The Madison family visitor. (Madison, Ga.) 1847-1864, June 07, 1856, Image 3

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Lola Montes has been playing at the Victoria theatre, Ballarat, Australia.— A fracas had- taken place between her and Mr. H. Seekamp, of the Ballarat Tunes. It appears that a writer in the Times bad made some remarks reflect ing on the character of Lola, and a few evenings afterwards Mr. Seekamp called at the United States Hotel, where she was residing. Lola rushed on him with a riding whip, and he retaliated with a cane. A general row ensued, in which the preservers and revolvers were drawn. When separated, it was found that the belligerents had fast hold of each other by the hair. At the theatre, the next ■evening, she appeared beforo the curtain, and stated that she had offered to fight the unlucky editor with pistols, but he had declined. Thr Brooks’ Affair.—Washing don, June 2.—Mr. Brooks has addressed a letter of apology to the- Senate, dis claiming any purpose to infract its priv ileges, or offend its dignity. The House committee has reported a resolution to expel Brooks and censur ing Keitt and Edmondson, for not inter fering when they knew of Brook's de sign. Mr. Cobb, of Georgia, presented a minority report, denying that any breach of privilege undbr the Constitution had been committed. A Great Cowntr.—lt has long been « fixed fact that, the United States is a “ great country,” but unless a person takes the trouble to “look into the mat ter,” he cannot inform himself as to the ratio of our progress in ’wealth and prosperity. The Cincinnati Gazette in the following paragraph, shows tho rap id strides we are making towards the “ supremacy of the seas In tho last ten years then, the num ber of vessels built increased 100 |>er cent, and tonnage 300 per cent. The nverage tonnage of each vessel, in 1845, was 146 ton ; but tho average tonnage in 1855 was 291 tons. This itself marks a great difference in shijebuild ing. It shows what an advance in the magnitude of vessel* has been biought about by the introduction of the great packet lines, the ocean steamers, and the rjver steam packets. This advance in magnitude marks likewise the great improvement in tne accommodations of vessels and the facilities for commerce. Not UstVise or Untmte.—Hiram Fuller says; “There is no such thing as absolute freedom below the Almighty God. 1 The Omnipotent alone is free; all his creatures are the subjects of irrevoca ble Law—the slaves of iucxoruble Neces sity.” MARRIED, On the 14th u!t., in Jacksonville, Ala., by Rev. R. 1,. Staudennmyer, Mr. B. G.. Salvage, of the e’hattanuoga Advertiser, and Miss Harriet A. I.iddon, of Jacksonville. In this county, on the 22d ult., by B. F. Whit field, Esq., Mr. Thomas J. Stallings and Miss Jcma A., all of this county, OBITUARY. “ Bust thou art, and unto dust thou shall return.” DIED, in Eatonton, of consumption, on the •Ith of May, Aurelius A. Walton, being in the twenty-fourth year of bis age. The subject of •the aborc notice had been married only a few Tears, and with flattering hopes and prospects of * happy life, has been cut off by the “ insatiate archer” in the early bloom of manhood. Asa eon, he was ever dutiful; as a husband and brother, kind and affectionate; as a master, hu mane, and us a Christian, consistent. Beloved in life, thou art not forgotten in death ; and while the affections of that beloved old mother tvreath • ed the cypress over the headstone of her darling . son, he is embalmed in the heart of an affeetion . ate wife and a wide circle of friends, and receiv ing a more enduring crown at the hand of his • God. Since he united himself with the Antioch • church, it seemed that he had lived but to illus trate end adorn the virtues of humble piety, and the calm peace which he manifested amid the agonies of death. Fare tbee-well, Aurelius! Fare-thee-well, old class-mate! May our last days, like thine, be our best days, having obtained that hope and love which enables thee to breathe in tireless joy the harmony of eternal song for it is that radicncc which sheds a soft lustre •over thy angel form, and beams forth the eternal majesty of God. “ Green be the turf over thee, Friend of my youthful days; Jtonc saw thee but to love thee— Jtone named thee but to praise." M. A. B. Christian Index please copy. DIED, at her home in Putnam county, where she had resided, nearly fifty years, on the Oth •ult., Mrs. Sabah Hlbt, widow of Charles S. Hurt, aged not quite seventy years. The world bestows its fulsome eulogies on departed war riors and politicians, but heeds not the fitll of the humble and unpretending good. It is only to those whose good fortune it was to have known familiarly and well this excellent woman that this notice i* addressed. In all the domestic virtues, she was a model to be studied; as a member of society, she faithfully and liberally performed her port. But high above these ster ling characteristics, there beamed tranquility, as the guiding star of her long and blameless life— the pure and serene light of Christianity. She survived her husband upwards of nine years— cheered amidst life’s trials with the constant hope of their ultimate meeting in heaven. Never was man more blessed with a wife, and never was man more deserving. * * * * DEPARTED this life, at the residence of her son, Dr. Horace T. Shaw, Newton county, on the 3d inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Shaw, aged elghty.two years. She has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church about fifty years. She left this world at peace with all pankind, and in full assurance es a blessed nmncrtelity. Dismissal of Crampton. —The New York Herald thinks that the dismissal of Craropton for violating our neutrality laws, while troops are being raised daily in this country for the aid of Walker, and without notice from this Govern ment, will be looked upon as the settled purpose of the United States to rigidly enforce our statutes towards England and other Eurojiean States, and at the same time to open the flood gates of population towards Central America. It will be regarded as a defiance of En>r land in every matter of dispute between the two Governments. A disavowal of all unfriendly designs and of all inten tion to disturb the peaceful relations subsisting between the two Cabinets will be received as an aggravation of the offence, and the prompt dismissal of Mr. Dallas and the suspension of diplomatic relations are likely to follow. Receipts for Subscription to Visitor, For the Week ending June 7. Miss E. A. Sa.ndkks, Covington,.. J2.CO D. A. Chapman, Cheraw, S. C. 2.c0 P. R. Thomason, Madison 4.00 Aabox Lewis, Wellington 0.00 Adam Jones, Jr., Warrenton 2.00 SficciqJ Notices. To Whomsoever it Concerns. nr My connection with the Madison Female College ceases at Commencement, but I shall remain in Madison until Winter, with a riew of settling my debts. If let alone, 1 shall be able to pay a good part of them ; but if harass ed and forced in the matter, I shall be compelled to swear out, whereby my creditors will not get fire cents on the dollar. Junes. It* CEO. C. TAYLOR. nr Cured by Oxygenated Bittkrb. —A Cate of Eighteen Years' Standing. —From FUxhenry Homer, Esq., of Button, J fast*. : Boston, September 28. Dkar Sir—lt is now eighteen years since I was first troubled with the water-brash and de rangement of the stomach. I hare taken advice of the best physicians in this city and New York, in London, Paris, Germany and Italy, and visited the several sulphur and other springs iu this country, the watering places of Germany and elsewhere in Europe, and had found no relief. Since taking the Bitters, I have never had a re turn of the water brash, which daily' troubled me of late years to a very great degree. Having found so great relief from this most discouraging disorder, I have recommended a trial of your medicine to many of my friends, who are now using it to great udvnutagc. What little is in my scope to oiler in extending the circulation ol your Oxygenated Bitters, will be done with grateful pleasure at ull times. Yours very respectfully, Fitzbknry Homsr. To I)r. Geo. B. Green. Seth W.Fowls A Cos., ICB Washington street. Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their agents even - where. isr Holloway's Ointment ami Pills, certain Cure for Wounds and Ulcers.—Tliomsf Thompson, of Batavia, New' Yolk, was afflicted all over his body with running ulcers, his life at last became quite a burden to him, as he was a misery to himself, and an annoyance to hi»- friends. In the hope of obtaining relief to his sufferings, he consulted several physicians and surgeons, but his case seemed so desperate that it was considered hopeless. At this singe he had recourse to Holloway’s Ointment and Pills, and by persevering with these remedies for ton weeks, he was completely cured, and now enjoys the best of health. The Court of Death. King Death held a court, unto which did resort All diseases that ravage below, In order that he acquainted might bo Why business of lute l»«d been 44 slow.** [t >uch, There was Gout with his crutch and terrible Sick head iche and Jaundice the yellow, [spade With Dyspepsia who’d laid many folks 'ncath the Os the sexton, that grave digging fellow. But 'twere vain to describe each one of the tribe That before Old Death made their appearance, Said he, “how is this? there is something amiss, You’ve not made of late, much of a clearance; Just tell me, I pray, the cause of delay, You diseases are getting quite laxy, [about, Do speak up friend Gout, and tell me what you’re Or sluck business will drive me quite crazy.” Said Gout, “ the fact’s this—do not take it amiss— For myself and my friends no one cares, For our business below has received a sad blow, From a cursed Pill Cathartic called Ayer' 9 ! That Pill when folks try, makes each one of us fly, For it drives us clean out of the system, [Death, Thus it saves people’s breath, so you see my friend That's the way that of late you’ve missed ’em.” ggP* What is it For—This Wood’s Hair Restorative? —lsa question asked daily by hundreds. We answer, without hesitation or fear of contradiction, that it is the only article known which will do all it promises for the hu man hair. It will renew it* growth—it will *top it* falling—it will restore it* natural color / It is not a Hair Dye, but a speedy and efficacious Re storative. Trial bottles $1 ; pints $2 ; quarts Druggists supplied on the proprietor’s terms — [Baltimore Sun. For sale at the Madison Book Store, by Bbnj. G. Liddon. Practice of Medicine* Doctors SAFFOLD A McCLESKEY hav ing formed a Copartnership for the practice ol Medicine and Surgery in their various branches, offer their services to the public, and hope to re ceive such patronage as experience and merii may authorize. Office on Main-street, next door to the Book Store. nl4 3n» C. P. CULVER, D. D. 8., Having taken the Office form /rWWSBLerIv occupied by Dr. W. G. Bal LARDj tenders his Professional ser vices to the Citizens of Madisonand surrounding country; and with several years’ experience in the practice of DENTAL SURGERY, can assure all who may favor him with a call, that no pro fessional skill shall be wauting in order to render entire satisfaction. Parts or Full Sets of Teeth put up on the latest and most approved style. April 5, 1856. 14 J3F“ In future, the afternoon service at the Presbyterian Church will commence at half pant ftstr o'clock. A Georgia Preparation. hr Read the following certificate in faror of Day's Magical Cleanser, from Gen. John H. Rice, of the firm of Hooper & Rice, Attomejf, Cassville, Ga.: Cassville, On., May 28 th, 1856. Mr. A. C. Dat.—Deae Sie—lt is with pleasure that I testily to the character and value of Dat'd Magical Cleanser, after haring used it for some sit or seven years. In the year 1850,1 was har ing a house built, and by accident, a small bucket of ivory black was turned over upon anew laid floor of my house, which when wiped up, left a black spot as large as the bottom of a half bushel. After rubbing this spot with strong soap suds, I poured on it about three ounces of your M.-.gical Cleanser, and rubbed it oTer the spot well with a cloth, for some five minutes, which removed entirely all stain of the black from the floor. I have frequently applied it to grease spots on clothing, and hare no hesitancy in saying that it is far superior to anything if the kind I hare ever seen used. It removes the spots or stains wiih out the slightest injury to the color or texture of the goods, is easily applied, and requires hut a few moments to perform its work. Kespocttully yours, JOHN 0. RICE. For sale at the Madison Book Store. Practice of Medicine. Dr. WM. S. MEIEKE. late of Pentield, will resume the duties of his profession in Madison. Office, for the present, at the Drue Store. March S-nlO. jar PRACTICE OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY.—Dr. F. H. Nichols is pre pared to accommodate with lodgings any patient.- that may be sent to him for Medical or Surgical treatment. Masters may be assured that their servants will have every necessary attention. Madison, September 13th. 87 Cash Dry Goods Business. £3?" William Shear will commence a CASH DRY GOODS BUSINESS, on and after the Ist of February next, and will keep a well selected stock of STAPLE AND FANCY AR TICLES adapted to the Southern trade, which he will sell at prices to make it the interest of purchasers to buy for cash. It requires no argu ment to prove that Goods can be sold cheupei for cash than the} can on the usual credit terms. The public are respectfully requested to call and examine the assortment. Augusta, Jun. 24, 1836. n6-2m As a Spring and Summer Medicine, Carters Spanish Mixture stands pre-cmineni above all others. Its singularly efficacious ac tion ou the blood : its strengthening und vivify ing qualities; its tonic action on the Liver; \i> tendency to drive all humors to the surface, there by cleansing the system according to own prescription ; its harmless, and at thd same time extraordinary good effects, und the numbe; of cures testified to by many of the most respect able citizens of Richmond, Va., and elsewhere, must be conclusive evidence that there is no humbug about it. The trial of a single botth will satisfy the most sceptical of its benefits.— For sale by Bxxj. G. Liddon, at the Book .Store. Nursing Mothers.—Many ladies white nursing, suiler from a sore and inflame*, nipple, which is not only painful to but causes uueusiness to the child, whose heated, irritated gums inflict suffering up./ the distressed but patient parent; this afllictiv state of things, may be remedied by a mudcruU application of the “ Balm of Thousand Flowers.’ which will allay the inllim ition, and render de lightful and painless the most important functioi of maternal love anddu y. Thousands of young mothers have been cured bv the 4 ‘ Balm,” of in flamution in the breast, sore nipple, caked milk and other accidents incidental to a nursing tirm• The salutary effects of the “ Balm ” ure immedi* ate and permanent.—For sale by Ben j. G. Lid don, at the Book Store. Sir CROUP! CROUP!! Tin awful complaint is immediately cured, by I)r. Tobias’ Venetian Liniment. No family win value the lives of their children, should be with out a bottle in the house. Sold by all the drug gists and storekeepers. Depot 60 Cortlandt si New York. For sale at the Book Store. 41-'. : •j/eb) fWbeHisi’tyetyfs. NO HUMBUG! WE are now offering our entire stuck of Bareges and Tissues at New York cost. Also, a large stock of Printed Muslins, which we will sell at reduced prices. June 7. SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. BACON! BACON!! WE HAVE now in store l’,ooo lb*, prime quality ; also, 1 /NX) lbs. choice Lard. June 7. SHEPHERD & FITZPATKICK. A OJiBIIOXA BOOXC Just Published, TIIREE GOLDEN LINKS: OR, TALES ODD-FELLOWSHIP. By Mice O. W. BARBER. LINK THE FIRST. FRIENDSHIP, or the Mysterious Governess. 1.-Oakland. * 2.-A Visitor. 3.-My Cousin Fred. 4,-Mias Ellen Church. 6. The Springs. 7.-Fanny Bates. fi.-People whom we met. fi.-The Ruins. H\-Mis Church, im Grandmother and I. 11.-The Interview. 19.- The Homeward Journey. 13-The Dee'arnt on. 14.-The Unexpected Journey. 15.-th* Surprise. 16.-The Schooi-room Dialogue. 17.-Letters. LINK THE SECOND. LOVE, or the Adventures of an American Student, 1.-In the Woods. 2.-Daddy Logan. °.-The Mysterious Picture. 4.-Commencement Scene-. 5,-Plans for the future. fi.-Gertrude Smith. 7.-The Lost Travelers. 8.-Tho Night at Crag’6 End. 9. The Little Man. 10.-Au Adventure. 11.-Conclusion. LINK THE THIRD. TRUTH, or Crazy Madge and her Child. 1.-The Cabin and its Inmates. 2.-The Stray Leaf and its Lesson. 3 -Unwelcome Visitors. 4.-A New Home. 5.-Marlivale and its Inmates. 6.~The Discovery. 7.-The Conclusion. Price 50 Cents, or five c -pies for two dollars. Orders for the work, with the money enclosed, will meet with prompt attention. Address, T. A. BURKE, Madison, Ga. &r For sale at the Madison Book Store. Gilman’s Instantantaneous Liquid Hair Dye. A LARGE LOT of this celebrated Hair Dye just received and for sale by June 7. BE.NJ. O. LIDDON. Doesticks’ ?(ew Book. PLU-RI-BUS-TaH, a song that’s bv no author. Edited by Q. K. Philander Doesticks, P. B. Copiously illustrated. Just received bv BE.NJ. G. LIDDON. The Richest Book of the Season! TUESPARROWGRASS PAPERS.or Living in the Couptry, b.v Frederic S. Cozzept. Witb illustrations bv Harley. For sale bv BKNJ. G LIDDON GREAT BARGAINS. JOEING dasirou* of reducing oar stock of DRT GOODS, wo offer Urns aeriy many desirable SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT COST FOR CASH, With Ten per Cent, added to the usual Time BUI*. We will euumerate a few items at reduced rates: -- FRENCH MUSLINS at cents, worth 50 cents. " at 2o " •• 87tz " “ Lawns at vihi" « sue •• Beautiful BAUEUESat.. 25 u •< jo .. BAREGE DELAINES at 15 « «. g 5 * GINGHAMS at 15 <• u 25 « KTD SLIPPERS at 75 « •< 725 “ LADIES’ GAITERS at 150 “ *• 285 “ BONNET RIBBONS. TWISTED SILK MITTS at .50 •• 75 « “ “ “ at 15 « «. 87 « A SMALL LOT OF YOUTHS’ CLOTHING, and many other articles. Our stock is well assorted, and we will offer every thing at much lower figures than usual. So call and examine Styles and Prices. Our stock of Shoes, Irish Linens, Bleached and Brown Homespuns, ALSO, STRIPED DOMEST OS, is vary large. ROBSON, FITZPATRICK & CO. April 18, 1858. Hiawatha* BV Henry Wadsworth Loi gfellow—a new lot. Also, Napoleon at St. Helena ; Life of S. S. Prentiss; Rena, bv Mrs. Hcntz; B yard Taylor’s Visit to China, Indin and Japan; Cumming’s Hunter’s Life in South Africa, Ac. Just received by BENJ. G. LIDDON. Morgan Sheriff Sale* TT7 ILL Bh SOLD, before the Court House X V door, in the town of Madison, on the first Tuesday in July next, within the legil hours of sale, a Negro girl by the name of Laura, about fourteen years of age. Levied on by virtue of h fi. fa. f rotn Fulton Superior Court; lil. M. Tidwell vs. Thomas M. G. Powers. Levied on as the property of Defendant, as pointed out by Plain tiffs Attorney. ' JOHN P. RADFERD, Sheriff. May 27th, 1856. 23-3ud Georgia, iTTfIIEREAS, Hugh J. Morgan Cocntt. [■ VV Ogilby. Qu.rdmn fur / Lucius W. Bruwner applies for Letters of Dismission from his said Guaraian >hip: These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said orphan to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in August next, then and there to j-h >w cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. G ven under my hand at office in Madison, this •Ith dav of June, 18i»6. 23-30d. F. W. ARNOLD, Ordinary. Morgan Mortgage Sheriff Sale. WILL RE SOLI), on the first Tuesday iu August next, before the Court House door in the town ufMudison, between the legal hours »f sale, the following property, to wit: Fourteen Spinning Frames, twenty-four Cards, five Speeders, four Dressing frames, seven Reels, one Warping Machine, and one Warping Mill and Bull Winder, one Handler ana Press two Pickers, one Millainor, three Wool Curds, one Wool P cker, me Wool M le, twenty-six Looms, one Beaming Machine, and lot Winding Blades, one Lithe, one Dresser, two Corp Mills, one Cir cular Saw, one Steam Engine and Bidlers, Ac. All of said property levied on bv virtue of and to satisfy a mortg ge fi. f-i. issued from '(organ Inferior Court, in favor of William Cousins vs. the Madison Stemi M II Company, and sfct forth tnd described in said fi. fa. JOHN P. KADFERI), Sheriff. June 1,1856. 23-tiod Mautillns. Miintillafl* V\T H are opening ibis day a beautiful lot of W Moire Antique M ntillas, of various ■o’ors ; also, plain Sok and Mourning do. May 21. J. MARSHALL A CO. JUST RECEIVED, another choice lot of BONNETS, RIBBONS. Ac. Ladies, call n Miss lIENDLEV, ovorJ. Marshall A Co.’s store and m ike your selection carlv. May 21, 1856. I UST RECEIVED, a lot of Fn nch Bedsteads, ,J of the 1 ittost st,vie, at May 24. A. SiIAW’S WARE ROOMS, MORGAN’S COTTAGE CHAIRS for saleat A. SHAW’S WARE ROOMS. May 24. EXTRA." 4 FEW sacks of extra Flour, ground from fle -7i looted white Wheat. You can rulv upon its being the very best. S. B. ROBSON A CO. May 24-21. FOR SALE, Tnr, HOUSE and LOT adjoining tho Baptist College. Possession given January Ist. Terms, payable on delivery of possession, the balance in one and two years. The property to be mortgaged and insured. Apply to Wm. H. Burr May 22. 21-3 t B. E. HABERSHAM. Ten boxes star candles* D» Hhds. Ctfba Molasses. f> Bbls. Golden Syrup and N. O. do. 20 % and whole Bbls. Mackerel. Best French Brandy; Pure Port Wine. 2<> Bbls. Whiskey. 10 Bbls. Vinegar. May 17, 1856. S. B. ROBSON A CO. LUMBER! LUMBER!! THE u > designed would inform the citizens of Morgan and adjoining counties that he has again engiged in the Lumber business, and would be thankful for all orders, promising to execute them with promptness. Price, SIO.OO per thousand, cash, at the Mill. S. T. NEAL, May 17,1856.-20-1 y Warrenton, Ga. OUR NEW SUPPLY OF BURNING FLUID has just arrived, and our customers can now be supplied. March 14, 1856. J. MARSHALL A CO. GENTS’ HATS, for Hunting and Fishing March 22. J. MARSHALL A GO. DR. METRE’S Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla* 1 UST the thing tor TmpuVities of tht* Blood ♦ I and for Derangem-nts of the Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. For sale by 32—ts Dn. W. S. MEIERE. BOOTS and SHOES. WE have just received a fine assortment of Ladies’ Shoes, Gents’ Low-quartered Calf, Kid, and Patent Le ither Shoes; Calf, Kid, and Patent Leather Gaiters; a tine lot of Boots, from $4 to *9, and a good assortment of Bays* and Youths* Shoes ana G liter -. April 12. SWANSON, JETT A CO. VARNISH, TANNER’S OIL, SPERM and LAMP OILS, at Drug Store. JUST RECEIVED, anew supply of HOOP SKIRTS; also, a lot of Ladies’ Linen Em broidered COLLARS, and Gentlemen’s Linen SHIRT BOSOMS, by April 12. J. MARSHALL A CO. New Firm!—New Goods!! WE ure now receiving our SPRING STOCK of Staple aud Fancy Dry Goods, consisting in part ot illeucheii, Brown, Striped and Plain HOMESPUNS; Bleached and Blown DRILLINGS; Bleached and Brown SHEET INGS; Pillow Case COTTONS, Pillow Case LINENS, Linen SHEETINGS,Linen and Cotton DI \PEKS, French, Englieh and American PRINTS, Ginghams, Printed Lawns, Printed Jaconets, Org indies, Unlliantes, Bareges, Tis sues, Embroideries; a fine varietyof WHITE GOODS Cloths, Cissimeres, Linen Drills, Mar seillcs, Planters’ Linens, Cottonades. Clothing. Hats, Boots and Sh ies; uigo|ber with a fine stock of GROCERIES and HARDWARE. All of the above goods arc entirely now, and we feel oonfident, if our friends and the public will give us a call, we can suit them in price as well as style aud quality. SWANSON. JETT A CO. April 4, 7*56. 3)inj &ooh. NEW GOODS. WE are daily receiving our EXTENSIVE STOCK of GOODS, and are now ready to exhibit the prettiest lot of DRESS GOODS, COLLARS, Black and Colored MANTILLAS and SCARFS, that we have ever kept. Our Stock further consists of—rig.—English, French, and American PRINTS; French and Scotch GINGHAMS; Printed JACONETS, BRIL LI ANTES, Flounced JACONETS, Portsmouth LAWNS, perfectly Fast Colors, at lSjtfc. per yard. Also, Flounced BAREGES, GRENA DINES, Plaiu and Figured BAREGES. 15 Pieces Nauinkeag Long Clo h; 5 ” Georgia ** H 11 “ Marshall's No. 1 “ 0 “ Bates' Long “ 5 “ Great Falls *' ** 10 " Hope Lousdale Long Cloth: " Allendale “ •• Pillow Case Cotton, Peppered Bleached Jeans, “ Brown “ 17 " Metropolitan, Broadway, York and Eagle Tickings; Demins, Plaid and Stripe Homespuns; 1 Bale Choctaw Stripes; Linen Duck and Planters’ Liuens, ” 7-i Granitvillc Shirtings, “ Peppered 7*B Shirtings, BroWn A Fanner’s Linens, 20 Pieces Irish Linens,-—2sc. to $1.25, India Dimitv, Ferventine Dimity, American Crash* Cotton Flannels, Suow-drop Table Cloths, Towels,Ac. Bonnet Ribbons and Elastic Belts, Rich lot of Dress Trimmings, Braids, Bindings, Ac. 100 Doz. Gents’, Ladies' aud Children’s Hosiery (In the above lot is Lisle Thread Hu- Fiery.) Grass, Hoop, Mohair and Corded Skirts; New style White Skirting, Ac.; to gether with all goods necessary for Family use. C LOT IIIN G«-Com plete-* Viz* i 24 Pair White Linen Punts, 24 " Plain M arseilles and L r nion Pants, 12 “ F.g’d Fancy Drill " 24 “ Farmers Linen " 12 ” Planters’ Drill “ 24 " D ’linus und Cottonady •* 12 “ Black Drab Do Etc “ 24 “ Boys' Linen and Cotton ** 24 White Linen and Duck Coats, 46 Funnels* “ “ “ 12 Plaid M .rseillea " 12 Blue Demins " 12 Grass Cloth • ** 24 Black Italian and Alpacca '• 12 “ “ Vests, 24 Colored Marseilles Vests, 24 White 12 Plaid Union 11 24 Brown Fanners’ Linen Vc9ts, Cotton and Lineu Drawers, 20 Doz. Shirt Collars, 12 ILckui v Shirts, 7 “ Linen Bosom Shirts, Cravuts, Stocks, Ac. HATS. 12 Gentlemen’s Patent Hats, 12 '• Black Bound Leghorn Hats, 12 Gentlemen’s Grenada Hats, 12 Boys’ Palm Leaf “ 12 '* Pressed Palm Leaf Ilats, 12 Men’s “ 44 44 44 24 B. T. Canada Straw 44 38 Panama Pressed 44 12 Boys’ Brown Leghorn 44 6 Men’s Tea Color 44 12 *• Black Leghorn 44 12 44 Black, Claret and Brown Huts, 24 44 “ Wool Hats, Ac. SHOES* It is the opinion of the people of Morgan, that Bent makes the best Brogans that is sold in this market, and we have— -750 Pair Bent’s Black Brogans, 25 0 4 4 44 Russet 44 100 41 44 Planters' 41 200 u 44 44 Shoes, 100 44 Women's Pegged 41 60 44 44 Calf 44 60 44 Misses’ Goat 44 50 44 Ladies’ Calf, with Kid Tops, 75 44 44 Tampico Goat Boots, 75 44 44 Kid Med urn Bottom Boots, 7 5 4 4 44 Morocco Pump 44 44 7 5 44 Children’s 44 4 4 44 44 50 44 Ladies’ Walking Shoes and Slippers, 1 2 44 44 Kid Glove Slippers, 7 5 44 Miles A Son’s Gaiter Boots, 1 2 44 Gents’ Kid Gaiters, 12 44 4 ‘ Oxford Ties, Ac. P. S.—We are expecting, in u few davs, a large lot of MACKEREL and SALMON. * FEARS A SWANSON, Corner Centre und Main Streets. Madison, April 8, 1856. 1 UST REC 1VKI), a very handsome assort • ? ment of BOYS’ CLOTIIING, Black Italian Cloth C iats, Linen Coats aud Pants, Boots aud Shoes, Leghorn and Palm Hats. April:. J. M\RSH ALL A CO liofiSON, FITZPATRICK & CO., \ RE now in receipt of their SPRING and SUMMER Stock of DRY GOODS DRIiSS GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY— umotig which aro Organdie and Barege ROBES, Beautiful SH ALLIES of all Colors, Printed J A CON ETS and ORGAN DIES, Crepe BAREGES, new and handsome, Foulard SILKS for Ladies’ Dresses—very neat- GINGUAMS aud CALICOES—a good assort ment. White Goods. Plain Nainsook .MUSLINS, Striped and Checked Nainsook MUSLINS, Plain Jaconet MUSLIN, H dr Cord White Swiss “ “ Checked “ Irish LINENS, warranted the best quality; Linen PILLOW CASING and SHEETING, Brown aud Bleached DOMESTICS, « •• JEANS. Mantilla*. Handsome MANTILLAS of several styles. Gloves and Mitts. French Embroidered COLLARS; Swiss sod Jaconet TRIMMINGS; Scotch E nbmiderod COLLARS ; Swiss aud Jaconet BANDS. Ready-made Clothing. April fi, 1856. It JUST opening anew lot of Barege ROBES, of various colors. April 12. J. MARSHALL A CO. GENTS’ GOODS. A FINE stock of Cottoii&de, Planters'Linens, Liuen Drills, Marseilles, for Pants and Vests, Black Cessimers, plain and twilled, st April 1?. S.W ANSON. JETT h CO ftjiscei^eotjg. W NOTICE TO THE LADIES. h nav« just received some ut j. Miles $ faooa best Tip|>ed Gaiters. Walking Shoes ana Morocco Bouts. Mays. S\VANSON 1 , JETT 4 CO. IVE HUNDRED SACKS SALT coming into store. *l.7* cash, sl.V«i four months, or $2.00 at the end of the t ear. May 6. FEARS A SWANSON. I\MSH— yi, K, % and whole Bbls., at Augusta A 1 prices. 00 ke« barker’s Milia Nails. Keg prices are—sc. cash, four months, tic. at the end of the y* ur. Maya. FEAB3 4 SWANSON. .. notice! ALL PERSONS iudebted to tbe Estate of John Johnson, late of Morgan Countv, and • ceased, aro required to make prompt payment; thuse having claims against said estate, arc 1 r. • quested to prescut them withm tbe time pna scribed by Uw. r JOHN F. JOHNSON, Executor. May 8,1« M. *yd YOUR bacon. EN miDS CUBA MOLASSES-priir equal 'V * nd “ S° od w*r, For sale low hr .■i.iy I —lit. s . jj I{OBSO jt & - co W GRAND S On A O rph i“T* bouse door, in the town of Madaon Moi gan county Within the u-ual h„u“ J Saturduy, the 17th inst.,on a credit until the’sth of December next, the following propert, to wit S.x hue Horses, well broken for die use; a lot of tine Buggies and Carriage " a re ons . Harness, Ac , together with munv it) . er articles kept for Livery S:able purposes ' May 10-I J. f>. RADFfeKb, Agent. NEW BOOT AND SHOE sHOP7~ WILLIAM R. I VIE ® \X7 resj>cctful!y inform the Jr ** .. Cltl 2«nr. of Madison and sui . lln/l'T A CoUHtiCS that lIC httS OpCJ • ed a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP at Human’s old stand, on Kail Road street, nrst door below J. F. lrnnipler s Gun shop. I have secured the serv - ces of experienced and competent workmen. 1 use good material and am in receipt of the latest stvle of Last. AH work warranted and dune when promised. May 8-18 8 mos. D„ „IT WILE BE ECIDEDLT bcnehciai to all wanting any atylos of Children’s, Missea’ Bovs’ Gen tlemen s or Ladius’ SHOES; Bovs’, Misses’, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s HOSIER}' and HALF {JOSIEKY; GLOVES, FANS, PAR.'.SOLS, oi READY-MADE CLOTHING, to cull and ex amine the largest stock of th<f übove goods ever offered in the house at as low prices as tbev can possibly be offered. SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK April 25. 17 O HARDWARE, F nil descriptions, just opened; a very large assortment of \\ ceding Hoes, of all sizes and prices; a heavy stock of Groceries, assorted to suit purchasers. SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. April 25. 17 FOR BURNING FLUID, Cash. April 28. 17 DRUG STORE. 1,500 LBS. POTASH— A SPLENDID AKTICLE-justopcn. Price cents, cash. ut IJRt.'G Store. 3BRLS. BURNINcTfLUID. for sale low and 111 any quantity, at Drug Store. 2nnn LBS New Tork Union WHITE ,UUU LEAD, at Drug Store. 1 Q/r GALLONS LINSEED OIL] J at Drug Store. 3BKLS. SPIRITS TURPENTINE] at Drug Store. CLARET WIN E, in bottles, of superior quality. A good thing for summer use. Drug Store. inn LCS - MACCABOY SNUFF, 1 Ul/ at Drug Store. Brandies, wines and London brown STOUT, fur medicinal purposes, ui Drug Store. CONGRESS WATLIi, just from the Spring, at Dana Stoke. IDRU.M genuine SMYRNA (Turkish) SMOK ING TOBACCO. Price iBLoU pei lb.. at Drug Store. UK lotof GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING hTof superior goods, und made ill huitd.-iomt and fashionable style. March 22. J. MARSHALL A CO. SAL A D OIL, Fresh! at Dane Store. FORTY Boxes WINDOW GLASS, of shis «by lu and 10 by 12, at Drug Store. 1 BARREL CANARY SEED, 1 at Drug Store. LARGE lot of Spices, Nutmegs, Allspice, Black Pepper, African do., Mace. Ginger, Mustard, Ac., at Drug Stork. NECESSARIES.—MeaI and Flour. ¥E WILL have, at all times, tile best family Flour to be found in market, and a fresli lot ut Meal every week, which we offer tin cash. n7 SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. REMOVAL. XII .WE REMOVED my Boot and Shoe Shop from where I used to be to where I am now—that is: betweenY W. M. Burnett’s saddlery shop and Camp’s store —opposite the Court House, where I would be pleased to see all mv old customer.*' and as many now ones as will favor me with their patrona/rc. I warrant all work done in my shop, and will repair all failures, without charge. Those in want of Boots or Shoes won and do well to eall at my Shop. WILLIAM GLEASON. *M idifton, January U», 1856. 3-1 y mtxz mm m.j* mm s*s*m HIGH &. Cos. IY ESPECTFUULY inform the Citizens of I V Madisou and the Public that they have received u large and well assorted Stock of St.ip’e and Fancy DRY' GOODS, Shoes,Clothing, II its. Hardware, light Groceries, Ac., to which they invite particular attention—all of which will be sold ut the lowest possible prices, and a liberal discount will be made to c sh buyers. Our stock of Dress Goods, Embroideries, Linens and White Goods is very complete, and persons disposed to buy, will do well to call and examine our assortment. Our best efforts will be offered to please all who will favor us with a call, and no charge made for showing goods. At O’Kebfe’s old stand, Town Hall Building. April 12, 1856. INSURE YOUR LIVES. LIFE IS VERY UNCERTAIN, and serere losses and troubles are too fnquentlv felt for want of caution in this respect. Valuable servants can a’so be made safe in their wlv* to their owners, bv application to the SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, at the of fice of the agent in Madison, Ga., at reasonable rates of premium. JOHN ROBSON, Agent. January 8, 1856. • *f WATCHLS, ILMiK ", Jewelry, Spectacles, Ac. J. J. DAY OL. HAVING engaged the Store formerly oc* fA. eupied by Miss Sbcppard, gaaPfcnSßfc, would respectfully inform " . the o.tizens of MudisoD and vicimty, that be is prepared to offer them on assortment ol W aiclu f>. Clocks, Jowelrv, Ac. Watches and Jewelry re paired at tbe shortest notice. Jewelry made to UI N Jr *B. 1 have Concavo-Convex Glasses fur Spectacles, which will improve the s.ghl at least live years. Madison, Jan. 5,1858. I—Cm. Mourning goods, consisting of Canton Crapes, Chilli, DeUtoes, Barec . ins, Ginghsms and Oulioos—just opt ’ rby April '? ,1. MARSHALL A CO- Joftetfegi GEORGIA LOTTERY. A utfwrind by tit Mat* ts Georgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. Class 10, To bs drawn in the city of Atlanta, Go, to MblitL on Thursday, June 26 * ON THE HAVANA PLAN SAM UEL SWAN A CO., Managers * Prizes amount.! g to $34,000 will be lisTr buteJ acco.diug to the follow .ng Brilliant Scheme. 10,000 Nmnbers.—249 Piizze. SCHEME. J *lO, WO is SIO,OOO I Prize of 5,00 t) is • «v3>X 1 P"'e of B,i ioo is ‘ B *^ I Prize of I Goois... j'vS 6 Prizes of 00 0 art ....... glvA 10 Prizes of Sts' ere £ ,«o -y. ixe* of 100 are s’aiO 8u Prizes of 60 are * oco •44 Prize.' of. 80 are , j’.-jifli 4 Prizes of <0 . approximating to iK',OOO *240 4 Prizes of So approxuniitu gTo ' 5,00t'.’ £OO 4Pr zes of 4o approximating to K.ivo, 160 8 Prizes of 8o approx.mating to 1 • oo’ 280 20 Prizes of 2o approximating to '&0o‘ too 40 Prizes of lu approximating to xoti) 4<xf 242 Prizca, amounting t 0.., i84,000 API BOX MATION I RIZES. The two preceding and tbe two f. llbwing uuinbers to those drawi’rglhe Rrst twenty nr,res. are entitled to the e’gbty ajjproximation prizes.' iu the usual maimer. • EfT All prizes of sl,noo and underpaid im mediately utter the drawing—other prizes at IL. u till time of thirty days. Ail commuu,cations strictly confidential. Tha drawn numbers will be forwurded to the pm ch-aeis immediately after the drswirg. „„ 1 RICE OF TICKETS: Whctos,ss; Halves, *2,60; tire.,*l,2s. rnze iickeis ca?htd or renewed m uihef takets bt either < fficc. Uidera lor T cket.s can be addressed either to S^Y r AN A v 0., Atlanti., Ghi. or . . B. WILEY, Agent far Eatoutun ui u Greomd oroL GRAND SPE C U I.ATIt Nil FOR A SMALL INY! STMEoT. 1200 I’KIZES: 60,000 DOLLARS 1! (/.l Jilt /.eSROVijI HA cAi\ A Hi. AA' Li/ilUtk l JASPER CO. ACADEMY LOTTERY. (By authurny,/ Ut Slut* O'eotyto.) 10,000 NUMBERS! 1 PRIZE TO 8 TICIUTSI <J L A b 8 N. Tn be drawn June 16. 1866, A T CONCERT HALL, Macon, Ga., under il the swoiu super,titendenco ol Col Gno. U. -urn*, and Jakes A. Nisnm, E.-q. This Lotieiy is uiawn on tbe plan of the RovaJ Lottery ul iluvuiin, of Single Nun btrs. Tnia iisronly ltyuu Numbers, aid the Havana Lot itry 84,000 Numb, ts—the- Havana 242 Frizes .his l.'.iio Fuzes I Leek to your interest 1 Novf is ibe time. CAPITAL 515,000 t 1 Prize of $16,000 1 du 6,'00' 1 du 4,000 t do 8,1,00 1 do £,oo* > do i^ioa , U do pug i ' do ea .20 do £5 .oo Approx.matron Prizes.... 90 ■lO “ “ 10 1200 Prizes, amotintirg to {60,00# Tickets $lO-Halves $6-Quarters $2.60 Prizex jiai/able without Deduction l Persons sending muncy by mail need not fear its beiiig lost. Ciders punctually attn did tiS C .imi.uiiicutiolis cor,i dol tial. Dunk Notes of sound B ulks taken at par. Those Wishing particularmumbersshould order .nuuediatelv.'ts drawing actual prizes are not entitled to Approximations Address, JAMES F. WINTER, Mat rger, Macon. Gu. £3** Tickets for sale in Madison at ti e Booa Storb. FiANCY Pipes, LuMti’s Extn.cts, Lev nurd'* do.,for cooking, Coll goes; H-nr, Tooth and .N til Brushes ; Paint and Varnish Brushis, be sides a supply o’ every tin i igmcessiry to my stocky complete in every depariment, have been'receiv ed. H'M. H. MEJELE, Ji.D., April 18. lti Druggist, 4c. CLOTHING. WE have a few superior Italian Cloth Coat*, also a lot of Aipaccu S. cks and Fri cks, md a beautiful lot oi Linen and Marseilles Coat* ■Hid Vests. Apr.l 12. SWANSON, JETT 4 C«X GREAT ATTRACTION i 40,000 L ind«™ef Co> ’ arn ™« o, ioo ,h.-. choice LA It 11, urtivingand to arrival 2i«i Sacks •• FLOUR, ’• 100 bushels “ MEAL, “ “ •* 100 bushels “ LEAS, “ •• «* Also, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Fvrup, Iron as. soried, chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Cigars, Powder, Shot, Lead,4c., Mackerel in Bairds ana halt barrels, Cotton I ill'!', Osntibuigs, Stripes; .'.datmmt.ue and Stm Candles, Naiis ussnried,' Soap, Putty, Glass, Trace Chans, Band and Hoop Iron, Weeding Hoes of different brands, choice Apple Vinegar, llaidwarc and Cuileiy, tniLruc ing what is usually kept in a Grocery Store, such as Rice, Pepper, Spice, mid many other tbinga Come one, come all and buv of Prior 4 Stovalo, atlie old stand, near tht Depot. M irch 22-11 PRIOR 4 STOVALL. OS. 1, 2 AND 8 MACKEREL, in half and quai ter barrels. Good and cheap. May 10—19. S. H. ROBSON A CO. DISSOLUTION. ,r pilE firm oi Ju.\ ts 4 Atkinson, in the MnrbU | business, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. JONES 4 ATKINSON. April 2d, 1856. 17-ts HATS AND CLOTHING. ’ ONE Case supeiiui liais, Situs,'Leghorn, Palm Leaf, und Casstlnere Hats; Keadv made Coats, Vests, and Draw ei s in all st\ lea, ior -ale by SHEPHERD & FITZPATItICK- Marcli 22-12. T ELEG B A FIIIC, BY Steamer Mai .on, James Auger, and others, abundant supply of all kinds of Dry woods and Groceries, bought exclusively for cish, at the lowest pr .ces, and will be suit) ac ourdmgly. SHEPHERD & FITZI’ATR.CK. DRESS GOODS. WE aro now a lull supply of Whit* Jaconet, Cambric and AJushns, Swiss Muslins, Book, Nainsook, .'lull.Turiuton.Strij-ttf JuConol, Old Swiss, Plaid Nait sock, and every other varietv of White Muslins; also, Printed Jaconets, Printed liiwns, Ginghums, Otgat.diea, Wh.te and F'igured Brilliants, Biack and Colored Silks, Dress Silks, Bareges, Tissues, Grenadine*, and others. SHEPHERD 4 FITZPATRICK. March 2d, 1806. 1D,009 lbs. Choice Tennessee Bacons ItiAVEjust received 1",0 nibs, cuoice Bacon, which lam offering low, for cash, or good notes due and bearing interest. March 15-IX. P. R. THOMASON. ~ WE have in store some choice Bacon Side*, Hams und FW. Mav h. SWANSON, JF.ff 4 CO. Fifth lbs. white wax. ut Darn Store. Pay Particular Attention. TUE SUBS. HiiiUiSinui dug k dull exclts. sivelv FOIt CASH, respecffulK rec,m.-t all persons nidebted to them to come forward and pav their accounts. - ■ n2 -2 Wtl a. GREENE 4 C 6 A CHOICE LOT of Boys’ and Youths' Calf and Kip BOOTS, just received b' April 12. J. MARSHALL 4 CO.