Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, July 04, 1832, Image 4

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*rv>i a K ) < ni* .8^ mad* lo iIt. Iluth rn«i? (v nltcji litl' e l«> .-•!l i r vl I ijmI •li*ts*ict o!*«>rill jU»: j. I, for llf v .. l»H, in <1 nr mm. n»iKHU ul’ >*.»/•.• r#r/ sUaJ?itdfi'i'Lji icncjit of lh<* ‘ivilsii '»»»•;•* ul'ii’n* e*t «lr. March 0 Wit.LIAM Hi.Al*OnK. CnarJ. [jloU'.t mfuitlw niter iff to. njipiicsition %'ill bn mtide to the lirnonihle the Inferior Court of I' Coweta county, while titling for ordinary purporftj, ■ f»r l«*H vo to pell l-»t No.7's in tlie. first district ol'snid <’<»wefH county, brlonginjc to the estate of David Vox. late of Jelfeivin county. drcon««»d, for the bcnc* fi: of the heir< md credl irsof *ni.i dreenffid. murc-h 13 i y J JOILV VINYARD. Adm'r. niniitiis niter date, application will be 1 mudt* tv) the honoratde inferior conri of Monroe comity, when rifting for ordinary purpose*, forlenvn to re’I lot of laud No. ‘2*7, In the skill district of e&id County, for the benefit o| the cbfbUeii. THOMAS It. tiOI{MAX, ntnrrh To TOT !%n*urat (Sunni,'nn. dnle. fipplirntinn will bn •ruble, the Inferior court of *8^1 OITA months iifi .fi/ made to the lemon daspnr comity, when s*tf ; ug for ordinary j leave to sell lot of hind No IU. in the nintli i.'irtrict of 31 !i-»eo^**e enmity, for the benefit of Mnhidu and /\i/* «jj Ifolufictd. * WILLIAM i\ IIULinr.t.D, April il. 1?3‘2. •* iwl) Ouanlo ri'iiimi.n wiiii)'-; Georgia. Siibu CouctV. ZZTsfa,I *•«> Court of flM Jmty, Petr,ary ad ' "'I ' 4 " jouniril Term, |.°32. f|nH.K petition of Jimo* J Monre respectfully .SL sili-vvt. Him Nnney Malone did. on llu-lliiril ilav of Jnniiary, 1383, nxer.iilc In him hi i mortgage on Lot NV 21.' in llm *ei-ond district of Houston now IVihli county, containing two liutillroel two hiiiI a linlf nrrns, to .ei'iim l!i» payment of a nolo of hum! origin, nlly given for fifty dollar*. upon ivliioli there Wrrmnin. lug fine the mm of lorly-ooe dollars, sizty-eiglil nml lline fourth cent* principal noil tyi'eilty-seveli ‘dol laps anil forly-eighl cents interest. Whereunon, il i. ordered by the Court, Hint the principal, interert nml cost duo upon llio said mod- ■rage, he jntil into Ihir Court on or In-fore (he first day of Hie next term rif this Court, nmf that n copy of this rule he published in one oftho puhlie Gazette* in AUt con,once a month for four month*. Indore tie- -if” term of till. Court, or he served upon said Nancy Malone three months before the nvsl term of this Courts A Iron eopv from the minutes. May 1, l-iii'J. IT. fi. ROSS. Clrrk Isaac WiiEATon I lit Campbell Superior vs > Court Mi turn 5T. Vi’ttvatox. ) mV.ORCE. IT appearing to the Court, that the defendant re- 8. side* out ot ibis State, It i* ordered she appear and nn.icrr at tin- next term of said Court, nml thut n . . . .... ’I'T ! CH|IV of the ri.'le he pcijiiisiied in one of the public gm e.ft.-r date. application xx ill he ;.,,|u.aiiftlii!i State once a month for three inotillis he- 5 .TUCIl month 1 made to tlie lionorntite the Inferior court of •Units county, while silling for ordinary purposes, for leave to .elf lot of land No..IHH, drawn in the 20th district of Xlmcogee e mnt)', fur the benefit of Mar. Store/ Chi S', lit, nriihuu of Oatewond CMxam of Ala- llama, deceased 11KNKY IIATF.M'.Y, April lli, I sit.'. 120 Guarding B A Gi ft MONTHS after (Into application will lye ’ made In the hotiornlile '.he Inferior Court of lloiifton eounly. when sillingfor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lie- land Hud negroes of the estate of liatUJf Ecolilt. dec IIUfiH I.. lilWIN, MnyT.Jtf.1S Id J riflin’'. •, 5 7IOUU MONTHSnft'-rdate, nppliratinn will lie . made to the lionoratile the, Inferior court of Fayette eounly. w bile silling for ordiunry purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Hubert llarrit, dm ceased, for (he bsnelit fd !h« In-irs and oredilors of, said deceased. I.AIlixIN IIAltNKTT, AJm'r. Mnyg. 1838. . 2d ■pAOlill months after date, applicalhin w ill he r. "tin ,ae to the llomoalile the Inferior Court of lip- eounly of Houston, when sitting nsn Court of Ordin ary, lor leave to sell th^t part of the real estate of Thomas rl. I, win late of said county, deceased, which ' xvas not disposed of by w ill, to w it: the- undivided half of lot No. two hundred and fifty-seven, in the thirteenth district of saidcountv, forth, benefit of the heirs end creditors. 11Ufi 11 I.. IRWIN, June 9, IKI->. 21 KCur. t anrr.AIil.i: til an order of the llonoralde Infe rior Court of Houston count)' when silting for ordinary purposes, xvill he sold on the first Tues day in August next, «t the court house in thetoxvn of Ferry, between tin- usual hours of sale, ©no loot of Ziantl, S«o. S.S, In the fifth district of Houston county, well improved, trilhnhoiit 130 ncres of fresh cleared land, n good flin House—.old for the benefit of .the heirs mufere- riiton of Daniel Clark. Sen. deceased. Terms on the dny. Also, on the day folio,ring, Al the late resilience of said Clark, in the fifth dis trict of Houston comity, will he sold u good forty Paxv Cotton din nn<l Tlirnsher nnd Running Gi-nrlo enid fiin—sold for the benefit of the heirs and credi tor* of said Daniel Clark, Ken. deceased Terms on the day. SARAH CLARK. F.z’rr JOSHUA FATTI3IIALL, HP or May 83,1812 22 ILL he sold mi llm first Tuesday in SEPTEM BER next, helnre the court bouse in Jnckson, Hulls cmintv, A Sot cf Sand, &To. 3.'a, in the first district of orlginnlfy Henry now- Bulls eounly, tielongiug to the estate of John M‘Utahan, laic Of South Carolina,deceased—-leniis made liiioxvn on (tie day. JOHN It. MM All AN. June 10 80 ■ . Ailm'or " Sown Lots for Sale. W ILL he sold at Amcricus, the puiilir. site In '(tie county of Sumter, on the 10th dny of July next, on Lot, No. 1S6, in the 27lH district of o- riginnlly Lee now Slimier county, the front end a number of hack lots, to the highest bidder.—Terms mndr known on the,dny. This situation is rnualled hot by few in theStnte, tiring loomed In n rich, Itenllhy country, xx-ell xraler- cd. w hich holds forth large induccmenls to the enter- liming cnimtiiniily. 1. II. SMITH. ■) 8 FAuTt; NGBL00D ' / Commissioner,. J. JACKSON, j May 23 rtg Ids Georgia, Houstoa County. W lIKilEAS Henry Fills and Thomas Ilowell, F.xeenlijrsof the estate of John Ifowell, de ceased, kpplv lotne for Idlers of disinixsipn— And, whereas John Chnucey, Administrator of the estate o( PJmund Chantey, dcceescd, applies (o me for Idlers of dismission. These are.lhcrefurt. loeile awl admonish all and tin g’llur the kindred and trtdilori of raid decerned, to hi and appear at my ojfirt, within the lime pracrihed 6) law, to them rante, if any they hare, why laid lellen thould nut he granted. Given under my hnnd nml seal nt office, March 2-1, Iftl-J, in HIS CHAULF.S H, IIICF-, c, c, o, Georgia, ffayette County. W HEREAS Anna A. Dickson nnd William H Dickson, executrix and Executor of the es tate of David Diction, late of atdd county, deceased, apply for idlers of dismission as eieculrii and exe cutor of said rstntu. Vttie are therefore to cite and admouhh all aivl lin gular the kiiulred and eredilon of laid defeated to file their objections, if any they hare, inmyojpee within he time prueribed by law, why laid tetlen should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 21th dny of Jan. 1632. 72 fim WILLIAM M'BRIDE, c. c, o. Georgia, Bibb County, W HEREAS. John Smith, administrator of the estnle ol Henry Smith, laloof Bibb county, deceased, applies (o me for leUers of dismission us ad ministrator orsnld estate: These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, In he and appear ol my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they hare, why said Itllcii should not he granted. • Given under my hand, this 7th dayof Mny, 1832. 19 MARTIN SIMMtlNS, c.c.o. Georgia, Coweta Comity, 'XsTjT’HEjiEAS William J. Jcrmauy, administrator V V on the estate of Maria Coltcn, deceased, ap plies to me for letters of dUmi'simi— These are Iherefire to rite and admonish nil and sin gular the kindred and creditors cf said dcrtaird, to be and appear at my office within the Hate prewribsd by law, to show cause, if any they hare, why said letters should not be granted. (liven under my hand this 8th dny of June, 18S2, 25 , , SlIION HOUSE, C.C.Q. Georgia, Tayotto County. E VANS WESLEY lolls b,fore Jesse Ward Esn. one CHKSNUT SORREL MARE, a small blaze in her face, her left hind foot white, thought to be |G or 17 years old, came to his plantation about thr'fii -t of April last. Appraised by William Herring and John Oakley to be worth ten dollars. A trueexli«cl,June4.l832. 21 WILLIAM M'BRIDE, c. t. To all Concerued, T HOSE-haring demnnds against the eslafe of James P. Doner, late of Monroe eonnty, de- erased,ore requested to bring them In in terms ofthe tuw, and tbqac who are Indebted to the estate xvill make immediate uavnteni, „ _ _ ELIZABETH DOZIER. Adm’r May29 22 JOHN BEDDING. Adm'or. court. A true extract from the niintt'es, April 20,1812. 19 L. BERRY WATTS. Clerk. Sauaii Ixixa ^ Libel for dirarre in Monroe Su- JeM.xuK.H0. S Court. I T iipprnrineto lh*' Conri by Oih rolm-n of lh»» She- riir, that llio tleft ndHt i is’not to be found in the ooimfy of Mrnrnr*, it isordfird by tin* Court tlinl ser* vice bo perfected by n !»ul*licHti«:n of this rule, once a mouth for three months in one of the public gazelles of this .State. A true extract from tltv mlmitas. April 7 mil WM. 1». HENRY. CUrL ’il-j district Surveyors. S WII.L proui|illy attend to any nppiiention made by any of the District Surveyors for my service* in drifting the Flan, of Districts, tnakii, out detached Flats, aud copying Field Notes The fn'loirimr are the pricer: District containing lii!4 square lots. A neat Flan - - $15 A set of detached Flats - - - - 15 A copy of liuld notes 15 $-15 I!old District contain ing 121'fi square lute. A neat Map - - $50 A set of detached Flats .... HO A copy officld notes SO $90 IT. II. STURGKS. Ilaxvkinsx-ills, 22d Juno, 1832. 20 pSJ THK COWETA Red and While Sulphur Springs. riJN HE subscriber ha* recently established himself .11. at these Springs, nnd is new rendy for the re ception of boarders and visit! ri. They are situated about six miles south of N'etvnnti, on the road leading directly to La firange. Thnngh these springs are of recent discovery, yet experience Iirs estaidished for them n character (in the cure of several diseases) pro- bahlv not surpassed by tiny xt-atering place. There have been no chemical experiments made on the wa ters, bill ex-ery day’s experience prox-cs them to pos sess cathartic", diuretic, diaphoretic, nnd deobstruont qualities. Were it necessary, sufficient testimonials could be establish what lip* been said. HENRY L. LESTAUJETTE. Cowtld Springs, June 12 2ti 41 MllS. QRADLEY*i FEISTS Smm'E.ZSIUBL'E, Kcwnan, Coweta County, Giorgia, THE semi tmnual cxnmi- nntion of this Institution, took place on Friday, the 15th instant. Ou which oc casion the students xvere cri tically and minutely exam ined on the various branches which had occupied their nt- ^2»tention during tlie preceding session. The precision and perspicuity of their recitations, the promptitude ami accuracy of their ansxvcrs, to tho various in terrogatories, evinced, in o«r judgment, in no smnll degree, much industry, talents, mid iiwpics- tioualdc acquirements on the part of tlie Instruc tress, reflect not :t little credit on tlie promising genius of tlie students, and must have been pecu liarly gratifying to immediate relatives. The cx- nmutation whs succeeded by an exhibition, in which tlie students sustained their respective parts tvith such singular ability, os to surpass the ex pectations of the most sanguine. Tlie order and good deportment of the students, during the whole of (ito period, clearly evinced tho most judicious discipline. ItSs with much ptoasure that we in form the public, that tho next session of this school will commence oil the first .Monday in Ju ly next. Young Indies from abroad may he ac commodated with board, on reasonable terms, in respectable families near to tlie Institution. Tho course of studies, iu this Seminary, comprises all the branches accessary to a useful mid substan tial education,. together witli such ornamental branches as are generally taught in other institu tions of a similar kind, including all the variety of plain nnd ornamental Needle xvork. To those xvlio are acquainted with the talents, accomplishments, nnd nminhle character of Mrs. lln\r>i.r.T, it would, xve presume, lie superfluous to add a solitary remark ns to her competency to preside over an Institution of this kind. The ex perience which Mrs. B. has had in this avocation, connected with tho universal satisfaction xvhicb she has rendered, during iter residence iu this place,' to all impartial persons, fully authorize us to state, that iiouo will be disappointed trim intrust their daughters to her instruction and discipline. JOHN D. HINTON, J. W. PHNTJCOST, Hoard GEOIIGF, FENTICOST, (of Visitors. SILAS REYNOLDS, June 20,1832. 2<1 3t coir OjT'The Federal Union'is requested to insort the above three times every other week. Xn 2Sfow Hands. Wo apprise ills public that wo have taken possession of tho well known Public House, the HAMILTON HALL, in Hamilton, Harris county, aud that the House is undergoing n completo finish, with large mid convenient additions suitnble to accommodate Uoarders nnd Travellers; end without the flatter ing solicitations usual, we invite our friends nnd tho public in general to give us n call, feeling con fident that ever) convenient nnd neccx .’iry atten tion will he rendered to make pleasant the time and situation of those who may favor us with their calls. BARKLEY MARTIN. A. B. DAWSON. April 24, 1832. 1328t Blanton & Smith OFFER FOR SALE, Q jfhllHDS St Croix and N. O, Sugar Ov CO bills do do do 50 do Loaf and Lump do 50 do Rye Whiskey 2000 bushels Salt, And a variety of other goods. May 25 144 • GEORGIA IiOiEl,. GaiBcsrille, Georgia, T HU Subscribers beg leave to announce to their friend, and the public generally,, that their lioiisejvill he in readiness to receive boarders by the 2utli of July next. 'The GEORGI A HOTEL i* situated on the corner of tho puhlie square, ly i* spneiou*. neat, nnd com- fortahln. To tlie mail of family, the imlividiud trav eller, the daily hoarder, or the fasliioriHhle visiter, the Geoigia Hotel will present accommodations iufeukir to non- in the we,stern part of Georgia. Our sttpnes xvill he bountifully supplied with the best 0 f proven- ilernml n'tentix'c’ostlers. Gainesville is one of the most flourishing nnd growing villages in Georgia. It is situated immediately on the upper Federal Road, nine miles from the Cherokee line, altd about eighteen miles from tho Cherokee Gold Mines. It is llio most direct route for persons wishing to explore the Clior- okee country, xxho live in the eastern end middle counties of Georgia or Carolina. Person* xvjshiue to stop ill (Jiiiiesvillc, can be ncromniodntrd with private conveyances to any part of the Gold region they may xvish to visit. The line of stages running from Augusta to Athens has also been extended to Gainesville; and from thence to Mnrrnysville, twelve miles n est of Gainesville, which gives as great fncili- ties in travelling to the Gold region a* to any other part ofthe. State. \Ve believe from IhcJoriil advan tages which Gainesville possesses, that there is no vil li, ge in the State that i* better calculated to render those comfortable and pleasant who intiy wish lo spend the summer months iii the up country. We are daily refreshed with mountain breezes—llio nights extremely pleasant—and the host nnd purest of pttinp or spring water. An accommodation singe line will shortly be running from Gainesville to Clarkcsville. Person* from Gainesville w ishing lo visit the falls of Talloo<a.orany other curiosities located in ltnbcr- shtoni enn lie conveyed to and from on reasonable terms. By onr personal and unremitting attention, we hope to he aide to render nil who may favor ns xvillt a call, comfortable and easy. We therefore earnestly solicit a share of pohliepntronogp. , ABSALOM BISHOP. WM. N. BISHOP. Gainesville, 2!W June, 1632. 2(i fit FIRST DRAW ING RECEIVED. MACON LOTTERY OFFICE. Highest Prize @20,GOO. Ono half tlie Capital Prize of $30,000 in the last Mil- ledgevillc Lottery, xvas sold by tlie subscriber, MII-I/EDGEVILLE STREET LOTTERY, (Authorised by the General Assembly ofthe State of Georgia.) aisHBair.: 1 Prize of $20,011(1 is $20,000 3 <lo 10,000 30,000 4 do 5,000 20,000 0 do 1,000 9,000 5 do 900 4,500 5 do 800 4,000 5 do 700 3,500 5 do 600 3,000 5 do 500 2,500 5 do 400 2.000 5 do 300 . 1,500 5 do 200 1,000 35 do 100 3,500 50 do 50 2.500 650 do 20 13,000 5000 do 12 60,000 Less than two Wanks to a Prize. FOR BALE BLANKS LE AT TI1I8 OFFICE Summer Goods and Clothing, J UST received at the Macon Clothing Storo April 12 121 LEWIS FITCH. All the Prizes to he floating from the com mencement. except tlie following deposited as folloxvs, to wit: First Day’s Drawing.—2 Prizes of 5,000, 1 of 1,000, 1 of900, 1 of 800,1 of 700, 1 of 600, 1 of 500, 1 of 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. Second Day’s Drawing.—1 Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000, 1 of 900, 1 of 800. 1 of 700,1 ef 000,1 of500,1 of 400,1 of300, 1 of200. Third Day’s Drawing.—1 Prize of 10.000, 1 of 1.000, 1 of 900, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of 600, 1 of 500, 1 of 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. Fourth Day's Drawing.—1 Prize of10,000,1 of 5.000,1 of 900, t of.800, 1 of 700, 1 of tiOO, 1 of 190, 1 of 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. Fifth Day’s Drnxviug.—1 Prize of 20,000, 1 of 1000, I of 900, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of 600,1. of 500, 1 of 400,1 of 300,1 of 200. And on tho commencement of tho First, Sec ond, Third and Fourth Day’s Drawing, tho first drawn number shall be entitled to a prize of 1000 dollars, mid ou the conclusion of the last Day’s Drnxviug, the first and last drawu number shall be entitled to a Capital Prize of 5000 dollars each, iu addition to such prize as may he drawn to their number. The whole -Lottery to be completed in five days drawing only. Prizes only to bo drawn. The whole of the Prizes payable in sixty days after each Day’s Drawing—subject to r deduction of fifteen per "cent. All prize* not applied for in 12 months from each drnxviug, to'lrc considered a* a donation to tbo funds of tho Milledgevilie Street Lottery. .Tho drawing to tako place undor the suporin tendcnce of William W. Carnes, Samuel lSuiling- ton, Samuel Rockxvoll, William If. Torrance, E- zekicl E. Park, Joseph Stovall, Thomas W. Bax ter, James S. Calhoun, and Iverson L. Harris, Commissioners; also a Board of Visitors. Second drawing takes place on tho FOURTH OF JULY. Present Price of Tickets: Wholes, $10—Halves 5—Quarters $2 50. Ticket* fur sale at the Macon Lottery Office by S. ROSE. Macon, Mdy 12. 21 Georgia JVegrocs for Sale. T HE subscriber koeps constantly on haud a supply of Georgia Negroes for sale. They will ho found to ho of such ago or sex ns will suit purchasers. He now has ten or twelve on hand Ho will also purchase Young Negroes for whom cash will he given. - B. F. BLATTER. East Macon, Feb 4 63 NOTICE. T HE Subscriber having sold his stock of GOODS to R2r. Samuel 37. Rowland, and declined business, solicits for him the patron age of his fr'. * Js and former customers, aud re quests all who are indebted to him, to call at the store of S. T. Rowland, next door to Messrs Cooke Si Coxvles, where he will ho found for the purpose of making settlements. Dec 24 1 ISAAC B. ROWLAND. FEMALE EDUCATION. Mrs. Mary P. Ellis, G RATEFUL for the very liberal patronage she hit received, respectfully inform* the citizen* of Macon and it* vicinity, that the second quarter of her school will commence on Monday, the 2d of A pril. Mrs. Ellis has the plenmre of Informing her pa iroffs that Mrs. BAILEY GODDARD, xvhose quail fictions nre unquestionable, has consented to give Bessons in Music and Painting (o those who miy be detlrou* of acquiring either 0 ! those elegant accomplishments, march IB 102 OCKET MAPS QF GEORGIA for saie LAW. \ c J UST received in addition to their former sup- plv: , * .' Alabama Report* Equity Font lilanquo English Corn Laxv Report* English Ecclesiastical Report* lioiton Libels TIovendon on Fraud* TtoScoe on Evidence Story bn Bailment Todd’s Johnson Wentworth on Executor* Vcscy’s Chancery Reports Yeiverton’s Report*- 1’nyley on Bills Story’s Commentaries Condensed English Chancery Reports Starkio on Evidence Massachusetts Reports Roller's Nisi Prius Rutherforth's Institutes Ingersoll’s Abridgment Russell on Crimes Foster’s Digest Constitutional Reports of South Carolina ELLIS, SHOTWELL Sc Co. Also—Docket and other Blank Books, suitable for Courts. June 26 26 4t Dissolution. T HE Copartnership heretofore existing be- txvcen the subscribers under tho firm of Ralston Jones, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The unsettled business of tho concern will be attended to bv David Ralston, who can he found nt the store of' Robert S. Patton, (their old stand,) corner of Cherry find Third streets. DAVID RALSTON. Feb 25 82 JOHN L. JONES. P at this office. 106 BBAj&TOCT & SMITH, WARE HOUSE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, M AKE liberal advances «u Cotton in store and on shipments, also on notes and oth er properly deposited in their hands. . Their Ware Houses are more convenient to the business part ofthe toxvn than any other, possess ing the advantages of a wharf, and are more ex empt from danger by fire, than any other ill JMa- con. May 25 144 Teacher wanted. A Person of good moral character, qualified to toach a small School in the country, and tho English and Latin Languages, is want ed to take charge of the Telfair County,Acade- my. Salary from six to eight huudred dollars. A line addressed to the Trustees will receive at tention. April 27 135 X3TBZA&7 SiPSimGS, May 21, 1832. T IIE subscriber liaviug returned to the IN DIAN SPRINGS, his establishment at that place is now open-and ready for tho recep tion aud accommodation of Boarders and Visiters during the present season. Erwin’s Hotel, In Macon, will also be kept open undor tho su perintendcncc of an experienced and attentive agent. A largo addition to his former establish ment has just been completed. 21-2m L. A. ERWIN. The Georgia Journal, Savannah Geor gian, Georgia Courier, and Charleston Courier, xvill insert the above onroaweek fortxvo months, aud forxvard their accounts to Macon, Ga. 'GEORGE JEWETT, At his old stand, corner of Cherry and Secondsts. I S now receiving from Nexv York and Boston, a fresh supply of Goods, which, in addition to those on hand, will make his stock very large and complete, xviuch ho offers on ns reasonable terras as they can be had in this maeket. His ;oods comprise a general Assortment of Groceries, Viz—150 hags Coffee, 45 lilitls St Croix, Porto Rico and N Orleans Sugar, 21 bids Loaf aud Lump do 12 qr chests Tea 20,000 lbs Don 10 hhds^lolasscs 1500 bushels Salt - 100 pieces Hemp and Tow Bagging, 40 kegs Nails Jamaica Rum Cognac Brandy Northern Gin; NorthornRum Whiskey, Apple Brandy, Wino, Powder, Shot, &c. &c. ALSO, Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, HATS, BLANKETS, SADDLES,. &c. &c. &c. Oct 22 43 uraw works. A RNOTT’S Elements of Physic* Evidence of Prophecy Rev. Robert Hall’s Works Essay on Formation aud Publication of Opi nions Essays on Truth, Knowledge, Evidence, Sic. Pitcnirn’s Island Otabietc, Sic.—last Family Library Ambitious Student, by E. L. Buixvcr Life of Stephen Girard Halt’s Lectures on School Keeping Romance of Reality Sister's Budget Whispers to a Newly Married Pair Reports on Locomotive and Fixed Engines Eleventh Edition Henry’* Chemistry Alexander's Bible Dictionary Brief Kemarkcr Medical. Syme's Surgery Larroy’s Surgical Memoirs Gooch on Femnlos Gooch’s Midxvifcry Bell on Bnths and Mineral Waters . Carpenter’* Essay on Mntcrin Mcdica • Oostar’s Physiological Prnctico • Peurperal Peritonitis, by Dr. Baudelocqite Ryan's Medical Jurisprudence • With a large collection of Medical, Law, Mis cellaneous and School Bonks for snle hy 26 4t .ELLIS, SHOTWELL & Co. JAMES It. BENNET, Boot and Shoemaker* S HA8 commenced business in McDonald's building, (nenr the *00 Macon Telegraph Office,) where Ik. ho will be found ready to attend to'his old customers nnd. others who may call on him. Oy BOOTS and SHOES manufactured to order, in tho best mnnucr. REPAIRING also will ho done. (C?* Two or three’ JOURNEYMEN can find rcgularomploymont by application to him. MToticc. ENNET ADAMS is my authoriied agent during my absenco from the Start, and all persons indebted to me are respectfully reques ted to make payment to him. June 12 24 3tiv CHARLES P. PECK. from da SSL and North CaSrpaf^l^^f So, mgtou City, and winch, (lt U, L£t ,0 N cently terminated at Puwelton, ^ cnJ 'I aud complete opvrntlou. • “ Bo " in f j It hai recently been extended to Mill.. I om wl x.' place it departs on Tt^Z?^! tys and caturdays, at 4 A M 5i ’ Fhtnl For particular* we. bill, anti ,h e J papers. Wtiil, w vi| Culpepper Va„ May 15,1832. ' q! 1 W 11 1 '• —— n1 6m I riQVSL '—- A QUANTITY of superfine Flour- r* • by the Charles Carroll and for s»i May 25 144 ELLIS, gYiOTWpjfo English Mcriiwcs I'WERINO SQUARE SUAWI a • . Mow Cabinet Makcr^wT' fflft The undersigned having OJ ,ho interest nnd taken the sttl occupied It) Mr. C. Coupee, oa (71 ry street, a few doors abovk ri,.t 1 \ Hotel, take this opportunity mg to their friends and the public □ services in tha 1 CUlt l Cabinet Malting Business. They will at all times keep on hand a coo'd ply or Materials, m:d be prepared to execute ery description of xvork in their line. ” f Sideboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads, lioobn, Chairs, &c. &c. made to order, a5c 1 Every description ofTURNINGdoneMaboJ Having a large and excellent Turning Lathe It J only oho of tho kind in the place,) thev «;ii il prepared to turu HOUSE COLUMNS X , shortnotice JAMES A. 11 \fi 2 Dec 17 52 JOHN MORELAN]’). A. £>. PATRICK & Co. H ave received per Boat Rebecca, and offe for sale on reasonable terms, 4006 bushels Salt 16,000 lbs Bacon 20 tour Sivceds Iron 20 hhds Sugar COO bags Coffee. 6 hhils Molasses 50 bids prime Pork 25 bhis No. 2 Mackerel 25 libls No. 3 ditto 50 bids N. E. Rum 50 blila Gin 80 pieces Bagging 30 boxes Soap 20 boxes Sperm Candles Window Glass Nnils •Cognac Brandy Hollnud Gin Malaga, Madeira and Tenet-iffo IVina Together with a general assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Saddler? CROCKERY, HATS, SHOES, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, &c. See. Sc c. Juno 18,1832. 25 To Beat. THE dxvelling over the store of .1. P. Patrick tf Co., well calculated fit a private Boarding House, at present i occupied by Seth Lewis. Also, the Store occupied by W, T. Sage. Possession given after the 1st of October next. Apply to MELROSE & KIDD, or to A. P. PATRICK. June 25 155 tf notice. 1 leave E. L. SHELTON’ as my agent during my ba< sence from Georgia, who it •duly authorized to collect the accounts of Lewis Fitch and Filch If TVordin: and I would once more invite those indebted to call and. pay the same, (at long credits xvill not moko long friends.) Macon June l 147-4t LEWIS FITCH. TIN AVARE MANUFACTURER. MUJ.UKRRV, WKAR VHIRD STREET. T HE subscriber manufactures and krepicon stantly bn hand, a general assortment of Tin Ware, _ xvhich ho will sell xvhclcsnlo and retail at savan nah or Augusta prices, JOB WORK dono at tho shortest noticest the shop on Third street, next door to Ellis, 8hot- t ell & Co. WILLIAM S. ELLIS. Orders sent to Ellis, Sholtfell If Co. will re* t oivc prompt attention. Nov 11 17 , Election. ’ , . A N election will he held at the <7<mrt hornets tho town of Mnconi on the first Saturday m July noxt, for n Justice of the Inferior Uo“6 !" r tho couutvof liihb, to servo in place oft-” 1 * linmsqn, Esq. resigned, Bv order of the coart. May 31. 146 M. SUMMONS.c.i.t^ DISSOLUTION.. rgnHE copartnership, heretofore eiutmf B -BL dcr tho firm of • ,. KELLUM & IIOI7GIITO.V is this dny dissolved hy mutual content, business xvill bo conducted by KELLIM ' unity—all contracts made by tho firm xvill M led by Kcllum- ..^.,onc/x\* KELLUM & HOUGHTON- 07" The Macon paper*will gtvothoaho»e» few insertions, and forward the accounts to *) th, for payment to J. R. Ilouphtoa. ,, 9 LnGraugc, Troup cotiuty, Jupo q, _ Negroes Wanted. T HE subscriber* Will pay liberal p«« » May 25 114 THE WNDSBSSGNEZJ H»sawMsgjJ.t Mercautilc estnblisbmeut, has located tf( ^ tho nexv house boloxv the corner, on vi )..| |( jj recently occupied by them, where • ljM> Goods ns loxv as any. other houso fa - " fur Cash or Cotton. „ mn rhiDg*i His stock is noxv very completo C . 0IB J ijtl of most ovory article for tho country J « c DRY GOODS, Hats, Shoes, Hardware, GroCtnti, Salt. Iron, crJ „ r , Tho old customers and wo P ut ‘ f nro respectfully invited to call, as tho ties heretofore given will •till «•“■ .. House. In the rear of hi. Slow is *New rf. just finished, nnd now rendy for ‘ho Cotton, which he will talte on Bjorn*. . j liberal advances on the same- .roOD- oct. 26 4 QEORUk jjZ.—■ IHSUIIANCB. e , yes T HE Howard Insurance York continues to insure U a ;„,i d>* shipped on good Boats or ’■p r -'J 0 ica» * rl dangers of the River. Rates of T* AS**' mn.ierate. Apply to v Dec 2D 51