The Madison family visitor. (Madison, Ga.) 1847-1864, December 06, 1856, Image 4

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Susies 6^3. BARTON 11. THRASHES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MADISOK, MO ROMs’ CO. GA., Will pav strict attention to any business entrust ed to bis care iu Morgan and’surrouudiog coun ties. 38—]j C. W. RICHTER, DEAL til IN - , ■ WATBiaSS & SDbIiSHiS, Jewelry, Silver anil Plated Ware. Watcrev, Ol'kj'c* and .Tewalrf carefully retmiroA. ■rants strictly Casii. rM'-lv » FANNIN & WINGFIELD, AT TO.ilN lES AT LA W, Ot ric#— Oorr Utc JfadiMj/i Drug tsiOa-e, J. A. BILLUPS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MADISON. (Ja. Office in the Covlf House, opposite the Clerk’s Office. Not. 18,1854. Dll. WILLIAM 11. tsURR. iS ii » S @ OFFICII, UP STAIRS, TOWN HALL, J ltdUuH, Os’. * W. M. ftUKNETT, MANUPAC'UJUF.It AND DK.VI.KK IX S4OB&ES, BitllUji. IJ litVESX, TilllXKS, -Carpct-lrtt/x, Sti idleri/ l( r aec, Lea O’^ , Threa t. Lori *, dr. d* ■, Center .erect, lie vt ilnnr belnc Pavno A Harris’ .1 iiE.V.JAMIN LIDDON, Datin' in ROOKS. STATU)SKItV, MUSIC, FANCY GOODS, PKRFUMFIIY, Ac. Ac., T’va danra nb ivo Town II ill, Georgia CHERRY PECTORAL f'or the in pit! Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS,WHOOPING 10PGII, CROUP, ASTHMA, AM) CONSUMPTION. \ This remedy is offered to.the community with \he confident': we feel in all article which .seldom mi Is to realize the happiest effects tlmt can he obsired. So wide is the field of ils usefulness n\dsi> numerous the cases of is cures, that tlViosf even section of the conn try abounds in poisons, publicly known, who have been restored 1 vital alarming und even desperate and 1 senses of \iioamigs, hv its nsc. Whim once tried its su- WrofUy over every other medicine of its kind is i*> apparent to escape observation, and where its ▼Hirjs are known, the public no longer hesitate w.utnutidoto to employ for the distressing and diigerous udictions* of the pulmonary orgaus, wlieh are incident to ohr climate. lotliinghas called louder fur the earnest cn* qnt y of medical nnm, than the alarming preva lent aud l.ilility of consumptive complaints, nor hiH vny olie class of diseases had more of their inveiigution andcue. But as yet no adequate remedy h is been provided, on which the public could legend for protection from attack* upon the res>iralory organs, until the introduction of tlie Chary Pectoral. This article is the product * of a long laborious, and I believe successful en •’ doavor, i> furnish the community with such a remedy. Os this last statement the American people are how themselves prepared tojudgo, and I appeal with confidence to their decision. If there is any dependence to he placed in what men of every class aud station c -rtify it has done for them, il'Vc can trust our own senses, when we *ee dingovous utluctious of the and lungs yiold'to it, if We can depend un theassur nuce of intelligent Physicians, who make it tlisir business to know, in short, if there is any re* liauce upon any thing* them is it irrefutably proven that this medicine ihws relieve and dues cure the class of diseases it is designed for, beyond a>-- nnd'idl otlters that ar*e knov, n ta 11 this . bo tAtgriMiJ—r** 1 TbeiillliUcl vlioul.t kn»'v that cures if priceless to them. —should know it. A remedy that cures is priceless to them. All should know it, for health can be priced to no one. Not only should it be circulated here, but everywhere, not only in this oonutry but all countries. How faithful ly we have noted on this conviction, is shown in the fact that already this article has m ule the circle of the globe.* The sun never sets on its limits. No continent is without it, and hut few peoples. Although not in *u general use iu other nations as in this, it is employed by the more in telligonl in ulmoat all civil rich co*d tries. It is extensively employed in both Americas-in Eu rope, Asia, Africa, Austral.a audlhefar otl'i§lmnlß of the sea. Life is us dear to its possessors there ; as here, and they grasp at a valuable remedy f with evou more avidity th in ourselves. Unlike most preparations of its kind, it is an expensive composition of costly material. Still it is afford ed to the public at a reasonably low price, and what is of vastly more importance to thorn, its quality is never suffered to deeliue from its origi nal standard of excellence. Every bottle of this r medicine, now manufactured, is as good as ever lias been made heretofore, or us we are capable of making. No toil or cost is spared, in main taining it in the best perfection which it is possi ble to produce. Hence the patient who procures the genuine Cherry Pectoral, can rely on hav ing as good an article as lias over been had by those who testily to its cures. By pursuing this course i have the hope of doing some good in the world, as Well as the satisfaction of believing that much has been clone already. Prepared by JVC. AYER, PRACTICAL & ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, LOWELL, MASS., AND Sold by Dv. Y .S. MEIEUE, Madison; Gray- BII.L A Cos., E it onion, and Druggists everywhere. Haviland, Hisley A Cos., Augusta, Wholesale Agents. July ID—29-4ni New llooks. J UST RECEIVED, from the Methodist Pub lishing House, Nashville, Toon., and the Southern Baptist Publication Society, Onurlos ton, S. 0., the following interesting Books: The Great Iron Wheel, by J. R. Graves; The Great Iron Wheel Examined, by Brownlowf; Hue of Bishop Bascom, His Lop Biscom’s Sermons, Lectmvs, Sherlock on IK vine Providence, Autobiography of the. Rev. Joseph Travis, Methodism m Earnest, by ltev. Jos. Giughey; •OrcbircUs 11. story of the Baptist Church, Baptist Library, J cols. iu onej Methodist Episcopacy, a Debate between the Rev. E. J.sil muie and Samuel Henderson; Theodosi\Erii3st,or the Heroine of Faith; Summers oa % B.ipdsm, Too Progress of Baptist Principles, by T. F. * Curtis; V Mell on Baptism, IVilsoflnf v mtßapti3m, by R. B. C. Howell, D.D., l*io Way of Salvation, “ «• A Baptist Church the Christian’s Home, wlunch’s Sermons, Memoir of the Rev. B. M. Sanders, Psalmody, in a variey of bindings; ' foLJttYenilgs s .ljv6 vols.; P f'opes.'TTr.l uveniles,4 vols.; Ikpid H mtbhyeyls Works, “ HiViiun’s Disoqurses, ■nd Vvariety Mother Religious Works, at the BENJ. G. LIDDON. BL.'faxcy srvrioNiaiY. MTe.l, a bjautifuJ W: .•! I F-. y.>t.! a-.-i Lr‘«.F.ii..r>. U gji 1£ M 1 f f ALL HAlfc!!! SOMETHING FQR Tip, leixJON!! WE call the aitentfon of all, old and yourig, to thi» u'omkdbl preparation, which turn* back <0 its original color grey hair—covers the head of the bald with'a luxuriant growth—re moves the daiidniir, itching, and *ll cutaneous eruptions— cutises a continual flow of the natural j fluids; and hence, if jrfsed as a regular dressing 1 for the hair, will its color, and kepn.m j from falling to extjfme old age, in all its beaiAy. We call, then, uunu the bald, the grav, or dis- j eased in scalp, t/ use it: und iurelv, tho young qlll not, as tiiyi' value the flowing locks, or the' witching curls, ever be without it. Its praise is Upon the tongue of thousands. Waterfor<l, Max*., July 2 0, J 855. Pnor. 0. J. Wood—With confidence do I re commend your Hair Restorative, as being the most < Iflcacious article I ever saw. J Imy* *'"*' l [ she Walphonc and other pipwwWonS of the day. all without efftref. Since using y<mr mtr Resti.- rativc. mv hair and whiskers, which w«.ry aimost , white, have gradually grown arid I now confident, that a few more applications will | reston* them to t)Vr natural color. It also lias j relieved me all dandruff and unpleasant itch- ! \ u( , w/.common among persons who persijire free- j \ >"r J. G. KILBV. Xnrf/, blast I'ennvjlramn, March 0,18 Sf». I Sir—ln consequence of having hair, for seve ral years past, not only gray,but perfectly white, 1 have cut it short, and worn caps to hide it from \ iew; but sonic three montlissince I was induced to use your Hair Restorative, and I must iu jus tice sav, tint its effect* were almfllt miraculous; for it Ins changed it gradually to almost its fuf- I mer splendor as to color, and left it so soft and j glossy as to be more beautiful than it ever was, when’ under the influence of the finest, oil. I ear nestly, therefore, recommend it to every lady as 1 decidedly the best preparation for toilet use, of j mi) thing in the world. BETSY SMITH. Prof. Wood Having experienced the magic j effect of your Hair Restorative, I drop you this upon thesubji <t. About two your* ago, mv hair ! commenced lulling oil aud turning gray; 1 was i tsLbecoming bald. 1 met a friend who had used I your,Restofalive, and spoke 90 highly of its vir tues, J was induced to try it, ajthough 1 had but | little faith, as I had before tried so many other remedies. I commenced using your Restorative m January last. A few applications fastened my hair firmly. It began to nil up, grow out, aud 1 turned back to its tonnercolor, (black.) At this 1 time it is fully restored to its original color, health arid appouraiicc, and I cheerfully recomnduid its | use to all. * J. 1). 110 ES. Chicago, 111., May 1, 1854. Mif/onL Worreder. o>. Max*., \nr. 10,1654. Prof. O. J. Wood Dear Sir: I take pleasure in hearing voluntary testimony to the magic ef fects of your wonderful Hair Restorative. As far back as fRM, my hair commenced falling olf, i until the top of my scalp became bald and smooth I as glass, and it lias continued to fall fora great many years, notwithstanding 1 have used many celebrated preparations for its restoration. See ing your advertisement, I was induced to give your article u trial, und, to my utter astonish ment, I found, after a few applications, that ruy hair became firmly* sot, und assumed a glossy und beautiful uppeurancej and by the time I had used a nuart bottle, my bald head was covered over with a young ami Vigorous growth of hair which is now froin one to two inches in length and grow ing fust. Yours, truly, HENRY GOODRICH. New Yorl\ Oct. 2, 1b54 Prof. 0. J. Wood Dear Sir: After reading , the advertisement in one of the New York jour nals, of your celebrated Hair Restorative, 1 pro cured a hull-pint bottle, and was so much pleased with it, that I continued its use for two mouths, and am satisfied it is decidedly' the best prflpara- j tion before the public. It at once removed all dandruff and unpleasant itching from the sculp, j and has restored my hair naturally, and,. I have no doubt, permanently so. You have permission to refer to mo, all who j entertain am’ doubt of its performing all that is j claimed for i‘t. MjLSS FFEICS, 26 1-2 Greenwich Avenue. I have used Proi\*s>or 0. J. Wood’s Hair Res torative, and have admired its wonderful effects. It restored my hair where it had fallen off; it cleans the head, and renders the hair soft and smooth -much more so than oil. MARY A. ATKINSON Louisville, Nov. 1, 185-1. Sold at 010 Broadway, New York, 114 Market street St. Louis, Missouri, mid by all druggists everywhere. All kinds ot family patent medV eines for sale, on the he*t possible terms, at Pro fi-.hJir Wood’s establishment, 111 Market street, St. Louis. For sale wholesale and retail in Madison by BENJ. G. LIDDON,‘ at tho Madison Book Store. Sept IS it3-Bin. LUMBER! HIM HER!! mHE undersigned would inform the citizens of I Morgan and adjoining counties that he has again engaged in the Lumber business, aud would be thankful for all orders, promising to execute them with promptness. Price, slu.C( per thousand, cash, at the Mill. S. T. NEAL, May 17,1856.-20-1 y Warrcuton, Gx, rpEN BOXES STAR CANDLES. J. 10 Illids. Cuba Molasses. / 5 Bbls. Golden Syrup and N. O. do. 20 ,}{ and whole Bbls. Mackerel. Best French Brandy ; Pure Port Wine. 20 Bbls. Whiskey. * 10 Bbls. Vinegar. May 17, 1856. S. B. ROBSON & CO. JUST opening anew lot of Barege ROBES, of various colors. April 12. J ._M A RSI l ALL & CO. Mrs, Soutliworih’s Hooks* INDIA, or the Pearl of Pearl River, by' Mrs. K. D. E. N. Southworth ; The Deserted Wife, by Mrs. Southworth; The Discarded Daughter, “ The Lost Heiress, “ Just received by BENJ. G. LIDDON. C'l ENTS’ HATS, for Hunting und Fishing. J March 22. J. MARSHALL & CO. OLK h.tnf GENTLKMEIFs CLOTHING is of superior goods, and made in handsome und fashionable style. March 22. * J. MARSHALL & CO. QPRINS it A. SHAW'S kO M are Room June 14 CARPETING* rr»HE cheapest Carpeting, we think, that has J ever been ottered in this market. March 22. J. MARSHALL & CO. STONE MOUNTAIN HOUSE. TIIE Proprietors of this large and snlen did now Brick Building, which lias gjjl just becu fitted up in elegant style, with ElrA entire new Furniture, would respectfully inform the Put Ate that they have at length completed and opened it for tue accommodation of perma nent and transient Boarders. Thev have made every effort to arrange it in such a manner as to render their guests com fortable. And having had a long experience, they do not intend to be excelled by any land lord. The Furniture, as well as the house, is perfect ly new. Those acquainted with the topography of Georgia, know that within her limits exist some of the most sublime and u ignificent works of Nature, and Stone Mountai justly ranks as one of the number. Southerners who wish to spend their summers at the South, instead of going North, will find the climate bracing, and the water nure as the purest. The climate is not surpassed. The Proprietors flatter themselves that those who call once, will be well-euough satisfied to cal! again. Georgia Railroad Train 3 stop for Supper at this House. ALEXANDER & CLARICE, Proprietors. S. F. Alexander, | J. A. Clarke, late of Lawrence villa. | Social Circle. Xt»rch Sit, 1556. IS—ts JUsV RECEIVED, a lot of French Bedsteads, of tnsjattest stvle, at May 24. A. SHAW’S WARE ROOMS. Highly ConreH * j FilC Ji ’ JBa ' cures Dis( gjgl And .1)1 disMiw* n^H V jp • ;:i. ! ||jjs» f bH ‘«*' th.if hunmn family to nH^ ttl)d UlittllliliK in tile ! 1 "l" ■ nf many a noble youili, bud lhe g lonmi S 4 „„,. „f Ibis Ciu, be"jqyftfa.HSLlS KK.MEDY; arid an a medicine which must benefit every hodv, from Hjc simply delicate to the confined and des pairing invalid, no equal is to be found. Jf you have contracted the terrible disease, which, when once seated in the system, undermines the con stitution, sapping the very vital fluids of life, Procure the Remedy at once. % The Leprous distilmeut, whose effect Holds such an enmity with J That swift as quicksilver it cqhe*' < through T The natural gates' and like i The thiii and wIkSH .» •- Sm ,>, • ‘ j : ' TB I ■ ! toid - | edge - JM ” IV'’ * ,\*', 3vj ' MBHBHBH| > ii II I • •• I ‘ ■"■ I -W" : lit" offered to the alflicted. The mass of voluntary testimony in poPlssfim of the proprietor is immense, emhrncmg names Wjgll-knovvn to Science and Kamel celebrated Physicians and distinguished Clergymen. See Professofr Dewee’s valuable work on the Practice of Physic and most of the late standard works of.Medicine. It is a medicine which is perfectly pleasant ip its taste and odor, but immediate iu its action, and it is taken by persons of either sex, without hindrance from business or medical advice, as explicit directions for use and an ample number of reliable and responsible cert ificates to convince the most skeptical will accompany each bottle Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for £’>. De livered to any address. Prepared and sold by If. T. 11 ELM HOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, No. 52 South Tenth street, below ('lnstunt, (Assemble Buildings,) Philadelphia. To be had of BENJ. <L LIDDON, Madison, and of Druggists and Dealers throughout the United States, Canadas and British Pro-incei. Oct. -I n4o lv. DR. A P PLEBY'S AFUI C A N DIA IUU LKA SPECIFIC. NKVISU KNOWN TO F'lL. VHURK, safe and reliable remedy for Diarr h«ca, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera, Cramj) and I'ain in the Stomach or Rowels, Chol ic, Vomiting, Sea Sickness, llcarf Burn, Water brash, or Acid Eructations after eating, Nervous Headache and other symptoms of Nervous Debil ity. it is pnrtieuhvrly adapted to the cure of' Summer Complaint, Cholera Infantum, Teething Diarrlnca, and similar Diseases of Children, it being very pleasant to take and mild in its oper ation. This Remedy was used with perfect success by Dr. Appleby, tho original Proprietor, during a ten years residence ou the coast of Western Africa, where Cholera, Diarilava, and Dysentery, in tlie.r most aggravated horns prevail and have ever proved so fatal to European residents. Since his return lie has made constant use of it in his prac tice, and has never known it to fail it) Ihsenterv and Diarrlnca, when taken according to direc tions. In the mines of California, where many fall victims to the Diarrluea and Dysentery so fa tal among the miners in that country, it has been used with eminent stiecfcss, and has never been known to fail in giving speedy and permanent re lief. One letter from the mines says: “When all other medicines used hero have failed, the Di arrluca Specific works like a charm.” Another say 3 of it: “ The Specific has proved effectual in every case in which l have known it used: two or three doses being sometimes sufficient to effect u cure.” We have many certificates of the per manent cure of Chronic Aiiectious of the Stom ach and Bowels by this remedy, in wliioh all oth ers had failed. frjgßMt is unsurpassed in the cure of many dis eases peculiar to females. The Medicine is now prepared under the direc tion of one of the first Chemists and Physicians in Massachusetts. For sale in Madison by Aug3o BENJ. G. LIDDON. A Wonderful Discovery! DAY’S MAGICAL CLEANSER is the best preparation in»w known for removing PAINT, TAR, TURPENTINE, VARNISH, Or Oreaxe Spots ,y‘ eeery sort or si.a , • from all kinds of Cotton, Woolen, Silk or Velvet cloth, without' injuring the color or te.ctur; of th< tjmh. _ Numerous erasive preparations have been otter ed to the public, but there are serious objections to all of them. Some merely drive the objection able substance from the surface into the eloth, aud it soon appears again ; others extract it but at the same time either destroy the texture or the color. None of them propose to remove Paint or Var nish after they have had time to become thorough ly dry. This preparation is warrant-<1 not to af fect the color of anything which will bear wash ing in soap and water, aud will remove old Paint, Varnish and Turpentine as well ns fresh. Pur chasers will have their money returned if it fails, in a sia//leparticular, to do all that is claimed for it. Try a bottle. For Sale in Madison, at the BOOKSTORE and at the DRUG STORE. PA TENT MEDICINES* JUST received at. the Rook Store, a lot of PA TENT MEDICINES. l)r. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tor, a cure for Coughs, Consumption, Asthma, Spittingot'Blood, Whooping Cough, Pains in tlu; Side or Breast. Dr. GuvSott s Impnved Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, for the cure of all Impu rities of the Blood. I)r. Locock’s Pulmonic Wafers, the Great For eign Remedy, Warranted the best article in use for Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma, Coughs, Colds, Pulmonary Consumption, and all Atfec tlousof the Lungs or Breath—Relief in Ten Min utes. Important to Ministers aud public spea kers. Philotoken or Female’s Friend. Jew David’s Hebrew Plaster. Perry Davis’ Vegetable Pain Killer. Dr. McLane’s Celebrated Liver Pills. “ “ “ Vermifuge. Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Jacob’s Cordial. Dr. Tobias’ Venetian Linament. Persons wishing any of the above Medicines would do well to call at the Book Store. August 16 BENJ. G. LIDDON. NOTICE. TIIE undersigned will contiuue the Lumber business on his own account. Orders for Lumber may be sent to him at Warrentou. March 4,1856. * 10-ly JOEL HALL. NOTICE TO THE LADIEs. YITE have just received some of J. Miles & W Sons’ bestJTjfcppcd Gaiters, Walking Shoes and MorqfiflPßfiots. Mays. -*w SWANSON, JETT & CO. ALNUT COTTAGE BEDSTEADS for sale at A. SHAW’S Ware Room. June 14 m ftjiscelMws. NEW FALL GOODS. |K WILLIAM SHEAR. * tCCSTA, GA., received from,New York his Fall and Winter supplies' of staple arid fancy Dry comprising a complete assortment, among Hi Fancy* Dress Silks, of new and splendid Printed Delaines, of new and beautiful 9Kucy Plaid Merinos, for Ladies’ Dresses, at w prices; Plain Ereit. h Merinos, M the most d<- colors; Plain Whin-, Black and High Colored of extru quality; Plain and Figured Black Silks; j Black Silks, for Ludi-V M'-urning and American Prints, of new und sivles; Plain Black Delaines and Challys; Lupin’s Black Bombazines und Black Alpacas of the best qualitv; Real Welsh Flannels, warranted not to shrink; Superior Saxony and Patent Flaflnels; Heavy Shaker, Silk Warp and Welsh Gauze Flannels; Colored Flannels, for Ladies’ Packs; Heavy Twilled aud Plain Red Flannel*for ser vants; Superior 4-4 Irish Linens and Long Lawns; Scotch Diapers and Heavy Huckabacks, for Toweling; Superior 8-4 und 10-4 Table and Damask Dia pers ; Superior Damask Table Cloths and Damask Napkins; 1 Pillow Case Linens and 12-4 Linen ; Quilts, of extra size and quality; aud Lancaster Quilts, at very low ■|M|l Piano and Table Covers; [:■;. . <d V ■■■ J.attics’ Dresses, • ' l .ii.' • N 1 aid I- ■ Ba.i. ■■ - and 1.'.: ILLI.-n-. 1 N.if! B' ' ■" - ' i. ■ 11..■ . • ■> and VoiilliV 110.-ei; Pi. _ , : • 'i: 1- and. ;u.d Thr-ad Laee Edging.- ami Emlunid* !»>1 and IP ii'd P n>ll ■pic llnndkcrcbiefs: HfEautes’ Embroidered Muslin Collars and Un dersleeves • I nfe ills’ Embroidered Waists and Muslin Band; Swiss und Jaconet Muslin Edgings and lusert ingS; Ladies’ Corded Skirts and French Corsets; 12-4 Bleached Allendale and Hamilton Sheet ings; Water Twist and New York Mills 4-4 Bleached Shirtings; Lonsdale and Manchester 4-4 Bleached Shirt ings; English and American Swinmdoun Flannels; Ladies’ Plain Black Thibet Wool Slmwls, with Silk Fringe, and extra size and quality ; Ladies 1 French ami Scotch Lung and square Shawls of beautiful styles; jAidios’ Chenille and Pi wche Scarfs ; A complete assortment*)!’ articles for servants’ wear; With a great variety of other articles suitable for the present season. The public are respect fully requested to call und examine the assort ment. sept. 27. RICH CARPETS. WILLIAM SHEAR, AUGUSTA, OA. HAS just received from New York, English Velvet Carpets, of new and splen did patterns; English Brussels Carpets, of new and elegant styles; Superior Three-Ply, Ingrain and Venetian Cur pets; * \ Rich Cl^lie Rugs, to match the Carpets; Prin tedW.iiggcts, tor Crumb Cloths; Planted Floor Cloths, in patterns; Brass Stair Rods aud Chenille Door Mats; Hall and Door Mats, in a variety of styles. The publigure respectfully ii#rited to examine : the above articles. sept 27. . CURTAIN MATERIALS, WILLIAM SHEAR, AUGUSTA, OA., HAS received from New York a large supply ; of Curtain Materials, among which are * ■ Colored Damasks and Delames, of beautiful j Bt.\ les ; Colds and Tassels, with Gimps to mat eh; Rich Embroidered Laee and Muslin Curtains, §omo at very low prices: Cornices and Curtain Bands; Yfindow Shades, of new and beautiful styles, some at low prices. The public are respectfully invited to examine ■ the assortment. sept 27. ; CARRIAGES, If OCIiA WA VS ANI) IIU U GIES. II A Y I NG BOUGHT the well known Carriage j L Manufacturing establishment, formerly of J Watts & Robertson’s, aud employed Mr. D. N. Roukutson to superintend the same, 1 am now prepared to build to order all kinds of Carriages, j Kockawuys and Buggies lam now at the North buying . 1 View stock of material, and all persons j disposed to patronize home industry may rely upon having work done in the best manner and ; made out of the best material. Repairing, as usual, carried on in all its vari ous branches. P. R. THOMASON. Madison, Feb. 18, 1856. u 8 M\i URIII ll.ii XlHli’. rp IIE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Morgan und adjoin-jtLc=k2£_l ing comities, that he has opened, in Madison, a new Shop for the manufacture of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, and other vehicles. He will likewise keep on hand a good stock of Xouth ern Buggiks, lb* will also have in couueetiou with his wood establishment, A BLAC'<SMITH SHOP, where every description of Plantation work will be done at short notice. lIv)RSE-SIIOE ING done in the best mann r, and Iron Rail ing, for Fences or Grave Yards, manufactured to order, as good as any that can be got from the North. All Work warranted. JOHN ESPAR. January 5,1356. 1 -ts. MARBLE MANUFACTORY. rpilE SUBSCRIBER has made recent ar- JL rangeineuts to furnish Marble work of all kinds, at short notice, and on more favorable terms than ever before offered in the State. De signs for Monuments of every style, from the most ornamental to the plainest styles of work, may be seen at his shop, and will be* furnished to those at a distance wishing work, with the prices annexed to them. To ascertain the facts above stated, examine personally or by letter. All orders and communications will be punctually attended to. All work will be made of Italian marble, unless ordered otherwise. Shop near Rail Road Depot. A. ATKINSON. July 18, ISO 6. REMOVAL T HAVE REMOVED my Boot and 1 Shoe Shop from where I used to be SSI to where 1 am now— that is: between s g&J W. M. Burnett’s saddlery shop and 111 Camp's store—opposite the Court House, where l would be pleased to see all mv old customers and ns many new ones as will favor mo with their patronage. I warrant all work done in my shop, and will repair all failures, without charge. Those in want of Boots or Shoes would do w ell to call at mv Shop. WILLIAM. GLEASON. Madison, January 10, 1356. a-ly INSURE YOUR LIVEST LIFE IS VERY UNCERTAIN, and severe losses and troubles are too frequently felt for want of caution in this respect. Valuable servants can also be made safe in their value to their owners, by application to the SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, atthc of ficeof the agent in Madison Ga., at reasonable rates of premium. JOHN ROBSON, Agent. January 8, 1856. 2-ts. CIHOI€E LARD, Clear Sides and Corn Meal. J S. B. ROBSON k CO. JLccjqi Dtdbetfisetyeijfe. ] Morgan Mortgage Sheriff Sale. f WILL be sold ou the.first Tuesday in Janu- J ai*v next, before the Court House door in o the town of Modison, within the legal hours ts t sale, the following property, to wit: ; Twenty Acres of Land, more or less, whereon 1 the Madison Steam Mill Company’s buildings are j located, togctlier with all the improvements there#), adjoining F. W. Arnold and others, and also tire following articles of machinery and prop- j erty, to w it: { Fourteen Sgiocg Frames, twenty-four Cards, i five Speeder feur Dressing Frames, seven Reels, one W* Machine and one Warping Mill, one Ball M inder, oneßuudler and Press, two Pickers, one Millaner, three Wool Cards, 1 one Wool Picker, one Wool Mule, twenty six Looms, one Beaming Machine, one lot Winding Blades, one Lai the, one Dresser, two Corn Mills, t one Circular SaW, one Steam Engine and Boilers, Ac. All of said property levied on by virtue of: and to satisfy a Mortgage fi. fa. issuing from Mor- ! gan Superior Court, in favor of Barton Thrash- 1 er vs. the Madison Steam Mill Company, and set . forth and described in said ti. fa. J. P. RADFERD, Sheriff. Madison, No v . 5, 1856. 45-2 m Executor’s Sale. BY authority of the last Will and Testament of John Johnson, late of Morgan Count}', de ceased, will be sold on the first Tuesday in De cember next, before the Court House door in Mad ison, three hundred acres of land, more or less, lying seven and a half miles cast of Madison, and immediately on the Georgia Railroad and half a mile from the Buckhead Depot, and adjoining the lands of Thos. P. Saflbld and others. The said place is tlu place whereon the deceased lived for j many vears before bis death, with-good springs of wafer, comfortable dwelling, good Gin house, ; packing Screw and all other necessary buifilings, i Also, atthc same time and bv the same authority j will be sold a negro woman by the name of Hes ter, between sixty and seventy years old. Terms on the dnv of sale. oct!B~tcfs JOHN F. JOHNSON, Kxicutwr. Administrator’s Sale. Geougia, j A GREEABLE to an order Mohoax Corntt, , f\_ of the Honorable, the — ) Ordinary of said county, will be sold before the Court House door iu the town of Madison, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the lawful hours of sale, one hundred and thirty-five acres of Land, lying and being in said county, joining the lands of Johu Stovall, it be ing tlmt part of the lands belonging to the estate of William Burton, deceased, and assigned to the widow as her dower land, and not deposed of heretofore. Sold for the benefit of the kindred and creditors. Terms on theduv. THOMAS G. HESTER, Administrator of said estate. 4 Nov. 8, 1856 45-tds _ Creditors and Debtors take Notice. ALL persons having demands against the es tate of Constantine Perkins Fitzpatrick,de ceased, arc requested und hereby notified to have the same proven and presented to the undersigned according to law. And all persona indebted to said estate are also required to make payment in terms of the law to D. E. BUI'LKU, Administrator with the will annexed. October 22d. 1*56. H -1 al Guard inn’s Sale. Georgia, 1 \ GREEABLY to an or- Morgan County. > /;\_ der of the Honorable J tfie Court of Ordinary of • Morgan county, will be sold before the court j house door in the town of Monticello, Jasper county, on the first Tuesday in January, 1*57, J one hundred and fifty acres of laud, lying aud ! being in the county of Jasper and State afore said, on the waters of Minder Creek, adjoining lands of 0. I*. Akins, and others, it being that part of Lot No. 11s, belonging to Jesse Ball, a lu natic, and sold as his property, lor the interest and benefit of said Jesse Ball. JEPTHA BALL, Guardian of Jesse Ball, lunatic. November 15, 1856. 45-6ud Morgan Sheriff’s Sale. ON the first Tuesday in January next, between the usual hours of sale, will be sold, seven bales of cotton, one shot gun, one lot of leather, and waste cotton, as the property of the Madison Steam Mill Company, to satisfy fi las The Corpo ration of the Town of Madison Vs. said Company, nnd Rogers, Ketchmn A Grosvei or vs. said Com pany, and other fi fas against said Company, nov 22 JOHN P. RADFERD, Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. Georgia, ) A GREEABLE to an or- Mougak County, | /\_ der of the Honorable —7 the Ordinary of said county, will be sold before the Court Mouse door, in the town of Madison’, on the first Tuesday in Janua ry next, the.following named property, to wit : Eight likely negroes, consisting of Men. Women, Boys and Gins. Also, three hundred acres of Laud, lying .and being in said countv on the waters of Little River, joining the lands of Dr. W. 11. Newton, M. P. West, Thomas Wyatt and others. It being the place whereon Lucy Seat lived ut the time of her death. All sold as the property of Lucy Seat, deceased, for the benefit of the creditors and distributees to said estutc. Terms ou the ttav of sale. AMOS BROWN, Administrator of said estate. Nov. 8, 1866 45-td« Georgia; i 11/ 11 ERE AS, Wiley B. Morgan County. V VV Jordan, Administrator of Samuel M. Roberts, deceased, applies for let ters of dismission from his said Administration, he having fully completed the same. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in June, 1857, then and there to show cause, if any they have, whv said let ters should not be granted.* Given under my hand, at office, in Madison, this 27th dav of No vember, 1356. F. IV. ARNOLD, Ordinary. Nov 29—30d Georgia, ) TT7 #£RE A S, Jacbb M. Morgan County. > \\ Stillwell applies to me to Lucius Evans and William Evaus, minors and orphans of John P. Evans, deceased, now resid ing in said county aud being under fourteen years of a fie: * These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said orphans, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in January next, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at my office, in Madison, this 271 dav of November, 1356. Tud ’ F. W. ARNOLD, Odinary ._ Georgia, ' J WHEREAS, William S. Morgan County. \ \ stokes, Administrator ' upon the estate of William V. Stokes, deceased, applies for Letters of Dis mission from his said Administration : These arc therefore to cite aud admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be ami appear at my office on or before the second Monday in January next, then and there to show cause, if any tliey have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Madison, this 7th day of August 1356. 82-6 m F. W, ARNOLD, Ordinary. Georgia, 1 "IT7II ERE AS, Isaac B. Morgan County, y V y Hull’, Administrator ot ceased, applies for letters of dismission from his said administration, behaving fully administered and settled the same: These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, then and there to file their objections, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Madison. F. W. ARNOLD, Ordinary. September stli, 1850. 6111 Georgia, ) YTTHEREAS, William S. Morgan County. J- Vy Bonner, Executor to ment of Franklin G. Bonner, dec’d, applies for letters cf dismission from his said Executorship: These are therefore o cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at iny office on or be fore the first Monday in April! 1857 then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. * Given under mv hand at office in Madison. * F. W. ARNOLD, Ordinary. Sept 16, 1856. 6m‘ Georgia, )-CITXTY days after dateapplk Morgan County, >- kj cation will be made to the the second Monday in January next, for an order granting leave to sell the House and Lot in Reho bethvilleand a part of the negroes belonging to the estate of Garland J. H. Prior, deceased. ELIZABETH W. TRIOR, Nov. i 4s-2ni Adnu’x. 3sisce^i)eot|s. f- ■ " ; "NEW AK RIVALS. rpHE undersigned beg leave to inform their I friends ana the public generally, that they ' are now in receipt of a large and varied assort- j roent of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Confuting in part of brown and bleached Home- and bleached Drillings, plain, plaid and heavy striped Osnaburgs, Kerseys, Liuseys, j red and white FlapneD, Canton Flannels, Irish j and Table Linens, Bird-Eye Diaper, Alpaccas, [ Bombazines, English and American Prints, and I in fkct every article usually kept in a Fancy Dry • Goods Store. DRESS GOODS. We call the attention of the laulicf especially to our stock of plain and figured and all-wool Delaines, plain and figured all-wool Merinoes, &c., i which will give us no trouble, but afford ns pleas- j I ure, to exhibit. gentlemen’s goods. Call and examine our stock of Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Satinets, Fancy Cassimeres, and a few ! pieces of Plain Cassimeres—just the article for gents’ suits. CLOTHING. We have on hand a choice lot of Ready-made Coat* and Vests of all qualities and sizes. Also Ilats, Caps, Boots and Shoes in abundance. YOUNG AMERICANS, Call and examine our stock of Boys’ Coats and Vests; also a few very nice Raglans. TO THE FARMERS. We especially call your attention to our stock of Brogans, Blankets weighing from s£f to 7 lbs. 1 to the pair; also a choice lot of Family Groceries, ; such ns Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Tea, Ac.; Hardware, ! and every article that is necessary for comfort i and health. All of the above Goods we will sell as low as they can be bought in this market. SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. September 2oth, 1856. New Stock of Fail and Winter lioods. HIGH & CO. HAVE opened their stock of Fall Goods, embracing the usual variety of Staple jftad ! Domestic Goo's, together with the late styles of : Fancy Dress Goods, and would call attention to j their assortment,comprising in part Bluck and Fancy Dress Silks, French and Eng lish Merinos, Ginghams, Prints, Embroideries, ! Dress Trimming*, Hosiery, Gloves, lanens,Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Ladies’ Cloaks, Crape Co 1 - lnrs md Mourning Goods, Flannels, Blankets, K°* a ys, Shawls, Ac. —ALSO— A large assortment of Ready Made Clothing, Huts, Caps, Carpeting, Rugs. Shoes and Boots, with other styles of goods, which they are offer ing very cheap. They invite the attention of their friends ai.d buyers in want, to give them a call at the Town Hall Building. October 25th, 1856. SELLING OFF AT COST. IN consequence of failing health, we foe! com pelled to close up our business, and from this dav we will sell our stock of Goods af Cost, for CASH. We have on hand a large lot of SHOES, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, STRIS’JiJt a- HKUH'N HOJdh'SFL AN, COTTON OSNABURGS, FACTORY YARNS, And a good assortment of Goods, generally, some of which were bought thi* Fall. We also offer for sale, on liberal terms, our STORE HOUSE AND LOT, and STORE FIX TURES. All persons indebted to us, by note or account, are requested to make payment %it bout delay, as closing up must Ik* done. Madison, Sept 80 FEARS A SWANSON. I MARSHALL A CO. would reapgctfully call %) , attention t«> their extensive and beautiful stock of Fall and Winter Goods. It far exceeds any they have offered in this market, among which will be found 75 Ladies’ Cloaks, from $4 and upwards of all styles and sizes; a superb as sortment of lieady-Made Clothing. Call and see for yourselves. v Oct 11. OUR new Stock of Dress Goods, for Ladies, comprise the most beautiful a*.vies of plain, plaid anil figured Silks; Merinos and Delaines of every shade and color. Oct. 11. J. MARSHALL A CO. LADIES Mourning Goods of all kinds, just opened. ,1. MARSHALL A CO. iUAVE received a fine lot of MeCowbie’s Fur niture Polish, which will be sold low for the cash. lOet. 25. j A. SHAW. Fashionable Hats. "IT7E have just received a beautiful article of \ V fashionable Moleskin llats, for the fall sen- Also an excellent article of home-made Wool Hats for servants. Aug, 15. SWANSON, JETT A CO. Abbott’s Napoleon. HISTORY of Napoleon Bonaparte, by John S. C. Abbott, with Maps and many Illus trations, 2 vols., full Calf nr Turkov Morocco. J ust received by BEN J. G. LI DDON. MORE NEW HOOKS. ||ECEINED this week at the Madison Book Commodore Perry’s Expedition to Japan and the China Seas; Life of the Rev. Spencer 11. Cone; Buck’s Theological Dictionary; Lives of the Three Mrs. Judsons; Union Bible Dictionary; Journey to Central Aliiea, bv Bavard Tnvlor: The Land of the Saracen, * *“ *“ Calderon, his Life and Genius, by Trench ; Paul Ferrol; Gardening l*°t the South—new supply; Wild Scenes in a Hunter’s Life; The Song of Hiawatha —new supply ; Chamber’s Information for the People; ** Cyclopedia English Literature; Miss Leslie’s New Cotsk Book ; Earnest Limvood—another lot; My First Season, by Beatrice Reynolds; Tevertno, by George Sand; Besides a great many other new and interesting books. August 16 BENJ. G. LIDDON. A RARE CHANCE : THE advertiser desires to sell a set of the KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE, from 1835 to the present time, inclusive. A number of the volumes are bound in half rnssia; the remainder substantially in half sheep. Also, 1 BENTLEY’S MISCELLANY, Ten volumes, full calf; HARPER’S MAGAZINE, full cloth ; BARNES' NOTES ON THE GOSPELS, new and in good condition, Ten volumes; and some other rare books, suitable for Libraries. A bar gain will be given. For further information, applv at this office. July 27th. 30 LAND FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale the Plan tation on where he lives, containing five hundred and eighty acres, more or less, situated about one and a-half mile from Madison, on the Georgia Rail Road, and it is a beautiful situation, with good improvements, good Gin House and Cotton Press. This Plantation being situated near the schools and colleges iti Madison, which are not surpassed by any in the State, to persons wishing to educate their children, it affords an opportunity seldom found. Call and sec the Plantation* for yourself; I will sell the place a bargain. D. S. BUTLER. MarchS. 10-ts Lyon’s Kathairon. A N admirable Preparation for restoring, pre serving and beautifying the Hair. For sale at the Bookstore, bv August 16 * _ BENJ. G. LIDDON. A CHOICE LOT of Boys’ and Youths’ Calf and Kip BOOTS, just received bv April 12. J. MARSHALL * CO. MORGAN’S COTTAGE CHAIRS "for Tide at A. SHAW’S WARE ROOMS. May 24. FLOUR. A NO. 1 article from Hendersou’s Mills, of new wheat, for sale bv Aug 15. SWANSON, JETT & CO. GOOD FLOUR. 1 SACKS just received of fresk Flour, which 1 U w good. S. B. ROBSON & CO. Sept. 27. OUR fine bed Blankets and Negro Blankets are of excellent quality and cheap; also, heavy Negro Kerseys. J. MARSHALL & CO. J. F. TRUMPLER, GUN AND LOCK SMITH, Respectfully informs the citizens of Madison and public generally, that he is prepared for manufacturing Shot Guns, Ri ties and Pistols—warranted to shoot well. REPAIRING. Guns, Pistols, Locks, Keys, &c., will be repainw in the best possible manner, for those who may favor him with a call, at short notice. N.B.—All repairing must be paid for in cash when.deliverea. 36 ITT E invite attention to our selection of HATS, W consisting of superior Black Silk, Hun garian, Tan, Bro. & Claret’s ’>lra Leaf and Straw of various styles. J. MARSHALL * CO. March 22,1856. METHODIST HYMNS. A BEAUTIFUL lot of Methodist Hymn Books, bound in Silk Velvet, Turkey’Mo rocco, Roan and Sheep, just received from Nash ville. BENJ. G. LI BIX . THE £ALM t OF ATIIOIISAIiD FLOWERS, FOB BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION, And Removing all Freckles, Pimples, or Eruptions from the Face, leaving the Skin Pure, Soft and White. "tTT'E GIVE BELOW four things we guaranty YV this Balm will do: TO BEAUTIFY Till COMPLEXION, Wet a towel, pour on two or three drops of the Balm, and wash the face night and morning. Iu a very short tin e you will perceive the magical effect. HOW TO CURL HAIR, LEAVING IT BRIGHT AND GLOSSY, Rub on a small quantity of pomatum or bear’s | grease, then dip the hands in cold w ater, pour on your hands three or four drops of the •* Balm <4 i Thousand F lowers,” for sale by any Druggist, i rub it through the hair, and you can curl it it any manner you please. Some hair may notenn 1 easily at first, but by a few applications it will ! be rendered perfectly easy. ! SHAVING MAI>E EASY. Every person who shaves himself (and every gentleman ought >, will find the “Balm of Thou sand Flowers” Ihe most agreeable article for that purpose; dip your brush in either warm or ; cold, or even suit water, pouf one, two, or three drops of “Balm,” and mb item the face. It not! • only makes a delightful lather, but alleviates tbd pain consequent oh shaving, rendering the shaved | part soft, white and healthy. lif using this nrj tide, tou dispense with all shaving apparatus but , brush and razor. Price only fifty cents a bottle, 1 will last longer than fifty Cents’worth of ordi. nary shaving soap, while it removes from the face all nimulcs and blemishes whatever. SWEET AND PERFUMED BREATH I May easily be acquired by using this “Balm” as a dent l ifrice. Wet your brush and pour on a j single drop ; wash the teeth night and morning'* in a very short timethev will become white yv ! alabaster, and the breath sweet as the ro.s&dHfe which the “Balm” is composed. The tor will forfeit ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS nI where it can be proven there has been a single failure. The Knfaktrbucker Jfct/azine savs of it: “It \i not our wont to allude to kindred fabrications, but we cun s;ar, from the ocular proof, that the 4 Bulm of a Thousand Flowers,’ n preparation for re moving tan, pimples and freckles from the face, shaving, cleansing the teeth, and curling the | hair, sold by Fetriagc & Cos., Boston, is the best i article of the kind we have ever encountered. It I is, in reality, all that it purports to be.” I‘ETRIDGE & CO., Manufacturers ar.d Proprietors, Boston and New Y ork. For sale at the Madison BOOK STORE. 116 NEW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. WILLIAM R. IVIE if \\J OULU respectfully inform the M W citizens of Madison uml-sur rounding Counties that he has oper.- | ed a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP at Human’s old : stand, on. Rail Road street, first ~door below J. F. | Trumpler’s Gun shop. I have secured tlic servi j ces of experienced and competent workmen. I i use good material and am in receipt of the latest J style of Last. All work warranted and done | when promised. May 3-18 8 inos. OPENING to-day, a beautiful lot of Hats—the soft of various colors, and anew and benuti i ful French Hat. J. MARSHALL & CO. , October 25. Gilman’s lusiaiitniitaneous Liquid Ilair Dye. A LARGE LOT oL this celebrated Hair Dye just received and for sale bv j June 7. BENJ. G. LIDDON. JUST RECEIVED, anew supply of HOOP SKIRTS ; also, a Jut of Ladies' Linen Em broidered COLLARS, and Gentlemen’s Lineu SHIRT BOSOMS, by April !*_>. _ J. MARSHALL * CO. lUST RECEIVED, a very handsome assort ment of BOYS’ CLOTHING, Black Italian Cloth Coats, Linen Coats and Pants, Boots and Shoos, Leghorn and Palm Hats. April?. J. MARSHALL & CO. Negro Goods. JUST received, a lot of Schley’s Kerseys, nt __ Aug. 15- SWANSON, JETT * CO.’S. Doesticks’ Books. PLU-Rl-BUS-TAFI: a Song that’s by no author. Anew lot. j Doesticks : what he says. Just received by | June 21. ' BENJ. G. LIDDON , Doctor Chalmers’ Works. INSTITUTES of Theology, 2 vols., by Rev. Thomas Chalmers, D. D.; Sabbath Readings, 2 vols, by Rev. Dr. Chalmers Scripture Readings, 2 vols., “ Lectures and Address, 1 vol., 44 Sermons from 1708 to 1847, 1 vol., 44 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Doctor Chalmers, edited by his son in law, Dr. Hanna. Just received by BENJ. G. LIDDON. Dickens’ Complete Works. COMPLETE Works of Charles Dickens, 12 vols., Muslin, with numerous Illustrations ou steel aud wood For safe by June 21. BENJ. G. LIDDON. JOB PRINTING. mWE are prepared to doal! kinds of printing,.such as PAMPHLETS, CAT A LOGUES. CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, BLANK NOTES and LEGAL BLANKS, PROGRAMMES, BILLS, POS TERS, BALL. PARTY and WED DING TICKETS, Ac., Ac., with neatness, and at 1 short notice. Give us atrial. Office over the ‘'Madison BookS*ore,” Main street. The Madison Familt Visitor is published weekly (every Saturday morning,) at TWO DOLLARS per annum, invariably in advance, Fifty numbers in the year are mailed to each subscriber. Discontinuances, —Notice must be given at tbo expiration of subscription and all arrearaffesjjaid, or subscribers held liable accordingly. Subscribers wishing the direction of their changed, will notify us from what office it is transferred, Communication*. —Addressed, post paid, Madison Family. Visitor, with the in every instance. l-W* All Job Work and other Printing line, will meet with prompt fJ|> and faithful execution. Specimens of our Book, Bill and Programme Printing can be Office. . conspicuously - square for ilu- fir>t and fifty <-.!« -o' ’ :m*< rt" T so <*i lie:: ti■ ai ol tl.e number ' Will * • »ts in rli j^^B