The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, September 22, 1808, Image 4

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Camden Countv, March Term , 1808. Whereas James Si- aghovr, and others, tm~ aissioners ol the Academy, have filed a petition in this honorable court, setting forth, that Margaret Jones, h.te of the Bahama Islands, deceased, (by her attorney, in fact, 1, . hard I’earis) was indebted, in her life-time, +i. the aforesaid commissioners, on one bond, dated the sixth day of August, U>o6, condition ed for the payment of one thoureud lour hun dred and sixteen dollars and eighty cents, ex clusie of interest: And whereas, to secure the payment of the said money contained in the bond, did mortgage; 11 that divided moiety, or Fiece ol land, lately under mortgage, from ‘land Bore!, to the said commissioners afore said, containing seven hundred and eighty acres, more or less, butting and bounding, as follows—to tI)C south v es', by land surveyed for rente ana Montfnrt—to the north west, by lands of James Sea grove—to the north east, by the remaining part of the aforesaid mortgaged premises, and, to tl.e south cast, by the marsh es of St. Mary’s river. It in therefore onl'-recf. On motion of Mr Clark, attorney . r the petitioners, that the heirs or represent.oi-es of the aforesaid Mar garet Jones, dcei av- ii, do pay into court the principal, interest and costs due on the said bond within twcl\ e months from the A tte here of, or a decree will pass against the mortgaged premises, for the payment. An (lino orden (/, That this rule be published in one of the gazettes of the state, at least once in every month, until the time appointed for payment expires, or served on the heirs or re presentatives of the said deceased, at least six months pro* ious thereto. Extract front the minutes, Isaac Crews, clerk. March 7, 1808—5—63 Ogechee Lands for sale. Eight hundred and fifty acres original sur vey, in fieri*en county, 53 miles from Savan na'll, on Little < fgcchee ; 130 or CO acres of the above are and Hickory Land, the greatest part of which is well timbered with large White l/old; which at once declares land to be good, especially as this is but ( Mom over flowed, and uruTawger of having a crop damag ed by summer freshes, which renders it supe rior to in <st ol the river swamp ; the other part is livelvJ’iTSe Land,’lntermixed with Hick ory grubs, i?H|jwood and Buck-cyc, and small Irani filter. t>, the whole having a good clay foundation,rand w ell adapted for the cul lure of CornanraEotton. None of the above land has ever been cub Luted, though 7 or 8 acres was cuf about 12 ve rs ago, and has now grown up into a perfect wilderness. There is an excellent mill seat on the above land, fully sufficient lor a saw and grist mill, and a very good range for stock in the neigh borhood; which renders it an eligible situation for a person wishing to settle a small planta tion. Sin uld any one be desirous of purchas ing the above land, and w ill apply to the sub scriber in Scriven county, he will go and shew it to them, lrora whom they may know the terms of sale ; as also of Everitt Cos Evans, m Savannah, who have a plat ‘of saidland for the inspection of any gentleman wishing to pur chase. Undisputed titles will be made to the purchaser, by William Lucas. August 27— |m —lO2 Rags. Rags arc purchased at the follow ing condi tions tor cash : For clean white Linen and Cotton Rags, four cents per pound. For clean colored mixed Rags, three cents per pound. For clean snilclpth and coarse Rags, two cents per pound. Our manufactures to the Northward in order to afford to soil the paper cheaper than hereto fore, are putting the public in mind that a sup pi, of that article is wanted, ancl that every house keeper, by placing a hag behind a door suitable f. r the purpose of receiving rags would enable our manufactories to prosper considerably, as many are stopped for want of slock, and paper in generalcry high. Apply to the for the editor of L’Oracle and Daily Advertiser in Savannah,and to Ur. Ber- Yu K lot, on the Bay. April 26—a0 Five Dollars Reward. Ran awav from the. subscriber, in Wuynesbo jt ‘igh, his NEGRO FELLOW , Lewis, for luerlv went hy the name of Tompow ; between ta rtv and forty years of age, five feet five or s \ inches high, of a darkish complexion, a lit tle bow-legged, his fore teeth are all out. Who e er will deliver the said fellow to the subscri ber, in Savannah, shall receive the above re ward. Masters of vessels and others arc cautioned against harboring, employing or carrying him oIV, as, on conviction thereof, they will be rigo rously prosecuted. Joseph Davis. September 70—b—112 Kun-aw uvs. f Brought to tin Gaol of Camden county cn the J.'tlt ot .September, ioi)B— - Negro Man, who say s his name is Mani el ; a stout, well formed fellow , about 25 years ot age, five feet seven inches high. Also, a Negro Fellow, who say s his name is Jonn, about at) y ears of age, tiv e feet five and a hut niches high; pretty much marked with the whip, and has some marks on the breast. Ttiey speak the Spanish language, and, when apprehended, were in company with two other fi uos who made their esc ipe. Asa Holton, s. c. c. Septemlver So—ll 2 Notice. All per oas having any demands against the i ’..lte of George Cuthbkkt, Mrs. Ann litii tv > ror . i < tor James Cuth*k rt, w ill semi ir.’heir accounts to Charles Harris, expo* r-avannah ■ r before the 15th day ol Jr. t, us it i> . i posed then to divide the ci nd ootam . let s dismisserv. William Mein,/ A.<Vv. fthe estate of John Dr. James CiukCirt. April 1 -D—4s Take Notice, That in nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to the horn the Inferi or Court of Chatham county, for leave to sell all the real Estate of Jesse Buckhalttr, deceas ed, iV the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the si/d deceased. Isaac Buckhalter, Adin'r. June 16—50 —72 Notice. If the heirs of Mr.— Brown, who lived near Charleston, South Caralina, and who mar ! ried a Miss Elliott; and whose widow after j wards married Mr. Jeremiah Sav age ; will call ! on the subscriber, they will hear of something to their advantage. F. D. Petit tie Villers, Factor. September 17—r—111. Notice. Nine months after this date, I shrll make application to the honorable the Infernr Court iof this county, for leave to sell all thit House ; and Buildings at Spring Hill, on lot NT 3, be ’ longing to the estateof Frederick Womack, deceased, for tlie benefit of the heirs ltd cre ditors. I*. Leake, Attorney for Admh/iu rcarix. May 28—§0 —64 Notice. The subscriber intending a short absence from Savannah, has appointed Dr. T. Bartow and Mr. Ralph May, hisattornes daring his absence. J. G. Aliny. September I—lot Proposals rou PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, TIIE LIFE OF Maj or-G cn. Jtimes Jackson BY THOMAS U. I*. CHA R L T ON, A citizen of Savannah. With considerable labor an.! difficulty I have collected materials which will enable me to compute, in a few weeks, the life of u.nj- ,’-go ner and James Jackson. The character of this late distinguished ci tizen, was always held in high cstiui .tion by the republican interest of the United States ; and even his enemies (if ah enmity is not now buried in the grave) must acknowledge, that he was a brave soldier, an incorruptible states man, and aa honest man. ’1 he memoirs i am preparing for publica tion will be the thus divided— -Ist Period —W ill the revolutionary services cf general Jackson, and, collaterally, the services of many patriotic Georgians, from 1776, to the evacuation of Savannah, in 1782. 2d I‘ri i d —Will detail his political ami ci vil pursuits, from 1782 to 1 loG. This division of the memoirs will contain a history of the Yazoo Specui .u ion in the state of Georgia, from the commencement of the fraud to its sub version, in 1796 ; aml will also embrace the proceedings of the house of representatives and the senate of the state of Georgia, and <.f ‘the house of representatives df the congress of the United’States, in the year 1791, uu the celebrated contested elect; in of general Antho ny Wayne. This work will be printed on an octavo page,’ and will probably contain .70 or 400 pages. The price to subscribers, (as the expenses of publication are at present estimated) will be ft 30—one. dollar of which must be paid at the time of subscribing. As soon as 1000 subscribers shall have made this advance, the'money and the inannseript will be delivered to the publisher. THOMAS U. P. CHARLTON. Subscriptions are received at Messrs. W. T. Williams £: Co’s, at Mr. M'Lkan’s Printing Oilicc, and at this office. August 30—103 AR RO JFSMITIP S Grand Map of the World. Expected to be ready for delivery early in the fall, perhaps sooner. PROPOSALS OF THOMAS 1.. PLOWMAN NOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, AUROWSMI ill’S MAP OF THE WORLD, ON A GLOBULAR PROJECTION, Containing all the new discoveries to the pre sent time, and exhibiting the EXTENT AND BOUNDARIES OF ALL TIIE Eli* PIR.ES, KINGDOM S AND ST ATES IN THE WOULD, WITH THE Tracts oi’ titc most distinguished Nat i gators. Carefully collected from the best Charts, Maps, Toy ages, &c. extant, and regulated by Captain Cook’s accurate Astronomical Observations. ‘Fhe difficulty o( procuring goof and acc.u rate Maps, and the extravagant prices charged for those Imported, lias been the jrincipal in ducement to the present undertiking. Mr. Arrowsinith’s Maps have justly acquired the pre-eminence over all others in Europe and America, both for neatness and correctness, and so great has been the demand for those of - his execution, that it very frequent v happens, • that a single copy cannot be procured in the U. 1 States, llts celebrated Map of tile World, the best extant, is so absolutely necessary to the gentleman and the scholar, that it is hoped the encouragement will he •ommensuratc with the weight of the undertaking. CO.\’DJ TIO.YS. 1. The size of the map will be upwards oi six feet by three feet, and shall be engraved in the very best manner, and printed on paper ot the first quality. 2. Fhe price to subscribers, on cloth and roll ers,elegantly colored, will be eight dollars, pay able on delivery. To non-subsenbers there will be an advance of two dollars. I Judges who have seen the work, (so far as it has progressed) pronounce it equal, if not supe | rior to the London copy I JV* SUBSCRIPTIONS received at this office* GEORGIA. 7 . Isx4e eXtTy f ( tr,e cour of Ordinary lor ft., s ) f the county of Camden, and 1. CRT WS, c.c.O. C. c. J date aforesaid. WHEREAS Mrs Elizabeth Carney, widow, has applied for letters of admir;(lration oil the estate and effefU of Elijah Carney, late of said county, deceatfd. These are therefore to cite and admonith al and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to file their obje&ions, if any they have in my office, on or before the firft Monday in January next, other wise letters of admmiflration will be granted. Given under my hand and seal, at Jefferfon, this 30th day of August, one’ thousand eight hundred and eight. (112 J GEORGIA. ) By Isaac Crews, clerk of f the court of Ordinary for ( L - 5 ) C the county o f Camden, in I. CREWS, c. c. o. e. e. )th Hate aforelaid. WHEREAS William Gibfon.e’q. executor of Fran cis MifTau t, jr. deceased, has applied to the honorable the Court of Ordinary of said county, for letters difc mifTory from his executorffiip aforefa and. These are therefore, to cite and admo ifh all per* foils concerned, to file their abjections, if any they have, in my office, on or efore the firft Monday in Novem ber next, or letters difmiflory will be granted him. Given under my hand and seal at Jefferfon, this 7th of Sepumber, 1808. 1 1 * 2 .] GEORGIA. ) B V Jo **P h Joyner, clerk of ( the court of Ordinary for l L - 8 -J ( the county of Wayne, in J JOYNEB , c.c.o. w. • J the ft ate afore said. WHEREAS Mrs. Elizabeth Jones has made appli cation for letters of administration on the e ate and effe&s of Ezra Jones, efq decealed. These are therefore to cite and admonilh al! and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objectio s, if any they have, in my office, within thirty days from the dale hereof, olherwife letters of administration will be granted her. Given wider my hand and teal this fifth day of Sep tember, in year of our Lord One thousand eight hun dred and ight, and in the thirty-third year o; Ame rican Independence, *ll3 GEOIvGIA. 7 By Joseph Joyner,clerk (l. *■) rof the court of Ordinary J. JOYNX|R, c. c. o. w.C. Jfor the county Wayne, ,n the state aforefaid. WHEREAS Mrs. Mary Johnston has applied for letters of administration on the c state and effe&s of John Johnston efq. deceased. These arc therefore, to cite and admonilh all and singular the kindred and cieditors of the.faid deceased to file their objections, if any they have, in my qffia?, within thirty da>s from the date hereof, otherwise let ters of administration wi-.l be granted her. Given under my hand and seal this fifth day rs Sep tember, in the year of oar Lord one thousand eight huudred and eight, and in the thirty-third year of American [ll2]* DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. IJV ADMIRALTY. The President of the United State., to the Mar stial ejJ said District, Greeting : [L. S.] R. XI. Stites, tlk. WHEREAS a linui , tills day been filed in tile said co.,rt, uy William lb Buliocn, esq. United Mates attorney fur tlie district al'ures-.iiu, iu behuti cf Uie United States, against the scr,'K-iii,i’ Oliver Grom vvcil, wHereof George 1. Ivlunt'o now is, or late was master, and sun dry articles on ooui’d ot iter, herein after men tioned; si;.ting ,ue said schooner Olive; Urouwc : , now vYitniii the jurisdiction of tins hoiiorakie court, did some tune on or about lilt 23d <Jay oi „iay iast ,I.lst, depart from the port • or district of Charleston, m the district oi Soutii Carolina, vynhout a Clearance or permit, contrary uie provisions of tne act entitled “ ai. act laying an enioargo on ad snips and vessel; ni the parts&nd harbors of tile United Mates;’ also an act entitled ** an act supplementary ti tne act entitled an act laying an embargo 01 all ships and v essels m the ports and harbor; of the United States;* 1 also the set cat..,e.l .ti. act in addition to the act entitled an act sup- ’ plemenuvry to the act entitled an act laying an embargo on all snips and vessels in the ports and harbors of the United btabes,” and *• an act in addition to the act entitled an act laying an embargo on all .ships and vessels in the ports and harbors of the United States, and the seve ral acts supplementary thereto.” And the said libel further states, that the said schooner Oliver Cromwell, now within the jurisdiction of tills honorable court, has proceeded cn and been engaged in a foreign voyage, contrary to the provisions of the seve ral acts above mentioned, the said schooner ‘Oliver Cromwell, George I. Munro, master, having 011 the twenty-third day of May last past, departed from the United States, and having outlie eighth day of August, in the pre sent year one thousand eight hundred and eight, come into the port or district of St. Mary’s, in the district of Georgia aforesaid, from the island of Jamaica, a foreign port or place, hav - ing on board one negro man slave, two boats, a hag of c.ifiee, a small quantity of sugar, a box of medicines, and some tin ware, lly means of which actings and doings, the said schooner Oliver Cromwell, together with her tackle, apparel and furniture, and the said negro man slave, two boats, bag of coft'ee, sugar, box ot medicines, and tin ware, become forfeited, to the United States. NOW, THEREFORE, Yoo, the said mar shal, are hereby commanded to cite and ad monish tilt said George 1. Munro, and all and every person or persons, having or pretending to have, any right, title, interest, property, claim or demand whatsoever, of, in, to, or upon the said schooner Oliver Cromwell, and tile said negro man slave, two boats, bug of coffee, sugar, box of medicines, and tin ware, to be and appear at a special courtfof admiralty, tc beheld at the Court-house m the city of Savan nah, in the said district of Georgia, on the third day of October next, to answer to the United States in the premises, and to shew cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the libel should nut be granted, and that wliat shall ap pertain to right and justice be done in the pre mises. Witness the honorable William Stephens, esquire, judge of the said court, at Savannah this fifteenth day of September, in year one thousand eight hundred uud eight. W. B. Bulloch, U. S. Attorney for Georgia District. Notice. All persons having any demands against tht Estate ofWiLLiAM Wilson, deceased, ar desired to render them in ; and those indebtei to make payment to Mr. Joel Bridge. Ebenezer Stark, Ex'r. December 10—12S NOTICE. All persons having demands against the C3 tate of Edward Telfair", esq. late of this city, deceased, are requested to exhibit them legally authenticated, and those indebted to said estate, will make payment to Thomas Telfair, ) F , Josiuh Telfair, 3 January 9—4 Notice. All persons indebted to the estate of Mar tha Harrison, of St. Simons, deceased, are requested to make immedi; te payment, and those having demands against it will present them duly attested, within tlie time prescribed by law. . Thomas Muse, ** Qualified executor . Glynn county, July I,l£ 08—103 Notice. The LIGHT HOUSE on Tybee is in want ot certain repairs;—The subscriber -hi re ceive Proposals for doing the same. It would ne proper that person or persons inclined to go the work, should go down and examine the buildng. Richard Wail, pro. coll. May 28—64 Notice, That at the expiration of nine months from this date, application will be made to the In ferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to sell 900 acres of LAND, in Scriven County, adjoining lands of Miiledge and Flyining, as a part of the estate of Michael Germain, dec. for the benefit cf the heirs ar.d creditors of the said estate. Ann Germain, Fx'rx. June 14—§ —71 Notice. All persons having demands against the es tate of Hannah lloustoun, late of this city, deceased, an: requested to present them legal ly authenticated ; and chose indebted to SLiti € • tate will make payment to Mary WyHv, adm V.r, or Joseph Brvan, adm'r. March 24—36 Take Notice, That in nine months from the date hereof, application *v ill lie made to the Honorable the Interior C urt of Effingham countv, for leave to sell two Tracts of LAND, the property of the estate of Joshua Loper, deceased, to wit: a Tract of 475 acres, pipe land, in the county of Builoch ; and 3.00 acres in the countv of Effing ham, pine land, for the benefit of the hell sand creditors of the said Joshua Loper. Asa Loper, ? F , Abel G. Loper, c^ xors - April 26—§0 —50 Notice. Those who have demands against tlie estate of Jqun Harrison, of St. Simons, deceased, are requested to present them, and those in debtecl to make payment. Thomas Muse, Administrator . Glynn county, July 1, 1808—|l—1C3 Notice. The Copartnership of Roberts & Brant is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having any demands against die said ■ firm, are requested to to present their accounts to Samuel Brant, and those indebted, to come forward and settle their accounts with Samuel Bra nt, as he alone is authorized to settle and receive the accounts of the firm. Moses A. Roberts, Samuel Brant. May 17—G2 Notice To Defaulters of Tax Returns for the year , ]SOB. Alexander Roe, esq. having deposited in myOffice, the DIGEST for 1808 ; those who have neglected to make their Returns toliin* will please come forward as early as porsiblo Job T. Bodes, c. i. c. c. c. July 21—96. *’ Five dollars reward For apprehending Betty. Ran-Away about the Loth ult. a negro WO MAN called Betty bite has very stout limbs ; much pitted with the small pox ; complexion, very black ; very thick Bps, shews her under teeth when she speaks, is very talkative and plausible; about the common size ; a native cf Maryland, and about 80 years old. She may attempt to get to Augusta, as she has a husband employed on board of one of the Augusta boats. The above reward will be given for appre hending Betty and delivering her to me, or se curing her in any goal, so that I may get Iter. Thomas Flint. September 6 — ir —los Twenty Dollars Reward, Will be paid for apprehending r.nd Rilgi: 3 In the jail of Savannah, Liberty * ounty, or Darien, tire subscriber’s Mulatto Ma:.. JOHN, •• ho left his place inMHntosh County . on the night of the 9th ult.—he is about 23 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, lias two foreteeth out, is intelligible and talks very fast—he is too ■ ell known in Savannah, Coosawliatchie ancl Charleston, to make a lengthy description nt cessary ; aad one t.f the above places, it is pro Rible, he .- 111 make for, or endeavor to get front -'uv.inn.ih oi seme ‘easel. Masters of vessels •-re ntii age last harboring or taking hint OH. James Pelot. September 10—i08. Apprentices IndenHires, For sale a; this office.