation of the l:,:t<l dhitrtrt* in the State nf Mississippi, was read u third timeuud piss? I. At one o'clock the batik questiou was resumed. , iu lit; ilcils? of Representatives, the hill from the committee on Foreign Affairs, to carry into eject lit* French treaty, was debated iu com mittee ol'die whale uu the slate of tliu Utiiot, Me. vv ieklufe iii ih; ch or, a;tJ dually ordered by aw House to lie engrossed, mi 1 leid a tliird lime tujio.TeW. The oi thTTnii.T 1 id w .• Ui;n resuiu.ii in comaiiitee, .'dr. Speight iu •k; cliu.*, -in 1 Air. itell of Tennessee,eumuteuc- efl iir^umvnt uu the general priu.iples of the ;;u ••ti.iii, nn i in upno.iu„n to system ofinij u.t duties. At 4 o'clock, rud Leforvoehad coiiciinleii, tbo committee*, on the motion of Air. Everett of Massachusetts, rose and reported, aud obtained leave to sit again. A manlier of bills from tile Semite wore Ufttu taken up, and dispos- but it deprives no rimri rar, ou-.'Si:—ext?.a. f.atrs! intelligence ly express from Uu. .Scot of War. Mr. Mill* h >* ju.t arrived t.t this |>l.:ce by ex press train Gideii'J, which piuee he luit on llie'd-'id day of May, tm i his accoi.itls arc of a very dis tressing character. In the late skirmish upon .Sycamore creek, on the Mill ult. our loss ns re ported afltetttUy is 13 killed and 12 wounded.— 'f ile killed were treated with the usu tl Indian bar- hriritie*. Uu the succeeding day, a small party of our spies were attacked at tile head of Rud'-i- lo Grove, distant about 2 i miles from the sceue af the skirmish spoken of, and c-ne of their uuiu- .1,;f killed. On the Kith, the sm ill scUieiliuut at iit? muuih of 1‘iuni river, ouly bu mile.* t'ro<ti iJa- leu 1. was attacked and retreated to a block house, winel) th ,y h id erected. After au hour s ,tiu,i'eu- lild filing, tile lilulans retired, aud al the ap proach 01 night, th; iua,tin,mi s ui ale thvtr w-iy to Galena, in a canoe. Th; iiijiu it id been to ’ercuptrd, aud every reason existed tli 11 a drove of entile, intended lor tile g iiilson at Prairie da Jhielt. b,d been taken by tiie 'File in n.u.itiinu of the whole fr,inner b id retireu to tue towns, or where the settlenicut was rtrong, and forttiied themselves m block houses. lllsll.irt, lli lt wiluio set.lull lit tildetlUUll'j WHS pervaded by a g.tmrul svntim. ut ot id irm. Al *r dona, civil process h id been suspended by a military order 1,01:1 th; vodi n aiding o.deer ol tli? in.l'itia it: that diitriet, nudstocliddcs andblu*k l.mses were o.'flslug far tn; protection and do- .Yo*o of the tuwji. From I'm Cincinulti ilizclli—-Extra. INDIAN INGtiileitUNd. Wo have received a Icttut Irom a respectable and intelligent gent!.m at, dated Lxlayeuc, Tip- pcciuoe county, iu ,1,111, .May 2i), 1 od4. Tim writer states, tha tn letter ludjUst been re ceived there front IV. Newel, E*q- who resides on th; Grand Pr iric,. iu iiliuuts, uigeudy caiiiug for ai l io repel tho* incursions of tiie lu-ii.ius. Air. New*I it represented to It tve staled, that the Indians, in strong force, wuro advancing into th; seuldiucuu, on Grand Prairie*carrying tieso- l itiun before them. Git the tfki of Al.,y, fhiy were on Hickory Greek, iu in.inns, about seventy miles iraui Lafayette. -Gil Monday tlih gist, it- boatthrouhiiiidred persons cnllnctuU on the fron tier of In-ii,uu, that ti.„i fled Irom the.r tiiibiLi- linns on the Gruud i'raui*-, aud uhauduDcd ihutr hollies. Lafayette is situate on the Wabash, directly east of tho Grand Prairio, aimut forty-five tuilcs distant from the hue, ami uear tho battle ground of T ip|iccaiiue. The hostile Indians are tlu -Sioux.did Foxes, who iuh diit th? northern part of Illinois, 011 the Ruck river and the f ox riser, on? of tue head water* of the Ihiuois river. Thu (fraud Prairie is chiefly in lilinoi*. and is of great extent, and covered with a considerable uopulg- tion. man; ofwhun are from Ohio and Kcutuci j .isidi. is, tiiu fuller .-iiid mother flail he. 11 pre- 111 li ly iidiiiit<c<l. Th p ot a , It is said, w. » a- uui hit stroiti;* and li t.u .loiiiT .s t-iituita.ii.d .h 1 lh?y l el uiged totli . i' trine. '! i e in ,s*Here took place about 2.', or to miles lion, if, mi:; i.. It is also stated ill 11 Ih. lit :1:111s were spr.iitimg duv 111 every ilirertiou, .-ud for that I’Urposu hud supariilid into .111,1, lies. General Ytkinsuu had joined Giner.,1 White side* at Lixon s Ferry. On the 22d, ti, ii.r..| Ithilesidcs lirigitdu, to ilUti nun was desputellad lip eiyeuiiinic creek, to pu site ill? trail of the 111,11.11* mid to (0111,111 ill. 111 nil,, sul mission if practicable. Gcu. Atkiiisim dcteriimiud to iiiiiiutaiii hi.* present posdiou, to prevent the lulling in,eg ,u me esmti**.—Mioubl it lie necessary on lurlli, r lufuimalioii lor him lo cross Fox river to operate against the Sflaoks, it was his design promptly toil,, to.— 40or £U miles wouldTiring lain iuto their iixigliliuihood. The (iii.a us ol Pekin, it is s.tal ;;ro much a- larmid in conseqiteiice ol a hand ot 2U0 Kieka- »iy of whom were struigurs. Wliila tli?'U danger; are itnriug the froulici eitixeus in the facci tdiotlier equally iiii.riiuiig has come upon them. Ttie*ss alrei.dy felt for the want of provision*; is repn-sil.ted ,.s be ing very great, mid imi.t hourly lUerease. A let ter before assays: "I forgot lo mention the dis tressing situation of the uihnlntt ut; in this region, owing to the scarcity—I might almost saj, total absence t f provisions ol' any' kind. The most intelligent of tho citizens assert that there is not iu the country at large, suilicicut provisions, ow ing to the failure of the crops aud the destruction hytlie Indians, to subsist the population, spare as it is, fur ten days; ami at many points tlit re is not even one day's provision, w hen ihere is somc- llliug like fifty t; seventy people to feed. 1 hoy cannot till), for the want of arms and lead to protect them; otherwise, they might do something to prevent lliemsejvcs from actual starvation, which, if they remain ill the country, must ensue, unless relief was afforded them, iu this emer gency. we understand that the acting commissa ries of the regular aud slate troops have with praiseworthy humanity, itsolved lo uiloid relief as fur us iu their power. From the Cinciiatti Jtepulikan 5tl inst. From t.m Sat! of n ttr.—From mi intelligent ■ten tic in 11 who am veil yesterday (>ix day.*) irom Galcii'i, we learn ill ,t liio liii.i. ns j riiuipuliy me ri-ics, Foxes, mid W luiiehiigocs, 1 uunucdm .uistile haims lo rove the cutiutry, and 11mm ihe I llinois frontier. 'I licy wire estimated by him to . e iu force from tw o tliousmid 10 three ihutismui men. General Atkiuson uni Governor Reynolds laid not at their disposal a sufficient force tu pur- sue them. Martial law had been proclaimed at G-ihrna. Genera! Atkinson was fortifying Ills po sition at Dixon's Ferry. The Indians hud sent their women to Turkey village. ' Every appear ance seemed to indicate continued mid prolonged hostilities. It is thu opinion of our informant Unit tiie marauding Iiifliaus cannot he driven hack or (Ii'-parsed for some mouths. On the 24th May tho India 11 agent, St. Vrain, accompanied by six or eight others, fell among a hand of hostile In dians and were fired upon; St. Vraiu was kilted —his companions made their escape. The in habitants of the mineral country have generally brol; 1*11 up their settlements, and have scut their families into the interior of Illinois. The alarm is great mnl much injury to the settlements is tip prebonded. Rlack i'awk is represented by mir informant as being a w irrinr of undoubted bravery and great influence in his tribe. Ho i* not, however, a regular constituted chief— hut n limn, who, by hi* deeds, courage and tali lit*, lias acquire,I an uillimm icd asceud i 'ey over a large pnri.ou of liu lutinil. Iio is ferocious, erud ami revengeful. Th; Sues aud Fox, s are at war at present not on ly with thu white.*, hut thu Alctinuuiucs of the north, aud wuh other tribes to the westward. tVc h ice al**s tho “iii-li 111 Denimr-,t, ’ of the 2d I'l-t iiit. whi.h st ite* th? return to In hail -pi,Iia of th; (Joviriior's Aid, w ho Ii ui Iuu u to th? Iron tier.* With military orders J'or (i gai>i>.iiig ti lorn iiglui-t thcimlidi*. lie states ill-t 1:1.«ic It: wk. a w >r chief of the ti ,cs, was at the n.ootli ol a creek on Rock It v r, t l, ul sixty m:l. sfrom Ch, cago, nt the head o a nl w irrmrs, v,iriou>l. eilini itcil at fniui on; to live thmissud—ill it 11 was suppo.ial ha imen s to go to tho Can id 1 with h s Gen*ral All>in.*ou of the l. Elates army, with sixT-utiiptiuics of regulars, nr, supposed to be as llciiepin, at tht-lout ol die ra pid-*, on t'10 Hliu.ds river, where a force uf about 4)fld Miililta are to join him on Ihe iiuh of tin month—that "111 doubt is eutert iiiied hut a sc» i-ious, an.l perhaps protr icted sTu^gh* will tak Sit tlx if n*.r.ii>tt 'IH,,. .**.?:• m. ut* prC' hoard it'. m!d **1 a.I redness—Mobile Ft -,Vt! t0 ‘louj ippi, there is a dvim- population, m th; E uiga- mo coi u;y, an.l in th; eouuuo* uurfli and uorih- wul of it,and at Gulem, On Wednesday, May 33, about 300 voluntccn, all armed, left Danville, Illinois, for tho scemi of war. On Thursday a company o(fifty left Cov ed of in various ways. At 1 o'clock tbo llouso Mngton, Fountain county, ludiaua, for th; lame ft a I ! rtl ■ f*tl, moa.l * I ■*••■**„*.* FA ^ 1*4 — SJ* ■* Vi 11 . t ■ I t*-t; I M. 1,1 ■, 4 . — A. adjourued—2'i h graph I iw^’VUt a UUUMIH VWUHVJ* AUU4»I4U| *VS •••; snuiv purpooe. Froji fifty to a hundred volunteers place in that regum. The military iveling iu out , . ... , , st itcMnflieated by various letter* and , xpres,e. '* s,,s s |' Cl ' ll, v u 11 "'® her ivi) "•>« from* Alter* and other* tendering service, gives l * 0 P' ’ ' , ; rl suilicicut promise, tint a volunteer force, equal to "Now (siys th? ed : tor of tho [<»■'• 1 (V anv eioorgeney, could he brought into the field. "PP'iealion of olir story. 1 h? | sutfictent to guard against all dauger from anv ly knows, h ivn gbt into a fj". '' hostile incursion* from savage or other coemie*.” fullv na had ns Ulide Asa s *4U ' w. kt BIen The whole western country seems to lie iu ngi- hopeless with them, wk inerjhcyMse^ u( t 'tion. Volunteers uro pnuring iu from .Missouri, Illinois, Indians nud eveu Oliio. Meetiu,:* have been held iu Cincinnati, for the purpose of send • iug on inpu tted moil. The re-uit* aro easily frcJicted, These desperate savages will rue the day that they ever took up arm,—xml the whole Indian cause will suffer frum Rj;ir hjrharities.— KicJimiul Compimr. .V/he-Vy Huk:r —letters from Turealoosa of tho 3d inst. noiinunre tliccscnpu nf this individu al from custody. II; had licen brought up for examination on the day preceding, hut had tieeu remanded iu consequence of the ahsuiieu of some of the witnesses for th; pro.,ucu:ion. There is oo jail iu I usculoosi, hut Baker laid been kept in a private apartment under the ehirge of a guird. His iron* h id been taken off 011 (he diy that Iio was brougbr before the magistrates, aiifl by hi- strong protestatious of idttoceuce, lie wrought up- un tlllifitmn'lllliuu nl' Ilia lr«4.«..^ .... ~L - _ 1 ' ky. Between the Mraud Prairie and th; Missis on the sympathies ot hi* kecpors so'f ir that ibev permitted him to iDcnd thu niirhi withAnt . permitted him to spend tho night without repine- iug the irons. In tho course of tho evening he rcgalud tham with Portent, w hich. as it after- ^ r uu^ , u° Pp8a fl J i^' carefully drugged, an.! while hi* confiding keepers were yietdiug to the nuuifyiug influence of tb; potation, this immacu late patriot and honest citizen, w Iio courted an in- of the chuqjes preferred t^jaiast him TI'jU.ft H ,\pn as At oar aaoEcT^l W DNICS.A <I-i- J 'vl'tewili li,,J OcTOl.UK EI.LI.'JU, Wli rlfl UUiiiOilfiUl io gx Ill.tllO II *s» C 11 1*1 -tC*£» (t «il tile II Xt bc.«U; isf^lilutlucs ,,, ,, * Ul liAlOlHA' AIATTIIev i.i;KL , ite t '" a, ' ,t: ' KGUE 1 ! >1*E AlA.V. Mei n h i : Hi p ratiAVeh , ter written .it -\*e. Ymk. m, ih Air. -,. 4 Ii,in,j l:,u „j iVi.. 0 4 * ti . ibis pine , net ihr.g ihe Ins* ,1 t |,,. ' ' beta<111 ( h rust, 11 aud New Ynk ' Ion uu,nr dc-ai It „l sevtridol n,..’, inong tluiii Airs. AUi.v ,\ns (, w ife. Oil the 3,1 of June, || le squally, tiie Captain u.IviswI y, r , who was on deck with her buyband, tol the cabin to keep heisclf from tli?', ciini|.*h«d, and immediately after a MUa iil am. upset the Vessel—the water filitirgill Mid. iiiowuiiig all its iumaict. Thc'T * f. w of Hi? crew mnl Mr. t'hnmjil„.u wards t.ia, n from tile wreck aud res.iJ York on the Dili. If any thing were wanting to prove tl, eti character ot the Ltiuvtutiou that bm,, hied at Alilledgtville ostensibly ,, 2,1 porlioumeiit of iiirnilicrs to the State Lesi/ luit iu fact to concoct measures fur the at t-1 mg election, it would he found in die anii-le from tho Jiilledgeville Journal of ibl instant. It will be recollected thatihrwl principal Gilmerite presses asserted that] Wayne had consented to rim iu cm«J Air. Rcrrien's declining to serve. \Y authority for saying the statement is „„ fahru-atiou; that Wayne was deteriniued tl without regarding the inclination of any Ii and that he lias, without hesitation, censun tain aud important partsof Air. Berrieu’scoL "One of the geiitlc-meiiuominatcdliyllitt party having declined being a enudidate; aj. nppiirtionnicnt hill as finally passed, limin.J ted (o Georgia mi additional member iuihtlj of Uepresriitativcs, beyond what was urns tel, two vacancies in our ticket have heoc t-urred. There line leen Jill d in then K'leJ nn in Oenernt Convention,icith Hr 1 Jut/fre Wayne and J)r. Itmuhi.m. '1 lie d llicrclhre i»»ul milted lo 4iur fellmv (iihniiJ republican ticket for Congress at the eu,«ifl lection— ! "Henry Pranham of Puttrim. Aagndin S.(J ton of Chirk, Thunn-s F. Foster ol 4 Ire, ii-, ger L. Gamble* of Jefferson, George If. 4 i„, Oglethorpe, Charles E Haynes nf 111,110*11.1 born Jones of Aluscogce. Janie Al. WcyJ Chatham, Richard II. Wilde, of Uichiacud. Domestic Mortu faclurcs.—Jncoh Stroups tises, in the Ftderol Vnion, that his iron n«| High Shoals on the Suqute, Nalicrshiiiii 1 are in operation, mid that he is retiily to del at moderate prices iron and castings of difil descriptions. Establishments nf this Lind r.n| that nt Athens, with the addition ol salt 1 on our sea coast, would go farther tn relit' citizens from tlm burthens of the Tariff ud < fer permanent prosperity on Georgia, thu’sill nullifying or convention schemes ever dcvii J the Southern and Eastern States. Afterridiruling the Nallies almostintnhyittt the editor of the Augusta Courier gives then, ite wholesome advice, but ermbined with mljavl s§ hn*ky aud astringent, that unless their t«l he as rapacious as those of lloa Coii-trirtia. j attempt by them to swallow the holm. »'"»] all probability seeure them mi exit like out" 1 which cured Amtcrcmi ol his ilijmiug nudc.rJ lie lulls them of a froiilirr srtt’rr yclmd do Asa." w ho. in one of his huntingtiine-h**' p nefl to plum,, into n heirs den, hy*"* lowering' himself into a lieltww stamp IJ* *“ nf his! oily an.l nrms in order t • fin I th'™ with Ilia foet. I ul 'In* rim siiappiup in hi* h u*hered him into ihe ioitip“nv uf ili'rc iuhs, wi'hout th? least pro* ifliility ef i-vtr ftn] out, tin* walls «,f ihe eu\itv l eii'g h-1"*' *" aud Icyondliis renchnlovc'O.a rr*w. nothing in ihnshipi «if n tiitn* «*-uM t«|-v *•" he invert'd funnel. I ml.ily for Asad' 1 ir» nf th? hints; was spinning street y*ta "'*"**! vaded the nu.sary, m l like niu*l ladies o. 1 * was iu nn h 1 vy m r-tu 1. T u* gi*> h"‘ to revo'v.i his coii.lition, an I se ll ' «» 1,1 ,nn,i(*j)f es'uip • miaitiltf. At I'Uirtth ri irg .at'i c; -,u; I » v;t s’/i'rs *»1th hi? m-Si) Host. Wh n withiu re'uhuig flts' Ys-t cuipht h?r tail w ills .one b -I'", -"j" 1 "'' -li fe in the other c» a, k " ''j'. 1 "' wav "'o' “ ittl V list m" lifyi wi ivf. si'l rill of I ( f?r fruv n-qi dm 1,-11 rffl'tf-1 To the Editor of the Vacm Telegram* Notwithstanding year rhVnle »•)« ' is not to he denied, that Nuili('r«t'°“^ ([ firm footing and is mnking rain'i Georgia. The fact is not left to !•» attitude of the press provei ,l * y*" ;f von with a list of our State R'ohu or l you with a list of our "'"'VuFYINOWIjfgi®, ill n*»P*jwuh invm, wn.iPP*»« , :7 n . .,1 on! \\ hat *1. -II th?y do? Tlrtt i. "JJI going to tell them.—Lay fa-'-t hod'f 0 ,J the Union party, i.nd they will hnW . . h ’ivy as you way he, as safely ** l ‘ lu Uncle Asa?” ... ,kii We hop; that In doc* not mean tint IBIJ • 1 use tliair knives in the same manner. pretW’J The Jncksonian, printed t Tho Chronicle, printed at The llepvllican. printed n * s *\* n j.. jD J The Gtor/rittn, printed at toa ?i Tho Expiree, 'printed at ed by the talented Mr* CIU> South Carolinn*. ...-m-pets ie 15 Five of the most ably edited nP ’Jarirs'’’ Statu aro already pledged- to < jfc.-irft* the five following are on the |*rp n ^ hanging on the nine *id«blP^P' , LjA m-. oy* Tiilkf oo Uxs