The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, March 12, 1807, Image 1

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And SAVANNAH EVENING LEDGER. VOL. V. No 21 J FOR CRFFACCi;, war x_ The handsome new fliip -t.T NIAGARA, * ‘ “V’ Captain Cross, her freight . • ‘ near y a'.! engaged, will fail by the ‘2B th in ft. For freight of a lew bales Cotton, or paflage, a.-p’r to S. & C. L.GYY AKD. February 15...13... FuR LIVEPxPOOL, The Ship Jl7 AG ,s E L y"!” ‘ *; tP Javes Lb Eoxoer, mailer, ‘■’ ‘*~e- Now ready to **ake in her cargo, baviro- one third engaged. For f..ight of the remaiu dti, jly o tile cap or ou board, or to J-itit abe w ii.iam Magee. Landing ft ■ si l b; 1 - I “ r /r, * Ten handsome FILTERING SI ONES, and fifty tons Lime Mroae J3AI.I.AS 1. February S 11 FOR I.IVFF.prCI. , Tile f aunch, ftrcr.g, lari failing flr.p A i'l ‘h ‘• i A 5 r . . -A-t ... Thomas i vrs , Master, well known formerly in this trade, is coppered to high watermark, 1... undergo, e a complete repair in Liverpool uft voy age, and is in tvery reipect ready to teceive a cargo. Foi freight or paliagr, apply to the maker on board, er to JAMES DICKrON, &■ Cos. f? r r }, tis t fj gt .l.i SK p 4000 bulhels jeronnr! SA I T GC crd.o- a!u rte-J Crockery V* are, Vhic;; wi■ 1 be fold low, if tukcu irom on board. Por teiuio, apply as above, lYoruary 13 13 F or Mew-'York. j vT-’ q The Eti S LASS, f ‘*'* E Wiieei er, master, vill Lil on Friday, the i.l.h nil. For freight or paf frt, e havit , good accommodations, apply to the capt. ou board, o; to JAS. &t VVM.MAGX-L. March V. 2t. 5W- Fc r N ew- Yo rk, , v Th.e Sch oner irr.SS.ill--RSKR EG, 2”. .** tt", v.. James Spald'No, master, E< r freight of a f ew bale- Cotton on Deck, or paf fcue apply to the matte on board cr S. & C. HOWARD. I: h herve received )>■ <:; !-■ cl. 20,0’ O fee- White pine Boards and Plank, 90 boxes Herrings. Match 10. 20. Po> I or Charter TO ANY PORT IN EUROPE, The fast sailing ship ./ U A* O, .A/v SfcTH T< by, master. Burthen two J ’V *, u • hundred ai:d iiity tons l orteims ap p s TrV-’- piy to J. IDLER & Cos. January 27...8 .. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER, Jb any port hi Euro/it or Ihr IVcst-Indies , The new brig SPECULATOR, . \ ‘ Henry Littie, mafter,in complete £ ■’ \ order and ready to receive a cargo oil S'i.i.-C.s-'itiS'i board. Apply to MEIN, MACKAY, &. Cos. February 17. ..14... Alex r* & Waiter Hoc, HAVI’ COMPIFTtn THEIJ JtStfIRTMEST OF GROCERIES, Which the- lister them fe Ives will upon trial he f i.'.d.fvir fitptrior qualities (particularly their Ics u <1 Liquors;) ilicy ‘Her them for sale on Blotter, t: terms', at their t.ore fronting the Exchange, VIE : in bhds. be(l London p .urttt and Brown stout, Loud-, v V ticular Madeira \V tne, in bottles and on cl alt, C tlf c'ltt s be ft hpordfli i: rgnrr, < ; dr; berry r and ta.'h- T.tier!flee AV'ines, / lithe. < :<l VVhilke . ft- m Ireland, in Jugs, Ccg -i.-.c B and & Jamaica Rum equal to ar.v in tin- ; a e, lo:'a n Gn- mi tt i"t and in and mijohns I-.i.tcrt nd From gn. c W, f Sior.c'd Cordials, Irmtsia Brandy, viz, C.een Gages,Aj neots, Rears, Peaches,P.umbs, Rc. ! ickit h VI/. / ch vies, Oltvr s, Capers, Onions, ?-’■ s. C; ge, Wa nutts, Ac. T hr. ts. ;V el .. i li orrr. R. ifins, 5 Cm kh ut otegs, V. ace , C tie. < .. rj, Pepper, Pimento, Jcfci.t c- .i gcr, Piar; B. rley, fa Petti. Bond n .nullard, 3’ 1 I'd ah, Al.r.os.ds, Currants, ( •: • hi, Y. rk Si ap, ( .l. Is fli fed, I” ii.'e i: and Loaf Sotfom, 1’ Do , Crirkma in tegs. V ‘ • V. . Vt.ici'ar, r •- to i.. —Ctt p v.der, in lead carifters, I I ■i ta h>ina.g \ o g n. < Teas, 1. t her,; ts 41 L f A 1 c” \t ‘ SX? C v LL., ■ u 1-1 !. 5,0, For Fate at Hits C&ce. THE REPUBLICAN; Charles McKenna, Hut for sals, at his store, next door to Mr. Nor man AP J-rd’s ruction S'orr, M < het square, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF M cas, Yvuii.s, Liquors, Groceries, &c. &c. Consisting in part op the following ARTICLES: Imperial Gunpowder, in lead Cannister of 2 3-4 each c c . ■ , l TEAS of tha oupetnne Imperial 1 , ... tt r ml 1 latest tmpor- Hylon Chulan T 1 r ~ , / tattocs. Bloom Hyfon V Y oung Hyfon j W I N E S. Old Madeira, Midoc Claret, vintage 1801, in cases —lriftt bottled Port, Sherry, Tenertfi’e, ar.u Muscat Wittes. LIQOURS. Genuine Old Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Jamai ca Rum and Irifn Vv htlkey in demijohns, Bordeaux Brandy in pipes, Jamaica Rum in hhds. London bot tled Portet and Brown Stout. CORDIALS Sec. Rose, Orange, Oil of Venus,Periedl I.ove, Annifee I Cherry and Kalpberry brandy, Cinnamon, Role, Orange I' and Larender Water. PRESERVED FRUITS. Black Curt ant Jam. Gcofeberries.At ricots. Peaches, Green Gages,Peats, Cherries, Plumbs, Ac. J’ickies allotted in Jars. Alio, Oitves, Capers, Gherkius, Red Cabbage, Wa’nuts, Ac. SAUCES. Mufttrootn, Walnut and Oyster Ketchup, Lemon Pickle, Eflence Anchovies, Quin Saute,Chiti and 1 ar agon Vinegar, Sauce and Impertaie, Ac. LPlUi.b Nutmegs, Mace Cloves, Cinnamon, Pepper, Alfpice, Ginger, Ac. GROCERIES. Refined I,oaf, White Havanna and Mufcatado Sugars, Coftee, Chocolate, Almonds, Kailtns, Currints, Loud ii Mustard in Cales, Spermaceti Candies and N. Y'ork Soap in Boxes, Englilh ’l ongues, real I a vanna Sugars, Baikets Salt, Pearl and Scotch Bariev, Gloucester, North and Pine Apple Cheele, London Starch, Queen Blue liinglas, Salpetre, Ac. A L S O, An assortment of Cut ami Plain GLASS, and EARTHLM WARE. He begs leave to observe he fliall use every endea vor to procure articles,ol the firft.quality, in order to enable him to supply cultomers or. the belt terms.— Orders from the country particularly attended t 0.... VfejicJs i'upplied and Be* oturcs put up on tile {liuitcil notice. Terms—CASH, approved Notes or produce. November 4 425 S. and C. Howard, OFFER I-OR SALE, 3 Chefta I yft n Tta, 2 do. Suchong cio. 50 boxes Cotlfilli for the Weft India market, 5 b-ics r umhums. Dec. 23 39 S. and C. Howard, Have remaining, a few Chaldron of excellent C O A E S. November 18 92 S. & C. Howard, Have received per the fliip Savannah, Delano, from Liverpool, ia,coo bulb Is SALT 440 Stone Jugs 20 cates Crockery December 16. 87 Table Salt. A FEW bags containing each font bufttekof fine l n.BLIi SciLT, for sale bv S>. A C. HOWARD. December 23 93 NEWARK CIDER AND SHOES. Just received per brig Lovelt Lass, 30 barrels of double racked Newark CIDER, fit for boti ling 700 pair Morocco flippers 1000 ditto ieaiher ditto 200 do. mens fine Ihoes. All of which are of the firft q ality, and .will be fold low for calh only. RUBER ISA BRANT. Iviaica 6....i9.... ‘l'etjuir’tt wharj. Landing* o 7 From Schooner Lively, Capt. Davis,at Stark's wharf, 3.5 lllids retailing Molalfes 2 Hhds. Sugar 41 Bbls. Ditto 1.5 i;bis. Colice For SUM by GARDNER TUFTS Jviarch 3...6t...18... Moor’s Whaf. Attention ! ! I PERSON’S holding guns belonging to the CHAT HAW RANGERS, and who.are not now mem bers of tlfit corps, are dented to retfhrn them and take up their receipts. Delinquents wilt ntceffarily be lued in a thort time. ‘i . BAY’LLY', jr. O. otrgt. March 6, Ic. T II U R s I) A Y, March 12, 1807. COPARTNERSHIP. JOHN MELISS, DAVID TAYLOR, jun* and ANDREW MELISS, BEG leave to infoim the pi hire that they en tered into Partnership as r eneral ot Biitilh Goods, under the firm of Metis , Taylor & Co* Th'y have at present on hand, a very extrn five alfortment of G 0 0 D S, well calmlatet? for the present and approaching sea ft. n, vlt ch thy will dtfpofe of on very tno* de'att turns l heir dote will con !; nue in Gib lons’ Bui'dingS, till tin firft of April, win n they will remove to th e one lately occupied by Da vid Taylor, jun. now hitting up 011 putpofe. March 10. 20. John Jackson, Has Rece.ved per the flips Eliza, ts Missisippi , jrom Liverpool , A large and general fupplv of FALL GOODS. ALSO—an ixtet five and complete aiTortment MONGERV, corlilling of every aiticle in that line—Also CRATFS C Q OCK E R r, P fforted for retailing. Boiled linseed Oil in jugs. £ )Bby 10 V bite J z3 C 9 * J I 11 Spanish Brown k 2 jo 10 by 12 Yellow Ohre 20 casks h st Bt oun Stout. ON HAND, Swedes lrc ,Jlat and square bars September 30. 415 Landing From on board the brig C tLEDONIA, at Tay lor isl Scarbrough’s wiiart, 60 tons Scolcli Coal. LIKEWISE, Just landing at Bolton’s wharf, from on board the Met cat r, 70 Puncheons Windward ill n RUM 50 bbls. superfine FLOUR G. W. NICHOLS. Januiry o 6 Fire Proof Stores. TO LFT, The Tenement adj ining Mr. John Jaekf n’s ft )ce, now .occupied by Mr. William Wooubridgi, on the fubfribers a 1 arf. Tne two ft astern T uemen's in Commerce Row And the T nement lately occupied by Joseph Rice on he Bay, adj ining Dr. Ewell. P ffeflio 10l the wl oleos which can be given im mediately. For terms, apply to K. cs 1 J. Bolton. January 16 ts 5 SUPERFINE RICHMOND FLOUR GALI.IGO’S BRAND, 400 bbls. this day landing front Schr. Amicus, ana FOR SALE by J. HILL CLARK. February 24. 16. Rills om Nuvv-York, At a Ihort for tale by lames 6c William Magee. December 2 33. To Let . A CONVENIENT two story MOUSE in Elbert ward, recently occuipcd by James Bullock, elq. deceafed...poireflion may be had next week. Apply to JOHN IPPINGER. Feftruary 2a 15 To Let, A “SMALL HOUSE in Warren Ward, near the m rker, with a vacant lot adjoining Emjuireof William Parker. January 15. 5 Will he Sold, AT the houfelately occupied by John Bexly, in F.l - Ward, on Satutday the 14th inlt. a Negro wench named SALLY, & fome Household Furniture; levied on as the property of John Bexley, to fatiify David Gugel, for house rent. JAMES CLARK, and. s c. s. I March 3 U, Id [\\ hole Number, 462. Fresh Baltimore Flour IFc. isle. too Bbls. landing tl is day at Nfoor’a Wharf. 30 Hilda, prime retailing Molaffcs, 20 d<. N’uteovado Sugar, 20 pipes ol Holland Gin, 60 b gs Green Coffee lj thefts Hyfon Tea,fome imported in July, Hhds and Bbls. N. E. Ruin, ditto Jamaica ditto. For Half, nr B. & C. BROOKS. March 10. ts. 20. Prime Slaves. 54 Men, Worm n, Boys & Girls, FOR SALE, z'pply to, THOMAS LAWRENCE. March 10. law 4L 20. Faetora^e. o F. D. PETIT DE FILLERS , Has removed to the llorc lately occupied by Me firs. Havens & ; iib’j, on Judge Jooct,* wharf. He fttll continues the 1’ aclotvge tk Commission I’u iness And will pay every attention to the int.iell of tliofe who will have the goodness to enlrutk him with their bnfm.fs. He will ntakt liberal advances, if required, on produce being depo filed for sale. He k.eps a constant supply of the bed old Madeira WINE, which he fells by the pipe, quarter cask or demijon, N -vember 28* fun 32 The Subscriber At present occupies the W HAH F & STORE formerly occupied by Col. Gordon, and lull continues the Lumber Fa clo rage o AND Commission Business; He will time Produce on mo erate terms. HAS FOR SALE, Rum, Brandy, (jin, Molalfes, Sugar, Coffi-e, Corn aiul Superfine Flour, ot this years ctop. i hoin is tonuh, Gordon’s IVharf. O (Sober 10. ts. 418. Factorage. o THE Subfct iber has removed to the COFFEE HOUSE IVII iRF, ao. 10. He still continues the Factorage & Commis sion Business . Has large and afe (tores for the reception of COUNTRY PRODUCE,and .ill pay every attention to the interest of those who may en trull him with their business. JOSEPH HABERSHAM. O&ober 31 424 Notice is hereby Given , That the Copartnerlhip carried on here by William Dixon, janies LiUvfon and George Pc*nny, Under the firm of James Dickson , & Co* Expired, by its own limitation, on the lit in llant; those who have any demands againlt the concern will please present them, and 1 hole in. debted,are requtfted to make payment to James Dickson, who is aiuhorifed to fettle the allairs ol the concecu. William Dixon, James Dickson, George Penny. In future the bufinefe will be continued by William Dixon St James Dickson under the .firm of James Dickson, 6c Cos. June 30 g 8 Final Notice. r 7 HF, Snbfcriber, having declined huftnefii in order L o attend more particularly to the settlement of G 1 AS 1 & SH-Yl-i- l-.R’S bufinefd; inform, aj] per son indebted to fald concern, that unlelt they make payment prior to the firft day of March next, they will be sued without deftinction. FREDERICK SHAFFER. Surviving opurtntr. January 30, $