The Madison family visitor. (Madison, Ga.) 1847-1864, June 14, 1856, Image 3

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Southern Railroad Association. This Association, composed of the officers of all the Southern railroads, has been convened by its President, R. R. Cuyler, Esq., of Savannah, to meet at Ashland, (Slash Cottage,) on Tuesday, Bth July next. The objects of the meeting are to regulate the business relations of the Southern Roads, and combine them in one complete system. As the Association is composed of in telligent gentlemen engaged in the con sistent support of Southern interests, we may expect from their meetings some thing more than a mere arrangement of freights, fares, guages and schedules. We may expect a development of railroad commerce, and the recommen dation of a concerted plan of Southern improvements worthy consideration and ■»d pted by the Legislatures of the South ern States. Reciprocally interested, as all railroads in the same section must be, sue may expect that the stronger shall aid the weaker, at least by recommenda tion to capitalists and commercial cities. The Ri hmond and Danville Railroad should be extended to a connection with the Georgia roads. The Virginia and Tennessee Road should extend' its aid and countenance to the incomplete sec tion of the Great Southwestern Railroad, terminating for the present at Memphis, but destined to be connected with Mo bile, Savaunak, and New Orleans. The Oentral Road should be pushed into Kentucky and into Southern Ohio. But, above all, the Assot iation should recommend to the Southern States the connection of a common trunk, by way El Paso, to the Pacific Ocean. This im portant work will developc a home mar ket, a field of internal commerce, and a current of travel intercourse, in which every part of the South will participate. It is not, however, for us to trace the jihjsical or political consequences which will follow its completion. We would, however, remind our fellow citiz.-ns, that -as the immediate vicinity of our city has been selected as the place for bold- Jng this Convention, it will att'ord an ex -cclleut opportunity for imp.essiug upon it the common interest of the Southern cities, ns well as for displaying their pro verbial hospitality towards the intelli gent genllcin n who are expected to as semble.—Richmond Dispatch, Cincinnati Convention. Cincinnati, June o.—On the 15th ballot Buchanan received 108 votes, Douglass 118, Ca-s 4 and l’ierce 3. i Governor Seymour of the New York dele gates for Buchan,in. On the 10th .ballot Buchanan received 108 votes, Douglass Iti2 and Cass 0. Richardson of Illinois presented a telegraphic letter from Douglass, ottering to witiihrnw his name for the sake of unanimity. The New Hampshire delegates virtually witli diew Pierce and supported Douglass as the next best representative of the Dem ocratic ticket. Mr. Buchanan was nominated on the seventeenth ballot almost unanimously. Mr. J. C. Brecki nridge, of Kentucky, «as nominated for the Vice Presidency on the second ballot. Rdv Dr. Crawford. From the following extract from a letter to the Nashville llanner, it will be seen that Dr. Crawford, thePresideut of Mercer University, has accepted an ap pointment in Tennessee. His removal will be a serious loss to his denomina tion in Georgia. “ Since I have been here I have met with my friend and old acquaintance, Mr. Eaton, the President of Union Uni versity. I am informed that this Col lege is in a highly prosperous condition | —numbering largely over 200 students Bn addition to the present able and wel] trained corps of teachers, the services Dr. Crawford of Georgia, have been secured —a son of the late Wm. IJ. Crawford, the first man I ever voted for for President of the United States.” Love, Lunacy and Luck. —Under ;his caption the New Orleans Delta gets >ut a very pretty piece of romance .ouebing one Jarvis Wright, who be some crazed by disappointment in love vith a missionary’s daughter “a long ime ago,” and whose latest attachment ras for a pet young aligator. As the tory goes, the lovelorn aligator-tamer ook it into his head to buy a ticket in ie Havana lottery, and to be guided in jii* selection of a number by the wag ging of hie pet’s tail. After a long March the tail wagged and the ticket ras bought. It turned up a prize of 20,000. The Delta says the story is a rue one. Apeakance of the Cincinnati Cont ention.—The Cincinnati Commercial f Tuesday, in closing its report of the rst day’s proceedings of the Conven ion, thus speaks of the appearance of its nembere : “ The representatives of the Democra cy in Convention assembled, are, as a i in iiiii? item. whole, good-looking men. The number of big rosy men is remarkable. The general appearance of the body of the delegates is decidedly superior to that of the House of Representatives. Among the other things, it is evident that the South has sent up its strong men to re present it on this occasion, as usual.” married, In this town on the 19th inst., by Wm. M. Burnett, Esq., Mr. J. J., of Morgan, to Miss Susan Fcllbrigbt, of Clarke county. In Atlanta, on the 10th inst., by Rev. John E. Dubose, Mr. A. M. Eddlema.v, editor of the Republican and Discipline, to Miss Keziah A., youngest daughter ot John S. Walker, Esq., of Madison. In Sparta, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Tatmnge, Edgar G. Dawson, Esq., of Colum bus, to Lucie F., daughter of the late Dr. Wm. Terrel of the former place. Specif. Notices. MADISON FEMALE COLLEGE. EXAMINATION AND COMMENCEMENT. iW Commencement Seumon Sunday July 6th, by J. B. McFerrin, D. D., of Nash ville. Monday and Tucsdny, examination of College Classes. Wednesday 2 o’clock, P. M., meeting of the Board ofTrustees. Concert at night. Thursday, Commencement Day. 4 o’clock, P. M., Literary Address by Bishop George F. Pierce, D. D. Madison, June 14, 1856. Die Teeth. Their Treatment aud Cure.—The preservation of the teeth in a sound, undecayed condition, through the “seven ages ’’ of life, even to the “ last scene of at!,” has engaged the unwearying efforts of some of the roost talented, devoted, and most successful dis ciples of Esculapius, but to the renowned Dr. lon tame was reserved the glory of giving to the world, in the “Balm of Thousand Flowers,” the best article yet discovered for strengthening and beautifying the teeth and adding the profession of dentist to the long list of “ occupations gone.” The “ Bairn,” as a dentifrice for cleansing the teeth, is the most medicinal, harmless compound which cau be desired; it eradicates all tartar; effectually prevents all decay, arresting its pro gress when begun; cures ulcers, and makes the gums fresh, roseate and strong. For sale in Jf adison at the Book Store by llexj. G. Liodon. June 14. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. From the Kditor of the Uermont Journal, June 29, 1856. Wistak's Balsam of Wild has become one of the established institutions of the country. During the ten years Dr. Fowie has been the proprietor of this valuable medicine it has been constantly gaining ground in the public confidence. Persons personally known to us have used it with signal results. Although we have ourself had uo occasion to try its medi cinal virtues, we do not hesitate, from what we know of the experience of others, to pronounce this Balsam on# of the most efficacious ot reme dies for the Asthma aud Atfections of the Lungs. Physicians—many of the Lest of them—nre in the habit of using it. None genuine unless signed 1. Butts on the wrapper. '.-CT A Skceet foie the Ladies.—How to Preserve Beauty.—Don't use chalk, Lily white, or any of the so-called cosmetics, to conceal n faded or sallow complexion. If you would have ‘lie roses brought back to your check, a clear, healthy and transparent skin, and life and vigor infused through the system; get a bottle of Car ter’s Spanish Mixture, aud take it according to directions. It does not taste quite ns well a» your sweet-meats; but, if nftei a few doses, volt do not find your health and beauty reviving, your step clastic and vigorous, and tlie whole system refreshed and invigorated like a Spring morning, then your case is hopeless, and all the valuable certificates w-e possess, go for naught. It is the greatest purifier of the blood known; is perfectly harmless, and at the same time powerfully effi cacious. For sale in Madison at the Book Store by Bkxj. G. Lionox. June 14. i-iF" Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative, advertised in another column, is spoken of by all who have used it, and by the press everywhere, ‘ as an excellent article for the preservation of the hair, and for the promotion of its growth. We have ourself tried it as a toilet article, and find it to be superior to any other; and have known others who experienced great benefit from its use. It is worth a trial, at least, by those whose hair has a tendency to come oat.—Kentucky Yeo- For sale in Madison, wholesale and retail, by Bexj. G. I.iddck. trf?" llollowat’s Pills nifty be taken with perfect safety by both sexes, and all ages, their effect being mild vet positive; their search ing properties render them invaluable for the ex termination of every disease, particularly ljvcr and stomach complaints; bilious disorders, and indigestion. Asa purifier of the system, they are unequalled, and their virtues in cases of de termination of blood to the head, and asthmatic complaints, cannot be too highly commented on, in short, by a perseverance with these admirable Pills, there are few complaints which can resist their extraordinary influence. Cash Dry Goads Business. &3T William Shear will commence a CASH DRY GOODS BUSINESS, on and after the Ist of February next, and will keep a wel* selected stock of STAPLE AND FANCY AR TICLES adapted to the Southern trade, which he will sell at prices to make it the interest of purchasers to buy fur cash. It requires no argu ment to prove that Goods can be sold cheaper for cash than they can on the usual credit terms. The public are respectfully requested to call and examine the assortment. Augusta, Jan. 24, 1856. n6-2m CROUP! CROUP!! —This awful complaint is immediately cured, by Dr. Tobias’ Venetian Liniment. No family who value the lives of their children, should be with out a bottle in the bouse. Sold by ail the drug gists and storekeepers. Depot 60 Cortland t st. New York. For sale at the Bookstore. 41-9 Practice of Medicine. JST" Doctors SAFFOLD St McCLESKEY hav ing formed a Copartnership for the practice of Medicine and Surgery in their various branches, offer their services to the public, and hope to re ceive suoh patronage as experience an 4 njerit may authorize. X-nf Office on Main-street, next door to the Book Store. p j j - D( A Georgia Preparation* BP" Read the following certificate in favor of Day’9 Magical Cleanser, from Gen. John H. Rice, of the firm of Hooper & Rice, Attorney, CassviUe, Ga.: Ca-ssviUe, Ga., May 28tf, 1858. Mr. A. C. Day.—Dear Sir— lt is with pleasure that I testify to the rhuracter and value ot Day’s Magical Cleanser, after having used it for some six or seveu years. In the year 185<>, I was hav ing a house built, and by accident, a small bucket of ivory black was turned over upon a new laid floor of my house, which when wiped up, left a black spot as large as the bottom of a half bushel. After rubbing this spot with strong soup suds, I poured on it about three ounces of your Magical Cleanser, and rubbed it over the spot well with a cloth, for some five minutes, which removed entirely all stain of the black from the floor. I have frequently applied it to grease spots on clothing, and have no hesitancy in saying that it is far superior to anything of the Icind I have ever seen used. It removes the spots or stains with out the slightest injury to the color or texture of the goods, is easily applied, and requires but a few moments to perform its work. Respectlully yours, JOHN H. RICE. For sale at the Madison Book Store. C. P. CULVER, D. D. S., Having taken the Office form erly occupied by Dr. W. G. Bal lard, tenders his Professional ser vices to the Citizens of Madisonand surrounding country; and with several years’experience in the practice of DENTAL SURGERY, can assure all who may favor him with a call, that no pro fessional skill shall be wanting in order to render entire satisfaction . Parts or Full Sets of Teeth put up on the latest and most approved style. April 5,1856. 14 iCST PRACTICE OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY.—Dr. F. H. Nichols is pre pared to accommodate with lodgings any patients that may be sent to him for Medical or Surgical treatment. Masters may be assured that their servants will have every necessary attention. Madison, September ICtb. 87 Practice of Medicine* IW Dr. WM. S. MEIERE. late of Pentield, will resume the duties of his profession in Madison. Office, for the present, at the Drug Store. March S-nlO. BP" In future, the afternoon service at the Presbyterian Church will commence at Five o’clock. •jfeh) EdbetfiSk’tyetyfs. It has Worked Miracles! THAT all the Bald and Gray can be restored perfectly to original growth, so far as tin r locks are concerned, does not admit of doubt; besides, it will cure every possible disease of the Sc tip, whether developed as dandruff, itching, or in the shape of cutaneous eruptions— even scald-head—and in no possible case will it fail of curing, as if bv magic, nervous or periodical headache, aid if used twice a week by the Young, regularly, it will preserve the color, and keep the hair from falling, to any imaginable i ge. Read and judge: Loganxporf, la., June,\Sbb. Messrs. O. J. Wood A Cos.: G. .nts Yours of the 18th came duly to hand. Enclosed please find thirtj-eight dollars, it beii g t! .! am. nut tor Hair Restorative. I have sold it all. * * * If you choose, you may send six dozen boitles Ilair Restorative; I tlnnk I can sell it. It has worked miracles in this place. I sold a man six £1 bottle*, that was bald, and it fetched new hair out nil over his head. Yours respectfully, M. 11. Gridley. It. It. Office, Vandalia, June 21, 1851. Professor Wood: Dear Sir—l take pleasure in bearing volun tary testimoney to the excellence of your Hair Restorative. Three months ago, my hair was very gray. It m now a dark blown < the original col> r , smooth and glossy. The only application 1 have made to it, has been the Ilair Restorative prep .red by you, and w hich, from the result in my own case, I can most cordially recommend to others. Respectfully yours, Edward Wolcott. Vincennes, la., June 21, 185 5. Prof. O. J. Wood— As you are about to in ;nu fitefure and vend your recently discovered Hair Restorative, I will state, for whomsoever it may concern, that I have used it, nnd known others to use it—that 1 have, for several years, been in the habit of using olh r Ilair Restoratives, nnd that I find yours vartly snjc or to any oh ri know. It entirely chaoses the head of dandruff’, and with one month’s proper use, will restore any person’s hair to the original youthful color and texture, giving it a healthy, soft and glossy appearance; and all this, without discoloring the hands that apply if, or the dress on which it drops. I would, therefore, recommend its us.- to every one desirous of having a fine co ur aid texture to the hair. Respectfully yoi rs, Wilson King. St. Louis, Jane 21', 1853. Prof. Wood—As you arc about to prepare and vend your recently discovered Hair Restorative, and as you request my opinion of it, I will state, that my hair was, a few month ago, very gray, and after using two bottles of your Jia r Restor ative, it resumed its oiigi :il color; ands nee .ts application, all dandruff has disappeared from my head, and I have been troubled with no dis agreeable itching of the scalp. I am satisfied that those who use it will not regret it, as it gives the appearance of having been recently oiled. I am prepared, therefore, to recommend its use to all who are desirous of having a beautiful he and of hair. I am, sir, yours, etc., 11. L. Stew art. Prof. Wood. Dear Sir: My hair had, forseveial years, been becoming prematurely gray, accom panied by a harshness which rendered the con stant application of oil necessary in dressing it. When I commenced using your Hair Restorative, about two months ago, it was in that condition ; and having continued its use till within the last three weeks, it has turned to its natural color, and assumed a softness and lustre greatly to be preferred to those produced by the aj plica on of oils or any other preparation I have ever used. I regard it as an indispensable article fir every lady’s toilet, whether to be used us a Hair Re storative, or for the simple simple purpose of dressing or beautifying the hair. You have per mission to refer to me all who entertain any doubt of its performing all that is claimed for it. Mrs. C. Symoxds. Cincinnati, Ohio, February 10,1854. Watertown, Mass., May 1,1854. Prof. 0. J. Wood—A How "me to attest the vir tues and magic powers of your Hair Restorative. Three mouths since, being exceedingly gray, I gurchased, and soon commenced to use, two ottles; and it soon began to tell, in restoring silver locks to their native color, and the hair, which was before dry and harsh and falling oft, now became soft and glossy, and it ceased filling; the dandruff disappeared, and the scalp lost all its disagreeable itening, so annoying before, and now, I not only look, but feel young again. Respectfully yours, etc., Charles Whitney. Sold at 312 Broadway, New York, 114 Market street, St. Louis, Missouri, and by all druggists everywhere. All kinds of family patent medi cines for sale, on the best possible terms, at Pro fessor Wood’s establishment, 114 Market street, St. Louis. For sale wholesale and retail in Madison by BENJ. G. LIDDON, at the Madison Book Store, June 14. x-24— r< m. GREAT BARGAINS. dosirous of reducing our stock of DRY GOODS, we offer thus earl/ many desirable SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT COST FOR CASH, TYith Ten per Cent, added to the usual Tim* BiUa. Wo will enumerate a few items at reduced rates: FRENCH MUSLINS at 25 cents, worth 50 cents. “ “ at 20 “ “ S7>£ “ “ LAWNSat , 25 “ Beautiful BAREGES at 25 « “ 50 “ BAREGE DELAINES at 16 •< <* 25 “ GINGHAMS nt 16 “ “ 25 “ KID SUPPERS at 75 “ •< 125 «5 LADIES’ GAITERS at 150 “ “ 225 " BONNET RIBBONS. TWISTED SILK MITTS at 50 » «• 75 “ “ “ “ at 15 “ “ 87 “ A SMALL LOT OF YOUTHS’ CLOTHING, AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES. Our stock is well assorted, and we will offer every thing at much lower figures than usual. So call and examine Styles and Prices. Our stock of Shoes, Irish Linens, Bleached and Brown Homespuns, ALSO, STRIPED DOMEST.CS, is very large. ROBSON, FITZPATRICK & CO. April 18, 1856. WALNUT COTTAGE BEDSTEADS for sale at A. THAW’S Ware Room. .hin>* l-i 50 SACKS NO. 1 FLOUR. JUST received uud for sale at $4 00 per sack, by P. R. THOMASON. June 14 FLOUR! XX FLOUR. 1 OH SACKS THIS DAY LANDING. This J. \/V/ FLOUR cannot be surpassed in the Empire State of the South. It can be had at A. S. HOUGH’S in Madison, either ut retail or bv the quantity. Send and get a sack, for it is real ly a choice article. Madison, June 14, 1556. SPRING LOUNGES for sale at A. SHAW’S Ware Room June 14 6iresceif)f 6ifi) ttfrcqs. 120 MENM^^ Grandest Pr cession ot the Age; SO HUMBUG, KO IXDIA KS, K 0 ANIMA LS. A Good Old Fashioned Circus! Such as used to Travel Thirty Years Ago WM. C. MANAHAN, SOLE PROPRIETOR. * Mr. JOHN SHAY, Equestrian Director - CHARLES E. STAURING, Treasurer. Admission 50 Cents.—Children and Ser. vants h i If price. D jors open ot l and 6—Performance to e. m i.o ice at 2 and 7. WILL EXHIBIT AT McDonough, June 17 Covington, “ 18 Social Circle, “ 10 Madison, “ 20 Greensboro’, “ 21 JI.IDIEY REYNOLDS, The Orator of the King in the Lead. IMMENSE FEATS OF Equestrianism, Strength and Elegance. Only one Star in the Firmament shining more brightly, appearing more beautiful thau Venus rising from the Sea. M’LLE. FRAN f JK VIC, THE FLORAL EQUESTRIENNE, Who introduces her troupe of Elliu Ponies—so small us to be wonders in nature, so graceful us to claim universal admiration, so novel in performance as to surprise all beholders ! MADAME SIIOAVLES, The English Ladv Debneulor ot the Scenes of Tounmni nt ana Chivalry, will represent the Queen of Love and Beauty, as iu the days of Ivunboe ad Ashby and •la Zoitchi. MAD’LIiE FRANCK VIC, Charging from her gentle introduction of the Miniature Steeds, so elegantly pleasing, will ex cite the astonishment and even fear, of the au d.ence, by performing the wild, unruly, and tierce Mexican Pet Horse EUREKA, and show that careful training can cause Ihe Fie ry Steed of the desert to become submissive and obedient to a beautiful aud innocent girl. THE HANDS, In addition to the Fine Brass Band which ac companies the Troupe, another Band of a purely novel character lends its sweet sounds to the General Minstrelsy—a B. nd of Harps “Sweet an those of Tara's halls.” GREAT EQUESTRIANS. W ho ha . not Le rd of the accomplished MR. O. DALE, the renowned and graceful Rider, and One Hun dred Somerset Man ? His great achievements make him the favorite of the King. MR. WM. J. SMITH, A Six Horse Rider of such renown that compari so i and description are equally futile to do jus tce o thegre 1 Scone if Horsemanship and acro b.u«i; | o vt-r leai y onacts—it is styled the De mon Huntei of th Mount ins. MR. J. SIIOWI.ES, The Hercules of the arena—the wonder of the age—the Strong Man of the Mountain Cave—in I. tlio.-e feats of agility and strength, and superb wild horsemanship, will induce many a cheer, and create many an anxious surprise in his seve ral distinctive a ts. MASTER CHARLES SHAY, The Nicaragua Juggler, in a host of delusions Miigical and Wonderful, an adept in the great art of curious deceptive feats will interest, ainuse and instruct old as well as juvenile friends. THE VENDEAN BROTHERS, An immense act of Suspensions, Clingmgs, Pos turings, by the two Herculean Artists, Messrs. Morrison and Foster. JIMiVIxDY REYNOLDS, The Clovvn of the North and the South, the East and the West—the “lirst offending” of Fun, the best investment in the World for u hearty Laugh —tbo Prince of Good Fellows—and Companion of the Laughing Spirits of the age -announces distinctly that at each performance he will cause the audience to shake hands with the Comic, Educated, Trick, Kicking, Fast Going, High Getting up, Low Getting down, Rolling over, Standing up ou head Mule, ILIon Colon I’olly Takc-a-Glnss, whose performances show that the much abused Mule tribe have more sense than many that ruu them down. MR. W. WALKER, will direct, and produce the many favorite Pan tomimes and Farces, which will close with fun and spirit each entertainment. Great Attraction of the season* Mademoiselle Fkanck Vic among the many splendid acts she will introduce, will dance in conjunction with the favorite Clown, Mr. Rey nolds, a superb divertisement entitled the FLIRTATION POLKA. J. H. SARGEANT, Agent. May 20, 1858. NEW STAGE LINE. X HE Public are hereby J Subscribers have now in successful operation a splendid new passenger Coich running daily, (Sundays excepted,) be tween Madison and flatonton, Ga., leaving Madi son at one o’clock, p. m., after the arrival of the trains from Athens, Union Point, Greensboro’, and Atlanta on the Georgia R. R., arriving at Eatonton bv o’clock, same evening. Leaves Eatonton at o’clock, p. m., imme diately after the arrival of trains from Macon, Gordon and Milledgeville. Arriving at Madison by p. m, A liberal share of public patronuge is respectfully solicited. Stage Office, Campbell’s Hotel, Maqison. “ “ in Eatonton, Eatonton Hotel. J. W. k L. L- MOORE Midison, Sune P x-24 a oaseoaoxA dsook. Just Published, THE THREE GOLDEN LINKS; OR, TALES ODD-FELLOWSHIP, By Ml.. O. W. BAHBSH. LINK THE FIRST. FRIENDSHIP, or the Mysterious Governess. 1.-Oakland. 2.-A Visitor. 8.-My Cousin Fred. 4.-Miss Ellen Chuich. 5.-Sorrow. 6.- The Springs. 7.-Funny Bates. 8.-People whom we met. W.-The Ruins. 10.-Mis Church, my Grandmother and I. li.-The Interview. 12.- The Homeward Journey. 13-The Declaration. 14.-The Unexpected Journey. 15.-the Surprise. 16.-The School-room Dialogue, 17.-Lettcra, LINK THE SECOND. LOVE, or the Adventures of an American Student. 1.-In the Woods. 2.-Daddy Logan. 8.-The Mysterious Picture. 4.-Commencement Scenes. 5.-Plans for the future. 6,-Gertrudo Smith. 7.-The Lost Travelers. 8.-The Night at Crag’s End. 9. The Little Mau. 10.-Au Adventure. 11.-Conclusion. LINK THE THIRD. TRUTH, or Crazy Madge and her Child. 1.-The Cabin and its Inmates. 2.-The Stray Leaf and its Lesson. 8 -Unwelcome Visitors. 4.-A New Home. 5.-Marlivale and its Inmates. G.-The Discovery. 7.-The Conclusion. Price 50 Cents, or five copies for two dollars. Orders for the work, ivith the money enclosed , will meet with prompt attention. Address, T. A. BURKE, Madison, Gn. For sale at tbo Madison Book Store. LUMBER! LUMBER!! THE undersigned would inform the citizens of Morgan and adjoining counties that he has again engaged in the Lumber business, and would be for nil orders, promising to execute them with promptness. Price, SIU.OO per thousuud, casn, ut the Mill. S. T. NEAL, May 17, 1856.-20-ly Warrenton, Ga. Hiawatha. BY Henry Wadsworth Longfellow—a uewlot. Also, Napoleon at St. Helena ; Life of S. S. Prentiss; Rena, bv Mrs. llentz; Bayard Taylor’s Visit to Chinn, India and Japan; Cumming’s Hunter’s Life in South Africa, Ac. Just received by BENJ. G. LIDDON. OUR NEW SUPPLY OF BURNING FLUID has just arrived, and our customers can now be supplied. March 14, 1856. J. MARSHALL & CO. Gi ENTS’ HATS, for Hunting nnd Fishing. I March 22. J. MARSHALL A CO. I)R. MEIERE’S Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla, JUST the thing for Impurities of the Blood and for Derangements of the Stomach, Liver or Kidnevs. For sale by 82—tt* ' Dk. W. S. MEIERE. HOOTS and SHOES. WE have just received a line assortment of Ladies’ Shoes, Gents’ Low-quartered Calf, Kid, and Patent Leather Shoes ; Calf, Kid, and Patent Leather Gaiters; a fine lot of Boots, from $4 to $9, and a good assortment of Boys’ and Youths’ Shoes and Gaiters. April 12. SWANSON, JETT & CO. VARNISH, TANNER’S OIL, SPERM und LAMP OILS, at Duua Stork. J UST RECEIVED, a new supply of HOOP SKIRTS; also, a lot of Ladies’ Linen Em broidered COLLARS, and Gentlemen’s Linen SHIRT BOSOMS, by April 12. J. MARSHALL &, CO. JUST RECEIVED, a lot of French Bedsteads, of the Fittest style, at May 24. A. SIIAW’S WARE ROOMS. MORGAN’S COTTAGE CHAIRS for sale at A. SHAW’S WARE ROOMS. May 24. EXTRA. 4 FEW socks of extra Flour, ground from sc /\jected white Wheat. You can rely upon its being the very best. S. B. ROBSON & CO. May 24-21. Gilmun’s Instnntantancous Liquid Hair Dye. A LARGE LOT of this celebrated Hair Dye just received and for sale by Juno 7. BE.NJ. G. LIDDON. Doeslicks’ New Book. PLU-RI-BUS-TAH,n song; that’s by no author. Edited by Q. K. Philander Doe-ticks, P. li. Copiously illustrated. Just received bv BENJ. G. LIDDON. The Richest Book of the Season 1 THE SPARROWGKASS PAPERS,or Living in the Country, by Frederic S. Cozzcns. With illustrations by Darlcv. For sale bv B'ENJ. G. LIDDON. 10,000 lbs. Choice Tennessee Bacon. IllAVEjust received 10,000 lbs. choice Bacon, which lam offering low, for cash, or good notes due and bearing interest. March 15-11. P. It. THOMASON. A CHOICE LOT of Bovs’ and Tombs’ Calf and Kip BOOTS, ju-t received bv April 12. J. MARSHALL A CO. MOURNING GOODS, consisting of Black Canton Crapes, Challi, Delaines, Bareges, Muslins, Ginghams and Calicos—just opening by- April 12. J. MARSHALL A CO. NO HUMBUG! WE are notv offering our entire stock of Bareges and Tissues at New York cost. Also, a large stock of Printed Muslins, which we will sell at reduced prices. June 7. SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. BACON! BACON 1! WE HAVE now in store 15,000 lbs. prime quality ; also, 1,000 lbs. choice Lard. June 7. SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. BLACK Cloths, Colored Cloths, Black and Colored Cassimeres, fine Linen Drills, Mar seilles for Coats and Pants—cheeked, striped and [Rain—Gloves, Cravats, suspenders, half Hose, Silk and Linen H.mderchiefs, and other art!LL»s 12. SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK? DYE STUFFS—Logwood, Indigo, Prussian Blue, Madder, Copperas, Blue Stone, ot Due# fvrote. NOTICE TO THE LADIES. “ITTE have just received some of J/ Miles & W Sons' best Tipped Gaiters, Walking Shoes and Morocco Boots. May 8. SWANSON, JETT A CO. FMVE HUNDRED SACKS SALT zoming into store. §1.75 cash, §1.90 four months, or §2.00 at thu end of the year. May 6. FEARS A SWANSON. T/tISH—X. i{ and whole Bbis., at Augusta I* prices, bu kegs Barker’s Mills Nails. Keg prices are—sc. cash, sJ£c four months, 6c. at the end of the year. May 6. FEARS A SWANSON. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of John Johnson, late of Morgan County, de ceased, are required to make prompt payment; those having claims against said estate, are re quested to present them within the time pre scribed by law. JOHN F. JOHNSON, Executor. May 8, 1858. 4Ud SAVE YOUR BACON. TENniIDS CUBA MOLASSES-pritrequal ity uud in good order, For sale low bv May in—l 9. S. B. ROBSON A'CO. NEW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. WILLIAM R. I VIE *TT7 OULD respectfully inform the CVV citizens of Madison and sur -1 —— -"rounding Counties that he has open ed u BOOT AND SHOE SHOP at Human’s old stand, on Uail Road street, first door below J. F. Trnmpler’s Gun shop. I have secured the servi ces of experienced and competent workmen. I use good material and am in receipt of the latest style of Last. All work warranted and done when promised. May 3-18 8 mos. IT WILL BE DECIDEDLY beneficial to all wanting any styles of Children's, Misses’ Boys’ Gen tlemen’s or Ladies’ SHOES; Boys’, Misses’, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s HOSIERY and HALF HOSIERY; GLOVES, FANS, PARASOLS, ur READY-MADE CLOTHING, to call and ex amine the largest stock of the above goods ever offered in the house at us low prices as tbev can possibly be offered. SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. April 25. 17 HARDWARE, OF all descriptions, just opened; a very large assortment of Weeding Hoes, of all sizes mid pricos; u heavy stock of Groceries, assorted to suit purchasers. SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. April 25. 17 si. io FOR BURNING FLUID, Cash. April 23. 17 DRUG STORE. 1,500 LBS. POTASH— A SPLENDID ARTICLE—just open. Price 12}f cents, cash. at Dana S-ronc. 3BULS. BURNING FLUID, for sale low and in any quantity, at Droo Store. IQ jr GALLONS LINSEED OIL~ 1 /d'J at Drug Store. 3BRLS. SPIRITS TURPENTINE, at Drcq Store. CLARET WINE, in bottles, of superior quality. A good thing for summer use. . Drug Store. inn LBS - maccaboy snuff, 1 U U at Drug Store. Brandies, wines iiiid London bbSiwn STOUT, for medicinal purposes, ut Dreg Store. CNON'GUESS WATER, just from the Spring, J at Drug Store. -z DRUM genuine SMYRNA - Turkish') SMOK -1 IN G TOBACCO. Price §1.50 per lb., at Drug Store. OUR lot of GENTLEMEN’S CLOTniNG is of superior giods, and made in handsome and fashionable style. March 22. ' J. MARSHALL A CO. cj AL A D OIL, Frcsl), I tO at Dttuu Store. fXHtI’Y Boxes WINDOW GLASS, of sizes 8 by 10 and 10 by 12, at Drug Store. ■ BARREL CANARY SEED, at Diidg Store. LARGE lot of Spices, Nutmegs, Allspice, Black Pepper, Alricuu do., Mace, Ginger, .Mustard, Ac., at Drug Store. NECESSARIES.--Meal and Flour. ¥K WILL have, utall times, the best family Flour to be found in market, and a fresh lot of Meal every week, which we oiler for cash. n7 SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. REMOVAL. tIIAVE REMOVED my Boot and Shoe Shop from where I used to be Bag; | to where I am now —that is: between! 1J W. M. Burnett’s saddlery shop and Camp’s store —opposite the Court Koubc, where I would be pleased to see all iny old customers and as many new ones as will favor me with their patronage. I warrant all work done in my shop, and will repair all failures, without charge. Those in want of Boots or Shoes wou’d do well to call at my Simp. WILLIAM GLEASON. Madison, January 19, 1856. 3-1 y ONE large lot of WEEDING HOES will be sold unusiuillv cheap. March 22, 1814. ' J. MARSHALL ACO INS L it E YOI It LI Y LS. LIFE IS VERY UNCERTAIN, and severe losses and troubles are too frequently felt for want of caution in this respect. Valuable servants can also be made safe in their rulue in their owners, bv application to the SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, at the of lice of the agent in Madison, Ha., at reasonable rates of premium. JOHN ROBSON, Agent. January 8, 1*56. 2-ts. WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Spectacles, &c. J. J. DAY HAVING engaged the Store formerly oo spvW cupicd by Miss Sheppard, K-A.-iZmi would respectfully inform the citizens of M.tdieon and vicinity, he is prepared to oiler t hem an assort muritof Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. Watches and Jewelry re paired at the shortest notice. Jewelry made to order. N. li.—l hire Conoavo-Convex Glosses for Spectacles, which will improve the sight at least five years. Madison, Jan. 5,1950. l-fim. GREAT ATTRACTION! i a AAA LIJS. choice BACON, arriving 4U,UUU and to arrive j 3.000 lbs. choice LAUD, arriving and to arrive; 200 Sacks “ FLOUR, 44 100 bushels ** MEAL, 44 14 41 100 bushels 44 PEAS, 44 44 44 Also, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, Iron as sorted, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Cigars, Powder, Shot, Lead, Ac., Mackerel in Barrels and half barrels, Cotton Yarn, Osnabuigs, Stripes, Adamantine and Star Candles, Nails assorted, Soap, Putty, Glass, Trace Chans, Band and Hoop Iron, Weeding Hoes of different brands, choice Apple Vinegar, Hardware and Cutlery, embrac ing what is usually kept in a Grocery Store, such as Rice, Pepper, Spice, and many other things good and nice. Come one, come all and buy of Prior & Stovall, athe old stand, near the Depot. Maroh 22-11 PRIOR A STOVALL. CLOTHING. WE have a few superior Italian Cloth Coats, also a lot of Alpacca Sacks and Frocks, and a beautiful lot of Linen and Marseilles Coats and Vests. April 1?. SWANSON, JETT & CO. HATS AND CLOTHING. ONE Case superior Silk Hats, Straw, Leghorn, Palm Leaf, and Cassimere Hats; Readj mado Coats, Vest?, and Drawers in nil ftvlcs far sale by SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. Jf irch 2 S.O tteKes. GEORGIA LOTTERY. Authorized by the State of Otoryia.. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. Class 161 To be drawn In the city of Atlanta, da.. In public, on Thursday, June 26, ON THE HAVANA PLAN. SAMUEL SWAN a CO., Managers. Prizes amounting to $34,000 will be distributed according to the following Brilliant Scheme. 10,QC0 Numbers.—249 Frizes. SCHEME. 1 Prize of SIO,OOO is. §lO,OllO 1 Prize of. 5,000 is 5,<100 1 Prize of 3,000 is 3,000 1 Prize of 1,000 is 1,000 1 Prize of 1,000 is 1,000 6 Prizes of 500 are 2,500 10 Prizes 0f,....... 20k are .......- 2,uw 25 Prizes of.. 100 are 2,5i O' 80 Prizes of.. 60 are 4,000' 44 Prizes of 30 are l Bs.#' 4 Prizes of §6o approximating to SIO,OOO, *240 4 Prizes of 50 approximating to . 5,600, 200 4 Prizes of 4u approximating to 8,000, 160 8 Prizes of 35 approximating to 1.000, 280 20 Prizes of 20 approximating to 'soo', 400' 40 Prizes of 10 approximating to 2Co’ 400 240 Prizes, amounting to (84,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. The two preceding and the two f< Sowing numbers to those drawlug the first twenty prizes, arc entitled to the eighty approximation prune,’ m the usual manner. »' All prizes of SI,OOO and under paid im mediately alter the drawing—other prizes at the muni time of thirty days. All communications'strictly confidential. The drawn numbers will be forwarded to the pul-* chasers immediately after the drawing. PRICE OF TICKETS;’ Wholcs,ss; Halves, $2,50; Qrs.,sl,*s. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other tickets at either office. Orders tor Tickets can be addressed either to S. SWAN & CO., Atlanta, Gs.,or WILLIAM B. WILEY,' Agent for Madison, Eh ton ton arid Gioeni-b*r©*. GRA ND SPITcU LAtlO Nil FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT. 1200 PRIZES! 60,000 DOLLARS 11 IMP It O VEMENT ON THE IMPROVE*' HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY l JASPER CO. ACADEMY LOTTERY. (Ey authority if the State of (Jeonyia.) 10,000 NUMBERS! 1 PRIZE TO 8 TICKET* ’’ C L A S S N. To be drawn June 16, 1886; A T CONCERT HALL, Macon, Ga., uLdar / V the sworn superintendence ot Col. Ulo. M Logan, and James A. Nisblt, Esq. This Lottery is drawn on the plan of lha Royal Lottery of Havana, of Single Numbers. Thiu has only 10,000 Numbers, and the Havana Lot-' tery 84,0u0 Kuinbt rs— the Havana 249 Prizes— this 1,200 Prizes 1 Look to yt ur interest 1 Sow is the time. CAPITAL 815,000 f 1 Prl >e of . $15,000-' 1 <J° S,CO«' } 5° 4,000' f 5° 1 •}“ J,CUO 5 do I.UOV 10 do KQA 60 do ; 11 120 do ]* 500 Approximation Prizes oo foo “ « ; 10 1200 Prizes, amounting to f 60,00<* Tickets, $lO-Halves, $5-Quarters, $2.50' Prizes payable without Deduction! Persons sending money by mail need not its being lost. Orders punctually attended to • Communications confidential. Bank Notes oi sound Banks taken at par. Those wishing particular numbersshould order immediately. Tickets drawing actual prizes ars not entitled to Approximations Address, JAMES F. WINTER, Managor, Macon, Ga, Zx&T* Tickets for sale in Madison at the Book Stoiie. FANCY Pipes, Lubiu’s Extracts, LeonaidV do., for cooking, Colognes; Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes; Paint and Varnish Brushes, be sides a supply of everything necessary to my stock,’ complete in every department, have been receiv ed. WM. S. MEIERE, M. D., April 18. 16 Druggist, dro.' 31 organ Mortgage Sheriff Sale. WILL BE SOLI), on the first Tuesday in August next, before the Court House door in the town of Madison, between the legul hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Fourteen Spinning Frames, twenty-four five Speeders, tour Dressing frames, seven Reels.: one Warping Machine, and one Warping Mils and Ball Winder, one Bundler and Press, two' Pickers, one Millainer, three Wool Cards, one Wool Picker, one Wool M le, twenty-six' Lqoms, one Beaming Machine, and lot Winding Blades, one Lathe, one Dresser, two Corn Mills, one Cir cular Saw, one Stenni Engine and Boilers, «t‘e ' All of 9aid property levied on bv virtue of and* to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from Morgan. Inferior Court, in favor of William Cousins vs. the Madison Steam Mill Company, and set forth and described in said ti. fa. JOHN P. RADFERD, Sheriff. June 1, 1856. 2C-60d Morgan Sheriff Safe* ATT" rLL BE SOLD, before the Court House VV door, in the town of Madison, on the tirst- TufsdaY in- July next, within the legal hours of sale, a Negro girl by the name of Laura, übout fourteen years < sage. Levied on by virtue of a. li. fa. from Fulton Superior Court; M. M. Tidwell vs. Thomas M. G. Powers. Levied on as the property of Defendant, as pointed out bv Plain tiff s Attorney. JOHN P. RA-Dmi); Sheriff May 27th, 1856. Gf.orkia, ) Y\T HERE AS, Hugh J Monu.tN County. ( \\ ol rilbv, Guardiau for ' Lucius W. Brawner applica fur Letters of Dismission from his said Guaruiar.- shii): '1 hese are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said orphan to be and appear at my office on or before the fiist Monday in August next, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Madison this Glh day of June, 1356. 23-31’d. F. W. ARNOLD, Ordinary. Mantilla's, mantillas. WE are opening tllis day a beautiful lot of Moire Antique Mantillas, of various colors ; also, plain Silk and Mourning do. May 21. J. MARSHALL A CO. JUST RECEIVED, another choice lot 1* BONNETS, RIBBONS, Ac. Ladies, call on Miss HEN DLEY, over J. Marshall A Co.’i store and make your selection early. May 21, 1356. TELEGRAPHIC. 7 BY Steamer Marion, Janies A deer, and other*’, abundant supply of all kinds of Dry Goods and Groceries, bought exclusively fpr cash, at the lowest prices, and will be sold a<s cording!.-. SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. DRESS GOODS. WE are now receiving a full supply of White Jaconet, Cambric and Muslins, Swiss Muslins, Book, Nainsook, Mull, Tarlaton. Striped Jaoonet, Old tiwiss, I’laid Nainsook, and everv other variety of White Muslins; also, Printed Jaconets, Printed Lawns, Ginghams, Organdie-' White and Figured Brilliants, Black and Colored Silks, Dress Silks, Bareges, Tissues, Greuadine*: and others. ( SHEPHERD & FITZPATRICK: March 20, 1856. Ten boxes st aft Handles’- 10 Hhds. Cuba Molasses. 5 Bbis. Golden Syrup and N. 6. do. 2. 11 X' H an< i whole .Bbis. Mackerel'. Best Frenoh Brandy; Pdre Port Wine 20 Bbis. Whiskey. *’ 10 llbls. Vintg-.r. May 17,1558. g. *.