The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, June 23, 1807, Image 4

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Superior Court , Chatham C'otirfn. it 7 \ pi il Term, I £o7. /’ N *£* pus fin'’ of Hamclc i* Sr.n, o f t! •• coJT*y ” of CO’ifham, if th ft it** of Groiyia, p anter, ftu tir*” fhaf a c**tair< deo-i of if n jdt* tnH exunit'd by Mjliiam M‘I)o aid, forn er< f the parish of v c Ceorj?e. rl *r prnvt- re,t ow ft .• off .e r rpia, by v.I • h he yave ■* ft r > v*ned tin o hi* v ife \ hi<- so J II !, and hi <la Mar- Vl‘l>'Tia'd, aff* r v. iuL \ l a-y hriftie, and to hr furvtvor or furviv or** of fht-n, l>ni heir and afTijM jo- * vur, al! f i*. ttt— t oe, real ad, wha‘f r *ver Hll< ( *heref.ievt-r fj Mate, vi itti tl ** i{h end> sand apiurtenaiKc* to t’ f.tid land I, or .ii x •• h I iffti • and er- * “ab* ai he f -n*<’• (lav s, ands- It -rk n evt ykr ! • -a? • <ia e the fit I day of Jn y ii> .he year o’ ou b> <i one ou'.ind l ven I ut.d <i and f;x ty fhte**, (a rjy h - I a>* t. -ar*v a * ft *- ,f u! or (’ ll and recollect wa -irneved to the fai*l p- tit’ !d • J ii :br lrk • ( iVf to, Lifter with an ass. iavit j -i’ ii tit to the Ivs -of ft ■C in th s irate I.i fui h ca ll •*) liar th- iiid d* il f ; it was 1011, or deitroycd by tine, accident. or during rhe revolutionary war; and j> aying tl e benefit in * dcd * y the la *of so ce in thin (fate, 1 *r the jmi: pole o! e tab i. in •/ toll paper*,and Otl * r circumiharn a pro f ben ;* laid b-fore the ourt. It is rd* <ed ftiar the laidd * and < i j .’t h- el v ablilhed as line ed by law, on tl e laid Ua r. ck Gibbon’s pub* It ” ing a wei k.y iitin in o* of .ui pu .ic • aze'-'u* Oi Mils bate lor •! • (pace • i fix hi a )dd’ month*; >oi ad luflic flit (aide Inal’ be flies* nto the c unrary viifti u the .aul iix months, or other tin ter i iai. appear to the court the lame i.- ia, Jr, in ,i mi. ults% thin 20 h si fi *//, 180 7 (|- 4 ) T. JJoll ( Ik. C ii. j)) 1 ’ • , ( h;, i: m ( - t nut . Ltfe'ij- Court, Hi A June, 1807. D . James Lwcll “J ufa L J iiii’li.iM ronnor. ) /\ N” ?he peifion j nre F'• f 1 doctor of jhvfr * * ft ls .no that h• is roi bred -n the ; i < f this . uil ty so debt at the fuito Jo> at).an (.<jr hv pn ref* I om rhe Sui -rior Court <f the cou.i y of C ha him ; th he is tl table ro pay the debt for which be 1* c< li ft -d or mp ve hail t * atiMver til * I ime rto lu no* t bi nel duritiphi'C nfin menr; but i-* wil itij* to d* v*r n • I Ins efiate real and ne ion .1, ior tin* hem lit of h s r. and prayinp to be adn itfed to the benefit oi the ttii • vent deb 01 *s udlsol this ilate. If i- oRitEH'U, I hat no iu* of thi* application he frrved upon each of the ciedit is of the said James J vs * I, an* be puhlifhed in one of *be of the fi v of S ivannah, that they may appear at ti e 1 ourr- I’h'Uit in the ianl cll of Sava’ tiah, on l r day tht S I yof July n x ,to (hew cause, if any they hav vh’ rhe pray?r o. the aid petiii ner lhuuld mi be giluted. Kdwaid led ir, > A. b. Hu,.o,h, j J -’ cc c * June 13 61 ClOitClA,} 11 v I horn is Li nr he, c of th I C on toi ‘) I 1 \,t r Mte c 11 ty * 1 111 \\ nrke ) Clu'lnm “i th* Hite a I rel id \\ I IKK. A*s C ;p >1 c:i ti ‘o fn e e*s of admmtlltaMon nu the etiai* am est ift <’l Cl rh Hr vs 11. 1 * *t he c y of S va nah ]>i •* r ri*(e.lei, prn cip I c edit r. I 1 el*- r- t ms c t. c ead adnv'i.ifh all n fi ‘he hi di* and ndc’i ‘ iOl s1 f the ec* ;*sed fi e heir hjecM s (•! any they h.iv* ) n m ■ Ihce cn 01 hes ic he th fecund d.v • Jus next, ether w **lf *•? > *f adm nutr .t n a 1 lln gt anted G v *.i under m\ h u and and IV I. * his ad dav t I Ju*e, mth year <1 ‘ti* Lord ne ‘li uin n h 111 il t at and leven, and n the thir -I*rt: year **t \meriran Iml pendence. fFjh C. OHGI \, )lb I l.onis Ii u he,cl* rh < f the enur■* I > f f O ilr 1 ary, |1 * lie cuty * f wb.a lb H urkt )h m, in t e ilatt* a* m laid ’ II d\ i t\ > VJarv hum 1, wid vs . h s rnricb •ii* I tle ter> f dm ntlmi n n be eitat* ai. il ms *>l ‘ i! 1 n n tun *u, I ie -f tin a * * I v’ v. iul , 1 u che , d* c *l* and a** i.e * Isr < t km ‘i h* I ar, h r* re 1 rt a*d adm *i. tl 1 I and (r - gun mk, ird ad 1 e*h ms * the . c !• d!< lie iher object* n (11 a y tbe\ havej 111 im otiic , nn r net i he _d day *I Ju ext, otheivvifc It * f almiut t im f* *> II be ine l G*vcn mil 1 my hand and IV. this pd and v ol June, in he *eir of ur 1 rd, re hul nd * •; h t hu ul red an five , ad n the th> tv-tirst yiai of Amciicun Indc pe ilei cc. ip 4 3 CF.OHGI A. 1B- Th mas H ttrhe.c <!> f rhe(’ u*i I. >. v t o d’nux I r the C 11 t of Chat Th. Hnurke h II e il elam. VV Ib.UK A ‘ v uf rmah Mialie’ ,tvid w, an fl Fre i’t ick h tier have mu'* *pr ca in r leter 01 *ll nntiiH tit *it the eh ead edicts < t bhafte . late *d tnc C*'v of’ .vvann .1, c irp. i*te, dec as ucirrli t kin Pheie it theief ie cca na - .it ad ii .1 a. • In k’ lie I an •c 1l - is <f he il< c -li i’. t ne t heir - djeo’ • n ( I any h* v It vt) ■ nty flic , n rb f 1 the 2(t tlai id |u iu \ , he -it idlers t udirtimitral 1011 wih be gran tin lu lit Giv n it Ur m\ b ind and iVd, this ?d and v of ju •*, in the ‘nr t nr i.ord, >- e h d.i> > 1 nmulr-ii ands *< n. avl 1 1 the him hill ’ * * •- r ? *t • and nee 4fp C- itui v, it 1 .il u k .1 tik ol the C*iui t i.. / id Old* an t r be County ol Chat Th H > 1 he. 1 hum, in t* e It at* at *il and. U 111 Ui \> Je uiv.i 1 Cu ler.efq h s made ap* p‘c\m • t i e'u'.s f unvi tt a*- 1. n the eitat* u it itlics ol | le, h Wt Idler la e >\ he c”v if vm ah, , ij oeceriled, a p nnpal miiiVr Tbele.*e brief re men and Hunt • illi a l id \\\ pula* die Kind td and ced ol he t o fi e their hj. c I**ll- a.y he* hav J nnn di e. cm r he I v h cu da. f Juv 1 1 xt, < theiwife lr"oS’ I ailmni Ilr ‘inti w I b pa ’tdh’ u Gve i Unde tm hand and I I. ’hi :d dav . f Ju * mt* e ear of u L*r 1, o e th u:t and ci. lit iuit el ad I v , nd in the tlvrty mil \* it * t An ric in luilcp Idv c . |p 4; <I ; .ORGIA sty ft ‘horns* iou’ke, clerk of the Court I S. {ol r y for th- county ol Chatham, ft .ou *c 3 in tb* *ite aforelaid V\ K* R %N W miam l>iai ‘ ord efqr. ha- made ap* pi cat on letters of adimndtration on the ellate and edtefts o* 1 zj rth l 1 ail>4oid, ia*t * f thv city ol 1 har- Ir.i n outh Caronna, widow, de-euied. as .ta elt of km I neie air th- relore to Cite a: and adrttoniib ad and ding lar rhe kindred and creditor* of ‘he laid Jeveiled, to flie th it * bject on- (il a. y they hav ) in my othcc, <v *r belo.e the -d uay o Ju y next ounrwiie let* lei •! adnn idration w ii. be grauteo him. iiveu u -de* my hand a.d f**a. tins and day ol June 1 year sou i..*td, one tho da ii bundled * •'. teve ,ni . i.t Uic tauty-urit year IA n 1 trail IliUcy cUuUi%o> |e -ii GEORGIA. LIBERTY SUPERIOR COURT. March Term, 18u7. ON the petition of Mohes \V ay, of said conn tv , pluiiter. that he was possessed ol a rci deed or title to soioe negroes, and |) property, as trustee, for the use t f Mrs. Rcbct.r.a ‘hearer, and her issue, a copy whereof, as ncuiiy as the petitioner could ic col.eet, vv am.exec ti; pe i ion, and i, in u lodged in tl.e clerk’s oiTiee. to.,ether with ad ds-, rs pur-iu.nt to the act ol’ Assembly, In been b s> or de- troved-—ai and p-aving the hene fn intended by s ! i acts, and other circumstan tial proof la iog 1. iu befoic Couit— / in ur >i(l, Th..tthe s id deed, or tiile o sale !'roin Mat hew She c cr, 8c l ebecca Slieai er, bis wile, to Moses W ay, of >e roes aiio some , e son.l propeMv, 1 e cstjblisl.ed .s <ii nc’’ and by law, on the s.,i i Mu es W .y’s pul - lishing a weekly i otice in one of the public g iz, tes o r bi*. state, for the sp..r.e ol six ca lendar nuiiiths, unless good cause shall be shewn tothc contrary within *he said six months or o’her matter sh.dl appear to the coui t a g.,inst the same. Ricr'/.v. 2 j'h March, 1807 —Extract /rout iht miitutrs. A. Fo'tester, c. s. c. l. c. [M ir. 31. f i m’s.] Notice. U” PON the petition of Thomas Young, of the ■. i-v of Savai.nali, n the state of lieor ;i a p aiiter, staling a Dcedol I'oi.-.evallcc i.oili John Graham, late of the province of Gi or; iu. to John Caldwell, late of Sou ii-C .olina im twelve hunched a< ;es oi land. silu..tcin the pre sent county of Liberty, in the state ol (not i.. known by the name of liaillic’s neck ; bounriei. south and southwest on Noi lli-New pc.ri rive; and land oi Robert Nobles, east and lioitheast on land of George and vacant land, aru. north and northwest on vacant land, lieai ing date the d..y ol , one thousand seven hun dred and sixty -lour; uc.opv whereof,asne.ti Iv as the pe i ionei could recollect, vvs am excrl u Said petition, i, now lodged m the clerk’s of he v together w i ll an affidavit, pursuant to the acts ol this sla'e, of force in such eases, lias been lost or destroyed ; and prating the bent fit in tended by the ah resaid acts, and other circum stantial proof being 1. id hcfoic the court : 1. is aide id. that Ihe said Deed ol Conveyance, from the s ,id John Graham to John Caldwell, lor the land aforesaid, be. esiab i lied as i ireci ed by law, on the said Thomas Young publish ing a weekly notice, in one of om public ga zettes of this state, lor the space of six calen der months, unless good and sufficient cause sli II be shewn to the contrary, within the s. i. six months, or oilier matter shall appear to the court ag.dnst the same. Rune <jJ Gc jri'ia, l.ibertv Cr uvtv, J rom the minmes, March 2a, 1807. 23 A. FORRESTER, c. s. c. c. l. SHERIFFS SALKS. Will ht* r cM at the Court Hotife in Jefferfon, on I in ‘(!. v the lih Ai gull next, between the uluai hours nflale, the following Negi taken in execu *ion ui’lie* the ureclofu eof a mortgage irom N artha W Niehtuyale at the luir of Richard O’Donnei, and to iat"*f\ the lan t —v z— Jim, Cudjoe, hredeiic, VV i. f Laura. I r.u k, 1 on.hi, Virlt*r, Juba, ‘-ina, ’ ail), Mary Dura. 1 ydia, Mauma, Yantma, ComnniTn, Quaihy, V- hriflopher. Mob.ta, Duba, Coo.t-y, Commilla, c'oom bu, ami a child oi Jim and Vio et’s, L. C. „oncs, s. c. c. June 6. 58 TT, r II I be fold at the Court Iloufe in Erunfvick * of tlu-1 veiitit Juiy next, between the uu i h urs tl.e follow ing N. ;<ro Haves, take xi in exicutn n as tile propel yof I homas St ne, at tile lute oi i an ; el .nil nv.m. under the foietlolure ol a n.oit^agc —v.z Ali iic: va, Lvt, and Lena. H Liam Payne, S. G. C. Aprils') ’ TT 711 1 l, e b. don the ‘Jd day of July next, at the t. oui t- lii ule iu .’-avannah, between tie uluai hours, oi e o iehow named l.uke, leized in ex Cu t .on a- rI e j>ii'pcl t) oi John \N uroy, at ti.e iuit o. Ji k. Ai'l a. Lae. 1 • llobcr sun, s. c. c . J une 2 s(i ——♦♦ ♦— XT T il l be fold on Tuvfday Till of July reit, at the ‘V Cl urt-Houly ill .'avamiih, between the nlual hours of iale, a'i that plairation rear savannah, k ouii as No 2, and } art * I No 1 , m h.,n an n tradf. contair iu>; I3(> acus, more or ieis, a joii.nijr lai d> oi the iate general Jaeklon; lorecloled as the piopetty of lames and h.atui- l). I. Hem.ta ard others, to lattrly a mot gage due Richard M. W illiams. 1 iioiiL.b KuLcr.bon, s. c. c. June 4 51 FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE , Aid all t.e Printing offices and Book Stores in the *- ity, (Price 12 1-2 Cents) “ T tutrt, C.n-i u:i n, anti Circular Letter of the (!. ) e>-a( Ctmnrru of Georgia Ba/.tß:*, convened at M.unt l-.non, with an .i/t~ ftrndix. By H. HOLCOMBE, A. M. Pastor o| the Baptist Church in Savannah.” April‘Js 40 Rues’ Cvxlopaedi.’. The S’v’h Number of th ‘"Oikisjuil reoaved, Hid Iwady iu. dtd.eij .. tOia Oliise. Marshal's Sales. L Ve fold at the Court-House ir the city of \ \ Sstvam ah., on ‘hr ‘id of July rext he vvten the uft a’ h uth of a t-, the fol owirg property t ken in execution, viz lit H tfe ard ease • f l.t No. S, Warren w aid. f> ri t tVe \ aiket, Wai ieii wad, row or la e!v occupied by Mr* H-im ‘in. Ai o. h.ofe two flores. the Vui t ing- and jeafr of lot No. 8, I)igby I \thing Decker Waid, near n.a ket iquare.rexr to Jo* ft-rh \ ice, watch m ker ad oppoflte Rou tneyV flore. 1 akefi UI execution a- .he piipert) of MXeod acd Mi.lcr, adfc* i.. b. J.btrm.g. Edl. H all, M. D. G. June 2 59 Wi he Ila at .ie tl jic ‘n.'uv nnah. On TL'b I) ‘• V, t e 7th of jul) nixt, between the h u ol ‘.t . and two o’r a ck, The l) expired I e Ie < fa vv . Imr. STO)*E aid l:L'l I. i dNG a . ’s ('sie Cl rk’s! “ hart', li., w tin I) 11,1 t S h n wt 1 Ive i ‘hi oc cupant IBej 01 C o and take ii. ex cution as liis pr pm . >t he ui fWilban M . Berjdmiii Wail, M. and. c. J'l e 8 58 NOTICE. PERSONS indeb'e to the EAate of Andrew AT*- Grtdie, late oi var.nah, \ e’chai.t deceased arc here hv caihd upon for pavmert — Vnd thole t> w ton the eftaie iii t üb.ud win plcaie to exhibit a kaien ent of the 1 ileu a. d> .A}-; itaious to lie ei al i\ i'cieil in havu. 1;.ill. in to the iubicuber iu Lj.aiielt ii vsili be du.y ai tended to. David M‘Crtdie, Qualified Ex’or. s av. April 50 42 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PILOTAGE. S VAN NAH, J 111 It 4 . IS© I. I Consequence oi ieveial per ions a(ftirg illegally as Pi!o- s, ( koi kld, Tl ar tl.e Secretary do pubhflt monthly the Nan e- of iui!, Rilots, a 3 polieib Lranches or Ccr* tuicates from thiN hoard. l\xi ract from the Miniutea, THOMAS PIT 1 \ ban ary. AorEAB'E, to the order of the hoard I do hereby iv e n*t c*, ti.a’ lief .lowing pci ions on. y, are duly au honze . to , <ft as Pilots: 1 I on as NoftJge, I 111. on (. A) , Janies Ncranmn. I Eranch Pl[ \ ’ill, ;n I oylton, F jaii 13i ughton, ‘I ionah A w <.i rhy, J R th id VV all, Branch Pi!ot*. Vn i han. ‘ a’i udtir g under him. Joni Major, 1 1 tei L eafa r , Reuben Anclerfon, | John Braufljy, Certificate Tiots John l>, I John Dixon, ft iiomas Glborn. J THIzM ’ S PITT, Stc’ry Just Received And For Sale at this Office, A few copies of a second and irrpr’ ved edition of that very inteieftmg ana popular, entitled GGL'd R ViaXGR AG.UXST MURDER Or the forrovvful Life and Cruel Death of M.l A Y / iND L E Y, Who after giving a handsome fortune to her Husband wa- molt ha, baroufly droned by him in eight week after marriage, ior which he was late.y hung at p dgiie and Cour -Houle S utli- Carolina I hi- }>iect i- vvt 1 caau lated to p ead rhe caule < f poor little Orphans. & tr t. urh the leait leniibiiiiies of the human heart. Price one, 25 Cints. COM M U..ICA T E D. Few Trageuies have been with such as tills oi poor Mary i iadiey, which has already run largely into the second eoition. May ne, whose itnnujf ring kingdom yet shall cmr.e” leiiuei it a me..n of preventing the le pe ltion ot such horiid ciimes and . rueiiies i oe lollovving critique Loin the pen of ihe ce lebiuted ..meiicaii llis.oiiaii cannot but iotei est the pubac. “* Charleston. May 16. 1807. “ Dear .-ir—l tnaiikyou for yotir much es teemed Pamphlet *• God’s revenge on Min uet.” No iiian can read it without having his name Lem les often exiited—No man can read it without having both his horror of evil and his lespectior virtue increased. You h ive the a 1 of b ending lnstiuction with amuse ment— While you keep you.- readers in high goo,i humour i>y the tiolicksnnicness of youi manner, you are inculcating upon them im portant moral and religions truths, conducing to their present and future happiness. “ i am very respectfully, yours ” David Ramsay. “ The Rev. Mr. Weems ” LOST OR MISLAID, V NOTE OF HAND,drawn b Andrew Mar / V rn in fav r nf Wi lam G dfrev : endo led by him r J tin gHte f r hirty-mne d'lhirs; the and itt s relived ‘ hr f e ime in Dec mber 18 8, pay:,be then ft dvofJu e, 1107 All pe fns are c u mned ag v ft-rid; gs r, , r tee v n; i*i • (aid iwe, md the drawer is en h- cauti ne.l agauift pay ing ‘he fame to any one except John F. Ever Lt. Iline 11. iiunk ,T n‘n st ’ f o-’ Bonds, far 5.s s tfus 0 Sax. rO Pv SAL F. T’VO HUNDRED ACRfS, or more, of prim I COTTON LAND, in Bryan county, I andlome lyfi tupted on the fa ! r-, and in vmw ot Sunbury ; for parti- ular* t apply t Vr ROBERft’ HABhkc>HAM> SavauuahjOi to the fubferiber. Bt ni: min \Vn r d, at Tivoli, Biyan County, April 18. 37 LOST, gOMF. fir rt t:m< fi.-ce ,a fm ill Piter’ Pf'CKPT. P.O( K, tie ..”011 of vv! tch s infere •rt - qu !. As the b rk r, nta'i ‘ n.-'hiighu- f.-me m m a 1- 11ms, rnly f u!e t’ the nvrrr ani pe l (* 11 fi, n the f me. will iect y a Iti'table rev ard a. and .hai ka if de verrd ‘O the printe.s. .1 11 e ’ ) 61 Boarding:. o A few pe-t'emen can he r-er eelly feerm-o. ri ,-ed wuh g anri I.odginsr at Mrs. ANN S''oU l’s, ■ ear ‘ne Evcbange and opp fre Aicx andev H berfham’s Diug and Medicine Store Juue 13. e -6< NOTICE * T’E t F fuhfrriherearrefHv roqueftc those perfor, who are ir debt, and to the late firm rs Ever itt & Al T.ean, ard are in the habit of visiting this ity, to call at tie office of M’l.ear & Barnes, where thry will n-eet with a full di.charge by paying their refpedive dues. NoiTiu.ll M’Lear. Savannah, Jure 6. £8 Buchan's Fan.ihj Medical JFoi ks. rue POS/. LS BY JOHN HOFF, OF CHAR LITTON, S. C. Lor ftublisihirg by tutscrifuion, DOMESTIC MEDICiNF, or, A TREATISE ON THF, PREVENTION A'D CURE OF DISEASES, BY REGIMEN AND SIMPLE MEDICINES. To iv/u h are added, OBSERVATIONS ON DIET; Recomn-ending a methr-d of’ less expensive. and n.ore conducive to heal- h than the preleut. ALSO, HIS ADVICE TO MOTHERS, ON THE SUBJECT OF THEIR OWN HEALTH % and the means of j romoring The Ikullh , Strength and 1 euuiy of their tjffl/rihg. ’-Ot UK ‘-<29 >SX> cgn BY WILL) Avi BUCH AN, M D. FELLOW or TUB ROYAL COLLEGE OF I*HYSICIANB> EDI N BURGH. Upt THE celebrity <f Dr. I uchan’s M u cat. Works, a- well as the r univerlallv :,.ckn w , ug, l ” ility, re 1 ’-r ary commet dation. at intfi'n . who y tilelefs. Tn-p.efe.t e.iiti n, however, b s a.'vat't iges ; a little hes ,e ,i.p ,) - V, of the 1) rt, r, (1805) lie lev fed the DmJl c Med I.ine, ad b (ides confideral Ie me and t en's, b. -aueu In a i> r ri lt ing new I'll j els or heads—and as ‘ln V ccnat on r few-J e* las hec me an imtu rtan.t brrn cli in it .vie da I Ar\ this edition will contain die belt lntoima tion on tha’ he*'d The ADVICE TO MOTHER 0 , vh'ch wII be added to this eui b n. is a late ( r ducm n < f this ctlebrut.d | liyfctat—The Ph< adeiphia Literary Vlagazine, in noticing this work, lays, •• T Ins per formance is o’ e, f the niiit üb-fn aid agreesble ■hat c mld h.v been tra fplanted to •ur find Tl.e uii r san Id mar, bu’ i.e writes in ail e’ e t:un ii ga 1 and perfu five, a tl even in an elegant min; tr. IT e work is entirely free sum tetlm cal oof u ry, or fcientific me'b and It is wri.ten to 1, ltmcr, md for'hat purjiofe endeavours to engage thcaittn. ti m of that lex whose imereti he takes in.o his caie.” COATD IT 10 RTS. I It (hall he printed in a large oc av > vnhime, on a legible nea’ type and fii.e pspei—aiid fubliantialiy b un i aid letie.ed. II Ihe price to fubleribers. in Sheep b nding, wll he thret and liars, nd 11 Ca f, tbri e and liars and fif'v cents—no money ttquired tiil the work is puhlifhed N B. The lafl revifrd D nr/} c Medicine fel s at three d’ 1 ars, and the Ud 1e to ..utters w il .liars The [> opoled edition, innuuing isoui, with a aittoi.s, will be t nly three dollars. IO” Subscriptions for the above work receive ed at this office. M —63 TRIAL FOR MURDER. Just Received, and for sale at this office, (PRICE TV E N TY-rjVE cents) THE TRIALS OF * Samuel M. Mayo and IVlliiam loovc, FOR THE Murder of David YVhittcmore. The .all of wh m (Love) was executed at Augusta on the 13 h ultimo. Extract of the Preface. “ The imp'rtarce of the followirg tris's wi 1 b cknowledged bv al! th< fe wh > regard circumllanual md oral evidence —'he former rela e to Ma n, aid he la'ter to L ve, on which he was en.vnfted a> and harg and. The reports of the evidence sn those oc are fr tr he f.rft and Otft authority. They are nearly verba i 1 ” PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, BY” EVERITT & EVANS, ON THE BAY, SAVANNAH. (GEORGIA) AT SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM PAYABLE HALF* YEARLY, IK ADVANCE.