Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, September 25, 1832, Image 1

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-/atffe. MA€®I M j5v JlvnoN Bartlett. MACOW, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1832. Vol, VI—No. 39. IT The Telegraph is published every Wet niornlDj „ Office on Mulberry Street, eu'.t side. *«lX V Printing _ ^ . f4 . T , rw5 —Three Dollar? a year, if paid in ad-i 7 or four dollars. if not paid before the i ofthc year- Subscribers lixi»« at a distance ; repaired in all cases to pay in advance. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT giAWTOM & WARE HOUSE, Alt 9 "merchants, commission . eV^KE liberal advances «n Cotton m store u f a ill and on shipments, also on notes and otli- s j ca i MtfopcrlV deposited in their hands. • Mi&ic adm l * T‘ eir Ware Houses arc more convenient to the JLess part of the town than any other, possess- “’“f the advantages of a v.harf, and are more ex- 2pt from danger by tire, than any ether in Ma- ' WA11E-H O V S JE AND Commissi on B usiness. AMILTON & HAVES, intending to per- mauently locate themselves iu Macon, on .-before the 1st of October next, for the pur- Xoof transacting the above business; and hav- 3g taken the keiv <& convenient Ware-House recently occupied by Isaac B ; Rowland, on the corner of Mulberry and Second streets, and in immediate vicinity of most of the Cotton transactions, respectfully solicit a part of public favor, promising iu return, unremitting attention lct he interest of all who may favor them with their business and confidence. Liberal advances ,ril! be made on Produce, Merchandize or other rtv. EVERARD HAMILTON. p 4 ' JOHN R. HAYES. Macon, August 14, 1832 6t J. GODDARD, WARS MOKXSS COMMISSION MERCHANT, Macon* WILL continue to transact the jh above business at the same place r>v&I occupied last year by J. GOP- DA11D &. REED., lie has built a rood Wharf for Abe convenience of the Ware House: and there is'no Ware House in town more >ccuro from the dangers of fire. By strict attention to business committed to his care, and the facilities which he will be able to reader his customers, ho hopes to merit a contiu- u .nce trf the patronage of his frieuds aud the pub lic h general. Ho is prepared to make liberal advances at all trass, on cotton stored or shipped by him. Cot ton stored at his Ware House will he insured at tae lowest rates, if requested. He has also taken the Ware House occupied las: year bj L, J. Groce, for the convenience of fci* and customers in East Macon. Macon, August 10 163 6in 2,32!. !&ee& Thomas S. Blair WILL TRANSACT WAREHOUSE, BOATING, CQ&iaxsssxoiv Busmsss* IN MACON, GA„ UNDER THE NAME AND IIRM OF SUBSB <& S££Q^. otllEY have taken the Warehouse aud ■!, Wharf next above the bridge known as Cutter’s Warehouse. y will render the. same facilities to the .s, Layers and Shippers of Cotton, that is- w.tiorliko establishment in the place. " he:r Warehouse is safe from the dangers of v, sill possesses the advantages of a good A_rf ftiiS dose Storehouse—all of which will L V3t iu good repair for the reception of Cotton it-! (rords. They solicit a share of public patronage. Our Mr. iU>cd acknowledges with pleasure the liberal alrostige which he has received heretofore from hi* friends and acquaintances, and respectfully solicits the continuance of the same, to the above fen. REED & BLAIR. August. 1832. 170 6’m Books* Sflusic, &Ca EliUIS, SHOTWELL & CO. RE now receiving and opening at their BOOK STORE, a number of PIANO FORTES, ascription, and a variety of other Mtt- . . urnents, with Instruction Books and -•Iiitic adapted to the same. A large collection of ISFoy? Music for the 3?iano, embracing all the Music of the celebrated Cinde rella Opera, and a variety of Eugraviugs, Carica tures, Prints, See.—also, A large assortment of Books, consisting of' fifteen hundred volumes: a cata logue embracing a considerable portion of which, is published in the Christian Repertory. A great variety of STATION ARY.and Mis cellaneous articles. A largo assortment of PAPER HANGINGS, Bordering, Fire-Prints, &e. &c. They respectfully invite the attention of. the public to the above, and request them to call and xaainiue. June 11 24 STEAM SAW AKB GEX5T MILL, T HE subscriber respectfully informs the pUb- lie, that his STEALS SAW A CHRIST 2MZXZ.X., near his residence, within one mile of Macon* is FROM THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. TOM TADPOLE. Thomas Tadpole was a wild youth—he lov ed wine and women, and other good things;— he hated work, snakes and hickory—(not old ? a complete and successful operation. Iu hickory.) Tom lived in a small village, or ra CfOACH »£A2£mG. addition to other machinery he is prepared with a circular saw for ripping light lumber, such as Window Sash, Palings, Laths, fcc. In conse quence of the heavy expenditure incurred in its establishment, it is necessary that he should re quire either cash or bankable paper for his lum ber, which he i3 disposed to sell at a-fair price. A share of the public patronage is very respect fully solicited. BENJ. F. OWENS. N. B.—A first rate SAWYER, may, by ap- plynig immediately, obtain good wages and a per manent Ikuation. B. F. O. July 27. 164 tf ____ Copartnership. ni^HE subscribers have this day purchased the JL entire stock of goods belonging to Wiley, Baxter tf Fort in this place, and w ill continue the’ business at the same store on the corner of Sec ond Street and Cotton Avenue, opposite Wash ington Hall, under the firm of BAXTER, FORT & WIL.EY. They have on hand a general assortment of fresh goods well adapted to the town and country trade, which will be sold at low prices and otr li fe oral terms, by the yard, piece or package.— They solicit a continuation of the patronage of former customers and the public generally. THOMAS W. BAXTER. ROBERT W. FORT. LAIRD H. WILEY. Macon, July I, 1832. 261 AND COTTON BAGGING, ON CONSIGNMENT. T KF, subscribers have on the river, and will receive iu a few days. 1930 pieces Hemp Sagging. rhey have made arrangements with their friends id Savannah and Charleston to be regularly sup- I'.’.e'l throughout the.scason, and they will at all •'Bes be prepared to sell puces aud oa a long credit at the lowest market May},' 111 REA & COTTON. Go ctou Mags. Ready made Colion Bags, o and ^ 5<| yards each. of the best Inver- ,L-> ness Bagging, for sale by REA & COTTON. -ulylO. ], r ,9 Sal a. TWO POLE BOATS— Red Rover and Ariel. The Ro- ^'pafrjii^ver is as good as new, as it has ^ ^^s&fbeen but a few months since she ^ler vout an entire and good repair. 1 have Ariel examined by a gentleman who is .. acquainted with boat building, aud he in- '°nns me^tiiat one hundred dollars will put her •-‘goed order for freighting, as her timbers are all pod. The two are said to lie -very low at eight j^dred dollars. I will sell them on time, and q ? **le can h’c effected with any of Col. B. S. i ri j 3 confidential creditors, I will discount four dollars on his paper. P.?, .’T A HORSE AND SULKEY and a WAQ0N for sale. Abo,.—Two young likely NEGRO WOMEN. ““Pi- 4,1832. 176 W. B. CONE. t Bent. THE dwelling over the store of A- P» Patrick tf Co., well calculated for a private Boarding House, at present Cte r-occupied by Seth Lewis. Also, the »f;tvo CCUpie ^ % W. T. Sage. Possession given * 'fie 1st of October next. Apply to MELROSE & KIDD, or to J„ A® P. PATRICK. • 155 tf To Rent, AND possession given on the first of October next, the large and com modious Store and Ware House now * m occupancy of George Wood— • iin !? re ’ ,10w * n T ^ c occupancy of James S,J| ' Miu- t , 8a,l ! t building, both in good order, tf f’hprrv , ®o f:berry Street, near the corner . and ^ econd Streets. Apply to Atir. to . . C..B. COLE, or E 170 M. CHTSIIOLM. HE Subscribers still continue the business at the old stand, corner of Walnut and Fourth Streets, where work will be doue accord ing to order. Having a large assortment of abi des ordered from the North which will arrive’m the course of the summer, consisting of Gigs, Bu- gies, Barouches and Carriages, they feel con fident of pleasing customers both in articles aud prices. The have now on hand an assortment which will be sold low for cash, such as Sulkevs, Gigs, and Barouches; besides several splendid sets of Harness, with Laces, Carpeting, Morocco, Springs of different kinds, Joints, Bands, Leops and Bows of all sizes. Orders for Carriages punctually attended to, aud warranted to please or no sale. BENTON & BACON. Wanted as an Apprentice* A lad about fourteen or fifteen years of age, of steady moral habits. B. & B. May 4 J38 Sugar, Coffee* &c. GRAVES & SON have just receive the following articles: 12 hhds St. Croix aud N. O. Sugars 10 bbls Loaf do 50 bags Coffee 40 bbls Rum 20 bbls N. Gin 20 bbls Whiskey 10 blub Molasses 20 bbls Potatoes 2 pipes Cog. Brandy 2 pipes Holland Gin 2 hhds Jam. Rum 25 bbls Wine 20 bbls Cordial 50,000 Cigars Boxes Soap, Candles Pepper, Pimento, Ginger Tobacco, Pearlasb, Copperas Boxes Hyson and Black Tea 50,000 lbs Iron and Steel 2000 lbs IIoop Iron Castings, &c. &c. All of which will be sold very low. April II 121 A QUANTIFY of superfine Flour; received X^HL by the Charles Carroll and for sale by May 25 144 ELLIS, SHOTWELL & CO. &and in 3$Tewion. 71R ACTIONS No. 333 and 334, in the 16th District originally Henry now Newton ouutr, are for sale, Apply in Macon to Dec 1 35 M. BARTLETT. Clothing Store. ST^ HE subscriber being very anxious to re- j*_ duce his stock of Woollen Clothing, will 3 II at very low prices. March 15 WM. H. BURPS ALL. 3Tnst received & hhds St. Croix, Porto Rico, and New Orleans SUGARS 150 bags Coffee 35 barrels Molasses 70 bis Northern Ruin, 60 do Whiskey 30 bis Gin 25 quarter casks Malaga Wine Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin Jamaica Rum 15 quarter chests Tea, 40 kegs Nails 20,000 lbs Iron German and English blistered Steel 5,000 lbs Castings Powder, Shot and Lead Domestics, and a General Assortment SPRING GOODS, Cutlery, Hats. Shoes, Boots, <yc. For sale by GEORGE JEWETT. May 19 142 TIN WARE MANUFACTURER. mulberry, near third street. HE subscriber manufactures and keeps con stantly on hand, a general assortment of Tin Ware. which he will sell wholesale and retail at Savan uah or Augusta prices. JOB WORK done at the shortest notice at Ihe shop on Third street, next door to Ellis, Shot- i ell & Co. WILLIAM S. ELLIS. Orders sent to Ellis, Shotwell tf Co. will re- < mve prompt attention. Nov 11 17 English Merinoes 7AJTERINO SQUARE SHAWLS just re- J fl ceived by WM. H. BURDSALL. Dec 23 54 Spring and Summer Clothing. rjrfHE subscriber has just commenced receiv- B ing his stock of Spring and Summer Clo thing. He assures the public that h»6 stock will be inferior to none, is determined to sell at lov nrices, and invites purchasers to eoll. 1 march 15 WM. H. BURDSALL. Plaster of Paris. -g BARRELS of superior PLASTER g [p OF PARIS, for hard walls aud stoc- * Bd % A*ifeefos. j^HE subscriber having withdrawn from the late firm of Wiley, Baxter $f Fort, and sold his interest to his Brother, Laird H. Wiley, re spectfully asks a continuation of patronage from his friends to the new firm of BAXTER, FORT & WILEY. LEROY M. WILEY. Macon, July 1, 1832. 161 [Dissolution. T HE Copartnership heretofore existing un der the firm of Wiley, Baxter tf Fort, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The en tire business of the concern will be settled by BAXTER, FORT & WILEY, who will con tinue the business at the same stand. LEROY M. WILEY. THOMAS W. BAXTER. ROBERT W. FORT. Macon, July 1,1832. 161 ~ . mw woissi A RNOTT’S Elements of Physics Evidence of Prophecy Rev. Robert Hall’s Works Essay on Formation and Publication of Opi nions Essays on Truth, Knowledge, Evidence, &c. ‘ Pitcairn’s Island Otabiete, &c.—last Family Library Ambitious Student, by E. L. Buhver Life of Stephen Girard Hall’s Lectures ou School Keeping Romance of Reality Sister’s Budget Whispers to a Newly Married Pair Reports on Locomotive and Fixed Engines Eleventh Edition Henry’s Chemistry Alexander’s Bible Dictionary Brief Remarker Medical. Syme’s Surgery Lhrrey’s Surgical Memoirs Gooch on Females Gooc-h’s Midwifery Bell ou Baths and Mineral Waters Carpenter’s Essay on Materia Medica Costar’s Physiological Practice Peurperal Peritonitis, by Dr. Baudelocquc Ryaa’s Medical Jurisprudence With a large collection of Medical, Law, Mis cellaneous and School Books for sale by 26 4t ELLIS, SHOTWELL & Co. A. P. PATSLEC2& &L Go. H AVE received per Boat Rebecca, and offer for sale on reasonable terms, 4000 bushels Salt 16,000 lbs Bacon 20 tons Swedes Iron 20 hhds Sugar 200 bags Coffee 6 hhds Molasses 50 bbls prime Pork 25 bbls No. 2 Mackerel 25 bbls No. 3 ditto 50 bbls N. E. Rum 50 bbls Gin 80 pieces Bagging 30 boxes Soap 20 boxes Sperm Candles Window Glass Nails Cognac Brandy Holland Gin Malaga, Madeira and Teneriffo "Wine. Together with a general assortment of 15 ry Goods* Hardware* Saddlery CROCKERY, HATS, SKOJ&S, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, &c. &c. &c. June'18, 1832. 25 ■ HATS. J UST received a few cases gentlemen’s fash ionable Beaver HATS, dec 22 53 WM. H. BURDSALL. snics. BRICK, deliver able in a few days notice, foi^ sale by C. A. HIGGINS. N. B. The above article can be had iu quan tities to suit purchasers on contract, by giving short notice to the subscriber, who acts as agent for an extensive kiln in the neighborhood. June 5 147 C. A. H. Bills on the Bank of IKEacon AKEN by the undersigned at 75 per cent discount, in pavinentfor Goods. AUfe. 14 168 lOt E. GRAVES & SON. 300,000 » / i.— F T A Mare Bffule* O F a yellow claybank color, with r blaek streak down her back and across her shoulders, be tween three and four years old, was taken up by the undersigned living near Robinson & Granberry’s store, (formerly Raines’s,) Twiggs county. The ow ner can have her by proving property and paving ex penses. sept 4 3tp JOSEPH RAWL8. VINEGAR. “S 4Th GALLON S of first rate, three yeare J.VV old VINEGAR, for sale at the Confectionary of JOHN SMITH. March 15 102 ther near one—his father had a plantation, and made bacon, barley and cotton: Tom had ne ver been a mile from home—only to the mill, which was a mile and a quarter—and to the meeting house, which was three miles, of a Sun day. When he was 17, he was a big boy then, he wanted to see the world: So his father loaded the wagon with cotton, and put in his four best horses, and gave it in charge of Tom to take to market. “You are a shrewd boy,” says the old man to him, “and can take care of yourself —but mind and keep clear of gambling houses, and tippling houses, and baw r dy houses, and you will do well enough.” Away went Tom, ponder- ingupontlie last w ? ords of the old man; “Keep clear of tippling houses, bawdy houses and gam ing houses! What could the old gentleman mean?” he said to himself. They were things he had never heard of before, of course his cu riosity was excited—but he meant to do as his father had told him and avoid the temptations. Tom sold his cotton, and put 500 dollars into his breeches pocket—a larger sum than he had ever seen before. Tom marched up and down ■the principal streets in Crabsborough, feeling the importance acquired by having so much money about him. He passed by a confection ary, stopping awhile to gaze at the pretty things in the windows. “Won’t you buy something to carry to your pretty sweetheart?” said the shopman politely to him: Tom started—says he to himself, “how the dickens should he know that I had a sweetheart?” The faet was, Tom had had a sneaking notion after the millers daughter for the last month. Tom went into the shop. A thousand things were staring him in the face. He thought he ought to buy something, after such a polite invitation, and as long as his secret was discovered, ’twas useless to try to conceal it. “What will you have?” a- gain asked the smiling shopman; “here’s fruit of all sorts, preserves, candies, and jellies, cakes, kisses and trinkets—every thing proper For a young gentleman to give his sisters, or his sweet heart.” Tom thought of his sisters for the first time—so he selected a piece of candy for each, and a bead purse for the miller’s daughter.— “Take a glass of cordial, my young friend,” said the cunning confectioner to him on part ing; “and thank you for your custom.” Tom swallowed the cordial, and felt himself a man. He rambled about till night, gazing at the sights and staring at the shop windows. After sup per, he said to himself, “what a fool I am to go to bed every night at dark. I will walk a- bout town till nine o’clock.” His father’s ad monition then came into his head; “to keep clear of tippling houses, bawdy houses and gambling houses,” and he resolved to follow the old gen tleman’s instructions, (though it may be sup posed that he had but an indistinct idea of the places to which he alluded,) and away he strol led to his friend the confectioner’s, and called for a glass of that same cordiaL Tom felt his ideas brighten, and his heart expand. He be came communicative, and asked many ques~- tions. The wily shopman led him on to speak of himself, till he learnt his whole history, event to the sum of money in Ills breeches pocket.— Tom indiscreetly went so far as to tell thb man ner of his parting with his friends, and the par ting advice of his father, tcT “keep away from tippling houses, bawdy houses and gambling houses.” The confectioner laughed in his sleeve. “Very proper advice,” says he, “indeed; and what you ought by all means to follow—many a young man is ruined by visiting houses of that description,” andhe gave a wink tojliispart ner behind the counter. While Tom was still there, sipping his cordial, and talking of mo rality, two females entered the shop; they were lively laughing girls, and looked tenderly on. Tom, who was mute with admiration. The shopkeeper seeing the interest they had exci ted in his breast, already warmed with the cor dial, kindly offered to introduce him to them, whispering, that as they were unprotected, it was no more than polite, to offer to sec them home. Tom jumped at the idea—lie was in troduced accordingly to Miss Filipina Scoggins and her cousin Miss Doloretta Muggins. He found them as familiar and condescending, as a bashful youth could wish; and when he offered to see them home, they timidly and thankfully accepted his proffer. Tom walked with his new acquaintances to the; door of their dwel ling, which was a fine white house on the edge of the town—but he could not be prevailed up on to enter, though earnestlj’ solicited. The fact was, ho thought his present dress hardly suitable, to enter so fine _a house with such beautiful ladies in; but as they were so kind, he promised to call and spend the next evening with them. He then hastened back to his friend the confectioner, and told him his success, and his proposed visit, who encouraged him by all means to proceed. He then offered, as he was a stranger, to show him some of the curiosities of the place; which Tom eagerly accepted.— He accordingly followed through the passage, and up stairs into a large room, where was a billiard table, a faro bank, and sundry other gaming arrangements. After introducing our hero to sundry of his friends, he plead business, and went out, after telling him to make himself easy, as he was among gentlemen. * Tom gazed at the heaps of money till his eyes and mouth watered. “By gong,” (said he aloud,) “if all that are money was mine, I reck on when Tom Tadpole hoed corn again jtwould be for something!” “Tadpole! did you say?” exclaimed the man with the money, in a feign ed surprise. “I wonder if you are the son of my old friend Nichodemus Tadpole of Toads- borough?” “The very same, by gong! does you know father?” “Know him, my dear young friend! wan’t we two years together in the last war? Didn’t I nurse nim like a brother when that cursed cannon ball tore off his breeches , and tho hind part of his left thigh? Know him F OUR good^AN?; Y CLOCKS for sale low I j? d « ed L Dld y0 “ y C ?’ Cr hcar 4um 8 P^f k Jo by b C. A. HIGGINS. {Spikes? you must, I know voa must. Here April 19 f28 A | thesharper caught Tem in his arms, and squee zed him a’ most to death-. The fact was Tom; simpleton ?.s he was, had told all of this to his friend the confectioner, and tho confectioner retold it to his partner, not forgetting the im portant item of the 500 dollars. Torn was o- vercome at this burst of feeling from an entire stranger, and felt all of a sudden a wonderful affection fo r the supposed friend of his father; He did not like to appear ignorant, or to have Spikes think his father had forgotten so true a friend; and so he replied that he had often heard his father mention him. Tom saw with admi ration the money on the table change owners; and he began to think it was the easiest way in the world to make money. He wished he had a small sum to try his luck with; true, he had money in his pocket, but it belonged to his fa ther, and was all in large bills, and carefully wrapped up in brown paper,and tied with a red string—he couldn’t think of taking that. At last, his new friend, with an unaccountable gen erosity removed his difficulty, and that in tho genteelest way in the world. “You are a stran ger here, Mr. Tadpole, (says he,) perhaps I may be of some use to you—if you want money or credit, just apply to me—I served your father many a good turn, and never lbstany thing by it either—I am willing to serve his son in tho same way.” Tom acknowledged his gratitude; and confessed that he wished the loai^of five dollars. “Five hundred my boy, if you wish itj” exclaimed the gambler. Tom took the money, and laid a dollar of it on the table. In a minute it had won another. The gambler congratulated him on his luck, and declared he was one of those who were born to be rich.— Tom continued successful, and when he left, had twenty dollars clear money in his pocket! His eyes were now open: he had found out a way to make a fortune, and he wa» a going to make it. The next day he spent at the confectionary and in the gambling room. He found out the more cordial he drank, the happier he felt, and the more he bet at the Faro bank the richer he became; till before night, he had got fifty dot* lars in his pocket. Evening had now come, and he resolved to go and spend it with his female friends, Miss Filipina Scoggins, and Miss Doloretta Muggins^ He accordingly set out, having ust purchased a clean stiff shirt collar and a bran new red cra vat, in which he looked vastly genteel, as the young ladies told him. They were powerfully rejoiced at seeing him, and treated him with the greatest attention. Wine, and cake, and other sweet things were offered him. He in his turn, pulled from his pockets the candy he had purchased for his sisters, and the bead purse he had intended to bestow on the miller’s daughter. The candy he delivered to Miss Scoggins and'the purse to Miss Muggins, who were delighted by his generosity, and insisted upon his staving all night. But this was going too far; he had sense enough to know that he ought not to stay all night on so short an ac quaintance. A hard rain coming on however, and a dark night, soon reconciled it to his feel J ings. Tom was in love with Miss Doloretta, that was clear—Miss Filipina had accused him of it, and he blushed and stammered when she did so; and on the latter leaving the room; as if by accident, he mustered up courage and ac-’ knowledged the corn. She of course blushed a little, or tried to, hesitated and finally admit* ted that she was pleased with him marvellous ly. Tom and Doloretta continued talking all alone by themselves, (for Filipina. never came back any more,) till 11 o’clock. What they found to talk about is more than I can guess —-only that they engaged to marry each o- ther pretty soon. How Tom spent the night I could never exactly ascertain, as the light somehow accidentally went out; just after she went into the chamber to show' him his bed.— Tom was back though to his lodgings at the tavern before day break next morning, and got up-at the usual rime as if nothing had happen ed; The ensuing day Tom spent in a similar manner with the preceding. He lounged a- bout the gaming house, and was suffered to win ten or fifteen dollars more. He was advised to increase his bets; it was plain he was a fa vorite of fortune, and all that was necessary was a bold spirit to wiu his way to wealth.— Tom did as he was told, and with various luck, but always left off a little on the gain. When night came, he bent his steps in the same di rection as on the preceding evening, and again spent the night at tho house of his inamorata, Miss Doloretta Muggins. Things were now going on swimmingly for our hero. All the morning he drank cordial and eat pound cake at the confectioner’s. And as soon as the gaming table was open, he was the first one at it, betting as though his life de pended on it. He bet largely, sometimes win ning and sometimes losing; till finally, he haz arded all his money upon one stake, and lost all he had previously won. More money was loaned him however by his friend Jo Spikes, and he continued to play. When he lost again, it did not require a great deal of persuasion to borrow part of the 500 dollars belonging to his father out of l;'s breeches pocket, as he knew he could replace it again very shortly. But the first hundred dollars he was unablo to re pay, so he borrowed another and another, un til the whole was soaked up. He now found to his chagrin that his credit was no longer good with his friend Jo Spikes—he could not borrow a dollar from cither him or the confec tioner—although he declared upon his honor that unless he could borrow he was a ruined man! that he had spent his last dollar, and all the money he had got for his cotton. He was reminded that he still had a good team of hor ses and wagon, and that if he shou Id sell a horse there would be no doubt that ho would shortly redeem all he had lost, and win as much more* Driven to desperation, he resorted to this rash expedient, and a purchaser was sooa fpund for his best horse at half his value. This answer ed for a while, and Fortune seemd to be more favorable to him. But alas, it soon went with tho other. Another horse went, and finally the other two and the wagon, soon followed suit. He was then asked if he had n6t got a watch* or ttme other valuable that he could raise the