The Madison family visitor. (Madison, Ga.) 1847-1864, May 24, 1856, Image 3

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Mr. Crampton and Mr. Clay ton. Amongst the letters on the Central Americau question recently published bv the British government, is one dated March 31, 1860, from Mr. Crampton to the Earl of Clarendon, from which the following is au extract: Wxsuixqton, March 31, 185 G. It will he withiu your lordship’s re collection that Mr. Clayton was inform ed, by Sir Ile.nry Btilwer, before thu treaty of 1859 was signed, that Ruatan was de jure de facto a British possession; and Mr. Clayton has on various occa sions since in conversation with me, stal ed that he considered Ruatan as much a British possession as Jamaica or any other British If r est India Islands. In the Sena’c, on yesterday, Mr. Clay ton called the attention of that body to this extract, and in the most positive and indignant terms denied the truth of Mr. Crumpton's statement. He called on Air. Crittenden, who was accidentally present and heard a conversation be tween Mr. Crampton and Mr. Clayton ■on this subject, some time in March, to state whether the extract reported the conversation correctly. Mr. Crittenden fully sustained Mr. Clayton, and said Mr. Clayton’s position in that conversa tion was directly the reverse of that at tributed to nim by Mr. Crampton It is a matter of surprise that a gentleman occupying the position held by Mr. Crampton should be guilty of such a perversion. As to the truth of the case there can be no doubt, and we are not astouiahed that Mr. Clayton manifested a feeling of indignation at such au act of injustice.— Washinylon Union. President’s Message on Nica ragua. On Thursday the 15th inst., a message was received from the President relative to the routes of transit between the At lantic and Pacific Oceans, and the gen eral condition of Nicaragua. He says the small party of American citizens invited to Nicaragua by the Caslillion party there, have apparently put an end to the political struggle which existed in that State. “We do not go behind the fact that a foreign Government ex ercises actual power in investigating in to the question of legitimacy, nor do we inquire into the causes that may have led to a change of government. If, then, when Parker 11. French, the Nicaraguan Minister, came here a few mouths ago, the facts now presented had existed, he must have been received. Various ob jections to him were stated. Another Minister—Padre Vijil—has presented himself and been received, satisfactory •evidence existing that be represented the Government of Nicaragua, de jure nnd de facto."' The President then ad vances various considerations of interest with reference to the propriety of his reception, lie recommends additional measures of security for thetransit route. Nr. Weller spoke in support of the action of the administration. lie re viewed Walker's whole history, includ ing his invitation to and advent into Nicaragua. He spoke warmly and feel ingly. Mr. Crittenden denounced the action of the Executive, and said that in less than ten days after the intelligence that we had recognized the new Government of Nicaragua, Europe and our country would be involved in war in consequence W ashington Items. —Wasl ii ngton May 19, the President lias vetoed the bill for the improvements of the St. Clair Flats, at the mouth of the Missis sippi river. It is understood that the President will not veto the act making appropri ntions for the improvements in the Sa vannah river. The case of Mr. Crampton was con sidered in the Cabinet sessiou to-day.— It is confidently believed he will be im mediately dismissed. Astou Hovse, New Yoiik. — The firm of Coleman & Stetson, the land lords of the “ Astor House,” has been .dissolved, in consequence of (heir ina bility to meet the acceptances of A. B. Coleman, of the “ Burnett House,” in Cincinnati Ohio, amounting to $140,000. All the regular debts of the Astor House are secured, and Mr. Stetson will con tinue the business. Railroad Enterprise. —The people of Texas seem to be pretty generally responding to the call for a Railroad Convention at Austin, on the 4th of Ju ly next. The movement is evidently made with more earnestuess than any before in the State, and we believe will result in much good, if all sectional and local prejudices can be discarded and the good of the whole State kept stead ily in veiw. The different sections of the State have never understood each other upon this important subject, and it is well and wisely contemplated to bring them all together for its free dis cussion and a better understanding. ill |£IIII ?19.1 Indian News from Florida. An extra from the Alligator Adver t’.scr, of May 9tb, confirms the previous reports of the presence of Indians, in considerable numbers, in the Gulf Ham mock, Levy county; Col. Wright, who had been sent out with au exploring par ty, reports that on the sth inst., while scouting in the Gulf Hammock and ad jacent swamps, fresh Indian trails were frequently discovered, one of which fif teen or twenty Indians had apparently just passed over; was pursued by Cos!. Wright’s command to a dense swamp which it was thought imprudent to en ter with so small a force, as the Indians had evidently taken a strong position, and only awaited tile approach of their pursuers to give them a murderous fire, nnd then continue their retreat. Col. Wright isfully satisfied that the Indians are ia the Gulf Hammock in consider able force, and that they are quits indif ferent to the consequences of their pres ence briny known. Col. Wright, be lieving his force too small to continue operations in the hammock, posted hi command upon Martin’s Island, where be will await reinforcements. The Tampa Peninsular of the 10th, mentions that two soldiers weie fired at near Fort Simon Drum on the 2d inst.. by about twelve Indians, but escaped without serious injury. Washington Monument —Speaking of the various delays in the work on this great national structure, the New Or leans Picayune says:—“ We have never had any fears that the monument would not ultimately be reared to the proposed height, and be fully completed accord ing to its design. Although it would be creditable to our own immediate day and generation to present it complete and finished to our posterity, yet there lias ever been in our minds something in the consideration that it is a work which generations might well bo trusted to carry on to perfection. Why should ours monopolize the glory of rearing it ! Let it rise liy the efforts of succes sivo posterities, all of whom will have the same interest in its elevation that we have.” Four of Dupont’s powder mills at Wilmington were blown upon the 15th. Three men were killed. -j/oiiecs. Practice of Medici tie. £*T" Doctors SAFFOLD & McCLESKEYhav ing formed a Copartnership for the practice of Medicine and Surgery in their various branches, offer their services to the public, and hope to re ceive such patronage o*> experience and merit may authorize. 2*?“ Office on Miin-.stroct, next door to the Bookstore. nl4 Sin C. P. CULVER, D. I>. S. 9 Having taken the Office fortn : erly occupied by Dr. W. G. Hal tenders his Professional ser vices to the Citizens of Madisonaml surrounding country ; and with several years’ experience in the practice of DENTAL SURGERY, can assure all who may favor him wi’li a call, that no pro fessional skill shall be wanting in order to render entire satisfaction. Parts or Full Sets of Teeth put up on the latest and most approved style. April 5, 1356. 14 Holloway’s Ointment and Pills will Cure Asthma and all Disorders of the Chest —Henry Vincent, of Selma, Alabama, was al most a martyr to Asthma for nineteen years, which literally shook him to pieces, and made him as thin as a skeleton, so that he neither ei " joyed rest by night ox by day. He tried many things for the cure of this complaint, but they did uot benefit him. About three months ago, he commenced taking Holloway’s Pills, and well rubbing the Ointment into the chest night and morning. Immediately he gave these remedies a fair trial, he was able to sleep at night. By persevering with them for only seven weeks* every sytnpt m < f Li> disorder left him. His friends who have not seen him for some time, now hardly know him, he has so wonderfully improved. 3~gjp**As a Spring and Summer Medicine, Carter’s Spanish Mixture stands pre-eminent above all others. Its singularly efficacious ac tion on the blood : its strengthening and vivify ing qualities ; ils tonic action on the Liver; its tendency to drive all humors to the surface, there by cleansing the system according to Nature’s own prescription ; its harmless, and at the same time extraordinary good effects, and the number of cures testified to by mail}' of the most respect able citizens of Richmond, Ya., and elsewhere, must be conclusive evidence that there is no humbug about it. The trial of a single bottle will satisfy the most sceptical of its benefits.— For sale by Bexj. G. Liddox, at the Book Store. BTN l*using Mothers. —Many ladies, while nursing, suffer from a sore and inflamed nipple, which is not only painful to themselves, but causes uneasiness to the child, whose heated, irritated gums inflict increased suffering upon the distressed but patient, parent; this afflictive state of things, may be remedied by a moderate application ofthe “ Balm of Thousand Flowers,’* which will allay the inflamalion, and render de lightful and painless the most important function of maternal love and duty. Thousands of young mothers have been cured by the “ Balm,” of in flamation in the breast, sore nipple, caked milk, and other accidents incidental to a nursing time. The salutary effects of the “ Balm ” are immedi ate and permanent. —For sale by Benj. G. Lid dox, at the Book Store. CROUP 1 CROUP 1! This awful complaint is immediately cured, by Dr. Tobias’ Vexetian Liniment. No family who value the lives of their children, should be with out a bottle in the bouse. Sold by all the drug gists and storekeepers. Depot 80 Cortlandtst. New York. For sale at the Book Store. *ll-0 In future, the afternoon service at the Presbyterian Church will commence at half past four o’clock. May Sd-tf. Practice of Medicine* Hr. WM. S. MEIERE, late o f Peufield, will resume the duties of his profession in Madison. Office, for the present, at the Drug Store. March 8-nlO. jar PRACTICE OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY.—Dr. F. 11. Nichols is pre pared to accommodate with lodgings any patients that may be sent to him for Medical or Surgical treatment. Masters may be assured that their servants will have every necessary attention. MadisoD, September 13 th. £7 Cush Diy Gaols Business. William Shear will commence a CASH DRY GOODS BUSINESS, on and after the Ist of February next, and will keep a wel selected stock of STAPLE AND FANCY AR TICLES adapted to the Southern trade, which he will sell at prices to make it the interest of purchasers to buy for cash. It requires no argu meut to prove that Goods can be sold cheaper for cash than the\ can on the usual credit terms. The public arc respectfully requested to call and examine the assortment. Augusta, Jan. 24, 1356. nC-2m £5?" Wiiat is it For—This Wood's Hair Restorative ?—lsa questiou asked daily by hundreds. Wo answer, without hesitation or fear of contradiction, that it is the only article known which will do all it promises for the hu man hair. It will rtneic it ls growth—it will stop its falling—it will restore its naturalcolor ! It is uot a Hair Dye, but a speedy and efficacious Re storative. Trial bottles $1; piuts $2 ; quarts i 3 Druggists supplied ou the proprietor’s terms— [Baltimore Sun. For sale at the Madison Book Store, by Benj. G. Liddox. OXYGENATED BITTERS. The annexed statement of Prof, A. A. Jlayes, M. D., State Assayer, is ample testimony of the scientific manner in which this medicine is com pounded, and recommends it to Professional Men, asicorthy a fair trial in their practice: — An opinion having been asked for of me, in consequence of the formula for preparing Oxy genated Bitters being known to me, I express the following, in form: The composition of these Bitters includes those medicinal substances which experienced physi cians have long resorted to for special action on the system, when deranged by Fevers, Dyspep sia, Agues, and General Debility, rosulting from exposure or climate inlluencc. These arc rendered permanent, and remain active, in this preparation, as a consequence of the scientific manner in which they are combined. It was a well founded inference, that the pre paration, used in larger or smaller doses, would prove a valuable General Medicine, which expe rience has demonstrated. In this medicine, no metallic salts can be found, by the most delicate chemical tria.s. Respectfully A. A. Hayes, M. D, Assayer to the State of Massachusetts? No. 1 Pine Street, Boston, 10th Doc., 18 )0. SETH W. FOWLE A CO., 13S Washington Street, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their agents everywhere. Mantillas. Mantillas. WE are opening this day a beautiful lot of Moire Antique Mantillas, of various colors; also, plain Silk and Mourning do. May 21. J. MARSHA A A CO. J UST RECEIVED, another choice lot of BONNETS, RIBBONS, Ac. Ladies, call on Miss HENDLEY, overj. Marshall A Co.’s store and make your selection early. May 21, 1856. JUST RECEIVED, n lotofFroich Bedsteads, ofthe lattest style, at May 24. A. SHAW’S WAKE BOOMS. MORGAN’S COTTAGE CHAIRS for saleat A. SHAW’S WARE ROOMS. May 24. EXTRA. 4 FEW sacks of extra Flour, ground from se /ejected white Wheat. You can rely upon its i being the very best. S. B. ROBSON A CO. ! May 21-21. FOR SALE, THE HOUSE and LOT adjoining the Baptist j College. Possession given January Ist. | Terms, $3,M00; SI,OOO payable on delivery of possession, the balance in one and two years. The property to he mortgaged and insured. Apply to Wm. 11. Burr. May ‘22. 21-3 tB. E. HABERSHAM. rp E N BOX E S ST A R CAXI) LE S I 10 Hhds. Cuba Molasses. 5 Bids. Golden Syrup nnd N. 0. do. 2<> }■£ and whole Bids. Mackerel. Best French Brandy; Pure Port Wine. 20 Bids. Whiskey. 10 Bbls. Vinegar. . May 17,1856. S. B. ROBSON A CO. Notice to the Ladies. MRS. PETTET, teacher of Fowler’s Improved system of L idies’ and Childrens’ DRESS CUTTING by measure, can be found for a few and ays in her room at Mr. Burnett’s The plan gave universal satisfaction to the Ladies of Au gusta and other places, and was acknowledged to be unequalled. Ladies wishing to learn this useful and economical art, will please give an early call. Madison, May 18, 1856. It LUMBER! LUMBER!! THE undersigned would inform the citizens of Morgan and adjoining comities that he has again engaged in the Lumber business, and would be thankful for all orders, promising to execute them with promptness. Price, SIO.OO per thousand, cash, at the Mill. S. T. NEAL, May 17,1856.-20-1 y Warrenton, Ga. OUR NEW SUPPLY OF BURNING FLUID has just arrived, and our customers can now be supplied. March 14, 1858. J. MARSHALL A CO. GENTS’ GOODS. 4 Fi NE stock of Cottonade, Planters’ Linens, Linen Drills, Marseilles, for Pants and Vests, Black Cassimers, plain :tml twilled, at April 12. SWANSON, JETT A CO. Arthur’s Patent Air-Tight Self-Sealing Cans FOK PRESERVED FRUITS. their use the old of preserving fruits—not requiring one half the sugar, and no further at tention until opened for use. Fruits of all kinds retain their original tiavor, which is very im portant to the housekeeper. The Jars will do from year to ) r ear, and are of such sizes, from Pint to Gallon, as to suit all sized families. We have already made large sales, and expect almost every family will find it to their interest to buy ibem. Directions for use supplied with the cans. May 23,1356. 8. B. ItOHSON A CO GREAT BARGAINS. G desirous of reducing our stock of DRY GOODS, wo offer thus early many desirable SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT COST FOR CASH, With Ten per Cent, added to the usual Time Bills. We will enumerate a few items at reduced rates: FRENCH MUSLINS at 25 cents, worth 50 cents. “ “ at , ...y 20 “ “ 37J-,' “ “ LAWNS at 12K“ “ 25 “ Beautiful BAREGES at 25 “ . “ 50 “ BAREGE DELAINES at 15 “ “ 25 « GINGHAMS at 15 “ “ 25 “ KID SLIPPERS at 75 “ “ 125 “ LADIES’ GAITERS at 150 “ “ 235 “ BONNET RIBBONS. TWISTED SILK MITTS at 50 “ “ 75 “ “ “ “ at 15 “ “ 37 “ A SMALL LOT OF YOUTHS’ CLOTHING, ANI) MANY OTHER ARTICLES. Our stock is well assorted, and we will offer every thing at much lower figures than usual. So call and examine Styles and Prices. Our stock of Shoes, Irish Linens, Bleached and Brown Homespuns, ALSO, STRIPED DOMEST-OS, are very large. ROBSON, FITZPATRICK A CO- April 13, isOtt. rmtr jblj: ols- m x> mm 9sS • HIGH &. Cos. RESPECTFULLY inform the Citizens of Madison and the Public that they have received a large and well assorted Stock of Staple and Fancy DR 1’ GOODS, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Hardware, light Groceries, Ac., to which they invite particular attention—all of which will be sold at the lowest possible prices, and a liberal discount will be made to cash buyers. Our stoek of Dress G Kids, Embroideries, Linens and White Goods is very complete, and persons disposed to buy, will do well to cull and examine our assortment. Our best efforts will be offered to please all who will favor us with a call, and nooduirge made for showing goods. At O’Keefe’s o;d stand, Town Hall Building. April 12, 1858. POCKET CUTLERY. WE invite especial attention to our stock of the “ Real n English Barlow Knives.— Our Mr. Jett challenges the world to produce a Knife of better metal. Call on him and he will take great pleasure in describing the various (food oualities of the article. * April 12. SWANSON, JETT A CO. 11015S0N, FITZPATRICK & CO., 4 RE now in receipt of their SPRING- and SUMMER Stock of DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY among which are Organdie and Barege ROBES, Beautiful SIIALLIES of all Colors, Printed J A CON KTS and ORGAN DIES, _ Crepe BAREGES, ik w and handsome, Foulard SILKS for Ladies’ Dresses—very mat— GINGHAMS and CALICOES—a good maort xnent. White Goods. Plain Nainsook MUSLINS, Striped and Checked Nai isook MUSLINS, Plain Jucouct MUSLIN, Hair Cord White Swiss “ Checked “ Irish LINENS, warranted the best quality ; Linen PILLOW CASING ami SHEETING, Brown and Blenched DOMESTICS, “ “ JEANS. Man ill im. Handsome MANTILLAS if several Gloves and Mitts. French Embroidered COLLARS; Swiss and Jaconet TRIM MI MGS; Scotch Embroidered COLLARS ; Swhs and Jaconet BANDS. Rend y-in ide Clothing. April 5, 1358. 11 I)R. MEIKRK’S Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla. JUST the thing f..r of the Blood and for Deran-vm nts of the Stomach, Liver or Ividnevs. For sale bv 32—ts Du. W. S. MEIKUE. BOOTS and SHOES. WE have just received a tin * assortment of Ladies’ Shoes, Gcals’ Low-quartered | Calf, Kid, and Pate it Leather Shoes; Calf, Kid, . and Patent Leather Gn.Urs; a line lot of Boots, from £4 to B'.', and a good assortment of Boys’ j and Youths’ Shoes and G liters. April 12. SWANSON, JETT A CO. | ■ i 10,000 lbs. Choice Tennessee Bacon. [IIAVEjust received 10,0 V lbs. choice Bacon, j which 1 uin offering low, fur cash, or good notes due and bearing interest. March 15-11. P. U. THOMASON. FIAN'CY Pipes, Lubin’s Extracts, Leonard’s do., for cooking, Colognes ; Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes; Paint and Varnish Brushes, be sides n supply of everything necessary to my stock, complete m every department, have been receiv ed. ‘ WM. S. MEI ERE, M. D., April 18. 18 Druggist, Ac. NOTICE. T.Y7E have in store some choice Bacon Sides, YV Hams and Flour. May 8. SWANSON, JETT A CO. NOS. 1, 2 AND 3 MACKEREL, in whole, _ half and quarter barrels. Good and cheap, May 10—19. S. IL ROBSON A CO. DISSOLUTION. THE firm of Jox es A Atkinson, in the Marble business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. JONES A ATKINSON. April 20, 1856. 17 ts HATS AND CLOTHING. ONE Case superior Silk Hats, Straw, Leghorn, Palm Leaf, and Cassitncre Hats; Ready made Coats, Vests, and Drawers in all styles, for sale by SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. March 22-12. TELEGRAPHIC. BY Steamer Marion, James Adgcr, and others, abundant supply of all kinds of Dry Goods and Groceries,* bought exclusively for cash, at the lowest prices, and will be sold ac cordingly. SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. DRESS GOODS. 4 Y7E arc now receiving a full supply of White V? Jaconet, Cambric nnd Muslins, Swiss Muslins, Book, Nainsook, Mull, Tarlaton,Striped Jaconet, Old Swiss, Plaid Nainsook, and every other variety of White Muslins; also, Printed Jaconets, Printed Lawns, Ginghams, Organdies. White and Figured Brilliants. Black and Colored Silks, Dress Silks, Bareges, Tissues, Grenadines, and others. SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. March 20, 1856. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. JSOF" CROP OF 1855 JSi Large stock—every variety— cents a pamr, CASH—on a credit 8 cents. AT THE DRUG STORE. Madison. January 111. 1856. 3-ts. GREAT ATTRACTION! J A AAA LBS. choice BACO.V, arriving 4U.UUU and to arrive; 3.UUU lbs. choice LARI), arrivingand to arrive; 200 Sacks “ FLOUR, ” 11 “ 100 bushels “ MEAL, 11 “ 100 bushels“ I’EAS, ” ” “ Also, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, Iron as sorted, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Cigars, Powder, Shot, Lead, Ac., Mackerel in Barrels and half barrels, Cotton Yarn, Osnabtirgs, Stripes, Adamantine aud Star Candles, Nails assorted, Soap, Putty, Glass, Trace Chans, Band aud Hoop Iron, Weeding llocs of different brands, choice Apple Vinegar, Hardware and Cutlery, embrac ing what is usually kept in a Grocery Store, such as Iticc, Pepper, Spice, and many other things good and nice. Come one, come all and buy of Pmon t Stovall, atlie old stand, near the I)opo*. March 22 11 PRIOR A STOVALL. Goods. NEW GOODS. WE are daily receiving our EXTENSIVE STOCK of GOODS, and arc now ready to exhibit the prettiest lot of DRESS GOODS, COLLARS, Black and Colored MANTILLAS and SCARFS, that we have ever kept. Our Stock further consists of—viz.—English, French, and American PRINTS; French and Scotch GINGHAMS; Printed JACONETS, BKIL LIAN TES, Flounced JACONETS, Portsmouth LAWNS, perfectly Past Colors, at lS£7e. per yard. Also, Flounced BAREGES, GRENA DINES, Plain and Figured BAREGES. 15 Pieces Naumkcttg Long Clo h; 5 “ Georgia “ “ 11 “ Marshall’s No. 1 “ 5 “ Bates* Long “ 5 “ Great Falls “ “ 10 “ Hope Lonsdale Long Cloth ; “ Allendale “ “ Pillow Case Cotton, Peppered Blenched Jeans, “ Brown “ 17 “ Metropolitan, Broadway, York and Eagle Tickings: Demins, Plaid and Stripe Homespuns; 1 Bale Choctaw Stripes ; Linen Duck and Planters’ Linens, “ 7-3 Granitvillc Shirtings, “ Peppered 7-8 Shirtings, Brown A Farmer’s Linens, 20 Pieces Irish Linens, —25c. to *1.25, India Diinitv, Ferventine Dimity, American Crash’ Cotton Flannels, Snow-drop Table Cloths, Towels,4c. Bonnet Ribbons and Elastic Belts, Rich lot of Dress Trimmings, Braids, Bindings, Ac. 100 Doz. Gents’, L idles.! aud Children’s Hosiery (In the above lot is Lisle Thread lll siery.) Grass, Hoop, Mohair and Corded Skirts; New style White Skirting, Ac.; to gether with all goods necessary for Family use. CLOTHlNG—Complete*-viz.: 24 Pair White Linen Pants, sM “ Plain M irseilles and Union Pants, 12 “ Fg’d Fancv Drill 24 “ Fanners Linen ** 12 “ PI inters’Drill “ 24 “ Demins and Cottonade “ 12 “ Black Drab Do Etc “ 24 “ B.iVb’ Linen and Cotton “ 24 White Linen and Duck Coats, 46 Farmers’ “ “ »* 12 Plaid Marseilles “ 12 Blue Demins ** 12 Grass Cloth “ 24 Black Italian and Alnacca “ 12 “ “ Vests, ' 24 Colored Marseilles Vests, 24 White 12 Plaid Union “ 24 Brown Farmers’ Linen Vests, Cotton nnd Linen Drawers, 20 Doz. Shirt Collars, 12 Hickory Shirts, 7 ** Linen Bosom Shirts, Cravats, Stocks, Ac. HATS. 12 Gentlcmcii’s Patent Hats, 12 “ Black Bound Leghorn Hats, 12 Gentlemen’s Grenada Hats, 12 Boys’ Palm Leaf “ 12 “ Pressed I’ulni Leaf lints, 12 Men’s “ “ “ “ 24 B. T. Canada Straw “ 86 Panama Pressed •« 12 Boys’Brown Leghorn “ « Men’s Tea Color 12 •’ Black Leghorn li 12 “ Black, Claret and Brown Huts, 24 “ •* Wool Hats, Ac. NIIOES. It is the opinion ofthe people of Morgan, that Pent makes the best Brogans that is sold in this market, and we have— -750 Pair Bent’s Black Brogans, 250 “ “ Russet 100 “ “ Planters’ “ 200 “ “ “ Shoes, 100 u Women’s Pegged “ 00 “ “ Calf “ 60 “ Misses' Goat “ 50 “ Ladies’ Calf, with Kid Tops, 75 “ “ Taint »ico Goat Boots, 75 “ “ Kid Medium Bottom Boots, 75 “ u Morocco Pump “ *• 7 5 44 Children’s 44 “ 44 44 50 44 Ladies’ Walking Shoes and Slippers, 12 44 “ Kid Glove Slippers, 75 44 Miles A Son’s Gaiter Boots, 1 2 44 Gents'Kid Gaiters, 12 44 “ Oxford Ties, Ac. P. S.-'We are expecting, in a few days, a large lot of MACKEREL and SALMON. ’ FEARS A SWANSON, Corner Centre and Main Streets. Madison, April 8, 1856. ENTS* HATS, for Hunting and Fishing. J March 22. J. MARSHALL A (’O. IUST REC ' IVED, a very handsome assort ment of BOVS’ CLOTHING, Black Italian Cloth Coats, Linen Coats and Pants, Boots and Shoes, Leghorn and Palm Hats. April 7. J. MARSHALL A CO. MISS HENDLEY RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and customers that she is in the daily receipt of her beautiful stock of MILLINERY. She has just opened a Case of the most tasteful and fin ished NEAPOLITAN BONNETS. The success she has met with since her return has compelled her to send orders to New York for more goods. Mudisou, March 22, 1856. 13 ts New Finn!— New Goods!! WE are now receiving our SPRING STOCK of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, consisting in part of Blenched, Brown, Striped and Plain HOMESPUNS; Bleached and Brown DRILLINGS ; Bleached and Brown SHEET INGS; Pillow Case COTTONS, Pillow Case LINEN’S, Linen SHEETINGS, Linen and Cotton DIAPERS, French, English and American PRINTS, Ginglmms, Printed Lawns, Printed Jaconets, Organdies, Bnlhantcs, Bareges, Tis sues, Embroideries; a fine varietyof WHITE GOODS Cloths, C issimeres, Linen Drills, Mar seilles, Planters’ Linens, Cottonadcs, Clothing, Hats Boots nnd Shoes; together with a fine stock of GROCERIES and HARDWARE. All of the above goods are entirely new, and wc feci confident, it our friends and the public will give us a call, wo can 6uit them in price as well as style aud quality. SWANSON, JETT A CO. April 4, 1556. TO-DAY we arc opening two boxes of GEN TLEMEN *S FINE BOOTS. March 14, 1856. J. MARSHALL A CO. WE ARE now ffering our stock of Winter COATS aud VESTS at 10 percent, on N. York cost—all of which are fresb aDd we wish to sell them while they are. n7 SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. 3VjfeceiisqeoqSi NOTICE TO THE LADIES. WE havo juat received some oi' J. Miles A Sods’ best Tipped Ouitera, Walking Shoes and Morocco Boots. May 8. SWANSON, JETT A CO. Five hundred sacks salt coring into store. $1.75 cash, $1.90 four mouths, or $2.00 at the end of the vear. May G. FEARS & SWANSON. T.MSH — ig t and whole Bbls., at Augusta 1/ prices. 50 kegs Parker’s Mills Nails. Keg prices are—sc. cash, four months, 6c. at the end of the year. May G. ’ FEARS A SWANSON. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of John Jobnsou, late of Morgan County, de ceased, are required to make prompt payment; those having claims against said estate, are re quested to prescut them within the time pre scribed by law. JOIIN F. JOHNSON, Executor. May 8, 1556. 40d SAVE YOUR BACON. TEN IIIIDS CUBA MOLASSES—prinrcqual ity and in good order, Fur sale low bv May 10—19. S. B. ROBSON ACO. CRANDSALEON A CREDIT. WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE CoUßT house door, in the town of Madison, Mor fin county, within the usual hours of sale, on iturday, the 17th hint., on a credit until the 25th of December next, the following property, to wit: Six tine Horses, well broken for narness und sad die use; a lot of tine Buggies and Carriages, Waggons, Harness. Ac , together with many eth er articles kept for Livery S able purposes. MayJlO—l9. J. P. KADFERD, Agent. NEW BOOT ANI)THOE SHOP. WILLIAM R. I VIE i| TT7 0 ULD respectfully inform the M citizens of Madison aud sur rounding Counties that he hus open ed a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP at Human’s old stand, on Rail Hoad street, first door below J. F. Trumpler’s Gun shop. 1 have secured the servi ces of experienced and competent workmen. 1 use good material and am in receipt of the latest stvle of Last. All work warranted and done when promised. May 8-18 8 mo 9. IT WILL HE DECIDEDLY beneficial to all wanting any styles of Children’s, Misses’ Bovs’ Gen tlemen’s or Ladies* SHOES; Boys’,‘Misses’, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s HOSIERY and HALF HOSIERY; GLOVES, FANS, PARASOLS, or READY-MADE CLOTHING, to call and ex amine the largest stock of the above goods ever offered in the house at as low prices as they can possibly be offered. SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. April 25. 17 HARDWARE, OF all descriptions, just opened; a very large assortment of Weeding Hoes, of all sizes and prices; a heavy stock of Groceries, assorted to suit purchasers. SHEPHERD & FITZPATRICK. April 25. 17 “W silo FOU BURNING FLUID, Cash. April 23. 17 DRUG STORE. 1,500 LBS. POTASII—^ A SPLENDID ARTICLE —just open. Price 123*» cents, cash. at Drug Store. 3BRLS7bURNING FLUID, for sale low and in any quantity, at Drug Store, LBS. New York Union WHITE BEAD, at Drug Store. iToTc GALLONS linseed~oil^ J /OJ at Drug Store. q BULS. SPIRITS TURPENTINE, tj at Drug Store. Cl L ABET WINE, in bottles, of superior quality. J A good thing for summer use. Drug Store. 1 HA LBS. MACCABOY SNUFF, 1 UU at Drug Store, Brandies, wines and London i brown STOUT, for mediciual purposes, at Drug Stork. CONGRESS WATER, just from the Spring, at Drug Store. -| DRUM genuine SMYRNA (Turkish) SMOK -1 ING TOBACCO. Price $1.50 per lb., at Drug Stork. VARNISH, TANNER’S OIL, SPERM and LAMP OILS, at Drug Store. AL A D OI L, Fresh, at Drug Store. TjIORTY Boxes WINDOW GLASS, of sizes JU Bby 10 und 10 by 12, at Drug Store. 1 BARREL CANARY SEED, at Drug Store. LARGE lot of Snices, Nutmegs, Allspice, Black Pepper, African do., Mace. Ginger, Mustard, Ac., at Drug Store. NEW Dlt U G STORE AND FRESH STOCK. TIIE Subscriber has purchased the building recently occupied by Messrs. Griffon, and has removed his Stock, having entirely refitted it for the purpose. He flatters himself that the internal arrange ments of the Store will compare not unfavorably with any similar establishment in the State. His Stock will comprise every article pertaining to the Drug business, and the selection will be such ns to give satisfaction to those who wish genuine articles. WM. S. MEIERE, M. D , Aprils, 1856. Druggist, Ac. OUR lot of GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING is of superior goods, and made in handsome and fashionable style. MarMi 22. ‘ J. MARSHALL A CO. NECESSARIES—MeaI and Flour. ¥E WILL have, at all times, the best family Flour to be found in market, and a fresh lot of Meal every week, which we oiler for cash. n7 SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. REMOVAL. * I HAVE REMOVED my Boot and jt- Shoe Shop from where I used to be RS I to where I am now— that is: betweens W. M. Burnett’s saddlery shop and Camp’s store —opposite the Court House, where I would be pleased to see all mv old customers and as many new ones as will furor me with their patronage. I warrant all work done in my shop, and will repair all failures, without charge. Those in want of Boots or Shoes wou'd do well to call at mv Shop. WILLIAM GLEASON. Madison, January 19, 1856. 3-ly STONE MOUNTAIN HOUSE. THE Proprietors of this large and splen did new Brick Building, which has jjjjj just been fitted up 111 elegant style, with entire new Furniture, would respectfully inform the Public that they have at length completed and opened it for the accommodation of perma nent and transient Boarders. They have made every effort to arrange it in such a manner as tor render tlieir guests com fortable. Aud having had a long experience, they do not intend to be excelled bv any land lord. The Furniture, as well as the house, is perfect ly new. Those acquainted with the topography of Georgia, know that within her limits exist some of the most sublime and magnificent works of Nature, and Stone Mountain justly ranks as one ' of the number. Southerners who wish to spend their summers at the South, instead of going North, will find the climate bracing, and the water pure as the purest. The climate is uot surpassed. The Proprietors flatter themselves that those who call ouce, will be well-euough satisfied to call again. Georgia Railroad Traiu: stop for Supper at this House. ALEXANDER A CLARKE, Proprietors. S. F. Alexander, ! J. A. Olahke, late of Lawrenrenllc*. ! Social Circle. March lotteries GRAND SPECULATIOU!! FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT.- 1200 PRIZES! 60,000 DOLLAR*! ii IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPROVES) Havana plan lottery) JASPER CO. ACADEMY LOTTERY. (By authority of the State if Georgia.) 10,000 NUMBERS! 1 PRIZE TO 8 TICKETS J CLASS N. To be drawn June 16, 1858, \ T CONCERT HALL, Mscod, Ga., 'under the sworn superintendence of Col. Geo. M. Logan, and James A. Nisbet, Esq. This Lottery is drawn on the plan of the Royal Lottery of Havana, of Single Numbers. Thi* bus only 10,000 Numbers, and the Havana Lot tery 84,000 Nuihbtrs—the Havana 249 Prizes— this 1,200 Prizes l Look to your interest I Now is the time. CAPITAL 815,000! 1 Prize of $15,000 1 <h> 5,000 1 do.- 4,000 1 do. 3,000 1 do. 2,000 5 do 1,0 i 10 do 6(.0 60 do 50 120 do . ’ 25 500 Approximation Prizes .......... 20 500 “ “ ...v.Y 10 1200 Prizes, amounting to.. Y..... 550,000 Tickets $lO-Halves, $5-Qudtters,s2.6o' Prizes payable without Deduction / Persons sending money by mail need not fear its being lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bank Notes ol sound Banks taken at par. Those wishing particular numbers should order immediately. Tickets ura wing actual prizes are not on titled to Approximations • Address, JAMES F. WINTER, Manager.* Macon, GaY 4 , triY* Tickets for sale in Madison at the Boos Store. Improved liavima Plan Lollery! (BY A UIHORITY OF THESTA TE OL UA.) FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. FOII MAY.—CLASS Iff. To be drawn in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday, the 2t»th of MAY, 1856,’ When Prizes amounting to SSO.OOO ! Will be distributed. CAPITAL PRIZE, 87,500! PRICE OF TICKETS: Wholes,ss; Halves, $2,50; Qrs.,sl,2ff. Prizes in this Lottery are paid thirty duys after the drawing, in bills of specie-paying ‘Banka, without dcauctior, only on presentation q/ the Ticket entitled to the Prize. Bills on all solvent Banks at par. communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Munager;- Atlautu, Georgia. W. B. WILEY, Agent for Madison, Eutonton and Greensboro. nw cutiiiicE shop. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Morgan and n ing couuties, that he hus opened, in Madison, a new Shop for the manufacture of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, and other vehicles. Ho will likewise keep on hand a good stock of North ern Buggies. lie will also have iu connection’ with bis wood establishment, A BLACKSMITH SHOP, where every description of Plantation work will bo done at snort notice. HORSE-SHOE ING done iu the best maim r, and Iron Hail«* ing, for Feuces or Grave Yards, manufactured to order, as good as any that can be got from the North. All Work warranted. JOHN ESPAR. January 5,1856. l~tf WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Spectacles, Soo, J. J. DAY Qj*L HAYING engaged the Store formerly oc* (f-vgL cupied bv Miss Sheppard. tihum would respectfully inform the citizens of Madison and vicinity, that ho hi prepared to offer them an assortment of Watches* Clocks, Jewelry, Ac. Watches and Jewelry re paired at the shortest notice. Jewelry muao order. N. B.—l have Concavo-Convex Glasses for’ Spectacles, which will improve the sight at least five years. Madison, Jan. 5,1856. l-6m. GROCERIES, &€. THE subscribers respectfully call the attention of the public to their Stock of Dry Goods, Grooeries, Drugs, Ac., now on hand, in store, for sale, cheap fob oash— consisting in the following articles, viz: New Orleans Sugars, Opodeldoc, Castor Oil, Porto Rico “ Laudanum, Paregoric, Refined “a b c Vermifuge. Pcppermiut Crushed “ Cinnamon, Snuff, Loaf “ No. 6, Pain Killer, Rio Coffee, Turpentine, Bears* Oil, Laguira, “ Nutmegs, Mace, Indigo Ola Gov. Java “ Blue Stone, Salt Petro, Gunny Bagging, Alum, Glass, Putty, Rope, Twine, Train Oil, Mustard, Candles, Pepper, Spice, Duffield Blankets, Cloves, Tobacco, Bl'cd A Rr’n Shirtings Salt, Mackerel, Codfish, Plaids, Apron Checks,. Pickled Salmon, Tea, Ticking, Cassinieres, Fulton Market Beef, Jeans, Fancy Prints,- Candies, Soaps, Spades, Wool Shawls, Purses, Raisins and Almonds, Handkerchiefs, Segars, Nuts, Comforts, Suspenders, Table Salt, Hose, White apd Slate,- Blasting & Gun Powd’r Port Monais, Cologne, Shot and Lead, Cheese, Hooks A Eves, Pins, Preserves, Pickles, Extracts, P’k’t Combs, Hardware, Cutlery, Spool and Flax Thread, Plates, Bowls, Pitchers, Needles, Perc’n Caps, Dishes, Looking Glasses Plate Locks, Padlocks, Casters, Pipes, Awls, Cast Iron A Brass buttsi Saxony Wool Hats, Hook and Eye Hinges, Planters “ Stirrup Irons, Chisels, Boys’ “ Hammers, Augurs, Men and Boys’ Plushed Saddles, Bridles, and Glazed Caps, Martingales, Lasting Buttons, 1000 Gallons Jugwar© WM. G. GREEN <fc CO. Madison, Nov. 3, 1855. 44-Bvr. Pray Particular Attention. THE SUBSCRIBERS intending to deal exclu sively FOR CASH, respectfully request all persons indebted to them to come forward an<f pay their accounts. n25-2 WM. G. GREENE A CO CARRIAGES, ROCKAWAVS AUD BUGGIES. HAVING BOUGHT the well kciow/l Carriage Manufacturing establishment, .formerly of Watts A Robertson’s, and i-niploved Mr. D. N. Robertson to superintend the same, I am now prepared to build to order ali kinds of Carriages,. Kockaways and Buggies lam now at the NertlL buvinga new stock of material, and all persona disposed to patronize home industry »ay rely upon having work done in the best mauuer and made out of the best material. Repairing, as usual, carried on in all its vari ous branches. P. K. THOMASON. Madison, Feb. 18, 1856. US ACnOICE LOT of Boys’ and Youths’ Calf and Kip BOOTS, just received bv April 12. J. MARSH ALL'A CO. JUST opening anew lot of Barege ROBES, of various colors. April 12. J. MARSHALL A CO MOURNING GOODS, consisting of Black Canton Crapes, Challi, Delaines, Bareges, Muslins, Ginghams and Calicos—just opening by April 12. J. MARSHALL A CO. CLOTHING, WE have a few superior Italian doth Coats, also a lot of Alpacea Sacks and Frocks, and a boautiful lot of Linen and Mai eoille. Costa and Vest:-. > April 12. LWAKSOy, JETT 4 CO.