The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, January 19, 1808, Image 1

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THE REPUBLICAN; And SAVANNAH EVENING LEDGER. NUM 3E X 8 VOX. VM E VI. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY) THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, BY EVER ITT Sc EVANS, ON THE RAY, SAVANNAH, (GEORGIA) MX DOLLARS TER ANNUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, IX ADVANCE. FOR BOSTON, The schooner AMAZON, Solomon Crosby, master, aS&rrXsSw* One hundred and six tons bur then. For freight or passage, apply to the cap tain, on board, at Stark’s wharf, or to Woods fk. Tufts. For sale on board said schooner, tC this. HERRINGS So do. ALE-WIVES January IC—7 ~IFOR’LIVERPOOL, f The new and stauncli ship Y.K * r . . . tg&SP r Cnenon ’ Wfrt.-v.ssss* Captain Colburn, Hasher hold nearly stowed, and will take > ftotton to fill up : a part of which being already | engaged, it is expected she will meet with no j detention. For freight of the remainder, ap- j ply to capt, Colburn, or j J. Caig Sc R. Mitchcl. | january 2—l ~ FOR LIVERPOOL, The ship gw CHARLES, Zaciiah'.ah Atwf.i.l, master, Will meet witii immediate dispatch. For rright or passage, having excellent accommo dations, apply to the captain on board or to James S? William Magee. Who have for sale on board of said ship, 200 tons LIVERPOOL SALT, On liberal terms. Decembers—l 37 ’ “for LIVERPOOL, i The ship A L M I R A, Jon Whipple, master, Has a great part c.f her cargo already engag ed, and w ill sail with all possible dispatch, l'or freight, applv to the captain on hoard, or .!. Caig & R. Mitchcl. December R—l 37 Foil BOSTON, j -rXP~\ Thc Zrig HAXXAU. Captain Sutherland, Is in good order and ready to take a cargo on hoard. For freight, apply to the captain o;i board, at the subscribers wharf, or to J. Caig fc? R. Mitchel. jßnunrv £—l New Grocery and Liquor STORE. THE subscriber respectfully informs his * friends and the puolic, that he has taken thc store formerly occupied by Robert iVlackic, cor- I ucr of l)ra\ ton-street and bar-lane; w here he • has laid in a choice and general assortment of 1 GROCERIES and LIQUORS, which he will sell very low for cash, and will keep a constant supply of every article in the grocery line. He j lv-‘s received bv the last arrivals from New 'S’ rk, Hvsr.ii Tea, just opened Chocolate and Coffee Holland Gin Old 4th proof Cognise Brandy, by the pipe or gallon Old Jamaica Rum Country Gin, N. E. Rum Wine Vinegar London bottled Porter Ditto Mustard Loaf and brown Sugar Mess Beef Snap and Candles, by the bo:-; Molasses Gt i.hen Butter and Lard English and American dices; Best manufactured Tobacco, and lent da See. John Delberohe. T , r -r ° January 1(-—7 lleceiveil Ey the schooner Amazon, and other late arrivals, 50 barrels Boston No. 1 and 2 Bcci HO small kegs'No. 1 Butter 15 kegs -Id and Cd cut Nails 5o barrels Mackerel 50 boxes mould Candles 50 kegs Lard SO barrels mess and prime Pork 30 barrels Pilot-Bread 3 pipes choice Brandy 4 do. Holland Gin 10 quarter-casks Tcncrififc Wine 5 do. Malaga do. Together with A general assortment GROCERIES, ON RETAIL* Whh h will be sold low for cash, by Gardner Tufts, January 13—c.t—G Moors wnarf. Powers of Attorney, l cr sale at this office. J. Caig k R. Mitchel, HAVE ON HAND, MI ADEIRA WIN E, in pipes and quarter casks, three yoar3 imported, and of an excellent quality. HIBBEKT’S PORTER, in casks of C< 1-2 dozen each. Sixty bags of prime COFFEE. December 8—137 Ladies Mantles, Elegant AVaistcoating, See. Just received per ship Dartmouth, a few hand some Queen's Cloth ..IAN l'Ll'.S and Velvet FELICES : Misses Salisbury and Polcr ’oth COATS, and a few patterns most clcgaiu Mo leskin and Castiilian cord WAISTCOATING, which will be sold very cheap. W. J. Sx, A. Wcyman. December 22—145 Just Received, Per brig Prudence and sloop Sally, 2000 pair SHOES, nsrr.rlcd 200 bushels Irish POTATOES 50 barrels do. do. in good order 200 lbs. SHOE-THREAD 15 kegs excellent BUTTER, and A few barrels MINT CORDIAL All of which will be sold cheap, by Roberts ex Brant, December 1—134 Telfair’s wharf Cloathiiig Store. Flic subscribers o.rc new opening on the Bay, one door east of Messrs. Ogden’s & Baker,’ A large and general assortment of The most fashionable C L O A T I IIN Cx, vi r. Superfine blue, black, brown and mixed cloth Coats and Coatees Fine white flannel and Salisbury.Coatees Superfine blue and black cassimere and cloth Pantaloons Do. fawn, drab and mixed do. do. Pavilion and silver cord do. Fancy thickset, velvet and velveteen do. Trafalgar and hunters 1 cord do. Satin cloth, patent cord and satinet do. Superfine drab and black cassimere Breeches Black silk florentinc and fancy silk Wa stcoats CastiPlan cord, silk, plush and velvet do. Spanish toilenet, swaudown and black cassi mere do. Tabby velvet and fancy cord ditto Fancy faced flannel Vests and Jackets Flannel, muslin, linen and jean Drawers Swanskin and flannel Dressing-Gowns Black cassimere Gaiters and patent Suspenders Childrens plain and fancy Hussar-Dresses Misses scarlet, and Salisbury Coats Boys and youths Coatees, Pantaloons and Waist coats Boys and youths Wrapper.-, and Surtouts Embroidered cambric and linen Shirts Muslin, check, flannel ar.d baize do. Gunning Coatees and Guernsey Fl ecks Superfine drab and bottlc-cloth Surtouts and Frocks Extra ditto ditto ditto Superfine drab, brown and olive cloth Wrappers Bath-coating and drab rattine Wrappers and Surtouts Blue, brown and mixed cloth Ilonslopcrs Lion-skin and dull'd Wrappers Blue plain Jackets, ’Browsers and Vests Fine blue cloth do. do. do. Caniblet Boat-Cloaks Pilot’s Pca-Jnckets and Pea-Coats Cheap negro jackets, Trowsers and Shirts. The above articles, by any quantity, with a variety of others too tedious to enumerate, will be made an object to merchants and planters, who may please to apply to W. J. 8c A. Wcyman. November 24. 131 ~’ GERMAN GOODS. iVugust G. Ocmlcr & Cos. Have received from Bremen, via Baltimore in addition to their former stock, The following Goods, viz. A complete assortment of Looking Glasses l ine and middling sort Violins Violin-strings, bridges and screws Hand-Organs, Trumpets Lanthorns assorted slate pencils’ Marble Images, Chessmen Glass and Stone Beads Velvet Bindings Silver Spangles, Marks, Clcts-.-bru.Tcs Ladies elegant dressing and vork boxes Wafer-boxes, in nests Pictures on glass Crayons in boxes Counters, spectacles, fine tooth combs, fcc.Sec ALSO ON HAND. Coffee-mills, needles, silk umbrellas, needle cases, elegant flower-pots, sugar and snuff. I boxes, garnets, tapes, silk handkerchiefs, chil drens cotton frocks, silk and thread binges, checks snd stripes, German roils, shining thread and cotton stockings, hempen esnaburg platillas, time-pieces, gold and silver watches, arid a variety of other useful articles in their line. Which they offer for sale low for cash or approved town-notes at short sight. Xovi nber 10 125 TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1808. Prohibited Goods. 50 find-. double and single refined English Loaf Sugar 150 pieces Flaxen and Tow Oanaburgs 200 cu.tto Irish Linens 2 hales Threads, assorted 25 hhds. very best London Bros n Stout 5 hhds. Glass Warm assorted for stores 2 fishing Semes, 40 fathom long 1 case London Beaver Hats* For sale by Taylor Sc Scarbrough. 20 puncheons Jamaica Rum 2o casks Gun Powder. Apply ar above. January UC—t—7 Knox k Pope. Have j ast received, per brig BETSEY, from Philadelphia , 4 bales dufTil Blanketing (> boxei fine and coarse IlatS 2 ditto Saddlery, asso-. ted 10 bundles brass and iron wire Sieves Which are omu-cd at a low advance, fer cash or approved paper. January 12— ct —5 AIiLbENARY : * Mrs. IJ.J.YT lias received on consignment, nr.d to ho sold for imsh onh, an elegant, fashionable and choice assortment, ■ elected with care, by a lad) of taste in London, and received by the ship JI a uilton Jdqorc, via Charleston—will be opened md exposed to sale this day at her house, in Bf’oughton street, one door east of Mrs. Philip ..finis’s— CONS!S TING HR Readymade morning and full clresScS Cambric slips, rich Persian ditto Divorces and polices, of different kinds One velvet ditto, very elegant Spencers, with and without slecv Us Rich damask white fringe Scarlet, prune, long brocade, square black, velvet, Angola, trimmed with lace, and a va riety of other shawls. Bilk, French nett and cotton rlcfcvrs Lad cs deck and plain silk hose and gloves All coloured sewing silk, linen 6c cotton threads Veils of different kinds Elegant gilt and tortoiseshell combs Twogdt Imtteiilv ditto, very natural Fine Vandyke and Rosetta lace Jomsh and rations colou’ *-d flowers and wreaths Wreath ribbon, bugle and grey nett handker chiefs Ribbons of nil colours, French and English lact footing Lace caps, with pink flowers Bedford, with bugles, (very elegant) ditto P’ l - 1, K slf dressditto, muslin and Vandyke ditt (Timrose toumumg ditto, w itn i mum u.ce Ditto Brunswick, with hood in green sattin usees and trimmings December 24—144 Asahcl Howe, Has just received, per schooner Amazon, from Boston, A few ‘trunks es BOOTS 8c SHOES, assorted, Which, in addition *o stock on hand, makes his assortment very complete ; far sale, ver; cheap, and retail, in Market square, opposite Messrs. Me rrill & Parkhurst’s. Januarv 15—.m—7 | . —... “ Roots and Shoes, Just received, a general assortment oj BOOTS, SHOES and SLIPPERS, Os almost every description, which arc offer ed at reduced price . h r ca h only, bv Taylor Sc Scribner, Or. the Bay, opposite the Exchange. January I—f Alvarez Fisk, lias just received per schooner Amazon, aom Boston, A large supply of Shoes, CON S’! STING Os Mens fine and common shoes Ladies, kid, morocco and leather slippers Do. cork-soaled morocco do. Do. morocco bootees Misses morocco and leather slippers Boys fine shoes and Childrens morocco and leather bootees ON HAND, 50 kegs good BUTTER, ami A quantity es I’RUNKtiand n T 'UU r MS For saic onyj'vd.te the Buck’s head, January 14 —::—s Blank Entries I Vr** “t thi? l[Tiev• M hole Xtb.nia 593 John Gribbin k Cos. HAVE RF.CF.iVEti The following GOODS, From on hoard Manchester Packet, froiti Ncw-York, which Will he disposed of for rash, cotton, or approved paper, on reasonable tbnmg attlic stoic lately occupied by John lin.-vHfc 15 pipes Cognise brandy 12 hhds. Northward nun 8 pipes Holland gin to do. country do. jo quarter casks Sherry witvy 14 sugar 1 do. loaf do, 1 do. tump do, If c/iestf, Hyson tea 2 do. young do. SO minister* imperial tea 30 do. gunpowder, for family 40 boxes Doolittle’s soap 10 do. do. candles 15 do. English mustard 20 do. negro pipes Russia,.-swedes and couhirv iron Gei-mrt, blister and Crawley’s Licet 100 Shear-Mi *ids 1 bale rose blankets ? r „ , . . 2 do. London dnffil [ fvom M tQ M 2 do. negro cloths. 4 do. tdimhums 1 do. superior quality 4 do. great coats, well assorted boxes Irish linens. November If) VPS Fmk sale, 25 pieces COTTON BAGGING 5 casks London Brown Stout A i{B ditto I lihberi’s > PORTE It, 10 ditto Millert’s j MADEIRA WINE, tn pipes, halfpipes nmi quarter casks SC ICILY” ditto in ditto so kegs rr—R GUN-POWDEU ; and, WOOLENS, GROCERIES Sc PROVISION)-; I’ctcr, December 1, 154. ■*’ 1 • 1 n^i Bi'i-uidc Orders. I \‘iu f lcn County , 4 1h January, 1808. The Adjutant-General being require and by ge neral orders of the 14th of December laat, td proceed to thc unru: and convention bt Held, stall', company, commissioned and non-commission* cd Alicers iii < tiler to instinct thc min the c'is i inline preset ibed by congress, as also to teach battalion's Fhcir li'Jr'l ingnotified the Brigadier-General, that, in cbm* piiance therewith, he pm poses to attend in this fi.-st brigade, first division, at the following pe iods, viz On Monday the 14th day of March next di ning, the review of inspection of the third bat talion, Effingham county. On Tuesday the 15th of March, the review of inspection of the second, oi county battalion, Chatham county. On Wednesday and Thursday the ISth and 17th of March, at Fort Wayne, thc review of iiif.pcc’ion of thc commissioned and non-com missioned officers of the. first regiment ; and on Friday the 18th of March, the review oi in inspection of thc said regiment. On Monday and Tuesday, the 21st and 22t! of .March, at llicehorough, the review of in * spection of the commissioned and non-com ‘- missioned officers of the third regiment. On Thursday the 24th of March, tilt 1 , re view of inspection of the sth battalion, Bryan county. On Saturday the 26;h of Match, the review of inspection of the 4th battalion, Liberty count ty. , On Monday thc 2fl‘h of March, thc i-fcvlelM of inspection of the 6th battalion, Mclntosh county. ().i Thursday tilt; 51st of Mrc,H, and 1 lies, day the first of April, in Jefferson, thfc review) ,1 inspection ot the commissioned and non 4 ooumiissioned officers of the 4th regimofit. On Saturday the 2d bf A| Hl, tiie review o” nspeetidn of the B>h battalion, Camden On Tuesday thc sth of April, the icvie-.v , { inspection ol tire 7ih battalion, Glytin county. And On ‘Thursday the 7th Anri!, die fcvlcv, of inspection oi the battalion, Vv t.yne county (Jfficcis commanding regimen's and liatt...'- ons, in the fii st biig'.tde, ase the’ efoK; hereby commanded to have the same under arms, on their usual parade groitrdls, n ‘.he days before, mentioned, respectively, by “.'even oVloc.l \. V,. as directed by law. The field, s'aff’. com pany, commissioned officerso; tlie first, third, and fourth regiments will convene at the pla ces on the days and hours as before directed, respectively, armed, accoutred and plovid and agreeable to the Pith section of the nil itin law, to he instructed in the discipline presetii>- ed by congress. Biigade-major G. R. D’ xr. will, -.vitliout delay, furnlsli each commanding off: “r e* it - egiment or battalion, within tins brigade, with a copy of these orders. By order of bygadier-general Jo-’;: I LOYD, Archibald (Mark, Aid-de-camp. January :4—6 - r*— ■■ “ Blank Warrants of Appraisr-mt ‘4 I y r Izk at this effre.