The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, December 01, 1807, Image 1

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THE REPUBLICAN; And SAVANNAH EVENING LEDGER. [VOL. V. No. 134 ] PUBLISHED V.YEUY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY* BY EVERITT k EVANS, ON THE BAY, SAVANNAH, (GEORGIA) AT SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE HALF* YEARLY, IN ADVANCE. For LIVERPOOL, . MISSISSIP PI, Moses Kelska, master, (lr.te “ 1 y commanded by captain Drum rurwl.) Having the freight of her lower hold engaged, will be dispatched immediately. For freight of cotton between decks, or passage, ftpply tv* the master on board, at Howard’s wharf, or to S. &’C. Howard. November 24. 131. “Tor LIVERPOOL, The fast sailing ship Liver *-ol Packet, Thomas Parsons, master. — Having a great part of her cargo ready to go cn board, she will have immediate dispatch.— For freight of 250 bales cotton, (a proportionate quantity of rice) or passage, having excellent accommodations, apply to Ogden’s £•? Baker. * 125 bundles HAY,.for sale, receixed per Li verpool Packet. Apply as above. November 24. ‘ 131. For Sale, •J-TiStSIY The Pilot Boat sloop WJ-Plv JOLLY CRUISER, In good order, lying at Howard’s wharf. Apply to S. Cs’ C. Howard. November 24. L. 131. For GREENOCK, • The ne Rew Ship Edward,'-t* , 3eac Abraham Nichols, Master. Three hundred and fifty bales of cotton are wanted to fill her up. Apply to Mein, Mackay Cos. November 24. 131 For Freight or Charter, The Bri S FORTUNE, Eilsworth, Master, About 200 ons burthen, in complete order for a voyage. For teims, apply to the master on board, or to S. & C. Howard November 19 —129 FOR GREENOCK, The fad fading Ship M A R Y, V. A. Stokfs, master ; (A conftanttrader) having one half of her cargo en gaged For freight or pufiage, apply on board, or to Tailor & Scarbrough. JVho have received by said vessel, A complete assortment of POT METAL. October 10. 112 FOR LIVERPOOL, . —L'Ty, The remarkable fall failing (hip Alexander Hamilton, aWilliam Callahan, master; A eonfidtrable part of the cargo is engaged and will ibe soon dispatched. For freight of the remainder, or Jpaflage, apply to the master, or James Dickson & Cos. September 29. 107 FOR BOSTON, , The fast-sailing schooner fortune, aS-A-’W Dennis, Maiher; W ill fail immediate!* having the principal part of her cargo ready to goon board. For freight or pas- Lie, apply to the master at Howard’s wharf, or S. & C. Howard. ‘hove :riler 19—129 FOR LIVERPOOL, , The well-known, ft ft lading . Ship Eliza > oi&mrxetam JasEPit Stabks, Master, IVill be read.’ to receive her cargo on the iztli inst and will be f.-nt otF with all pollible and: fpatch. For Freight or Tallage, apply on board, or to Taylor Bs. Scarbrough. O-fteber 6. no Bills on New-York, At a ihort fight, for falc by Juiutb Sc.'William Magee. Dc.voibar 2 33, JOHN GINDRAT, SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER, Respectfully informs-his friends and the pub lic, that he has received by the late arrivals fromNew-York and Liverpool, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Saddles and Bridles, And Saddlery of every description; AMONG WHICH ARE Elegant Saddles, shattered all over Do. do. knee-puff Do. do. plain, with patent bars A handsome assortment Ladico Saddles, of the first quality and boxes completely assorted Saddles, with plat ed and common Bridles, which will be sold remarkably low by the box. Plated Bridle-Bitts Duke Bitts, fast and loose rings Portsmouth ditto ditto ditto ditto Snaffles, assorted patterns Suwarrow Spurs, and Stirrup Irons Curbs, single and double, strong Saddle Nails, elegant patterns Martingale Hooks, and Buckles for neck-straps Half-Buckles, with rollers for plated bridles C untie Binding Inch, half inch and quarter inch steel roller and inlet Buckles, for girths and surcingles Tinned two-barred Stirrup-Irons, No. 10 Best ms ns Saddle-Trees Best girth and straining Web YV ith many other articles in his line of busi ness, which will be sold low, for cash, or appro ved credit, at his shop, opposite Meliss, Taylor and Go’s, wholesale and retail store. November 28—133 Fresh Fruits and. Wines. JUST RECEIVED, Jars fresh GRAPES Boxes bloom and muscatel RAISINS Bags soft shelled ALMONDS Ditto shelled sweet ditto Ditto ditto bitter ditto Boxes French FRUI TS Ditto PRUNES Champaigne > WINES of a scry superior Old Rhenish $ quality. VERMICELLI PICKLES of every description ON HAND, Hogsheads Jamaica RUM Pipes Cogniac BRANDY Pipes Holland GIN BROWN SUGAR in barrels Casks Malaga, a Old Madeira, / Muscat, f WINES, of a very good Teueriffe, C quality. Port, \ Claret J >}'/* CONFECTIONARY of every descrip tion, for sale by C. H. Fisher. November 28 m 133 GERMAN GOODS. August G. Oemler & Cos. Have received from Bremen, via Baltimore, in addition to their former stock, The foliow ing Goods, viz. A complete assortment of Looking Glasses Fine and middling sort Violins Violin-strings, bridges and screws Hand-Organs, Trumpets Lauthorns assorted Slates and slate pencils Marble I cages, Chessmen Glass and Slone Beads Velvet Bindings Silver Spangles, Masks, Cloth-brushes Ladies elegant dressing and work boxes Wafer-boxes, in nests Pictures on glass Crayons in boxes Counters, spectacles, fine tooth combs, kc.kc ALSO ON HAND. Coffee-mills, needles, silk umbrellas, needle cases, elegant flower-pots, segur and snuff, boxes, garnets, tapes, silk handkerchiefs, chil drens cotton frocks, silk and thread fringes, checks and stripes, German rolls, shirting, thread and cotton stockings, hempen osnaburgs platillas, time-pieces, gold and silver watches ; and a variety of other useful articles in their line. Which they offer for sale low for cash or approved town-notes at short sight. November 10 125 NOTICE. ;T7* The sale of PEWS in the BAPTIST CHURCH, will take place on Tuesday, the iirst day of December next, at 10 o’clock a. m. Joseph Davis, ) W. Patterson, > Trustees. B. Brooks, ) November 26 m 132 (U° 100 bales COTTON ;i*e want ed on freight, to fill the ship AMERICA, for Liverpool. Mein, Mackay \ Cos. November 28 * 13 3 T U E S D A Y, December 1, 1807. Cloathing- Store. The subscribers are now opening on the Bay, one door east of Messrs. Ogden’s & Baker, A large ;;*J general assortment of The most fashionable C LOATH I NO, \ VIZ. Superfine !!ue, blafck, brown and mixed cloth Coats and Coattes Fine white flannel and Salisbury Coatees Superfine blue and black cussimerc and cloth -• Pantaloons Do. fawn, drab and mixed do. do. Pavilion and silver cord do. Fancy thickset, velvet and velveteen do. Trafalgar and hunters’ cord do. Satin cloth, patent cord and satinet do. Superfine drab and black cussimerc Breeches Black silk florentine and fancy silk Waistcoats Castillian cord, silk, plush and velvet do. Spanish toilenct, swandown and black cassi mere do. Tabby velvet and fancy cord ditto Fancy faced flannel Nests and Jackets Flannel, muslin, linen and jean Drawers Swanskin and flannel Dressing-Gowns Black cassimere Gaiters and patent Suspenders ( hildrens plain and fanc\ Hussar-Dresses Misses scarlet and Sulisburv Coats Boys and youths Coatees, Pantaloons and Waist coats Boys and youths Wrappers and Stir touts Embroidered cambric and linen Shirts Muslin, check, flannel and baize do. Gunning Coatees and Guernsey Frocks Superfine drab and bottle-cloth Surtouts and Frocks Extra ditto ditto ditto Superfine drab, brown and olive cloth Wrappers Bath-coating and drab rattine Wrappers and Surtouts Blue, brown and mixed cloth Honslopers Lton-skin and duffil Wrappers Blue plain Jackets, ‘Browsers and Vests Fine blue cloth de. do. do. Camblct Boat-Cloaks Pilot’s Pca-Jackcts and Pea-Coats Cheap negro Jackets, Browsers and Shirts. Ihe above articles, by any quantity, with a variety of others too tedious to enumerate, will be made an object to merchants and planters, w ho may please to apply to W. J. & A. Weyman. November 24. jgi Received by late Arrivals. 50 hhds. N. E. Rum 30 bbls. No. 1 and 2 Beef 30 bbls. No. I and 2 Pork 30 bags prime Cottce 70 bbls. fresh inspected Mackarcl 1 or Hale by S. Sc C. Howard. November 14—r,—127. White Fine Boards. 10,000 clear WHITE PINE BOARDS, for sale by S. 8c C. Howard. November 28 l 133 ~*—* -M-- ■■ | Fresh Shoes and Boots. Just received at the Savannah Shoe-Store, per the ship Mississippi and brig Dart, from Boston, 12 trunks and 2 casks BOOTS and SHOES, assorted. ON HAND, WRITING and WRAPPING PAPER. Woods & Tuits. November 26. M—-132 J 4 | Just Received, By the brig AviAZow'capt. Coat, from Ncw-Yorit, A GENEHAI. ASSORTMENT OF Fair-top and cossark BOOTS Mens LACED SHOES Ditto first, second and third quality SHOES Ditto leather and morocco PUMPS Boys fine and common SHOES Ladies kid,morocco and leather SLIPPERS Misses kid, morocco and velvet do. Ditto childrens SHOES, bcc. ALSO, 500 pair NEGRO SHOES. All cf which will be sold at reduced prices ty TAYLOR 6c SCRIBNER, November 24—1 Si On the Bay. , [Whole Number, 565.] OGDEN S & BAKER, Having received by the late arrival*, nearly all th< Supply ofWinter Goods, (Which, together with tStir former flock comprif a very extenlive and general aflortment) offer their friends and the public the following, and a great va riety of other STAPLE and FANCY ART ICLEij, lor lale on liberal terms:— London fuperfinc C oths Yorkshire do. Single and double milled Caflimerci Coatings, Flannels, Salifbnfy do. White and coloured Plains Blankets, Swandowns, T oUenets, Patent Corji Marfeille* Quilting, and a variety of fancy Veiling* Worftcd and Cot ion Bennet’s Louis Velveteens and fancy do. h ilh Linens, Long Lawns and Cambrics German and Rum a Sheeting Diapers, Bed Ticks Ofuabuighs, Dowlas, apron and ftiirting Checks Cambric and common Dimities 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 Cambric Mullins 4-4 and 6-4 Book and Jaconet do. An elegant aflortment of laced and fancy Mullins Habit-lhirts and Tuckers Ribbons, cap paterns and lace fleeve* 1-4, 1-2, 4-4 and 5-4 black and colored Crapes Lullrings, Mode, Sarfnets, Florentines Bombazcts, Boinbazeens, .Shalloons, &c. Calicoes, Ginghams, Furniture Chintz bilk and cotton Chambrays Cotton and thread Laces and Edgings Silk, cotton, worfled, lambs-wonl and Angola Hof* Ladies fills, leather, pic-ntc habit and long Glovet- Mens fills and leather Gloves Childrens yarn Boot-shoes fchawls ami Handhei chiefs of every defeription l.adies ornamented tortoile-lbe l and Itorn Comb Sewing silks, twills, threads, tapes and bobbins Adetphi Cotton, in varnilhed boxes Umbrellas, l arafols, silk and cotton Bracts Carpeting, Humhums Saddles, Battle-door* Band boxes, bonnet paper* and writing paper Imperial, hyfon and gunpowder teas, in ‘Jib. cadci' - -’ An elegant aflortment of Leghorn, fplit-ttrlw, plulh, wdlow, chip and fancy BONNETS Mens BEAVER H VI fi 100 pieces COTTON BAGGING Also, Jier sh)Ji Mars, a consignment of Handsome LOOKING-GLASSES, (gilt and mahogany frames) AND 20 barrels!,e Breton’s ALBANY’ ALE November 12—126 “REMOVAL. GEORGE BUCHANAN & CO. RAVE REMOVED TO THE STORE Adjoining M’Lcotl’s Vendue-Room, NEAR THE MARKET SQUARE, Where they continue selling Their STOCK of GOODS, At Cost and Charges. November 19 129 The Subscribers Having entered into to-partneriliip, und r the firm of SMALL & M‘NISU, Have taken Stores and Cos nting-Houfe on M'-flrs. SMITH St BOURKI.’S WHARF; and tender their services to their friend* and the puli ic in the FAC TORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS. Robert Small. John M‘Nish. Savannah, Oftubtr 27...'19 SMALL & M’NISH, HAVE RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT, By the schooner Doljihin , Gale, just arrived Jrom New York, 31 casks London bottled PORTER 9 do. English do. ALE WHICH WITH 100 tierces bottled London PORTER, of at: excellent quality, previously on hand, they offer for sale on moderate terms, lor cash. November 3—122 JUST RECEIVED, Per schooner Three Friend*, from Boston, Ten chests and one hundred and tweniy boxes First quality Hyson Tea, Warranted to be all of this year’s importation, und entitled to benefit of drawback, for sale by Smith ti Jiouike. October 31 Fresh Butter. Received by the brig Eliza, from Philadelphia, fe veuty-five kegs of l itESII EU 1 IER, which will bo fold at TweNTT-rivE cinti f6r cash only, by Gardner Tufts, Moore's tvhurf. IN STORE, 26 b:'"s Prime COFFEE, and ;0 pieces Ct)'l ION BAGGING. November 16.—1—128 Powers of Attorney For sale at this