Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, August 15, 1832, Image 1

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gy Myron Bartlett, , VdMit Telegrnph is published every-Wed- i.y morning' , , lin . Office on Mulberry Street, east rid*. 'Tnnr.r. DollArs a year; If paid in ad * . rona dollar*, if not paid before the ilth' rear. Subscribers living at a distance l * jn nil eases to pay in advance. igaxA. Z,. l.vurtiu, Governor and Commander In JKftlin Army and Navy of the State and of fftiJof»!•" Army 1 i. jijljtla thereof. “ ! A PROCLAMATION, HrUHAS 1 bar e received oIBcinlinformation that on the‘.'bib day of June la«l, intlie.coun in said Slaton murder, was committed mi ^"Vznciiariali Willl.rn»nn,hy JOHN HUNT id county: that on * ,ie *. ; bb day of July lint, in ■iitrof H.iastoii, a murder was committed mi TS William 0. Tafif. by GEORGE II, SIMS couniy. And It bi iurnpresdirfed»« tnKilM "‘yJohn Hunt, end George If, Sim* have i from justice.—Now In. order tjinl die jfkjd m ay be apprehended and brought to triel ftir rrimfirm' which they severally stand chnr-reif, | !,: forracli of the said olTenderi. to mut pc«op who may npprehendartd deliverjltem, or Ei"them. Into tfie custody^the Sberin-s Of ti,o livelive counties in which the said murders .w-vrer Lmmillrd: And f do moreover, charge end require Jletficers. civil mid military, to lio vigllnnl In eudenv- r .,apiwdienditod brlngingtp Iriut said olfendcrs. ’ aiumlcr mvh-nd.nnd the great sen! af the Stnln. ifinta House in Millcdgcvillo, this twenty: L.u, jiyofJnlyi (1839) eighteen hundred iin|f qjir l/ilic Governor . '. . •" > f E. ||iMii.TOS,S<rrt/Brj( of Stale. . UESORlirrtP^ci |}n' n Hunt isalmnt MyCarspfskecrnd e.ompiellon, Liiair, gify eye* mid cbpdt IMettflpr .1(1 inebis liirorye If. Sims Is shout BiLvoariof age. d.irk com- I„inn, Wsrk hair, Inrgn dnrkjbyc*, .quick’ spokeo, |j m 6 frel8iiml*«ts j»i<b;r-'r RjS-- Hi f 1*ttOPOSAl& .'?*?/'. - •: U rVSUStn.SO, AT MACOS. CA^.iAjr /.cptCOI,- J t'jkal nKivapAncn, to dis.entitlsd IriZU SOUTH®: ip||E SOUTHERN PLANTER tvll! be doyoind, £ lhoAg r Hmlt"rtd intwests-of tW »„,,)rv; including Horticulture, moaewaiP.jit of 1,ink, mulling pf Wiuo nnd Silt. Garde i,lng,.?)(i, |r*tio, useTnl'Arts, lluuseholJ K'|ieqsi;s, |«l h. Fruit Trees, &c.'Sc.'^tecci .-,' . f . Ill »< ill be isset-tl (a* first.V every atlierw-gi-k-Ton a: I. ,cam flu id, nnd quarto,form—tingqod. paper and L, procured euprerslylfot the, mwjiijifi Ifo. t improved and enlarged a*.the extenf of> pxlfyuogc Kail imraiit. - IMis iori.i nil!.bo convenient for Iwqfiug; nnd each II. ime r.ilNifl accompanied with ncon'nuV tintas, ll'.ililicaliicd seclcriatl Subjeols will be cutaded. . ||' b tiie design of the publisher to jh'sSrt the .work I'ncttr* to »H chissc* of the community; psrtlr.ii- I - t,i thaw in miy who connected with farming, IrilMllij.nirr.hsidCs,!tc.'. . _ „ lipOKlNG’GLASiSES. rglMOMAS J BARROW & Cos Importers a. Wholesale Dealers, No. 68, plater Vork, offer for sale a very largo and odneral assortment of Earthtmeare, Cltui, Chi na, and. Looking Clasut, selected with the ereat- rulnta °r BOd C0 'VP ri V n ® f'ery variety of pink, f.urplo, brown, hitch, bine edged and C. C. Ware; also, every stylo of plain and gilt Imokine Glasses, China and Glass Waro, which v.ill bf disposed of as usual at free and unshackled prices, low for Cash or city acceptances, Tho attention ot Merchants generally is invited to ittf-Estnb- jishmcnt aud plan of business, ns cr.lcultifel. to lionefit the interest of ail dealing in the line— ■Partic V jaT;aU t nlkn Kill ht paid to nil order* by lettas fr.9i% pur Southern fntndf y pledging onr- selves to pay more tfmo u -u-h1 attention to their coroinunicatiims by giving them the newest stjlc of goods, and pt/tftitgs tAm doum fo thr very tuw- ul Cadipiritt. T. J, HARROW & Co., ' ', ’ ' f&;iyatCT Stre(t,' Ktiu York, A nr 1 uric. July 4.15132. O 10 Qeirgki Jfivnal imi! Fedcral lTnion fW?.’?.jottgroat Columbus E«tpiirer...W«h- ingttm News nntLRoutherd Banner, w ill -pnhiith thjB ttbovc once a week to the amount of S3A, and .forward th«ir accouuts to,this office for payment —Georgia (hurled , £3 ■\ 7s^2tt, :o i mi ‘ NATI 2. x “ FnEE trade! Earthenware, &laea, citiaa and SIACPN, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 18321 INDISTINCT COPY . The following article was received upwards of two months ago*, bit* la coaseqvense of the wit. ttKnpt bautg accidentally mislaid, bat not till now appeared: «>*T« tiACotrrxtMaira. To ONE who mill undentz-.L "® J ,5 03e —•»’» Rone—in anger left me, * o mourn his absence, ever; Of hope’* bright sunshine, he’s bereft me— .Shall I forget him? Never! in'!?. m y lonc heart can think at nil, Twill own—-than his—no othor thrall. Uo'i gone, bo's gone—-be, the deceiver— . Forswore one—lost of lleaveni In me he fonnd a fond believer. By me he'll be forgiven; That love I felt in life's yoang mom, Is with bim still—can bear bU teora, . lankeens, with only a few devote ——— - and at iA r OL. TI—No. 33. tend ants. the folio wing scene irgs projected by'the ambitious, nnd bloo/ly-miuded lady. Towards morning the btteudsuta. iu great alarm, aunouncetl that tliAy srere pcrsccd; and our berotno, iii iwil-ftigneJ.'despair. vr>weJ' that, if their escort wai imreMe-.widxIir palankeens (toppprd, she would *t«h jteraelf to the heart— Thetluvoted hutbahd, os she pxnccteJ, sworo be' noithl no: survive her* Hoo%ater, the pretetid. cd rebels came up, andtiftdk a short ikiriuisli, drove back the attendants, and forced the bearers to put down tho palankeens. -»* At this iustnni, Lo Vasssu hoard 'a scream, and liis wife's female slave rushed up to him, bearing a scrawl drench ed iu blood, and'exclaiming that her mistress had CapaFtaers!«p L HflE subscribers have tills day purchased the entiroetocfcoFgoods belonging in-Kilt] iviUcc i cornt. . .■ HipHHP odposito ingSon lfnll, under the firm of . - B AXT III!. F ORT & WILEY. -V They Imve on hand g general assortment of -fresii goods well adapted tp the town and country dradj, svjjicHfcvill bo sold at )i>w prices ami on li- lioral terms, by the yard, pieco or packoge— ThcysoJidt a'continu.’iiiou'tif'tho patronage, df farmer customer* aud ihu public generally. THOMAS W. BAXTER. ROBERT VV-.FOHT. Machn, • LAjRDH.VVILEY. i~nly1. \mA:' . 161 |HE suhserihordiav'mg withdrawn frotn the . late firm of Jriieyi Ojxtez S,- Fori, nfidsold & WILEY- .- LEROY M. WILEY. Macon, July l. lSSg. , 161 \j£i. • 2>iG2oIafio:;.... F3XHE Copartnership heretofore erfstbfg-un- la. ..dcrllia firm Of /Tiky, L’ltxler l; Fort, ii this day'dissqlvcd hy mutiuil. consent. The cn- lira business- of the concern will’, be settled by BAXTER; FORT & WILEY;' wbo wiil cpn-; FcreVrell, uafccliug man—farewell! Perhaps thou wiit uctfiramr To Mini of otic, whose tejirp da swell Even ta-beir thy nainei Wrong’d though 1 am, toy reproachful pray*r Shall breath* tu silence to tho sir. ... Prmmht Noe England Famtr. '<■ : > EXCursiontn Florida. Ruloierillt, East Florida, Dx. 31,1931. 'dr dear F—I havejust'retamed froid an ex- curiion down the Halifax river, about forty offer from this place and eighty south of St. Aligns- tine. , Wfr mesu lered down a'creek of tibeul b- I 'vcu pjilcs; the water nearly torpid, yet.clear; the shore lined \ylUi thousands of ncrcs coveretl hy fall igrppes,. marshes, and high palm trees— Before Ion# wo enured tlu: .Halifax river, 1 an in- land arm oftbescu, incasuringiu breadth from a qnartcr to nearly tt mile. ’ • At snnriso next morning, I and four nogfaitt- vants proceeded in search of liirds and adventures. The fact is, thitf 1 wasmfitiont to killsomo twsn- ty-Bve brown pelicaus.: I proceeded (tlong a narrow shallow hfty, whero tho fish were truly, g» bundam. Would you bdtevo it.' if I was to saj ; . tha t the fi*h nearly obstructed our headway? Be-, lievo it or bcHove it not, so it was; tlu- water was filled. \vhh them, la^ge ami «ma)L .1 shot mj:«c rare birds, and-putting along; the shore, pasted a point, v. li“ii lo! 1 crime in si,,bt of several hun dred pelienus perched oa .tlic lirnnehes of man-' grove trees, scaled in comfortable harmony, as near each other as the strength of tho hough would allow, t Ordered to back-waipr gently; the hind* baekod-wator. I spaded to tho rim'v under the povor of the rushes along it, saw thoff pelicans fast asleep, examitied t!:.?:.- cnuntcnauca aud deportrhont well and leisurely, and bfior all. vtubbed herself to death. .’The husband, ’rue to Ids vow. instantly seized a pistol rnd blow put his own brains. No sooner did the wilv lady hear, than jhe stated from her palankoco, and, for :bp first time exposing her- {••tyiiixub ui mi, wvnn o' i uucu tar nar; nnu she assumed, in tkwfosa; tha rclqs of govorar wear. • - ... V^’V ' v - 1 ‘ “Well knewir.|j f htnyiaver', thrtco Ir.ednsidvtr* able a *tnt»4i» hers cp,jtd n<it cxijt long in those troublesoino times without some formidable oily, she prudoatly thrcw herself under the profection i»C the Company. Who couSnuod har-iu the-pos ses slot;. witli tlie -xbudliion .that'it should revert to the Engtish government after her death.” Friti. EvpktkFipgt*; ‘ mi >V-' , Thera wsfl- hu-a. dcficicucy of fourteen tnou- seed hogsheads of sugar in the urpdHtb of Jamai ca, this year, in cou^eiiutrt'ec of.tho miurrectib^l if ths.l)lao«fe.j.-. r - ' '-b-.'.-y- I\tw MitnHpjeturi.-^A new ortlckrofcoci.tuereo'. . rvr.i to the diica-c. by going nivay to breathe U dilVcrontair? Yor if the rboloa thnuld break out ' in oiir new asylum, it would find our orgauiza- . . ii:m as feeble a- if we never had been exposed to itsidfltwmcc. Those who now fly, lose tnebeuc- Jfl «f tho danger .to w Inch tbey oll aloug expScd Dttt upt'only have we hccomc by habit JesBsen- lilde'to ihecauselof cholera. Inu even that cause has already dimibiihed its intensity. All uerious epidemic* nave the mini course. At first almost off they reneh they kill; but tho cause gradually spreads, attenuates and weakens, exhausts hselt, aud finally disappears’. This is evident in tho whole routo which tho cholera has traversed 1 to reach our city. lathe few days of invasion tho number of deaths were almost equal to that of tho cases. But nfter\vards the epidemic has become weakened, tha disease has become more accessi ble to the resadree* of art, mid the number of cares hasgrcatly increased. It is in this period of v. caknvssthat tho cholera is now found m Fa rts, (thisty cm month after the nppearauco of tho disease) nitd he who 9ios from the capital runs a fearful risk of bring overtaken in soaio otlmr placo by tho cholera just canmicnclog there, for no ono l liiifDUMmMlmiMNiw titllili llm nriUdj ■hgtt : irlslT| tho points it will spare if it spares'any, and those . which in its capricious inarch it will sock out at a ditlei ce. . V But to tho matter In point: (hose who croigrato from Paris, run tho risk of baiug reached in tlrnir journey, and of Andieg little or r.o medical nid— they luso all tlio Ouit of a months acclimation; ,|hoy desert a place where tho intensity of the dis ease is greatly abated,’ to take refuge in a placo - where tfcere is no reason-why it shmdd uot break' out whli-ilU thsvioleaco that hfts every where sig- Ualizcd itj invariouj.— U- S, (JattlU. - cnn'Qnuf, wluchrhatfaiiWto track considered. tl)a best,fur tins .purpose- Thc'iiuiiiuf'cltiroo'f sa'as. from, cOpvitoa-salt,' ;fbf j^to ptirjiose of WaaSWt; nr.d ipakiog soup, is now carried on tvv&jil&ti erablg_uxteutin Livcrp.uo!; nnd'Uiiscrjiojo Ijr’tq eoiii^oto with.'lfflot to JuncrctwY.'pb?, posrj aihsA' far, ths ntiovq ilriiatioiicd-^Mirpdtear' and it c v> be fa.- abn u >•’ tier 1 v, a«lie» t.f equal flrougth ' at :?•>? or’a^iaMg ThUirtvk tnvnufActure will hi-1:< uoficialtni Eng land. though injurious to thoCatllulas, wfcguco we idered byUicdl- siuf .ctur mid pre-y ■L,„ ,_ uarthfff.'iid^’ pus*' eiTectUut in nltaoH ldstantiy s'cipquM baii nuells; A|}iotii:r arising fcora drain ’ or from jiutrid.iuiniiir j|~ ~ '-■oi.iblo-'tBmtc-. jctf.ifsAfi(5 Ins nrtw itecdcio rcry .gj'jrtcfA!. ^isrs'Aro rnfioiw qtbdcp :of bhlainlny ii, nttd uf 'tho f-hatersy, p-iiiiviny their « >u infer.. . which thcytihloio die tqra|*p I ;:n» will be riven for Ike’ host Wrltlpu bjsrry* h!,:ib:"ljruii j"i;ls. Aliy wj|l n-rltfim rniiimiinien- I . nr. .my su< jce.t coriurctedwith the-pbjnrts ofllu% Ii! ; Lieu, wil| entitle tin; sutlisr to^reaFssuhscrlp- 11: *.'t- her will he- nuix'eil'^n the Edltorisl de- rlti;.m-veMtll(i!riu^rtPSit* n, ava. , - V* !. -Two dollars, |«r ernuin, iu rtds'Auee, or Macon, July 1.1933; 161 ~ • Disstrlutwn. fen HE Copartuerahip heretofore 'qiistlhg ho pi ■ tween- the subscribers under ilte flnu.xf Rnl-.lon.Sf Jonts, is this day, dissolved by mutual consent. Thr unsettled ,biiii;tra.xf’tho concent w ill lie attended to hv 11 avid RnWtcaf, wl» cau lie found ut tlic store of l'iibcrt S.TuVidh, (their old stand,) corner of Cl'rrrv and Third «trcnt*.' ■ t ■ DAVID. R’AJAlWNkJt • - . JOHN L. JuiNfiFi^ i^gi.jiJhcratRaliH.S/ivreshtit. r-V.v sq ,-v. • v- 7.7 v*7": YibM • ’A -7^. v • - -*ri -rffAn A BTP"*W ihc ru»p«rpiof» of.ptiVurent hy-tluK- IJ Ifauk \tf Mbeau.-thi* -Stochhol-Yrs if rtenft- p.itiori called upap tt»- to roroive Au .as»i^rimeni 1 jr:a«d that tho Mauasprirof thb Bah)f«ri>i<l6t f as-fcatb make .* valid assignment;-wo litive Jdtsad tha trust ED1YD. TRACY. ; t'a -gja,.' the i* [‘•'-rn’t.l, 13T2.. , G. B. <10141. A.: It.; FREEMAN. iSa»k : *,ilE Public aro hereby-assured,. that the . Mncan Gsut; will use til.poariluo.efforts tn ‘M large ,n propiVriiott' alrtiicir oufstandiug |P ‘•'ttricnn bo possibly realizeJ from iO-T.eiiour’- here, paid in advance. ta Jt Win tHn-irish i f tl,0 !’.,in!.-, ,bv n ( ri'n«Al o'.-'jriwnt ofln cffce.ta to'trustees togr.-c to all ’ mil .boldcra’rn cqti-il proportion; bin ax'this suss i* deemeil IrmnaeticalJo, it only remains r 315 iami,iger» of the institution to <!;> tho .best prjctn, forall <qugnrhcd,:»m)tf there be-iilvau- r?«Ojtaiacd by itiih'Vidinl eirJitf.ri, it ihM! not 1 b 7 th^ couttivancoof tlio insiltutlcn. 'i'Ajs ,, , • ' L. .\1'!CI80S, CdjAitr, Lktulrim-- > 166. - V;7 y-X5opav?jRtesit. - «g(v/We*(ie./urp.yi, 1333. .. OTlCR h hereby given to 'Fax Col’.rrton , •’’-ud other pnbh,! olacers, that the i.’i.’N of pf .Vfoccn will received into tho Wpaymcnf or hoy debu duo the puhlY h .ta'filwenlbf any , paMM to !,i.-.ii tin- ‘ I He '7,7 in the place.) I!• ;V " ill I 1 ’? bo a party, fg} wr'narcd to HOUSE WblN^&c. K-;,; '.TiMunr. ra of pare,-s through'--i: State are tin; above notice llirCo Inter- j and fern iird their account; for payment. Ft _ ILQT'SZilVL'. * HN inquiry, w-o undemnn l the re’.urpv of ®# tfurvoyof* will bo completed in- about • ri.d ... tbc Cemmisuiom’n are now fned at this nines, making crr.nigctncnls for /» , w,0 $> we Iisvedntcriiiiued to print tha list j...™* 0 drawers aslicretofor.-, which will lie i J* “eots weekly, or iti any mb - r way direct- ’ i * u *bn ; , 3 tnay become sulwci-jhCra. As the tdr tii nccu P>’ double-ihe sphce which it aillb. 1 *-; i " eri °. the least priCo to subscribers : , i la a, ' v, ''UCc. AH letter* on the subject T* t0 *he Recorder Ofilco Will bo promptly wB 1 ** GRIEVE & OR ME. 7i!3gg>lllc. J U |y oq‘ icq t Xicst. <Cp4, THE dwelling over the atoro or A- (.{nw ri Patrick l{ Co., well calculated for w'4L*% n Private.Hoarding House, at present I?trv7 tw “ 0Cr, ipicd hy Seth Lewis. Alxo, the lcr.77 c< '''P it ’' 1 bv W. T. l’ossosion given | ‘‘-r lit of detobernext. Apply m MELROSE A, KIDD, or to la,„, A. P. PATRICK. Gc-ods and 01othin*r» • i at *be filaeou-Clothinc 8'irr Apnl is _ t'Jl. .. LEWIS FITCH,' f ;;7' DAY As. Macion. jTnlydy. V W ; ~ tSslg a^egioa aGxartrfcwpw^ 7 gfeTUNTED LIgTS cf ibih-tirawiagrlu. J2. . contemplated GOLD'itnd. LAND. Lotte ries, rv»m>a regularly issued from tho office of thc Federnl lliiiCu. They will appear ijj uumhers so rhat they ■ may bo bound tbgjthor iii pamphlet; form.. - - FfWtmaiWf^.^fhltMi^ug-lubscriWTs can forwrrd rii -ii- liamo to in. lesv-fMo. . -a:;; tho cAsu, and thuy' will be attended to; ’ They should n.fcntion thopostoffico .'to which the uum- i., ,-s be diriTteil -- Tho whole work will contaio about 400 pages, nod enunot be afforded at less than W to suliscfi- - MtVidgeti'lr*r~ thenotto bid thrown overboard, and in a le w ntin- ntA JVC cangbt a* mahy ns wo wanted—fine fish too, bass and row-mullcts. Tho porpoises were 1 as. busy as-imrselyes, anJ devoured them at a great-rate. The.bbat wax abandoned; the fastaned to ^lobackupf the tjcgr, -; the emi- i e loadcd. qad nn.vyo ffoceorlcd through the mar:b (frit,' tltbn Uirp'tigh-ihe (Kbgtqd palme:o»s, and scrubby, sturdy,' live Onk*. until we reached the s«a beach... Pretiy-Vraikittg 'n1a&g-th*’i6utetu^ of Florida in Up mouth ot Deenuberi.. vvhh:'soe wind at.riortbwcAL and .-wo-, going in itj very tcotb. fhro'igbi.sand tlt.ii scut our foet-haek six inches atevefy step of two feet that wo rrrulc. T.opvj you aa ;iccouu*of the litth I,have seed m Esst Flori’dn. wouid'fill.a volume.- a;;-l therefore I will not attempt it just now; bull will draw a.'.light sketch of a part of it, ‘' ,' - ■ ^TheFtO'l. if jauu J*ww b» Cftlle 1. is generally soVerysaudy that ilnthing can )>e raised Unfit) it; Tbc-swamps jiroihodplj'.spotstli.-n alfrr.l a f-ir ebniico for, ViHtiyation; jthc sivnmp) thru, are pos itively ihe oulyjerpc^iviiefo'p.Iantations arolo bo found. These planta’iijP'* are even Tew in ttmn- bftv,along the.coaitfrbn) Sf/An ’ t tlu; to t.’.ips Garnareallthfre arc iihcut a ’dozen. • ' Sugarer.he iHH pjwpor and doubtless do ’ at ■ h l ri,..r -, -ry tn ;:t-<i a good crop " ret? jycat!-grr-:il! i‘MWWn tbc BWiimpf of .. .liTnnW -Speak, dpil v.-bi -h are f<mn-l -I >u - flio njarpn lying tyRshof the sea Inlet, dl-.idt-i the mntil land from the. Athiatic, tq ’the river fit. John’s of lihs Interior of the reuissuio, nothing exist.: I.ut barren pine hnul-i <7 P'-qfciimfier an 1 itnnirns.' savannas, mostly nvcfiowTl, tin all un- lit’for cultivation. The growth which in any o- tber country ?s coiled underwood,’scarcely cxuli. tho Rind being -covered, with, low •pultnetoes, or very low tbiekiv branched,-.divArf uak3, almost impenetrablo to roan- 417'-^; 1 am oxtrentfiy disappnintrd i.n this portion pf the Flo.ridas,'and won'd not advise any one to visit Jt. 7Jt is not an uncommon orcurrmrs to r> b !• be- -I ii v Me . i i MancheJtrr. : ud bi laiv.ailio.w’xlclR'Ot-iipb'oUtcryr.ip-b^ipTri.tffd aJ cr-nhigipil. J- Cxl.btiiv^ *alc7? In ih; splatilng aii<tastAif&ttifc: d t l!l ri Wp «<fc-M: •> i: i: well kuvm tV;l ii.-.; ar^greit ” L “ * 4uan,;jttis of faxvi .)vnjte,p<)3|mbt»lyriii TheseTravcA-eea collecttd,.and by t ArauUe prsssosrljivs bepa^ wbiini’c Ant any otltcr t»rocej< «f manofactnre. er-hvarted ' into a Usd. c: thinHlo’.h, tjnd'gjdD fa^s the f’ab, e^asll/ Wetl'wiih papar,- is u.lp9»»re.biU'fe>*td and cheap substitutef-W that attielo on’th? v. ; a'.b fTOlMcreiac" ’ '- v ;n -.«! ■ ■ this tvnjer ir-apui^jA'd hbeut.:i houjryVtlie chlorin* pai ! tthfdijriduring'tbe pwcj ss «t cvr.pbrjt-- t;od^top«''k3rereiWiS47ftI | dlC* , M ; *ki»jbvr{'Its*poavtr.of'vqunterevtij*- ’ he’i’ Vclf ' ’i’rohmU-lt. ofnhysifiaHs ttWai-grAvcly a*Srm*Rtitfit:tLg;io- h ri-i: -.3tj of Cf. Rmfchu* oft'..- tTo’-:I.!-.. 0X0 and all dhtib eaU.tgjleapvcf a stranger ftodsir on tho kintal!- putig’the 3U» reguayut Rr-Jcfsy.'SO.'sbiaters’iJl.. ed’Jndea/iiayx.iJint a» x-Vop-nt!!ijtvj>t'»-iraj tnlbi^ f'Hl'rsdiWtpltnr 0 °* ftd fever on- . K!*t>ithsruri’f ' diflUis;ju’ni;’ i»v, PBiria* 3ib*. ; tar. Ijififc'^ptyrrh’^ VJIlx, U. tf,z '-M r .i: -oixtSS ■PPi RRW*in|.. I'ujjify chricirt.’fbr, )e'> than’ the r\ptay>,of' JWp ’pcpco, J»nd.grith little or no Tri’vIdqr'.h'inUi* . ,-r.i -nattnftn&'nuq! hxkspl.dlsju.e-.-ie.l f-rii fo ti.-pl.fct.- .) Tn u-,“ as up; .Iii iTnimt t.tttaar.: of t Idol id I . . •; . pf-ficie iVonl-J cn;t fi(ij time') 'the tuoUVy.' cRifliff. ; / very Mi )■.'< -■ , v !;v b'-w tK-nr'd lh- Hum •< , of H-.-.-ihii ,) ri,’,. ii/iwmati-.ii to •':»-• j •.I.-.', ■> . -’ • •’.u < ri;er n: ,-^r !>e n t-.< apt that :i.-- ■ - u»i»?i!w0f;thijliit:il)5r3la;w'w'lio’hinylitTall'nJkigt. d y ,.-. ■r\oy'.tvora-af*C)tt, ' n.d.’iw cthi r f. uiI - mi i i- t-rrit i-1 jdi pn’.i;.! i-i the dm!.. I’r >m t:-:f lime ri • i n.i l.av e riv.-.vti prulf,;nl)iixn>.T-.v7a.i.) th?ir trade-- FoV-- J.ifMugivyj.1»6at the a®>.' of We insure put hi Tirtr.GiioxnirA. - find initLes'affpathiid at great dijlanccs from tho The uutlcr^gojci ue.viog pnrcna«ed # Tb)&npponr9 no floubi, Riirp iAinft to those ercit nnd Uken tno shop mudy [jvn where there is alsnost no’diing hot (ho interest«— oceupiudby Mr. C. Coupee, on Chcr- rv streot, a. few doors above Clarke's Hotel, take litis opportunity of tender ing to their friends and the public their ijmsMHn Si , . VjtijgA - Cabinti Making Easiness ■- VThey will afatt times keep on hand a good sup- plv i f.M-n-ri..:--. at -I bo prt-p wed to execute eV- «rv .lexer:; tion > fw >■ ■< in 6- ir him. ' "^Pi’tieboardx, - Bureaus,. Bedsteads,. Bookcases, Chairs,-&ci-.6l'- made to order. 771'*.'. - !.] I’ve; y deicrip!i>wriofTUH 71NG do oops above Having .1 1-wge «-i Ire.- Ik .it Turning I ntlm. (the one of tf;,- kind in lb.: plnro.) they will be prepared to. turn S? 1 ’. ,^.7^'®* snor.notico yv JOHN MORELAND; dry siliriit. i! i"i t!i-f-.'.lo-.-, ine. v. 'licit \vi trun-lne pindtstill they plight to be good nature.); and bo? Ln (hirllo Mcdir'U: v.'bht ; nfMiml lo J’.s- iievo what others have’ seen. r If ha> noyr ii«in .rli-bird-Its :u’rjb:n'nts..nny iipplyv?Fhilr..!elplu,ii made borerioo.v, that numcrn'ua'rcspertiB'.dbrlitdit ■ - - Dec 17 Ml SmpPg I „ ml HE. Howard Insurant GmtfJgJMlf Ntw York li’ontinues to iusiirffJJO FT ON, when shipped'on good Boats or .Boxes, against-the dingers of the River. Rates of Premium r- uiwlcrato. Apply to C. pAYs-A^tWi •bD|W. gQ 61 -v ’ • , '7 : . r, iRoadyaiado Clothing*, - • TTUST received, n general assortment of Rtady- <Sj) mo* Clothing, of very superior quality, and made lo the most fashionable manner; the work of which is*vnrtantad- fn - orrrn A. SUOTWELL fis J. S. SMITH, Job fc 18& J<H ’ ' * SJATf?. . . . V J UST received sud for sale by 619 sulmcribcre, sovcral cases of Brewster’s - Blacli and Drab Eoaver Hats, Not inferior to any in tho Market. Also—A gtnrral assortment of Dlth pQ^DS in addition to their ronner stock: whwtaWUW ,old-low. A. SIIOTWELL S..&MUIL Ji)lyj:t. 1332. 100 — 2*or Sale A small HOUSE »»d LOT Id • ptens- • nt pirt -if town—whereon the snwerwer now I-VM—»dj(.inl[Tg lb# divclllnx Iiouw. of M. I)«r1tatl, sod ne,rO!«ik » Hotel.— tV’UI b* »old a harfalu Ang 7 I«T 9t r - vidnals whim duty ortho love ofaudventnre. have led into the wikis of our country, have often seen snakes, and thr rattle snake too, itr-tbo trees — The good people, thru fore; v, ho pass jAtffilWt* in stores and counting houses, ought not to' con tradict these facts, beemise-they do not mcotwhlj rattle snakes, hissing and r.nnpp:ng at Uitui frotn tho paper mulberries, rstliev go limne to their dinners. JOHN JAMES AUDOBON Tlu HcgUr. fiumroi.—There js «' very inter esting narrallyo of her life, part of which we qnoto from Captain Myudyi she is now an old woirnn of eighty yean. • *»Tho above mentioned i.fTirerhll;onerf,'carreg his servico with the Mahrettns, seen her, then n beautiful young woman, leading on I »r troops i.- the attack in person, nnil displaying; in the midst of c .fiis.g-, t’l - .Me l in’r. pidiiy and presenefl of tniii.l. 'i bc it. Ins b.-en twice nnrried, and both her bmbands were Europeans. Her appel- l-.t'iim of ‘ril. ui..o' i) a corruption of ri e Freni Is word Sombre, the horn de guerre d her first lord, Reraaa’d, who bought pier when a yonng nnd handsome ,lancing girl; married, and converted her to tlio Roman Cathnlie religion. Her second husband—named Lo'Vwsn—was an Indencudcnt roving adventurer, a fort.of land pirate; became powerful iu fcls own right, if right it bail ho call ed, and jipsscssi-d a considerable army. It is of this men that ri- following anecdote is related, which is •wondrods strange—>f ft bo' true:' it was ibo closing scene uf bis life, and the o.-st in which onr heroine played any distinguished part, I have said that her husband had become possess ed of -wealth, power, and a numerous army; of these his wife rove'od the undivided potfvsstuo, and she thu» 'nceortipli-Jitil bor narpoie. A mutinous di.posiiion. oa tiic subject of pny, having manift-steil itself among Le Yassu’s body guard, tho Begum, then about twe.-ity fiv... exag- -frated tho duiiger l» her liusl.and. and rot iOTei- iigenec couveyM to him that tile rebels had I'..rill ed r< plio tuseii.. nnd eoifi-ie him, end to iliiho- Bor his’wife. They, conteqaenl.’y, arnnged 10 escape together from the fury of the soldiorv; and long time fivir-ri 1 ■ t - ] stigq|of the cholera, and o n Pc ii I z' nsby VC srea Ry. liI: I; acclimated; t'WIt tsvll tbriti to ieuve iha c : tyj- \Vhi!c seeking.for an t^wer to that question, iv hligfited bn t?p;^'olloV, i;)e- v, Iiich wo tniii>}ate fi'otn " Iti .Vediflhf whht h ti-s M m'lubinuts, .may u;,p! tulhv.v i-tii/.et.'s* ru and our, ■■LI riiiil corks cijbt sottietbittg ia -..liljtioa. t.TiJSfAn rct.nrn to rise u'.r.kiug of 'chlorine.gas;- Iwri'IMmi'e f :.!•• r.:-i;riarie niitl, o h i; of (hf gr.-uti.t importcuco to cur rt-:..\ r*,’Who soajf wi.!: !<» tiko preer-.i'ti-u). ri;: r ■ ii or 1 11a g:-.. try coot u.:on of the cholera The ,/>;p!aun\iou will lie familiar to our.sci'Mi'.e rea-lvr*. f^wfl- ' otic acid was iiiecrtuiucil is> ;?ir Hi;;iijd.r.>yT)a- vV to be cotr.piocd of chleiino r.i.4 hydro,-.t-U, Whsh.iEis insured oil slit l,Iaok cxulc oT-.ufla-' r-^' is-;-, it is dccompuscd into two constituent pans’, ; .. livsV-ng.-u miitisig svitli ri..- rxvp not'rire a up .’•irmis-.g water, wlnl-tthe'chloiiin rises is; & form ..f g,n. — Tot-.t r.Hlortnflht .V. IV 0 1 hr .1 k- Ms:-. Gentliou 1—Yottaro proh>b!y , thn) a- "- on.-; t!i” nHu t'sat have liaeu -arge.'.tpil fs't- tin ttoaiaftj to qxlfiiiiur, in *' jl-imt t f ii -.v cut:.VIv mediC_r.l,"ivll.*tti!r Lhi^ bmigrat; -rt'.is uiebitrd hy prudcncr. Thcro is enfiaq nRcr ld r* r.; . Thc'ro'ig iglso •os-s.-in ibpkt. 0:i w! k,h uda so t- rise eh sr.e. - ss.o:! f.ivo. .'.lei V - hesi at ■ is. : t . say. that noaflt reinniii. ’ ' ' t.j Undoubtedly nothing nppenri more nMurll then to quit a a naked ipidmij^i* ."vmg, and to go and s'ick elsewhere an alsiqHpbere tbit tony be hroithcsl without luquictudc. But such is tiie character of this travelling scourge, ibnc un less ivc c.-.ufly towards a country where it lsa:> for a longlimb ceased to operate. We knots not w-li -c uf t'sv-oiiulura in it* . llVTt .4 •j that of mioctms tit' liluoil-vc*sc's wiiliijircrt ilciiil riui f. Tho success of iwia'i ms a! ■ • :i a;>;ic rj to li.'wo generally cundjfi*t i um ; ; v 1: not <] >it® lf»j)il*.‘!»—'-ui it opixi .rj d II in ;i Vo:. •\tf 4htp* niity it Inu tried, nil ui ti ii \* r tf tcolifliO* n>, 0:1 rc ipcci ible uulllo it y, hh.I il k 11; a d;'(j to present the st it. m u-.t 1 ■ slOjit'C » ♦,:i- cat profession in thi* con 1 .7, for Til ; ctv..Li|« tion. Tho ni-ticl.’ 1 tike f- 0 n .1 mua* • v **f tha Ikiinburgli Cbroiiiclu, wh *'ll h35 jUi ' rcachod ".Vue fre’/rns! ofCkoirn.-l elifslcra, nrthc stago as it In A MOODY, at night ttarfed sscretly from their psiwc in p<- hit the advantage of this *ppremfcvr»hip thus we can find air r.-ylum in w hich it imv Hot sur- | cxeriie-..e.of 01; prise as. Bsiri-. v. as tranquil, »opar :t. d from tlic choltri by the 5 a a" I severxl deparisii. nt«. nod nil at once she i, Mrjic.k from a distance, without ntiv |sremonition-of tho enHtf'rf attack. Everyday w-o learn, that upon tho greater num ber of the points of the circle, now greatly extend ed, wheW tlso choleri rages, the persons who have been first reached came from Pars*. They hntl taken ia that city the perm of tho disease, end either from tho fatigues of the journey or from some other eutiio, thny have been attacked in pl-ires where they could not obtain the uccessary iwsi-.mnc.; which they h id left behind thorn in the horrie of the epidoniic. This is one of tho dan gers of removing—it iv ono reason for rcmaiaitip. In general a man cin harden himself to any thing: ho ac. ustoms h.imsvlf to breathe an iiuahi- j brio’ll* air: tho inhalsitaot of imrshes beconiea | ii :c<l to tho miasma* which eur .-umd him. The Europeou who remains a long linac under the tro pics. 1* ns rcgirdloss as the uulives. of tho mala dies which arc so fatal to lliosn newly arrived. We may by degree* com* to lake enormous do- »ns of the roost a.-live poisons. Tlsere are some of ns w ho Imve lived more than « month iu ihe influence of tho cholera atmoiphrris. We have all smTorad more or Ire* from it. Uur organs have become habituated to it. Wo mo in part accli mated. un.I the chin.-rt of our cout.-acung tlic cbolera are greatly diminished. Now. do svo uot cd, Isis in this country at least, baffled tli sgeof . b. e 1 calls’- ur most lilontod physician!, ih.t.-q , d ; nr method of tro Uni ut oil which they coui-i depend. It i,. however, with tisuelt iilonsure, t!ia*we arc nblo tn state, that n remedy Ims lately booh tried in Leith nail in thin - sty, which will go fir to deprive tbir malady ’ef it* horrors, and that tbc principle* on which it wn» founded, will ulliamlcly ho tho sti.-ms 01 much Improvement m the treatmentJBj o’hg.r disewe*. The minted; consist* in iiiioetii^»sliii-j fluids in to the veins, n prnetico w filch miy modicil nrao.- from reasoning a priori, would have declared would bo productive of the mewl fatal consfijiiaB- ccs. Ttis founded on the fact, that from the ex cessive evacuations in cholera, tha blood is depri ved of ono ofiu essential ingredients, vix. theic- rou: or w-sit-ry portion, nnd the duly method of supplying this, appears to he by iulroduving into the system a fluid, resembling in its chemical pro- pci tins, as nearly a* possibln, that which hsi* been evens tied. This HuiJ i* funned hy .k-wolriiig two drnelimxof ibc murinto of soda, or common salt, nnd two scruple* of tho siilxartinu.itc of Ends, ia fsvo pnaud* of w ater, then adding the <shHCq of ' , tlu-oe egg*, beating them well togglhcr, SuU af wsrds tirnining the toiutian.. 'J'hisu lobs in dureil iut.i tb.o veins »t * 1M0 pern tore of 114 deft The operation is extremely simple, the uniy hi* sfrument requisite is a vein molt stomach pumPr w ith ti *01)11 silver tu!>« to fit tho Vein, which (S gouertdly cho-vu frutp oue cf the vein* m tit* *rra- It li dfcaed as ia oVdiaarj veneiccriou; one extitfk