The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, January 30, 1808, Image 1

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THE REPUBLICAN; And SAVANNAH EVENING LEDGER. Number 13- —Volume VI. PUBLISHED CVEHY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, BY EVERITT Sc EVANS, ON THE DAY, SAVANNAH- (GEORGIA) AT SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, IN ADVANCE. FOR PHILADELPHIA, . —l-UV, The fust sailing brig tAIS’ ELIZA ’ v>: ‘-■■•'TU** Albert Coffin, mast?r. Will be ready to take jn freight by’ the Ist of February next. For freight or passage, apply 1 Vo Jacob Idler Cos Who have received by said vessel, 50 bane s ircsh FLOUR TOO bags POTATOES 40 busliels ONION’S • 4 pipes NORTHERN GIN ALSO, ON HAND, English and Swedes Bar Iron lb,.i, Jjcwlns and Osnaburgh Jauaar 28—p—12 ‘’ Partnership. We have formed an establishment in this city, in co-partnership with Mr. Richard Rich ardson, ui uie FACTORAGF. and CCM- Mr.jSlON BUSINESS, to be conducted by him under the firm of R. RICHARDSON & Cos. Their seat of bin) nest ;s on our Centivd’wliarf. Robert & John Boiton. January 23—12 For Sale, 8,000 bushels Liverpool Salt 100 barrels Flour 30 hogsheads bugaf lu hogsheads Jamaica Rum CO barrels Bee! and Pork, Boston inspection 20 kegs No. 1 Butler 50 boxes Mould Candles 30 half-boxes No. 1 Chocolate, sup’r quality 20 do. No. 3 do. 1.) barrels draught Porter 5 do. bottled do. 20 chaldron Coals. S. 8s C. Howard. January 28—12—l Robert Sc John Bolton, Have for sale, a large supply of the fodotving ui titles, Swedes and English Bar iron Case iron pots and ovens Crockery ware, in crates (. ast steel cutting knives, ditto hoOB Trace chains, plain and twisted Wrought nails ; negro pipes Sc,, ye jugs and jars; window glass Copperas ; London porter Emu a f brown sugars Ei crpooi ground salt Pants; linseed oil Lilirt'iig linens. Jsunary 19—L—8 Cioathing Store. The subscribers are now opening on the Bay, one door east of Aiei-irs. Ogdi.x s tvl, i , A large and general assortment of The most fashionable CLOAT H I N G, A vis. SipcD’nc. blue, black, brown and mixed cloth : v uAs and Coatees Fi a v lute flannel and Salisbury Coatees Super hie blue and black cassimere and cloth Pantaloons I)o. fawn, drab and mixed do. do. Pavilion ui,dsilver c.ord do. Fancy thickset, velvet and velveteen do.’ n ir ar.d hunters’ cord do. Satin cioth, patent cord and satinet do. Superfine d'raYanfl black mss',mere Breeches Black silk fiorentine and fant . silk Vv aistcoats Castillian corn, silk, pics'r. and velvet do. SpanLh Wienct, swandovvn and black cassi ine re do. Tabby vebet and fancy cord ditto Fancy faced flannel Vests su. Jackets Flannel, niusim, linen ar.d jean Drawers Swanskin and flannel Dvn.g-Govvns Black cass'inrere Gaiters vivi patent b.upendcrs Childrens plain and fancy i:tus*a.r Dresses Misses sennet aim Salisbury Cents Boys arid youths Coatees, i'aalalocrs and Waist coats joys and youths Wrappers and fnirtouts Embroidered cambric and’men Mints Muslin, check, flannel smut.., e do. Gunning Coatees and Giiernvev Frocks Superfine drab and bottle-cloth Suriouts and Frocks Extra ditto ditto ditto Supcrfpiedrab, brown aiwl oliv e cloth Wrappers Bath-coating and drab lattice Wrappers and Surtouts , Blue, brow n and mtxod cloth Honslopers 7.ion-skin and dnfi • Wrap; era Fine plain Jackets, Triv. .crs and Vests Fine blue cloth do. do. cio. I ’antblet Boal-C i- al s Pilot’s Pea-Jackets and Pea-Coats Cheap negro jackets, ‘Browsers and Shirts. The above articles, bv any quantity, with variety of others 100 tedious to enumerate, will be made an object to merchants and planters, who may please to apply to W. J. &, -V. Weyman. Nov*mber 24. IBJ GERMAN GOODS. August G. Oemkr Sc Cos. Have received from Bremen, via Baltimore in addition to their former stock, The following Goods, viz. A complete assortment of Looking Glasses Fine and middling sort Violins- Violin-strings, bridges and screw# Hand-Organs. Trumpet# Lanthorns assorted Slates and slate pencils Maible Images, Chessmen Glass and Stone Beads Velvet Bindings Silver Spar..!, , Masks. Cloth-brush*! Ladies elegant dressing and work boxes Wafer-boxes, in nests Pictures on glass Crayons in boxes Counters, spectacles, fine tooth combs, See. See ALSO ON HAND. Coffee-mills, needles, silk umbrellas, nccdle cases, elegant flower-pots, segai and Snuff- Boxes, garnets, tapes, silk handkerchiefs, chil drens cotton frocks, silk and thread hinges, checks and stripes, German rolls, shining thread and cotton stockings, hempen osnabnrg pktillas, time-pieces, gold and silver watches, and a variety of other useful ai tides in their line. Which they offer for sale low for cash or approved town-notes at short sight, ap A ovt mbe'f 10 12 6 Received ■ ■< r ■ .- By the schooner Amazon, and other late arrivals, 50 barrels Boston No. 1 ana-2 Ftof So small kegs No. 1 Butter 15 kegs 4d and fid cut Nmt3 So barrels Market -1 50 boxes mould Caintfet 50 kegs Lard “0 barrels n.css and prime Povf, 3(i barrels I'm t-Bread 3 pipes choice Brandy 1 do. Holland Giu 10 quarter-casks Tencriffe Wir 5 uo. Malaga do. Together with A general assortment GROCERIES, ON RETAIL. Which will be sold low h r cash, by Gardner Tufts, January IC—ca—S Moor’s wltar. New Grocery and Liquoi Sl'jßr,. THE subscriber respectfully informs lr friends and the puolic, tiiat he has taken ti. store formerly occupied by Robert Alackie, cot ner of Drayton-street and hay-lane; wlnr.- in has laid in a choice and general assortment ■ GROCKiiiEa and LIQUORS, winch he vv. sell \ cry low sere, sh, and will 1 ecp a coustai supply of every article in the grocery line, i, lias received by the last arrivals from New York, IL son Tea, just opened Chocolate and Coiiec Holland (1 in Uld 4th proof Cogniac Brandy, by the pipe c, galloii Old. atuaic.a.Rum Country Gin, N. E. Rita \\ iue Vinegar London bottled Porter Ditto Mustard I,oaf and brown SugiT Me .s Beef Soap and CamlL by the boss Molasses * (ioshen Butter and Lard English and American Cheese best manufactured ’Fohacco, and leaf do. ?.c. John Dclberghe. January’ Id— 7 Just Received, Per bri'p Prudence and stoop HaUy, 1000 pair l-.i!()iav,..iTeci 200 bushels Irish POTATOES 50 barrels do. do. in good order 200 lbs. SI-10 E-TH RE \1) 15 kegs excellent BUTTER, and A few barrels MJ NY C- JRDIAL All of which will be sold cheap, iy Robcrts &. Brant, December I—l 3-4 Telfair’s wharf. iiuots a t i ijii.iu.s. Just receiv'd- a general a.sort went of BOOTS, SHOi s aid SLiPPi!.ni Os almost e- c-r description, which are ofit eil at reduced prices for ru.h oni ■, by Taylor b, Or. the Bay, opposite the Exchange. January I—4 Blank En*ncs sor sale at this oilier SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 180S. Knox &; Pope, Have just received, per brig BE TSE Y,from Phi fade Ijihia, 4 bales du.Td Blanketing 6 boxos fine and coarse llat* 2 ditto Saddlery, assorted lo bundles brass and iron wire Si v. v Which arc offered at a low advance, fi r east, or approved paper. January 12—c.t —5 Landing iroin Sloop Sally, 100 casks Stone Lime, Foy sale by Richmond L’ Allen, January J—3 Whitaker Meet. LANDING, And for sal. at Ca ig & Mitch ei.’v \yhavf, A few chaldron Liverpool GOAL'S, AVI Six cratesv i.ite &t blue CROCKERY. January 5—2 , J. Cai g Sc 11. Mitehel, H AV E ON H AND, MADEIRA WINE, in pipes and ouarter casks, three yeius impoiTVd, and of an cxocllei . ouaiit',. ril BBEUT’S PORTER, in casks of'6 1-2 dovxi teach. : , Sixty bags of prime CO.I'T'KE. December 8— T 47 Commission Sc Psctoi BUSINESS. THE fubfcritier haViOjj large and convenient StoieA, on the wharf adjoining Jamea Valiace, efq. offers his services to hit friends and the public, as * ‘TOMiVila -BION MERCHANT and FACTOR. ‘i homiio Lawrence. October 1 ...1 IS John Gfibbin Sc Vo. Have received The following GOODS* From on board Manchester Packet, from New York, which will be disposed offer cash, cotton, or approved paper, on r easonable terms, atthe store lately occupied by John Hilton 15 pipes Gogniac braiidv 13 birds. Northward rum ft pipes Holland gin lo do. country do. 10 quarter casks Sherry wind 1 birds. Muscovado sugar 1 do. loaf do. 1 do. lump do. 11 cherts Hyson tea 2 do. young do. SO cannisters imperial lea 50 do. gunpowder, for family use 40 boxes Doolittle's soap 10 do. do. candles 15 do. English mustard 2 ) do. negro pipes Russia,Swedes and country iron Geima. blister and Crawley’s steel 100 Shear-Moulds -1 bale rose blankets ) r _ . , ~ , 2 do. London duHil $ from 74 10 U " 1 ‘2 do. negro cloths. 4 do. huiTihunvt 1 do. superior quality , 4 do. great coats, well assorted boxes Irish linens. November to 125 C. Hope, ‘.VATCII AND CLOCK MAKER, Respectfully informs his friends and the pub •c in general, that he has left Mi s. Rice, and ommencecl business on his own account, two .nors west of Mrs. Rice and next door to Mrs. lilfcrt’s, in the Market square, and from bin •xperience, both in France and England, he darters himself to repair Watches and Flocks >f all descriptions, with the greatest care and •ccin ney, and warrant to perform for one year; •■-lid afterwards for on - dollar per year to those idies and gentlemen that will honor him with heir custom, and will be executed with puirn anility and dispatch. December 26—145 Planter’s Bank. Pursuant to an act to incorporate the “Plant . r’s Bank of the State of Georgia,” the under -'giied commissioners will meet at the EX CHANGE, in the city of Savannah, on AlON ) AY, the first day of I’cbruan next, to receive iibscriptions for TWO THOUSAND Em UR fUNDRED SHARES, being the number hotted to be subscribed for in the said Bank, ’ the city aforesaid. The hook of subscription v ll be opened at ele’ en o’clock a. m. and close it one o’clock r. M. on the day above st ited.— ad the Commissioners w ill meet at the piate .nd hour afdrcsuid, on every Succeeding TIT KS AY,until the said subscription is complt-teil. -vo pel- cent, will be required at the time of ascribing, m Gold oi- Sii.v-ek. Charlts Harris, ) \Y. B. Bulloch, V Comm'rr. George Seoit, j Savnnnaii, January 7, Icfpi 3't—# Whole Number 603 Preserve your Teeth. American Tooth Powder, \ avvamtd genuine and innocent; prepared hjc Paukiii-rs r, Dentist, New-York, For sale by the subscriber. Several year’s exp< vietrer has proved this sooth-Powder to preserve the teeth from dr - ay; remove the inflammation of the gums; untV ike off that disagreeable smell from the breath; hat generally\Vom scorbutic gums and eea\ cd teeth. lie also informs the ladies and gentlemen of avannah, that he has lately received the be t laterials tor MAKING I lsl’/111, which no er change the color; also, Bell’s NEW IN ENTIeD PIY(VI>', that render the artihcial >ot.h as useful as the natural one. Ile will w aifc •n any person at their houses, if required. J Jiiuicl IF* Potter. January 7 —3 For sale, a gang* of Negroes Consisting of six Fellows and five Wenched. They are ali seasoned sla\ os. and will be war -anted healthy and well disposed. ['lie'ow ner (should the purchaser wish it) will lease lYom 50 to 120 acres of ready cleareij OTTON LAND, which, with very ■cubic, can bt put in complete order for lsuing crojh On the premises are a large and onvonieiu dwelling House, and evbry necessa y out building—situated on the salts, only 19 dies from Savannah, One of Whitney s IMPROVED GINNS, 11 also be youl, him nV iVivjiout the Ncgl- es. nquirc pf the Priiiters. Deceinber 29- ‘ •;* . arm and Negroes for sale. Fir sale, a imall 1 ..',n near .-kidaway, no iic Falls, about nine miles fronV Savannah, con liinng 4\i acres, more or less; fifteen of wiiicjfe ie clean and an. ■ t;’,-T- goud fence. On the la ”c a good L'wt ;.iiig-House, Kitchen, liayti, big* de, and othe; c nveilL-nces. It , lsu has a# excellent 1 min-.g fir boats of any .size. inker, is.', will ne disposed oi, two likely NEGIu- FELLOWS. For terms apply to Mr. William Lkw DHNk or P. J. Vallotton. Dccmbfer 3—13 it For Sale, Thifty thousand acres of valuable situated upon the river Washita, in one of thq. most fertile, parts of Louisiana. P.articulant with regard to local advantages, situation, tiiltej* and the most Favourable terms to will be made known by application to Till)* MAS TUNNO, hi Charleston, or Morris Miller, in Savuhnafo January 19—S THE COPARTNERSHIP OF Balthaset* Shatter Sc Son, Expires this day, liy mutual consent. Th .vho hav e demands will exhibit them, and those ndebted arc requested to make speedy pay ment to J. W. Sh ikk who is authorised t settle art accounts of the concern. They m>w return tiieir sincere thanks to their friends anfl custoniei's for their support Balthascr Sliafti r. Jolin. VV. bluiflcrm The Subscriber Respectftdly informs his Friends and Public, that tha business will be continued alt usual by Joint Wm. SlmlTcr. January I—l Copartnership. The friends and correspondents of the late. Mr. John Jackson, Merchant of this city, .ml the public generally, are respectfully until.ed, that the business conducted by him, will ln> continued by the subscribers, under the firm o J. E. WitJ'i E iic Cos. 10l- themselves and tho widow of Mr. Jackson. The Slock now on hand is large and general, consisting of almost every article of Dl(x GOODS and HARDWARE, which they wdk sell, either by wholesale or retail. Intending also, to transact COMMISSION BUSINESS, they will accept with pleususe, and execute with faithfulness, the orders of their friends. . J. E. White, Steele White. January 16—7 Nolire. The public are respectfully informed that th© subscriber will continue the BUSINESS, m l the practice ofPHYSK a heretofore. Fora continuance of favors lie will feel obliged, while he hopes to merit them of strict attention. John XV. Mendenhall, Bultou’s brick building, on the hay, January 16—7 The subscribers Being author’ cd to settle the comiflcrchtl affairs of the late John Jackson, gne notn t* to nil indebted to the said deceased, that t! jr have impoweicd J. E. VVh itk & Cos. to recent payments mid grant acquittances, Pv. &. J. Bolton. January 16—7 Bills <T S lie, Cr Sait at vhisuttwti \