The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, January 28, 1808, Image 1

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THE REPUBLICAN; And SAVANNAH EVENING LEDGER. Number 12—Volume VI. PUBLISHED , ~y . 4 EVERT TUESDAY) THURSDAY’ AND SATURDAY^ BY EYERITT k EVANS,” “1 T* > “*’ ON THE BAY, SAVANNAH* (GEORGIA) AT SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM. PAYABLII HALE YEARLY, IN ADVANCE. • * • “ V * -* • v- Jamaica Rum. 10 hhds. 4th proof J AMAH.'A RUM For sale by S. & C. Howard. January 26—11 -- - - - - , ~ Pavilion Cords, And SILK-TWIST BUTTONS. For sale by the substvibers, a few pieces fi. wn-coiored PaviliSi Cords, and a few groce Silk-Twist Buttons. W. J. &A. Wcj man, January 2—l— And for sale at Caig & Mitchei.’s wharf, A few ehnidrun Liverpool COALS, AND Six crates white bIueCROCKERY. January 5—2 Received J\j <he schooner Amazon , and other late arrival, 50 barrels Boston No. 1 and 2 Beet SO small kegs No. 1 Butter 15 kegs 4d and fed cut Nails 5o barrels'Mackerel 50 boxes mould Candles 50 kegs Lard 00 barrels mess and prime Pork 30 barrels Pilot-Bread 3 pipes choice Brandy 4 do. Holland. Gjn ~ 10 quarter-casks iTeheriffe Wine 5 do. Malaga do. Together with A general assortment GROCERIES, ON RETAIL. Which will be sold low lor cash, by Gardner Tufts, January 16—ca—6 Moor’s wa.trf Just Received, Per brig Prudence and sloofi Salty) pair .auiid, assorted I': \ji t i,male's Ir.sli I’OlAl )I'A 50 barrels do. do. m good order 200 lbs. tdiOli-1 HRi. v 1 > 15 kegs excellent B'” I'TEU, and A few barrels MINT CORDIAL All of which will be sold cheap, by • Roberts Sc Brant, December 1—134 Telfair’s wharf. Prohibited G oods. 30 Kids, double, and single refined English Loaf Sugar 150 Flaxen and Tow Oznaburgs 200 ditto Irish Linens 2 baies Threads, assorted 25 Ldids. very best. London Brown Stout 5 hhds. Glass Ware, assorted for stores 2 fishing Seines. 40 fathom long 1 case London Beaver Hats For sale by Taylor & Scarbrough. 20 puncheons Jamaica Rum 20 casks Gun Powder. Apply as above. January lfe ——< Ladles Mantles, Ele want Waistcoating, &c. Just received per ship Dartmouth, a few hand some Queen’s Cloth MANTLES and Velvet PF.ITCKS ; Misses Salisbury and Polen Cloth C : )ATS, and a few patterns most elegant Mo leskin and Castillian cord WAISTCOATING, which will be sold very cheap. W. J. &. A. Weyman. December 29—146 New Grocer ‘ and Liquor STORE. THE subscriber respectfully informs Ills friends and the puolic, that he has taken-the store formerly occupied by Robert Mackie, cor ner of Drayton-street and bay-land ; where he has laid in a choice and general assortment of GROCERIES ami LIQUOVI, which lie will sell’vcrv iow for cash, and will keep a constant supply of everv article in the grocery line. lie has received by the last arrivals from New- York, Hyson Tea, just opened Chocolate and Colfee Holland Gin Old 4t)i proof Cogniac Brandy, by the pipe or gallon Old Jamaica Rum C> iittry Gin, N. T. Rum Wine Vinegar J .ondolt bottled Porter Ditto Mustard L .ifaul brown Sugar Mess lleef • ‘lap and Candles, by the box M lasses Goshen Butter and Lard lv.gihliand American Cheese lie L manufactured Tobacco, and leaf do.’re. John Delberghe. January IS —7 : Frfsh * I4EUJMV*9 Wo NSW-9M%. Mess ana priTittsfacef Olid -Pork Pilot aiulshTp Bread Beans andTeas Butter and Hurd Flour in whole and lqilflxvrrel* • r . Madeira, Sherry and Malaga Win • Together with a general assortment of Groceries,Hard ware &. Shipchanclkry. Will be sold on-good terms, by Joint K, Alex. Hunter. - December 26—f —45 . Larraing from Sloop Sally, 100 cas.ks Stone Lime, For sale by Richmond & Allen, January 5—2 Whitaker Street. i Knox & Pope, Have just received, fur brig BETSEY, from l'h ladetphia , 4 bales duffil Blanketing 6 boxes fine and coarse Hats 2 ditto Saddlery, assorted 10 bundles brass and iron wire Sieves Which arc offered at a low advance, for ash or approved paper. • January 12—cr—5 Robert 8c John Bolton, , Have Jor saicy a. large wf/fity? s’Shc foilmiiilg • ariiclh; Swede? and Engl i sh.>itr iron * Cast iron pots and ovens /V . . ? Crockery ware, in crates Cast steel cutting knives, ditto hoefc Trace chains, .piuhi and twrsted Wrought nails ; negro ]npes Stone jugs and jars ; window glass Copperas ; London porter Loat a 5, brown siig.a's Liverpool ground salt Pajnts ; linseeu oil ~ Shirting linens. ‘.January 19—l—8 GgKivIAN (TOOLS. / All crust G. Oemlcr 8t Cos. o Have received from Bremen, via Baltimore in addition to their fonuer stock, i he xoLowing Goods, viz. A complete assortment ot Looking Glasses Fine and middling sort V ioiins Vioiin-sirings, bridges and smew# Haiid-Gigans 1 1 umpets Lauthoi ns assorted Slates and slate pencils Marble 1 ages, Chessmen Glass and Stine Beads Veh el Bindings Siivci Spangles, Masks, Cloth-brushes L. dies elegant dressing and work boxes Wafer-boxes, in nests Pictures on glass Crayons in boxes Counters, spectacles, fine-tooth combs, See.So ALSO ON HAND. Coffee-mills, m edics, silk umbrellas, needle cases, elegant flower-pots', segai and siuln boxes, garnets, tapes silk handkerchiefs, chi. drens cotton frocks, silk and thread liinges . checks and stripes, German rolls, shirting thread and cotton stockings, hempen osnabtlrg plutilias, time-pieces, gold and silver watches, and a variety of other useful articles in thei line. Which they offer for sale low for cash oi m oved town-notes at short sight, up November 10 126 John Gribbin 8c Cos. HAVE, received The following GOODS, From on board Manchester Packet, Iron New-York, which will be disposed of for cash cotton, or approved paper, on reasonable terms atthe store lately occupied by John Hi lion 15 pipes Cogniac brandy 12 hhds. Northward rum 8 pipes Holland gin 10 do. country do. 10 quarter casks Sherry wine 14 hhds. Muscovado sugar 1 do. loaf do. 1 do. lump do. 14 chests Hyson tea 2 do. young do. 30 cannisters imperial tea 30 do. gunpowder, for family use 40 boxes Doolittle’s soap 10 do. do. candles 15 do English mustard 20 do. negro pipes Russia.. Swedes and country iron Germa. blister and Crawley’s steel 100 Shear-Moulds 1 bale rose blankets } r _ , . , _ , 2 do. London duffil { from 7 ’ 4 t 0 12-4 2 do. negro cloths. 4 do. humhums 1 do. superior quality 4 do. great coats well assorted boxes Irish linens. November 10 125 THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1803 The. Subscriber H 4 VINO taken the WH ARF and STORES for <4nr , ccupied by William Hcntkr, elq oiler# .fcis *. vices in the 1’ tutorage and Commission Business, (•And will be grateful for any favors conferred on him. George Pitcher. October 10. t 121 J. Caig’ 8c R. Mitchel, HAVE ON 11 AND, M A iJEIR A WIN E, in pipes aiul quarter casks, three years imported, and of an excellent ’ i|.r.ility. ft'. “>r. “PS POWTF.It, in casks of c 1-2 (lout., each.’ Sixty bags of prime COFFEE. December 8-^-137 C. Hope, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, Respectfully informs his friends and the pu!) lie in general, that he has left Mrs. Rice, and commenced business on his own account, tvvr doors west of Mrs. Rice and next door to Mrs. Gilfert’s, in the Market square, and from hi: experience, both in France and England, lie flatters .himself to repair Watches and Clocks of all descriptions, with.the greatest care anil accuracy, and warrant to laerj' r ipi year; and aftefvvhrds for ohe'di liar per year to those ladies and gwHflmrj'iy \|jlj Ift*l f him with their customlamd will be executed with pui .- unlit’ ami dispatch. . -DefeTnlW'yhl-UJ— *” Commission & Factorage BUSINESS. THE fubfcr.iher having Urge ancgconvemenf Stote*, op the wharf adjoining James \v alljlce, elq offers his (ervices to'tiis jrienfls and the puh||c, as a COMMIS SION MERCHANT anil FACTOR. 1 hoiiais Lawrence. October 1..,l 18 / , Gloat hi ii g* Store. I'he subscribers are how opening on the Bay. one door cast of Messrs. Ogden s ix Ha k eh, A large and general assortment ot ‘l hc most fashionable CLOA TH 1N G, VIZ. niperfitie blue, black, brown and mixed cloth l pats and Coatees ine white flannel and Salisbury Coatees ipcrhije blue anil black cassimcrc and clot! Pantaloons .) •• f ivvh, drtib and mixed do. do. • 1 1 ion and silver cord do. >licy thickset, velvet and velveteen do. Trafalgar and hunters’ cord do. itin cloth, patent cord and satinet do. • .perhne drab and black cassimcrc Breeches •luck silk ilorentine and fancy silk .Waistcoat; ‘astillian cord, silk, plush and velvet do. punish toilenet, svvandown and black cassi mere do. Tabby velvet and fancy cord ditto Fancy faced flannel Vests and Jackets Flannel, muslin, linen and jean Drawers •vvanskiu and flannel Dressing-Gowns Hktck cassiniere Gaiters and patent Suspeftders ‘.hildreiis plain and fancy HussaivDresscs vlisses scarlet ams Salisbun; Coats , , s lioys and youths Coatees, PhiftaToons and Waist ■ coats’ , loys anil Sort outs limbfoickred cambric and linen .Shirts vluslin, check, ftanncT and baizi-dn. ianning Coatees and Guernsc-, Frocks iuperfme. tlrab and bottle-cloth Surtouts and Frocks ‘.xtra d itto ditto ditto mperfiiie iirab, brown and oliv e cloth Wrappers Bath-coating and drab rattine Wrappers and Surtouts Blue, brown and mixed cloth Honslopers ,ion-skin and duffil Wrappers line jilain Jackets, Trowsers and Vests ine blue cloth do. do. do. unblet Boat-Cloaks ’ilot’s Pea-Jackets and Pea-Coats heap negro Jackets, Trowsers and Shirts. The above articles, by any quantity, with a variety of others too tedious to enumerate, will >e made ari object to merchants and planters, who may please to apply to W. J. & A. Weyman. Novemlxtr 24. IJI T;> t ■ ’ ~ f / ( j; i? Boots tuid Shoes. Just received, a (general asxbrlTftrja of BOOTS, .SHOES uml SUITERS, Os alnu.H every description, which arc off'er <l at reduced pi p os for cash onlv, by B'ajlor &. Scribner, f)n the Bay, opposite the Exchange. January I—4 Powers of A’ on c , for sale at this oflico. who ls. Numb f r 602 THE COPARTNERSHIP OF Balthascr Shader 8c Son, Expires this dav, b\ mutual consent. Th >e who hav e demands will exhibit them, and those indebted ‘are requested to make sptedv ) . v luent to 2. V . Shai ii it* who is authorised uY st isle all accounts ol the concern. They now return their sincere thanks to their friends and customers for their support. B ilthaser Shaft’ r. John \V. Shatter. Thu Sub-saibct Respectfully informs his Friends trod the Public, that the business will lie ci ntmued a* usual by John Wm. Shaffer. January I—l • Copartnership. The friends and correspondents of the late Mr. John Jackson, Merchant of this city, and lhc public generally, are respectfully notified, .hat the business conducted bv him, will be continued by the subscribers, under the firm of J. E. WHITE N Cos. for themselves and the Widow of Mr. Jacksrm. The Stock now oil hand is large and general, consisting of almost everv article of DRY GOODS and HARDWARE, which the) will sell, either by wholesale or retail. Inin.ding also, to transact COMMISSION BUSINESS, tliev will accept with please e, tod execute wah. faithfulness, thev orders of their menus. J. E. White, Steele White. January 16'— 7 Notice. The public are respectfully informed that the subscriber will cont’nrte the DFUGGIST'S BUSINESS, and the practice of PHYSIC m heretofore. For a continuance of favors lie vi ill feel obliged, while he hopes to merit them by strict attention. John W. Mendenhall, Bolt'n’s brick building, on the hay; January 16—7 The subscribers Being authorised to tettle the conirocn-hi! affairs of the late Jon n Jac son, give notice to all indebted to the said ‘'crease!, that t! i y have ‘;ipowered J.E.\\ mite JkCo. to receive payments and grant acquitts ‘ ia s, R. St J. Bolton. January 16—7 Notice. All persons having anv demands against thb estate of William Eil anils, late of this city, slip e keeper, dee.eased, are requested to send tin id pr< perly attested, as soon as possible. ‘1 ‘ r ii.debied to said estate, are called upon to make immediate payment to Samuel Williams, Acini’r. January 5—2 Notice. All persons having demands against R obKrt Iksbitt, deceased, late mate of the brig For tme, Theop. Ellsworth, master, will ph e-c. ender them in duly attested, within the tune prescribed bylaw, and those having effects of the deceased, will deliver thorn to Richard Leake, Atlm'r. January 19—(—l ■———- - - ■ Notice. The subscribers being duly authorised to sett tie the Commercial affairs ot Mr. Jo n n .1 ac k si. n l late of Savannah, deceased, request all indebted to make early payment. The obligation they arc under to the heirs, will prevent them from grunting indulgence in any case. R &. J. Bolton. December 22—|t —143 Notice. All persons to whom the estate of Charles Boyd, deceased, late of Chatham county may be indebted, are requested as soon as possible to render attested statements of their demands to Mr. Samuel Williams, in Savannah. Person# indebted to the above estate ate called upon to make immediate pavment. Charles E. Boyd, rjc'or. December 26 — j— v. For Sale, A tract of about 3000 acres of PINE I.AND, situated oti the Lower Three Kims, in South Carolina ; a considerable | roportion ot which is of a good quality, arid lit for the culture of cot ton, corn, &o. and is chiefly well timbered. It lias an excellent And constant stream of water, well calculated to carry a grist-mill and c. .ti<>,, gill, wjtlmut interruption at any time cf tnc year ; and in addition is large enoie. h, at aertain seasons, to work a Saw Mid, of one or twq saws. A substantial dim is alts .<! in. on -jii the stream. Some part of the Land is cleared, and there are a few negro bouses in it. T , a person inclined to keep a store nd p rr clmse cotton in the seed, this situation won! : c cxtrfcmely profitable. Persons who arc dt i ous of purchasing Lands m this neigln.orhoo:|, and wish to live on a healty spot, would do w, I to take a view of this tract, and j ilge for tin si l es. For terms, which will he made low and accommodating, apply to Alexander Julian, Lower Three duns, bcmtll Carolimt: December 29 — \i — J46