Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, August 01, 1832, Image 5

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m Bibb ffheriiT flfcii Or ai.ld .HI ll.x fr-tTM'-'l-'y i» AtJ.JU8"l i>U ti;, fix' (bnirl.Uuaw ill Mauon, Itibl■ Comity,Iintw*•If'flu- u-ui.l Ini*-/ .it sab-, One dtvt II-lir^U.(•!<•> Mill L-«| ill East Ma ys m ,’ ,v Pice Doric:! I'l’iv livi s-a-levied on ti «m«ty mi !A<i.:i- .1; id.icd '■..j .lie taxtrulleukir lorlii- tas sir dmyi-i*r lr' I. . T.vii <•/•.{-. i,|' .hi.I .,i;p lot Pull -—Imi’il mi HU I In-j >r. V iti ’llioiu-tn Fletrhrrto * 'X' 4»fy a Fi r'f i-it .1'iV ii 'ielf-or " H'mriiir Court In tv- -Vo'r n| iVi.’l-,i if Fuller v* •aldFlulclirr & t’ilzim mum., 1832. L.ui mill liiiitHiveiiii'iiUi No. iiui known, wlu-remi cuu-in Well, now liveti mm i , *7rn follow Aaron. nml mm nxgro WntMifl F.lleP—ill levied on • in the nr'in.-i! v of\tiintlm It’ Well' devt-nsad-, to sa il ri'y sundry t i Kan. is*ned from ilm mnni’inr court ml i.iid iHiuruv In tuviir of J.|.i f!i k ! y nml other, v». .8u**H'We.l«[ exttVutris. Qne Lot nml Imp:..vemrnK tvlt.'tcotl Mar lin *iim/;ii./i iimv It.i-tcvu-d.on a« hi* property. In MlUfy a pi Ka fruin thi'i^iijirrior Court of Bibb cuuuty.iu mv M.f JiilniT^ircImr vs said Siuiihor.s’..- iVtUifl'isoH Smith'siiv mrni in Lot No. 8, ill (In; fir-t’- IM it! 'ill 1 town‘of. Afiicorir-lilvjed on to 'tsiliafv two 1 i I’.I* i "rilled front n J-i-ti :-Ts court In fn- ot'J .so,.U i/doer. *» -nM Smith—levy made and returned lu me l.i a coiis'nhle. One Lot III' 1.111(1 miii aiilliiHii!? drop of Ootn Nn. KV iii llie I’.mrlli district of originally II>n*t«-n now Bibb nonniy-—levied on ns the propi ,!y of llir/i- Fish, iir l;is intrrest in said tut and crop, to sntii- <fyii I'i i'ii i'Sitei) I’roai tho Superior Court of said conn- tv in favor of Wrlliam .lin tnnn vs said Fish—levy ill i.le and retiiiiicd to iiih l.y a constable. Tin on Nnni nos, Peter a mull about thirty years old. Eliza ll ivnninn. and her child an infant, iiHinn lint 1 nmviLr*aU levied mi ns tlm property nf II /-’fWTs^j.ijniioV «i i a dry ti Fn* issued front the at. Jieri ., :i III ; ■ ,.I -1. its of •: ■ 1 Cnwaty in favor of It i 11P'I p'.licr* H " Vni/i I .,i* limit .ii.ihivi nienl: ill East M icon. saM lot. ocenpied i mHills nf s IdTou -iin,. |.,iii Mini liDprovemen or '(JeorgS Mlrklrjohii's Inter 1—j*. lt*iHjjitii*nito}bi:na also tin* standing en.nnf .rnai!j.11nine Km.I .Macon, cultivated hy said Mickle- Ji-iliis—all levied mi to satis 1 *' sundry t i I’as Iron) Bihb Inferior and Superior Cnin’ts. in favor of tiny Ch.-un- jdiiiii and others vs. sail! Mirktejnlin. Four Ni'L'ioii*, Suitor a atatl, Jarob a man, f l'i-ljll a woman, and Aunts a woman—levied on as tin! property of Chnrlm S /.ew/llosalisfy a Fi Fa issn ed fr mi Ih." Superior Court of said eounty in favor of the ifaiik of Ihc United Stales v* said i.eivis July (i. II. ifO.VAliy, thtrj. Aim. Kill be told at oho ref House mid Lot No. ti in tlm Hviuity-fniiriii sn'Ml'C in the Imvn of Macnn-levicd on as tile nrn- jitily nf Spenrcr Itilev, Iii ..satisfy Ivyot’i Fas issued out of a Jastiee's Court n! said county in favor nf frnirh lfaVU.vssaid Kilev—protieily pointed out Iiv piain* tilf—levied on aijllvtiiriied tu me liVa ro-isluMl*. June. 3t>. ISifJ/ WM B. CONK, Ptp. sherff Alto, will be to ’it nt oborr. on lie ford Tlt t'ly in . bEP I F.itllHIl next. Two Netilie*, I’l-tiT idmul iliirfy vonrs «i|d. and t.lixa a sirl nhoitl sinteen venrs nf aae—all levied on as the nroperty of II. L. .Team to »»li*lv a ui“rt- j;iii<e I’i Fi, issued triml the inferior f.'otnl of llihb cii'inty. in favor of Sarah Denton v*. said Towns. •July 0. II. UO\VAli.Lf, therljf. P08POXEH SAI.r., A 'so will be told nt <i/*,r». on Ihe-Urrl Tuesday In All- OUST A7J.YT. Olio lot nf Mills mid the Lapd- attarjind tlirreiinta. contniniae Ji'l'i acres more nr less; Imitwo as IJeoc*’.* tt uv Mills -levied on a* the properly of .Wo/«»|i tl{orf~lbsatiily sumlrv tiFas issued frum.llie Superidr uiid Coiittsof Bildi county hi favor of tawis Ju:(ice, S. M. Ingrrsoll atid others vs, said (irhen. li. fi. HOWARD. July J. I33j^* . Sheriff, Sonry Sltariff Sales* XTr/lfUrli’a sotii OH tint lirat Tueadfiydn SEP- V V ’I’fl.MBWt nest. Iictu rwi.lhe htwtuf hours op •ala.-Inford the court lionso ilnnif intlie ton u of Mnc- dni oiieli, llenrv county, tlm lidloivinft |iropc)'iy, vi*: Out! Lot of Luml, ttoifflV'-r tmt Kiuivvik hi tiie a'vth iflstrtct nt llenry e.iuiniy, whereon J im,4 Al .••iister now llfes—h vied mi ns the properly nt JtmtU It. I'inler. to satisfy siiudry l i Fas issued trim; a .llie inns collet i^tavnr of It. ttagiauil vs JUlllt.l M. Fo>- !.ir mill Janies Sliavv—levy made and returned to me by a amidablo. Til )S.J JOH.VdltN, "July til. Sheriff, Also, trill he told nt nlbre. - The mst bell'of |oi No/i’Dy, in the (list ills- Irlrt nf Honry Com tv—levied mi ns Ihc |ifniiiirty of IfiHirm Col. to satisfy a Fi Fa Issued frnm a Justice's court ot Henry county in favor nt Atithonv rtyer vs A. Crolfnf t ami said Ctsyi—alsii other FI Fni hi favor of llenry Suiainerlin aiul l, l l| ei j , vs. Joshua I. ilood, now ill poaSesiinn of said laud—levy made uu'd ro- turned in me by a lunsfuldp. . Tlm oiiai Irilf if Lot of L'rttd Nil 1 OCt, in the eighth ilisti !• t of said county—leVIcdlon at the proper ty 'if John Marthman. to satisfy wrniry I'i Fas issued from a Justice's Vejrt in said comity, in fti vnr ofjolin Daily and othors—levy mod* cud r-durmid tiv'jne by aeeu t 'il.i, JAMES f-UVK, Pt blwriff. July-J'i. . '. ' • -■■■■ - ■’ Vp. r ji?yc 'J StinxiS Trsril-I. Is- set.! oh the frst Tnctdiiy in SKPTF..M- V J It! ii before the court hnusn door in the lown of Cuinpbeliton, Comiiliclf county, between the usual hours nl snlc.-luo following property. viz: 1’wo Nettilies, (« vvi.; n uonmn liamed Cu- rolinr. the other a boy child named Dan—levied on us the properly of John Arjcr, to satisfy a Fi Fn issued froth Camphcll fUperi. r court in favor nf CJiai'let Collins vs. John Kiser, Isaac Howell, Bohci t Her- |k.Elijah Dorset!, and Uriel Baggot—property point;.d out by plnintiirs attorney. Negro fsiri by tbo nuino of M rinli, it- l|0iit llircu years old—levied on as'the properly of T'fin Kiser, to satisfy sundry Fi Fat issued from a (n.«tiee’s court in favor of Wuliant Benin tt. adiniuis- ;rider. Ac. ot Tlintnas Bmnett, dec., vs. F. F. Ally, John Kizi r, and James Langston—property poinled mil hy pleiiilill's attorney—le vy made and returned to me by i>. Ill itvwel, constat,le. Two Lota of La lid No. ld!f nml No. 140, in the ninth dislrirl iifoiigiiiu.l v Fayette now Cuntp- tndl county—levied on' us the prcpi rty of John Ki- :tr. to sat isfy a Fi f*» jbin d front t .'liiripliell sti|irriof cnlirt in favor of Evan llowel vsJeliii Kizer—proper ty pointed out hy plaintiff. All tl.L* interest " Isaac Gnrmm has in I,ot, No lifd till own, in the full rice mil. disliiet ol'ofi- ..iiiuily F.iyctlo iiniv Caiaptu.ll eouiity, its (lie posses ion. of M* II. woil und Hilj.iiidiig John R. Tueltcr— levy- made hi favor of - K. H yall A Co.—property •inled out hy Jt*ic M. Balt, plaintiff* attorney.' July J5. JAMES UfUSHAM, Shtr.ff. Vu^ii Eiw sold on «V Rmt Tuesday Iiv SF.tTFM- T ?. ll Fit rest, bolorefbo court bouse in Juduou. ■ “'“^SSf irBaaa/Woi-Jt#-' of rhiiitJi Ciiroiiua', ,‘iceuscd—teha» tnu.lelin'iwn un thedav. JUIi.'i’ U- M MA.tlAV June HI _M ■ Atlaior ihl. be sold ill Jackson. Bntt*.chuuty,yit the • (Irst Toes'dav In Sr|rt. luhisrid'rt, ,fLH a SvOies-.Dnal 22stato of Jer-ninh llttnmo-l:, In1e id said county, deceased, ritnsiitri.g .vfi.f.o Kilbi Cnn, one Hricd Slone, a- part of II,e. wood work of a \Vmmn. and other articles he t'Hizim* Id said estate. Terms made known on the day. *“ l'EYTON If. WUITE, Aim’tr. July ti I, H'Vl iW W |l f, he sold on the fi.-.f Tuesday in SF.PTF.M B! R Iie't.^it tliiremirt hniisn dour in Jack sonville. T-dfnlr county, agreeable, lo nil order of the Inferior Court wlien sitlingfor oidinavy purposes, A v 27c?yo Won\aP» ; nhoiit eighteen years old named Aggy- nno tnir elnlo Riper ven-soM named Tabhy. the rweperty of llie e» liilA uf Mn I'nrttt, clrcc*»iserfs wolo l«*«* tH’iif til o* ♦bn ^ snitl decta«*:il. mad» on (|n» liny nf fall's WAHK. VV II.I.COX, ' Julv ?r>. H:) Ai!ui*or at Iwhis non* SiisrLT Salcsa . lie un llie ti»st ^ulsdnv in AUGUST SiousSon ■ Sheriff Sales* fjv/lt.l. be suld un the fi 1st Tuciday in AllftllSi V v next, at the .court bouse dour In Ferry- Hous- ton county, between the nsue I hours of sale, ‘202 1-2 arrrs of oak and h.irkory Land, well improved, in thirtivelflh district of Honxloh couldv, ndjplitfim Cuntsoh anil ntlfors—levied on as the prii- perlv of Oiniet Jokm tusiilisiy a Fi Fn Iii favor ot - U'illiiiai Creditln vs Duuiel Johns, and Janu s Johns senility mi appeal-. 202 1-2 acvti* oak and hickory Land, ivell improved, in fhc eleventh district of Hnustou couniy, adjoining Michael Watson nml others, known iis Fiinjivm’s place—levied on as llie properly of Pern/ ItimtieVly to satisfy two FI Fas one in favor of the Esecuturs of Baldwin Fluker. deceased, andifm o. the tin lavpr of Charles McCarthy vs sas'd W'iiuberly. 202 t-2«cns iif Land, in I ho nflennihiiis- trlct of Hoiiitun county. known hy No. 112—levied on us the properly of' QcOrsr. Nhrnton'to satisfy a Fi Fa,in favor of J unes Wiisliiugton Vs said llariuuu levy,made and returned by a constnlde. . 202 1-2 ncres of piiie Luml, well improved, ill ll\e fifth di-trict of Houston comity, adj.ilningSikei and others—levied Oil n* the property of Charles Fret- util, or SO far its nil Ids interest on sc id lot hud premi ses, to satisfy * FI Fa in fnvor-of James W. Stinson vs sal I Fretwell. Two Lots of tiak nnd Itirkory Land, in tho Jwelfili district of Houston county, well improved, ■ktiown liy Nos. 41 and 4Ti—Irvimt mi ns the property •if Ezekiel Rrym lo sati-fy sundry small Fi Fas hi fa- •vor of ltufl*,*n R. Tnrvee va said Bryan—levy made «ud returned by ii cbnstaUo, 202 1-2 ncrea of |dnr> Land in tho elovruth -district of Houston eniinty.'kitnwn Iiv No 10— levied «oi iis'Rie jimiierly nf James ll. Fulton to salijfy a Fi Fa In favor el Jacoii Sniils and sundry other Fi.’Fn» vs suiJ Fulton—levy made nnd returned,by a consta ble .• Oiii? bay M iro four yoars old nnd tinnjiay imrsc Mule—levied on aa tlio properly of llldeon A.- ICrnthcrthr/Ue satisfy n Fi Fo in favor of Charbis M-- <-oy ys.shid Wcathersby—property iioiutcd out by Fhe d.-fmiilsiit. i - "v, - - All .(limes Findley's intoresf 'inono Inf of iilue lend. In flic eleventh district of Houston county, known by No. 51—levied on as Ilm property of James Fimlley to satisfy a H Fa In favor of George Slmw svhrreoii Inn defendant now lives. Junet-9, IttIJ. I.SAIAII CHAIN, Sheriff, POSTPONED SALF-.. Alto, trill be sold at above, Ellick, n ttoern man supposed to bo 45 years old—levied on as the property of Alton trull, to satis fy a Fi Fn hi favor Of Amos Ilroivn and sundry other FI Fas. isgaing from u justice's court vs. said Anon Stmll- ISAIAH CHAIN, Sheriff. June 29, ml W Campbell Sheriff Sales. I El. he told on (he first Tuesday in AUCJUST nest, hr fire Ibu ■ imrt houeetn the town of ' w Ceui|ibelll'.n, Cumpbell county bctwcuu the usual hours of sub;,' Lot of Land, No. 8, In the second district *if originally Carroll nmv Campbell county—levied mms tbo properly of John E. Davit tovnlUfy two FI Fas issued Icom a Justice’s Court, one in favor of P- J- Murray, nnd the other to favor »l P. J. Murray assignee of Win. Summer* va raid Davit, and Tipton. W. Cotton—levy niaJe nnd returned to me by acou- •italde,. Ono Cow and Calf, ouo Sow nnd sit Pig* —levied on at Iho property of CtaboDi liiUIurfird to -Iffy one FI Fa in favor of Thomas Sacltwcll v» said Rutherford. • . , Ono aomd Horso, one Sulkoy and Harness, ■ one Clock—levied on et the property of Robert Field ,n «£“y ,*«o Fi Fas in favor of M. P. Eart & Co. va said ttcld. 3?inata{ioa fbr Sale* ysj^Hi’. oS'tersigiied offri't for sale hi* Plantation in a Monroe county, known-a* Pope’s Ferry, con taining *J|ttacres nf good land (of which more than 1(1(1 acres arc cleared nnd under fenced together with n comforrali’e dwelling house, oilt houses end a good gin Intiire. The locution is healthy, has excellent water, and is only chout fourteen miles from Macon, immedfately outlie road to the Indian Springs.^ Also nearly two hundred seres ill Jones county', adjoining lhe said treat, together with the Ferry on theOcmnl- gee. For further particular*, Inquire of the Mjeb signed, liviug near tliesaid lands- „_ July Iu 2!> 4t WALTER R POPE. 'KIOUR months after date, application will he B. the honorable tho Inferior court of Jasper-comity, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell jot of land No R2,in llie ninth district of Muscogee County, for the benefit of Mabaly end Pal try HohfiM. WILLIAM P. 1IOIJFIF.LD, April II. I?:>9. 129 ; Guard an. F OUR months aftor date, application will lie made to tlm honorable the Inferior court of Butts county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell’lot of land No. 4tW, drawn in the Sfllb district *f Muscogee c unity, for the benefit nf Mae aeartl Clitam, orpliun of Gatewood Cldsam of Ala bama.dreeased llt.NlI Y IIATF.LEY, Ajirlll6.1832. 129 guardian S NOf/lt MONTHS after date, application will lie * nndc to the honorable the Inferior Coiift of llimsliiii connly. when sitting for otdinary piirpgses. for I cue to sell the land and negroes of the estate of Itall-ffEtalds, deceased. HUGH L. IftWIN, Slav*. ]2:!2 19 Jilm'or A Eifit of IiotioiS R rSIAINlNG-. In tho I>ost (jfflrc, at CUnttm, Joncsreiinty, Georgm on the Iri July. «•», II. Joljn, Jutnes lilaylocfc, Janus Baruf, V.’illiain Btirilln.’ ■ C. June Crutlwis. John fTiempicn. Joseph ChlH^ .tSliuirge Childs^ Jlnrgry l'. Cai wielmcl, Mary A. *> John Daniel, Jes«ee Detonch, Terry Davis, James I.. DeLo'tney. Davis Duncan, John 1). Dame Michtu I Del u'ch F. Hardy F»“nn‘. 8. W Fliis. II. Robert (Iargrovc, Robert Illnsley, \v m. O. H j 'wilkins Jackson Fsq John R. Jones. Humphrey Jamison, James R. Jones, Berxbcba Jones, James Jor- " k. Benjamin F Keen. William Kir,g. I„ Martin Lory, Joint. L. Lewis, Isam Loyed "M^Samitei Mopcilcf Wm M'lTalh. Wm Morris on. John >L M'M»th, George Maddox,William Mitchell, rtharlcs M Coy O. Beniamin Oliver. P. Maik Patterson- 2, John Parkenon, John Per kins. R. John II. Ritter. H. David Sumner, James Rims, A D Steel. John Sneed, Thomas G f Emiih, Jarnea Ephears, Wm. 8. Scott. T. Jones Trmpte* IV. flegoklah Scott Wlmbish. M(S. Ann Wirt, \Vm. Willirrbrm, Green. B. Weker. Samuel Win- /r"v. J. lf. Williams, Jesse Wommerk. JnlyJli 30 E. OBM8BY- I) P. New Firm* T IIR undersigned having purchased tho en tire stock of Messrs. Cook If Coteles, offer the same for sale .upon liberal terms, and assure the old customers of the House nnd. the public generally, tho same liberality which has been re-, reived will still be shown July 11.18H2. 23-3t (l. W. PERSONS & Co. nailo to the honornhln the Inferior.'court of Fayette coptity. while sitting for ordinary purposes fir'leaf* to sell the mil estate of Robert Harris, da- ceased, fir tile benefit of the heirs nnd creditors of •aid dertased. LARKIN DARNETT. ridm’r May 8.183& 29 W ILL , . .... nest, before the couil house in Ihetpwn of 'ff,TOCK JDJNDHS after date, application w ill he luck so ii Biitlr riniiily. Within the ’usual hours of snle, B:’ ... ........ ‘ Out! Lot of Lund, ci.ntiiihinp 202 1-2 ucrcs iiv*id oHesVknown Iiv No •>. in Ihc fourth dirtiict of originally Monroe now Bulls county—levied on ns -tbe.iitwpt-rty of Jetl llaley Ut satisfy, t wo F] Fas. one osned from .-Jasper 8 iparior eiinrt. the other from llutls Supcri/.r.Court, tit- une from Butts in favor of David li HoLtead. indorsee vs Joel Baley, the other in favor of BluUgbUr mid Lahuznn vs Joel Uslcy. Fraction. No. 3, in tlm fuurth district of ori, giniRly,Monroe now Butts cminty, continuing 13 1-2 acres "of f.and more or less—levied on us above and 1n favor of ihc same. . 70 acres of Land, more nr loss in tho first district of originally llenry now Butts eounty, known as No. '4—levied onus the property of (be same and in favor of (he saute. • 101 1-4 iifte* of f/ind moro nr liw, it hointr tile mirth half of lot No. 02, in the fourth district of originally Monroe now Butts county—levied on as a- bove and in favor of llto same. 23 nerrs morn or less, it being tlm south part of Lot No. 51 in the ninth district of originally Hen ry now Bulla-c.iunjy—levied ns us the property of the same and in favor of tl.e same 73 3-4 acres of Land, more nr less, it bi-ini' the south part of I ait No. lit in the ninth district of o- rigimdi) Henry now Bif^ta codnty—levied on uxa- •boye and in favor of the same. N. B. Lot No. 2 improved for farming; No. 4 also impraved (fir farming; No. 51 with a good cabin there- on, No. Ct4 iinjirovod for faruiing with a dwelling Lotito. All llio above property will be sold under the In cumbraitces of mortgages. One town Lot in the towirof Jackson, Bums eounty, No. Lilt square No. 19—levied on as thepm- pertv of tleorge IF. Lowery hv vi.itiie of. one FI Fa is. rued from a. Justice’s Court in'.favor of Bedford II. Darden ys said Lowery—levied oil aud returned to me by a eonstaUo. , ' '.. Fifty acres nf -Land in the stmt Invest corner of Lot N’o. 22 in Ilm fourth district originally Monroe pmv Bull* county—levied bn as the property.ol L, H Eubank lo satisfy a "Fi Fa issued from n Justice's Court in said coitHtv in favnr nf Bedford If. Ditrtlen vtsaid l'n'jauk—levied on and retuCucd to the by a constable. ■ ■ - -. June 21, |j£H. H. HATF.I.Y. Sheriff. B AOU t mouths after date, application will be nmda 1 to the Honorable the inferior Court of the comity of Houston, when sittingnsaCourt of Ordin ary, for leave to sell that part of the real estate of The,mat A. Irwin late of said county, deceased, which was not disposed of by will, to wits tlm undivided half of lot No. two hundred and fifty-seven, in the thirteenth district of said count v, for the benefit of the iwire ami creditors. HUGH L. IRWIN. June 9, 1832. 23 F.xhr. F OUR MONTHS nftrr date, application will he made to the honorable inferior court of Monroe county, wlien silting lor ordinary pm poses, for leave lo sell one lot of fluid No. 172, in llie seventeenth district of Muscogee couniy, tho properly of Jared Taplcy, deceased, MAR OAR F.T TA PI.F.Y, Adm 'rx. JAMES MAY, Adm'of. July 54,1835. 39 Also. 'Will It sold, at above, on llie Jtrtl Tuesday iu SEP TEMP, HR, 1 . 2 B ■<!*, -I hi-ilsteads, Tmiiitnrc for 2 htols, II Windsor Chnlr*. I Bureau, I Slab, I dining Ta llin aud 2 Seals. :l * mail Tallies,2 hull round Tallies. I Wadi-Uml. 5 Lnitldng.itnsras, I ’eotlou Carpel, t lot Croikyiy, I let Gtms wurtland jot* iif kilchon nnd conkiiig utensils. <V«. ton tedious to .mention-* nil levied mi ns the properly of Daniel T. Uucvret to snlirfy a nibrigage TI Fa bstied irinn Butt' Inf Court in favor of Lewis J DiuprqcvsDai lulT. tree. 1 ilnad W.iopnn, 1 .Colton (Jin, 5 pair w:t('- gnn Gear, I ox Carl, I Ox, 1 pin Band -all levied on ns the property uf liatjtl T. tkhpree to sMlsfy a mort gage Fi Fa i-iued from Dull* Inferior Court, iu favor of William II. Bniitli ** **id Deiipree, June 84.1832. H. I1ATEI.Y, Sheriff. A GREEABI.E’toan order of th* Honorable Infe rior Court of Houston county' when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on t jte first ToU- day in August nest, nt tbo eourt house in the tuwo of Ferry, bcMkeeii the usual hours of sale, Ono £ot of £and, 3Mo. 15, in (he fifth district of Houston county, well improved, with ulmul 139 acres of fresh clsnred land, a good Gin House—sold for II c lieiiefit of tbb heir* and cre ditor* of Daniel Clark, Sen. deceased. Terms on theaay. MjiiWBBnMM Also, en the day fallowing. At thelatp realdence of «oid Clark, in the fifth dis trict of Houston county, will be sold a good forty Saw Colton Gin and Tbrnsbgr and Running Hear to said Gin—sold for tlm benefit of the heirs nitd.credb tors of said Daniel Clark, den. deceased. Terms on the day. 8.ARA1I CLARK, Ex'rx -■ JOSHUA FATTISHALL, Ex>or May 24, 1832 « . ’ One ti.iy tnaro Ctilt, ono gorrel Horse, ono Jem y Waggon, one pine Table, one Bed and Bed- Di.h and two ret, riales-levled on as the p, o|w, ly <.| John Ihhbrock to satisfy one Fi Fe in fa- -vor ot IknJj Rabun iudo see va said Hitchcock, I In- "iidiyided haff of Lot of Laud, N« 17 hi the iiin jb district nf originally Coweta now Camp. •• i *he property of Tkoomi 8/1! A in jtgti ly one k i Fn In favor ofjohn M. Sluts va aaiu umlth. Lot oi L,.:id, No.107 id the eighth dislrirr »d originally Cowetn now Campbell county.—levied on f < tka property or William O. Hart to xatisfy fe FI _ vn TJo CJmrcbell < iilxon admluistratpr ol 1- daueated iv said Hurt. . Fa in aalaliTn June tig, ib w. B. EASLY, Dtp. Sheriff. A GREEABLE loan ordernfthe Inferior Court of. Jones rnunty, will ho sold on the first Tuesday in BKFrr.MUER next, at Perry, Uuuslun itouuly, amt at loimpkta, Stewart connly. Vhroe lots of Land, viz: Ono Lot lying In Ilousloppoupty, In the ninth di>. trict, No. 19; also one Lot lying in the twenty-first dis trict of firmeriy lorn now Stewart conuty. No. II; and one In tlm twenty-second -district of Stewart county, No. 59; all sold as the prnptfjy of Ann Dunn, deceased, for the benefit of tlm heirs and creditor* of said Meccased.—Terms nf mIo made known on the day. ’ 8AMUEL WINFREY, Adat'er. ATlN Monday, the 27lli day nf August 1 yi told at tile residence of tlm luty , -jBi’iived, in the thirteenth district of Horn next, will be James Jones district of Houston connly, All tho Fcrislmblc Property ’ of said deceased, couiivling of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Houielmld and kitchen luriilturfe. Plantation Tonis. Ac.. Terms made know n on tLe day nf tale.—All |i«UM« PtytldaS t> aaW , p»atk*i-d are requested to make imroadiatepaymnnt, and those having demands will render them in'ngrteable tn-latv. ’. -> July 21, 1638. 30 WM. JONES, A<f«i’or_ G’Ctorein* Fnvettc County. W 4IFREAS 'nimnns C. Matthews and Mnry Matthews apply to mo for letters of admin. Istralion on tlm estate of Robert Matthews, Into of said county, deceased. -. These are therefore to cite and admnnith all and si pillar the kindred Mul creditors nf mid derma J lo file their objections, if any they have, in niy office within he time prescribed by law, why said tellers should uol be granted. -■ Given under my hand, this 39th day of June, 1632. 29 WILLIAM M’BRIDE. c. c o. fTsorgio: . lit Houston Inferior Court, tilling for Ordinary jiwpo- poses. May Term, 1832. T HE petition ofjohn Rawls shetvs to the Ctdirt tlm. Pinkney Yarbrough, while in life, made his hoitd. a copy t>f which is annexed, to Tuttle U. Morr-lattd, with Uriah Yarbrough In tbo rum of two hundred- doHars, conditioned that the said Pinkney ..Was to rankc good and lawful titles to lot number nine ty-throe in tlm thirteenth district of arid connly, and tliesaid bond dated 9th January,. 1822, and that on tlm SOlli May, 1822, the said Tuttle H. Moreland as signed said bond to yoor petitioner John Knivls, and that tliesaid Pinkney has since departed this life, and Iliat-William Byrd has administered on Mid Pinkne/ Yarhrnngh’i estate, and that said title* have never hi.-Rii mndo and executed. On motion of Arthur A. Morgan attorney of the said John Rawbyf? ’ Ordered, That tlm soi<l Willimn Byrd shew cause in tlm timo prescribed by law, why lie should not make and execute titles to said lot of land to tho peti tioner, and further, that this rule bo served on said William Byrd, by publication in one oft)ie public ga zettes according lo law. *• r : - -,. • Copy of the Bond. Georgia, Pulaski eounty. Know all men by these presents, that we, Pinkney .Yarhrongll.and UrialU.Yarlirongli, are bold end firm- ly bouml auto .Tuttle H. Mor«l»nd, his heirs, execu' tors, administrators and assigns iu the sum nf two hun dred dollars, (rjr’the'payinrnt uf which well and truly lobe made, wabind ourselves, our heir* and assigns JqlltttlyAM’tovkraHy, by tin-I’ pn-.rnti. I’l.iiditloni’d Ip be null if tlm above bound Pinkney Yarbrough shall within thirty diivs from the date hereof, makt goodapd lawful title* 10 the aaltlTuttle II. Moreland or hi* assigns to lot of land number ninety-three, in the thirteenth di“ti'ict of Houston county, am] deliver •jiid Tiilt-'c lL, Moreland, tho plqf anu grant for *ha same, then tlm above bond to lie mill and void,! other wise to remain in full foroti'and vlrtne. In testimo ny whereof, we have Urlcnnlo set our hands nnd affix- ed our teals, this 9th Jauuarv, 1822. PINKNEY YARBROUGH. (L. 8.) URIAH YARBROUGH, (L. 8.) •Twfcv’. r - . • ,.-S?©»7»v • B. BxnXKa, : Wkstlkv Ynnanoiiait. .• : ' ■ ' • Copy of Assigmnenl.- I assign thn within to John Rawls,’ this 30th Kay, 1822,-for value received. Test, • TUTTLE IL.MORELAND. ■ G. B. Gahlizer. Georgia, llevslon eounty. I certify the above to he a true cony from the urin ates; this Ulb July.. 1832/ " . 7! ?■■■ , 29 CHARLES II. RICEi'c. c. o. •Dissolution. T HE Copartnership heretofore existing be tween tho subscribers under the firm of Ralston tf Jones, is this liny dissolved by mutual consent. Tho unsettled business of tho concern will be attended to by David Ralston, who can he found nt tho store of Robert S. Patton, Tthcir old stand,) comer of Clterry mid Third atroot*. DAVID RALSTON. Feb25 8ft JOHN L. JONES. ‘ • Ucw Cabinet Rlnlier’s Shop. The undersigned having purchased the Interest it nd taken the shop lately occupindhy Mr. C. Coupee, on Cher ry street, a few doors above Clarke’s Hotel, tnkethls opportunity nf tender ing to their friemls and the public their services in the Cabinet Making Business. They will at.all times keep 011 hand a good sup- ply of Materials, tied Im prepared to execute ev ery description of work in their line. (Sideboards, Bureaus., - liedstdads, Bookcases, Chairs, &c. Ac. made to order. . Every description ofTURNING done as above. Having a largo.aml excellent Turning Latlm, (the only one of tfia kind ill the place,) .they will be prepared to turn HOUSE COLUMNS. &c. at short notice JAMES'A. HALL, Dec 17 52 JOHN MORELAND. BLAWCOar & SBZ2T22, r . ., - WARE HOUSE; ' • 1 TIOAIAIISSION JlRRCHANTm flbH"AI<vIC liberal advances nn Cotton in store IVl and'on sliipmeuts, also on notes and oth er properly deposited in their bauds. Their Ware House* are more convenient to the business part of tho town than any other, possess ing the advantages of n wharf, and are more ex empt from danger by fire, than any other in Ma con. May 25 144 X.AW. T HE Subscriber has removed from Milledgo- villc and located permanently in Macon. Ho will still practice iu parts of tho Oakmnlgeo and Southern Circuits as heretofore. His office for the preftnt is on Second Street in the build ing next above Washington Hall, lid 2tsw 4tw JOHN RUTHERFORD, Jr. DU. I. ELLIS, H AVING determined to settle permanently iu Mncori, respectfully offers his Professional Services ' to the inhabitants of tho townand adjacentcnun- try. For tho satisfaction of those who are unac quainted with him, ho thinks proper to state, that he was regularly admitted to his profession in 1604, agreealdv to the laws nnd regulations of the State of New York, and that most of his time since that period has been devoted' to an exten sive practice. By 0 faithful discharge of his pro fessional duties, bo hopes to merit a liberal pat ronage. His residence and offieo are in tho hSusn formerly occupied oy Mr. Birdsong, on Mulboiry ■—«t. Jnn. 44 2 July 10. Cotton Bajffs. 1 Ready mnde Cation Bags, 5 nnd 54 yanls cocli, of tho best Inver ness Bagging, fbr salo by " 11EA & COTTON. >.<> COMbinATION-FIIF.E TRW. Earthosvwatnj Glass, Chinn lp3Rg§| Str6e,.W Y^^fiW.fbr genrrnl ass.-rtrifi/nt uf Vcrlhcimrt it* e*t, and.t&mj,rising Z™ b ^ purple, Krotsn, Mnrk.- hUic etUri Ware; also, every style nf jKfirin and Jt?1 Glasses, China and Gksa Ware i {til 1 disposed n/« mu,';! gtfree * u d nn’riisrlll, 1 Imv ror Cwh orrity acceptance,. of Merchants gnncrnlly is mvittd xo «£L lishnicnt and plan of l nr,loess, as ea!«,1,. benefit the interest of all dealing Particular attention trill be iwf/p, „J" 1 letters from our Southern friend, % p ^®- r f r, l selves to pay more’ than usual attention m cornmumenuons by giving them the new... of goods, and pulling ihm down lo the est Cash prtet. T. J. BARROW A r J m Haler Strut Art. i New Tort, July 4.1832. * «» 4 C?* The Georgia Journal and Federal | Macon Telegraph, Colotnbus Enquirer ington News aud Sohthern Banner, will tlte altovconce n week to thepmnuntaflJti forward their ticrouuts to this office far nT2l ■ -Georgia Courier. 0W fajM Copartnership. T HE •tihseriber* have this day pnrriti'ci J entire stock of good* bclnuging to Uni Barter If Fort in this place, and will eenti J business nt the same slrre 011 the corner of« opd Street drd Count! Avenue, cclimit, tv. (Dgton Hull, under the firm of PAXTER, PORT & WILEY I They have 00 hand n general assorimem* fresh good* well adapted to the town sndronml trado. which twill he sold nt low prices and o.| herol terms, liy the yard, piece or pseke»J They solleit n continuation of the pstrocscJ former customer* and the public geucrrllr ’ THOMAS W. BAXlTB ROBERT W, FORT I AIUD IL WILEY.' Macon, July 1, 1882. 16J T HE suhscrihlir having withdrawn fropTtd Into firm nf Ifileii, Baxter If Fort, sorlini] his inter'st tn his Brother, T.aihd H. Wttr.r. spectfnlly asks n eoutinuatinn of patronage f r , his friends to tho new firm of BAXTER, FORT & WU.EY. LEROY M. WILEY. 1 Macon. July 1.' 4832. 101 * Dissolution. FRIUE Copartnership heretofore existing os JL dcr the firm of IFiley, Bazltmlf Pert, i this day dissolved bjr mutual consent. Then- tire business of the concern will be settled hs BAXTER, FORT & WILEY, who will con’ tiuuc tho business at the same stand. LEROY JI. WILEY. THOMAS W. BAXTER, ROBERT W. FORT. Mncon, July 1, 1832. ' 1G1 English Mcrinoes pyjERJNO SQUARE SllAWLSju.i re ceived by' Dee 23 54 W3L.I1. BUItDSALL. IfSor ton’s Pulmonic Espcctorant COUGH SYRUP, OK Coughs, Asthmas, Consumptions, tri Hooping Cough. A supply of this vale Medicine received nnd for snlehy ELLIS, SIIOTWELL&CO. Nov 23 28 Family Flour O F n superior quality, for sale by May 18 142 C.A. IIIGGIVS. COACH XVZAZSINO. Negroes Wanted. - T IIE subscribers will pay liberal prices for a fow likely men, young and of good chnr- cter. BLANTON & SMITH. May 25 144 Blanton & Smith OrFEIl ron SALE, O KhUHDS St Croix and N. O. Sugar Ki V GO bbls do do ’do’ 50 do Loaf nnd Lamp do ,50. do Ryo Whiskey 2000 bushels Skit* And n variety of other goods. May.25 144 UIMUERSIGWUI) AVING purchased tho intarrst of Messrs. KLMBERLY It CHISHOLM, in the .Mercantile . -1.11.1 i-.liincut, bat located himself In tho new house below tho corner, on Cherry street, recently occupied hy them, whero he-will sell Goods ns low as any other Ituuso in this place, for Cash or Cotton. IIi> stock is now vorv complete comprising nl most every article fortho country; it consists of DRY GOODS, v Hals, Shoes, /lun/ioare. Groceries, m Salt. Irou. &c. llto old customers nnd tlm public generally, arc roipccMully invited to cnll, as tho sauio fiicili• tics heretofore given will still exiit. . 1“ <lto rear 0/ his Storo is n NcivWnro House, just finished, and now ready for the reception of Cotton, which ho will take 011 Storage, und wukr liberal advances on the ume, 26 4 GEORGE WOOD. I ™ Reduced.- Cfc, will bo delivered, ou triplication at tho ico houso, during the day at 8cent* the puuad ftiny 18' - 142 9 .. 2SSSiTTRAltfCE. T HE Howard Insurance Company of \ew Fork continues to iusuro COTTON, when shipped on good Boat* or Boxes, ngamsi the danger, of th* Rrecr.' Rales of Premium are moderate. Apply to C. DAY, Agent. ' DeeSO 01 . . •• T > ^ vushgarT f AA GALLONS of first rate, throe year* fL VV old VINEGAR, for sale at tlm Conferttonnry of ' JOHN SMITH. March 15 102 T ,„ • Just Received WO cases Fancy Dunstables, Dec 17 49 WM. IL III RURDS ALL. Tho Alhambra, ’. nr Washington mviao. EMOlItS of Duthgs* D’Ahruntcs. XYJL 1 realise on Mniiofacturo of Tc and OlMii. New Piano Music. \Juki rrceiwd nnd for snle hy Porcelain T HE Subscribers still enutinue the lioiistt* at tho old stand, cornor of W*lnut «w Fourth Street's, where work will he doncacconl- ing to order. Having n lnrge assortment of arti- cles ordered from the North which will amvcto the courso of tho summer, consistingof Gin I ,u ‘ gics, Barouches and Carriages, they frt* ton : fident of pleasing customers both iu *rticle* swl prices. Tho have now on hand an assortment wm* 0 will he sold low for rash, such ns Sulkcy*. Lip, nml Bnrouches; besides several splemliu *eri ol Harness, with Lftccs, Carpeting, MortKci), » s ’of different kinds, Joluts, Bsttu*. W*P| ows of nil sizes. Orders for Carnages punctually attended to, nnd warranted to pl' asl1 or no sale. - BENTON & BACON. Wanted as an Approntico, A lad nhottt fourteen or fificon year* ol a e e, o steady moral habits. Jlay 4 138 A. E. PATRICK & Co. _ H AVE received per Boat Rebecca, mi for sale on rensonnble terms, 4000 bushels Salt 16,000 lb* Bacon 20 tons Swedes Iron 20 Ithds Sugar ‘ 200 hngs Coffco .... 6 Ithds Molasses '. 50 bids prime Pork 25 hhls No. 2 Jlnckerel 25 lihls No. 3 ditto . . 50 hbls N» E. Rum . ISO bbls Gin ’ 80'jdeccs Bagging 30 boxes Soap 20 boxes Sperm Caudles .Window Glass'*,• ' , Nnils ,Coguac Brandy" ' - Holland Gin >a . . Malaga, Madeira nnd Tenenffe W Together with a general ossoriment of _ Dry Goods, Hardware, Saddlery CROCKERY, HATS, 8HOESi BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, &e. &c. &c. ' ■ • Juno 18,1832.”- 25 ■ Readymade Clothing. ( 11ST received, a |-er,er,’il a-s.irtinint nl ><'«_v, tP made Clothing, of vcrysuponorqi'f i y, . made in tin; mo-t iasliiouable manner; t 1 of which is warranted. „ a ,,n'll A. SIIOTWELL & J. S. SMim- Julv 17.1832. 161 ubjeriben, Hats, HATS. • . : TUST received and for sale hy the s •K several cases of Brewster’* Black and Drab Beaver Not inferior to any in the .Market. Alio—A general assortment gtllJtl Jjjj t 0 in nddition to their former stock: _-»*iTll. sold low, A. SIIOTWELL A J- ’ July 13; 1832j- 100