The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, September 17, 1807, Image 1

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THE REPUBLICAN; And SAVANNAH EVENING LEDGER. [VOL. V. fto. 102.] To the Electors of Chatham County. 1 OFFFR tr.yfo'f a candidate for the Sheriff's Office at the ensuing election, and solicit the fuffrages of my friends and fe low-citizens for that appointment. Peter Shick. August. 25. 92. To the Elector:-- of Chatham County. I announce myfelf a Candidate for SHERIFF, at the ensuing election, arid feel gratefm to such of my fe.low-citizens, as may honor me with their fuftrages* J. P. OATES. September 8. 03 To the Electors of Chatham County. (£J° Intending to be a candidate at the approaching election, fer SHE 111 FF of this Coun ty, I now apprize my fellow citizens thereof, p'cg ingtnvfelf for a fa.thful and fcharge of the duties of tne office. I (lull be thankful f r thetr luffrages. John Eppinger. Angtjfl 25. Jte 92 Messrs Emrt-t & Ev&ks, IT has been afierted by fome, that Edward Ltoyd efq. is a Candidate for Sheriff, at the er.fuing ele&ion. From whatever motive it his been put it. circulation, to me, it is unknown; but Mr. Lloyd has autharil'ed me to contradict the report, and positively declares he is not a candidate, nor had he ever any intention of offer ing. J- P- OATE3. September 8. 50“ We arc requested to state, that JOSEPH SUDER is a Candidate fur the office of CORONER at the enfuir.g election, ands. licits the fuffratres of his fellow-citizer.s. September 1-95 Fellow-Citizens of Ch tham, Ts you like your OLD CORONER, I am in hopes you will lupport him at the nest election. T. Brown. Augufh 22. 91 A GRAMMAR SCHOOL commence the firft day of nest month on Vy Mount Enon, ’u >der the immediate direction of the Rev. Charles O. Striven. In this inffitutinn will be taught Reading, Writing, the Englifli Grammar and its exercises, arithmetic, Geography, with the use of the Globes, Mathematics, Aftroftomy, natural and mo ral Philosophy, the fine Arts, Logic, and the Latin and Greek languages. Price of Board and Tuition, (pu pils to find their own lodging) onehcnbrcd dollar 3 per annum, quarter y payments,in advance. r :?y The different Primes throughout the state are reijiiefied to give the above a few infertion*. Attguft 22 f 6 MOUNT-ENON SCHOOL. As fome doubt concerning the import of the word Lodging, has been expressed by fome who have pe ruled the communication intimating the opening of the Grammar School at Mount-Enon—the pub lic are lefpectfully informed, that it only intends bed, ,ediino- and waffling—The terms of tuition and board ing being at the low rate of one hundred dollars per annum exclusive of the above mentioned particulars. The public arefirther informed, the Grammar School is now open for the reception ol Scholars. Those pr nters who have been kind enough to men tion in their columns the communication alluded to will ct nfer an obligation by inferring this explanation. September !0. Free Children Stolen. QTOLEN from the fnbfcriber, in Wake County, Onear the Fifhdam Ford, cn Neufe river, the 21 ft in flant, THREE GIRL CHILDREN of co our (fiee barn) viz the eldest named Polly Valen tine, and j, renarkable for havuig a large tumor 011 her bread, which lias been anced ; the next elded Susan Bun het Valentine ; the y“tinged P.EBtcCA Ann Va lentine. The elded about 15 years old, the next elded nine years oid next January, toe youiiged five years oid January pail. I'hey have very smooth skin, dark mulatto colour; the two younged veiy sensible. It is supposed that lomt diihoutft person has taken them off for the purpufe of feiling them as ilaves. — Every person that can give any information to the p: in ter hereof fi> that I can get my Children again, will be thankfully received, befidcs making any fatisfadl on 1 am able to do. Nancy Vala'nh.e. Raleigh (N. C.) Align P. 24, 1807. (ft Rees’ Cyclopaedia.. Subscribers are informed, that the FOURTH NUMBER is received, end ready for delivery at this Office. The Fifth and seventh are duly locked for from Philadelphia. Court of Ordinary. ORDERED, that until the governor may bead a Dedimus, to qualify the Clerk as Escheator, that the court do undertake ti.c du tiesjanuexed thereto, and that due noticed’ sales be given in the name of the Court of Ordinary, agreeable to law. Ordered to be published. Extract from the Minutes. , T homos Bourku, C ik- c. o. k- r . June 2 56 AUCTION. On the Iff of October next, wil: oe fold before myftore, A NEGRO GIRL, Belonging to the effate of Win. Cruvillier, deceased She i a good cock, washer and ironer, and is fold in order to arrange the affairs of the find effate. By order of the Executor,) Normau M‘Lcod, September 15..4 —101 Auctioneer. SALT IRON, best Swedes CROCKERY WARE LOAF SUGAR-, and LONDON POUTER For talc ty R. St J. Bolton. September 15 l 101 A. & S. Richards, Have received on Consignment, 2.000 bushels of white Flint CORN, per brig Friendship which will be fold low, if taken from on board. They have also received from Ntu'-York, by the shifts Dartmouth and Charleston. 50 hogflie.ads7 „ . 9 barrels J Pnme SUGARS 21 bags PEPPER 10 pipes Country GIN 25 hogflieads New RUM 5 trunks SHOES assorted 3 bales GRE AT COATS 3 boxes SADDLES. /-V S TO R E. 120 bags COFFEE 5 bates NEGRO CLOTH, TOGETHER WITH A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, a'l of which will he fold on their usual advantageous terms. Augu£ 29. o 94 Landing this day, J'i unC che Tl'jCuCT Sukcy, at Al’jOl'c ’a xuhaij', 20 hhds 4th proof Jamaica RUM, 33 ditto Prime SUGAR, 20 cases Sherry WINE, Which will be fold iow for cash or approved paper. B. St C. iirooks. June 23. (iS. Ginn Bags. Just received and for sale, 50 pieces of narrow BAGGING, well calculated for ginn and picking Bags. Normau iVi‘L.cod. August 29. 94 M eli 55,7 ‘aylo r & Cos. Inform their friends and the public, that they hat e removed to ihe store lately occupied by David Taylor, jur. They have Just Received, By the ship Alary from Gieenock, u part of their SPRING Supply of GOODS. Among which arc.— CN OTTON bagging j Flax and tow oznaburgs Brown linens Pavilion gauze—table cloths and diapers Cotton shirting Cotton, marking and flcss t'..reads Red and black Moiocco Caps Romal andPuilicat handkerchiefs A complete assortment ol coat and vest BUTI'O.\S, Pots, ovens, skillets and sad irons. Which tjUI be (lisftosed of on good terms. May 1. 43. Bills on New-York, At a ihort fight, for iale by James 8c William Magee. December 2 33. Administrator’s Sale. WILL EE SOLE, On Saturday, the I9th of September next, At the house of the fnbfcriber, ALL the HOULEHOLD and KITCHEN FUR NITURE of the late Mrs. Anne Maxwell, de ceased. Conditions, Cafil. Sale to commence at J 1 o’clock. John Floyd, Aclm'r. Camden County, J An guff 9, ISOJ- J 90 THURSD A Y, SEi-tfcMßiai 17, ISO 7. FOR SALE, 100 barrels freih Philadelphia Flour 20 pipes French Brandy 13 boxes brown Soap, by J. Idler 8c Cos. September 12. i* 100 FLOUR,YZ 100 bbls. frtffi fnpetfine Flour 20 dittto ditto Mackefel firll quality Cotton Bagging Tick’tn burgs by the bolt half bbls Mels Bed EOS SALE BY Gardne” Tufts, September 12. .. L... 100 Moore’s Wharf. A. & S. Richards, Kf AVING laken THEODORE ALEXANDER LSCHOKDbE into Copartnerihip, inform their friends and the, public, that the falme fcufinefs wil he conducted in Juture, under the firm of A. EC S. RICH ARDS & Cos. September id ct 99 NEW Druse & Medicinal Store, O Oil the Bay eftftosite the Exchange , next door to Messrs T.iri.oit c 'J Scßinvci:. B. BERTHELOT, RESPECTIFULLY informs his friends and the pub lic, that he hfs juff received a complete afforunent of all kinds of Drugs, Patent and other Medicines. Dr. J. B. Berthelot, D ESPECTULLY informs the public that he poflef- J l a sovereign remedy for all fort > of Venfkkal 1 >t: - eases— pcrfoijs of both f-xes can with confidence make use of it. The advantages of this remedy are, that a young npn may take this medicine, and be per fedlly cureJ, without a difeovery on the pait of his con nections; alfo.the patient may, without apprehending any danger,exiofe himlelf to ccld, night air, and rain, and pursue his tilual avocations, as it requires no par ticular regimen,other than to sustain from ihe comtnif fioii of excefaes. Those aho may apply to hint at his medicinal fiiop, near the J-xchantre, ni.iv he assured of the molt Profound ferrety being ob.erved. iiuguft 29. 24 Philadelnhia and New-York BOOTS, A JUST RECEIVED, BY TAYLOR Vs SCRIDXP.R, On the Bay, nearly oppofitc the Exchange, ox HAND, An extensive assortment of Shoes, Os almost every defeription, which are offered at re duced prices, wholefalc or retail. September 5. 9*3 ATTEN T I O N. MEMBERS of the firft RIFLE COMP ANY of the liilt brigade, are requeltril to attend ar I lit! ‘.tier bolt, on Saturday tlie ipthmftant, at 30'cbck, l .rthe (turpi fe of electing officers. Gentlemen who are difpefed to joinfatd company will attend and give in their names. September 3. 95 TO RE RENTED. TIIL HOUSE lately occupied by major Harden, and the office adjoining. The tennemcntNo.2,over Messrs Ogdenrfc Baker’s store, and several other housesthe situation and terms ol’ which may be known, on application 1° Joseph Habersham. April 30. 42. Tor “sale or to lease, r T'HAT PLANTATION near Savannah, on the X Thunderbolt road, formerly a part of Fair Lawn trail, afterwards cultivated by Richard M. Williams, and late the property oi L’Homaca; on the pretnifis area comfortable DWELLING and OUT HOUSES, and part thereof is under fence. For the culture of Cotton and as a market garden, no situation near Sa vannah offer such advantages. Richard M. Stilus. September 8. 28 FOR GALE, A BILLIARD TABLE, ALL the apparatus complete ; the upper cloth, lass April, in Charleston, cost forty dollars, boih the under cloths new...Price FIfTY DOLLARS, CASH. En quire at tliis office. September 8. L cjs THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE, His two valuable LOTS, n£ar the Exchange, hi this city. Joseph Habersham. June 10, * (‘j [Whole Numiieu, 54.".] WILL BE SOLD, On th: firjl TI ES JAY in November next, a! the Court* Rosje, ;n SavaSrah, ietxecn the hours oj 10 and 2 o’c/oih, A NF.CUO NAN, mint and DICK, who is able id ± Xdu common Carpenter’s vvmk, ;.„d has been ac enl.omed to pcrltrni tlie usual duties of a house fer vam-and also. iis mother DIANA— tmlefs bey mould m the mt.n time l>e sold at tiviva'fc a greeably to the will of Elizabeth Young. A note” with an approved endorser, payable on ihe firit la! nuary next, with interell from the dale, will be tu tuved in payment. Joscpil Clay, Ex'or . Persons difjiofed to purchase the above Negroes me informed, guarantee titles will be given by the reverend JidcpU Cluy. 7 September ia. loa FOR SALE, ’ A Valuable Plantation, ON Great Ogrchee river, about c, K h h n ?‘ l , e l‘ belo ' v Louisville, near ° d ( ’A ,,mito n. lately occupied by Ca r tam containing by 0.,. ~. ‘j |* t y r T* na l survey eight hundred acres. art ‘' le * >* cleared and un- Sja dor fence, with l'undry building* tafiSJi3t3EJ2SSES3 thereon. The pi ice, and terms of payment will be known oa application to Mr. Awbuosl Day, printer,Louifviilu, or in Savannah,to John Tebeau. July 10. 8)> FOR SALE, 460 acres of Swamp Land, on the ri ver Alatatnaha : IT is a part of a (met oflaud granted to the late general M‘lnto(h, in the fork of the Alatamabx and Cut lleud called the Point It is at the lu-ft ni ch ot the i ide, antfi as little iubjoct to injury from 1 relliis as any land on the liver. Jhe purchaser can no accommodated with high land near a bluff on Cat- Head, tor a ieulemcnt, and a ftifiicient portion of Pine Land back, for the purpose of lumber for the plantation. If the purchaser is inclined to add the traff, tlicrei is adjoining and for Cxlc 200 acres of Swamp Land, with a bluff fettlcmeat on on Cat Head, containing 150 acres of Pine Land, belonging to the eila e of John P Ward, efrf dc'-caf- Thcfe lands together, will make one of the molt com pleat KICL and COTTON PLANTATIONS in the ttatc of Georgia, The Fiat can be viewed, and terms known, b< application to the fubferiber and a ptirch-fer wiffi ng to tnipect the land, it wnl be Uicwn him, on appication to THOMAS M‘CALL Llq. at Darien. Joseph Habersham. J u ’y ’?■ 7 6. FOR SALE, All that Tract or parcel of Land c bn taining 350 acres, IP j ,ie farr * c more or left, ate the property of XX George Baily, tleeeufed, being in tlie county of . amden, bounded on tlie caff by ibe Great Satilia iivir, arid on all otliei iidcu by land vacant at tho irSC of the lurvey thereof. ALSO. One other tract or parcel of Land con. tabling 300 acres, Be the fame mere oriels, late the [irojierty of Geotgd Bailie, decealed, beir.g ni llie county of Camden, oou ided on the caff by the said George Badit's land, and ii -n other iidcs by vant land, at the time of die survey thereof, ALSO, All that tract of Land, containing 500 acres, BE the fame more oi less, orlgir ally granted to Robert Bailie, detafed, being m tbe county of Ivl'lntofli, bounded foutli by the river yliaiatnaha eatton lands originally granted to Catharine Doug! lain, nofth on ands granted to Willfym M'lntufiu and v. eli on lands granted to John M‘Cubo\jgJi. she two fir It tracts contain good COTTON LAND and the lass tract is or the first qifcALiTY Tide swamp. ANb ALSO, One undivided third oi’ that valuable ISLAND, Oppofire to lLrian, on the river Alafamahs, com. av.nly known as the GENERAL’S ISLAND and origii a y granted to tl.e late general MTntcfli ThiJ third will contain about Bon acres Os LANJ> of die very fnft quality. Title ; are ii dilnutahle,—- Terms will he made hi.own by appytng to ,Dr. BAYARD, on Island, or to the fub feriber in Savannah, and the fiuation ur and value of the ia id will be explained by applying <o TflOM* AS M‘OALL, efq. at Darien. Joseph Habersham. July 18. -jS Plantation Cooper. Any person having a good Plantation Cooper, thaf they wiffi todifpolctd, willhear of a puidialer by ap plying to A. S. Ro e . Cegtuu.i l m X9i..di