The Madison family visitor. (Madison, Ga.) 1847-1864, May 10, 1856, Image 4

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C. W. RICHTER, WAiraassT Jewelry, Silver an-i P’.ntcd Ware. WiitcieS, Cljck.i »iwl Jewelry carefully rewired. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. ci9-ly f JUNK 11. NICIIOLS, M. D., PaYSIOIAM A SURGX3OU. OSse, below'Me***.' Fears & Swaasoirt ft.,re, UmUhoii. »7 FANNIN <k WINGFIELD, ATTORN LES AT LAW, Orvicr—Ovtr the ST. litan Dmq More. J. A. BILLUPS, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, MADISON, Ga. Office in the Cbt'UT ILwsn, opposite the Clerk’s Office. Xoy.V% 185 L DR. WILLIA M 11. UUKIt, sea qp m ti •*», OFFICE, UP STAIRS, TOWN lIAU,, w. m. mniNinx MAS CTF.VOTIfUKK AN!) DEALER IS SADDLISS, lIiIIDLKS. II.IR\I!SX, TULVKS. Carj, :t-lr, ,r, Sa l l/i vy I!'*/,v. L atlr r, Thread, Lark,, rfv. rs- r ., Center aereet, next do r below Ihiync A ILirrift* Malison, tit. DLX.IAMiN Q. LIl/D >JT f M.iCr in HOOKS, STATIONERY, MUSIC, FANCY 00008,1‘IiRTOMKItY, Ac. Ac., Two doors above Town ID#, ■ 1 l tdiftun, Georgia FANCY STATION KB.Y. | LAST received, a beatilifal I >t <»f Fancy Color • I ed Ruled Nit • and Letter JV.pors, and En velopes to match. April 12. ILG. LIDDON. 1 NOTION. riAHL undersigned will continue the Lumber I business on his own act .mil. Orders for L-nirbor mar tie sent to him nt Warren ton. Maiyli f, 1-<56, I'.My JOEL HALL. MV DEAR SIR, —I desire to st. .e .. lew instances of good resulting Iron the use of the Pain Killer. The first case til I ! hall mention in which 1 performed a nice w is that of a servant boy who bud his rigid hand severch scalded bv the falling ofb >iting < : l on it, was in few days perfectly cured bv the application ot'a mixture of Ore nil and Pain iv .Her, as dii * led in such cases. Then my girl was cured of an ob stinate cough Lastly, I shall r< fer to my elf I took the medicine -not from any (••.mfuienn* I had in it; on the contrary, I took it will? a r. f deal of fear however, 1 nmst own that if several times relieved me of <*• )'«1 in the eh< I and it cured me of a fever—of pain in the knee ami an ulcter in the mouth. Inaddhion so the above a case of cholera was hrouglit to my notice; u coachman was attacked with this (ii.-t i. and medicines kept lor this complain! were given to tho man without any effect, and, ns the last re sort, when lie was cold and speechless, the Pain Killer was administered, which threw a warmth into the system and revived his sinking energy —in short, the man was restored. It. W CHILL, Calcutta,lndia. I)kar Situ*—We began selling Perry Davis’ Pain Killer with very little effort on our part; sales were small at lirst, but ns it became known in our community, the demand increased very rapidly, far beyond our expectations, and every person that bought it would come after more, and sneak in the highest terms of it as a valuable remeuy for all those diseases vour pamphlet spoke of. From these roeomntemi llion -, we were induced to use it in our own families, and now continue its use with great satisfaction. We have sold more of tin* Pain Killer than we ever have since or before of any other medicine in the same length of timenncl we do not hesitate to say that it gives belter satisfaction to the pur chaser than any other article we have ever sold. Hurry of business has prevented our sending certificates, but we have in our vicinity from fifteen hundred to two thousand living witnesses who testify to their neighbors, day by day, of the value of Davis’ Pain Killer. Keep a largo supply in nhe West, it is just such a medicine ns the people want, and they have already found out that they can euro the fever and ague for twenty-live 'cents, li will cure a cold mono hour—a severe cough in one night and has proved to be the best medicine in use fora dis eased stomach and main other purples. LOCKWOOD A UR All \M, Samlu-kv City. Olfip. Penny Davis’ Veostabi.k Pain Kif.i.fu.— Voluntarily, conscientiously, ami with much pleasure, we recommend to our reader, the above named medicine. We <p v 'k from our own observation and experience when we say that it removes pain as if by magic, from all parts of the body, and is one of the host medicines in use for checking diarrhoea, and removing the pre monitory symptoms of cholera. It is applied both internally and externally, with fir* beat cflTcoU, and none who have once used the Pain Killer, would willingly be without it constantly in their houses.—O/Lb//</.,A /■' Xoniareti. One word in regard to Penv Davis* Pain Killer. I have used it in my iamilv for some years, and take great pie.'.sure in reemmnendiug it as si valuable medicine, that should he kept in every family. I have witnessed wonderful and speedy cures by its use - recently, within the last week, l have known a very severe case of rheumatism soon relieved and promising a speedy cure, by this, in my estinmmu, i.\v a mi aul* remedy. JABEZ S. SWAN, Pastor of the Huntington street Baptist.) Church, New Loudon, Conn. j Davis* Pain Killer. 1 was attack* 1 with dysentery, and it soon became v •* v distressing; Tuned this medicine according to the>, and was cured in three days. Alv wife was also atticked with pain in the stomach, in conse quence of eating too soon after a lit of sickness; she was relieved in u few minutes after taking this medicine. To use her own words, she said fthe felt the pain remobo after she had taken it, as quick as you could sou a lump of sugii* dis solve in cold water. My son was burnt so badly the skin was off; I applied the medicine im mediately, and it took the lire out and h iled tlie wound in less time than I ever saw erne healed before. One of my children fell over aeh lir and bruised its head very bad, but the bruise w:*- sooa dispersed by bathing in this medicine. 1 will mention one case more of it w mdeVful effect ia curing a wound billeted bv mv - nV falling out of doors and cutting liimseU l adlv the paiu was soon relieved, and tin wound Ikm led by tnis medicine. Iu fact, it is the best family medicine I over used for the cure of colds, coughs, nud a number of other complaints inci dent to the human family. PERRY M. PECKIIAM, Fall River. The Pain Killer is sold by S MITH & EZZ AKI), and A. ALEXANDER. Atlanta: BARRETT & CARTER and CLARK, WELLS A DUBOSE, Augusta; JNO. B. MOORE and THOS. M.TI7R NEK & CO., Savannah; and by Druggists and Qroccrs everywhere. April K :'m. vsfs linn fttiyusty' fldbetfisetyetyfe. DEY GOODS!. SPUING IMPORTATION, 1856! uallerstedt & dehikg CORNER I NUUP. THE GLOWS HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA., A RE now in receipt of their magnificent stock of SPRING DRY GOODS, embracing French, fingliah und Italian styles and fabrics, awl every article usually kept in the Dry Goods line, would call particular attention to their Silk, Grenadine, Tissue, Barege and Tuitlone ROBES, Lace and OhantiUa MANTILLAS, Ombre and Clicnc SILKS, Black Gro de Rhine and Taffeta SILKS. LACES, EMBROIDERIES, COKSETTKS, GLOVES, Ac. A LSO, RUSSIA HEMP MATTING, peculiarly adapted to Court Houses, Offices and Passages—noted for durability and freedom from noise of the trend. Albo, Plain and Ch'-ck MATTING, all widths. April 23-17 IVEW SPUING GOODS. FULL SUPPLIES. WILLIAM SHEAR, AUGUSTA, GA., TTAS received his full supplies of SPRING L GOODS, comprising a large assortment of new and beautiful style* of Fancy and Staple articles, suitable for tlie present season, among WRich are I’ari • Printed Organdies and Jaconet Muslins, at very low prices; Plain and Colored Challies, and Rich Printed Bareges ; Plum Bareges and Crape Marctx, of beautiful colors; English and French Prints and Brilliantos, of new and beautiful stile*; Ladies* Spring and Summer Silks, of the latest Plain Black Silks, of superior quality and at verjr low prices; Superior Black Silks, without lustre, for L tdre Mourning Dresses: Lupin’s Summer Black Bombazines and Black Chuiucs: Plain Black Crape Marctz, nnd Black Bareges for Ladie.s' Mourning Dresses; Superior Mourning Ginghams, of new and beautiful styles; Mourning Muslins and Plain Black Lawns; _ English Black Crapes, and Ladies* Mourning V oils; Ladies’ Mourning Collars and Undcrsleeves; Ladies’ Embroidered Muslin Basques, of new and b autiful styles; Ladies’ Embroidered Muslin Collars and Un% dcrsicevos ; Jaconet and Swiss Muslin Bands, Inserting* uml Edgings; Real Thread and Valenciennes Lice Edgings and inserting*; Lndii s* Sprang and Summer Mantillas, of new and befiutiliil - Ivies; Ladies* J'hltbroidered and Scolloped Linen Cam bric Handkerchiefs; Ladies’ Wide llem-stitch Linen Cambric Hand kerchiefs, for rnoitfiling; Superior Linen Cambrics and French Lawns; Superior Plaid Nainsook und Dotted Swiss Muslins; Plain Swiss, Mull, Nainsook and Jaconet mus lin s, at very low pi tvcs ; t Plain \\ line Organdy and Tarlatan Muslins of extra width ; Plain Pink and Orange Colored Tarlatan Mus lins, for covering Chandeliers and Looking- Glasses; Superior 4.-1 Irish Linens and 124 Linen Sheet ings ; I Inninslc and Table Diapers, of .superior quality; Huckabacks, and Scotch Diapers, for Towels ; j 12-1 Allendale and Hamilton Bleached Sheet | mgs; a full supply of Bleached and Brown Shirt j mgs of llui best make; j A largo supply of articles suitable so servants’ wear; Madonna Mixtures, Himalaya Lustres, and all wool Debege, of the beat style for Ladies’ Travel ing Drosses; A complete assortment of Ladies, gentlemen, Misrs, Youth and children’s Hosiery ; Ladies’ White Hair Cloth Skirts and French Corsett* ; Ladies’ Embroidered Marseilles and Corded Skirls; Superior Marseilles, Lancaster and Allendale (piilts ; < lotion Osnuburgs and Georgia Stripes at the lowest prices; Willi a great variety of other articles, suitable f»r Family nnd Plantation use, and all of which will be sold at very low prices for cash. The public are respectfully requested to Call and ex ami.ic the assortment. Augusta, April 2ft, ISfifJ. 1855. FALL Tit A I)E* POPULAR PRICES! WARD, BURCHAUD & CO., AUGUSTA, OA., VRE now op ning their FALL and WINTER ! supplies of choice FAMILY I>UY GOODS, selected with great care from recent importations, and comprising an assortment which for Rich ness, Variety and Extent, not usually found in this market. As they now have tlie "reputation of selling FIRST CLASS GOODS, upon a much JeOU'i.)■ S<-aU> , : f I'rh'c* than they have been usually bought, here, they bog to assure their friends in M at lisonand surrounding conn ties that they iu tend to keep up this standard of CHOICE GOODS, and to keep down prices to a fair remunerative profit. To ,Wz an k\prompt paying custom*rs, and to none others, we slmll offer grkat induckmknts to visit our establishment. Our Stock consists in part of t he following , DUKSS GOODS. Rich Velvet Brocaded Silks, Moire Antique Silks, in black and colors. New and Beautiful Shades of Plain and Ripped Silks, very heavy and rich, Fluid and fcih iped Silks in great variety, Black Dalian nnd Tallita Silks,Silk Robes, Satin Turk, Cashmeres, DeLnines, Ameline Cloths, Blftid Stuff*, French and English Merinoes, all shades, Plain DoLaincs, Persian Cloths, English, French and American Calicoes and Ginghams, Calico Robes, Ac.; Black Bombazines, Canton (’rapes. Canton Cloths, Black Challies and Al pacas, Embroideries and Lace Goods of every description, Evening Dress Goods iu every va riety. * MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR. Cloths, Cassitncres, Satinets, Vestings. Tweeds, A Ac. FOR FAMILY USE. Bath, Whitney, and Rose Blankets, Linen and Cottton Sheeting, Pillow-case Linens and Cottons Red, \\ bite, Grey, Green, Blue, Welsh, Saxony and Domestic Flannels, Shaker Flannels, Plain and Figured Sac-mu Flannels, Table Damask, Doyles, Napkins, Wine Cloths, Towelings, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Materials, Fruit Cloths. Folored ami White Dimities, Huckabuck and Bird’s-eye Diapers, Ac. .PLANTATION GOODS. Negro Blankets, Georgia and Kentucky Plains, Cotton Osmdmrgs, Georgia Stripes, Ac. Orders filled with the most careful attention, and all goods warranted. 83 ’ WARD, BITRCHARD k CO. DOMESTIC GOODS. VI/A RUE Lot o< Brown and Bleached Home spun, all widths, Brown and Bleached Drillings, Sheetings, Pillow Case Homespuns, Demins, Stripes, Irish Lineus, Table Damask, Tuwelings, Napkins, Crash, Broom Bleached and lh ab Hollands, Blay Linens, Heavy Linen Drills. < to n Ade, Bed Tickings, CltamUrays, and all 1 du e stylus belonging under the title of Domestic Goods, at the hiwost prices. shei*herd a Fitzpatrick. March 20, 1850. I 1 S ,T. ■}]}'£ anew aupplv of IIOOP *? f'wlß IS; also, a lot of Laoies* Linen Em* oiVi- 9I LARB, and Gentlemen’s Linen 81 HR L’ BOSOMS, by April 12. * J. MARSHALL & CO. GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHHSTCS- GOODS. BLACK Ciuths. C-.lor. a Cloths, Black and Colored Casstmeres, hue Linen Drills, Mar seilles for Coats and Pants—cheeked, striped and plain—Gloves, Cravats, suspenders, half Hose Silk and Linen ITmderchiofs, and other art; >s’ 12. SII EPHERD& FITZPATUIC4?. ONE THOUSAND LBS. PUTTY, at Dm o Store. DYE STUFFS—Logwood, Indigo, Prussian Blue, Madder, Copptaws, Blue Stone, at Drug Stork. TRUSSES for Infanta and Adults, uml ABDO MIN’AL SUPPORTERS for Ladies, at Drug Store, ?sedictyeg, &c. LIWCHS Anti-Rhemiialic Powders. WONI/EKFULLY EFFICACIOUS IN Rheumatism, Rheumatic-Gout and Sciatica. FOR the above diseases, w rnfe, epcedy and rad ical cure is found ir.Liach’s Anti-liliciunafie Powders—the greatest remedy qow known, for Rheumatism in any of its form*. / Among the many nostrums of the day, so laud ed a3 cure* for Rheumatism, none have ever yet been discovered to be posyessed pf half the cura tive power* of these powders. Let those afflicted, procure a box or two of these invaluable Powders, and follow strictly the di rection-, and their magic ellect will soon befell in a lota! absence of pain. By arrangement with Dr. J. G. Gibson, the dis coverer of these Powders, they will hereattr r be put up bv B. W. ADAMS, of Eat.mton, Putnam couuty, Geo. Orders directed to him will meet with prompt attention, provided tlie cash accom panies the order. Medicine sent free of charge. Put up in boxes of sixty (60) powders each. Price *5 00 tier box. For sale in Mad Lon by F. GRIN NELL# Certificate of (Jure. Da. J. G. Gibson: —Sir: I have a negro boy who was violently attacked, over a year ugo, with acute Rheumatism. Having tried every remedy that was reputed to be valuable, but all to no good effect, save a mere temporary relief from pain, I was at last induced, at the suggestion of .i friend, to trv the virtue of your LINCH’S ANTI-RIILL MATIC POWDERS. I procured a Box of you—administered the Powders according to directions, and though my boy was so badly lamed, in his feet and unties, that he could scarcely walk, and hi* arms and wrists so inflamed and swoleu that he could with the greatest difficult} use them, yet about, the fifth day after beginning their use he commenced to improve and continued to improve rapidly —so that, in a short time, he was relieved of all pain, went to work, and lias continued well Up to the present. In short, whereas my boy for twelve months, was almost valueless to me, in com - qucnce of Rheumatism, for the last two month* he has resumed his accustomed place, in the farm, and is now, as he was before hi a affliction, the mo.-l valuable servant I have. Respectfully, Ac., Wm. Wiutfi ni.n. Eatonton, Ga., May 22, 1 •55. nu: v LET US REAslr TOGETIIKR. AVIIV Ala; WE SICK? I'T has been the lot of the human race to ba weighed down by disease and sulfi ;ing. JIOJjUOWAV’B WLLS niv K|«jciul!y n.l .j.l-.1 t. the relief of the weak, the nkuvoi s, tlie nu i- vie, and the infirm, of all dimes, ages, : \ s end constitutions. Prof •asm' Holloway [ : < •::a!!y superintends the manufacture of le n- i5 5> in the United Slates, and <ff is t!u m; ■ 5. e and enlightened people}, a* tlie lu t r um dv the world ever saw for the removal of disease. Tin's.'! Pills Purify llir lilooil. Tl>«ho famous I’ill* are • ■>!.■>- i ll" operate on the stomach, tin- liver, fin* knl.i.-v ■«, the lungs, tin- skin, ami the Lev-.' any derangnnent in (heir function*-, j n .: in the bl ind, the very (bunta hi of M , i tl. : > curing disease in in all its forms. Ilys|)cp*i:i uml Livrr Coiajilaf«l”. Nearly half the human race have 'la'., m i! - Pills, it has been proveil iti all p r‘ of i!u* world, that nothing has been found, cun,i! to them in cases of disorders of the liver, dyspej. ■' , and stomach complaints generally. Tiiev ug’ ~ a healthy tone to these organs, hnwevi r nnu-h deranged, and when all ot!u*r means filled. lidirnil lleliilily. 11l llciillli. Many of the* most despotic govenim«*nts have opened their custom houses to the iulrodiietion of these Pills, that they may (become the medi cine of the masses. Learned colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever known tbr persons of delicate health, or where the system has been impaired, as its invigorating properties never failed to afford relief. Female Complaints. No female, young or old, should be with ml this celebrated medicine. It corrects and regu lates the monthly courses at all periods, acii”g in many cases like a charm. It is abo tl o >. st and safest medicine that can be givonto chad i en of all ages, and for any complaint; consequently, no family should be without it. J/ollowafis .I'ills are the lust remedy known in the world for the following Diseases :— Asthma, Rowel Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases, Costivum -, Dvspepsis, Dian hma, Dropsy, Debility, Fever and Ague, Female Complaints, Headaches, Indigestion, Inlluenza, Inllatnmation, Inward Weakness, Liver Com plaints, Lowness of Spirits, Piles, Stone und Gravel, Secomlarv Symptoms, Venereal Affec tions, Worms of all kinds. *** Sold at. the Manufactories of Professor Holloway, SO Maiden Lane, New York, and 221- Strand, London, and by all respectable druggists and dealers of medicines throughout, the United States, and the civilized world, in boxes, at 25 cents, cents, and £1 each. ' -e" There Isa considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B. - Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Box. 85-0 POTASH. PREPARED POTASH put up in Tin Cans. Anew article—just the thing fin* making soap. P. U. THOMASON. Madison, Nov.Bo, 4S—ly Fifty Packages Hoots and Shoes. I AM now receiving, at the store formerly oc cupied by J. P. Radford, in connection "with luv Drv Goods Store, one of tho largest and best selected STOCK OF HOOTS AND SHOES ever offered in this market, comprising almost everv grade of Staple Shoes, Ladies’ Gaiters, Slippers, Calf, Kid and Goat walking Shoes and Bootees, a large lot sewed and pegged Philadelphia made shoes, suitable for school misses, gentlemens lino sewed and pegged Boots.'patent leather and cloth Congress Gaiters, Oxford Ties, ami cloth Opera, and Slippers; Children, Misses, Boys and Youths Shoes m great variety. These goods have all been bought, in the New York and Philadelphia markets for cash, at the lowest prices, and 1 am now offering to cash customers great bargains; so, with my large and extensive stock of Northern Boots and Shoes, and Judge Bonnet still on the Bench (in the cellar,) muking the best Brogans, none who call need go away barefooted. March 15-11. l\ U. THOMASON. HATS! IIATS ! BEEBE’S HATS, late Spring style, just re ceived and for sale bv March 1-nH P. R. THOM ASON. fjATE ARRIVALS! New supplies of— Ernest Lin wood, by Mrs. lleutz; Miss Murray’s Travels; Widow Bedott Papers; Alone and the Hidden Path ; Lily, by the author of “Busy Moments of an Idle Woman;” Also, Courtesies of Married Life, by Mrs. Madeline Leslie; Christian Theism, a Prize Essay; War in Kanzas, by O. Douglass Brewcrton, Ac., Ac. April 12. B. G. LIDDON. YYT E invite attention to our selection of IIATS, \ ? consisting of superior Black Silk, Him- i garian, Tan, Bro. & Claret’s Palm Leaf and 1 Straw of various styles. „ ‘ J. MARSHALL & CO. ! March 22,1856. WE invite the attention of the Ladies to our large and beautiful selection of Barege, ur/ramhe.and Silk Tissue ROBES, with a variety ! ot handsome Dies* SILKS and other Dress C} ™‘ %on J- MARSHALL & CO. j Marco 22. | Ijjcuien]es. YOU DESERVE CREDIT FOR VO! B T 571 VS? S '2 *3 » J* « "3BT •» • WOOD'S HAIR RE .-TO BA- I TTVK, nod-«M, !hs v«t woii.lltJml 4 - coverv es this av <progress, fur it will restore, j'ennanenHv. gfuv hair color, ewer t!;' '1 •cadoft i. c! m: •! w i ill a ino *t! uxur u* n t grow tb, remote at once al! dandmff.ißd itching, curt ;.!1 sere ju!d an i other cutaneous eruptions, such ’as scald l.c and, etc. It will cure, us if by m-gm, ner tom.- i : j t r dical bee ; make the hair soft, •dos-v, and wav v, and preserve the color perfect fv, and th hair from filing, to extreme old uge. We could give the testimony of more than one hundred thousand to !hc truth of every w.rd we have written. See circular and the following: The following is from a distinguished member of the medical profi sion .: January Pbofbrsor O. J. Woon —l>carS;r: Unsolicitud I.send you this certificute. After being nearly bald for a long time, and having tried .ill the hair restoratives extant, and having no faith in any, I was induced on hearing of yours, to give it a trial. I placed myself in the hands <•!’a barber, and had rny betid rubbed with a good stiff bru.-b, and the Restorative then applied, and well rubb ed in, till the scalp was a glow. This I repeated every morning, and in three weeks the young hair appeared, ami grow rapidly from August las till the present time, and is now thick, black and strong—soft and pleasant to the touch ;v,ln r ~, before, it was harsh and wiry, what little th re was of it, and that little was (fi-iipfxarir/ very rapidly. I -till use your Restorative ab'-nt twice a week, and shall soon have ft good und put ct crop < 1 hair. Now, if I hid read of tin •• th ias —and who has not V -but have m-t ten hiih.-rto eSfwlbj Si’.v'•>!!. n »ir tonic*, etc., ol the tier; and it i’ ally gives me plea.-ure t«i rccoid the u -ill! of i:»v experience. I have n nd.;d vourtwej :*ration to others, and it already bus a Liri" 1 niK. gcii'-r 11 >alu IhiMii flimU t 1... T. n iini.i-. Tiie ]h*<. 1I ;limn know its eiitetn, mid li ive ciinii dcuce ill it. Tim siippl v you sent. u«, ;m wUi.i'- *a!«f HKOiit!* for tii,'Tin iiorv, ianmiUi <• xI i'id-il, nnd ,iaiiv in.iiiirimtare mudi.' for it. Vim dm-erre credit fur duciuen ; um! I, for one, return von my ilinnk- for (lie Imm lit if liio. dmui um, f. r icr rfiimly Ii:h1 dc-inir«d 1-njr ngo id . r dicct ilic'itm siicii ii .-u’i. Ymiis lii- 1 W. 1t0.V.0. Firm of Bond & Koilojr, Umjt)fi>!o, >■<■. IMul. Til imdcrsii'iii and, li: i. .1. K. lilac i. n mini tor in n-oilar ht-ndinjr, nnd p,liter of tii- Orth. - do \ clmic!i, t;t It rook In t«l, 'A >*. li" in •• ,>’■ - 1.. m„f (Mini !«• t,K> inli'ii !»•!•, Lciovcd. M'.d. iJVJ.It. J’mii'iTvSOn Wo,n>- Itolr Sirl’iiio'iilg in.idc n • tr.kil of your liidr Koutoiiitivc, it gives me ]ilcn.— I lire 10 Buy, amt it- effect lias J »«xroil« nt in re- I dei i/ tu ildii:i!r, viith wlileii 1 liave li n tron | liiV" hair, wti'ichWas l« (•’■iniair graei to i's’origi Color. I lime mod no Vtli r arlieie, with : mivtliii’o* Fke tlie same nlc '-orc i r i join, j ’ Vrm:, truly, .1, K ItItAGU. I invi' ii'cd !>n f' ~ V 0. .1. AVo id’:, li’.ii If Is to.-ntive, and have edmiivii its word a till olfect. Mv hair was ling, «s t thought, j'c i idii.i. iU i ly'grny, hut liV Ilia n-eoftlie It-mr.itiv., it has i 111:,; and it- : ;nt color, and. I bmo no d.-.i’.t, j i periiriuciitli . o. SlltMiV liItF.K.SK, Kx-Senal, F i"al Males. , Dr: i: SuV: I mu doin'.- mi evtciisire tr.ivrl’in 1 the West mnl .- . I'll".:, tell' Slates, „s -mi. ml ! ."geiil f r ini’ An lit m l.iiiliiiint, midle.end ! ■r Wu i’s i! iv It, tm tilc, :■ I I feel ass'(: 1 that t can inti dnee it in many (ihiees j til. iiair-'i it ' naVor'd'’! ■ dor.' ' V'ai.l !< 'oV nld, and my h:iir_\ idmost. I liaillell'l . . t dx’le’e'll, and II iii.e, el in annearauee ii and I would not bo without i a liottle oil !e:in* for the | riee of ten. I . t : . ~M i, rorv irl.ul to intend to m.r eted will, | thellaii-ltes! native. I limet.ccn I'ortifleeo vi u.- en0:,p.,l ill the. sione bti.-me-s, and will be ai'ad to i he ir l'ruui von soon. Verv rasiierttiillv, WM. li. liliO'AME Sold at IU M"tk. i SI. Le . k - nf. evi'ryivl'iere.'"' Alt k ; |..!e."ol' diy ■■.!. nt' nt'iii- Wind's eateiiioin. lent, lit M.lla.e't air, at, ’ For s.ito wholesale to and n-tiiO in .M-nT-nui 10, liK.NJ. li. LUJUO.N, ‘ i Marehls-11-^. ,1,^“, ""' XIWS, " Ji!l! - ! IIELMBOLD'S GKXUINW PRE PAR i nojsrs. Ilr.lmboUUs Hitrhly ('onccntratoJ Com poumi Fluid IIXTIS V(JT SHJr.M l . /■■■>■ yj/.v,.(«,■«.,/' U„ H'aH-rr, >•. ; . vres, ll \tlll Gl.d ,v of t',, s. , ,'l I Organs, >-/« tlo-r in M m or h mol ,/r on | ‘ “'mt.d, „\d ,vo ee/'/,' LO.Xti s'/'.I.W IF YOU h ive colt!: iutf.! tl • terriMc di*(;i c which, when oucu s. ateff in the sy>( it., will | Mircly gt> down from onu uunuiation touiiotboi . ; undv rminiug the ’constitution, ami sapping the. j very vital fluids of life, do not trust youiseif in | the hands of Quacks, who .dart up every tl.*y in a j city like this, and till the papers with glaring \ falsehoods, too well calculated Jo deceive the young, and those not acquainted with tin irtricks. , You cannot be too careful in the selection of a ' remedy in these cases. The Fluid Extract Buchu has been pronounced by eminent physicians the greatest remedy ever j known. It is a medicine perfectly pleasant in ii.-> taste, and very innocent in its actum, and yet so thorough that it annihilates every par : :< b Vs the rank and poisonous virus of this dreadful disease; j ami, unlike other remedies, does not dry up the I disease in the blood. Constitutional Debility, brought on by seif- j abuse, a most terriblodisease, which li ;s. brought j thousands of the human race to untimely grin es, i thus blasting the brilliant hopes of parents, am! blighting in the bud the gWious aml.diion of i many a noble youth, can be cured by this iutalli- | b!e remedy. -And as a medicine which most benefit everybody, from the simply delicate to the confuted and despairing invalid, no equal is to be j found acting both as a cure and prev entitle. j TIF.I.MBOLIVS TITGHLV CO.NCKXTKATKD FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. far !•;:■■/ t' ■ /." . r, tl 'id j imprudence in l>fi, chronic omsti’ittwiad j aMa*c arising from ..*/< hnprcc of the Blond, and t’.c only irli.d-le ’ <x.,d .1 V <.dual btmrn rnn-dy. Bor the Cure oj Serf a In, Hi.t .vw, Sea 7 Uleeraiions of the Throat find dots, l*ain*and Srr'Jir>g< of the Don s, Ttf<r, Diri rdsott the tace. and all &\dy Eruption* of the Sl’ia. This article is now proscribed by sonic of the most distinguished physicians ;n the country, and has proved more efficient in practice than anv preparation of Sarsaparilla yet offered to the pub lic. Several cases of secondary Syphilis, Met • ! curia! and Scrofulous diseases have entirely re covered in the incurable wards of our Public In stitutions which had for many years resisted every mode of treatment that, could bo devised. These cases furnish striking examples of tlie salu tary effects of this medicine in arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, after the glands were destroyed, nnd the bones already affected. Notice. -Letters from responsible Physicians and Professors of several Medical Colleges, and certificates of cures from patients will be found accompanying both preparations. 1 bums.—Fluid Extract of Buchu, *1 per bottle or 6 bottles for $5, Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, *! per bottle, or « bottles for *s—equal in strength to one gallon of Syrup of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and sold by IT. T. IIELMBOLD, Chemist. 263 Chestnut street, near tlie Girard House, Philadelphia. je*j—n*23 ONE large lot of WEEDING IIOES will be sold unusually cheap. March 29, 1856. J. MARSHALL &CO 1 JlcgtiJ ftdbetffeeftjetyfs. Geougia : ) \%T HF.REAS, Early TV. HubuaK Countt. { XX Thrasher applies fur on the Estate of John D. Harris, late of said Collate, deceased. The e are therefore to cite and admonish, all end singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office on or be i .re tlie first Monday ittjone next, theo and there to shove cause, if any they hare, why said fetters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Madison, this, 'Utii day April, lkf.6. May id. F. W. AKiiOLD, Ordinary. OroRGiA: ) "ITT HERE A3, William M. Morgan Cocntt. V VV Hrnwner applies to me - j for Letters of Administration uron the Estate of Lucius V. r . Brawntr, deceased, r, iti, the Will annexed. . . Tlie e are therefore to cite and admonish, ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in Jane’ next, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said let .era should not he granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Madison, tills first day of May, 1 li. F. W. ARNOLD, Ordinary. May 5-18 SOd. Mortgage tilierifE tSale. ~V%J ILL BE AOJ.fJ, on the first Tuesday in 1 V June next, 1 fore the Court. House door in the town < f M of- in, between the usual hours of safe, the following property, to wit: Twenty Acres of Land, more or le. s, whereon the Madison Steam Mill Company’s building are located, together with ail tiie improvements thereon, adjoining F. W. Arnold’s and others, and also the following articles of machinery and property, to wit: i 1 Hirte.n .Spinning Frames, t wenty-four Cards, i fire Speeders, four Dressing frames,seven Betts, ! one'.Vurning Machine, oihi Press, two Pickers : and Reed Lance, three Wool Cards, one M 00l I Picker, one Wool ! le, twenty-six t/ioins. one Minding >!achine, one Jieaniing Machine, lot of l Winding Blades, ore L ithe, one Dresser, two ' f or, Mills,nil Fixtures, on.- Circular Saw, one i > Fingineaml Boilers. All of: aid pnipe-rly levied on to satisfy a mortg-ge fi. ft. issuing ' fr,.M M..rgan Superior Court, iii fav.r of Rob. rl | Crawley vs. the Madison Steam Mitt Company, and set forth and described in said fi. fa. JOHH P, RACPERD, Sheriff | RORGAN SUPERIOR COURT, .MARCH TKKM, 18.-,d. i Present—The ll..iioi ,b!e Robert V. Hardeman, Ju tge or the Superior Court. LIBEL FOB 'DIVORCE, j ,|;-,.i \ Lxn Ci.*i:k f'C a,iring from tlie ii return of the Shcnlt'. '!* A. Clark, 'that the and Umlaut u not, I j to be found in tliisceiinlv ; i and it further r.pncaring that tie lias rcim.vial ! bnvord tin- limits:',ftl,'.s .stale, IT IS OIUJEKK!) i that said defendant do appear and answer at the i next tenii of till: Court; and in defmtt thereof, ; that s. Court l.r-..' ~•! to tr. J: ind it is further ,MNj..|., liuit this Hu' i %hhli ill ill" j M VI,ISON Family \ isiioK on a month tor tour mmillis i'limedialely pieeed!i g the next Term ot this Court. | Tm- :ct from the minutes. | Given '.tutor mvh r.d and otUcial signature, ; ' 'p n ' 5 JOfIN C. REES, Clerk S. C. MORGAN SUPERIOR COURT, MARCH TEP.M, f t.'K. Present-The Honor,dde Botiert V. Hardeman, Judge of tlie: .Superior Court. Libel lor Ikivtsrce, Ac. l.tctMiA Itowi.h. IT APIMiARfNC to the r. i Court, by U'lurn <,f th * r i tv, ami if fiivth’.'i' aj>j>c*arirg that he does not in the State, It ts, <»n motion, order- and sh .t th:.* defendant apnear and am wer on the first clavt l lhe next Term of tliis Court, or that the c tic will bo considered it) default, and thejffaln til! it Mowed to piT’u.. •!. Ami ir is- further order ed tint m i v l '-. ( f tliis be perfeefed bvptddi cation thereof in every month Jor four months prior to the next Term of this Court, in t!i.• M.\o; ;os Family Vjsitok, a public Gazette this*2d day oCNj,!n I,*l -'■•*. t " 1 !sJfcU ‘ ,tnrt .JOHN C. iIEES, Clerk S. C. April TO. l -t.Gm G ::i;u, ) t GUEKABLY toanorder Moii'iU, C.. 1 STV. V/\ of the 11 Mor bi.. the — 1 C.mrl of Ordinarv m .M. r mm fountv, \\ il! he mid, before the Court-House door, in the town of Mom iodlo, Jasiwu-county, on the li? -t T a -dav in Juno next, One Hundred and Fffu Avu-'of Laud, Ivhy nnd being in tV • out hr Os J r • 1 • - w. ors ot .v.uruei Ce k, joining l.udmt ( J. Aket'.s, and others, it beuW that part ol*!.id No. as !, : > ii fiv, f>r the interest aud benefit of . n t Ji‘-s * liall. I? :it'd this ! ‘li div of April, 18 )6. JEI’TIIA BALL, Guardian ''" 4 i . . .I'Or-lmai y of said County,tlie >t Mmidav in Jtnc next, for an order fft imtinc leave to sell Tv. u SI: •ref. of the M d's-j Ton n liall Stock, hj l *•: •*••;;• to the estate of M. AY. Warren, late of said County, d.erased. Dated this ..’lst dav of M trch, 1856. 12-l«'d A. G. FOSTER, Administrator. Georoi iWT EKE AS, Mary K. Moim.w Cor.N'rv. > vV Walton, Executrix of ).y . p h W. Walton, deceased, apjdics for letters ot dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be arid appear at mv office on or before the first .Monday in September next., then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said letters shou!isnot be granted. Given under my hand, at my office in Madison, this 27fh (lay of of February, Lss6. '«> tn Jin F. W. AKNOLI), Ordinary. Georgia, t \\7 HERE VS, Luford A. Morgan Copxtv. yV V Chenev, Adminis and Mathew McKoy, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in September next, then and there to show cam e, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Gi \ on under my hand, at my office in Madisou, this 27th dav of Febrr. irv, IS'B. m ia ‘ F. W.‘ ARNOLD/ Ordinary. Georgia,. I'TT7'II ERE AS, Banister Morgan County. > VV Cock ran, Administin deceased, applies for letters of dismission*: These are therefore to cite and admopish, all nnd singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased so be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday m September next, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be gran led. Given under my hand at office in Madison. F. W. ARNOLD, Ordinary. February 16,1556. 6m* I Georgia, i TTTHEHEAS, Ethan Itrew ! Morgan County. A \y rr, Administrator of | - ) » ' Drury Brewer, late of the State of applies for letters of (’ismission: These are therefore io cite and admonish, all a. ml singular, the kindred and creditors of said j deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be , fore the first Monday in September, then and i there to show cause, if any they have, why said i letters should not be granted, i Given under my hand at office in Madison. ! F. W. ARNOLD, Ordinary. February 16,1856. t‘,m‘ Geohgia, ) "ITT HEBEAS, Thomas J. Morgan County. V > ? Burney and Augustus : ) Reese, Executors of ' Isaac " alker, deceased, applies for letters of dismis sion : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and-singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in October next, 1856, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at mv office, in Madison, this 2Sth day of Match. 1850.' mOm F. W. ARNOLD, Ordinary. Fifty lbs. white wax, at Drug Store. "W~ "W m TANARUS" a j Are Cnrinjrthe Sick to an extent never before known ofany Medicine. j Invalid?!, Head and Judge for Yourselves. ! JULES HaHEL, Esq., the K-ell known perfumer ot Chestnut street, Philadelphia, whose choice prt ducts are found at almost every toilet, says: “ I am happy to say of your Cathartic Pills, that 1 have found them a better family medicine for common use, than any other within my knowledge. Many of my friends have realized marked benefits from them and coincide with I me in believing that they possess extraordinary j virtues for driving out diseases and curing the j .sick. They are not only effectual but safe and . pleasant to be taken, qualities which must make ! them valued by the public, when they are ; known/ Tin . venerable Chancellor Wardlaw, writes from Baltimore, 15th April, 1854: ’ “Dk. J. C. Aydii—Sir: I have taken your Pills ; with groat benefit, for the llstlessness* languor, 1 io- of appetite, aud Biliiousheadache, which has of late y< irs overtaken me in the spring. A few doses of your Pills cured me. I have used your j Cherry Pectoral many years in my family for | coughs and colds with dnfailing success. You 1 make medicines which • ire, and I feel it a pleas ure ;<> commend you lor the good you have done John F. Beat tv, Esq., Sec. of the Penn. Railroad Cos., nays: . n. ; . O . P W !' . . “ Sir f take pleasure in adding my testimony to the efficacy of your medicines, having derived i. i v mat. rial >u » from the use Os both your :1‘ '• id and Cathartic Fills. lam never with out them in my family, nor shall I ever consent to be, while my means will procure them,” ; Tl■ nidi.dv ivm-wncd S. S. Stevens, M. D. of Wentworth* N. li., writes: j “ Having u~ <1 your Cathartic Pills in nry prae* | rice, i certify from experience, that they 'are an ; invaluable purgative. In eases of disordered j lureti<-ns of the liver, causing headache, indigos* | icostivcut’SK. ami the great variety of disea -i • that follow, they arc* a surer remedy than any other. In all cases where a purgative remedy is ; i ■ ipiiivd, I confidently recommend these Pills to •! . public, as superior to any other 1 have ever found. They sire sure in their operation, and jaike'/y qualities which make them an in v.du -.Ok • rtich *• r public use. I have for many • o > known your Cherry Pectorsil as the best • on, i medicine in the world, and these Pills are inn-.v. :.m; . and i .-i t • that admirable preparation i for live treatment of diseases.” Mi., Nov. ‘25. 1853. Dr. J. C. Aykh—Dear Sir: I have been af tlieh.-d from my birth with scrofula in its worst | li . m, and now, after twenty years’ trial, and an hi* t* dd of amount of suiTring, have been com i jilendy cured in a few weeks by your Pills. With i what feelings of rejoicing I write, can only be ! im:»,o;in.d when you realize what I have suffered ; and how long. ! “.V ver until now ha "e I been free from this | loathsou.edisease in some shape. At times it . attacked my eyes, and made me.almost blind. : h -sid./s the unendurable pain ; at ethers it settled :n rite .-•..■alp of my head, and has kept me partly bald all my days ; sometimes it came out m my face, j : i 1 kept it for months a law B ore. “About nine weeks ago I commenced taking your ( dhurtic Pills, and now am entirely free from Use complaint. My eyes are well, my skin is l;ur, and my hair lus commenced a healthy .•growth; allot'which makes me feel already 'a j new person. “ Hoping this statement, may be the means of ; conveying inf rmafioii that shall do good to oth ! (is, 1 am, with every sentiment of gratitude, Yours, Ac., MARIA BICKER.” i “ I have known the above named Maria Ricker { fVorft her childhood, and her statement is strictly j true. ANDREW J. MKttKßVifi, * Overseer of tile I’ortsm uih Manufg. Cos.” j C;tj)t. Joei I’ratt, of the sltip Marion, writes from i B gen.:' :u April, Wd. * “ Pill- have cured me from a billions at tack which ui ■ . i •»111 derangement of the Liver, ■ winch li'i'l hveome very serious. I had failed of any r. lief by my l’hy.Mci n, ami from every rem -1 ... t r y, but a fi-w doses of your Pills ' • ito health. I have u them to lev children for worms, with the •I* ' » d.-. Th.-y w.-iv prompUv cured. I re | a nun--if th: :»> a friend tor cost?veness, , v.htcli had troubled him for months; he told me , : i a few days ili.y had cured h ; m. You make ! the best medicine in the world, ami I am free to j say so.” , lka-1 thi from the dudingußhed Solicitor of the ! Supreme Couri, whose brilliant abilities have | made him well known, not only in this, but the | neighboring States. 1 Orlov 5M A prt], 1854. j ‘‘sir • I h egi eat -a’! in assuring you that nivsolf and Jair.uv Imvp li-or von much ben efited l*y your mcd.i nes. A!v wife was cured tu •; e.u> .-'ince, of asuveicumi dangerous cough, by your Cherry Pectoral, and since then has en joyed perfect health My children have several times been cure ! from attacks of the Influenza ■v-vl Croup by it. It is an invaluable remedy lor these complaints. Your Cathartic Pills have en- I tirely cured me from a dyspepsia and costiveness ; which has grewn upon me for some years,—in | deed this cure is much more important from the j lact Uiat T had failed to get relief from the best j Physicians which this section of the country af | fords, and from any of the numerous remedies I had taken. 1 “ You seem to us. Doctor, like a providential ! blessing to our family, and you may well suppose we are not unmindful of it. Yours respectfullv, LEAVITT TiIAXTER.” “S> na\ Ohio, April Mh 1854. “ Dr. J. C. A Yt:it —Honored »Siu: I have made a i thorough trial of the Gatharlic Pills, left me by j your agent, and have been cured by them of the ; dreadful rheumatism under which he found me | sulki ing. The first dose relieved me, and a few | subsequent doses have entirely removed the dis i ease. I feel in better health now than for some j years before, which I aliribute entirely to the es ; facts of your Cathartic Pills. Yours with great respect, LUCiU.B i*. METCALF.” I The above arc all front persons who arc public | ly known where they reside, and who would not i make these statements without u thorough cou i victiou that thev were true. x Prepared by J. C. AYER, ! Practical and Anal tv-cal Chemist, Lowed, Mass. 1 Sold by Dr. W. S. ME IE RE, Madison ; Gray j HIT.L& Cos., Eaton ton, and Druggists everywhere. ; H.vvilam), Rislky & Cos., Augusta, Wholesale Agents. March 15 11—4rn. NEW BOOKS. JUST Received this week at the Madison Rook Store, the following new and popular Books: Earnest Mutrood —the last work of Caroline Lee llcntz; The Creole Orphans; Cone Cut Corners; Olio, or the Old West Room ; Edith, or the Quaker's Daughters; ; The Discarded Daughter ; Lilly, by the author of “Busy Moments of an I Idle Woman I Tiie Hidden Path; j The Old Homestead; Rose C lark; Alone, by Marion Borland; laves of ihe Three Mrs. Judsons; i The Old Farm House; j Orchards History of the Baptist Church ; I The Great Iron Wheel; ( another supply) i Phoenixianna, bv John Phoenix ; Miss Murray’s ’Travels in the United States; India, China, and Japan, by Bayard Taylor; Memoirs of the Rev. Sydney Smith ; Memoirs of the Countess of Blessington; The Works of Charles Lamb; Irving’s Life of Washington; Calhoun’s Works sth and oth vols.; The Testimony of an Escaped Novice, by Miss Bunkley; Macaulay’s History of England, 3d and 4th vols.; Bancroft’s History of the United States; Cumming’s Works, complete; Travels in Thibet, by M. Hue; Hampton Heights; Sketches of the Irish Bar by Shell; Sir Jonah Barrington’s Sketches; My First Season; Romance of the Harem; And many others. ’ B. G. UDDON Munch 15-11. TRIXPLER * PECK GN AND LOCK SMITH? Respectfully inform, the s Madison and public fteneraliv that tk“ are preparet), for manufacturing 'Sh„t V • liiiics aud Pistols—warranted to shoot »ji*. repairing. *• Guns, Pistols, Locks, Keys, Ac., will be renu in the best possible manner, for those favor us with a call, at short notice. ®*7 N.B.—All rejtairing must be paid for in „, when delivered. INSURE YOUR UrVEs. Life is very uncertain, an d losses aud troubles are too frequently 2 for want of caution in this respect. Vafnst servants can also be made safe in their rob,, n their owners, bv application to the SOCTIm! MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, at the, lice of the agent in Madison. Ga., at reasoioL rates of premium. JOHN RORSON, Agent January 8, 1856. DR. MEIERE’3 SCENTED TOOTH PASTE. THE best article out tor Cleansing the Purifying the Breath, and Prcserviugt Gums in a healthy condition. For sale at is -32-ts ’ DRUG STOkj HERRINGS’ Patent Champion Fire and ll ttrent, PROOF SAFES. THE GREAT interest manifested bv thenJ lie to procure more perfect security O tire lor valuable papers, such as Bonds, tfj trages, Deeds, Notes and Bocks of Account tkl flic ordinary safes heretofore in use had atti’.t , 1 induced the subscribers to devote a large non I of time and at tention, dtu-ing the pn.-t fiM? l ;V«tr*, in mal'ing improvement* anti kimreriatM thisoljtd, and they now beg leave to assure |i,l numerous friends and the public generally iu! their efforts have been crowned with cou’n,;* 3 success, mid now otter the “ IMPROVED i ri'J RING S PATENT WORLD’S FAIR pßafiS FIRE PROOF SAFE,” us the 0 1 CHAMPION SAFE OF THE WORLD I having been awarded medals at both the Woitfl Fail- London, 1851, and iu New York 1858 4 superior to all others. It is now, mui.mbto. I entitled to that appellation, and secured «iih' * HALL’S PATENT POWDER PROOF LOC’J ' " hich also was awarded medals as above the most perfect Fire and Burglar Proof Sdi ever before oil'ered to the public. a The subscribers also mauutiicture all kinds * Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vauii \ ault Doors and Money Boxes or Chests Brokers, Jew ellers and Private Families’ t * Plate, Diamonds, and other valuables Amis* also patentees (by purchase) aud mauufuetd ot J ONES 1 ATKXT I’i.umltatiox Baxk Lock SILAS C. HI.URING A CO., Patenten. Green Block, Nos. 135, 137 aud 138 Wator-str» : v u oat/ Ul Gturgia ’ BKI ' L & PRENTICE, s NEW SPRINO GOODS. I AM now receiving my usual supply of.-™, | (roods consisting of almost every vans 1 and style of Maple and Fancy Dry Goods tisualf 4 kept man up-country Store, aniong ivhiclm, J be fonud— Bleached and Brown Homespuns and Uiill£l| Stripes, Ticks, Cottonades, Demins, ltroivu Ui if I .iri.'ii Drills, Prints, Lawns, Muslin, Hart--a « Tissues, Silks and Grenedinet. some homut an (l <jf the Uittfjst styles; Fluin Jaconet and Swl* Muslins, Embroidered and Dotted do., Wliki Brilliants (anew article for ChildruiV fl Under Sleeves, Collars, Bonnets, Bomiet UM bons, Ac., Ac. For GENTS’ WEAR—Fine Cloths,CnssioictM Ve.< tings, Italian Cloths, a large lot fieudv.uuH (. lathing, both fur Buys and Gentlemen, which may be found Marseilles Vests, Coals Pants, Linen do., Italian and Queen’s Clutla I’lanters’ and Brown Linen do., Beebe’s fiu-> m Si!k Hats; Shoes, Boots, Ac., Ac., with a geiwitJaK stock of Groceries, Sugar, Coflee, Molasses, Iron, Weeding Hoes, Trace Chains, Ac., Ac.,M bought fur Gish, aud will be sold at the Wsi P. R. TIIO.MASUS 1 Madison, March 12,185tf. THE BALM OF ITH OUS JMI FLO \! E BS^j FOB BEAUTIFYING THECOMPLEXIOI|| . bid Removing all Freckles, Pims£k or Frvptionn from the Face, leaving' M the Hkin Pure, Soft and White. $ \\T ® BELOW four things we guani > V this Balm will do: TO BEAUTIFY THE COMPLEXION, Wet a towel, pour on two or three drops est Balm, and wash the face night, and morning. a very short time you will perceive the mag# li effect. HOW TO CURL HA 18, LEAVING IT BRICE 1 ANDGLOBSY, Rub on a small quantity of pomatum or be-* w grease, then dip the hands in cold water, pourraH vour hands three or four drops of the “ Balm' ,9 Thousand Flowers,” for sale bv any Drugj- M rub it through the hair, and you can curl su an y manner you please. Some hair may easily at first, but by a few applications it v'-. be rendered perfectly easy. SHAVING MADE EASY. Every person who shaves himself Linder? % gentleman *, will find the “ JJaliii sand Flowers” the most agreeable article! ■ that purpose; dip your brush in either warm cold, or even salt water, pour one, two, or tl’ drops of “Balm,” and rub it on the face. It* only makes a delightful lather, but alleviate? pain consequent oh shaving, rendering the ?b‘ part soft, white and healthy. In usinv this * tide, you dispense with aH’shnviugnpparat«% brush and razor. Price only fifty cents a br3 will last longer than fifty cents "worth of ‘ nary shaving soap, while it removes from' lace all pimples aud blemishes whatever. ; SWEET AND PERFUMED BREATH . . May easily be acouired by using this “Bala as a dentnfrice. Wet your brush and pour oi v ; single drop ; wash the teeth night and mornic in u very short time they will become white - 1; ala bast or, and the breath sweet as the roses. , which the “Balm” is composed. The Prop . tor will forfeit ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS; where it can be proven there has been a situ failure. The Knickerbocker Alopazine says of it: “It not our wont to allude to kindred fabrications/ " e G an say, from the ocular proof, that the ‘li* of u Thousand Flowers,’ a preparation for moving tan, pimples and freckles from thef* shaving, cleansing the teeth, and curling hair, sold by Fetridge & Cos., Boston, is the article of the kind we have ever encountered is, in reality, all that it purports to be.” FETRIDGE & CO., Manufacturers and Proprietor?, Boston and New Va For sale at the Madiso&BOOK STORE. Tiie Madison Family Visitor is pnbljj weekly (every’ Saturday* morning,) at DOLLARS per annum, invariably in adw Fifty numbers iu the vear are mailed to «* $ subscriber. JjUcontinmnces. — Notice must be given at* expiration of subscription and all arrearage J* \ & or subscribers held liable accordingly. Subscribers wishing the direction oftbrir|#f%H changed, will notify us from what office it transferred. Communications. —Addressed, post paid, Madison Family Visitor, icith the author's C in every instance. . 1 All Job Work and other business t Printing line, will meet with prompt atten ■ ; and faithful execution. , . "m JT-sf 0 Specimens of our Book, Card, 1 Bill and Programme Printing can be seen at' | 01fice * • 418- 1 Advertisement# conspicuously inserted . square for the first and fifty cents per sqn ar£ '. ja each subsequent insertion. ‘ Those sent tritno specification of the number of ingcitions wiU be continued “ tillforlid .”