The Madison family visitor. (Madison, Ga.) 1847-1864, October 25, 1856, Image 3

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MARRIED. In this place, on the 23d inst., by the Ref. A. T. Spalding, Mr. William L. Jett, to Miss E. Medoka Peeples, all of Madison. Cotton Market. Mamsox, Friday, Oct. 24—12 o’clock, M. The market has been quite active during the week. The receipts have been pretty large and sales readily eflected at from 10 to 11% extremes. Principal sales from 10% te 11%. PRICES CURRENT. Corrected Weekly for the Visitor by S. B. ROBSON & CO. BAGGING —Gunny, per y’d, o 24 ROPE—Kenticky, per lb 13 a 15 BACON —Hams, per lb 12% a Sides, per lb 12% a .* Shoulders, per lb li a ” Hog Rouua a 12 LARD—Per 1b.... 12% al3 BEESWAX—Per lb 18 a 20 BUTTER —Country, per lb 15 a 20 Goshen, per" lb a CANDLES—Sperm, per lb 43 a 50 Tallow, per lb 17 a jq Adamantine, per lb 33 V a 37W Star, per 1b.... j 35 a 37% CHEESE—Goshen,per lb. 16% a 20 COFFEE —Cuba, per lb 14 a 15 Rio, per lb 14 a 15 I.aguira, per lb 15 a 16 Java, per lb 18 a 20 FEATHERS—Per lb a .. FlSH—Mackerel, per b’ll, No. If.. a $24 . " “% iNo- 2 6% a 7 “ “% No. 34% a 7% FLOUR —Country, per 100 lb.. $4% a $5 Augusta Mills, per b’ll.. » a 11 Northern, per brl a GRAIN —Corn, per bushel a 85 Oats, per bushel a Peas, per bushel 73 a 100 Wheat, per bushel 125 a 150 IRON—Sweeds, per lb 6 a 7 Etowah, per lb 6 a 6% LlME—Cherokee, per brl $l6O a $3 Tlioinaston, per brl a MOLASSES—Cuba, per gall 50 a 55 New Orleans,per ga11.... 60 a75 MEAL, per bush 85 a 90 SYRUP—Sugar House Per gull.. 75 a 100 NAILS—Cut assorted, per 1b... 6 a 7 OSNABURGS—Per Bale 10 a 11 PEAS, per bushel a .. YARNS—Factory, 80 a j,V> KERSEYS— 20 a 33 SALT—Liverpool, per suck. ... 175 a 200 Per bushel 80 a SOAP—Amer. yellow, per lb.. 8 a 10 Toilet per lb (t LEAD—Per lb 10 a SHOT—Peril) 12% „ .. SUGARS—Porto Rico, per lb.. 11' a 12% Stuart’s “A” per lb 14% a 15 “ “B” “ .... 14' a 14% “ “A “ .... 13% 11 14 New Orleans a Muscovado, “ 11% a 12% Refined, “ joi} a 14 ' STARCH- 12% a 15 LlQUOßS—Whiskey 70 a $1.75 French Brandy $5.00 a 7.50 j American “ * SI.OO a 2.50 I Madeira Wine $1.50 a 3.00 Port “ $1.50 a 3. 00 Specif Notices. Religious Notice. Rev. Dr. Axson will preach in the Presbyterian Church in this place, on to-morrow morning and afternoon. Service may be expcc ed, this evening, if the bell rings. Oct. 2>. Cure lor Water-brash and Indigestion. Hartford, March 5. I hereby certify, that Dr. Green’s Ox ygenated Bitters lijive proved more efficacious in relieving me from a water-brush stomach indigestion, and costiveness, which has been very troublesome.for five or six years, than all other remedies which I have been trying during my illness; and cheerfully recommend it to who are thus afflicted. SAM’L HAMILTON. Mr. Hamilton has charge of the Orphan Asy lum, Hartford, Ct., and is well known and highly esteemed as a citizen. The pamphlets accom* panving the med : cine abound with certificates the most remarkable cures, and may be had on applying to the Agents gratis. SETH W. FOWLE A CO., 138 Washington Street, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their agents everywhere. W hat do the P h ysic ians say of M’Lane’s Vermifuge, Prepared by Fleming Jlros., Pa. t Listen to the testimony of an eminent physician in favor of M’Lane’s Vermifuge, which is now universally acknowledged to be the best in use; even members of the medical Faculty, (who are so often opposed to the use of patent medicines,) cannot withhold the approval of this invaluable remedy: Lind, Stark Cos. Ohio, Jan. 8, 1849. I have used Hr. McLane’s Worm Specific, pre pared by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa., in my private practice, and am prepared to suy that the unparalleled success with which I h ive pre scribed its use, both for children and adults, induces me to say the most in its favor of any specific or patent medicine ever before brought to my notice. The mode of administration, the smallness of the dose, and the certaiuty of its efficacious effect*, give it, in my opinion, a de cided advantage over an}’ other medicine of the kind before the public. jggT* Purchasers will be careful to ask for HR M‘LANE’B CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, manufactured by FLEMING BROS, of Pitts burg, Pa. All other Vermifuges in compari son are worthless. Dr. M’Lane’s genuine Vermi fuge, also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable drug stores. None genu ine without the signature of [ls] FLEMING BROS. For sale in Madison by Du. W S. Meierb, and Extract of a letter received from Rev. C. B. Thomas, Tavoy. Messrs. P. Davis & Son —Dear Sirs: — The Karens here, have become acquainted with vour medicine, and their demand for it is to me very surprising. I have by me orders for more than fifty bottles; I therefore wdsh you to send me a quantity, and I will pay you through the Treasurer of the Missionary Union. There is no medicine which stands so high in the estimation of the Krrens of these provinces as your Pain Killer, and I feel willing to gratify them, as l entertain a very high opinion of its worth. Messrs. Perry Davis A Son :—I find it neces sary to address you again, as my most sanguine expectations have been more than realized. The call for your valuable medicine is increasing so very rapidly tbat I fear I shall soon be unable to keep pace with it. My object in writing now is to beg that on receipt of this you will kindly /dispatch another batch as ordered in my letter of June last. I hope I will not be entirely out before your last shipment reaches me, of which however, I have not yet heard from you. yours .sincerely, J. L. CARRAU, Calcutta. frW" The gditor of the Newark Mereu xv saysWe fee* justified in asserting that LY ON'S* KATHAIRON is, besides being the cheap est, the most delightful, agreeable and in all res pects satisfactory hair preparation that we ever met with. We know ladies who having used al most every tqilgt article of this kind that can be named avow that LYON’S KATHAIRON is in finitely superior to then* sB. What therefore, that this world renowned article should meet with such heavy sales ? For sale iu Madi. sop by BENJ. G, LIDDON, at 25 c. per bottle. ill ¥lSlf#l* Special -flofiees. The Grand Secret of Health. At least one half of our sick population of both sexes and all ages, might enjoy robust health if they could only be brought to believe, practically, tbat * cleanliness is next to godliness.’ For this reason every invention of geuius and discovery of science that renders bathing a luxu ry, merits the thanks and patronage of every re* al philanthropist. The “ Balm of a Thousand Flowers,” more than any other cosmetic in the world, effects this object: it impregnates the wa ter hard and soft, hot and cold—with a medici nal property Tery invigorating to the body, and gives to it an oily softness, and sweet perfume, which cause the bather a delicious feeling of per sonal comfort, purity and health. Practice of Medicine. S5F* Doctobs SAFFOLD A McCLESKEYhav. ing formed a Copartnership for the practice of Medicine and Surgery in their various branches, offer their services to the public, and hope to re ceive such patrouage as experience and merit may authorize. tgTOffice on Main-street, next door to the Bookstore. nIA-Sm Pkof. Wood’s Haib Restoratite.—Wo direct the attention of our readers to the adver tisement of this valuable scientific preparation, for the restoration of (he Hair, to be fouud in our columns. It is highly recommended, from all parts of the country, by those who have made trial of it, and it is now more popular than any similar preparation ever offered to the American public. —Mount Carmel Register. 53P” Concentra ted Extract Bucuc, is prepared directly accord ing to the rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, aud is the best and most active preparation which can be made for the cure of Diseases of the Bladder Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weaknesses, Ac. Read the advertisement in another column, headed Helmbold's Genuine Preparations. oct 11 ly *fTeh) flclbeirfteetyetyfs. I HAVE just received a fine lot of Lookiug Glass Plate, of the following sizes: xl7, 1- x 20, 13 x 22, 14 x 24, which can be set at short notice. [Oct. 25. J A. SHAW. LALLEIISTEDT & DEMING, Corner under Globe Hotels Augusta , Ga., dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, HAVE now in store their fall and winter stock, embracing every article usually kept in tneir line, to wit: Black tiros de Rhine Silks, all widths. do. figured and Brocade Pun de Soie Silk. Fancy do. striped brocaded aud Plaid do. do* Prints, a large assortment. Motis. de Luines in every variety. A1 pace as, Merinoes, Bombazines, Ginghams. Llama Cloths, Flannels, Ac. Ac. Bleached and brown Cotton Goods. Osnaburgs, Osnuburg Stripes, Liuseys, Ker. soys, Ac. Linens iu every variety. Shawls in do. do. Embroideries, Laces, Linen and Lace Trim mings, Cambrics, Ac., a full assortment. Cloth Cloaks and Talmas. Velvet do. do. do. Men’s Stuff Goods in every variety. October 25. LALLERSTEDT & DEMING, AUGUSTA , GEO., IS the only house who have George Schley's best Georgia Plains, “all wool tilling.' They have also other styles Kerseys, with largest stock Negro Blankets ever offered in this city for sale. Persons visiting the city would do well to ex amine the Plantation Goods before purchasing elsewhere. Orders punctually aud carefully attended to. October 25. Crinoline or Sardinia Skirti g. ANOTHER lot iust received, of the latest and most desirable goods for Ladies Skirting, 2 yards wide. Also. Hoops, Skeleton, Cohoes and corded Skirts. Oct. 25. LALLEIISTEDT A DEMING. Felt Matting, TX/TORE beautiful in appearance and more du ill ruble than ordinary Carpeting, yard wide. Also COCOA MATTING, Peculiarly adapted to Court Houses, offices, pas sages, Ac., noted for durability and freedom of noise from tread, 1 and ljf yard wide. Send dimensions of rooms. Orders punctually attended to. LALLERSTEDT A DEMING, Oct. 25. Augusta, Georgia. SIGNS OF THE TIMES. UNLOCKED FOR TESTIMONY. rpO DYSPEPTICS.—Says the “Spirit gs the j Age:” —lt is not an insignificant fact—rather an important one—and indicative of the long promised “good time coming,” that we have, with increasing frequency, additions from the ranks of regularly educated physicians to the number of those who have humanely come for ward and interposed between the Patent Medi cine Quacks and their innumerable dupes through out the country. The evils which have resulted from the success of a few persons in this line, are, we believe, incalculable. Hosts of venal imitators —groveling panderers to their own base passions, avarice, aud a prurient ambition, have sprung up on every side and flooded the country with foul decotions, disguised by their inodorousness and bad taste, proclaiming them universal Panaceas for all diseases This subject has not hitherto failed to attract the attention of philanthropists, and if it did not receive that attention which is so evidently de manded, it was because no available means for its suppression presented themselves. A remedy is, however, now being applied to the evil, which will not only abate it, but finally, and we hope, ere long, exterminate it. Regular medical practioners are now placing their best prescriptions in a popular form before the public—thus affording the advantages of their skill and science without the usual consulting fee in those disorders of ascertained character, and which may be treated on known principles. We hope that accessions to the number of those phy sicians who prefer to seek the sick and heal them rather than repose in a dignified retirement of the profession, waiting “ a call,” will increase until the whole race of humbugs are extinct, and people be assured that a popular medicine is really worth the wrapper that envelopes it —a rather uncertain matter with some of the nostrums that are now afloat. We were led into these remarks by a conversa tion which we just have had with a gentleman—a friend, who for years had been a sufferer from Dyspepsia. We knew him once cheerful, robust and healthy—and, again, from the effects of this health-destroying disorder, emaciated, crabbed and miserable. Whilst noticing, agreeably, a great change wrought within a few weeks in his appearance and manner, he, as if divining our thoughts, asked if we did not think he was im-’ proving, and proceeded to tell us of the wonder ful properties and great value as a remedy, of “BLISS’ DYSPEPTIC REMEDY.” Bliss Hum bug! cried we. But a letter from a lady in New York recommended our friend to try, as he ex pressed it, this Blissful remedy, and his serious ness in attesting his restoration to health being owing to its use, our doubts vanished, and we de termined to give our readers the advantage of our friend’s experience in a short paragraph. Should this meet the eye of Dr. Bliss, No 363 Broadway, New York, whom we don’t know from Adam, he will accept our thanks, as the medium of restor ing to us a friend,, estranged by disease, in the health and cheerfulness ofdisposition in which we formerly knew him. As we have not noticed in any of our exchanges mention of this remedy, we would say to Dr. 8., place your discovery within the reach of all ad vertise—lot your light shine, even though-it may not be reflected in the “ Spirit of the Age.' BLISS' DYSPEPTIC REMEDY is sold by BENJ. G. LIDDON, Madison, Ga. Price $2 a package. It can be forwarded by mail. Oct 25 It. fWbetfisetyerjfs. New Stock of Fall and Winter Goods. high & CO. HAVE opened their stock of Fall Goods, embracing the usual variety of Staple aud Domestic Gooes, together with the late styles of rancy Dress Goods, and would call attention to their assortment, comprising in part "kck and Fancy Dress Suks, French and Eng hsh Merinos, Ginghams, Prints, Embroideries, Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Linens,Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Ladies’ Cloaks, Crape Col -and Mourning Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Kerseys, Shawls, Ac. -ALSO- A large assortment of Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Carpeting, Rugs, Shoes and Boots, with other styles of goods, which thev are offer ing very cheap. They invite the attention of their friends and buyers in want, to give them a call at the Town Hall Building. October 2oth, 1856. JUST OPENED—a select lot of ladies’ rich Moire Antique and Silk Velvet Cloaks -some thing very rich. J. MARSHALL A CO. October 25. OPENING to-day, a beautiful lot of Hats—the soft of various colors, and anew and beauti ful French Hat. J. MARSHALL A CO. October 25. WE have on hand a large and select stock of Crockery, China, ana Glassware. October 25. J. MARSHALL A CO. I H AVE received a fine lot of McCowbie’s Fur niture Polish, which will be sold low for the cash. [Oct. 25.] IA. SIIAW. Creditors and Debtors take Notice. ALL persons having demands against the es tate of Constantine Perkins Fitzpatrick, de ceased, are requested and hereby notified to have the same proven and presented to the undersigned according to law. And all persons indebted to said estate are also required to make payment iu terms of the law to 1). E. BtJTLER, Administrator with the will annexed. October 22d, 1350. 4S-40d Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold, on the 6th day of November next, at the late residence of C. P. Fitzpa trick, deceased, iu Morgan county Ga., all the perishable property belonging to said estate—sold according to the will and by virtue of an order from the Ordiu ry of said county. Also one negro man slave named John, sold by direction of the will, aud to perfect titles. D E. BUTLER, Administrator with the will annexed. Oct. 22, 1856. 43td Georgia, ) TTTIIEREAS, James F. Morgan County*. 5 VV Hanson applies for let- __ ) ters of administration upon the estate of William Cox, late of said county, de ceased ; These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in December next, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at my office, in Madison, this 21st day of October, 1856 mOm F. W. ARNOLD, Ordinary. Georgia, J TXT HERE AS, Janies F. Morgan County. V VV Ilanson applies lor ry Cox aud Elizabeth Cox, minors and orphans of William Cox, late of said county, deceased, now residing in said county, being under fourteen years of age; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said orphans, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, A then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at my office in Madison, this 27st day of October, 1856. m6ni F. W. ARNOLD,’Ordinary. SOUTHERN LOTTERY ON THE HAVANA PLAN- Prizes Guarantied M 3102,000! Only 15,000 Numbers/ ritIZES TAVABLE WITHOUT DEDUCTION'! JASPER CO. ACADEMY LOTTERY. - {By authority <f the State of Georgia.) CLASS S. To be drawn November 15, 1850, AT CONCERT HALL, Macon, Ga., under the sworn superintendence of Col. Geo. M. Logan, and James A. Nishet, Esq. Remember this Lottery lias only Fifteen Thousand Numbers—less than any Lottery in the World! therefore it is the best tor investment. Examine the Scheme! SCHEME: 1 Prize of |15,00u is $15,000 1 “ 5,000 is 5,000 1 “ 2,000 is 2,000 4 “ *I,OOO are 4,000 5 “ 500 are 2,500 80 “ 100 are 8,000 1,500 Prizes of S4O are 62,000 20 Approximations of.. 100 are 2,000 50 “ 50 are 2,500 50 “ 20 are 1,000 1,712 Prizes, amounting to $102,000 Tiokets, $lO Halves, $5 Quarters, $2.50 The 1500 Prizes of S4O are determined by the last figure of the number that draws the Capital of $15,000. The Capital Prize will, of course, end with cither one of the figures 1,2, 3,4, 5,6, 7,8, 9, 0. Those Tickets ending with the same figure as the last in the Capital will be entitled to s4o— —and quarters in proportion. Persons sending money by mail need not fear its being lost. Orders punctually attended to, Communications confidential. Bank Notes o i sound Banks taken at par. Those wishing particularnumberssliould order immediately. Address, JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, Macon, Ga.‘ Tickets for sale in Madison at the Book Stork. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE subscriber intending to leave Madison, desires to sell his house and lot, situated on the Eatonton road, adjoining lots of C. L. Fielding and Mrs. Campbell, containing one acre, more or less, with a good comfortable dwelling house, and necessary out buildings—a good well, first rate garden spot, &c. At private sale a good bargain would be given, as lie is anxious to sell. If not dis posed of privately by Ist Tuesday in December, it will be sold at public outcry, oct 18-n42-tds. LOUIS SCHELPERT. NOTICE. HAVING sold out my entire stock of Goods to Messrs. STOVALL & BUTLER, I can with confidence recommend them as young men of the mdst moral and sober habits. Thankful to my friends and the public at large for the patronage I have so liberally received, I hope the same will be extended to the new concern. P. R. TIIOMASON. Madison, Oct. 15-n42 lm. NOTICE. HAVING bought out the entire stock of goods of Mr. P. R. THOMASON, and leased his store for a term of years, we would most respect fully call the attention of our friends, and the pub lic at large to our-Stuck of Goods. We have a great variety of Ladies’ Dress Goods, such as plain and plaid Dress Silks, Merinos, plain and figured Delaines, Mantillas, Cloaks, Undersleeves and Collars, &c. We would particularly call the attention of the Ladies to these goods, as we will sell them great bargains. We have a great vari ety of Gentlemen’s Goods, such as Cloths, Cassi meres, Satinetts, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, &c.; Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes in great quantities and at the lowest prices; also, a general Stock of Groceries and Plantation sup plies, such as home-made, double-sole Negro Shoes, made by Judge Bennett, the best shoe out, Blankets, Kerseys, &c. We hope, by strict at tention to business, to receive the patronage of a discriminating public. oct!8-n42 lm. STOVALL & BUTLER. BLANKETS, Kerseys, Osnaburgs, Factory Yams, Negro Shoes, a good article, all of which we offer at low figures. oct 18. S. B. ROBSON & CO. FORTY Boxes WINDOW GLASS, of sias Bby 10 and 10 by 12, at Drug Store. CARD TO THE LADIES. New Millinery Establishment. MRS. GOLDBERG has the pleasure of informing the Ladies of Madison and vi . ySefecinity that she has just returned from the Northern Markets, and having ample time to give them a thorough examination, feels confident that she can now offer the most attractive stock of Millinery goods ever brought out to this market. Ladies’ will please call aud examine for them selves. Rooms over R. Goldberg’s Dry Goods Store. Oct. 11-lm. J MARSH ALL & CO. would respectfully call # attention to their extensive and beautiful stock of Fall and Winter Goods. It far exceeds any they have offered in this market, among which will be found 75 Ladies' Cloaks, from $4 and upwards of all styles and sizes; a superb as sortment of Ready-Made Clothing. Cull and see tor yourselves. Oct 11. OtJR new Stock of Dress Goods, for Ladies, comprise the most beautiful styles of plain, plaid and figured Silks; Merinos ana Delaines of every shade and color. Oct. 11. J. MARSHALL & CO. LADIES Mourning Goods of all kinds, just opened. J. MARSHALL & CO. WE have Cotton Plaids, for Servants' wear, also, Fall Calicoes and Ginghams. Oct 11. J. MARSHALL & CO. MISS IIENDLEY’S Millinery Establishment presents unusual attraction this Fall. She invites the ladies to call and examine her beauti ful Bonnets and all other goods in hes line that go to make up a beautiful toilette. Oct 11. J. MARSHALL & CO. Executor’s Sale of Real Estate* Georgia, ) A GREEABI.E to the last Morgan County. > Will add Testament —; )of Drury Brewer, deceased, will be sold, before the Court House door, in the town of Madison, on the first Tuesday in Decem ber next, within the lawful hours of sale, one hundred and seven acres of laud, lying and being in the county of Morgan, joining the lands of John Durden and William Cox, it being the place left by said deceased to Sarah Harper as a house as long as she will live upon the same, and if she should abaudon the said lot, or parcel of land, to be sold and distributed between certain distribu tees pointed out in said will, and sold as the property of said deceased for the purpose therein specified. Terms on the day of sale. ETHAN BREWER, ) ELISHA BREWER, 1 xccutors ' Oct 11-40d. Sale of Stock, Plantation Tool*, Ac. HAVING sold my plantation ill Morgan coun ty, 1 shall offer at public sale, on the premi ses, eight miles South-East of Madison, aud in sight of the Cross Roads, at the plantation of the estate of Dr. Wade, deceased,on Wednesday, the 12th day ot November next, (if fair, if not, the next fair day,) all my stock on the place, consist ing of some* number one Mules, Horses, Mares and Colts; a good Saddle Horse, a lurge stock of Cattle, 18 or 20 Milch Cows, two line yoke of young Oxen, 50 or 60 head of Sheep, 100 head of stock Hogs; together with all the farming uten sils on the place, to wit: Gins, Wagons, Carts, Blacksmith*s Tools, Thrashing Machines, Fan Mills, Plows, Plow Gear, Scythes and Cradles, Ac.; and perhaps some Com aud Fodder, if not disposed of before the day of sale. I will sell pri vately, at any time before the day of sale, any of the above articles or stock to those who prefer to buy that way. WM. 8. STOKES. Oct 18 42-tds. SELLING OFF AT COST. IN consequence of failing health, wo feel com pelled to close up our business, and from this day we will sell our stock of Goods at Cost, for CASH. We have on hand a large lot of SHOES, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, STRIPED <£• BROWN irOMESPUNS, COTTON OSNABURGS, FACTORY YARNS, And a good assortment of Goods, generally, some of which were bought this Fall. We also offer for sale, on liberal terms, our STORE HOUSE AND LOT, and STORE FIX TURES. All persons indebted to us, by note or account, are requested to make payment without delay, as closing up must be done. Madison, Sept 30 FEARS & SWANSON. Ilclmbold’s Genuine Prepuratlon. Highly Conccnti'iiU'd Compound Fluid EXTRACT BUCHU. LlOlt all diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Uri- JP nary and Sexual Oigans. Jt)Y TO THE AFFLICTED ! 11 It cures Diseases of the BLADDER, “ “ “ KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, OBSTRUCTIONS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, DROPSY, CHRONIC GONORRHOEA, STRICTURES, GLEETS, Aud all diseases arising from excesses and im prudences in life. NERVOUS and DEBILITATED SUFFERERS, And removes all improper discharges from the Bladder, Kidneys or Sexual Organs, whether ex isting in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause they may nave originated, and NO MATTER OF HOW LONGSTANDING. Giving health and vigor to the frame AND BLOOM TO Tills PALLID CHEEK. Debility, brought on by abuse, a most terrible disease, which lias brought tnousands of the human family to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes of parents and blighting in the bud the glorious ambition of many a noble youth, can be cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY; and as a medicine which must benefit everybody, from the simply delicate to the confined and des pairing invalid, no equal is to be found. If you nave contracted the terrible disease, which, when once seated in the system, undermines the con stitution, sapping the very vital fiuids of life, Procure the Remedy at once. The Leprous distihnent, whose effect 11 dds such an enmity with blood of man, That swift us quicksilver it courses through The natural gates and alleys of the body, Curdling, like eager droppings into milk, The thin and wholesome blond. BEWARE OF QUACK NOSTRUMS AND QUACK DOCTORS. Helmbold’s Highly Concentrated Com pound Fluid Extract of Uuchu Is prepared directly according to the RULES OF PHARMACY k CHEMISTRY, with the greatest accuracy and chemical knowl edge and devoted in its combination. Its popularity has extended iu all directions, and whether used in town, country, hospital or pri vate practice, has invariably given the most de cided and unequivocal satisfaction and produced the most salutary and beneficial effects. It has been and is used in all the principal cities in the United States and British Provinces, in both pub lic and private practice, with great success.— Henceforth let it be understood, for the proofs are too overwhelming to be contradicted, tnat Helm bold’s Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Ex tract of Buchu, is the most valuable remedy ever offered to the afflicted. The mass of voluntary testimony in possession of the proprietor is immense, embracing names well-known to Science and Fame! celebrated Physicians and distinguished Clergymen. See Professor Dewee’s valuable work on the Practice of Physic and most of the late standard w.>rks of Medicine. It is a medicine which is perfectly pleasant in its taste and odor, but immediate m its action, and it is taken by persons of either sex, without hindrance from business or medical advice, as explicit directions for use and an ample number of reliable and responsible certificates to convince the most skeptical will accompany each bottle Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. De livered to any address. Prepared and sold by H. T. HELM BOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, No. 52 South Tenth street, below Chestnut, (Assembly Buildings,) Philadelphia. To be had of BENJ. G. LIDDON, Madison, and of Druggists and Dealers throughout the United States, Canadas and British Provinces. Oct. 4-n4oly. WE have a few' more of those bcautifuLCas torsonhand. MARSHALL & CO. OUR fine bed Blankets and Negro Blankets are of excellent quality and cheap; also, heavy Negro Kerseys. J. MARSHALL A CO. WE have a complete assortment of Dress Trimmings. J. MARSHALL & CO. 3 CHOICE LARD, Clear Sides and Corn Meal. S. B. ROBSON A CO. ■ ---- J..m —r- NEW FALL GOODS. WILLIAM SHEAR. AUGUSfA, GA., HAS received from New York his Fall and Winter supplies of staple and fancy Dry Goods, comprising a complete assortment, among which are Rich Fancv Dress Silks, of new and splendid styles; Paris Priuted Delaines, of new and beautiful styles; Fancy Plaid Merinos, for Ladies' Dresses, at very low prices; Lupin's Plaiu French Merinos, of the most de sirable colors; Lupin's Plain White, Black and High Colored Meriuos, of extra quality; Superior Plain and Figured Black Silks; Superior Black Silks, for Ladies’ Mourning Dresses; English aud American Prints, of new aud beautiful styles; Lupin’s Plain Black Mousselaiue Delaines and Black Challys; Lupin’s Black Bombazines aud Black Alpacas of the best quality; Real Welsh Flannels, warranted not to shrink; Superior Saxony and Patent Flannels; Heavy Shaker, Silk Warp and Welsh Gauze Flannels; Colored Flannels, for Ladies’ Packs; Heavy Twilled and Plain Red Flannels for ser vants ; Superior 4-4 Irish Linens and Long Lawns; Scotch Diapers aud Heavy Huckabacks, for Toweling; Superior 8-4 aud 10-4 Table and Damask Dia pers ; Superior Damask Table Cloths and Damask Napkins ; Superior Pillow Case Linens and 12-4 Linen Sheetings; Marseilles Quilts, of extra size and quality; Allendale aud Lancaster Quilts, at very low' prices; French Piano and Table Covers; A complete assortment of Faucy Ribbons, for trimming Ladies’ Dresses; Ladies’ Rich Fancy Neck and Bonnet Ribbons; Ladies Silk Elastic Belts and Belt Ribbons; Plain Wide aud Narrow Black Silk Velvet Ribbons; Wide Black Silk Velvet, of extra quality, for Ladies’ Basques; Ladies’ Cashmere, Merino and Vests, of extra quality ; Alexander’s Ladies Kid Gloves, a complete as sortment ; } large supply of Ladies' Misses, Children’s, Gentlemen’s anti Youth’s Hosiery; Black Silk Fringes, for Trimming Ladies’ Dresses; Valenciennes and Thread Lace Edgings and Insertings; Ladies' Embroidered and llem-Stitehed Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Ladies’ Embroidered Muslin Collurs and Un dersleevcs; Infants’ Embroidered Waists and Muslin Band; Swiss aud Jaconet Muslin Edgings and Inscrt ings; Ladies’ Corded Skirts atid French Cofscrts; 12-4 Bleached Allendale aud Hamilton Slieet mgs; Water Twist and New' York Mills 4-4 Bleached Shirtings; Lonsdale and Manchester 4-4 Bleached Shirt* ings; English and American Swansdown Flannels; Ladies’ Plain Black Thibet Wool Shawls, with Silk Fringe, and extra size und quality ; Ladies’French and Scotch Long and square Shawls of beautiful styles; Ladies’ Chenille and Krochu Scarfs; A complete assortment of articles for servants’ wear; With a great variety of other articles suitable for the present season. The public are respect fully requested to cull and examine the assort ment. sept/27. KICII CARPETS. WILLIAM SHEAR, AUGUSTA, GA. HAS just received from New York, English Velvet Carpets, of new aud splen did patterns; English Brussels Carpets, of new and elegant styles; Superior Three-Ply, Ingrain and Venetian Car pets ; Rich Chenille Rugs, to match the Carpets; Printed Druggets, for Crumb Cloths; Printed Floor Cloths, in patterns; Brass Stair Rods and Chenille Door Mats; Ilall and Door Mats, iu a variety of styles/ The public are respectfully invited to examine the above articles. sept 27. CURTAIN MATERIALS. WILLIAM SHEAR, AUGUSTA, GA., HAS received from New' York a large supply of Curtain Materials, among which are Colored Damasks and Delaines, of beautiful styles; Cords and Tassels, w'ith Gimps to ftmteh; Rich Embroidered Lace and Muslin Curtains, some at very low prices: Cornices and Curtain Bands; Window Shades, of new and beautiful styles, some at low prices. The public are respectfully invited to examine the assortment. sept 27. NEW ARRIVALS. THE undersigned beg lease to inform their friends ana the public generally, that they are now in receipt of a large and varied assorl of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting in part of brown and bleached Home spuns, brown and bleached Drillings, plain, plaid and heavy striped Osnaburgs, Kerseys, Linseys, red and white Flannels, Canton Flannels, Irish and Table I/iirens, Bird-Eye Diaper, Alpnccns. Bombazines, English and American Prints, and in fact every article usually kept in a Fancy Dry Goods Store. DRESS GOODS* We cull the attention ofWfic Ladies especially to our stock of plain und figured and all-wool Delaines ; plain and figured all-wool Merinoes, Ac., which will give us no trouble,but afford us pleas ure, to exhibit. gentlemen’s GOODS. Call and examine our stock of Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Satinets, Fancy Cassimeres, and a few pieces of Plain Cassimeres—just the article for gents’ suits. CLOTHING. We have on hand a choice lot of Ready-made Coats and Vests of all qualities and sizes. Also Hats, Caps, Boots and .Shoes in abundance. YOUNG AMERICANS, Call and examine our stock of Boys' Coats and Vests; also a few very nice Raglan*. TO TIIE FARMERS. We especially call your attention to our stock of Brogans, Blankets weighing from to 7 lbs. to the pair; also a ehoice lot of Family Groceries, such as Sugar,, Coffee, Rice, Tea, Ac.; Hardware, and every article that is necessary for comfort aud health. All of the above Goods we will sell as low as they can be bought in this market. SHEPHERD & FITZPATRICK. September 20th, 1856. Executor’s Sale. BY authority of the last Will aud Testament of John Johnson, late of Morgan County, de ceased, will be sold on the first Tuesday in De cember next, before the Court House door in Mad ison, three hundred acres of land, more or less, lying seven and a half miles east of Madison, and immediately on the Georgia Railroad and half a mile from the Buckheud Depot, and adjoining the lands of Thos. P, Safifold and others. The said place is the place whereon the deceased lived for many years before his death, with good springs of water, comfortable dwelling, good Gin house, packing Screw and all other necessary buildings. Also, at the same time and by the same authority will be sold a negro woman by the name of Hes ter, between sixty and seventy years.old. Terms on the dav of sale. ort 18-tds. JOHN F. JOHNSON, Executor. Georgia, )WT REREAS, David E. Morgan County. > VV E. Butler applies to j me for letters of Administra tion upon the Estate of Constantine Perkins Fitzpatrick, deceased. These are,- therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and apjifear at my office on or before the first Monday in De cember next, then and*there to show cause, ifanv they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Madison this 15th day of October, 1856. Oct 11. F. W. ARNOLD, Ordinary. ANOTHER lot of handsome aud cheap Car peting. J. MARSHALL A CO. SWAINMHa lift fe ARE now prepared to their customers and the public, a [urge and Bplendid assort ment of FALL AND W INTER GOODS, all of which are entirely new, and the latest and most desirable styles and fashions. We particularly solicit the attention of the Ladies as we think we hlive variety enough to please the most fastidious in both style and quality staples. W’e have a splendid assortment of STAPLE GOODS, consisting in part of Bleached and Brown Goods of every style and quality, Stripes, Liuseys, Kerseys, Oanaburgs, Prints, Ginghams Irish Linens, Table Linens, Linen and Cotton Diapers, Atpaccas, Bombazines, Red and White Flannels the Genuine Welch Flannels,* warranted not to Bhriulc, and divers other articles too numoroua to mcutich. YOUTH’S AND MEN’S GOODS, HATS AND CADS. A Splendid Assortment of Tweeds, Satinets, Cloths and Cassimeres. Also, a fine article of Cor duroy for Hunting Coats and Pants. Also, the best lot of Soft Hats we have ever had, together with a few nice Caps. We invite particular attentiou to the above as wc feel confident that we cau please those who Mil give us a look. FANCY DRESS GOODS; We call the attention of the Ladies toxrnr beautiful stock of Plain and Plaid Merinos, Plain and Figured DeLaines, Plain and Fancy Silks, Ac. EMBROIDERIES. We have a Beautiful and most Elegant Lot of Embroidered Collars, together with a flue lot ol'Flouncing Bands, Edgings, Insert!ngs and Handkerchiefs. CLOTHING. We have a few Raglands,a niie lo* of Over Coats, and a splendid lot ofColoretf Cloth and Cassimerf Business Coats uud Vests/ a few Silk Vclvcft Vests. Call and examine for yourselves, all of rot* that want something nice. BOOTS AND SHOES. Our stock of Boy’s and Men's Boots and Shoes is now very complete: Also a fine lot of Negro Shoes and Ditcher’s Boots; a fine article of Genuine Cork Sole Boots, Warranted. BLANKETS. A fine lot of Negro iJlankets and a small stock of Superfine Bed Blankets. GROCERIES.* A fine Ktocfc of Groceries. Sugar, Coffee, Iron, Nails, Salt, Bagging, Rope, Molasses, Ac. Give us a call uud judge tor yourselves, as it affords a pleasure to show the above articles fret gratis for nothing. Madison, September 13, 1856. Land for Sale. IT7TLL be sold, before the Court House door, V? in the town of Madison, on the first Tues day in November next, if not disposed of before, all that portion of my laud lying North of Jack’s Creek, containing 4UO a6res, more or less, lt>o acres in the woods; adjoining lands of E. W. Thrasher, Win. Robertson and others. Improve ments good. Persons wishing information will please call on A. G. Bostwick, who resides on the place. UTTLEBERR Y BOSTWICK. Sept. 27-tds. Bagging, rope, twine; Star CANDLES, Extra Quality; Stuart’s A. B. C. SUGAR, “ Powdered “ Crushed “ Loaf Rio, Java and Lnguavra COFFEE ; IRON, NAILS, SALT, Ac., which we offer at reasonable rates. S. B. ROBSON A CO. Sept. 27. ALL II AIL !!! SOMETHING FOE THE MILLION!! WE cull the attention of all, old and young, to this wonderful preparation, which turns back to its original color grey hair—covers the head of the bald with a luxuriant growth—re moves the dandruff, itching, and all cutaneous eruptions—causes a continual flow of the natural fluids; and hence, if used as a regular dressing for the hair, will preserve its color, and keep it from fulling to extreme old age, in all its beauty. We call, then, upou the bald, the gray, or dis eased in scalp, to use it: and surely, the yroung will not, as they value the flowing locks, or the witching curls, ever be without it. Its praise is upon the tongue of thousands, Waterford, Mass., July 25, 1855. ; Prop. O. J. Wood— With confidence do I re commend your Hair Restorative, as being the most efficacious article I ever saw, I have used the Walphene and other preparations of the day, all without effect. Since using your Hair Resto rative, my hair and whiskers, which Wire almost white, have gradually grown dark; and I now feel confident, a few more applications will restore them to their natural color. It also has relieved me of all dandruff and unpleasant itch ing, so common among persons who perspire free ly. J. G. KILBY. North Hast Pennsylvania t March 9,1855. Sir— ln consequence of having hair, for seve ral years past, not only gray, but perfectly white, I have cut it short, and worn caps to hide it from view; but some three months since I was induced to use your Hair Restorative, and I must in jus tice say, that its efleets Were almost miraculous; for it lias changed it gfttdifaflv to almost its for mer splendor as to color, and left it so soft and glossy as to be more beautiful than it ever was, when under the influence of the finest oil. I ear nestly, therefore, recommend it to every ludv as decidedly the best preparation for toilet use, of anything in the world. BETSY SMITH. Prof. Wood— Having experienced the magic effect of your Hair Restorative, 1 drop you this upon fhc subject. About two years ago, my hair commenced fulling oil and turning gray; 1 was fust becoming bald. I met a friend who had used your Restorative* and spoke so highly of its vir tues, I was induced to try it, although I had but little faith, ns L had before tried so many other remedies. 1 commenced using your Restorative in January last. A few applications fastened my ! hair firmly. It began to till up, grow out, and turned back to its former color, (black.) At this time it is fully restored to its original color, health and appearance, and I cheerfully recommend its use to all. J. D. HOES. Chicago, 111,, May 1, 1854/ Milford, Worcester co , Mass., Nov, 13,1854. Ip Prop. O. J. Wood —Dear Sir: I take pleasure in bearing voluntary testimony to the magic ef fects of your wonderful Hair Restorative. As far back ns 1830, my hair commenced falling off, until the top of my sea Ip became bald and smooth as glass, and it has continued to fall for a great many years, notwithstanding I have used many celebrated preparations for its restoration. See ing your advertisement, I was induced to give your article a trial, and, to my utter astonish ment, 1 found, after a few applications, that my hair became firmly set, and assumed a glossy and beautiful appearance; and by the time 1 had used a quart bottle, my bald head was covered over with a young and vigorous growth of hair which is now from one to two memos in length and growing fast. Yours, truly, IIENRY GOODRICH. Nu' York, Oct. 2, 1854. Prof. O. .1, Wood— Dear Sir: After reading the advertisement in one of the New York jour nals, of your celebrated Hair Restorative, 1 pro cured a hall-pint bottle, and was so much pleased i with it, that I continued its use tor two months, and am satisfied it is decidedly the best prepara tion before the public. It at once removed all dandruff and unpleasant itching from the sealp, and has restored my hair naturally, uud, I have no doubt, permanently so. You have permission to refer to me, all who entertain any doubt of its performing all that is claimed for it, MISS FEEKS, 26 1-2 Greenwich Avenue. I have used Professor O. J, Wood’s Hair Res torative, and have admired its wonderful effects. It restored my hair where it had fallen oil'; it cleans the head, and renders the hair soft and smooth —much more so than oil. MARY A, ATKINSON Louisville, Nov. 1, 1854, Sold at 316 Broadway, New York, 114 street St. Louis, Missouri, and by all druggists everywhere. All kinds ot family patent medi cines for sale, on the best possible Pro fessor Wood’s establishment, 114 Market street, St. Louis, For sale wholesale and retail in Madison by BENJ.G. LWDOy, at the M a disox Book Store. Sept 18 33-3 m. Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold, before the Court House door, in the town of Madison, on the first Tues day in December next, by order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of .Morgan county, the follow ing negroes, belonging to the estate of Mrs. Man P. HtMird, late ol said county, deceased, to wit*: Fanny, a woman about thirty years of age, a cook and washer, and her two children, Tom, about 5 years old, and Wingfield, about two years.— Terms on the day of sale. Oct 11 tds R. J. MASSEY, Administrator. CONGRESS WATER, just from 1 the Spring, at Drug Store. SELLING OFF AT COST. GREAT BARGAINS. IN consequence of the death of Thomas Bald win, Esq., one of our firm,- we wish to c lose up j our business. Therefore tre offet our large and j well assorted stock of D It Y G O 0 D S, II A T S, j SHOES, Ac., AT COST. Now is* the chance to save from 25 to 50percent. We have every item (if general use, all of which are of good quality, and bought on the most favorable terms in New York. We large stock BROADCLOTHS, VES TINGS, and BLACK DOESKIN CASLMERES, and READY-MADE CLOTHING. Also a good assortment of Brown, Bleached and Striped DOMESTICS. A full lot of IRISH LINENS and LINEN SHEETINGS. GLOVES, MITTS, LACES and EMBROID ERIES. Solid and Figured MKRINOES andDe LA INKS. White and Red FLANNELS. COM BS, BUTT ON S , Table and Pocket KNIVES. Also, a good lot of PERFUMERY. Our terms are. Cost for Cash, or ten per cent, added to time bills. Come, examine and price our and if the inducement is sufficient, buv, Aug 5u ROBSON, FIT2PATICK A CO. New Fall and Winter Goods. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he is now receiving direct from New York* his Fall and Winter stock of DRY GOODS, consisting in part of •Ladies’ Dress Goods generally, Such as figured and solid colored Delaines, figured and solid colored Merinos, fancy and plain Dress Silks, Mantillas, Collars, Undersleeves, with a general stock of Domestics, Ginghams, Prints, Also for gentlemen’s wear, Cloths, Cassimcrs, Satinets, Tweeds, Ac., with a large stock of Ready made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, flats, Ac., together witn a general stock of GROCERIES,- which will be sold at Augusta prices, with freights added. P. R. TIIDMASON. Madison, Sept. 11, 1856. A Valuable Plantation for Sale. \\T ILL be sold, before the court house door iu ? V _ the town of Madison, Morgan County, ou the first Tuesday in December next, within the lawiul hours of sale, if not previously sold, the Plantation upon which Aurelius A. Walton lived ut the time of his death, containing six hundred and forty acres, joining lands of Mr. Elias Allis ton and others. As this body of bind lies withiu the scope of the best farming lands in the county, persons desirous of procuring anch will do well to call and judge for themselves, and learn the terms, us the same may be disposed of before the dav of sale. Titles undoubted. This 4th day of October, 1856. MARY It. J. WALTON, •hJhls Hole Heir at Law. NOTICE. npHE subscriber having this day purchased the L entire interest of J. F. STOVALL in the late firm ol PRIOR A STO\ ALL, will continue the business in the GROCERY LINE, and will keen constantly on hand a good supply of FAM- JbY PRO VISIONS and GROCERIES such as Sugars, Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, Tea, Rice* Pepper, Spice and many other things sweet and nice, Also, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Meal, Corn, Wheat, Rye, Oats, Ac. Also, Salt, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Nails, Iron assorted, Wool Hats, Caps, Brogan Shoes, Hardware and Cut tlery, a fine lot of Jugs, Jai l i, Churns. Preserv ing Kettles The subscriber is tliankful for past favofs and i hopes to merit a continued and increased patron age. Cash' will be required for provisions. t R. A. PRIOR. August!, 1856 nug9 32-1 y SAVANNAH MEDICAL COLLEGE. r P H L Regular Course of Lectures of this Insti- I turion will commence on the first Monday in November next and be continued M fotr months. R. D. ARNOLD, M. D., Prof. „f Theory and Praetor of Medicine. P. M. KOLLOCK, M. D., Prof. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. W . G. BULLOCH, M. \).,Prof. Principles and Practice of Surgery. J. G. HOWARD, M. D., Prof, of Anatomy. L- D. MARTIN, M. 1)., Prof, of Institutes es Medicine. J. B. READ, M. D.,- Prof. Materia Medica and Medical Jurisprudence. JOSEPH JONES, M. 1)., Prof of Medical Chem istry. JOSEPH J. WEST, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatom y. J. G. HOWARD, Aug 31 Dean of the Faculty , Fashionable Hats. WE have just received a beautiful article of fashionable Moleskin Hats,for the fell sea- Also an excellent article of home-made Wool Hats for servants. Aug, 15. SWANSON, JETT A CO. AMBROTYPE3. THE subscriber begs to cull attention to the very superior AMBUOTYPES which he is now taking at his rooms in Madison. Tho Anibrotype is far superior to tho Daguerreotype, particularly in depth of toss can'd durability. They can be seen eqgafly well in auy light. Children taken in from one to two seconds. Pic tures taken in cloudy as well as in clear weather. over my Jewelry Store, op posite the Court He use. JOHN J. DAY. Madison, Aug. 15,1556. NON-INTERVENTION IS a doctrine we are all sound upon, and we have some HAMS, which arc not only sound, perse, hut upon them there has been no intervention of Bugs or Skippers. If you are fond of good Hams and are wanting some, call and get them of Sept 6 S. B. ROBSON A CO. Double-Sole Home-made Negro Shoes. 2000 PAIRS Judge Rennet's best double 3MU yards Gunny Bagging, SO coils Rope; 200 sa-ks Salt, , For sale at Augusta Prices, freights added, So P* >“ P. R. THOMASON. \i)K SAL LONS LINSEED 014 I -it/ at Drug Stork. GOOD fXOL R. - 1 A SACKS just received of fresh Flour, which 1 U w good. S. B. ROBSON & CO Sept. 27. J„ > .j v . e ' v Arrival of Furniture. LNM LIND Bedsteads, Fine l’arior Chair* and some beautiful Mahogany Parlor Tab'er Just received a t the Wareioems of St P l ls A. SHAW