The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, November 19, 1807, Image 4

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A\tention, purchasers. VjK..(BROKE PLANT AI ION, feveii miles frorr. i Savannah. on the Thunderbolt River,containing jn acre*. part of which is, enclosed and c.,- p .h'e of up ducing good crops < f cotton and prov. {I o.i ; whi'h, together wiih the well known falu i r ty of ihe iituatioti, a large and Convenient Dwell i .jj ll> ufr, in excellent repair, and a fine Spring r \v'a*er, render it one of the mod and firable re'reats in t. e neighborhood of Savannah—it titered for fate v> • m.dcraie terms U’ qurfti nable titles will he m de. Applicants are ret; tt d'o F. I). Petit tie Villens. Oil her 3 l— u —ft, An Overseer Wanted. A fmart,Sr.duOric/Ui, young man, who if fteady,smi Vrquaiuud with the'CULTURE of CO Ii ON, wi.l lotet with good encouragement on application to Mrs- Sahau C*Arciw,ot. Helena, or to \\ . \ v ootll •r'.d^e, Srvannah. November 12 fa Ballast. The fubferihers wil deliver SAND BAI.I.AST on board vefielt at their wharf free of all expences includ ing wharfage of the vrflel while taking it in, they will jJfo deliver it along Ude of any vellcl port free of H. Be J. Bolton. October 27 f HD N E W Drue: & Muiikinal Stoic, O Or? the Hay opposite the Exchange, next door tr. Messrs Tjrion o’ Scumkbb. I)r. J. 13. BI.KTHELOT. RESPECTFULLY inform* )ii*friend* and thepub tyr, that he ha* just received a complete allot intent ot at! kind* of Dru Patent and other Medicines. ])r. J. R. ilcrthulpt, V ESPKCTITLLY inform* the public that he poflTes- I i lfs a Invertign remedy for*tll forth of Venereal Dia f*(W—perfons of both ifiei can v-ith confidence 9)1 alt t* ule of it. Ihe advantage* of this femedy ar*, that a young man may f ahe this medicine, and lie per il'll ly cured, without 1 difeorery on the part of his coil alfo, the patient may, without apprehending any danger, expoh‘ himfelf to cold, night air, and ram, fn purine his usual avocation, ai it requires no par ticular n j;inu*n, other than to in Main from ‘fie commif jpon of e\ceWs Those who may apply to him at his Xpei'ieinal fliop, near the In-change may he allured of tin mod profound secrecy being observed* *uguft2l>. 94 AND ENGLISH Academy. THE fubferibers refpedifully inform their fe'low ci'.iit'll*, that thty have uffuiiaicd together for the pur poir of con duffing a cnmprehenfive course of USE FUL and LIBERAL EDUCATION. on the plan of Approved and fuccrteful seminal ie* in the northern U'ltc*, and in Europe. ’1 ho Academy includes ail Englirti, a Clascal, and a Mathematical School ; alio, one apprhpiiated lolcly 10 i"he nit ton of young ladies, which is entirely leparatc I fivmi tho others “1 he pupil*, in general, are carefully 1 {ll iruAtid in the various branches which are compelled i 41: x tegular and crmplete Fnglifh tducaiion. In this dourfe, in conjunction with their Geographical lessons, they ate taught to dekneatt Map* and Charts, audio use the Glohts and other inftruiuents, iUullrative of Geography and Allrononip. • 111 ths Greek and Latin department, the (Indents, af ter having laid a solid foundation in the Grammar and other e'ementary hooks, are tomluCbd thro’ such parts ol the celebrated profc and poetical writets ot antiqui ty,a, experience and the bell usage have (hewn to be elf. dual in the formation oi ready and ex ad cLflical fflio art, ’lie 1. (Too* and exercise* of the Maihematiccl School are adapted to make the Undents flcilful and expert cal culators, iti whatever pursuit the application of their Wi icm.itical knowledge tpay become nee lfary. T he PUPILS attending the LADIES’ SCHOOL in addition to their literaly education, are iuilruded in pi am work, embroidery, tmiflin woik, &c. by a, lady ho it employed for that purpose. 11 RAW ING and I'.UN I ING, Portrait, 1 andlr.ipe and Flow ers, are a.lo taught it) the lchools, by .> at till of didmgutfhvJ talent*. hatever ahi tty, long experience and sedulous at tention to profelftonal improvement may h ,vc confer red .>n the lubicribets, has been fatthlully exerted to efiabliih in their Academy a fyfteut of indrntSion, which, for method, discipline and extent, should pre f. ;it to young per lons of either (ex, in Savannah and the • -•rounding country, as many latilit.e. of improve tm nt as arc to he obtained in any other(uot collegiate) iaUifution. ’1 he fuhfcribt rs would do great injuftic* to their feel ings, did they noi avail themselves of the present op. yortunity of offering to then friends end the pubic, their fnicx re and grateful arkuow lodgement* tor the li beial patronage they have ind.v dually experienced, since their etlaMifhment in this city ; and they trust, that a sac” an -egard to the morals, and an unremitting Solicitude sot the teal improveßitr.tof their pupil*, will fccure to them a continuance of the public favor. YY - Cirycn. W. Prince. For further particular., aoply at the Academy, in Broughton (Ireet, opposite colonel burliman’j. fcavinuah, September 17. j fu jog Puwx rs oi’ Attorney i\jr sj’c ot (jut tJJth-v. Grand Lodge. Vl T 'e MEMBERS of the GRAND LODGEoGEOR *”*- GIA, are notified to attend J&i *” at their Lodge Room in the S, Tilature, the Crft Saturday in December next, at ten X ~1. - o’clock in the forenoon, btdng a grand quarterly comniui.i - 1 • fcr—. cation, for the eetffion of effi-er, and other bufinef* of the Craft. The different committees will have to produce their reports The lodges under the jurifdiiflion of this Grand Lodge, muff render in theix return*, by their proper repre fcnfi'ives ; and in default thereof, the Grand Lodge regulatibns will be put in force. l)y order 0/ the 1(. IV. Grand Master. D. D. William’s, Grand Secrrturu . The edlforiof the Louisville Gazette, Augusta Herald, and the Milledgeville Intelligencer, are re quested to insert the above twice in their papers. Aiov ember 17 137 THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE, His two Valuable LOTS, near the Exchange, in his city_ Joseph Habersham. June 16. fn Foil i* Dollars Reward. Strayed or fto en, from a yjrd in Yamacraw, about ten days ago, a BLACK HORSE, about thirteen and a half hands high, about ten years old, cropped mane and tail, two hind feet white, one more (b than the other, and has a remarkable (car, about the fi 2e of a dollar, near the midd.e oi his rignt fide no brand* tecolleifed. I lit ab*ve reward wll be paid on leav ing hint with the Printers. November 17 12a Absconded, Lately, “ r "’ ‘L 1m 1 My Fellow JOHN, (but fome times “answers to Manuel. He is a French Negro, b, * may be taken for an Af 't’j Tf'l r ' ca ". i” appearance and speech. He ‘V 15 “fl'iw It a ure and very thin,had on ol,f ol hill'gs, ah'panilh horse lock, r ‘ and a puckered fear on one check. Four Dollars will be paid for lodging him in Jail, and t ix Dollars for delivering hint to me in Carpenter’s Row,next to major Harden'*, with all reaiotiabie expend. F. S. Miller. November 12—12# f A REWARD OF 15 DOLLARS (?P’ WILI. be paid to any person, /CTV for apprehending a likely young //A(hi negro fellow, named I3HMAEL, !gK piSL nd lodging aim in goaL He is a* f~ S’ Siz'VV Ut 5 eet 6 <>r inc h*s high, . ol an ailive strong make, but a yV-’;* ,*f'A ■ J'.v'fi*. little bow legged. Ills countenance . is rather handsome, hi. (kin being biack and frnooth, lus hair isfr.ort but regular and neat, his manner (when vexed) is iu (t lent and i aring he is extremely a tfui and platilib e ; he had on white woollen pa ita oons and wailfcoa? avd an rid l.tiior’s b tie jacket He has a canoe weh him, therefore it is (uppofed he keep ab<> U r avanuah river, or W hitmarlh and U.e neighboring lilands. He belong* to the i Itafe o# V\ ve\ e decealed, is tvel known a ! bout town, and lately*liad a wench of the late .Vrs. j .Shuk as a w ife. -Vli maffers of vcffeU are cautioned | apainft carrying off the said negro Fifty Dollars will he paid on conviction in a court of jullicr, of his having I been h irbored by a w hi., and twenty five dollars by a black perlon. S. Neylc, August 29. 94 one es the executor*. 20 DOLLARS REWARD. 4 Kan away from the ftibfcrib cr, the tlrtl of Auguit lail, TWO NEW NEGRO Fj I. 1.0 iV S, which were brou h . from the c all of Africa about " p vt ''‘ r ! :l| i I’()\iP. Y, dim, thin vis a. r* ‘ ‘.u -< and, I inly com tenance, about vi sci en inches high,l'pCaks lea- , „ w ,ui ng l fit WILL, rcu at \ la, ed but five feet four inches high, rather a mire p’eain g countenance than the other All pei fms at e f, mid from harboring the above mentioned negroes; and a reward of Ten D liars for each, with all real’:; tide expcnccs, will be paid, if delivered to ihe of av.,i.nah Gaql, or to ihe fubl'criber, on his pwntatun, near Savannah. Joseph StlltZ. ©iffc her a*—i >8 Five Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the fuhfcriber, on the 9th inst. a Nemo Wench named IYRAH, about five ieet lour or live inches high ; had on w hen (he went away, aiionaburgh petticoat and j'humliums wrapper, and Carried away leveral other funs with her. She is about S > years of age is eery cunning and plausible in her llories ; has a (car on the back part of her head, where (he was burnt w ith fire when (he was, frnah, and the : hair has never grown there fines. She is well known J abou. White-Bluff and Savannah. The ab.erewa and will be paid to any one who will i deliver hej to the lubl'criber ou Cos onei’s-IJland; to Mr Will am Wooobiudue, in Savannah ; or to the mailer of Savannah goal. • Edmund Adams. November 12—125. RAN AWAY FROM the fntrcrUier, on the 6th h ft. a NEGRO MAN, named JOHN M ‘ CKF.Y He is five feet level !■ Che* h'gli, dim mad*', and of very veil, w, welt kn wn in town, as formerly belong : i gto Messrs Mem, Mack*; Sc Cos. If.N DOLLARS Reward and neerffarv expen ! ces will be paid lo any person who will lodge him in •oy gORI within this hate, or to the fubfenher jh MeiTro J. Caig Ik H. Mitch el’s Xvharf, Savannah. Jamee Campbell. November jy— j jfi The Commissioners of Pilotage Hereby give notice, that * ey will receive jiropo fals until the firil day of rex’ month, for the CON STRUCT ING ot SIX BL T OY.->, conformable to one finifhed, anti one hail finilhed, to be fern, as fpeci -mens of the work required, at tvltlfrs Robert £t John I Bolton’s wharf. Ihe buoys muli be made of tli. belt pitch pine, and lo conftru.ffed as to suit the iron work already prepared jnd be iimilar to the buoy which is now to be seen finifned. Tiie unfiniflitd buoy is alio to tie completed. Security will be required . for the faithfulnefs of the vrorkmanfinp, guaranteeing that they (hall be water tight. Propo lalsare to be lef-|with me, fe. !ed, and at the lint board alter the fir It day of next December, the con tract wiil be given to the iowell offerer, under equal security for the faithful jierformance of the work the absolute security r qutred will be exjiedted to ex-, tend to the tightnel’s of tiie buoys for twelve months. No advances will be made; but, at soon as fiiiifhed and approved of by the board, the contract on their part will be complied with inftamer. The ohject berig that of permanent t! e trade cf the port, it is expefted every offer will be predicated, on the ground of security, to embrace the comjietency of the work for a fpecified number of years ; bu', as above stated, to be water-tight for twelve m< nths, mult be absolute—hence, in the otters that may be made, the term of years for which leiu rtty will be given mult he fpecified. Any enquiries w hich may explain the vie ws of the commifiiontrs further, will be answered by either ot them. The security offered in whole cr in part of the foregoing intention, mud be named in the p.opo (als rffeicd; and it wil; berem-mbered, that fectunty will only be required againlt ordinary cct nrrt ncet, not the events rt deliberate violence, nor extraordi nary unintended cafunlties. By order of the Commilfioners, Thomas Pitt, Secretary. Savannah , jVov. 3, 1807. 124 NOTICE. Al.l.perfor.shaving any demands against the eftrates . of 1 homa.i Smith, and Thomas and William Smith, late of the citv of Savannah, merchants, are requested ; to render the fame duly attested, to Atton Pemberton j and those indebted to said estates, are requested to fettle w ith him, lie being authorifed to receive payment* ami give acquittances therefor. Susan M. Smith, Adm'rx. Atton Pemberton, Adm’r. September !. NOTICE. THE fubferibers to the CITY and CAROLINA GAZETTES (printed in Charleston, South Carolina) who live in Savannah, or its vicinity, are refpetSHully inlormed, that we have appointed EVER ITT &. EVANS, our agents, to receive fubferiptions and all mon es due us, in Savannah, We hope those in debted to us, or the former firms, will not fail to call on them, and pay up the fame. Eiiiott Sc Richards, Editors of said Gazettes- Charleston, November 5—125. TO RENT. THE PLANTATION on Hu.chtnfon’s Island opposite .avaunab, called VVailds, at prtlent planted by lloiffor Bayartl. For terms apply to Joseph Habersham. July 3 7 3 TO BE RENTED, THE HOUSE lately occupied by major Harden, and the office adjoining. The tenement No. 2, over Messrs Ogdens St. Baker’s store, and several other houses. The situation and terms ot which may be known, on applica tion to Joseph Habersham. April 30. 42. Tor sale or to leaseT r f HAT PLANTATION near Savannah, on the J- I hundcrholt road, formerly a part of Fair I.awn traift, afterwards cultivated by Richard M. William?, nd late the property of i.’Homaca; on the premifts area comfortable DWELLING and OUT HOUSES, and part thereof is tinder fence. For the culture of Cotton a id as a market garden, no iituation near S>- vannah otter such advantages, Richard M. Stitcs. September 8. 99 For sale ~ ON REASONABLE TERMS A Cypress Canoe built Boat, THIRTY odd feet long and five feet wide in the clear rows with lix oars, is also provided with a fail The above mentioned boat is not one year old, has lately been painted and is in complete order. Fr terms ap ply at the office of this paper. July 9. 72 FOR SALE, SEVERAL very valuable LOTS and BUILD INGS, tn this city; the situation and terms ot which may be known on application to Joseph Habersham. Tune t 1-OU SALE, • A corner BAY LOT, No. 5, l ranklin ward, fubjeift to 80 dollars per an ’ num, ity ground rent. On the lot is a very conve nient two Itory dtviWng house, and other cut houses T 1 e terms will be made easy to the purchaTer. Also. a likely, healthy, intelligent MULATTO BOV , about 25 years of age ; a complete houie ser vant, and a good waggoner and ploughman. Apply to Bulloch & Glen. Ddlober 22 117 To be sold, or exchanged, V N iftive, fctifihle, ab e bodied NEGRO FEL- A * LOU , about 3- years of age ; a complete axe man, and w il calculated for an Augusta boat, or wharf hand. Ihe owner would exchange him for anew ne gro, as he is ay eric to field work, which is the object with he owner. Appiy to Bulloch Sc Glen, oaotwus lio SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first TUESDAY in December next. Will he fold at the cll - >• I ’ G viip county, between the hours of ten and three, “A Lot in siucl loun, aso. 45. Levied on as the property cf Benjamin Harr, by Soffmon Motjdy, coultabie a’d returned to me ro li-> tisfy sundry executions Coi.Ji’ior.s of lale, ca'h. William Payne, s. c. c. Glynn county, Ocl. 22. —13 FORMER SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first TUESDAY in December next, Will be fold at ‘hr Court Hcufe in Savanna.’,, be tween the hours of ten and three, Ore tindividt I half par; oi” W'H ARF LOT, No 11, bounding well on Wayne’s, north on the river, eail by Caig & Mitchel, f..uth opposite Franklin new lots ; containing on? hundred feet mere or h “% to he fol? by viru? of an execution, adminill'•ator and adminillratrix of John Herb vs T. U. P. Charl ton ar.d Henry Putnam. Alio, LOT No. 37, Columbia Ward, with tires improvements tin reor.—fold 6y virtue of an execu tion, and Ward vs. Ilcnry Putnam. T. Robertson, f. s. c. c. CAober 31—121 Sheriff’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in December next, At till Town of Jefferlon, between the hours Iff and 3 o’clack, TTTILL be exposed to sale, a negro Cave named YY GEORGE, ffized under execution and will be fold as the property of Motes Harra’, to fatisfy a judg. ment in favor of Davis &. Gunn. As also, all that I.ot being a part of Lot No. 4, in the town of St Mary’s, with improvements, contain i Ing feet on St Mary’s street, and extending hack j two hundred leet, lcvied.on and will be fold to fatisiy ; a judgment obtained by Mair & Mears, againlt Jofepij Dorj. Conditions of lale talh. D. G. Jones, s. c. c. October 27—119 . Marshal’s Sales. On the first TUESDAY in December next, Vjjill be fold at the Court-House, in the city of Sa vannah, Forty-eight NEGROES, levied on as the proper ty of John Wood, by virtue of an execution obtain., ed by Charles M. Lide. AI.SO, The plantation called LENDEN HII L, corn's*, ing of iwo thuds of a tract of land, lituate and ly i gon the north fid - of Crooked River, in the coun ty of Camden, in this state, originally granted to J tc b Weed, about the year 1779, containing by ori ginal Purvey, yiy acres, or thereabouts, bounded on the fou'h by Crooked River, on the call, Crooked Creek and vacant marfir or rnarfh fuppoied to be v - cant, on the well by lands belonging to the ellate of Woodford Mabry and to George Woodruff', ano on the north bv lands belonging to tlieeftate of general Greene The laid two thirds of fai.i tracl amount ing to four hundred acres, mere or lei’s, being fitustc at the tipper or Weft end of said tr ft, aajmnu g Mabry and Woodruff's rrmffsas af. reff.d, and divi ded or to lie tiis ided off from the bit. a nee of the ori ginal i'urvey, by a line commend 1 gen Crooked R v t , and running back re fs the said survey, and which was lately c nveytd by James “.eagrove, efq. .•f St. Mary’s, T James Johnftr.n, efq. of Savann.b,. in trull to and for the use and behoi sos the wife and children cf the fa.d John Wood Als-, with ihe improvements on the traift. the cr o cf c to n, corn, and other provisions, two mules, ft ck ol cat tie, and fome lio u Lit old furniture. Ben. Wall, si. and. g. November 3 isi Marshal’s Sales. On the first TUESDAY in December next, Will be fold, at the Court House, in the city of Sar vannah, The following NEGROES, l evied on as the property of Richard Pearis, by virtue of an execution obtained by Cmg & Mnchcl e Fogy, Doil, l/ucy, Cloe, Maria, George, Nancy, Pearis, Jenny, Kat'e, Harriet, Susannah, Kate, Jack, Body, A dor. is, Prince, Monday, Dick, Virginia, S.narr, K.ito, Pollidore, Uofe,, Billy, Minday, Geor gia, Ifmacl, Samson, Fanny, Sail, Francis, Fretie. lick. Bet, Harry, Boh, little Dina, Puffy, Betty,, Edinburgh, Beck, Violet, Bob, Tom, Samfoo, Peg gy, Sam, Joe, Sunday, Dick, Sue, femerfet, Dma, Patience, Mary, Hannah and Silvy. ALSO, Sundry Articles of Furniture, and a quantity oi Cotton in the Seed. John Boog, D. M. D. G. November 3 iaa. Administrator’s Sale. On Wednesday the 9th day of December next, •will be sold , The HOUSE and BUILDINGS, lately occupied by James Shaffer, deceased, in Weft Broad street. Alio, an assortment of CARPENTER’S TOOLS, house hold and kitchen FURNITURE &c.—being the pro petty of the estate of the said J ame Shaffer. Frederick Shaffer, Adm’r. OSober 29 120 Land for sale. A Trail of two bund ed ttnd two acres and a ha'f, in the twelfth diflrifl, Wilkir.i'm county, wilt be fold very low. For further information, enquire of the Printers. November 14—1*7 Board of Fire Masters, 1 Savannah , September 14 th. ISOf. THE BOARD OF FIRE MASTERS, from ■ late inspection of the Fire Buckets, are-induced to recommend to the citizens, a due observance of the Fire Ordinance, by keeping their Fire Buckets in goo< order, and lettered, and in fafe convenient places The law will be rigidly enforced agaieft all thole who use tire buckets, except in case of alarm. Extract from the Minutes. ’3 . Thomas Pitt, Clerk.