Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, July 18, 1832, Image 4

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Sibl) Shsriti Sale*. TKTSni.I.'w -..;j <m tin’ dill TucmIu) ill A l’(?T AT V* m'*t Ill'll'PII 111" C'lurt Imiuni'j Macon, llkiO CUH'll )'■ IlClUPUl III!' IIXIIul llUIII'1 of sal*, One dwrlhtc lluiiM' mill L*'t iuJEast Mn- enst. ulirmiu Kiel llunt'l nmv lint— Irvin! mi to satisfy an Exccuti'in issued !,y the tux collector mr Iris tox tor the year IS31. Two emU nf Kn|ii* and ono lot of boat PiiIp* ■—levied nil in I In' |iro|iei1y of Thomas Flrlrherln sat- tsfy a Fi Fa L-unl I'rnni Telfair 8ii|inri"r Court in fn- vor of Norton if Fuller v»suid Fletcher & Tllz int Dion?. July 3, ISui. Oiio Lm nnil Impim-eitu-iit*, No. ikii known, whereon Musun W ellr nmv live*. "«u negro fallow Aaron, mid one i.egm ti oruan Ellen—all levied on its ll:r (il'onerl.v of Nicholas II' IFtlls, decors-d, to sa tisfy fii'iiiry Fi Fas. ifntied from the superior court of Halil iviimty in favor of Levi Eel’y utnl other* v». tlumiii Weils, exncutii*. One Lot mill Imptovpmeiils wl erron Mar tin Simmons notv lives—levied mi n« his property, to satisfy a Fi Fa issues! from the Superior t imirt of llilih county, in favor of J' liu l.iirchar vs said Simmons. Williamson Htail IPs inu*rt‘st in Lot No. 8, in ties 58lli square iu iHe tiran of Macon—leiicd on to satisfy (ivo Fi Fas issued from Justice's court in fu• vor o! Joseph (iaincr vs said Smith—levy made and returned to tut hy u constahii'. Otto Lot of l iml Mid siuudine crop of Corn No. 85, in the fourth district of originally Houston «ow HiM) county—levied on as the property of liir/i- <ml Fhh. or Ills interest in said Int and crop, to ratio fy n Fi Fa issued from the Superior Court of snid coun ty in favor of William Jackson vs sai l Fish—levy made and returned to me hy a constuhle. Tlirco Net;roe*, I’ater a mutt alinnt thirty years old. F.lirot a unman, and her child an infant, stame not I mam-nil levied on os the property ol II L. Towns to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued from the su perior and inferior emir Is of said county in favor of it. Collins and olhers vs said Towns. One f.ut mid tdipttivonioiiu in East Marort. or George MitX-lrJohn's tiilcyst in snid lot, nmwpieil hv A. S. Bennett and others’ also thnatnmliiig cron id Curnadjoining Hast Macon, cultivated hv <aid Mickle. John—all levied on to satisfy sundry Fi Fas trout Bilili Inferior ami 'Superior Courts, in favor of (iny Chaw plain ntol others vs. said Micklcj'diu. Futtr Nil "roes; Spirt-r ii man, Jacob a man. Tcna u woman, mid Annis ii woman—levied on as the properly of Charles .? />tm to satisfy a Fi I'n issu ed from the Superior fount of said county in favor of the Bank of the United Mates vs said Lewis. JulyC. II. HOWARD, sheriff. Also, trill he sold at abort, House ami Lot No. 6 iu the twenty-fourth square in the town of Macon—Icvipd on us the pro perty of Sparer Kltt.V, to satisfy two Fi Fas issued nut of n'juitir.e's Court id said county in favor of Isaiah Davis vs said Riley—propet ty pointed out hy plain- till—levied on at •’ returned to me hv a coi slat'll-. June 30. 1832, WM It. CONK. Dtp. Sheriff. Also, will It told nt abort on Hit first Tuesday in SF.r IKMDF.n nest. Two Ntu'ines, I’etor nbmil thirty years old, and Eliza a girl iihinit sixteen years of afie—all levied onus the property of II. t,. Tiitrtts, to satisfy a mort gage Fi r t. issued from the inferior Court of llilih county, in favor of Sarah Denton vs. until Towns. July 6. II. HOWARD, sheriff. POSPONED SALK. A'>a will he told ns above, an the first Tuesday in A U- OUST NEXT. One lol <>f Mill* nmi tint Land nltached thereunto, containing 30(1 acres move or less, knmvn as Greets'* Saw Mills—levied nn as the properly of Solomon Groce to satisfy sundry I'i Fas issued from the fiujwrior and l.:(eri"r Courts of Bihli eouiity ill favor of Low is Justice, 8. ill. lngersoll and nth rs vs. said Groce. H. II. 1IOWAIID. July 1.163J she, if. _ Eloustora Sheriff Sales. IFCL! lid, he sold on the tirst Tuesday in AUGU8T VV nest, at the com I house door in Ferry, Hous ton county, h('tw een ihu usual hours ol aide, £02 1-2 ucu-sof iiiiU ami hickory, Luml, well mproved, iu the twelfth district of Houston eouuly, ndj lining Coalson and athers—levied mi as the pro- forty ol Outlet Johns to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor ol William Credillo vs Diiuiel Julius, and James Johns secuiity on appeal. £02 1-2 Hurts oak uml hickory Land, well Improved, iu the eleventh district of Houston counts', adjoining Michael Watson and others, known is Simpson's place—levied Oil us the properly of Ferry ll'imbtrly to satisfy two Fi Fas one in favor of the Executors of Baldwin Flt.kcr, deceased, and the o- tber ih tavur of diaries M'Carlliy vs sasd Wimlicrly. 202 1-2 litres of l. tild, in Iho fifiuciuh dis trict of Houston county, known hy .Vo. 112—levied on as the property of * George Harmon to satisfy a Fi Fa iu lavor ot James Washington vs said Harmon— levy made and returned hy a constable. 202 1-2 acres of pine Land, well improved, in the filth di-ti kt of Houston enmity, aijjolning Sikes and other*—levied on as the property of Charles Fret- well, or so far as nil his interest on said lot and premi ses, to satisfy a Fi Fa in luvor of James W. Stiiisou vs said Flora ell. Two Luts of oak and hickory Land, in the twelfth district of Houston county', well improved, known hy Nos. 44 ami 45—levied on as the properly of Ezekiel Bryan to satisfy sundry small Fi Fns in fa. vor of llulfeu It. Tarver vs said Bryan—levy made andrctmnV.d hy e constuhlu. 202 1-2 Hems of pine Land in tho eleventh district of llouston- enmity, known hy No 10—levied on us tint property of Jnmrt It. Fulton to satisfy a Fi Jpu in favorof Jacob Binds and sundry other Fi Fes vs’suid Fulton—levy made and returned liy a consta ble. Ono bay Mure four years old and onn hay horse Mule—levied on asllia properly of Gideon A It’eathenhy to satisfy n Fi Fa in favor of Charles M- Coy vs said Wcathersby—properly pointed out by the defendant. Ail James Findley’s interest in one Int of pine land. In the eleventh district of Houston county, known hy No. 51—levied ou as the property of Jnmtt Fiiuttey to satisfy a Fi Fa iu favor of George Shaw whereon the defendant now live.s. Juno20,1832. ISAIAH CHAIN, Sheriff. POSTPONED SALK. Alto, wilt be told at above, Ellirk, n negro nt ill supposed to bo 45 yottrs old—levied on as the property of Anna Snell, to satis fy a Fi Fa in favorof Amos Brown and sundry oilier fi Fas. Issuing from a Just lea's emirt vs. said Amin Snail. ISAIAH CHAIN, SAtr# June 29, lfctt. Butts Sheriff Gales. VCB7II.L bis sold on tlm first Tuesday in AUGUST V v nest, before the, court house in the town of Jackson, Butts county, within the usual hours uf sale, One Lot of Land, coulnjmiig 202 I -2 uert s more or less know ii hv N<> 2. in the fourth district uf urigimilly Monroe iimv Units eouiity—levied ou as the property of Joel Haley to satisfy tivof'i Fas. one issued fruDi Jasper Superior court, (lie other from Butts Superior Court, lit" one from Butts in favor of David B Dot ,tend, indorsee vs Joel Bidry, the other iu favorof Slaughter amt Lnliuzau vs Joel Bitlf.y. Fraction No. 3, in ihu fourth district ol ori ginally Monroe now Butt* county, containing 13 12 acres of Laud more or less—levied on os above and in furor of tho same. 70 nines of Land, more or less in the first district of originally Henry now Bulls county, known as No. 4—levied puss the properly if the same and ill favor of the same. 101 1-4 mpj'i's of Land more «r Jess. It being the north half of lot No. (12, in (lie fourth district ol originally Monroe now Bulls comity—levied on as a- buve and in favor of the s line. 25 acres mute or less, ii heini; tlie smith pail of Lot No 54, in tho ninth district of originally Hen ry now Buns county—levied on as tho properly of tiio same and ill lavor ol'tl.csnfiie 75 3-4 an ox of Lund, min e nr less, it heinp the siniili part of Lot No 01 in the ninth district of o- riginallv Henry now Bulls county—levied on uf a- la vc mid in favor ot the si me. N. It. Lot No, 2 improved for furmirp; No. 4 atm improved lor farming; N<*. 54 with a good cabin there* mi; No. 02 improved for farming with a dwelling house. AH tins above property will he sold under the in cumbrances of mortgages. One town Lot in lim town of Jnrk«nn, Butts county. No. I. ill square No. 19—levied on ns the pro perty of George II . Luiccry hv virtue of one l’i Fa is. sued from a Justice's Court in favor of Bedford II. Darden vs saiJ Lowery—levied oa and returned to me by a constallc. Fifty acres of Lund in the sum It west corner f Lot No. 20 in the fourth dtstlict originally Monroe mow Suits comity—levied on as the pro|ierty ot /,. II Eubank lo satisfy a Fi Fa issued from a Justice's Toiirt in said county in favor of Bedford II. Darden ssahl F.uuaiik—levied ou and returned to me by n instable. June 24, 1832 II. HATF.LY, Sheriff. POSTPONED- RALE., Also, will be sold us abort, 101 1-4 acres of Land, more or less, it be ing the smith half ol Lot No.,51, in the fust district originally Henry now Butts county—levied on as iite rnporty of George II'. f.oirery, to satisfy three Fi 'us issued from a Justice’s Court in said comity, two i favor of Lawrancn Gahagan, and one III favor of Ermine Case vs said I owery—levied oil and relumed o me by a constable —This property is improved for la ruling with a dwelling bouse, Ac. June 24, 1832. II. HATELY. Sheriff. Ato. will It sold, as above, nn the first Tuetduy iu SEFTEMIIEK, 2 Beds, 4 liedstends. Furniture fivr 2 beds, ! I Windsor Chairs, 1 Bureau, I Slab, I dining Ta- Id" and 2 Reals, 3 fir nil Tahirs, 2 hall round Tables I Wnshslnnd, 5 Looking-glasses, I cotton Carpet, 1 lot Crockery, 1 lot Glass Ware and lots uf kitchen and cooking utensils, Ac. ton-tedious lo mention— all levied on ns the properly of Dnniel T. Duepree to Minty a mortgage Fi Fa issued Irnni Butt* Inferior Capri in favor of Lewis J Duepree vs Da. iei T. Due pree. 1 Road Wuqnon, 1 Colton (Jin, 5 pair wup on Gear, t os Cart. 1 Os. 1 gin Band —nil levied on s the property of Daniel T. Divpret to satisfy a mort gage Fi Fa i-sued from Butt* Inferior Court in favor of U illlmn II. Rmilli vs snid Deupree, Juno 24, D32. D. HATF.LY. Sheriff. 1 71 OUR MONTHS after data application will be ; made to tho honorable the lnfoiinr court of Butts coiiety when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell lot of laud No. 103, in the seventeenth district of originally Henry now DeKalb county, es tlie property of Sumuel Sbndraek, deceased, fur the benefit of the distributees of his estate. March 9 !)« Wit.LIAM Bt.At.OriC. Guard. Campbell Sheriff Sales* W ILL heouhl ou the firrt Tuesday Iu AUGUST next, before tlie court house in the town of Camphelltou, Campbell county between tho usual hour* of sale, Lot of Land, No, 8, in the second district of originally Carroll now Campbell county—levied on as the pro|u rty of Ju/iu F.. Hurts to satisfy two Fi Fas issued from a Justice's Court, one in favor of P. J. Murray, and the other in favor «l P. J. Murray assignee of Win. Rummer* vs snid Davis, and Tipton W. Colton—levy made and returned to tue by u com stable. Ono Cow nml.Culf, ono Sow iltd *ix Pigs —levied on ns the property of Clabtrn Kutherford to satisfy one Ft Fa in favor of Thomas Rockwell v said Kutherford Out* >imret Horse, one Sulkey and Harness, one Clock—levied on as the properly of Koberl Field to satisfy two Fi Fas in favor uf M. P. Earl & Co. vs said Field. One hay mure Colt, one sorrel Horse, one Jersey Waggon, one pine Table, one Bed nnd Bed- ding, one Uidi,. nd (words Plates—levied on ns the pro|ierly ol John UHehntk to satisfy one Fi Fa la fa- vur of finds IM»'W indorsee vs laid Hitchcock. Tlioiimjiviilcil Imlf of Lot of Laud, Nn 17, In th* ninth diiirtrt of originally Coweta pow Camp bell county—levied on as the property of Thomas Smith in'Mtidy ono Fi Fa in favor o: John M. Sima vs s<id Rinitli. L»t ol l. iml,-No. 107 in tlie eislnli district of originally Coweta now Campbell r.npntv.—levied on as lha property of ini/tam O. Hurt to satisfy a Fi r 1 vnc- i'° Churchill Gibson administrator ol l- *'i h v» aald Hurt. Jha*29ilK». fi. EASLY, J*j>. Shonff. W‘ BEK next, helure tire court hu’ in Jackson, Butts enmity, A Slot cf XiP.nds Ifflo. 3.5* in lira fust district of originally llnnry now Piltts countv, l»cIotipi<£ it5 iIih M*Alfi'ifiu, imp of South, deceawd—ti mis made known ou the day. JUlIN R- M'MAHAN. Jo,,;. |4 OC. Ailm or Georgia, iXoiwtoa Gouaty. ^ttfy iir.RKAS Ilfnrv Pitts ami Hmvell, V w Knecuforsof Iheesiute of John Howell, ilc- npply tcimo for loiter* of disinlwtMi—'’ Ami, wlicrcnn John Clomoey, AdinioisJrHlorof ll»« ostntft ol Chaucey, deceased, I** me for fe((i»r»nfdUml«»ion* These are.thrrrfore, to rile nntl ndmoirirh nil and sn go far the kindred and creditors of snid tfeecnsid. In h. nml appear at my rJJUt, within the time prescribed /> Imp, to shew cause, if any they hare, tchjj said Ulltr should not be granted. (liven under my Imml i»nd **a! nt office. IMnrrh •! 1 b:\Qo ml04 CHARM'* H IIICI . r. r. o. Oeorgia* Bibb Coimty. W flliltEAS. John ^mith. HdmiuHtr *tor of lh«* of llnnry *mifh. laloof lJiM» cnuoly, (l»*ron!«rd, ii) plies lo mr’l'or let'.crt t»f dismission us nd- miniMrutor of snid MhI»: These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and rredifort of said deceased. In he nnd appear at my office, within the lime, prescribed by fair, to shew rnise. if any they hare, why tuid Ulten should not be granted. Given under my h*nd.f!i*« 7th davof Mny, Iw*. 10 MA!lt!N SI.VMONa, c. c.o. Coor^ia, Coweta Ooiinty, W HEREAS Willi im J. Jnnnany. mlmlrtlslrntor on the r«tafe of Maria lollcn, deceased, up* |ili«*« to m*‘ for lrMi*rg of <ii-ml**Jon— Time arc therefore to rite and admonish nil nnd sin gular the kindred and creditors of snid deceased, lobe and appear at tnyofficewit/iin the time prescribed hy law. la show cau*r. if any they have, tchy said lelt'.rs should not he granted. Given under my hnnd tld» Ptfi dnv of Jom*, iBr^. 25 SI HON HOUsK. c. e. o. T 1 ©cos* gia, 3Sibb County. fu the Suptriar Court of Jlibb eouuly, February ait• Term. 1832. HE petit:-..' of James J Moore respectfully shews, that Nancy Malone did, on the third liny of Jamiioy. 1823. execute to iiim lire mortgage on !.0t No.23. in the second district of Houston now Bibb ronnty, rniitainingr two hundred two and n Imlf acres, to suenrr th" payment^of a note of Imml origin ally given for fifty dollars, upon which Ihere i« remain ing due the sum of flirty-nun dollars, sixty-eight "till three-fourth cents principal and twenty-sown 'dot ws mid forty-eight cents interest Whereupon, it is ordered hy tlie Court, that 'he prtneipni. interest and cost due upon Iho said most- gege, he paid into Ihis Court on nrbefnre the first day of the next term of this Court, and that a ropy of this rate he published in one of the public Gazelles in Mo- con. onee a month for four months, before the next term of this Court, or lie served upon snid Nancy Malone three months before the next term uf this Court. A true enpv from theminntr*. May I, IK«.IT. O. ROSS, Clerk Cktorsfia, Crawford Couaty. f HAAKEN tip by Lewis Davis nml lolled before Svt- IS. vinius I’rilice. e Jlotice of tlie Pence, one cstray Fitly, supposed to !«• three years old. an iron gray, ro bramijtliscoverntile. by Jonatban Col liert and Michael Watson to bo worth sixty-five dol lars. this 4th day of July. 1832. A true extract from the estruy book, this Gill day of 'uly, 1838. 28 W J. 11AMM4CK. c. i a ' VNOUR month* after date, application nil . I 1 made to the honorable tlie Inferior Cou ill lie Court of owcla county, while sitting for ordinary purposes .r leave to sell |»t No. 73, in the filft district of snid hnvela county, belonging to the estate of Dariil Cox, Into of Jedtssno county, deceased, for (lie belie fit of the lie’ll-* uid creditor* of said deceased, marcli 13 99- JOHN VIXYAUD, Adm'r. F OUR months afterdate, anplii uiadoto the hoiinrakle inferior c iention will lie Hindu to the honorable inferior court of Monroe county, when sitting for ordinary purpose*, for leave to soil lot of land No. 247, In the sixth district of said county, for the benefit of the children. THOMAS B. GORMAN, march 15 101 Kalural Guardian. nOUIt months after dele, application will he . £* made to tlie honorable the Inferior court of Jasper countv, when silling for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of land No. 92, in the ninth district of Muscogee county, for the benefit of blah ah/ and Pol ity Hol.tifir.hl. WILLIAM 1>. HOIIFIF.I.D, April II, 1832. 129 Guardian. S 740UR months after date, application will bo , made ly 'lie honorable tho Inferior court of Butts county, ohile sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of land No. 4H8, drawn in the 20lh district of Muscogee cjnnty, fur the bmiefit ol Ufa"- gore! Chisum, orphun of Gatewood Chisum of Ala- bamn, deceased IIKNRY1IATELEY, April 16,1832. ISO Guardian F OUR MONTIIR after date application will lie ■nude tn tho honnrabtR tho Inferior Court of Houston county, when sitting for ordinary fur|Uies. for leave to sell the land and urgroes of tlie estate of Kallsff Ecoldt. deceased. HUGH L. IRWIN, May 7. 1832 19 Adm'or TOOUR.MONTHS after iIhic, application wilt he if made to tlie honorable the Inferior court of Fnvette county, while silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Koberl Harris, de ceased, for the benefit of tlie heirs and creditors of said deceased. LARKIN BARNETT, Adm'r. May 8,1832. 29 AOUlt months afterdate, application will be ccada 1 tn the Honorable tho Inferior Court of the county of Uausloii.whcn siltingnsnCouil of Ordin ary, (or leavo to sell that part of the real estate of Thomas A. Irwin laic if laid county, deceased, which was not disposed of by will, to wit: the undivided half of tot No. two hundred and fifiy-sevcn, in the thirteenth district of said county, for lit* hem-fit of ihe heirs and creditors. llUGU L. IRWIN, June 9, 1832, 23 F.i'or. A GREEABLK loan order of iho Honorable Life- [■A. rior Court of Houston comity* when sitting for ordinary purposes, will b« sold on the first Tucs- dny-in August next, at the court house in the town of I’crry, between the nsual hours of sale, Cf.3 Kot of £and» 9Jo. 3.5, in the fiRb district of Honston county, well improved^ with about 130 ucres of fresh cleared land, a good Gin House—sold for tlie benefit of the heirs and cre ditor* of Darnel Clark, Beu. deceased. Terms on tho day. Also, on the day following, Atthelateresidenceofsaid Clark, in the fifth dis trict of Hnoslnn connty, will be sold a good forty 8aiv Colton Gin and Thrasher and Running Gear to said Gin—sold for the benefit of (he heirs tnd credi tors of said Daniel Clark, Ken. deceased- Terms on the day. SARAH CLAKK. F.x'rx. JOSHUA PATT1SUALL, Ex’cr May 28,1832 ‘ 2-2 A GREEABLE to an order nf the Inferior Court of Jones county, will he sold on the first Tuesday in SEPFEMBEK nest, at Perry, llouston couuty, and at Lumpkin, Stewart county. S/hrco £ota of Land, viz! One Lot lying in Houston county, in the ninth dis trict, No. l9;also one Lot lying in the twenty-first dis trict offjrmcrly Lee now Stewart county. No. lit end one In the twenty-second district of Stewart county, No. S6; all sold as .the properly of Ami Dunn, deceased, for tho benefit ol the heirs and creditors oi said deceased.-—'Terms nf sale made known on the dsy. SAMUEL WINFREY, Adm’or. ws.jccoisi, R emaining in the rost.oitico at perry, Houston county, Ga., for the quarter end ing 1st July, 1832, ami if not taken out during tho present quarter, will, «t tho end of it, be aotit to the General Post Office Department as dead let ters. Persons applying will please ask for Adver tized Mien: , A.—David Aultmnn, Jnincs Adams, t\ illittm Adam*. Isaac or J. Wo rthi tigton A rid r iilge, J nines Allirettoii. II.—Nathan Byrd, Horace W Drunson, Allen Bridges, F.xpar.itiro liroxton, Jeplcr Boyd 2. Harrison, William Brunson, William Bry an, Beniamin Brvaut, Edward Burt-h. Mary D. Brown 3. Philli|i'B«ily, Thomas Barron. C.—Elisa CoffieJd, Allen B Chastain 4, I-c- von F Chain, Lany Corley, .Moses (hillins, Lewis Coppodge, Thomas Copeland 2, Rachafel Cul- poppor. Hoivol (iohh 3. Thomas Coats, Morgan I). Cordi-r. Flislia Curtis, John Chaiu, Lewis Chorrv. Sarah Corldii. m D.—Minin Daniel, l-'.nstcr Dunn, W in N Du pree, Josliia Daughtry, James Dc- n Esq., Elijah Dunn, Lewis Dupree, Nauoy Daniel, Miss Caro line Dunn. _ E.—Isltani Evans, Thomas Everettc, Janus Everett. Ratliff Echols. , F. William I’lowe-s, Austin Frederick, Fran cis N. Foruhuin, Nelson Flornoy, Benjamin Fudge. O. W’in or Pamucl Grace. Samuel Cilmcr 2. Ellen I,. Gnv. Gartrcll & Willhorn, L. J. Gor- dan. James Green. Wm or Samuel Grace. If.—.Miles K Harmon 2. James Hammons, William Haddox. *famea ITohliness. Mehagar Hendrick, Ellis Hardin, Augustus Howard. J.—Darling Johnson, Henry Jackson. Ethcl- dred Ingrain, Francos Justice, D V,' Irwin, Lar kin Joiner, Beverly Justice, John Johnson Junr., James Johnston, justices of the Inferior Court Houston County. K.—Sarah Knight, Charles Kimhrcl, Ephraim Kendrick. L.—Hugh Laivson, Joint Law, Bryant Lam, Joseph W Lettle. John Louper, Willis Layton. M.—George Monsingo, Thomas N. Ill-Wil liams, Col Edward Morn, MrM Milton. N.—Mrs S Night. O.—Ezekiel Ogrini 3. P.—Noldes Parter, George Patten, 2, George W Pellum, Stephen Pitt* 2, James Parrimorc, Thomas Parrinmre, Thomas Pollock, Solomon Peak, Jonathan Polk, Jesse It Pitman. Cl.—William Quick. R.—Stephen lingers. Thos Bush, Jesse Balls S.—David Smith. Daniel Sander*. Hardy Saggs, RobtD. Sinclair, Isaiah Sikes. Matthew Sikes. T.—Jtirad Tomlinson, Brniatjvn Thomas, .Toseeli D. Tucker, John or W. F. Taylor Todd, Mrs Cintha Troulilefield, Owen Tomlin, Giles B Taylor, James 'I aff. W.—William Willohy. Mrs Martha Walker, Michael Watson 2, John and Mrs Sarah Wotton —- White. Samuel Webb, Joseph Willnford Sarah Woodson, Atler Wyman. Eli Wood, John B. William*. Osborn Wiggins, Austin Whitt-. Y.—Capt W W Young. JOHN M. MOORE, P. M. Perry, July 1. 18S2; 28 3t r:;; - T i>: - v *2 a &ECE1V. MACON I.OTTEUY npw,. 1 ZZighcst 3?n'izo JJ520 One hull the Capital Prize of Jptii i«>n • 'V* 1 ied(evlir« Li ttcry, MII.LF.DOEVILLE STREET 1 Ara* " I a J ucotgtn.) SCHEME: *• $20,000 30.000 20,000 9,000 4,000 4.000 3.500 3,C00 2.500 2.000 l,50tj 1,000 3.500 2.500 13.000 Less than two Hanks to a JVfie All tho Prizes to bo Iloatiug from* the meneemont. except tins following tlcnoxLj" 1 follows, to wit; 1 ““ i First Day’s Drawing—2 Prizes of 5 om , 1.000, 1 ofilOO, 1 of 8110, 1 of700, 1 offl " 500, 1 of 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. U ’ 1 * Second Day’s Drawing—1 Prize of 10 Win J of LOCO, l of 000, 1 of rtUO. 1 of 700. i 2 ftcorgia, Campbell County, SAAC HOWILLof tho 784th district G. M„ tolls before A Nail, Justice of Iho Peace, one gray Horse, eight or ten years old, nn brands perceivalilej swinnii-d "in tmlli shouldcri. Ap|iraised liy William Stoker *nd Clahorn Gurnian to fifteen dollars, this •Hi May, 1832. , irOIIN KF.I.LEAN posted before Snmitcl Wilker- p son, Justice oftlie Peace for attid county, n stray sorrel Mair, eight or nine years old. with a binge iii Itet face; no brands perceivable. Appraised by F-li- jali Garrett and Clahorn Rnntherford to thirty dollars. B AILEY W. PRUITT of the 731»t District G. M.* tolls before Samuel Witkerson, Just- ieeof the Peace, one stray sorrel Poney, both bind feet white, n star and blaze in his face, three years old. no brands perceivable. Appraised hy E. Wyatt and John Kescrto fifteen dollars. I certify llm above to tic a true copy from my cstray book, this 25th June, 1832. 28 JAMES W. LUMPKIN, c. I. c. THB COWETA Red and White Sulphur Spring T HE subscriber has recently established himself at these Springs, and is new ready for there- ceplinn of hoarders nnd visitors. They are situated about six milessouth of Newnan, on Iho road leading directly to La Grange. Though these springs are of recent diseovery, yet experience has established for them a character (in the cure of several diseases) pro bably not surpassed hy any watering (dace. There have been no chemical experiments made on tlie \vn- tars, but every day’s experience proves them to pos sess cathartic, diuretic, diaphoretic, and dcobstruent qualities. Were It neecssary, snOielrnt-testimnnlals could be furnished to establish what hat been said. HENRY L. LESTARJETTE, Coweta Springs, June 12’’ 20 4t GEORGIA HOTEL. sUSSSS*, Gainesville, Georgia. T HE Subscribers beg lenve to announce to their friends and the public generally, that their house w ill be tn readiness to receive hoarder, by the ■Kith of July next. Tho GEORGIA HOTEL is situated on thocorner of tho public square. It Is spacious, neat, and com fortable. To tlie man of family, the individual trav eller, the daily hoarder, or the fashionable visiter, the Georgia Hotel w ill present accommodations inferior lo non j in tlie western part of Georgia. Our stables will be bountifully supplied with the best of proven der and attentive ostlers. Gaines-, illq is one of tho most flourishing nnd growing villages In Georgia. It is situated immediately on the upper Federal Road, nine tnilca from the Cherokee lino, atid about eighteen miles from the Cherokee Gold Mines. It is the most direct route for persons wishing to’explore the Cher okee country, who live in the eastern snd middle counties of Georgia or Carolina. Persons wishing to stop iu Gsinesville, can lie accommodated with private conveyances to any-part of the Gold region they may wiili to visit. The line of stages running from Augusta tn Athena has also been extended to Gsinesville; and from thence to Murrsysville, twelve miles west of Gainesville, which gives as great faeili- travelling to the Gold region as to any other part of the Slate. We believe tram thelocsl sdvsn- tageswhich Gainesville possesses, that Ihereisnovil. lage in the State that is better calculated to render those comfortable and pleasant who may with to spend (he summer months in (he up country. We are dailyVifreshed with mountain breezes—the nights estromely pleasant—end (he best and purest of pump or spring water. An accommodation stage line will shortly bo running from Gainesville to Clarkesville. Persons from Gainesville wishing lo visit the falls of Tnlloola.nrany other curiosities located in llabcr- sham, can be conveyed to and from on reasonable terms. By our personal and unremitting attention, we hope lobe abla to render all wbo may favor is* with a call, comfortable and easy. Welhcrtfiiru earnestly aoticit a share of public natrnnoge. ABSALOM BISJWP. WM. N. BI3II9P. GsInuoUte, 23d June, 1833. X W A X?st of Betters > EMAINING on hand in the Post Office nt j/ Knoxville feam the 1st of April to the 410th Juno, which if tint called for, xvi l be seut to the General Post Office ns dead letter*: A E. M. Amos 2, David Atherton, Jesso A dam*, Catharine Abbott. JL—William Bron, Mary Brooks. Paterson C Beal, Richard Burnett, Jeremiah Baker, Wil liam Baker, Arbin C Baloy 3. John Bevekstom John S. Brooks, William Bustle, Zachariah Brand 2, William Bowdoin, John Bhrkcr, Leroy Boles. C—Patrick Cnlhotm 2, William Casper2. Wil liam Campbell, Soth Casin, Benjamin Clark, Clerk Superior Court. James Clona. D.—Jcssoe Duffy, Richd. Dcnrmon. Jeremiah Duckworth. William Dunn, Siltbry Davis. F,.—Thomas Edwards, Kumitli Elrinton. F—David L. Files, Michael Fagon3. O.—O. C. Gibson. II.—James Ilood, John Hamilton, G. R. Hun ter, Zachariah Hamilton, Jonathau Harrison John Ilolloway, F. S. Haskill, F. A. Iloynic, Parmilia Ann Hardy. K. —James D King, Mary Kirkpatrick. L. —James S Lea. M. —Sarah M'Garty, Samuel Montgomry 2, Wm. M'Daniel, John B. M’Grauge 2, E. Mat thews 3, John Matthows 2, Katcy M'Lcndon, Mary M'Cartcr. N. —Win Newr.on, James Nichols. P—Abram Prim, Sarnncl Pearson, Benjamin Porter, Peacock Perry, Thomas Price, Matthew Peters, Mark Partin, Mass Pettis, Syivauus Prince Esq., Brittain Partin. R. —John Rtiss, Joshua Rowe, Everett Rett' frow. S. —Anron Shurly, Sampson Smith 2, Thos L. Sattcrwhite, Thomas Scott, W S Smith, S L Stoutman, William Stuckey, S. J. Saunders, Jacob Summerling, Bov. James Storley, Snhrn Sheppard, Iloury Smith, Wiilium Spires, Frc dcrick Sims. T—II. B. Troutman, Newsom Taunton, Bo hert Touler, John Thompson, John Taber, John Thrus, Wm C Timptou, Henry Turner, John Tharp, Mrs Counry Tarver. V—R. Vickers. W.—-John Wchb, Prorter Williamson, John Woods, Rider Wilson, Howell Wells, 8arah West, J Wells, E L Wbnslcs, Benjaraiu Woa- thorhy Esq., John Walpole. 28 3t W. J. WAYNMAN, P. M Xaxup Oil. April 10 121 3 do 10,000 4 do 5,000 9 do 1.000 5 do 900 5 do 800 5 do 7C0 5 do COO 5 do 500 5 do 400 5 do 300 5 do 200 35 do 100 50 do 50 650 do 20 5000 do 12 f700, lefflni of.mi oNUO. lnfiJUl), lofSO'J. tu| M Third Day’s Drawing.—1 Prize of 10 om i .009, l of900. I of 800, 1 of 700.1 u f Z , 500. 1 of 100, 1 of 800, 1 of 200. ' Fouitl; Dny’s Drawing.—1 Prize oflOfon i 5.000, 1 of 909, 1 of 800, 1 «f 700, 1 cfiiiin 100. 1 of 100, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. ’ 1 c Fifth Day’s Drawing—1 Prize of 20.000 t. 1000, t of900, 1 of8b0, 1 of500, 1 ofCUil 500. I of 400,1 of 300, 1 of 200. ’ 0 Aud on the commencement of tho First, g (l end, Third and Fourth Day’s Drawing, the fn| drawn number shall lie entitled to a prize cf 10 dollars, aud oil tlie conclusion of the last l)?r Drawing, tho first and last drawn number dial he eutitlecl to a Capital Prize of 5000 dollars each! in addition to such prizo as may he drawn tothii number. 1 The whole Lottery to he etuipletril in * day* drawing only. Prizes only to he driivti. Tho whole of the Frizes payable iu sixty da*, after each Day’s Draw ing—subjec t to a cIci'muh of fifteen per ceut. All prizes not applied ; u 12 month* from each draw ing, tohcconsiikrrd a donation to the funds of the Millcdgeviilc Sin Lottery. The’ drawing to take place tinder the stiperia tendencc of William W. Carnes, Samuel Hofo., Inn, Samuel Rockwell, William 1). Torrance,£. zekiel E. Park, Joseph Stovall, Thomas W. lias-] ter, James S. Calhoun, and Iverson L. Harris, Commissioners; also a Board of Visitors, Hrtsent Price of Tickets: Wholes, S10—Halves 5-—Quarters $250. Tickets for sale at tho Macon Lottery Office by S. ROSE Macon, Mny 12. 21 Negroes Wanted. T HE subscribers will pay liberal prices forij few likely meu, young and of goad char! actcr. BLANTON & SMITH, f May 25 144 > XNDXAZV SEStlKTGS, May 21, 1832. T HE subscriber having returned to the IS DL?N SPRINGS, his establishment t that place is now open and ready for the recq tion nnd accommodation of Boaraors and Vki: during the present season. Erwin’s Hotel, Tn Macon, will also bo kept open under the in- perintendence of nn experienced and attentat agent. A large addition to his former establish ment has just boon cotnplotcd. 21-2m L. A. ERWIN. . 07“ The Georgia Journal, Savannah Cror gian, Georgia Courier, and Charleston Courier, will insert tho above onco a week for two month', and forward their accounts to Macon, G*. 30' Blanton & Smith OFFF.R FOR SALE, hlHTDS Si Croix nnd N. O. Sugar 60 bhls do do do 50 do I.oaf and Lump do 50 do Rvo Whiskey 2000 bushels'Salt. And a variety of other goods. May 25 144 DR. T. ELLIS, H AVING determined to settle permanent) in Macon, rospc'ctfully offers bis Professional Services to tho Inhnhitantsof tho town and ndjaccntcoot' try. For tho satisfaction of thosewho areunst' qua'mtcd with him, ho thinks proper to state, tl? he was regularly admitted to his profession ta 1804, agreeably to the laws and regulations of® State of New York, and that most of his turn since that period has been dovoted to «i sive practice. By a faithful discharge of bis pro fessional duties, ho hope* to merit a liberal P"- ronago. His residence and office arem ty*** formerly occupied oyMr. Birdsongi on Mulbeirj street. Jan. 14 2. . Just received O M bhds St. Croix, Potto Rico, and Now Wf® Orleans SUGARS 150 bags Coffco 35 barrels Molasses 70 bis Northern llum, CO do Whiskey 30 bis Gin J 25 quarter casks Malaga Wina Cognac Brandy, Holland Gia Jamaica Rum «« S ua I ter chc,u Tea, 40 kegs Nails 20,000 Ins Iron e a/sa ,9 er i? an . and English blistored Steel 5,000 lbs Castings Powder, Shot and Lead Domestics, aud a General Assortment SPRING GOODS, Cutlery, Hats, Shoes, Boots, $*c. For sale by GEORGE JEWETT. May 19 142 To Rent. t THE dwelling over the P. Patrick If Co., w-ellcslcuhtedW a nrivato Boarding House, occupied by Seth Lewis. Abo, • Store occupied by W. T» Snge. PosiesiionS»« B after the 1st of Oetojjr next^ A #rW A. P. PATRICK. June 05 155 tf — J| GALLONS'of^'rate,thr»I'^ .IS®. Confectionary of March 15 102 A Rodgers’ Gunpowder, GENERAL assortmentoftho differentqua- litira, direct from the Facto.y, for sale by A C. A. HIGGINS. vtsomx.. 4 QUANTirY of superSne Flour; received ’ « y r..? . Ch 2fJ e .*.^ arroU snd for sale by >7 &> 144 ELLI8. 8I1QTWELL A, CO. English Merinoas nWERINO SQUARE SHAWLS just re- ■* S*: i* ,T0d "J WM.H.BURDSALL. Dec 28 54 it cocshtH Mercantile establishment, has --.strut, the new houso below tho corner,on Lh 07, ^ j recently occupied by them, ’ Hher *. n , hi , jgt. Goods as low as any other houso w tW P for Cash or Cotton. His stock is now very most every article for the couoi DRY GOO Hats, Shoes, Hardware, Groitno, Salt. Iron, *c. finj , Tho old customers and the P“r' e fseih- aro respectfully invited to caHi a» 11)0 tio» heretofore given will stdl * x ’^, v>re iiota»' Id tho roar of his Store u a New a pt ; on si jwt finished, and now ready for the<uw, Blke Cotton, which ho will take on > liberal advance, oa the «-o09> oct.28 4 GEORgEjl^' ■gTIOP. *ale^ 0 ELLIs!9 ! ^ , ^ VELI ' & ^' J? May 25 144 P OCICET MAPS OK’uiAiiU }IA at this offittn- 106