The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, April 09, 1807, Image 4

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Oznabu-gs &: TickVinburgs. JvJl opening l j tht Subjcfiber, Ao. 4. Exchange a very ex'cr./ive affortmcnt of SPRING GOODS, VIZ: *OO pieces Oznaburgs, of the bcft, and inferior quality. ICO do. Ticklinbtt'gs, ditto ditto ditto 2jO do. Firemen Rolls, ‘loo do. I laden ditto, 50 do. fine Dowlafs, 50 do. I loufmaehin, Linen, fuitablefcr Bag* K in £ ro do, (trolly fliccting Linen, 30 do. fine Iliirt Jujr ditto. 30 do. tine and common Diaper, aOO do. India Nankcene, 2uo coarse Shirts, for Uoufe servants, Avery bandfomt offortment of Damark table clo;In, with or without Napkin?, Ditto ditto Marfeih? 8 Counterpanes, • Umbrellas, Thread ii Cotton Stocking., Gin Cases, Demijohns, l'ine Liquor Cases, Plunk. Books, Writing Paper, Twine and Thread, Table Caflors, r'iowcr Potu GLfs Chandeliers, And a large aflbrtment of fine ani common GLASS WARE, witn a variety of Hardware & (iroceries . Win. WOODBUIDGE. February 24. t. taw. 16. Ncw-Yor L Lott v ry. r-J'HE Rubferibert haring receive'! a lift of prize* . I drawn in the l ottery No. 5, corrected by the j manager.--, tickets will be examined gratis, and thole j that [Move prizes v ill he puid i:i calh, or exchanged Hr ticket* in another lottery, winch will commence drawing in June next. j sj Orders from the country, poll paid, will be ini- | -mediately attended to. Marquund Sc Paulding. April 7. H 38. OATS for sale. Just received, and for Lie by the fubfcrdier, ut Smith & UollHKC’s WuAar, ‘ln bags of FRESH OATS, containing liom three to four bulht-ls each. J. Pilot. Apiil T. * :> “ Notice. C> OUNCIL will, on Monday, the 13th instant, cn .zter into CON TRACT, R>r one year, with two ol the 1 1 inters of this city, lor printing all proceed ings icquired by the City Council; ami also with Rime jir-rfon to kreji the Clock in tile Exchange 1.1 good or der lor the fjnie time. \\ lit ten propolals will he received at rny Office sn t!..” i.K.rini. By order td the Mayor, A. S. Roe, r- r. April 7. ‘ a nd Lands &c. rT'HE Suhfcriber will ddpofe of the following pro- L party, oil re-.lonable term, ;— One undivided third u a tract oil Cat-Head creek, in the county of M‘lu tolh, containing in the whole, between three and lour thousand acres, of excellent land lit for the culttiie of nice and Cotton. —An xcellent dwcllmg-houlc, with necclfarr out-buildings, and fix lots adjoining tlierto, in the town of Darien. —One undivided half ol the townlhip of M'lutolh, adjoining Darien, and fronting on the Alatini-'-’u rtver. —Several acres of liigh and low land adjoining the city of Savannah to tin- call ward. Tin high land may be laid out into lots, or the whole make an excellent farm. Part of this traeft is at present improved and subject to a Leak-.—The titles toj laid property are indlfputable, and a general warranty for she lame, will lie given to the puiclnilVr....For further par icnhirs, apply to Charles Harris, attorney at law, .nnl Mr. Hugh Rots, merchant,ill Savannah; or to the fuhlcrlhcr, at Darien. HAMPDEN M'iNTOSH. Darien, March 4. it 20 O C^= : * A 11. pet foil* having any demands against the es- J_ V late oi the late George M'h.tofh, lie,cafetl, will tender in thru .iccoouts to GHAKLf.S HARRIS efq. or to the Suiiiilioii at Darien. HAMPDEN MTNTOSII, Adm’r. Darien, Murch 4, ISCV. cl 20. To be Sold, AV ALUAULE JJOTTON PLANTATION joining the town of St. Man’s, in Georgia, im r.iedi.nely on the liver and op polite Rolc-lllud'; con. tainiug *SO acres oi high plantinglaml, upwards of one hundred acre 5 o! which is 1 -eared and pan plant, ; 1; and about Aoo acres of prime haul marsh, which is a complete deep bed of manure, never overflowed bni b> extraordinary high lpring tides, againll n can he e-lily W cured, ami then may be very udeantageout for railing cotton and prowiions. There aic on the premtfes a Tide-Saw-Mill, that works tw o taw s, in good repair and very productive ; a good Dwelling Houle and Out-Hnulcsj a large Gat-den tit and Orange Grove, tit fu 1 bearing; as vrel as many other cace lent fruit trees. Tite title ot the land is perfeilly good and clear of all ki-.d of incumbrances, and jioffenton of the pre- Hides tvili hi given immediate A. would also be sold, Either with cr tt vtl.out 1 fie mid Plantation, A o ang of -4or 26 \ciy valuable NEGROES’ Men, Women and Children. Any perl-m deiirous of ptirchafing thin va'nahlc •date, may know the terms, which will -e made ve r’ e. ly, by 3jv ytig in Savan ah to CHARLES H ARKIS, E-li|Uire, or to the SH riter, who v-tll ex hibit me ttt.-s ,or ill St. M.ry \ to JAMES SiIA .GROVE, Ekjid.e, who willgivc every litre .fat- in fjiniation. V. D. PETIT DC VILLERS. Savaatuth, sitt, ihcy. tw * } \\ar Dcpar t m eht, February 25, 1807. IYTOTICE is hereby given, that separate propo. f a i, v> ill he received at the of the l'ecre tary for the deparrment of war, until ta o’clock at noon of the firit Wedntl'day in June next, for ihc Tui piy of till ration! tiia’ may be required for the ule of the United State from the iirft day of Ofto her 1817, until the 30th day es September 1808, 1,-, h days incluiive, ui tic- following places, viz. Firit, At Niagara, Detroit, Michilimackittac, fort Way tie. Ch dago, and at any place or places, where troops are or r.ny be Rationed, marched or recruited within the llalc of Ohio, and territory of M.chigan, and at any place or places within the In territory north of ,):e 41 1! cleg of N. latitude. .Second, At the new military poll oppolite the mouth oftlie lliavvftte, and within the Cherokee na tion between Tcih'cn.e and Georgia, and on the Tcnneflce river, and on the road between fanl ri ver and Nalbville, and at any place or places where ’roups or may be Rationed, marched or recruited w itViin the llates 0: Rentucky an<i Tennessee i lurd, At the garni n near Vincennes on the river VVaballi, at For M.d'.at, New afar-r Blu!!:>, Arkauias, Natchez, and eort Adams, and at any place or plac; - where iroops arc or may be Rationed, marched or rccruittd in the Mifliffippi territory, except the county of Washington, and at any jilace or jdaCer. in the Indiana territory louth of the q:ll degree of north latitude, ai.d fifty mileocali cl tlie Miftilbppi river. d'otirtlt, At St. X.otus, St. Charlei, Kaskaskia, Ca’tokia, and at any place or places where troops are or may be lUtioi.ed, marched or recruited with in the territory of Louiliana north of Ntiv Ma drid, and at any place or places in the Indiana ter ritory within lifty miles Ball of the Mifnflippi river, and touth ol tin 411* degree of north latitude, fort Maflac excepted. l ifih, AtNew-O.rleans, Placqutmines, Point Cou pee, Oacheta, Natchitoches, Appeloul'as, Attakapa, foit Stoddert, Fort St. Stephen, and at any place or places where troojis are er may be Rationed, marched or recruited within the territory of Or leans, or in the county of Waftungton 111 the Miffif lippi territory, and at any place or places on the well lisle oi the Mifli!T.ippi river below Arkansas. J Separate propolals will also be received as afore | fa:d lor tltc iupply cl all rations, which may be re [ quired for tile ule of the United States, lVotn the firit day of January 1808, to the 31R day ofDecem | her ol the fame year, both days incluiive, “Si ithin the several Rates hereinafter mentioned, viz. j Sixth, At the Oakmulgee Old Fieldhy and at any jilace or jilace, w here troojjs are or may he Ration ed, marched or recruited, within the JJate pfGeor gia, and on the Indian boundary between Georgia and the Creek nation. Seventh, At Ciiariellon, Kocky Mount, on the head w altrs of tlie Santee, and at any place or pla ces wheic troops are or may be Rationed, marched or recruited, within the Rates of North and South Carolina. 1 . Eighth, At Norfolk, and at any place or places where troojis are or may be Rationed, marched, or tecruited, within the Rate of Virginia. Ninth, At Fort M’Henry, and at any jihee or ji’aces where troops are or may be Rationed, march ed or recruited within the Rate of Mar) land and dil'- trifl of Columbia. Tenth, At Fort Mifflin, Carlifle, and at any place or places, where troojis are or may be Rationed, matched or recrui.ed within the Rate ofPenl'ylva uia, call of the mountains, and within the Rates of New-Jerley and Delaware. Eleven!lt, At Pittlburg, and at any jitacc or places where trooj-s are or may be Rationed, marched or recruited, within tlie Rate of l'enulylvania weft of the mountains. Twelfth, At fort Jay, Well Point, Albany, Schen eflady, and at any jilace or j,laces where troojis are or may be Rationed, marched or recruited, within the Rate ofNew-York, Niagara and its dependen cies excepted. Thirteenth, At fort Trumbull, fort Wolcott, and at any jilace or jilaces where troops are or mav be Rationed, marched or recruited within the Rates of Couneflicut, Rhode lllaud and Vermont. Fourteenth, At fort Independence (Uofton harbor) and at any jilace or jilaccs where troops are or may be Rationed, marched or rccruittd, within the Rate ot Mallachuletts, the town of Springfield and the dillrict of Maine excepted. fifteenth, At Portlmouth, Portland, and any place or places, where troojis are or may be Ration ed, marched or recruited, within the Rate of New- Uampihire and the uiUtrid; of Maine. Sixteenth, Propolals will ailo be received a\afove saul,lor the lujijily oi all rations, which may be requir ed by the E-, States, lor the troojis which arc or may be Rationed, marched or recruited within the town of Springfield in the Rate of Maffachuletts, and for the arnsurers and other jierlons employed in the United States’armory at that place, from tlie fiill day of January 1 bo 3, to thejHldaj of December in the lame > tar, both da\s incluiive. -a 1 uti v> 11 to conlili ol one pound and one quarter of beet, or three-quarters of a jiound of jiork, eigh tccu ounces ot bread or (lour, one gill of rum, vvlnf key or brandy ; and at the late of two quarts of fait, tour quarts of vinegar, four pounds of loap, and one pound and a half ot caudles, to every hundred ra tions. The prices of the several component parts of the ration lliall be ijiccitied ; but the United States* relerve the rig.n ot making luvlt alterations in the price oi the comjionent jiatt* of the ration aforelaid, as lliall make the price of each jiart thereof bear a jR jirpponion to the propoi'ed jjtice of the whole ration. Ihe rations are to be furmlhed m such qiiantitics, th_t there U .11 at ail times, during the nmol the propoi'ed contvact, be fufficient for the conlumption of the troops at M chilirnackmac, De troit and Chikago, for fix months in advance, and at each of the other jioks on the wefiern \\ aters, for at Rail time months m advance, of good and wholesome proviiions, if the lame lliall be required. It is also to be jiermtttcd, to all and every of the commandants ot fortified places or jioßs, to call for, at lealons when the fame can be tranfparted, or at any time, m case of urgency, such fupplics of like prov 1 lions in advance, as in the dtfetetion of the commandant (ball be deemed projier. It is underftoed that the contractor is to be at the exjience and rilk of illiting the lupplies to the troops, and that all loll'es i'uUatned by the depredations of an enti iv or by means of the troojjs of the United States, Dia l be ['aid by the United States at the price of the articles captured or t’cUroyed as alorefaid, on the deposition of two or more persons of credible cha racters and the certificate of a com mi (Honed officer, Rating the circtiiuUanccs ul the ids, and the amount of articles for which compensation retail be claimed. The privilege is tinder Rood to be referred to the United States of requiring that not.e of the supplies, which may be furmthed tinder any of the projiolcd eomracU, ‘naß be lfl'ued, until the iopp-iej which have ht.n or m.;y be turn t ied under ccntrafls now in force, have been continued ; and that a supply in ad v ai-ce ma be always rcquirct! at any of the fixed jiotls on tlie !ta'o.:rd, er Indian frontier, not exceeding three mouths. H. DEAKBOUN. Sccruiry of TV or. SHERIFF’S SALES. On the first TUESDAY in A ft/ next, at tf > Town of Jefferson, br/bre the of the tome, between the hours ts 10 and .7 o’clock, will be sold, the following properly, to wit— \l. L. that Lot and Improvements thereon in the town of St. Mary’s, being a two story house, and necessary out buildings, at present occupied by Mrs. Mcers as a female academy —A L S ('— All that other two story House and Improve ments adjoining the above, at present occupied by John itoss, together with the Lot whereon the improvements stand. —A I. S O The Water Lot immediately before the same, being feet on St. Mary’s street, and extending to low-water mail;. -VI, s o All that other piece or part of lot No 3, con taining one hundred feet on street, and two hundred in depth, to an alley adioining part of said lot, now occupied by Mr. liolzcn dorf. \ L S O All that tract of Land in Franklin county, ad joining lands of David Terrel, containing 011 c thousand acres, chiefly oak and hickory. Seized and to be sold as the property of Da vid Garvin and Samuel Mcers, to satisfy judg ments obtained in favor of Messrs. Mail’ & Means, and pointed out by the plaintjd’s at torney. Conditions of Sale, Cash. ‘ D. G. JONES, s. c. c. April 4. 31 ——-.♦♦♦♦♦♦*■* -- J Vll.l. BE SOI A) at the Court-Home in Jef ferson, Camden County, on TfMSDAr the sth day of May, between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock , the following property , belonging to the late J’hincas Miller, of Cunbcrland, deceased , mortgaged by him in his life time to Ethan Clark and now duly foreclosed, ALL that lot of LAND in the town of St. Mary’s, known by (he number 4", con taining four acres, with tlie buildings and im provements thereon, at sent occupied by Capt. Kerr. —A L S O Part of Lot No. 4, containing 150 feet along the bay, called St. Mary’s street, and 200 feet along a street to the eastward, containing about three fourths of an acre; with the buildings and improvements thereon, now or lately occupied by Saddler and Sands. D.G. JONES, s. c. e. Jefferson, April 1. 51 —<■ r a - IVILL BE S r, LD, at the Court-House in Jef ferson, Canulen County, on Tuesday the fifth of May next , between the hours often and two. o’clock, the following property of I\'illiju Morris, late of Savannah, merchant , duly foreclosed by John Bolton, survivor, viz. ALL that wharf lot in St. Mary’s, being the front of lot No. 4, containing 50 feet on St. Mary’s-strcct, and running 150 feet west to Judson’s water-lot, and from St. Mary’s-street to the river 100 feet, and along the river 100 feet. ... A L S 0.... Part of lot No. 4, beginning at Ready-street, running west on St. Mary’s street to Judson’s lot, and on Ready-street 200 feet north to Divine Young’s lot, and 150 feet west on said lot to Judson’s, with all the buildings and improve ments thereon. A I. S O Lot No. 43, containing four acres, more or less, with all the buildings and improve ments thereon. DAVID G. JONES, Sheriff, Camden County. Savannah, March 28, 1807. 23 1- n*>WW *m m ... Cn the first Tuesday in .May next , will be sold, at the Ccurt-Housc, in the city of Savannah, between the hours es ten and three o’ clock, The story and a half HOUSE, formerly occupied by Air. Richard Davis, at a lchool-houfc, and lately by captain Samuel Li);htburn, together with the Lot and other improvements, situated in Ewingsburg nearly oppoftte Mr. Jonathan Clines. Taken under execution as the property of the efiate ot Stephen Blount, deceas ed, attheiuitof Putmxn Si Flint, pointed out by the plaintiff. T. ROBERTSON, s. e. c. April I 31 ‘ .n J- On the first Tuesday in A fay next, will be sold, at at the Court-House in Bryan county, between the hours of ten and three o’clock, A TRACT OF LAND, in Bryan tountv, suppos ed to contain, four hundred and eghty nine acres, adjoining lands of theJßev. Joseph Clay, Joseph Stiles, and J ohn Pray, levied on, and to be fold as the property of Thomas Butler, James Butler and others, to latisfy a Judgement obtained by James Butler, S. Butler and other—Conditions of sale Caih. Stephen J. Maxwell, s. b. c. Af arch 51. 30 John Iting, TAYLOR AND HABIT MAKER, Respectfully inform* hi* friends and the public, that he hai lately com menced business in the Houle lately occupied by Mr Fra?.cis S. Miller, between the Stores of Messrs. Marquand and Paulding and Mr. David Taylor, near the Market —where lie hopes, by ftried attention to buftness, neatr.efs in execution aad punctuality to his engagements —lament the patrerag of the public. February . n Marshal’s Scale. On the first in May next, will be sold at the C'.ur -House in Savannah , ONE undivided moiety of a tract of LAND, cufied Clarke’* Bluff, containing 500 —re.,, more or ieR, fitudte, lying and being in the county of M‘lmo!h, o Sapeio river, late the property of col. Wm. APlntoSt, dcceaied. Seized and to be fold as the property es James Fov. lcr,under and by virtue of an execution tf fued by virtue of a judgment recovered againf; hiuib/ Hugh Roii, lea. &. William Dixou Si Cos. Benjamin Wall, u. n. o. March 31. 51. City Sheriff’s Sales. On the First Tuesday in Man ncx*, Will be fold it the Court-Houle, hi the city of Sa* Vcinjiah, One BAG of COTTON. Levied on zs the pro perty of A. Z. Lriiban, at the suit of George hrice and others. Also, a NEGRO BOY, named Nat. Levied cn as the property of Dr. John Love, ut the suit of William Shaw. 0 Alio, a HOUSE ucd LOT, in Leatchcoat ward. Levied on as the property of Thomas Norton. dc’d # at tie liiit of Eli jah Norton. Alio, a HOUSE and LOT, in Franklin ward, Ej Levied on as die property of The* mas Brown and John Gable. Conditions, cash. vt>ha Williams, s. r. 5. April 4. 31 Administrator’s Sales. U'ill be sold and disposed of at Djpien, /f| the county of Mlntosh, on the second Tuesday in May next, being the twelfth of the scud month, between the hours of ten arid twelve o'clock vi (he Jorcnoo/ty H prime FIELD SLAVES, and a likely , so.d as the personal property of George. i ‘mtosh, deceased Conditions to be made known on the day of sale. HAMPDEN M'INTOSIL Savannah, 28th March, 1807. 28. Executor’s Sales. On IViCDNf.snjr the i Zih May next, will be sold at Woodville, in the County of Bryan, A L a RGE Rock of Cattle and cf Sheej), leveral L l.v'oke of well broke Oxen, and lunary articles of Ilouiehold Furniture, being part of the personal property ofHxlph E. Elliott efq. deceased. Condition* will he made known on the uay cf sale, William Elliott, } • Stephen Eliiott, C Executors. ; March 3 . J NOTICE. ALL persons hiving any demands again!! the estate of Ralph E. Elliott, deceased, are desired to pre sent them to the Subscribers. William Elliott, > ‘ Stephen Elliott, < Executors. Apdl 4. J 3i JOHN GABOS, * Hair Dresser & Barber , RESPECTFULLY informs the public, that he ha* taken a Shop, two doors weßward of the lioufe lately occupied by Mr. M. Germain, and a few doors weft of Me firs Ogdens and Baker, on the Bay ; w here he Shaves clean and with ease to the face, Cuts and Dresses Hair in the height of fashion, on the followin’ terms— “ Cutting & Drefling Ladies Hair, 37 1-2 cts. ditto ditto Gentlemens ditto 2o ditto ditto Boys and Childrens do. 12 1-2 Shaving, g l-p March 10. 20 2 0 Do 1 lars Reward. 8| J AN away from the on the 25th GHO WOMANk about than negroes are ia general, thick lips, and fome pock-marks on her face j speaks broken Englilh, and lias a down look ; she is an African born ; has been in the country about seven yeara ; her name is Mary. She fays that she belongs to James M’lctcftt, o£ this place. The above reward will be paid to any perfr.n that will lodge laid wcr.clt in Sa vannah Jail, end neceflary exprtices paid She has been used to house work, is a cook and wufher, See. and occasionally has worked in the” field. I expert that laid wench has gone to Augusta, or was lanced at Puiioburgh, ax I have reason to apprehend, that she left this in one of the Augulla boats. Edward Ftebbins. It is not unlikely that she may have a forg.d pass, and will endeavor to pas& herfelf as a free woman. January 20 6 ,v,"----1 - ■ 1- AU GUS rA P RIX TE D ALMANACS, JUST RECEIVED AM).FOR SALE AT* THIS OT! IQE. PUBLISHED EVERT TUESDAY. THURSDAY AXD SATURDAY, BY JOHN F. EVERITY, On THF. B AY, SAVANNAH, (gEORCI O AT SIX DOLI ARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE HALS* YEAIU.T, 13 \W\ \SCT. ‘