The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, April 04, 1807, Image 1

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’ THE REPUBLICAN; And SAVANNAH* EVENING LEDGER. VOL. V. No. 31. - For Liverpool, The excellent, new Ship -iV&SvN - .V ./ Ji a y, Capt. Rinrn, •?Thas the greatest pat t of her cargo re n .dy tcj"> on heard...wiil (nil by tin* loth Ayi.l- F->r Freight of 000 bales of cotton, a; ply to the mutter cn board, or to> SAMUEL & CHARLES HOW ARD. March 24 , 23 For Liverpool, The {launch fall faiii’ g new Bgir JJttp&S F A M E, HoT.nFR Tai.-i.mas, mafier, the principal part of her cargo TANARUS adv, and will take one hundred baler of cotton on freight, if immediately ottered, and will lad by ‘he jfrit oj April. Apply to the captain on board, or to S. St c. HOWARD. Vir % March 2T. *o SALE, FREIGHT or CHARTER, r—w, The American regifiered Brig I) E R B Y, 5235.’ If eysbl'Esj fail failing vcflel, and ih complete or der for lea—apply to captain M’Clmtock, on board, or to S. a C. HOWARD. IVho have naiveJ by said vtjjel, I? puncheonsci choice Antigua RUM. March 21. _ * 2 5 Just Received A? The Xew-Yoric cj7 S.i va hr-in BOOT & SHOE STORE, On the Ban, opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia Be tots, Gentlemen's Shoes, u”.d Ladies Si.ippe'ks, of every description, and ofa supetioi quuiity. A. SCRIBNER & Cos. March 28. . g BILLS ON New-York and Boston , At a short sat e p.y SAMUEL & CHARLES HOWARD. March 24. -<>• Bills on Neve-York, At a fhoit fight, for Hie by James Sc William Magee. Decemher 2 33. S. and C. Howard, OFFER FOR SALE, The Cargo of the Ship. Xabbx, from Grenada, being fin Puncheons sweet flavored RUM, and 10 Hhds. MOLASSES. —A L SO The Cargo of the Schooner Mart IF Frascis, from Jamaica, being Logwood and Fustic. March 24. US NEWARK CIDER AND SHOES. Just received per brig LovEt.r Eass, 30 barrels of double racked Newark CIDLR, fit for bottling £OO pair Morocco flippers 1000 ditto leather ditto 200 do. mens fine limes. All of which are of the fir ft quality, and will be fold low for cath only. RUBER 1 S A BI’.AN i. March 6....HL... Tefii ‘s wharf SURE REEVE RICHMOXD FLOUR GALL I GO’S BRAND, 400 bbls. this da/ landing from Schr. Amicus, ana FOR SALE by j. HILL CLARK. February 24. ls - Cider and Apples, Just received per b"ig Cleopatra. 40 bblt. ofeKCeileut Newark Cider, 40 do. of Apples 1 do. of Shoe Thread. ROBERTS & BRANT. March 13. 21 T fair’s 11 ‘ha?f JOHN GABOS, Hair Dresser & Barber, RESPECTFULLY informs the public, that he has . taken a Shop, two doors westward of the house Jittiv occupied by” Mr. M. Germain, and a few doors veil of Messrs l igdens and B-ker. on the Bay ; where he Sit aves clean and with eufe to the face, Cuts anti JJrefies Hair i- the height of fashion, on the following terms: Cutting E Drefling Ladle t Hair, 37 1-2 cts. ditto ditto Gentlemen.* and to 2 5 ditto ditto Boys and Childrens do. 12 1-2 Lbaving, * 0 1-4 March 10. F) Tow Cloth. 4,000 yards TOW CLOTH, for sale | by HAZE.N KIMBALL. ? March 31 pf 30 Shoe it ‘a re-Housc. ■j Just receive 1, per brig Dart, from lGfton, at the ; Shoe VVare-houle, (diieAly opposite the Savannah Shce-Store) a quantity of SHOES, confilting of Ladies’ color’d Morocco flippers, ditto black ditto, with hcc s, ditto cork foaled walking shoes, ditto Bootees, &c. ALSO... 3 bales KU3VIHUMS,-confining of Haftas and Mow- Sannalis. For sale by ALVAREZ FISK. v March SI ...29...W... Subscriber HAS to let on low terms, in Warren ward, a small convenien t HOUSE and neci-llarv out buildings, \ with two lots eildofed, \v v ii calculated for a garden. William Parker. March 31. 29* CO PARTNERS ini'. JOHN MF.LISS, DAVID TAYLOR, jun and ANDREW MLLISS, BEG leave to inform ilw public that they en teiJ into Partnership as N General Merchants Sc Importers ot Britifli Goods, under the fii m of Metis , Taylor & Cos. ? Th-y have at prefers! on hand, a very ext>*n ■ five afibriment ot j 6’ 0 0 D S, 5 we!! calculated-for tile present and approaching 5 6taf< n, which th y will dilpofe of on very tno { derail Dints. Thcr tlcne will cent nue in Gib jj lons’ But Engs, till the firll of April, when they 5 will remove to the one lately occupied by Da ,f v;d Taylor, jun. now (fitting up on put pole. 8 March to. ‘ 20. . John Jackson, Has Received per thejhips Eliza, & Missitippi, from Liverpool, A large and general supply of FALL GOODS. ALSO—sn cxtrniive and complete i.ffortment IRONMONGERY, confiding of every at tide in that line—Ado CRATES CR OC KER TANARUS, Assorted for retailing. Boiled linseed Oil in jugs. g • ) 8 by IO White ‘ P g 2 p 9 by it Spamfh Brown > 2 £ c “, io by 12 | ‘i tliow o:hre ) £ 20 casks brst Brown Stout. ON HAND, Sw.cfes Iron, fiat and squat e bars. September 30 415 ’ - - ,1, cl -- - - -- SUPERIOR COURT,. January Term, 1807. I The following persons having been returned duly - funimoned, made default, viz. • Grand Jurors. I Charles Odingfells, John Bacon. Francis Doyle, So lomon Shad, Batack Gibbons, Thomas Newell, fen. Thomas Newell, jun. Archibald S. Bulloch, I. S. De 1 Montmollin, Andrew M'Credie, George Anderson, j; William Spencer. | Petit Jurors. a William Savvvcr, Andrew Knox, Josiah Gotier, Jo | feph Binder, William Jenkins, John N. Fry, Frede jj rick Shaffer, Godfrey Hover, John Fryer, George L. I Cope, Joseph Long worth, Robert Scott, Stephen t Craft, Robert S. Gibson, Samuel Ihly | It is ordered by the court, that the said defaulting ■ grand jurors be fined in the sum ol foity dollars each ; sandf and the laid defaulting petit jurors in the sum of t twenty dollars each—unless they severally do (hew t good and fuiiicient cauie of excuse, to be made on oath, t before any juflite of the peace, and filed in the clerk’s f oflice of this court, within thirty days. 1 Extraei from the minutes, this 17th March, 1807. Job T. Bulles, clerk. March 17 28 To Rent, CELLARS Nj'B. 2 an ! 3, and STORES ! Nos. 5 and 6 m the Exchange. A* pply to ‘I honias Pitt, Sec'ry. 1 Tnmiarv It 4 1 . ■■'■■■ I ■■ j NOTICE. t r I'AKF.N UP, at my shop, on Monday evening the i J 30th ult a bright bay HORSE, Saddle and Bridle, ! and a bag oi Rice, which the owner can have'by apply* t jngto Mr. Joun Jones, figu ot the Indian Queen, or , at Spring-Hill, to W. BLEDSOE. April >. u 30 s A T U R D A Y, April 4, 1807. Alex'r. and Walter Roe , have completed their assortment of GROCERIES, \\ hich they flatttr themfelvts will upon trial he found of very superior qualities, (particularly their Teas and Liquors ;) they offer the in for Tale on moderate terms, at their ‘.lore fronting the Exchange, • VIZ : 10 hhds. bed London porter and Crown stout, London Particular Madeira Wine, in bottles and on draft, <r dfroid’sbeft Spanifti Segars, Old dry Sherry and table TenerifTec Wines, A liule oid Whiskey, from Ireland, in Jugs, Cogniac Brandy & Jamaica Rum. equal to any in this place, Holland Gin on dia!> and in demijohns Muscat and Frontignac Wines, Allorted Cordials, Fruits in Brandy, viz, Green Gages,Apricots, Tears, Teaches,dumbs, &c. i ickles—viz. Anchovies, Olives, Capers, Onions, Melons, Cabbage, WjUnutts, &c. Frtsh Grapes, Mufcate! and B'oom Raisins, Dry Cnror, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Pepper, Timer**, Race Ginger, Tearl Barley, Salt I'e.tei, Lontli 11 JVulturd, I'oltnd ‘•tarcli, Almonds, Currants, O ivc Oil, New A', rk Soap, Cut Glass aiTirtetl, Brown, White and I.oaf Stigar3, iialket Salt, Crackers m kegs. White Wine Vinegar, Spainih Cbocola’e TEAS—Gu.. powder, in lead camler”’, Imperial Hyl’on and Young liyfon Teas, •December 30. ts 41 Kuox and Pope, Havejujl received, and for fJe , 30 hhds. high 4th proof Jamaica rum, 30 bbLj prims St- Croix sugars. 50 barrels and Half barrels flour, 50 kegs choice retailing tobacco, 50 boxes soap, and 20 boxes candles, 50 ditto window glass, 10 by 13, 20 chests hyfon, hyfon Ikin 3c fouchong teas, Old Rum, Cogniac Brandy and Holland Gin, in Midi pip's, qr. calks, and by the de noj in or gallon. March 14. 22. Fire Proof Stores. to let, • The Tenement adjoining Mr. J bn Jackfi n’s store, to w occupied by Mr. William Wooubridge, on. the fubfribers wl agb The two Eaflern T ™rr.en's in Commerce Row And the T.ncment lately occupied by Jofeplr Rice on he Bay, adj Di. Ewell. T defi'ol of the whole of which can be given im mediately For terms, apply to R. (J .J. Bolton. January 16 ts 5 PAINT. A few kegs London ground white Lead Paint. For 6 alf. bt PETER MITCHEL. January 30. The Subscriber At present occupies the WHARF & STORE formerly occupied by Col. Gordon, and still continues the Lum bc r Fa c tor age AND Commission Business; He will (lore Produce on moderate terms. HAS FOR SALE, Rum, Brandy, Gin, Molars, Sugar, Coffee, Corn and Supeifine Flour, of this years ciop. Thomas (ones, Gordon’s ll'iiarf. October tc. if- 4 1 8. The MERCHANTS’ & PLAN TER.V Coffee-House h Hotel, OS THE HAY. THOMAS BAYLEY, sen. INTENDS opening the above House cn the 25th inst. and flatters himWf, from the long experience he has had tn that iine, it will be in his power to give general fatihfaction, and begs leave to solicit the patronage of the gentlemen Merchants and Planteis. N. B. Aconftant LARDER, WINES and PIRIT3, of the fr-tl quality. tff Foreign and American Newtpapapers will be taken in. Savannah, March 3, 1807. 18 Bills of Lading. For sal- at this office. [AVholl Number, 472. GOUNTY_ TAXES- Final Notice. (ITT* The E\ TIAR IT ANTS of CHATHAM COUXTY arc requested to come forward and pay their Taxes, due for the years 1805 and ISO 6, <i.v executions are daily issuing out against all persons in default. The Tax-1 ‘'Hectors and their Securities are published, being in default, compels me to give no indulgence. lulls of he United States, the different branch banks, and United States’ coin and Spanish mill'd dollars, and nothing else in payment. The Digest of Defaulters has been delivered to me from the Clerk of the Court. Office hours, from 9 o’clock in tin morning till 2 in the afternoon. DETER DRULAUX, Tax C. C. C. Tax Collector’s Office, ) 30th March, 1807. 5 I. 20. Prime Slaves. 54 Men, Women, Boys & Girls, FOR SALE. Apply to, THOMAS LAWRENCE. March 10. jaw qt. 20. VVaiited immec 1 iatel y , the year, two Negro Men and one Toy., foe it i\ hich liberal wages will lie given.. ALSO...To Contract lor one hundred cords of Tine Wood, and. livei able at my brick yard on the Ogeeckee load, rear ill s DAVII) TOLOCK.. March 24. , . Money J ost. ON the full or l'Oth inflant, was loft or mlfiaid, a sum oi money, wrapped up in a piece of paper a defcnption whereof is left cvitli the printer. The money bilongs to a very indigent man, and a liberal reward will be chcerluliy paid ior information of it.— Apply at this Ofliae. iVlartth 93. j, gg Factorage. F. D. RETIT DE V 1 LEERS, Haß removed to the (lore lately occupied by Messrs. Havens & Bilbo, on Judge Jones’ wharf. He itill continues the Factorage Sc Commifllon Business And will pay every attention to the into re ft of those who will have the goodness to u.liult him with their bufin.fs. He will make liberal advances, if required, on produce being depo iited for la!e. He keeps a cohflant fnpply of the heft old Madeira WINE, wliich he f u is by the pipe, quarter cask ordenrjjn. November 28’ fun 3?, Factorage. o 7 HR Subfcribcr has temoved to the COFFEE HOUSE WHARF, i\o. 10. lie Hill continues the Factorage & Commis sion Business . Has large end r afr (lores for the reception of CO UN i RY I'RODUCK, and will payeveiy attention to the ii.tercil of those who may cn truft him with their trufinefs. JOSEPH HABERSHAM. October 3! 424 Notice is hereby Given , That the Copartnerlhip carried on here by William Uixon, James Uickfon anti George Penny, Under the firm of James Dickson , & Cos, Expired, by its own limitation, on the Isl in— llaut ; those who have any demands againfl the concern will please present them, and thole in debted, are rcquelled to make payment to James Dickfou, who is aulhorifed to fettle the aflatrs of the concern. William Uixon, James Dickson, George Penny. In future the business will be continued by William Dixon & James Dickfou under the firm of James Dickson, & Cos. June 30 88 Blank Manifest’s Tor Salt at this Office.